· 2017-12-18 · AN OLD VIOLIN. Betol

AN OLD VIOLIN. Betol<l this rare Cremona: mister It. Twill sing as 'twere an anpei : but to nsnas Unskilled but for ni»Mtetrul>t.i«b fit: O>a worth «o mv« one re*<ls aud understand* •Twas wont to sb»ke meu> hearts, as when the wind ttie le»»es a-quiver. Now H lies TV!ih til its swett soul mute and undlvinea. rriceC ftt so much. A »uul for sale; who buys? One says 'tis scratched ana ugly, gummed aud He can buy' handsomer for less. No doubt! 4 jrSSa"Sot»sfnMHl.'is T p l " Endur*. endure, t.'iou muster* child ! *.vcuso Are noble tplrlti can>e.l st. all unknown. .\u25a0_ Vhile tv tbelr Ue.rti dlvlnelj iiw.llan-i .u w tiia h .riroiiies wbleb zenius bears alone. GERALD'S GRANDMOTHER. "Depend upon it, Barbara," said Ralph Penniford, "he's only amusing himself with you ! It's the way these fine city gen- tlemen do when they come down to the country." Wynyard's brilliant eyes, soft as Barbara Wynyard's brilliant eyes, soft as Telvet, and fringed with Long, jet-black lashes, sr-aikled omiuously. ••How dare you speak so to mo, Ralph? ' she flashed nut. "I will thank you to mind your own affairs for the future and let me Bl °nfe roans man looked sadly down on the flushed, beautiful counteuance ol the EI "Your affairs and mine. Barbara, once meant the fame tbln«l" Le retorted. "I know^t, Barbara," and Mr. Penniferd "1 know it, Barbara," and Mr. Pennlferd (\u25a0rood away, feeling himself dismissed, after the most regal fashion. The crimson zephyr wool wherewith Bar- bara Wynyard was crocheting for hersell acoouetlisu ilttle three-cornered hood oe- canie sadly entancled after Ralph was gone, aud finallyBarDara threw it aside in a pet. ••lie wouldn't darel" she thought to her- \u25a0elf ftet all he has said and locked! And. after all why shouldn't he marry me? Am I not pretty enouzh to be any n:an s wife/ An-1 the mirror to which she instantly appealed for confirmation answered her "Yes " When Mr. EserSon strolled around that evening to ask Barbara to walk on the sea- thore with him, he thought he had never eeeu her look so beautiful. "She ought to have been called Dellah," be said to himself, "or Judith, or Miriam. Surely- ehe lias Jewish blood la her veins eonieahere." . , Neither had be eTer known her so absenl- "Barban." he said at length, "what is the matter with yon to-night?" ,'.•";». Aa he spoke he stopped on a level stretch of sandy beach, and the silvery light of the pewly risen moon enhanced the beauty of the dark, rad.ant face at bis side. Barbara lifted her eyes to bis—deep, \u25a0nivering wells of fire. "Shall I tell you tLe truth? "Yes." ""Well, then, I was wondering where all this wouid end— this walkinz and singing, and boating, und delicious dreaming away oi summer ewnines!" "End!" Mr. Kj;erton repeated, rather un- easiiv. "Why, wuere should it end, I3ar- bara V " •That is just what I want to know," she said, quietly. "l'o you mean to make tne jour wife or— are you merely amusing juureelf, as people say yea are?" "1 wlah peopie would be cood enough to inlnd ti rir own business," said Mr. Eger- ton. feeling himself to be growing uncom- fortably warm. "I know, but this Is my business, said Barbara, tirnily. "You hare told me a good many iiui^s that you loved me. What dnei it all atnoiuit lo?" "I p- n mj word, litrbara, you are taking matters very seriously. "Am I?" "I—l— course, you must know— rery awkward to expect a fellow to explain. I haven't a cent of my own—entirely de- peudent on ray grandfather, I give you my word, and he's a hals fellow of 50. with no idea of 'takit g off hi 3 shoes before he goes to bed, as people say. Hal ha! ua!" "Well?" ••Well and so, of course, I'm not In a position to marry; and even if 1 were—" "Yes, even if you were? Go ou; I am listening." "To be frank with you, Barbara, I shouldn't pick icy wife off the s»a-sand3 of a little fishing village. I expect style and connection and the other accompani- ments of a fashionable life when I marry." "Exactly so," said Barbara, with a quiet •corn. "Suppose, then, we part," "As friends?" "N<j: as em?mlesl" "Youlittle tigress,'' laughed Mr. Eger- ton, feigning the off-'iand ease of manner be was far from feeline. "1 do believe your eyes 6hot fire then." " Perl.apa they dH. 1arc only a woman ; ifI were a man I should knock you down I" And Barbora Wyuyard turned and qnietly walked awsy. Gerald Egerton looked after her with a cuiious feeling, half admiration, half fear, stirring his heart. "By Jove, she's a beauty!" he thought. "If she only had been rich, instead of poor; and if I only hail not been dependent ou my grandfather." And Mr. Egerton felt dissatisfied equally with fate, himself and Barbara Wynyard. Barbara went home and opened tbe littie "Diary" in which «ho whs wout, after the fashion of romantically disposed young ladies, to record such emotions and experi- ences as are capable of being put into writ- ten word*, and wrote therein, with the dale, seven words: "I will be avenged on Gerald Egerton." And ifany on»« had seen her face, as she dosed tli* book, they would have been con- vinced that she Uieaut to carry out ber pur- pose. "I am not a nian," »'je thought, looking out into the moonlight, with two red spots, like coals of fire, burning on ber cheeks, "but tliera are other and subtler ways of be- ing avenged tnan belong to mere brute force. lie has mortified and made me suf- fer. I will have my turn yet." Mr. Egertaa left Beachwold the week. "The season was getting on," he said, "and the place was getting slow." And so per- batt> it was, for the exciting element of beautiful Barbara Wynyard's companion- ship was lacking. lie went home to New V rk. "Yoa had better take h tour through Eu- roDe," auvisrd Mr. Clarethome, that bale, bandsotne man, who enjoyed the honor of being Gerald Egerton's grandfather. "You are not deriving any benefit from tbe eam- lLg-houses here." "Justas you say, «!r," anid Gerald, who had been taueht ia all things to defer to the withes of his wealthy progeuitur. And he went accordingly. It was Just a year afterward when sitting at bis lute brpakfa«t of claret, grapes and broiled birds in a Florentine villa, Mr. Eger- ton broke open the seals of a packet of home letters and grew whiter than the carved marble vases among tbe lime grooves out- "What's up. Egertcn?" a?ked Mr. Vane, his friend and fellow-traveler. The meanest trick that ever was played an a fellow," ga»pe<l Gerald, tearing at his oeck lie. "lie's going to be married.", "Your grandfather?" "Yes." ••Weil, hasn't be as good a right as any one, >f if he chooses.iand the lady is will- "No!" shouted Gerald, "he hasn't. Not at his time of life and after all the years of expectation he has dragged vie through. "Who is she?" "He doesn't say. He simply insultß mo by invitine rue home to the wedding. ••A very proper attention, I 6hould say. "You should say!" snarled Egerton, turning suddenly aiound on his companion. "Very possibly. He isn't your grandfather, and his marriage doesn't ruin you!" He rose upas he spoke and ftroile out among the myrtles and limetreos, his face a3 black as midnight. -Take my advice,'" cnlled Vane after him; "put your righteous indignation in your pocket— no home and do the agreeable to grandmamma! The whole loaf undoubt- edly is cone, but that's no reason you shouldn't enjoy v few i f the crumbs, if you are only a little politic." And Gerald Ecerton, on sober second and third thoushts, concluded to profit by thft hints embodied in his friend's advice. Of course she will be young enough to be my MSter," he said. "Old rr.en always do make fools of themselves ; but perhaps I can manage her. after all" It was a bracing winter night, the sky all sprinkled with star?, when Gerald Eyerton walked ud the steps leading to his grand- father's princely mansion on Fifth avenue and rang the bell. The butler griuned at him asheoreued door. "You're too late for the weddlnsr. Master Gerald," said lie. "Master brought biß bride home last night." •*Th« rteuce lie did!" said Gerald, gloom- ily. "What sort of 'r one U it eh. Butts "A s;unner, sir," the man answered, con- fidentially, "only 1!'." At that moment another servant threw open the folding-doors leading into the drawing-room, and revealed Mr. Clare- thorne looking provokincly young and healthy, with a tall, siisht girl by his side, dres«*d in wine-colored velvet, relieved by the fia«sh of diamond? and the creamy folds of rich old point lace. As she turned to wetooOM her jsraud*i how ridiculous the idea seemed- GerK ld Egei ton started back. He was looking full into the radiant depths of Barbara Wycyard's eyes ! One smile— one scornful flashing smile of haughty triumph— and then they met as straneer;, though th« hot blood boiled up into Gerald's ch-eks as if v:» veins were running molten fire. "What are yr v writing, dear?" Mr. Clare- tborne a*ked l:is youne wife '.hat night as she closed and locked a clasp-d bock at her desk. "Nothing," she answered, with a bright smile. But, underneath the entry made in bitter- ness of heart a year ego, she bad written the<e words: "1 am revenged on Gerald Egerton I" DINING IN THE MORNING. la tbe Olden Tinte* tit* lioal Hoar Was Ten O'clock. Chambers Journal. It Is believed by some that the wcrd dinner springs from a corruption of the wcrd" dixheures. indicating the time at which, in the old Norman days, this m»al was taken. 'Ihe mere Idea of haying dinner at the barbarous hour of 10 o'clock In the morning would, in all probability, send a modern chef into a fit, yet it was at this early time that persons of qual- ity, both in England and France, partook of the meal. Froissart mentions waiting upon the Duke of Lancaster at 5 o'clock in the afternoon, after he had supped, an>i, during the reigns of Francis I and Louis XII, of France, fashionable peot>!e dined from 10:30 and supped at the la!e3t at G o'clock in the eveninz. And again, from a Northumber- land household book, bearing date 1512, we learn that the family rose at <;, breakfasted at 7, din<*d at 10, supped at 4 and shut the gates at 9 o'clock p. M. Speaking generally, though the dinner hour then, as now, was later in this country than in Fiance, Louis XIV did not dine till 12, wii:;e his eoaiteaiporariet, Cromw*ll aud Charles 11, took the meal at 1. In 1700 the hour was advanced to 2, nnd in 1751 we find that the Duchess of Somerset's dinner time was 3. In 1760 Cowper speaks of 4 oVlock as the then fashionable time. After the battle of Waterloo 6p. m. was the time at which the beau cionde took their substantial meal, while at the present day many of the nobil- ity do not dine till8 or 9: bo we see throagb 400 years the dinner hour has gradually moved through twelve hours of tbe day— from 9A. it to 9 r. m. When the dinuer hour was so early often no trevious meal was tak*"n. ' The Koman«, in the time of Cicero and Augustus, took an early breakfast, froni3lo 4 in the morning, a luncheon at 12 or 1, and at about 4 o'clock Ihe coeua, or principal meal of the day, corresponding with our dinner. Concurrently, we read of some not dining until sunset. A Roman dinner at the house of a wealthy man con- sisted chiefly of three courses. Ail sorts of stimulants to the appetite were first served , up, and et'gs were indispensable to the first course. Among the various dishes we may instance the guinea ben, pheasant, nightingale and the thrush as the birds moit in repute. The Roman gourmands heid peacocks in great estimation, especially their toneues. Macro- bius states that they were first eaten by Hortensius, the orator, and acquired such repute that a single peacock was sold for 50 denarii, thedenarius being equal to about eightpence-half-penny of our money. HOTEL ARRIVALS. NEW WESTERN HOTEL. W J Howard, Chicago X J Holmes, Berkeley ADowning. Sacramento P C Gould, Omaha J MBends. Sacramento C Dlxon. ADgel lsiar.4 Peter Young, Chicago Fred Latrirop, New York <i H Clark. s»nta Crnz C C Sboppee, New York John MafTord. Bnta Craz LKogi-ri. Boston J Jotitiitori, San Rafael Jainex Sbeehan. Boston J o Prior, Ansel lilana Adoiph Kubn, Chicago J J Cerboy. Oakland Miss Annie Kubn, Chicago U Kenny. Sacramento Mrs C Kubn, Chicago .1 11 II 1. San bruno FRatbgeber, Bentcia M C Kimbail, Omaba J H Wood. Stockton P R Hadley, San Joie J W Gib Dens. Plymouth S W Ccllhis, Palo Alto Ji.liiLevapgl, Plymouth C ALIFORM A HOTEL. T Berry. Chicago Mn O'Connor. Minn I. Bnliock, ''tilCHgo J Calla;ha-i, Boiloa C Gibson, Chicago M Cator. Boston I. I>Hooker. Chicago I. Tuttle, Kans w Pond, Chieaca Mr< Atvtoo<t,Kam Vf B De*a, Cblcago P Hoage, New York T ONe'li, St Paul A Lenno'i. Los Angeles Mrs Hall, Mlnnea|iolli T Hannei. Los An^elei L Hill, Minneapolis X McCutchen. Los Ang F Conger * w. N V Jit Watson. Ou*rneviile J Khtiti. Los Angelc* J Fletcher, London S Kabn & w.Los Angsles C R Miller, Palo A|tO H Kahn, Los Anjeles CW Henderson Frsno J J M Murtr, NY X \V Pollard, Sant» Rusa O I. Browu, N V £Cuilen*w. Santa Kosa MWehner. Fretao J G Adiins. >' V J OCunnlogham.Gaeroe- Mrs Adams, N V Tllle PAI-ACE HOTEL. DrFB Smltb, Pomona J J Irvin.New York .1 L Hackett, Ky H II lir^liey. New Vorit C J Prlnre, P.oston \u25a0 D Llebmau, Brooklyn W Ware. Koston O I. Pat-.e. Attleboro H C Ware. Itoston G Sbepardson, Attleboro V D ll>n in. Bm Joi« F G I.ane*u. Lima L U Thompson. Chicago Mrs AA Tart. N«w Tork C LMoore. Oregon W II Orcutt, Buffalo F OCartwrlgbt. Boston W V Woods. Omaha C M Walsb. Oakland J R Barret & wf,Ky LC Lake. Oak laud Mill harret, Ky C IL.ckimon, Sioux City l> It fifjrtiril. Seattle M Ilafft * w. Baker City Mrs C Weit, Denver UU H«-id Chicago F ltrouzhton. USN CJ Farupson, ttiieago FJ Ulodgstt, Seattle U U <<riltlii, Ind W Hatr.»Kton, l»el MonU XV Drake. Portland. C A Sttnson, Toronto FW Lohr, New Tork M L Ba«-r irr Seattlo W Butler Jfc w. New York W J Flick, Pa Mina uti«r, New York INTERNATIONAL HOTEL. F J Cavanaith, Oakland J(i train, U8 N F .Smith, Oakland W Maher, ÜBN C Jackson, t: I H j .lolinion. US N J Fr«nk. Oakland U-LMontapne. Chlcsgo J Rlbleltn, Oakland J Tlerney. Philadelphia Rock, Mies a KutherTor.l. Winters H Clocuson.Nlles X Oben, Benlcla W M Dean. Eareka - M M-Counors *w.Cal U leer. Eureka J sbiMaKtian. 0 s N N C Peterson, SKKkton VJmin\ou, .San Jose C M White. i'oi tlnnd J X Fltzslmons. Sun Jose AKroner, 1-o'tUiid O Kills, raiuento I) Woods, Kutte XW Meyer. Sacramento J F H'irnf. Victoria 11 Havens, San Lean-lro X I) Oasklll. Victoria A C Healy, Tur«on J Murray, har leu F J Cavanagh, Oakland T r. Wayt. haleme C Spratt. Victoria \V A Glubs A w. Mich J 1> li:;uiiaiii. M»xwell APiper. Seattle J Uaranaszb, Modesto Mrs Kisber, ittle V J P.ussei), Ban Jose N Sterns, seattl* P C Kearner, Vancouver J A Drown. San Hafael 8 Tyson, LtttM Rlrer R Mac^le. Sun.nna F lyson, Mendociao Mrs Klmboroujb, Colo I. Anderion, Mrn<!oclno T i:r«w:ori, Mendoelno F Williams, Denver 1. Tyson. Maudocino W i:u<lti' -. Nanalmo W ilnrk-y.v liv. Mxi.tauall i..mrl. Maple Bay J Hevln .v w, Lincoln V.' Strance, Comox A U Ricbards Aw, n V F Uickey, Creedo J It blackweii. Mexico A writer In the. Boston Transcript has figured up that heaven contains 1,800,000.000 MiuU. against a population io hell oil 175,- --000,000,000. GAELIC GAME OF FOOTBALL. Lively Contest at Piedmont Park Yesterday. The Emmets Still E'ta'.n the Championship. The Bartfi 'ids of Port Coita to Chal- lenge the Victors. Several hundred people assembled at the Piedmont ball grounds at 2 o'clock yester- day afternoon to witness a game of Gaelic football between the Emmet Club of San Francisco and the O'Briens of Oakland. Owing to some hitch ia the programme a vexatious delay of nearly two liouru aud a half occurred. Much interest was manifested In the match from the fact of tho Emmets holdiug the championship which the O'Briens sau- guinely expected to wrest from them, they having recently rc-fliiforced their club by several crack players. A number of the contestants In both clubs have belonged to football teams in the Green Isle, and three of them, Cttptain Palmer. Frank iiughes and Tom Hughes of the Euitnets, Had been members of the Young lieiand team of Dublin. The game differs from the Kugby game in that it is played with twenty-one men, in- stead of eleven, and that the players are not permitted to touch each other with the ii.-xi us. Jostling by tho shoulder ia alone allowed. A player is not permitted to run with the ball under his arm to tne goal, tho rule com- pelling him to bounce it from the ground at every three steps while running to coal. It appear? fully as scientific a game as its Bogby brother, while far les^ dangerous, a.tuotigh there Is enough of the latter ele- ment in it to lend zest. The Emmets wero uniformed in white knit shirts, white kuee breeches, green caps and black stockings. The O'Briens appeared on the pround in black Bhirtt, brown knee breeches, black cans nnd stockings. John Furcell. tne well-knowo all-around Athlete, was chosen referee, tho other posi- tions being tilled as follows : Goal umpire*—P. 11. McCarty and Patrick Puri-ell for the Kmmet-, D. Croniu ami C. Toomey for the O'Briens. The field umpires were John Purc«ll for the Emmets and R. White for the O'Briens. Ttie ball had hardly been tos.-eil to the contestants an<i play bepun when it became evident that the grounds were luuch too limited for ihe purpose. Tb* sphere was almost constantly cross- ing the dead line?, and several times the game w*9 delayed for some minutes because some too vigorous Celt had kicted it over the fence. In the first half of the game it looked as if the O'Briens would make a stand off with the pennant holder?, if not capture the trophy, but superior orc&nizatiou of the Em diets, couuled with the su perb playing of Palmer, Hughes nnd O'Keefe, made it only too evident (bat fickte fortune wa« with the Frisco tbam. When the referee announced the close of the game the score stuod 6 to 1points iv favor of the Emmets. _ To Courtney is due the thanks of the O'Briens for inis«inKa zoose ezz, the points made by the Emmets being credited up to O'Keeie 2, O'Dood 2, Hughes 1, Welsh 1. Courtney was a substitute player, who took the place of Manorjey, who was injured iv a rush. Among the spectators was Captain J. J. Tobin of the barsfield Club of Port Costa, who at the conclusion ot the fcauie cr. al- len^ed the winning club. The match will probably occur at I'iedinunt Park next buu- day week. On Sunday next the ParnelM of San Fran- cisco will meet the O'Briens at Piedmont Park. Game will be called promptly at lr.u. ON THE COMSTOCK. Reports of Progress Made Last Week in the Dig Jlines. Virginia City, Nev.. Sept. 18.— Appended wi:l be found the letters ul superinten- dents ot operation* la tlie Cormtock mines. Co*. Cal. and Va. Misk-1100 level—Tlie wevt crosscut from tiie main north lateral drift, Sls feet uoi doni the siuft olallon, liai baei advanced 30 feet ; total lengh: 1-40 leet ; Inter- pliyry. clay and stringers of qu.irtz. 1500 level— From tie s.mii dilft at point of connection wltli the o!<l stopes we continue to extract some ore and Blitnctof aveiage milling value. From the upraise on tlie fount) floor 29 feet above Hie sill flour, wiilcti was earrled up (roa itMcms of Urn crosscut iuu west 3G feet lv ficiii u-e ruatn souib drift, 156 feet south from the «hift nautili, we have contlun-d to work upward and to extract ore of fair qua.i'.y. ICOO level— We have continued pioftvectlDC uaward from tii« old sill floor of the old slopes, from which tuice oie of fair quality Is being extracted. Have completed rct-.ilrt lv the nialu touiu lateral drift. ICSO level—Con- tinued lo extract «onf ore fium tlie di ift ruu east from the irlnu 3 (down 73 feel) In worklug upward from tnat polut; ulio *ome oie from the oM stepM at tli* uortn end of the California ground. In working ut>* Aid from the drift lun norlu from Uie bottom of the winze Man 28 feet lv this last locr. it\ through the old timbers have continued to extract a few tons of millingore. 