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Carstairs and Carnwath Parish

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Carstairs and


Parish Churches

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Winter 2015

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From the Interim Moderator

Dear friends

As you will know I have been asked to be your Interim Moderator. I am pleased to be able to journey with you at this time. The season of Advent is almost upon us once more. A wondrous time, when we can stop, and watch and wait upon the Lord. Time to read the Word of God, reflecting on all the many prophecies of the birth of Jesus. Time to marvel, at the way the promises of God, to save His people, came to pass in the birth of Jesus, when He, the mighty God, came and dwelt among us. No longer do we need to stumble around in the darkness, for the Light of the World has come. No longer do we need to feel alone in our journey through life, the Wonderful Counsellor is with us. He will listen to us, He will guide us wisely, He will untangle the difficult situation or mess we often find ourselves in. Now we can trust the perfect parent, who has no human failings, He is our everlasting Father. Come and worship, Come and worship, His name is Mighty God. Deep is calling to deep; Peace is flowing from his heart to yours, from his heart to yours, for He is the Prince of Peace.

I pray you will have time during Advent to stop and wonder once more, and I wish you every joy and blessing as you come to celebrate Christmas.

With loveElizabeth Clelland

“The people walking in darkness have seen a great light; on those living in the land of the shadow of death a light has dawned.

You have enlarged the nation and increased their joy; they rejoice before you as people rejoice at the harvest, as men rejoice when dividing plunder. For as in the day of Midian’s defeat, you have shattered the yoke that burdens them, the bar across their shoulders, the rod of their oppressor. Every warrior’s boot used in battle and every garment rolled in blood will be destined for burning, will be fuel for the fire. For to us a child is born, to us a son is given, and the government will be on his shoulders, and he will be called Wonderful Counsellor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.

Of the increase of his government and peace there will be no end. He will reign on David’s throne and over his kingdom, establishing and upholding it with justice and righteousness from that time on and forever. The zeal of the LORD Almighty will accomplish this.”

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(Isaiah 9: 1-7)

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Bereavement Service - Carstairs Parish ChurchSunday 6th December at 7.00 pm

(This is a joint service) 

Sacrament of the Lords Supper Sunday 13th December Carstairs at 10.00 am / Carnwath at 11.30 am

 Family Service - Carstairs Parish Church

Sunday 20th December at 10.00 am 

Watchnight Service - Carstairs Parish ChurchThursday 24th December from 11.15 - 11.30 pm Carol Singing

Service begins at 11.30 pm(This is a joint service)

 Morning Worship - Carstairs Parish Church

Sunday 27th December at 10.00 am(This is a joint service)

 Morning Worship – Carnwath Town Hall

Sunday 3rd January 2016 at 10.00 am(This is a joint service)

The Sacrament of Holy Communionwill be celebrated on

Sunday 13th December

10.00am at Carstairs (Please join us for Tea/Coffee, Mince Pies, Shortbread and Cake in

Carstairs Community Centre following the Service)

11.30am at Carnwath

Jesus said,“Come to me all who labour and are heavy-laden,and I will give you rest … I am the bread of life:

he who comes to me shall not hunger,and he who believes in me shall never thirst;

he who comes to me I shall not cast out.”

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Nominating Committee Report

The work of our Nominating Committee continues with no firm outcome. Our Interim Moderator, Gordon Jamieson, who has now moved on, gave excellent support & advice during his tenure. He personally contacted 14 Probationers and 21 Ministers, who he believed may have been interested in our vacancy. Unfortunately this initiative either brought a polite “No Thanks” or they had already found other positions.

We met with the Presbytery Advisory Group on 16th September, who suggested that the power of prayer should not be overlooked and reiterated the importance of prayer. This discussion has resulted in the month of November being dedicated to prayer for the vacancy.

By now hopefully everyone will have received a small bag of pebbles, each pebble representing a week in November and there is an accompanying prayer for each week. Both congregations at Carstairs and Carnwath were encouraged to pray each day using the appropriate prayer.

We give thanks for the sustained work of Richard Beattie & Alan Grant in continuing to promote God’s word in our presence.

