1923 Petition Labor Shortage Hawaii

dtiX s ,} SENATVXt i ( N 'i jtA B~~~~iX".; '146 t j2., l;'0'! RATWX f;:o, RSL ED. SlAGBQ1zIBRll¢'W: SELQRTA,GE'~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~i;J,. }; £* ~~~~, i921-1 ' £red .t b i% D8ePi h W BY Mrj; DNujxok ,! from the -.Cmmtte -on, Immnigration, ! . + ^ {thb6, olhIt.. * ., . submitted REPORTO. '. a;: Jf ,i -ii t.:: i( ' Iti 'i I :" ' , , I .?, I'irt t !ikjl 11-t ?.'; . I t. :, le e llux+ I Ii .,A ..I ii l; WWn t 'A it ft4;srFbXuq&d,^-aq,3PP'if4£-an-'etieadi'bf ,f,?;Oi di?' ¢* ,w)jlf I r!. ;,j,* 'j' ' ' ii. ? ioiii, °:Ptr 3' ~~~iti~?i I I I ve 11 ,)N!,*,.,, I 1 50 0 " liC~ j8pwf161JttthE9rbvg; Lali4 gri4$rui~ t htibiS vt ~ ~~~~ ~~~,r "U 4lu t,*,efii00nidi. .(sf--ise, r~~~, s14..'i t if ' &,W f, i ., ' ''¢ ,8 i } $ 'u b E 4 & ' k'b' fg* t ! o, ~ a -- fl;n- 5>Y! O;;2^ ~tlfl ~;iJP ln ^2iL'A'ttthi -BY juiuki Gp7RKjA~t


1923 Petition Labor Shortage Hawaii

Transcript of 1923 Petition Labor Shortage Hawaii

Page 1: 1923 Petition Labor Shortage Hawaii

dtiXs, } SENATVXt i ( N' i jtA B~~~~iX".;'146 t j2., l;'0'!

RATWXf;:o, RSLED.SlAGBQ1zIBRll¢'W:SELQRTA,GE'~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~i;J,.}; £ * ~~~~, i921-1 ' £red .t b i%D8ePih W


Mrj; DNujxok ,! from the -.Cmmtte -on, Immnigration,!.+̂ {thb6, olhIt..*





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?ioiii, °:Ptr 3' ~~~iti~?iI I I ve 11,)N!,*,.,, I 150 0


liC~j8pwf161JttthE9rbvg; Lali4 gri4$rui~t htibiS

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--fl;n-5>Y! O;;2^ ~tlfl ~;iJP ln

^2iL'A'ttthi-BY juiuki Gp7RKjA~t

Page 2: 1923 Petition Labor Shortage Hawaii

2 IMnrouIGPr to Akumva +ON!"An.si1uatioli and prevent destruciyq nomic losses. Fllrg,co~ifereine ihe governor sent a special message on t4e si'cv'gheUeitorial legislature, which was then in ssion; and. iAr of1921 the legislature, based upon this message of the Governor ofHawaii and its own knowledge of the circumstances, by acts andresolutions, authorized and directed the governor to appoint a specialcommission to proeed to Washington, D. C., for the puropse of thererepresenting the Territo and presenting to Congress full informa-tion 0dnernix* tkie`'giiW&oi6 ini aA 4Irt6(se(SeifeiFeli( 'F&Wi&IAt the same .titneithe Trtitoria; legislature, opftprikted funds fromthe Territorial treasury to meet the expenses incurred by this com-mission in carrying out its instructions.The resolution discussed in this report was drafted by the Hawaii

Emergency Labor Commisaion,, appointed byv te governor of theTerritory, and consists of Mr. WaIlter F. Dillingham, Mr. Charles F.Chillingworth, and Mr. Albert Horner; and this commission, withthe then Delegate of Hawaii, appeared before your committee invarious 'hearings had _on this matter,-testifying ai to the d o

the situation in Hawaii and the ieogsityfor itosearly relief.


