Y Pecyn Cyfan

Post on 16-Oct-2021

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Transcript of Y Pecyn Cyfan

Yn ystod y sesiwn hon, byddwch yn cyflwyno’r cysyniad o baentiau thermocromatig a gofyn i’ch

clwb eu cymhwyso i gynnyrch peirianneg.

Rydym yn ddefnyddwyr clyfar Rydym yn edrych ar faint o halen, braster a chalorïau sydd yn ein bwyd. Rydym hefyd am weld a yw wedi’i gynhyrchu mewn ffordd foesegol a pha mor niweidiol yw ei ôl-troed carbon. Fodd bynnag, mae pecynnau ein bwyd yn dod yn fwy clyfar hefyd.

Mae paentiau thermocromatig yn newid lliw wrth gynhesu. Mae’r gweithgarwch hwn yn archwilio sut y gellir cynllunio a chynhyrchu ‘pecynnau clyfar’ sy’n defnyddio lliwiau thermocromatig i ddangos bod y tymheredd y cynnyrch yn gywir.

Beth sydd ei angen arnoch

✓ Brwshys paent

✓ Potiau paent

✓ Lliwiau thermocromatig (gellir prynu’r

rhain o www.mutr.co.uk codau

cynnyrch IT9 003 i 007)

✓ Sylfaen acrylig (unrhyw baent gwyn

neu liw golau)

✓ Papur

✓ Cwpan bapur (ar gyfer hylifau poeth)

✓ Thermomedr

✓ Dwr poeth

Nodyn i Lysgenhadon STEM – bydd

gan ysgolion lawer o’r eitemau sydd eu

hangen arnoch, felly gofynnwch i’r athro

cyn eich sesiwn. Dylid cynnal asesiad

risg cyn dechrau’r gweithgaredd hwn.

Sut rydym yn pecynnu ein bwyd?Dylai’r

sesiwn hon lenwi

slot amser clwb fel

prosiect untro (neu gellir

ei defnyddio fel rhan

o brosiect byrdymor o

gynnwys elfennau


Y Pecyn Cyfan


Ambell beth ychwanegol... Mae yna lawer o elfennau eraill y gallech chi eu hychwanegu at y gweithgaredd hwn:

Q Trafodwch bwysigrwydd masnach deg, ôl-troed carbon neu ailgylchu mewn siopau mawr (a bach)

Q Gwnewch bapur wedi’i ailgylchu. I weld dull syml, ewch i: http://ecokids.ca/pub/fun_n_games/

printables/ activities/assets/science_nature/paper_making.pdf

Q Penderfynwch ar gynnyrch bwyd i’w werthu yn yr ysgol, gallai Clwb STEM ddarparu brechdanau iach

Q Rhaid i fyfyrwyr wneud ymchwil, cynllunio a phrofi blasau

Q Dylid datblygu brandiau a phecynnau; sut allwch chi ymgorffori pwynt gwerthu unigryw’r lliwiau thermocromatig? Gellir defnyddio CAD/CAM i helpu i ddylunio a chynhyrchu’r


Yn ddamcaniaethol, gellid defnyddio’r math hwn o becyn i ddangos a yw

cynnyrch wedi cael ei gadw ar y tymheredd anghywir.

Er enghraifft, a yw llaeth wedi cael ei gadw y tu allan i’r oergell? Mae’r lliw’n achosi i’r paent newid ei liw.

Fodd bynnag, pan fo’r lliw’n cynhesu mae’n

mynd yn dryloyw, gan ddangos lliw gwreiddiol y

sylfaen acrylig.

Yn anffodus, dim ond dros dro mae’r lliw’n newid, felly bydd yn dychwelyd i’r lliw arferol pan fydd y tymheredd yn dychwelyd i’r hyn ydoedd.


Awgrymiadau defnyddiolMae pecynnau clyfar neu ddeallus yn canfod newidiadau yn yr amgylchedd sydd, yn eu tro, yn achosi newidiadau i’r pecyn e.e. newid lliw.

