1.2.1 getting started 3

Getting Started 1 1 Getting Started © 2000 AEA Technology plc - All Rights Reserved. Chem 1_3.pdf

Transcript of 1.2.1 getting started 3

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Getting Started 1


Getting Started

© 2000 AEA Technology plc - All Rights Reserved.Chem 1_3.pdf

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2 Getting Started


WorkshopThe Getting Started module introduces you to some of the basic concepts necessary for creating simulations in HYSYS. Some of the things you will learn from this module are:

• Methods for moving through different environments• Selecting property packages and components• Adding streams• Attaching utilities

You will use HYSYS to define three streams. You will learn how to determine the properties of these streams by using the Property Table utility.

Learning ObjectivesOnce you have completed this section, you will be able to:

• Define a Fluid Package (Property Package and Components)• Add Streams• Understand Flash Calculations• Attach Stream Utilities• Customize the Workbook

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Getting Started 3


Building the Simulation

The Simulation Basis ManagerHYSYS uses the concept of the Fluid Package to contain all necessary information for performing flash and physical property calculations. This approach allows you to define all information (property package, components, interaction parameters, reactions, tabular data, hypothetical components, etc.) inside a single entity. There are three key advantages to this approach:

• All associated information is defined in a single location, allowing for easy creation and modification of the information

• Fluid Packages can be stored as a completely separate entity for use in any simulation

• Multiple Fluid Packages can be used in the same simulation; however, they are all defined inside the common Basis Manager.

The Simulation Basis Manager is a property view that allows you to create and manipulate every Fluid Package in the simulation. Whenever you begin a New Case, HYSYS places you at this location. The opening tab of the Simulation Basis Manager, Fluid Pkgs, contains the list of current Fluid Package definitions. You can use multiple Fluid Packages within one simulation by assigning them to different flowsheets and linking the flowsheets together.

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Inside the Current Fluid Packages group, there are a number of buttons:

• View - this is only active when a Fluid Package exists in the case. It allows you to view the property view for the selected Fluid Package.

• Add – allows you to create and install a Fluid Package into the simulation.

• Delete – removes the selected Fluid Package from the simulation.

• Copy – makes a copy of the selected Fluid Package. Everything is identical in the copied version, except the name. This is useful for modifying fluid packages.

• Import – allows you to import a predefined Fluid Package from disk. Fluid Packages have the file extension.fpk.

• Export – allows you to export the selected Fluid Package to a disk. The exported Fluid Package can be retrieved into another case, by using the Import function.

You can use the <Ctrl><B> hot key to re-enter the Simulation Basis Manager from any point in the simulation or choose the Enter Basis Environment button from the button bar.

Basis Environment button

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Defining the Simulation Basis1. Start a new case by selecting the New Case button.

2. Create a Fluid Package by selecting the Add button from the Simulation Basis Manager.

3. Click the Activity Model radio button and choose NRTL as the Property Package.

4. Change the Name from the default Basis-1 to Stripper. Do this by clicking in the "Name" cell, and typing the new name. Hit the <Enter> key when you are finished.

5. Switch to the Components tab. From this tab, you add components to your case.

New Case button

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You can select components for your simulation using several different methods:

Note: You can add a range of components by highlighting the entire range and pressing the Add Pure button.

To Use… Do This…

Match Cell 1. Select one of the three name formats, SimName, Full Name/Synonym, or Formula by selecting the corresponding radio button.

2. Click on the Match cell and enter the name of the component. As you start to type, the list will change to match what you have entered.

3. Once the desired component is highlighted either:

• Press the <Enter> key• Press the Add Pure button• Double click on the component to

add it to your simulation.

Component List 1. Using the scroll bar for the main component list, scroll through the list until you find the desired component.

2. To add the component either:

• Press the <Enter> key• Press the Add Pure button• Double click on the component to

add it to your simulation

Family Filter 1. Ensure the Match cell is empty, and press the Family Filter…button.

2. Select the desired family from the Family Filter to display only that type of component.

3. Use either of the two previous methods to then select the desired component.

4. To add the component either:

• Press the <Enter> key• Press the Add Pure button• Double click on the component to

add it to your simulation

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5. Select the library components Chloroform, Toluene, Ethanol, H2O, Oxygen and Nitrogen.

6. Go to the Binary Coeffs tab. Press the Unknowns Only button to estimate missing coefficients. View the Aij, Bij and αij matrices by selecting the corresponding radio button. The Aij matrix is shown below:

To view the Bij or αij coefficients, click the appropriate radio button in the Coefficient Matrix to View group.

