1. audience

Theory- Audience Kelly Rodgers

Transcript of 1. audience

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Theory- Audience

Kelly Rodgers

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Audience Profile

• Primary AudienceThe given primary audiences for ‘The Jungle Book’ are PG. This is because the film is mainly aimed at kids because it’s a cartoon and the story line is simple and child friendly. The music used in the film is also happy and uplifting.

Secondary AudienceThe secondary audience would be the parents that go to the cinema to see the film with their kids. The film can also be interesting for them and keep them amused because of the humour and the music used in the film.

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Audience Profile

• Primary AudienceThe film ‘Pirates Of The Caribbean’ has been given and age rating of PG-13. I think this is because the film includes humour and adventure. The film can also be counted as a fantasy because of the theme and the characters.

• Secondary AudienceThe secondary audience for this film would be people of all ages. The film includes action as well as adventure therefore older people might also find the film interesting. The film include countries from all around the world so people from those places may also find it relatable.

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Audience Profile

• Primary AudienceThe age rating that has been given for this film is PG-13. This is because the film includes humorous scene which this age range would understand and be able to relate to. The characters in the film are also based upon a similar age which means that the audience will be able to relate to the characters as well.

• Secondary AudienceThis film is mainly based at girls as the characters are girls, the music is girly and the boys wouldn’t find this that entertaining. Old viewers may also like this film because the music it include is popular music that everybody will know. Therefore older people also have something to relate to.

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Hypodermic Needle

• DefinitionHypodermic needle is where the media creates an effect where the audience believe the things they are saying and accepts them.

• ExampleAn example of Hypodermic Needle is Disney Princess Films, these films have the typical story line of, a good looking young girl who meets a prince and they fall in love and then get married. The viewers for these types of films are young girls ranging from the age of PG-16. The film can encourage these girls to believe things like that they have to be pretty to marry a prince or that they have to wear dresses. Some of the girls will predict their future on what happened is in the movie. For example the young girls could be under the impression that when they grow up they are going to marry a prince and live happily ever after, this isn’t always the right idea.

Another example is that some live news broadcast’s and news articles say that everything is fine in certain situations and the public are safe when their necessary not. But because they news has said this we believe them because of the fact that the news is professional and we trust them.

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Uses and Gratifications InformationFinding Information/News: People can use the internet and other media to find out information in which they would find useful. When somebody has a specific task that they have to complete it is very likely that answers will be on the internet. There are certain websites that people can use to find out information, such as Wikipedia or Ask Jeeves. The websites also allow other people to post information and it allows you to comment on what other people have posted. I personally use information on the internet to find out things about celebrities or the things that I am interested in. I can also use the information for projects and to gather ideas and inspiration.

Seeking advice or help with decision making: There are websites that people can use to ask personal question or questions that haven’t been asked before. People are maybe in a situation which is complicated and their unsure on how they can solve it. Therefore they can ask these question to other people online using websites such as Ask Jeeves or Answer.com. I have used these websites to find out other peoples opinions to help me make up my own decision.

Satisfy curiosity: Some people only use information to find things out that their curious about. Such as the back story of a celebrity they are interested in. Google also provides people will a street view map of the whole world which some people might use to find out about a certain place or how to get their for their own curiosity.

To learn: There are loads of websites out there that are dedicated to helping people learn. The internet can be useful for people for all ages to learn as it gives us easy things as well as difficult things to learn. There are also websites that have created interaction learning which can be better for other people who don’t enjoy reading and listening. The BBC have links to websites for younger viewers in which they can use it for school work and interact with it.

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Uses and Gratifications Personal Identity

Reinforcing personal values: Media can help people find their identity and discover who they are. There are celebrities that people can relate to and compare themselves to. I personally get my opinions from situations in the media like news. My personal values are reinforced by celebrities found in the media such as Johnny Depp because he never takes anything to seriously and is always laid back about everything.

Developing behavioural traits: Things in the media can show viewers right from wrong. For example I watch Horror movies because they show what will happen in certain situations, therefore I wont put myself in danger that is shown in the film. Media can also show you what is right and wrong through the news, seeing crime stories and the consciences of that crime can teach you why it is wrong and what happens if you do it which will encourage you not to do it.

Identify with valued other in the media (aspiration figure- real or fictional): I identify with the actor Johnny Depp who is a popular celebrity in the media industry. He is outgoing, funny and doesn’t take things to seriously. The way he does his job and the effort he puts into his work can be inspirational to other people and encourage them to take their own job seriously and put 100% effort into their work.

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Uses and Gratifications Integration and Social Interaction

Identifying with others: People use social networking sites to talk to other people from all around the world that share the same interests as them. Some people you find online might be going through a similar problem or situation to you and you can talk to that person about this problem you are facing without feeling like you are being judged.

Belonging: Some people feel that in reality they are not accepted or haven’t got anybody trustworthy to talk to and that they don’t belong to anything. But the media gives a wider range of people you can connected with and friends with giving the person something to belong to and feel apart of. The internet can connect people together who are feeling the same way and are lonely.

Topic for social interaction: Social interaction is a popular reason to feel the need to use social networking sites. Some people use social networking sites to interact other people from all around the world that have the same interest and them. I use Facebook to talk to other people about plans and things we are both interested in. I also use it to keep in contact with old friends and talk to people I know who don’t live close enough.

A substitute for real-world companionship: There are people out there that live in fairly deserted places like the country side, or they can’t get out the house for another reason. Therefore they can use social networking sites to talk to other people and socialise. Some people also feel more confidant in themselves when they are talking to someone over a computer rather than in person, this could boost their self esteem.

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Uses and Gratifications EntertainmentEscapism: Some people watch programs on TV or movies to take themselves out of reality. If someone is feeling stressed or angry, watching a film can change their mood. Some people may also only watch films when they are feeling bored or like they need something to focus on. Fantasy films and adventure films are more likely to take that person out of reality because they are unusual and are unpredictable.

Relaxation: Films and TV programs allow people to sit back and relax while watching. Films on Netflix and lovefilm don’t have adverts like the ones on TV therefore it can be stopped whenever the person watching wants to stop it, this means that they don’t have to wait till the next advert to do something. Watching TV can also take someone out of reality and make them think of other things rather than the problems they are facing.

Enjoyment: Films are also there for people to enjoy, for example comedy films can make people laugh which puts that person into a good mood. People also watch TV programs and films for their own amusement and entertainment. People enjoy films because they are funny and entertaining and show a more interesting side to life.

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Consumer Generated Content

• ExampleConsumer Generated content is where websites like instagram, YouTube and Facebook allow people using their site to upload their own things. If people didn’t upload picture to instagram and videos to YouTube then those websites wouldn’t get any money of hits.

• What are the advantages to media producers?The media producers would have an advantage because their website is being used by their audience. The more people use their website the more popular their website gets.

• Why would the audience generate content?People use websites like YouTube and Instagram to advertise their own businesses or to enter competitions. The audience could just use the website to express themselves and talk to their friends. For example Instagram would be a good way to advertise your own photography business because instagram is a site in which you can post any picture you like and you can also use it to edit them.