10 09-14 company profile monty holding


Transcript of 10 09-14 company profile monty holding

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Table  of  Contents  •  Who  Are  We?  

–  Monty  Holding  Overview  –  Monty  Holding  Subsidiaries  –  Monty  Holding  Mission  &  Vision  –  Monty  Holding  Global  Presence  

•  Our  Edge  –  The  Monty  Holding  Exper@se  –  The  Monty  Holding  Team  –  The  Monty  Holding  Performance  –  Some  of  Our  Partners  

•  Close-­‐up  on  Monty  Mobile  –  Our  GSMA  Cer@fica@on  –  Monty  Mobile’s  Services  

•   Close-­‐up  on  Spactron  –  Overview  –  Spactron’s  Services    


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Monty  Holding  Overview  •  Founded   in   1998,   Monty   Holding   is   a  

global   and   fast-­‐growing   telecom  solu@ons   group   with   two   main  companies  opera@ng  under  its  umbrella:  Monty  Mobile  and  Spactron.    

 •  In   record   @mes,   Monty   Holding  

succeeded   in   posi@oning   itself   as   a   key  industry   player,   reaching   more   than  1,200  operators  around  the  globe.    

•  Today,  Monty  Holding  offers  a  mul@tude  of   Voice   and   SMS   services   through   its  subsidiaries   and   offices   in   the  USA,   the  UK,  Fiji  and  Lebanon.    

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Monty  Holding  Subsidiaries  

Established   in   2005,   Spactron   is   a   leading   Global   Provider   of   Wholesale   Voice   Carrier  Services   offering   interna@onal   voice   termina@on,   value-­‐added   telecom   solu@ons   and   a  complete   range  of  A-­‐to-­‐Z   interconnec@ons   to   its   customers  around   the  world.  Spactron   is  also  a  leader  in  providing  Interna@onal  Premium  Rate  Numbers  (IPRNs)  The  company  enjoys  a  long  and  proven  track  record  in  providing  high-­‐quality  routes  at  low  rates   based   on   reliable   technologies.   Coun@ng   more   than   200   bilateral   interconnec@ons  through  PTTs,  mobile  operators,  alterna@ve  operators,   interna@onal  carriers,  calling  cards'  suppliers,   cable   companies,   and   service   providers,   Spactron   is   constantly   able   to   offer   its  customers  best-­‐quality  routes  at  the  most  compe@@ve  rates  worldwide.      

Founded   in   1998,   Monty   Mobile   is   a   GSMA   cer@fied   Open   Connec@vity   SMS   Hub   and  Roaming   Broker,   working   closely   with   worldwide   mobile   operators   to   facilitate   the  interna@onal  flow  of  data,  voice  and  SMS  across  global  markets.    With   its   innova@ve   solu@ons,   professional   customer   service,   and   a   long-­‐las@ng   thirst   to  improve,  Monty  Mobile   has   grown   into   a   key   regional   player   in   the   telecommunica@ons  business,   gathering  under   its  pordolio   some  of   the  biggest  mobile  operators   and   service  providers  around  the  world.    Constantly   evolving   to  meet   customer   demand   and   exceed   expecta@ons,  Monty  Mobile  acquired  the  SMS-­‐messaging  service  provider  Bond  SMS  in  2013,  thus  widening  its  range  of  products  and  services  to  include  bulk  SMS  services  and  applica@ons.  

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Monty  Holding  Mission  &  Vision  

MISSION  Based  on   its  business  exper@se,   research  and  development  capabili@es,  and  outstanding  customer  service,  Monty  Holding  strives  to  provide  reliable  and  effec@ve   voice   and   SMS   services   to   the   interna@onal   and   local   markets.  Working   hand   in   hand   with   worldwide   partners,   we   deliver   long-­‐term  communica@on   and   interconnec@on   solu@ons   between   global   regions   and  support  the  growth  of  the  telecommunica@on  industry.  


Monty  Holding   aims   at   becoming   a   global-­‐scale   telecom   leader   by   grasping  new   business   opportuni@es   and   con@nuously   diversifying   its   products   &  services’  pordolio  in  the  interna@onal  markets.          

