Words Work Wonders or Blunders by W. v. Grant, Sr

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Transcript of Words Work Wonders or Blunders by W. v. Grant, Sr

  • 8/2/2019 Words Work Wonders or Blunders by W. v. Grant, Sr


  • 8/2/2019 Words Work Wonders or Blunders by W. v. Grant, Sr


    Order fr om GRANT'S FAITH CLINICBox :i53. Dallas. Texas Words can work wonders or words can workblunders. They can bring strength or weakness,sickness or health, discouragement or courage.1. YOU CAN HAVE WHATEVER YOU SAY. (Mark 11:23.)

    Every day of your life you are saying what Godsays or what the devil says.The Lord says, "I am the Lord that healeth thee."The devil says, "I know He can."The Lord says, "By His stripes you are healed."The devil says, "He is able."The Lo rd says, "I deliver you" (Ps. 34.:19). Thedevil says, "He has promised. "2. JESUSIS THE HIGH PRIESTOF OllR PROFESSION

    (Heb. 3:1.)This is the same as confession., What IprofessIpossess. Jesus is at the right hand of the Father

    now.If I say, "I can do aU things through Christ,"Jesus says, "Father, he can do all things throughme" (Phil. 4 :13).IfIsay, "My God supplies all my need," Jesussays, "Father, you supply all his need". (Phil. 4:19).IfIsay, "I can't get it, " Jesus says, "Father,he can't get it."3. WORDS CAN BRING YOU HEALTH OR SICKNESS.(Prov. 12:18; John 5:14.)Ifyou say what God says, you say, "My healthshall spring forth speedily" (Isa. 58:5).You will say, "The Lord will restore health unto

    me" (Jer. 30:17).You may say, "God wishes above all things thatIprosper and be in health." "The Lord is thestrength of my life" (III John 2; Ps. 27:1).4. WE OVERCOME BY THE WORDS OF OUR TESTIMONY.(Rev. 12:11.)You overcome by saying, "I sl.all recover." Youare defeated by saying, "I am getting worse."You overcome by saying, "He gives me long life"

    (Ps. 91)

    Books " b y Rev. W . V . G rant50. each or all twelve books for $5.00


  • 8/2/2019 Words Work Wonders or Blunders by W. v. Grant, Sr



    9. YOUI TONGUE CAN DEFILEYOUR WHOLE BODY.(J...... 3:6.)Or it can bring health. (Prov. 4 :22 j 12 :18.)Talk faith and you will be strong. Talk weaknessand you will be weak.Talk faith and you will believe. (Mark 11 :23.)Talk defeat and you will lose.Talk success and you will prosper. (Ps. 1 :3.) Talk

    poverty and you'll be in need.10. YOU CAN BE SNARED BY YOUR WORDS. (Provo 6:2.)You can say, "I am bound," or you can say,"Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty."You can say, "I got a touch, but I did not get myhealing," or you can say, "As many as He touchedwere made whole." (Mark 6 :56. )You can say, "I have sought it, but I can't getit," or you call say, "Everyone that asketh receiv-eth." (Luke 11 :10.)11. YOU CAN KINDLE A BIG FIRE BY ONE WORD.(J.mes 3:5.)You can say something in 10 seconds that youcan't fix up in 10 years.You can fail to forgive yourself after God hasalready forgiven you.You can accuse yourself because Satan accusesyou.12. HE THAT IS OF GOD SPEAKETHGOD'S WORDS.(John 3:4.)God's word says, "You shall not want." (Ps.23:1). Satan says, "What will you wear tomorrowT"God says, "I will never leave you nor forsakeyou." Satan says, "The Lord has lost your num-ber.God says, "To have friends you must show your-self friendly." Satan says that you are not appre-ciated.13. GOD SAYS WITH THE MOUTH CONFESSION IS MADEUNTO SALVATION. (Rom. 10:10.)Salvation includes both soul and body and every-thing provided in the atonement.

    You overcome by saying, "He forgives and healsme." (Ps. 103:3.)5. BY YOUR WORDS YOU ARE JUSTIFIEDOR CONDENMED.(Matt. 12:37.). .Yo~ . OV~!'come by saying, "He forgiveth all myiniquities. You are condemned by saying "I amfailing God every day." 0You overcome by saying, " No plague shall comenear my dwelling." You are condemned by saying"I don't feel like I am safe." 0You overcome by saying, "He that is in me isgreater than he that is in the world." (I Johu 4:4.)You are condemned by saying, "I lost the victory;"6. YOU CAN CONDEMN YOURSELFBY WORDS.When you condemn yourself, you are not happy.(Rom. 14:22.}If you delight. yourself in the Lord, you receiveyour heart's desire. (Ps. 37 :4.)If you are not under condemnation you havefaith. (I John 3 :21.) ,7. YOU CAN A~~EE ORDI.SAGREEBYWORDS. (Matt. 18.19.)If.l say, There It is," and you say "Keeppraymg," you are not agreeing. 'If I say, " Y ou shall recover" and you say"I can't get it " di ,t, you are lsagreeing .. If I say, ',',It shall be" done," and you say, "Idid not get it, you are dIsagreeing

