10 essential facts that you want to know about alkaline water

10 Essential Facts That You Want To Know About Alkaline Water

Transcript of 10 essential facts that you want to know about alkaline water

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10 Essential Facts That You Want To Know About

Alkaline Water

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Drinking a healthy amount of water is vital to your health. You can never imagine just by drinking a healthy amount of water, you gain tremendous health benefits. The human body is anywhere from 55%-78% water depending on body size. Every cell in your body needs water from head to toe. That is why it is so important to drink enough fluid. Brain consists of 74.5% of water, if you do not supply enough water to your body, your brain cannot function well, and you will get headache or migraine.

The functions of water in human body are vital. They are:

Transports nutrients and oxygen into cells Protects our vital organ Helps with metabolism and organs to absorb nutrients better Regulates body temperature Protects and moisturizes our joints

But have you wondered ever from where these drinking water are coming from? Mainly these drinking water comes from municipal source or unprotected water source like streams, rivers, cisterns, and poorly constructed wells contaminated with Bacteria, Nitrates, E.coil , Herbicides and Pesticides etc. Though tap water was considered safe for drinking has it goes through a process of decontamination at municipal water treatment plants, it seems that now more chlorine and other additives have been added to supply our homes with contaminant free tap water. Unfortunately, the quality of tap water has declined over the last number of years, to the point where you can actually smell and even taste the chlorine that is present in the tap water. Because of this nowadays more and more people are now opting for water ionizers for home water purification. Here comes the benefit of drinking Alkaline water . But before that let us understand what this is all about?

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What is Alkaline Water ?

Alkaline water, also commonly known as ionized water, has a pH level greater than seven. It balances the body ph of an acidic person. Human body is not properly balanced and contains far too much acid because of poor diets and lack of physical activity among other reasons. To prevent this, you need to have alkaline water to normalize your acidic body. It is an antioxidant that can stop of premature aging and improve weight loss. By increasing the alkaline level of the body it neutralizes the acidity level. Enjoy 3 to 4 glasses of tasty and healthy alkaline water daily would be sufficient.

Now below you will see the incredible benefits of having Alkaline Water :

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Increases Hydration

Ionized Water is fundamentally different from conventional water. When water goes through the electrolysis process and becomes ionized, it makes the water clusters half the size of regular water. Because of this hydration becomes much faster as the water can be absorbed by the body easily and its smooth and light texture makes it highly drinkable so that you stay fully hydrated and therefore healthy. It also improves blood circulation within the body and penetrate the areas that are overly acidic.

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Effective Antioxidant

The health benefits of drinking alkaline water are due to the presence of a powerful antioxidant known as the negative hydrogen ion. Drinking antioxidant water speeds up the healing of wounds and injuries and helps deep cuts and skin wounds to dry up faster by encouraging the production of fibrinogen resulting in diminished bleeding. A good amount of antioxidants every day makes your skin radiant because antioxidants render free radical and retards the aging process making you look younger.

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Purifies Waste From Body

People of today’s creation are becoming more vulnerable to junky foods than ever. Eating foods and drinking beverages that are high in acid will eventually lead to a high acidic build up in the body. At some point the body will not be able to process it all and it will begin to store it and will contribute to high acidic and increase in fat cells which are not beneficial to health. These dilemma’s can be rendered by introducing alkaline water to the body’s system. This will help to combat with the acidic waste and push it out through sweat and human waste which in turn increases better oxygen consumption by the body.

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Balances your body’s pH

Alkaline water helps balance the body’s pH, which tends to be acidic because of high acidic food, stress and exposure to environmental toxins. These creates an ideal environment for our body to become vulnerable to diseases. For ex: Accumulated acid waste in the joints encourages inflammation and arthritis. Drinking ionized water helps to dissolve accumulated acid waste and restores the pH level in balance. Now a days we can accurately measure bodies alkalinity through saliva or urine. Drinking ionized water will help you to keep the body ph properly balanced and alkaline.

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The main cause of aging is Toxins. This is often because of poor diet, pollution, and stress. These gets stored in our body causing cell damage that leads to premature aging. So it is preferred to have alkaline water to fight these toxins and detoxify your body as it is rich in antioxidants. These alkaline water not only carries sufficient nutrients and oxygen, but it also increases the effectiveness and absorption rate of any supplement as they get delivered deep into your cells. It has the ability to fights against free radicals and flush out the toxin and acid waste quite effectively from body.

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Ward off all allergies

The pH of your body fluctuates according to a lot of factors, such as diet, exercise and stress-levels. That means that some days you may need more ionized water than other days in order to provide your body with the required alkaline buffers to adjust for the daily living needs. These alkaline water contains antioxidants which are used to combat free-radicals. Mostly these allergy symptoms are related to stress, hydration, and diet than to anything else which can be minimize to an extent by having alkaline water.

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Improves its Quality and Taste

Using Ionized Water for preparing your favorite drinks like coffee or cooking will boost the real natural taste in food. It helps bring out its flavor, lowers acid levels of any food. It ionizes the minerals in the food which helps make them bio-available. For example: You can notice that vegetables will remain much greener neutralizing the acidic components in the vegetables. By soaking the meat in alkaline water for around 20 to 30 minutes will give you a whole new level of taste with less odor and more savor. Moreover, your occasional alcoholic drink will contain less unhealthy acids and will therefore reduce the negative physical reactions linked to drinking alcohol.

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Good for Gardening & Farming

Alkaline water balances the soil’s ph level. Promotes plant growth and extends the life of cut flowers .It reduces the fungus in plants. It can restore the health of ailing plants. These can also improve seeding and germination and can be used instead of industrial pesticides in farms.

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It provides an excellent treatment on acne, eczema.

It removes skin oil and greasy dirt without harsh chemicals,.

It also relieves chapped hands and dry, itchy skin and improves the complexion of the skin. completely.

It soothes and help keep the skin clear of acne and other blemishes. Through this, it prevent aging related skin issues.

Most shampoos in today’s market have a much higher pH levels which cause serious dandruff, itchy scalp, and even fungus growth. So by using alkaline water for a final rinse on your hair after each shower will help you to balance its pH level. This will brings out a vibrant shine, making your hair easier to manage, reduces annoying tangles.

Better Skin And Hair

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Helps in achieving better Concentration

Brain which is the most important part of our body content 90% of water. Drinking sufficient water helps in better alertness, ability to process information and better concentration. Alkaline water not only has the power to satisfy thirst but also balance all your needs without much of an effort. Ensuring the quality of water is also important for achieving a replenished and hydrating water which can be achieved by investing in a good Alkaline Water ionizer .

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Improved Mental Clarity and Digestion

More Stamina

Better Sleep

Reduces Joint & Muscle Pain

Assists in Weight Loss and Reduces stress

Increased Absorption Efficiency of Nutrients and Energy

Increased Circulation and blood oxygen levels

Decreases the risk of cancer

Kills bacteria and fungi and removes plaque from teeth

Prevention from diseases

Some of the Other benefits of drinking alkaline water

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We’d love to share more tips and info on alkaline water


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Make Alkaline Water with Tyent Rettin Water Ionizer Machines http://tyentusa.com/products/ionizers