2016-2017 Handbook

2016-2017 Handbook Policies and Procedures Ms. Sara Cowley, Director of Bands Student Name: _____________________________

Transcript of 2016-2017 Handbook

2016-2017 Handbook Policies and Procedures

Ms. Sara Cowley, Director of Bands

Student Name: _____________________________

HML Band Handbook 2016-2017 p.2

Table of Contents

Letter from the Director

Grading Policies

Marching Band






Winter Guard


Instrument Rental

Medical Release

Membership Contract

HML Band Handbook 2016-2017 p.3

Dear 2016-2017 Hialeah-Miami Lakes Band and Color Guard Parents,

It is time to begin another exciting year of instrumental music. My name is Ms. Sara

Cowley, and I will be your child's band or color guard teacher this year. After putting together

a challenging and entertaining 2015 marching show, earning a statewide 4th place, and an

Excellent Wind Ensemble rating, this year promises to be very exciting.

It is imperative to me to have an open line of communication with students and parents.

This handbook will get us started. It contains detailed information regarding each aspect of the

program and should be used as a reference throughout the school year. It will allow the

student to be a better member of the program, and will allow the parent to have a clear focus

of the year's plans and what is expected from their child. Additionally, I highly encourage each

parent to be an active member of the booster club, the Trojan Band Parent Association.

In particular, please see the year's calendar on our website,

http://hmlband.zohosites.com/calendar.html . If your student has a major conflict with any

event listed on the calendar, please contact me as soon as possible so that we can work to

remedy the issue. Each member matters and we need to make sure we have everyone present

at all performances and rehearsals.

The final two pages of this handbook, the Medical Release Form and Membership

Contract Page, should be signed and returned to me by Monday, August 1, 2016.

Thank you for your continued support of the Hialeah-Miami Lakes Senior High School

Trojan Band Program. Please read through this handbook and feel free to contact me with any



Ms. Sara Cowley

Director of Bands

[email protected]

HML Band Handbook 2016-2017 p.4

Grading Policies


• 25% Participation and Preparation • Being prepared for class with all necessary attire, music, equipment, and supplies whenever necessary. A sharpened pencil with an eraser is required at all times. • All students are responsible for purchasing their own mouthpiece. • Sitting in your seat with your music stand, music, and instrument ready on time.

• 10% Assignments

• 25% Exams • Playing exams on scales and music excerpts or written quizzes • If a student is absent on the day of an exam, it is his/her responsibility to see Ms. Cowley for a

make-up. Otherwise, a grade of 0% will be earned.

• 40% Outside of Class Events • After-school rehearsals and performances (including those for Marching Band). • Note: If a student is absent from the rehearsal before a performance he/she will not be eligible to

perform, unless special permission is granted by the Director. The course grade will reflect such action.


Dual Membership is required: Marching Band & Wind Ensemble/Jazz Band. A student

cannot be a member of one and not the other. Percussionists will participate in non-

marching groups on a rotation.


Students’ activity and performance in marching band will be incorporated into the participation grade of their corresponding music or color guard course. Since most marching activity occurs outside of school hours, it is especially important for students to be cooperative, enthusiastic, and committed.

Remember, Dual Membership is required for instrumentalists: Marching Band and Wind Ensemble/Jazz Band. Color Guard members are required to be in the guard class during the school day.

General Marching Band Policies and Procedures

• Rehearsals are Mondays and Wednesdays from 3-6:30pm.

• Competitions are on Saturdays and normally last the entire day and night. Extra spending money for meals will be needed.

• Football games vary: Thursdays, Fridays, or Saturdays, depending on the Athletic schedule.

• The Fair Share is $385. This covers large shared expenses such as music, drill, transportation, competition registrations, etc. Some Color Guard-specific expenses are not included in the $385.

HML Band Handbook 2016-2017 p.5

Additional fundraising beyond the Fair Share will be needed to cover other important costs. All students are expected to participate in and support fundraisers if they have a balance on their Fair Share.

• The rehearsal uniform is a plain white t-shirt, black shorts, and sneakers. No flip-flops, converse, crocs, etc! A lack of uniform will be reflected in the participation grade and is subject to additional consequence.

• Students must be on the rehearsal field at 2:45pm with all equipment and materials ready.

• ALL marching band members must have their own water for rehearsals. You may refill it during water breaks. Health is more important than anything else.

• Lost or stolen equipment must be replaced at your own expense.

• A student excessively requesting to sit out from marching rehearsal requires a note from a doctor indicating a specific medical condition.