At the time-American misionaries from New England first went toHawaii, in 1820, the oqly eexport( oimnLoditw.as sandalwood. Thewhaling industry which developed in Hawvaii after the advent of the

Mw~clEp 'ar, etroecg tphqeCirb!,I, Teu#~~;^"tunditsattept o t" ag"Y epxi ep~~~~R 7,11 LYA9eIT~

turned to th~ Orientforthe Iabo4wtl'itnseed~'tl to,penThroughout th. year i#nil vnesat~iqn. to<. tle 0Uiid States the

toveinment of awaii was dressedw- h the on lqof keeping itsalien peoples in balance numericaaiertei4 to. Of thepptii tfannexatiqn to te untd St*tes6v~erty greatly e dce'dedthe other oWial.0 DODula iono "With "i i ",became impossible, tom the dqo 'vl aChinese and open to the JIansJ,1900, which shows a total popifltiVnese, 4he next laXet racial oIt37,000. %'1hel920 census` laes' theat 256,000, with 1o9o,90 ,apriwanAns, '23,000OlinlT-daz the basilc ustries of]

principaiT crops iprUhtof UirnapplesCp ee, to accoiann-06 hmuch smaller quantities. A thecompletely deptendentfr th Ptcultural acti'ties of the country.of the isands have be~n cointm6r

ericans have never beei'nueinel

Page 3: 1923 Petition Labor Shortage Hawaii


tot: l pop*4,"in. Further Ameriein ndustril d pliticali, con-'tol however, 1i -seriously threatened, by th ppeponderance of-Japaiieie aong Lthose who6 iion'allylpeform the field labor of theTerr1tory ani by an'actual shortg. f suchlaborSSine' thi' mnitter-wasp&estintedogtthi- committeetin 1921

continued?aiid intensive kruiti ofFilipinbs in the PhilippineOlandsbaseaabled athei inditieids& of4the Tertory to secure la suffi-

cient4nltimbe.r- of field lablre'r to .iermit the cultivation ofatllbut fl2,O.!0(ari of. thet' normal' 'garv.produchig' land but 'thd forcedabandonment of. this largearea Shia debreasl' 'tue annual sugarp'iodu.tion of the' errtoryby approximately '60,000 tons and nolabolor t6:rmiie the.;biltivation' of thi land is 'now available 'in.H~awaii o(r from elsewhereuidoru isting laws.....Thihobtage-ofcommon lkibor-is cVused,:in part, by the restlegs-oneof fieldr laborerswho -were paid nearly $26,000,0in bonuses,ioveraridfabbvel regular'wages in 1-920,; and-alo, inlar er'part;zby- the wci iari racial solidarity-of the Japanese 'Who constitute 43 .per*cent (of the poii~ktion rof the islands. Until the very recent inten-siVe recruiting of. Filipinos,' '75. per cent, of the field labor employed'in the, fundnuientdl agricultiial' industries ofi Hawaii was performedby Jap6Aeg, natiokial'oroby Teteitoriall-born, itizens of JapaneseCic~try~; .Oh Adcout. of6theireloscohesiveness and characteristiccollective manner of action, these Japanese have it in their power tocontrol the industriestoft the Territory byibeing 'able either to furnishor to fail to furnish the labor without which those industries can not,lve.;; Y¢ - --live. 'THIAI PREPONDERATING RACE.

With, their, preponderance in numbers and their aggressive' ambi--tion, ;it is;natural that the Japanf se should, be 'active m every 'line ofbusiness endeavor. The extensive fishing industry of Hawaii is:entirely in their control to-day. They-have a monopoly of stonemasonr.y and quary work throiughout the Territory and have atactical monopoly of the carpenter and small contracting business.oew Japanese business ventures of one sort or another arcOn-

startly makldng their appearanceanid in' many lines of industrythey outnumber American .citizens 2 or 3 to 1..