Mae yna ‘becynnau gweithredol' hefyd sy’n gallu ymestyn oes silff bwyd. Gwneir hyn trwy gael gwared ar ocsigen neu ddŵr, gan arafu twf bacteria.

A all eich grŵp ddod o hyd i enghreifftiau o becynnau o’r fath neu becynnau clyfar neu weithredol eraill yn yr archfarchnad leol?

Yn y dyfodol, efallai y bydd peirianneg yn ein helpu i siopa’n gyflym a heb straen, gan ddefnyddio technolegau di-wifr i roi gwybod i’r til beth rydych chi wedi ei ddewis cyn i chi fynd i dalu.

Beth i’w wneud Cymysgwch eich paent – cymysgwch ychydig o’r lliw gyda’r sylfaen acrylig (gwyn neu liw golau sydd fwyaf addas).

Gofynnwch i’ch grŵp feddwl am sut y byddent yn ymchwilio i’r ffordd mae’r lliw’n newid wrth gynhesu (heb ddefnyddio llosgydd Bunsen na fflam agored gan y byddent yn llosgi’r papur!).

Un ffordd hawdd o newid y tymheredd yw trwy beintio eich cwpan bapur a’i llenwi â dŵr twym. Ar ba dymheredd mae’r paent yn dechrau newid lliw? (Gallech ddechrau gyda dŵr tap oer ac ychwanegu dŵr berw fesul tipyn. Dilynwch weithdrefnau iechyd a diogelwch arferol yr ysgol).

Gosodwch y dasg ganlynol i’ch grŵp:

TMae rheolwr eich archfarchnad leol am ddefnyddio lliwiau thermocromatig ar becynnau rhai cynhyrchion bwyd. Pa fath o fwyd neu ddiod sydd fwyaf addas?

Cynlluniwch a chynhyrchwch becyn sy’n addas ar gyfer cynnyrch bwyd a fyddai’n difetha pe bai’n cael ei gadw’n rhy gynnes am gyfnod rhy hir (er enghraifft, cynhyrchion llaeth neu gig).

Cysylltiadau Cwricwlwm Gan ddefnyddio’r gweithgaredd hwn,

gallwch drafod:

Lloegr Gwyddoniaeth: Cynhesu ac oeri

ABGI: edrych ar sefyllfaoedd go iawn, dewisiadau personol a blaenoriaethau

Dylunio a Thechnoleg: Dylunio a gwneud eich hun Ffocws: bwyd, wythnos gweithgareddau (dewisol)

Yr Alban Datblygiadau technolegol mewn cymdeithas

Tudalen 2

Proffil: Pwy sy’n Defnyddio Gweithgynhyrchu?

Sean BrennanPeiriannydd Datblygu Mecanyddol

Sector Diwydiant



Beth rwy’n ei wneud ar ddiwrnod arferol 




Mae pob diwrnod yn wahanol. Ar adegau, byddaf yn treulio diwrnod cyfan yn ymchwilio a dylunio cynnyrch, proses neu system newydd wrth fy nesg. Ar ddiwrnodau eraill, byddaf yn adeiladu prototeipiau ar gyfer arbrofion a chynnal yr arbrofion hynny neu’n ymweld â safleoedd cwsmeriaid i asesu peiriant.

Sut y cyrhaeddais i fan hyn





Astudiais fathemateg, ffiseg a dylunio a thechnoleg Safon Uwch. Ar ôl hynny, astudiais Beirianneg Fecatronig ym Mhrifysgol Leeds, lle enillais ddealltwriaeth eang o beirianneg, a phenderfynais ddilyn llwybr peirianneg fecanyddol. Cefais le ar gynllun i raddedigion ar ôl fy nghyfnod yn y brifysgol ac, ers hynny, rwyf wedi gweithio mewn amrywiaeth o swyddi, o weithio gyda systemau cludo sy’n defnyddio technoleg ceir sglefrio ym Maes Awyr Heathrow a datblygu teganau a gemau Action Man i’m swydd bresennol yn cynllunio peiriannau didoli optigol.

