Write a conversation exercise/comparing childhood and now

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take it easyemail address

see you later Do you like ….?


nice to meet you first name

free time

repeat that

Write a conversation exercise: greetings & introductions

How about you?

how are you?











Write a conversation with at least 6 of the phrases above.Example: Hi. My name is Mika. What’s your first name?


First day of term

Lucas: Hello.

Ella: Hi!

Lucas: My name is Lucas. What's your name?

Ella: My name's Ella. Nice to meet you Lucas.

Lucas: So how are you today?

Ella: I’m really good. How about you?

Lucas: I’m good too. Tell me, what's your favorite subject?

Ella: I like studying English.

Lucas: Really! I like English, but I also like Chinese.

Ella: Oh, I study Chinese too but I’m not good at Chinese. If I have a problem, can you help me?

Lucas: Sure, you can email me.

Ella: Thanks. What’s your email address?

Lucas: lucas6707@gmail.com

Ella: Wait. Can you repeat that?

Lucas: l – u – c – a – s – 6 – 7 – 0 – 7 - @ - gmail.com

Ella: Thanks a lot. Ok. Take it easy. Bye.

Lucas: See you later.

Write a conversation exercise: family











Write a conversation with at least 6 of the phrases above.Example: Hey,Emma, how many people are there in your family?





How many people are there…



youngest oldestWhat is…….like.?




only child


Do you have…?


large family


Example conversation with audio.

A conversation about families between 3 friends: Fah, Mint and Deal

Fah : Hey, Mint and Deal, how many people are there in your families?

Mint. Actually, there are 5 people in my family.

Deal: There are 5 people in my family too!

Fah : Wowl You have big families.

Deal: Mint, do you have a brother?

Mint : Yes Deal, I have two older brothers. Fah, do you have a brother?

Fah No, I just have one older sister. So there are only 4 people in my family.

Deal: Fah, what’s your sister like?

Fah : She’s a very serious person. So Mint, what are your brothers like?

Mint: Oh, my brothers are friendly and kind.

Other examples

Jenny: Hi, Bombay, how many people are there in your family?

Bombay: There are five people in my family - including my parents, my younger sister, and my older

brother. I am the youngest in the family.

Jenny: Wow! You have a large family.

Bombay: Do you have any siblings?

Jenny : Yeah. I have an older brother. He isn’t married.

Bombay : What is your brother like?

Jenny : He is sometimes talkative. I'm annoyed by him and l want to be an only child.

Bombly : Oh Jenny, you need to calm down.

Pim : Hi Bam Are you waiting for someone?

Bam: Yeah, my sister . She's going to pick me up and take me to have dinner with my


Pim : Wow! That sounds nice. What is your sister like?

Bam : She is kind of talkative and she is my role model.

Pim : That's nice.

Bam : Do you have any siblings?

Pin : No I'm an only child.

Write a conversation exercise: plans for the weekend











Write a conversation with at least 6 of the phrases above.Example: Milo, do you have any plans for the weekend?

clean outdropoff I h

ope to….look up..


What else …..?

How fun!

I plan to….

I’m looking forward to..

take out

pick upthrow out


hang out

I’m going to..

Why do you ask?

I have to….

Example 1: Plans for the Weekend

A: Hey April, would you like to hang out with me tomorrow night?

B: Tomorrow night?

A. Yes. I can come and pick you up. Do you have any plans for tomorrow?

B: I plan to clean out my room tomorrow and I'm looking forward to buying some

food at supermarket in the afternoon as well. I'm free at night.

A: So, you will come right? We have snacks and games and many of my friends are coming.

B: How fun! I can't wait for tomorrow night.

A: Me too. I'll pick you up and drop you off at your home.

B: OK! See you!

Example 2: Plans for the Weekend

A: Alexa, do you have any plans for the weekend?

B: I'm going to the beach for this long weekend.

A. How fun!

B: But first I have to book a hotel. How about you? Do you have any plans?

A: Actually, I planned to hang out with my old friends but they just postponed because they

are busy. Why do you ask?

B: So, would you like to go to the with me? I'm looking for a friend to come.

A: Of course. I'm looking forward to swimming in the sea.


Why do you…?

How often do you….……?see you later



alwaysafter that

It sounds great!

Do you usually …..?

Write a conversation exercise: routines

What time do you…?












Write a conversation with at least 6 of the phrases above.Example: Hey, Noah, do you usually go jogging ?


Routines conversation

Raj: Amy, I want to practice my English. Can I ask you some questions about your daily life?

Amy: Sure. Go ahead!

Raj: What you usually do on weekends?

Amy: I always go to the department store. I really like shopping.

Raj: Yes, most women do. Why do you like shopping?

Amy: I like to see new fashions. And I love buying clothes. Right now, I want to buy some new exercising

clothes from Nike.

James: Wow! That sounds great! Are you going shopping today?

Amy: No, I’m studying for exams today.

