1st Sunday of Advent-C-Asun

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Transcript of 1st Sunday of Advent-C-Asun

  • 7/30/2019 1st Sunday of Advent-C-Asun


    Text: Luke 21, 25-28.34-36 on - the First Sunday ofC- Advent - Beginning of the liturgical year.Cycle C Comentarios and presentation: M. Asun Gutirrez Cabriada. Music: Mahler. Adagietto

    Symphonie n 5.

    Translation to English: J. Izquierdo OH

    And the hope is a pregnant woman ofa diverse world. Only the women, themothers, know the waiting, because itis inscribed physically in their bodies.

    It is expected, not for a lack, but fora plenitude, not for absence to befulfilled, but for an overabundance of

    life that presses already.It is expected to engender : the wind

    of the Spirit fills the life.(Ermes Rochi)

  • 7/30/2019 1st Sunday of Advent-C-Asun


  • 7/30/2019 1st Sunday of Advent-C-Asun


    25 There will be signs in the sun and moon and stars; on earth nations in agony,bewildered by the turmoil of the ocean and its waves; 26 men fainting away withterror and fear at what menaces the world, for the powers of heaven will beshaken.

    The "signs" that it mentions affect to the totality of the creation (sky, the sun,moon, stars, earth, sea). The text uses apocalyptic language, which doesn't mean

    catastrophe, as it tends to be thought and as it has been about to explain, butrevelation. In the apocalyptic tradition, the cosmic catastrophe was the symbol ofthe fall of an unjust social order, and of the opening of a new world: of the victoryof the Messiah and of the beginning of the universal reign of God. Luke presentsthis event as Good News. The target isn't to provoke fear but to encourage to thehappiness and to the hope. Our faith isn't based on events description, but in

    following Jesus. What signs of hope and of liberation do I offer to the persons andto the world?

  • 7/30/2019 1st Sunday of Advent-C-Asun


    27 And then they will see the Son of man coming in a cloud with power and great

    glory.28 When these things begin to take place, stand erect, hold your headshigh, because your liberation is near at hand.

    The evangelist puts in mouth of Jesus these words of spirit and peace.Jesus is coming: what a happiness! what a liberation! The humanity may

    pass through sufferings, my personal life may have problems andmishaps. Nothing of that has the last word. The decisive thing for everyone of us there is the time that through which we have to live, that is

    the immediate preparation to the personal encounter with Jesus. Heinvites us to have courage, getting over ,not looking to another side inthe face of the necessities of people that surround us, to compromise us

    to make possible, worthy and happy the life of all. To wait for theliberating arrival of Jesus compromises us to live through the present

    liberating us and liberating others.

  • 7/30/2019 1st Sunday of Advent-C-Asun


    34 Watch yourselves, or your hearts will be coarsened by debauchery anddrunkenness and the cares of life, and that day will come upon youunexpectedly, 35 like a trap. For it will come down on all those living on theface of the earth.

    The examples that Jesus puts keep on being current. Every person knows what dulls

    the mind and the heart and prevents him/her from having deployed the antennatoward the values of the spirit, to genuine happiness., towards the authentichappiness. The indolence? the routine?: the incoherence?: the pessimism?: the

    infantilism? the conformism?: the egoism?: the consumerism?: the lack ofsolidarity?... Don't be content with what it neither fills it nor lights your heart. It

    is a time to give the best news. Around you they need a kind word, a gesture of

    friendship, an ideal that fills with enthusiasm, a stretched hand, an enthusiasm thatrenew, a boundless love...

  • 7/30/2019 1st Sunday of Advent-C-Asun


    36 Stay awake, praying at all times for thestrength to survive all that is going to

    happen, and to hold your ground before theSon of man.

    Expecting Jesus means not to speculate about the end of the world, but to livethe present with lucidity, confidence and responsibility.

    Without alarmism or conformism.Ours is to believe in a future of fullness, without escaping of the present, keepingalive the hope, which it illuminates and

    The moment that we live is timely to give reason for our hope.With joy, without any fear, because it comes closer the time of liberating us and

    of liberating of all that prevents to live with authentic happiness, because it

    comes closer our Liberation.

  • 7/30/2019 1st Sunday of Advent-C-Asun


    We believe in Jesus de Nazareth, who didn'tpreach laws not systems, but the God's Kingdom.

    We believe in Jesus.Under his light and with his force, we can live,

    act, to suffer and to die in this world, of trulyhuman form, supported by God,determined to the end in the struggle for the

    human being.We believe in Jesus, we wait for the Kingdom

    that he announcedand we commit ourselves in working without

    restto take the whole humanity to this Kingdom.

    Hans Kng