T~he Japanese population of the Territory is s large that it is ableto maintain "itself as a separate coxmnity- and feels no necessity,for business 'or other reasons, of-assciating or 'assimilating with theother population of the islands. The Japanese is conspicuouseverywhere' for! his national solidarity and pride; and in the develop-mest, of'.new business' enterprises this solidarity and pride is ap-pealed to in order to compel Japanese to do L'usiness with people oftheir : own race.-

,,.;PEOAR 'ONDI1*ONS IN -T TRRTY.0i1'IW*t; 'i ,. !" , ,

*"Thne T~fitory'of'Hawai' isins-igular andisolate - 2,100 -miles fromthe mainand of'the Upiied State It has' n migratory 'supply oflaborJ sl as is to Pbe: found n practically every setion ofthe0mai-landjiand neitherdoes it hive any adequate supply of labor wkthihitO own boundaries.' For labor to 6anryr on its essential industries, itmusts therefore look to some other source.


Page 4: 1923 Petition Labor Shortage Hawaii


Fot the t_60 OMrstinpud sd expndive havbeen made by the Gbveninet and by th ,ihdus tiesteuse&v#toSsist to -H&waMia i igrts of lasstht might be *xpeted Wrpt-formrnecessary fieldlaborofoienta&: d.¢ t he. ntiitnei be 8a-sitnloAtd ino the citizen Porlation -ofthe ila d eie4ri-mont have generally bet; ailhr tblt, whatv Itheir; ohitire-*u*zthey have clearly dbendstratedithM therwtubaenis'I.hoirayflljjjg toeim tatvorkiatheto lilM ftheooeuntr ,F ldiabor ia their Territd i poed houd,ipald; need

for. in a manne' better thah that to be fovd in a"y othm !"palcountry in the world, and in a waythat niar favorably Iit4oonditakms on, the maiand bt the lnit&dW¶tat Without' coeV 4kbthemselves, laborers awe irnished with homes;-truiprden patehkt,wate,-fuel, and ndiXt-Aland hospital attentio,%#8nganther villagesand rosidenos have' the befiti of consta sanitary *vluon 'at,the expene-61 theit eknployrs Thec- conditions of di4iiilabor inHawa~ii hatve been the suhjet 61 many-inttions,Land ski-uminons report of;the Departmst 't, Labor''ad'oth& rem-mental ageniits4 r uikafimG inp.tsing;.t6" trbatpent'at cordeto the Common labbter there. (Bulletin 'of tht -Departikerit 'ofLabor (1911) No; 94, pp. 694-095' S.lDoo Nd.-4fl 64h Co4*, letseas., "LabjorConditions in Hawaii" (1915), pp 10, 3&, 39, 6% 65,87, 68.?) :.._'_Xi s''" " ,i'"'* , , .,t .

,ATOiAB' 'i'QUM*',..

This resolution empowers the Secretary of Labor to relieve, thesituation by admitting aliens fa-;borm of such a nationality ashe, after an investigation, may determine to be best qualified to meetthe situitien,. Whateter casi of- labor he shall provide Wiu' be'deterfined after careful consideratiai of the qualificationsun-avoidably to be expected of that 'labo rImmigration to, supply the. itinediite' deeds ;of, th'e agricltural

industries and relieve ", existing ate shora mnst take intoconsideration the overwhelming prepoaderbe of Japan inhe*islands- their control. of the labor 'situation and the poeaibilit,amountting to a practical certinty under existing oditio*' thlitthe American control of the island industry nypass ito thehands of this alien race --It -is therefore necessary that the rwh aybe brought in

to supply the present needs ;a the 'industries should' be, a, Co-petitive nationality to break tp the racial siidtrity of the JapaneMe,destroy the labor monopoly they now, ha^t', temper their aggressive.ness, and mae it pomiblWto retLrn to and martin normal. pro-duction.