1750 level— ln east crosscut* 1, 3 and 5 from trie mala «outu drift. In working upward fiom the •HI floor, have continued lo extract me mllllUK ore. Have continued to extr.tct ora of aveiat'e mlllln* at the polat where ti:e npralM from the end of the drlfc iuii sootb, K8 feet from tii- cud of ii.c crosscut run west from t; c end of the so'j'tiwest drift, connected with the DloUi floor o!.eniijg». From the ea«t eio^cut from the end of the Boatk drirt last mentiutied at a point 44 f-e' la from Its mould an apralsa liai been cani-d ur 23 feet, reaeMaa; a quaitz formation lv ti.e top whlcti carries tome ore. Have continued iiuici.k lepuits In the souiit- •rasl drift. 1800 level Along the south end of the dn't running south from the crosscnt run «-a*t from the wli.ze 1 •ufiK from the I7*>o levc l wo bava coatSaoed to extract some ore fiom the nil floor upward of milling value. lv Moping upward from the drift run south from the crOMCat run ea^l fruui the bottom of winze 2, down 45 feet, have extracted •oma ni'.iliui: oie. There has been extiacred from nil parts of the mlue durluz tho wee;! 036 1670-2000 tons of ore, whlcb wa^slmitii to the Morgaiu mill, the aveiage value of which, per car samples, was $24 74 per ton. lh« aver- age assay value of all the ore worked Ht that mill during ttie week, 880 t<ui«, vai $20 per ton per battery sample?. Bullion snliiped to Carson Mint,assay value $14,192 33. Ophik—l4os level— From ihe touiii drift, 101 feet below the sill floor of the 14G5 level from the Mexican line Into the Oi>hlr ground, the w-st cro*'-cii | 2 ha* been advanced lt# feet. Total leugtn 85 feet; lv porpajrrjf with little quartz. Mexican— On tho 14G5 level the west cr<>»«. ent, which was staneu from the drift run north from tlu- cromcui iun west from the bot'nm of tbe winze sunk 101 feet below the «11l floor of this level near the south boundary of the mine, has be-u advaoced 15 feet. Total len£lh 82 feet, continulDE In porphyry aud clay. UVXOa Con.—9oo level— Tlie Joint Union Con. and Sierra Nevada we*l dilri lid*been extended during the week 24 feet. ToUl lengtt) west from the Joint shaft 2449 feet. The f«co Is lv liyry, from which there Is a stroDg flow of water. Utah— level—From the end of the north drift (at a point 340 feet In) from lue w-«: cross- cut from the shaft station w>-«t crosscut 2 has been extended 3 feet; total length 206 feet. From the west crosscut near the face a north drift has been started and advauced 19 feet In porphyry and clay formation. Bieura Nevada— West cio«spiU 2. Kenosha tunnel, started from not th drift 800 feet in has be«;n advanced 25 feet; tottl distance 112 feet; face In hard pmphyry. No woi k lias been done In the Cedar Hill drift during the week as we are enlarging the mouth of the drift and lowering Its Riade about 6 feet. The Joint Sierra Nevada and Union west drift, 900 level, has been ad- vanced during the week 24 feet; total distance wesi of »baft 2419 feet; face lv noiphyry, from which there Is a stroug flow ot water, i Axdks— During tb» week cant ctoxscut north on 420 level was (tdvauced 19 feet; total length 122 feet; formation iv face of clay aud pori>:»yiy Gould Si Cdrry— 2oo level— Work Mas been resumed lo ihn northwest drift aud the same tiat beeu extruded 16 feet through soft porphyry, total length 454 feet. We havo nl<o done con. slderable repairing on the 200 and 400 levels. All work in iheO oldmopes, on the 20(and 400 levels have been discontinued. During the week have extracted 30 carts of ore, car sam- ple* $19 81. Shipped io tho Occidental mill 32 tons and milled 85 tons; batterry assay $21 28. Kl-coniliiued. shipping ore- ou tbe lltn lust. Resumed work In th- Joint north dilft wltb Sav- age Company on tho Sutra tunnel level and ad- vanced same 10 feet; total leugtn 540 feet; face of drift in very hard cock. & BKi.f hkr 900 level During the l week tho noith drift fiom east crosscut 1 has been advanced 15 feet, total 952 leet; face Id porphyry, clay and quartz. Hai.k & Nokckohs— We continue retlmnerlng main shaft above the 1000 level. Main lucllne- Are making tho Decenary repairs. 1500 level Are repairing the main north diift on this level. 1800 level During the week advanced the north drift 15 feet, tolal length 195; face In porphyry. Wo re also digging a drain Inibis drirt. Tbe south drift on this 1 -vei was extended IO feet, when work lv the face was stoppe.i, as the drift has reached our south Hue. Wo have put In place on the 1800 level a No. 9 Knowles pump. Kx- teuded the compressed-air plpei fiom (ho 1100 to the 1800 level, aud carried tbe discharge pipe for the pump from the 1800 to the Sutro tunnel level, aud are fully prepared to haudie aDy w.iter wo niiyencotiuter on this level. I'otosi—Are repairing the drifts which con- nect with (he Lludsey winze 250 and 350 levels. Tho raise from cro»!.cut 1. 1100 level, coutlnues Id low-grade o,uaitz. Tho station In the i'otosl winze, 400 level, Is completed aud adrift started southeast to connect with tho northwest dilft from the Ward shaft. The drift Is vow In 42 feet from the wall: face In low-grade quartz. Tho northwest drift from the 1800 station. Uaid shaft, ti out 844 feet; face In baid torphyiy. hxtact-ti and sent to null the i'a*l wVk 41 500-2000 tons of ore from the 550, 930. 1100, 1150 and 1300 Irvels. Worked duritiK tho week 311toii'*. Ou baud at mill 80 900-2000 ton*. Average battery assay, $21 47; average sample as«ay«. $24 55. , , CaoLLAit-Aro repaltlug nortti drifts on th* 750 aud 8">o level*, Ti»e east crosscut, ICO fee! sou of north line, CJo level, Is iv OV refet; hit In «oft porpliyry. BctLiox- Tne upraise rrom the enst crosscut 320 feet south of north line 1300 level Is up 70 feet; top In porphyry mixed with quartz.. station in the otosi winze. 1850 level, Is com- pleted and a drift started southwest to couuect with the nonnwesr drift from tiie Ward shaft. The drift Is vow In 42 teet from the footwall; (ace in low-crade quartz, rue northwest drift from the 1800 station, Ward shaft, Is out 844 feet; faca iv uoiphyiy. Alpha— The Joint west crosscut on onr north Hue or Exchequer, 1800 level of the Ward Buaft, Is out 41 feet: th« face in quartz aud porphyry. KxciiEQUEi:— The jolut west crosscut on our Doith line of Exchequer, 1800 level or Ward, Is out 41 feet; face iv quartz and por- LIST OF LETTERS Heinnliiina unclaimed in the Postofflce at San Fran- cisco on MONDAY, Septemb r 19, I<J9J. «r To obtain any of these letters the applicant mu»t call for "Advertised Letters.' 1 and glvo the d.ite of the list. 11 not called for withlu two weeks they will be scut to the Dead-letter Otnce. ' Aarmemlaen. Capt A Alvlu&Nelson Abbet, Mrs Wllia Allers, Einmu Miss Acme Art Co ' American Tontine Union Ackley, Mrs Alice Anderson, Caas A Alder, E H a An-!ers j:i, Peter -' Adams, A 1' Antcita, Miss SotU Adatns, Mrs Clara Arnold. X Adams. J S ' Austin, Miss Selma Ajnew. s f Asch, A AlbrUht, Miss Marlou AUiuson, Miss Alexander. Mrs Mary Alherton. Mrs F D Allen. Mrs C X Aurderhelde. Henry Allen, Dora Augustln, tl.tnu« Maker, tin L Bolley, Wm jos Baker, Miss Louise Bolin,Jno H Baker, Wallace lloraan, II c Bagley, W 11 Bonenberger. Mra Anna li»hu. II Boning. H W Kal.lbrldze.JP Bonham. Mrs Fanny Baldwin, Mrs Leon Buau, Misa Rosalie Bail, M ss Mary P.OMiier, W J & 1 o Bauks, Mrs Mangle Booker, Kn L W 2 Baunerman, Jacx Horkhout, Wm Bauuisti-r. Julius £ Boroughs. Mrs Rola Barden, Chas Botman, Miss Marie Barling,Chas ' "<« ; P.owiue, EH Barlow, Mrs liowen, Mrs Lonlse Barnbach. Hans Boy ee,Un Lizzie Bartlett, Luther Uoy. Will Barr, A W lieyan. Mrs Batai. O P Brady & Davis 2 Bass, Mrs Kate lirasidon, Jas Baxter. Jas Brander, Madame 7 v Bean, MlxsElla £ Hredon. Mrs Bechtol. X 1; lirenuer, Mrs I.lllto Beebe, Miss Kffle Brooks, (itiuiule Beede, Dr \v M. a Bronuell. Mrs N Bell, Win M Urown, Ca)il Albert Iteiuillft. Ii Brown, Capt A M Bender, Geo F Brown, Miss Alls 31 lieactsea. Miss Augusta Brown, Mrs Bessie 0 Beiiuett, Miss Be.«»lo Urown, Ed Bergmann, August Brown, H \V Bercovler, s Brown, J Itevan, E Brown, Jno 11 Bevllle, Miss Wiine Mac lirown, J .n BeverMge, Miss May Browu, Kuto I. 1 isiii-p. .le.stle Brown, Tom If B.tliiigttr. Ro&a Bryant, Mamie Blacumore, Mrs B Bryant. Willie Blake, Mrs Bockeaaayer, Mrs Blawe. Mra Maria Buckler, Nick. Blenpoon, A Buchl, Key and Mrs J II Hlesslug. J X Kueua Vista Petroleum Co liiousm. J J Burgotl. Arthur hlects. Mrs JturnsJno Itlomilaiil, Mrs C Buru.t, Jas Blue, Mrs Henrietta Burns, .Its A Bliimeiitlial. S Bush Mrs U J-.oiiiiier. Htas Katherlne Buyous, Miss Kitty Caraui.r, ,la< k Colean, Mrs Fannie cal Kitrhen Cabiuet Co Col;an. John ii Cal .Mauutßrturins Co Collins. > X Camp be 1. Mi^s Jcaule M Couboy. Mrs W Cand ds, Mrs Joslino Connolly, Mrs George Carlleo, iiaas Connolly, Mrs J - carisoa, Jacob Connors, Miss Margert ( 'ainiigtnn. MrsSado E Conner, Thomns Carroll, Mm Laura Conradson, Mrs O Carter, II C \ Cook, MISS Edltn Casey, Wm J Cooper, R G Cason. Balpa Coolbntb, MlsslnaO C.-.ssiily. M J Crow, It C t'atotr. Mlos Llzzlt Copp. Mrs (SVHFifthSt) Chadwlclc, .Mrs A Corcoran, Mrs M Chambers, a ii Cortney, Miss May Cbaadler, a B Costello, Mrs J ChaptD, Mlsa tugenia B Cvstello, James Chase, Mrs J T Cota, kraal rijase. W Courtley. Mrs May 1 bicago ShoestPre Craig. 1 i>.i rin latl lasoa, Chas Creedun. Miss Hanna 2 Christy, .lames Crlttenden. Parker ctiiirrh, Vl;s Lillian Crockard, Mrs D Claire, An^ist L Crolly, Mrs Ctark, C W Cronia, l'«tcr J Clark, John 1} 3 Crow. Mrs Amauda Clark, Mrs Katie Crown, Dr Clark, W M Cu.l.-n. MUs M Closson. Mrs M B Culln, rrank i Clayton, Henry Casßßßln(Si M Cieary, Miss Harriot Cooasalon. Mrs Mary Clemeata, Mrs Fraus M Canauignaa, May Clinton. Mr*O Curryer. O W Clover. H P Curne. Mrs S A Colin, Hiss MoreS Cnrtlss. Mra Blanche Cohu. Mrs J Cuthbert, J O i»h||. r De Vara. Mrs (Ellis st) Dalion, John Dener, Dao J wante.s, J II Dickerman, Hobert Darinc, C Dickinson. M:a (313 Mar- Darrescaon, V.'m ket) Davidson, Wsa Dietrich, G*o F i>av:s, De!U<er. Mrs vexander Davii, J f Dobt>s, Mt^s Nevada Davis, W Dorety, MUs Jessie Daveujiort, Mrs DoUn. Mrs J H Day, J J "Donahue, I'aric DebOtS, Frank Dons Dover, Ml« 3 Decker. MISS i: Doyle, Miss Isabel Dedrick. Mrs Dire Dreuston. 11 G De Groat. Mrs Grant Drlscoil, Miss Ella De Huff, Mrs T J Duffy. James Din. Uaale D»eaew, mix Deloeutbal, Prof Duftou, John Deuman, MircU Dsna. Mis* Mamie 3 Denman. Wm Dunn. Miss Nellie it Depue, Mm J E Durbrow, Mrs George \7 i>ei) c, B V Irjrer. l aimrs 11 K«rl, W II Edmondson. Harry Basttaait, Fowler &Co Ediuoiid, John Eatuu, k W Elbersou, Effie Kb-rr. Miss Kdlth Emerson. Wru Edwards, H I Evans, EJ t-dnarK Tbos EvcKlug. Chas Edwards, Wm PsurciaSMk, Miss AuniaFoorest. 1: Katroara, J \u25a0 Ford. a J Fanciers' Monthly, Feme, Pat }prh!er. John Foster. Miss Bell* teld.Johu Poster, X r Ferrler..Madams(Wllllam Foaratt, John street Fowler. William H File 1 er. Mra J A 1 ox, Ch»rles m a -v, Mlsa Carrie France, w m .irutrglst) Flntliey, N (i Kraw;ey. Mrs Ev» 8 Fiuk. it O Frayer. H 0 Fischer. Edward Q Frt.hiy Nightclub Joj . Fritz, •>• r Kltoh, I'.oi Thos Fro.rihi-rn. Wm PlUffi a d. Miss Tillt* Prye, Saiaael B riMti.-ii 1. Ado Puller, Mr (Saa LUli Fl« t 'h«-r. Mrs lviith E Oblspo) Flood, Mliv Julia Fuller. W O l-'olsom. David II Fulkner. Thomu Fontaiu«, Miss Josls Paltoa, W E O«rl«Ojr, Mi« Mamie 00l Mteln. Jacot> UaadU, Mrs Louisa Uoldberrv, Ira Gainmeii, MrsErneit A (ioodf: c I, P Gates. J G Gooile. W C Gardner. W X . Gorliett, Nr (.hitrii, Mrs Mary (torinati. MISS Mary Gastin?, Mrs I aunla (ir»ham, X 1, (Jaylord. J B i.r.iQt, W Gertchteu. Mrs Ceila Grey, Mrs Ella Gerema, Ma-lame F Orceuleaf, S P Ghiesliii. Dr J Qrieemaoa, f <ilei':bn«r, F J Grliuin.L , Golf, ueo Guiaoid, Misj jesile Uollberi(. M H:.l»i |.-. MissM I. Henrlch;en. WaMeSBM Ha?er, John Beaa Will Dudley Haiiiday, F Horall. Mrs Ada li:iicrriin. M , H?rii. James Hall, Grady II Herrlck. H J Hall. Meuto.-i Hettln;er, Miss Alinta Haminoml. Mrs Frank Hlcken, V it Harabley, f 0 Uilllard, i" M Jtasaelia, H Hlldreth, Miss Grace Hansen, X BUlyoe, Mlsa Maggie Hanzen, Mrs Alma lliltuii, Ht'i.ry S llaiisiin, Henry Hlil. Miss Alice ilaiinah, Mrs May Jose- Ulntou. Dr AVf pblne Illncb, Mrs Ilanna, Mrs Joe Ulntou. Mrs SS Haona, Mrs J Hitching^, E Wade Baasbera. F Hitchcock, MrsQ W Hanrock, W(F 3) Hitch. Wm T Hanery. H II Ilobiis, Miss Jennie Hardy, B k Ho/an. Miss ivssie Harnler, Mrs DJ Hohnstrom. 0 M llnrpir, EC Botbrook, Mi <£tkel llarrliiijtoa, Miss Viola UoilliUy. Dan Hnrrls, Mr (barber) llo'hs, MUs Loraino Harris. N B Hollz, DrL Hartman, Mrs Mary Holz. M .1 HaatiiiKs. Lillian D Hoover. Vbos H Have, (ieo W Hope, Mrs F liaw.'ll. MlisEma rstman, Oscar Hayne*. John Hosklns, A Hayes A Co, M J ilowaid i Morse Hediian. 11 H Howard, W ii Helns. riiiiip Howell, Herman M Heleck, B.N Howt-11, Capt Held, Mrs Chas II Huff, Mrs J W Heller, L Hughr.B, Win Hellwc;er, II Humphrey. Frank Henderson, Mr Hunt, Dr C W ll enderson. Miss natty Bant. Mra s Henderson, Miss Jennie B Hunt, Vernon Henderson, M:ss Mggle Hurley. Miss Annie Henderlong. J E Hutcblnson, A M HeaalßgS, Mrs Howard Hyde, W1; Henrlks^n. Mrs C M Ilydell, Mrs Cora Henry, MMa ii ' :: '.; Iron If all Isaacs * LyeQf Isaacs, Mra J Isser A Q iis JackSrin, Mr< Johnson, E .1 Jackson, Mrs Millie Johnson. Mrs Emma Jackson, TH Johnson. Mins Hilda Jacobs, Miss Fannie Johnson, OSCai Jargle. Margarltba Johnson, Sol Jabn. Mrs Emma Johnson, Miss Saran, Jaiiiinlcoii, Laiila Joliiisuu. N(>les Jaii'son. Miss Augusta Johnson, Tb«S C Janson. Ml*s Johntton, Mrs Helen Jellnskl. Gustav Adolph Joui*s. Miss Ida M awels. Mrs Emma Joueau, J Jerome, Mrs Jamei Jones, Miss Carrie Jessup, U W Jones, J 0 Johnson, Loula Jouea, II Johnson, Mary Jonea, Mrs Maggie Joh.-in.ion, F.inll 2 Jones, Miss Maggie Jobansou, Miss Hilda Jones, Robt Johu»on,!Miss Cora Jordau, Wm Kaltlcmoy, FII ' Klidiiiii Miss Annie Kane, Miss Ellsa Kn.-. f rauk Karlson. Saml II Kai c. lir.ll, KautTmann, Herman King, Geo Keating. James J Klukade. Robt Ke^f«r, J F Klrchner. Anthony J Keenan, Miss Kltto. Miss Nellie Keble, Mis A S Kllnger.Josepn Kehoe. ED Klnmann, A Kelleran, c F Kuowles. Dr C O Kelllnger. A F Knowle*, h heilogg, Mrs J I. Kolvsoff. Allck Kelley. John - Korf, Hermann ; Kennedy, Eml koa'y, Armlnlus J %, Mra Toots Kramer. Louis Kennedy, Mollle Krldler. MUs Felora Keudal. 1 ii Kromphoiy, Walter Kensmann, Prof D 2 Krug, Atu'mi Kero.J E and Mia Kru»e. Max Klilday, Patrick Kuuo, John Klesow, Anton Kurbusb, J I «<\u25a0>. Miss Kllen Levet, Mss Mary E Latleity, Fred Levey. Miss Kila Lahrs. Louis Otto .Levy, Miss Bells '-• ke - (i P Lewis, The Lif ht Lami., DrRH Lewis,Miss Flossie Lambr^cht, Mr Lewis. Mrs Lane, Mrs Lewis. Bd F Langfeld, Chr Leeaon.JT Lansing. A H Llemen, Theodor Lanedon. Miss Mario LHJeroth. Miss A Landau, SL Llllcland. Audrew Laiiflou, Win H Lindsay, o F L:iski, B L Llsbold, Gustar Lassen. P LlUlns, Mrs E l.ashbrook. Mrs Mable Long, Miss Jenny M Lauutzen, Misa Louise Long, Mrs \u25a0 A Lawrence, W Lonmotii Wm Laurence. Wm Loureyro'. Josefa Lawson. A Loudon, W J Lea &Kink Lur»ky, Ch»s Lee, Gerald Luttman. Mlsa Dora Legrls.JG Lynch. Mrs J M Lehmau, M Lynch. M J Lehmaiin, (lustaf Lynch Tim Leleve, Dr A Lyons. Wm Leo, Mrs L Lytton. Mrs Ag McArlhur. .Urn MoDonell, Miss May McArt.y. Miss Anne McFarUmt. Mrs C McCarthy. Mrs MacGllllvray, Stephen McCarthy, G P McGaw, S A MeCartty, Wm McGruin, Mlsa Saran McCarron, Miss Annie Mcliveen, Mrs May McCaoiey, Ezra W McKen. Mrs . McCme.Jno McKenzie, Jos II " McCain. .1 » . McKlitney, Win McOrmlck. Miss Lnella Mci.eau. M McClintlc, Mrs Pauline McLeau.Mr \u25a0 I MicDonald, Archie O . McLean, Mrs Delia ilcPo'iald Mrs M McLaiiaihlia. MJss ilary McDo2>l«l. J I> M.Miliao, >|.;..,n*;<l. y.15 A B McMurray.R McDonald, L McShaue, J 9 MacDougal, Mr mi. n. Feter - Miller,O H Mack,Hattie Waae . Miller. Mike MadUan, Mrs A Miller, IE M^ddon, Tuoa Miller, Minnie M»ner, Mrs Tbos Miller, Mrs I.y.l'a F Maher, Mrs Thos F Miller. Mrs V.ct(ir J Maher, Wtllia MlllarJ. Dr Levt Maj..r, Jno Mill ward, Jos Mailey, Miss I.lvle Mlna. E>\ Mamlers, Miss Clara Mineral KingM&MCo Mauctct, Mra Ada £ MiMu-11. Miss May Mauuel. Walter U Moaison, Kra Pauline Marshall. Mrs Montague. L E .Murstiali, H Monson. Miss KOka Martin, Mrs hminaL Moody, Ed Martin, Hy Moore. Miss Blanch* Martin, Jas Moore, Mrs Lydla . Martens, Miss J Moran, Thos Manchalt, A . Morgan, HVV Marvin, H I Morcaa. Mrs Alice Martludale, Miss Mlnnlo MorehotTer. Mrs Dalla Masun, Miss Alice Mor<*s, A Masterson. Win Morrlss, Mls» Honey Mather. Frsd O Morton, Jas Mauror, Mrs J L - Musher, Mrs Eyre Maurer, Frederic Moser, Paul Mellyun. Mrs L IS Moss, Fraulc Mcible, Miss I Muehle. X Meredith, Geo H Muller. Mrs Lizzie Meitrovic, Toug Mulcahy, Mis* Meuenbaughsr, Henry Mulllghui, Herman Myers, 1-rauk Melbecif, Mrs F jn'rer.-,, J S Monroe, X DC Mayer, Walter E Mouroe. MlsiEra Mlchelson, Geo Munson, U 0 Micneison, Mrs Karen Murdoch. William Nlkoiine Murau, Harry Mlchelson, Mrs X Murphy. Miss Susla Miller, Kußon Muzzy, Mr 4 E L Miller. Harry Myra, Win Ni.Uoii, Chrla J E Mlson, Miss Betty Neopbyto tiun Clnb Nelson, Mrs Anna NeUs. Ml is Loul.ta Nllson. Mrs Anna Neville Mrs Nellie Nelson, Kara Neville, wm Meisoii, L Mchols, Mts« Hattie Nilsion. Mlsa Mathilda Nlckolauj, Peter NlMsPii, P V Fetertt, Nickoiaus Nelson, Miss Mary Norris, Edith Niesen, Mrs Theo Norrls, CC Nelswender, Joel E Norton, Cook, Pratt Co O'Urlon, F Obarr, Mrs S X O'Hrion, Mrs Patrick O'ealla*hau, Wm O' Donovan. Maurico Oijde:), MIsiEO O'DonneH 4 Jones Olley, Mrs W O'Keere, Mi^s Annie Oliver. Tho II &Co IVMuhoney, Miss Kate Olsom, <i O'Nell. M'ss M O.ten, Osillo O'Neill. Mrs Margaret Osborn, Mr O'Shea, Owens, H O Paasch. H Petty. Hlmmel & Co Parnsn, .IP Phillips, F Parker. (ieo If Phillips, Alex Pattersoa, Mrs M D Phillips, Mrs Mary Peocock, Mrs Rlbby Plrard. Mrs Theresa Plersoii, Mrs. Lora Prtclln, Jas Pehrsson. Miss Hilda I'tUlngton, Miss Mary Peck, SS Pine, Wm (wood mor- l'el'z. Mrs Carl chant) Pennant, Clana Douglas Plnkard, Harry Perkins. AU Plpenhagen, Albert Petterson, C Plesie, Wliley Petterson, Miss Gerda Pope. Mrs Bertha Peterson. J Portsr. R Wm Pettersen, Mrs Ilans W Povenbrensla, L, l'eterson, Geo Potter, E.lear Pedersen. H Powers. Ed Feterso:i, G«o Powell, Mrs Susie Petterson, Jacob S Prendergast, Jas Peterxeu, Miss Mathilda Price, Mrs Mabla l'etersen. Mat Price. Win F Peretman, O Purvis, Rebecca Pierce, Ira Prlntzlow, Louisa Qnlii!!, C 2 Quadlln, David Quintard. il.cs Kamaeo, E Hoberfs, Mrs Arrnnda Radky, a Hobertson, I)r Henry Ransome, Miss Qertrndo Robltuon, I) KnsintiMjen, A Robinson, John U Raymond, Jno Beetliti, charlea Kaymond. If Koger«, C S Keagaa. MUs >' Rogers. .J Iteeac, 0 M Rodgers, Mlsi Mamie Reiiau. John Rohrs, Ernest Reinhart, Robert Itohrbach, Miss Krlstlaa Relnecke. Carioa Rolleyard, A N Jtelrue r. Mr Root. Ml« Sate Ki.-f, Clark Rosentha). 1. M Kichird", HP . Rets. Miss K.ttla Richardson, Mlrs Anna Rose, Mrs AII Rlcnardson. Mrs Scott Kothinier, MUs Marsar- Riley. Mrs Mary W etha Relley, Miss Mary Rouiier. Mr* D Riggius, Mary \u25b2 X Kowi>, 1bomas Rlers. C M Rubiing. Miss Dolly ll\jby, A B Ku;:iti. B Roan. Miss r. * Kuthorford. TLJr Koach. Harry Kyan, Mrs it L Ssmlmk, I'rosper r-mitli 4 Co Sanf.ri, Mra F b huiitti. Miss Florence J .saul. Pat Mnlrh. II J Savaye, Miss Alice Prnllh. T.I S-avill*-. X Mil I Hi* Thomas O .scnaeffer, Miss Sadie Smith. Walter Schevliii. Miss S U bchinint. Mrg John Kcherr, Miss f Schneider. Mrs Schlelckcr.Schurman&Co Snyder, Mrs Dollle S<ii<c n.Kiir, Emll Solber/. Ida f<ctiiil!