2nd Platinum Ray Activation

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2nd PLATINUM RAY ACTIVATION LORD KUTHUMIChannelled throughMichelle Eloff© 17th FEBRUARY, 2006Ponta d'Ouro, Mocambique

Transcript of 2nd Platinum Ray Activation



Channelled throughMichelle Eloff17th FEBRUARY, 2006Ponta d'Ouro, Mocambique

I am Kuthumi and I come forward upon the rays of love and wisdom, to greet each of you at this time and to bring unto you the blessings of harmony, grace, integration and clarity. Greetings beloved ones!

Greetings, Lord Kuthumi.

And it is with great joy and pleasure in our hearts that we may gather with each of you upon this day, within the essence of all that is of the light, of all that is the embodiment of truth and love, as we hold you firmly within the heart of Christ and securely upon the hands of God.

Beloved ones, as we continue with these great activations of love and anchoring the Platinum Ray, activating portals of light for the Platinum Ray, and all the levels of the essence of All That Is, youhave all allowed yourself to experience the transition into the greater worlds not only of adaptability, but of self acceptance, awareness, and acknowledgement.

This precious time in nature is in itself a sacred experience, for nature is God in its divine _expression. Interaction with nature is the sharing of love. It is the creation of more love, so to speak. The particular point at which we are gathered at today, you have nowrealised is the Point of Gold. It is this place where the integration of the most divine God energy is merging with one of the most divine Goddess energies, hence the Platinum vibration.

In experiencing these two waves of energy one begins a divine, harmonious convergence of energy within the chakric system. This will continue to vibrate through many layers of your energy bodies and the activation of the 22 chakras of your Sirian body can come into activation. This however, will be more profound for you tomorrow, when we take you into the Sirian temples of initiation; but today we hold you in the vibration of the Platinum energy. Mother Shekinah, theuniversal nurturer, is present not only within this space, but within you. She is facilitating a very deep awakening within your heart chakra specifically, and in so doing facilitating the healing in your other chakras. This is activated in accordance with the divine blueprint of your soul and that of the nature kingdom you are currently experiencing interaction with.

Divinity is always in a state of grace, manifesting in accordance with the divine purpose, and today's _expression of light or anchoring of light, is in a manner of speaking bringing you to a more conscious level of recognising more aspects of your divine purpose on earth as a collective being, rather than simply an individual. Many of the processes of healing have manifested a very personal, very individual healing. This one is a group healing.

I, Lord Kuthumi, have gathered with all of you as a group in this manner before. It was in Atlantis where we activated precisely the same energy grids. This is part of a greater purpose for bringing more of the Atlantean technology into active conscious utilisation. This can be done simply because there are sufficient of you as lightworkers, able to hold these vibrations in alignment with thedivine integrity. Without divine integrity in place you will simply blow yourselves up again.


Not that that hasn't happened a couple of times already, yes?


The Atlantean technology is in a manner of speaking a part of your personal awakening process in the sense of reconnecting with your origin, and this is why I say you will gain greater clarity about your divine purpose as collective organism as opposed to an individual. You will come to see how every group is in fact an organism of light creating billions of levels of new light. The existence may not be on a conscious level but it surely does impact on every aspect of consciousness.

The dolphin beings whom you met today are your Sirian initiators. They are with the ones who are taking you through all the energies that were activated from 22:00 hours last night. This particular pod, who are a regular member of these particular waters, had four additional dolphins with their pod who are holding a portal that will be activated tomorrow for each of you to receive your Sirian initiation. All of these energies together - the mergence of them, is accelerating the awakening of those who still slumber and allowing more of the dolphin rays, the Sirian rays, the Sapphire rays, Golden ray, Turquoise rays, Emerald, Ruby, Citrine, Tourmaline, Rose Quartz and the Aventurine rays to anchor themselves through the chakric system of humanity so as to facilitate the other bodies of the self in coming to life.

The more you have, the more you want; however what you have now energetically does not create a deeper want - it creates a motivation. This motivation inspires you to gain deeper self knowledge and to broaden your self awareness. The lessons of the ego are great, and indeed very clever. All of you have been living a life controlled primarily by the ego; however you have not known how much of the ego is, in fact, ego. For some years I have been grooming you to understand what it means to know thyself, and part of the process of knowing thyself is to know what governs you, what motivates you, inspires you; and the time is upon you to gain greater awareness on a more conscious level.

