2019年度 首都大学東京大学院 理学研究科博士前期 …2019年度...

2019年度 首都大学東京大学院 理学研究科博士前期課程 生命科学専攻 入学試験(夏季) 生物学 試験時間 9:30〜11:30 注意事項 受験生は試験開始の合図があるまで、頁をめくって問題を見てはいけません。 問題冊子(1部)と答案用紙(2枚)が配布されていることを確認してください。問題 冊子と答案用紙のすべてがそろっていない場合には申し出てください。 すべての答案用紙に、各自の受験番号および氏名をそれぞれ所定の欄に記入してくださ い。 問題は計24問(第1問から第24問)あります。それから2問を選択して回答してく ださい。選択した問題については、問題ごとの指示に従って回答してください。 研究分野と問題番号の対応は、昨年度と異なっている場合があります。 選択した問題ごとに別々の答案用紙を用い、問題番号欄に、選択した問題番号を記入し てください。各問はそれぞれ100点です。 2019 Tokyo Metropolitan University Graduate School of Science, Department of Biological Sciences --Biology-- 9:30 – 11:30 Do not open this cover sheet until notified. You are supplied with this article and two answer sheets. Write your examinee’s number and name at the top of each answer sheet. There are 24 sections. Choose and answer two sections. Follow the instruction of each section. Use one answer sheet for each section. Write the section number in the “Question No.” column at the top of each answer sheet.

Transcript of 2019年度 首都大学東京大学院 理学研究科博士前期 …2019年度...

Page 1: 2019年度 首都大学東京大学院 理学研究科博士前期 …2019年度 首都大学東京大学院 理学研究科博士前期課程 生命科学専攻 入学試験(夏季)


首都大学東京大学院 理学研究科博士前期課程

生命科学専攻 入学試験(夏季)


試験時間 9:30〜11:30













Tokyo Metropolitan University

Graduate School of Science, Department of Biological Sciences


9:30 – 11:30

• Do not open this cover sheet until notified.

• You are supplied with this article and two answer sheets. Write your examinee’s number and

name at the top of each answer sheet.

• There are 24 sections. Choose and answer two sections. Follow the instruction of each section.

• Use one answer sheet for each section. Write the section number in the “Question No.” column at

the top of each answer sheet.

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第1問 次の問1〜問3すべてに答えなさい。

問1 ポリユビキチン化されたタンパク質は、プロテアソームによって分解される。ポリ



問2 リソソームで分解されるタンパク質がリソソームに取り込まれる仕組みを説明しな


問3 あるタンパク質(タンパク質 A)が細胞内で分解されるメカニズムを調べたい。あ

なたは「タンパク質 A はユビキチン・プロテアソーム経路で分解される」という仮説


なさい。ただし、タンパク質 Aは 150アミノ酸残基からなり、膜透過のための典型的


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第2問 次の問1、問2すべてに答えなさい。

問1 胚発生の研究における細胞系譜の解明の重要性について 10 〜 15 行程度で論じな


問2 胚発生の研究における発生段階の記載の重要性について 10 〜 15 行程度で論じな


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第3問 次の文章を読み、以下の問1〜問5すべてに答えなさい。

ウサギ網状赤血球溶解液(Rabbit reticulocyte lysate)は、タンパク質合成の分子機構を研

究する格好の実験材料である。Tim Hunt 博士は、これを用いて、翻訳開始因子のリン酸化





B型サイクリンは、N末端に存在する②Destruction boxとユビキチン化酵素(E3 リガーゼ)

の相互作用により分裂期に分解される。③Destruction boxを変異させた B型サイクリンをカ

エル卵無細胞系に加えると、Maturation Promoting Factor (MPF)活性が高い状態のまま細

胞周期が M 期で停止し、その時の染色体の状態は分裂後期であった。この実験結果は、サ

イクリンの分解が M期、特に分裂後期からの脱出に必須であることを示唆している。一方、

④Destruction box配列と同じ配列のポリペプチドを合成し、カエル卵無細胞系に添加して、B

型サイクリンとユビキチン化酵素との相互作用を競合的に阻害すると、MPF 活性が高い状


問1 ウサギ網状赤血球溶解液は、ポリペプチド鎖翻訳の実験系としてどのような点が優


問2 ウサギ網状赤血球溶解液はユビキチン依存的タンパク質分解系の発見にも用いられ


問3 下線部①に関して、翻訳開始因子の活性は、リン酸化修飾以外の機構でも制御され


問4 下線部②に関して、Destruction boxと相互作用するユビキチン化酵素の活性は、分裂



問5 下線部③と④をカエル卵無細胞系に加えたとき、異なる細胞周期ステージで停止し


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第4問 次の文章を読み、以下の問1~問4すべてに答えなさい。


びた突然変異体が何種類か単離され、系統が確立された。その内の一つの系統 A では、イ


問1 哺乳類におけるインスリンの機能について説明しなさい。

問2 遺伝子の機能を調べる方法として、順遺伝学的手法と逆遺伝学的手法が知られてい



問3 キイロショウジョウバエのインスリン様ペプチドは、幼虫期および成虫期のいずれ

においても特定の細胞で発現している。系統 A において寿命が延びたのは、どの時期




問4 キイロショウジョウバエのインスリン様ペプチドが、細胞間情報伝達物質として機




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第5問 次の文章を読み、以下の問1〜問3すべてに答えなさい。

