2010 Jewish Federation Report to the Community

REPORT TO THE COMMUNITY 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 new ideas new vision new federation A PARTNER


Annual Report

Transcript of 2010 Jewish Federation Report to the Community

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Jewish Federation of San Diego County will

respond to the growth and needs in our

community and work closely with our donors

and community partners to create a vibrant

Jewish world that will serve generations to come.

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01. CommunityThe Jewish community has always recognized that communal philanthropy is a crucial component for a culture that places a high value on personal dignity.

02. ConnectionGiving feels Jewish. In a world where Jews are spread out all over the globe, giving connects us to one another.

03. DonorsIn addition to helping those in need and providing disaster relief, Federation creates and promotes programs that provide an environment for building a more vibrant Jewish community.

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2 Partnering for a Vibrant Jewish Future

To the San Diego Jewish Community

Dear Friends,

The past year can be described by

one word: partnership. That word, in

all of its connotations – collaboration,

cooperation, community – has been

at the core of all of Federation’s

work. In fact, “partnership” has

been a constant touch point and

“cooperation,” a constant theme. It

is also an accurate description of

things to come. The Jewish people

have been giving to and taking care

of one another since the beginning

of the Jewish nation. The power of

collective giving, as a community,

continues to be the most effective

way to quickly and efficiently get

people the help they need, when

they need it.

At home, Federation connects the

diverse and rich elements of Jewish

San Diego. This means monitoring

community needs and addressing

Steve MorrisPresident & CEO

Andrea OsterImmediate Past Board Chair

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2010 Report to the Community 3

responded, along with our local

and national partners, to both

natural and manmade disasters,

acting as an effective advocate

for Israel and continuing to restore

personal dignity to those who need

a helping hand.

Jan Tuttleman was installed as our

new Board Chair. Jan brings a wealth

of skills and depth of experience that

has already infused Federation with

exciting new ideas.

We are grateful to our donors, staff,

and partner agencies for all of their

important efforts over this past year.

The work of Federation is not done

in the abstract. It has real impact, on

real people, every day. Without you,

that work would not be possible.

We honor each of you and gratefully

thank you for your hard work and

generosity. We dedicate this year’s

Annual Report to the people who

support us, as partners, in all of our

crucial endeavors. Mutual support

and partnership are the keys to a

vibrant Jewish future.

them in strategic ways that transmit

Jewish values while providing the

channels for donors to act on those

values. It means taking care of

the most vulnerable, connecting

individuals to the Jewish world

outside of San Diego, incubating new

ideas and information, connecting

young people to the community,

and adding increased vitality to

Jewish life in every part of the

world we touch.

Last year saw many meaningful

developments. Despite the

continuation of a bleak economy, our

Annual Community Campaign raised

$6.3 million in unrestricted funds and

an additional $2.3 million in funds

designated for special purposes such

as rescue and relief in Haiti and Chile,

the Sha’ar HaNegev Educational

Village, the American Jewish Joint

Distribution Committee, the Gary and

Jerri-Ann Jacobs International Teen

Leadership Institute, and much more.

We initiated the first stages of a new

Federation structure and

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4 Partnering for a Vibrant Jewish Future

“The Federation approach of collective giving is extremely powerful. I know that the dollars we give to Federation positively impact so many lives both here and around the globe. As Jews, we need to care for each other as a people. Federation is the only organization that looks at our needs as a whole, mobilizes instantly, and assists those in need wherever they reside.” – Laura Tauber, Volunteer/Donor

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Power of the Community The Jewish community has always recognized that communal philanthropy is a crucial component for a culture that places a high value on personal dignity. In the 12th century Maimonides (also known as the Rambam) wrote that Jews “are obligated to appoint faithful men of renown as trustees of a charitable fund… They then allocate the money from Friday to Friday, giving each poor person sufficient food for seven days. This is called the kupah (community fund).” He goes on to say he had never seen a Jewish community that did not have a community fund.

Our promise to you is our commitment to continue the legacy of the kupah as expressed through our Annual Community Campaign. In San Diego, we’ve been working hard to provide for people in need for more than 75 years. With your support, Federation will continue to ensure that the programs and institutions that enrich Jewish life here at home, in Israel, and overseas will remain strong. Even in these tough times – when people are struggling to feed their families, pay the rent, and get back on their feet – we will remain positive and steadfast in our commitment to the unbreakable partnership with this community.

Connection with Our Donors Giving feels Jewish. In a world where Jews are spread out all over the globe, giving connects us to one another. All of our donors share a deep and abiding sense of purpose in our traditional mission of making the world a better place. Transcending specific institutions or programs, giving is a statement of Jewish values. Each individual has a personal connection to giving that is uniquely their own.

2010 Report to the Community 5

“My connection to the Jewish community and to Israel is Federation. I know that it shares my values and that my donation to the Annual Campaign will be used for the causes and principles that I care about.” – Charles Shapiro, Donor

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Who Are Our DonorsIn addition to helping those in need and providing disaster relief, Federation creates and promotes programs that provide an environment for Jewish social interaction. Often these programs act as an entryway to a lifelong connection to philanthropic giving. They also provide a sense of purpose and mission that serve to bring Jews into new and exciting areas of Jewish life. This year, we would like to highlight two central examples: Women’s Philanthropy and the Young Adult Division (YAD).


For decades, Jewish women in San Diego have worked together to preserve and enrich our community’s Jewish culture, heritage, and connection to Israel. Outreach, networking, education, tzedakah, community building, and Jewish tradition are all guiding ideals and principal activities of Women’s Philanthropy. At a time when apathy and silence are grave threats to many Jewish ideals, it is imperative that these women, who lead by example, continue to inspire others to take action.

“I grew up in a home where both of my parents always gave tzedakah. My mother sat on the board of Women’s Philanthropy and my model was: this is what Jewish people do. We take care of other Jews, and we take care of anyone around the world who needs us.” – Ilana Herring, Donor

6 Partnering for a Vibrant Jewish Future


Women’s Philanthropy of Federation is firmly committed to strengthening Jewish peoplehood. One of the most effective ways of doing this is through travel to Israel. Missions guarantee participants a heightened appreciation and connection to their Jewish identity. In November 2009, 26 women embarked on a 10 day adventure, travelling the country while bonding and learning about innovative new programs, as well as the challenges facing the Jewish state today. The women met Ethiopian high school students and Israelis living adjacent to the Gaza border in our sister community of Sha’ar HaNegev. They also attended a briefing by both Israeli journalists and representatives of the Foreign Ministry.

For most of the women, the real highlights of this journey were the new friendships developed and the strengthened bonds

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with their Jewish heritage and ideals. The women returned to San Diego, inspired by what they saw and felt, with a newly formed sense of the scope of work done by the Federation system.

“In 1982 I went on my first Women’s Philanthropy mission to Israel and Poland. It was precisely at that moment that I started to understand the importance of women’s giving. Being in Israel and seeing where our dollars go had such an impact on me that I can genuinely say that the mission was life altering. When I returned, I knew that I wanted to spend as much of my time as possible working for the Jewish people.” – Mary Ann Scher, Donor

2010 Report to the Community 7

“Federation gives me the

opportunity to fulfill the

mitzvah of tzedakah. It’s

a nice thing to do, but, as

a Jew, it’s the right thing

to do.” – Karen Breziner, Donor

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Federation’s Young Adult Division, comprised of people 21–45, is often called an “entryway” to a lifetime of Jewish philanthropic activity. More than just an entryway, YAD is a group of young people who are already very serious about pursuing philanthropy through tzedakah. YAD engages in community, volunteerism, leadership, and other activities that give young Jews hundreds of exciting ways to get involved and remain connected to the community. It is the beginning of a life-spanning commitment to San Diego’s Jewish community. It is also the well from which the community will draw new ideas, new approaches, and leadership in the future.

