Zis student newspaper issue2 nov 2013

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Transcript of Zis student newspaper issue2 nov 2013

Student Newspaper

2 CHF Donations to Philippines

Issue No. 2

The ZIS Scoop

Special points of in-


What’s happening around

the world. And what to do

about it.

Our club is full, but we

want to hear about yours

too. Please make contact

with us.

Feeling the winter blues?

No more, read some great

ideas inside this issue.

This week we have a Fea-

tured letter. Write to us

and yours could be next!


Watch out for our special

report from our own glob-

al reporter .. Coming


ZIS taking action 2

Movember Report 3

How far can you swim? 3

What to do during winter 4

ZIS authors 5

Jokes 5

Market Day 6

Inside this issue:

T here are a ton of new people who have joined the fabulous club of news team. In fact, only two people were here last term who have

carried on, out of three! There is now a waiting list! I have asked all of the new students to news team why they joined news team, and what they think of it so far.

Here is what some of them thought:

Ukuk Arman - I joined the club because Joshua inspired me to.

Selina Demare - I thought it was interest-ing to tell people what is going on.

Noah Gellner - I

think that it is more organized than I thought it would be. (Phew says Mr. Butcher).

Katie Maunder - I thought it was fun be-cause you got to choose what you could do.

Famine to Feast

November 21st 2013: MARKET ISSUE

Ishika Gupta - It is fun and I am writing about what you could do during the winter and I think it is cool you can write an article.

Lily Hindes- It is fun be-cause you get to find out what is happening in the school and the around the world.

Email us at: jbutcher@zis.ch and tell us about your club.


Disaster strikes in Philippines.

T here was a huge typhoon in the Philippines on the eighth of November. Where winds hit

200mph. About 10,000 people have been killed by Typhoon Haiyan which went through 6 of the main islands in the Philippines.

11 million people have been affected by this dis-aster. And on records 673,000 people have lost their homes. Now peo-ple are looking at what was super-markets but now massive piles of rubble, many are scavenging what's left of the foods and drinks. Most of the people are fighting each other for food, and some people want to help but they are afraid to go because they have proper con-nection to food and water.

The U.N is sending over 190 million pounds (280 million CHF). Typhoon Haiyan passed to northern Vietnam, near the Chinese border, where it weakened to a tropical storm. Forecasters say heavy rain is likely to hit the Philippines later, which could make the rescue efforts much more difficult.

The UN will work alongside the Philippines gov-ernment, and that they would focus on getting food, shelter and health supplies to the survivors. Typhoon Haiyan is so strong, it has been graded a level 5 storm, the highest category.

Here are some of the charities helping this disas-ter, United Nations Children's Emergency Fund

(UNICEF),International Rescue Committee (IRC),Doctors Without Borders, International committee of the Red Cross, The interna-tional medical corps' emergency response fund, save the children, Mercy corps, Mgive foundation, World vision, American Jewish World Service, Helping Hand For Relief and

Development, GlobalGiving, AmeriCares And Interaction,

We really hope you help these un-fortunate people. Don't you want to save millions of peoples lives? The bottles that we have sent around the classrooms in Lower school will help the unfortu-nate in the Philip-pines.

Donate now!

Editor: Edward Widerberg. Reporters: Kath-

erine Maunder and Benjamin Maunder Inserted image (middle): Site: http://www.theguardian.com/


How far can you swim?


M ovember

has started!! You

may have heard

about it and most

probably seen

most of the male

teachers sporting

one! But in case

you were wonder-

ing what Movem-

ber, it is a month

where men grow

moustaches and

collect money to

help fight cancer

and other diseases that men can get.

The men participating collect money to grow a

moustache in honor of Movember. All of the mon-

ey goes to the Movember Bros. Association.

On November (Movember) 29th, ZIS is going to

launch a special, early morning assembly and all

the male teachers that are participating are go-

ing to show off their moustaches.

Here is a sneak peak. We are hop-

ing the moustaches are as funny,

scary, weird as last year.

Don’t forget there will be a vote on

the moustache styles.