/. Mr Bolter. Win Bcnabertt a Oe Specks, Miss Klia Kchuler. Mrs Lena Speuce, It » Beawabaaa, Mrs Hora St John, Oliver P Behweaaeaen, Mrs Stanley. Ml*sGeorglna tcoflsld, Arthur Ktarr, John fcurry. Johu htarstrorth, Mr Se:t?ravo, Charles (Hntt, Mrs James b«arle«, Kdward J Bteea. Kobert Beplch, Joe Stelnfursh. Mr >eymoiir, Thotcas F Btelulugrr. Otto Key bold, Mrs Flora 0 StMl, \\ in Miader. G C Sterns. Alex II Shannon. TF Bteveos. James Shaver. RFB Stiles, H X Snea. Thomas Bister Mary Sherwood, C If Stockton, (1 M Shrlever. (J W Btone, Georje F Mckol, MT btone. l.ncitlo Slckeis. Mrs P Morm«, R B Sllverwood. J 8 Mowed, H L Htinpsou. Miss Ii Btawe, Mrs Fannie Q Sims, a M Mrahlman &Co Sldteron. A Btraiuse, S Skrlinsnaw, Mrs W Birausse. S £l3Sle, John Butidt. reter Mai.-r, John but!irri:tu<l, J Sloss. f A bweitzer * Hriggs Mnlssart, Louis hvenseu. C X Takett. Joneph Tlerney. Ed - Taylor, Gr*ce Tllley, W V Taylnr, JohnJ Tlrtlot, Win, AttoroOy-at- Taylor, J C law Thorpe. Mrs Viola Todd, Miss B P honi*^. Miss Lydla TompKlns, C W Thompson. Miss Ella Truman. AO Tnoi.ipson. Carl J Traap, MUs May Robert Tbo:np<<c>u. Miss Leota Trunz, Kn Joseph Tborlear. M Tnlly , rof Jas A Thorleans, Mrs Turner, Mrs F D Tboockmorton, Mrs Turner, James Thrmer. Edward Turner, Mis Slary TlCKell. Teinpler Q Turnt-r. William \T Tif«rs. C D Tuyaret. Miss O Tltrney, Miss Annie Tnkieat, Michel Unde: wood, Mr* I'rry.Mrs ValatKitis.Mlag Lizzie Van Wyck. Mlsa Vance. laea Vlnk, amlaa Edua V.iug.i 1, Arthur X Vlts. Fae Vandever. Mrs \vm Vynell. R Van Itoden, D B Van Welhem, Joe Wazner. »M.B Aljce 'Wilked.KV Wayncloes, Mrs Ellin Wiiltford. Cha A Walts. Mr tVllllams, Mrs Anna walls. J 0 William*. Kred 3 Walker. Geo Wllltana, J b TValUce. C WllliaW. Miss Nellie Wallace, Chaa Wilson A Peters Wal'ace. Miss Faoale S Wiison, Miss tieorgle WeUh, Miss UelU Wiisou. tJeurjle Welch, J Wilson. M Welsh Jos M ilson, Miss Mary Welch. Jim Wilson, Ko'iert "i wait Miss Annie Wilson, veazle war>). Miss Bauaa WUaoa, Win Ward. Michael Wlitnl«, Dora C Washington, Mr» D Winshlp, John « aters. Mrs M E Wise, B Watson, ItevA A Wtttfea. Kriedrtc* Welib. C C Wo. if .v Randolph Webster. H T, MD Wnltr. M J Weare, II II Wolf, Jos W>ll-n, Mrs A Wolf. R vverleu, Ferdluandai Walters .1- Son Werner, CJ Woodbury. Jou B Wtst. Mrs Woodson. Mrs O Wrsili.s. Max 'Wfirly. Abert R Wentovrr, Misa Annie Wrlgnt, HailocK -. \u25a0\u25a0:- White. C M Wr.^lit.JohnT W bite. Harry Wrlsht, W J Whl'iiia-i. Mrs Wya-ir. Mrs Mary Whttehcad. Mrs S B Wolinuth, Jarues - Whltuioie, Mrs N Yano & Viima Youm. Emll Yat»3. Mrs - Youug, (ieo J 'i Young, Charlea Tale, S W Zlesmhoin. Fred Zlemenilorf, Au;ust Zlmmermann, Joseph Zolana, W B LETTRE3 FRANCAISE9. Duracd. Raoul Oreler. Auguste Kragnnl, Beuolt b'orbet, Louis Ual&nt, Gabriel Treyor, Theopnlle FOITR i>ami-;s. Brassier, Mai Judith Deprez. Mile Berdlng, Mad Julie Do Castile, Mile LETTERK ITALIANE. Accatloo. Gius Gavarrone, GioT Anuantnl, Glao Uianiilnl, Florl Barboza, Gregorlo Glanninl, Ago^to Bertucci, Kosilla Lattauo, Nicolo Blanchl, Lucca Aiagzetta, Onorato Btsaguo Brothers Morrttl. Victor Bonsolto, L Nervlani, AinbroslO Botta, G B Pasquale. G B Bortoll, Valentino Fez/.*uo. .naverto Bruno, l'letro Spagnoll, Jituulta Cranonell, Glusto Bciamalla, Cblavint, Fcrd > Harubbi, Pietro Cosia, Leonardo Scechltano, Miss Krat:, Uiuseppe Servcutl, Anxelo Pratt. Francesco Terrlbillna, Kaany Fillplcb.Mcolo Torrassa, UB Mguua, Glacomlna Vaghettl, Ant CARTA3 ESPANOLAS. Badilia. Callsto v Lucero, Fuljeacio Chavrx. Manuel I> Luna. Juan Cota, Frank Mlna, Carlos A D»"»llva, Ben Peredo, Louia Deinoro, Rafael Rodriguez, Uafael Faslo, Antoulo ' Romano. Mivaao Fonrodoua, Jose Sepulveda, M A BEKORAB. Balencla, Hernandez, Alberta Buatainante, Reglna Maldonado, Ydu^lja Cruz, Guadalupe Rodriguez. Qaiirieia Glmenez, b'irla Serrituo, Andrea . S. W. BACKPH. Postmaster. OCEAN KTEAMKKS. Dnt*ft of H»i»artur« From San Franrlnco. HVS AND TIDE TABLE. Compntedby ThouasTbxxk.vt, Chronomttar »al insirument Maker. i CaltrornU stress Sl«r» of the Woodea Saiijr. SiIU'PINO INTKI.LItJKNCK. Arrived. Sis i'*y,September IK. Stmr Hattle Oags. Tarncb-ig. -j4 hours from Port Kenyon: i'ru.|,i-«, to Sanders A Co. Stuir CclU. Jobuson. 68 hours from Newport; baiiast, to Illitnlns A- Collins. Htmr('i'|Jib'», bi)liss,sliu hours from Portland, Tla Astoria «(H a hours; pass and radse, to Uulon Pacific X X Co. Stmr Pomona, Hannah, 18 hours from Eureka; pass and, to Uoodall. Perkins v (.'». Rnir linatlili.Homies, 66 hours trom Victoria; pas and nwise, to (ioo all. Perkins A Co. Mmr .Noyo, Drlsco, 13 hours front Fort Bragg; 160 M ft lumber, 6000 rr ties, to Fort «rai;g Red- wood Co. Btmr Whitesboro, Carlson, 12 uoura from Point Arena: r r tie*, to L E White. Minr Alcazar, uimdirson. 13 houra from Green- wood: MS cds baric, to LE Wliltc. Btmr Coninoi oii«, Dettmers, 37 hours from Hue- aeme; produce, to HDutard. htmr Alex Duncan. Tribble. 11 hours from Santa Cruz; produce, to (Joodall. F'riclna A Co. htinr Alcatraz. Fa^erUm I. 1(3 hcurs fromCleone; 4460 rr tt*s. 149 piles, to L X White. Mmr llomft, r.utier, 70 hours from Portland, via Astoria; pass and mdsa, to X I Kruse. Stmr Gipsy, Jepseu. 12 hours tro;n Santa Cruz, etc; produce, to (ioudaii. Perkins >v Co. 15r ship Gostord, Me William, 70 days from New- castle, >i.SW; .'iS'JO tons coal, to Balfotir. Outhrle* Co. Hrshlp Bncklugham. Slme. 60 days from Newcas- tle, NSW: 3945t tons coal, to J DSpreckels * Hros. i:-:rk Elslnore. I'erkins. 19 days Irom San Pedro; ballast, to Ueo W liume <fc Co. 6ai>d. Satcbdat, September 17. Stmr N»t.":itl City, Mansou, Kureisa. - sl'.vday, September 18. Btmr Budol, Walvlj. htnir Oregon, Poleman, Astoria. BrshipMeilvllie Island. Ritchie, Galwsy. Brsutn Dechmout, Sauter, Loudcu. Hr bark Kluebell. Reid, Ipswlclt, Euff. JJktn Euresa, I'ruinmer. (irays Harbor. Bchr Maid of Orleans, White, Jalult. Bchr Lila and Mattle, Peterson. Sclir (ilen. Jorgenson. Bcnr llender Brothers, Topfer. Telegraphic. POINT LOUOS-Saptember 18-10 r M-Weatbsr thick ;wlndS; velocity Umiles. Sixikrli. Per atmr Cosmopolis. Sept 17. 8 m'.les S or Point Bur, stmr Cells, from Newport for San Franc Per Hr ship OelMe Monarch— Sept 8. 37 51 N. 141 Vf.67 days out. ltr*hlpCr.kUerau, from Newcastle, MJW. for Bau Oiego. Bepl 17, outside the FaraUone*. saw a Br ship, supposed to t>e the hr ship Bruuel, from Newcastle, KSYY, for San Francisco. Domestic Port*. BAN DIEGO— Sept 18-Br ship Macrall lan, from N«wra^t;e, NSW. EUKEKA—Arrived Sepi 18-Schr I'eleu NKirn ball, hence Sept 15: stmr National City, hence Sept Sailed Sept 18-Schr Ruby A Couslne. NAVAKKU— SaiieiSept 13-ichr Golden Gate, for San Francisco. ArrlTe'i Sept 18—Stmr Newsboy. KORT IIKAOIi- Arrived Sept 18-Stmr Rival. S.iiied Sept 18-istmr Rival, for 1/saL MKNDOCINO—Arrived Sept 18 Stmr Point 1 Arena, hence Sept 17. PORT HI.AKKi.KV- Sailed Sept 18 Nor bark Cashmere, for D X: schr Alcalde, for Newport. COOS HAY—Arrived Sept 17-Schr Wing *nd Wing, hence Sept 'i. NOYO-Salled »ept 18-Stmr Noyb, for Sau Fran. Cisco. CI.EONE-Salled Sept 17— Stmr Alcatraz, for San FrancUco. Imnort<»tlon«. HI'KNKMK— Per Cosmr polis— aka barley, 1 bdl pelts, (Ji:i sks cora, Mb bis wool, t,it-i walnuts, 1 7 1* sks wheat. 1 coop chickens. I IKKKA-Per Pomona— l2U.M skakej.llo doors, 64'- Mshingl<a. 2 p*g< ffsh. 1 cs eigirs, 1 bx crucer- ies, lcs paints, l hr bbl mackerel, 1cs boots and shoes, '.'5 rolls leather, '1 c.i hames. 183 Ska i>eis, 1 jik? li.inlwuro, ti' kgs 46 bxs butter, 9 pkgs muse, J sk coin. Fields Land ng— l4 doors, 120 sks grape seed, l362 sis oats. POKTLANO ana ASTORIA—Per ColumbH— «ks eat. 4 sks wool, t>2 lhides, 659 lidls lil'les, 38 bbls glue stock, 80d sks mill feed, 6-1 qr 408 br sks flour, 9:-i8 sks bran, 1877 aks siiorts. 4 li» bdls pulp, IbTO bblt shookn, 7«a bbls siocW. t>B pis^s w<pv per, 4'^U bdls paper, Cl > Ska oysters, 55 cs salmon, 3 sks crswflsb, 26 pkgs smoked flsh, 15 cs fresh, 100 sks nun. 19 pkfl sreeu fruit. 80 «k-< dried fruit. S3 drums cheese. 161 pkgs woodi>nware, 52 empty car- boys. 0 cs woolecs, lo pkjs express, 39 pKgs sun- dries. VICTORIA-I'er Vmatllla-2 con breaks, 1 sealed bag. Departure Bay—l34o tons coal. Lake lUy-460y 3 bbls salmon. Klliisnoo—2 Mil dryhides. Juneau— l iiold bullion, 1 bg gold dust. Wrangle,— pkgs mdse, 6 bdls skins, Ics furs, 1 bg goM dll St. Port Towusend— 9 household goods. 1 bx butter, 1cs dry goods, 1 cheit, 1 si- il-il u.-t<. Tacouia— lo2 sks bones, 1 Mlplue stock, 6 bdU 7 kgs 1bx MfapU >v. 1 bbl whisky, 1 cs copper, 1 ca woolens, 1423 croasarms, 1 bx BSttOfa, 450 bars biilll'ii, 1bx coeounuit. 1 bbl coifee. West of Kaivo, via Tacom.t— l bx platat, 135 bbls tallow, Ics lokl, 1535 sks wheat, 3 pugs hardware , 3 Bkglhousehold goo is, 91 rolls leather. Auicortes— bx type, 2580 Sks oats. Falrhaven— ] s*lmoa, 15 cs typs, 6 empty bar- rels, 1 ctiest. VhiiComvct —87 <m 30 pkgs 3Ob!ssmoklnß tobacco, 39 cs o!;arett«J, 24 cs clears. 'J cs cigarette paper, 1 rollleather. 250 eh boots and shoes, '11 ugs i bxs { spools. 7 bxs pUnos, 11 bxs iron bolts. 6 crts chairs, 18 sewlnz machines, 1ca whips, 1 bi blanket!, 1 cs calicos, -5 bxs mustard. 2 d steel, 1cs silicia. 112 bbls b beer, 1 bx oasuugs. 170 c springs, 2 pkRS hardware. .seattte-42 bdlsdry hides, 23s bdis rrcen BldMLl cs nidso. 2 crU sewing machine*. 1500 Sits oati, Ii pkgs household goods, 1cs millinery, 25 pkgs fish, 6 cs caune.l goods, i. bx brackets, 27 sks bones, 3 bis iii>iif, 2 pkzs coin. SANTA CRU/.— Per Alex Duncan— 2s22 sks oats, 3 0 sk* barley, 12uO bbls Uiue, 14 bbls butter, 4 cs cheese. POUTLAND—r«*r Homer— 'i sola fountains. 80 bis car; c llnlntr, cs matches. 2 crts metal c lining, 21 crts homehold goods, 7 t»Dls crockery, 2 '>.r;>er chairs, 1 pkg glassware. 1 crt screens. 1 pkg curtain poles, 1 crt chairs, 1 mirror, 1 carriage, 10 sks a p nuts. 6 rolls leather, 677 Udls green hides. 1 cs min- eral water. 117 mats 341 sks damaged Mlgar, 5274 sks oats, 54 crts snooks, 100 bdls sides, so .>d;s ends, 90 M ft lumber. - Astoria— 2 pkgs household goods, 1 louugt), 1 roll carpat. •'\u25a0'.' ski bones. HONTKRBT— Per Olpsy-1 sk wool,6 bdls hides. 6 pkgs boxes. 19 bbls 1p \'a lu:ik. 7 bxi tisii. Ptgeun Polut—B bxs cheese, 21,3 bxs butter. 12 sks boner, 7 Iks rags, 1 j s«s 2 tons scraplron. Hlanco—lU2osks baric... hii'liius •A-'i sks oats, 486 Bks barley. Moro ca:o— 262 sks potatoes. Watsonville Lanaioc— 773 sus oats. W&tsonvlllo— lss2 bags «ugar. 4 bxs butter, 727 Iks oats, 163 sks . PORT KKN YON I'er Hattie Gage— 263 5 bbls 285 bxs butler. 1coou cblckeus, 160 bxs dried her- riiiK-. 67 Mshingles, 15 sks lentils, 2 cs mdse, 1 pig hardware. 35 lio,;k. 1i<k,- furs, 7 b.s tu:s. Consismees. Per Columbia— Alleni Lewis; S HFrank <l Co; Blssluger £ Co: Moore, Ferguson * Co; John Zie- genbeln * Co; Geo Morrow a Co; riatsop Mill Co; Willamette Pulp* Paper Co; Morgan Oyster Co: F X Hellens; MB Moravian; A r»l.tdiai": llo*an A Co; C F O'Callaghan &Bros; J B Insuglla; Califor- nia Hirrn Co; Giustl 4 Antoni: Kowalsky * Co; Baker & Hamilton; tllinann * Beiidel: A Flelsh- hacker Jt Co; Brown Bros * Co: Wells, frargo .1 Co: S P Taylor Paper Co: .1 K. Armsby i Co: Dutt* Co;. J II Kissing; Amer Fishl:ig Co: Wittland 4 Freder- Ickson: Estate of Ueorge Teller; Louts Saronl «fc Co: W Meese; I) Feldm;in & Co; J W Urace i Co: P Evans; U i'KR Co. Per Pomona— Hl^glns * Collins: Overlaud Freight Transfer Co; Prawe>B McKinnou; D Keefe Co; U Camlllonl <t Co: II Harris A Co: Kowalsky * Co: Ureeubaum, Well &Mlcnaels; A 0 Nichols * Co; J V ByxKee 4 Co: 0 E Whitney &Co; T 11 Minor * Co; E X Stevens * Oo; Dodse, Sweeney &Co; I>el Monte Mill Co: Vervalln & Howe; Getz Bros A Co; Howard, Harris Jk Co; Uairymeu's Union: Deere Imp Co; O H Smith * Co; Norton. Teller Co; A Crocker & Bros; Hills Bros; \1 w Montague 4 Co; Wblttler, Fuller <t Co: J MMoore & Co; Humboldt l>oor Co; M Kalish & Co: HDutard; Creamer <fe Uoodmau: Wells, Fargo * Co; D Harry. Per rmatllla— Holbroo'.{, Merrill.v Stetson; A B Cook; Selby Smelting and Lead Works; Burnsteln Jt Co; Tillmann A liendel; Amer Press Assn; Cal Chemical Works; Allen <fc Lewis: I'.issinger * Co: Main Sc Winchester; Moore, Ferguson A Co: Della- mond A Ca: Kowalsky A Co. Wells. Fargo * Co; F Toplitz; Buckingham. Hecbt .1 Co; J M Ware: Mer- ced Woolen-rallls; Cahn. Nicxelsburg ± Co; Sunset Telephone Co: Ksberg. Bachnia i A Co; S V Tool Co: KohlerA: Chase: L Dlnkelsplal .* Co; Washing- ton Mfu Co; Porter, Slessliißir & Co: <i Lepori; L Jury « Co: isberwood A Sherwood; Bisaiuger A Co; Ulustl * Antonl; CE Whitney &Co: Braunschwel- ger &Co; Sawyer Tanning Co: Cutting Packing Co; Oregon ImpCo: Amer Tobacco Co; Bancroft Kros: Carlson Silk Co: Knsigi. B *Co; Horn 4 Co: 1 S Van Wlukle A Co; J huternmn; J w Evans .v Co; Loege Jt Miller; Sachs Bros d-. Co; S Krageu; Ster- Iliw Farnlture Co: Taylor * Flint; T Johns: W Davis 4 Son; Cal A Light Co- C Fisher; D P Mill- ing Co; Golden City Chemical Works: H Meyer- stein 4 Co; lac Fertilizer Co; American Chemical Works; X 8 Chapman 4 Co; Ringer Mfg Co; Phil- lips. Wolf & Co: A Docking; Schwelier 4 Co; M Milware; San Francisco Chemical Works; GClem- ents; C D Ladd: Roaentbal, Feder 4 Co; W II Don- aldson 4 Co; J X Armsby 4 Co. Per Cosmopolle— M Dutard: F.rlanger 4 Gallnger; Thomas Kahn; Thcs Dennigan &Son; s Jacobs 4 Co; Field 4 Stone; A Gerberdlng 4 Co; Flelkb- backer ft Co. . Per Alex ran— Dairymen's Union: HDutard; E R Stevens 4 Co; H Co well ,V Co; Yon Kohn ft Co; Wheatou ft Luhrs: C E Whitney 4 Co; Trubeck ft Co; F 11 Hammer 4 Co. Per Homer— Main 4 Winchester :S H Frank * Co; Blsslnger ft Co; Hltgfrledft Brandeustein; Koths- child * Khri-nport: . Moore, Ferguson * Co; L >sa- ronl 4 Co; Geo Morrow ft Co; Cal Cngket Co; M X Carthy: H C Bryant 4 Co; W F Barnes ft Co; Pao Fertilizer Co. Per Ulpsy Hulme 4 Ifart: Norton, Teller ft Co; Miller ft Waugb: Wetmore Broa : Standard Oil Co; Sherry, Lawrence 4 Co; Brigbain. Ho;ipe Jk Co; a Repsold; Do Bernardl A Westpual: Judvon Fruit Co; MT Freltas 4 Co; Dairymen's Union: S Mills; HDutard; Thos Lougt ran; K«*a A- Hewlett: Tru- benba h 4 Co: Kowalsky A Co: M Waterman * Co; J it UatiKin; Western Hugar Betiulng Co; Bray Sons A Co. - Per Hattle Gage— HlHs Bros; Dairymen's Union; Vervallu 4 Rowe; MKalish a Co; Uetz Bros ft Co; W lie* ton ft Luhrs: Norton, Teller at Co; H II n... R.lll 4 Co; Urigham, Hoppe 4 Co; Wltzel 4 Baker- -0 E Whitney 4 Co: M T Freltas &Co: Wolf & Son- G F O'Callaghau * Bros; Howard.' Harris * Co: J P Nelson ft Co; Dodge. Sweeuey A Co: UtlisHros: Hlgirlns * Collins. Whtttler, Fuller* Co: Miller. Sloss 4 Scott; San Francisco Pactlug Co; Smith's Cash Store; Thos Deuulgan 4 Soa. /Vr Late Shtppuxj JnteUU«nes SetEiahlh I'aga .... ' . - 1\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0[\u25a0\u25a0. imiinH mWIHII THE MORNING CALL, SAN FRANCISCO, MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 19, 1892-EIGHT PAGES. 6 Stzamer*. I ATIO*. na. Panama Panama i ma.,..,. Pan Diego it111a.... Vie A Sound i una Humboldt Bay.. | Angeles .Newport. nubia... P0rt1and........ I is Rosa.. San Diego nboldc. Humboldt isa i I Newport I N York Panama.. j Puebla | Vie A Pet Sound eofCai. I Portland eparturoof Australian st< | Sept 19.12 MP Ma 8 Soptl9.llAMißdvf y ft Septal. 9am| Bdw'y 1 Sept2l, lUw Bts'r 1 Bept33. Bam BdWy 2 Sept22.loAM Spear |S«pt24,llAM BdWy 2 (Sopt24, 9am IWash |Sepl26. Bam BdWy 2 Sept26.l2 M|P M3 9 Sept2o, Haw BdWy 1 |Sepu-6.10AM ! spear earner depends on the v. -a 11.W. BmalL H. W. Larga L. W. Large L, W. binalL 0.00 a: 0.18 a; 11.44 a: 0.09 r 0.33 r 4.22 AM 4.50 pm, 5.00 am! 6.29 pm 6.42 am 6.03 PM, 6.13 am 6.43 PM, Small. Large. I 6.42 am 7.09 pm! 7.11 am 7.48 ml 1 7.42 am BS3 rai .0' 0.56 a 1.46 a: ! miscellaneous; CHAPTER CXI. An Act toprovide for ihejssuance and tal9 of State bonds to create a fund for th 9 construction and furnishing by the Boards of State Harbor Commissioners qf.a gen* ferry and passenger depot [in, the tit]} and county of San Francisco ; to create a. txnking fund for the payment of «at'J bonds, and providing for the eulmissiQn of this aci to a vote of the people. [Appro Ted March 17, 1891.J The People of the State of California, rep- resented in Senate and Assembly, d<} enact as follows : ' Section 1. For the Purpose of providing t fund (or the Dayrueut of the iudobted* nesi hereby authorized to be incurred by tbe Board of btate Harbor CommUsioueri,' for the erection and furnishing of a general/ railroad, passenger and ferry depot at oc noar the foot of Market street, in the city: and county of San Francisco, at a cost uot to exceed £600,000, which the said Board ot State Harbor Coiamissiouers are hereby, authorized to construct in the manner anct method authorized by law, and at a coif not to exceed said 8609,000, the State Treas- urer shall, iinmedi.aely after the issuance of the proclamation ol the Governor, here- inafter provided for, prepare suitable bonds' of the State of California: One thouiancL bonds, in tha denomination of £100 each;' 600 bonds, In thedeuoininalion of 8500 each ; 250 bonds. iD the denomination of &1000> ! each. The whole issue of said bonds shall; not exceed the sum of £600,000, which said 1 bonds shall bear intorest at the rate of 4 per centum per annum from their date, and 1 shall be payable at the office of tM* Stats Treasurer at the expiration of 19 years from their date. Said bond* shall bear dato the first day of January, A. D. 1693, and ihall be payable en the first day of January, A. J). 1912. The interest accruinc on said bonds shall be due and payable at the office of said Treasurer on ti.e first day of January and the first day of July of each year; pro* tided, that tne first payment of interest; shall be made on the first day of July, A. I>. 1893, on so many of said bouds as have been theretofore issued. At tbe expiration of 19 years from the date of eafd bond*, they shall cease to bear interest and said Treas- urer shall forthwith pay tbe sama out of the San Francisco Depot Sinking Fund, pro- vided for hereinafter in this act. Said bonds shall be slcned by tbe Governor, countersigned by the Controller, indorsed. by eaid Treasurer, p.nd shall have the seal of tho Stiite afjxed thereto. Sec. 2. Interest coupons shall be attached to each bond, bo thnt they may be removed without injury or mutilation to tho bond. Said coupons, consecutively numbered, shall be signed by the State Treasurer. But no interest on any of said bonds snail bt» paid for any time which may intervene be* tween the date of any of said bonds and tho Issue thereof to a purchaser. Sec. 3. The sum of 81000 is hereby appro- printed to pay the exianse that may be in- curred by the State Treasurer in having said bonds prepared. Said amount .