2014 annual report of Centre UA


Transcript of 2014 annual report of Centre UA

Dear friends and colleagues!

The year of 2014 became a real challenge for the entire country but it sure strengthened each of us personally and our organization as a whole.

We picked up momentum of upraising of a new Ukraine that started at EuroMaydam at the end of 2013 and transformed it into constructive proposals for reforming our country and changing its political culture.

Together with the Reanimation Package of Reforms initiative we advocated the adoption of top-priority laws, in particular, on fight against corruption; while the Stronger Together public awareness campaign helped us to outline the opportunities for Ukrainian business at the European market and at the same time promote necessary laws and regulations. Within the CHESNO Movement we went hard to reset the government on new principles of transparency and accountability during the presidential and parliamentary election campaigns. The VLADOMETR team, as always, was monitoring public policy promises. Also in 2014, we continued to fight for freedom of expression and effective implementation of access to public information laws. In particular, now anyone can use a handy tool to send information requests and finally “access the truth”.

Along with the projects the Organization went through some internal transformation. New gifted reformers joined our team and together we worked hard to achieve our strategic goals and objectives.

Thus, in 2014 we did not reinvent the wheel but sought for extra hours to promptly implement tried and true initiatives of civil activists. And we can be proud of the results achieved.

Thank you for partnering with us to change the country for the better!

Inna Borzylo,Executive Director

Dear colleagues,

I would like to thank all of you who believed and made every effort so we could build a new country in 2015. Until recently we were just people but today a true Ukrainian nation is arising. This is not an easy path for

The last year events, every good citizen was a part of, united the country as never before and inspired confidence in the decent future of Ukraine. The price paid for this opportunity holds us responsible.

When we just started Centre UA, our message to people was that the country can be changed not by politicians but New citizens. Now we can talk about this as a fait accompli.

I believe that hundreds of initiatives and organizations that continue to emerge and grow all over the country will soon have effect.

Last year the Centre of United Actions (Centre UA), despite the criminal prosecution, physical and emotional pressure, managed to implement many good initiatives that contributed to the development of our country. This year should be the year of systemic reforms and we will make every effort to be an esential part of this uneasy process.

I would like to wish us all to have faith, enthusiasm and stay strong.

Sincerely,Oleh Rybachuk,Chairman of NGO Centre UA


all of us but I believe that the result is worth it.


1. Goal 1 Increasing accountability and transparency of government authorities

1.1. Task 1 Improving integrity of the Parliament / CHESNO................................................ 41.2. Task 2 Improving integrity of the Government / CHESNO............................................. 71.3. Task 3 Improving integrity of the presidential candidates / CHESNO ......................... 7

2. Goal 2 Forming demand for high quality politics

3. Goal 3 Advancing freedom of speech and access to public information

4. Goal 4 Ensuring sustainable institutional development of the Organization................... 21

5. Financial Report and Audit findings ........................................................................................ 23


2.2. Task 1 Strengthening the role of civil society in the decision-makingprocess / Reanimation Package of Reforms .................................................................... 10

2.2. Task 2 Forming public demand for accountable (measurable) politicalprograms /VLADOMETR and CHESNO ........................................................................13

2.3. Task 3 Promoting the signing and subsequent implementation of theAssociation Agreement/ YOUKRAINE.EU (Stronger Together) ............................... 15

3.1. Task 1 Increasing access of citizens to information / ACCESS TOINFORMATION ................................................................................................................ 18

3.2. Task 2 Protecting freedom of speech / FREEDOM OF SPEECH ............................... 19


Goal 1. Increasing Accountability and Transparency of the Government Authorities In the first months of 2014 the CHESNO Movement team together with the VLADOMETR project team and dozen volunteers worked as editors of EuroMaydan Facebook page that, considering biased national media served as a non-stop voice of democratic protest in Ukraine. The EuroMaydan page became a full-fledged Facebook media and in the most severe moments of the Revolution of Dignity it became one of the most popular and top-ranked Ukrainian Facebook pages in terms of exposure, reaching 300,000 followers. The page was recognized by the international media community and Facebook users. The EuroMaydan page was voted for by Internet users as the best blog winner of The Bobs 2014 Award, conducted by Deutsche Welle. The CHESNO team volunteered to run the EuroMaydan page throughout 2014.

Task 1. Improving integrity of the Parliament / CHESNO

During the Revolution of Dignity the CHESNO Movement participants continued an independent integrity assessment of the Parliament of VII Convocation until its dissolution. Due to the prompt response of Ukrainian human rights degenders, experts and CHESNO Movement members the entire world learned of the threat of so-called ‘dictator laws’ adopted on January 16 in an unconstitutional manner (thematic infographic of CHESNO was immediately translated into several European languages).


The results of the last Yanukovych-era Parliament were also presented in an infographic.

In June, trying to reset the Parliament on new principles of financial transparency and integrity of MP candidates, the activists of CHESNO movement joined the civil campaign “Re-election under New Rules”, aimed at changing the election law.

Despite the fact that the public voice has not been heard, and election law has not been changed, CHESNO continued its campaign focusing on financial transparency of MP candidates, political parties and election campaigns, which is an important tool to fight corruption in Ukraine. The movement participants were convinced that no MPs who were involved in corruption actions and/or voted for “dictator laws” on January 16th should get in the next parliament. The activists called upon political parties to refrain those ‘dangerous’ candidates from pulling forward and withdraw them from single-seat constituencies.

Given the inadequacy of the current election law, the CHESNO activists called on political parties participating in elections to disclose full biographies and property declarations of their candidates, publish the party’s 2013 financial report and disclose their income sources and costs of their election campaigns.