Heavenly Father We are a church waiting…waiting on a new minister to nurture us spiritually and lead us in serving You.We have a nominating group looking…looking for a minister to lead us spiritually and practically.There is a minister seeking…seeking Your guidance for where their ministry should be.Lord let us all wait expectantly knowing that you have not forgotten us.Let us all wait with assurance that you have a plan for us.We know you will respond at the right time, Your time.Amen

----------------------------------------------------------------Offering Envelopes

If you are a member at Carnwath and happen to be worshipping at Carstairs (or vice versa), please feel free to put your normal offering envelope in the plate as it will find its way to your congregation.

When there are joint services, offering envelopes from either congregation may be put in the plate. Carnwath envelopes will always find their way to the Carnwath treasurer and Carstairs envelopes will always find their way to the Carstairs treasurer.

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What’s happening at Carnwath?

Carnwath Flower Convenors Many changes have taken place in Carnwath Church but the one thing that remains the same is the generosity of the members and friends who donate the Church flowers every Sunday. After Sunday Worship the flowers are delivered to the housebound, sick and bereaved. Elizabeth and I are made very welcome when we deliver them. We thank all who give their support and hope this will continue for many years to come.

With regards, Elizabeth & Agnes

Carnwath GuildThe Guild met fortnightly during 2015 with meetings being held in the Lesser Hall, Carnwath at 7.15pm. We have had variety of speakers, a soap demonstration and a ‘hands on’ evening making Christmas decorations. We welcomed Alan Grant on 18th November and held our Autumn Fayre Coffee Morning in the Town Hall on Saturday 21st November. Members enjoyed a Christmas Tea on 2nd December with Carol singing. December 16th sees the end of the current session with a Christmas Dinner in the Robertson Arms, Carnwath.

Session 2016 - Monthly meetings this sessionJanuary 6th Sponsored knitFabruary 3rd K9 Dale GormleyMarch 2nd A.G.M Guild ProjectsApril 6th Daffodil Tea & Film Show by Mr Bill Russell

We extend a very warm welcome to anyone male or female who would like to join us. Rita Sleight, Guild President

---------------------------------------------------------------Seasonal Word from Betty, Session Clerk Carnwath

I would like to take this opportunity to wish all magazine readers and their families a Very Merry Christmas and a Happy, Healthy and Prosperous New Year.

Jesus our Prince of Peace, we pray that every time a carol is sung,

a Christmas greeting spoken, a nativity play performed,

that your name be honoured and glorified and that hard hearts be melted to receive you afresh. Amen (by Lynne Newland)

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Christmas Gifts

At this time of year we often hear the expression, “Christmas is a time for giving”. The giving of presents has a long history that has its origins in the story of the Wise Men or Magi coming to worship the baby Jesus bringing with them gifts of Gold, Frankincense and Myrrh. From that episode in history, the custom has mushroomed over the years driven by the world of commerce and advertising. Whilst folks of earlier generations look back on Christmases of their childhood where quite modest gifts, by current standards, were given, today’s children can expect to receive multiple and expensive presents. The days of the boy getting a new football or the girl a new dolly together with an apple or orange but nothing else, have long since gone.

When asked what they would like for Christmas, even the normally quietest little boy or girl can rhyme off a list as long as your arm. As well as children we also buy for each other and, since no one wants to be thought of as mean or miserly, sometimes we spend more than we anticipated on each other. We may justify our actions by saying it is good to give and that we receive pleasure at seeing the happiness our gifts bring; all of which is true, especially when we hear someone say our gift is wonderful and they couldn't have wished for anything better. It is a sad fact, however, that through time the novelty wears off; gifts become broken, outgrown or even lost.

But while, as part of our celebrations, we exchange gifts, unfortunately, many forget or don't fully understand, the real Christmas present is the gift God gave the world some 2,000 years ago, His Son, Jesus.

Of course we enjoy singing the familiar Carols; we enjoy hearing the Christmas story as told by Matthew and Luke. And who doesn't enjoy watching their children in a Nativity play, regardless of the part they are given. Come Christmas morning, there is the excitement of guessing what is in each carefully wrapped present before the paper is torn away. Yet God's gift, the gift we happily sang Praise about for weeks before Christmas Day, the gift we admired and looked forward to, is left unopened by many; it is almost relegated to the sidelines; forgotten about.

