2015 Annual Delta Gamma Newsletter

The Baton Rouge Delta Gamma Alumnae Chapter was busier than ever during 2015. We’ve enjoyed numerous Girls’ Nights Out, DGIFs (lunch oungs) and various other programming events. Check out the recaps and pictures throughout the newsleer! In March, our annual Founders Day was held in conjuncon with the Gamma Zeta chapter where we welcomed new officers to the alumnae board and celebrated the beloved founders of our sweet sisterhood. This year, we will be moving Founders Day to a new locaon. It is sure to be even beer than last year, so please save the date of March 13! Later in May, we welcomed 45 Gamma Zeta seniors to alumnae life at a brunch at Juban’s. We had record aendance at the Gamma Zeta Skit Preview and Girls’ Night Out, and were able to connect with the collegians during recruitment week with a milk and cookies delivery from several alumnae. We had several opportunies to “Do Good” and socialize with Special Interest Groups and Sip n’ Serves. Flip to page 4 for a recap of “Do Good” week in September and page 8 for our second annual Fall Kickoff Party in October. The alumnae board has held several board meengs and retreats in the past year to idenfy our 2016 goals. You’ll be happy to hear that one main goal will be to provide a wide array of opportunies for alumnae to connect with other alumnae. These events are only possible with your support, both by paying your local dues and aending. I encourage you to join our “100 Anchors Strong” Campaign and bring a sister to an upcoming event. The alumnae board has done a great job to plan amazing events for us, so we hope to see you soon! ITB, Melissa Captain’s Call “Doing Good” in Baton Rouge Last year, we had 67 local dues paying members. Our goal this year is to be "100 Anchors Strong" with 100 dues paying members for the 2015-2016 fiscal year. We are almost there! We are halfway into our new fiscal year and we only need 11 more dues paying members. Addionally, we will have special recognion and opportunies for the ladies who join our "Golden Anchor Circle" with a contribuon of at least $100 in local dues. Help us reach our goal by contribung today and connuing your pledge to Delta Gamma! Turn to page 6 to see the complete list of our “100 Anchors Strong” ladies as of December 31, 2015.



Transcript of 2015 Annual Delta Gamma Newsletter

The Baton Rouge Delta Gamma Alumnae Chapter was busier than ever during 2015. We’ve enjoyed numerous Girls’ Nights Out, DGIFs

(lunch outings) and various other programming events. Check out the recaps and pictures throughout the newsletter!

In March, our annual Founders Day was held in conjunction with the Gamma Zeta chapter where we welcomed new officers to the alumnae board and celebrated the beloved founders of our sweet sisterhood. This year, we will be moving Founders Day to a

new location. It is sure to be even better than last year, so please save the date of March 13!

Later in May, we welcomed 45 Gamma Zeta seniors to alumnae life at a brunch at Juban’s. We had record attendance at the Gamma Zeta Skit Preview and Girls’ Night Out, and were able to connect with the collegians during recruitment week with a milk and cookies delivery from several alumnae.

We had several opportunities to “Do Good” and socialize with Special Interest Groups and Sip n’ Serves. Flip to page 4 for a recap of “Do Good” week in September and page 8 for our second annual Fall Kickoff Party in October.

The alumnae board has held several board meetings and retreats in the past year to identify our 2016 goals. You’ll be happy to hear that one main goal will be to provide a wide array of opportunities for alumnae to connect with other alumnae.

These events are only possible with your support, both by paying your local dues and attending. I encourage you to join our “100 Anchors Strong” Campaign and bring a sister to an upcoming event. The alumnae board has done a great job to plan amazing events for us, so we hope to see you soon!

ITB, Melissa

Captain’s Call

“Doing Good” in

Baton Rouge

Last year, we had 67 local dues paying members. Our goal this year is to be "100 Anchors Strong" with 100 dues paying members for the 2015-2016 fiscal year. We are almost there! We are halfway into our new fiscal year and we only need 11 more dues paying members.

Additionally, we will have special recognition and opportunities for the ladies who join our "Golden Anchor Circle" with a contribution of at least $100 in local dues. Help us reach our goal by contributing today and continuing your pledge to Delta Gamma!

Turn to page 6 to see the complete list of our

“100 Anchors Strong” ladies as of December 31, 2015.


Founders Day

On March 29, the Baton Rouge alumnae chapter celebrated Founders Day with a Luncheon at the Hilton Baton Rouge Capitol Center. See Page 5 for details from 2015 and plans for 2016!.