As a result of political dialogue at the national level and national-scale information campaign, despite the absence of legal requirements, 12 out of 29 parties responded to the public call, registered electoral lists, and at least partially disclosed the information on their official websites or submitted the information to the CHESNO activists. The rest of political parties published only detailed information on their leaders, at most.

The investigation results regarding the candidates in majority constituencies and party lists were distributed as an infographic in hundreds of thousands of leaflets in 24 regions of Ukraine. CHESNO movement in partnership with the Marketing communication agency RAM 360 developed «RADA-2014», a simple interactive visualization tool to help voters make informed voting choices.

Based on election results, 64 supporters of so-called ‘dictator laws’ out of 134 MPs of VII convocation made it to the new Parliament. However, none of them was included in the parliamentary coalition by the firm decision of its leaders.


Personal Voting

During the revolution year, even the representatives of the new government resorted to shameful practice of impersonal voting due to the lack of votes in the Parliament although they criticized button pushing as the opposition to Yanukovych regime. However, after the re-election of the Parliament the impersonal voting has become rare and has resulted in blocking the speaker’s rostrum and re-voting. CHESNO campaigners have been recording the facts of "button pushing" and forcing offenders to public response.

We also started working with the Secretariat of the Parliament on the ways to prevent impersonal voting.


As of May 1, the regulatory deadline for publishing declarations on the official website of the Parliament, only 57 Members of Parliament disclosed their income and assets on the website of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine.On 4 August 2014, CHESNO Civic Movement received refusal from the Parliament office to disclose income and assets of MPs on the official website. The public was outraged by the refusal of public servants and the CHESNO representatives issued a statement of protest. As a result, on 13 August 2014 Oleksandr Turchynov first made a public statement and then issued an official resolution of the Parliament Office to disclose last year declarations of MPs.

The demand of CHESNO Movement to adhere to the law and publish income declarations of MPs on the Parliament’s website was also supported by the Ukrainian human rights ombudsman, Valeriya Lutkovska.

Today, for the first time in the history of Ukrainian parliamentary system of government the personal pages of almost all MPs contain their 2013 statements of income, assets and financial liabilities.

Transparency of Parliamentary Committees

After the Parliament started its work, CHESNO Movement launched a campaign calling for transparency of parliamentary committees and did some research on the appointment of the committee heads, which identified at least 5 officials within committees involved in anti-corruption investigations. In December the CHESNO activists with the experts of the Reanimation Package of Reforms Initiative began a series of meetings with the leadership of the Parliament aimed at increasing transparency and accountability of the government. Thus, at the meeting with Parliament Speaker Volodymyr Groisman an agreement was reached to develop and discuss priority bills in a cooperative manner and promote transparency of the Parliament. The first result of the


cooperation was the order of the Chairman of the Verkhovna Rada, issued in January 2014, to post the names of all assistant consultants of the MPs of Ukraine on the Parliament website and strengthen rules on the mandatory publication of announcements, draft decisions, and minutes of meetings for the parliamentary committees.

Task 2. Improving Integrity of the Government / CHESNO

In early 2014 we publicly disclosed a series of CHESNO investigation reports about controversial ministers of Mykola Azarov’s Government, which were prepared in partnership with well-known investigative journalists (Slidstvo.Info and Svidomo investigative journalism agency). After the release of first 6 articles, the project was completed as the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine was de facto suspended. The following investigation reports were published:

- Dmytro Tabachnyk. Brother for Brother. Part 1.- Dmytro Tabachnyk. Brother for Brother. Part 2.- Family Values of Eduard Stavitsky. Part 1.- Family Values of Eduard Stavitsky. Part 2.- Family Values of Eduard Stavitsky. Part 3. - Country’s Gold in Hands of Zakharchenko.

During the formation of the next Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, CHESNO Movement put forward their own criteria for candidates including: professionalism, integrity, financial transparency, accountability and representation of ‘new generation’ policy-makers. Later, the participants of CHESNO Movement made a quick analysis of the newly appointed ministers of the first government of Arseniy Yatsenyuk to assess their political background and assets.

When the second government of Arseniy Yatsenyuk was formed, CHESNO Movement together with other NGOs demanded to ensure transparent discussion of and open competition for the minister candidates. However, the CHESNO research showed that the new Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine had at least two public servants involved into anti-corruption investigations.

Task 3. Improving integrity of the presidential candidates /CHESNO

The CHESNO activists believe that transparency and accountability of the future president is a key requirement of voters and the next leader of Ukraine will have the legitimacy at the national level only if maximum transparency is ensured.

During the early presidential elections of Ukraine, held in May 2014, CHESNO Civic Movement in partnership with IFES-Ukraine launched a campaign “Honest candidate” aimed at increasing financial transparency of presidential campaign and further development of financial transparency in Ukrainian politics. To encourage public discussion and debate on the


issue, CHESNO held a series of regional presentations for activists and journalists and joined the editorial team of the National Debate Show on the First National Channel, the first Ukrainian quality talk show for presidential candidates. Ukrainian legislation is perhaps the worst in Europe in terms of financial transparency. Therefore, the activists called on the candidates for President of Ukraine to demonstrate political will and, despite the lack of legal requirements to disclose the sources of their election campaign money and expenditures of these funds. In addition, the experts of IFES-Ukraine and activists of CHESNO Movement drafted a bill on financial disclosure to provide voters with an opportunity to know who is funding the future president, MPs and local government members. Voters will also have access to annual financial statements of political parties.