God's gift at Christmas, His Son, is the gift money can't buy. It is a gift that lasts a lifetime; and beyond. As Jesus himself would later say, (John 10: 10) “I have come in order that you may have life – life in all its fullness”. This Christmas, let's make sure we accept God's present and open that unique gift because, after all, it's got our name on it.

Christmas blessingsAlan Grant

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An Organists Story…Fiona Paul

I was born, the youngest of 6 children, and brought up in Glasgow and my earliest memories of music in my life are of watching my Mother playing the piano. While watching her hands, I managed to work out how she did it. I remember the first tune I played was “Believe me with all those endearing young Charms” I was just 5 or 6 years old, and my Mother played that tune a lot. As money was tight, I didn’t go for lessons until the age of 10 yrs, so I had 5 yrs of playing by ear, before I learned to read music. Being able to do both is quite advantageous. After a succession of teachers, I passed all Grades on Piano, and Theory of Music up to Grade 8. At High School, the Principal Music Teacher, Mr MacDougall took an interest in me, and encouraged me to join the School Orchestra. He also took me on as a private Pupil, and it’s thanks to him, that I really developed a love of Classical Music. One subject I took for my Highers was, of course Music, which I passed, again, thanks to Mr MacDougall. With a view to taking my music studies further, at Mr MacDougall’s request, I was to attend The Ommer School of Music in Cathcart, to be taught by Miss Ommer, but she, sadly died suddenly, so my lessons came to an abrupt end.

By this time I was 17 yrs. old, and applied and was accepted to do Nurse Training, so the piano took a back seat for many years. My love of music didn’t though. While growing up and having so many older brothers and sisters, I was fed a musical diet of their favourites e.g. Ella Fitzgerald, The Platters, Glasgow Orpheus Choir, and Sing Something Simple on the Radio, to mention just a few, so my taste in music became quite varied. Personally I loved The Beatles Music!

My interest in the accordion began when I retired. I heard an Accordion Orchestra on the radio, and thought it was a great sound, so off I went and bought an accordion. I worked out how to play the left hand buttons by sitting in front of a mirror. However during rehearsals for Biggar Young Farmers Concert (I was their pianist until 2001) I watched some of them playing Accordions and asked one girl who taught her. That’s when I met and took Accordion lessons from Keith Dickson, with whom I learned a great deal. I was with him for a few years, so proving, you’re never too old to learn. I attend a few Accordion and Fiddle Clubs and travel as far as Dumfries to play.

When I was approached by The Rev. Gauld, our Minister at the time, to see if I would take over as Church Organist at Carnwath Church, as their Organist was leaving, I said I would give it a trial period of 1 Month, to see if I could do it or not, and I’m still there.

My love of Classical Music has not diminished. The Musical Score that I had to study for my Highers was of The Mendelssohn Violin Concerto in

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E .Minor, and I still love to listen to it to this day. I also Love Handel’s Largo, as it was my Fathers favourite, and he encouraged me a great deal with my music when I was young. One of my favourite Christmas Hymns is CH4 302 “ A Starry Night”. I also love Candlelight Carol, by John Rutter.

Music has and always will be a big part of my life. I play piano for the Lanarkshire Federation Rural Choir, who have been learning “Do you Hear what I Hear” for Christmas, which I like, and I play for a Group of Fiddle Players in Livingston, not forgetting my Tuesday afternoons with Carnwath Evergreen, so I’m kept busy, and it’s thanks to my High School Teacher, Mr MacDougall and Keith Dickson, for showing me how!


As I walked into my local ASDA at the weekend I noticed it had a decoration that stated there were only 38 sleeps to go. It didn’t have to say anymore; for anyone who saw it knew what it meant, Christmas is not far away. The Coca Cola lorry will have been washed and polished ready for its annual outing announcing that Christmas is a coming. We will soon

have all the shops playing Christmas songs, the supermarkets crammed full of delicious food and of course we have the wonderful adventure of Mog the cat. While all these things focus our minds on the commercial aspect of Christmas we as a church are approaching the time of Advent. Advent is from the Latin word meaning coming. Our Lord is coming. We probably reflect that every year at this time we celebrate his coming and in a sense we can lose the feeling of expectancy and joyful anticipation because at the end of the season everything seems to return to pretty much the same routine.

