1.14.13 classwork monday

Christy Samira Leon Kareena Philicia Ayanna Lilah Remy Donovan Michael Yamilee Jessica Leslie Jose Carlos Bryan Ricardo Alexis David Jordan Alejandra Kathy Diana Ixza Emily Jaileen Jeffrey Monday January 14, 2013 Describe what your life would be like if you were a book in the library. Edward Adrianette

Transcript of 1.14.13 classwork monday

  • 1. Describe what your life would be like if you were a bookin the library. MondayLeon JeffreyJanuary 14, 2013BryanAyanna DonovanJoseLeslie Emily ChristyJessica Ixza Alexis Yamilee Samira JordanAdrianetteMichael RicardoLilah KathyPhilicia Kareena AlejandraDiana RemyCarlosEdward Jaileen David

2. Morning WorkDO NOW:Write the x9Times Table tentimes. 3. Reading Into the Future (p. 357)Talk About ItWhat kinds of newtechnology do youknow about? Whatinventions would youlike to see in the future? Look at the picture and respond in writing. 4. Rotated means "turned around on an axis ora central point."A robot is programmed to do the jobs thata person usually does.Reversed means "moved in the oppositedirection.Something that is defective has a flaw orweakness. 5. A meteor is a piece of rock from space.Something that is dangling is hanging orswinging loosely.Someone who staggered would be said tohave swayed or walked unsteadily.Tokens are pieces that mark your place ona game board. 6. Reading Zathura (p. 360)GenreScience Fiction tells astory of imaginedevents usually set inthe future and basedon science ortechnology. 7. polarity: a pull toward an object or ina particular direction.gyroscope: a piece of equipmentwith a spinning wheel or ball set in aframe that helps keep its directionsfrom changingmalfunctioning: not working properly. 8. Evidence ConclusionMr. Budwingsays they will Mr. and Mrs.be late. Mrs.Budwing areBudwing says going out forshe will set out dinner.dinner. 9. Character Trait mischievousDannysnitchslowactiveannoyingsensitive victimized 10. Reading HomeworkUse the vocabulary words(including todays story words) ina sentence each. 11. Math Power Practice / Homework ReviewDO NOW: CompletetheMultiplicationRecordSheet. Go overhomework. 12. Math Homework"My Homework" pages 267268 13. Spelling1. grownup 11. flawless2. power 12. coward3. shower13. lawyer4. bestow14. applause5. August15. arousing6. allow 16. faucet7. encounter 17. trousers8. grouchy 18. caution9. rowdy 19. boundary10. laundry20. doubting 14. Spelling Class Work CompleteSpellingPracticeBook, page103104Homework Spelling words, ten times each. 15. Language Arts PronounVerb Agreement (p. 350)Class Work Copy the RULESon page 350. Completeexercise 125 onpages 350351.Write thesentences. Complete theWriting ActivityHomework1. Extra Practice, page 410, exercise 125 16. Homework Summary for Monday January 14, 2013ReadingUse the vocabulary words (including todays story words) ina sentence each.Math"My Homework" pages 267268SpellingSpelling words ten times eachLanguage ArtsComplete exercises 125 on pages 350351Extra Practice, page 410 exercises 125 17. Attachments 1314158