Five presidential candidates, Bohomolets, Hrytsenko, Poroshenko, Tymoshenko and Tyahnybok, supported this initiative of CHESNO and IFES-Ukraine to impose regulatory requirement for elections participants to disclose their funding before the Election Day. Three of them who were also MPs – Petro Poroshenko, Anatoliy Hrytsenko and Oleh Tyahnybok - registered a draft law on financial disclosure (Bill No. 4846). However, it should be noted that the bill was never included into parliament’s agenda. As a result of CHESNO campaign, this was the first precedent in Ukrainian history when 5 out of 21 registered presidential candidates, Bohomolets, Hrytsenko, Poroshenko, Tymoshenko and Tigipko, made their campaign funds publicly available during the election campaign in the absence of specific legislative requirements.

Promotion of CHESNO Principles

According to the social research carried out in September 2014 by GfK Group and funded Pact, most Ukrainians find disclosure of elections funds important, which is one of the key principles pursued by CHESNO in 2014. As usually, all year long the CHESNO participants actively pursued their own agenda on the integrity and financial transparency of public servants. For this purpose, the CHESNO team joined the editorial staff of the National Debate Show broadcasted on the First National Channel during the presidential and parliamentary election campaigns. In October 5 top Ukrainian journalists supported CHESNO campaign against ‘supporters of dictator laws’ by writing their own essays on the subject. In September 2014, during the parliamentary election campaign Hromadske.tv and CHESNO Civic Movement launched a new political talk show “New Rada”.


Під час позачер ових виборів Президента України, що відбулися у травні 2014 року, Руху ЧЕСНО у партнерстві з IFES-Україна розпочали кампанію «Чесний кандидат», метою якої було збільшення фінансової прозорості передвиборчої кампанії та подальше запровадження фінансової прозорості в українській політиці. Для підняття цієї дискусії у суспільстві, ЧЕСНО провів серію регіональних презентацій для активістів та журналістів, а також приєднався до редакторської команди «Національних дебатів» на Першому Національному телеканалі – першо о «якісно-іншо о» ток-шоу кандидатів на посаду Президента України.

В контексті фінансової прозорості українське законодавство чи не найгіршим в Європі. Тому активісти звернулися до кандидатів на посаду Президента України з проханням продемонструвати політичну волю та, попри відсутність законодавчих вимо , оприлюднити детальну інформацію про джерела фінансування передвиборчої кампанії та напрями витрачання цих коштів.

Крім то о, експерти IFES-Україна та учасники Руху ЧЕСНО підготували законопроект, що передбачав можливість для виборців про олосувати, розуміючи, хто фінансує майбутньо о президента, народних депутатів України або учасників місцевих виборів. Крім то о, виборці отримають доступ до щорічних фінансових звітів політичних партій.

П’ять кандидатів на пост президента України – Бо омолець, Гриценко, Порошенко, Тимошенко та Тягнибок – підтримали ініціативу ЧЕСНО та IFES-Україна законодавчо зобов’язати учасників передвиборчих перегонів розкрити інформацію про свофінансування до дня голосування. Троє з них, які одночасно були народними депутатами, – Петро Порошенко, Анатолій Гриценко та Олег Тягнибок – зареєстрували законопроект громадськості про розкриття фінансування (законопроект №4846). Втім, слід зазначити, що в подальшому законопроект так і не було винесено до розгляду у сесійній залі.

В результаті кампанії ЧЕСНО вперше в історії України за відсутності спеціальних законодавчих вимог 5 з 21 зареєстровано о кандидата на пост Президента України – Бо омолець, Гриценко, Порошенко, Тігіпко та Тимошенко – частково розкрили інформацію про фінансування своєї передвиборчої кампанії на вимогу активістів.

По уляризація принципів ЧЕСНО

Згідно даних соціологічно о дослідження, що у вересні 2014 року провела компанія GfK Group на замовлення Pact, більшість українців вважають важливою відкритість інформації про виборчі фонди – однієї з ключових тем ЧЕСНО у 2014 році.

Традиційно протягом року учасники ЧЕСНО активно просували у медіа власний порядок денний щодо «доброчесності» можновладців та прозорості політичних фінансів. З цією метою, команда ЧЕСНО

Overall, CHESNO held over 100 public events in all parts of Ukraine last year, including street actions and leaflet distribution as well as the CHESNO Public and Political Forum and Reanimation Package of Reforms initiative before the parliamentary elections. 2014 CHESNO monitoring report has at least 750 mentions about the movement in foreign, national and regional media.

The key analytical articles prepared by the CHESNO members include, among others the following:

- Pavlo Myronov, Svitlana Zalishchuk “Parliamentary Re-elections as Tests for Button-Pushers”.

- Ostap Kuchma, Anton Kushnir “Epilogue: Who Financed the Presidential Elections”.

- Ostap Kuchma “A ballot box is not for garbage: how to make election system work”.

- Anton Kushnir “Seven Sins of Majority System”.


Goal 2. Forming Demand for High Quality Politics

Task 1. Strengthening the role of civil society in the decision-making process / Reanimation Package of Reforms

The idea of setting up the Reanimation Package of Reforms initiative emerged in early 2014 among NGOs and experts during EuroMaydan Revolution. We decided to stream the energy of protests of millions of people into a creative channel - reforming the country. The Reanimation Package of Reforms has united more than 300 experts, civil society activists, journalists, scientists, and human rights defenders from 50 leading Ukrainian think tanks and non-governmental organizations. Today, 23 working groups of experts have been set up. The participants of the Reanimation Package of Reforms draw up laws together and lobby their adoption.

The Centre UA team, besides participation in working groups and overall coordination of the initiative, provided communication for the project. The representatives of Centre UA helped to organize and hold events (street actions, press briefings, roundtables, regional presentations), partnered with mainstream media reporters to cover the reform process, and maintained the RPR website and social network pages.


