5 Unique Ways to Explore Social Media for a Better Business Performance

5 UNIQUE WAYS TO EXPLORE SOCIAL MEDIA for a Better Business Performance

Transcript of 5 Unique Ways to Explore Social Media for a Better Business Performance

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5 UNIQUE WAYS TO EXPLORE SOCIAL MEDIA for a Better Business Performance

Page 2: 5 Unique Ways to Explore Social Media for a Better Business Performance

Social media has undergone a radical change from what it was perceived quite a few years back. It is not only about keeping up with your family or friends now but a lot more about promoting your online business as well.

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According to a research carried out by the Pew Research Center, there are nearly 74% of online adults who use different social media sites often to connect with people all over the world. Hence, to think of exploring this avenue gradually pops up in the minds of many online business owners.

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But, will merely investing in different social media websites bring in the desired results? No - neither will it grow your audience nor will it give you the much needed exposure. You need smart moves and an effective social media strategy to acquire the attention of your customers substantially.

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Here, we let you dig deep to know some of the unique social media marketing tactics that aim at guaranteed growth and success and gain maximum exposure online.

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Current stats for Facebook shows that there were 665 million active users each day on average in March, up 26 percent from a year earlier, & 751 million using Facebook from a mobile device each month, up 54 percent.

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Besides, there are even more users signing up on a daily basis. This clearly shows that Facebook has been undoubtedly the best networking platform to share, connect and socialise with individuals around the globe.

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To start off with Facebook for promoting your business, you need to first create a Facebook page. This acts as a hub and you can reach out to the millions of people who matter most to your business.

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Creating a Facebook page is simple and can be done easily. What you need is a brand name, the category to which your business belongs and the entire look of your page that gels well with the type of your business.

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Once done, start sharing updates of your business like event announcements, product launches and many more which your audience might love to know. Moreover, inviting your friends to like, share your page also helps in more audience engagement.

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Posting authentic and inspiring content grabs the attention of your audience. Create some unique content that is short (not more than 50 characters in Facebook and 140 in Twitter) and impressive at the same time, to connect with more like-minded people thereby building a trustworthy relation.

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Even after spending a considerable amount of time on social media, online marketers still fail to make an impression with their pages visually. Most of the time it is because they do not give importance to the images or banner photos which can otherwise prove to be beneficial to a page.

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Various studies show that people respond more to better visuals than just plain text. So, try to use images and cover photos with high resolution and clarity for your pages. On the creative side, you can add some cool effects and formats to the images to make them more appealing.

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Don’t worry if you have no Photoshop? There are loads of free software like Google’s own Picasa to help you out with such endeavours. Moreover, you can also crop, resize the image accordingly so that it appears legible on any screen size.

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Don’t annoy your customers by posting frequently on your pages. Think about your audience and the time they spend because each social media channel has a different audience.

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For Facebook, posting once a day is enough while for Twitter posting 5 times a day would be optimum. The posts should contain no more than 100 characters and should include striking images that will engage more people.

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Engaging with your audience is the best practice to get noticed. If possible, be prompt in your replies. Recent studies show that the shelf life of a tweet is just 18 minutes.

This is more for a Facebook or a Pinterest comment. So make it more like a normal conversation with people. This may help you to be more popular online.

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Social media marketing has become the need of the hour. Contact the social media experts at Synotive for any queries relating to social media marketing and we

are ready to help you 24x7 with instant support.

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