Reporters: Tommy and Edward

More Of MOvember

S ean Conway made it to swim up from the west coast from Land's End in

South West England to John O'Groats in the far north of Scotland. His plan

was to become the first person to do the 900 mile/1448.409 km swim. Con-

way finished 135 days after he started off and said it was the hardest thing he

had ever done in his entire life. He was stung 10 times by jellyfish, swallowed lots of

sea water and felt seasick a lot. In the past

few weeks he has been so cold he has

been unable to chew hard foods and has

had to have his meals mashed up. He only

got to swim 90 of the 135 days - he spent

the rest of the time out of the water be-

cause of bad weather. What’s the furthest

you’ve swam? Reporter: Ben Frame and Maartje Barmentlo

Image from CBBC


Featured article

I n this section we are going to

share a featured letter by a read-

er. We hope you like this edi-

tion as well. This weeks fea-

tured read is a parent. She comment-

ed on how cool our newspaper is.

She sent us this amazing letter after

reading the first issue.

We’re thrilled she loved our e-paper.

We took the suggestions and we

loved them. Maybe your positive,

well written article will be featured in

the next issue? Drop us an email!

Dear News Team,

You guys rock! I enjoyed reading

your newspaper! You have completed

quite a bit with relatively small team

and short amount of time. Bravo! I'm

looking forward to seeing what you

produce next session.

Some suggestions: What foods/meals

do kids like to eat for dinner (besides

pizza!) Anything interesting? Any fa-

vorite recipes to share?

I would love to see an interview with

a new student to the school - how are

they finding their adjustment, what

are their impressions of Switzerland?

Keep up the good work!!

All the best,


Feeling The

Winter Blues?

E veryone looks forward to holidays. Yes? But

when they come not everyone is joyful. I don't

know about you, but some people get bored over

the holidays. While some of you are having a

blast, there are some who might not know what to do. Let

me help you avoid this. If you are one of the people that

gets bored easily, this article is for you!

Ideas for your family and friends:-

Out and about:

Why not try skiing, snowboarding or sledging? Take a trip

to Klosters, Davos, Austria, or someplace snowy. This will

do the trick. You could just go there for a day trip, you

don't have to stay there overnight. Come on, what you wait-

ing for. Bored of standing up? Why not try sledging? For a

real experience you could try going with more than one

person! Come quick, to join the downhill adventure!

Things you could do at home:

- Build a snowman. Get a carrot for the nose, two buttons

for the eyes, and an old scarf to put around the snowman's

neck. Come on, while the snow is thick!

- Looking for something warm to do inside? Decorate your

room or even your house with paper snowflakes, while sip-

ping a cup of warm hot chocolate! Let your creative mind


-Does anyone in your family have a party coming up soon?

Whether its a birthday or Christmas party you can help

out. You could make invitation cards, or decorate the



D uring November the fourth and

fifth graders had the opportuni-

ty to take part in NaNoWriMo.

It is an organization which dur-

ing the month of November they write

like crazy. At ZIS forty seven kids are par-


NaNoWriMo is National Novel Writing

month. The students come up with a word

count for themselves. They have to com-

plete a word count by the end of the

month. It is hard work, trust me! You have

to write a lot. 5000 words for fifth grade,

and 4000 words for fourth. It is a lot of

responsibility and fun.

It brings on a lot of pressure. I dare you to

join next year, or read the books when

they come out in February once they are


Reporters: Sofia and Sonia

Q: what is white and red all over?

A: a newspaper!

Q. What is invisible and smells of


A: A bunny fart!

Q. Why can't you play a game in


A. Because there're are too many


Q. Why was the puff lonely?

A. Because he lost his cheese!


Feed me and I live, give me drink

and I die.

What am I?

Send us your answers.

5000 Words JOKES

Coming Soon




















like last year. But there will be two

dates they will be doing it. The 22nd

and the 25th of November, we en-

courage you to come to both. We

hope to see you there.

Reporters: Lilly and Selina

In a few weeks the fourth

grade are going to do

Market Day. In case you

do not know what Market

Day is it is a day were all the fourth grade

sells their homemade products. The fourth

grade kids have a unit in which they learn

about marketing, goods and services. Make

sure to bring money for the amazing prod-

ucts they have each work very hard on!

Last year, Market Day was a hit and we

hope this year is as successful. Last year

there were people selling brownies, fudge,

t-shirts, drinks, and all sorts of products. It

was to help them with their marketing

skills. This year all the money goes charity

including Philipence Typhoon, Red Cross

and Heipher.org, UNICEF and War Child.

They had to set the price reasonably be-

cause then would still make a profit but not

too high so cutomers would still buy the

products because.

This year the 4th graders will sell products,