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Transcript of 2012_JUJENGLISHP1



SPM 2009

Name: .Class: . Date:..




Bullet points in question

Expansion (HOW, WHAT, WHY, WHEN, WHERE, WHO etc.)


develop good habits

WHAT (example / what do you mean [explain])

Example learn to be on time and be independent.

WHY (important @ necessary)

become a better person in the future

WHEN (day / time / duration):

Away from home - after your SPM


At college



HOW (how much @ many / how long):


First, you can develop good habits. For example you learn to be on time and be independent. These habits can help you become a better person in the future especially when you away from home at college after your SPM.

Make new friends

WHAT (example / what do you mean [explain])


WHY (important @ necessary)

- Learn other peoples cultures and way of lives

- Learn new language

WHEN (day / time / duration):





- Participants from other states Kedah and Melaka

- Chinese, Indians

HOW (how much @ many / how long):


Secondly you can make new friends. At the camp you will meet participants from other states like Perak, Kedah and Melaka. You will also work with the Chinese and Indians. So, you can learn other peoples cultures and ways of lives. Perhaps, you can learn a new language too.

WHAT (example / what do you mean [explain])

WHY (important @ necessary)

WHEN (day / time / duration):



HOW (how much @ many / how long):

SPM 2010

Directed Writing Practice


Dear Faizal,

Hello, cousin. How are you? I hope you are in the pink. My family and I are fine. Thank you for your letter. I write this letter to tell you about the benefits of the National Service programme and to encourage you to go.

Faizal, the National Service Programme has many benefits. The first benefit is to develop good habits.

The second benefit is to make new friends. The third benefit is to learn leadership skills and responsibility and the other benefit is to do exciting activities.

Next [Besides / In addition] you can see different parts of Malaysia and learn to be independent. Next you can gain new experiences and learn teamwork. Next you can strengthen love of country. Next you can keep fit and healthy.

Next you can also learn survival skills. Finally you can learn discipline.

Well, thats all for now. Bye.







WHEN it happened?

WHO was involved?

WHAT was the event?

WHERE did it take place?

WHY were you doing it?

WHAT happened before that?


WHAT was the problem?

WHY was that a problem?

HOW did the problems affect you?

HOW did you feel?


WHAT was done?

WHO was involved?

HOW did you feel? [emotive]













Write a story with the title: An Unexpected Visitor


Write a story ending with: If only I had been more careful, that wouldnt have happened.


Write a story beginning with: Kim was nervous when the door opened


Write a story ending with: Now I realise the value of a true friend.


Write a story ending with: We said our goodbyes and went our separate ways.


Write a story beginning with: It had been raining all day


Write a story ending with: They looked at each other and smiled meaningfully.

SPM 2011 Exploiting Prepared Story

Last weekend, my mother and I went shopping. I wanted to buy a gorgeous new dress to go to my friends birthday bash.

After choosing high and low, I finally found the one I liked the most. Umi, Im ready to pay. May I have some money, please I said to my mum. Then my mother realized she did not have her purse in her handbag. We did not have any money.

My mother telephoned my father. She cajoled him to come to the shop immediately and to bring along her purse. The sour look on my mothers face clearly indicated to me that my dad was extremely unhappy.

Forty five agonizing minutes later my father arrived at the shop. I dared not looked at his face. Finally, I got the money for my new dress. I went to the check-out counter and paid for it. On the way home, however, no one spoke a word in the car.


They looked at each other and smiled meaningfully.




Love is important in a family How is this shown in the novel you have read? Support your answer with close reference to the text.



The writer describes the main character as a very determined person. Using the details from the novel that you have studied, write about:

Some instances that show the characters determination

How the determination affects his / her family



It is important to have a person you look up to in your life.

From the novel you have read, write about ONE character that you look up to. Give reasons why you choose him / her.



Using the details from the novel that you have studied,

Describe what happens at the end of the novel

Explain why you find the ending either happy of sad

Support your answer with close reference to the text



Using the details from the novel that you have studied, write about a difficult decision made by ONE of the character

With close reference to the text, do you think this was the right decision?



Based on the novel that you have read, write about an important incident that you remember.

Give reasons why you remember the incident

Acknowledgement: Cikgu Azizah SMK Seri Tualang, Temerloh


Question: Which character in the novel gains your respect and admiration?

Give reasons for your choice with close reference to the text to support your choice.