• Multiple students sitting out are not permitted to sit together. Marching Band Materials

• Brass: instrument, valve oil, gloves, attire, water, towel, and dot book. • Woodwinds: instrument, strap (if applicable), extra reeds, swabs, key oil, gloves, attire, water,

towel, and dot books. • Percussion: instrument, sticks, mallets, towels, attire, water. • Color Guard: all equipment ready to use, poles weighted, proper silks on the poles, attire, water,

gloves, and dot book. • All: All materials are your responsibility. Do not rely on someone else’s items. Failure to have any

of the required materials will result in a lowering of your participation grade for that day by two letter grades. If equipment isn’t working properly, immediately report it to Equipment Manager or Guard Captain.



• The music

• Your teacher & instructors

• Your peers

• Your equipment

• Your facilities

This is your school and your program. Take PRIDE in it.

HML Band Handbook 2016-2017 p.6



Under no circumstance is a student permitted to engage in romantic or otherwise inappropriate dialogue or relations with any instructor, volunteer, or other non-student.

Inappropriate relations are a violation of Miami-Dade County Public Schools policies, as volunteers are brought on campus to assist learning and student performance. Any other type of influence is in poor taste and possibly against the law. Authorities will be contacted if deemed necessary.

Band Director's Office

• It is not a lounge. You must knock before you enter and wait to be recognized.

• Students may not store their belongings in the office. This includes clothing, school supplies, bags, and instruments.

• Never go into the Director's desk, drawers, or computer. Use the same consideration that you would like in your own home.

• No one is allowed in the office if the Director is not present.


• Cell phones, iPods, and anything electronic must be on silent and left in book bags during rehearsal.


• There is no gum permitted in the band room - ever.

• Students may not eat in the band room.

• The only drink allowed inside is bottled water.

Social Media

• You are expected to represent yourself and your band program with dignity and pride. The Band Director reserves the right to discipline and/or dismiss you from the program if the contents of your social media accounts (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Vine, or any other platform) are deemed inappropriate, derogatory, indecent, or in any way detrimental to the goals of this organization, regardless of privacy settings.

Formal Disciplinary Procedure

In the event that a student violates a part of this handbook or shows blatant disrespect, the following procedure will be followed:

Incident 1 – Formal Probation Letter & parent contact

Incident 2 – Referral to School Administration & parent contact

Incident 3 – Expulsion from Band Program


Do not touch any instrument or equipment that is not yours, especially percussion & guard items.

Students may not congregate in the hallway or any room without an adult or special permission.

HML Band Handbook 2016-2017 p.7

Do not allow any unauthorized visitors in the Band room.

The Band room is not a playground – please do not run, scream, or throw anything in our room.

Foul language, discrimination, and derogatory terms/slurs will not be tolerated.

Students involved in or facilitating a physical fight or altercation will face an automatic extended suspension and possible expulsion from the band program. (Level 3 offense in M-DCPS Conduct Code)

Students involved with illegal drugs face an automatic extended suspension and possible expulsion from the band program. (Level 3 offense in M-DCPS Conduct Code)

Students suspended from school in any way (outdoor or indoor) for any reason will be disciplined additionally by the Director. If a student receives indoor suspension (CSI) on two separate occasions in one month, they are ineligible to perform for that month.

Attitude is the most important part of each class. Every student in the Trojan Band program is expected to behave professionally. Let's have fun, but take care of business at the same time. The Band should be the model organization for our school. Please remember that everything in this handbook is given in the best interest of the program and each student. Any incidence of disrespect will be dealt with harshly, since respect is a cornerstone of our program.

*Membership in the Marching Band is required in order to be a member of the Wind Ensemble/Jazz Band, and vice versa*


All rehearsals and performances are mandatory. I will work very hard to make sure you have plenty of notice

regarding any changes or additional rehearsals.

There is a calendar on our website, http://hmlband.zohosites.com/calendar.html, and there will always be a

current calendar on the white board in class and in my office. It will be unacceptable to say that you did not

know about an event.

Parents, I kindly ask that you please do not schedule doctors' appointments, family vacations, or birthday

events on the days of rehearsals or performances. These absences will not be excused unless the proper

protocol is followed. Please see details below.


Death in the family Extreme illness (not a cough or cold) Academic/school functions (SAT, etc) Religious holiday

PLEASE NOTE: all of the above excused absences require two weeks notice, where possible. If it is unexpected, please email or call me right away.

*All absences due to illness require a note from a doctor or medical facility in order to be excused.*

Additional rehearsals and mini-camps may be added to the calendar periodically, and may include weekend days.

