2012 Publications English Amphibious Foundation PP

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Transcript of 2012 Publications English Amphibious Foundation PP

  • 8/2/2019 2012 Publications English Amphibious Foundation PP


    Amphibious Foundation Hope for the World

    Cedro No. 318 Colonia Lagos ilusiones Municipio de Centro Villahermosa Tabasco Mxico C.P. 86040 Telfono: (99-33) 14-58-14

  • 8/2/2019 2012 Publications English Amphibious Foundation PP


    Cedro No. 318 Colonia Lagos ilusiones Municipio de Centro Villahermosa Tabasco Mxico C.P. 86040 Telfono: (99-33) 14-58-14

    Amphibious FoundationAmphibious Foundation is a none profitorganization dedicated to raising social andenvironmental awareness, creating solutionsfor sustainable social development to meetthe demands of present and future buildingprojects and commitments to improve the

    quality of life for the inhabitants of this plantet.

    In 2010 Amphibious Foundation we ask how to put our values intoaction, beyond dayly work of our bussineses. The team that works forthe Foundation was ready to create an anwer in how to help the largenumber of families that have been affecting by flooding.

    Amphibious Foundation was and continues to be the best aswer to

    this noble cause. Our non profit organization is working to create abetter Mexico and a better world.

    In the Amphibious Foundation believes strongly in individual rights andpersonal freedom. Amphibious Foundation gives to the individuals theresorces to help themselves, and has touched and improved the lifeexpectancy of fundreds of people, while creating awareness of manyof the most pressing issues affecting our sicety.

    Weoperate in a wide range of social problems campaigns foreducation, health, natural disasters, productive projects andenvironmental protection.Among most important work of the Amphibious Foundation, includethe following: Tabasco Amphibious Project, Rural Amphibious Medicalunit, hope in your community, Amphibious housing, Urban StateDevelopment Amphibious Plan, Reforestation in your community,Improve the Urban Image in your community.

  • 8/2/2019 2012 Publications English Amphibious Foundation PP


    Cedro No. 318 Colonia Lagos ilusiones Municipio de Centro Villahermosa Tabasco Mxico C.P. 86040 Telfono: (99-33) 14-58-14

    Our Mision

    Create value for our Amphibious Foundationmembers to produce and distribute the bestcontent on social programs and projects forthe world and promotes both within the groupas to the entire Mexican society and the

    international community, corporate socialresponsibility, social needs by linking withorganizations and individuals willing to engagesocially and environmentally.

    Amphibious Foundation is a nonprofitorganization dedicated to raising social andenvironmental awareness, creating solution forsustainable social development to meet the

    demands of present and future buildingprojects and commitments to imporve thequality of life for the inhabitants of this planet.

    Our Vision

    Create value for our Amphibious Foundationmembers to produce and distribute the best

    content on social programs and projects forthe world and promotes both within the groupas to the entire Mexican society and theinternational community, corporate socialresponsibility, social needs by linking withorganizations and individuals willing toengage socially and environmentally.

  • 8/2/2019 2012 Publications English Amphibious Foundation PP


    Cedro No. 318 Colonia Lagos ilusiones Municipio de Centro Villahermosa Tabasco Mxico C.P. 86040 Telfono: (99-33) 14-58-14

    Our Objectives

    *Social and community support to citiesaffected by natural disasters and floods.

    *Assist in the recovery of children and

    families affected by storms and floods.

    *Create educational programs for thepublic on how to live with water throughthe support of interdisciplinary specialist.

    *Creation of national and internationamultidisciplinary teams to sharetechnology, education, and experiences

    in the relationship between man andflood.

    Creation of research studies for urbandevelopment of amphibious cities, usingsustainable technologies.

    * Create projects for buildings ofamphibious infrastructure in specificlocation where populations have beenaffected by natural disasters and floods.

  • 8/2/2019 2012 Publications English Amphibious Foundation PP


    Cedro No. 318 Colonia Lagos ilusiones Municipio de Centro Villahermosa Tabasco Mxico C.P. 86040 Telfono: (99-33) 14-58-14

    Social ObjectProvide Amphibious technologysustainable means available to solve

    the emotional economic problemsaimed at individuals and their familiesso they can keep their roots, theiridentity, and not lose their culture,

    customs, and traditions as well asavoiding the loss of assets, to migrateto other parts due to theconsequences of flooding.