Suggested Answer

State the title and author of the novel

1 or 2 sentences about the story

Answer the question (Refer to the rubric

State the 1st reason / main idea

Give Textual Evidence (supporting details be It example or evidence)

Personal response and tie to question

State the 2nd reason/main Idea

Give Textual Evidence (supporting details be It example or evidence)

Personal response and tie to question

State the 3rd reason/main idea

Textual Evidence (supporting details be It example or evidence)

Personal response and tie to the question

Sum up the 3 points and tie to question

I choose the novel 'The Curse' written by Lee Su Ann.

The story is about a young Malaysian student In London, Azreen who returns to her hometown, Larigkawi only to discover the truth behind her sister's death.

The character that gains my respect and admiration is Azreen.

Firstly, I respect her because she is brave. For example. Azreen befriended the old Lady. The Old Lady is an outcast in the village and she lives alone in the jungle. Although the villagers claim that she is a witch and an evil woman who once murdered her own husband in cold blood, Azreen still befriended her. She always visits her in the jungle when no one else would. She is also brave to convince and bring the Old Lady into the village to treat Asrafs , sick grandmother although she knows the villagers would be angry with her actions.

Her braveness really impressed me. From now on, I need to be a brave person like her. That is why she has gained my respect and admiration.

Secondly, I respect and admire Azreen because she has strong principles. This Is shown when she finds out that her mother is not attending her sister's burial, she takes matters into her own hands and takes her mother to the cemetery although she knows her father will protest against her action.

This shows that Azreen Is ready to stick to her principles and fight for what she believes in. That is why she has gained my respect and admiration.

Lastly, I respect and admire Azreen because she is an intelligent person. For Instance, ..

These evidences prove us that Azreen is an intelligent person. I hope I could be an intelligent person like her too. That is why she has gained my respect and admiration.

To conclude, I

SPM 2005: Practice exploiting textual evidence a sample answer

Love is important in a family How is this shown in the novel you have read? Support your answer with close reference to the text.

The novel I read in class is The Curse by Lee Su Ann.

The story is about Azreen, a young Malaysian student in London who returns to her hometown Langkawi after getting news about her sisters death only to find out the shocking truth behind the death.

Love is important in a family In my opinion this idea is clearly shown when Salleh, Azreens father saves her in the incident that causes the death of the Old Lady.

The Old Lady is Azreens good friend. Azreen shares her stories with her and the Old Lady gives Azreen many good advices. For example, she advices Azreen to learn to forgive other people.

The tragedy that leads to the Old Ladys death begins when Mohd Asraf asks the Old Lady to treat Nek, his sick grandmother. At the beginning the Old Lady refuses, but finally decides to help after Azreen herself asks her to help Mohd Asraf. When the Old Lady first started treating Nek, her herbal soups and traditional massages seem to make Nek well again. Unfortunately, Nek dies suddenly and this makes the villagers become more convinced that the Old Lady has poisoned Nek.

The angry villagers and Mohd Asraf then decide to take revenge on the Old Lady. They proceed to the Old Ladys house. There a violent and ugly incident takes place between Azreen, Mohd Asraf and the angry villagers. In the confusion, Mohd Asraf accidentally drops his torch and that causes the Old Ladys wooden hut to catch fire and finally the house collapses killing the Old Lady.

Just before the house collapses, Salleh pulls Azreen out of the burning house. Azreen realises that it was her father. Although in the story we seem to get the idea that Azreen and her father are not close and are angry at each other but in this incident the opposite happens. Salleh saves his daughters life and I think that strongly shows Salleh loves Azreen a lot. He makes sure that Azreen is not hurt or killed in the burning house.

In conclusion, I feel that the idea love is important in a family is shown in this story through Sallehs actions. [360]

SPM 2010 Practice 2 [Exploiting textual evidence]

Based on the novel that you have read, write about an important incident that you remember. Give reasons why you remember the incident

The novel I read in class is The Curse by Lee Su Ann.

The story is about Azreen, a young Malaysian student in London who returns to her hometown Langkawi after getting news about her sisters death only to find out the shocking truth behind the death.

In my opinion





The Old Lady is Azreens good friend. Azreen shares her stories with her and the Old Lady gives Azreen many good advices. For example she advices Azreen to learn to forgive other people.

