أسئلة الهيئة السعودية للتخصصات الصحية 2015 فيما يتعلق...

Lab.Management 1. The process of getting things done through and with people operating in organized group toward a common goal is the a. management b. Organization c. Planning d. None of the above 2. Primary objectives in the planning are directed to a. the laboratory as a whole b. Increase the efficiency in the performance of the lab. test c. Decrease the costs in the performance of the lab. test d. All of the above 3. Forecasting needs for staff personnel means a. Prediction in relation to the kind of technician and technologist who will be working in the lab. b. b- Plan for the full utilization of efficient use of instrument c. c- Plan for the full use of space in the lab. d. d- None of the above 4. An organization a. a- Is formed when 2 or more persons are brought together to achieve a common goal b. b- Is closely related to planning


أسئلة الهيئة السعودية للتخصصات الصحية 2015 فيما يتعلق بالامور الادارية بالمختبرات

Transcript of أسئلة الهيئة السعودية للتخصصات الصحية 2015 فيما يتعلق...

Page 1: أسئلة الهيئة السعودية للتخصصات الصحية 2015 فيما يتعلق بالامور الادارية بالمختبرات

Lab.Management1. The process of getting things done through and with people operating in organizedgroup toward a common goal is thea. managementb. Organizationc. Planningd. None of the above2. Primary objectives in the planning are directed toa. the laboratory as a wholeb. Increase the efficiency in the performance of the lab. testc. Decrease the costs in the performance of the lab. testd. All of the above3. Forecasting needs for staff personnel meansa. Prediction in relation to the kind of technician and technologist who will beworking in the lab.b. b- Plan for the full utilization of efficient use of instrumentc. c- Plan for the full use of space in the lab.d. d- None of the above4. An organizationa. a- Is formed when 2 or more persons are brought together to achieve acommon goalb. b- Is closely related to planningc. c- Involves structuring activities and functions within institutions to achievethe goals and objectsd. all of the above5. The real behavior and relationships of organization members usually differ fromtheir planned behavior and relationships. It isa. Formal organizationb. Informal organizationc. Space utilizationd. None of the above179

Page 2: أسئلة الهيئة السعودية للتخصصات الصحية 2015 فيما يتعلق بالامور الادارية بالمختبرات

6. The intra lab. System includes the following excepta. Calendar formatb. Histogram formatc. out of limits report sheetd. Proficiency testing and computer program7. The out of limits report form providesa. Space for recording reagents changesb. Control lot number changesc. Serve as a general "dairy" of the test methodologyd. All of the above8. Patient preparation, specimen collection and technical performance of lab. test aregeneral categories of…………..a. Planningb. Utilization of spacec. Work flowd. Quality control9. floor book manual includes the following excepta. Test nameb. Sample fluidc. Minimum volumed. Proper procedures for collecting routine and special tests10. Collection procedure manual involvea. Blood collection from pediatric patientsb. Intensive care blood collectionc. Isolation techniques for lab. Personneld. All of the above11. On the container and \or lab requisitiona. Patient's full name should be putb. Hospital number should be putc. Date of collection should be put180d. All of the above12. Accuracy referred to the following excepta. Correctness and exactness of the testb. Closeness of the test to the true valuec. True value determined by comparison to a standard

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d. reproducibility13. Regarding precision the following is true excepta. Reproducibilityb. Closeness of the test results to one another when using the same specimenc. In the clinical lab it is expressed as (SD) and coefficient of variationd. The capability of the method to detect a small amount of substance with someassurance14. Reliability isa. The ability of a method to measure only that substance being testedb. The ability of the test method to maintain its accuracy despite of extraneouscircumstancesc. The ability of the method to maintain accuracy, precision and ruggednessd. None of the above15. …………….. This symbol in the flow chart meansa. Beginning processb. Decisionc. Manual operationd. Decision mod16. This symbol in the flow chart means ( )a. Beginning processb. Decisionc. Direction flowd. Document17. Work load on which personnel requirements are usually based is influenced bya. changes in volume181b. Test mixc. Patient populationd. All of the above18. The physical features of the lab. one of the measures of

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a. forecasting of personnel needsb. Assessment of space utilizationc. Time managementd. None of the above19. If P (E) is the probability of E we may express this definition asa. P (E) = m\Nb. P (E) = N\mc. P (E) = m X Nd. None of the above20. When a test indicates a positive status when the true status is negative it iscalleda. positive testb. False positive testc. Negative testd. False negative test21. The specificity of a testa. The probability of a positive test results or (presence of the symptoms) giventhe presence of the diseaseb. The probability of a negative test results or (absence of the symptoms) giventhe absence of the diseasec. a and bb. d-None of the above22. The largest collection of entities for which we have an interest at a particulartime is calleda. Populationb. Samplec. Datab. All of the above23. A sample is182a. A part of a populationb. The whole population

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c. Endless populationd. None of the above24. If we have 100 students and they are ranked by age beginning with the 4thstudent, every tenth student is chosen (the student no. 4 then 14 and 24 and soon) this type of sample is calleda. Systemically selected sampleb. A stratified selected samplec. Simple random sampled. Cluster selected sample25. A point estimate isa. A single numerical value used to estimate the corresponding populationparameterb. Tow numerical values defining a range of values include the parameter beingestimatedc. a and bd. None of the above26. A statistical inference isa. A procedure by which we reach a conclusion about population based on theinformation obtained from the sample drawn from itb. The cause behind estimation in the health science fieldsc. Calculated data from the data of the sample that are approximation of thecorresponding parameterd. None of the above27. Estimator isa. the rule that tells us how to compute the single value which is called estimateb. Two numerical values defining the range of valuesc. a, bd. None of the above28. The table which shows the way in which values of the variables are distributed

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among the specified class interval is calleda. Relative frequencyb. Ordered arrayc. Frequency table183d. None of the above29. The following are the ages of 5 patients seen in the emergency room in certainday 35, 30, 55, 40, 25 years the mean of their ages isa. 37 yearsb. 30 yearsc. 39 yearsd. 40 years30. A mathematical tool designed to facilitate complex clinical decision in whichmany variables must be considered spontaneously is calleda. Reference valueb. Decision analysisc. Quality assuranced. None of the aboveAnswer of Lab.Management1. A2. D3. A4. D5. B6. B7. D8. D9. D10. D11. D12. D13. D14. A15. A16. C

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17. C18. B19. A20. B21. B22. A23. A24. A25. A26. A27. A28. C29. A30. B