- Connecting Your World - Company Presentation - October, 2010 (Concise Version) This is the first...

- Connecting Your World - Company Presentation - October, 2010 (Concise Version) This is the first Company Presentation of our Social Network, iOrbix ( http://iorbix.com ). The presentation is based on the Performance of iOrbix over the past 10 months, as it was released in April 2010. It was created for the use of possible investors for our company, so that they can learn what iOrbix is about, and decide whether it is a good idea to

Transcript of - Connecting Your World - Company Presentation - October, 2010 (Concise Version) This is the first...

- Connecting Your World -

Company Presentation - October, 2010

(Concise Version)This is the first Company Presentation of our Social Network, iOrbix (http://iorbix.com).

The presentation is based on the Performance of iOrbix over the past 10 months, as it was released in April 2010.

It was created for the use of possible investors for our company, so that they can learn what iOrbix is about, and

decide whether it is a good idea to establish a partnership with iOrbix or not.

Introduction… Page 3

Why is iOrbix needed?... Page 4

What makes iOrbix different or better than the other Social Networks... Page 7

What do our users actually think about iOrbix?... Page 9

How well is iOrbix actually doing?... Page 11

Why would you be interested in watching this presentation anyway?... Page 14

What are the possible Pitfalls or Challenges for iOrbix?... Page 15

What external credibility or proof does iOrbix have to back up what we are saying?... Page 17

Conclusion… Page 19

Table of Contents

Hi! I’m Andrew Davis the CEO and Co-Founder of iOrbix.We’d like to introduce to you today to our new and exciting company!--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------iOrbix is a Social Network. A website where people come together to Socialize, keep in touch with each-other and have a great time, experiencing a virtual interaction that makes use of the Power of the Internet and today’s Technology advances.

It provides a speedy and fun environment for its users, and allows a much wider range of customization, security and control, compared to other similar online services.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Now, the important question is:“Why make a new Social Network, when there are already other similar services available, such as Facebook, Myspace, hi5 and so on?”

Well, from our point of view, all of those services haven’t done the best job that they potentially could.They ALL lack terribly in one feature or another.

We the Founders and Staff of iOrbix have been users of all the Top Social Networks over the years and, just like everyone else, we’ve had to struggle with all the inconveniences each Network brings with them.

We decided that we had the potential and enthusiasm to do a better job, and we really have done excellent so far in making our dream a reality.

Basically, iOrbix is “That Problem Solver”. A Network built via the extreme analysis of all the Flaws and downfalls of the Top Social Networks, being sure to avoid or correct those existing errors. This combined with new innovative features and ideas not found anywhere else, makes iOrbix the ideal gateway for online communication in today’s world.


iOrbix was built to solve the Problems that everyday users have with other existing Social Networks. To Pick up on those flaws and correct or improve where the others are lacking.

To explain why iOrbix is superior to other Social Networks, I will point out some problems with other networks, and how iOrbix solves those problems.

I’ll use Facebook.

1) Facebook is a pretty boring looking site, and lacks customization. It does not appeal to younger Generations.On the other hand, iOrbix allows a very wide range of Customization and Design options, and you can control the way your browse the site.

2) Facebook lacks control, it has always had Privacy issues even to this day.On iOrbix you are able to control everything you share. It is very quick and easy to change your Privacy settings, we make sure that nothing is left out.

3) Facebook now has way too much Spam. Only 10% of the activity sent to my Facebook Profile is genuine content from friends.iOrbix has allot of Security measures to help fight spam and protect its members. Since we have launched, numerous attackers attempted to spam our members in various ways, but they were all blocked within a matter of minutes.

Why is iOrbix needed?

4) Facebook lacks other fun ways to interact with your friends. This site is mostly focused on a single “Wall”, where you tell people what you are doing now.On iOrbix, there are many other fun ways to interact with your friends. You can compliment people with “Ratees”, communicate via Profile Comments to avoid the discomfort or secrecy of Private messaging.There are also Star Ratings that and Reputation that encourage our members put their best foot forward and many other fun interactive features.