We are currently, as we speak with you, opening 14 minor chakras within the occipital area of your brain, which are linked to the senses of your soul that keep you in divine alignment with the Godplan, and what is known as the divine God-head. This God-head is a manifestation of 6th dimensional fluid love that embodies a system, a configuration in fact, of many crystalline energies. These combinations when activated in a specific manner, open dimensional portals for one to travel multi-dimensionally without having to be in a sleep state or any other unconscious state. The activation of these minor chakras will also facilitate the pulling forward of your super-consciousness, so as to know thyself better.

The 222 layers that you as a group as transcending individually and for the greater good of the planet, is already in full activation. It is important that you continue to be aware of your feelings and your reactions - your reactions to one another, and to other people around you; your reactions to experiences, to nature, to absolutely anything and of course, everything. This will help you to better understand how the ego reacts and how the soul responds.

Understanding the difference between the two is vital. Many years ago I anchored the teachings that were called the soul-survival skills. These I am bringing back to life for the purpose of assisting each of you in understanding what your personal ego-construction is.

Every person has an individual construction created by the ego which manifests in what you call your perceived life. This perception is unique to you; no other person has the same system in place. These systems are created through projections you have adopted and taken on as your own experience from the time of conception. This is not something that you will anchor in a moment; it is something we will work with you over the weeks, the months, and even the years that liebefore you.

Soul survival is very different to earth survival. It does not bring you into the same space of being motivated by fear. It is one that brings you into a motivation of love so as to understand that the love factor far outweighs any other factor in the universe; it is only the love factor that exists and anything beyond it is influenced if by a thread of ego consciousness.

The soul survival skills for you specifically at this time, is transcending self-doubt. To begin with, understanding why it is you doubt yourself will already shed some light on why it is your ego hasmotivated you to continue in a direction of perpetuating experiences affirming your self-doubt. A second aspect of this is the release of all conditional expectations placed upon the self. When you see how you place conditions upon yourself you recognise the importance of unconditional love, for every condition places a limitation on the self. It leaves one feeling stranded and often manifests in the sense of failure that many experience and adds to the fire of self-doubt. Fuelling negativity is what perpetuates the victim matrix; this is what keeps poverty consciousness in place, and as long as there is conditional love there will always be lust consciousness.

The fear of loss and lack is what has brought lust consciousness into the power it is and has had over the past hundred years. The reason why I speak of the past 100 years specifically is because this has been the most accelerated transition in consciousness ever experienced prior to that time. This is when power came into its fullness as it is now because it was motivated by fear rather than motivated by love. The difference is what I want you to focus on, now specifically.

Understanding that fear motivation creates destruction is a given. You know this already; but truly, truly understanding the impact of it is what we are trusting will motivate each of you to embark upon an aggressive mission, a journey of eliminating the negativity from within, of surrendering to the creation of life and seeing how your perceptions have created the creation that you have come to call your life, and how when one sees life from outside the fishbowl one is able to recognise the limitations created, the obstructions that came into being as a result of limited awareness and the ability to think for the self. Thought is not bad; it is one of your most powerful tools of creation, for the mind and heart were at a time one energy. When the mind and heart became separate is when the problem, so to speak, started. We are facilitating an accelerated remerging of heart and mind,therefore you are faced with an even more profound opportunity of understanding the ego's purpose, which is very important, and how its purpose has played a vital role in bringing you to where you are now. This assists you in unravelling the soul survival codes which I have said is very unique to each individual because the creation of the ego's perceptions are unique and you will begin with the first 9 months in utero - this will take you the next 9 hours to work through. Your body will be undergoing the shifts. The cells of your body will be releasing.

You may at times not feel anything in particular, and it doesn't matter; please do not place expectation on what your body, your mind, your heart and your being will undergo over the next 21 days. However the next 4 days are the most important because this is when you willdo the majority of your release. Once having merged through the 9 hours related to the 9 months inutero, you will begin to move into the first 7 years of your life, and that is what we will focus on for the days that you are here in nature with your Sirian initiators, for it is the first 7 years of life thatdetermine the quality of your life for the rest of your days on earth, for that is the time where you set the foundation in place; that is where you put in place all your reactionary buttons, all yourresponsive buttons so to speak, and everything else that contributes to the way you learn to create life as you know it. Therefore everything you have come to believe is a weakness, as somethingunlikeable or unacceptable about yourself, must be acknowledged not by anyone else but by you.

