1- Channel transmission capacity of STM - Indian Railways

1- Channel transmission capacity of STM – 1 is a- 166.62 Mbit/s b- 155.52 Mbit/s c- 180.32 Mbiit/s d- 160.65 Mbit/s 2- The video phone has a _______ mega pixel camera which offered DVD quality video a- 2 b- 3 c- 5 d- 8 3- Primary side Impedence matching should be _____ ohm a- 8 ohm b- 16 ohm c- 32 ohm d- 64 ohm 4- Secondary side Impedence matching should be _______ ohm a- 8 ohm b- 16 ohm c- 32 ohm d- 64 ohm 5- What is colours content of Ring colour? a- White + Red + Black + Yellow + Violet b- White +Red +Yellow + Black + Violet c- White + Red + Yellow + Violet + Black d- White + Red + Black +Violet + Yellow 6- What is the colours content of tip colours? a- Blue + Orange + Green + Brown + Slate b- Blue + Green + Orange + Brown + Slate c- Blue + Orange + Green + Slate + Brown d- Blue + Green + Orange + Brown + Slate 7- In 50 pair cable, what’s colour consist in the bunch pair? a- Blue + Red + Green + Orange + Slate b- Blue + Orange + Red + Green + Slate c- Orange + Blue + Red + Green +Slate

Transcript of 1- Channel transmission capacity of STM - Indian Railways

1- Channel transmission capacity of STM – 1 is

a- 166.62 Mbit/s b- 155.52 Mbit/s c- 180.32 Mbiit/s d- 160.65 Mbit/s 2- The video phone has a _______ mega pixel camera which offered DVD quality video

a- 2 b- 3 c- 5 d- 8 3- Primary side Impedence matching should be _____ ohm

a- 8 ohm b- 16 ohm c- 32 ohm d- 64 ohm 4- Secondary side Impedence matching should be _______ ohm

a- 8 ohm b- 16 ohm c- 32 ohm d- 64 ohm 5- What is colours content of Ring colour?

a- White + Red + Black + Yellow + Violet b- White +Red +Yellow + Black + Violet c- White + Red + Yellow + Violet + Black d- White + Red + Black +Violet + Yellow 6- What is the colours content of tip colours?

a- Blue + Orange + Green + Brown + Slate b- Blue + Green + Orange + Brown + Slate c- Blue + Orange + Green + Slate + Brown d- Blue + Green + Orange + Brown + Slate 7- In 50 pair cable, what’s colour consist in the bunch pair?

a- Blue + Red + Green + Orange + Slate b- Blue + Orange + Red + Green + Slate c- Orange + Blue + Red + Green +Slate

d- Blue + Orange + Green + Brown + Slate 8- In 50 pair cable, what’s colour consist in the tip colours?

a- Blue + White b- White + Red c- Red + Yellow d- White + Black 9- Cat-6 LAN Connection Colour Coding is –

a- O-H + G-W + Bl-W + Br- W + O + Bl + G + Br b- G + Bl + Bl + Br + G-W + Bl-W + O-H c- O-W + O + G-W + Bl + Bl-W + G + Br– W + Br d- O-W + O + G-W +G +Bl-W + Bl + Br-W + Br 10- DVR means:

a- Division Version Record b- Digital Video Recorder c- Digital Velocity Recorder d- Digital Video Reform 11- Full form of OMR

a- Optical Mark Record b- Optical Mark Recognition c- Optical Mark Reform d- Optical Mass Recognition 12- Full form of FORTRAN :

a- For Train b- Full Optical Research Translator c- For Try Analog Number d- Formula Translation 13- Full form of CLI :

a- Caller Line Indicator b- Caller Line Indication c- Caller Line Identification d- Caller Line Individual 14- Full form of CAD : a- Computer Aided Design b- Computer Analysis document

c- Center of Analog department d- Central Analysis Department 15- Full form of SPC:

a- Service Program Control b- Service Program code c- Stored Prograssive Code d- Stored Program Control 16- Full form of RMS :

a- Root Mean Square b- Root Mark Sketch c- Root Mean Standard d- Root Mark Service 17- Full form of LLC :

a- Logical Link Control b- Line Lock Capacity c- Logical Link Center d- Line Link Control 18- In GPON through one fiber , there are _____lines output

a- 64 lines b- 46 lines c-24 lines d- 110 lines 19-In EPON , through one fiber , there are ________ line output

a- 64 lines b- 46 lines c- 24 lines d- 110 lines 20- STM-16 is having _______________ Mb/s

a-622.08 Mb/s b- 155.52 Mb/s c- 2488.32 Mb/s d- 2222.02 Mb/s

21-__________ pulse modulation system is analog.

a- PWM b- STM c- WAN d- SPC 22- Pulse code modulation system is________ a- Analog b- telephony c- multiplexing d- Digital 23- The frequency of numerical digit 4 is in telephone set : a- 697 b- 770 c- 1209 d- 1633 24- The traffic is erlangs is- a- 2.1 b-2.8 c- 2.3 d- 2.8 25- The unit of erlangs is a- meter less b- speed less c- broad less d- dimension less 26-_______ type of speaker is used in telephone receivers. a- carbon coil b- Armature coil c- Diod coil d- Fixed Coil 27- Bridge duplex work on the principal of_________ balance a- potential b- digital c- fixed d- Capactance

28- 2N 6520 is a transistor of____- a- NPN b- PNP c- NMS d- SMP 29- 2N 5552 is a transistor of______ a- NPN b- PNP c- NMS d- SMP 30- The ringer section is controlled by _____ __pin a- 4 b- 8 c- 12 d- 16 31 Which sketch is in subscriber’s set?





32- The insulation resistance must be minimum ________ megohms/km in wet weather.

a- o.4

b- 0.8

c- 1.6

d- 2.4

33- The height of the lowest line wire should not be less than _________ mts over road crossings a- 3.4 metres b- 4.6 metres c- 5.3 metres d- 6.1 metres 34- G.I (Galavanised Iron ) wire consists— a- Straight joint b- Twist joint c- Rat – Tel joint d- Britania joint 35-Noise level is measured by using a- Multimeter b- Bridge meter c- Oscilloscope meter d- Phosphometer

36- The bandwidth required for base band signals in telephony is – a- 0.3 to 3.4 KHz b- 0.1 to 2.3 KHz c- 0.3 to 2.3 KHz d- 2.3 to 3.4 kHz 37-LED is a _______ device of Telephone set. a- Energy b- Light c- Detective d- Protective 38- Protective device for polarity protector a- MOVR b- Bridge rectifier c- Capacitor d- LED 39- Metal of telephone is __________. a- Alumunium b- Maganasium c- Germanium d- Titanium 40- Noise – Test for a new line the minimum value is _________ a. -40 db b. -60 db c. -80 db d. -90 db 41- Fuse is used in _____ connection a- Electrical b- Metallic c- Parallel d- series 42. ISDN is an acronym for ________ .

(a) Information Services for Digital Networks (b) Internet work System for Data Networks (c) Integrated Services Digital Network (d) Integrated Signals Digital Network

43. ISDN is a(n) _______ technology. (a) wireless (b) copper wire (c) twisted-pair (d) coax and fiber

44. ISDN operates with a _______ connection speed. (a) 16 kbps (b) 14.4 kbps (c) 33.6 kbps (d) 128 kbps

45. The normal user interface to an ISDN is PRI or ________ . (a) Bit Rate Interface (b) Basic Rate Interface (c) Byte Rate Interface (d) Broad Rate Interface

46. The ISDN equivalent of DTE is ________ . (a) TE1 (b) TE2 (c) NT1 (d) TA

47.Write full form of OLTE ?

a)Observe line of telephone exchange

b)Observe luminious telescope explorer

c)Optical line termination equipment

d)Optical line transmission equipment

48. Write full form of OTDR ?

a- Objective type density reactor

b- Option for telephone design region

c- Over try domestic rule

d- Optical time domain reflectometer

49- Write full form of CUG?

a-Closed unit group

b-Circular unit graphic

c- Circuit uniform group

d- Closed user group

50- Write full form of PDH?

a-Pollution data harmony

b-Plesio chronous digital hierarchy

c-Physical design harmony

d-Performance data high

51- Disadvantage of SDH?