HML Band Handbook 2016-2017 p.8


Homework (manage your time efficiently) Job Dentist/medical appointment Family vacation "I had to clean my room"; “I had to feed my pet” "I didn't have a ride" (Communicate - we can arrange something with another student) “I didn’t know” Student or family member birthday/event "My parents didn't let me" (Parents, by signing this contract you agree to be supportive of our goals

and schedule)


Students are responsible for arriving at each out of class rehearsal or event at least 15 minutes prior to the start time to get properly prepared (dressed, instrument and music ready, etc.). Parents are encouraged to see that their children take this responsibility, since all students will be treated as adults.

If a student arrives late to a rehearsal without giving two weeks notice, it will be reflected in the participation grade, and he or she may have to make up that time afterward by performing tasks to help the program. These may vary from putting away equipment to organizing music.

*Two unexcused tardies will equal one absence and will be reflected in the participation grade.*

Uniforms The Hialeah-Miami Lakes Trojan Band has very strict performance uniform policies. By adhering to them, we make sure that our public image remains solid. We represent the school and the program at all times, but we are especially visible while in uniform.

ALL LADIES: Jewelry can be worn but must not be excessive (one necklace, one pair of stud earrings, no bracelets or rings, and light makeup is permitted, with nothing on the lips).



Black tuxedo jacket Black tuxedo pants White tuxedo shirt

Black bow tie Black dress socks (they must extend at

least halfway up the shin and must not be see-through)

Black dress shoes Hair groomed, and clean shaven. Any

facial hair must be neat. A black suit with a white shirt and bowtie

is also appropriate.


Concert black. Options: all black dress, black blouse with black pants or black skirt

Tops must cover the shoulders

Absolutely no cleavage Skirts and dresses must reach the knee

when sitting down Black dress shoes, must be closed-toe.

Heels no taller than two inches Hair must be out of the face. Use only

simple black accessories (headband, clip, etc.

HML Band Handbook 2016-2017 p.9


Gentlemen – all black.

Same as Wind Ensemble uniform, but with a black dress shirt (long sleeved, button down)

Black jacket, vest, necktie/bowtie are optional


Concert black – see Wind Ensemble uniform.


Students will be fitted by the Quartermaster for their jacket, bibber, and shako. They will be assigned to that individual student for the year.

Plumes will be given out at events as needed. No student is allowed in the Quartermaster room without the Quartermaster or Executive Officer. No

non-uniform activities are permitted in the Quartermaster room (practicing, lounging, etc.). Uniforms are to be kept in the assigned garment bag. Before events, students will enter the Quartermaster room one at a time to retrieve their uniform.

After events, students will enter and exit the Quartermaster room one at a time for inspection and uniform drop-off.

Uniforms may only be taken home for cleaning and must be signed-out. Students must purchase black, non-see-through socks that reach mid-calf. Marching shoes and gloves are not included in each student’s Fair Share – they must be ordered as

needed and will be property of the student. All marching and color guard uniforms are property of Hialeah-Miami Lakes Sr. High School unless otherwise indicated.

If any part of the Marching Band uniform is lost, the student will be responsible for replacing the lost item.

When you are in any of the previously mentioned uniforms, you represent the Trojan Band program. The main thing to remember is to not embarrass the program. Think twice before you decide to fool around. We are trying to constantly display professionalism. Please adhere to the following rules regarding behavior in uniform:

No running in uniform. No eating in the full uniform unless given special permission. No use of profanity, especially while in uniform. No trash talking any other organization. Find something positive to say, or just keep it to yourself. No public displays of affection.

Winter Guard All rules and policies in this Handbook apply to Winter Guard.

Winter Guard rehearsals are Mondays and Wednesdays from 2:40 – 6:00pm.

HML Band Handbook 2016-2017 p.10

There may be additional rehearsals or camps scheduled outside of the regular days and times, as needed. This may include weekend days.

Students will need to purchase their own basic supplies as instructed (tights, gloves, rifle, etc.).

Competitions are on Saturdays and normally last the entire day and night. Extra spending money for meals will be needed.

The Winter Guard Fair Share for 2016-2017 is TBA and can be contributed to the Trojan Band Parent Association via separate payments, fundraising, or one lump sum. This covers large expenses such as transportation, competition registrations, etc.

Travel Our ensembles travel quite often, either on school buses or charter buses. For Marching Band, students will be assigned a bus for local competitions and football games. Students may select their bus for longer trips.

Each bus will have a chaperone in charge. Students should never disrespect that chaperone. Students are to remain seated for safety purposes, and may bring an mp3 player with headphones on longer trips.

