3511 Incident/Accident Tracking City of Vancouver.

3511 Incident/Accident Tracking City of Vancouver
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Transcript of 3511 Incident/Accident Tracking City of Vancouver.

3511 Incident/Accident Tracking

City of Vancouver

Catherine DeslauriersManager Employee Health and

SafetyCity of Vancouver


Dulcie WilliamsonSAP HR Business AnalystCity of Vancouver

Catherine DeslauriersManager Employee Health and

SafetyCity of Vancouver

Outline for Presentation

Introduction Dulcie Business Background Catherine Implementation Strategy Catherine Project Overview Dulcie System Set-Up Dulcie

One Year Later– SAP Sustainment Perspective Dulcie– Business Perspective Catherine

Next Steps Catherine


About the City of Vancouver

Approximately 9,000 employees Business areas include Police, Fire and

Rescue, Engineering, Parks and Recreation, Corporate Services, Community Services, Civic Theatres etc.

14 unions and two exempt groups Both exception and positive reporters

Initial SAP Implementation

Went live with SAP in 1999 – version 3.1H Implemented Financial modules in January

1999 - FI, CO, MM, FM Implemented HR modules June 1999 - Org

Management, PA, Benefits, CATS, Time Management, Net Payroll

Current Implementation

Moved to version 4.6C July 2001

Implemented EH&S Incident/Accident Tracking March 2002

Projects currently under way:– Asset Management and Plant Maintenance– Qualifications Catalogue and Performance

Management– Manager’s Desktop – Training and Events

Business Background

Implementation Strategy

Business Background

In 1999 the City of Vancouver was designated a focus firm by the WCB of BC.

The City was processing over 1700 WCB claims a year.

The City was paying over $7.5 million dollars a year in assessments to the WCB of BC based on our poor safety performance.

Business Background

The WCB claim processing system was cumbersome and inefficient.

The original database became unstable and could not generate reports.

Departments could not access WCB claim information from the system.

Business Background

Employee Health and Safety could not provide timely statistical information to the senior management team.

Managers had no accountability for safety performance as they were unable to access WCB claim information.

Union groups were concerned about the apparent lack of commitment to safety.

Business Background

Employee Health and Safety put a business plan together to secure funding and resources.

A SAP solution was investigated based on our SAP first rule at the City of Vancouver.

A communication plan for stakeholders was put into place.

Implementation Strategy

Streamline Business Processes Implement Incident/Accident Tracking only Lobby WCB to submit claims electronically Decentralized data entry – expert users only Implement all departments at the same time Minimal data conversion Priority custom reports only No core modifications

Project Overview

System Set Up

Project Overview

Project Kick-off October 15, 2001– Development Project - Oct to Dec 2001– Implementation Project - Jan to Mar 2002

Project Resources– 3.5 FTE from SAP Business Support– 1.5 FTE from Business– 1 Consultant on a part-time basis– Additional business resources for testing

Go Live Date : March 18, 2002

System Set-Up

Key Areas: Work Areas Status Management Entry Types/Accident Categories Roles Pick Lists Custom Tabs and Fields Time/Pay Integration

Work Areas

Basic ‘org unit’ in Industrial Hygiene and Safety

Primarily used by the City for reporting Lots of flexibility in setting up work areas.

City chose to set up logical work areas based on the City’s departmental hierarchy

Work area types (levels) are configured in the IMG

Work areas are master data (CBIH02)

Example of Work Area Hierarchy

Status Management

Used in Incident/Accident log to identify status of claim

SAP-Delivered Statuses:CR Created IP In ProcessCO Conference CL Closed

City of Vancouver Statuses:DL Download SB Submitted to WCBAC Claim Accepted DN Claim Denied

Used in Security and Interface with WCB

Status Management at the City

Business Process– Dept enters claim CR– Dept has completed claim entry IP– Corporate HR OK’s claim DL– Interface program nightly run SB– WCB notifies disposition of claim AC OR

DN Security

– Depts have access to CR and IP only– Do not allow CL status

Status Report

More System Set-Up

Entry Types -> via IMG– Used to identify type of claim– Example: STD = Short Term Disability (Time Loss)

Accident Categories -> via IMG– Used to classify incident types– Example: HRE = Hygiene-Related Exposure

Roles -> via IMG– Used to identify injured person, witnesses etc– Also used with External Persons for recording additional

notes– Example: OBJ = Employer Objection to Claim

Entry Types

Accident Categories


Pick Lists

Via Phrase Management(using IMG and Edit Phrases - txn CG12)– Body Parts– Injury Types– Incident Type– External Influence

Via Business Partners (using IMG and Edit Addresses)

– Hospitals (txn CBIHT3)– Physician/Clinic (txn CBIHT2)– External Persons (txn CBIHT1)

Pick List via Phrase Management

Pick List via Business Partners

Custom Tabs and Fields

Able to create new tabs and fields without ABAP intervention– IMG to create new tab (Class)– Master data (txn CL02 in Logistics – Central

Functions) to create new field (Characteristic)– Master data (txn CT04 in Logistics – Central

Functions) to associate field with tab Able to default values into new fields

Example of Custom Tab

Time/Pay Integration

Time Data Tab– Chose not to allow WCB absences to be entered via this

tab– Use the integration to time via this tab to calculate lost


Created Custom Infotypes in PA– To track payments received from WCB– To enter 3 months and one year earnings as requested

by WCB for claims with a duration of 10 weeks or more

Time Data Tab Example

Custom Infotype Example

Problems Encountered

Authorization surrounding Status Management

Access required for PA0021 (Family/Related Person) Sensitive Data

Limitation on custom field lengths and formats

Not able to make field mandatory Lack of delivered reports




1 Year Later : SAP Support Perspective

Minimal support required– mainly relating to electronic interface with WCB and– implementation of service packs

Considerable flexibility in adding new data to be tracked– Via roles– Via custom tabs and fields

In future would like:– Improved security– More formatting capabilities for custom tabs and fields

1 Year Later : Business Perspective

Business processes are documented and followed by departments for improved efficiency.

Departments enter claims into the database, the claims are checked and then transmitted electronically for faster reporting to WCB.

Managers run real-time reports to review and manage WCB claims for their areas.

1 Year Later : Business Perspective

Employee Health and Safety generate statistics and analyze claim information to advise senior management of safety trends and issues.

WCB claims have been reduced by 25% as a result of better claims management and greater accountability.

Funds received from WCB are tracked and matched to funds paid to workers to ensure correct payment.

Claim Type Summary Report

Injury Detail Report

Event Type Comparison

Time Loss Frequency by Quarter

Next Steps

WCB claims were of most importance due to their high social and economic cost to the organization.

Additional areas for consideration include:– hearing conservation records– safety training records– periodic medical examinations– inventory of WHMIS products– inventory of confined spaces– accident investigations

Key Contacts

Business– Catherine Deslauriers Mgr Employee Health and Safety

[email protected]

– Michele Bicego Occupational Health and Safety Co-ordinator

[email protected]

SAP Sustainment– Dulcie Williamson, SAP HR Business Analyst

[email protected]

– Livia Lowe, SAP HR Business Analyst [email protected]


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Session Code: 3511