Rhan orau’r swydd  Y peth sy’n rhoi’r boddhad mwyaf i mi yw cynllunio cynnyrch a’i weld yn cael ei adeiladu.

Y dyfodol



Ar hyn o bryd, rwy’n mwynhau peirianneg ac yn gweithio’n galed ym maes ymchwil a datblygu. Rwy’n gobeithio y byddaf yn gallu parhau i ddysgu, cael cyfle i weithio ar brosiectau arloesol newydd a chyffrous a theithio mwy yn rhinwedd fy swydd.

Beth yw peirianneg? Mae gan bopeth yn y byd ryw fath o beirianneg yn gysylltiedig ag ef. Gellir ei defnyddio i wneud bywydau pobl yn fwy difyr, megis datblygu peiriant chwarae gemau cyfrifiadurol, i achub bywydau trwy ddatblygu cyfarpar meddygol neu i ddatrys problemau mewn gwledydd sy’n datblygu.

Gall peirianneg fod mor syml a chynhyrchu’r cadeiriau rydych chi’n eistedd arnynt, neu mor gymhleth ag adeiladu gorsaf ofod.

Tudalen 3

Mathemateg YchwanegolPe bai 30% o’r myfyrwyr yn eich ysgol yn prynu’r cynnyrch lliw thermocromatig, faint o gynhyrchion fyddech chi’n gallu eu gwerthu?

Amcangyfrifwch faint y byddai’n ei gostio i gynhyrchu’ch cynnyrch. Pe baech yn gwerthu’ch cynnyrch am y pris cost ac ychwanegu 40%, faint o elw allech chi ei wneud o’i werthu i’ch ysgol?

Dyma yw PeiriannegMae meddwl sut y gallwn ni fod yn greadigol a chymhwyso nodweddion paent thermocromatig i ddeunydd pacio a ffyrdd o’u cynhyrchu yn rhoi syniad gwych i ni o sut mae peirianneg yn effeithio arnom mewn ffyrdd nad yw llawer ohonom yn ymwybodol ohonynt hyd yn oed.

Mae peirianwyr yn gwneud gwaith pwysig iawn mewn perthynas â’n bwyd ac mae peirianwyr gweithgynhyrchu yn y diwydiant hwn a diwydiannau eraill yn hanfodol. Gellir astudio peirianneg gweithgynhyrchu mewn llawer o brifysgolion, gyda gofynion mynediad yn cynnwys cymwysterau Safon Uwch, Diplomâu Uwch a chymwysterau Uwch yr Alban (www.ucas.com).

Meysydd cysylltiedig: Gwyddoniaeth deunyddiau a pheirianneg amaethyddol.

Fodd bynnag, efallai na fyddwn yn gallu cynhyrchu bwyd neu gynhyrchion o gwbl heb beirianneg gwasanaeth yn seiliedig ar y tir (www.apprenticeships.org.uk). Mae’r Brentisiaeth hon yn mynd i’r afael â’r gwaith o gynnal a chadw a thrwsio pob math o gyfarpar mecanyddol a ddefnyddir ym maes amaethyddiaeth ac mewn diwydiannau eraill ar y tir. Mae peirianwyr gwasanaeth yn seiliedig ar y tir yn gweithio i ddatrys problemau trwy ddefnyddio cyfuniad o wybodaeth wyddonol, technegol a pheirianneg.

Yn yr Alban, ewch i www.apprenticeshipsinscotland.com ac yng Nghymru wales.gov.uk/apprenticeships.