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Exporting Fluid PackagesHYSYS allows you to export Fluid Packages for use in other simulations. This functionality allows you to create a single common Fluid Package which you may use in multiple cases.

1. On the Fluid Pkgs tab highlight the Stripper Fluid Package.

2. Press the Export button.

3. Enter a unique name (Stripper) for the Fluid Package and press the OK button.

Now that the Fluid Package is now fully defined, you are ready to move on and start building the simulation. Press the Enter Simulation Environment button or the Interactive Simulation Environment button in the Button Bar.

HYSYS will automatically add the file extension .fpk when it saves your Fluid Package. The file is automatically saved to the \HYSYS\paks subdirectory.

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Selecting a Unit SetIn HYSYS, it is possible to change the unit set used to display the different variables.

1. From the Tools menu, choose Preferences.

2. Switch to the Variables tab, and go to the Units page.

3. If it is not already selected, select the desired unit set. Both Field and SI units will be given in this course; you are free to use whichever is more comfortable for you.

4. Close the window to return to the simulation.

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Changing Units for a SpecificationTo change the units for a specification, simply type the numerical value of the specification and press the space bar or click on the unit drop down box. Choose the units for the value you are providing. HYSYS will convert the units back to the default units.

You can scroll through the unit list by starting to type the units, by using the arrow keys or by using the scroll bar.

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Adding StreamsIn HYSYS, there are two types of streams, Material and Energy. Material streams have a composition and parameters such as temperature, pressure and flowrates. They are used to represent Process Streams. Energy streams have only one parameter, a Heat Flow. They are used to represent the Duty supplied to or by a Unit Operation.

There are a variety of ways to add streams in HYSYS.

In this exercise, you will add three streams to represent the feeds to an air stripper. Each stream will be added using a different method of installation.

To Use This… Do This…

Menu Bar Select Add Stream from the Flowsheet menu.


Press the <F11> Hot Key.

The Stream property view will open.

Workbook Open the Workbook and go to the Material Streams tab. Type a stream name into the **New** cell.

Object Palette Select Object Palette from the Flowsheet menu or press <F4> to open the Object Palette. Double click on the stream icon.

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Adding a Stream from the Menu BarThis procedure describes how to add a stream using the <F11> hot key.

1. Press the <F11> hot key. The Stream Property view is displayed:

You can change the stream name by simply typing in a new name in the Stream Name box.

2. Change the stream name to Eth rich.

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Entering Stream Compositions

There are two different methods to enter stream compositions from the Worksheet tab.

3. Double click on the Mass Flow cell. The Input Composition for Stream view displays.

4. We want to define the composition of this stream by specifying the mass flows for each component. By default, HYSYS has chosen the basis for defining the composition as mass fraction. Press the Basis button and select the Mass Flows radio button in the Composition Basis group. You are now able to enter the data in the desired format.

When Using the… Do This…

Conditions page Double click on the Molar Flow cell to enter mole fractions.


Double click on the Mass Flow cell to enter mass fractions.


Double click on the LiqVolFlow cell to enter volume fractions.

The Input Composition for Stream dialog is shown.

Composition page Press the Edit button.

The Input Composition for Stream dialog is shown.

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5. Enter the following compositions:

6. Press the OK button when all the mass flows have been entered.

7. Close the Stream Property view.

For This Component… Enter This Mass Flow, kg/h (lb/hr)

Chloroform 2.5 (5.0)

Toluene 0

Ethanol 300 (600)

H2O 100 000 (200, 000)

Oxygen 0

Nitrogen 0

Note: If there are <empty> values, either enter 0 or press the Normalize button.

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Adding a Stream from the WorkbookTo open or display the Workbook, press the Workbook button on the Button Bar.

1. Enter the stream name, Tol rich in the **New** cell.

2. Enter the following component mass flow rates. You will have to change the basis again.

3. Close the Stream Property view.

Workbook button

For This Component… Enter This Mass Flow, kg/h (lb/hr)

Chloroform 1.5 (3.0)

Toluene 140 (280)

Ethanol 0

H2O 100 000 (200, 000)

Oxygen 0

Nitrogen 0

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Adding a Stream from the Object Palette

1. If the Object Palette is not open on the Desktop, press the <F4> hot key to open it.

2. Double Click on the Material Stream button. The Stream Property view displays.

3. Change the name of the stream to Strip Air.

4. Double click on the Molar Flow cell and enter the following stream compositions:

Saving your caseYou can use one of several different methods to save a case in HYSYS:

• From the File menu select Save to save your case with the same name.