YAD connects people through social, educational, and philanthropic avenues.

Its programming includes food drives, fundraising, social activities, and even Jewish dating. Although YAD holds over 350 events a year, or almost one a day, its signature event is Tzedakah Ball. Tzedakah Ball 2010 was a huge success. Like the participants in the Women’s Philanthropy mission, those at the event showed their deep commitment to the Jewish values that guide Federation. Thousands of dollars were raised, making 2010 the most successful Tzedakah Ball ever. For 82 of the participants, their Tzedakah Ball donation marked the first time they had given to Federation. For many of them it is the beginning of a lifelong attachment to philanthropy.

8 Partnering for a Vibrant Jewish Future

“YAD’s mission is to create a vibrant Jewish community and to develop future leaders. Whether it is food drives, fundraising, business

networking, happy hours, fielding a softball team, and, of course, Jewish dating, for young adults, YAD really makes a difference.

– Brad Slavin, Volunteer/Donor

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The impact of Federation’s efforts is directly related to our global and community partners. They represent the critical “feet on the ground” necessary to carry out work in areas such as rescue and relief, senior care, and education. Federation and its partners form a powerful system in which each partner contributes unique skills and capabilities to the greater success of the whole.

Our global partners, the Jewish Agency for Israel (JAFI) and the American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee (JDC), allow donors to have an immediate positive impact on events that affect at-risk communities across the globe. Examples from the past year include swift and immediate action to save lives after devastating earthquakes in Haiti and Chile and life-saving efforts taken to assist the Jews of Kyrgyzstan (in the former Soviet Union) after the intensification of ethnic violence in the small central Asian country.

10 Partnering for a Vibrant Jewish Future

At home, our community partners cover a wide range of programs and services that continually feed the vibrancy of San Diego’s Jewish community. They include: the Agency for Jewish Education, the B’nai B’rith Youth Organization, the Foundation for Jewish Camp, Hillel of San Diego, Jewish Family Service, the Ken Jewish Community, the Lawrence Family Jewish Community Center, JACOBS FAMILY CAMPUS, Seacrest Village Retirement Communities, and Jewish day schools across the county.

Over the past year, Federation has focused on new and innovative funding strategies. That focus has resulted in the blossoming of two new partnerships: Moishe House and One Happy Camper. They represent a “down payment” on the future through meaningful engagement with the next generation. This approach is just the beginning; we will be exploring ways to develop exciting new partnerships and improve on existing relationships, producing more dynamic results in the near future.

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It is, literally, a roadmap for the future. It is a plan designed to challenge assumptions, create new models, and guarantee that Federation is positioned to ensure the vitality of our Jewish community through the 21st century.

The most visible element of the plan is our new name. No longer the “United” Jewish Federation of San Diego County, the new streamlined name and logo represent a strong, bold statement, rooted in Jewish tradition, that is both inviting and optimistic.

We have also initiated a new structure which will allow us to optimize planning for the future; connect Jews in San Diego to Israel, the worldwide Jewish community, and each other; provide a voice for our community in the public sphere; and, most of all, be a partner in Jewish giving. Through our new centers, Jewish Philanthropy,

2010 Report to the Community 11

Israel & Overseas, Community Planning & Innovation, Jewish Community Relations, and Community Engagement & Leadership, we are confident that Federation is strongly positioned to meet the challenges of the years ahead.

It is gratifying to know, as Federation celebrates its 75th anniversary, that the prospects for a vibrant Jewish future, for all of us, are as promising as they have ever been; Federation is honored to be an effective component of this city’s incredible Jewish community.


The Jewish Philanthropy Center facilitates the commitment to Jewish philanthropy made by Jews in San Diego County in ways that meet their needs and match those of the community.

Looking AheadAnnual reports are designed to do just that: report. Therefore, we would be remiss if we did not discuss the most important achievement of 2010. Last June, after a year of careful deliberation and consideration, our board approved a bold new direction for Federation. “Partnering for a Vibrant Jewish Future” is more than just a tagline or even a strategy.

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12 Partnering for a Vibrant Jewish Future


The Community Planning & Innovation Center works with local and worldwide Jewish communal institutions and organizations to understand, predict, and plan for the Jewish community’s needs in San Diego, Israel, and around the world and strategizes how to effectively meet those needs.


The Israel & Overseas Center connects Jews in San Diego to Israel and the worldwide Jewish community.


The Community Engagement & Leadership Center connects Jews in San Diego with each other to ensure the effectiveness of our community’s institutions, synagogues, and organizations by improving volunteer engagement as well as volunteer and professional leadership development, with an emphasis on San Diego’s Jews in their 20s and 30s.


The Jewish Community Relations Center provides a voice for the Jewish community in media, government, and intergroup affairs. The center’s focus is on Israel advocacy, Latino-Jewish relations, education of government officials, strengthening inter-faith relations, and advancing the San Diego Jewish community at all governmental levels.

Andrea Oster Board Chair

Kenneth Polin Immediate Past Board Chair

Terri Bignell Vice President, Community Planning & Innovation

Theresa Dupuis Vice President, Women’s Philanthropy

Jan Tuttleman Vice President, Financial Resource Development

David Geffen Vice President, Annual Campaign

Laura Tauber Women’s Philanthropy Campaign Chair

Danielle Shulman YAD Co-Chair

Murray Galinson Jewish Community Foundation Board Chair

Michael Flaster Jewish Community Relations Committee Chair

Betty Byrnes Richard Effress Claire Ellman Robert Fink Martin Klitzner Brian Miller Tamara Moch Gary Shekhter Stuart Starr Brian Tauber Kevin Wechter

Steven J. Morris President & Chief Executive Officer

Board of Directors 2009 - 2010

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2010 Report to the Community 13

2009-2010 Financials

Customized Giving Sponsorships/Legacies/Other

Federation Israel & Overseas Center Campaign Income

Israel & Overseas Programs

Administrative Expenses National Programs

Local Programs

Cost of Raising Funds Custom Programs

FY2010 Source of Funds FY2010 Use of Funds










Selected information based on 2009/2010 audited financial statements. This chart represents the sources and uses of funds whether or not reported in the audited financial statements.

*Supports a variety of local, national, Israel, and overseas programs.