Cysylltu â NiThe Royal Academy of Engineering 3 Carlton House TerraceLondon SW1Y 5DG Ffôn: 020 7766 0600 Ffacs: 020 7930 1549 Gwefan: www.raeng.org.uk

Engineering Engagement ProjectGwefan: www.raeng.org.uk/eenpE-bost: eenp@raeng.org.uk

Camau NesafCofiwch fod yna fwy o adnoddau yn networking.stemnet.org.uk

I gael mwy o wybodaeth am Glybiau STEM, ewch i www.stemclubs.net

I siarad â’ch cynrychiolydd STEMNET lleol, ewch i www.stemnet.org.uk/regions

I gael mwy o wybodaeth am yr Engineering Engagement Project, ewch i www.raeng.org.uk/eenp

Mae Gwobrau CREST yn hawdd eu cynnal, yn annog myfyrwyr i barhau i ddilyn pynciau STEM ac yn ychwanegu gwerth go iawn i geisiadau UCAS. Er mwyn cysylltu syniadau ychwanegol y gweithgarwch hwn â Gwobr Efydd CREST, cysylltwch â’ch Cydgysylltydd CREST lleol: www.britishscienceassociation.org/crestcontacts

Accredited Scheme

Cefnogir yn hael gan


Extra MathsIf 30% of students at your school buy your thermochromatic pigment product how many products would you be able to sell?

Estimate how much it might cost to manufacture your product. If you sold your product for cost price plus 40% how much profit could you make selling to your school?

This Is EngineeringThinking about how we can be creative and apply the properties of thermochromatic paints to packaging and ways of manufacturing them is a great illustration of how engineering affects us without many of us even realising it.

Engineers have a huge input with respect to our food and manufacturing engineers in this and other industries are essential. Manufacturing engineering can be taken at many universities, with entry requirements including A Levels, Advanced Diplomas and Scottish Advanced Highers (www.ucas.com).

Related fields: Materials science and agricultural engineering.

However, we might not be able to manufacture food or products at all without land-based service engineering (www.apprenticeships.org.uk). This Apprenticeship deals with the maintenance and repair of a range of mechanised equipment used in agriculture and other land-based industries. Land-based service engineers work to solve problems using a combination of scientific, technical and engineering knowledge.

In Scotland visit www.apprenticeshipsinscotland.com and in Wales wales.gov.uk/apprenticeships.

Contact UsThe Royal Academy of Engineering 3 Carlton House TerraceLondon SW1Y 5DG Tel: 020 7766 0600 Fax: 020 7930 1549 Web: www.raeng.org.uk

Engineering Engagement ProjectWeb: www.raeng.org.uk/eenpEmail: eenp@raeng.org.uk

Next StepsRemember there are more resources at networking.stemnet.org.uk

For more on STEM Clubs visit www.stemclubs.net

To speak with your local STEMNET representative visit www.stemnet.org.uk/regions

For more information on the Engineering Engagement Project  www.raeng.org.uk/eenp

CREST Awards are easy-to-run, encourage students to continue with STEM subjects, and add real value to UCAS applications. To link this activity’s extra ideas to a CREST Bronze Award, contact your CREST Local Coordinator: www.britishscienceassociation.org/crestcontacts

Accredited Scheme

Generously supported by


Profile: Who Uses Manufacturing?

Sean BrennanMechanical Development Engineer

Industry sector



What I do on an average day 




Every day is different. On occasion, I might spend a whole day researching and designing a new product, process or system at my desk. Other days might involve building prototypes for experiments and carrying them out or visiting customer sites to assess a machine.

How I got here





I took maths, physics and design & technology A-levels. Following this I read Mechatronic Engineering at Leeds University where I gained a broad view of engineering and decided to follow a route into mechanical engineering. I was able to get on a graduate scheme after university and have since moved through a variety of roles, from working with conveyor systems using rollercoaster technology at Heathrow Airport and playing(I mean developing) Action Man toys and games to the role I have at present, designing optical sorting machines.

My favourite part of my job 

The most rewarding and enjoyable part of my job is designing a product and then seeing it being built.

