1.2 Glands (2)

Glandular epithelium

Transcript of 1.2 Glands (2)

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Glandular epithelium

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• Glands originate from epithelial cells that leave the surface where they developed and penetrate into the underlying connective tissue, manufacturing a basal lamina around themselves.

• The secretory units, along with their ducts, are the parenchyma of the gland, whereas the stroma of the gland represents the elements of the connective tissue that invade and support the parenchyma.

• Glands that secrete their products via a constitutive secretory pathway do so continuously, releasing their secretory products immediately without storage and without requiring a prompt by signaling molecules. Glands that exhibit a regulated secretory pathway concentrate and store their secretory products until the proper signaling molecule for its release is received

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• Glandular epithelia manufacture their product intracellularly by synthesis of macromolecules that are usually packaged and stored in vesicles called secretory granules.

• The secretory product may be a polypeptide hormone (e.g., from the pituitary gland); a waxy substance (e.g., from the ceruminous glands of the ear canal); a mucinogen (e.g., from the goblet cells); or milk, a combination of protein, lipid, and carbohydrates (e.g., from the mammary glands).

• Other glands (such as sweat glands) secrete little besides the exudate they receive from the bloodstream. In addition, striated ducts (e.g., those of the major salivary glands) act as ion pumps that modify the substances produced by their secretory units.

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Glands are classified into two major groups on the basis of the method of distribution of their secretory products:

• Exocrine glands secrete their products via ducts onto the external or internal epithelial surface from which they originated.

• Endocrine glands are ductless, having lost their connections to the originating epithelium, and thus secrete their products into the blood or lymphatic vessels for distribution.

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Depending on the distance the cytokine must travel to reach its target cell, its effect may be one of the following:

• Autocrine: The signaling cell is its own target; thus the cell stimulates itself.

• Paracrine: The target cell is located in the vicinity of the signaling cell; thus, the cytokine does not have to enter the vascular system for distribution to its target.

• Endocrine: The target cell and signaling cell are far from each other; thus, the cytokine has to be transported either by the blood or by the lymph vascular system.

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Exocrine Glands :

• Exocrine glands secrete their products via a duct to the surface of their epithelial origin.

• Exocrine glands are classified according to the nature of their secretion, their mode of secretion, and the number of cells (unicellular or multicellular). Many exocrine glands in the digestive, respiratory, and urogenital systems secrete substances that are described as mucous, serous, or mixed (both) types.

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Unicellular Exocrine Glands:

• Unicellular exocrine glands are the simplest form of exocrine gland.

• Unicellular exocrine glands, represented by isolated secretory cells in an epithelium, are the simplest form of exocrine gland. A primary example is the goblet cell, which is dispersed individually in the epithelia lining the digestive tract and portions of the respiratory tract. The secretions released by these mucous glands protect the linings of these tracts.

• Goblet cells derive their name from their shape, that of a goblet . Their thin basal region sits on the basal lamina, whereas their expanded apical portion, the theca, faces the lumen of the digestive tube or respiratory tract. The theca is filled with membrane-bound secretory droplets, which displace the cytoplasm to the cell's periphery and the nucleus toward its base. The process of mucinogen release is regulated and stimulated by chemical irritation and parasympathetic innervation, resulting in exocytosis of the entire secretory contents of the cell, thus lubricating and protecting the epithelial sheet.

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Multicellular Exocrine Glands:

• Multicellular exocrine glands exist as organized clusters of secretory units.

• Multicellular exocrine glands consist of clusters of secretory cells arranged in varying degrees of organization. These secretory cells do not act alone and independently but instead function as secretory organs. Multicellular glands may have a simple structure, exemplified by the glandular epithelium of the uterus and gastric mucosa, or a complex structure, composed of various types of secretory units and organized in a compound branching fashion.

• Because of their structural arrangement, multicellular glands are subclassified according to the organization of their secretory and duct components as well as according to the shape of their secretory units

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• Multicellular glands are classified as simple if their ducts do not branch and compound if their ducts branch. They are further categorized according to the morphology of their secretory units as tubular, acinar (also referred to as alveolar, resembling a grape), or tubuloalveolar.

• Larger multicellular glands are surrounded by a collagenous connective tissue capsule, which sends septae (strands of connective tissue) into the gland, subdividing it into smaller compartments known as lobes and lobules. Vascular elements, nerves, and ducts utilize the connective tissue septa to enter and exit the gland. In addition, the connective tissue elements provide structural support for the gland.

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The secretory portion may have a variety of shapes. Secretory cells may form:

• tubes in tubular glands,

• acini in acinar glands or

• alveoli in alveolar glands.

Glands classification according to secretory portion shape:

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• Mucous glands secrete mucinogens, large glycosylated proteins that, upon hydration, swell to become a thick, viscous, gel-like protective lubricant known as mucin, a major component of mucus. Examples of mucous glands include goblet cells and the minor salivary glands of the tongue and palate.

• Mucous cells are usually cuboidal to columnar in shape; their nuclei are oval and pressed toward the bases of the cells. They exhibit the characteristics of mucus-secreting cells, containing glycoproteins important for the moistening and lubricating functions of the saliva. Most of these glycoproteins are called mucins and contain 70%-80% carbohydrate moieties in their structure. Mucous cells are most often organized as tubules, consisting of cylindrical arrays of secretory cells surrounding a lumen.