In the nature of things, there can be no competition -in asgrilturilfield work between oriental laborers and white laborers of whatevernationality. This is a reogizedfa thatis especially true oftropical countries. The oriental will drive out and supplant thewhite man in every intanet and'Hawaii is,'now o brieital.The Government of Ilawan realize, the iznp*rtacb,ofiSm-

tion that will add -to the Prnect white' citizen labor la6Under existing eonitios, hotrever1j Suchan iUhi tion uld nobe feaable as a means lo relieving' the present emeramcy, for thereason that the present lain astuaioU deads im irtion of

Page 5: 1923 Petition Labor Shortage Hawaii

m1oi~Kt n*i~VfIt*ZA6 6'LA*o1ItWf* iA*MI '

lbord*A tI1vlat&f~itq, that eh 0 p *ith,"thfo riOMO l*eW ltha,itrMW1Dh':+fd ^ kthe T~btfty Ai~t H6 hi~dn 4.M-**-n~v1Ohu%^*toirg.,4f'p4 i k$ tei6iWhM'1b44i 4.11-& tbtS*SI, 'ixi C~ifo, H4.E7a*kbi4. iA whiite

Xtiylfewt te~ln{dA~uii4 the -k~t6sff~o+hbl~Ok itio> hoapn*iibe ¢edF upjti> tl-1*~eht; I~fittitbd' & oild 1be lbo)k&, fptfrom such an immigration. Furtherore, the r~htibs ofl thleTerritory have beezi,ailgy4t re, 6qdb6ete of the distressedfinancialconditions of the industries thereof, that the expense of an

fiane conditions the1 indug.,tsof Haaoifi tafo the pesenftan-^}9?,~ ,g..or4 ou~ opwr&ting, 1ose~ an p~lce them on *

r*nI oti toP1i tl*la abolute :p'ierlt.~5asXzpplyt 1ah0r ,,''': ,'tt''' ; ;-

,i ,-/; t 5 t i t t S i sil! t ) i t I ; ' t i . ; tQ ,q i 7 th.i nood }; ,(el { 5J~S{s*g i9t} It. ~ -~ I~

No los or failure of a mere economic nature can possibly rult inturniz.~n ~eptwpu of t? zairland o~f the J,Yited, State oaver to thepolitical dominanoe and control of anaieny people, a would such a.u aiu yJw sifup4 neta inus~re ,of Hia}. . Considering this

f~c~ an4,e4.:iqeety oba g tt isand teriitorywot89w*tw r utot ofBttinreawNatiwi, the ;relie to be pro-y~ide4 ni~w4ueetionakly bp the best, procurable, regardless ofpr~jpqiesXp<4rist kW ds* type of people oi labor.

The 44tA~atMoI in HXIwaziizu~st ~e: mat, aqdlooet at once. -It is notPory. e;qu ttion,O soingthe ,jIawoaioa ind~tries frombankbruNptoy. oiluht owore t eeonolyresultitokattinedthe Nitjonrwl iwiore. wha wo;d4 l1;e ovily alocaln 4isaster4 From the nationalet~idp~.nt, the qoinmamding factisd,1offeythat the industrieswtohpass! into the hnd o ~t Jaane instead of merelygto,^, o£i existewej. tSu~chi*,a fe;. ecaopTiCco8ntrol woul(1prawtz mlydestpyn theAmnorca control of Hawaii and in e aecttransfer . to Ja nhe.WontIAolof tvhQcIwr Cof the Pacific Ocean.Certaioiy such .a result wwould beIof Zrious---sequence to the Ameri-c, navyl and znilitasy controloflitheA eiwdjtPbifpo

!i UO'it 1b tif


Briefly, weee'A p4;lestlietktetisotiIpg sItUatiOnin such a way that destructive economic losses may be preventedan491~*hr9atene&alpis n of'ontMipayW not. our.-ane thein4u4trivs a ppr~vi~ed ,withtipadeqndatrsupply ofefreld labora k-tlia$.bey ri~inin Aejican handss~and: so that Axnriean 0wnoap4 ~perttorsi aybw enabted to. lance sucheeperiinents,further

~ to ~,ure the iunpgrataon:of possiblecitizens can and will beC~rry, 9 . ? 'SOS


Page 6: 1923 Petition Labor Shortage Hawaii

fl* n l 1 t*t .