As we begin Advent each one of us will be in a different situation, different from one another and probably different from last year. So this advent is not simply a rerun of last Advent or the one before. During this Advent as we think about what the coming of Christ means to us, it’s important that we relate our thoughts to what is happening in our lives right now because that is where Christ will come to us this Advent.

Christ comes to try to convince us how precious we are, not necessarily in the eyes of those we share our life with but most definitely in the eyes of God our heavenly Father. He considers each one of us special, special enough that we were worth creating. He gives each one of us strengths and weaknesses in order that we complement each other and that together with God by our side we can achieve great things. In Christ’s coming we realise that God loves us so much that he sent his

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Son to this earth to live and to die for us. Not because we earned it, not because we have made wise or sensible decisions in life but simply because he cannot do anything else but love us. It is hard for us to believe and understand that God can still love us and want to do all he can to help us despite all the things we have done. Advent helps us work towards that belief.

So let us this Advent gain a deeper realisation that Christ really does come to make a difference in our understanding of the completeness of his Father’s care for us.

Richard Beattie

----------------------------------------------------------------Church Register

Please remember in your prayers the families and friends of:

Mathew Carbry, Carstairs VillageJames Bruce, Carstairs JunctionMary Finlayson, CarnwathGrace Robley, Carstairs VillageAnnie Manson, West EndHeather Neilson, Carstairs JunctionJames Robertson, West EndMargaret Hardman, Carstairs Junction

John 14:1-4 “Let not your hearts be troubled. Believe in God; believe also in me. In my Father’s house are many rooms. If it were not so, would I have told you that I go to prepare a place for you? And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and will take you to myself, that where I am you may be also. And you know the way to where I am going.”

-------------------------------------------------------------------The Church of Scotland

If you have computer access to the internet please take a look at the

Church of Scotland website:

Alternatively you can subscribe to Life and Work magazine.

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From 6th December 2015 the Morning Services will be held 10.00am at Carstairs and 11.30am at Carnwath.

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What’s happening at Carstairs?

Session ClerkIn October the Kirk Session accepted Keith Whitton’s resignation from the post of Session Clerk. Keith has faithfully served Carstairs Church for 6 years in this role and the Session wishes to express its appreciation of all his hard work. Irene Williams has been appointed Session Clerk, and the Session wishes her well in her new duties and asks members of the congregation to support her and remember her in their prayers.

Office BearersThe following roles within Carstairs have been appointed in November 2015. Thank you to the following volunteers and all our office bearers.CrossReach Contact Lorna Bruce (870426)Stewardship Promoter Anne Stewart (660678)World Church Elizabeth Brown (870787)Church & Society Ruth Campbell (870441)Fabric Convenor Ian Brown Jnr (870028)

Carstairs Flower ConvenorsSandra and Nanette are now the Church flower convenors, having taken over from Mary and Hazel. A very big thank you ladies for all your hard work over the years. After a few hiccups, we seem to be getting into the swing of things. Thank you to everyone who donate flowers on a Sunday, they are very much appreciated, and I know the people receiving them feel likewise. For anyone wishing to donate in the coming year, names can be added to the calendar in the Church, or contact us on 870592 or 870988. For any queries regarding access to the Church and putting the flowers in, don’t hesitate to contact us.

The Guild year opened with a Dedication Service held during Morning Worship on Sunday 29th September. At our 1st meeting on 7th October the speakers were Archie and Roberta. They spoke about their recent visit to Canada and America. At our meeting on 4th November we had a visit from 2 ladies from the Livingston branch of “BonMarche”. On Wednesday 18th November we had a talk on Shepherds Crooks by Mr George Thomson. A visit to Braehead House, Crossford was held on 2nd December. On 18th December we are having a Christmas Lunch in Carstairs Community centre.

2016 Meetings20th January Burns Day Celebration3rd February Rev George Shand will speak of his time in Israel17th February Mrs Robina Wilson will speak about the work of CHAS

We have 19 members this year and anyone who wishes to join or visit us at any of our meetings will be warmly welcomed.

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Our Advent Wreath

On the first Sunday in Advent each year a holly wreath with 5 candles appears in our church. Each Sunday throughout advent a different candle is lit with the middle candle being lit on Christmas Day. Other than a countdown to Christmas what is the

significance of the wreath and the candles to Christians? Google to the rescue!