5) Facebook is becoming overcrowded and harder to manage such a large number of users. Over the past few months, Facebook has shut down numerous times causing large outbursts around the net.Also, now that everyone you know can find online, members are getting friend requests from Parents, Relatives, Teachers, Bosses, Strangers, people you’d just rather not talk to. The younger generations of Facebook users are now leaving at increased rates. No one really enjoys being spied on all day young. Especially teens and young adults. Statistics have shown, that the average age of a Facebook user is 38 years old!Not a very welcoming thought for youngsters.

Why is iOrbix needed?

5) Site Performance and Errors:For now, iOrbix is handling its growing traffic very well. We work hard to structure our Internal Programming as precisely and error free as possible. At the moment our members have no performance issues with iOrbix whatsoever. We will continue to invest on new servers, revised coding and other enhancements as our membership and traffic steadily grows over time.

6) Overcrowding:iOrbix is now one of the fastest growing Networks for people who need to get away from the already overcrowded and spam filled networks.So many online users are surrounded by stalkers, seniors and other unwanted company that make them feel uncomfortable on Facebook, Myspace and many of the other large Social Networks.Right now, iOrbix appeals to Teens and Young adults the most. It’s allot more fun and vibrant than Facebook, so allot of users abandon Facebook and feel more at home at iOrbix. It is becoming the New Trend for the younger generations, as Facebook is already “Old News” for them.

Those examples given are just a few of many cases. They help show the ways in which we identify problems that people have using other popular networks, and how we improve or fix those problems, to make iOrbix the best possible Social Network for everyone.

Why is iOrbix needed?

Apart from solving the Problems that other Networks have, what New is iOrbix really bringing to the Social Networking world, that sets it apart from the others?

To keep the interests of our audience, and bring attraction to our network, we have come up with a few new twists and ideas of our own.

Right now we have a Top Model competition, where hundreds of members participate every month to be voted as the Top Model. They absolutely love this feature!

One spin or enhancement, was to the Virtual Currency department.Many websites allow you to purchase virtual goods, with virtual coins or some other currency unit.The user needs to pay with actual Money to buy these virtual coins. Which is then used to purchase gifts for friends or used in some other fashion.This really isn’t allot of fun, especially teens who had no access to a Credit Cards.

We at iOrbix decided to make things more fair for our users.We made a new way to earn virtual coins, which was, by simply using our website!The more you use iOrbix, the more coins you gain for free.

The members of iOrbix reportedly love this idea very much! They now have an incentive reason to use iOrbix rather than the other Networks.

What makes iOrbix different or better than the other Social Networks

We have also recently released a new “Anonymous Questions” feature that our users are enjoying allot.

We are currently working on a “Top Model Contest” where users can submit their Photos and Information to apply, then iOrbix members vote for their favourite contestants. Many users are already eagerly awaiting this feature.

Following this, we plan to develop iOrbix Games, which will be integrated into your Profile and Virtual Coins. It will allow users to interact and have fun with friends in many exciting new ways.

There is another Major Feature that is under development, is part of our initial idea for iOrbix.This will be a Business Model aimed at attracting Adults, Business and Students. We will go into more detail about this in a later presentation.

These are just a few of the new and creative features iOrbix will be offering to its members.

What makes iOrbix different or better than the other Social Networks

Its easy for us, the owners of iOrbix to tell you what WE think about iOrbix, how great it is compared to other Social Networks.However this is no guarantee that everyone else feels the same about iOrbix, right?

Well, we can safely say, that the members of iOrbix speak for themselves in letting the world know how much they love iOrbix.

From the time of our release, to this very moment, we have seen our users posting Status Messages, Comments, Forum posts and Blog topics, on other Websites or anywhere they can find, to shout out with joy, how much they love iOrbix, and that it is the best Social Network they have ever used!

We can’t tell you better than our users, how much they love and support iOrbix. This makes us the iOrbix Staff proud and that gives us that drive to keep making iOrbix better for everyone.

What do our users actually think about iOrbix?

So we’ve created a Product that both we the iOrbix Staff and our users believe is the number one Social Networking service out there.

However, creating a great Product doesn’t automatically mean that it would turn out to be a successful venture.Another hard step, is actually getting more and more new people to know about iOrbix, and begin using it.

