PCMC Order of Worship - Church Dedication & 12th Anniversary 崇拜秩序

崇拜秩序 The Order of Worship 07. 05. 2011 宣召 Call to Worship 领会者 Liturgist  诗篇  Psalm 150 敬拜赞美 Praise and Worship 领会者 Liturgist/会众 Congregation - 祢真伟大  How Great Thou Art - Hallelujah to the Lamb - 荣耀祢圣名 Glorify Thy Name 启应经文 Responsive Scripture Reading 领会者 Liturgist /会众 Congregation  诗篇  Psalm 121

Transcript of PCMC Order of Worship - Church Dedication & 12th Anniversary 崇拜秩序

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崇拜秩序  The Order of Worship  07. 05.


宣召 Call to Worship 领会者Liturgist 诗篇  Psalm 150

敬拜赞美 Praise and Worship 领会者Liturgist/会众Congregation

- 祢真伟大  How Great Thou Art - Hallelujah to the Lamb-荣耀祢圣名Glorify Thy Name

启应经文 Responsive Scripture Reading 领会者Liturgist /会众Congregation 诗篇  Psalm 121

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荣耀颂  Gloria Patri 领会者Liturgist/会众Congregation

  祷告  Prayer  会长莫泽川牧师 Rev. Boh Che Suan

  献诗  Choir’s Presentation 诗班 The Choir 

  主,祢是我们永居所 Lord, You Have Been Our Dwelling Place


读经 Scripture Reading 彭河祥传道 Ps Pung  出 Exo 39:42-43; 40:12-35

证道 Sermon 会督华勇博士 Bishop Dr. Hwa Yung

当上帝的荣耀降临时When the Glory of God Comes

献堂礼  The Act of Dedication of Sanctuary 会督华勇博士Bishop Dr.Hwa Yung

执事:我们将这圣殿交付于你,奉献作为荣耀上帝,服务人类而用。Deacons: We present this building to be dedicated to the Glory and the service of men.

会督:我们对这圣殿应当如何命名?Bishop: By what name shall this church henceforth be known?

执事:这圣殿应当成为基督教卫理公会百美堂。Deacons: It should be called Permai Chinese Methodist Church.

会督:亲爱的弟兄姐妹,我们喜乐,因为上帝感动他的子民,建造这新的圣殿,  归荣耀与他的名,我现在接受这圣殿,称为基督教卫理公会百美堂。用它  专为崇拜全能的上帝和服务人类。因此,愿我们现在很庄重的把这圣殿奉  献,作神圣的事工。Bishop: Beloved in the Lord, we rejoice that God has put it into the hearts of his people

to build this Sanctuary to the glory of his name. I now accept this building to beknown as Permai Chinese Methodist Church, that we may dedicate it, and so setit apart for the worship of Almighty God and the service of men. Let ustherefore, as we are assembled, solemnly dedicate this place to its proper andsacred uses.

会众启应 The Congregation Responsive

会督:因为要荣耀施恩给我们,选召我们的天父上帝,因为要尊重爱我们,为我  们舍命的圣子,因为要赞美光照我们,洁净我们的圣灵。Bishop: To the glory of God the Father, who has called us by his grace; to the honor of 

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  纪念那些完全了生活路程的人们,既然我们应靠主耶稣而有永生的盼望。Bishop: In gratitude of the labours of all who love and serve this church; in loving

remembrance of those who have finished their course, in the hope of a blessedimmortality through Jesus Christ our Lord.


Congregation: We dedicate this Sanctuary.

会督:现在我们本堂的会众,既然有这许多的见证人,如同云彩围着我们,又承  受了遗产而存感恩的心,觉得我们教会的祖先所作的种种牺牲,并且承认  我们若不与我们同得,就不能完全,所以我们要重新奉献自己,来崇拜和  服事全能的上帝,奉我们的主耶稣基督的名。阿们。Bishop: We now, the people of this church and congregation, compassed about with a

great cloud of witnesses, grateful for our heritage, sensible of the sacrifice of ourfathers in faith, confessing that apart from us their work cannot be made perfect,do dedicate ourselves anew to the worship and service of almighty God; throughJesus Christ our Lord, Amen. 

会督:求天父上帝悦纳我们手所作的事,赐福与这忠心的会众,叫他们在本堂之  中,将那永生的,作真理之柱石与根基的上帝所设的教会表显出来,以致  使这圣殿成为你显荣耀的居所,使全世充满你的容光,借着我们的主耶稣  求的。阿们。

Bishop: O eternal God, mighty in power and of majesty supreme, whom the heavenscannot contain, much less the walls of temples made with hands. Graciouslyaccept, we pray thee, the dedication of this sanctuary to thine honor and glory.Amen.

祷告 Prayer  会长莫泽川牧师 Rev. Boh Che Suan 主啊,我们求你使这里参加圣礼的,分享真道与赞美和祈祷之团契的会众,都觉得上帝确实临格在这里,在心中听着你的声音,出去广大主耶稣的国度,在生命中的各种行为上。奉主耶稣基督的名祈祷。阿们

O Lord, we pray thee, the congregation who participate in the holy sacraments, thesharing of God’s word, the fellowship of praise and prayer, do experience the presenceof God in here, for hearth your call in our hearts, for expandeth the Kingdom of Jesus inword and deed; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

谢词 Words of Thanksgiving 李纬夏弟兄Bro. Lee Way Seah

奉献祷告 Thanksgiving Prayer  教区长方既志牧师Rev Hong Kee Che

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奉献 Offertory 儿童诗班Children Choir 

-  小小的梦想  Little Dream  - You Raise Me Up

三一颂 Doxology 领会者Liturgist/会众Congregation

祝福 Benediction 会督华勇博士 Bishop Dr. Hwa Yung

纪念碑揭幕 Unveiling of the Plaque 会督华勇博士 Bishop Dr. Hwa Yung

  礼成  Dismissal 会众Congregation

  爱宴 Dinner  会众Congregation