Traditionally the wreath is flat, circular and made from evergreen leaves. It is flat to symbolise eternal life, circular to remind Christians of God, his eternity and endless mercy that has no beginning and no end. The evergreen on the wreath is a sign of the hope we have in God, the hope of newness, the hope of renewal and the hope of eternal life.

In some churches the four outer candles are of different colours but always the middle candle is white. These candles represent the light of God coming into the world through the birth of His son Jesus.

The first candle to be lit is the candle of hope – hope is like a light shining in a dark place. We have hope because God is faithful and keeps the promises He made to us.

The second candle is the candle of peace – peace is like a light shining in the darkness. If we trust in the Lord we can have peace even amidst the turmoil.

The third candle, which is sometimes pink, is the candle of joy. Joy too is like a light shining in a dark place. The birth of Jesus brought joy to the world and at Christmas we can celebrate the joy we have through Jesus.The fourth candle is the candle of love – love is a light shining in the dark. God loved the world so much He sent His only Son into the world to save us.

Finally the fifth candle in the middle is the Christ candle – it reminds us that Jesus is the light of the world and that if we follow Him we will not walk in the darkness but we will have the true light of life.

This year the Advent candles in Carstairs will be lit by the youth leaders of each organisation. On 29th November Heather will represent SClub, on 6th December the candle will be lit by Allan B for The Net, on 13th December Elizabeth will light the candle on behalf of the BB, on 20th December Karen will represent the GB and Linda will light the middle candle during the Watchnight service on Christmas Eve. The leaders of all these organisations faithfully give their time and their talents throughout the year to share with our young people that in Jesus they

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can have hope, they can find peace, they can have joy and that they are loved unconditionally because God sent His Son into the world. Throughout Advent please pray for our youth leaders and all the young people within our organisations and communities.

Linda Brown, Youth Co-ordinator

-------------------------------------------------------------------The Names of God: Jehovah-Rophe

I am currently reading about all the names we have for God and was reading about “Jehovah Rophi” from a David Wilkerson book (David Wilkerson was the Founding Pastor of Times Square Church in New York City. He was called to New York in 1958 to minister to gang members and drug addicts, as told in the best-selling book, The Cross and the Switchblade). It is at Marah we discover Jehova Rophi which means "The Lord who heals you".  The root word for heal means fix or mend.  God told Israel: "If thou will diligently hearken to the voice of the Lord thy God, and will do what tis right in his sight and will give ear to his commandments, and keep his statutes, I will put none of these diseases upon thee, which I have brought upon the Egyptians: for I am the Lord that healeth thee”. Exodus 15:26. The Lord is telling people here "I am a God who wants to heal your diseases; I am not inclined to cast you aside.  My heart is to mend you completely - body, soul, and spirit.

It doesn’t matter what your condition is God says his nature is not to cut you off.  He's telling you - Yes, I'm Jehovah God high and holy but I am also Jehovah Rophi and I want to heal and mend you.  I want you to realise I know where your bitterness comes from and I'm coming to you now in your bitter condition. Right now I'm revealing something to you I am Jehovah Rophi your healer and mender I want you back in my loving arms, full of my comfort. Isaiah 53:6 tells us –“but he was pierced for our transgressions he was crushed for our iniquities (sin/wickedness/evil), the punishment that brought peace was upon him, and by his stripes are healed”.

All we have to do is believe, Praise the Lord.

Christine Dunn

Used stampsChristine Baird, Carstairs is collecting used stamps in aid of World Mission. Please cut out the stamps leaving a good border around them (at least ¼ inch/1 cm). They can be handed directly to Christine, left in the church vestibule or contact Lorna Bruce (870426) for uplift.

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Jigsaw Bible Study – Carstairs Parish Church

The Jigsaw group meets fortnightly on a Monday night in Carstairs Community Centre at 7pm to study in a little more detail the Word of God. Why?

The Bible is an incredible book of history and facts that proves that there is a God that created all things. Most important of all, the Bible is the Word of God. It contains the mind of God and His will for each one of our lives. That is why the Bible was given to us. Paul the Apostle says in 2 Timothy 3:16-17, "All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work." Why should we study the Word of God? The following are a few scriptural reasons that we should consider when answering this question.