• Form the File menu select Save As to save your case in a different location or with a different name.

• Press the Save button on the button bar to save your case with the same name.

Material Stream button (Blue)

For This Component… Enter This Mole Fraction…

Chloroform 0

Toluene 0

Ethanol 0

H2O 0

Oxygen 0.21

Nitrogen 0.79

Save your case often to avoid losing information.

Save button

Save your case!

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Flash CalculationsHYSYS can perform five types of flash calculations on streams: P-T, Vf-P, Vf-T, P-Molar Enthalpy and T-Molar Enthalpy. Once the composition of the stream and two of either temperature, pressure, vapour fraction or molar enthalpy are known, HYSYS performs a flash calculation on the stream, calculating the other two parameters.

With the flash capabilities of HYSYS, it is possible to perform dew and bubble point calculations. By specifying a vapour fraction of 1 and either the pressure or temperature of the stream, HYSYS will calculate the dew temperature or pressure. To calculate the bubble temperature or pressure, a vapour fraction of 0 and either pressure or temperature must be entered.

1. Perform a T-P flash calculation on the stream Tol Rich. Set the pressure to 101.3 kPa (14.7 psia) and the temperature to 90 °C (200 °F). What is the vapour fraction? __________

2. Perform a dew point calculation on the stream Tol Rich. Set the pressure to 101.3 kPa (14.7 psia). What is the dew point temperature? __________

3. Perform a bubble point calculation on the stream Tol Rich. Set the pressure to 101.3 kPa (14.7 psia). What is the bubble point temperature? __________

Only 2 of these 4 stream parameters, Vapour Fraction, Temperature, Pressure or Molar Enthalpy can be supplied.

If you try to supply temperature, pressure and vapour fraction, a consistency error can occur.

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Attaching UtilitiesThe utilities available in HYSYS are a set of useful tools that interact with your process, providing additional information or analysis of streams or operations. Once installed, the utility becomes part of the Flowsheet, automatically calculating when conditions change in the stream or operation to which it is attached.

As with the majority of objects in HYSYS, there are a number of ways to attach utilities to streams.

To Use the… Do this…

Menu Bar Select Utilities from the Tools menu.


Press the <Ctrl><U> hot key.

The Available Utilities window displays.

Stream Property View Open the stream property view.

Switch to the Attachments tab and choose the Utilities page. Press the Create button.

The Available Utilities window displays.

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Adding a Utility from the Stream Property View

The Property Table utility allows you to examine property trends over a range of conditions in both tabular and graphical formats. The utility calculates dependent variables for up to two user specified independent variable ranges or values.

A Property Table utility will be added to the stream Tol rich from the stream property view.

1. Use the hot key combination <Ctrl><U> to open the Available Utilities window.

2. Select Property Table from the menu on the right and press the Add Utility button. The Property Table view displays.

3. Press the Select Stream button and select the stream Tol rich.

4. Press the OK button to return to the Ind. Prop tab.

5. By default, Temperature is selected as Variable 1, and Pressure is selected as Variable 2.

6. Change the Lower Bound of the Temperature to 85 oC (185 oF) and change the Upper Bound to 100 oC (212 oF). Set the number on increments to 5.

7. For the Pressure variable, use the drop down menu to change its mode to State, and enter the following values: 90 kPa (13 psia), 100 kPa (14.5 psia), 101.3 kPa (14.7 psia), 110 kPa (16.0 psia), and 120 kPa (17.4 psia).

8. Switch to the Dep. Prop page.

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It is possible to choose multiple dependent properties for any of the single phases (liquid, aqueous or vapour) or for the bulk phase.

9. Select the Bulk radio button and highlight a cell in the Property matrix.

10. Choose Mass Density from the drop down list.

11. Select the Liquid radio button, and select the Viscosity property.

12. Select the Aqueous radio button, and select the Aq. Mass Fraction property.

13. Select the Vapour radio button, and select the Vapour Mass Fraction property.

14. Press the Calculate cell to generate the Property Table.

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You can examine the Property Table results in either graphical or tabular formats on the Performance tab.

Finishing the SimulationThe final step in this section is to add the stream information necessary for the case to be used in future modules.

