Wish Show Alien Message Mankind

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Transcript of Wish Show Alien Message Mankind

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ldquoDo You Wish that We Show Uprdquo ndashAlien Message to Mankind

by Julius Sequerra - Nov 19 2014


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by Julius SequerraContributorThe original source of this information appears to be Mr JeanEderman now 49 of France who evidently served as a fighter pilotair traffic controller and airport manager and possesses a mastersdegree in economics He also claims to have had a number ofanomalous experiences since the age of six which later included anumber of UFO sightings and ET contacts He writes ldquohellip after havinglearned how to mentally project myself to a place in the presence ofbenevolent extraterrestrials I received the following messagehelliprdquoThismy friends could be the most important message mankind has everreceivedhellipHumansAreFree

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The original source of this information appears to be by Mr JeanEderman now 49 of France who evidently works in the field ofaviationHe claims to have been a military jet pilot air traffic controllerand airport manager and to have a masters in economics He alsoclaims to have had a number of anomalous experiences since theage of six which later included a number of UFO sightings and ETcontactsHe writes ldquohellip after having learned how to mentally projectmyself to a place in the presence of benevolent extraterrestrials Ireceived the following messagehelliprdquo

[Translated from French into English by Dan Drasin a Marin-basedfilm-maker and researcher]

Image by Ali Ries

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Each one of you wishes to exercise your free will and experiencehappiness Your free will depends upon the knowledge you have ofyour own power Your happiness depends upon the love that you giveand receiveLike all conscious races at this stage of progress youmay feel isolated on your planet This impression gives you a certainview of your destiny Yet you are at the brink of big upheavals that onlya minority is aware ofIt is not our responsibility to modify your futurewithout your choosing it So consider this message as a worldwidereferendum and your answer as a ballot

Neither your scientists nor your religious representatives speakknowledgeably about certain unexplained aerial and celestial eventsthat mankind has witnessed for thousands of years

To know the truth one must face it without the filter of onersquos beliefs ordogmas however respectablethey may be

A growing number of anonymous researchers of yours are exploringnew paths of knowledge and are getting very close to reality Todayyour civilization is flooded with an ocean of information of which only atiny part the less upsetting one is notably distributed

Bear in mind that what in your history seemed ridiculous orimprobable has often become possible then realized mdash in particularin the last fifty years

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Be aware that the future will be even more surprising You willdiscover the worst as well as the best

Many of those who study our appearances point to lights in the nightbut without lighting the way Often they think in terms of objects when itis all about conscious beings

Who are we

Like billions of others in this galaxy we are conscious creatures thatsome call ldquoextraterrestrialsrdquo even though the reality is subtler Thereis no fundamental difference between you and us save for havingexperienced certain stages of evolution

As with any other organized society a hierarchy exists in our internalrelationships Ours however is based upon the wisdom of severalraces It is with the approval of this hierarchy that we turn to you

Like most of you we are in quest of the Supreme ldquoBeingrdquo or ldquoState ofBeingrdquo

Therefore we are not gods or lesser gods but virtually your equals inthe Cosmic Brotherhood Physically we are somewhat different fromyou but most of us are humanoid-shaped

We are not mere observations we are consciousnesses just like youOur existence is a reality but the majority of you do not perceive it yet

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because we remain invisible to your senses and instruments most ofthe time

We wish to fill this void at this moment in your history We made thiscollective decision on our side but this is not enough mdash we needyours as well

Through this message you can become the decision-makers Youpersonally We have no human representative on Earth who couldguide your decision

Why arenrsquot we visible

At certain stages of evolution cosmic ldquohumanitiesrdquo discover certainscientific principles regarding matter Structured dematerializationand materialization are among them

Your humanity has achieved this in a few laboratories in closecollaboration with other extraterrestrial creatures mdash at the cost ofhazardous compromises that remain purposely hidden from you bysome of your representatives

In addition to the aerial or space-based objects or phenomena knownto your scientific community as physical ldquoUFOsrdquo there are essentiallymultidimensional manufactured spaceships that possess theseexpanded capacities

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Many human beings have been in visual auditory tactile or psychiccontact with such ships mdash some of which it should be noted withcaution are under the influence of hidden powers that govern youwhich we often term ldquothe third partyrdquo

The relative scarcity of your observations is due to the dematerializedstate of these ships Being unable to perceive them yourselves youcannot acknowledge their existence We fully understand this

When most observations do occur they are arranged on an individualbasis so as to touch the individual soul and not to influence or intrudeon any organized social system

This is deliberate on the part of the various races that surround youbut for a variety of reasons and results For negative multidimensionalbeings that play a part in the exercise of power in the shadow ofhuman oligarchy discretion is motivated by their desire to keep theirexistence unknown