a-It requires complicated equipment

b-It require simply equipment

c-It require complicated multiplexing

d-Allows slow recovery from failure

52 - Function of line cards?

a-It offers low dc loop and high AC resistance to main exchange

b- It offers high dc loop and low AC resistance to main exchange

c-It is provided with a busy LED (GREEN)

d-Its function is to convert the digital signals to Analog information

53- Write the full form of MAC?

a-Media authority control

b-Medium access control

c-Media Access Control

d-Multi Authority Capacity

54- Write the full form of DTMS?

a-Direct Terminal Mass System

b-Dual Tone Multi System

c-Digital Training Management System

d-Double Through Multi Second

55-What is intranet?

a-Intranet is used in OFC

b-Intranet is a network of tele-communication

c-Intranet is unprotected by a password

d-Intranet is designed to be a private space

56- Choose the confirm diagram of Ring topology





57- OSI-Layer-2?

a-8 ports

b-16 ports

c-24 ports

d-32 ports

58- All ______ is Mesh topology





59- The OSI model is a _______ layer framework


b-Twenty four



60- VLAN which is a _______ grouping of computers on the network into a sort of communication group





61- Write the full form of RAS

a-Random Access Signal

b-Rectify Analog Signal

c-Recovery of Antenna Server

d-Random Access Server

62- Cat 5/6 network cable are _____ twisted pair?





63- In the ROM , store date in _______





64- What is HOP distance?

a-Distance between two ends of the cable

b-Distance between two poles of communication system

c-Distance between two joints in cable line

d-Distance between two hosts

65- NVR means :

a-Network Video Recorder

b-Network Video Reformer

c-Network Velocity Record

d-National Value Reform

66- IP camera is better than _______ CCTV camera





67- Function to use PRS method on _______ sequence data





68- Type of connector used in OFC





69- R-J 45 connector used in ________

a-Line Card

b-Cable frame

c-Patch card

d-Data cable

70- Portable PA system may be______

a-Electrical Powered

b-Generator Powered

c-Motor Powered

d-Battery Powered

71 –Block diagram of PA system:

a-Microphone – Mixer – Voltage amplifier – Process Ckst – Driver amplifier – Power amplifier

b-Microphone – Mixer – Voltage amplifier – Driver amplifier – Process Ckst – Power amplifier

c-Microphone – Voltage amplifier – Driver amplifier – Process Ckst – Power Amplifier – Mixer

d-Microphone – Mixer – Process Ckst – Voltage amplifier – Driver amplifier – Power amplifier

72- The purpose of a PA System is to _____ sound , weather, that can be spoken.

a- multi b- chronous c- wave d- reinforce 73- FOIS means-

a- Food organization information source b- Fright Opreation information system c- Full over inside source d- Freight organization information system 74- Write the full form of MTBF

a- Manual time between failure b- Management of teleprint block frame c- Mean Time between failure d- Monitoring time between failure 75- Space Diversity are also known as-

a- network diversity b- internet diversity c- cable diversity d- wireless diversity 76- A Layer-3 switch is_____ performance device for network routing.

a- low b- high c- cable d Internet

77- Draw diagram of battery on float





78- The duration of a multiframe is ____

a- 622ms b- 57.07 ms c- 05.77ms d- 0.577ms 79 – In a 30 channel system , the sampling time period is _________ ns .


b- 588ns

c- 622 ns d- 250 ns

80- Duration of frame ________

a- Multiple b- Digonal c- Variable d- Constant

81- Bit rate of 2MB with ______ PPM tolerance

a- 0.058 MBPs b- 2.048 MBPs c- 1.104 MBPs d- 2.040 MBPs 82- Duration of time slot _____ ms

a- 3.028ms b- 2.135ms c- 4.615ms

d- 1.326ms 83- Analog subscriber loop resistance _______ ohm

a- 2400 ohm b- 1200 ohm c- 2800 ohm d- 1400 ohm 84- Ideal working temperature of exchange _________

a- 24degree Celsius & 32 degree Celsius b- 16 degree Celsius & 24 degree Celsius c- 48 degree Celsius & 52 degree Celsius d- 40 degree Celsius & 60 degree Celsius 85- 1 Watt is equal to ______

a- 20 dbm b- 40dbm c- 60 dbm d- 30dbm 86- Current value of fuse in red color wire- a- 0.5 Amps b- 1 Amps c- 1.5 Amps d- 3Amps 87- Signal system of telephone is – a- Analog b- Digital c- Multiplexing d- Signalling 88- In the line loop resistance is- a- 750 ohm b- 500 ohm c- 250 ohm d- 100 ohm 89- Soft solder is an alloy of_____ tin and __ lead. a- 40% & 60% b- 60% & 40% c- 50% & 50% d- 20% & 80%

90- Silver solder are the alloy of _ a- Silver + Copper +Zinc b- Tin +Lead +Silver c- Silver + copper + lead d- Silver + Tin+ zinc 91- What is the materials of earthing ? a- Cooper plate + sugar+ water+ coal b- Water + salt + charcoal + copper plate c- coal+ water+ sugar+copper plate

d-sugar+salt+charcoal+copper plate

92- : Its show

a- stalk b- single sadle c- sackle d- pin 93- Hamilto pole is also called – a- steel tubular pole b- rail pole c- concret pole d- wooden pole

94- Bakelite is a –

a- Rubber Sheath b- Polly Sheath c- Charcol Sheath d- Synthetic Resin 95- Battery connected in telephone exchange? a- Parallel connection b- Series connection c- Dual connection d- Multipurpose connection 96- Bit rate of 2nd order Mux ________ kbps 30 tolerence. a- 6430 kbps b- 5500 kbps c- 8400 kbps d- 8448 kbps

97-In TDM , transmission of signal is on time sharing basis a- False b- True 98- Specification of OFC cable is – a- IRS:TC – 55 – 2006 b- IRS:TC – 56 – 2006 c- IRS:TC – 57 – 2006 d- IRS:TC – 58 – 2006 99- In 30 channel PCM system , a time slot duration is _______ microsecond. a- 4 b- 3 c- 2 d- 1 100- In data circuit , Data transfer limit in CAT-6 cable is ________. a- 50 meters b- 55 meters c- 60 meters d- 65 meters 101- The transmitter circuit requires an operating dc voltage of ______ a- 48v b- 24v c- 12v d- 9v 102- The receiver circuit requires operating voltage of _______. a- 48 v b- 24 v c- 12 v d- 9 v 103- The maximum transmitting distance under normal conditions is about _______ a- 200 ft b- 100 ft c- 50 ft d-00 ft 104- Microphones are _______ that convert sound energy into electrical energy a- transmits b- translates

c- transducers d- transforms 105- What does FCBC mean ? a- Float Cum Boost Charger b- Float Cum Bye Charger c- Flat Cum Bed Charger d- From Company Battery Charger 106- Single Mode fibers are used for most communication links together than ______ metrs a- 1000 b- 1005 c- 1020 d- 1050 107- LOCO WAG – 9 is _______ hp, 25 kVac, freight locomotive a- 5450 b- 5000 c- 6000 d- 5540 108- LOCO WAP – 5 is ________ hp, 25 kVac , 3 phase drive a- 5450 b- 5000 c- 6000 d- 5540 109- LOCO WAP – 4 is _________ hp, 25 kVac, DC TM technology a- 5450 b- 5000 c- 6000 d- 5540 110- The service speed of WAP – 5 is _______ a- 200 km/h b- 225 km/h c- 140 km/h d- 160 km/h 111- The Environment policy adopted in CLW is a- ISO – 9001 b- ISO – 9002 c- ISO – 14001

d- ISO – 14002 112- At first quality policy adopted in CLW is a- ISO – 9001 b- ISO – 9002 c- ISO – 14001 d- ISO – 14002 113- Golden peacock award related with a- Pollution b- Water c- Quality d- Environment 114. Copper as conductor for cable is used as a. annealed b. hardened & tempered c. hard drawn d. alloy with chromium 115. The thickness of metallic shielding on cables is usually a. 0.04mm b. 0.2 to 0.4mm c. 3 to 5mm d. 40 to 60mm 116. In a cable the voltage stress is maximum at a. sheath b. insulator c. surface of the conductor d. core of the conductor 117. The advantage of off filled cables is a. more perfect impregnation b. smaller overall size c. no ionisation, oxidation & formation of voids d. all of the above 118- Which lead should be earth of telephone exchange ? a- Positive Lead b- Negative Lead c- Both Positive & Negative lead d- Glavanised Lead