First, the Word of God is infallible. There is no error in God's Word. The law of the Lord is perfect concerning our soul. The testimony of the Lord is not only infallible it is inerrant. Proverbs 30:5-6, "Every word of God is pure; He is a shield to those who put their trust in Him. Do not add to His words, Lest He rebuke you, and you be found a liar." The purity of His words does not need anything added to it. God warns us not to misrepresent His scripture.

Second, the Word of God is complete. The Bible does not need any new chapters or verses. It is all given to us already. Many cults add their own books or commentaries to the Bible. All you need is God's Word because it is the holy Word of God. It is complete. In Revelation 22:18-19, God gives us a warning, "For I testify to everyone who hears the words of the prophecy of this book: If anyone adds to these things, God will add to him the plagues that are written in this book; and if anyone takes away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part from the Book of Life, from the holy city, and from the things which are written in this book."

Third, the Word of God is totally authoritative. The book of Psalms 119:89 says "Forever, O LORD, Your word is settled in heaven." The Word of God is the only source for absolute divine authority. This divine authority is for you and me as servants of Jesus Christ. When some say, "I have a word from the Lord for you," write it down and as you study God's word see if the Lord speaks to you through His Scriptures. Only then will you know if the Lord is truly speaking to you.

Fourth, God's Word is totally sufficient for all of our needs. We don't need anything else. In 2 Timothy 3:16-17 it reads "All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for

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correction, for instruction in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work." We Christians can be totally secure in the Lord by studying the Bible because it is God's plan for our life.

And fifth, the Word of God will accomplish what it promises. If God told you something will happen, and you wait, it will happen. In Isaiah 55:11 it says, "So shall My word be that goes forth from My mouth; It shall not return to Me void, But it shall accomplish what I please, and it shall prosper in the thing for which I sent it." God sent His word to accomplish His perfect will in our lives. If God makes a promise to you He will fulfil it in His own time. There are so many promises given to us in the Bible. These promises reassure us and bring comfort to our lives in our times of trial. Our congregations are going through a trial at this time, we are without a minister, but not without a leader, God is our leader and his Word, The Bible, is his instructions to us.

At this time and well into 2016 we will be studying ‘Women of the Bible’. We know how much a part women play in the church of today, we are looking at the great role of women in the past, and how God used them to accomplish His wishes.

Our next dates are:18th January - Esther, 1st February – Eve, 15th February - Sarah & Hagar 29th February – Miriam, 14th March - Rahab

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Building Group - Update

When the decision was taken to go ahead and look at ways of refurbishing Carstairs Parish Church a small building group was formed to look into this. The main internal improvements proposed are to replace the staircase to the gallery, install a disabled toilet

and a small pantry / kitchen.

Proposals were received from three architects and the building group recommended that Tod & Taylor Architects Edinburgh should be invited to submit plans for consideration. Rosalind Taylor has visited the Church on several occasions and met with the building group to discuss the internal improvements. At a recent meeting with her she submitted drawings of proposed internal work and estimates for the cost of doing this. After discussion some suggestions were made and now we are waiting for these amended drawings.

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Messy Church

Fascally Wood is just outside Pitlochry. Throughout the year it is a typical forest with trees of different species, shapes and colours and the usual woodland paths winding through it. In October however with the skill and expertise of sound, light and dance technicians it

is transformed from a typical forest to ‘The Enchanted Forest’. As visitors wander through the forest each evening the trees are lit up in different colours in time to the music with various illusions, acrobatics and images appearing along the way.

At one part of the walk a wooden platform goes right to the centre of a circle of trees so you are standing surrounded by the trees, the music and the lights. The lighting used highlights the strength, the height of the trees, the branches and at times the very delicateness of the leaves.

Suddenly without warning the music stops and the lights go out and you find yourself standing in a very dark forest which seems far from enchanting. Tree trunks and branches become quite sinister, the shapes scary and it’s impossible to see more than a few footsteps ahead. Then as the lights come back on and the music plays the darkness disappears and the beauty of the forest is illuminated once more.

November’s Messy Church was all about Jesus being the ‘Light of the World’. We thought about how lights can keep us safe e.g. lighthouses, help us see more clearly e.g. torches and make us happy e.g. Christmas lights. Those attending were asked to think about what it means to be a light for other people and how they could let the light of Jesus shine within their homes, amongst their friends and families this Christmas.

