44832172 AGNOSIA and Gerstmann Syndrome

AGNOSIA Definition: it is the impairment of recognition caused by lesions of the associated areas of the cerebral cortex, even though the primary sensory pathway is intact types: 1.) Visual - inability to recognize objects or shape seen Cause: lesions in the parieto-temporal region Categories: Simultanagnosia (Balint’s syndrome)- inability to perceive a visual stimulus as a whole. Prosopagnosia – related to any visually ambiguous stimuli, the recognition of which depends on evoking memory context. Bilaterally symmetrical occipital lesions. Color agnosia – inability to identify colors. Classic occipital syndrome 2.) Tactile- inability to identify objects by touch -feeling movements provide impressions until the object is identified Cause: lesions of the parietal lobe posterior to the somesthetic area produce tactile agnosia (often called astereognosis) 3.)Auditory- inability to recognize sounds even though auditory sensation is intact -can be verbal agnosia (inability to recognize spoken language),



Transcript of 44832172 AGNOSIA and Gerstmann Syndrome

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it is the impairment of recognition caused by lesions of the associated areas of the cerebral cortex, even though the primary sensory pathway is intact

types:1.) Visual - inability to recognize objects or shape seenCause: lesions in the parieto-temporal region


Simultanagnosia (Balint’s syndrome)- inability to perceive a visual stimulus as a whole.

Prosopagnosia – related to any visually ambiguous stimuli, the recognition of which depends on evoking memory context. Bilaterally symmetrical occipital lesions.

Color agnosia – inability to identify colors. Classic occipital syndrome

2.) Tactile- inability to identify objects by touch-feeling movements provide impressions until the object is identifiedCause: lesions of the parietal lobe posterior to the somesthetic area produce tactile agnosia (often called astereognosis)

3.)Auditory- inability to recognize sounds even though auditory sensation is intact-can be verbal agnosia (inability to recognize spoken language), sensory amusia(inability to recognize music),and congenital auditory agnosia (associated with mental retardation)

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Gerstmann Syndrome (Bilateral Asomatognosia)

Defintion: neurological disorder that is characterized by a constellation of symptoms that suggests the presence of a lesion in a particular area of the brain


associated with brain lesions in the dominant (usually left) hemisphere including the angular and supramaginal gyri near the temporal and parietal lobe junction.

Adults: syndrome may occur after a stroke or in association with damage to the parietal lobe

Children: No known cause

Characterized by four primary symptoms:

1. Dysgraphia /agraphia: deficiency in the ability to write

2. Dyscalculia/acalculia: difficulty in learning or comprehending mathematics

3. Finger agnosia : inability to distinguish the fingers on the hand

4. Left-right disorientation

definisi:itu adalah penurunan pengakuan disebabkan oleh lesi daerah terkait dari korteks serebral, meskipun jalur sensorik primer utuh

jenis:1.) Visual - ketidakmampuan untuk mengenali obyek atau bentuk dilihatPenyebab: lesi di daerah parieto-temporal

kategori:Simultanagnosia (sindrom Balint ini) - ketidakmampuan untuk merasakan stimulus visual yang secara keseluruhan.Prosopagnosia - terkait dengan setiap rangsangan visual ambigu, pengakuan yang tergantung pada konteks membangkitkan memori. Simetris bilateral lesi oksipital.Warna agnosia - ketidakmampuan untuk mengidentifikasi warna. Sindrom oksipital klasik

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2.) ketidakmampuan Tactile- untuk mengidentifikasi objek dengan sentuhangerakan -perasaan memberikan tayangan sampai obyek diidentifikasiPenyebab: lesi lobus posterior parietal ke daerah somesthetic menghasilkan agnosia taktil (sering disebut Stereognosis)3.) ketidakmampuan untuk mengenali suara Auditory- meskipun sensasi pendengaran utuh-dapat agnosia verbal (ketidakmampuan untuk mengenali bahasa lisan), amusia sensorik (ketidakmampuan untuk mengenali musik), dan agnosia pendengaran kongenital (terkait dengan retardasi mental)

Gerstmann Syndrome (Bilateral Asomatognosia)Definisi: gangguan neurologis yang ditandai dengan konstelasi gejala yang menunjukkan adanya lesi di daerah tertentu dari otakpenyebab:terkait dengan lesi otak pada dominan (biasanya kiri) belahan termasuk angular gyrus dan supramarginal dekat temporal dan lobus parietalis persimpangan.Dewasa: sindrom dapat terjadi setelah stroke atau dalam hubungan dengan kerusakan pada lobus parietalAnak: Penyebab Tidak diketahuiDitandai dengan empat gejala utama:1. dysgraphia / agraphia: kekurangan kemampuan untuk menulis2. Dyscalculia / acalculia: kesulitan dalam belajar atau memahami matematika3. Finger agnosia: ketidakmampuan untuk membedakan jari di tanganDisorientasi 4. Kiri-kanan