James: What time do you usually take a break from studying.

Amy: At about 6PM I have dinner. After that, I watch TV.

James: And what time do you usually go to bed?

Amy : Between 9:30 and 10:00.

James: Sounds like a good routine. Ok, Amy thanks for talking to me.

Amy: My pleasure. Have a really nice day.

Write a conversation exercise-comparing childhood and now











Write a conversation with at least 6 of the phrases above.Example: Leah, Tell me about your childhood?


How lucky!Did you use to….?


How embarrassing!

How awful!

How scary!How disgusting!

Are you serious?Guess what!

How fun!

What did you use to ……….?How strange!

Where did you use to ……..?

Do you still…………..?

Write a conversation exercise: travel











Write a conversation with at least 6 of the phrases above.Example: Luna, What kind of hotel do you like to stay in?


buffetfitness center



high quality service

queen-size bed



noise 1/2/3 nightsam




complimentary gift



Write a conversation exercise:problem/solution











Write a conversation with 2 problems and at least 6 of the phrases above.Example: Donald, you look unhappy today?

I’m broke



Actually,….You could always..

That doesn’t appeal to meWhy not…..

How do you do it?

I don’t have any…

Ok, but I need to….

What should I do?

What’s the problem?

you should…You look unhappy


What do you suggest?

I wish….

Oh no! How come?

Write a conversation exercise: explaining culture











Write a conversation with at least 6 of the phrases above.Example: Elmo, what happens at New Year in your country? or Can you explain Christmas in your country to me?


gifts warmth and joy


supposed to..





best wishes




Sant Clausmidnight

You’re expected to.….


It’s the custom to..

It’s polite to…

It’s impolite to..

Example conversations

Dialogue 1 (with audio)

A: Do you visit your family at the end of the year?

B: Yes. We celebrate Christmas and New Year together. And you?

A: I visit my family in the countryside every Christmas Day.

B: Really! What do you do?

A: We have a Christmas party and wear Sant Claus costumes.

B: Sounds fun! And you guys exchange gifts with each other, right?

A: Yes.. we prepare gifts, dinner and cakes before lighting the candles. Then we pray.

B: What do you pray for?

A: We make a wish that our family can be warm and joyful like this every year and we also wish that we'll

be together for a long time.

B: Very nice! I can't wait for Christmas!

Dialogue 2

A: What are you going to do on Christmas day ?

B: I plan to celebrate the day with friends and today I plan to buy some cards and gifts.

A: Why you have to buy gifts?

B : Because it's polite to give gifts at Christmas and I love to say “Merry Christmas” to lots of my friends.

A: Wow.. I can feel warmth and joy!

B: Yes a lot!

Write a conversation exercise:ideas for a business











Write a conversation with at least 6 of the phrases above.Example: Emma, what kind of business do you want to start?





it is it necessary to…? name

main reason

Do you need….



free wifi

What else..?What do you need…?



I hope….

That’s an original idea!

high quality

Example 1

A: I heard that you are thinking of starting a business. What kind of business are you interested

in? B: I want to open a laundry service.

A: What is the main reason to start this kind of business?

B: Ahh….. when I go to a laundromat I get bored waiting for the clothes.

A: I get it. It takes too long. What original ideas to you have to improve a laundry service?

B: In my opinion I think It must have high quality washing machines, free wifi, good prices, comfortable

seating and we need to provide some trendy beverages. But I have a problem.

A: What problem? Is it about location?

B: Definitely. I can’t find a good location.

A: I have a good place to suggest I'll send you the information.

B: Thanks so much.

Example 2

A: What do you want to do in future?

B: I want to open my own restaurant.

A: What do you need to run a successful restaurant?

B: It needs a good location and the prices have to be affordable.

A: That's not an original ideal but it’s true. What else?

B: I want to design a minimalist restaurant and I want to provide good customer service.

A: What services will you provide?

B: I will provide free wifi service and battery chargers. I want customers to feel comfortable.

A: Great! I hope you will be successful.

Write a conversation exercise: past tense











Write a conversation with at least 6 of the phrases above.Example: Harry, What did you do last weekend ?



playedDid you..?




How did…?stopped

How was….?cried





What did ……?

What was…?




A: Joey! Where did you go last weekend?

B I went to the supermarket

A: What did you buy?

B: I bought some fresh food and soap. I walked around the supermarket. But I missed the soap. I wanted it

to wash my dishes.

A: It's unfortunate that you didn’t get the soap.

B: That's alright. I’ll buy it today.

A Great! Then you can wash the dishes.


Zee: Mike, where did you go last weekend.

Mike: l went to Mega Department Store.

Zee: What did you do?

Mike: I just bought some decorations for my room and saw a movie

Zee : How was the movie?

Mike: It was so sad. It made me cry.

Zee: Wow, that sounds interesting!

Mike: Next time I will take you to see this movie

Zee: So kind of you.