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Monty  Holding  Global  Presence  

Lebanon  Office:          Gefinor  Center,  Clemenceau  Street    Hamra  Beirut  Lebanon  Phone:    +961  1  80  39  80  Fax:        +961  1  80  39  81    Email:  [email protected]  Email:  [email protected]  

UK  Office:  233  Earl’s  Court  Road  London,  UK      SW5  9AH  Phone:  +44  207  370  5310  Fax:            +44  207  373  6563  Email:    [email protected]                            [email protected]  

Fiji  Office:  Narseys  Building,  98  100  Renwick  Road  Suva,  Fiji  Phone:  +649  9958841  Email:  [email protected]  

United  States  Office:  611  Wilshire  Blvd  Los  Angeles,  CA  90017  United  States  Tel:    +1  (213)  226-­‐0903  Fax:  +1  (213)  347-­‐0070          

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The  Monty  Holding  ExperNse  

 Our  Experience  With  more   than  15   years   in   the   telecom   industry,  Monty  Holding   has   gained   the   in-­‐depth  knowledge  and  experience  that  enable  it  to  become  one  of  the  largest  SMS  Hubs  and   Voice   Carriers   in   the   world.   We   believe   our   experience   is   a   solid   pladorm   for  innovaNon  and  advancement,  and  use  it  as  such  to  create  top-­‐notch  services  that  can  help  us   shape   tomorrow’s   telecommunica@ons  world.  Our   learning   curve  never   stops  growing,  fueled  by  our  ongoing  market  research  and  con@nuous  parNcipaNon  to  major  telecommunicaNons  events  around  the  globe.      Our  Passion  For  InnovaNon  We   pride   on   our  ability   to   effecNvely   leverage   revenue-­‐enhancing   opportuniNes   for  our  customers  and  constantly  strive  to  find  simple  ways  of  resolving  complex  telecom  and  connecNvity  issues.  All  our  soluNons  are  built  on  open  industry  standards  and  thus,  are  customizable  to  customers’  needs  using  state-­‐of-­‐the-­‐art  technologies.    

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The  Monty  Holding  Team  Your  In-­‐house  Support  Team  Monty   Mobile   grows   and   evolves   because   of   the   invaluable   contribu@ons   of   its  management   and   team  members.  The   company   aWracts,   develops   and   retains   the  best   talents   for   its   business,   challenges   its   team,   and   demonstrates   a   “can-­‐do”  amtude  while  fostering  a  collabora@ve  and  mutually  suppor@ve  work  environment.      Gathering   a   pool   of   seasoned   professionals   of   various   backgrounds   and  specializaNons,  the  Monty  Mobile  team  is  highly  knowledgeable,  reliable,  dedicated  and   commiWed   to   providing   the   best   products   and   services   to   the   company’s  customers  and  partners.    Passionate   about   technology,   we   constantly   seek   to   improve   our   knowledge   and  enhance   our   skills   to   keep   bringing   you   high-­‐quality   solu@ons   to   empower   your  business.      Working  in  one  of  the  most  challenging  and  fast-­‐growing  global  industries,  the  Monty  Mobile   team   members   are   widely   resourceful,   dynamic   and   excellent   at   mulN-­‐tasking.    

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The  Monty  Holding  Performance    Quality  Performance  that  Builds  Partnerships  based  on  Trust,  Commitment    &  Reliability  

 Quality   performance   is   what   earned   Monty   Holding   a   GSMA   Open   Connec@vity  Solu@on   Provider   cer@fica@on   for   its   subsidiary   Monty   Mobile.   Our   connec@vity  infrastructure   is  reliable,  our  services  are  efficient  and  our   team   is  result-­‐oriented.  Armed  with  such  strong  elements,  our  quality  performance  has  allowed  us   to  earn  the  trust  of  mobile  operators,  service  providers  and  customers,  as  well  as  to  sustain  solid  partnerships  with  them.          Building  and  retaining  strategic  partnerships  with  our  customers  means  that  we  need  to   be   there   for   them,   at   all   Nmes.   That’s   why   our   team   is   fully   commiWed   to  providing   premium   quality   support   by   being   round-­‐the-­‐clock   available   to   answer  customers’  inquiries,  provide  feedback  and  offer  real-­‐@me  support  from  the  first  day  of  collabora@on.  We  always  strive  to  provide  our  partners  with  the  most  advanced  technologies,   consistent   and   comprehensive   services,   and   compeNNve   rates   to  ensure  op@mal  sa@sfac@on  levels.  


