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  • 8/12/2019 01_dimen_et_al_ppt




    Assoc.prof.dr. Levente Dimn,Assoc prof.dr. Nicolae Ludu an




    Presentat on o t e TQM Institution chan in measures Methods of problem solving The basic principles of TQM as applied to higher


    Student as customer onc us on


    proposition that students in higher

    e uca on are cus omers an s ou etreated as such, and investigate whether theadoption of the terminology, systems and

    rocesses o the student-as-customerleads to a degradation or improvement of

    delivered to higher education students,

    resen a on o e

    Total Quality Management is a management approacho ong- erm success roug cus omer sa s ac on

    In a TQM effort, all members of an organization participate in improving processes, products, servicesan t e cu ture n w c t ey wor .

    Implementation of TQM entails cross-functional

    quality improvement teams, working groups calledqua ty c rc es.

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    Create constancy of purpose for improvement of product

    and service.

    Ado t the new hiloso h .

    Cease dependence on inspection to achieve quality..

    End the practice of awarding business on the basis of. ,

    Improve constantly and forever [every process].

    Institute training on the job. .

    help people . . to do a better job.

    r ve ou ear.

    Institution Changing Measures (2) Break down barriers between departments.

    m nate s ogans, ex ortat ons, an targets ... or zero e ects annew levels of productivity. Such exhortations only create adversarialrelationships, as the bulk of the causes of low productivity belong to

    e sys em an us e eyon e power o e wor orce.

    Eliminate work quotas, management by objective, management by. .

    Remove barriers that rob people ... of pride of workmanship

    Institute a vigorous program of education and self-improvement foreveryone

    u every o y n e organ za on o wor o accomp s etransformation.

    Methods of Problem Solving

    select a problem(s), diagnose the problem(s), sugges e so u on s ,

    and hold the ain s .

    Coate(1990) espouses a 10-step problem-solving process:

    1. Identify and select the most important opportunitie s forimprovement. Start with critical processes. Select team membersand empower them to make improvements.

    .services. Survey the customers, and analyze survey data

    3. Select the most important issue and write a clear issue statement

    4. Identify and flowchart the key process or processes.

    5. Agree on which aspects of your performance you want to measureand, with your customers, set goals for continuous improvement inmeetin or exceedin their ex ectations. To do this the teams must realistically evaluate current performance and set obtainable goalsfor improvement.

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    5. Begin to explore probable causes of the problems and

    barriers to improvement.6. Gather data on the probable causes. The information

    co ec e g ves e eam a enc mar aga ns w c omeasure its future progress.

    " "-.graphs.

    8. Brainstorm and develop permanent solutions.

    Implement solutions; monitor their performance; adoptthem if they work.. e pro em s so ve , s an ar ze e xes as norma

    operating procedures.

    The Basic Principles of TQM As

    customers, and this changes over time. The aim is to preven poor-qua y serv ces rom e ng pro uceor delivered in the first place by focusing on

    processes and emphasising prevention rather thancure.

    People People--based management based management : Knowing what to do,,

    one way of encouraging people to take responsibilityor t e qua ty o t e r wor .

    Basic Principles of TQM

    Continuous improvement : incremental change, not major breakthroughs. For the individual lecturer, enhancement is aboutimproving their students work based on the premise that they wanttheir students to do well.

    products or services in the customers hands is the first stage of beingable to improve.

    well the learning opportunities available to students help them toachieve their award. It is about making sure that appropriate and

    , , provided for them

    u en as us omer

    regarding perceived positive and negativeaspects of the student as customer

    ,argumentation and empirical studies

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    u en as us omer

    their university education. This makes thestudent the customer in the higher education

    This (may) turn education into an industry

    like any other, and the primary purpose of.

    Student as Customer

    ome aut ors (Clayson, Haley) suggest w t outempirical evidence): students are seeking the easiest way to obtain a

    qualification If the teaching staff give objective grades based on

    assessed performance, the student-customer will


    standards, to provide teaching materials in a style whichnot alwa s reach an a ro riate academic standardsand to give inflated grades for mediocre work

    failure to achieve desired assessment outcomes should be blamed on the educator

    u en as us omer

    ars an oc e

    outcome above presented is merely a popular myth. and, there is a positive

    student evaluation of teaching

    of the costs of higher education in severalcoun r es hi her education is still ver lar el funded

    by governments out of general taxation g er e uca on ns u ons mus no see

    to serve only the interests of students to theexclusion of other stakeholder groups.

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    There is little evidence that students are sufficientl short- sighted as to prefer a university education that is builtaround easily-won qualifications and a cheerful approachto customer service.

    The evidence suggests that students have a reasonablydiscerning approach to higher education, believe that hardwor s necessary o ac eve wor w e resu s, an onot penalise educators who insist on hard work and


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