2;'i'si*U,*I''flU ' , "'1 1 '

the present emerge ptt the? Wa&fcontroll,tdp attflr0t*b~iZ d*lbtvrrn'~t't#t itiM >grh pd'.;ftyT.(>xc '-tis';.' 3l"!it':rl/f

This bef tteX iiXUteqtig t$l ~t t) j bt#h n~ ~v'

tettin ^vfi hum &ticZt imh irstb t*idtAti '~ & I s

population and can; not leave the islatds 4aiyt otherplt&%ktthe jurisdiction of tthe United States, they cnnot crat in Hawii,or in any othet AkIei 'IM¶uft }gjj'ha Sie~ problem asnow exists in the islands.

tfletr ot PRO'V~D, flxu 0$'fkwskfik~o *KMt,t~~d0t * BPler .iw; jfbjad"

Thb skild'lbor;;fth - tgl'-s'g tSxe ithEcivt for 'the en loV s 4f*dtT6 WhtSmechaichiehHhtuifi -fti 'hisnplmt iiMkgricu~tur idmttis '6 th >isiids When the } ({*z?there i~s no work 'fr skilledtn 'n tht is ftthen lutbor todootheb i field Worktht rt4W'es pl-tr t hintielilgeht&,~Skle 'tntbnc an *1k am!i uIltbl to fitxdI eeinkymetOt toay soI causee of thB fa. that ti preset Aorfield labor has taken ifttI thei oUM tttotiesthee:skilled'lmehaniOstlheaboif WotkfnthihtheOy wnlivelihood. The sht 'Sfi labor offerede bo ptitt f& tletjlog metlt of thes skiledinctis; tund, nuil the' al^u.twtinuulst'itOne more beowe ftAndily n ful tad en 3sufficient "ppWy ot commo labr toj oetw%:ymn fo theuskilled rnedhanicsthereiWI hen rort for thet*t do. The deetthe resolution, thenwill befit te ditn theTiby renewing their chance :of securing and holding rsmuneratveemployment.


Arp~tit~ion tigned by nearly T000 W 8of theiiTOtb6 'fllid w- w tis 'cm itte eon' tspeedily to ensat this esltion Te'ntiai1,?617 'prfessfional me,'0 b eu n, '2,71 th;74

stea vedo,2s0'bank, '396 *i 7 t s? l313 stevedores?, 122 printers, 491 tamters, 104 fibnmm ,717

Page 7: 1923 Petition Labor Shortage Hawaii


housewives, and more than 3,000 persons of misdelaneous occupa-tion.,

,Iiide this matter was first referred to this conunittee for con-sidetation, the then Delegate from Hawaii has died and: a specialelection has been held to select his successor, It was the contentionof the Haowa~aan commission which ap eared before this committee-that the, resolution would receive the almost unanimous ihiddrsemnentof the citizens of the Territory were it to be submitted to them atthe polls and thi contention has been amply borne out by thefacts. tie sole issue before the voters at the recent election wasthe endorsement or repudiation of this resolution, There were fourcandidates, two of whom were pledged to work for its oelactment,the other two-both Hawaiians-ben unalterably opposed to itand basitg their whole campaign upon its defeat.Of the 2,h000 reitered voters in the Territory, 24,000 went to the

polls and over 90 per cent of these 'voting citizens cast their ballotsfot one or the other of the two candidates who had declared them-selvos in favor of the resolution. The two opposing hawaiian can-didates received barely 2,400 votes. Considering that the Hawaiiansstill control the electorate and that it has long been the opinion ofmost well-informed men that none but a Hawaiian could be electedto represent the Territory in Congress, the result of the electionleave no doubt that the whites and Hawaiians are one in their reali-zation of the menace in the present situation, and it is now plain thatthe people of the Territory want and consider' vital the relief providedby this resolutions