FY 6/30/10 % of Total FY 6/30/09 % of Total FUNDS RAISED

Campaign Income $6,325,161 73.6% $6,556,592 77.3% Customized Giving 1,503,266 17.5% 1,522,229 17.9% Federation Israel & Overseas Center 459,581 5.4% 277,936 3.3% Sponsorships/Other 302,197 3.5% 123,692 1.5%

Total $8,590,205 100.0% $8,480,449 100.0% ALLOCATION OF FUNDS

Israel & Overseas Programs & Services $2,435,201 28.3% $2,258,310 26.6% Local Programs & Services 2,637,926 30.7% 2,495,842 29.4% National Programs & Services 25,731 0.3% 111,013 1.3% Custom Programs* 1,503,266 17.5% 1,522,279 18.0% Cost of Raising Funds 1,275,852 14.9% 1,119,786 13.2% Administrative Expenses 712,229 8.3% 923,146 10.9% Other - 0.0% 50,073 0.6%

Total $8,590,205 100.0% $8,480,449 100.0%

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$200,000+ International leadership Enid & Martin Gleich Irwin Mark Jacobs

$100,000 - $199,999 - Prime Minister Council Arthur Brody Pauline Foster Gary Jacobs Jerome S. Katzin The Polis-Schutz Family Foundation Sheila Potiker Gary Shekhter Herbert Solomon Jerome Turk Andrew Viterbi Bertram Woolf

$25,000 - $99,999 - King David society Arnold & Esther Belinsky Jeremy & Joan Berg Barbara Bloom John & Toni Bloomberg Sophie Brody z”l Hattie Brooks z”l Betty J. Cohn Melvin Cohn Diane Feuerstein Elliot Feuerstein Charles Feurzeig z”l Robert Fink Arnold Fischer Elaine Galinson Murray Galinson Beverly Glickman Joseph Glickman Jerri-Ann Jacobs Joan Jacobs Dr. David Kabakoff Marge Kalmanson Dr. Warren O. Kessler Joanne & Mitch Leibovitz Linda & Bernard Lewis Stuart Posnock Anne Ratner Emanuel Ravet z”l Marilyn & Michael Rosen and Family Jean Shekhter Donald Slate Elene Solomon Eugene L. Step Hannah Step Rod Stone Brian Tauber Nessim Tiano Jan Tuttleman Alan Viterbi Erna Viterbi Stanley z”l & Dorothy Winter 2 Anonymous

$10,000 - $24,999 - President’s Council Sybil & B.J. Adelson Jean Bark Cindy Bloch Larry Bloch Gayle Klusky Werner Cahn Elaine Chortek David & Leslie Cohn Ronald Cohn Theresa Dupuis Jessica Effress Richard Effress Naomi R. & Al Eisman Claire Ellman Phyllis Epstein Myron Feinberg z”l Richard Fink Esther Fischer Susanna Flaster Milt Gilman Mark Gleiberman Frank Goldberg Lee Goldberg Richard Gordon James Greenbaum Hilary Isakow Selwyn Isakow Richard Jaffe David & Leigh Johnson Andrew Kaplan Jerry Katleman Richard Kornfeld Michael Krichman & Carmen Cuenca Arthur Levinson Sandra Levinson Steven Morris Rebecca Newman Nierman Foundation Andrea Oster Shearn Platt Kenneth D. Polin Lee Posnock Allison Price Shirley Ravet Howard Robin Robert Rubenstein Edward Samiljan Rae Samiljan George & Mary Ann Scher Robert (“Doctor Bob”) & Mao Shillman Susan H. Shmalo Gayle Slate Sharon Stein Gloria Stone Ryan & Ashley Stone Charles & Renee Taubman Sarah Tiano Carole Turk Alexander Viterbi Audrey Viterbi & Daniel Smargon Caryn Viterbi

Valerie Viterbi Charles Wax David Wax Sharon Wax Katherine Weber Kevin & Jamie Wechter Gary & Nancy Weissberg Stanley Westreich Jacqueline Woolf Norman Zander 2 Anonymous

$5,000 - $9,999 - leaders & lions Allan Adler Judy Adler Ina Bartell Rusti Bartel-Weiss

Juli Bear Judith Belinsky Lawrence Belinsky Judy Berman Edgar Berner Terri Bignell Myrna Bird Lori Bolotin Sharon Braverman Lillie Breitbard z”l June Chocheles Peter Chortek z”l Susan Chortek- Weisman Philip Cohn Phyllis Cohn Susana Cohen Corrigan Debbie Deverett Jeff Deverett Dr. Daniel Einhorn Emily Einhorn James Eisenberg David Ellman Lynn Epsten Randi Feinberg Ira Feinswog Judy Feldman Alberta Feurzeig Beverly Fink Sigrid Fischer Lisa Foster Harriet Fremland Richard Gabriel Sharon Gabriel Laura Galinson Melissa Garfield Bartell Michael Gelfand Dawn Gilman Hanna Gleiberman Iris Goodman Martin Goodman Lynn Gordon Dorita Gotlieb Lillian Gottlieb Karen Grossman Kay Gurtin Bryna Haber

Jonathan & Stacy Halberg David Handler Dr. Monica Handler- Penner Alan & Barbara Haubenstock Marcia Hazan Joan Jacobs Ann Jaffe Susan Kabakoff Marjory Kaplan Marge Katleman Berdele Katz Richard A. Katz, MD Miriam Katzin Michael & Joyce Kole Carol Kornfeld Gary Kornfeld Ian & Golnoosh Lerner Gary & Lisa Levine Shana Lew James Lewis Marshall Lewis Morris Liebermensch Zita Liebermensch Jaime Liwerant Sylvia Liwerant Mathew Loonin Dr. Lawrence Lotzof Judy Lyon Sally Maizel Marcia L. Malkus Robert M. Malkus, MD Felicia Mandelbaum Paul Meyer Carlos Michan Esther Michan Theodore Mintz Tamara Moch Olivia Okovita Bev Pamensky Shirley Pidgeon Linda Platt Lori S. Polin Julie Potiker Seymour Rabin Marie Raftery Andy Ratner Marlene Sasson Recht Elena Romanowsky Elizabeth Rose Gerald Rosen Ruth Rosenbaum Nicole Saloner Lillian Scharlin Sheldon Scharlin Jane Scher Gloria Schiffman Irving Schiffman Beverly Schmier Jon & Molly Schneider Suzanne Schwartzman Denise Selati Brian Seltzer

Barbara Sherman Betty Shteremberg David Shteremberg Reina Shteremberg Jeffrey Silberman Karen Silberman Robert Singer Elyse Sollender Steven Solomon Jerome Stein Iris Lynn Strauss Mark Stuckelman Fran Suknow Laura Tauber Julius & Marian Tills Zelda Waxenberg Joanne Weiner Sandra Weinstein Anton & Julie Woolf Lara Woolf Grusd Judith Zaguli Allan Ziman Lois Zlotoff 8 Anonymous

$1,000 - $4,999 - Pace setters Alicia Abadi Ruth Abraham Joseph & Charlene Abrahamson Larry & Janet Acheatel Roger & Ingrid Acheatel Darren Aires David & Annette Alpert Lisa & Steve Altman Cecelia “Teedy” Appelbaum Barbara Arenson Dan Ashel Joyce Axelrod David Bark Daniel H. Bartel Michael Bartell William Basuk Howard Bear Ellen Benkle Linda Bennett Tina Beranbaum Geoffrey & Carla Berg Michael Berk Eugene Berkenstadt Barbara Berkovich Neil Berkowitz Kobi Berkson Abraham Berlad Marcia Berman Ralph & Roberta Wagner Berman Beverly Hecker Bernstein Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey L. Bernstein Alan Bersin Rebeca Besquin Jerry & Rita Bierman Dean & Cassi Birnbaum Barbara & Gary Blake Joyce Blumberg Robert Blumberg Richard Bockoff Kandee Bondy Irene Borevitz Lisa Braun-Glazer Ira Braverman Jaime Brener Stacie Bresler- Reinstein Julie & George Bronstein Matt Browar Barbara Browne