119. Battery Room shall be provided with a. Good Ventilation b. Bad Ventilation c. Both Good & Bad Ventilation d. Holoscopic Ventilation 120. A voltmeter is to be connected a. Parallel the line b. Along the line c. Across the line d. Both Along & Across the line 121. What are the minor penalities under DA rule a. Discharge b. Suspend c. Leave some days or months d. Promotion stop 122. In TV, if there is no brightness but sound is normal the trouble could be in a. Horizontal Oscillator b. Vertical Oscillator c. Both a & b d. None of the above 123. In a communication system , noise is most likely to affect the signal_______ a. at the destination b. at the transmitter c. in the channel d. in the information source 124. The output of a diode detector does not contain ______ a. DC Voltage b. Output Signal c. RF Ripple d. All of these 125. _______ is used to make oscillator crystal. a. Germanium b. Quartz c. Silicon d. Aluminium 126. (i) Decibel denotes which of the following ______ a. Power ratio

b. Noise level c. Current d. Voltage 126. (ii) ________ microphone does not require polarizing current. a. Carbon b. Condenser c. Crystal d. All of these 127. A carbon microphone is a variable ______ device. a. Capacitance b. Inductance c. Resistance d. None of the above 128. The term transistor stand for ______ a. Transfer of resistance b. Transfer of power c. Transfer of voltage d. Transfer of current 129. Which of the following could have a maximum width ? a. Base b. Emitter c. collector d. None of these 130. When the telephone set is dead then we check ? a. Telephone Line Wire b. Dropper Circuit c. Sound Amplifier Section d. All of the above 131. DAC means – a. Dual Analog Converter b. Digital to Analog Converter c. Digital and Control d. None of the above 132. If you want to telephone from one country to the another then you first dialed – a. 0

b. 00 c. 1 d. 11 133. Frequency frogging is used in carrier system to ______ a. Conserve frequencies b. Reduced distortion c. Reduced cross talk d. None of the above 134. Anti side tone circuits in telephone are used to – a. Amplifying side tone b. Suppress side tone c. Eliminate side tone d. Attenuate side tone

135. In telephone system the N – U tone has a frequency of a. 33 Hz b. 50 Hz c. 100 Hz d. 400 Hz 136. STM – 4 is having _______ Mb a. 155 b. 622 c. 2488 d. 2600 137. DVD quality video on videophone 10.6 inch WXGA _________ display a. LCD b. LED c. Network d. Picture 138. What is meaning of STM? a. Short Term Memory b. Short Terminal Module c. Synchronous Transmitter Module d. Synchronous Transport Module 139. The voltage stabilizers supplies a constant voltage of ______ VDC to the railnet system . a. 192 b. 220

c. 80 d. 48 140. LAN Extender can be used for WAN connecting . a. True b. False 141. WAN can be provided is closed premises. a. True b. False 142. In DTMF dialing always two different frequencies are transmitted. a. True b. False 143. OTDR is used in digital MW. a. True b. False 144. OTDR can be used to measure the splice loss also in OFC. a. True b. False 145. In telephone system , the dial tone has condence in ______ ms. a. 400 ms b. 250 ms c. 200 ms d. Continuous 146. Operator intervention tone has a frequency of ________. a. 480 Hz b. 200 Hz c. 400 Hz d. None of these 147. Operator intervention tone has a condence in ON & OFF is _________. a. 400 ms b. 200 ms c. 750 ms d. 250 ms 148. N – U Tone indicates that ______. a. Invalid b. Valid

c. Constant d. Temporary 149. Ring back tone has a frequency of ________. a. Ready b. Busy c. Ringing d. None of these 150. Silent tone has a frequency of _______. a. 400 Hz b. 200 Hz c. 480 Hz d. None of these 151. C – DOT means – a. Call of Digital Operating Term s b. Center for Design Telematrix c. Center for Development of Telematrics d. None of these 152. In electronic exchange, testing carried out ________. a. Manually b. Yearly c. Periodically d. All of the above 153. In electronic exchange, very fast dialing speed up to __________ digits/sec possible. a. 12 b. 10 c. 11 d. 16 154. In the Electro – mechanical exchange, switching speed is in _______ seconds. a. micro b. milli c. digit d. none of these 155. ______ diodes are used in bridge rectifier. a. IN 2002 b. IN 4004 c. IN 1001

d. IN 3003 156. In DTMF, dialing speed of pulse digits will take between _________ seconds each. a. 0 & 1 b. 1 & 2 c. 2 & 3 d. 3 & 4 157. DTMF method of signaling system uses ______ distinct voice band frequency. a. 16 b. 06 c. 26 d. 00 158. Railnet is the name of the __________ of Indian Railway. a. CWIS b CIWS c. CWSI d. None of these 159. Routers are used to connect remote LANs together using different ______ technologies. a. VLAN b. MAN c. WAN d. VPN 160. Traditional network switches operate at Layer – 2 of the ________ models. a. ISO b. IRDSO c. OSI d. ISDN 161. A layer – 3 switch can support the same ________ protocols as network routers do. a. Networking b. Bridge c. Repeater d. Router 162. PSTN means : a. Public Switched Telephone Network b. Plan Switched Telephone Network c. Public Synchronized Terminal Network

d. None of these 163. Hunt group service provided for ________ line PBX system. a. Single b. Multi c. Double d. Cross 164 What is difference between 7/16 & 7/48? a. 7/48 b. 7/24 c. 7/12 d. 7/32 165. If x: y = 3:4, than what is the value of (4x + 5y) : (5x – 2y)? a. 7:32 b. 4:3 c. 5:2 d. 32:7 166. If x: 4: : y: 5 , than what’s value of x:y a. 5:4 b. 16:25 c. 4:5 d. 1:20 167. Bit interleaving TDM is a method of data _________. a. Termination b. Transmission c. Transformation d. Titalisation 168. Indian Railway uses _________ type telephone exchange. a. Strowger type exchange b. Processor controlled exchange c. Cross bar exchange d. ISDN exchange 169. UDP has a __________ header. a. Big b. Long c. Small d. Circular

170. Transposition on telephone line reduces. a. Cross – bar b. Cross – arm c. Cross – talk d. All of these 171. Write full form of DPDT. a. Double Pole Double Through b. Double Pole Double Throw c. Double Point Double Trick d. Double Permission Double Transmission 172. Write full form of MOV a. Metal Oxide Valuable b. Metal Oxide Variation c. Metal Oxide Varister d. None of these 173. What is CC? a. Cable Conductor b. Coupling Capacitor c. Closed Circuit d. Closed Camera 174. What do you mean CMOS? a. Complementary Metal Oxide Semi Conductor b. Complained Memory of Sound c. Complicated Material of Slag d. None of these 175. What is IAN? a. International Authority of Network b. Internet Area Network c. Internal Area Network d. Individual Area Network 176. A router is used to route data packet between _____ networks. a. One b. Two c. Three d. Many 177. Computers and other device are attached to the ___________ by individual network cable.