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Some  of  Our  Partners  


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Our  GSMA  CerNficaNon     In   2009,   Monty   Mobile   became   a   cer@fied   Open   Connec@vity   Solu@on   Provider,  accredited  by  the  world-­‐renowned  GSM  Associa@on  (GSMA).  




      In   the   next   two   slides,   you   will   find   snapshots   taken   from   the   GSMA’s   website   and  highligh@ng  Monty  Mobile’s  membership  to  the  associa@on.  

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Monty  Mobile’s  Services      

Monty  Mobile’s  SMS  Hub  for  P2P  &  A2P  

We  offer  Peer-­‐to-­‐Peer  (P2P)  SMS-­‐messaging  services  and  Bulk  SMS  MT  (Mobile  Terminated)  technologies  by  ac@ng  as  a  reliable  and  highly  performant  hub,  

thanks  to  hundreds  of  direct    and  indirect  connec@ons  with  mobile  operators  and  aggregators.  


Monty  Mobile’s    SMS  Firewall  SoluNon  

This  solu@on  will  enable  mobile  operators  to  monitor,  intercept,  filter  and  block  incoming  and  outgoing  

messaging  traffic  to  help  them  reduce  their  revenue  leakage  resul@ng  from    unpaid,  unauthorized,  spammed,  fraudulent,  and  unwanted  traffic.    

Monty  Mobile’s  SMS  Gateway  Control  &  Financial  

Clearing      This  solu@on  helps  mobile  operators  control  their    SMS  Traffic  while  allowing  us  to  act  as  a  financial  

clearing  hub  that  ensures  the  @mely  seolement  of  all  SMS  invoices  generated  between  the  operators  and  

their  roaming  partners.      

Monty  Mobile’s    MulN  IMSI  Roaming  SoluNon    The  Mul@  IMSI  solu@on  (Matrix  IMSI)  is  a  

revolu@onary  technology  enabling  mobile  operators  to  allow  their  subscribers  to  use  their  own  local  SIM  card  anywhere  in  the  world  for  95%  less  the  regular  


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With  Monty  Mobile’s  SMS  Hub  for  P2P  and  A2P,  customers  can  access  hundreds  of  mobile  networks  around  the  world  by  using  only  one  connec@on  and  signing  one  single  contract.      

Service  Benefits:    

SMS  Reach  Monty  Mobile  has   interconnec@ons  with  all   pres@gious  SMS  hubs   in   the  market  and  enjoys  direct  connec@ons  with  up  to  300  operators  worldwide.  The  company  has  a  strong  presence  in  the  MENA  region,  with  interconnec@ons  that  cover  operators  in  Lebanon,  Jordan,  Syria,  Pales@ne,  Bahrain,  Iran,  Qatar  and  Cyprus.        SMS  HUB  

•  High  quality  global  connec1ons    •  Saving  1me  and  hassle      •  Easy  and  quick  implementa1on    •  Compe11ve  pricing  focused  significantly  on  boos1ng  SMS  revenues  •  Increases  business  efficiency    •  24/7  customer  service  

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SMS  Firewall  With  its  robust  SMS  Firewall  solu@on,  Monty  Mobile  will  monitor,  intercept,  filter  and  block  incoming  and  outgoing  messaging  traffic  to  help  mobile  operators  reduce  their  revenue  leakage  resul@ng  from  unauthorized,  unpaid,  spammed,  fraudulent,  and  unwanted  traffic.      

Service  Features:          

SMS  Gateway  Control  &  Financial  Clearing  The   SMS   Gateway   Management   System   from   Monty   Mobile   acts   as   a   financial   clearing   hub   that  ensures   the   @mely   seolement   of   all   SMS   invoices   generated   between   mobile   operators   and   their  roaming  partners.    

Service  Features:  

•  Monitoring  both  inbound/outbound  SMS  traffic  •  Blocking  by  Sender  ID  and  GT  •  Matching  SMSC  to  the  Calling  GT  •  Matching  Sender  ID  and  calling  GT  •  Matching  Sender  ID  and  calling  SMSC  •  Blacklis1ng  and  white-­‐lis1ng  capabili1es  

•  SMS  Faking  Protec1on  •  SMS  Spoofing  Protec1on  •  SMS  Spamming  Protec1on  •  SMS  Flooding  Protec1on  •  Detec1ng  Content  and  Phrase  •  Detec1ng  Bulk/PaMern  