On trips, students are the responsibility of the director and Hialeah-Miami Lakes Senior High School. It is M-DCPS policy that parents are not allowed to take their children to any location while they are on that field trip. The school and district remain liable for any incidents. If there is an emergency and you need to take your child home early from a trip, please provide a detailed explanation in writing that also releases responsibility from Hialeah-Miami Lakes Senior High School and M-DCPS.

Traveling Rules:

Possession/consumption of alcoholic beverages and/or non-prescription drugs by a student or parent will not be tolerated. Administrative action will be taken, along with expulsion from the band program, and suspension or expulsion from school. An approved chaperone will handle all prescription drug administration. Smoking, chewing, or dipping of tobacco will not be tolerated. Students are expected to behave at all destinations, especially the hotel. Any incidents will be dealt with by the director, and may merit a student being sent home at the parent's expense. Students are not permitted in anybody else's hotel room after hours. Girls may never enter a boy room, and vice versa. All chaperones and volunteers must be cleared by the school board. Students may not leave the hotel premises without permission. Profanity is not an option. Follow all instructions from all adults. If you do not understand - ask! The director reserves the right to ask a chaperone or parent to leave if they are engaging in behavior that is not appropriate with high school students. If a chaperone does not comply, the police will be called. Do not play on instruments in hotel rooms. All school district rules will be strictly enforced.

HML Band Handbook 2016-2017 p.11

*If you’re using/taking home a school-owned instrument, please detach & return this form*

Instrument Rental Agreement 2016-2017 Instrument Information Instrument Type: Brand: Serial Number: Model Number (if available): Date Issued: Date Returned: Student Information Student Name: Parent/Guardian Name: Home Phone: Parent Work Phone: Parent Cell Phone: Parent E-mail: Students are encouraged to rent their own instrument from an outside vendor or purchase their own. School owned instruments are available for rental, but are extremely limited. Rare instruments will be provided automatically: oboe, bassoon, bass clarinet, baritone saxophone, horn, tuba, euphonium, and percussion. If the instrument is damaged or lost, you are responsible for the repair or replacement cost. HML will not provide oils, reeds, or other supplies needed for class. You must purchase your own mouthpiece. This instrument is due back at the end of the school year. Failure to return it will result in you being charged the entire cost of the instrument. All instruments should be cleaned periodically. Brasses should be washed with warm water, and woodwinds should be dried after every use. This will increase the life expectancy of these very expensive instruments. Each student renting an instrument from HML must have an Instrument Rental Contract signed by both student and parent. Students are responsible for repairs while the instrument is in their custody. If repairs are not made by the student, he or she will be charged repair fees that will need to be satisfied by graduation. Otherwise, they may not graduate. Please sign and date below if you accept this agreement, and return to Ms. Cowley. No instrument will be rented until this signed agreement is returned. Parent/Guardian Printed Name: Parent/Guardian Signature: Date: Student Signature: Date:

HML Band Handbook 2016-2017 p.12

*Please detach and return this form*

Student Info & Medical Release Form (Marching Band, Wind Ensemble, Jazz Band, Color Guard)

All students are required to have this information on file by August 1, 2016

Student insurance can be purchased through the school, if needed, at a nominal cost.

Hospitals can refuse to administer care if this document is not signed in the event of an emergency.

Student Name: Student ID Number: Grade:

Home Address:

Parent Phone:

Parent E-mail:

Student Date of Birth: Student Phone: T-shirt size:

Emergency Contacts - Include at least one Parent/Guardian(s)

Name, Cell Phone, Home Phone, Work Phone:

Background Information

My child has the following medical condition(s):

My child takes the following medications regularly:

My child has the following allergies (list any foods, medications, etc.):

Primary Care Physician Name & Phone:

Insurance Provider: Group #: Policy #:

Medical Release



Parent/Guardian Printed Name:

Parent/Guardian Signature: Date:

HML Band Handbook 2016-2017 p.13

*Please detach and return this form*

Membership Contract

Please return to Ms. Cowley by August 1, 2016

We, student and parent, have read the Hialeah-Miami Lakes Senior High School Trojan Band handbook in its

entirety. We each agree to abide by the policies as stated in the handbook and understand that everything is

done in the best interest of the program.

We understand that failure to adhere to all of the policies in this handbook will result in appropriate

consequences, and potential removal from the band program.

We understand that if the student is dismissed or wishes to leave the program, they are still relied upon for

their membership donations up until their withdrawal date. We also understand that any donations previously

made to the program or associated booster association are non-refundable.

Student's Printed Name:

Student's Signature:


Parent/Guardian's Printed Name:

Parent/Guardian's Signature:
