1 Choose One of the Topics Above


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Transcript of 1 Choose One of the Topics Above

choose one of the topics above, and use your ideas to write a short magazine article like the example below

1. Intersate por otras personas de forma autntica

Quizs muchas personas no se interesen por ti cuando te acaben de conocer, pero seguro todas se estn interesadas en ellas mismas; si t tambin te interesas por ellas, encontrareis un punto de partida comn para vuestra relacin. Si no te interesas realmente por conocer las experiencias, emociones e ideas de otras personas, tus relaciones no tendrn xito. Si no ests interesado genuinamente en otras personas te ser difcil aplicar los consejos que vienen a continuacin.

1. Cuidar tu aspecto

Vstete elegante, cmodo y de manera diferente, as entrars en la mentalidad justa y te hars notar. La influencia que tiene tu apariencia sobre los dems es importante.

2. Invita siempre a gente nueva

Es algo que se da por descontado pero en verdad lo hacen muy pocos. Cuando te sientes bien con una persona que has conocido hace poco, por qu no la invitas a pasar una noche con tus amigos?

No les pidas permiso a tus amigos, solo debers decirles que llevars a alguien. A todos les gusta conocer gente nueva, por tanto, invita sin problemas a la gente que has conocido y con las cuales te has sentido bien, e incluso propnles que lleven a otros amigos. No hay nada malo en ello

3. Sal con personas popular

Las personas populares son esas personas que conocen a medio mundo, cuando sales con ellos se detienen para saludar a la gente por la calle.

Has notado que estas personas cuidan las relaciones y se rodean de gente con las cuales se sienten bien en cada mbito de la vida? Amigos de la infancia, del trabajo, del gimnasio

4. Propn salir a un lugar muy frecuentado

Si propones un local muy frecuentado aumentars notablemente las posibilidades de que las personas que has invitado vayan contigo y se diviertan. En este tipo de locales es an ms probable que encuentres a alguien que ya conoces, que a su vez te presentar a todo su batalln de amigos.

5. Habla con todos

S, debes ser sociable con todos! Incluso con la gente que no te resulta muy simptica porque ser gentil es un ndice de elevada inteligencia social: estoy diciendo que debes ser gentil, no servil, obviamente!

Interacta con las personas que acabas de conocer, el sbado por la noche la gente sale para divertirse por lo que no molestars a nadie, todos estn all para divertirse, al igual que t, recurdalo .

De todas formas, aprende a socializar con los barman, los porteros y los relaciones pblicas porque normalmente son conocidos preciosos, por no decir que entrar en un local en el cual conoces al barman te dar mucha clase .

6. Acompaa o hazte acompaar de alguien

Salir con un amigo o acompaarlo te permite entrar en el estado de nimo adecuado para ligar porque te hace sentir bien y relajado.

Adems, llegar acompaado o en grupo causa una buena impresin en las personas porque transmite la sensacin de que eres un hombre sociable.

7. Haz las presentaciones

Cuando ests acompaado y encuentras a personas nuevas, sobre todo si son chicas, toma la iniciativa y presenta a tus amigos y amigas. A algunas mujeres les cuesta un poco presentarse, por tanto, hazlo t, sers el centro de la velada .

8. Deja atrs el mal humor

Durante la noche pueden ocurrir pequeas situaciones que te pongan de mal humor pero debes aprender a eliminarlo. Te pongo un ejemplo de algo que me pas.

Una noche tena que ir a recoger a una chica que me interesaba y en el ltimo momento esta me dijo que ya no necesitaba el aventn. Era una lstima porque ya haba recorrido media ciudad para ir a buscarla. Me molest? No!

Permanec imperturbable y se lo hice notar con mucha tranquilidad. Despus pasamos una bellsima noche juntos, de hecho, fue todo un xito ! Si me hubiese molestado con ella probablemente no habra logrado nada y ni siquiera me habra divertido.

Tambin puede pasarte que un amigo te haga una broma pesada, en ese caso rete y demuestra que no te ha molestado. Re siempre, de esta forma hars que la noche tome el mejor camino, tanto para ti como para los dems, comprendes que es intil tomrselo todo tan a pecho y molestarse?

Por tanto, aprende a permanecer imperturbable cuando comprendes que no vale la pena molestarse.

9. Haz un poco el tonto

Cuando se estudia y se aplica la seduccin, aumentan las capacidades seductivas pero tambin se puede crear un problema: nos arriesgamos a comportarnos de manera rgida siguiendo los esquemas preconcebidos. Todo esto repercute incluso en las noches que pasamos con los amigos.

Te propongo que de vez en cuando hagas un poco el tonto. Es decir, que salgas de estos esquemas con bromas divertidas, sin preocuparte si lo que ests haciendo es justo o errneo.

De esta manera te liberars del miedo al juicio de los dems y del temor a cometer errores. Adems, te mostrars como una persona simptica y divertida.

How to improve your social lifedo you feel lonely ?do you want to make new friends?here are some thoughts to help you?

be friendlytalk to people at school and work . Smile and sayhi, how are you? to new peoplego out a lot

1. Become interested in other people authentically

Perhaps many people are not interested in you when you run out of knowing , but certainly all are interested in themselves ; INTERESTED if you too you you for them , you will find a common point of departure for your relationship. If you really not interested in learning about the experiences, emotions and ideas of others , your relationships will not succeed.If you are genuinely interested in other people will be difficult to apply the tips that follow .

1. Caring for your appearance

Elegant , comfortable and differently dressed and will enter the right mindset and you'll notice . The influence of others on your appearance is important.

Two . Invites always new people

It is something that is taken for granted but actually do very little . When you feel good with someone you've met recently, why not invite her to spend a night with your friends?

Do not ask them permission to your friends , you just need to tell someone that you will take . Everyone likes to meet new people, and therefore invites trouble to people who have known and with whom you felt well and even propnles with other friends . There is nothing wrong with that

March . Popular Meet people

Popular people are those people who know half the world, when you go out with them stopping to greet people on the street.

Have you noticed that these people care relationships and surround themselves with people who feel good in every area of life ? Childhood friends , work, the gym ...

April . Propose leave a hangout

If you offer a local hangout significantly increase your chances of people who have invited you to go and have fun. In such places is even more likely to find someone that you know , which in turn will present his entire battalion of friends.

May . Speaks with all

Yes ,you should be sociable with everyone! Even people who do not find it very nice for being gentle is a high rate of social intelligence :I'm saying you should be gentle , not servile , obviously!

Interact with people you just met on Saturday night people go out to have fun so they will not bother anyone, everyone is there to have fun , just like you , remember.

Anyway , learn to socialize with bartenders , porters and public relations because they are usually known precious , if not to enter a room in which you know the bartender will give you a lot of class .

6. Accompanies or become someone accompany

Dating a friend or accompany lets you enter the right mood to flirt because it makes you feel good and relaxed.

Also, get together or group makes a good impression on people because it conveys the feeling that you are a sociable man.

7. Copyright presentations

When you're together and find new people, especially if they are girls, takes the initiative and presents to friends and girlfriends. Some women find it a little present , therefore , you do it , you will be the center of the evening.

8. Leaves behind the moody

Overnight small situations can occur that will put you in a bad mood but you must learn to eliminate it. I'll give you an example of something that happened to me .

One night I had to go pick up a girl that interested me at the last minute and this told me that I no longer needed the ride. It was a shame because I had already gone half a town to search . Do I bother ? No!

Remained imperturbable and I did notice with tranquility . After a beautiful night spent together, in fact ,was a success ! If I had bothered with it probably would not have achieved anything and I would not even funny .

You can also spend a friend makes you a joke , laugh at that case and shows that it has not bothered you . Always laughing , this way you will make the night take the best path for you and for others , you understand that it is useless to take it all so seriously and bother?

Therefore , learn to remain undisturbed when you realize that not worth the hassle .

9. Patents a little silly

When studying and seduction is applied , increase the seductive capabilities but can also create a problem: we risk behave rigidly following the preconceived schemes . All this affects even the nights we spent with friends.

I propose that occasionally I do a bit silly. That is to come out of these schemes with funny jokes, without worrying if what you're doing is right or wrong.

This way you will be freed from the fear of judgment from others and the fear of making mistakes. Also, you show yourself as a likeable and funny person.