•  Payments’  Collec1on  &  SeMlement    •  On-­‐1me  Cash  Flow    •  Revenues’  Reclaim    

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The  MulN-­‐IMSI  SoluNon  Highlights  

The  MulN-­‐IMSI  SoluNon  Benefits  •  Go  Global,  Pay  Local!  •  Voice,  Data  &  SMS  Roaming  •  Reduced  Roaming  rates  by  90%  •  No  need  for  subscribers  to  change  their  SIM  while  travelling  •  Automa<c  latching  to  the  appropriate  network  with  the  best  rates  •  Ability  to  roam  in  more  than  190  countries  with  more  than  600  operators  •  Ability  for  subscribers  to  receive  and  make  calls  using  their  own  mobile  numbers  from  anywhere  

in  the  world  and  to  any  des1na1on  

•  Advanced  Outbound  Roaming  Solu1on  •  Based  on  Mul1  IMSI  plaUorm  •  Up  to  90%  roaming  tariff  reduc1on    •  No  Budget  or  Cost  Requirement  •  No  Technical  Requirement    

The  MulN-­‐IMSI  SoluNon  Mechanism  •  Client  Operator  offers  the  Matrix  IMSI  service  on  new  SIM  cards.  •  When  a  subscriber  travels,  they  just  need  to  turn  their  mobile  on  and  our  system  will  automa1cally  look  

for   the   suitable   IMSI   at   the   lowest   rate   and   latch   them   to   the   appropriate   network   depending   on   the  roamed  in-­‐des1na1on.  

•  Now  the  subscriber  can  roam  globally  at  local  rates!  

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Overview  •  We  Help  You  Grow  

  With   its   comprehensive   range   of   Global   Wholesale   Voice   Carrier   solu@ons,  Spactron  helps  carriers,  fixed  and  mobile  operators,  MVNOs,  PTTs,  prepaid  calling  cards'   providers,   voice   over   broadband   providers   and   enterprises   enrich   their  pordolio   of   services   and   generate   addi@onal   revenues.   Spactron   also   provides  Interna@onal   Management   Gateway   Services,   Media   Traffic   Services   based   on  IPRNs,  and  Voice  Applica@ons.    

 •  We  Help  You  Reach  the  World  

 Our  wide  geographic  footprint  including  offices  in  the  UK,  the  USA,  Fiji,  the  Middle  East,   and  Africa,   allows  us   to  be   a   global   provider  of   premium  quality   routes  by  managing   direct   routes,   providing   CLI   routes,   and   delivering   interna@onal  wholesale   voice   termina@on   services.   Furthermore,   our   many   partnerships   with  major   global   operators   enable   us   to   offer   voice   services   that   can   reach   any  des@na@on  in  the  world.  

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Spactron’s  Services    

Spactron’s  Wholesale  Voice  Carrier  Services    

We  offer  wholesale  voice  services  to  mobile  operators,  MVNOs  and  PTTs  relying  on  more  than  200  bilateral  interconnecNons  and  best-­‐quality  routes  at  the  most  

compeNNve  rates  anywhere  in  the  world.  


Spactron’s  InternaNonal  Management  Gateway  

Services  We  help  mobile  operators  centralize  and  overcome  profit  margins  and  collecNon  difficulNes,  to  ensure  

their  business  is  always  profitable.  

Spactron’s  Media  Traffic  &  IPRNs  

We  have  Media  Traffic  solu@ons  based  on  voice  processing  applica@ons  linked  to  a  wide  range  of  prefix  choices  and  reliable  IPRNs  (Interna@onal  

Premium  Rate  Numbers).          

Spactron’s    Voice  ApplicaNon  

Enjoy  an  en@rely  FREE  mobile  applicaNon  allowing  users  to  make  worldwide  calls  at  cheap  prices.  


