5 Profiles of Today's Common Mobile Touchscreen Users


Transcript of 5 Profiles of Today's Common Mobile Touchscreen Users

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Your touchscreen style is a reflection of

your frenzied lifestyle: fast and furious.

Your hectic schedule requires that you

send texts and emails whenever you

can find a few spare seconds: Between

meetings, as you pause to run a quick

spell-check, while you wait for the

driver’s side airbag to fully inflate, etc.

While your high-speed technique is a

great time-saver, colleagues complain

about the occasional sonic-boom when

your fingers break the sound barrier.

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Maybe you’re perpetually angry.

Maybe you hate phones. Maybe it’s the

performance enhancing drugs that you

“never used, honest!” For whatever

reason, you treat your device like a

digital punching bag. Whether you’re

calling your Great Aunt or zapping

zombies, it’s you versus your phone –

and your finger isn’t taking prisoners.

Maybe it’s time to consider

downloading that new anger-

management app.

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Do your hands tremble with fear when

opening your phone’s web browser? Do you

break into a cold sweat just trying to change

your screen brightness? You may suffer

from Timid Tapper Syndrome. If the mere

thought of using any device invented after

1982 sparks a minor panic attack, we

suggest one of the following two solutions:

either you’d better find yourself a support

group or it’s time to dig out your trusty old

Ham radio from the attic.

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Your mobile device is still as pristine as

the day you brought it home from the

store. From the moment you removed it

from the box, you’ve treated it with the

kind of care and respect usually

reserved for religious artifacts – and it’s

likely that you’ve spent more money on

elaborate protective cases than you did

on the phone itself. Most people regard

your obsession with your phone as

harmless. But your therapist still urges

you to stop calling it your “Precioussss”.

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You may not be the most savvy user, but

what you lack in technique you more than

make up for in style. A light touch, a

delicate grip, and most importantly the

extended pinky finger are your signature

skills. It all boils down to a firm belief that it

doesn’t matter what you do with your tech

as long as you look good doing it.

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