A Look Back at 2015

2015-2016 Fiscal Year Begins!

Launch of “100 Anchors Strong” See page 6 for information on paying your dues.


DGIF lunches throughout June, July and August were nice “TGIF” during the summer. See page 5 for more information and when 2016 lunches start again!

Gamma Zeta Recruitment

The Gamma Zeta chapter at LSU had another successful recruitment welcoming 103 new members on bid day after Fall 2015 Recruitment. Pictured left are Gamma Zeta (LSU) collegians on bid day 2015. Congrats Gamma Zeta!

Spring 2015

Summer 2015

Sip ‘n Serve

In May, and throughout the year, Baton Rouge ladies gathered to catch up and serve the community through activities, such as adding puff paint borders to coloring book pages so visually impaired children can feel where to color for or writing letters to veterans. Pictured above right are ladies who attended our May Sip ‘n Serve at La Caretta’s.


“Do Good” Week 2015

This year, for a week in September, our alumnae group celebrated “Do Good” Week big! See page 4 for a recap on Baton Rouge’s “Do Good” week!

Fall Kickoff Party

Over 60 local Delta Gammas and dates enjoyed a Friday night at Pelican House before the LSU vs. Florida Gators football game the following day. Picture on page 8!

Special Interest Groups

Active Anchors and Wee Dee Gee hosted events around Baton Rouge. Left is a picture of some alumnae at SJA Sticker Stampede. See page 7 for more information!

Holiday Party

December 10 from 6—8 p.m. at Beth O’Quinn’s home. Pictured above are the beautiful women who attended the party.

Fall 2015


As Delta Gammas, we pledged to “Do Good” when we accepted our bids into the Fraternity. In fact, our Fraternity letters were even chosen because they represent the desire to “Do Good.” For one week each September, Delta Gammas come together to do at least one act of kindness for another person or the environment, and then share it with us and Delta Gammas around the world. This is an opportunity to connect with the Fraternity’s founding values, brighten someone’s day and better your community. Check out our activities below for each day of the week and visit our social media pages to see many pictures from the week as sisters gathered and “Did Good!”

Monday — Support DG Day. Alumnae were encouraged to pay local and per capita dues toward our “100 Anchors Strong" campaign. See page 6 for more information!

Tuesday — Sip N Serve — Support LSVI at Bistro Byronz. Local alumnae dined and socialized while writing letters to our service members thanking them for their service to our country. Bistro Byronz donated 20% of the night’s bill to LSVI, a total of $250!

Wednesday — ITB — Send a Note to a Sister. Sisters were encouraged to send handwritten notes, email, Facebook message or any other form of communication, to just say “Hi!” and to let her know you are thinking of her. What a great excuse to use your beautiful anchor stationary!

Thursday — Active Anchors — Sweatin' with Ya Sistas at the Gamma Zeta House. Over 20 sisters gathered at the Gamma Zeta house (LSU) at 6pm for our first Active Anchors event. The class was taught by Melissa Thompson (Gamma Zeta, 2002). Some of the girls are pictures on the right.

Friday — Pay It Forward. Activities included paying for someone behind you in line, leaving a big tip, donating money/extra money to local charity, visiting a local nursing home.

Saturday — Clean and Donate. Do Good for you and for Baton Rouge! Ladies collected their unused and unwanted clothes and other items and donated them to a local organization of their choice.

“Do Good” Week —September 14—19, 2015


DGIF! - Summer Lunch with Sisters

TGIF, how about DGIF? During the summer months, alumnae of all ages met up for a fun Friday lunch. The DGIFs were well attended and everyone enjoyed catching up with friends and meeting new sisters at local restaurants around town! Be on the look out for DGIFs Summer 2016.

Founders Day 2015

On March 29, the Baton Rouge

alumnae chapter celebrated

Founders Day with a luncheon at

the Hilton Baton Rouge Capitol

Center. We welcomed close to

420 women including DG sisters

from 11 chapters across the

country and collegians of Gamma

Zeta, many joined by their

mothers, and eight individuals with

membership of 50 years or more.

2015 Gamma Zeta president,

Victoria Roberts, and Emily Hester,

Advisory Team Chair, presented

the Gamma Zeta Report and

Suzanne Sexton, our House

Corporation President, provided

the House Corporation Report.

Our outgoing alumnae chapter

president, Caroline Cooper

provided a recap of another busy

and successful year and welcomed

six new officers to the 2015-2017

Alumnae Board.