Roseann Brozinsky Steven Brozinsky Liz Calderon Leslie Caspi Marc & Debra Channick J. Michael Channick Susan Channick Martin Charlat Ellen Chodorow Elizabeth Coden Barbara Coffey Florence Cohen Gregg Cohen Michael Cohen Stanley Cohen Aaron Cohn Donald & June Cook Avrille Copans Harold Copans Amy Corton Arthur Cummins Pearl Cutler Rabbi Ralph & Hedy Dalin Dr. Brian Datnow Julie Datnow Paul Datnow Sharon Davidson Dr. Stuart Davidson Congresswoman Susan Davis Nelly & Paul Dean Steven & Diane Demeter Susan DeRose Bonnie Diamond Sandra Dimenstein Mitchell Dubick Samuel Dychter Gary Eaton Dr. Bertram C. Edelstein & Dr. Karen L. Helrich Carlton Eibl Marti Eisenberg Ronald Eisenberg Toby & Norman Eisenberg Lynne (Roslyn) Elson Mary Epsten Milton Erman Jeffrey & Jill Essakow Jane Fantel Leslie Fastlicht Russo Judith Feinberg Andrea Feinswog Inge Feinswog Albert Feldman Barbara Feldman Bernard Feldman Earl N. Feldman Howard Feldman Mike Feldman Suzi Feldman Robert Feldner Pam & Walter Ferris Jessica Fink Raymond Fink Tobie Fink Nancy Finkelstein Howard First Shirley First Merle Fischlowitz Michael Flaster Carol Fox Perla & Jules Fox Ron Fox Barbara L. Frank David Frank Judith Friedel Dr. William Friedel Barry & Sue Friedman Jeff Friedman Noah Friedman Edward Frieman

Lawrence Fritz & Stephanie Kogan Avi & Margarita Frohlichman Eve Fybel Daniel & Allison Gardenswartz Susan Garfin Franklin Gaylis Jean Gaylis Dr. David Geffen Jay Gelbart Maxine Geller Gordon Gerson Gerald Gilberg Marcia Gilberg Francine Ginsburg Phillip L. Ginsburg Hyman Glaser Rae Glassman Jeffrey Glazer Abraham & Frances Gleiberman Ruth Gold Stuart Gold David M.F. Goldberg Edward Goldberg Jerold Goldberg Melvin Goldberg Robyn Goldberg Rory Goldberg Dorothy Goldberg- Pace Fund Robert Goldklang Lucy Goldman Rabbi Lisa Goldstein Meg & Allan Goldstein Stuart Goldstone Andrew Gomperts Cheryl L. Goodman Eric Goodman Zelda Goodman Maury & Helen Goosenberg Herman Gordon Igal Gordon Nancy & Joseph Gordon Sore Gordon Salomon Gorshtein Sylvia Gorshtein Roanne Gotthelf Bonnie Graff Jeff Greco Daniel Green Lawrence Greenbaum Mark Greenberg Estelle Greenstein Jim & Carrie Greenstein Leonard Gregory Carla Grosmann Michelle Gross Judith & Allen Gruber Brandon Grusd Jerry Gumpel Alma & Jonathan Geiger Diana L. Hahn Darryl Hall Jeffrey Hall & Fern Platt Lisa Haney James Harris Naomi Harris Wayne Harris Michele S. L. Heath Chuck Helsel Alexandra Shubin Morton Hirshman Nancie & Steven Hochberg Mark & Cindy Hoffman Sam Hoffman

Denotes Lion of Judah, an internationally recognized group of women whose vision and commitment support our global Jewish community with a minimum gift of $5,000 each year to the Annual Campaign.

Denotes Lion of Judah Endowment, women whose vision, commitment, and generosity is demonstrated by establishing an endowment, leaving a legacy to our community in perpetuity.

Denotes Legacy Society, which is comprised of individuals who have included the Jewish Federation in their estate planning, leaving a legacy to keep our Jewish community strong for generations to come.

The Ben-Gurion Society is a national Young Leadership Society sponsored by the Young Leadership Cabinet of the United Jewish Communities (UJC) for young leaders (ages 25 to 45) who make a commitment of $1,000 or more to the Jewish Community Federation’s Annual Campaign.

In blessed memory.

We have tried to honor all listing requests to the best of our ability. If we have made an error, please accept our sincere apology and call us at 858.571.3444 so we can make the correction prior to the next time we publish the donor roll.


14 Partnering for a Vibrant Jewish Future

2010 Donor Roll

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Brian & Jenny Ilfeld Jack & Rosa Iskin Isaac Israel Sonia Ancoli Israel Adam Jacobs Dr. Gary Jacobs Irvin H. Jacobs, MD, MPH Dr. Edward A. Janon Ricardo Jinich Sergio Jinich Sonya Jinich Gabrielle Joel Julian Josephson Howard Kaplan Jeri Kaplan Lawrence Kaplan Robert Kaplan Stephen & Alysa Kaplan Avra Kassar Barry Kassar Howard Katz Larry Katz Emanuel Kauder Richard Kaufman & Eyla Boies Debbie Kempinski Edythe Kenton Karen K. Kessler Todd Kirschen Mr. Conrad Kluger Michael Kopiec Edith Koppel Schaechter Nat Koren Sharon Koren Lisa & Gregg Kornfeld Betty & Leonard Kornreich Charles Kossman Ana Kozlowski Mark Kramer Bryna Kranzler Harold Krasner Lenore Krems z”l Roberto Kucinski Dr. Paul Kurtin Jess Lacher Isaac Lagnado Sanford Lakoff Elliot & Phyllis Lasser Dana P. Launer, MD Rabbi Martin Lawson Robert Lazarus Fanny Krasner Lebovits Yvette Lechtner Caryl Lees-Witte Rich Leib Theodore & Mimi Levine Michael Levinson Marshall Lewis Jeffrey Liber David Liberman Leonard Liebermann Paul C. Liederman, MD Judy Lilienthal Miriam Lincoff Elaine Lipinsky Sheila Lipinsky Dr. Donald Lipkis Michael Lipman Estelle & Hamilton Loeb Michael London Barbara Loonin Lynn & Peter Louis Allen Lyon Alan S. Maisel, MD David Maizel Jack Maizel Luis Maizel Jay Malkoff