When God sent His Son at Christmas he took away the darkness, gave us a light for our path and if we follow that light, like the forest our lives are transformed.

May God’s love shine brightly in your homes this Christmas.

Linda Brown

Let Every Day Be Christmas

Christmas is forever, not for just one day,for loving, sharing, giving, are not to put away

like bells and lights and tinsel, in some box upon a shelf.The good you do for others is good you do yourself.

(By Norman W. Brooks)

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Food Bank Feedback

Dear Friends

When you read this Christmas will be just around the corner. Hard as we try, it is almost impossible, not to get caught up in the commercialism that surrounds one of our favourite times in the church year. Cards to send, presents to wrap, planning for family gatherings, visiting friends. Yes, the lists go on and on! Not forgetting the planning and preparation for Christmas dinners large and small.

I just want us to take a moment or two to think about that special dinner on that special day. The day we remember the birth of the baby Jesus and the love he brought with him. Love we share readily with family and friends as we sit together around the table. Love we can share with those who are strangers to us but need our help. Help to allow them to have food to share with their family and friends. By donating to our ongoing foodbank appeal we share our love and the love of Jesus with those who need it most.

Thank you on behalf of those strangers we have shown our love to over the past year. Food items required are intimated each week on the Carstairs order of service.

Regards, Ruth Campbell

Charity Clothes Collection

Following on from the charity clothes collection earlier in 2015 it was realised that this could be a continued source of funds for our church. Unwanted ‘good quality’ clothes, paired shoes, bags & belts can be sold for ‘cash for clothes’. Please contact Elizabeth Brown (870787) for details or uplift.


Safeguarding is about preventing harm and abuse. Harm or abuse of children and adults at risk can happen anywhere – even in church communities. We have a duty to ensure a Safe Church for All. This means protecting children and 'adults at risk'.

Trevor and Kate would like to thank all volunteers who have cooperated in the recent task of converting everyone to the PVG scheme. If you have a query/problem please contact them on 01555 870558.

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Boys Brigade

The session started in September and although the numbers are low the boys are participating in a full programme of activities and achievements. One of our aims is to encourage the boys to demonstrate their individual talents whilst participating in crafts, marching, quizzes and sport.

The boys enjoyed traditional Halloween celebrations with the Anchor boys dressing up and the Juniors carving pumpkins. The joint enrolment service for the Girls and Boys Brigade took place in October and the Company took part in the Remembrance Service with Joshua Gauld laying a poppy wreathe on behalf of South Lanarkshire Council, it is Joshua’s grandfather who donates the wreathe annually to us. Before finishing up for the festive season the boys along with the Girls Brigade enjoyed their annual trip to Motherwell pantomime, Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs. The new session will resume Tuesday, 12th January.

If you know of any young boy who would like to join in the fun and games each Tuesday please encourage them to come along on a Tuesday night. A big thank you to all the Leaders and Helpers who faithfully attend every Tuesday night keeping the Boys Brigade active within the village.

Special Appeal - If you have a particular talent or hobby that you could share with the boys please contact Elizabeth (870787) or any of the leaders, it would only be an hour of your time and the boys would enjoy your visit.

------------------------------------------------------Christmas Prayer

Loving Father, Help us remember the birth of Jesus that we may share in the song of angels, the gladness of the shepherds, and the worship of the wise men. Close the door of hate and open the door of love all over the world. Let kindness come with every gift and good desires with every greeting.

Deliver us from evil by the blessing which Christ brings, and teach us to be merry with clean hearts. May the Christmas morning make us happy to be Thy children, and the Christmas evening bring us to our beds with grateful thoughts, forgiving and forgiven, for Jesus' sakeAmen (By Robert Louis Stevenson)

When you have read your magazine, please feel free to pass it on to

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someone else who may be interested.

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A message from Carstairs Parish Church Treasurer

Thank you to everyone who supported the annual gift week when we raised £1992. Thank you too, to all those who reviewed their weekly offerings, moved to giving their offering by standing order and to those who signed up for Gift Aid. Please note that at any time of the year you can increase your weekly offerings, give a one off donation, sign up to Gift Aid or move to standing order. Just speak to myself, Lorna Bruce or any member of the finance committee.