    I. WE CAN EXTOL THE NAME OF THE lORD BY WORDS.(Ps. 30:1.)Or we can extol Satan.We can e~,tol God by saying, "We are more thanconquerors.. We extol Satan by saying "I justcan't make It." ,We extol the Lord by saying, "This is the victortha t overcomes the world, even Our faith." (I J oh~5:~.) You extol Satan by saying "I don't have thfaith." , e

    . We ~xtol the Lord by saying, "N othing shall beimpossiblo. " (Ma tt. 17 :20.)I

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    Salvation includes deliverance from poverty. Sal-vation brings prosperity and success.Salvation includes divine healing and divinehealth. (Ex. 15 :26.)14. GOD SAYS FOR HIS PRAISE TO BE CONTINUALLY INYOUR MOUTH. (Ps. 34: 1.)If you say, "I am discouraged," you are praisingthe wrong person.If you say, "The devil has been after me all day,"you are praising the devil.Ifyou say, "I always triumph in Christ," you arepraising the Lord. (II Cor. 2 :14.)15. YOU CAN MAGNIFY THE LORD OR MAGNIFY SATANBY WORDS. (Ps. 69:30.)Ifyou say, "The Lord is the strength of my life,"you magnify the Lord. (Ps. 27 :1.)Ifyou say, "As my days are, so shall my strengthbe," you magnify the Lord. (Deut. 33 :25.)If you praise the Lord with a loud voice, youmagnify the Lord. (Acts 10 :46.)16. GOD SAID FOR YOU NOT TO LET ANY CORRUPTCOMMUNICA ~ION COME OUT OF YOUR MOUTH.(Eph. 4:29.)You are corrupt if you say, "I have to sin everyday." (1 John 3:8.)You are corrupt if you say, "I have to be sickevery day." (Isa. 33 :24.)You arc corrupt if you say, "God is withholdingsomething from me." (Ps. 84 :11.)17. IF GOD'S WORD ABIDES IN US, WE GET THE ANSWER

    TO ALL OUR PRAYERS.(John 15:7.)If God's Word abides in us, we will say, ".He willtake away all sickness from me. " If the devil's wordabides in us, we will say, "Sickness may be God'swill." (Ex. 24 :25.)If God's Word abides in us, we will say, "He is apresent help in time of need." If the devil's wordabides in us, we will say, "God is so far away. Hedoes not hear."

    18. WE ARE COMMANDED TO SPEAK AS THE ORACLESOF GOD. (I Peter 4:11.)If we speak as God's oracles, we will say, "Hist "ars arc open 0 my cry. ."If we speak as the oracles of God, we WIll say, Ishall be saved and my house." (Acts 16:31.) Youwill win your husband to God. (lPeter 3 :1.) .If you speak as the oracles of Satan', you WIll say,"I pray for my famliy, but it does not do any good."19. THE HOLY GHOST WILL GIVE US IN THE SAME HOURWHAT TO SAY. (Luke 12:12.)The Holy Ghost will cause us to n:ake confessionunto healing, happiness, and health instead of untosickness, sin and sorrow. .The Holy Ghost will make. a confessIOn un.toplenty, prosperity ~nd pow~r instead of unto dis-cou.rao-ement despair and disease.Th:Holy Ghost will make y~u sa?:, "Pick up yourbed and walk," instead of saymg, You had better

    go to the hospital."20. 'THE LORb SAYS FOR HIS WORD TO DWELL IN YOURICHLY. (Col. 3:16.) . .If His Word dwells in you richly, you WIll en-courage people and not discour.age them. .If His Word dwells in you richly, you WIll speaka word in due season. (Isa. 50 :4.)If"His Word dwells in you, find a man at the forksof the road and point him home.21. DEATH AND LIFE LIE IN THE POWER OF WORDS.(Prov. 18:2.)The Word saves (James 1 :2.), sanctifies (John17 :17), imparts the Holy Ghost (John 20:22), ~e-livers from devils (Matt. 8 :16), and heals all dIS-eases (Ps. 107 :20).The Word brought man into existence .(John1 :1-3), will destroy man (Rev. 19:21), and WIll res-urrect man (John 5 :25). .'Words created the world and ever~hmg tberem.Words will speak them out of eXIstence. (Rev


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    10 Keep your mouth shut than It does to give a mana whipping. Jesus knew when not to say anythingat all. (Matt. 15 :23)Keep silent unless you can say what God says.(Exodus 15 :26) The reason most people tell theiraches is because they have a spirit of self-pity andthey want sympathy.Confess sickness and you will be sick. Confessstrength and you will be strong. There is nothingso good or so bad, but talking about it makes itmore so.