ある細菌において、遺伝子 a はアミノ酸 X の合成に必要であることが分かっている。ア

ミノ酸 X をこの細菌の培養液から除いたところ、遺伝子 a のプロモーター活性が上昇し、


問1 遺伝子 a の転写を直接調節する転写因子を同定するための実験を考え、説明しなさ


問2 転写因子 Bが遺伝子 aの転写を直接制御することが分かった。遺伝子 aのプロモー

ター領域内で転写因子 B が結合する領域、および結合に必要な塩基を同定する実験を


問3 少量のアミノ酸Xを培地に添加すると遺伝子 aの転写産物量は減少したが、プロモー




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第6問 次の問1、問2すべてに答えなさい。

問1 被子植物の細胞生物学、分子生物学、発生生物学に関する次の(1)〜(6)の語








問2 被子植物では、配偶子融合、胚発生、胚乳形成などの受精およびそれに引き続く初










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第7問 次の問 1〜問5すべてに答えなさい。

問1 直径 16 µmと 25 µmの無髄神経繊維における伝導速度の比を答えなさい。ただし、


問2 直径 8 µmと 16 µmの有髄神経繊維における伝導速度の比を答えなさい。ただし、


問3 あるニューロンにおいて、[細胞内 K+濃度]対[細胞外 K+濃度]が 10 対1である

とき、K+の平衡電位 (EK+) が−58 mVと計算された。では、この比が 100対1になっ

た時、EK+ は何 mVになるか答えなさい。

問4 インパルス発生時における電位依存性 Na+ チャネルと電位依存性 K+ チャネルの特


問5 二つのニューロン間のシナプス結合が電気的か、化学的かを確かめるための実験を



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第8問 次の問1、問2すべてに答えなさい。

問1 次の図は、ショウジョウバエの近縁種ペアを多数調べ、横軸にアロザイム変異から


離を示す)をプロットしたものである。a は異所的に生息している近縁種ペア、b は同


る以下の(1)~(3) に答えなさい。

(Coyne and Orr 1997より)



(2)aと bのプロットから受精前の生殖的隔離の強さに関して、異所的に存在している近




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問2 次の表は異なる脊椎動物種における嗅覚受容体遺伝子の数をまとめたものである。




機能遺伝子 偽遺伝子

哺乳類 ヒト 387 415

マウス 1,035 356

イヌ 811 289

ウシ 970 1,159

オポッサム 1,118 304

カモノハシ 265 453

鳥類 ニワトリ 82 476

両生類 ニシツメガエル 410 478

魚類 フグ 44 54

ゼブラフィッシュ 102 35







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第9問 次の文章を読み、以下の問1〜問3すべてに答えなさい。



段階に分けることができる(図 1)。最初に釣鐘型の曲線を示す一次正屈曲 (First positive) が

現れ、続いて屈曲がほとんどまたは全く検出されない中立的な領域 (Neutral zone) が現れる。

屈曲度はより高い光量で再び大きくなり、二次正屈曲 (Second positive) が誘導される。一


量の長時間照射を必要とする。(Christie and Murphy 2013, Am J Bot, 100: 35-46より改変)

図 1 光屈性反応の光量(Fluence)–屈曲度(Curvature)曲線

問1 フォトトロピンは光屈性を制御する主要な光受容体として知られている。この光受


ル(波長:300 ~ 600 nm)を答えなさい。

問2 茎頂での側方からの光の受容が、下方の茎部における偏差成長をどのように誘導す


問3 光屈曲反応がどのような機構で図 1に示されるように 3段階に分かれるのか、仮説


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第10問 次の問1、問2すべてに答えなさい。

問1 嫌気呼吸システムの多様性について論じなさい。解答においては、呼吸の最終電子


問2 新しい手法の開発によって、微生物学の研究戦略は変わってきている。細菌を一細




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第11問 動物の表現型の進化に関する次の問いに答えなさい。

問 次の三つの状況が生じた進化的経緯について考えられることを、それぞれ 10行程度で





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第12問 次の英文(Comita (2017) Science 356 :1328-1329. より、一部改変)を読み、以下


Biologists have long hypothesized that plants should have ①lower performance when growing near

conspecific neighbors. This is because individuals of the same species tend to be susceptible to the

same ②natural enemies. Hundreds of studies have tested this hypothesis, revealing that conspecific

negative density dependence (CNDD) does occur in numerous ecological communities worldwide.

Strong negative interactions between conspecifics have important implications for community

diversity: When conspecifics have more negative effects on each other than on other species in the

community, coexistence is possible. Therefore, CNDD may play a critical role in helping to maintain

diversity in ecological communities. Differences in the strength of CNDD among communities

might drive global forest patterns of diversity.

問1 下線部①の lower performance とは何かを説明しなさい。

問2 下線部②の natural enemies とは何かを説明しなさい。

問3 同種と隣接する植物が lower performanceを示す理由を二つ以上説明しなさい。

問4 CNDDが強い群集ほど、多様な種の共存が見られる理由を説明しなさい。

問5 全球レベルで見られる森林の多様性のパターンを説明しなさい。

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第13問 次の問1、問2すべてに答えなさい。

問1 有性生殖は多くの動物種に見られる。一方、無性生殖は様々な系統群で繰り返し進






問2 動物が群れで生活するかどうかは、群れで生活することによるコスト(costs)と利

益(benefits)によって決まる。コストと利益は、群れの大きさ(group size)によっ
















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第14問 次の問1~問4すべてに答えなさい。

問 1 ある二倍体の野生植物種の 1 集団を構成していた 100 個体から葉のサンプルを採集



この集団における S 対立遺伝子の頻度を計算しなさい。また、上記のデータに基づい

て、この集団の FIS(Wrightの近交係数)の値も計算しなさい。

問2 下の表は、5種の生物(種O、種A、種B、種C、種D)のある特定の遺伝子について、




表 5種の生物のある遺伝子の7塩基座における塩基

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

種O T G T C A C A

種A T G C C G C A

種B A G C C G T A

種C A A C T A T G

種D A A C T A T G

問3 シダ類の典型的な生活環を世代交代、核相交代と関連づけて説明しなさい。必要な


問4 シダ植物やキノコ類(高等菌類)のさまざまな形態学的種において、複数の隠蔽種




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第15問 次の文章を読み、以下の問1〜問6すべてに答えなさい。