We’d like to show you the relative growth of iOrbix over the past 6 months.

Here we have a Graph of Memberships. We won’t display our actual figures in this Public Presentation, but it is available in a follow up Private Presentation.

How well is iOrbix actually doing?

The general trend for the first 6 months, was that each month we got twice as many members than the previous month. An Exponential growth so to speak.

After this, an unfortunate series of events (which I will discuss later) impacted our growth tremendously in negative ways.We continued growing, but we weren’t doubling up anymore.

I will also share here, a Trend Graph of our Profits. This for the benefit of possible investors for iOrbix.As our Memberships and Active users increase, our Profits continue to increase somewhat proportionally.

We’ll only share our actual figures in the Private Presentation for Investors.

The amazing part about all this is that, we have not even spent 1 cent advertising iOrbix thus far!

I’ll share with you one solid statistical figure. For the month of September alone, iOrbix received nearly Half a Million (465,199) unique visitors to our site.

In the Month of September, iOrbix received over 13 Million (13,372,011) Page Views!

How well is iOrbix actually doing?

One may wonder, “How exactly does a company like iOrbix get an Exponential Growth like this?”Is that even possible?Well yes it is very possible for Social Networks. I’ll explain.

Once a member enjoys using a Social Network, they will in-turn want their friends to join the Service with them, right? It isn’t that much fun to Network without your friends there.

People use our Contact Importer to effortlessly invite all of their Email Contacts to Join iOrbix.

Lets say the average person sends out 100 email invites using our Contact Importer.Only about 2 out of the 100 invited contacts actually register on iOrbix, this is still good progress for us, because, those 2 new members then invite 2 new friends to iOrbix within the next month.

When this Process continues to happen, a Viral Growth is established. The members themselves help iOrbix to grow by inviting others.

The members themselves are rewarded with iOrbix Virtual Coins and Reputation for each successful Invite. Thus, they are more motivated to invite their friends to iOrbix.

How well is iOrbix actually doing?

We’ve introduced you to iOrbix, told you about all the great things iOrbix is doing and how others feel about iOrbix.But what’s in it for you?

Well, right now we are looking forward to taking iOrbix the next level, by building partnerships with investors.We are seeking to incorporate new Marketing and Business minds into our company, along with funding to help us to expand more rapidly, and to scale our Profits.

Thus we created this presentation to help you understand what is the purpose of our company, how it operates, and to present you with this business option of partnering with iOrbix.

It would be a privilege for us to be able to expand iOrbix with your help.

We would like to share with you more company details about iOrbix such as our Profits, Numerical Statistics, Ideas and New Features that are in development, in follow-up presentations if you are interested in us.

All the information we have provided you with and will continue to share, is only truthful reports and facts. We don’t waste time trying to exaggerate or pretend that iOrbix is more than it really is.

Why would you be interested in watching this presentation anyway?

As with every company or business, there will always be obstacles and challenges on the road to success.

We’re not going to pretend that iOrbix has no obstacles to overcome ahead of us. So I’ll make you aware of the possible challenges we face.

1) Email Delivery:This is the main problem we have faced over the past 5 months.iOrbix being a new Social Network to the world, has not yet gained the confidence and acknowledgement from Email Providers such as Hotmail, Yahoo! Mail, Gmail and others.

During September, we had so much traffic, that it triggered off the Spam Filters of Email Providers because of the huge volume of Notification Emails, and Email invites from friends sent via iOrbix.Also, several users abused the Email Invite feature of iOrbix, by inviting Harvested Email lists, giving iOrbix’s IP a bad reputation. This causes our Emails to go to Junk/Spam folders and not be seen or read by the recipients.

We have over the months, made efforts to improve this situation, but it has been a tough road. This month, we decided to start “Fresh” using a new Email IP for iOrbix. This means, we should no longer be affected by the Email delivery problem once we follow the right steps.We expect to see exciting months of growth ahead, and resumed Exponential growth for iOrbix, once we resolve this issue.

2) Other Social Networks:Even though iOrbix can be considered the best Social Network, in terms of features, functionality and service, we are currently very small compared to our top competitors.