Meg Mandel David Mandelbaum Norman Mann Sivia Mann Steven Mannis & Kane Handel Brad Marcus Andrès & Libe Marek Nancy Marek Ellen Marks Carl Melcher Eli Meltzer Susie Meltzer Ivan Mendelsohn Lynn Mendelsohn Brian Mervis Margaret Meyer Mandi Meyerowitz Wayne Meyerowitz Alberto Michan Henry Michan Jenny Michan Brian Miller Danielle Miller Anabel Mintz Roslyn Mintz Clive Moch Evelyn Moch Andrew Mopper Ronnie Morgan Susan Morris Enrique Moscona Mark Moss Selwyn Moss Monica Munoz Barbara Nagorner Ruth Nelson Sheila Nerad Paul Neustein Lawrence Newman Dr. Michael Newman Miriam Norten Mark Oberman & Judith Eisenberg Steven Oberman Linda & Larry Okmin George & Paulette Olsher Gabrielle Oratz Glenn Oratz Kevin Oskow Lawrence Oster Barbara Ostroff Julius Pearl Suzy & Robert Penner Richard Perlman Brian Pidgeon & Lisa Westlund Harold Pidgeon Jacobo Pienknagura Raymonde Plant Jeffrey Platt Raulf Polichar Joan Pollak Joan Poticha Jori Potiker Ellen Potter & Ronald Evans Judy Pressman David & Jill Prolman Allan Rabin James & Lauren Ramenofsky Carol Randolph Joy Rapaport Robyn Rapoport Stanley Rapoport Mark Ratner Cheryl Rattner-Price Robert & Linda Rauch Rawdin Family Tracy Reif Andrew Resnick

Jack Resnick Robert & Lauren Resnik Lois Richmond Dr. Laurence S. Rivkin Naomi G. Rivkin Stacy Robin Jacobs Fane Robinson Charles Roseman Jodyne Roseman Arlene Rosen Judith Rosen Randi Rosen Helen Rosenberg Stacy Rosenberg Richard H. Rosenblatt Rabbi Leonard Rosenthal Ivan Rostovsky Janet Rostovsky Dr. Donald Rostow Sheryl Rowling Barbara Rozansky Norman Rozansky Dalya Rubanenko Dr. Howard Rubenstein Judith Rubenstein Michael Rubin Norman Rubin Allan Rudick Alan Rusonik Jorge Saad Nina Sabban Anthony Sacks Ellen Sacks Lila Sacks Teresita Salganick Carolyn Schaer Herbert Schaer Judith Scheinberg Robert Scheinberg Barry Scher Gloria Schiff Arlene Schloss Enid Schwartz Dr. Richard Schweitzer Paul Segal Charlene Seidle Douglas Selik Melvin Selzer Dr. Mitchell Shack Robert Shapiro Boris Shekhter Lawrence Sherman Sydney Shore Danielle Shulman Steve Shulman Charlotte Siegel Gene & Judy Siegel David Sigal Robert Silverman Bobbie Silverman Sandra Silverstein Jack Simkin Murray Simkin Ronald Simon Nancy Simons Bradley Slavin Edith Smargon Stanley Smiedt Dr. David Smotrich Miriam Smotrich Sylvia Sneider Martin Sodomsky Dr. & Mrs. Lawrence Solomon Irvin & Florence Sontag Alan Sorkin Brian Sorokin Perna Southern Melanie Spiegelman Jill Borg Spitzer

Dorothy Stein Nathan Stein Daniel Steinberg Steven Steinberg Jan Allan Steinert Peter Stern Richard Stern Ruth Stern Anthony Stiegler Elizabeth & Lester Stiel Alex Stolarski Jill Stone John Tishler Jacquelyn Tolley Yonina Tova Steven Tradonsky & Sharon Mair Paul Treger Maxine Trimble Beverly Turchin Maxine Turner Francine Tushak Ilana Umansky Gay Urvoas Laura Vainer Nancie Vann Evan Vapnek Gillian Vapnek Tammy Vener Martin Waldinger Maureen Wallace Michael Wallace Blanche Wasserman Isabelle Wasserman Jack Wasserman, MD Melvin Wasserman Jeffrey Wasserstrom Joshua Weinman Sheldon Weinstein Herbert Weiss Kay Weiss Henry Weissbuch Lawrence Weitzen Sydney & Cynthia Wexler Eileen Wingard Perri Wittgrove Louis Wolfsheimer Alona Yacobovsky Marvin Zaguli Yosi Zagursky Irwin Zahn Dr. Robert Zeiger Sandy & Jack Zemer Lois Zien Helene Rubin Ziman Sidney & Karen Zisook Paul Zlotnik Susie Zlotnik Ron & Joellyn Zollman Marshall Zucker Jose Zyman Sonia Zyman 56 Anonymous

$180 - $999 - supporting Donors

Jodi AbelTanya AbelMelody AbelesBrenda AbelkopMark AbelkopStephen AbelkopElanit AbramsLaurence AbramsJoel AbramsonMichael AbramsonShelley AbramsonWendy AbramsonClifford AcheatelLoretta AdamsEllen Adamson

Leo AdelmanArturo AdlerDavid AdlerHarold AdlerJacqueline AdlerLeona AdlerRaymond AdlerJulian AiresAlbert AlgaziLiliane AlgaziTodd AllenBeth AlpertPhillip AlpertDelsee AltmanPhilip AmesHarvey AmsterJudith AmsterWilliam AnapoellRuth AnfangarNorman & E. Sammee AppelSuzanne AppelbaumCraig AppelfieldLina ArakanchiSusan ArensonPhilip AriesEleanor ArkansAnne ArnoldHeather & Glenn ArnoldHerbert ArnoldNoam & Heidi Arzt & FamilyRachel AtriJerome AuerbachMia Babson GoldklangLawrence BameAlan BarkShoshana Bar-LevZev Bar-LevSheryl Baron

Michael & Bonnie BartKenneth BarthBernard BaruchZahavit BaruchYinon BarzilaiAlan BaskinMonica Bauer-FedermanMarcelle BayleyMaureen BearDiane BeckelLisa BeckerStewart BeckerPatricia BeerRafaela BelanickFelicia BelcherIrwin BelcherJon BellMargaret BelloweBarbara BeltaireRosa Grunhaus BelzerCheryl BenderJudith BenderShlomo BenderlyJonathan BenDorMorris BenguiatRaquel BenguiatMichael BennettTamara & Robert BennettAlberto BenreyNadin BenreyJonathan BenumofSherrie BenumofAmnon Ben-YehudaBeth BergerFrances BergerFred & Donna BergerMark BergerSylvia BergerJoel BerickAliza Berk

Bari BerkmanGil & Barbara BerkovichBracha BerksonAriela BerksteinSergio BerksteinCarolyn BerlinSusan BerlinGary BermanLaurie BermanNeville BermanPamela BermanWilliam BermanAlice Bermanis

Julie BernerSidney BernsenSteven BernsenGeorge BernsteinRobert & Linda BernsteinBeth Bernstein-TaborRobert BertonRoberto BesquinRina BessudoHollie BiermanBrian & Nicole BlacherGayle BlattMarvin BleckerSheila BlissStan BlissHerb BloomJennifer BloombergJanice BlumAdrienne BlumbergIsaac & Marcy BlumbergMarcy BlumbergPearl BlumbergNorman BlumenJeanne BlumenfeldLeonard BlumenreichDiane BlumenthalJack BoberJedd BogageRabbi Lenore BohmHoward BolotinD. Stephen BonerJanice BonerLouis Bookheim IIIJoseph BooksteinDovid BorokJonathan BorokDavid BossGinger BossMargaret BradburySol BrantzSusan BraunShelly BraverGail & Mark BravermanDeborah BrennerMichael BreslauerBarbara BrietigamSusan BrodieJack BrodskyStuart BrodyDaniel Brogadir

Howard BrotmanRosalyn BrotmanSteven BrotmanNancy BrowarJeffrey BrownMarla BruckerLynn BruserBarbara BryDebby BuchholzDeborah Bucksbaum & Joel SaltzmanMichael BuczaczerSeth BulowWendy BurkSusan BurkeDan BurlandI. Gerry Burstain