апрям 2. Формування запиту на якісну політику

Завдання 1. Посилення впливу громадянського суспільства на процес вироблення та ухвалення рішень у країні / Реанімаційний пакет реформ

Ідея створення ініціативи Реанімаційний Пакет Реформ виникла на початку 2014 року в середовищі громадських організацій та експертів на Євромайдані. Ми вирішили спрямувати енергію протесту мільйонів людей у творче русло – реформування країни. Навколо РПР об’єдналося понад 300 експертів, активістів, журналістів, науковців, правозахисників з 50-ти найвідоміших українських аналітичних центрів та громадських організацій. Наразі експерти працюють в 23 робочих групах. Учасники РПР разом почали розробляти законопроекти та працювати над адвокатуванням їх ухвалення.

Команда Центр UA, окрім роботи в рамках експертних груп та загальної координації ініціативи, забезпечувала комунікаційний напрямок роботи. Представники Центру UA займалися організацією та проведенням різноманітних заходів (вуличних акцій, прес-брифінгів, круглих столів, регіональних презентацій), співпрацювали з журналістами провідних ЗМІ для висвітлення процесу ухвалення реформаторських законопроектів, забезпечували функціонування веб-сайту ініціативи та сторінок в соціальних мережах.

For effective communication and advocacy in the Parliament of VII convocation, 24 policy-makers, representatives of all coalition government parties, and independent MPs created the inter-faction parliamentary group «Platform of Reforms». 5 co-chairs run the group: MP Yuri Derev'yanko (unaffiliated), Pavlo Rizanenko (UDAR faction), Andriy Shevchenko (Bat’kivshchyna faction), Yuri Syrotiuk (Svoboda faction), Yuri Blagodyr (the European Sovereign Ukraine group).

At weekly meetings of the Coordination Council the RPR experts determined the priority bills to be passed in the Parliament and put together the RPR Action Plan for each session week. Each week a communications team prepared a special infographic to be distributed among MPs and reporters.

In 2014 the Parliament of Ukraine of VII convocation adopted 16 draft laws included in the RPR Action Plan. Many of these laws had waited several years for better times, active pressure of civil society and political will to start important reforms:

• Amendments to the Law of Ukraine “On Access to Public Information” (draft reg. No. 0947);• Law On Public Procurement (draft reg. No. 4587) amendments to the previous version of the law (draft reg. No. 2207);• Law On Restoring Confidence in the Judiciary of Ukraine (re lustration of judges) (4378-1);• Law On Public Broadcasting (draft reg. No. 1076);• Amendments to the Criminal Code of Ukraine required for visa liberalization (draft reg. No. 4556);• Law On Standartization (draft reg. No. 4585);• Law On Metrology and Metrological Activity (draft reg. No. 4583);• Law On Cooperation of Local Communities (draft reg. No. 4756);• Law On High Education (draft reg. No. 1187-2);• Law on Food Safety (draft reg. No. 4179а);• Law On Identification and Registration of Animals (draft reg. No. 4987-1);• Law On Public Prosecutor’s Office (draft reg. No. 3541);• Law on the system of specially authorized body in the sphere of corruption counteraction (the National Office on Anti-Corruption Investigations of Ukraine) (draft reg. No. 5085);• Law On the Principles of State Anti-Corruption Policy of Ukraine (Anti-Corruption Strategy) for 2014 – 2017 (draft reg. No. 4284а);• Law On Prevention of Corruption (draft reg. No. 5113);• Law On Determining Ultimate Beneficiaries of Legal Entities and Public Figures (draft reg. No. 5114).

Four more draft laws were passed by the Parliament of VIII convocation in the first week of early 2015.

6 12

Besides raising awareness and advocating for important reform laws, the RPR participants had to conduct several advocacy activities to prevent decisions that could affect the reform process. Thus, for example, on July 3 the RPR activists and experts held the street action “The Puppeteers of Judicial System” near the building of the Parliament calling on the MPs to not vote for the amendments to the Constitution, which significantly increased the political influence on the judiciary. The RPR activists successfully picketed the Congress of Judges of Ukraine twice last year demanding not to elect corrupt judges to the governing bodies of the Ukrainian Themis. To establish cooperation with the democratic parties that ran for the Parliament of VIII convocation and present the complete list of legislative decisions tried and tested by the RPR experts, we conducted the “Re-elections” campaign. The Reform Roadmap was the main document of the campaign where the RPR experts clearly defined goals, objectives and measures of reforms in 18 key areas. The document was presented in Kyiv and in all regions of Ukraine during a regional tour 1.

In Kyiv the Roadmap was presented in the offices of democratic parties. As a result of negotiations the political parties agreed to undertake a public commitment to pursue the laws listed in the Roadmap after they are elected to the Parliament. Two months of advocacy and communications were finalized at the “Parliament for Reforms” Political and Social Forum. The representatives of all political parties, which later formed a parliamentary coalition, made a public commitment to support the Reform Roadmap at the forum. The policy-makers observed their commitment during the revision of the Coalition Agreement. Due to communication pressure the whole new sections were added to the Coalition Agreement (Constitutional Reform, Reform of Electoral Law) while many other sections were significantly amended according to the recommendations of the RPR experts.

Immediately after the members of Parliament of VIII convocation took the oath we began collecting signatures for submission to the Constitutional Court to abolish the Law on National Referendum. The process was managed by the RPR experts and communication specialists. On December 1 the proposal signed by 57 MPs from 4 coalition factions, Petro Poroshenko Bloc, “National Front", “Samopomich”, and “Batkivshchyna” parties and non-affiliated MPs, was submitted to the Constitutional Court. The abolition of the Law on Referendum, which was written and adopted upon Yanukovych’s request, got under way.