The Baton Rouge Delta Gamma

Alumnae Chapter thanks all of

those involved for another

successful Founders Day. We look

forward to seeing you March 13,

2016. Details to be announced


BR Alumnae Panhellenic

Baton Rouge Alumnae Panhellenic (BRAP) is the local

alumnae chapter of the National Panhellenic Council (NPC),

advocating for and supporting the growth of the sorority

experience in our area. They also help foster relationships

between the NPC alumnae living in the Greater Baton Rouge

area. BRAP has more than 20 alumnae delegates from 18

NPC sororities.

In the spring of 2015, BRAP hosted over 50 attendees at its

informational session ‘Geaux Greek 101’ for graduating

seniors and their guest. The event helped educate women

about the recruitment process regardless of the college the

girls planned to attend in the fall. Spread the word to any

high school seniors who may be interested - the next ‘Geaux

Greek 101’ will be held on February 21, 2016.

In September 2015, BRAP hosted its “All Greek” happy hour

at Blend for all sorority alumnae in Baton Rouge. Pictured

below are the DGs who attend. Since DG was the alumnae

chapter with the most attendees, BRAP donated the LA

School for the Visually Impaired (LSVI) in honor of Delta



100 Anchors Strong

Baton Rouge Alumnae Panhellenic has 18 member organizations and we currently are the 7th largest member based on our local dues paying members. If we reach our goal of "100 Anchors Strong", we could be the 3rd largest member of BRAP in addition to bringing you even better programming, having more foundation events and supporting our local collegiate chapter.

Below are the ladies of Delta Gamma who joined our “100 Anchors Strong” campaign. Between July and December 2015. Please contribute today and continue your pledge to Delta Gamma. If you wish to also pay your national per capita dues, please add $25 to your payment and we will forward it to Executive Offices for you. Pay here or turn to page 12 to mail in your contribution!

Golden Anchors

($100+ local):

Caroline Cole Megan Johnson Melanie Johnson Alex Layfield Susan Mayeaux Beth Phillips* Dawn Phillips* Jill Roshto Virginia Seale Suzanne Sexton Melissa Thompson Marilyn Tillery Ann Trappey Janet Vidrine Roxane Voorhies Kati Williamson

Bronze ($65+ local):

Catherine Hurston Jerry Lynn Mills Virginia Walker

Pink ($40+ local):

Susan Brazen Amanda Day Ellen DeCuir Elizabeth Foust Marianne Granier

Katelyn Gross Emily Hester Amy Lambert Carol Marcantel Amy McCalip Bettsie Miller Jessica O'Connor Elizabeth O'Quinn Adelaide Smith Donna Travis Cindy Tullier Cherie Wade

Blue ($25+ local):

Seashols Barnes Danielle Basilica Claire Blanchard Kelly Bozeman Susan Breard Andree Comeaux Caroline Cooper Kathleen Cooper Mary Coote Rebecca Crais Molly Csaki Donna Cyprowski Maddie Duhon Elaine Duke Kim Elston Amy Fransen Danielle Gahn

Machaela Golden Lindsay Guerin Toni Hayes Angela Heigle Allison Herrera Laura Hopes Megan Jenny Cathy Juarez Margot Kiehfuss Heather Landry Rachel LaPorte Ali Laughlin Rebecca Lemoine Deborah Leone Margaret F. Lucas Susan Mang Kelly Mayfield Meredith McGoey Mary Katherine Montgomery Kathleen O'Brien Sara Pennington Rachel Perez Rachel Rhodes Emma Stasi Rebecca Thiberville Heidi Thompson Anna Trammel Katie Urban Nicole Verges Emily Wharton *donated above $100 to the Baton

Rouge Delta Gamma Alumnae


Wee Dee Gee’s

Although the Annual LSU Panhellenic

Halloween Trick or Treat Party on Sunday,

October 25 was cancelled due to weather,

The ladies of the Gamma Zeta Chapter of

Delta Gamma have instead planned an

indoor Halloween Party for alumnae and

their families.

Starting at 2:00 pm, the chapter invited

alumnae and their wee dee gees to stop by

the house for house tours, yummy treats,

and photo booth fun!

Active Anchors

This fall our Active Anchors continued after “Do

Good” week with participation in the St. Joseph’s

Academy’s Sticker Stampede - benefitting the SJA

Alumnae Scholarship.

Many DG collegians and alumnae are SJA alums

and what a better way to promote Delta Gamma

to legacies and future members than participating

in the 5K and 1 mile fun run! This year, our

captain at the Sticker Stampede was Morgan

Simpson (GZ ‘11 and SJA ‘11). The Sticker

Stampede was held October 31st.