    19 :15,18.) Hi~ Word will not return void. It is for-ever settled In heaven. It runs very swiftly. (Ps,119 :89; Isa. 55:11; Ps. 147 :15.) Teach your 'mouthto say what God says. Your mouth is the door toyour soul.ALL PEOPLEIN THE GRAVE WILL LIVE AGAIN WHEN THEYHEAR HIS WORD. (John 5:25)Lazrus heard the spoken word and lived after hehad been dead four days. (John 11 :43) The son ofthe widow of Nain heard the spoken word and cameout of his casket as he was on his way to the grave-yard. (Luke 7 :15) Jarius' daughter heard the spokenword and came back from the dead. (Matt. 9:25)Dorcas heard Peter's word and rose from thedead. Many dead people in our day have come backto life when the word was spoken.No word of God is void of power. (Isaiah 55 :11)He that is of God speaks the words of God (John3:34) .

    THE CENTURION SAlp, "SPEAK, THE WORD ONLY, ANDMY SERVANT SHALLBEMADE WHOLE." (MaH. 8:8)Jesus said He had more faith than any of God'speople because he saw this great truth. The servantwas healed when the word was spoken. God wantspeople today to speak the word only many timesand the disease will obey. 'The nobleman'S son was healed when Jesus spokethe word, and he was about fifteen miles away.(John 4 :50)A deaf mute heard and talked the other night asI spoke the word and commanded the deaf spiritto come out. About two hundred sinners were de-livered from their sin as I spoke the word throught~e anointing of the Holy Ghost. The powers ofsm were broken through the spoken word.

    THE INHABITANTS SHALLNOT SAY, I AM SICK. (lsa. 33:24)You don't have to say that you are not sick untilyou can prove it. (I Thes. 5 :21) Ittakes more power

    IF WE HAVE NO CONTROL OVER OUR SPIRITS, WE ARELIKEA CITYWITH THEWALLSBROKENDOWN-THE ENEMYCAN COME IN. (Prov. 25:28)Ifyou have prayed for, and receive your healing,then go and sin no more lest a worse thing comeupon you. (Tohn 5 :14) Keep control of your ownspirit. Don't let your tongue cause your soul to sin.A f'ter the i nfi I'm spirit leaves, and you blow yourtop, that breaks down the wall so that the infirmspirit call return. You will be worse than ever.(Matt. 12;44)After you receive your healing, and then blowyour top, the walls are broken down so that thedisease can return.When you blow a fuse and fly to pieces, the wallsof resistance crumble. You nrR hack in the samecondition as you were before, and even worse.If you say, "I shall recover, " you arc taking con-

    trol of your own spirit and making yourself saywhat God says. (Mark 16:17) If you say, "I don'tknow why I can't get my healing," you have nocontrol over your own spi.ri t. You let your tonguego as a runaway horse gets away and turns overthe cart full of precious fruit. (James 3:3)OUR TONGUE ISAS A PENOF A WRITER.(Ps. 45: 11)What kino of book are you writing' We arc livingepistles read and known ~f all men. Some people


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    cost. (Acts 6 :1) .'Yours can be like feathers let loose IIIthe wind,They can never be gathered back again. Words canmake one commit suicide or cause him to be saved.Your words can bind up the broken heart, orcrush all hopes out of a weary soul. The Holy Spiritcan give you the words to say. (John 16 :13)LET EVERY MAN BE SLOW TO SPEAK AND QUICK TO HEAR.(J.mes 1:19)You have two ears and one mouth. That meansyou should listen twice as much .as ~ou talk. I!y:ourspeech is seasoned with salt, which 1Sthe. anointing,people soon learn to respect. you as a ~se man.A wise man L S known by hIS conversation. (Prov.10 :14) A fool is known by his multitude of words.If you listen you will know what you know, pluswhat the othdr fellow knows. You don't have a goodenough memory to remember all you say. If youtalk all the itme you are sure to cross yourselfdown the line somewhere.IT IS WHAT COMES OUT OF YOUR MOUTH THAT DEFILESY OU . (M att. 15:11)Many people testify that they hl;lve not chewedtobacco in fifteen years, but they still chew the rageach morning with their wife .Many people testify that they have long hall', longsleeves and a long dress. All that is necessary. Butthey have a long tongue which divides the church.This tongue is a sword which pierces people's heartsand wounds their soul.A critical tongue stops more revivals than theadulterers and drunkards. There arc two classes ofpeople. One class tries to do something. The otherclass says, "It should have been done like this."THE MOUTH OF THE RIGHTEOUS CAN DELIVER THESIN NER . (Ps. 37:10)Isaid to a man who had been seekinz salvation