a. Router b. Bridge c. Hub d. Switch 178. Copper cable were originally designed for __________ transmission. a. Line b. Wave c. Sound d. Voice 179. The internet is network of ___________. a. Cables b. Lines c. Networks d. None of these 180. Store data in RAM is _____. a. GBs b. MBs c. MPs d. None of these 181. What do you mean by RE? a. Railway Enquiry b. Railway Equipment c. Railway Electrification d. Railway Efficiency 182. HLS is a. High Load Section b. High Load Security c. Half Load Section d. None of these 183. Line cards offers low DC loop and high resistance to _______. a. Exchange b. Frame c. Architure d. None 184. IP exchange required ________ power consumption. a. High b. Low

c. Internet d. None of these 185. CRIS is _______. a. Central Railway Information System b. Cross Router Information System c. Command Reservation Integrated System d. None of these 186. What do you understand by MTBF? a. Mean Time Between Failure b. Metallic Time Between Failure c. Measurement Time Between Failure d. None of these 187. What is mean of CWIS? a. Corporate Wide Information Section b. Calling Wide Information Section c. Country Wise Information System d. Computer Wide Information System 188. DTMF signaling system using the voice frequency band over telephone line between telephone equipment and ________ devices. a. Network b. Cable c. Communication d. Wireless 189. LAN extender distance limitation in approx. ___________ m. a. 50 b. 100 c. 150 d. 200 190. Voice data logger is a device used to record ________. a. Audio b. Video c. Both (a) & (b) d. None of these 191. The width of the cable trench shall normally be _______ meters. a. 5 mts b. 0.5 mts c. 0.05 mts

d. None of these 192. At the end of the main cable of the extra loop length of __________ meters shall be kept. a. 3 to 4 b. 4 to 6 c. 6 to 8 d. 8 to 10 193. The transmission loss should be _________ dB / Km (for loaded RE cable). a. 0.02 b. 0.20 c. 0.21 d. 0.25 194. What is meant of C.T. Box? a. Central Termination b. Cable Termination c. Both (a) & (b) d. None of these 195. Mate wire for PJ filled cable a. White – Red – Black – Yellow b. White – Black – Red – Yellow c. White – Red – Yellow – Black d. Red – White – Black – Yellow 196. Mate wire for SB (Switch Board) cable: a. White – Red – Yellow – Black – Pink b. White – Red – Black – Yellow – Pink c. White – Yellow – Black – Red – Pink d. White – Yellow – Red – Black – Pink 197. The transmission loss for PIJF telephone cable should not be more than _____ dB/Km. a. 0.2 b. 0.3 c. 0.4 d. 0.5 198. Flexibility of Analog Exchange is a. Unlimited b. Limited c. Both (a) & (b)

d. None of these 199. What is the meaning of SDH? a. Standard Digital Harmony b. Synchronous Digital Hierarchy c. Systematic Design Harvest d. None of these 200. What do you understand by the meaning of MODEM? a. Modern Method b. Modulation – Demodulator c. Modulator – Demodulator d. None of these 201. If ‘n’ numbers or users are present in a network with point – to – point links, then how many links will be required in the network? a. n(n-1) b. n(n-1)/2 c. n(n-1)/4 d. n(n-1)/8 202. Which among the following is/are adopted by cross bar systems with hard wired control subsystem? a. Relay b. Latches c. Both a & b d. None of the above 203. Which kind of switching technique indicates the transfer of coded values from input to output during the same interval of time? a. Space switching b. Time switching c. Combination switching d. None of the above 204. What is the hardware, used to establish connection as an electrical path between inlet & outlet pair in switching system, known as ? a. Switching Matrix b. Switching Network c. Both a & b d. None of the above 205. In folded type of network, – a. Input lines are folded back to output lines

b. Output lines are folded back to input lines c. Input lines are folded back to themselves (input lines) d. Output lines are folded back to themselves (output lines) 206. The ratio of number of successful calls to the number of call attempt is known as _________. a. Call Completion Ratio (CCR) b. Call Block Rate (CBR) c. Busy Hour Call Rate (BHCR) d. None of the above 207. If a telephone exchange serves 1500 users with the averages BHCA of about 9000 & CCR is about 50%, what would be the busy hour calling rate? a. 2 b. 3 c. 4.5 d. 5 208. How is the relation between Erlang & CCS specified? a. 1 Erlang = 36 ccs b. 1 Erlang = 56 ccs c. 1 Erlang = 76 ccs d. 1 Erlang = 96 ccs 209. Percentage of occupancy can be defined as the percentage of _________ for which the server to be busy. a. Speed b. Distance c. Time d. Volume 210. By which name/s is the Grade Of Service (GOS) well known? a. Call Congestion b. Time Congestion c. Both a & b d. None of the above 211. Which among the following provides TRG access to outgoing junctions through the two stage network? a. Expander b. Distributor c. Concentrator d. Router

212. Which shape of switches are not adopted normally due to non – usability of both way trunk? a. Circular b. Triangular c. Hexagonal d. Square 213. In graded groups, a switch with in accessibility to the outgoing route gets _______ into the number of separate groups. a. Added b. Subtracted c. Multiplied d. Divided 214. Which form / s of grading design has / have the tendency? a. Homogeneous Grading b. Heterogeneous Grading c. Skipped Grading d. All of the above 215. Which among the following controls the dynamic characteristics of Phase Locked Loop (PLL)? a. Low Pass Filter b. High Pass Filter c. Band Pass Filter d. None of the above 216. What is an acceptable value dividing point between the wonder & filter? a. 10 Hz b. 20 Hz c. 50 Hz d. 200 Hz 217. Which type of data network supports the interconnection of computers within highly populated area? a. LAN b. WAN c. MAN d. None of the above 218. Which among the following is/are supported by LAN. a. PABX

b. PSTN c. SBDN d. All of the above 219. Which type of connection takes place between an incoming trunk & an outgoing trunk? a. Local Call b. Outgoing Call c. Incoming Call d. Transit Call 220. In manual switching, which kind of battery exchange has the provision subscribers set along with magnet generator? a. Local Battery Exchange b. Central Battery Exchange c. Both a & b d. None of the above 221. Which type of holding time distribution is assumed for the voice conversation on telephone? a. Constant b. Exponential c. Both a & b d. None of the above 222. Which type of framing technique/reduce/s the problem of synchronization of the receiver? a. Character count b. Character stuffing c. Bit stuffing d. All of the above 223. Ampere is used to measure a. Temperature b. Current c. Light d. Weight 224. Which is the missing number in the following series? _ _ _, 10, 17, 26, 37 a. 06 b. 09 c. 05 d. 08

225. Polarization is a characteristic of ________. a. Light wave b. Sound wave c. Water wave d. Heat wave 226. The unit of luminious intensity is a. Lumen b. Watt c. Candela d. Light year 227. Which of the following materials is used for permanent magnets ? a. Brass b. Copper c. Soft iron d. Tungsten 228. The world standard time taken from a. Florence b. Miami c. Manhattan d. Greenwich 229. Natural rubber is a polymer of _________. a. Styrene b. Ethylene c. Butadiene d. Isoprene 230. Heat from the sun reaches the earth by mean of ______________. a. Conduction b. Radiation c. Convection d. Diffusion 231. The ball pen works on the principle of a. Capillary action & surface tension b. Gravitational c. Diffusion d. Viscosity 232. The resistance of an ideal ammeter is a. Low

b. High c. Infinite d. Zero 233. Decibel is _______ a. a measure of sound level b. wave length of noise c. a musical instrument d. the frequency of sound 234. X – Ray consist of stream of ______. a. Protons b. Electrons c. Neutrons d. Photons 235. The voltage gain of a triode depends on _________. a. filament voltage b. plate current c. filament current d. plate voltage 236. The density of water is maximum at a. 0 degree Centigrade b. 4 degree Centigrade c. 0 degree Fernihite d. 4 degree Fernihite 237. The element which exhibits variable valency is _________. a. Zinc b. Silicon c. Aluminium d. Cobalt 238. The value of the absolute zero on the Fahrenheit scale is a. 273 degree Fernihite b. – 273 degree Fernihite c. 0 degree Fernihite d. – 459.4 degree Fernihite 239 In electroplating that which substance on plating is to take as follow ___________. a. as the anode b. as the cathode c. near the electrolyte

d. between anode & cathode 240. Pure H2O2 is a. Colourless liquid b. A gas c. Dark blue syrupy liquid d. Pale blue syrupy liquid 241. In a room fitted with green bulb a red cloth will appear to be: a. Red b. Yellow c. Orange d. Black 242. The main constituent of Marsh gas is _________. a. CO b. C02 c. C2H6 d. CH4 243. The colours known as primary colours are ________. a. red, yellow, green b. red, blue, green c. red, black, yellow d. red, blue, yellow 244. Which of the following hot bodies of the same material cools last? a. a solid sphere b. a solid cube c. a solid rod d. a solid cone 245. The probability of getting 53 Sundays in a leap year is ________. a. 2/7 b. 3/7 c. 4/7 d. 1/7 246. Choreography is the art of _________. a. Canvas painting b. Creating dance c. Computer graphics d. None of these