For us discretion has been motivated by the respect of the humanfree will that people can exercise to manage their own affairs so thatthey can reach technical and spiritual maturity on their own

However humankindrsquos entrance into the family of galactic civilizationsis greatly expected

We can appear in broad daylight to help you attain this union but we

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have not done it so far as too few of you have genuinely desired itbecause of ignorance indifference or fear and because the urgencyof the situation did not justify it

Who are you

You are the offspring of many traditions that throughout time havebeen mutually enriched by each othersrsquo contributions

Your goal is to unite while respecting these diverse roots toaccomplish a common purpose a united project The appearancesof your cultures help keep you separated because you give them fargreater importance than you give your deeper beings

Shape or form has been deemed more important than the essenceof your subtle nature For the powers in control this emphasis ondifferences of form constitutes a bulwark against any form of positivechange

Now you are being called on to overcome the identification with formwhile still respecting it for its richness and beauty Understanding theconsciousness behind form allows us to love all humans in theirdiversity

Peace does not mean simply not making war it consists in becomingwhat you collectively are in reality a fraternity

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The solutions available to achieve this are decreasing but one thatcould still catalyze it would be open contact with another race thatwould reflect the image of what you are in a deeper reality

Except for rare occasions our past interventions intentionally hadvery little influence on your capacity to make collective and individualdecisions about your own future

This was motivated by our knowledge of your deep psychologicalmechanisms We reached the conclusion that freedom is built everyday as a being becomes aware of himself and of his environmentgetting progressively rid of constraints and inertias whatever theymay be

However despite the actions of numerous brave and willing humansouls those inertias have been successfully maintained for thebenefit of a growing centralized power

What is your situation

Until recently mankind lived in satisfactory control of its decisionsBut it is losing more and more the control of its own fate partlybecause of the growing use of advanced technologies that affect yourbody as well as your mind and will eventually have irreversibly lethalconsequences for earthly and human ecosystems

Independently of your own will your resilience will artificially decrease

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and you will slowly but surely lose your extraordinary capacity to makelife desirable Such plans are on their way

Should a collective reaction of great magnitude not happen thisindividual power is doomed to vanish The period to come shall beone of rupture

This break however can be a positive break with the past as long asyou keep this creative power alive in you even if it cohabits for thetime being with the dark intentions of your potential lords

What now Should you wait for the last moment to find solutionsShould you anticipate or undergo pain

Your history has never ceased to be marked by encounters betweenpeoples whose discovery of one another occurred in circumstancesof conflict and conquest

Earth has now become a village where everyone knows everyoneelse but still conflicts persist and threats of all kinds get worse inintensity and duration

Individuals who have many potential capacities cannot exercise themwith dignity This is the case for the greatest majority of you forreasons that are essentially geopolitical

There are several billion of you but the education of your children and

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your living conditions as well as the conditions of numerous animalsand much plant life are under the thumb of a small number of yourpolitical financial military and religious representatives

Your thoughts and beliefs are modeled after partisan interests whileat the same time giving you the feeling that you are in total control ofyour destiny mdash which in essence is the reality but there is a long waybetween a wish and a fact when the true rules of the game at handare kept hidden

This time you are not the conqueror Spreading biased information isan effective strategy for manipulating human beings Inducingthoughts and emotions or even creating organisms that do notbelong to you is an even older strategy

A great roller wave is on the horizon It entails very positive but alsovery negative potentials At this time wonderful opportunities ofprogress stand side by side with threats of destruction

However you can only perceive what is being shown to you Thediminishing of many natural resources is inevitable and no long-termcollective remediation project has been launched Ecosystemexhaustion mechanisms have exceeded irreversible limits

The scarcity of resources whose entry price will rise day after day mdashand their unfair distribution mdash will bring about fratricidal fights on alarge scale from the hearts of your cities to your countrysides

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This is the reason why more than ever in your history your decisionsof today will directly and significantly impact your survival tomorrow

Hatred growshellip but so does love That is what keeps you confident inyour ability to find solutions

However human behaviors formed from past habits and trainingshave great inertia that leads to a dead end The critical mass has notbeen reached while the work of sabotage is being carried outcleverly and efficiently

You entrust your problems to representatives whose awareness ofcommon well being inexorably fades away before corporatistinterests

These putative servants of the people are far more often debating theform than the content Just at the moment of action delaysaccumulate to the point when you have to submit rather than choose

This inertia is in many ways typical of any civilization What eventcould radically modify it Where could a collective and unifyingawareness come from that will stop this blind rushing ahead

Tribes populations and human nations have always encountered andinteracted with one another Faced with the threats weighing upon thehuman family it is perhaps time that a greater interaction occurred

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There are two ways to establish a cosmic contact with anothercivilization via its standing representatives or directly with ordinaryindividuals