What are the possible Pitfalls or Challenges for iOrbix?

Our success partially depends on how well the other Networks do in keeping the interests of their members.At the moment, all of the major Social Networks (other than Facebook), are failing. They are dropping drastically in memberships and traffic. They are not a major threat to us.

At the same time, Facebook is reaching its limits. The company now has over 500 Million active memberships.Shortly after achieving this, Facebook has been experiencing regular breakdowns, unlike anything they have ever experienced before. The company may be growing too large to manage, but more importantly, many users continue to lose interest in Facebook.

3) Technical difficulties:Just like any other Social Network, iOrbix is not free from technical difficulties that may arise from time to time. We have had our share of Server and Programming problems in the earlier months. At the moment, since we have identified our errors, we have been stable and in full performance.We continue to enhance our security and performance all the time, though we cannot guarantee that we will never run into problems again some time in the future. For now, we don’t think we will run into any major problems anymore.

4) Users don’t have enough friends on iOrbix:Another challenge we meet, is the fact that iOrbix is still new and small, thus when people join our site, they are not greeted by their friends in many occasions. This can cause them to want to leave iOrbix.

This situation will improve for us over time as we continue to grow, and their friends eventually join our site.

Once iOrbix receives sufficient funding, we are confident that these issues will not be a problem for us to overcome. We can invest in Advertising and new Servers to scale-up our company. This is where investors can play a major role in the success of iOrbix.

What are the possible Pitfalls or Challenges for iOrbix?

The most popular Free Online Service used to compare the Traffic rankings of websites, is Alexa.com.

Their methods of calculating website rankings are widely inaccurate, but still it is used worldwide when trying to valuate a website.

Alexa ranks over 25 million Websites in their Database.At the moment, iOrbix is in the top 100,000 websites ranked by Alexa.Which means, Alexa places iOrbix in the Top 0.4% most used websites in the world.(We are ranked above 99.6% of all other existing websites).

I think this is not bad statistic for a company that is only 6 months released, however, Alexa still greatly under-estimates our traffic level.

We have very little traffic from USA at the moment, most of our traffic comes from Portugal and Romania. Users from these countries are very unlikely to have Alexa’s Toolbar installed, thus giving us a much lower rank than we really should have.

What external credibility or proof does iOrbix have to back up what we are saying?

iOrbix has also received acknowledgement and much fear from one of our competitors. The Social Network hi5.com (one of the largest in the world) have kept their eyes on iOrbix from the moment we released it for Beta Testing.

Both Nuno and myself were very popular on hi5, our accounts were amongst the largest on that Network. We had developed outstanding tools for the members of hi5, and helped the users with problems and complaints. We even helped hi5 with fixing many bugs, errors and security holes we reported on their site.

The hi5 staff also recognised how valuable and helpful we were to their community and company, so they appointed us as heads of the Official hi5 Moderators.

From the day iOrbix was released, into the following months, more and more users left hi5 to join iOrbix without turning back. iOrbix was simply better than hi5 in all ways. The hi5 staff knew this themselves, and began to fear and resent iOrbix, they wanted to shut us down before we could grow any larger, because we became an obvious treat to their Profits.

hi5 frantically began to block all of their users from talking about iOrbix on their network.

By mid September, hi5 decided to delete the accounts of Nuno and myself from their site. We did not break their Terms of Service or spammed their site. We simply updated our friends with the changes and improvements going on at iOrbix.

Still, iOrbix continues to grow steadily by the day, we have the determination to overcome all obstacles in our way.

What external credibility or proof does iOrbix have to back up what we are saying?

I hope that you enjoyed learning about iOrbix and other Social Network information you may have not been aware of.

We the iOrbix staff, would be honoured to hear your feedback on what you think about this presentation and our company. We look forward to speaking with you further, regarding possible business ventures between yourself and iOrbix.

A second presentation has already been prepared for Investors who might be seriously interested in forming partnerships with iOrbix.

It includes our actual figures of Memberships, Profits, Costs and other vital information to help you decide if investing with iOrbix a good opportunity for you.

Thank you again for sharing your time with us and giving us the privilege to communicate with you.

We hope to speak with you soon and we wish you all the best!