Acinar glands - mucous secreting cells:

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• Serous glands, such as the pancreas, secrete an enzyme-rich watery fluid.

• Serous cells are usually pyramidal in shape, with a broad base resting on the basal lamina and a narrow apical surface with short, irregular microvilli facing the lumen. They exhibit characteristics of polarized protein-secreting cells. Adjacent secretory cells are joined together by junctional complexes and usually form a spherical mass of cells called acinus, with a small lumen in the center. This structure can be thought of as a grape attached to its stem; the stem corresponds to the duct system.

Acinar glands - serous secreting cells:

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• Mixed glands contain acini (secretory units) that produce mucous secretions as well as acini that produce serous secretions; in addition, some of the mucous acini possess serous demilunes, a group of cells that secrete a serous fluid. The sublingual and submandibular glands are examples of mixed glands

Acinar glands - mixed glands:

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• Acini of many multicellular exocrine glands such as sweat glands and major salivary glands possess myoepithelial cells that share the basal lamina of the acinar cells. Although myoepithelial cells are of epithelial origin, they have some characteristics of smooth muscle cells, particularly contractility. These cells exhibit small nuclei and sparse fibrillar cytoplasm radiating out from the cell body, wrapping around the acini and some of the small ducts . Their contractions assist in expressing secretions from the acini and from some small ducts.

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Acinar glands - myoepithelial cells (basket cells):

• Share the basal laminae of the acinar cells.

• They have a cell body that houses the nucleus and several long processes that envelop the secretory acinus and intercalated ducts.

• The cell body houses a small complement of organelles in addition to the nucleus and makes hemidesmosomal attachments with the basal lamina. The cytoplasmic processes, which form desmosomal contacts with the acinar and duct cells, are rich in actin and myosin; in electron micrographs these processes resemble smooth muscle cells. As the processes of myoepithelial cells contract, they press on the acinus, facilitating release of the secretory product into the duct of the gland.

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Glands classification according to releasing mechanisms of secretory products :

• Cells of exocrine glands exhibit three different mechanisms for releasing their secretory products: (1) holocrine, (2) merocrine, and (3) apocrine.

• The release of the secretory product of merocrine glands (e.g., parotid gland) occurs via exocytosis; as a result, neither cell membrane nor cytoplasm becomes a part of the secretion. Although many investigators question the existence of the apocrine mode of secretion, historically it was believed that in apocrine glands (e.g., lactating mammary gland), a small portion of the apical cytoplasm is released along with the secretory product. In holocrine glands (e.g., sebaceous gland), as a secretory cell matures, it dies and becomes the secretory product.

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A. holocrine

B. merocrine

C. apocrine

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Endocrine Glands :

• Endocrine glands are ductless, and thus their secretory products are released directly into the bloodstream or the lymphatic system.

• Endocrine glands release their secretions (hormones) into blood or lymphatic vessels for distribution to target organs. The major endocrine glands of the body include the suprarenal (adrenal), pituitary, thyroid, parathyroid, and pineal glands and the ovaries, placenta, and testes.

• The islets of Langerhans and the interstitial cells of Leydig are unusual because they are composed of clusters of cells ensconced within the connective tissue stroma of other organs (the pancreas and the testes, respectively). Hormones secreted by endocrine glands include peptides, proteins, modified aminoacids, steroids, and glycoproteins. Because of their complexity and important role in regulating bodily processes.

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• The secretory cells of endocrine glands are organized either in cords of cells or in a follicular arrangement. In the cord type, the most common arrangement, cells form anastomosing cords around capillaries or blood sinusoids. The hormone to be secreted is stored intracellularly and is released upon the arrival of the proper signaling molecule or neural impulse. Examples of the cord type of endocrine gland are the suprarenal gland, anterior lobe of the pituitary gland, and parathyroid gland.

Endocrine Glands :

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Suprarenal gland

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• In the follicle type of endocrine gland, secretory cells (follicular cells) form follicles that surround a cavity that receives and stores the secreted hormone. When a release signal is received, the stored hormone is resorbed by the follicular cells and released into the connective tissue to enter the blood capillaries. An example of a follicle type of endocrine gland is the thyroid gland.

Endocrine Glands :

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Thyroid gland

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Endocrine Glands :

• Some glands of the body are mixed; for example, the parenchyma contains both exocrine and endocrine secretory units. In these mixed glands (e.g., pancreas, ovary, and testes), the exocrine portion of the gland secretes its product into a duct, whereas the endocrine portion of the gland secretes its product into the bloodstream.

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Diffuse Neuroendocrine System:

• The diffuse neuroendocrine system produces paracrine and endocrine hormones.

• Widespread throughout the digestive tract and in the respiratory system are endocrine cells interspersed among other secretory cells. These cells, members of the diffuse neuroendocrine system (DNES), manufacture various paracrine and endocrine hormones. Because these cells are capable of taking up precursors of amines and decarboxylating aminoacids, they were also called APUD (amine precursor uptake and decarboxylation) cells. At one time some of these cells were called argentaffin and argyophil cells because of the way they stained with silver salts. This entire cell group is now called the DNES.

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APUD cells :