The first way entails fights of interests the second way bringsawareness The first way was chosen by a group of races motivatedby keeping mankind in slavery thereby controlling Earthrsquos resourcesits gene pool and the mass of human emotional energy

The second way was chosen by a group of races allied with thecause of the Spirit of Service Some years ago we did introduceourselves to representatives of the human power structure but theyrefused our outstretched hand on the basis of interests that wereincompatible with their strategic vision

That is why today individuals are to make this choice by themselveswithout any representatives interfering What we proposed in the pastto those whom we believed were in a capacity to contribute to yourhappiness we propose now mdash to you

Few of you are aware that non-human creatures have been involvedin the centralizing of power in your world and in the subtle taking ofcontrol These creatures do not necessarily stand on your materialplane which is precisely what could make them extremely efficientand frightening in the near future

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However also be aware that quite a few of your representatives arein fact fighting this danger that not all alien abductions are conductedto your detriment and that resistance also exists amongst thosedominance-oriented races

Peace and reunification of your peoples would be a first step towardharmony with civilizations other than yours That is precisely whatthose who manipulate you behind the scenes want to avoid at all costbecause by dividing they reign

They also reign over those who more visibly govern you Theirstrength comes from their capacity to instill mistrust and fear Thisconsiderably harms your very cosmic nature

This message would be of no interest if these manipulatorsrsquo influencewere not reaching its peak and if their misleading and murderousplans did not materialize within a few years from now

Their deadlines are close and mankind will undergo unprecedenteddifficulties for the next ten cycles [years] To defend yourselvesagainst this aggression that bears no face you need at least to haveenough information that points to the solution

Here again appearance and body type will not be enough to tell thedominator from the ally

At your current state of psychic development it is extremely difficult for

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you to distinguish between them In addition to your intuition trainingwill be necessary when the time has come Being aware of thepriceless value of free will we are inviting you to an alternative

What can we offer

We can offer you a more holistic vision of the universe and of lifeconstructive interactions the experience of fair and fraternalrelationships liberating technical knowledge eradication of sufferingcontrolled exercise of individual powers access to new forms ofenergy and finally a better comprehension of consciousness

We cannot help you overcome your individual and collective fears orbring you laws that you would not have chosen You must also work onyour own selves apply individual and collective efforts to build theworld you desire and manifest the spirit to quest for new skies

What would we receive

Should you decide that such a contact take place we would rejoiceover the safeguarding of fraternal equilibrium in this region of theuniverse fruitful diplomatic exchanges and the intense Joy ofknowing that you are united to accomplish what you are capable of

The feeling of Joy is strongly sought in the universe for its energy isdivine What is the question we ask you

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How can you answer this question The truth of soul can be readtelepathically so you only need to clearly ask yourself this questionand give your answer as clearly on your own or in a group as youwish

Being in the heart of a city or in the middle of a desert does notimpact the efficiency of your answer YES or NO

Just do it as if you were speaking to yourself but thinking about themessage This is a universal question and these mere few wordsput in their context have a powerful meaning

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This is why you should calmly think about it in all conscience In orderto perfectly associate your answer with the question it isrecommended that you answer after another careful reading of thismessage

Do not rush to answer Breathe and let all the power of your own freewill penetrate you Be proud of what you are Then do not lethesitation get in the way

The everyday problems that you may have can weaken you To beyourselves forget about them for a few minutes Feel the force thatsprings up in you You are in control of yourselves

A single thought a single answer can drastically change your nearfuture in one way as in another Your individual decision of asking inyour inner self that we show up on your material plane and in broaddaylight is precious and essential to us

Even though you can choose the way that best suits you rituals per seare essentially useless A sincere request made with your heart andyour own will will always be perceived by those of us to whom it issent In your own private polling booth of your secret will you willdetermine the future

What is the lever effect

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This decision should be made by the greatest possible numberamong you even though it might seem like a minority

It is recommended to spread this message in all envisageablefashions in as many languages as possible to those around youwhether or not they seem receptive to this new vision of the future Doit using a humorous tone or derision if that can help you

You can even openly and publicly make fun of it if it makes you feelmore comfortable but do not be indifferent for at least you will haveexercised your free will Forget about the false prophets and thebeliefs that have been transmitted to you about us

This request is one of the most intimate that can be asked to youMaking a decision by yourself as an individual is your right as wellas your responsibility Passivity only leads to the absence of freedom

Similarly indecision is never efficient If you really want to cling to yourbeliefs which is something that we understand then forcefully sayNO

If you do not know what to choose do not say YES because of merecuriosity This is not a show this is real daily life We exist We arealive

Your history has had plenty of episodes when determined men andwomen were able to influence the thread of events despite their small