    would wnte a BIble Iike this : "I know God couldif He would, but He won 't. Iknow He has prom-ised but He just won't do it. ,.,Some would write a book like this: "I have faith,but I can't get my healing." Or, "I have soughtGod but I can't get it at all." Or: "I have obeyedthe Lord, but I didn't get the Holy Ghost."'YQUmust have the wrong spirit. The Bible, writ-ten by Gods Spirit, reads like this: "EverYQne thatasketh receiveth; he that believeth hath; He givesthe Holy Ghost to them that obey Him." Acts 5 :32)He healed all that came to Him. That is the gospelaccording to St. Matthew. What is the gospel ac-cording to YQU'YOUR TONGUE IS THE HELM THAT GUIDES THE SHIP .(J.mes 3:4)When you talk out of both sides of your mouth,yQUcause the ship to go one way awhile, and thenyQUchange its course before it gets to the destina-tion.He that wavereth is like the wave of the sea. Thevessel is tossed to and fro. Italmost gets to theother side and suddenly a wave takes it in the op-posite direction. It goes all over the sea and nevergets to where it is going.If yQUsay, "By His stripes Iam healed," andalso say, "It may be His will to take me," yQUwaver. YQUshall not receive anything of the Lord.(James 1 :7) HQWcan it be His will for yQUto liveand be His will for yQU to die at the same time'Stick to ,one thing. Say: "With long life He willsatisfy me, He will deliver. me out of all my trou-ble." (Ps. 91:15-16)GOD SAYS YOUR MOUTH CAN WORK RUIN .GQd revealed in a dream that unweighed wordscan become darts. WQrds divide the church and stopthe revival. Words stopped the revival after Pente-


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    IfGod says by His stripes you are healed and yousay, "I hope He heals me sometime,' the word isnot established in your life. If God says, "Littlechildren these things I say unto thee that you sin, . d"not," and you say "Everybody sins every ay,you remain a sinner. You are not established. Theword of the devil is established in your soul, If yousay these things. At the judgment your life mustmeasure up to the word of God,or you will be turnedaway. You will be judged by the sixty-six books ofthe Bible. (Rev. 20:12)GOD W ILL G IVE US A MOUTH WHICH WE CAN USE TOSAV E US FROM THE GREAT TRIBULATION . (Luke 21:15)We must begin now, if we want to know how touse this mouth then. (Luke 16:10)It will not be us that speaks at that time, but itwill be the Holy Ghost that speaks through us.(Mark 13:11) Daniel had wisdom to know what tosay. This kept him from being killed. (Dan. 2:16)If we have this mouth and wisdom to use it,there will not a hair of our head perish when othersare being killed all around us. (Luke 21:16-18)Just as Jesus spoke the words of wisdom and wasdelivered from the traps of the Pharisees, so canwe. (John 14:12)THERE IS A TIME TO KEEP SILENT AND A TIME TO SPEAK.(Eccl. 3:7)It is good to know when to talk and when to re-frain from talking. Many salesmen have sold theirproducts and then unsold them as they continuedto talk.Many preachers have the people all ready fordeliverance or salvation. As they continue to talk,they lose the congregation. He loses the converts,and he loses the respect of the people.You have a soul almost won. As you keep talkingabout everything, he becomes as a big fish that gets

    nfany years, "Your sins are forgiven." Actuallyhe was set free from sins. That cannot happen with-out the anointing of the Holy Ghost, saying thesewords through us. (John 20 :23) It is God speakingthrough His people. (Luke 7:47; John 14:12)Last night I spoke the word and a hundred andforty-seven people were healed, without hands beinglaid on them. Many deaf cars, blind eyes, stiff jointswere .instantly healed here in Chattanooga, Tenn.,at the time of this writing.No man can heal. No man can deliver from sin.But the anointing can do both. One is as easily doneas the other. (Mark 2:9)If we are guided by the Spirit what to say athome, we will know when to say, "Rise. and walk,"after we get to church. (Luke 16:20)WORDS CAN OPEN THE DOOR FOR AN INSANITY SPIRITTO POSSESS A M AN. (Daniel 4:21)Before you speak, then you arc tempted. Afterthe word is spoken, you are sinning.If you have no rule over your spirit, you are likea city with the walls broken down. The enemy cancome in. Thousands of people have lost their salva-tion by giving it up with one statement. They say,"I guess I was never saved, I'm not going to try."You surrender your salvation just as you can sur-render an inheritance by saying, "Keep it, it doesnot belong to me."Thousands of people have lost their healing bysaying, "I guess God wants me to be sick to keepme humble." You can give up a hundred thousanddollar insurance policy with one statement. Youcan witness on the witness stand and make onestatement and lose the whole case.IN THE MOUTH OF TW (, OR THREE W ITNESSES WE ESTAB-L IS H TH E W ORD . (MIl". '18:16)If the Lord says, "I am the Lord that healeththee," and you say, "I know He is able " the wordis not established in n".,_ life. '


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  • 8/2/2019 Words Work Wonders or Blunders by W. v. Grant, Sr