The future



At present, I am enjoying engineering and worked hard to pursue research and development. I hope to be able to continue learning, have the opportunity to continue to work on exciting new innovative projects and hopefully fit more travel into my job.

What is engineering?Everything in the world has some form of engineering associated with it. It can be used to make peoples lives more enjoyable like developing a games console, to saving lives by developing medical equipment or solutions to problems in the developing world.

Engineering can be as simple as manufacturing the chairs you sit on, or as complicated as building a space station.

Page 3

Some Extras... There are many other elements that you could add to this activity:

Q Discuss the importance of fair trade, carbon footprints or recycling in big (and small) shops

Q Make your own recycled paper

See: http://ecokids.ca/pub/fun_n_games/printables/activities/assets/science_nature/

paper_making.pdf for a simple method

Q Decide on a food product to sell in school, the STEM Club could be

healthy sandwich providers

Q Students must research, design and test flavours

Q Branding and packaging should be developed; how can you incorporate the unique selling point of the thermochromatic pigments? CAD/CAM can be used to help the designs and manufacture of the packaging.

In theory, this type of packaging could be used to show if a

product has been kept at the wrong temperature.

For example, has milk been kept out of the fridge? The pigment causes the paint to change colour. However, when the pigment is heated it becomes

transparent and the original colour of the

base acrylic is revealed.

Unfortunately for this activity the colour change is temporary, so when

the temperature returns to normal the colour will change back.


Handy Hints Smart or intelligent packaging detects changes in the environment, which in turn cause changes in the packaging e.g. a change in colour.

There is also ‘active packaging' which can prolong a food’s shelf life. This is done by removing oxygen or water and therefore slowing down bacteria growth.

Can your group find examples of these and othersmart or active packaging in the local supermarket?

In the future, engineering may enable our shopping to be fast and stress free, using wireless technologies which notify the till what you have taken before you have to pay.

What To Do Make up your paints – a small amount of the pigment mixed into the acrylic base (a white or pale colour is most suitable) will do.

Ask your group to think about how they might investigate the way the pigment changes with temperature (without using a Bunsen burner or naked flame as that would burn the paper!).

An easy way to get an idea of the transition temperature is to paint your paper cup and to fill it with warm water. At what temperature does the paint just start to change? (Perhaps start with cold tap water, adding boiling water a little at a time. Do follow the school’s usual health and safety procedures).

Set your group the following task:

The local supermarket manager wants to use thermochromatic pigments on the packaging for some food products. Which type of food or drink is most suitable?

You are to design and then manufacture packaging suitable for a food product that would spoil if kept too warm for too long (for example, dairy or meat products).

Curriculum Links Using this activity you can discuss:


Science: Heating and cooling

PSHE: looking at real-life situations, personal preferences and priorities

D&T: Designing and making for yourself Focus: food, Activity week (optional)


Technological developments in society

Page 2

During this session you will introduce the concept of thermochromatic paints and ask

your club to apply them to an engineered product.

We are smart consumersWe look at the salt, fat, and caloriecontent of our food. We also look at whether it has been ethically produced and how potentially damaging its carbon footprint is. However, the packaging our food comes in is getting smart too.

Thermochromatic paints show a change ofcolour with heat. This activity looks at designing and manufacturing ’smart packaging’ which uses thermochromatic pigments to show the product is at the right temperature.

What You Need

✓Paint brushes

✓Paint pots

✓Thermochromatic pigments (these can

be purchased from www.mutr.co.uk

product codes IT9 003 to 007)

✓Acrylic base (any white or light

coloured paint)


✓Paper cup (for hot liquids)


✓Hot water

Note for STEM Ambassadors – Schools will

have many of the items you need, so check

with the teacher before your session.

A risk assessment should be done before

starting this activity.

How do we package our food? This session

should fill a

club timeslot as a

one off project (or it

can be used as part of

a short term project

if extras are


The Whole Package
