以愛領導 3 ppt

以以以以 (III) 以 20: 25-27; Matt 20: 25-27 以以 13: 1-13; I Cor 13: 1-13 講講 講講講講講

Transcript of 以愛領導 3 ppt

以愛領導 (III)太 20: 25-27; Matt 20: 25-27林前 13: 1-13; I Cor 13: 1-13

講員 胡平凡長老

• 太 20: 25-27 耶穌叫了他們來、說、你們知道外邦人有君王為主治理他們、有大臣操權管束他們。只是在你們中間不可這樣.你們中間誰願為大、就必作你們的用人.誰願為首、就必作你們的僕人.

• Matt 20: 25-27 But Jesus said to them, You see that the rulers of the Gentiles are lords over them, and their great ones have authority over them. Let it not be so among you: but if anyone has a desire to become great among you, let him be your servant; And whoever has a desire to be first among you, let him take the lowest place:

林前 13: 1-13 我若能說萬人的方言、並天使的話語、卻沒有愛、我就成了鳴的鑼、響的鈸一般 。 我若有先知講道之能、也明白各樣的奧秘、各樣的知識.而且有全備的信、叫我能夠移山、卻沒有愛、我就算不得甚麼。我若將所有的賙濟窮人、又捨己身叫人焚燒、卻沒有愛、仍然與我無益。愛是恆久忍耐、又有恩慈.愛是不嫉妒.愛是不自誇.不張狂.不作害羞的事.不求自己的益處.不輕易發怒.不計算人的惡.不喜歡不義.只喜歡真理.

林前 13: 1-13 凡事包容.凡事相信.凡事盼望.凡事忍耐。愛是永不止息.先知講道之能、終必歸於無有.說方言之能、終必停止、知識也終必歸於無有。我們現在所知道的有限、先知所講的也有限.等那完全的來到、這有限的必歸於無有了。我作孩子的時候、話語像孩子、心思像孩子、意念像孩子.既成了人、就把孩子的事丟棄了。我們如今彷彿對著鏡子觀看、模糊不清.到那時、就要面對面了.我如今所知道的有限.到那時就全知道、如同主知道我一樣。如今常存的有信、有望、有愛、這三樣、其中最大的是愛。

愛的手冊 – 完全的愛 ( 林前 13 章 ) -- 九種特質和應用 (Handbook of Love – I Cor 13)

• 忍耐 (Patience) 。恩慈 (Kindness) 。• 慷慨 (Generosity) 。禮儀 (Polite) 。• 謙卑 (Humble) 。• 無私 (Selfless) 。溫和 (Gentle) 。• 坦誠 (Sincere) 。真摰 (Trustworthy)

愛的手冊 – 完全的愛 ( 林前 13 章 ) -- 九種特質和應用 (Handbook of Love – I Cor 13)

(5) 謙卑 (Humble): 「愛是謙卑的,愛不是自視甚高而自我膨漲。當你付出真愛時,你會發覺愛不是賤視自己,而是看待自己如同看待別人一樣,就是要同等、同位、不自高。」 ( 腓 2:3)Love is humble, not self-expanding. When you share with true love, you will find others equal and treasure their existence. (Phil 2:3)

•Jim Collins 提出偉大領導者必備的兩個特質: 1. 是前瞻性 (Will) ; 2. 謙卑 Jim Collins opted two attributes of a great leader : Will and Humble

愛的手冊 – 完全的愛 ( 林前 13 章 ) -- 九種特質和應用 (Handbook of Love – I Cor 13)

•謙卑的人不是自視低,而是較少想到自己,他們總是自得其然,足夠的自尊,“高標處世,低調做人”。Humble people are not self-despise, they are just less think of themselves, they are always comfortable with themselves, have enough self-respect. High standard for work and low-key expressing themselves.

•謙卑的人能夠正視權力,並且能謙卑地使用權力。 ( 民 12:3 摩西 )Humble leaders can handle authority properly and humbly.

愛的手冊 – 完全的愛 ( 林前 13 章 ) -- 九種特質和應用 (Handbook of Love – I Cor 13)

•你的權力不是來自你的職位,它是來自於天天和你共事的人。Your authority is not from your title, it is from the people who work with you everyday.

•“ 偉大的領導之所以會受到擁戴和跟隨,是因為人們尊敬和相信他們,並不是因為他們手中擁有權力。”Why great leaders have people support and follow ? It is because people respect them, believe them, not because of the power in their hands.

愛的手冊 – 完全的愛 ( 林前 13 章 ) -- 九種特質和應用 (Handbook of Love – I Cor 13)

(6) 無私 (Selfless): 「愛是無私的,她從不傷害他人,攻擊他人的短處,她為保存別人的利益或集體的利益,寧願犧牲自己的利益。為別人著想,並不是為了有甚麼回報。」Love is self-less, never hurts others, never attacks others’ weaknesses. Self-less people treasure the benefits of the whole even to sacrifice their own profit. They seldom think of their own return and tend to considerate of others.

愛的手冊 – 完全的愛 ( 林前 13 章 ) -- 九種特質和應用 (Handbook of Love – I Cor 13)

(7)溫和 (Gentle): 「愛是溫和的,不輕易動怒。她熄滅了怒火,撫平和緩和了憤怒。我們很難跟性情和善的人動怒,與他們一起我們也較容易放下怨恨,心平氣和。」Love is gentle, not easy to angry. It puts out the hot fire, slow down the anger. We are hard to make angry with gentle people, with them, we are more easy to put down hatred and experience peace.

•如果發現有人不顧緣由濫用職權,那麼就不應袖手旁觀,要有智慧的制止。If someone violates authority, one must not sit back, it needs to stop him wisely.

愛的手冊 – 完全的愛 ( 林前 13 章 ) -- 九種特質和應用 (Handbook of Love – I Cor 13)

(8)坦誠 (Sincere): 「愛是坦誠的,內心充滿陽光。做任何事都抱以美好的初衷,心無邪念,心無不良動機。坦誠讓心存懷疑的人安心坦然,她珍視善意,摒除了怨恨和報復。」Love is sincere and transparent, doing things with proper motivation. It values good intentions and solves many conflicts and hatred.

愛的手冊 – 完全的愛 ( 林前 13 章 ) -- 九種特質和應用 (Handbook of Love – I Cor 13)

(9) 真摰 (trust): 「愛是真摰的,她不會為他人帶來傷害和痛苦,從不宣揚別人的過失;她推崇真實,不摻半點虛言;她一語中的,有益於人,她剛正不阿,正直可信,從不閑言碎語。」Love is true, not bring hurt and pain to others. It never tells false testimonies, it is believable and pure.

•遠離虛假和紛爭;不以真摰待人的人,總以藉口來解釋別人的質疑。Keep distance with strife, people without trust always make excuses upon others’ query.