    Say what G.od says. The mmute that you contessyour sins and forsake them, yQUwill be abundantlypardoned, (Isa. 55 :7)Tell the world that He is faithful and just to for-give your sins. (John 1 :9) TQ say anything else, isto tell them that He is unfaithful.SAY "THERE IS NOTHING PERSERSEN MY WORDS."(Prov. 8:8)Many preachers will tell a sinner that he will goto heaven because he joined his church. If the man isunsaved, his preacher is leading him into hell.He will take him into the church a sinner. He willbaptize him and ask GQd to bless him, when he hasa curse on him.Church membership serves as a dQpe and lullsthe man's soul asleep. This wears off conviction.The man dies believing a lie. He that believeth a lieshall be damned.HE WILL MAKE YOUR MOUTH LIKE A SHARP SWOID.(I... 49:2)YQU can use your mouth to slay the devils oneday and slay God's people the next day. YQUuse itto bless GQd and curse men.At a spoken word I saw twenty-five hundred peo-ple healed at one time, including several blind eyesand deaf ears.At a spoken word I saw a woman get out of awheel chair after ten long years. At a spoken wordthe devils left a WQmanafter peQple prayed fQr herall night lQng tQ be set free.Let yQur m.outh be a sw.ord and use it against.oppressi.on, depressiQn, .obsessiQn and p.ossessioninstead .of against G.od's wQrk.IF YOU SPEAKGOD'S WORD, IT SHALL NOT RETURNVOID.(I 55:11)He will c.onfirm His w.ord with signs foll.owing.

    I It runs very swiftly.I spoke the, word of GQd tQ a devil-possessed man.I told him if he would come into the house out ofthe dark, kneel down beside his bed and lift hishands up into the air, then GQd would save him,sanctify him,' fill him with the Holy Ghost, deliverhim from insanity spirits. He obeyed, and was setfree instantly. He is nQWout in evangelistic work.I spoke to him the word of GQd that GQd put inmy mouth, Jesus cast out the devils with His word,(Matt. 8 :16) The word of faith which we preachis nigh unto my mouth. (Rom. 10 :8)BOTH GOOD AND EVIL MUST NOT COME OUT OF YOURMOUlH. (Lam. 3:38) SPEAKAS THEORACLESOF GOD.One day yQUsing, "Plunge Out' Into the Deep, thenext day yQUsing, You A . re Drifting Too Far Fromthe Shore. One day yQU sing, Will There Be AnyStars In My Crown?, and the next day- yQU sing,No Not One. You should sing, I Know My RedeemerLiveth. He will never leave me, He will never for-sake me. He is with me alway, even tQ the end of theworld. Don't go to the phone and tell anyone, "Hew.on't hear my prayer. He will not wQrk." You in-sult Him and make Him a.Iiar.TElL THE LORDTO KEEPTHEDOOR OF YOUR LIPSAND SETA WATCH BEFOREYOUR MOUTH. (Psalm 141:3)One day yQU say, "He gives me long life," andthe next day yQU say, "I am buying a lQt for myburial." If you do this, you are not consistent.One day you say, "I am looking for Jesus tocome on a cl.oud," and the next day yQUrun t.o thestQrm cellar t.o hide fr.om a cl.oud. YQUare speak-ing tWQQPPQsite things a~ .once.One day yQU say, "I am hQmesick fQr heaven,"and the next day yQUsay, "I am afraid I am g.oingto die, I want an QperatiQn." Y.ou dQn't kn.ow whaty.ou believe, and when y.ou speak tWQ QPPQsitethings at .once, that is like a man wh.o is trying tQ

    II .1

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    you are a liar. You put yourself under condemna-tion. That is why your prayers are not answered.(I .Iohn 3:20)GOD IS WEARY OF HEARING YOU TALK ALL THE TIME.(M.I. 2:17)You say, "I know an old lady in a wheel chair whohas all sorts of faith, but she cannot receive her heal-ing." God says if she has faith, she will receive herhealing. (Mark 11:24) You should teach your mouthto say what God says.You should be sure that your mind is turning be-fore you throw your tongue in gear. You say, "Iknow a good man who obeys God, and he does nothave the Holy Ghost." God says that He gives theHoly Ghost to them that obey Him. (Acts 5:32) Ifyou make God a liar, He will not work for you.YOU MUST GIVE AN ACCOUNT OF EVERY IDLE WORD.(IMtt. 12:36)An idle word is the devil's workshop. Ifyou callthe name of the Lord in vain, you 'will be guilty atthe day of judgement. (Exodus 20:7) .Just becauseGod says for us not to speak His name in idle con-versatiou, just to spite the Lord, some people willsay "My Lord!" Others will say, "Jesus Christ",or "the Great I Am", or they will say "Good God".I have heard them say "By golly".No wonder people are under condemnation whenthey go to church. No wonder people don't havefaith. Condemnation has destroyed their Faith. (IJohn 3:20)GOD HATESA LYING TONGUE. (Prov. 6:17)You tell the preacher, "I really enjoyed that mes-sage." But you tell others that you don't. care forthat preacher. You tell the singer you really likedthe Bong,but in your heart, you don't care for thesong or the singer.You tell the man you like the music when you de-