-hall bo paid out of tiie San Francisco Harbor Im- provement Fund, on Controller's warrants duly cirawn for that purpose. Sec. 4. When the bonds authorized to D 9 issued under this act shall be duiyexecuted, numbered consecutively, and sealed, they shall be by the Slate Treasurer sold at pub- lic Auction to the highest bidder for cash, and in such parcels as said Treasurer shall deem best; but he must reject any and all bids for said bond*, or any of them, which shall be below the par value of nld bonds; and he may, by public announcement at ti.o place of sale, eontlnue such sale, as to tha whole or any part thereof, to any time and place bo may relect. Due notice of tho place and time of sale of such bonds shall be given by said Treasurer, by publication in two nowspapers publithed in tbe city and county of San Francisco, and also in two newspapers published iv the city of Oak- land, two published in the city of Los An- geles, and two published In the city or Sac- ramento, once a week for four weeks prior to such sale. The costs of such publication shall be paid out of the San Francisco Har- bor Improvement Fund, on Controller's warrants duly drawn for that purpose. Tha proceeds of the sale of such bonds shall bo forthwith paid over by said Treasurer into the treasury, and must be by linn kept in a separate fund, to be kr.own and designated as the "San Francisco Depot Fund," and muu be used exclusively for tha buildiug and furnishing of suid depot. Drafts anl warrants upon said fund shall be drawn upon and shall b* paid out of said fund in the same manner as drafts and warrants are drawn upon and paid out of the Saa Francisco Harbor Improvement Fund. Sec. 5. For the payment of tbe priucipal and interest of snid bonds a sinking fund, to be known and desienatcd as the "iaa Francisco Depot Sinking Ponrt. **\-A\ t»t- and the same fs hereby created, as foilows: The State Treasurer shall, on the first day of ench and every month after the date of •aid bonds, tnkb from the San Francisco Harbor Improvement Fund the sum of 54631, and place the same In said San Fran- Cisco Depot Binking Fund, created by tbls section. Sa:d Treasurer shall, on Controller's warrants duly drawn for that purpose, employ the moneys in said sinking fund In the purchnse of bonds of the United States, which said bonds shall be kept In a proper receptacle, approprU ately labelad ; but he must keep always on band a sufllcleut amount ot money in said •Inking fund with which to pay the interest on the Stute bonds herein provided to bs Issued. And to provide means for tha pay- ment of said sum of nvs thousand cna hundred ana thirty-one dollar*, monthly, from said San Francisco Harbor lmprov*- ment Fund into said San Francisco Depot Blnking Fund and for tne other payments out ol said fund author by thi* act, and as provided for tberein, the said Board ol State Harbor Commissioners are hereby authorized and directed, by the collection of dockase, wharfage, tolls, rents and cran- age, to collect a suui of money sufficient therefore, over and above the aniounc limited by section two thousand five hun- dred »n<i twenty-six ol the politlcnl coda of tho State of Calilrrnia. After the payment of all said bonds the surplus or balance re- mninlna In snid sinking fund, if any them be, shall forthwith bo paid into tha Saa Francisco Harbor Imprevement Fund. At the maturity of said Stala bonds the said Treasurer shall sell the United States bonds then in said sinking fund, at governing mar- ket rates and place tbe proceeds in said Sad Francisco Depot Sinking Fund and shall pay out the same In extinguishment of «a!d State bonds, on Controller's warrants duly drawn for that purpon*. Sec. 6. Tha Stale Treasurer shall keep full and particular account and record of. all his proceedings under this act and ha shall transmit to the Governor nn abstract of allhis proceedings thereuuder, with his annual report, to be by the Governor laid before the LeKtslatura; nnd all books and papers pertaining to the matter provided for in tbis uct shall at all times be open to the inspection of any party interested, or tha Governor, or Attorney-General, or a com- mittee of either branch of tbe Legislature, or a joint oommlttee cf bo'.h. Sec. 7. It shall be the duty of the Stata Treasurer to pay the interest on said bonds when the snme falls due, out of the sinking food provided for lv this act, on Con* troller's warrants duly drawn for that pur> pose. Sec. 8. This act, ifadopted by the people. xs hereinafter provided for, snail take ehVci on the thirty-first of December, A. D. aighteen huudred and ninety-two, its to all Its provision!*, except those relating to and necessary for its submission to the people and for returning, canvassing aud pro- claiming the votes aud as to said excepted provisions this act shall take effect immedi- ately. Sec. 9. This act shall bo submitted to tha people of the Sate of California for their ratification at the next general election to be bolden in the month of November. A. I)., eighteen hundred aud ninety-two; and tho qualified electors of th<> State shall, at said election, on their ballots, vote for or against this act; those voting for the «ama shall write or have printed on their ballots tha words "For the San Frnncisco Depot Act," and those voting against tbe same snail write or have printed ou their ballots tha words "Against the San Francisco Depot Act." The Governor of this State shall in- clude the submission of this act to tha people as aforesaid inhis proclamation call- ins for said general election. Seo. 10. The votes cast for or against this act shall be counted, returned and can- vassed, and declared in the same manner and subject to the saina rules as votes cast for State officers; and if Itappear that said act shall bave received a majority of all the votes cast for nnd against it at suolr election as aforesaid, then the same shall bave eflert as hereinbefore provided and shall be irrepealablo until the principal and Interest of tbe liabilities herein created shall be paid and discharged and the Gover- nor shall make proclamation thereof; but ifa majority of the votes cast as aforesatd are against this act, then tbe same shall bo and become void. Sec. 11. It shall be the duty of ta« Secre- tary of State to bave this act published in at least one newspaper in each county, or city and county, if one be published therein, throughout this State, for three months next preceding the general election to bo beld iv the month of November, A D. eighteen hundred and ninety-two. Tbe costs of such publication shall be paid out of the General Fund, on Controller's war- rants duly drawn for that purpose. Sec. 12. This act may be known and cited as the "San Francisco Depot Act." Sec. 13. All acts or parts of acts in con- flict with the provisions of this act are hero by repealed. - »u3 I3t Mi Weak Men and Women SHOULD USB u.vnivM ItITTKR*, ru Utaat Mcxlcau Keiuely; give* Hcaub a»4 Stteagib U> vie or^iia. a<>7 *<tiX - j AUCTION SALES. M. J. simmonsTauctioneer^ WILL SELL TUIS I>AY Monday .........September 19, 1892, At 11 o'clock a. m., at salesrooms, 1057 and 1059 31 arket St., bet. Sixth and Seventh ALL OF IflE ELEGANT FURNITURE, PIANO, ETC., Removed trora the residence of Dr. E. C. Belnsteln, 1618 Geary street, ....COMPRISING IN PABT.... Grand Rosewood Cprlght Piano; 1 .^et or Snrglcal Instruments: 1 CoinpleteSet ot Chambers' Kncy- clopedla: 1Doctor's < fflce Desk with 100 compart- ments: 2 Lar^e Walnut ami 'iold Fnne Mantel JUirrora, size 55x72; Klch Oad I'arlor Upholstery in rare covers; Haudaomo Uprkiit Folding Beds, with Cabinets to match: Handsume Walnut. oak and Cherry Uedrooin Sets, with Freucn Hovel Mirr»n or th<» latest deMgiis: Plate-glas* Door arid other "Wardrobes; Chiitonlers, Kookrases and Fancy Desks; Handsurne Sideboard ; l'elcsial Kxtansion Table a;id Chairs to match: Odd Double and Three- quarter Bedsteads; I'urtaus and Washstands; Fine IJalr Mattresses and other Bertdlnjr; Walnut aud Cherry Library and Center Tables: Fine Medallion Kange and other household goods too numerous to mention. *#-ihe aboye goods are all in flrst-class condi- tlon. nj M. J. SIMMONS. Auctioneer. CARPETS! CARPETS! CARPETS! M. J. SIMMONS. AUCTIONEER, AVILL SELL THIS DAY, Monrtny fepti mb*l 19, 1892, At 10:30 o'clock a. m.. sharp, at salesrooms 1057 and 1050 MAKKET ST.. BET. 6TH & 7TH, By order of lilume. Greenbers? Jfc Co. 65 Nearly New Body Brussels Wilton and TfMllj Carpets, withand without borders, of tho latest designs, re- moved from the Oriental Hotel. San Mateo. SiT The attention of hotel-keepers nud the public InKeueml U called to the above taJ« as the carpets have been down oaly nineteen months. ae!3 'IX. M._J. .SIMMONS. Auctioneer. EDWARD 8. SPEAR & CO., Furniture, Book and General Auctiona3ri, 31 and 33 BaCMt stress. CHAIRS AT AUCTION. THIS DAY. Monday. September 19, 189?. At 11 o'clocK A. M., ....\u25a0WE WILL SKLL AT THE. ... CIRCUS LOT, Corner of Market and Eighth Streets. 150 Doz. Cane and Wo«l Seat Chain Will be s-jia In IoU to suit buyers. EDWAKD S. Sl'EAlt & CO., Auctioneers, gelB 2t 31-33 Sutter street. 6EO. F. LAM3ON. AUCTIONEER & COMMISSION MERCHANT, 4£&Kearny St.. l>et ween C.'»Wforj.U a:U t>U& TO-MORROW, Tuesday September HO, 1893, At 11 o'clock a. m., on the premises, 1012 POLK ST., NEAR GEARY, IWILL SELL THE ELEGANT FURNITURE OF RESIDENCE coitmaanra ... Elegant Parlor Upholstery, Chairs, Divans, Recep- tion Chairs and Koekrrs, lv richest brocades aud plushes; Lace Curtains; Decorated Window Shades; Klujrunt Louuge, covered in Russian leather, co-it $70: Very Klezans Brussels Carpets thron?hout the house; Kle^ant Poilsned Oalc Cham- b<tr Suit, with put? inlrrurs: K!e?ant Polished Walnut Chamber Suit, with Tennessee marble; lTiina-vera Chamber t'Uit; Extra Spnog and Hair M?tfre-«es: Fin» Pillows and Elmkets: Wainul Bookcase and Secretary; New LitSM Irapr»ved Domestic SewiiiK-Mactil ie. cost $65: I'et Doe. cross between Li/bt Skye Terrier »nd Wnit« Maltese; Stliiiuliy Trained Yellow-head Parrot, 9 years old, a flu«ut talker; Grand Ne-v Home Improved Range, cost (55; hlegant Decorated China and Crystal Olassware: Best AgHte-wara: Lluoitsum, with other choice articles. jJfjfThe above Furniture Is new and choice, In use less than three months, aud sold only ou account ol owner's departure lor the East. Terms— Cash. g«;U» >t GEO. V. LAMSON. Anetloneer. i>ELIXQLENT SALE NOTICES. r\EI.INQUENT SALE NOTICE- HALE 4 XOR. xJ cros* Silver Mining Company. Location of place of business, San Francisco, Cal.; lo- cation of worts. Virginia Mining District, Storey Countr, State of .Nevada. Notice— There are delinquent upon the following described stock, on accom.t of assessment No. 102, levied on the eleventh day of Aujust. 1592, the sev- eral amounts set opposite the names of the respec- tive sharenolders, as follows: Xo. Xo. Names. I --:. Shr». Amt Crocker Jr Suydam, Trustees. 49lB6 iooo $sou 00 Dlxon A Miles. Trustees 50157 JO 5 00 Dlxon &Miles. Trustees 50!60 100 50 00 Dunean. W. L. Trustee 46fU5 10 5 00 Foster. A. W. 4 Co.,Txustees. 494ss 100 50 00 Grant, George, Trustee 49124 •-.',-> 12 50 Grant, George. Trus:ee 49334 100 50 00 Grant, George. Trustee i\*i\s 100 50 00 (.rant. Georse. Trustee 49541 100 50 00 Grai.t, George, Trustee 49004 100 60 00 Grain, George, Trustee 49573 100 50 00 Grant, Geor;e, Tru-stee 49574 100 50 00 Grant, (ieorge. Trustee 49375 100 50 00 Grant, George. Tru>tee 49579 100 60 00 Grant. Georpe. Trustee 49761 50 25 00 Greenbaum, L.i-Co.Trs (ba1)J9476 55 27 60 Grant, E. 1:., Trustee 34351 100 50 00 <.at:thier, E. £ Co., 'Jriistees. 493sS 100 60 00 Gauthier, K. .t Co.. I rustees. .50'.;57 100 60 00 Jones, v. H., 'trustee 49263 100 60 Ou Jones. <». X., Trustee 4!«-t54 100 50 00 Jones, O. X,, Trustee 4962.! 100 50 00 Jones, O. It.. Trin!«' linitU 600 250 00 Klae. W. H., Trustee 39tJ19 IUO 50 00 King, W. H., Trustee 49433 60 25 00 King. W. H., Trustee... 49697 100 50 00 Mener.Xat.T., Trustee 49381 40 20 OJ Messer. Nat T.. Trustee 4^599 100 50 OJ Messer, Nat T.. Trustee 49920 20 1000 Messer. Nat T.. Trustee 4H'.i7l 100 60 UO ' Messer, Nat T,. Trustee 49998 100 60 00 Messer. Xat T.. Trustee 50021 30 16 00 Messer, Nat T..Tru>teo 50088 20 10 00 Messer, Nat T.. Trustee 50103 50 25 00 Messer. > T., Trustee 50118 50 25 00 Messer. Xat T., Trustee,. 5U138 103 60 00 Messer, Nat T,Trustee 50230 60 25 UO Messer, Xat. T., Trustee 50323 20 10 00 Messer. Xat. T., Trustee 60331 60 25 00 Messer, Nat. T., Trustee 50350 100 60 00 Misiir. nn T.Trnntnn 503«2 60 25 00 Messer, Nat T., Trustee 50391 60 25 00 Messer. Xat T. f lrustee 50402 100 50 00 Messer. Nat. T., Trustee 60403 UK) 60 00 Messer, N;:t. T..Trustee 50407 100 50 CO Messer. Nat. T., Truste* 50412 100 50 00 Marshall, I.ouis. Trustee 50290 200 100 00 Ifanbalt, Louis. Trustee 50291 200 100 0) MacKae, Ne111..... 451.8 60 25 00 MacKae. Neill 45417 100 50 00 Kolph, Jas.. Trustee 33335 60 25 00 l'.olph, Jas.. Trustee 33336 50 26 00 Kolpb, Jas.. Trustee 4J528 50 23 00 Kotph. Ja3.. Trustee 45008 1000 600 00 liebfisch A- Co.. Trustees 4d549 60 25 00 Root Geo. 8., Trustee 48088 100 5000 Koot, Geo. h., Trustee 48167 50 25 00 Root, Geo. 8., iru-teo 43-'9l 50 25 00 Koot, Geo. 8., Trustee .. JH;:BS 100 60 00 Root, Geo. 8., Trustee 50452 100 50 00 RolU, JohuS. 48t>35 60 25 00 Shlnn. Howard H., Tru5te0... 40546 10 5 00 SUtßf, Cooper A Realick, Tr5.459»7 60 25 00 Staur, Coopei * Kedllck, T. 5.50200 50 25 00 TLouipson, A. 1(.. Trustee 47278 175 87 50 Thompson, A. 8., Trustee 47426 100 60 00 Thompson. A. 8., Trustee.. 474-7 100 60 00 lunibull. Jonn. Trustee 41490 100 60 00 Turaboll. Jo;.r,, Trustee. 43476 100 50 00 Turnbull. John, Trustee 44006 50 5:5 00 Turnbull. John, 4459S 25 12 50 Turnbail, John, Trustee 50:<;t9 60 25 00 Turnbul!, John. Trustee 50546 100 60 00 Turnbull, John, Trustee 50625 100 60 00 Jos. Urban 33698 75 37 50 Wrlsht. W. H.. Trustee 45241 100 60 00 Zidis. Wollbersr Co., Tr5... 35 611 101) 50 00 Zadlz, Wollberg & Co.. Tr5... 46712 50 25 00 Zidlg. Wollberir * C.j.. Tr5...49672 100 60 00 Zudlg. Wolluerg * Co., Tr5... 50293 1000 500 00 And in accordance with law and an order from the Bonrd of Trustees, made on the 11th day of August 1892, so many shares ot each parcel of snea stock as may be necessary, will be sold at public auction at the office of*ti:e company, room 26, Xevada Block, 309 Montgomery street, *au Fran- cisco, California, on Frldav. tt)a 7th day of October, | 1892. at the hour of 1 o'clock p. v. of said day, to pay said delinquent assessment thereon, tccctner With costs of advertising and expense of sale. A. B. THOMPSON. Secretary. Offlce— Room 26. Nevada Block, 309 Montgomery street, San Fraucisco, California. sel7 td TTVELIXQUEXT BALE NOTICE - COXFI- XJ dence Sliver Mining Company. Location of principal place of buslneti. San Francisco, Cali- fornia; location of works, Gold ill, btoroy Couuty, Nerada. Notice— There are dellnqusnt upon the following described stork, on account of assessment (Xo. ' 21) levied on tiie tn'rteentti day of August, 1892, the several amounts set opposite tha Games of tne respective shareholders, as follows: No. No. Names. Certificate. Shares. Amt. Amiraux. P., Trustee 1370 a 50 $25 00 Amlraux, P., Trustee 13703 lo 6 00 Atkinson. T. T. <fc Co.. Trs... 13627 10 5 00 BayUy, ijeo. 8.. Tr. (ba1.).... QHiO 4, V 00 Barrett, John S. &Co., i5...127v>4 50 25 00 Cofiin A Sanderson. Trs IJEMi io 5 00 Duncan. w. L.,Tru3tee 12808 5 2 60 Dlxon As Miles, Trusteei 13119 SO 15 00 I):xi>d Je Mileo, Trustees 13674 60 25 00 Edwards, Geo. 0., Tr. (bai.)..iui:>u 6 2 50 Edwards, Geo. D., Trustee... 1 18'JJ 10 6 00 Edwards, Geo. D., Trustee. .. 12353 50 25 00 Edwards, Geo. I>.,Trustee ...13327 40 20 00 Fox. He.'iry L., TrUitee. 11941 60 25 00 foster. A. W. Jt Co.. Trs 13.109 6 2 50 Greenbaum. L. * Co.. Trs 13245 10 5 00 Oauihier. E. 4 Co., Trs 13022 60 25 00 Gauthier, E. 4 Co., Trs. 13623 50 25 09 Guruett. W. J., Tr. (bal) 11742 4 2 00 Gurnett, W. J., Tr. (bal.) 11754 10 6 00 Gurnett, W.J.,Tr. (bal.). ...11755 10 6 00 Gurnett, W. J.. Trustee 13677 60 25 00 Gurnett, W.J., Trustee 1387H 50 25 00 Gurnelt, W. J.. Trustee 13682 100 60 00 Gurnett. W. J., irustee 13683 100 60 00 Groth, A. S., Trustee 10871 25 12 60 Groth, A. S.. Trustee 11775 10 6 00 Groth, A. S.. Trustee,... 12404 10 6 00 Groth. A. S., Trustee 13543 10 6 00 Groth. A. S., Trustee. 13597 30 1500 Groth. A. S.. Trustee.... 15598 2 ou Groth, A. S.,Truttee.... 13676 40 20 00 m.ileyJt Doud. Trustees... 13348 50 25 00 AlcUinnls, Thomas..... 1;>741 75 37 50 Mar>e. Geo. T. 4 Son. Trs.... 8996 20 10 00 Marye, Geo. T. & Son, Trs... 13U84 60 25 00 Marye. Geo. T. * oni Tr*.... 13606 10 600 Marye, Geo. T. & Son, Trs 13010 100 60 00 Norwood, W. E.,Tiustee 11304 100 60 00 Norwood, W. X.. Trustee 11303 100 50 00 Rehflsch * Co., Trustees 12615 50 26 00 Kehnscb 4 Co., Trustees 13525 30 16 00 Rehlisch &Co., Trustees 13663 60 25 00 Root, Geo. 8., Tru*tee 10142 100 50 00 j Koot. Geo. 8., Trustee.. 10408 100 6000 Roiph, Jas , Trustee l:< 701 60 25 00 Stauf, Cooper Rediicit, Trs.llS37 60 25 00 Stauf, Cooper * Kecillck.Trs. 13:i8B 100 60 00 Stilnn, H. 11., Trustee.. 13561 20 10 00 Whltely, T. 4 Co.,Tw. (ba1.)»i2474 6 UO Whitely, T.&Co., Trustees.. 1V973 100 8000 Wakefield. S. B. * Co.. 1r5..H843 10 6 00 Zadlg, Wollbergr &Co., Trs... 12457 10 6 00 ZadU. Wollberz A Co., Tr5,..128d9 100 50 00 And in accordance with Uw. and an order from the Board of Directors, made on the thirteenth day ot August, 1892, so many shares of each parcel of such stock as may be necessaiy will be iota at .public auction at the flic? of the company, Xo. 414 California street, i*an *rancrsco. Calliornia. on THUKSDAY, the sixth day ol October, 1b92, at the hour of one o'clock r. m of said day. to pay said delinquent assts>nie[.t thereon, together with costs of advertising and expeuses of sale. A. S. GKOTii. Secretary. Ofrlce—No. 414 California street, >an Francisco, California. selH td THE WEEKLY CALL contains mora reading matter for tho price \ than any publication in Amer- ; ica; $1 per year, po?tpaii AUCTION SALES. LAfKEN' VIXCKXT. FRANK W. BUTTKRFIKI.D. BUTTERJFIELO & VINCENT, AUCTIONEERS. Boom S6, Flood Building, cor. Market and 4th its THIS DAY, Monday.... ...September 19, 1803, At 11 o'clock a. v., on the premises, Sl4 Stelnar St., bet. Haight and Page. :.^.TVK WILL BKLL... BY CATALOGUE Tlie Magnificent Drawing-room, Parlor, Cham- ber, Library and Dining Boom FURNITURE ELEGANT BRONZES, BISQUES, Marble Statuary; Terra Cotta Fi?nres: F.legant Cabinet Grand Upright Piai:o; Magnificent Kn- gravlngs; Valuable .Etching* and other works of art contained in the above elsgattt residence. Terms cash. bale positive and without reserve. eelH 2t HUTTKKFIELD VINCK.NT.Auctioneers. L BURO, AUCTIONEER, 1114 Twenty-third Street-Furni:hed Houses and Uetchandlss Bought or Sold on Commission. THIS DAY. Monday -September 19. 1893 At 11 o'clock a.m., on the premise*. No. 822 HARRISON STREET, ....I WILL 5K1.1,.... THE ELECANT FURNITURE oostauaTura in part 0r.... 1 Elettant Uprljht Piano, costing $^00; 1 Maitnlfl- cent Parlor Set lv brocade and silk, costing $180; Oak and WalßSt Itedroom Set*; Curled-batr and SprliiK Ma:tre«*es; >«\v Velvet and Urtusels Car- pet; Klegant Oak Sideboard: Lace Curtains and Portieres; L'legaut Kxtennion and Parlor Tables: Pine Walnut I'lning-ro'jin Chairs; Crockery, (Jli»«s and Granite Ware: tle^ant ltai:g<-, cost $30 two moutbs Kitchen Furniture, Etc. selH -i!t« 1,. Xl). The Ne-.v Anctlonfer. MISCELLANEOUS. ' Sunburn, " ~w£L|S E ~" Piles, , Chafings, , iSS!!' k LI S> Eruptions, |Xli £ oi!s> Sore Eyes, WMM P, Lirns i Sore Feet, filll Wouiw,. Mosquito Bites, illlpi Bruises/ : Stingsoflnsects, JM@r| Catarrh; Inflammations, T^ftrif Soreness, Hemorrhages, 1 SSwJSu Lamenes* AVOID IMITATIONS. ,' ACCEPT NO SUBSTITUTE. \u25a0 POND'S EXTRACT CO, 76 Fifth Avenuo, New Yori* THE STATIONERY DEPART JEST Of Sanborn, Vail & Co., Kos. 741, 743 and 745 Market Street, Is fast becoming the recognized depot for the supply of fashionable papers. Here can be found all the latest styles •nd tints of correspondence paper that fashion dictates, for you must follow the fashions in stationery Sf you wish to be con- sidered in touch with the times. Repp, ("cquille and Venetian are among tbe newest note papers. In this depart- ment is also shown a complete line of La- dies' Pocketbooks and other leather goods In plain finishes or wl'.h silver-moucted or- BeDts> \u25a0rlltiMlo«p