1 http://uzhgorod.net.ua/news/68469 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TqluVgCdKMAhttp://www.varianty.net/22104-u-lvovi-prezentuvaly-dorozhn-iu-kartu-reform-dlia-maibutnoho-parlamentuhttp://www.kirovograd.net/shortly/2014/10/7/gromadskist_pogov-orit_z_kandidatami_kirovogradshini.htm?printhttp://vip.volyn.ua/articles/u-lucku-predstavyly-dorozhnyu-kartu-dlya-reanimaciyi-krayiny


Task 2. Forming public demand for accountable (measurable) political programs /VLADOMETR and CHESNO

In 2014 VLADOMETR team pursued two main goals.

After the announcement of early presidential elections, VLADOMETR started a campaign to promote the idea of accountable programs of the elections candidates, programs with specific and clear promises without populism. Within the campaign we published 12 articles in national and regional media and gave 5 comments for Hromadske Radio. VLADOMETR made 6 videos where leading civic leaders are calling on politicians to publish accountable programs.

Before the parliamentary elections VLADOMETR made 6 more videos with appeals to politicians from civic and cultural leaders. We also filmed a series of informative videos about the parties’ election programs called “What’s in the program?” (11 broadcasts) The videos and broadcasts were aired on Hromadske TV. The infographic on the activities of the Parliament of VII convocation was also published.

At the same time VLADOMETR continued political promises monitoring at local and national level on their website (vladometr.org). In 2014, 90 new promises were added to the monitoring project.

Publications on the parliamentary elections:

http://kiev-online.net.ua/politika/programma-po-shablonu-chem-otlichayutsja.html http://trkrai.com/?m0prm=2&showItem=3672 http://www.pravda.com.ua/articles/2014/04/25/7023470/?attempt=1 http://novosti-n.org/analitic/read/1721.html http://www.experts.in.ua/inform/smi/detail.php?ID=107897 http://uaport.net/uk/news/ua/t/1404/28/4867901 http://nasamari.com/novosti/6583-programa-po-shablo-nu-chim-vidriznyayutsya-obicyanki-kandidativ-u-prezidenti.html http://lelekasicheslav.blogspot.com/2014/04/blog-post_27.html http://viche.rv.ua/index.php?m=news&d=view&nid=4945 http://ain.ua/2014/05/21/525102


Radio comments:http://hromadskeradio.org/chesni-vybory-poroshenko/ http://hromadskeradio.org/anatoliy-gritsenko-biografiya-ta-tsikavi-fakti-pro-zhittya/ http://hromadskeradio.org/chesni-vibori-vasil-kuybida/ http://hromadskeradio.org/vadim-rabinovich-biografiya-ta-tsikavi-fakti-pro-zhittya/ https://soundcloud.com/hromadske-radio/14-05-14-5

Videos:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RroF7Q_53HM https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2sX3JAi_vgI https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t8kkN25eRVs https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oPOBlfKYVfE https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TAGmgz8XFNM https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-6I-3EYk2Vs

Presentation on the presidential elections:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QWe0GUd9m60&list=UU2oGvjIJwxn1KeZR3JtE-uQ

Videos on the presidential elections: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oebn0987xMk https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zyx_nb7l9dE https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JEislK8FlI4 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EZSzeNFxsYI https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xfJUkjXIUX8 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kXFBZw1zPS4

“What’s in the Program?” Showhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2PyOT6YPIq0 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YCgHcgJFm1Y https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wsd3RyQoL7s https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oZYjfPjJ2BA https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k1R5KZHEKD4 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KcN0eCpYKEk https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z5MZdO2G8dY https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tyuFYAA_rHM https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MLBYVGYcIAg https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I98LY_7QDDs



Коментарі для радіо:http://hromadskeradio.org/chesni-vybory-poroshenko/ http://hromadskeradio.org/anatoliy-gritsenko-biografiya-ta-tsikavi-fakti-pro-zhittya/ http://hromadskeradio.org/chesni-vibori-vasil-kuybida/ http://hromadskeradio.org/vadim-rabinovich-biografiya-ta-tsikavi-fakti-pro-zhittya/ https://soundcloud.com/hromadske-radio/14-05-14-5

Відеоролики:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RroF7Q_53HM https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2sX3JAi_vgI https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t8kkN25eRVs https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oPOBlfKYVfE https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TAGmgz8XFNM https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-6I-3EYk2Vs

Виступи до президентс ких виборів:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QWe0GUd9m60&list=UU2oGvjIJwxn1KeZR3JtE-uQ

Відеоролики до президентс ких виборів:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oebn0987xMkhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zyx_nb7l9dEhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JEislK8FlI4https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EZSzeNFxsYIhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xfJUkjXIUX8https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kXFBZw1zPS4

Передача “Що у програмі?”https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2PyOT6YPIq0https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YCgHcgJFm1Yhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wsd3RyQoL7shttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oZYjfPjJ2BAhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k1R5KZHEKD4https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KcN0eCpYKEkhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z5MZdO2G8dYhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tyuFYAA_rHMhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MLBYVGYcIAghttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I98LY_7QDDs


Task 3. Promoting the signing and subsequent implementation of the Association Agreement/ YOUKRAINE.EU

In 2014 Ukraine signed the historic Association Agreement (AA) with the European Union, which provides for radical economic and political reforms. The Centre UA was actively promoting the Agreement, its benefits for different groups and its implementation procedure.