Working with members of the group, perhaps in sharing what you are feeling, how you have felt about yourself, how you see yourself, will be greatly supportive for this, and what we would like for all of you to do as a group, and you are to include everyone - the children and of course, this channel, is to observe each other and look at each other, whether you know one another intimately or not doesn't matter; that is not what we are focusing on. We want you to look at oneanother and share with the group what you see as the most beautiful aspect of that person, what is the divine beauty beyond what you see physically - what is it that makes each person beautiful, divine, and in fact an _expression of God. On this note we would like to briefly touch on beauty. You are making a grave mistake believing that the way your physical body looks is what determines your beauty as a person.

There are many men & women in your world whose bodies are not a copy of what modern society and fashion insist is acceptable and beautiful, who exude a sensuality, beauty and sexiness that many of their thinner or muscular brothers and sisters lack. The ego will look purely at thephysical body and ignore the very sacred and most precious gift within the person they are judging and rejecting because of what their physical body looks like. Light is far more attractive and sensualthan firm curves and cleavage. Light and inner beauty will still be there when good looks and firm thin bodies have faded. So what is your choice? The babe or hunk that aesthetically pleases your ego's sense of possesion, or an eduring fulfilling encounter that will nurture and fulfill you on all levels because you have been willing to embrace the gift that Spirit has given you, and that you have attracetd yourself.

Most importantly, it is an enduring gift, because the inner beauty, sensuality and love will always be there regardless of age. On countless occasions we have witnessed men and women falling in lovewith people who do not fit the mould of societies determined perfect shape. These men and women have and are happy and experiencing fulfillment on many levels as a result of choosing sacred love as opposed to the ego's desire for the profane love of surface appearance. So keep your eyes and heart open because who knows, you might very well meet the woman or man of your dreams packaged in a less than perfect physical appearance, yet pristine in their inner qualities, which is food for the soul!

When you address one another choose your words carefully because the ego knows the trickster very well and if you are simply just saying words for the sake of saying words it will not have the desired effect. What we are creating here is a reunion and a communion of light, creating a safety net for the inner child. This will develop a trust system for each member to be a part of the group so that each of you can feel safe in what you are relieving yourself of, in other words the 222 layers that we have been speaking about to each of you. Do you understand so far?


We would like this process to be conducted once we have completed our channelling with you. I would like to address each of you individually. Please give me your name as we move through the group and I shall deliver the information you require. Please begin with the person on my right.

Personal messages conveyed.

So beloved ones, the Platinum Ray has opened its energy field completely over the Point of Gold. This vibration will remain here. It is one of the 12 platinum activations being conducted around theplanet which will continue for the duration of this year. When platinum and gold merge you have the purest masculine / feminine reunion of energy that could ever take place. It's the purestvibration of God / Goddess energy. Do you all understand this?


Each of you are anchoring these vibrations, in conjunction with the personal information you have received this morning and what this channel gave you yesterday evening. Once you have done your sharing with the members in the group, we would like to move around the group to address each person to share sincerely - if there is nothing you can sense about the person because you do not know them too well, then just say so. Don't say things about them that you do not mean. Chooseyour words with sincerity. It is vital. Is this clear?

It is.

Beloved ones, we are going to end this transmission now so that you can complete the process. This will then complete the initiation activation of the platinum portal inside your heart chakra for yourinner child, and to assist the rest of the 222 layers that we have spoken of. Your 22 chakras have begun their vibration but you will have the majority of the transition and activation done tomorrow.

Once you have completed the process of sharing then if you feel inspired or that it is necessary go and find a peaceful place in nature and write what you are feeling, or thinking, experiencing andanything else you wish to express. Is this clear?


Very well. Beloved ones, may you continue to anchor heaven on earth within your heart, your mind, your body and your soul, and may all that which is of the highest will of divinity, love, purity, harmony and grace be one with you. I am Kuthumi, Adonai.

Adonai, Lord Kuthumi.

Michelle Eloff