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Wholesale  Voice  Carrier  Services  

Direct  TerminaNon  Spactron   offers   wholesale   voice   services   to   mobile   operators,   MVNOs   and   PTTs.  With   Spactron’s  feature-­‐rich  and  high-­‐call  quality  interna@onal  voice  termina@on  solu@ons,  our  customers  can  deliver  innova@ve   services   in   their   home  markets  while   adding   new   sources   of   revenue   to   their   business  line.    Service  Features  &  Benefits:  -­‐  Excep1onal  voice  quality  for  interna1onal  calls  at  the  best  available  market  rates  -­‐  24/7  customer  support  on  priority  -­‐  Smooth,  hassle-­‐free  interconnec1on  via  IP  and  TDM  through  facili1es  located  in  UK  &  Germany  -­‐  We  can  use  any  codec  transla1on  for  VoIP  


Carrier  RelaNons  By   directly   dealing   with   carriers,   we   provide   them  with   flexible   payment   terms   according   to   each  business  case’s  profitability.      Service  Features  &  Benefits:  -­‐  Updated  A  to  Z  list  with  weekly  push-­‐list  based  on  best  selling  CLI  routes  -­‐  Strategic  direct  des1na1ons  manually  tested  at  least  3  1mes  per  day  -­‐  Non-­‐CLI  des1na1ons  upon  request,  sourced  from  trusted  suppliers  -­‐  No  carrier  size  limita1ons  as  long  as  the  business  case  is  posi1ve  

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Wholesale  Voice  Carrier  Services  

Broadband  IPX    Spactron  Broadband  customers  get  high  voice  call  quality  at   compe@@ve   interna@onal   termina@on  rates  with  premium  voice  services.  Our  network   iden@fies  the  most  cost-­‐effec@ve  routes  based  on  real-­‐@me  analysis  of  voice  traffic  loads,  availability,  and  pricing  according  to  your  service   level.  The  Broadband  IPX  solu@ons  are  ideal  for  both  large  and  medium-­‐size  businesses.    

Service  Features  &  Benefits:  -­‐  Consistent,  high-­‐quality  call  comple1on  anywhere  at  low  costs  -­‐  A  fast,  simple  and  cost-­‐efficient  way  to  interconnect  to  our  VoIP  or  TDM  network  -­‐  A  state-­‐of-­‐the-­‐art  Least  Cost  Rou1ng  system  (LCR)  to  match  the  required  quality  at  the  best  rate  

InternaNonal  Gateway  Management  Services  Spactron   helps   you   centralize   and   overcome   your   profit   margins   and   collec@on   difficul@es   by  ensuring   you   maintain   a   profitable   interna@onal   opera@on.   With   our   Interna@onal   Gateway  Management  Services,  you  can  reduce  your  exposure  to  low  margins,  disputes  and  billing  problems  while  focusing  on  developing  your  core  business  and  mul@plying  your  key  des@na@ons.    Service  Features  &  Benefits:  -­‐  Includes  Ra1ng,  Rou1ng,  Billing  and  Revenue  Assurance  &  Fraud  Management  services    -­‐   No  need  for  heavy  investment  in  IP  infrastructure  &  automated  systems  -­‐  Quality  routes  at  compe11ve  rates  to  any  des1na1on  in  the  world  

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Media  Traffic  &  IPRNs  Spactron   brings   you   its   Media   Traffic   solu@ons   based   on   voice   processing   applica@ons   linked   to  Interna@onal  Premium  Rate  Numbers  to  IPRNs.  This  is  a  great  way  of  genera@ng  income  from  calls.  You  can  choose   the  premium  numbers   that  are  best   suited   for  your  business  and  start  genera@ng  traffic  to  your  network  as  of  now!    

Service  Features  &  Benefits:  -­‐  A  wide  range  of  prefix  choices  and  a  large  variety  of  reliable  premium  rate  numbers  -­‐  Our  Media  Traffic  services  transport  voice,  data  and  online  informa1on  that  are  accessible  via  interna1onal  public  phone  networks  

-­‐  We  manage  termina1on  to  various  interna1onal  des1na1ons  around  the  world  -­‐  Call  quality  &  subscribers’  sa1sfac1on  

Voice  ApplicaNon  We  offer  an  en@rely  FREE  mobile  applica@on  allowing  users  to  make  worldwide  calls  at  cheap  prices.  Customers  can  enjoy  best-­‐quality  calls  while  staying  connected  to  loved  ones,  friends  and  businesses  all  around  the  world,  without  having  to  worry  about  expensive  interna@onal  phone  bills.    

Service  Features  &  Benefits  -­‐  Premium  voice  quality  -­‐   User-­‐friendly  applica1on  in  9  languages  &  compa1ble  with  iOS  and  Android-­‐opera1ng  devices  -­‐   Cheap  interna1onal  call  rates  to  more  than  230  countries  around  the  world  -­‐   FREE  calls  to  the  U.S.A.  and  Canada  

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