Working With Your Strong-Willed Child

Post on 16-Jan-2017

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Transcript of Working With Your Strong-Willed Child

Working With Your Strong-Willed Child

Understand You Can’t Change Them

As much as you may want to, you cannot change your child’s personality, and attempting to do so could make things worse.Instead of trying to change it, learn to work with it.

Redirect Their Stubbornness

Instead of clashing against them, challenge their ability by encouraging them to do things their own way.Of course, you need to be creative in doing this, to be sure they’re working towards the goal you’re aiming towards.

Give Them Choices

By giving them two options that ultimately lead to the same thing, they will feel like they have more control.This makes them less likely to argue or throw a temper tantrum.

Always Remain Consistent

Strong willed children are always looking to find your limits, and will take note of when you give in.Be consistent with everything - rules, discipline, routines, etc.

Be Thankful For The Lessons!

Parenting will teach you the greatest lessons you’ve ever learned about life, and the lessons are plentiful with strong-willed children.By overcoming the hardships, you are learning and growing as a person. Feel good about it!

Be Proud Of Them

Strong-willed and stubborn children tend to become more successful adults, and also tend to be happier as they don’t let people push them around. Be proud!