Fall Kickoff Party 2015

The 2nd Annual Fall Kickoff party, hosted by the Baton Rouge

Delta Gamma Alumnae, welcomed over 60 Delta Gamma alumnae

and their dates to the Pelican House October 16th. The party was

a fun gathering of alumnae of all ages to kick off Fall and celebrate

the LSU Tigers vs. Florida Gators football game the next day in

Tiger Stadium. Alumnae from Louisiana and Florida were invited

as well as any Delta Gammas in town for the football game. More

can be found on our Facebook page “Baton Rouge Delta Gamma

Alumnae Chapter” and Instagram @brdgalum.


After the first day of recruitment, the Gamma Zeta collegians needed a

pick-me-up and the alumnae chapter did just that! In our first (and

hopefully annual) Meet & Greet with the collegians, we were able to visit

with the girls and tell them about our memories of recruitment. They

loved hearing from us, and, even more so, loved the 600 homemade

sweet treats we brought with us. Thank you for those who contributed

your time and baking skills to allow us to continue supporting the

collegiate chapter. We look forward to doing it again in August.

The Baton Rouge Delta Gamma Alumnae Group was awarded

the Five Stars to Alumnae Success Award in September 2015.

The alumnae group earned this award by providing exemplary

programming for our area alumnae in the categories of

sisterhood, membership, community, foundation and

networking. We are very excited that our President, Melissa

Thompson (Gamma Zeta, 2002), will be accepting this award on

our behalf at 2016 Convention.

Alumnae Milk & Cookies Meet and Greet

Five Stars to Alumnae Success Award

2016 Events

Brie Mine (Sip ‘n Serve)

February 11

City Pork II 6—7:30 pm

Geaux Greek 101

February 21

Country Club of LA 2—4 pm

Founders Day

March 13

LSU Union 11 am—1:30 pm

Active Anchors

April 7—TBD

Senior Salute Tea

April 24—TBD

Sip ‘n Serve

May 19—TBD

Golden Anchor Party



June 10—TBD

Fall Events (more details coming soon)

— Sip ‘n Serve

— Fall Kick off Party

— Active Anchors events

— Wee Dee Gee events

— Holiday Party

and much, much more!


DG Salutes

Patricia "Patty" Hair (Gamma Zeta,

1967), a senior partner with Phelps

Dunbar, was named a Texas Super

Lawyer for the 7th year in a row.

The Junior League of Baton Rouge

has chosen numerous other of our

alumnae members for its

leadership ranks for 2015-2016

including: Carol Abadie (Gamma

Zeta, 1996) Annual Plan Chairman,

Heather Lato Landry (Gamma

Zeta, 1998) Board of Directors -

Policy Governance/Legal, and

Chrislyn Miller (Gamma Zeta,

2004) Hollydays Retail Co-


Jill Roshto (Gamma Zeta,

1985) was named CEO of Cancer

Services. Cancer Services is a local

and independent nonprofit, which

started to serve the tangible needs

of people living with cancer in

Greater Baton Rouge.

Anne Forte Trappey (Gamma Zeta,

1977) was

appointed the

Chair Elect of

the Board of

Directors of the

Baton Rouge

Area Chamber

in 2015.

Dr. Sarah Liggett (Beta Iota, 1969)

enjoyed teaching with the LSU

in Paris program this summer. She

particularly enjoyed bonding on a

river cruise down the Seine with

current LSU collegians in the

Gamma Zeta chapter Zoe Aguillard

and Emily Guidroz.

Dotty West Farwell was honored

at the annual Greek Gala on

Thursday, March 5th. The

honorees are recognized for their

outstanding accomplishments in

their communities, their

professions and their


Four members of the Baton Rouge

Alumnae Chapter were named to

the Delta Gamma Fraternity

Cabinet in 2015, which includes

Fraternity Directors and regional

specialists, who work closely with

advisers, alumnae and collegians

across North America. The Cabinet

is a group of volunteers selected by


Janet Vidrine (Gamma Zeta,

1982) will serve as the Director of

Finance. The Director of Finance is

the liaison between the Vice

President Finance and the financial

operations for the collegiate


Emily Hester (Gamma Zeta,

2002) will serve as the Regional

Collegiate Recruitment Specialist

(RCRS) for Region 3. As a RCRS, she

will oversee and direct all areas of

collegiate recruitment in the states

of Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama,

Georgia, Arkansas, South Carolina,

and Florida. Additionally, she will

monitor and guide all collegiate

Panhellenic activities within Region


Kaitlyn Guerin (Gamma Zeta,

2005) will serve as the Regional

Collegiate Specialist (RCS) for

Region 3. As a RCS, she will

oversee all chapter operations as

related to Honor Board, chapter

calendars and direct the collegiate

officers and their advisers to

ensure that policies and

procedures of the Fraternity are

implemented for 5 to 7 chapters in

Region 3.