    We are a group of civilians fromTabasco joining together for the welfareand safety of people and our families.The event of the flooding in the year2007 and the events that have beentaking about this issues, we brought inthis year of 2010, to propose to societyan initiative to help and contribute as

    citizens in the floods of the state ofTabasco Mexico.

  • 8/2/2019 2012 Publications English Amphibious Foundation PP


  • 8/2/2019 2012 Publications English Amphibious Foundation PP


    Cedro No. 318 Colonia Lagos ilusiones Municipio de Centro Villahermosa Tabasco Mxico C.P. 86040 Telfono: (99-33) 14-58-14

    Operation ModelThe operations model in the AmphibiousFoundation focuses on the generation offlow of national and international. Isachieved through the strategic combinationof the following factors:

    -Producing quality programs that allow you

    to keep and increase their finances throughthe participation of companies in Mexico andabroad.

    -Efficient management of costs andexpenses to maintain a high level ofoperating profitability.

    - Efficient distribution through the media orprivate stations, which can offer ouradvertising plans by local and internationaldonors.

    -Programming a strategic selection ofprojects and activities to attract differentaudiences of the population to generateresources for those most in need.

    -The efficient combination of these factors,together with other investments in theAmphibious Foundation, generates higher

    profit margins for the organization and itsmembers in conjunction with otherorganizations.

  • 8/2/2019 2012 Publications English Amphibious Foundation PP


    Cedro No. 318 Colonia Lagos ilusiones Municipio de Centro Villahermosa Tabasco Mxico C.P. 86040 Telfono: (99-33) 14-58-14

    Our Projects

    Amphibian Solutions

    Is a Project about Amphibious Urban Architecture that helppeople to avoid large losses as well as boost the economyof the cities due to flooding in the present and future.

    *Put it safely to the inhabitants of the cities to avoid humanlosses.

    Prevent Economy of Cities to stop because of flooding indifferent productive sectors.

    Promote Investment in the State supported by theAmphibian Project.

    Helping the Health and Education sector.

    Employment generation in Urban Amphibian Developmentin different sectors of the production Industry.

    Exploiting the low topography of land and help this actionwith the Amphibious Urban Development Project.

    Use natural resources from a sustainability perspective toeconomic and social development of the population andecological protection of natural ecosystems.

    Propose ordinnances of the territory on urban and turistactivities according with the potential of land use, from aecological an environmental perpective.

    Build and maintain the characteristics of the biodiversity ofrivers, streams and pond systems as an attractive landscapefor the promotion and development of environmental tourismactivities of the micro region.

  • 8/2/2019 2012 Publications English Amphibious Foundation PP


    Cedro No. 318 Colonia Lagos ilusiones Municipio de Centro Villahermosa Tabasco Mxico C.P. 86040 Telfono: (99-33) 14-58-14

    Our Values

    The organization is guided by thefollowing, which are reflected bothways in our projects andprograms as the way we conductourselves in society on a daily

    basis. Our conditions are honesty,

    intelligence, execution. Thequalities of the organization areexcellence, learning, team workand above all generosity.

  • 8/2/2019 2012 Publications English Amphibious Foundation PP


    Cedro No. 318 Colonia Lagos ilusiones Municipio de Centro Villahermosa Tabasco Mxico C.P. 86040 Telfono: (99-33) 14-58-14

    Join Amphibious Foundation

    Join the Project !

    With your help we can make a

    difference and bring hope to manyfamilies who are affected anddevastated by natural phenomenathat bring flooding.

  • 8/2/2019 2012 Publications English Amphibious Foundation PP


    Cedro No. 318 Colonia Lagos ilusiones Municipio de Centro Villahermosa Tabasco Mxico C.P. 86040 Telfono: (99-33) 14-58-14

    Fundacin Anfibia A.C.

    Along with your work, efforts anddonations we are going to help wholefamilies who need your support. Weare making history for a better world.Help us to forward this information toall your contacts. Together for thisinitiative of hope.

    Adress: Cedro No. 318 Colonia Lago Ilusiones

    Ciudad: Villahermosa Tabasco

    Delegacin: Municipio de Centro C.P. 86040

    Country: Mxico

    International are code

    Telephone (52-9931) 3145814

    E-mail:[email protected]

    Home page: www.fundacionanfibia.org.

    Information available

    Fundacin Anfibia and yo apoyo elproyecto tabasco anfibio.

    Tabasco Anfibio - Soluciones Anfibias

    For a better World

    Thank you for your help