    spise it. You tell your neighbor that you want himto come back to see you again, when you never wanthim to return. You say, "I really enjoyed my visit,"when you really endured it. You tell someone thatthey have a pretty dress, but you wouldn't wear itat all.If you don't speak the truth from your heart, youwill miss heaven. (Ps. 15:2) If you can't tell thetruth, don't say anything. A woman asked thepreacher, "Don't you think I have the prettiest babythat ever livedI" The preacher looked at it, andsaid, "There is not another one in the world like it."THE ONLY ONES WHO WILL REACH HEAVEN, ARE THEONESWHO SPEAK THE TRUTH. (PI. 15:2)Isaiah told Hezekiah that he was going to die.(Is. 38:1) This prophet of God told the truth. Thistruth led to a great healing. Hezekiah's life waslengthened fifteen years. (Is. 38:5)Some spineless preachers will say, "You will behome in few days," when thye know the patient isgoing to die. He lets the man go off under dopeand die unsaved.Many doctors and nurses will tell a sinner manhe will be all right in a few days when they knowhe will die under dope without God.If you tell your husband that he is going to beO.K. when you know he won't live, then you deceivehim. You are a liar. No one that loveth or maketha lie will enter heaven. (Rev. 22:15) A lie will putyou under condemnation and will hinder yourprayers.YOU CAN'T TALK VERY LONG WITHOUT SINNING.(Prov. 10:19)In the multitude of words there wanteth not sin.H you tell yoU[ children that you are going to whipthem, and don't do it, you have lied and they won'tbelieve anything else that you tell them. Ifyou tell


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    tit!' baby that a bi~ old dog is going to come in theback door and get it, if it docsu't stop crying, youC I n~ a . lin r ami you a 1(' teaching the baby to lie. Youdont train the baby, because it won't believe you.A freight train that is always puffing off steamhas no power to pull the load up the grade. You mustgive all account at the judgement for every idleword. (Matt. ]2:36)YOU DECEIVE YOUR OWN HEART WHEN YOU DO NOTBRIDLEYOUR TONGUE. YOUR RELIGION IS VAIN.(James 1:26)If you say one day, "I am saved," and say thenext day, "th(' Lord won't heal' me", you deceiveyour own heart.. If you say 011(' day, "I shall recover", and thenext day you say, "I don 't know why I can't get myhealing;" your prayer is vain.If you say 011(' day, "Ev(')'yone that asketh re-ceivcth ", and tho next day you say, "I have beenseeking the Lord ten years and just can't get it",'you have vain roligiou. .'When you bridle your tongue', you teach yourselfto say what God says. H(' says, "Illthe day that yousock Him with all your heart, He shall be found."(Jcr. 29:13) Say anything else, and you have vainreligion and your prayers arc vain. When the Phari-sees pray, they have vain repetition, Jesus says.YOUR TONGUE IS THE HELM THAT TURNS THIE WHOLESHIP. (James 3:4)If you say, "I shall recover", you go contrary tothe wi lids, You land safely in the harbor. If you say,"By His stripes I am healed ", you miss the rocks ofdestruction and carry the precious ship full of cargoto its destination.If you say, "I am so sick, I am getting worseevery day, and I just can't get it, I don't know whythe Lord has let me down." Then you yield to thewinds of adversity and wreck your ship full of the

    precious cargo on the rocks of unbelief and doubt.YOUR TONGUE WILL HELP YOU TO LOVE GOD, TO LIVEAND TO SEEGOOD DAYS. (I Peter 3:10)Refrain your tongue from evil. Don't say, "I ha:v< ,to sin every day." Don't say, "I have lost the VIC-tory." Don't say "I'm always a failure." Don'tlet your mouth speak guile. DOIl't say, "I can't getmy healinc.' Don't say, "I'm getting worse everyb . "T hday." Don't say, "I'llnovcr he better agalll.. (lacyour mouth to say what God Hays, and you will havewhat God says.You will fall into ruin and fail, if you speakagainst the Lord. (Isa. ;~8)You say opposite to what tl~e Lord Hays! youspeak against the Lord. You will say OPPOSlt(' towhat He says if you say, "I can't obey the Lord.I have to sin all the time. I can't get tho I LolyGhost."FROM THE ABUNDANCE OF THE HEART YOUR 1 \ .OUTHSPEAKS.If the word of God is in your heart you will say,"I shall recover. My God shall supply all my needs.I can do all things through Christ, which strength-eneth me." If your heart is full of doubt you W 1 1 1say, "I just can't trust th? Lord, I have been seck-ing but I just can't get It, and I want the 1 r olyGhost if it is God's will." You can hear a man talkand know whether or not his hea rt is full of faithor full of unbelief.DEATH AND LIFE IS IN THE POWER OF THE TONGUE.(Prov. 18:21)You will receive death if you say, "I am failingGod every day. Everyone sins all the time, It isGod's will for me to be sick."You receive life if you will say, "God forgives allof our iniquities and heals all of our diseases." Say"He forgives us and heas us." Say, "God COID-