能だろうか。おそらく可能である。なぜならば、山中 4因子(Oct4、



多能性幹細胞(iPS 細胞;右の写真)テクノロジーを利用すること


問1 iPS細胞株を樹立する過程で、山中 4因子が最終分化した体細胞の遺伝子プログラム

を多能性幹細胞の段階まで戻す仕組みを 1~2行で説明しなさい。

問2 赤血球から iPS 細胞株を樹立することは可能か。可・否を理由1行とともに答えな


問3 哺乳類の体細胞では分裂回数に上限がある。iPS細胞はテロメラーゼの働きによって、




問4 加齢に伴う体の機能低下によっておこる疾患名を三つあげなさい。

問5 Oct4、Sox2、Klf4、c-Myc をドキシサイクリン制御プロモーター下で発現させられ



問6 マウスの老齢個体に Oct4、Sox2、Klf4、c-Mycを一過的に発現させると、膵臓と骨




Human iPSCs

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第16問 次の問1~問3すべてに答えなさい。

問1 グルコースは、水溶液中で右図に示したような環状構造だけでな


構造を記し、直鎖状から環状になる仕組みについて説明しなさい。 問2 活性型運搬体分子に関する次の(1)および(2)に答えなさい。 (1)アセチル補酵素 A (アセチル CoA)は高エネルギー結合を含む。アセチル CoA の


説明しなさい。 (2)アセチル CoA以外にも様々な活性型運搬体分子が存在する。メチル基を運搬する活

性型運搬体分子を一つあげ、その分子が関わる細胞内の反応について説明しなさい。 問3 大腸菌を用いた実験操作に関する次の(1)および(2)に答えなさい。 (1)抗生物質耐性遺伝子をもつプラスミドで形質転換された大腸菌を得る場合、抗生物






前培養が推奨される理由について、説明しなさい。 (2)下に示すアルカリ SDS法は、形質転換された大腸菌からのプラスミド回収法として

広く使用される。以下のステップ 3の上清にプラスミド DNAが含まれるが、大腸菌のゲノム DNAはほとんど含まれない。アルカリ SDS法でゲノム DNAがほとんど回収されない理由について考え、述べなさい。

アルカリ SDS法の概要 ステップ 1 大腸菌菌体を Solution Iに懸濁 ステップ 2 菌体懸濁液に Solution II、IIIを順次、穏やかに撹拌しながら添加 ステップ 3 遠心分離で上清を回収 ステップ 4 回収した上清からプラスミドを精製 Solution I: 50 mM glucose, 25 mM Tris-HCl (pH 8.0), 10 mM EDTA (pH 8.0) Solution II: 0.2 M NaOH, 1% (w/v) SDS Solution III: 5 M Potassium acetate (pH 4.8)

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第17問 次の文章を読み、以下の問1〜問4すべてに答えなさい。

イオン透過型 NMDA受容体(NR)はグリシンとグルタミン酸の結合により活性化され、


NR を HEK293 培養細胞に発現させ、任意の膜電位に固定して電流を測る膜電位固定法

により NR の生理学的性質を調べた。5 mM グルタミン酸存在下で膜電位を静止膜電位の

—60 mV から変動させたところ、図1に示す電流-電圧曲線が得られた。次に、ニコチン型

アセチルコリン受容体(nAChR)を HEK293培養細胞に発現させ、5 mMアセチルコリン

存在下で膜電位を静止膜電位の—60 mVから変動させたところ、NRとは異なる電流-電圧曲

線が得られた(図 1)。

注記)HEK293細胞は内因性に NRを発現しない非興奮性細胞である。また HEK293細胞


外液組成は以下のとおりである。10 mM HEPES (pH7.2), 115 mM NaCl, 2.5 mM

KCl, 2 mM BaCl2, 200 µM niflumic acid, 10 mM MgCl2.

図 1 5 mMグルタミン酸存在下での NRの電流—電圧曲線(左)と 5 mMアセチル

コリン存在下での nAChR の電流—電圧曲線(右)。縦軸は電流値を横軸は電圧値を


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問1 nAChRの負の膜電位における電流-電圧曲線は何を表しているか答えなさい。

問2 NRは細胞外Mg2+の作用により、nAChRとは異なる特徴的な電流-電圧曲線を示す。



問3 NR の特徴的な電流-電圧曲線が細胞外 Mg2+によりもたらされることを確認するた


問4 長期記憶の形成における Mg2+ブロックの機能を調べるため、ショウジョウバエの

NR 変異系統を二系統作製した。一つは、通常の Mg2+ブロック特性を持つが、NR の




ショウジョウバエの長期記憶の形成には転写因子 CREBに依存した遺伝子発現が必

要である。ショウジョウバエ CREB 遺伝子からは、遺伝子発現を誘導する転写活性型

CREBと転写を抑制する抑制型 CREBが産生される。NR変異系統とMg2+ブロック変


変異系統では抑制型 CREB の発現が野生型より顕著に増加していたが、NR 変異系統




また、NR変異系統とMg2+ブロック変異系統いずれにおいても CREB依存性の遺伝子


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第18問 次の問1、問2すべてに答えなさい。

問1 動物は加齢に伴い老化が進行し、最後は死に至る。老化を進行させる原因として、







問2 生体内には抗酸化作用を持つ物質がある。次の五つの物質の中から二つを選び、そ



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第19問 次の問1〜問3すべてに答えなさい。

問1 植物の生理に関連した次の(1)〜(3)の用語について、それぞれ 2〜4行で説明





問2 植物ホルモンの内生量を定量するための手順を説明しなさい。あなたが今ここで考


問3 アブシシン酸とジベレリンによって種子発芽が制御される分子機構を説明しなさい。

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第20問 次の文章を読み、以下の問1~問3すべてに答えなさい。






