
Powerpoint By: Engr. Esmeraldo T. Guimbarda Jr.

Transcript of 1stQtr-1stMeeting-travel

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By: Engr. Esmeraldo T. Guimbarda Jr.

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What is PowerPointPowerPoint presentations consist of a number of individual pages or "slides". The "slide" analogy is a reference to the slide projector. Slides may contain text, graphics, sound, movies, and other objects, which may be arranged freely. The presentation can be printed, displayed live on a computer, or navigated through at the command of the presenter.

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Examples of Powerpoint1. MS Powerpoint2. LibreOffice Impress3. Google Doc’s Presentation

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MS(MicroSoft) PowerPoint

Microsoft PowerPoint is a slide show presentation program developed by Microsoft. It was officially launched on May 22, 1990, as a part of the Microsoft Office suite.

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Microsoft PowerPoint gives you ways to create and share dynamic presentations with your audience. It is a powerful communication tool to present views and ideas effectively using diagrams, photos, sounds, designs and animations. It uses a graphical approach to presentations in the form of slide shows that accompany the oral delivery of the topic. In addition, it is widely used in business and classrooms and is an effective tool when used for training purposes.

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CREATING A NEW FILECreating a new file enables you to start on your presentation. This creates a blank presentation in your workspace. The Blank Presentation can be found in File > New > Blank Presentation. Shortcut to this is by pressing Ctrl + N.

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SAVING A FILESaving a file enables you to save the presentation you’ve made. This will enable you to change, enhance, and edit your work for future purposes. When saving your documents, you are given two choices: Save and Save As. Save automatically writes the changes to the file that it was last saved to or to the file from which it was opened. Save As does not care about which the history of the file. It would always open a new dialog where the user would enter the filename he wishes to use and the format. Save can be found in File > Save or File > Save As or just click the Save shortcut above the File tab. Shortcut keys for save are Ctrl + S.

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EXPLORING THE INTERFACECreating a new file enables you to start on your presentation. This creates a blank presentation in your workspace. The Blank Presentation can be found in File > New > Blank Presentation.

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1 ― File Menu and Backstage View: When you click the File menu (the equivalent of the Office Button in PowerPoint 2007), you see the new Backstage view that contains all the creation, save, share, and print options for your presentations.2 ― Quick Access Toolbar: Also known as the QAT, this is a customizable toolbar placed by default on the top of Ribbon -- you can add icons for your often used commands to this toolbar. The QAT can also be placed below the Ribbon.3 ― Ribbon: The Ribbon has tabs which in turn contain groups of buttons for various options -- some groups also contain galleries (for example galleries for Themes and Theme Colors).

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1. File Menu and Backstage View2. Quick Access Toolbar3. Ribbon

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4 ― Slides/Outline Pane: Normally placed on the left side of the interface, this pane contains two tabs -- the Slides tab and the Outline tab. The Slides tab shows thumbnails of all the slides in the open presentation. The Outline tab shows the same slides in outline view.5 ― Slide Area: Displays the active slide.6 ― Task Pane: The Task Pane contains more options and appears when you choose an option in one of the Ribbon tabs -- for example if you click the Clip Art button on the Insert tab of the Ribbon, the Clip Art task pane opens.

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4. Slides/Outline Pane5. Slide Area6. Task Pane

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7 ― Status Bar: A horizontal strip that provides information about the opened presentation like slide number, applied Theme, etc. It also includes the view and zoom options. The View buttons are explained later in this page.

8 ― Notes Pane: Directly below the active slide, this is where you input speaker notes for the current slide. None of this content is visible on the actual slide while presenting ― although it is visible in both Notes Page view and Presenter view.

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9 ― View Buttons:Essentially there are four view buttons on the status bar displayed towards the left of the zoom-in and zoom-out options:Normal View - Clicking this enables Normal view, Shift-clicking this gets you to Slide Master view.Slide Sorter View - Clicking this displays "zoom-able" thumbnails of every slide in the open presentation. Shift-clicking this button gets you to Handout Master view.Reader View - Clicking this displays the presentation in a readable format.Slide Show from current slide - Show the presentation as a full screen slideshow from the current selected slide. Shift-clicking brings up the Set Up Show dialog box.

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VIEWING THE PRESENTATIONViewing the presentation enables you to test drive your slides and see how they would look like when you show them to your audience. As mentioned earlier, there are four view buttons on the status bar displayed towards the left of the zoom-in and zoom-out options.

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Activity● Open Microsoft Powerpoint. Click on Start ►All

Programs ► Microsoft Office► Microsoft Powerpoint or double-click on the Microsoft Powerpoint shortcut on the desktop. This will open a blank presentation in Microsoft Powerpoint.

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● Let’s add your details to the presentation so you can endorse yourself! Click on Insert ►Text Box and click on the slide area. This will create your first text box inside the slide

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Continuation of guide image

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● Writing the name of the company you’re attending is a must when you are endorcing yourself. Click inside the text box. Notice that a blinking cursor will appear — this indicates that you are now ready to type. Key in “Traveland” as you company name and click outside of the text box once you are finished.

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● You can now add information about yourself. Add another text box in the current slide present. Key in your full name, age, section, and school to complete your portfolio.

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You may change the text style if you wish. In order to do that, locate on the quick access toolbar a drop down menu that contains the font list. Click on your text box first, then choose your desired font in the font list.

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● Add the logo of the company to give it a more professional look. In order to do that, click on Insert ►Picture. A dialogue box will pop out of your screen. Locate the logo of the company in the folders present at the left side of the dialogue box. Select it and click Insert to place it on the slide. Position the logo anywhere you want in the slide until you are satisfied.

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● Try viewing your portfolio to see how it would look like. Essentially there are four view buttons on the status bar displayed towards the left of the zoom-in and zoom-out options. Try out each of the buttons to see their differences. Press Esc once you click the Slide Show button (4th button) to go back to the Normal View.

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● Save your work once you are done. Locate the Save button above the menu bar. It will automatically open a dialogue box once it is clicked. Use "My first file.pptx" as the file name and click on Save to finish. Congratulations! You now have your own mini portfolio.