247. The atmosphere is held to the earth by _________. a. Gravity b. Surface tension c. Rotation of earth d. None of these 248. All the radioactive changes are a. Zero order reaction b. First order reaction c. Second order reaction d. Third order reaction 249. Energy in the sun is produced as a result of a. Fusion b. Combustion c. Explosion d. Friction 250. Which of the following has the greatest viscosity? a. Air b. Hydrogen c. Water d. Mercury 251. Which of the following is used as refrigerant? a. CO2 b. CHCl3 c. CH3CL3 d. None of these 252. Which of following is not a part of transformer? a. Conservator b. Bucchoiz Relay c. Exciter d. Breather 253. Which of the following has highest resistivity? a. Mica b. Paraffin c. Mineral d. Air 254. Power diodes are generally _________

a. Silicon diodes b. Germanium diodes c. Carbon diodes d. Both a & b 255. For effective modulation, the degree of modulation should ______ a. small b. never exceed 100% c. be large d. always more than 100% 256. Which of them radiates emission? a. LED b. LCD c. Both a & b d. Neither a nor b 257. Which of the following is a cutting tool materials? a. High speed steel b. Mild steel c. Cost iron d. Galvanized steel 258. Which bulbs operates on lowest power? a. Night bulb b. Neon bulb c. GLS bulb d. Torch bulb 259. CPM is the _______ a. time oriented technique b. event oriented technique c. activity oriented technique d. target oriented technique 260. The needle of a magnetic compass is generally supported on a. Bush bearing b. Ball bearing c. Needle bearing d. Jewel bearing 261. A barometer is used to measure ________ a. Very low pressure

b. Very high pressure c. Pressure difference between two points d. Atmospheric pressure 262. A voltmeter using thermocouples measures _______ a. RMS value b. Peak value c. Average value d. Peak of Peak value 263. The noise level decreases with distance following : a. Inverse square law b. Power law c. Directly proportional to intensity square d. Inversely proportional to intensity 264. Microphone is a/an __________ device. a. Input b. Output c. Storage d. Both a & b 265. Which of the following is a volatile memory? a. Cache memory b. Hard disk c. DVD d. CD 266. UTF – 16 is a/an _______ a. 8 – bit fixed width encoding b. 8 – bit variable width encoding c. 16 – bit variable width encoding d. 16 – bit fixed width encoding 267. Which of the following categories of networks has largest geographic area? a. WAN b. PAN c. LAN d. MAN 268. In Protocol Data Units (PDUS), where do/does the data get/s interchanged? a. Between peer entities b. Between entities of neighboring layers c. Between ‘N’ & ‘ N+1’ layers

d. All of the above 269. In class ‘B’ IP addresses, number of network ID bite used to identify the class is ________. a. 0 b. 1 c. 2 d. 3 270. An isometric projection is a ___________. a. 20 view b. 30 view c. 25 view d. Perspective view 271. Dynamic RAM (DRAM) is slower than Static RAM (SRAM) because ____________. a. DRAM uses flip – flops b. DRAM is costlier c. DRAM requires refreshing d. DRAM is cheaper 272. On raising the temperature of the medium, velocity of light. a. increases b. decreases c. remains the same d. suddenly decrease 273. Which of the following is a paramagnetic? a. Nickel b. Cobalt c. Chromium d. copper 274. Which of the following is not obtained from stem? a. Sun hemp b. Jute c. Hemp d. Cotton 275. If the length of a simple pendulum increase by 4% , then its time period will be a. increased by 3% b. increased by 4% c. increased by 2%

d. increased by 8% 276. Name the acid used in lead acid cells. a. Sulphuric acid b. Nitric acid c. Hydrochloric acid d. Phosphoric acid 277. Inverter convert a. DC to AC b. AC to AC c. DC to DC d. AC to DC 278. Rectifier convert a. DC to AC b. AC to AC c. DC to DC d. AC to DC 279. Why lead acid cells are called as secondary cells? a. Since it can’t be recharge b. Since it can’t charge initially c. Since it can be recharge d. None of the above 280. Name the method to be used to find out Earth leakage? a. Double test lamp method b. Tong tester method c. Multi meter method d. Volt meter method 281. If alternator is not generating voltage, the reason would be a. Field may be open b. Dropping of V – belts c. Fuse in regulator had blown d. All of the above 282. Write the full form of PWM? a. Pulse Wide Modular b. Pulse Width Modulation c. Pulse Wave Modular d. None of the above

283. One watt is _________. a. 3.0412 BTU b. 3.1412 BTU c. 3.412 BTU d. None of these 284. The unit of heat is _______. a. Ohm b. Kilowatt c. BTU d. Calories 285. _______ is the good conductor of electricity. a. Iron b. Copper

c. Metal d. None 286. Oil is used as a insulation in the power transformers. a. True b. False 287. The specific gravity of Sulphuric acid which is used to make as electrolyte is ___________ a. 1.200 b. 1.250 c. 1.835 d. All of the above 288. Soda ash type fire extinguisher is used for __________ type. a. General b. Multiple c. Sand d. Soil 289. If a cell is found less than ________ volts, it is considered as defective. a. 1.7 volts b. 2.7 volts c. 3.7 volts d. 4.7 volts 290. Wood is the bad conductor of electricity.

a. True b. False c. Constant d. None of the above 291. Earth fault can be detected by using ________. a. Ammeter b. Ohmmeter c. Phospometer d. Multimeter 292. Amps are the unit of ________. a. Voltage b. Impedence c. Current d. All of the above 293. One BTU is _________ calories a. 0.252 b. 0.025 c. 0.225 d. 0.220 294. Artificial respiration is required to the person met with ______ accident. a. Road b. Slip c. High roof d. Electrical 295. The voltage of 11 KV supply is ________ V a. 1100v b. 11000v c. 1.1000v d. 110000v 296. What is IOD? a. Indoor Over Direction b. Intrigrated Oxi digital c. Injured On Duty d. Injured On Diversion 297. Ordinary fire can be extinguished by _______ a. Sand b. Soil

c. Soda d. Water 298. The minimum capacity of power transformers on electrical general services is _________. a. 100KVA b. 1000KVA c. 10KVA d. 00KVA 299. What is CCA? a. City Compensatory Allowance b. Closed Circuit Amplifier c. Coupling Capacitor Amplifier d. None of the above 300. What is CRI? a. Colour Rendering Index b. Central Railways Information c. Closed Rectification Index d. None of the above 301. All programe are loaded in ___________ disc. a. Compact b. Impact c. Hard Disc d. None of the above 302. DOT Matrix printer are ________ type of printer. a. Compact b. Impact c. Hard Disc d. None of the above 303. ________ operating system open to all. a. RAM b. ROM c. Linux d. Window 304. _________ type of printer need special paper. a. Dot Matrix b. Ink Jet c. Thermal

d. All of the above 305. _______________ is the latest operating system of ‘Windows’. a. Window 7 b. Window 8 c. Window 9 d. Window 10 306. __________ memories are volatile memories. a. RAM b. ROM c. Both a & b d. None of the above 307. ___________ is the unwanted programs spoils computer. a. Virus b. Bacteria c. Fungus d. Malaria 308. ____________ works normally as input as well as output device. a. Hard Disc b. Modem c. Desk Drive d. Both b & c 309. Floppy discs are _________ type of storage devices. a. Wooden b. Metallic c. Magnetic d. Wireless 310. One byte is equal to _________ no. of bits. a. 4 b. 6 c. 8 d.32 311. ROMs are used in computers in _________________. a. BIOS b. Temporary storage c. During shut down d. Desk drive 312. ___________ card is used for network.

a. VGA b. NIC c. Video Card d. None of these 313. IP addressing of computers are done with ___________ number of bits. a. 16 b. 8 c. 32 d. 1 314. ___________ printer is an impact printer. a. Inkjet b. Laser c. Thermal d. Dot matrix 315. The software used in PRS. a. Modem b. Hard Disc c. Concert architecture d. All of the above 316. Network equipment used for connecting computer physically. a. Repeater and Hub b. Bridge and Hub c. Router and Repeater d. None of these 317. Equipment used to make virtual LAN in a LAN. a. Repeater & Hub b. Switch & Bridge c. Switch & Repeater d. Hub & Switch 318. Optical storage device a. Hub b. Repeater c. CD – ROM d. UPS 319. Magnetic storage device a. Desk drive b. UPS

c. Hard disc d. Key – board Matrix 320. Number of conductors in a Quad is ________. a. 2 b. 4 c. 6 d. 8 321. Materials for screening in RE main cable is __________. a. Tin Plated Copper b. Copper Plated Iron c. Iron Plated Zinc d. Zinc Plated Copper 322. The diameter of conductor of 6 Quad cable is ___________ millimeter. a. 1.2mm b. 1.4mm c. 1.6mm d. 1.8mm 323. Loop resistance of 0.63mm copper wire is __________ Ohm. a. 100 ohms b. 112 ohms c. 104 ohms d. 116 ohms 324. Transmission loss of loaded 6 quad cable is _____________. a. 0.63 db / km b. 0.36 db / km c. 0.03 db /km d. 0.06 db / km 325. In railway the type of cable laying used in ______. a. Over head b. Underground c. Both a & b d. None of the above 326. Cable Makers are provided at every _________ meters within yard. a. 50 mts b. 100 mts c. 150 mts d. 200 mts

