浸信宣道會明道堂 聖餐 主日崇拜

浸浸浸浸浸浸浸浸 聖聖浸浸浸浸 聖聖聖聖聖聖聖聖聖聖聖 聖聖聖聖聖 3:1-17 4:1 聖聖聖聖聖聖聖聖 聖聖聖 2014 聖 3 聖 2 聖


浸信宣道會明道堂 聖餐 主日崇拜. 講題 ﹕ 作神奧秘事的管家 經文 ﹕ 林前 3:1-17 、 4:1 講員 ﹕ 藍建明傳道 日期 ﹕2014 年 3 月 2 日. 基督是教會的主 林前 1:1-9. 教會的合一性和大公性,使我們明白,恩賜由神所賜 , 目的乃建立教會, 過分 追求和 抬舉恩賜,破壞教會合一。 教會是屬神的,教會經歷內憂外患 ,但 我們堅信基督的信實必保守教會,直等祂來。. 基督是教會的 主 林 前 1:1-9. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of 浸信宣道會明道堂 聖餐 主日崇拜



1:1-9 1:1-9

1:10 2:161:10 -182:1-16(1:11)



2:10 verb indicative aorist active 3rd person singular from [BDAG] fut. ; 1 aor. . Pass.: 1 fut. ; aor. ; pf. ptc. Pr 27:5; plupf. 3 sg. (Just., D. 78, 7) (s. , ; Hdt. et al.; pap, LXX; TestSol, Test12Patr; ParJer 5:24; JosAs, GrBar, ApcEsdr; ApcSed 2:1; ApcMos; Jos., Bell. 5, 350, Ant. 14, 406; Just.) the lit. sense uncover as of head (Hdt. 1, 119, 6) does not appear in our lit. (but s. ). to cause someth. to be fully known, reveal, disclose, bring to light, make fully known

a. in a gener. sense (Appian, Syr. 5 18) pass. be revealed (opp. ) Mt 10:26; Lk 12:2; J 12:38 (in act. sense) and 1 Cl 16:3 (Is 53:1); Ro 1:17 (cp. Ps 97:2), 18; Lk 2:35 (cp. Josh 2:20; Sir 27:16f; Ezk 16:57; 1 Macc 7:31; AcPlCor 1:8).

b. esp. of divine revelation of certain transcendent secrets (Ps 97:2; Da 2:19, 22 [both Theod.], 28; 1 Km 2:27; 3:21; Is 56:1) . reveal someth. to someone (TestJos 6:6; Just., D. 100, 2) Mt 11:25; 16:17; Lk 10:21; Phil 3:15; IEph 20:1; w. foll. (TestLevi 1:2) 1 Pt 1:12. The revealers are Christ Mt 11:27; Lk 10:22, and the Holy Spirit 1 Cor 2:10; 14:30; Eph 3:5. For Gal 1:16 s. 9 and s. ADenis, RB 64, 57, 335-62; 481-515. Abs. (w. ) . Dg 8:11. the revelations that have come to us 11:8.

c. of the interpr. of prophetic visions . Hv 2, 2, 4; 2, 4, 1; 3, 3, 2ff; 3, 4, 3; 3, 8, 10; 3, 13, 4. . impart a revelation to someone 3, 12, 2. . give someone a revelation about someth. (TestReub 3:15) 3, 10, 2. a knowledge of the scripture was disclosed to me 2, 2, 1.

d. of the revelation of certain pers. and circumstances in the endtime (Da 10:1 Theod.): of the Human One (Son of Man) Lk 17:30. Of the Lawless One 2 Th 2:3, 6, 8. Of the final judgment 1 Cor 3:13. the glory that is about to be revealed Ro 8:18; cp. 1 Pt 5:1. 1:5. Gal 3:23. The disciples say to the risen Lord reveal, now, your righteousness ending of Mk in the Freer ms.RBultmann, D. Begriff d. Offenbarung im NT 1929. EFScott, The NT Idea of Rev. 35. ESelwyn, I Peter, 46, 250-52; HSchulte, D. Begriff d. Offenbarung im NT, diss. Heidelberg 47; WBulst, Offenbarung: Bibl. u. Theolog. Begriff 60; BVawter, CBQ 22, 60, 33-46.M-M. TW. Spicq.


?2:14-3:5 1.2. 3:1-5?3:1-3

? ?

1. 3:1-8 1st ? ? ?

2. 2nd

3:9-15? ??????

3. 3rd 3:16-17

202014 Mar2 31-174:1 6:18-20 3:17A.() 3:21B. () 4:7