This task was implemented in two stages:

1. Development and dissemination of an information product (info graphics), which explainsin simple terms the basic content and implementation requirements of the Association Agreement.

2. Coordination of the Stronger Together public awareness campaign

To explain the main topics related to the Association Agreement, at the first stage of project implementation we produced a series of info graphics in partnership with highly specialized experts and posted them on the websites of Ukrainska Pravda, Europeiska Pravda, Hromadske TV, and TEXTY Internet media resources. We also developed a series of infographics to explain the effects of sanctions on Russia’s economy (in English, German and Russian)



In October 2014 Centre UA became a coordinator of Stronger Together! Public Awareness Campaign aimed at informing Ukrainian citizens about the benefits of cooperating more closely with the European Union and taking advantages of the opportunities connected to the Association Agreement. This campaign brings together representatives of the Ukrainian government, the EU Delegation in Ukraine, EU member country diplomatic missions to Ukraine, the Ukrainian and European business communities, and civil society who want to join efforts for strengthening democracy, supporting reforms and raising awareness of Ukrainian society about the opportunities linked to the Association Agreement and the Comprehensive Deep Free Trade Area between Ukraine and EU.

The project covers three areas of activity:

1. Media campaign2. Political dialogue and advocacy3. Working with business to enter the EU market

Links to infographics:1. How to get visa-free regime with EU?2. How to sign the Association Agreement with EU3. What to do to make the Association Agreement with EU work?4. What makes sanctions dangerous for Russia?5. A Russian gambit for the European Union (infographic)6. Political part of the Association Agreement. What does Ukraine sign?7. Implement the Association Agreement. Step 1 Safe Foods. How to do it in Ukraine?8. Implement the Association Agreement. Step 2 Technical regulation and standardization of

products9. Implement the Association Agreement. Step 3 Real and open competition10. What makes sanctions dangerous for Russia11. A Russian gambit for the European Union (ukr.)12. A Russian gambit for the European Union13. How implement the Association Agreement? 5 problems to address before November 201414. 5 laws to make products safe15. Why Ukraine needs a reform of technical regulation? Current regulation

Number of views: over 1 million people Ukrainska Pravda Internet media – approximately 450,000 viewsEuropeiska Pravda Internet media – approximately 400,000 viewsTEXTY.org.ua – 50,000 viewsHromadske.tv – 50,000 views


ІНФОРМАЦІЙНА КАМПАНІЯ «СИЛЬНІШІ РАЗОМ»У жовтні 2014 року Центр UA став координатором секретаріату інформаційної кампанії "Сильніші разом!", метою якого є інформування громадян України щодо переваг посиленої співпраці з ЄС та використання можливостей, пов’язаних з Угодою. Кампанія об’єднупредставників української влади, Представництва ЄС в Україні, дипломатичних місій держав-членів ЄС, українського і європейського бізнесу та громадянського суспільства, які бажають координувати зусилля та працювати разом задля зміцнення демократії, підтримки реформ та підвищення рівня поінформованості українського суспільства щодо можливостей, пов’язаних з Угодою про асоціацію та поглибленою і всеосяжною зоноювільної торгівлі між Україною та ЄС.

В рамках реалізації даного проекту велась робота в трьох напрямах:1. Медійна кампанія2. Політичний діалог та адвокація3. Співпраця з бізнесом щодо виходу на ринок ЄС

Медійна кампанія Центр UA провів широку медійну кампанію у національних та регіональних ЗМІ та за 3 місяці досяг результату в 1000 згадувань кампанії «Сильніші Разом». Було започатковано регіональну мережу, до якої належать 21 журналіст з 19 регіонів, які підготували більше 100матеріалів на тему євроінтеграції та Угоди про Асоціацію. В рамках співпраці з онлайн ресурсом «Європейська Правда» було опубліковано 7 історій успіху українських компаній-експортерів до ЄС, кожну з яких переглянули близько 50 000 тис. користувачів.

Також Центр UA спільно з Першим національним створив цикл програм «Зроблено в Європі», метою яких є показати, як перспектива вступу країн Східної та Центральної Європидо ЄС стала поштовхом до реформ.

1. Зроблено в Європі. Польща. Частина перша 2. Зроблено в Європі. Польща. Частина друга3. Зроблено в Європі. Словаччина. Частина перша4. Зроблено в Європі. Словаччина. Частина друга5. Зроблено в Європі. Польща. Частина третя 6. Зроблено в Європі. Естонія. Частина перша7. Зроблено в Європі. Естонія. Частина перша

Політичний діалог і адвокація В рамках співпраці з провідними українськими експертами у сферах безпечності харчових продуктів, технічного регулювання, подолання фіто санітарних та технічних бар’єрів було напрацьоване законодавство, необхідне для імплементації норм Угоди про асоціацію, що стосуються створення зони вільної торгівлі.

- Law of Ukraine On Safety and Quality of Food Products- Law of Ukraine On Amending the Law of Ukraine On Safety and Quality of Food Products (re sale of household products and meat on agricultural markets) - - Law of Ukraine On Technical Regulations and Conformity Assessment Procedure

Working with business to enter the EU market

“Doing Business in EU” Platform was established in partnership with business community and includes leading Ukrainian business associations. It provides legal support to SMEs on entering the EU market. Within the “EURObusiness. Entering the EU market” Program we held 6 workshops in 4 cities of Ukraine, which were attended by over 700 business representatives. We also will be launching a unique online resource where one can find all the necessary information on the EU market trade.