Transcript of · 2017-12-18 · AN OLD VIOLIN. Betol

Page 1: · 2017-12-18 · AN OLD VIOLIN. Betol


Betol<l this rare Cremona: mister It.Twillsing as 'twere an anpei :but to nsnas

Unskilled but for ni»Mtetrul>t.i«b fit:O>a worth «o mv« one re*<ls aud understand*

•Twas wont to sb»ke meu> hearts, as when the windttie le»»es a-quiver. Now H lies

TV!ih til its swett soul mute and undlvinea.rriceC fttso much. A »uul for sale; who buys?

One says 'tis scratched ana ugly, gummed aud

He can buy' handsomer for less. No doubt!4jrSSa"Sot»sfnMHl.'is T

pl "

Endur*. endure, t.'ioumuster* child !*.vcusoAre noble tplrltican>e.l st. all unknown. .\u25a0_

Vhile tv tbelr Ue.rti dlvlneljiiw.llan-i.u wtiiah .riroiiies wbleb zenius bears alone.

GERALD'S GRANDMOTHER."Depend upon it, Barbara," said Ralph

Penniford, "he's only amusing himself

with you! It's the way these fine city gen-

tlemen do when they come down to thecountry."

Wynyard's brillianteyes, soft asBarbara Wynyard's brilliant eyes, soft asTelvet, and fringed with Long, jet-blacklashes, sr-aikled omiuously.

••How dare you speak so to mo, Ralph?'

she flashed nut. "Iwill thank you to mindyour own affairs for the future and let meBl°nfe roans man looked sadly down on

the flushed, beautiful counteuance ol theEI

"Your affairs and mine. Barbara, oncemeant the fame tbln«l" Le retorted.

"Iknow^t, Barbara," and Mr.Penniferd"1 know it, Barbara," and Mr. Pennlferd(\u25a0rood away, feeling himself dismissed,after the most regal fashion.

The crimson zephyr wool wherewith Bar-bara Wynyard was crocheting for hersellacoouetlisu ilttle three-cornered hood oe-canie sadly entancled after Ralph was gone,aud finallyBarDara threw it aside in a pet.

••lie wouldn't darel" she thought to her-\u25a0elf ftet allhe has said and locked! And.after all why shouldn't he marry me? AmInot pretty enouzh to be any n:an s wife/

An-1 the mirror to which she instantlyappealed for confirmation answered her"Yes


When Mr. EserSon strolled around thatevening to ask Barbara to walk on the sea-

thore with him, he thought he had nevereeeu her look so beautiful.

"She ought to have been called Dellah,"be said to himself, "or Judith, or Miriam.Surely- ehe lias Jewish blood la her veinseonieahere." . ,

Neither had be eTer known her so absenl-

"Barban." he said at length, "what is thematter with yon to-night?" ,'.•";».

Aa he spoke he stopped on a level stretchof sandy beach, and the silvery light of thepewly risen moon enhanced the beauty ofthe dark, rad.ant face at bis side.

Barbara lifted her eyes to bis—deep,\u25a0nivering wells of fire.

"Shall Itell you tLe truth?"Yes."""Well, then, Iwas wondering where all

this wouid end— this walkinz and singing,and boating, und delicious dreaming awayoisummer ewnines!"

"End!" Mr. Kj;erton repeated, rather un-easiiv. "Why, wuere should it end, I3ar-bara V


•That is just what Iwant to know," shesaid, quietly. "l'o you mean to make tnejour wife or—are you merely amusingjuureelf, as people say yea are?"

"1 wlah peopie would be cood enough toinlnd tirir own business," said Mr. Eger-

ton. feeling himself to be growing uncom-fortably warm."Iknow, but this Is my business, said

Barbara, tirnily. "You hare told me agood many iiui^s that you loved me. Whatdnei it all atnoiuit lo?"

"Ip- n mj word, litrbara, you are takingmatters very seriously.

"Am I?""I—l— course, you must know—

rery awkward to expect a fellow to explain.Ihaven't a cent of my own—entirely de-peudent on ray grandfather, Igive you myword, and he's a hals fellow of 50. with noidea of 'takit g off hi3shoes before he goesto bed, as people say. Hal ha! ua!"


—and so, of course, I'm not In a

position to marry; and even if 1 were—""Yes, even if you were? Go ou; Iam

listening.""To be frank with you, Barbara, I

shouldn't pick icy wife off the s»a-sand3of a little fishing village. Iexpect styleand connection and the other accompani-ments of a fashionable life when Imarry."

"Exactly so," said Barbara, with a quiet•corn. "Suppose, then, we part,"

"As friends?""N<j: as em?mlesl""Youlittle tigress,'' laughed Mr. Eger-

ton, feigning the off-'iand ease of mannerbe was far from feeline. "1 do believeyour eyes 6hot fire then.""

Perl.apa they dH. 1arc only a woman ;ifIwere a man Ishould knock you down I"

And Barbora Wyuyard turned andqnietly walked awsy.

Gerald Egerton looked after her with acuiious feeling, half admiration, half fear,stirring his heart.

"ByJove, she's a beauty!" he thought."Ifshe onlyhad been rich, instead of poor;and ifIonly hail not been dependent oumy grandfather."

And Mr. Egerton felt dissatisfied equallywith fate, himself and Barbara Wynyard.

Barbara went home and opened tbe littie"Diary" in which «ho whs wout, after thefashion of romantically disposed youngladies, to record such emotions and experi-ences as are capable of being put into writ-ten word*, and wrote therein, with the dale,seven words:"Iwillbe avenged on Gerald Egerton."Andifany on»« had seen her face, as she

dosed tli*book, they would have been con-vinced that she Uieaut tocarry out ber pur-pose."Iam not a nian," »'je thought, looking

out into the moonlight, with two red spots,like coals of fire, burning on ber cheeks,"but tliera are other and subtler ways of be-ing avenged tnan belong to mere bruteforce. lie has mortified and made me suf-fer. Iwillhave my turn yet."

Mr. Egertaa left Beachwold the week."The season was getting on," he said, "andthe place was getting slow." And so per-batt> it was, for the exciting element ofbeautiful Barbara Wynyard's companion-ship was lacking. lie went home to NewV rk.

"Yoa had better take h tour through Eu-roDe," auvisrd Mr. Clarethome, that bale,bandsotne man, who enjoyed the honor ofbeing Gerald Egerton's grandfather. "Youare not deriving any benefit from tbe eam-lLg-houses here."

"Justas you say, «!r," anid Gerald, whohad been taueht ia all things todefer to thewithes of his wealthy progeuitur. And hewent accordingly.Itwas Just a year afterward when sitting

at bis lute brpakfa«t of claret, grapes andbroiled birds in a Florentine villa,Mr. Eger-ton broke open the seals of a packet of homeletters and grew whiter than the carvedmarble vases among tbe lime grooves out-

"What's up. Egertcn?" a?ked Mr. Vane,his friend and fellow-traveler.

The meanest trick that ever was playedan a fellow," ga»pe<l Gerald, tearing at hisoeck lie. "lie's going to be married.",

"Your grandfather?""Yes."••Weil, hasn't be as good a right as any

one,>fif he chooses.iand the lady is will-

"No!" shouted Gerald, "he hasn't. Notat his time of life and after all the yearsof expectation he has dragged vie through.

"Who is she?""He doesn't say. He simply insultß mo

by invitine rue home to the wedding.••A very proper attention, I6hould say."You should say!" snarled Egerton,

turning suddenly aiound on his companion."Very possibly. He isn't your grandfather,and his marriage doesn't ruin you!"

He rose upas he spoke and ftroile outamong the myrtles and limetreos, his facea3 black as midnight.

-Take my advice,'" cnlled Vane afterhim; "put your righteous indignation inyour pocket— no home and do the agreeableto grandmamma! The whole loaf undoubt-edly is cone, but that's no reason youshouldn't enjoy v few i f the crumbs, ifyouare only a little politic."

And Gerald Ecerton, on sober secondand third thoushts, concluded to profit bythft hints embodied in his friend's advice.

Of course she will be young enough to bemy MSter," he said. "Old rr.en always domake fools of themselves ;but perhaps Icanmanage her. after all"

Itwas a bracing winter night, the sky allsprinkled with star?, when Gerald Eyertonwalked ud the steps leading to his grand-father's princely mansion on Fifth avenueand rang the bell.

The butler griuned at him asheoreueddoor.

"You're too late for the weddlnsr. MasterGerald," said lie. "Master brought bißbride home last night."

•*Th«rteuce lie did!" said Gerald, gloom-ily. "What sort of 'r one U it

—eh. Butts

"A s;unner, sir," the man answered, con-fidentially, "only 1!'."

At that moment another servant threwopen the folding-doors leading into thedrawing-room, and revealed Mr. Clare-thorne looking provokincly young andhealthy, with a tall, siisht girl by his side,dres«*d in wine-colored velvet, relieved bythe fia«sh of diamond? and the creamy foldsof rich old point lace. As she turned towetooOM her jsraud*i how ridiculous theidea seemed- GerK ld Egei ton started back.

He was looking fullinto the radiant depthsof Barbara Wycyard's eyes !

One smile— one scornful flashing smile ofhaughty triumph—and then they met asstraneer;, though th« hot blood boiled upinto Gerald's ch-eks as if v:» veins wererunning molten fire.

"What are yrv writing,dear?" Mr. Clare-tborne a*ked l:is youne wife '.hat night asshe closed and locked a clasp-d bock at herdesk.

"Nothing," she answered, with a brightsmile.

But, underneath the entry made in bitter-ness of heart a year ego, she bad writtenthe<e words:

"1am revenged on Gerald Egerton I"

DINING IN THE tbe Olden Tinte* tit*lioal Hoar Was

Ten O'clock.Chambers Journal.

ItIs believed by some that the wcrddinnersprings from a corruption of the wcrd"dixheures. indicating the time at which, inthe old Norman days, this m»al wastaken. 'Ihe mere Idea of haying dinnerat the barbarous hour of 10 o'clock Inthe morning would, in all probability,send a modern chef into a fit, yet itwas at this early time that persons of qual-ity,both in England and France, partook ofthe meal. Froissart mentions waiting uponthe Duke of Lancaster at 5 o'clock in theafternoon, after he had supped, an>i, duringthe reigns of Francis Iand Louis XII,ofFrance, fashionable peot>!e dined from 10:30and supped at the la!e3t at G o'clock in theeveninz. And again, from a Northumber-land household book, bearing date 1512, welearn that the family rose at <;, breakfastedat 7, din<*d at 10, supped at 4 and shut thegates at 9 o'clock p. M.

Speaking generally, though the dinnerhour then, as now, was later in this countrythan in Fiance, Louis XIVdid not dine till12, wii:;e his eoaiteaiporariet, Cromw*ll audCharles 11, took the meal at 1. In1700 thehour was advanced to 2, nnd in 1751 we findthat the Duchess of Somerset's dinner timewas 3. In1760 Cowper speaks of 4 oVlock asthe then fashionable time. After the battleof Waterloo 6p. m. was the time at whichthe beau cionde took their substantial meal,while at the present day many of the nobil-ity do not dine till8or 9: bo we see throagb400 years the dinner hour has graduallymoved through twelve hours of tbe day—from 9A. it to 9 r. m. When the dinuerhour was so early often no trevious mealwas tak*"n.

'The Koman«, in the time of Cicero and

Augustus, took an early breakfast, froni3lo4 in the morning, a luncheon at 12 or 1, andat about 4 o'clock Ihe coeua, or principalmeal of the day, corresponding with ourdinner. Concurrently, we read of some notdining until sunset. A Roman dinnerat the house of a wealthy man con-sisted chiefly of three courses. Ailsorts of stimulants to the appetitewere first served , up, and et'gs wereindispensable to the first course. Amongthe various dishes we may instance theguinea ben, pheasant, nightingale and thethrush as the birds moit in repute. TheRoman gourmands heid peacocks in greatestimation, especially their toneues. Macro-bius states that they were first eaten byHortensius, the orator, and acquired suchrepute that a single peacock was sold for50 denarii, thedenarius being equal to abouteightpence-half-penny of our money.


WJ Howard, Chicago X J Holmes, BerkeleyADowning. Sacramento P C Gould, OmahaJ MBends. Sacramento C Dlxon. ADgel lsiar.4Peter Young, Chicago Fred Latrirop, New York<i H Clark. s»nta Crnz C C Sboppee, New YorkJohn MafTord. Bnta Craz LKogi-ri. BostonJ Jotitiitori, San Rafael Jainex Sbeehan. BostonJ o Prior, Ansel lilana Adoiph Kubn, ChicagoJ J Cerboy. Oakland Miss Annie Kubn, ChicagoU Kenny. Sacramento Mrs C Kubn, Chicago.1 11 II 1. San bruno FRatbgeber, BentciaM C Kimbail, Omaba J H Wood. StocktonP R Hadley, San Joie J W GibDens. PlymouthS W Ccllhis, Palo Alto Ji.liiLevapgl, Plymouth

CALIFORMA HOTEL.TBerry. Chicago Mn O'Connor. MinnI.Bnliock, ''tilCHgo J Calla;ha-i, BoiloaC Gibson, Chicago M Cator. BostonI. I>Hooker. Chicago I. Tuttle, Kansw Pond, Chieaca Mr<Atvtoo<t,KamVf B De*a, Cblcago P Hoage, New YorkT ONe'li, St Paul A Lenno'i. Los AngelesMrs Hall, Mlnnea|iolli T Hannei. Los An^eleiL Hill,Minneapolis X McCutchen. Los AngF Conger * w. N V Jit Watson. Ou*rneviileJ Khtiti. Los Angelc* J Fletcher, LondonS Kabn & w.Los Angsles C R Miller,Palo A|tOH Kahn, Los Anjeles CW Henderson FrsnoJ J M Murtr, NY X \V Pollard, Sant» RusaO I.Browu, N V £Cuilen*w. Santa KosaMWehner. Fretao J G Adiins. >' VJ OCunnlogham.Gaeroe- Mrs Adams, N V


DrFB Smltb, Pomona J J Irvin.New York.1 LHackett, Ky HIIlir^liey.New VoritC J Prlnre, P.oston \u25a0 D Llebmau, BrooklynW Ware. Koston O I.Pat-.e. AttleboroH C Ware. Itoston G Sbepardson, AttleboroV D ll>n in.Bm Joi« FG I.ane*u. LimaLU Thompson. Chicago Mrs A A Tart. N«w TorkC LMoore. Oregon W IIOrcutt, BuffaloF OCartwrlgbt. Boston W V Woods. OmahaC MWalsb. Oakland J R Barret & wf,KyLC Lake. Oaklaud Millharret, KyC IL.ckimon, Sioux City l>It fifjrtiril.SeattleM Ilafft* w. Baker City Mrs C Weit, DenverUU H«-id Chicago F ltrouzhton. USNCJ Farupson, ttiieago FJ Ulodgstt, SeattleU U <<riltlii,Ind W Hatr.»Kton, l»el MonUXV Drake. Portland. C A Sttnson, TorontoFW Lohr,New Tork M L Ba«-r irr SeattloW Butler Jfc w.New York W J Flick,PaMina uti«r, New York

INTERNATIONAL HOTEL.F J Cavanaith, Oakland J(i train, U8 NF .Smith, Oakland W Maher, ÜBNC Jackson, t: IH j.lolinion. U S NJ Fr«nk. Oakland U-LMontapne. ChlcsgoJ Rlbleltn,Oakland J Tlerney. PhiladelphiaRock, Mies a KutherTor.l. WintersH Clocuson.Nlles X Oben, BenlclaW M Dean. Eareka

-M M-Counors *w.CalU leer. Eureka J sbiMaKtian. 0 s N

N C Peterson, SKKkton VJmin\ou, .San JoseC M White. i'oi tlnnd J X Fltzslmons. Sun JoseAKroner, 1-o'tUiid O Kills, raiuentoI)Woods, Kutte XW Meyer. SacramentoJ F H'irnf.Victoria 11 Havens, San Lean-lro •X I)Oasklll. Victoria A C Healy, Tur«onJ Murray, har leu F J Cavanagh, OaklandT r. Wayt. haleme C Spratt. Victoria\V A Glubs A w. Mich J 1> li:;uiiaiii.M»xwellAPiper. Seattle J Uaranaszb, ModestoMrs Kisber, ittle V J P.ussei), Ban Josel»N Sterns, seattl* P C Kearner, VancouverJ A Drown. San Hafael 8 Tyson, LtttMRlrerR Mac^le. Sun.nna F lyson, MendociaoMrs Klmboroujb,Colo I. Anderion, Mrn<!oclnoT i:r«w:ori, Mendoelno F Williams, Denver1. Tyson. Maudocino W i:u<lti'-.NanalmoW ilnrk-y.v liv.Mxi.tauall i..mrl. Maple BayJ Hevln .v w,Lincoln V.' Strance, ComoxA U Ricbards Aw,n V F Uickey, CreedoJ It blackweii. Mexico

A writer In the. Boston Transcript hasfigured up that heaven contains 1,800,000.000MiuU. against a population io hell oil 175,---000,000,000.


Lively Contest at PiedmontPark Yesterday.

The Emmets Still E'ta'.n the Championship.

The Bartfi 'ids of Port Coita to Chal-lenge the Victors.

Several hundred people assembled at thePiedmont ball grounds at 2 o'clock yester-

day afternoon to witness a game of Gaelicfootball between the Emmet Club of SanFrancisco and the O'Briens of Oakland.

Owing to some hitch ia the programme avexatious delay of nearly two liouru aud ahalf occurred.

Much interest was manifested In thematch from the fact of tho Emmets holdiug

the championship which the O'Briens sau-

guinely expected to wrest from them, theyhaving recently rc-fliiforced their club byseveral crack players.

A number of the contestants Inboth clubshave belonged to football teams in theGreen Isle, and three of them, CttptainPalmer. Frank iiughes and Tom Hughes ofthe Euitnets, Had been members of theYoung lieiand team of Dublin.

The game differs from the Kugby game inthat itis played with twenty-one men, in-stead of eleven, and that the players arenot permitted to touch each other with theii.-xi us. Jostling by tho shoulder ia aloneallowed.

A player is not permitted to run with theball under his arm to tne goal, tho rule com-pelling him to bounce it from the groundat every three steps while running tocoal.

Itappear? fully as scientific a game as itsBogby brother, while far les^ dangerous,a.tuotigh there Is enough of the latter ele-ment in itto lend zest.

The Emmets wero uniformed in whiteknit shirts, white kuee breeches, green capsand black stockings.

The O'Briens appeared on the pround inblack Bhirtt, brown knee breeches, blackcans nnd stockings.

John Furcell. tne well-knowo all-aroundAthlete, was chosen referee, tho other posi-tions being tilled as follows:

Goal umpire*—P. 11. McCarty andPatrick Puri-ell for the Kmmet-, D. Croniuami C. Toomey for the O'Briens.

The field umpires were John Purc«ll forthe Emmets and R. White for the O'Briens.

Ttie ball had hardly been tos.-eil to thecontestants an<i play bepun when itbecameevident that the grounds were luuch toolimited for ihe purpose.

Tb* sphere was almost constantly cross-ing the dead line?, and several times thegame w*9 delayed for some minutes becausesome too vigorous Celt had kicted it overthe fence.

In the firsthalf of the game it looked as ifthe O'Briens would make a stand off withthe pennant holder?, if not capture thetrophy, but superior orc&nizatiou of theEm diets, couuled with the superb playingof Palmer, Hughes nnd O'Keefe, made itonly too evident (bat fickte fortune wa«with the Frisco tbam.

When the referee announced the close ofthe game the score stuod 6 to 1points ivfavor of the Emmets. _

To Courtney is due the thanks of theO'Briens for inis«inKa zoose ezz, the pointsmade by the Emmets being credited up toO'Keeie 2, O'Dood 2, Hughes 1, Welsh 1.

Courtney was a substitute player, whotook the place of Manorjey, who was injurediv a rush.

Among the spectators was Captain J. J.Tobin of the barsfield Club of Port Costa,who at the conclusion ot the fcauie cr. al-len^ed the winning club. The match willprobably occur at I'iedinunt Park next buu-day week.

On Sunday next the ParnelM of San Fran-cisco will meet the O'Briens at PiedmontPark. Game will be called promptly atlr.u.


Reports of Progress Made Last Week inthe Dig Jlines.

Virginia City, Nev.. Sept. 18.— Appendedwi:lbe found the letters ul superinten-dents ot operation* la tlie Cormtock mines.

Co*. Cal. and Va. Misk-1100 level—Tliewevt crosscut from tiie main north lateral drift,Sls feet uoi doni the siuft olallon, liaibaeiadvanced 30 feet ;total lengh:1-40 leet ;Inter-pliyry.clay and stringers of qu.irtz.

1500 level—From tie s.mii dilft at point ofconnection wltli the o!<l stopes we continue toextract some ore and Blitnctof aveiage millingvalue. From the upraise on tlie fount) floor29 feet above Hie sill flour, wiilcti was earrledup (roa itMcms of Urn crosscut iuu west 3G feetlvficiiiu-e ruatn souib drift, 156 feet south fromthe «hift nautili, we have contlun-d towork upward and to extract ore of fairqua.i'.y. ICOO level— We have continuedpioftvectlDC uaward from tii« old sill floor of theold slopes, from which tuice oie of fair qualityIs being extracted. Have completed rct-.ilrt lvthe nialu touiu lateral drift. ICSO level—Con-tinued lo extract «onf ore fium tlie di iftruueast from the irlnu 3 (down73 feel) In worklugupward from tnat polut;ulio *ome oie from theoM stepM at tli* uortn end of the Californiaground. Inworking ut>*Aid from the drift lunnorlu from Uie bottom of the winze Man 28 feetlv this last locr. it\ through the old timbers havecontinued to extract a few tons of millingore.1750 level—ln east crosscut* 1,3 and 5 fromtrie mala «outu drift.In workingupward fiom the•HIfloor, have continued lo extract me mllllUKore. Have continued to extr.tct ora ofaveiat'e mlllln*at the polat where ti:e npralMfrom the end of the drlfc iuiisootb, K8 feet fromtii- cud of ii.ccrosscut run west from t; c end ofthe so'j'tiwest drift,connected with the DloUifloor o!.eniijg». From the ea«t eio^cut from theend of the Boatk drirt last mentiutied at a point44 f-e' la from Its mould an apralsa liai beencani-d ur 23 feet, reaeMaa; a quaitz formationlv ti.e top whlcti carries tome ore. Havecontinued iiuici.k lepuits In the souiit-•rasl drift. 1800 level

—Along the south

end of the dn't running south from thecrosscnt run «-a*t from the wli.ze 1•ufiK from the I7*>o levc lwo bava coatSaoed toextract some ore fiom the nil floor upward ofmillingvalue. lvMoping upward from the driftrun south from the crOMCat run ea^l fruui thebottom of winze 2, down 45 feet, have extracted•oma ni'.iliui: oie. There has been extiacredfrom nil parts of the mlue durluz tho wee;!

036 1670-2000 tons of ore, whlcb wa^slmitiito the Morgaiu mill, the aveiage value of which,per car samples, was $24 74 per ton. lh« aver-age assay value of all the ore worked Ht that millduring ttie week, 880 t<ui«, vai $20 per tonper battery sample?. Bullion snliiped to CarsonMint,assay value $14,192 33.

Ophik—l4os level— From ihe touiii drift, 101feet below the sill floor of the 14G5 level fromthe Mexican line Into the Oi>hlr ground, the w-stcro*'-cii | 2 ha* been advanced lt# feet. Totalleugtn 85 feet; lvporpajrrjf with little quartz.

Mexican— On tho 14G5 level the west cr<>»«.ent, which was staneu from the drift run northfrom tlu-cromcui iun west from the bot'nm oftbe winze sunk 101 feet below the «11l floor ofthis level near the south boundary of the mine,has be-u advaoced 15 feet. Total len£lh 82 feet,continulDE In porphyry aud clay.

UVXOa Con.—9oo level—Tlie Joint Union Con.and Sierra Nevada we*ldilri lid*been extendedduring the week 24 feet. ToUl lengtt) west fromthe Joint shaft 2449 feet. The f«co Is lv

liyry,from which there Is a stroDg flow ofwater.