Caroline Cooper (Gamma Zeta,

2005) will serve as the Regional

Alumnae Specialist (RAS) for

Region 3. As a RAS, she will

oversee alumnae chapters in the

region to guide alumnae officers to

ensure that policies and

procedures of the Fraternity are

implemented and provide

encouragement, specific feedback

and training to alumnae groups

ensuring the health and well-being


of approximately 14 alumnae

groups in Region 3.

Laissez Les Bon Temps

Rouler Megan Johnson (Gamma

Zeta, 2007) was Returning Queen

of Tucumcari Krewe in Baton


The following Baton Rouge natives

made their debuts here in Baton


Olivia Appel (Gamma Zeta)

Caitie Burkes (Gamma Zeta)

Anna Cook (Alpha Psi)

Caroline Cordell (Delta Lambda)

Rainey Gerald (Beta Psi)

Richmond McGough (Gamma


Megan Olinde (Gamma Zeta)

Lauren Talbert (Delta Lambda)

Caroline Vinning (Gamma Zeta)

Danielle Krumm (Gamma Zeta,

2010) married her high school

sweetheart, Jeff Gahn, on June

13th. Her Delta Gamma

bridesmaids included Lindsey

Bennett (Gamma Zeta,

2010), Lyndsay Neel (Gamma Zeta,

2011), Hope Whitsell (Gamma

Zeta, 2010) and Elaine Vidrine

Duke (Gamma Zeta, 2010).


Chustz (Gamma

Zeta, 2008)

married her


sweetheart and anchor man, Kyle

Free, on April 10th. Her Delta

Gamma bridesmaids included:

Lindsay Chustz Guerin (Gamma

Zeta, 2003), Victoria

Chustz (Gamma Zeta,

2012), Danielle Caruso Rebowe

(Gamma Zeta 2003), Haley Caruso

(Gamma Zeta 2009), Christine

Oschner (Gamma Zeta

2008), Megan Cockfield (Gamma

Zeta 2008), and Katie Shoaf

(Gamma Zeta 2009).

Mallory Guerin (Gamma Zeta,

2005) married Garrett Kemp on

Friday, November 6th.

Elisabeth and Field LaMotte (Gamma Zeta, 1999) welcomed Field Anthony LaMotte, Jr. Their sweet bundle goes by the name of Bishop since he has the same birthday as Elisabeth's grandfather Bishop Robert C. Witcher. He was born October 5th at 7:02pm, weighing in at 7 lbs and 21 1/8" long.

Kelly and Thomas Landers (Gamma Zeta, 2002) welcomed Rayburn David, 9 weeks early on September 10, weighing 4

pounds and 3 ounces and 16.5 inches.

Danielle Basilica (Gamma Zeta, 02) and husband Tim (Gamma Zeta Anchor Man, 04) welcomed Bradley Beau Basilica on July 22, 2015. The 6 lb. 9 oz. and 20.5 inch future Anchor Man and family are doing great.

Alex Scheyd Kirby (Gamma Zeta, 2010) was married on May 30, 2015.

Morgan Olinde (Gamma Zeta, 2010) has an upcoming wedding in summer 2016.

Submit your

Delta Gamma


through our website



through our e-newsletters


Submit DG Salutes!


Baton Rouge Delta Gamma Alumnae Chapter Dues Form

It is time to pay your dues and continue your pledge to Delta Gamma! Please pay using this form or by clicking here.

Name (including maiden): _____________________________

Mailing Address: ____________________________________


Phone Number: _____________________________________

School/Chapter: _____________________________________

Initiation year: ______________________________________

Email address: _______________________________________

Make checks payable to

Baton Rouge Delta Gamma Alumnae Chapter

and mail to:

Alex Layfield

2111 Myrtledale Ave.

Baton Rouge, LA 70808

Check your level of :payment

Blue Level—$25.00 (minimum)

Pink Level—$40.00

Bronze Level—$65.00

Golden Anchor Level—$100.00

Add $25.00 to include national per capita

dues (we will submit your National per capita

dues to EO on your behalf)

TOTAL: ______________________