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    manus us not to sin, and Iam not going to sin I "(I .J ohn 2:1) Look up and say, "Lord, you told thetruth. With your stripes I am healed." (Isa. 53:5)A FLAHERING TONGUE WILL RUIN YOU FOREVER.(Prov. 26:28)If you want to bo ruined, then flatter yourselfwith words, You flatter yourself when you say,"Maybt' I have a thorn in the flesh." And you flat-ter yourself when you Ray, "I am suffering to bringlily loved ones to God." You are flattering yourselfwhen you say, "This sickness is a blessing." Yourwords have much to do with your recovering or yourstaying Hick. TNICh your mouth to speak the wordsof God m id you wi 11 sec the words of God come topass in your life.IF YOU DON'T OFFEND IN WORD, YOU ARE THE SAMEAS A PERFECTMAN AND YOU CAN CONTROL YOURWHOLE BODY. (James 3:2)Your whole body is affected by your conversation.If God says 1 am the Lord that healeth you, andy(IU say, "I believe He is ublo to do it if He takesa llOtion," you offend Him by making Him out aliar. H(' won't work where you make Him a liar.(}i~xo. 15 :2G)If God says you arc healed by His stripes andyou say, "1 believe H(' will heal me sometime," youoffend Him by changing His word from presenttense to futu ro tense. You are losing control of yourtongue, therefore you are losing control of your

    body. Because the tongue controls the whole body.That. is the way that you endanger your health.MY MOUTH WILL SPEAKTHE TRUTH. (Prov. 8:7)I know a lady who said, "I am called to preach",OIl

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    that Iam going to crack up." She is relying on feel-ing rathCl:' than healing. She is saying wh~t GodRays, for a while. Then she says what th~ devil says.When you aim at nothing, you always hit the mark.DAVID SAID, MY TONGUE SHALL SPEAK THY WORD.(Ps. 119:72)Don't let your tongue speak against His word.One lady says everything works together for g?od,one day, and the next day she says" All these thingsarc against me." .One time you see her, she says God IS able to ma~eall grace abound toward me that Iwill always IIIall sufficiency abound to every good work." .Thenthe next. time you see bel', she says, "I am afraid myhusband is stepping out on me. He is acting verysuspicious lately.YOUR MOUTH SPEAKSWHAT IS IN YOUR HEART.(Matt: 12:34)One man says, "I will trust in the Lord at alltimes aIHI I will not be afraid." Then he says, "Iam afraid Iam going to lose my wife. Ibelieve sheis going- to fall ill love with this other man." One(lay he says, "My God sha 11supply all of my needs,"and the next day ho says, "I am afraid I will losemy job and Idon 'I know how my family is goingto live."TELLGOD TO LET YOUR TONGUE CLEAVE TO THE ROOFOF YOUR MOUTH IF YOU DON'T SPEAKWHAT HE SAYS.(Psalm 137:6)A man said, "We had a great service tonight.We have a wonderful church. The next week he isnot there. He says, "I am not appreciated overthere. I believe I will stay at home and see howthey can get. along' without me." He is a double-minded man. He has a double tongue. He is two-faced, he is unstable in all his ways. One week hesays, "We really have a wonderful service." And

    the next week he says, "The services surely weredry." He relies on feelings instead of God's word.KEEPYOUR MOUTH AND YOU WILL KEEPYOURSELFFROMTROUBLE.(Prov. 21:23)One week you say, "God will bless me becauseI am paying tithes." The next week you say, "Idon't know whether it pays to give God your tithesor not. Idon't sec that Iam getting along so well.I don't think I will pay them."You are inconsistent. You are like a farmer whoplants the seed and then scratches the seed upverv day to see if it is going to do any good or not.YOU ARE TO KEEPYOUR MOUTH WITH A BRIDLE.(Ps. 39:1)If you say, "God has forgiven all my sins. Iam a child of God." And then tomorrow say, "Ev-eryhody sins all the time," you arc Raying twoopposite things at the same time. You aro pulledapart because your theology has clashed. You arcnot sure you arc saved. Then if you are not sureyou are saved, you arc not saved.Make up your mind whether 01' not you arc savedfrom sin. If you sin, then you are a sinner. Be sureyour sins will find you out. He sure of a certaintruth, and then affirm it with your mouth. Practice,declare it, that is the only way you can keep it. Be?el'tain about things; especially your soul's salva-IOn.YOUR LIPSCAN SNARE YOUR SOUL. (Prov. 18:7)You say, "I am a sinner, saved by grace." Now,get it straight. You are either a sinner, 01' you aresaved by grace. You can't be both a sinner and aChristian at the same time. Make up your mindwhether or not you arc a sinner.You ask God to forgive you, then after He for-gives you, you don't forgive yourself. If God doesnot condemn you, why do you condemn yourself?No wonder you don't have any faith. (I John 3:20)