問1 酸素非発生型光合成細菌が光合成電子供与体として用いることのできる無機化合物


問2 問1であげた三つの無機化合物は、それぞれ、どのようなタイプの細菌が、どのよ


問3 酸素非発生型光合成細菌は光合成電子供与体として有機化合物も用いることができ



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第21問 次の問いに答えなさい。

問 酵素 Eは、化合物 Sを化合物 Pに変換する。この酵素反応は競合的阻害剤 Iによって

阻害される。このとき、この酵素反応の Km(ミカエリス定数)と kcat (代謝回転数)

および阻害剤 I の Ki(阻害剤の解離定数)を求める実験手順を説明しなさい。また、



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第22問 次の文章を読み、以下の問1、問2すべてに答えなさい。




問1 生体膜の電位差はどのようにして形成されるのか、ミトコンドリアまたは葉緑体を


問2 生体膜内外の電位差を測定する方法を説明しなさい。あなたが今ここで考えた方法


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第23問 次の問1、問2すべてに答えなさい。

問1 ヒトの胃内腔は、壁細胞から分泌される塩酸によって強い酸性に保たれた胃液で満

たされる。壁細胞で塩酸が産生、分泌される機構について 5行程度で答えなさい。

問2 胃液が強い酸性であること、表層粘膜上皮細胞のターンオーバー速度が速く約 3 日


られる。しかし、ピロリ菌 (Helicobacter pylori) は胃内腔で生存し、増殖を繰り返す。

ピロリ菌の感染機構について、次の五つの語句をすべて用いて 10行程度で説明しなさ



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第24問 次の文章を読み、以下の問1~問3すべてに答えなさい。

植物種 A の葉の長さを x、幅を y とする。その植物種と近縁種の違いを表すインデクス

として I = 2x + yが有効であるということが知られている。x、yの平均値と分散をそれぞ

れx、𝑦、および Vx、Vy、共分散を cov(x, y)とする。

問1 インデクス Iの分散を求める式を答えなさい。

問2 Vxが Vyの 2倍、cov(x, y) が Vyの 1/2である場合、x、yの相関係数を答えなさい。

問3 Vx、Vy、cov(x, y) が問2の関係にある場合、植物種 Aにおいてその葉の形の変異に


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Section 1: Answer questions 1 to 3.

Question 1: Polyubiquitinated proteins are degraded by proteasomes. Describe one

mechanism that determines which proteins are polyubiquitinated and also explain

how polyubiquitination is achieved.

Question 2: In order to be degraded by lysosomal proteolysis, cellular proteins must first

be taken up by lysosomes. How does this happen? Explain.

Question 3: Suppose there is a protein that is 150 amino acids long and contains no

typical signal sequence. Your research project is to study how this protein is

degraded in the cell. You hypothesized that this protein is degraded via the

ubiquitin-proteasome pathway. How would you test your hypothesis? Design an

experiment and explain expected results.

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Section 2: Answer questions 1 and 2.

Question 1: Explain how cell-lineage tracing is essential for studying embryogenesis

(15-20 lines).

Question 2: Explain how developmental staging is essential for studying embryogenesis

(15-20 lines).

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Section 3: Read the following paragraph and answer questions 1 to 5.

Rabbit reticulocyte lysates provide an excellent experimental system for studying the

molecular machinery of protein synthesis. With this system, Dr. Tim Hunt, a British

biologist, found that the phosphorylation of eukaryotic translation initiation factor

modulates the rate of protein synthesis. Dr. Hunt was interested in the observation that

phosphorylation of eukaryotic translation initiation factor is modulated after

fertilization in marine invertebrate eggs, and he subsequently examined the changes in

protein synthesis pattern in fertilized eggs. During the course of these experiments, he

identified the cyclin protein whose synthesis was stimulated after fertilization and then

degraded rapidly during mitosis.

B-type cyclin protein is degraded at the end of mitosis, and the amino acid sequence

called “Destruction box” is necessary for interacting with E3 ubiquitin ligase. Forced

expression of Destruction box-mutated cyclin protein in frog cell extracts resulted in

anaphase-arrest with high Maturation Promoting Factor (MPF) activity. This

observation suggests that cyclin degradation is essential for exit from anaphase. In

contrast, excess addition of Destruction box-polypeptides into the extracts induced

competitive inhibition to E3 ubiquitin ligase, leading to metaphase-arrest with high

MPF activity.

Question 1: Describe at least two merits (with your reasons why you think so) of using

rabbit reticulocyte lysates for studying polypeptide translation.

Question 2: Rabbit reticulocyte lysates were also used for the discovery of

ubiquitin-dependent protein degradation machinery. Describe why rabbit

reticulocyte is suitable for studying protein degradation events.

Question 3: Explain an alternative mechanism for the control of eukaryotic translation

initiation factor other than phosphorylation.

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Question 4: The activity of the E3 ubiquitin ligase that recognizes Destruction box is

suppressed in the case of mitotic spindle disorganization. What is the biological

significance of the inactivation of E3 ubiquitin ligase in this case? Describe your


Question 5: Explain the reason behind the difference between the arrested cell cycle

stages under expression of Destruction box-mutated cyclin (anaphase-arrest) and

excess addition of Destruction box-polypeptides (metaphase-arrest).