Michael E. BuschRobert CadishJoyce CamielRabbi Zalman CarlebachJane CarlinLinda CarsonStephen CarsonBarbara CashMorris CasutoDavid ChaitAlan & Ann ChaitinRosalie CharlatPaul ChasanShirley ChervinJoan ChesnerLouis ChesnerCarine & Allen ChitayatJack ChitayatDevin ChodorowSilvana ChristyRuth CielakSteven ClamageGary ClorfeinePat ClorfeineDaniel CodenAlex CohenElaine CohenIrving CohenJack CohenJeff CohenJeremy CohenKenneth & Karen CohenLauren CohenLoris CohenMolly CohenMyrna CohenOrly CohenPaul CohenRick CohenRobert CohenSheldon CohenAlice CohnGuenter CohnNorman CohnRobert CohnMilton & Renee CokinByron ColePamela CosmanShiri CobalinRuth CovellNaomi CrosbyFred DanielMicha “Mitch” DanzigBerta & James DarrScott & Annette DavidoffAron DavidsonRussell DavisSteven DavisEthel DelawieSherry DelsenFrank DembinskyBrooke DemnerMichael & Elena DeutschDavid DiamondEllis DiamondMiriam DiamondPerry DiamondRonnie DiamondSamuel DolnickGabriela DondischRoberta Frank DosickLaurie DoyleFrank DrummondAmy DworkinMatthew EarneEvelyn EdelsteinGail EdelsteinMannie EdelsteinMark Edelstein

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Shaun EdelsteinBruce EdensRachael EdwardsHarris & Nancy EffronMonica EfterRichard EgerClaudia EhrlichWendy EichenbaumFloralynn EinesmanJoanne EinhornAl & Naomi R. EismanKaren EismanMax EisnerJared EladJoanne & Harry EllisonDaniel EllmanJudith & Michael ElovitzAsaph EngelEmily EngelSteven EpnerJon EpstenPeter EpstineSusan ErmanLeo & Mary EskenaziClive EssakowNathan EssakowNorma EssakowMr. & Mrs. Edward EtessDorothy EttingerJacob EttingerBeth Faber JacobsSara FabianHannah FabrikantCandice FaganAlvin FaiermanBarbara FarfelHoward FarfelMartin FarfelHerschel FeigelsonMichael FeinmanDavid FeinswogRenee FeinswogKaren FeitelbergDr. Franklin S. FelberDaniel & Sylvia FeldmanEleanor FeldmanNomi FeldmanSanford FeldmanSara FeldmanElaine Feuer-BartonAnn FichmanSusan FieldmanIrving FineDavid FingerhutApril FinkChristina FinkJoshua FinkMathew FinkRhona FinkKaren FirstJudy FisherMeryl FlamMurray FleckHelen FlemingArnold FlickJoseph FoxKaren FoxLeonard FramMarcia FramBeryl FrankJack FrankJeff FrankJulian FrankCantor Lori Wilinsky FrankCharles FreedmanJoe FreedmanSusan FreemanB. David FreundlichRichard FriedlandAbraham FriedmanAlan FriedmanHoward FriedmanJan FriedmanPaul FriedmanTina FriedmanAndrea FrimmerBenjamin FrishbergVirginia FrogelHelane FronekJan Fronek

Harold FryshDonald FuhrmanTania FuxDanny GabrielGraeme GabrielSara GalanteJana GalicotJose GalicotKarla GalicotMelissa GalicotRafael GalicotMs. Helen GalnickHelena GalperMelissa GansHeidi GantwerkLotte GarberRaquel GarberSeymour GarberBrendan GaylisDr. Hyman GaylisRhoda & Hyman GaylisBrian GeffenSylvia GeffenAl Gelbart

Alisa GelbartMichael GellmanLewis GelmonGilbert GersenfishMary Jo GersenfishFred GersonSusanne GeshekterBette GetlineMatthew & Marcia GettingerJoseph GezelterBobbie & Jon GilbertRichard GilbertShirley GilbertRuth GilboaTony GildTammy GilliesJoanne GimbelKenneth GimbelMarc GittelsohnJeremy GlaserMarilyn GlaserThomas GlasserMarleigh & Alan GleicherPamela GlickmanElaine GlinerIliana & Eli GlovinskyMartin & Barbara GluckIlana & Joe GoldJeanne GoldMarilyn GoldMorris GoldPhyllis GoldSusan GoldMichael GoldbaumDr. Barry & Delores Goldberg

Linda GoldbergMeryl GoldbergMyrice GoldbergRoland GoldbergFlorence GoldfarbBarbara GoldmanRonald & Wyona GoldmanEva GoldsteinLaura GoldsteinJo Ann GoldstoneMelvin GoldzbandDavid GoodblattPenina GoodmanSharon GoodmanSheryl & Mark GoodmanBarbara GordonJeoffry GordonJerry Gordon Memorial FundMichael GordonNancy GordonRobert & Rhoda GordonVicki GordonShelley & Gideon GorenRonit GorodezkyWil & Janet GorrieSteve GouldLawrence Gratt

Philip GraubartClaire GreenLiora GreenMelvyn GreenOrin GreenLaurie GreenbergBeverlee GreenePat GreeneRoberta GreeneSamantha GreenePatricia GreenfieldClarence GreenwaldStephen GrobanClive GrossKaren GrossMarc GrossMimi GrossBrian GrossmanCraig GrossmanAllen GruberMiriam GuberekUri GuefenVivian GuefenJudith GumbinerRebecca GumpelStephanie GumpelBobbie GussDavid GussErwin GutowitzRobert & Merrill HaimsohnSamuel HalpernKristin HampshireDenise Handler-ShoemakerPamela HankinJohn HarlandMichael HarnettJay HarrisPhyllis HarrisRuth HarrisNathan HarrisonRita HartmanBrian HaubenstockBetsy HaubrichBarbara & Gordon HaworthJoy HechtLilly HechtLisa HeikoffSaul HeimanMorton HeinrichJoel HeiserRita HellerHarvey & Randi HelselLisa HelselAgnes HermanJoanna HermanRichard HermanSandra HermanElissa HerringIlana HerringLarry HerringTammy HershfieldElaine HessBrianne HewitsonHoward HianJeffrey HighArnold HillNorma HillGunter HirschGary & Tracy HirschfeldAri HirschhornGary HirshMichael HirshGary HochmanBarbara HofferEleanor HoffmanGavin & Cheryl HornSanford HorowitzLaurie HoshawRobert HottoDon HoutsHarold HowerLillian HubermanSusan HubermanDeborah HuennekensKathy HuishDebbi HunterLinda Hutkin-SladeKent HytkenJean IglowBertha IlkoKenji Ima

Shirley ImberRobert IrvingIsrael IsmajHans IsmannDr. Andrew IsraelAudrey JacobsCarolyn JacobsDebby JacobsDr. Jacqueline JacobsLila JacobsonCharles JaffeMarsha JangerLinda JanonCornell JarayEmily JenneweinElizabeth JeterAna JinichDaniela JinichKaren JinichRoberto JinichDr. Cecile JordanAnthony & Natalie JosephsonLaura JuchaSara KabakoffJennifer KagnoffMarcia KagnoffLinda-Anne KahnBernardo KajarekBarbara KamesarMaya KanarekHelen KanferSimone KanterAlysa KaplanDaniel KaplanEsther Kaplan