Add the following temperatures and pressures to the streams:

Add a flowrate of 18 000 kg/h (39, 700 lb/hr) to the stream Strip Air.

Examining the Results

The Stream Property ViewWithin HYSYS, it is possible to view the properties of the individual phases for any stream.

1. Open the property view for the stream Tol Rich.

2. On the Worksheet tab, Conditions page, add a Temperature value of 90°C (195°F) and supply a pressure of 101.3 kPa (14.7 psia).

3. Move the mouse cursor to the left or right side of the view until the cursor changes to resizing arrows.

4. Press and hold the left mouse button and drag the edge of the view until all the phases can be seen.

Pressure, kPa (psia) Temp., °C (°F)

Eth rich 101 kPa (14.7 psia) 15°C (60°F)

Tol rich 101 kPa (14.7 psia) 15°C (60°F)

Strip Air 101 kPa (14.7 psia) 25°C (77°F)

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The pages Properties and Composition also show data for the individual phases.

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Customizing the WorkbookHYSYS allows you to customize the Workbook at several different levels. You can add additional pages, change the variables which are displayed on the current pages, or change the format of the values which are displayed.

In this exercise a new Workbook tab containing stream properties, Vap Frac on a Mass Basis, Molecular Weight, Mass Density and Mass Enthalpy, will be added.

1. Open the Workbook by pressing the Workbook button on the button bar.

2. From the Workbook menu, select Setup. The Setup window displays.

3. Under the Workbook Tabs group, press the Add button, and in the view which appears, select +Stream and press OK.

4. A new Workbook tab, Streams 2, will be listed in the Workbook Tabs group. Ensure that this new tab is highlighted.

5. Highlight the Name cell in the Tab Contents group, and change the name to Other Prop.

6. In the Variables group, press the Delete button until all the default variables are removed.

7. Click the Add button to view the list of variables grouped under the Select Variable(s) For Main page.

8. From the Variables list, select Vap Frac on a Mass Basis and click OK.

Workbook button

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9. Repeat 7 and 8 for Molecular Weight, Mass Density and Mass Enthalpy.

10. Close this view to return to the Workbook.

The Workbook now contains the tab Other Prop which shows the vapour fraction on a mass basis, the molecular weight, the mass density and the mass enthalpy for all the components for the three streams.

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Printing Stream and Workbook DatasheetsIn HYSYS you have the ability to print datasheets for Streams, Operations and Workbooks.

Printing the Workbook Datasheet1. Open the Workbook.

2. Right click (Object Inspect) the Workbook title bar. The Print Datasheet or Open Page pop-up menu appears.

3. Select Print Datasheet and the Select Datablock(s) to Print for Workbook window is displayed.

4. You can choose to print or preview any of the available datasheets (press the + collapse button to view all available datasheets). Clicking on the box will activate or deactivate the datasheet for printing or previewing.

To print all streams:

• Customize the Workbook to contain all the stream info you want.

• Print the Workbook Datasheet.

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Printing an Individual Stream Datasheet

To print the datasheet for an individual Stream, Object Inspect the stream property view title bar and follow the same procedure as with the Workbook.

Save your case!

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Exercise 1

A. Use the Workbook to find the following values:

1. The dew point temperature of stream Eth Rich at 101 kPa (14.7 psia). __________

2. The bubble point pressure of stream Tol rich at 15°C (60 °F). __________

3. The dew point pressure of stream Strip Air at 25°C (77 °F). __________

4. The bubble point temperature of stream Strip Air at 101 kPa (14.7 psia). __________

B. Perform the following flash calculations:

1. The vapour fraction of stream Eth rich at 15°C (60 °F) and 101 kPa (14.7 psia). __________

2. The temperature of stream Tol rich at 101 kPa (14.7 psia) and 0.5 vapour fraction. __________

3. What is the molar fraction of toluene in vapour phase for stream Tol rich under the same condition? __________

4. The mass density of stream Strip Air at 25 °C (77 °F) and 101 kPa (14.7 psia). __________

5. The mass fraction of toluene in the aqueous phase of the stream "Tol rich" at 15 °C (60 °F) and 101.3 kPa (14.7 psia). __________

Exercise 2

The stream Eth Rich is stored in a 200 m3 (7000 ft3) vessel. Assuming the storage vessel has a 45 minute hold-up and the vessel is at atmospheric conditions (1 atm, 25°C, 77 °F):

What is the composition of the vapor space? _________

How full is the storage vessel? __________

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