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Section 4: Read the following paragraph and answer questions 1 to 4.

Various mutant strains of Drosophila melanogaster have been isolated. An attempt to

isolate mutants with extended lifespan resulted in identification and establishment of

several mutant strains. One of them was a mutant for a gene encoding an Insulin-like


Question 1: Explain the general functions of Insulin in mammals.

Question 2: There are two genetic approaches to investigate gene functions: forward

and reverse genetics. Outline these approaches when identifying genes involved in

life span extension.

Question 3: The Insulin-like peptide gene is expressed in specific cells during both

larval and adult stages. It is unclear whether the mutation extended the life span

through affecting the gene’s function in larvae, adults or both. Propose

experimental procedures to determine in which stage the mutation causes the


Question 4: The Insulin-like peptide was found to function as an intercellular signaling

peptide. Design a series of experiments to identify a receptor(s) involved in the

transduction of the Insulin-like peptide signal.

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Section 5: Read the following paragraph and answer questions 1 to 3.

In a certain bacterium, gene a is necessary for the synthesis of amino acid X. Promoter

of gene a is activated and the transcript of gene a increases in the absence of amino acid

X in the medium.

Question 1: Design a series of experiments to identify a transcription factor that directly

regulates the transcription of gene a.

Question 2: Assume the existence of a transcription factor B that directly regulates the

transcription of gene a. Design a series of experiments to determine the

transcription factor B binding region and the nucleotides responsible for the

binding of transcription factor B within the promoter of gene a.

Question 3: Addition of a certain amount of amino acid X to the medium resulted in

decrease of the level of gene a transcript, but no decrease in the activity of gene a

promoter. Describe a hypothesis to explain why the gene a transcript level

decreased, even though the activity of the promoter was not suppressed, and design

a series of experiments to test your hypothesis.

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Section 6: Answer questions 1 and 2.

Question 1: Explain the following terms/phrases (1) to (6) regarding cell biology,

molecular biology and developmental biology in angiosperms, in 2-4 lines in each


(1) Totipotency of somatic cells

(2) T-DNA insertional mutant

(3) Double fertilization

(4) Karyogamy

(5) Organizing center in shoot apical meristem

(6) Quiescent center in root apical meristem

Question 2: In angiosperms, fertilization and subsequent events such as gamete fusion,

embryogenesis and endosperm development occur in the embryo sac deeply

embedded in ovular tissue. Difficulties associated with research directly addressing

the biology of the female gamete, zygote and early embryo have impeded

investigations into the molecular mechanisms of fertilization and embryogenesis.

Therefore, such investigations have been conducted predominantly through mutant

analyses using model plants such as Arabidopsis and maize. Several alternative

approaches are currently being developed to investigate molecular mechanisms

required for fertilization and embryogenesis. Choose two such experimental

methods and design a series of experiments aimed at understanding angiosperm

fertilization in each case. Explain how each of the methods overcomes the

difficulties mentioned above.

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Section 7: Answer questions 1 to 5.

Question 1: What are the relative conduction velocities for unmyelinated nerve fibers

that are 16 µm and 25 µm in diameter, given that all other parameters are the

same between the two nerve fibers.

Question 2: What are the relative conduction velocities for myelinated nerve fibers that

are 8 µm and 16 µm in diameter, given that all other parameters are the same

between the two nerve fibers.

Question 3: When the inside-to-outside ratio of K+ is 10 in a given neuron, the

equilibrium potential of K+ (EK+) is calculated to be —58mV. If the ratio is changed

to 100, what would the EK+ be?

Question 4: Compare and contrast the properties of voltage-gated Na+ channels with

those of voltage-gated K+ channels with regard to generating impulses.

Question 5: Design three experiments to test whether the synaptic connection between

two neurons, which can be penetrated with a microelectrode, is electrical or


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Section 8: Answer questions 1 and 2.

Question 1: Read the following paragraph and answer questions (1) to (3).

The following graphs a and b plot the degree of prezygotic reproductive isolation

on the Y-axis and genetic distance on the X-axis in a variety of closely related

species-pairs of fruit flies. The degree of prezygotic isolation (Prezygotic Isolation =

1 indicates complete reproductive isolation) is quantified in the laboratory and the

genetic distance is estimated from allozyme assays. Graphs a and b are plots of

species pairs that live in allopatry and sympatry, respectively.

(Coyne and Orr 1997)

(1) Explain how the degree of prezygotic reproductive isolation can be quantified in

the laboratory.

(2) Explain the differences in the pattern of prezygotic isolation between allopatric

and sympatric species pairs based on comparison of graphs a and b.

(3) Discuss a possible reason for the differences described in (2).

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Question 2: The following table shows the numbers of functional genes and pseudogenes

for olfactory receptor in various vertebrate species. Based on this information,

answer questions (1) to (3).

Table. Numbers of olfactory receptor genes in various vertebrates.

Species Number of genes

Functional genes

Pseudo- genes

Mammals Human 387 415

Mouse 1,035 356

Dog 811 289

Cow 970 1,159

Opossum 1,118 304

Platypus 265 453

Birds Chicken 82 476

Amphibians Xenopus 410 478

Fishes Pufferfish 44 54

Zebrafish 102 35

(1) Explain what a pseudogene is.

(2) Explain two ways by which pseudogenes are generated, and how to distinguish

which is the case in a given pseudogene.

(3) The table above indicates substantial variation in the number of olfactory

receptor genes among different vertebrate species. Describe two factors which

cause variation in the number of duplicated genes, and explain which of these is

the main factor in the case of olfactory receptor genes and why you think so.