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    When the devil accuses you, then why do youagree with him and accuse yourself'! He is theaccuser of the brethren and the sisters.YOUR MOUTH MUST BE FILLEDWITH HONOR ALL DAY.CPs . 71 :8 )You say that you nrc saved and in God's will.'I'ho noxt day you say, "I am failing God all thetime."One day you agT('(' with the Lord, the next dayyou agree with tho devil. Paul said, "1 have foughta good fight." l~~lloch said that be pleased God.(Hob. 11 :5) .Iolin said that he kept God's com-mandmcnts and pleased Him.You My everyone fails the Lord all the timeand 110 one can live right. You are making Paul,1~~lIoch,.Iohn and .T(,RUS a liar. (J'ohn 8:29; 14:12;1 'I'iui, 4:7) No wonder you don't got your prayersaIl8W('r('(1. You dishonor tho Lord. How can youg-d xi nnr-rs saved hy tol liug them all people haveto sill all th t ime '?GOD SAID THAT YOU CAN SIN WITH YOUR TONGUE.(Ps. 39:1)Today if yon sny, "God has forgiven my sins,"and Iomorrow yon say, "I don't feel like I amsa \'N1," you n 1'(' su rreudoring to the devil whatyou hnvc accepted from the Lord. If you say today,"1 believe 1 1 1 m saved because 1 feel good," andtomorrow say, "1 must not be saved," because youdon 'I f('('l liko it, yon are giving up your salvationas a mall would surrcudor a title to a home, You

    overcome by the words of your toatimony and bytho blood of tho Lamb. (Rev. 12)GRACIOUS WORDS PROCEEDEDOUT OF JESUS' MOUTH.(Luke 4:22)He set us an example that we should follow Hissteps. (I Peter ~L~4; John 14:1~)If you speak gracious word!'; and speak [IS theoracles of God, you may will your husband to Godby your conversation.

    . You can't win him by nagging at him and fum-ing. He will know that you have no more thanhe has.You may win yo~r children or drive thorn awayby. your conversation. The reason many childrenquit Sunday Schoo] at fifteen, is because they hearall the faults of the pastor, Sunday School teacher,ar.ound the breakfast table at home. They havefried pastor for breakfast, baked deacon for lunchand stewed teacher for dinner.I~ the soldier boy ~ells the secrets of the armyduring the war, he will never get. where he is 0'0-ing. If you tell all the faults of the church, y;urdefeat is sure.GOD SAID THAT WE COULD GO THE WAY OF BALAAM.(Jude 11)Balaam said the word that God puts in my mouthwhat shall I speak." (N urn. 22 :38) ,God put a blessing in the mouth of Balaam for

    the people at the same time he was telling the kinghow to curse them.Balaam died before his time because he spokeoth a blessing and a CUT"l';ewith tho same mouth.If one day you say, "Himself took our infirmitiesand bare our sickness," a nd the next day you aresaying, "Maybe it's God's will to take me " vouare speaking a blessing and a curse both' at "thesame time.Some preachers say to their suffering members"It i~ the will of God to heal you." The next dayhe WIll say, "Bow submissive to the will of Godand be willing to go on out and die. The Lord hasa purpose in this sickness." He will be destroyedas Balaam for speaking both a blessing and a curseto his people.WORDSCONDEMN YOU. (MaH. 12:37)You can't sav much without condemning your


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    follow man or condemning yourself.You will either aCCUHeyou rsclf or justify your-self or Hay somothius that God docs not say, when., i n I 't t"you say, "I Heed so ma'!"y thing.s that can ge.You arc calling God a liar. (Phll. 4 :19) No won?erHe does not work for you when you call for Him,You must. speak as the oracles of God. (I Peter4 - :11) People will soon learn ~ot to ~espect yourword if you don 't. TIl

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    A SC'I'PC'llthas a split tougue. He has poison underhis tong-ue. Itwill destroy life The men at the towerof Rabel failed because their 'tongues were divided.(Gell. 11 :1-10)ThC' one who kisses you when he meets you, andbaokbites you when you are not around has a tonguelike a sorpout, It is divided and has poison underit. If we backbite and devour, we are consumed oneof nuot her. A double-tongued person is two facedand has a split personality.GOD 'S PEOPLE FLAnERED H IM WITH THEIR MOUTH ANDLIED TO H IM W ITH THE IR TONGUES. (P I. 78:36)The children of Israel were slain in the wildernessbecause of this: 'I'hey travelled around one mountainforty years and never went anywhere.That is why people are always going and goingand never go anywhere, They try to go two waysat one time.One day a. preacher says, "God has sent me hereto build a church." The next time you see him, hehas a call somewhere else.He works all the timo, but he never builds. When)1(' gets something nearly built, he tears it downwith words. His policies and his goals change eachtime tho moon changes.MEN HAVE SERPENT TONGUES: POISON UNDER THEIRTON GU ES . (P s. 143)When we stand to praise the Lord and complainhow the devil has chased us all the day, we have aforked tongue. We are praising the devil insteadof praising the Lord. The poison from that tongueaffects our digestive tract. It throws our stomachout of order and makes us tense.Row can you believe two opposite things at onetimeT How can you believe that you are going todie and believe that you are going to live all at thesame time' How can you believe the Lord and the

    ~evil both have power over you T How can you be-heve. John80n and Goldwater both are going to bep~e81dent' How can you grumble and praise GodWIth the same tongue'

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  • 8/2/2019 Words Work Wonders or Blunders by W. v. Grant, Sr


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