2011 AP US PP - 1800 - 1850 Immigration

Immigration to America in the1800s By Austin Raines and Stephanie Snyder
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Page 1: 2011 AP US PP - 1800 - 1850 Immigration

Immigration to America in the1800s

Immigration to America in the1800s

By Austin Raines and Stephanie SnyderBy Austin Raines and Stephanie Snyder

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American ImmigrantsAmerican

Immigrants-Before 1840’s around

60,000 immigrants came into the country per year-Immigrants tripled in the

1840’s Quadrupled by the


-Before 1840’s around 60,000 immigrants came into the country per year-Immigrants tripled in the

1840’s Quadrupled by the



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American ImmigrantsAmerican

Immigrants- Irish and German were

the most common immigrants

- Many came to the United States because of the lack of a monarchy

and aristocracy

- Irish and German were the most common

immigrants- Many came to the

United States because of the lack of a monarchy

and aristocracy


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American ImmigrantsAmerican

Immigrants- Immigrants spent most if not all of their money

to come to America- Housing and sanitation

were poor- Lived in big cities such as: new York, Chicago,

and New Orleans

- Immigrants spent most if not all of their money

to come to America- Housing and sanitation

were poor- Lived in big cities such as: new York, Chicago,

and New Orleans


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IrishIrish-About one million

immigrated to the U.S. from 1830 to 1850

-Immigrated because of the potato famine-“Black Forties”

-Immigrated from Ireland to Boston and New York

(New England)

-About one million immigrated to the U.S.

from 1830 to 1850-Immigrated because of

the potato famine-“Black Forties”

-Immigrated from Ireland to Boston and New York

(New England)


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Potato FaminePotato Famine

- Potatoes were a stable crop in Ireland economy

- 1840s Potato crop suddenly failed to grow- Many theories on why

the crop didn’t grow, but none have been


- Potatoes were a stable crop in Ireland economy

- 1840s Potato crop suddenly failed to grow- Many theories on why

the crop didn’t grow, but none have been



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IrishIrish-1840-1850: 780,719

irish came to the United States

-Too poor to move west, so they stay primarily in

big cities-Small living spaces in the slums of big citiesMany were Catholic

-1840-1850: 780,719 irish came to the United

States-Too poor to move west, so they stay primarily in

big cities-Small living spaces in the slums of big citiesMany were Catholic


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GermanGerman-Germans came in large

numbers to America-Came because of the

-disunity of the German kingdoms in the country-Democratic revolutions

failed in Germany-Many of Germany’s

crops were failing as well

-Germans came in large numbers to America

-Came because of the-disunity of the German kingdoms in the country-Democratic revolutions

failed in Germany-Many of Germany’s

crops were failing as wellSS & AR

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GermanGerman-Wealthier than the Irish

immigrants-Lived more spread out

-Lived in German farming communities out west

-Mostly settled in the Mid West in states like


-Wealthier than the Irish immigrants

-Lived more spread out-Lived in German farming

communities out west-Mostly settled in the Mid

West in states like Wisconsin


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German Contributions

German Contributions

Christmas TreeConestoga Wagon

KindergartenBeer (bier)

Kentucky Rifle

Christmas TreeConestoga Wagon

KindergartenBeer (bier)

Kentucky Rifle


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American Opinions on Immigrants

American Opinions on Immigrants

Irish - “NINA” No Irish

Need Apply- “Biddies” and “Paddies” were

derogatory names for Irish men and

women- Hated for their Catholic religion

Irish - “NINA” No Irish

Need Apply- “Biddies” and “Paddies” were

derogatory names for Irish men and

women- Hated for their Catholic religion


German- Are not usually

discriminated against- Generally left alone due to the fact they were isolated from


Page 12: 2011 AP US PP - 1800 - 1850 Immigration

• Assumption College. “Irish Immigrants” < http://www1.assumption.edu/ahc/irish/overview.html > (SLIDE 5)

• The History Place. “Irish Potato Famine,” The Potato Famine, 2000

• < http://www.historyplace.com/worldhistory/famine/begins.htm> (SLIDE 4)

• ThinkQuest. “German Immigration,” Immigration Groups German Immigration 1700s to the

• mid 1800s, < httIp://library.thinkquest.org/06aug/00439/john/germans2.html >(SLIDE 6)

• Kennedy, David M., Lizabeth Cohen, Thomas A. Bailey, The American Pageant, 14th

• ed. Boston, New York.: Houghton Mifflin Company, 2006.

• Colleen Rivecca. “There’s No “Them” - It’s All Us”< http://www.stanthonysf.org/blog/tag/immigrants/ > (SLIDE 3)


• http://www.christmaslightsetc.com/pages/Pre-Lit-Christmas-Trees-Guide.htm

• http://spaneary.wordpress.com/

• http://www.kannimports.com/guns/all_guns.html