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Section 9: Read the following paragraph and answer questions 1 to 3.

Phototropism, the reorientation of growth toward or away from light, represents an

important adaptive process of plants. A typical fluence-response curve for phototropism can be divided into three phases depending on the fluence and time requirements (Figure 1). The initial bell-shaped curve is referred to as the first positive phototropism and is followed by a neutral zone where little or no curvature is detected. Curvature rises once again at higher light intensities to produce the second positive phototropism. The first positive phototropism is induced by very low-fluence of pulsed light, while the second positive phototropism requires high-fluence light for a prolonged irradiation period. (modified from Christie and Murphy 2013, Am J Bot, 100: 35-46)

Figure 1. Fluence-response curve for phototropism. Question 1: Phototropin is known to be the primary photoreceptor for phototropism.

Describe structural features (including domain organization and a chromophore attached to this photoreceptor) and the absorption spectrum (wavelength: 300 ~ 600 nm) of phototropin.

Question 2: Explain how lateral light perception at the shoot apex of plants induces

differential elongation in the lower epidermal cells. Question 3: Propose a hypothesis to explain the mechanism underlying the

three-phased response (Figure 1), and design a series of experiments to test your hypothesis.

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Section 10: Answer questions 1 and 2.

Question 1: Write an essay on the diversity of anaerobic respiratory systems. In the

essay, include at least three final electron acceptors for anaerobic respiratory

chains and include any appropriate ecological and/or evolutionary aspects of


Question 2: Methodological developments are continuously changing research

approaches in microbiology. When you can use a device which can manipulate,

cultivate and observe an individual single cell of bacteria, how would you apply this

device to microbiological research? Propose a challenging new research aim in

microbiology and describe a research approach that addresses this aim by using

this device.

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Section 11: Answer the following question on the evolution of animal phenotypes.

Question: Describe the evolutionary basis behind the following observations (1) to (3) in

10 lines each.

(1) Closely related species of animals produce greatly different sounds, calls, or


(2) Phylogenetically distantly related species of animals often produce similar sounds,

calls, or songs.

(3) Males and females differ in body color and/or color pattern within the same


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Section 12: Read the following paragraph, modified from Comita (2017, Science

356:1328-1329) and answer questions 1 to 5.

Biologists have long hypothesized that plants should have lower performance when

growing near conspecific neighbors. This is because individuals of the same species tend

to be susceptible to the same natural enemies. Hundreds of studies have tested this

hypothesis, revealing that conspecific negative density dependence (CNDD) does occur

in numerous ecological communities worldwide. Strong negative interactions between

conspecifics have important implications for community diversity: When conspecifics

have more negative effects on each other than on other species in the community,

coexistence is possible. Therefore, CNDD may play a critical role in helping to maintain

diversity in ecological communities. Differences in the strength of CNDD among

communities might drive global forest patterns of diversity.

Question 1: Describe what “lower performance” is.

Question 2: Describe what “natural enemies” are.

Question 3: Provide at least two reasons why plants should have lower performance

when growing near conspecific neighbors.

Question 4: Provide a reason why coexistence of diverse species is possible when

conspecifics have more negative effects on each other than on other species in the


Question 5: Describe what global forest patterns of diversity are.

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Section 13: Answer questions 1 and 2.

Question 1: Sexual reproduction is the norm in most animal species. However, asexual

reproduction has evolved repeatedly in various groups. The phylogenetic

distribution of such changes in reproductive mode tends to be at or near the tips of

species trees rather than at deeper nodes. Thus, the loss of sexual reproduction is

usually a recently derived characteristic of a species or group of closely related

species, and rarely an ancestral characteristic shared by a diverse group of


What are the costs and benefits of asexual reproduction and how can these explain

above-mentioned phylogenetic distribution of asexual reproduction?

Question 2: Whether animals live in groups or not depends on the costs and benefits of

group living. Both costs and benefits will likely vary with group size. For example,

benefits (such as being able to find food) may saturate after a certain group size,

while costs (such as sharing food among group members) continue to increase with

group size. There will thus be an optimal group size, where the net benefit (=

benefits – costs) is maximized (Figure 1). In nature, however, group-size in many

species is often larger than this theoretical optimal size.

Describe possible explanation(s) for this difference in terms of benefits for solitary

individuals and current group members.

Figure 1. Relationship between costs

or benefits and group size. The

optimum group size, where the net

benefit (benefits – costs) is maximised,

is indicated by point a.



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Section 14: Answer questions 1 to 4.

Question 1: A population of a wild diploid sexual plant species, consisting of 100

individuals, was analyzed using an enzyme-electrophoretic method. This analysis

indicated that 20, 20 and 60 individuals had FF, FS and SS genotypes, respectively.

Calculate the allele frequency of S in this population. Also, calculate the FIS

(Wright's inbreeding coefficient) of the population.

Question 2: Below is a small data matrix. In the first column, species are labeled O, A, B,

C and D. The other columns show nucleotide bases present at seven positions in the

aligned DNA sequences of a particular gene. Assuming that Species O is the

outgroup, construct a phylogenetic tree using the Cladistic method (under the

maximum parsimony criterion). In addition, indicate character state changes at

nucleotide sites 1 to 7 on the tree, also under the maximum parsimony criterion.

Character (Nucleotide sequences of a particular gene)

Species 1 2 3 4 5 6 7






Question 3: Describe typical life-cycle of ferns, including alteration of generations and

ploidies of each generation. Use a diagram if necessary.

Question 4: Explain why several cryptic species, which are reproductively isolated from

each other but hard to distinguish morphologically, are often found in various ferns

and mushrooms (higher fungi).

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Section 15: Read the following paragraph and answer questions 1 to 6.