327. The impendance ratio of VF transformer is ________ ohms. a. 1120: 1120 b. 120: 120 c. 2400: 2400 d. 1200: 1200 328. Characteristic impedance of PVC insulated pair is ________ ohm. a. 20 ohm b. 40 ohm c. 50 ohm d. 60 ohm 329. Insulation resistance value of 6 Quad cables is __________ Meg. Ohms. a. 2000 b. 3000 c. 4000 d. 5000 330. Operating voltage of walkie talkie sets ___________ V. a. 1.2 b. 7.5 c. 5.5 d. 3.8 331. The Earth resistance for ISDN exchange should be less than __________ ohms. a. 5 b. 6 c. 7 d. 8 332. The working voltage of OFC equipments __________. a. 12 b. 16 c. 20 d. 24 333. The purpose of loading in RE cable is to maintain ___________ loss. a. Heat b. Temperature c. Energy d. Light 334. Transmission loss measured by

a. TMS kit b. Insulation Meggar c. Multimeter d. Earth Meggar 335. Number of conductors in a Quad is ___________. a. 1 b. 2 c. 3 d. 4 336. Voice frequency is ______________. a. 300 to 3400 Hz b. 400 to 3200 Hz c. 500 to 3000 Hz d. 600 to 2800 Hz 337. The loop resistance of 6 Quad cable is _________ ohms per km. a. 56 b. 5.6 c. 65 d. 6.5 338. The radius of conductor of 6 Quad cable is ____________ milimeter. a. 0.51 b. 0.63 c. 0.70 d. 0.91 339. Audio frequency is 20 Hz to __________ KHz. a. 10 b. 20 c. 30 d. 40 340. __________ converts sound energy into electrical energy. a. Loudspeaker b. Microphone c. Amplifier d. Diode 341. ___________ converts electrical energy into sound energy. a. Loudspeaker b. Microphone

c. Amplifier d. Diode 342. ___________ mic is suitable for outdoor meeting. a. Condensor b. Dynamic c. Both a & b d. None of the above 343. _________ mic is suitable for indoor meeting. a. Condensor b. Dynamic c. Both a & b d. None of the above 344. ___________ reproduces low frequency. a. Tweeter b. Woofer c. Both a & b d. None of the above 345. __________ reproduces high frequency. a. Tweeter b. Woofer c. Both a & b d. None of the above 346. The working voltage of walkie talkie sets VDC. a. 12 b. 1.2 c. 7.5 d. 5.7 347. Loop resistance measured by a. Insulation Meggar b. Earth Meggar c. TMS Kit d. Multimeter 348. One byte contains _________ bits. a. 4 b. 6 c. 8 d. 10

349. Total internal reflection happens in an OFC cable when the incident angle is more than _______. a. Virtual angle b. Hypoteneous angle c. Right angle d. Critical angle 350. Optical fiber cable is made up of __________. a. SiO2 b. CaO2 c. FeO2 d. CrO2 351. The barrier potential of Silicon diode is ___________ volts. a. 0.7v b. 0.6v c. 0.5v d. 0.4v 352. _________ rectifier circuit requires 2 diodes & requires centre tapped type transformers. a. Half Wave b. Full Wave c. Both a & b d. None of the above 353. ____________ converts acoustic energy into electrical energy. a. Piezo electric transducer b. Piezo magnetic transducer c. Piezo carbonic transducer d. None of the above 354. In a capacitor, the capacitive reactance is inversely in its value are ____________ proportional to frequency. a. Versely b. Directly c. Indirectly d. Inversely 355. GPS stands for ___________. a. Gross Progressive System b. Gain Protective System c. Global Positioning System

d. Global Progressive System 356. In a 2 Mb digital transmission, the number of speech channel will be _________. a. 28 b. 30 c. 32 d. 34 357. EMC sockets are provided in every _____________ km. a. One b. Two c. Three d. Four 358. What does IED stand for? a. Improvised expensive device b. Implemented explosive device c. Introduced explosive device d. Improvised explosive device 359. Loop resistance of 0.63 mm copper wire is __________ ohms. a. 1.72 b. 160 c. 114 d. 56 360. Interspacing between loading coil joint is _________ km. a. One b. Two c. Three d. Four 361. The end voltage of secondary cell is ____________ volts. a. 2.2v b. 1.85v c. 2.0v d. 2.8v 362. Optic Fiber Cable used in railways contain ____________ fibers. a. 12 b. 24 c. 36 d. 48

363. ___________ number of EI’s can transmitted in STM – 1. a. 63 b. 21 c. 42 d. 24 364. Standard splice loss is a. 0.02 dB b. 0.20 dB c. 0.002 dB d. 2.0 dB 365. The refractive index of cladding is _________ than that of core. a. more b. less c. constant d. none of the above 366. Decibel is a logarithmic unit of denote _________. a. Current level b. Voltage level c. Sound level d. Noise level 367. Micro farad is the unit of ____________. a. Capacitance b. Resistance c. Inductance d. Impedence 368. Lead acid cells are classified as ___________. a. Primary cell b. Inductance c. Capacitance cell d. Secondary cell 369. Ammeter is always connected in _____________ with the circuit. a. Series b. Parallel c. Both a & b d. None of the above 370. The instrument used for measuring cable insulation is _________. a. Insulation Megger

b. Multimeter c. Voltmeter d. Phospometer 371. When resistors are connected in parallel the resultant value of the parallel resistance will be ______ in value. a. more b. less c. no change d. within 372. Cable break located by a. Earth Meggar b. Cable Fault locator c. Multimeter d. Insulation Meggar 373. Insulation resistance located by a. Earth Meggar b. Cable Fault Locator c. Multimeter d. Insulation Meggar 374.Which of the following would not be suspected of being an IED? a. Clear packaged sandwitch b. Unaccompanied briefcase c. Unaccompanied hold all d. Clear box with a marzipan type substance in it 375. Refractive index of core is ___________ than cladding. a. less b. high c. more d. none of the above 376. The principal of OFC working is __________. a. Networking b. Cabling c. Total internal reflection d. All of the above 377. ___________ nos. of fibers available in railway OFC cable. a. 8

b. 12 c. 16 d. 24 378. The wave length of short haul fiber is _________ nanometers. a. 750 – 1200 mm b. 1200 – 2400 mm c. 650 – 1050 mm d. 850 – 1300 mm 379. Size of core is __________ micrometers. a. 20.5 b. 30.5 c. 50.5 d. 62.5 380. Cladding size ______________ micrometers. a. 125 b. 120 c. 115 d. 110 381. ____________ is used for cutting fiber ends in 90 degrees. a. Steel Optic Cleaver b. Iron Optic Cleaver c. Fiber Optic Cleaver d. Plastic Optic Cleaver 382. Which of these best describe a PTZ CCTV camera? a. A mobile camera which is positioned in high crime areas b. A camera with remote directional and zoom control c. A fixed camera with a wide angles lens d. a camera with night vision capability 383. OFC cable jointing is done by ___________ machine. a. OTDR b. Multi crone c. Both a & b d. None of the above 384. LHAP means _____________. a. Leave at Half Average pay b. Leave at Half Available pay

c. Both a & b d. None of the above 385. At what temperature water starts freezing ______________. a. 32 degree Centigrade b. 0 degree Centigrade c. – 32 degree Centigrade d. None of the above 386. Write the full form of DGS & D? a. District General of Superdent & Developer b. Design Ground Service & Decorate c. Direction for Ground Sale & Design d. Director General of Supply & Disposal. 387. The temperature measured by ordinary thermometer is called ____________. a. Cool heat b. Sensible heat c. Warm heat d. Boiling heat 388. What do you mean by LAP? a. Leave at Average Pay b. Leave Application Performation c. Light Access Protocol d. All of the above 389. What do you mean by AIRF? a. All Indian Reserve Force b. All Institute of Railway Foundation c. Air India Reserve Force d. All India Railway Mens Federation 390. BRI related with _________ infrastructure. a. low b. hard c. soft d. high 391. SPC exchange is directly derived from the use of _________ program. a. Stored b. Managed c. Unmanaged d. Unstored

