You Choose Manual

Post on 04-Apr-2018

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Transcript of You Choose Manual

  • 7/30/2019 You Choose Manual


  • 7/30/2019 You Choose Manual


    ion, etc, characterized by intuitive insights, creative juice, inspiration, motivation, daydreams etc. Relaxed, yet alert.

    FROM 36:30-48:00 you will be in: BETA:This is normally generated when you are awake, with the attention focused outside, dealing with the outside world. It is also generated when you are solving logical problems, such as mental arithmetic. Alert focusing, vitality, concentration on tasks. Earth resonance. Beta causes an increase in mental ability, focus, alertness, and IQ.

    FROM 48:30-60:00 you will be in: GAMMA:Gamma is associated with information-rich task processing and high-level information processing "A New Theory of Consciousness" For scientists who study the human brain, even its simplest act of perception is an event of astonishing intricacy. Gamma brain activity may be a kind of binding mechanism. Gamma waves serve to connect structures in the cortex where advanced information processing occurs,and the thalamus, a lower brain region where complex relay and integrative functions are carried out. Gamma pulses are thought to lead to synchronization and coordination of neurons assigned to the processing of incoming sensory stimulation. Put in computerese, Gamma may be the brain's operating system frequency.