Rejuvenation is a key word for the extension of life span.

Several excellent studies in last decades have uncovered the molecular mechanisms underlying the age-associated functional decline of our body. Can it be reversed? The answer is probably “Yes”, since terminally differentiated cells can be reprogrammed to pluripotent stem cells by transient over-expression of Yamanaka’s four transcription factors (Oct4, Sox2, Klf4 and c-Myc). By utilizing the induced pluripotent stem cell (iPSC) technology (photo in the right), we might elucidate the fundamental mechanisms of aging. Question 1: During the establishment of iPSC lines, how do Oct4, Sox2, Klf4, and c-Myc

reverse genetic programs of terminally differentiated cells to pluripotent status? Explain the molecular mechanism of iPSC reprogramming in 1-2 lines.

Question 2: Is it possible to establish iPSC lines from erythrocytes in peripheral blood?

Answer “Yes” or “No” and explain your reasoning in 1 line. Question 3: Somatic cells in mammals can undergo a limited number of cell divisions.

iPSCs are known to overcome this limit through the action of telomerase. Bacteria such as Escherichia coli also lack the cell division limit, but do not have telomerase. Why? Provide a reason in 1 line.

Question 4: What kinds of disease are caused by age-associated functional decline? List

up to three examples. Question 5: Researchers have established a transgenic mouse line expressing Oct4,

Sox2, Klf4, and c-Myc under the control of a doxycycline-regulated promoter. If these transgenic mice are continuously fed doxycycline, what would happen (one line)?

Question 6: One year ago, researchers in the USA discovered that transient expression

of Oct4, Sox2, Klf4, and c-Myc in aged mice stops the functional impairment of pancreas and skeletal muscle. If this mouse model is available to you, which biological questions would you like to investigate? Describe your research plan in 5-10 lines.

Human iPSCs

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Section 16: Answer questions 1 to 3.

Question 1: Glucose has both cyclic forms and open-chain forms in

aqueous solution. A cyclic form of glucose is shown on the right. Draw the chemical structure of an open-chain form and describe how the open-chain form converts to a cyclic form.

Question 2: Answer the following questions (1) and (2) related to activated carrier


(1) Acetyl-CoA contains a high energy bond. Draw the chemical structure of the high energy bond in acetyl-CoA and explain why this bond is a high energy bond.

(2) Cells utilize various activated carrier molecules in addition to acetyl-CoA. Name

an activated carrier molecule which donates a methyl group and describe a cellular process which involves this molecule.

Question 3: Answer the following questions (1) and (2) related to experimental

techniques using Escherichia coli.

(1) E. coli transformed with a plasmid that harbors antibiotics resistance genes are selected on an agar medium containing the antibiotics. After transformation, it is preferable to pre-cultivate E. coli in an antibiotic-free medium prior to inoculating on an agar medium containing the antibiotic for the selection of the kanamycin-resistant transformant, but not for the selection of the ampicillin-resistant transformant. Describe the difference in the mode of action between kanamycin and ampicillin and explain why pre-cultivation in an antibiotic-free medium is preferable for selection of the kanamycin-resistant transformant.

(2) The alkaline-SDS method described below is a popular method to recover plasmid

DNA from transformed E. coli. The supernatant at Step 3 contains plasmid DNA but rarely genomic DNA of E. coli. Explain why genomic DNA is scarcely recovered by the alkaline-SDS method.

Outline of the alkaline-SDS method Step 1. Suspend E. coli cells in Solution I. Step 2. Serially add Solution II and III to the cell suspension with gentle mixing. Step 3. Centrifuge the cell suspension to collect the supernatant. Step 4. Purify plasmid DNA from the supernatant.

Solution I: 50 mM glucose, 25 mM Tris-HCl (pH 8.0), 10 mM EDTA (pH 8.0) Solution II: 0.2 M NaOH, 1% (w/v) SDS Solution III: 5 M Potassium acetate (pH 4.8)

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Section 17: Read the following paragraph and answer questions 1 to 4.

The NMDA receptor (NR) is an ionotropic receptor channel that is activated upon binding glycine and glutamate. Similar to other cation channel receptors, NR selectively permeates cations including Na+ and Ca2+. To investigate the physiological properties of NR, we expressed NR subunits in

cultured Human Embryonic Kidney 293 (HEK293) cells and performed voltage-clamp analysis. When we shifted the membrane potential from resting potential (—60 mV) in the presence of 5 mM glutamate, we obtained a characteristic current-voltage (I-V) relationship that is distinct from that of a typical cation selective receptor channel, nicotinic acetylcholine receptor (nAChR) (Figure 1).

Note: HEK293 cells are non-excitable cells and do not express endogenous NRs. Ignore

all endogenously expressed voltage-gated channels in HEK293 cells. The external recording solution contains 10 mM HEPES (pH7.2), 115 mM NaCl, 2.5 mM KCl, 2 mM BaCl2, 200 µM niflumic acid, and 10 mM MgCl2 .

Figure 1. I-V relationship of NR examined in the presence of 5 mM glutamate

(left). I-V relationship of nAChR examined in the presence of 5 mM ACh (right).

-60 -30


30 60





Im (pA)

Vm (mV)

-60 -30


30 60





Im (pA)

Vm (mV)

I-V relation of NR (left) and nAChR (right). I-V relation of NR is examined in the presence of 5 mM glutamate. I-V relation of nAChR is examined inthe presence of 5 mM ACh.


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Question 1: What does the I-V relationship of nAChR at negative membrane potentials

(Vm) represent?

Question 2: We learned that the characteristic I-V relationship of NR is due to

extracellular Mg2+ (namely, Mg2+ block). Based on this information, describe the

mechanism behind the difference in the I-V relationship for nAChR and NR.