Utah— level—From the end of the northdrift (ata point 340 feet In)from lue w-«: cross-cut from the shaft station w>-«t crosscut 2 hasbeen extended 3 feet; total length 206 feet.From the west crosscut near the face a northdrift has been started and advauced 19 feet Inporphyry and clay formation.

Bieura Nevada— West cio«spiU 2. Kenoshatunnel, started from not th drift 800 feet in hasbe«;n advanced 25 feet; tottl distance 112 feet;face Inhard pmphyry. No woi k lias been doneIn the Cedar Hilldrift during the week as weare enlarging the mouth of the drift and loweringIts Riade about 6 feet. The Joint Sierra Nevadaand Union west drift, 900 level, has been ad-vanced during the week 24 feet; total distancewesi of »baft 2419 feet; face lv noiphyry, fromwhich there Is a stroug flow ot water, i

Axdks— During tb» week cant ctoxscut northon 420 level was (tdvauced 19 feet; totallength 122 feet; formation iv face of clay audpori>:»yiy

Gould SiCdrry—2oo level— Work Mas beenresumed lo ihn northwest drift aud the same tiatbeeu extruded 16 feet through soft porphyry,total length454 feet. We havo nl<o done con.slderable repairing on the 200 and 400 levels.Allwork in iheO oldmopes, on the 20(and 400levels have been discontinued. During theweek w«have extracted 30 carts of ore, car sam-ple* $19 81. Shipped io tho Occidental mill 32tons and milled 85 tons; batterry assay $21 28.Kl-coniliiued. shipping ore- ou tbe lltn lust.Resumed work Inth- Joint north dilft wltb Sav-age Company on tho Sutra tunnel level and ad-vanced same 10 feet; total leugtn 540 feet; faceof drift in very hard cock. & BKi.fhkr—

900 level—

During thel week tho noith drift fiom east crosscut 1 has

been advanced 15 feet, total 952 leet; face Idporphyry, clay and quartz.

Hai.k & Nokckohs— We continue retlmnerlngmain shaft above the 1000 level. Main lucllne-Are making tho Decenary repairs. 1500level

—Are repairing the main north diift

on this level. 1800 level—

During theweek advanced the north drift 15 feet,tolal length 195; face In porphyry. Wore also digging a drain Inibis drirt. Tbe southdrift on this 1 -vei was extended IO feet, whenwork lv the face was stoppe.i, as the drift hasreached our south Hue. Wo have put In placeon the 1800 level a No. 9 Knowles pump. Kx-teuded the compressed-air plpei fiom (ho 1100to the 1800 level, aud carried tbe dischargepipe for the pump from the 1800 to the Sutrotunnel level, aud are fully prepared to haudieaDy w.iter wo niiyencotiuter on this level.

I'otosi—Are repairing the drifts which con-nect with (he Lludsey winze 250 and 350 levels.Tho raise from cro»!.cut 1.1100 level, coutlnuesId low-grade o,uaitz. Tho station In the i'otoslwinze, 400 level, Is completed aud adrift startedsoutheast to connect with tho northwest dilftfrom the Ward shaft. The drift Is vow In 42feet from the wall: face In low-grade quartz.Thonorthwest driftfrom the 1800 station. Uaidshaft, ti out 844 feet; face In baid torphyiy.hxtact-ti and sent to null the i'a*l wVk41 500-2000 tons of ore from the 550, 930. 1100,1150 and 1300 Irvels. Worked duritiK tho week311toii'*. Ou baud at mill 80 900-2000 ton*.Average battery assay, $21 47; average sampleas«ay«. $24 55. , ,

CaoLLAit-Aro repaltlug nortti drifts on th*

750 aud 8">o level*, Ti»e east crosscut, ICO fee!sou of north line, CJo level, Is ivOV refet; hitIn «oft porpliyry.

BctLiox-Tne upraise rrom the enst crosscut320 feet south of north line 1300 level Is up 70feet; top In porphyry mixed with quartz..station in the otosi winze. 1850 level, Is com-pleted and a drift started southwest to couuectwith the nonnwesr drift from tiie Ward shaft.The drift Is vow In 42 teet from the footwall;(ace in low-crade quartz, rue northwest driftfrom the 1800 station, Ward shaft, Is out 844feet; faca ivuoiphyiy.

Alpha—The Joint west crosscut on onr northHue or Exchequer, 1800 level of the Ward Buaft,Is out 41 feet: th« face inquartz aud porphyry.

KxciiEQUEi:—The jolutwest crosscut on ourDoith line of Exchequer, 1800 level or Ward•, Is out 41 feet; face iv quartz and por-

LIST OF LETTERSHeinnliiina unclaimed in the Postofflce at San Fran-cisco on MONDAY,Septemb r19, I<J9J.

«r To obtain any of these letters the applicantmu»t call for "Advertised Letters.' 1 and glvo thed.ite of the list. 11 not called for withlutwo weeksthey willbe scut to the Dead-letter Otnce.


Aarmemlaen. Capt A Alvlu&NelsonAbbet, Mrs Wllia Allers, Einmu MissAcme Art Co

'American Tontine Union

Ackley, Mrs Alice Anderson, Caas AAlder,E H a An-!ers j:i, Peter -'Adams, A 1' Antcita, Miss SotUAdatns, Mrs Clara Arnold.XAdams. J S

'Austin, Miss Selma

Ajnew. s f Asch, AAlbrUht, Miss Marlou AUiuson, MissAlexander. Mrs Mary Alherton. Mrs F DAllen. Mrs C X Aurderhelde. HenryAllen, Dora Augustln, tl.tnu«Maker, tinL Bolley, Wm josBaker, Miss Louise Bolin,Jno HBaker, Wallace lloraan, IIcBagley, W 11 Bonenberger. Mra Annali»hu. II Boning. H WKal.lbrldze.JP Bonham. Mrs FannyBaldwin, Mrs Leon Buau, Misa RosalieBail, M ss Mary P.OMiier, W J &1oBauks, Mrs Mangle Booker, KnL W 2Baunerman, Jacx Horkhout, WmBauuisti-r. Julius £ Boroughs. Mrs RolaBarden, Chas Botman, Miss MarieBarling,Chas

'"<« •; P.owiue, E H

Barlow, Mrs liowen, MrsLonlseBarnbach. Hans Boyee,Un LizzieBartlett, Luther Uoy. WillBarr, A W lieyan. MrsBatai. O P Brady & Davis 2Bass, Mrs Kate lirasidon, JasBaxter. Jas Brander, Madame 7 vBean, MlxsElla £ Hredon. MrsBechtol. X 1; lirenuer, Mrs I.llltoBeebe, Miss Kffle Brooks, (itiuiuleBeede, Dr \v M.a Bronuell. Mrs NBell, Win M Urown, Ca)il AlbertIteiuillft. Ii Brown, Capt A MBender, Geo F Brown, Miss Alls 31lieactsea. Miss Augusta Brown, Mrs Bessie 0Beiiuett, Miss Be.«»lo Urown, EdBergmann, August Brown, H \VBercovler, s Brown, JItevan, E Brown, Jno 11Bevllle, Miss Wiine Mac lirown,J .nBeverMge, Miss May Browu, Kuto I.1isiii-p. .le.stle Brown, Tom IfB.tliiigttr.Ro&a Bryant, MamieBlacumore, MrsB Bryant. WillieBlake, Mrs Bockeaaayer, MrsBlawe. Mra Maria Buckler, Nick.Blenpoon, A Buchl, Key and Mrs J IIHlesslug. J X Kueua VistaPetroleum Coliiousm. J J Burgotl.Arthurhlects. Mrs JturnsJnoItlomilaiil,Mrs C Buru.t, JasBlue, Mrs Henrietta Burns, .Its ABliimeiitlial. S Bush Mrs UJ-.oiiiiier. Htas Katherlne Buyous, Miss KittyCaraui.r, ,la< k Colean, Mrs Fanniecal Kitrhen Cabiuet Co Col;an. John iiCal .Mauutßrturins Co Collins. > XCampbe 1. Mi^sJcaule MCouboy. Mrs WCand ds, MrsJoslino Connolly, Mrs GeorgeCarlleo, iiaas Connolly, MrsJ

-carisoa, Jacob Connors, Miss Margert('ainiigtnn. MrsSado E Conner, ThomnsCarroll, Mm Laura Conradson, Mrs OCarter, II C \ Cook, MISS EdltnCasey, Wm J Cooper, R GCason. Balpa Coolbntb, MlsslnaOC.-.ssiily. M J Crow, ItCt'atotr. Mlos Llzzlt Copp. Mrs (SVHFifthSt)Chadwlclc, .Mrs A Corcoran, Mrs MChambers, a ii Cortney, Miss MayCbaadler, a B Costello, Mrs JChaptD, Mlsa tugenia B Cvstello, JamesChase, Mrs J T Cota, kraalrijase. W Courtley. MrsMay1 bicago ShoestPre Craig. 1i>.irinlatl lasoa, Chas Creedun. Miss Hanna 2Christy, .lames Crlttenden. Parkerctiiirrh, Vl;sLillian Crockard, Mrs DClaire, An^ist L Crolly,MrsCtark, C W Cronia, l'«tcr JClark, John 1} 3 Crow. Mrs AmaudaClark, Mrs Katie Crown, DrClark, W M Cu.l.-n. MUs MClosson. Mrs M B Culln,rrank iClayton, Henry Casßßßln(Si MCieary, Miss Harriot Cooasalon. Mrs MaryClemeata, Mrs Fraus M Canauignaa, MayClinton. Mr*O Curryer. O WClover. H P Curne. Mrs S AColin, Hiss MoreS Cnrtlss. MraBlancheCohu. Mrs J Cuthbert, J Oi»h||. r De Vara. Mrs (Ellisst)Dalion,John Dener, Dao Jwante.s, J II Dickerman, HobertDarinc, C Dickinson. M:a (313 Mar-Darrescaon, V.'m ket)Davidson, Wsa Dietrich,G*o Fi>av:s, De!U<er. Mrs vexanderDavii,J f Dobt>s, Mt^s NevadaDavis, W Dorety, MUs JessieDaveujiort, Mrs DoUn. Mrs J HDay, J J "Donahue, I'aricDebOtS, Frank Dons Dover, Ml« 3Decker. MISS i: Doyle, Miss IsabelDedrick. Mrs Dire Dreuston. 11 GDe Groat. Mrs Grant Drlscoil,Miss EllaDe Huff,Mrs T J Duffy. JamesDin.Uaale D»eaew, mixDeloeutbal, Prof Duftou, JohnDeuman, MircU Dsna. Mis*Mamie 3Denman. Wm Dunn. Miss Nellie itDepue, Mm J E Durbrow, Mrs George \7i>ei) c, B V Irjrer.laimrs 11K«rl, W II Edmondson. HarryBasttaait, Fowler &Co Ediuoiid, JohnEatuu, k W Elbersou, EffieKb-rr. MissKdlth Emerson. WruEdwards, HI Evans, EJt-dnarK Tbos EvcKlug. ChasEdwards, WmPsurciaSMk, Miss AuniaFoorest. 1:Katroara, J \u25a0 Ford. a JFanciers' Monthly, Feme, Pat}prh!er. John Foster. Miss Bell*teld.Johu Poster, X rFerrler..Madams(Wllllam Foaratt, John

street Fowler. William HFile 1 er. MraJA 1 ox, Ch»rlesma -v, Mlsa Carrie France, w m .irutrglst)Flntliey,N (i Kraw;ey. Mrs Ev» 8Fiuk. itO Frayer. H 0Fischer. Edward Q Frt.hiy Joj . Fritz, •>• rKltoh, I'.oi Thos Fro.rihi-rn. WmPlUffi a d. Miss Tillt* Prye, Saiaael BriMti.-ii1. Ado Puller, Mr (Saa LUliFl« t'h«-r. Mrs lviithE Oblspo)Flood, MlivJulia Fuller. W Ol-'olsom. David II Fulkner. ThomuFontaiu«, Miss Josls Paltoa, W EO«rl«Ojr, Mi«Mamie 00l Mteln. Jacot>UaadU, Mrs Louisa Uoldberrv, IraGainmeii, MrsErneit A (ioodf: c I, PGates. J G Gooile. W CGardner. W X . Gorliett, Nr(.hitrii, Mrs Mary (torinati. MISS MaryGastin?, Mrs Iaunla (ir»ham, X 1,

(Jaylord. J B i.r.iQt, WGertchteu. Mrs Ceila Grey, Mrs EllaGerema, Ma-lame F Orceuleaf, S PGhiesliii. Dr J Qrieemaoa, f<ilei':bn«r, FJ Grliuin.L ,Golf,ueo Guiaoid, Misj jesileUollberi(. MH:.l»i|.-. MissM I. Henrlch;en. WaMeSBMHa?er, John Beaa Will DudleyHaiiiday, F Horall. Mrs Adali:iicrriin. M , H?rii. JamesHall, Grady II Herrlck. H JHall. Meuto.-i Hettln;er, Miss AlintaHaminoml. Mrs Frank Hlcken, V itHarabley, f0 Uilllard, i"MJtasaelia, H Hlldreth, Miss GraceHansen, X BUlyoe, Mlsa MaggieHanzen, Mrs Alma lliltuii,Ht'i.ry Sllaiisiin,Henry Hlil. Miss Aliceilaiinah, Mrs May Jose- Ulntou. Dr AVf

pblne Illncb, MrsIlanna, Mrs Joe Ulntou. Mrs S SHaona, Mrs J Hitching^, E WadeBaasbera. F Hitchcock, MrsQ WHanrock, W(F 3) Hitch. Wm THanery. H II Ilobiis, Miss JennieHardy, B k Ho/an. Miss ivssieHarnler, Mrs DJ Hohnstrom. 0 Mllnrpir,EC Botbrook, Mi <£tkelllarrliiijtoa,Miss Viola UoilliUy.DanHnrrls, Mr (barber) llo'hs, MUs LorainoHarris. N B Hollz,DrLHartman, Mrs Mary Holz. M .1HaatiiiKs. Lillian D Hoover. Vbos HHave, (ieo W Hope, Mrs Fliaw.'ll. MlisEma rstman, OscarHayne*. John Hosklns, AHayes A Co, M J ilowaid iMorseHediian. 11 H Howard, W iiHelns. riiiiip Howell, Herman MHeleck, B.N Howt-11, CaptHeld,Mrs Chas II Huff,MrsJ WHeller, L Hughr.B, WinHellwc;er,II Humphrey. FrankHenderson, Mr Hunt, DrC Wllenderson. Miss natty Bant. Mra sHenderson, Miss Jennie B Hunt, VernonHenderson, M:ss Mggle Hurley. Miss AnnieHenderlong. J E Hutcblnson, A MHeaalßgS, Mrs Howard Hyde, W1;Henrlks^n.Mrs C M Ilydell,Mrs CoraHenry, MMa ii

':: '.;

Iron Ifall Isaacs * LyeQfIsaacs, Mra J Isser A Q iisJackSrin, Mr< Johnson, E .1Jackson, Mrs Millie Johnson. Mrs EmmaJackson, T H Johnson. Mins HildaJacobs, Miss Fannie Johnson, OSCaiJargle. Margarltba Johnson, SolJabn. Mrs Emma Johnson, Miss Saran,Jaiiiinlcoii, Laiila Joliiisuu. N(>lesJaii'son. Miss Augusta Johnson, Tb«S CJanson. Ml* Johntton, Mrs HelenJellnskl. Gustav Adolph Joui*s. Miss Ida M •

awels. MrsEmma Joueau, JJerome, Mrs Jamei Jones, Miss CarrieJessup, U W Jones, J 0Johnson, Loula Jouea, IIJohnson, Mary Jonea, Mrs MaggieJoh.-in.ion, F.inll 2 Jones, Miss MaggieJobansou, Miss Hilda Jones, RobtJohu»on,!Miss Cora Jordau, WmKaltlcmoy, FII

'Klidiiiii Miss AnnieKane, Miss Ellsa Kn.-. frauk

Karlson. Saml II Kaic. lir.ll,KautTmann, Herman King,GeoKeating. James J Klukade. RobtKe^f«r,J F Klrchner. Anthony JKeenan, Miss Kltto.Miss NellieKeble, MisA S Kllnger.JosepnKehoe. ED Klnmann, AKelleran, c F Kuowles. DrC OKelllnger. A F Knowle*, hheilogg, Mrs J I. Kolvsoff. AllckKelley.John

-Korf,Hermann;Kennedy, Eml koa'y, Armlnlus J, Mra Toots Kramer. LouisKennedy, Mollle Krldler. MUs Felora

Keudal. 1 ii Kromphoiy, WalterKensmann, Prof D 2 Krug, Atu'miKero.J E and Mia Kru»e. MaxKlilday,Patrick Kuuo, JohnKlesow, Anton Kurbusb, JI«<\u25a0>. Miss Kllen Levet, Mss Mary ELatleity, Fred Levey. Miss KilaLahrs. Louis Otto .Levy, Miss Bells'-•ke

-(iP Lewis, The LifhtLami., DrRH Lewis,Miss FlossieLambr^cht, Mr Lewis. MrsLane, Mrs Lewis. Bd F

Langfeld, Chr Leeaon.JTLansing. A H Llemen, TheodorLanedon. Miss Mario LHJeroth. Miss ALandau, SL Llllcland. AudrewLaiiflou, Win H Lindsay, o FL:iski, B L Llsbold, GustarLassen. P LlUlns, Mrs El.ashbrook. Mrs Mable Long, Miss Jenny MLauutzen, Misa Louise Long, Mrs \u25a0 ALawrence, W Lonmotii WmLaurence. Wm Loureyro'. JosefaLawson. A Loudon, W JLea &Kink Lur»ky,Ch»sLee, Gerald Luttman. Mlsa DoraLegrls.JG Lynch. MrsJ MLehmau, M Lynch. MJLehmaiin, (lustaf Lynch TimLeleve, Dr A Lyons. WmLeo, Mrs L Lytton. Mrs AgMcArlhur. .Urn MoDonell, Miss MayMcArt.y.Miss Anne McFarUmt. Mrs CMcCarthy. Mrs MacGllllvray, StephenMcCarthy, G P McGaw, S AMeCartty, Wm McGruin, Mlsa SaranMcCarron, Miss Annie Mcliveen, Mrs MayMcCaoiey, Ezra W McKen. Mrs .McCme.Jno McKenzie, Jos II"McCain. .1 ». McKlitney, WinMcOrmlck. Miss Lnella Mci.eau. MMcClintlc,Mrs Pauline McLeau.Mr \u25a0

IMicDonald, Archie O . McLean, Mrs DeliailcPo'iald Mrs M McLaiiaihlia. MJss ilaryMcDo2>l«l. J I> M.Miliao,>|.;..,n*;<l.y.15 AB McMurray.RMcDonald, L McShaue, J 9MacDougal, Mrmi. n. Feter

- Miller,O HMack,Hattie Waae .Miller.MikeMadUan, Mrs A Miller,IEM^ddon, Tuoa Miller,MinnieM»ner, Mrs Tbos Miller,Mrs I.y.l'a FMaher, Mrs Thos F Miller. Mrs V.ct(ir JMaher, Wtllia MlllarJ. DrLevtMaj..r, Jno Millward, JosMailey,Miss I.lvle Mlna.E>\Mamlers, Miss Clara Mineral KingM&MCoMauctct, Mra Ada £ MiMu-11. Miss MayMauuel. Walter U Moaison, Kra PaulineMarshall. Mrs Montague. LE.Murstiali, H I» Monson. Miss KOkaMartin, Mrs hminaL Moody,EdMartin, Hy Moore. Miss Blanch*Martin,Jas Moore, Mrs Lydla

.Martens, Miss J Moran, ThosManchalt, A . Morgan, HVVMarvin, HI Morcaa. Mrs AliceMartludale, Miss Mlnnlo MorehotTer. Mrs DallaMasun, Miss Alice Mor<*s, AMasterson. Win Morrlss, Mls» HoneyMather. Frsd O Morton, JasMauror, MrsJ L

-Musher, MrsEyre

Maurer, Frederic Moser, PaulMellyun.Mrs LIS Moss, FraulcMcible,MissI Muehle. XMeredith, Geo H Muller.MrsLizzieMeitrovic, Toug Mulcahy, Mis*Meuenbaughsr, Henry Mulllghui,HermanMyers, 1-rauk Melbecif, Mrs Fjn'rer.-,, J S Monroe, X DCMayer, Walter E Mouroe. MlsiEraMlchelson, Geo Munson, U 0Micneison, Mrs Karen Murdoch. William

Nlkoiine Murau, HarryMlchelson, Mrs X Murphy.Miss SuslaMiller,Kußon Muzzy,Mr4E L

Miller. Harry Myra, WinNi.Uoii,Chrla J EMlson, Miss Betty Neopbyto tiun ClnbNelson, Mrs Anna NeUs. Mlis Loul.taNllson. Mrs Anna NevilleMrs NellieNelson, Kara Neville, wmMeisoii, L Mchols, Mts« HattieNilsion. Mlsa Mathilda Nlckolauj,PeterNlMsPii,P V Fetertt, NickoiausNelson, Miss Mary Norris, EdithNiesen, Mrs Theo Norrls,C CNelswender, Joel E Norton, Cook, Pratt CoO'Urlon, F Obarr, Mrs S XO'Hrion, Mrs Patrick O'ealla*hau, WmO'Donovan. Maurico Oijde:), MIsiEOO'DonneH 4 Jones Olley,Mrs WO'Keere, Mi^s Annie Oliver. Tho II&CoIVMuhoney, Miss Kate Olsom, <iO'Nell. M'ss M O.ten, OsilloO'Neill. Mrs Margaret Osborn, MrO'Shea, Mß Owens, H OPaasch. H Petty. Hlmmel &CoParnsn, .IP Phillips,FParker. (ieoIf Phillips, AlexPattersoa, Mrs MD Phillips, Mrs MaryPeocock, Mrs Rlbby Plrard. Mrs TheresaPlersoii, Mrs. Lora Prtclln, JasPehrsson. Miss Hilda I'tUlngton, Miss MaryPeck, S S Pine, Wm (wood mor-l'el'z. Mrs Carl chant)Pennant, Clana Douglas Plnkard, HarryPerkins. AU Plpenhagen, AlbertPetterson, C Plesie, WlileyPetterson, Miss Gerda Pope. Mrs BerthaPeterson. J Portsr. R WmPettersen, Mrs Ilans W Povenbrensla, L,l'eterson, Geo Potter, E.learPedersen. H Powers. EdFeterso:i, G«o Powell, Mrs SusiePetterson, Jacob S Prendergast, JasPeterxeu, Miss Mathilda Price, MrsMablal'etersen. Mat Price. Win FPeretman, O Purvis, RebeccaPierce, Ira Prlntzlow, LouisaQnlii!!, C 2 Quadlln, DavidQuintard. il.csKamaeo, E Hoberfs, Mrs ArrnndaRadky, a Hobertson, I)rHenryRansome, Miss Qertrndo Robltuon, I)

KnsintiMjen, A Robinson, John URaymond, Jno Beetliti, charleaKaymond. If Koger«, C SKeagaa. MUs >' Rogers. .JIteeac, 0 M Rodgers, Mlsi MamieReiiau. John Rohrs, ErnestReinhart, Robert Itohrbach, Miss KrlstlaaRelnecke. Carioa Rolleyard, A NJtelrue r.Mr Root. Ml« SateKi.-f,Clark Rosentha). 1. MKichird", HP. Rets. Miss K.ttlaRichardson, Mlrs Anna Rose, Mrs AIIRlcnardson. Mrs Scott Kothinier, MUs Marsar-Riley. Mrs Mary W ethaRelley,Miss Mary Rouiier. Mr*DRiggius, Mary \u25b2 X Kowi>, 1bomas