All these actions have a positive impact on our church income and as result I am hopeful that for the remainder of this year we will be able to meet our Ministries and Mission payments as well as our locum and pastoral assistant costs.

Sadly our average monthly expenditure (electricity, oil etc) is more than our monthly income. Our expenditure cannot be met solely from our Sunday offerings so fundraisers, such as the recent concert by Trilogy, are necessary to ensure we can sit comfortably in a well heated, dry church on a Sunday morning. As we approach the end of another financial year and become more aware of our financial situation we must look at our giving so that we continue to have a church in Carstairs in 2016.

Barbara Kay, Treasurer


SoSing are keen to attract new members to the group so if you like to sing please come along and join us. It’s a very relaxed and informal group and we really need new members to keep the group going.

If you would like more information or just want to chat about it please call Nanette Melvin (870988).

Drama Group

The Drama Group will be performing at the family service, Sunday 20th December, 10am at Carstairs. Please come along to this special service and show your support.

The group continues to look for new members either to act or help out behind the scenes. Come along, get involved and enjoy drama and seasonal sketches with fun loving people. Details available from Roberta Finlayson (870817).

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Girls Brigade

We are now half way through our 3rd year at 1st Carstairs Girls Brigade and what an exciting time we’ve had. We had 5 new girls to the explorer but unfortunately we lost 2 girls as they moved to high school. It is hoped that with more leaders / helpers that we will be able to facilitate a Brigader section for the older girls. So please don’t be shy put your name forward or speak to any one of the leaders and we will persuade you!!!! We were also very pleased to

welcome back our devoted girls from last year. In total we have 45 girls which is fantastic!!

This year’s theme has been around the “arts” and looking at the talents God has given to each and everyone of us. We have had the opportunity to see and play instruments, make our own and listen to others play. We have been privileged to have Skye Watson (from SHINE Music Theatre) come along and develop the girls with regards to performance – it is fair to say that we have a few actresses and comedians among our team.

We have changed the format this year in that we are having a joint night when the girls from both groups come together for a more focused spiritual night – Linda B has been instrumental (as usual) in organising this for us….

In keeping with this theme we had a joint outing with the Boys Brigade to Motherwell Civic Centre Panto to see Snow White and the seven dwarfs – which was great fun!! We are also spending time looking at our community and ways in which we can help Carstairs e.g. recycling aluminium cans, being a responsible dog owner, and helping the environment so please look out for our posters in the village….

One last thing…..if you are an internet shopper please visit the easyfundraising website: and raise money for us.

If you need more details please speak to Linda, Sharon or myself and we will be able to help you, after all every little helps.

Thanks, Karen Burnett (Officer in Charge of the Junior Section)-----------------------------------------------------------

For a few years now Keith (Whitton) has been a Radio Law DJ, at Wishaw General Hospital, with his own show on Friday nights from 6pm. If you know of anyone in hospital who would enjoy a special request please phone(01698 373773) or speak to Keith for information.

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Interim Moderator Rev Elizabeth Clelland Tel 860716

Carstairs Office-Bearers:Session Clerk Irene Williams Tel. 664694

Congregational Board Clerk Mabel Morris Tel. 870676and Presbytery Elder

Treasurer and Roll Keeper Barbara Kay Tel. 870043

Deputy Treasurer, Jennifer Whitton Tel. 870642FWO Treasurer, CCL Licence

Gift Aid Treasurer Lorna Bruce Tel. 870426

Child Protection Trevor Mee Tel. 870558Co-ordinators Kate Langton

Youth Co-ordinator Linda Brown Tel. 870028

Christian Aid Christine Lothian Tel. 870031

Magazine Co-ordinator Lorna Bruce Tel. 870426

Organist Mrs Ann McMillan Tel. 771039

Web Site Liz Warnock Tel.

Carnwath Office-Bearers:Session Clerk Betty McLeod Tel. 840736

Treasurer Iain Cochrane Tel. 840225

Presbytery Elder Anne Cochrane Tel. 840225

Organist Fiona Paul

Carstairs Parish Church - Scottish Charity SC028124Carnwath Parish Church – Scottish Charity SC016360

Thank you to all contributors for their articles and photographs.

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