Media CampaignCentre UA run a three-month media campaign on national and regional level and achieved results of 1,000 media mentions of the Stronger Together campaign. We launched a regional network, which includes 21 journalists from 19 regions who produced over 100 materials on the European integration and Association Agreement. The Europeiska Pravda Internet media resource published 7 success stories of Ukrainian exporters to the EU, each of which received about 50,000 thousand hits.Centre UA together with the First National TV created a series of “Made in Europe” programs to show how the EU membership and accession prospects became the impetus for reforms in the countries of Eastern and Central Europe.

1. Made in Europe. Poland. Part One 2. Made in Europe. Poland. Part Two 3. Made in Europe. Slovakia. Part One4. Made in Europe. Slovakia. Part One 5. Made in Europe. Poland. Part Three 6. Made in Europe. Estonia. Part One7. Made in Europe. Estonia. Part Two

Political Dialogue and AdvocacyCentre UA in partnership with leading Ukrainian experts on food safety, technical regulations, sanitary and phyto-sanitary measures and technical barriers developed the draft laws and regulations necessary to implement the Association Agreement requirements to a free trade area.

Public pressure created by a strong information campaign and cooperation with pro-European MPs helped to get passed three important European integration bills:


In 2014 “Access to Public Information” project team launched “Access the Truth” online resource on the Ukrainska Pravda website 2, and run promo videos on Hromadske.tv with famous Ukrainian journalists involved.

The successful advocacy campaign for adoption of access to information laws played an important part in the implementation of the Law on Access to Public Information. Thus, on March 28, after nearly two years of pending period, the Parliament, under public pressure, passed Bill No. 0947 that ensures the alignment of Ukrainian information laws with European standards and allows citizens to filly exercise the right to access to public information.

2 Trailer - http://www.telekritika.ua/pravo/2014-03-19/91718Online broadcasting - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KJu1czd2L2QWebsite description - http://nikorupciji.org/2014/03/28/onlajn-instrument-dost-up-do-pravdy-napyshe-za-vas-informatsijnyj-zapyt/

Goal 3. Advancing Freedom of Speech and Access to Public Information

Task 1. Increasing access of citizens to information


UA Centre prepared a number of statements to the MPs of Ukraine and heads of factions and committees that were supported by over 50 public and journalism organizations, as well as leading international organizations on combating corruption and advancing freedom of information (Access Info Europe, ARTICLE 19, Transparency International and the Centre for Law and Democracy).April 1 – a briefing on the adoption of Bill No 0947, with law provisions explained and an info graphic presented; see here for more details. When monitoring the implementation of the Law On Access to Public Information, the Centre UA activists found out that the free public access to open Parliament sessions was banned. Therefore, the representatives of Centre UA and Media Law Institute filed a lawsuit against the Speaker of the Parliament demanding public access to open sessions of the Parliament. At the end of 2014 the Centre UA activists were the first citizens of Ukraine who attended the session of the Parliament of Ukraine in accordance with the law 3.

To raise public awareness of the law and expand the number of its users, on February 15 Hromadske.tv broadcasted the Open Access Documentary Almanac that had been presented in many cities of Ukraine under great pressure during the Yanukovych regime. The Almanac is also available online. Total views has reached 140,000.

In addition, the Almanac was presented in London in Frontline media club and at Open City Film Festival, in Prague and Brussels at One Word International Human Rights Film Festival, and at Ukraine Festival in Montreal - http://ukefestmontreal.org/maidan-film-program/

The Organization paid particular attention to public broadcasting issues in Ukraine and media reforms. Together with the activists of Stop Censorship! Civil Movement and Reanimation Package of Reforms initiative, we pushed the Law On Public Service Broadcasting through the Parliament and secured the appointment of Zurab Alasania, nominated by media community, as the Director General of the National Television Company of Ukraine.

Centre UA put together some promo videos on public service broadcasting and they were aired on the First National TV in November and December.

UA Centre team members participate in the media reform working group within the Reanimation Package of Reforms Initiative.

3 The First National TV - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jZ76H07xheg Hromadske TV - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vnhOCxNAm6Q


Task 2. Protecting freedom of speech / FREEDOM OF SPEECH

Centre UA held the 2nd International Contest “Stop Censorship! Citizens for free countries” to raise public awareness of free speech issues and fight censorship.

The idea of the contest emerged directly in the “Stop Censorship” movement. Today, it is an independent project implemented by Centre UA with journalists, partner organizations, and top Ukrainian media involved. The website of the contest collects creative works of various formats and promotes them through its media partners and public events. For the first time the works of Malaysia and South America designers participated in the contest. The website has been visited by people from more than 90 countries. Centre UA did six exhibitions in public spaces of Kyiv, and a civic poetry reading at Gogol Fest arts festival within the contest.

In addition, Centre UA takes consistent measures to raise public awareness of censorship and freedom of speech issues. We held discussions with various groups, including journalists, artists, writers, and filmmakers, on freedom of speech and censorship issues amidst information aggression and military conflict. Two discussions were organize to explore the unimportance of the Ministry of Information Policy: see Link 1, Link 2

On September 16, Centre UA together with media organizations and civil society organized memorial events to honor journalist Georgiy Gongadze, who was killed on duty.


Завдання 2. Захист свободи слова / СВОБОДА СЛОВА

З метою збільшення обізнаності громадян у питаннях захисту свободи слова і протидії цензурі було проведено 2-ий Міжнародний конкурс «Стоп цензурі! Громадяни за вільні країни».