Rlers. C M Rubiing. Miss Dollyll\jby,A B Ku;:iti. BRoan. Miss r. * Kuthorford. TLJrKoach. Harry Kyan, Mrs itLSsmlmk, I'rosper r-mitli4 CoSanf.ri, Mra F b huiitti. Miss Florence J.saul. Pat Mnlrh.IIJSavaye, Miss Alice Prnllh. T.IS-avill*-. X MilIHi* Thomas O.scnaeffer, Miss Sadie Smith. WalterSchevliii. Miss S U bchinint. Mrg JohnKcherr, Miss f Schneider. MrsSchlelckcr.Schurman&Co Snyder, Mrs DollleS<ii<c n.Kiir,Emll Solber/. Idaf<ctiiil!/.Mr Bolter. WinBcnabertt a Oe Specks, Miss KliaKchuler. Mrs Lena Speuce, It »Beawabaaa, Mrs Hora St John, Oliver PBehweaaeaen, Mrs Stanley. Ml*sGeorglnatcoflsld, Arthur Ktarr, Johnfcurry. Johu htarstrorth, MrSe:t?ravo, Charles (Hntt, Mrs Jamesb«arle«, Kdward J Bteea. KobertBeplch, Joe Stelnfursh. Mr>eymoiir, Thotcas F Btelulugrr.OttoKeybold, Mrs Flora 0 StMl, \\ inMiader. G C Sterns. Alex IIShannon. TF Bteveos. JamesShaver. RFB Stiles, HXSnea. Thomas Bister MarySherwood, C If Stockton, (1 MShrlever. (J W Btone, Georje FMckol, MT btone. l.ncitloSlckeis. Mrs P Morm«, R BSllverwood. J 8 Mowed, H LHtinpsou. Miss Ii Btawe, Mrs Fannie QSims, a M Mrahlman &CoSldteron. A Btraiuse, SSkrlinsnaw, Mrs W Birausse. S£l3Sle, John Butidt. reterMai.-r, John but!irri:tu<l,JSloss. f A bweitzer * HriggsMnlssart, Louis hvenseu. C X

Takett. Joneph Tlerney. Ed-

Taylor, Gr*ce Tllley, W VTaylnr, JohnJ Tlrtlot, Win, AttoroOy-at-Taylor, J C lawThorpe. Mrs Viola Todd, Miss B P

honi*^.Miss Lydla TompKlns, C WThompson. Miss Ella Truman. A OTnoi.ipson. Carl J Traap, MUs May RobertTbo:np<<c>u. Miss Leota Trunz, Kn JosephTborlear. M Tnlly, rof Jas AThorleans, Mrs Turner, Mrs F DTboockmorton, Mrs Turner, JamesThrmer. Edward Turner, Mis SlaryTlCKell. Teinpler Q Turnt-r. William \TTif«rs. C D Tuyaret. Miss OTltrney,Miss Annie Tnkieat, MichelUnde: wood, Mr* I'rry.MrsValatKitis.Mlag Lizzie Van Wyck. MlsaVance. laea Vlnk, amlaa EduaV.iug.i1, Arthur X Vlts. FaeVandever. Mrs \vm Vynell.RVan Itoden, DB Van Welhem, JoeWazner. »M.B Aljce 'Wilked.KVWayncloes, MrsEllin Wiiltford.Cha A

Walts. Mr tVllllams, Mrs Annawalls. J 0 William*. Kred 3Walker. Geo Wllltana, J bTValUce. C WllliaW. Miss NellieWallace, Chaa Wilson A PetersWal'ace. Miss Faoale S Wiison, Miss tieorgleWeUh, Miss UelU Wiisou. tJeurjleWelch, J Wilson. MWelsh Jos M ilson, Miss MaryWelch. Jim Wilson, Ko'iert "iwait Miss Annie Wilson, veazlewar>). Miss Bauaa WUaoa, WinWard. Michael Wlitnl«, Dora CWashington, Mr» D Winshlp, John«aters. MrsME Wise, BWatson, ItevA A Wtttfea. Kriedrtc*Welib. C C Wo. if .v RandolphWebster. H T, MD Wnltr. MJWeare, IIII Wolf, JosW>ll-n, Mrs A Wolf. Rvverleu, Ferdluandai Walters .1- SonWerner, CJ Woodbury. Jou BWtst. Mrs Woodson. Mrs OWrsili.s. Max 'Wfirly.Abert RWentovrr, Misa Annie Wrlgnt,HailocK -. • \u25a0\u25a0:-White. C M Wr.^lit.JohnTW bite. Harry Wrlsht, W JWhl'iiia-i. Mrs Wya-ir.Mrs MaryWhttehcad. Mrs SB Wolinuth, Jarues

-Whltuioie, Mrs N

Yano & Viima Youm. EmllYat»3. Mrs

-Youug, (ieo J 'i

Young, Charlea Tale, S W

Zlesmhoin. Fred Zlemenilorf, Au;ustZlmmermann, Joseph Zolana, W B

LETTRE3 FRANCAISE9.Duracd. Raoul Oreler. Auguste

Kragnnl, Beuolt b'orbet, LouisUal&nt,Gabriel Treyor, Theopnlle

FOITR i>ami-;s.

Brassier, Mai Judith Deprez. MileBerdlng, Mad Julie Do Castile, Mile

LETTERK ITALIANE.Accatloo. Gius Gavarrone, GioTAnuantnl, Glao Uianiilnl,FlorlBarboza, Gregorlo Glanninl, Ago^toBertucci, Kosilla Lattauo, NicoloBlanchl, Lucca Aiagzetta, OnoratoBtsaguo Brothers Morrttl. VictorBonsolto, L Nervlani, AinbroslOBotta, G B Pasquale. G BBortoll, Valentino Fez/.*uo. .navertoBruno, l'letro Spagnoll, JituultaCranonell, Glusto Bciamalla,, Fcrd > Harubbi, PietroCosia, Leonardo Scechltano, MissKrat:, Uiuseppe Servcutl, AnxeloPratt. Francesco Terrlbillna, KaanyFillplcb.Mcolo Torrassa, UBMguua, Glacomlna Vaghettl, Ant

CARTA3 ESPANOLAS.Badilia. Callsto v Lucero, FuljeacioChavrx. Manuel I> Luna. JuanCota, Frank Mlna, Carlos AD»"»llva, Ben Peredo, LouiaDeinoro, Rafael Rodriguez, UafaelFaslo, Antoulo

'Romano. Mivaao

Fonrodoua, Jose Sepulveda, MA

BEKORAB.Balencla, Hernandez, AlbertaBuatainante, Reglna Maldonado, Ydu^ljaCruz, Guadalupe Rodriguez. QaiirieiaGlmenez, b'irla Serrituo, Andrea• . S. W. BACKPH. Postmaster.


Dnt*ft of H»i»artur« From San Franrlnco.

HVS AND TIDE TABLE.Compntedby ThouasTbxxk.vt, Chronomttar »al

insirument Maker. iCaltrornU stressSl«r» of the Woodea Saiijr.


Arrived.Sis i'*y,September IK.

Stmr Hattle Oags. Tarncb-ig. -j4hours from PortKenyon: i'ru.|,i-«, to Sanders ACo.

Stuir CclU. Jobuson. 68 hours from Newport;baiiast, to Illitnlns A- Collins.

Htmr('i'|Jib'», bi)liss,sliu hours from Portland,Tla Astoria «(Ha hours; pass and radse, to UulonPacific X X Co.

Stmr Pomona, Hannah, 18 hours from Eureka;pass and, to Uoodall. Perkins v (.'».

Rnir linatlili.Homies, 66 hours trom Victoria;pas and nwise, to (ioo all. Perkins A Co.

Mmr .Noyo, Drlsco, 13 hours front Fort Bragg;

160 M ft lumber, 6000 r r ties, toFort «rai;g Red-wood Co.

Btmr Whitesboro, Carlson, 12 uoura from PointArena: r r tie*,to L EWhite.

MinrAlcazar, uimdirson. 13 houra from Green-wood: MS cds baric, to LE Wliltc.

Btmr Coninoi oii«, Dettmers, 37 hours from Hue-aeme; produce, to HDutard.

htmr Alex Duncan. Tribble.11hours fromSantaCruz; produce, to (Joodall. F'riclna A Co.

htinr Alcatraz. Fa^erUm I.1(3 hcurs fromCleone;4460 r r tt*s. 149 piles, to L X White.

Mmrllomft, r.utier, 70 hours from Portland, viaAstoria; pass and mdsa, to XIKruse.

Stmr Gipsy, Jepseu. 12 hours tro;n Santa Cruz,etc; produce, to (ioudaii. Perkins >v Co.

15r ship Gostord, Me William,70 days from New-castle, >i.SW; .'iS'JO tons coal, to Balfotir. Outhrle*Co.

Hrshlp Bncklugham. Slme. 60 days from Newcas-tle, NSW: 3945t tons coal, to J DSpreckels *Hros.

i:-:rk Elslnore. I'erkins. 19 days Irom San Pedro;ballast, to Ueo W liume <fc Co.

6ai>d.Satcbdat, September 17.

Stmr N»t.":itl City, Mansou, Kureisa.-

sl'.vday, September 18.Btmr Budol, Walvlj.htnir Oregon, Poleman, Astoria.BrshipMeilvllieIsland. Ritchie, Galwsy.Brsutn Dechmout, Sauter, Loudcu.Hrbark Kluebell. Reid, Ipswlclt,Euff.JJktn Euresa, I'ruinmer. (irays Harbor.Bchr Maid of Orleans, White, Jalult.Bchr Lila and Mattle,Peterson.Sclir (ilen. Jorgenson.Bcnr llender Brothers, Topfer.

Telegraphic.POINTLOUOS-Saptember 18-10 r M-Weatbsr

thick;wlndS; velocity Umiles.Sixikrli.

Per atmr Cosmopolis. Sept 17. 8 m'.les S or PointBur, stmr Cells, from Newport for San Franc

Per Hrship OelMe Monarch— Sept 8. 37 51 N. 141Vf.67 days out. ltr*hlpCr.kUerau, from Newcastle,MJW. for Bau Oiego.

Bepl 17, outside the FaraUone*. saw a Br ship,supposed to t>e the hr ship Bruuel, from Newcastle,KSYY, for San Francisco.

Domestic Port*.BAN DIEGO— Sept 18-Br ship Macrall

lan, from N«wra^t;e, NSW.EUKEKA—Arrived Sepi 18-Schr I'eleu NKirn

ball,hence Sept 15: stmr National City,hence Sept

Sailed Sept 18-Schr Ruby A Couslne.NAVAKKU—SaiieiSept 13-ichr Golden Gate,

for San Francisco.ArrlTe'i Sept 18—Stmr Newsboy.KORT IIKAOIi-Arrived Sept 18-Stmr Rival.S.iiied Sept 18-istmr Rival, for 1/saLMKNDOCINO—Arrived Sept 18

—Stmr Point

1 Arena, hence Sept 17.PORT HI.AKKi.KV-Sailed Sept 18

—Nor bark

Cashmere, for D X: schr Alcalde, for Newport.COOS HAY—Arrived Sept 17-Schr Wing *nd

Wing, hence Sept 'i.NOYO-Salled »ept 18-Stmr Noyb, for Sau Fran.

Cisco.CI.EONE-Salled Sept 17— Stmr Alcatraz, for San


HI'KNKMK—Per Cosmr polis— aka barley, 1bdl pelts, (Ji:isks cora, Mb bis wool, '£ t,it-i walnuts,17 1* sks wheat. 1 coop chickens.IIKKKA-Per Pomona— l2U.M skakej.llo doors,

64'- Mshingl<a. 2 p*g< ffsh. 1 cs eigirs, 1bx crucer-ies, lcs paints, lhr bbl mackerel, 1cs boots andshoes, '.'5 rolls leather, '1 c.i hames. 183 Ska i>eis, 1jik? li.inlwuro,ti' kgs 46 bxs butter, 9pkgs muse,J sk coin.

Fields Land ng— l4 doors, 120 sks grape seed, l362sis oats.

POKTLANO ana ASTORIA—Per ColumbH—«ks eat. 4 sks wool, t>2 lhides, 659 lidls lil'les,38bbls gluestock, 80d sks mill feed, 6-1qr 408 br sksflour, 9:-i8 sks bran, 1877 aks siiorts. 4li» bdls pulp,IbTO bblt shookn, 7«a bbls siocW. t>B pis^s w<pvper, 4'^U bdls paper, Cl > Ska oysters, 55 cs salmon, 3sks crswflsb, 26 pkgs smoked flsh, 15 cs fresh, 100sks nun. 19 pkflsreeu fruit. 80 «k-< dried fruit.S3drums cheese. 161 pkgs woodi>nware, 52 empty car-boys. 0 cs woolecs, lo pkjs express, 39 pKgs sun-dries.

VICTORIA-I'erVmatllla-2 con breaks, 1sealedbag.

Departure Bay—l34o tons coal.Lake lUy-460y3 bbls salmon.Klliisnoo—2 Mildryhides.Juneau— liioldbullion, 1bg gold dust.Wrangle,— pkgs mdse, 6 bdls skins, Ics furs, 1

bg goM dllSt.Port Towusend— 9 household goods. 1 bx butter,

1cs dry goods, 1 cheit, 1si- il-ilu.-t<.Tacouia— lo2 sks bones, 1 Mlplue stock, 6 bdU 7

kgs 1bx MfapU >v. 1 bbl whisky,1cs copper, 1cawoolens, 1423 croasarms, 1 bx BSttOfa, 450 barsbiilll'ii,1bx coeounuit. 1bbl coifee.

West of Kaivo, viaTacom.t— lbx platat, 135 bblstallow, Ics lokl, 1535 sks wheat,3 pugs hardware ,3Bkglhousehold goo is, 91 rolls leather.

Auicortes— bx type, 2580 Sks oats.Falrhaven— ] c» s*lmoa, 15 cs typs, 6 empty bar-

rels, 1 ctiest.VhiiComvct —87 <m 30 pkgs 3Ob!ssmoklnß tobacco,

39 cs o!;arett«J, 24 cs clears. 'J cs cigarette paper, 1rollleather. 250 eh boots and shoes, '11 ugs ibxs {

spools. 7 bxs pUnos, 11 bxs iron bolts. 6crts chairs,18 sewlnz machines, 1ca whips, 1bi blanket!, 1 cscalicos, -5 bxs mustard. 2 d steel, 1cs silicia. 112bbls b beer, 1 bx oasuugs. 170 c springs, 2 pkRShardware.

.seattte-42 bdlsdry hides, 23s bdis rrcen BldMLlcs nidso. 2 crU sewing machine*. 1500 Sits oati,Iipkgs household goods, 1cs millinery,25 pkgs fish, 6cs caune.l goods, i. bx brackets, 27 sks bones, 3 bisiii>iif,2 pkzs coin.

SANTA CRU/.—Per Alex Duncan— 2s22 sks oats,3 0sk*barley, 12uO bbls Uiue, 14 bbls butter, 4 cscheese. •

POUTLAND—r«*r Homer— 'i sola fountains. 80bis car; c llnlntr, cs matches. 2crts metal c lining,21crts homehold goods, 7 t»Dls crockery, 2 '>.r;>erchairs, 1pkg glassware. 1 crt screens. 1pkg curtainpoles, 1 crt chairs, 1 mirror, 1 carriage, 10 sks a pnuts. 6rolls leather, 677 Udls green hides. 1cs min-eral water. 117 mats 341 sks damaged Mlgar,5274sks oats, 54 crts snooks, 100 bdls sides, so .>d;s ends,90 Mft lumber.

-Astoria— 2 pkgs household goods, 1 louugt),1roll

carpat. •'\u25a0'.' ski bones.HONTKRBT—Per Olpsy-1 sk wool,6 bdls hides.

6 pkgs boxes. 19 bbls 1p \'a lu:ik. 7 bxi tisii.Ptgeun Polut—B bxs cheese, 21,3 bxs butter.

12 sks boner, 7 Iks rags, 1js«s 2 tons scraplron.Hlanco—lU2osks baric...hii'liius •A-'i sks oats, 486 Bks barley.Moro ca:o—262 sks potatoes.Watsonville Lanaioc—773 sus oats.W&tsonvlllo— lss2 bags «ugar. 4 bxs butter, 727

Iks oats, 163 sks PORT KKN YON—

I'er Hattie Gage— 263 5bbls285 bxs butler. 1coou cblckeus, 160 bxs dried her-riiiK-.67 Mshingles, 15 sks lentils, 2 cs mdse, 1 pighardware. 35 lio,;k. 1i<k,- furs, 7 b.s tu:s.

Consismees.Per Columbia— AlleniLewis; S HFrank <l Co;

Blssluger £Co: Moore, Ferguson *Co; John Zie-genbeln *Co; Geo Morrow a Co; riatsop MillCo;Willamette Pulp* Paper Co; Morgan Oyster Co: FX Hellens; MB Moravian; A r»l.tdiai": llo*an ACo; C F O'Callaghan &Bros; J BInsuglla; Califor-nia Hirrn Co; Giustl 4 Antoni: Kowalsky *Co;Baker & Hamilton; tllinann *Beiidel: A Flelsh-hacker Jt Co;Brown Bros *Co: Wells, frargo .1Co:S P Taylor Paper Co: .1K. ArmsbyiCo: Dutt*Co;.J IIKissing; Amer Fishl:ig Co: Wittland 4 Freder-Ickson: Estate of Ueorge Teller; Louts Saronl «fcCo: W Meese; I)Feldm;in &Co; J W Urace iCo:P Evans; U i'KRCo.

Per Pomona— Hl^glns*Collins: Overlaud FreightTransfer Co; Prawe>B

•McKinnou; DKeefe Co;

U Camlllonl <t Co: IIHarris A Co: Kowalsky *Co:Ureeubaum, Well &Mlcnaels; A 0 Nichols *Co; JV ByxKee 4 Co: 0 E Whitney &Co; T 11 Minor *Co; E X Stevens

*Oo; Dodse, Sweeney &Co; I>elMonte MillCo: Vervalln & Howe; Getz Bros A Co;Howard, Harris Jk Co; Uairymeu's Union: DeereImp Co; O H Smith *Co; Norton. Teller Co; ACrocker & Bros; Hills Bros; \1 w Montague 4 Co;Wblttler, Fuller <t Co: J MMoore &Co; Humboldtl>oor Co; MKalish & Co: HDutard; Creamer <feUoodmau: Wells, Fargo *Co; D Harry.

Per rmatllla— Holbroo'.{, Merrill.v Stetson; A BCook; Selby Smelting and Lead Works; BurnstelnJt Co; Tillmann A liendel; Amer Press Assn; CalChemical Works; Allen <fc Lewis: I'.issinger *Co:Main Sc Winchester; Moore, Ferguson A Co: Della-mond A Ca: Kowalsky A Co. Wells. Fargo *Co; FToplitz;Buckingham. Hecbt .1Co; J M Ware: Mer-ced Woolen-rallls; Cahn. Nicxelsburg ± Co; SunsetTelephone Co: Ksberg. Bachnia iA Co; S V ToolCo: KohlerA: Chase: L Dlnkelsplal .*Co; Washing-ton Mfu Co; Porter, Slessliißir & Co: <i Lepori; LJury «Co: isberwood A Sherwood; Bisaiuger A Co;Ulustl *Antonl;CE Whitney &Co: Braunschwel-ger &Co; Sawyer Tanning Co: Cutting Packing Co;Oregon ImpCo: Amer Tobacco Co; Bancroft Kros:Carlson Silk Co: Knsigi.B *Co;Horn 4 Co: 1 SVan Wlukle A Co; J huternmn; J w Evans .v Co;Loege Jt Miller;Sachs Bros d-. Co; S Krageu; Ster-Iliw Farnlture Co: Taylor * Flint; T Johns: WDavis 4 Son; Cal A LightCo- C Fisher; D P Mill-ing Co; Golden City Chemical Works: H Meyer-stein 4 Co; lac Fertilizer Co; American ChemicalWorks; X 8Chapman 4 Co; Ringer Mfg Co; Phil-lips. Wolf & Co: A Docking; Schwelier 4 Co; MMilware; San Francisco Chemical Works; GClem-ents; C DLadd: Roaentbal, Feder 4 Co; W IIDon-aldson 4 Co; J X Armsby 4 Co.

Per Cosmopolle— M Dutard: F.rlanger 4 Gallnger;Thomas Kahn; Thcs Dennigan &Son; s Jacobs4 Co; Field 4 Stone; A Gerberdlng 4 Co; Flelkb-backer ft Co.. Per Alex ran—Dairymen's Union: HDutard;E R Stevens 4 Co; HCo well ,VCo; Yon Kohn ft Co;Wheatou ftLuhrs: C E Whitney 4 Co; Trubeck ftCo; F 11 Hammer 4 Co.

Per Homer— Main 4 Winchester :S H Frank *Co;Blsslnger ftCo; HltgfrledftBrandeustein; Koths-child * Khri-nport: .Moore, Ferguson *Co; L >sa-ronl4 Co; Geo Morrow ft Co; Cal Cngket Co; M XCarthy: H C Bryant 4 Co; W F Barnes ft Co; PaoFertilizer Co.

Per Ulpsy—

Hulme 4 Ifart: Norton, Teller ft Co;Millerft Waugb: Wetmore Broa : Standard OilCo;Sherry, Lawrence 4Co; Brigbain. Ho;ipe Jk Co; aRepsold; Do Bernardl A Westpual: Judvon FruitCo; MT Freltas 4 Co; Dairymen's Union: S Mills;HDutard; Thos Lougt ran; K«*a A- Hewlett: Tru-benba h4 Co: Kowalsky A Co: M Waterman *Co;J itUatiKin; Western Hugar Betiulng Co; Bray SonsA Co.

-Per Hattle Gage— HlHs Bros; Dairymen's Union;

Vervallu 4 Rowe; MKalish a Co; Uetz Bros ftCo;W lie*ton ftLuhrs: Norton, Teller at Co; H II n...R.lll 4 Co; Urigham, Hoppe 4 Co; Wltzel 4 Baker--0 E Whitney 4 Co: MT Freltas &Co: Wolf &Son-G F O'Callaghau *Bros; Howard.' Harris *

Co: J PNelson ft Co; Dodge. Sweeuey ACo: UtlisHros:Hlgirlns*Collins. Whtttler, Fuller* Co: Miller.Sloss 4Scott; San Francisco Pactlug Co; Smith'sCash Store; Thos Deuulgan 4 Soa.

/VrLate Shtppuxj JnteUU«nes SetEiahlh I'aga.... '. -1\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0[\u25a0\u25a0. imiinH mWIHII


Stzamer*. I ATIO*. na.

Panama Panama ima.,..,. Pan Diegoit111a.... Vie A Soundiuna Humboldt Bay.. |Angeles .Newport.

nubia... P0rt1and........ Iis Rosa.. San Diegonboldc. Humboldtisa iINewport I

N York Panama.. jPuebla |Vie APet SoundeofCai. IPortlandeparturoof Australian st<

|Sept 19.12 MP Ma 8Soptl9.llAMißdvfy ftSeptal. 9am| Bdw'y1Sept2l, lUw Bts'r 1Bept33. Bam BdWy 2Sept22.loAM Spear

|S«pt24,llAM BdWy 2(Sopt24, 9am IWash|Sepl26. Bam BdWy 2Sept26.l2 M |P M3 9Sept2o, Haw BdWy 1

|Sepu-6.10AM !spearearner depends on the

v.-a 11.W.

BmalLH. W.Larga


L, W.binalL

0.00 a:0.18 a;

11.44 a:0.09 r0.33 r

4.22 AM 4.50 pm,5.00 am! 6.29 pm6.42 am 6.03 PM,6.13 am 6.43 PM,Small. Large. I6.42 am 7.09 pm!7.11 am 7.48 ml1 7.42 am BS3 rai


0.56 a1.46 a:

! miscellaneous;

CHAPTER CXI.An Act toprovide for ihejssuance and tal9

of State bonds to create a fund for th9construction and furnishing by the Boardsof State Harbor Commissioners qf.a gen*

ferry and passenger depot [in, the tit]}and county of San Francisco ;to create a.txnking fund for the payment of «at'Jbonds, and providing for the eulmissiQnof this aci to a vote of the people.

[ApproTed March 17, 1891.JThe People of the State of California, rep-

resented in Senate and Assembly, d<}enact as follows:


Section 1. For the Purpose of providingt fund (or the Dayrueut of the iudobted*nesi hereby authorized to be incurred bytbe Board of btate Harbor CommUsioueri,'for the erection and furnishing of a general/railroad, passenger and ferry depot at ocnoar the foot of Market street, in the city:and county of San Francisco, at a cost uotto exceed £600,000, which the said Board otState Harbor Coiamissiouers are hereby,authorized to construct in the manner anctmethod authorized by law, and at a coifnot to exceed said 8609,000, the State Treas-urer shall, iinmedi.aely after the issuanceof the proclamation ol the Governor, here-inafter provided for, prepare suitable bonds'of the State of California: One thouiancLbonds, in tha denomination of £100 each;'600 bonds, In thedeuoininalion of 8500 each ;

250 bonds. iD the denomination of &1000>!each. The whole issue of said bonds shall;not exceed the sum of £600,000, which said1

bonds shall bear intorest at the rate of 4per centum per annum from their date, and 1

shall be payable at the office of tM* StatsTreasurer at the expiration of 19 yearsfrom their date. Said bond* shall bear datothe first day of January, A. D.1693, and ihallbe payable en the firstday of January, A. J).1912. The interest accruinc on said bondsshall be due and payable at the office ofsaid Treasurer on ti.e first day of Januaryand the first day of July of each year; pro*tided, that tne first payment of interest;shall be made on the first day of July, A. I>.1893, on so many ofsaid bouds as have beentheretofore issued. At tbe expiration of

19 years from the date of eafd bond*, theyshall cease to bear interest and said Treas-urer shall forthwith pay tbe sama out of theSan Francisco Depot Sinking Fund, pro-vided for hereinafter in this act. Saidbonds shall be slcned by tbe Governor,countersigned by the Controller, eaid Treasurer, p.nd shall have the sealof tho Stiite afjxed thereto.