Jodie KaplanMorris KaplanMuriel KaplanRobert KaplanTheodore & Trina KaplanHarvey & Elizabeth KartenAbe & Paula KassamJohn KassarKate KassarDorothy KatzEdwin KatzIlse KatzLouis KatzNorman KatzRita KatzRoxanne KatzStan KatzNadja KauderBernard KaudererMyra KaudererDonald KaufmanSheryl KaufmanAnn KavyLisa KayRandall KayDavid & Phyllis KeelerNorman KellnerSol KempinskiAlan KholosClark KholosPerla KimballMiriam KirshnerDan KlausenstockBarbara KleinBrooke KleinDavid KleinMarnie & LewKleinMorton KleinbergDavid KleinfeldKathy KleinfeldNan KleinmanGertrude KlotzTodd KobernickMervyn KodeshMiguel KoenigKaren KogutDanielle & Michael KootchickMargaret KopiecJessica KorenFranklin KornRabbi David & Deborah KornbergMartin KornfeldMarsha KorobkinMarcia KossmanDoris Kossy

Mathew KostrinskyGordon KozJaime KozlowskiLeona KramarzJoan KramerMartha KrasneMilton KrasnerRyan KrasnerDianne & Larry KrasnowSusy KravzovMary Ann KremerEnid KriegerDavid KrollJonathan KrollAlex KrongoldSherry KroopElena KucinskiDavid KupferbergDiane KutnerIan KutnerPhillip LadmanCandice LagnadoMichelle Lalouche-KaddenCraig LambertJan LandauMax LandauSam LandauBarry LanderSusan LapidusJerri PittluckDanny LaulomEleanor LaversonDennis LavineRhoda LavineDaniel & Ellen LavisMara LawrencePamela LawrenceAnita LawsonJoth LaytonWilliam LechtnerVeronica & Miguel LeffMichelle LeftonMatthew LehrerDavid LeibHilda LeisorekRhoda LemleinIra LernerLainie Lesser-MarkArturo LevinHoward LevinIna LevinMichael LevinPhyllis LevinRebecca Selk Levin & Wayne I. LevinBeth Levine & Henry AbarbanelElizabeth LevineEllen LevineGeraldine LevineHarvey LevineHaya LevineJudith LevineLinda LevineDr. Mauricio LevineRobert LevineSteven & Audrey LevineEly LevinskyJodi LevinsonCheryl LevittGary LevittJennifer LevittDavid LevyDebora LevyLawrence & Nancy LevyMateo LevyNathan & Celia LevyVarda LevyJennifer LewisTheodora LewisBetty LiasClark LibensonHarriette LibensonHillary LiberAvi LibmanJonathan LichtDalia LiebermanDaniel LiebermanLarry LiebermenschYaron LiefRon Lifton

Cyril LightElias LilienthalSara LimenesKatja LindenbergLeslie LinnPhilip LinssenHilliard LipmanAlan LitrownikCathey LittellGail LittmanDr. Marshall J. LittmanMark & Ellie LivingstoneMaury LiwerantDebra LobatzJudith LoebMarc LoewenthalNancy LoewenthalIliana LombrozoJessica LombrozoMarc LotzofBarbara LounsburyBeatrice LoynabRebecca LubezkyHerbert Lubick

Marsha LubickAnthony & Joan LuboweJudge Murry LuftigAlan LurieBarbara LurieKarin LurieSelwyn LurieLinda LuttbegHoward LyonMichael & Kevan LyonLeslye LyonsMichelle LyonsDr. Norman & Mrs. Elaine MagidChelle MaioSharon MairJerry MalamudRuth MalinSharon MalkoffGail MalkusBruce ManchelArnold MandelMelissa MandelAlison MandelbaumJustin MandelbaumSonia MandelbaumBrenda & Mark MannGeva MannorAlan & Naomi MarblestoneBarbara MarcusBrian MarcusDanielle MarcusShelley MarcusSuzanne MarcusMarie MargulisKenneth & Gloria MarionLeslie MarkGregory MarkowMichael MarksDavid MarshCelia MarshakSuzanne MartinRuth MarxDina MassryCarrie MayersHillel MazanskyFelice McGrathKathie McKirdyMichael MellonJennifer MeltzerRabbi Scott MeltzerEd MendelsohnMarcie MerelCantor Sheldon MerelCynthia MichaelMarge MichaelsonCecilia MichanDavid MichanPaul MichelsonShelley MichelsonDmitry MilikovskyGavin MillerJoyce Miller ArovasLesley MillsLeonard MilnerStan Minick

David MintonNeil MintzJaime MirmanArvin MirowPhyllis MirskyLillian MiselewiczCharles & Ilene MittmanJoyce MizockMonica MizrachiRafael MizrachiCharlotte MizrahiElias MizrahiLorin MochEsther ModianoBarry MogolAnton & Barbara MonkDaniel MonsowitzMarjorie MopperMarci MorganCharles MorrisWilliam & Amy MorrisElaine MoserCharlotte MoskovitzBarbara Moss

Ellen MossHannah MossHarold MossLara MouritzenNissim MualimSherri MuchnickAlicia MussalyStanley Nadel & Cecilia CarrickJoshua NammSally NaumannSandra NeborskyAmy NefouseDanielle & Daniel NegroniRuth R. NelsonJames NeradJanice NessesBurton NestorNancy NevinIrwin NewbergJacqueline NiedermanVicky NizliLee NordanMaureen NorwoodJeffrey NovackRobert D. NovickDanielle OkovitaIrving OkovitaLeah OllmanVivian OlmosJoseph OppenheimerArlene & Daniel OrlanskyLisa OrlanskyDavid OsiasElizabeth OzerMartin PamenskyRenee ParkerSidney ParkerBarbara Parker RatnerMicah & Marguerite ParzenShirley PassowLeah PazolJeremy PearlIrv PedowitzBradley PennerGary PerlJoel & Ruth PerlinKaren PerlingPatricia PerlmanGary PerlmutterViolet PerperCharles PerrinBetty PesinGeorge PeyserRobin PhillipsErika PienknaguraVera PienknaguraRussell PierceMildred PilotEdna PinesAnne PinkelDavid PinnDennis PinnBetty PittluckLori Pivo

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Cynthia PolgerEric Sands PoliakSharon PolicharMarisa PolinMichael PolinZachary PolinSteven PollackSusan & Harvey PollackNewton PollockHoward PotashMarc & Shayna PotashBeverly PowazekBenjamin PressHarry ProctorBarry QuartJill QuigleyJoyce QuintanaEdward RabinovichSheryl RabinowitzMirle Rabinowitz-BussellLawrence & Rosie RaddenCynthia RaffDonna & Paul RafferBruce RaphaelsonPatty RaphaelsonRichard & Laura RappaportDebra Rappaport-RosenAlfredo RatniewskiRosa RatniewskiAlbert RayBarbara RechtMichael RechtJoseph ReismanSara ReismanBobbe ReitmanStephen ReitmanMark RemasSherry ReshBernard RhinersonLawrence RiceVivian RichJason RichardsJoshua RichmanGloria RimlandMatt RinkeyShulamit RitblattJudith & George RitnerKathy RobbinsPhilip RobbinsCarole RobinConnie RobinLeonard RobinLinda RobinsonRobert & Lila RocksteinJamie RodinRebeca RodkinEllen RofmanMurray & Ruth RogowDiane RolandAbraham RomanowskyArlene RoseDavid RoseEvan RoseLaura & Howard RoselinskyCecil & Joseph RosenHugh RosenJonathan RosenSharon Rosen LeibElaine RosenbaumRose RosenbergSam RosenbergJane RosenkrantzAdam RosenthalJami RosenthalJudy RosenthalMurray RosenthalSimon RosenthalCarole RossJoel RossLinda RossMichael RosslerSylvia RothChad RothbartJoy & Richard Rothberger