392. _________ is a device that monitors a system for malicious activity. a. IDS b. ISDN c. PWM d. STM 393. ____________ is a network security prevention technology. a. ISDN b. PWM c. STM d. IPS 394. In PCM sampling frequency is ____________. a. 2000 b.4000 c. 6000 d. 8000 395. In FDM the channel are differentiated by ______. a. time b. frequency c. noise d. sound 396. The time slot _________ is used for signaling in PCM. a. 1 b. 16 c. 24 d. 31 397. One Multi frame contain __________ no. of frame. a. 1 b. 12 c. 16 d. 24 398. Time taken to complete one multi frame is ___________ micro seconds. a. 200 b. 2000 c. 125 d. 225 399. One signal time slot contain ____________ channels signals information.

a. TDM b. PCM c. STM d. None of the above 400. PDH employs ___________ inter leaved multiplexing. a. Bit b. Byte c. Hz d. Kbps 401. The bit rate of one voice channel is _____________. a. 200 b. 256 c. 64 d. 2 402. The line code used for EI is _____________. a. HDB b. AMI c. NRZ d. All of the above 403. ___________ technology increases the bandwidth of fiber. a. Cat – 6 b. Drop wire c. G.I wire d. Fiber optic 404. One STM – 1 has ____________ no. of EIs. a. 24 b. 63 c. 110 d. 220 405. Isopropyl alcohol is used to clean fiber cable jelly. a. True b. False 406. OTDR is used to splice fibers. a. True b. False 407. Maximum capacity of STM -1 is

a. 63 EIs b. 36 EIs c. 72 EIs d. 27 EIs 408. Electromagnetic induction is available in OFC cable. a. True b. False 409. The working voltage of Hipath 4000 Exchange is __________. a. 40v b. 48v c. 60v d. 72v 410. BORSCHT function related to ___________ circuit. a. PSTN b. STM c. ISDN d. All of the above 411. Always in Hipath 4000, LTUCX card is used be plot in the slot ___________. a. DIU – N1 b. DIU – N2 c. DIU – N3 d. DIU – N4 412. ___________ number of fibers are available in a loose tube. a. 20 – 140 b. 26 – 144 c. 30 – 148 d. 36 – 144 413. ______________ method of splicing is used for jointing OFC cable. a. Radiation b. Condensation c. Fusion d. Oxidation 414. The time for onetime slot is _________ µs. a. 110 b. 115 c. 120 d. 125

415. Sampling theorem states that Fs should be greater than or equal to _______________. a. 1 fm b. 2 fm c. 3 fm d. 4 fm 416. SDH employs ____________ interleaved multiplexing. a. Byte b. Bite c. Farad d. Ohm 417. Bit rate of STM – 1 is _________ Mbps. a. 155.52 b. 622.08 c. 2488.32 d. 9953.28 418. _________ European standard is not possible to transport through SDH. a. STM b. PSTN c. PWM d. PDH 419. Maximum bit rate of European PDH is _________ Mbps. a. 1.048 b. 2.048 c. 3.048 d. 4.048 420. Quality of data is measured in _____________. a. cable b. distance c. wave d. time 421. Multimode fibers are suitable for long distance communication. a. True b. False 422. SC, ST, LC are the connectors used in OFC a. True

b. False 423. Railway uses single mode fiber. a. True b. False 424. Which technology is applied in Hipath 4000 Exchange. a. STM b. PCM – TDM c. VLAN d. E1 425. The prime advantage of OFC over copper cable is it eliminates __________. a. Electromagnetic b. Electro interference c. Power Less d. All of the above 426. __________ PDH standard cannot be transported through SDH. a. Asian b. European c. American d. African 427. The technique of providing a number of circuits using a single transmission pair is called _________. a. Combining b. Multiplexing c. Jointing d. Coupling 428. The Earth resistance for MUX should be less than ________ ohms. a. One b. Two c. Six d. Ten 429. In PCM sampling frequency is ___________ Hz. a. 2000 b. 4000 c. 6000 d. 8000 430. In FDM the channels are differentiated by ____________.

a. time b. slot c. wave d. frequency 431. Fiber loss/km at 1550 nanometer is ____________. a. 0.1dB/km b. 0.2dB/km c. 0.3dB/km d. 0.4dB/km 432. Typical Refractive Index of core is _________. a. 1.46 b. 1.48 c. 3.12 d. 4.26 433. Cladding dia is _________________. a. 125 micrometers b. 100 micrometers c. 50 micrometers d. 25 micrometers 434. In PA system for indoor application ____________ matching method is preferred. a. condense b. transmitted c. conventional d. impedence 435. In conference hall ___________ microphone is used. a. Carbonic b. Digital c. Condenser d. All of the above 436. The minimum loss offered by the fiber in ___________ nm wave length. a. 1550 b. 1500 c. 1450 d. 1400 437. The main purposes of CCTV systems are to: a. Deter and catch criminals and prevent public nuisance b. Find and record incidents and reduce violence

c. Detect and prevent crime and to promote public safety d. Look for and monitor trouble and stop anti-social behaviour 438. In Railways we use _________ type of fiber. a. monomode step index b. multimode step index c. Both a & b d. None of the above 439. The bit rate of STM – 4 is ____________. a. 155 Mbps b. 625 Mbps c. 1625 Mbps d. 2056 Mbps 440. ____________ is used in EMC joints for isolation & for reducing noise. a. Fusion arc b. Coupling c. Soldering d. EMI 441. WLL means a. World Wide Logical Languistic b. Wireless Local Loop c. Wireless Local Line d. Wireless Logical Latitude 442. In chairman unit ___________ switch will be available. a. priority b. recording c. multi mixing d. testing 443. EMC circuit is tested once in ___________ periodically. a. 10 days b. 15 days c. 30 days d. 60 days 444. Cable Huts are provided in _________ area. a. RE b. Non- RE c. Both `a’ and `b’ d. None of the above

445._______ amplifier is provided to have conversation between wayside station. a. Leak b. Buffer c. Jitter d. None 446. Loop resistance of 0.63 copper wire is _____ ohm. a. 172 b. 160 c. 140 d. 114 447. Control circuits are ____________circuit. a. Linear b. optical c. spectacle d. omnibus 448. Purpose of condenser joint is to reduce ___________. a. cross talk b. speech c. record d. noise 449. Aluminum sheath has good __________ effect.

a. screening b. moistering c. rusting d. evaporation

450- ______ is used to protect the DTMF decoder from over current. a. Diode b. Condenser c. Fuse d. MOV 451-_______ is used in DTMF decoder for reverser voltage protection.

a. MOV b- Fuse c- Condenser d- Diode

452- What does CCTV stand for ________.

a. Closed Circuit Technology

b. Closed Circuit Technology & Video c. Closed Communication Television d. Closed Circuit Television

453. According of the data protection act which of the following is true?

a. Data should be kept as long as possible b. Data should be sent any where c. Events can be copied for the internet d. All data must be kept securely

454. The Human Rights act 1998 legislates for the right to a fair trial, which type of ‘right’ is it?

a. Absolute b. Qualified c. Implied d. Grandfathe

455. Which of the following are authorised to perform intrusive surveillance under the terms of regulation of investigatory power act 2000?

a. The law society b. Awarding organizations c. Police or similar statutory body d. Skills for security

456. Which document states best practice for operating the CCTV system?

a. The organization’s code of practice b. The assignment instructions c. The information commissioners reports d. Operational procedures.