The only opposition to the resolution on the part of the resident ofthe Tertory of Hawaii was voiced to the Committee on Immigrationand Naturalization of the House of Representatives by two officersand representatives of the Honolulu Central Labor Council of theAmerican Federation of Labor. These two men, in the course of theirtestimony before the House committee, admitted, under examination,that the Japanese opponents of the bill had furnished them withsufficient funds to proceed to Washington, where, as the ostensiblerepresentatives of organized labor in the Territory, they might op.pose the enactment of this resolution.Oppition to the resolution expressed by representatives of mainom.

land labor organizations has been predicated upon the erroneousassumption that the bill will involve a system of contract or bondedlabor-, or peonage, and might beg made the excuse on which aliensadmitted to Hawsui could later proceed to the continental UnitedStates. To answer these objections the committee proposes certainamendments of and additions to the text of the resolution, so as toprovide every possible safeguard for the iLiens admitted under itsprovisions and so as toIraise an effective barrier against thetion of any of-thoe aliens from Hawaii to the mainland of the UimtedStates.


In November, 1922, at the request of the governor of the Territory,the Secretary of Labor appointed a special commission, which pro-

B R-67-4-vol 1 7

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ceeded to Hawaii and'there investigated the conditions which thisresolution is designed to relieve. This commission was composedof five men, one of whom is a representative of the Federal Depart-ment of Labor, the other four being leaders of organized labor onthe mainland of oiuch prominence as Mr. L. 'E. Sheppardpresidenh tof the Brotherhood of Railway Conductors; Mr. Jon Do in, headof the building trade department of 'the American Federation ofLabor; Mr. Otto Hartwg, president of the Oregon'State Federationof Labor; and Mr. F'rediEeightly, secretary of the AmalgamatedAssociation of Iron, Steel, and Tin Workers. This commission com-pleted its survey of conditions in the'Termrtory and filed its 'reportwith the Secretary of Labor on January 24, 1923, stating inter aliaa:That the question of labor supply is ever present and temporary; shortages. are

liable to recur, which must be handled in the future with greater regard to the well-being of the Territory as part of the United States, and in a way that will prevent theposible domination of the industrial, commercial, social, or political life in'theTerritory by any alien race.

That attention should be specially called to the menace of alien domination, andthat the present policy of "parental adoption" and importation of "picture brides"by the Japanese should be stopped, because these practices have defeated the pur-pose of the called "gentlemen's agreement" (which intended the curtailment ofcommon labor importations).

* * * * * * *

The menace from a military.standpoint can be fully verified by referring to therecords of related Federal departments.The question of national 'defense submerges all others into insignificance. sthes

islands are to remain American, the assured control of the political, industrial, com-mercial, social, and educational life of the islands must also be American, and thesooner we wake up to a fu' ler appreciation of this imperative and immediate need, thesooner we will make the; people of the Hawaiian Islands feel generally a greater senseof security and control of all that contributes to make continued living in the Terri-tory of Hawaii worth while.In the interests of national defense and the welfare of American citizenship in the

Territory, the commission respectfully and earnestly recommends that the questionof alien domination be immediately referred to the Congress of the United States forthe necessary remedial legislation.


This entire problem is a national and not a local- one. True, thepeople of the locality will suffer if it should not be relieved, but theywill suffer no more than will the Nation. If Hawaii were to bewiped from the face of the Pacific as a result of the complete failureof its industries, that failure would result in little harm to the- Nationas a whole. No such phpical destruction will result from'economicfailure, however; and whether the industries of Hawaii pass 'into,alien hands or not the islands will remain ton the- western coast ofthis country. If they be held economically' and;politically by onealien race, they can constitute only a grave menace to the AmerioanNation, and every consideration of national safety and importancedemands that the emergency which now exists be relieved in such a;way that alien control of the industries and the Territory shall beavoided.