Gloria RothenbergLinda RothschildGary RottoFay RozenIsaac RozenRoman & Diana RozenshteynDr. Stuart & Britt RubensteinCharles RubinMarjorie RubinRob RubinSandra RubinToba RubinBarbara Rubin-LampittIrwin RudickSandra RudickKaren RundDavid SaacksAviva SaadMoises & Elena SaadMarcia SachsRaymond SachsSheri SachsArlene SacksJeffrey SacksSandra SacksGlenda Sacks JaffeCraig SafferRichard Safrin, MDGary SaksHershel SakulskyAdele SalehVivienne SalehBrigitte SalomonGerrard SalomonCraig SalonerStephen & Sherry SaltzmanClarence SalzerDeborah SalzerAbigail SandJared SandersonJanice Sands-WeinsteinTerri SappHeather SarkinNorman SarkinJohn ScaranoMindy ScaranoR. Michael Scarano Jr.Diane SchachatHoward SchachatLynne & Robert SchafferRobert SchafferMark SchauderJoan & Paul SchauderCraig SchectmanLarry ScheidermanAlex ScheingrossShari SchenkSylvia SchenkerArthur & Evalyn SchiffLeonard SchiffStefanie SchiffAlec SchifferDonald SchifferMax SchindlerCraig SchlossJerry SchneiderJulius SchneiderMolly & Jon SchneiderMartin SchulmanPaul SchulmanSidney & Elsie SchulmanSteve SchulmanSuzanne SchulmanJoseph SchulmannJoan SchultzPaul SchultzSol SchultzHarriet SchumanDarren & Dr. Dara SchwartzCinie SchwartzGail & Jonathan SchwartzGertrude SchwartzHerm SchwartzJudith SchwartzmanHoward Schwitkis

Karla SefchovichStephen SegalMichael & Lynda SegallAllan SeidSheila SeidDeborah SeidleJustin SeligmannJanet SelikJosef & Doris SellerJudy SelzerAlyssa SepinwallMichelle SerwinRichard L. Serwin, MDJessica ShaananSuzan ShaananDorothy ShabsinMorton ShaevitzHarold ShapiroJacqueline ShapiroMelvin ShapiroRobert ShapiroShirley ShapiroLiz SharpHerbert ShatoffWilliam ShaymanMorris & Clara ShechetAlan ShetzerBennett ShillerHenry ShilletJacob ShorJane ShoreDavida ShreiberIda ShreiberCarlos ShterembergIngrid ShulmanAlan ShumacherHarriet ShumacherRebecca ShupackFern SiegelPaula SiegelMitchell & Elizabeth SieglerLiz SigalRobert SigalBeverly SilldorfHoward SilldorfBarry SilvermanGayle G. SilvermanIrvin SilversteinLibby SilversteinAnne SimonLeslie SimonMitchell & Deborah SimonMichael SimonsMonica SimpsonEdward SingerMark SiprutCathie SkinnerMichael SkloffEthel SlayenSandra SlivkaDeborah SlonimLance & Lynne SmallMildred SmallMarilyn SmiedtArlette SmithGregory J. SmithJillian SmithLogan & Jodi SmithRobert SmithAnn SmittLinda SmulowitzSylvia SmulyanCynthia SneiderEduardo SneiderDavid SobelNorman SobelMarilyn SodomskyFrances SokolovNorman & Judith SolomonJorge SorokinSamuel & Marci SorokinAnn SpectorDale SpectorDr. Gerald SpectorJerry SpectorSheri SpectorSidney SpectorSteven SpectorJacob Sperling

Carol Spielman-EwanDr. Edward SpilkinMarvin SpiraPatricia SpiraKate SpiroCharles SpitzerDaniel & Edith StandlerFrancy StarrIlene SteimanLisa SteinMartin SteinHarris SteinbergDeborah StepenskyJose StepenskyLoraine SternPamela-Rose SternAdam StettnerMichael StoffMelvin StonePeter StovinLilly StrausbergSydney StrausbergPhyllis StraussMaxine StrombergScott SugarmanJ.J. SurbeckBeni SurpinJackie & Beni SurpinAnita SzmuilowiczHal TabackJoyce TabackPhyllis TabakLiza TacherHelane TartikoffGayle TauberJack TavelmanMark TepersonHilda TeutschEdward G. ThomasRochelle TregerArnold TubisCharlotte TubisKate TuckerJerome TurchinBrian TurkMatthew TurkSusan UlevitchCharles UmanskyPatricia UngarJan VangrovEric VannRichard VengerBenjamin VilenskiEsther VilenskiGabriel VogeliBennett VoitDiane VoitGeraldine VoitMorris WainsteinNeil WainsteinPhilippa & Neil WainsteinHarold WalbaClive WaldenAnita WaldmanRuth WarburgBarbara WasserstromBryan WaxJoseph WechslerCathy WeilElana WeinbergerHarold WeinbergerRobin WeinerSheila WeinstockArlene WeintraubGerald WeintraubRobert WeisgrauEric WeismanJoan & Kenneth WeissStewart WeissmanGerry WeitzSteven WeitzenFred Weitzen Jr.Marvin & Shirley WeitzmanAdam WellandDoris WeltDianne WertheimLona WesselBeth WilenskyGordon WilliamsLaura WilliamsMarilyn Williams

Iris WilnaiTeri WilnerStephen & Debbie WismarJoseph WitztumSheila WolbromJanice WolfPaul WolfIsaias WolfenzonJill WolfenzonMarcia Tatz WollnerMarcia WolochowOlga WormLance YeamanTara YelmanDan & Rachel ZagurskyEnrique ZagurskyEva ZagurskyJoan ZakGussie ZaksGloria ZalkinHoward ZatkinJoshua ZawatskyDaniel ZelacBoris ZelkindKarin ZellMaurice ZemlickCharlene ZiekyLeonid ZilbermanStacey ZimanDenise ZimmermanElena ZimmermanJustin ZivinJane ZmoraNorman ZmoraTibi ZoharJosef ZoldanWayne & Annie ZuckerAlan ZuckermanBeatrice ZweifachClaire ZweimanEllen ZyroffJack Zyroff85 Anonymous

“I grew up in an environment in which I was always aware of the community’s extreme generosity. That sense of ongoing commitment and sense of responsibility to the Jewish community had a lasting impact on me. I believe that the next generation’s involvement in Federation will pass along these same ideals.” – Nathan Essakow, Donor

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4950 Murphy Canyon RoadSan Diego, CA 92123