Ідея конкурсу народилася безпосередньо в русі «Стоп цензурі!», але зараз він є самостійним проектом, який реалізується Центром UA із залученням журналістів руху, партнерських організацій, популярних українських ЗМІ. Сайт конкурсу збирає креативний контент різного формату та просувається через партнерські ЗМІ та публічні події. Серед учасників конкурсу вперше були представлені роботи дизайнерів з Малайзії та Южної Америки. Сайт конкурсу відвідали громадяни більше ніж 90 країн. В рамках конкурсу було проведено шість виставок у публічному просторі Києва, на фестивалі Gogol Fest – вечір громадянської поезії.

Окрім цього, Центр UA системно працює в інформаційному просторі для того, щоб проблеми цензури та захисту свободи слова зробити максимально публічними. Для цього було проведено дискусії з різними спільнотами щодо проблем захисту свободи слова, цензури в умовах інформаційної агресії і військового конфлікту: журналістами, митцями, літераторами, кінематографістами. Організовано дві дискусії щодо недоцільності створення Міністерства інформаційної політики: посилання 1, посилання 2

16 вересня разом з медіа-організаціями і громадськістю було організовано події до дня пам’яті Георгія Гонгадзе, який загинув під час виконання обов’язків журналіста.

Goal 4. Ensuring Sustainable Institutional Development of the OrganizationCareful planning in accordance with international management standards remains key to effective performance of Centre UA. Compliance with this approach enables the Organizations to respond quickly to external challenges and make timely adjustments to project activities.

This year the Organization has almost doubled its team and focused on professional development of its staff. Thus, the UA Centre employees attended a number of experience exchange events organized by foreign and Ukrainian partners. The staff members also went through a number of special trainings. The Organization pays much attention to the adaptation of new employees and internal trainings. Based on 2014 results, all employees underwent performance evaluation.

Particular attention was given to the involvement of best external experts into the Organization’s initiatives to serve as consultants, analysts, journalists, investigative etc.

Centre UA has focused on the improvement of its internal policies and procedures based on audit recommendations and development of contingency measures by making the risk assessment and planning specific prevention and response actions.

With the Microsoft support the Organization could completely switch to using licensed software.

The Organization started using a new version of 1C 8.2 accounting software to improve its financial management and control. It also enhanced the information safety measures.


To receive objective performance assessment the Organization enlisted the support of a monitoring agency in evaluating the information effect of activities carried out within the projects. Based on this assessment we are looking for ways to improve our approaches and tools to be more effective in promoting our ideas.

The key principles of the Organization are transparency and accountability of our activities. In particular, twice a year the Organization reports to the Supervisory Board, that approves key financial documents, reports and operational plans of the Organization. The members of this governing body include such well respected public figures as Ihor Gut, Dmitry Kotlyar, Mykhailo Minakov, Taras Petriv, and Larisa Denysenko.

The Organization underwent the external independent audit and received an unqualified opinion.


Для оптимізації фінансового управління та контролю організація перейш а на нову версію програми 1 С 8.2. Окрім цього, бу о поси ено заходи з безпеки інформації.

З метою об’єктивного аналізу результатів своєї діяльності організація заручи ась підтримкою моніторингової агенції, яка допомагає оцінити інформаційний ефект заходів, що здійснюються в рамках проектів. На основі цього ми шукаємо варіанти вдоскона ення підходів та інструментів, які варто використовувати для ефективнішого просування наших ідей.

Незмінною ск адовою діяльності організації є забезпечення прозорості та підзвітності нашої діяльності. Зокрема, двічі на рік організація звітує перед Наг ядовою радою, яка затверджуключові фінансові документи, операційні п ани та звіти організації. Членами цього органу є авторитетні висококваліфіковані публічні люди: Ігор Гут, Дмитро Котляр, Михай о Мінаков, Тарас Петрів, Лариса Денисенко.

Також за підсумками року організація пройш а зовнішній неза ежний аудит діяльності таотрима а безумовно позитивний висновок.

Financial ReportIn 2014 the Organization was supported by 9 foundations with total donated funds of $1 439 903,28.

The main donors of the Organizations are SIDA (41,72%), Omidiar (16,96%), British Embassy (16,63%), Pact (15,54%).Overall Budget Structure:

In 2014 project costs made 79.04% of the budget, and administrative costs - 20.96% of the budget.

2014 Audit Findings

Audit of FY 2014 financial statements was conducted by Kreston GCG Audit4, the Ukrainian representative of Kreston International accounting network. The audit covered the balance sheet as of 31 December 2014 and 2014 income statement.

The engagement was undertaken in accordance with the International Standards on Auditing issued by IFAC. The objective of the auditor was to express an independent opinion on whether the financial statements are prepared in accordance with the National Accounting Regulations (Standards). The auditor expressed an unqualified opinion that the financial statements of the Organization present fairly, in all material respects, the Organization’s financial position as at 31 December 2014, and its financial results for the year then ended in accordance with the National Accounting Principles.

The auditor also gave a number of recommendations to improve internal controls and internal policies of the Organization.

4Kreston GCG LLC is registered under the laws of Ukraine (Certificate No. 4614 of registration with the register of auditing firms and auditors valid through May 29, 2019) represented by its Director Andriy P. Domrachov (Auditor’s Certificate No. 004891,Series A, issued by the Audit Chamber of Ukraine Decision No. 104 on 30 November 2011 and renewed by the Audit Chamber of Ukraine Decision No. 221/2 on 4 November 2010 till 30 November 2015),

TOTAL COST: $1 439 903,28 100,00%

Donors Total budget %

Internews $17 395,78 1,21%MATRA $63 778,00 4,43%NED $16 009,86 1,11%Omidiar $244 224,16 16,96%Pact $223 746,21 15,54%Renaissance-book $1 910,12 0,13%SIDA $600 667,54 41,72%British Embassy $239 448,44 16,63%UNDP $32 723,17 2,27%