457. The Data Protection Act applies to all systems:

a. Irrespective of the number of cameras, recorders or monitors b. With more than 5 cameras, recorders & monitors c. With more than 10 cameras, recorders & monitors d. With fewer than 5 cameras, recorders & monitors

458. The ‘A – B – C’ of stands for:

a. Abrupt, brief & clam b. Acute, blunt & compact c. Accurate, brief & clear d. Alert, brief & conversation

459. The ICOs code of practice was introduced to provide information regarding: a. How employees can access their personal data.

b. Best practice for those involved in operating CCTV systems c. Informing the police on what information companies may keepd. d. Informing employers on what data they can keep about their staff

460. The SIA standard of behavior for CCTV operates states a CCTV must?

a. Display their license b. Know there license number c. Show the license with a photo d. Be in possession of a license whilst on duty

461. The insulating material for a cable should have _________. a. low cost b. high dielectric strength c. high mechanical strength d. all of the above 462. Which of the following protects a cable against mechanical injury? a. Bedding b. Sheath c. Armouring d. None of the above 463. Which of the following insulation is used in cables? a. Varnished cambric b. Rubber c. Paper d. Any of the above 464. Empire tape is a. Varnished cambric b. Vulcanised rubber c. Impregnated paper d. None of the above 465. The thickness of the layer of insulation on the conductor, in cables, depends upon a. reactive power b. power factor c. voltage d. current carrying capacity 466. The bedding on a cable consists of a. hessian cloth b. jute c. any of the above

d. none of the above 467. The insulation material for cables should a. be acid proof b. be non inflammable c. be non – hygroscopic d. have all above properties 468. In a cable immediately above metallic sheath ___________ is provided. a. earthing connection b. bedding c. armouring d. none of the above 469. The current carrying capacity of cables in D.C. is more than that in A.C. mainly due to a. absence of harmonics b. non – existence of any stability limit c. smaller dielectric loss d. absence of ripples 470. In case of three core flexible cable the colour of the neutral is a. blue b. black c. brown d. slat 471. Cables are used for 132kv lines. a. High tension b. Super tension c. Extra high tension d. Extra super voltage 472. Conduit pipes are normally used to protect ______________ cables. a. unsheathed cables b. armoured c. PVC sheathed cables d. all of the above 473. The minimum dielectric stress in a cable is at a. armour b. bedding c. conductor surface d. lead sheath

474. In single core cables armouring is not done to a. avoid excessive sheath losses b. make it flexible c. either of the above d. none of the above 475. Dielectric strength of rubber is around a. 5kv/mm b. 15kv/mm c. 30kv/mm d. 200kv/mm 476. Low tension cables are generally used up to a. 200v b. 500v c. 700v d. 1000v 477. In a cable, the maximum stress under operating conditions is at a. insulation layer b. sheath c. armour d. conductor surface 478. High tension cables are generally used up to a. 11kv b. 33kv c. 66kv d. 132kv 479. The surge resistance of cable is ______. a. 5ohms b. 20ohms c. 50ohms d. 100ohms 480. PVC stands for a. Post Varnish Conductor b. Poly Vinyl Chloride c. Pressed & Varnished Cloth d. Positive Voltage Conductor 481. In the cables, the location of fault is usually found out by comparing

a. the resistance of the conductor b. the inductance of conductors c. the capacitances of insulated conductors d. all above parameters 482. In capacitance grading of cables we use a __________ dielectric. a. composite b. porous c. homogeneous d. hygroscopic 483. Pressure cables are generally not used beyond a. 11kv b. 33kv c. 66kv d. 132kv 484. The materials for armouring on cable usually a. steel tape b. galvanised steel wire c. any of the above d. none of the above 485. Cables, generally used beyond 66kv are a. oil filled b. S.L. type c. belted d. armoured 486. The relative permittivity of rubber is ______________. a. between 5 & 6 b. between 2 & 3 c. between 12 & 14 d. between 8 & 10 487. If the length of a cable is double, its capacitance a. becomes one fourth b. becomes one half c. becomes double d. remains unchanged 488. In cables the charging current a. Large the voltage by 90 degree b. Leads the voltage by 90 degree

c. Lags the voltage by 180 degree d. Leads the voltage by 180 degree 489. In the cables, sheaths are used to a. prevent the moisture from entering the cable b. provide enough enough strength c. provide proper insulation d. none of the above 490. The intersheaths in the cables are used to a. minimize the stress b. avoid the requirement of good insulation c. provide proper stress distribution d. none of the above 491. The breakdown of insulation of the cable can be avoided economically by the use of a. inter sheaths b. insulating materials with different dielectric constants c. both a & b d. none of the above 492. The insulation of the cable decreases with a. the increase in the length of the insulation b. the decrease in the length of the insulation c. either a & b d. none of the above 493. A cable carrying alternating current has a. hysteresis losses only b. hysteresis & leakage losses only c. hysteresis, leakage & copper losses only d. hysteresis, leakage, copper & friction losses 494. In a cable, the voltage stress is maximum at a. sheath b. insulator c. surface of the conductor d. core of the conductor 495. Underground cables are laid at sufficient depth a. to minimise temperature stresses b. to avoid being unearthed easily due to removal of soil c. to minimise the effect of shocks & vibrations due to gassing vehicles

d. for all of the above reasons 496. The advantage of cable over overhead transmission lines is a. easy maintenance b. low cost c. can be used in congested areas d. can be used in high voltage circuits 497. The thickness of metallic shielding on cables is usually a. 0.04mm b. 0.2 to 0.4mm c. 3 to 5mm d. 40 to 60mm 498. Copper as conductor for cables is used as a. annealed b. hardened and tempered c. hard drawn d. alloy with chromium 499. The disadvantage with paper as insulating materials is a. it is hygroscopic b. it has high capacitance c. it is an organic materials d. none of the above 500. The breakdown voltage of a cable depends on a. pressure of moisture b. working temperature c. time of application of the voltage d. all of the above 501. If a power cable and a communication cable are to run parallel the minimum distance between the two, to avoid interference, should be a. 2cm b. 10cm c. 50cm d. 400cm 502. For digital MW communication, the wave from is of a. sine b. square c. spiral d. none

503. OFF time duration of busy tone a. 0.1sec. b. 0.75sec. c. 2sec. d. 1sec. 504. IP address of CLW\CRJ a. b. c. d. 505. Attenuation of fiber is measured by a. OLTS b. OLTE c. OTDR d. OCWR 506. Railnet is actually a. MPLs based LAN b. MPLs based WAN c. MPLs based VLAN d. MPLs based MAN 507. At what layer IP see VPN works? a. Layer 1 b. Layer 2 c. Layer 3 d. Layer 4 508. L2 or Layer2 is a. Physical layer b. Data link layer c. Network layer d. Transport layer 509. Bit rate of E2 is a. 64Kbps b. 2.048Mbps c. 8.45Mbps d. 34Mbps 510. Router is ___________ type switch

a. L1 b. L2 c. L3 d. L4 511. Which type of Email server is used n railways a. Web based Email server b. POP3 Email sever c. IMAP Email server d. SMTP Email server 512. Ribbon type of a. Amplifier b. Modem c. Switch d. Microphone 513. Each card of Hipath 4000 exchange have __________ Nos. of port. a. 12 b. 16 c. 24 d. 18 514. PPP is point to point protocol is a type of a. Internet protocol b. Link protocol c. Transmission protocol d. Application protocol 515. The 1st steam Locomotive was dedicated to the nation on a. 1st Nov.1950 b. 26th Jan.1950 c. 9th Jan.1948 d. 2nd Dec.1947 516. On which year CLW conferred with Golden Peacock award for environment by the world environment Foundation. a. 2000 b. 2005 c. 2006 d. 2012 517. UPS contain a. Refrigerator

b. AC c. Battery d. Sound wave 518. W.W.W. is used in a. Exchange b. T.V. c. Track cut d. Internet 519. Unit of inductance is a. Ohm b. Farad c. Henry d. Lux 520. Unit of frequency is a. Hertz b. Lux c. Lumen d. Decibal 521. Ring tone frequency a. 75 Hz b. 50 Hz c. 400 Hz d. 200 Hz 522. ______ decibal noise is soundable a. 65 b. 75 c. 80 d. 40 523. Dial tone of T/P set means a. T/P set is ready b. T/P set & Exch. both are ready c. Local loop is ready d. None of the above 524. Which is used in Patch Card? a. RJ45 b. RJ11 c. RJ40