Question 3: Design a series of experiments to confirm that Mg2+ is required for the

characteristic I-V relationship of NR. Also, draw the expected I-V relationship of

NR from these experiments.

Question 4: To examine the function of Mg2+ block in long-term memory (LTM)

formation, we obtained two Drosophila NR mutant lines. One was a hypomorphic

NR mutant: the expression level of NR, which had normal Mg2+ block property, was

lower than in the wild-type. The other mutant was a Mg2+ block mutant which

expressed normal amount of NR and had no Mg2+ block property. LTM formation

requires gene expression depending on the transcription factor CREB. Drosophila

CREB gene produces activator and repressor isoforms that activates or inhibits

CREB-dependent gene expression, respectively. We found that both mutants were

disrupted in LTM formation and CREB-dependent expression of LTM-associated

genes. Furthermore, the amount of CREB repressor in Mg2+ block mutants was

higher than for the wild-type, while it was normal in hypomorphic NR mutants.

Given that Ca2+ influx through NR during LTM training is essential for

CREB-dependent gene expression, discuss the function of Mg2+ block in LTM

formation and why both hypomorphic NR mutants and Mg2+ block mutants are

defective for CREB-dependent gene expression and LTM.

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Section 18: Answer questions 1 and 2.

Question 1: Animals age and die. Abnormal production and accumulation of reactive

oxygen species, which cause functional decline of cells and tissues, have been

thought to contribute to aging. Answer the following questions (1) to (3).

(1) Name three enzymes that prevent accumulation of reactive oxygen species and

explain their enzymatic reactions.

(2) Describe one hypothesis that explains how production of reactive oxygen species

increases with aging.

(3) Describe how reactive oxygen species cause a decline in cellular function.

Question 2: Choose two substances with antioxidant activity from the list below.

Describe their structural features and how those features are involved in

antioxidant activity.

Carotenoid, Uric acid, Bilirubin, Catechin, Anthocyanin

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Section 19: Answer questions 1 to 3.

Question 1: Explain the following three terms related to plant physiology in 2-4 lines.

(1) Guard cells

(2) Vernalization

(3) Parthenocarpy

Question 2: Describe a procedure to quantify endogenous plant hormone levels. You can

propose a procedure that you newly designed.

Question 3: Explain molecular mechanisms by which abscisic acid and gibberellin

regulate seed germination.

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Section 20: Read the following paragraph and answer questions 1 to 3.

Oxygenic photosynthesis (photosynthesis with evolving oxygen) is employed by plants,

algae, and cyanobacteria, and uses water as an electron donor for the photosynthetic

electron transport system. There is another type of photosynthesis without production

of oxygen, known as anoxygenic photosynthesis. Water cannot sustain the anoxygenic

photosynthetic electron transfer. Various compounds instead of water are used as

electron sources in anoxygenic photosynthetic bacteria.

Question 1: Provide names and chemical formulae for three inorganic chemical

compounds used as electron donors in anoxygenic photosynthetic electron transfer.

Question 2: Describe which type of bacteria produces each of the three inorganic

chemical compounds in Question 1, and describe the process by which the

compounds are produced.

Question 3: Organic compounds can also serve as electron sources in anoxygenic

photosynthetic bacteria. Choose one such organic compound, and describe how the

electrons in the compound are transferred to the photosystem in anoxygenic

photosynthetic bacteria. Use diagrams if necessary.

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Section 21: Answer the following question.

Question: Enzyme E converts substrate S to product P, and this enzyme reaction is

inhibited by a competitive inhibitor, I. Describe a procedure to determine Km

(Michaelis constant) and kcat (turnover number) for this enzyme reaction and Ki

(dissociation constant of an inhibitor) of the inhibitor I. Describe the advantages

and disadvantages of a Lineweaver-Burk plot compared to other methods.

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Section 22: Read the following paragraph and answer questions 1 and 2.

The formation of transmembrane potential (the difference in electric potential between

the interior and exterior of a biological membrane) is observed in all living eukaryotic

and prokaryotic cells, and also seen in the inner membrane of organelles such as

mitochondria and chloroplasts.

Question 1: Describe how the electric potential is formed in mitochondria or

chloroplasts. Use diagrams in your answer.

Question 2: Describe a procedure to measure the actual voltage between the inside and

outside of a biological membrane. You can propose a procedure that you newly


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Section 23: Answer questions 1 and 2.

Question 1: The stomach lumen in humans is filled with gastric juice, which is highly

acidic because of hydrochloric acid secreted from parietal cells. Explain the

mechanism of hydrochloric acid production and secretion in parietal cells (5 lines).

Question 2: The strong acidity of gastric juice and rapid turn-over of surface mucosal

cells, which have only a 3-day life, are useful for preventing bacterial infection in

the stomach epithelium. However, Helicobacter pylori can survive and proliferate

in the stomach lumen. Explain the mechanism of its infection using all the words

below (10 lines).

adhesin, cytotoxic protease, mucus, sialic acid, urease

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Section 24: Read the following paragraph and answer questions 1 to 3.

Let x be the length and y the width of a leaf of plant species A. Suppose that an index

given by I = 2x + y is useful to distinguish this species from a closely related species. Let

the mean of x and y be x and 𝑦, the variance of x and y be Vx and Vy, and the

covariance of x and y be cov(x, y).

Question 1: What formula will provide the variance of I using x and y ?

Question 2: If Vx is two times as large as Vy, and cov(x, y) is one half of Vy, what is the

correlation coefficient between x and y ?

Question 3: If Vx, Vy, and cov(x, y) have the relationships described in Question 2,

describe how the shape of leaves varies within species A.

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