Sec. 2. Interest coupons shall be attachedto each bond, bo thnt they may be removedwithout injury or mutilation to tho bond.Said coupons, consecutively numbered,shall be signed by the State Treasurer. Butno interest on any of said bonds snail bt»paid for any time which may intervene be*tween the date of any of said bonds and thoIssue thereof to a purchaser.

Sec. 3. The sum of 81000 is hereby appro-printed to pay the exianse that may be in-curred by the State Treasurer in havingsaid bonds prepared. Said amount .-hall bopaid out of tiie San Francisco Harbor Im-provement Fund, on Controller's warrantsduly cirawn for that purpose.

Sec. 4. When the bonds authorized to D 9issued under this act shall be duiyexecuted,numbered consecutively, and sealed, theyshall be by the Slate Treasurer sold at pub-lic Auction to the highest bidder for cash,and in such parcels as said Treasurer shalldeem best; but he must reject any and allbids for said bond*, or any of them, whichshall be below the par value of nld bonds;and he may, by publicannouncement at ti.oplace of sale, eontlnue such sale, as to thawhole or any part thereof, to any time andplace bo may relect. Due notice of thoplace and time of sale of such bonds shallbe given by said Treasurer, by publicationin two nowspapers publithed in tbe city andcounty of San Francisco, and also in twonewspapers published ivthe city of Oak-land, two published in the city of Los An-geles, and two published In the city or Sac-ramento, once a week for four weeks priorto such sale. The costs of such publicationshall be paid out of the San Francisco Har-bor Improvement Fund, on Controller'swarrants duly drawn for that purpose. Thaproceeds of the sale of such bonds shall boforthwith paid over by said Treasurer intothe treasury, and must be by linn kept in aseparate fund, to be kr.own and designatedas the "San Francisco Depot Fund," andmuu be used exclusively for tha buildiugand furnishing of suid depot. Drafts anlwarrants upon said fund shall be drawnupon and shall b* paid out of said fund inthe same manner as drafts and warrantsare drawn upon and paid out of the SaaFrancisco Harbor Improvement Fund.

Sec. 5. For the payment of tbe priucipaland interest of snid bonds a sinking fund,to be known and desienatcd as the "iaaFrancisco Depot Sinking Ponrt. **\-A\ t»t-

and the same fshereby created, as foilows:The State Treasurer shall, on the first dayof ench and every month after the date of•aid bonds, tnkb from the San FranciscoHarbor Improvement Fund the sum of54631, and place the same In said San Fran-Cisco Depot Binking Fund, created bytbls section. Sa:d Treasurer shall, onController's warrants duly drawn forthat purpose, employ the moneys insaid sinking fund In the purchnse of bondsof the United States, whichsaid bonds shallbe kept In a proper receptacle, approprUately labelad ;but he must keep always onband a sufllcleut amount ot money in said•Inking fund with which to pay the intereston the Stute bonds herein provided to bsIssued. And to provide means for tha pay-ment of said sum of nvs thousand cnahundred ana thirty-one dollar*, monthly,from said San Francisco Harbor lmprov*-ment Fund into said San Francisco DepotBlnking Fund and for tne other paymentsout olsaid fund author by thi* act, andas provided for tberein, the said Board olState Harbor Commissioners are herebyauthorized and directed, by the collectionof dockase, wharfage, tolls, rents and cran-age, to collect a suui of money sufficienttherefore, over and above the aniounclimited by section two thousand five hun-dred »n<i twenty-six ol the politlcnl coda oftho State of Calilrrnia. After the paymentof all said bonds the surplus or balance re-mninlna In snid sinking fund, if any thembe, shall forthwith bo paid into tha SaaFrancisco Harbor Imprevement Fund. Atthe maturity of said Stala bonds the saidTreasurer shall sell the United States bondsthen in said sinking fund, at governing mar-ket rates and place tbe proceeds insaid SadFrancisco Depot Sinking Fund and shallpay out the same In extinguishment of «a!dState bonds, on Controller's warrants dulydrawn for that purpon*.

Sec. 6. Tha Stale Treasurer shall keepfull and particular account and record of.all his proceedings under this act and hashall transmit to the Governor nn abstractof allhis proceedings thereuuder, with hisannual report, to be by the Governor laidbefore the LeKtslatura; nnd all books andpapers pertaining to the matter provided forin tbis uct shall at all times be open to theinspection of any party interested, or thaGovernor, or Attorney-General, or a com-mittee of either branch of tbe Legislature,or a joint oommlttee cf bo'.h.

Sec. 7. Itshall be the duty of the StataTreasurer to pay the interest on said bondswhen the snme falls due, out of the sinkingfood provided for lv this act, on Con*troller's warrants duly drawn for that pur>pose.

Sec. 8. This act, ifadopted by the people.xs hereinafter provided for, snail take ehVcion the thirty-first of December, A. D.aighteen huudred and ninety-two, its to allIts provision!*, except those relating to andnecessary for its submission to the peopleand for returning, canvassing aud pro-claiming the votes aud as to said exceptedprovisions this act shall take effect immedi-ately.

Sec. 9. This act shall bo submitted to thapeople of the Sate of California for theirratification at the next general election tobe bolden in the month of November. A. I).,eighteen hundred aud ninety-two; and thoqualified electors of th<> State shall, at saidelection, on their ballots, vote for or againstthis act; those voting for the «ama shallwrite or have printed on their ballots thawords "For the San Frnncisco Depot Act,"and those voting against tbe same snailwrite or have printed ou their ballots thawords "Against the San Francisco DepotAct." The Governor of this State shall in-clude the submission of this act to thapeople as aforesaid inhis proclamation call-ins for said general election.

Seo. 10. The votes cast for or againstthis act shall be counted, returned and can-vassed, and declared in the same mannerand subject to the saina rules as votescast for State officers; and ifItappear thatsaid act shall bave received a majority ofall the votes cast for nnd against it at suolrelection as aforesaid, then the same shallbave eflert as hereinbefore provided andshall be irrepealablo until the principal andInterest of tbe liabilities herein createdshall be paid and discharged and the Gover-nor shall make proclamation thereof; butifa majority of the votes cast as aforesatdare against this act, then tbe same shall boand become void.

Sec. 11. Itshall be the duty of ta« Secre-tary of State to bave this act published inat least one newspaper in each county, orcity and county, if one be published therein,throughout this State, for three monthsnext preceding the general election to bobeld iv the month of November, A D.eighteen hundred and ninety-two. Tbecosts of such publication shall be paid outof the General Fund, on Controller's war-rants duly drawn for that purpose.

Sec. 12. This act may be known and citedas the "San Francisco Depot Act."

Sec. 13. Allacts or parts of acts in con-flict with the provisions of this act are heroby repealed. -

»u3 I3t Mi

Weak Men and WomenSHOULD USB u.vnivM ItITTKR*, ru

Utaat Mcxlcau Keiuely; give* Hcaub a»4Stteagib U> or^iia. a<>7 *<tiX



M. J. simmonsTauctioneer^WILL SELL TUIS I>AY

Monday .........September 19, 1892,At 11 o'clock a. m., at salesrooms,

1057 and 1059 31arket St., bet. Sixthand SeventhALL OF IflE ELEGANT FURNITURE,

PIANO, ETC.,Removed trora the residence of Dr. E. C. Belnsteln,

1618 Geary street,....COMPRISING INPABT....

Grand Rosewood Cprlght Piano; 1.^et or SnrglcalInstruments: 1 CoinpleteSet ot Chambers' Kncy-clopedla: 1Doctor's < fflce Desk with 100 compart-ments: 2 Lar^e Walnut ami 'iold Fnne MantelJUirrora, size 55x72;Klch Oad I'arlor Upholstery inrare covers; Haudaomo Uprkiit Folding Beds, withCabinets to match: Handsume Walnut. oak andCherry Uedrooin Sets, with Freucn Hovel Mirr»nor th<» latest deMgiis: Plate-glas* Door arid other"Wardrobes; Chiitonlers, Kookrases and FancyDesks; Handsurne Sideboard ;l'elcsial KxtansionTable a;id Chairs to match: Odd Double and Three-quarter Bedsteads; I'urtaus and Washstands; FineIJalr Mattresses and other Bertdlnjr; Walnut audCherry Library and Center Tables: Fine MedallionKange and other household goods too numerous tomention.

*#-ihe aboye goods are all in flrst-class condi-tlon. nj M. J. SIMMONS. Auctioneer.


AVILL SELL THIS DAY,Monrtny fepti mb*l 19, 1892,

At 10:30 o'clock a. m.. sharp, at salesrooms1057 and 1050 MAKKET ST.. BET. 6TH &7TH,

By order of lilume. Greenbers? Jfc Co. 65 NearlyNew Body Brussels Wilton and TfMlljCarpets,withand without borders, of tho latest designs, re-moved from the Oriental Hotel. San Mateo.

SiT The attention of hotel-keepers nud the publicInKeueml Ucalled to the above taJ« as the carpetshave been down oaly nineteen months.

ae!3 'IX. M._J. .SIMMONS.Auctioneer.

EDWARD 8. SPEAR & CO.,Furniture, Book and General Auctiona3ri,

31and 33 BaCMt stress.


Monday. September 19, 189?.At 11o'clocK A. M.,


Corner of Market and Eighth Streets.

150 Doz. Cane and Wo«l Seat ChainWillbe s-jia InIoU tosuit buyers.

EDWAKD S. Sl'EAlt & CO., Auctioneers,gelB 2t 31-33 Sutter street.


4£&Kearny St.. l>et ween C.'»Wforj.U a:U t>U&

TO-MORROW,Tuesday September HO, 1893,

At 11 o'clock a. m., on the premises,



Elegant Parlor Upholstery, Chairs, Divans, Recep-tion Chairs and Koekrrs, lv richest brocades audplushes; Lace Curtains; Decorated WindowShades; Klujrunt Louuge, covered in Russianleather, co-it $70: Very Klezans Brussels Carpetsthron?hout the house; Kle^ant Poilsned Oalc Cham-b<tr Suit, with put? inlrrurs: K!e?ant PolishedWalnut Chamber Suit, with Tennessee marble;lTiina-vera Chamber t'Uit; Extra Spnog and HairM?tfre-«es: Fin» Pillows and Elmkets: WainulBookcase and Secretary; New LitSM Irapr»vedDomestic SewiiiK-Mactil ie. cost $65: I'et Doe. crossbetween Li/bt Skye Terrier »nd Wnit« Maltese;StliiiuliyTrained Yellow-head Parrot, 9 years old,a flu«ut talker; Grand Ne-v Home Improved Range,cost (55; hlegant Decorated China and CrystalOlassware: Best AgHte-wara: Lluoitsum, with otherchoice articles.

jJfjfThe above Furniture Is new and choice, Inuseless than three months, aud sold only ou account olowner's departure lor the East.

Terms— Cash.g«;U» >t GEO. V. LAMSON. Anetloneer.


r\EI.INQUENT SALE NOTICE-HALE 4 XOR.xJ cros* Silver Mining Company. Location of

prlnclp.ilplace of business, San Francisco, Cal.; lo-cation of worts. Virginia Mining District, StoreyCountr, State of.Nevada.

Notice— There are delinquent upon the followingdescribed stock, on accom.t of assessment No. 102,levied on the eleventh day of Aujust. 1592, the sev-eral amounts set opposite the names of the respec-tive sharenolders, as follows:

Xo. Xo.Names. I--:. Shr». Amt

Crocker Jr Suydam, Trustees. 49lB6 iooo $sou 00Dlxon A Miles. Trustees 50157 JO 500Dlxon &Miles. Trustees 50!60 100 50 00Dunean. W. L.Trustee 46fU5 10 500Foster. A. W. 4 Co.,Txustees. 494ss 100 50 00Grant, George, Trustee 49124 •-.',-> 12 50Grant, George. Trus:ee 49334 100 50 00Grant, George. Trustee i\*i\s 100 50 00(.rant. Georse. Trustee 49541 100 50 00Grai.t, George, Trustee 49004 100 60 00Grain, George, Trustee 49573 100 50 00Grant, Geor;e, Tru-stee 49574 100 50 00Grant, (ieorge. Trustee 49375 100 50 00Grant, George. Tru>tee 49579 100 60 00Grant. Georpe. Trustee 49761 50 25 00Greenbaum, L.i-Co.Trs (ba1)J9476 55 27 60Grant, E. 1:., Trustee 34351 100 50 00<.at:thier, E. £Co., 'Jriistees. 493sS 100 60 00Gauthier, K. .t Co.. Irustees. .50'.;57 100 60 00Jones, v. H., 'trustee 49263 100 60 OuJones. <». X., Trustee 4!«-t54 100 50 00Jones, O. X,, Trustee 4962.! 100 50 00Jones, O. It.. Trin!«' linitU 600 250 00Klae. W. H., Trustee 39tJ19 IUO 50 00King, W. H., Trustee 49433 60 25 00King.W. H., Trustee... 49697 100 50 00Mener.Xat.T., Trustee 49381 40 20 OJMesser. Nat T.. Trustee 4^599 100 50 OJMesser, Nat T.. Trustee 49920 20 1000Messer. Nat T.. Trustee 4H'.i7l 100 60 UO'Messer, Nat T,.Trustee 49998 100 60 00Messer. Xat T.. Trustee 50021 30 16 00Messer, Nat T..Tru>teo 50088 20 10 00Messer, Nat T.. Trustee 50103 50 25 00Messer. > T., Trustee 50118 50 25 00Messer. Xat T., Trustee,. 5U138 103 60 00Messer, Nat T,Trustee 50230 60 25 UOMesser, Xat. T., Trustee 50323 20 10 00Messer. Xat. T., Trustee 60331 60 25 00Messer, Nat. T., Trustee 50350 100 60 00Misiir. nn T.Trnntnn 503«2 60 25 00Messer, Nat T.,Trustee 50391 60 25 00Messer. Xat T.f lrustee 50402 100 50 00Messer. Nat. T., Trustee 60403 UK) 60 00Messer, N;:t. T..Trustee 50407 100 50 COMesser. Nat. T., Truste* 50412 100 50 00Marshall, I.ouis. Trustee 50290 200 100 00Ifanbalt, Louis. Trustee 50291 200 100 0)MacKae, Ne111..... 451.8 60 25 00MacKae. Neill 45417 100 50 00Kolph,Jas.. Trustee 33335 60 25 00l'.olph,Jas.. Trustee 33336 50 26 00Kolpb, Jas.. Trustee 4J528 50 23 00Kotph. Ja3.. Trustee 45008 1000 600 00liebfisch A- Co.. Trustees 4d549 60 25 00Root Geo. 8., Trustee 48088 100 5000Koot, Geo. h., Trustee 48167 50 25 00Root, Geo. 8., iru-teo 43-'9l 50 25 00Koot, Geo. 8., Trustee .. JH;:BS 100 60 00Root, Geo. 8., Trustee 50452 100 50 00RolU,JohuS. 48t>35 60 25 00Shlnn. Howard H.,Tru5te0... 40546 10 500SUtßf, Cooper A Realick, Tr5.459»7 60 25 00Staur, Coopei *Kedllck, T.5.50200 50 25 00TLouipson, A. 1(.. Trustee 47278 175 87 50Thompson, A. 8.,Trustee 47426 100 60 00Thompson. A.8., Trustee.. 474-7 100 60 00lunibull. Jonn. Trustee 41490 100 60 00Turaboll. Jo;.r,, Trustee. 43476 100 50 00Turnbull. John, Trustee 44006 50 5:5 00Turnbull. John, 4459S 25 12 50Turnbail, John, Trustee 50:<;t9 60 25 00Turnbul!, John. Trustee 50546 100 60 00Turnbull,John, Trustee 50625 100 60 00Jos. Urban 33698 75 37 50Wrlsht. W. H.. Trustee 45241 100 60 00Zidis. Wollbersr Co., Tr5...35 611 101) 50 00Zadlz, Wollberg & Co.. Tr5...46712 50 25 00Zidlg.Wollberir *C.j.. Tr5...49672 100 60 00Zudlg. Wolluerg *Co., Tr5...50293 1000 500 00

And in accordance with law and an order fromthe Bonrd of Trustees, made on the 11th day ofAugust 1892, so many shares oteach parcel of sneastock as may be necessary, will be sold at publicauction at the office of*ti:e company, room 26,Xevada Block, 309 Montgomery street, *au Fran-cisco, California, on Frldav. tt)a 7th day of October, |1892. at the hour of 1 o'clock p. v. of said day,to pay said delinquent assessment thereon, tccctnerWith costs of advertising and expense of sale.

A.B. THOMPSON. Secretary.Offlce—Room 26. Nevada Block, 309 Montgomery

street, San Fraucisco, California. sel7 td


COXFI-XJ dence Sliver Mining Company. Location ofprincipal place of buslneti. San Francisco, Cali-fornia; location of works, Gold ill, btoroyCouuty, Nerada.

Notice— There are dellnqusnt upon the followingdescribed stork, on account of assessment (Xo.'21) levied on tiie tn'rteentti day of August, 1892,the several amounts set opposite tha Games of tnerespective shareholders, as follows:

No. No.Names. Certificate. Shares. Amt.

Amiraux. P., Trustee 1370 a 50 $25 00Amlraux, P., Trustee 13703 lo 6 00Atkinson. T. T.<fc Co.. Trs... 13627 10 500BayUy, ijeo.8.. Tr. (ba1.).... QHiO 4, V 00Barrett, John S. &Co., i5...127v>4 50 25 00Cofiin A Sanderson. Trs IJEMi io 5 00Duncan. w. L.,Tru3tee 12808 5 2 60Dlxon As Miles,Trusteei 13119 SO 15 00I):xi>dJe Mileo, Trustees 13674 60 25 00Edwards, Geo. 0., Tr. (bai.)..iui:>u 6 2 50Edwards, Geo. D., Trustee... 118'JJ 10 6 00Edwards, Geo. D., Trustee. .. 12353 50 25 00Edwards, Geo. I>.,Trustee ...13327 40 20 00Fox. He.'iry L.,TrUitee. 11941 60 25 00foster. A. W. Jt Co.. Trs 13.109 6 2 50Greenbaum. L.*Co.. Trs 13245 10 5 00Oauihier. E. 4 Co., Trs 13022 60 25 00Gauthier, E. 4 Co., Trs. 13623 50 25 09Guruett. W.J., Tr. (bal) 11742 4 200Gurnett, W. J., Tr. (bal.) 11754 10 6 00Gurnett, W.J.,Tr. (bal.). ...11755 10 6 00Gurnett, W. J.. Trustee 13677 60 25 00Gurnett, W.J., Trustee 1387H 50 25 00Gurnelt, W. J.. Trustee 13682 100 60 00Gurnett. W. J., irustee 13683 100 60 00Groth, A. S., Trustee 10871 25 12 60Groth, A. S.. Trustee 11775 10 6 00Groth, A. S.. Trustee,... 12404 10 600Groth. A. S., Trustee 13543 10 600Groth. A. S., Trustee. 13597 30 1500Groth. A.S.. Trustee.... 15598 2 ouGroth, A. S.,Truttee.... 13676 40 20 00m.ileyJt Doud. Trustees... 13348 50 25 00AlcUinnls,Thomas..... 1;>741 75 37 50Mar>e. Geo. T. 4Son. Trs.... 8996 20 10 00Marye, Geo. T.& Son, Trs... 13U84 60 25 00Marye. Geo. T.* oni Tr*....13606 10 600Marye, Geo. T.& Son, Trs 13010 100 60 00Norwood, W. E.,Tiustee 11304 100 60 00Norwood, W. X.. Trustee 11303 100 50 00Rehflsch * Co., Trustees 12615 50 26 00Kehnscb 4 Co., Trustees 13525 30 16 00Rehlisch &Co., Trustees 13663 60 25 00Root, Geo. 8., Tru*tee 10142 100 50 00 jKoot. Geo. 8., Trustee.. 10408 100 6000Roiph, Jas ,Trustee l:<701 60 25 00Stauf, Cooper Rediicit, Trs.llS37 60 25 00Stauf, Cooper *

Kecillck.Trs. 13:i8B 100 60 00Stilnn, H. 11., Trustee.. 13561 20 10 00Whltely, T.4 Co.,Tw. (ba1.)»i2474 1» 6 UOWhitely, T.&Co., Trustees.. 1V973 100 8000Wakefield. S. B.* Co.. 1r5..H843 10 6 00Zadlg, Wollbergr &Co., Trs... 12457 10 600ZadU. Wollberz ACo., Tr5,..128d9 100 50 00

And inaccordance with Uw. and an order fromthe Board of Directors, made on the thirteenth dayot August, 1892, so many shares of each parcel ofsuch stock as may be necessaiy will be iota at

.public auction at the flic? of the company, Xo. 414California street, i*an *rancrsco. Calliornia. onTHUKSDAY, the sixth day ol October, 1b92, atthe hour of one o'clock r.m of said day. to paysaid delinquent assts>nie[.t thereon, together withcosts of advertising and expeuses of sale.

A. S. GKOTii. Secretary.Ofrlce—No. 414 California street, >an Francisco,

California. selH td

THE WEEKLY CALL contains morareading matter for tho price \than any publication in Amer- ;ica; $1per year, po?tpaii



Boom S6, Flood Building,cor. Market and 4thits

THIS DAY,Monday.... ...September 19, 1803,

At11o'clock a. v., on the premises,

Sl4 Stelnar St., bet. Haight and Page.• :.^.TVK WILL BKLL...BY CATALOGUE

Tlie Magnificent Drawing-room, Parlor, Cham-ber, Library and Dining Boom


Marble Statuary; Terra Cotta Fi?nres: F.legantCabinet Grand Upright Piai:o; Magnificent Kn-gravlngs; Valuable .Etching* and other worksof art contained in the above elsgattt residence.

Terms cash. bale positive and without reserve.eelH 2t HUTTKKFIELD VINCK.NT.Auctioneers.

L BURO, AUCTIONEER,1114 Twenty-third Street-Furni:hed Houses

and Uetchandlss Bought or Sold onCommission.

THIS DAY.Monday -September 19. 1893

At 11 o'clock a.m., on the premise*.No. 822 HARRISON STREET,

....I WILL 5K1.1,....

THE ELECANT FURNITUREoostauaTura in part 0r....

1Elettant Uprljht Piano, costing $^00; 1 Maitnlfl-cent Parlor Set lv brocade and silk, costing $180;Oak and WalßSt Itedroom Set*; Curled-batr andSprliiK Ma:tre«*es; >«\v Velvet and Urtusels Car-pet; Klegant Oak Sideboard: Lace Curtains andPortieres; L'legaut Kxtennion and Parlor Tables:Pine Walnut I'lning-ro'jinChairs; Crockery, (Jli»«sand Granite Ware: tle^ant ltai:g<-, cost $30 twomoutbs Kitchen Furniture, Etc.

selH -i!t« 1,. Xl). The Ne-.v Anctlonfer.




Piles, ,Chafings, , iSS!!' kLI S>Eruptions, |Xli £oi!s>

Sore Eyes, WMM P,Lirnsi

Sore Feet, filll Wouiw,.Mosquito Bites, illlpi Bruises/ :Stingsoflnsects, JM@r| Catarrh;Inflammations, T^ftrif Soreness,Hemorrhages, 1 SSwJSu Lamenes*•


POND'S EXTRACT CO, 76 Fifth Avenuo, New Yori*

THE STATIONERY DEPART JESTOf Sanborn, Vail & Co., Kos. 741, 743

and 745 Market Street,Is fast becoming the recognized depot forthe supply of fashionable papers.

Here can be found all the latest styles

•nd tints of correspondence paper thatfashion dictates, for you must follow thefashions in stationery Sf you wish to be con-sidered in touch with the times.

Repp, ("cquille and Venetian are amongtbe newest note papers. In this depart-

ment is also shown a complete line of La-

dies' Pocketbooks and other leather goods

In plain finishes or wl'.h silver-moucted or-BeDts> \u25a0rlltiMlo«p