The tragedy that leads to the Old Ladys death begins when Mohd Asraf asks the Old Lady to treat Nek, his sick grandmother. At the beginning the Old Lady refuses, but finally decides to help after Azreen herself asks her to help Mohd Asraf. When the Old Lady first started treating Nek, her herbal soups and traditional massages seem to make Nek well again. Unfortunately, Nek dies suddenly and this makes the villagers become more convinced that the Old Lady has poisoned Nek.

The angry villagers and Mohd Asraf then decide to take revenge on the Old Lady. They proceed to the Old Ladys house. There a violent and ugly incident takes place between Azreen, Mohd Asraf and the angry villagers. In the confusion, Mohd Asraf accidentally drops his torch and that causes the Old Ladys wooden hut to catch fire and finally the house collapses killing the Old Lady. .

Just before the house collapses, Salleh pulls Azreen out of the burning house. Azreen realises that it was her father. Although in the story we seem to get the idea that Azreen and her father are not close and are angry at each other but in this incident the opposite happens. Salleh saves his daughters life and I think that strongly shows Salleh loves Azreen a lot. He makes sure that Azreen is not hurt or killed in the burning house.

In conclusion, I feel that

Chapter 10 The Plot Summary

1 Azreen sits with Mohd Asraf in Nek's room, watching Nek sleep and improving. They also realise that the flood waters are receding.

2 Azreen returns home. She prays and prepares dinner adding the herbs that the Old Lady had given her. She has a quiet dinner with her father and he washes up after dinner leaving Azreen pleasantly surprised.

3 Azreen is rudely awakened by a knock on her door. Siti informs her that Nek passed away and Asraf was convinced by the villagers that the Old Lady had poisoned Nek.

4 Asraf together with a rowdy crowd were marching towards the Old Lady's house. Azreen races to the Old Lady's house and witnesses the crowd holding torches trying to break down the Old Lady's door.

5 Azreen tries to stop Asraf but he refuses to listen. He pushes Azreen and she falls down. Finding a spade nearby, she stabs Asraf's foot causing Asraf to drop the hoe. Consequently, the torch in his hand rolls and sets the Old Lady's house ablaze.

6 Amidst the heavy choking smoke Azreen rushes in and calls for the Old Lady. She finds her trapped under a pillar. She urges Azreen to leave her alone and in her dying breath advises Azreen to learn to forgive and remember all that she had taught her.

7 Suddenly, a hand from behind pulls Azreen out of the furnace just as the structure collapses. Azreen realises that it was her father. Dumbfounded at the death of the Old Lady an angry Azreen goes over to Asraf's house to demand an explanation.

8 At Asraf's house, she turns onto him like a wild cat. Asraf apologises and pours his deep innermost feelings. He admits his mistakes and feels that Allah is against him for taking away from him the two people he loved the most Madhuri and Nek. A surprised Azreen demands an explanation of his relationship with her sister, Madhuri.

9 Asraf confesses that he and Madhuri were in love and both of them were planning to elope to KL where he would be able to pursue a teaching course. The move would also help provide better treatment for Nek.

10 Azreen runs out and finds peace in the presence of nature at the clifftop. She wakes up in the morning feeling better and decides to take the Old Lady's advice and to forgive.

11 She walks through a rubber estate looking curiously at how the milky latex slowly drips into cups. Suddenly, she hears some footsteps and turns around to see Awang, the village bomoh. He discloses more shocking news and secrets.

12 He tells Azreen that Madhuri is not her real sister. Madhuri's mother was penniless after being abandoned by her husband. Thus, she went a bit mad and often neglected her child, Madhuri. Azreen's parents took pity and adopted Madhuri as their own daughter.

13 He also tells Azreen that Madhuri's mother is the figure with long black hair often seen lurking in the shadows around the village. She was the one who broke the chicken's neck and it was a sign that she was very angry at her daughter's death.

14 Awang also reveals that he was aware of Mohd Asraf and Madhuri's relationship. He also thanks Azreen for taking the blame for the escaped bull. He admits that he had gone to steal some chickens and left the gate open causing the bull to escape. He also admits to taking Madhuri's letter, the one that Azreen had dropped.

15 Haji Ghani reflects on the day of Madhuri's death and how he had taken his keris along to stab the man who was having an affair with Madhuri only to discover she was already dead. Therefore, he and his men quickly covered up the murder afraid that rumours and speculations would put him in poor light.

No 10 Lorong Perwira 8

Taman Perwira Maju

26400 Bandar Jengka

Negeri Pahang Darul Makmur


For example you learn to be on time and be independent. These habits can help you become a better person in the future especially when you away from home at college after your SPM.