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Just as a small number is enough to take temporal power on Earthand influence the future of the majority a small number of you canradically change your fate as an answer to the impotence in face ofso much inertia and so many hurdles You can ease mankindrsquos birthto Brotherhood

One of your thinkers once said

Spreading this message will then be the strengthening of the hand-hold We will be the light-years long lever and you will be thecraftsmen to ldquoraise the Earthrdquo as a consequence of our appearance

What would be the consequences of a positive decision

For us the immediate consequence of a collective favorable decisionwould be the materialization of many ships in your sky and on Earth

For you the direct effect would be the rapid abandoning of manycertitudes and beliefs A simple conclusive visual contact would have

ldquoGive me a hand-hold and Irsquoll raise the Earthrdquo

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huge repercussions for your future

Much knowledge would be modified forever The organization of yoursocieties would be deeply upheaved forever in all fields of activity

Power would become individual because you would see for yourselfthat we exist as living beings not accepting or rejecting that fact onthe word of any external authority Concretely you would change thescale of your values

The most important thing for us is that humankind would form a singlefamily before this ldquounknownrdquo we would represent

Danger would slowly melt away from your homes because you wouldindirectly force the undesirable ones those we name the ldquothird partyrdquoto show up and vanish You would all bear the same name and sharethe same roots Mankind

Later on peaceful and respectful exchanges would be thus possible ifsuch is your wish For now he who is hungry cannot smile he who isfearful cannot welcome us

We are sad to see men women and children suffering to such adegree in their flesh and in their hearts when they bear such an innerlight This light can be your future


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arcadia11Nov 19 2014 at 509 pm

no not by any stretch of reason or imagination the dangerous deceptivenew age is over no matter how compelling the disguise

donrsquot take the bait donrsquot turn all life over to something outside of yourselvesthis is the way government works problem-reaction-solution when it getsbad enough and for all the world seems as if there is no other way manyotherwise intelligent people will yell lsquoyes help usrsquo

and itrsquos game over


surprised to find this article here

Crystal MoonNov 19 2014 at 539 pm

ldquoYou entrust your problems to representatives whose awareness of commonwell being inexorably fades away before corporatist interests rdquo

That certainly says it


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Dr Paula-Noel MacfieNov 19 2014 at 550 pm

This seems like a human being dissociated from genetic memory of Ancestors

alexNov 19 2014 at 554 pm

Hmmmmmhellipsoftening us up for Project Blue Beamhellipreads as if it wasformatteddictated thru an AI lsquochannelerrsquohellipseeking our permissionhellipsoundslike satanic protocol to me (lol)helliporhellipirsquom getting waaaaaaay tooooo cynicalin my old age hahahahellipcheers

KittyNov 19 2014 at 601 pm

No Alex had exactly the same thoughts too Project Blue Beam back again helliphellip Lol





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alexNov 19 2014 at 605 pm


KittyNov 19 2014 at 609 pm

branewaiverNov 19 2014 at 750 pm

I agree Alex and Kitty this is too pat not to mention a littlepatronizing Doesnrsquot pass the sniff test Letrsquos get those awarefuckers with their own desires Game over





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indigovioletNov 20 2014 at 212 pm

Project Bluebeamhellip I had the same thought The words interest thebrain (slightly) but donrsquot reach the heart

KittyNov 20 2014 at 226 pm

I think thatrsquos a good way to describe it Indie Blue Beam seemsto have gone a bit quiet recently and I just thought UhhhOhhhhBlue Beam has returned Irsquom wondering if wersquoll get more of this I think it cyclesChristmas is always a good time for revelations not sure if weare quite there yet

indigovioletNov 20 2014 at 244 pm

Yes and the lsquoaliensrsquo could always say they achieved aconsensus and we would be none the wiser just like



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with the vote (rigging) system

KittyNov 20 2014 at 319 pm

Indie I have to ask you this I was recently roadraged by someone driving so close to me Icouldnrsquot see his head lights It lasted for miles I reacted in absolutely the wrong way dideverything wrong Scared myself silly I really surprised myself I feltso stupid It made me think If something did happen out of the blue like sayBlue Beam how drsquoyou think you would react Would we as people who may consider ourselvesfairly aware be able to see what was happening I gave a neighbour a lift today Sunny warmish but the sky was covered withseriously hugersquo trailsI pointed and said something on the lines of wowlook at those She didnrsquot see them Indie not one as in reallycouldnrsquot see them


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It was so surreal I stopped the car and pointedbut still didnrsquot even register So is this lsquo spiritual lsquo physical mental Very strange experience

indigovioletNov 20 2014 at 356 pm

Strange Kittyhellip

A few years ago I started read the work Rik Clayregarding a planned fake alien invasion and thelater statement from Wernher von Braun on hisdeathbed reinforced what I thought After readingRikrsquos work (and you will probably know that hewas more-than-likely suicided at 26 just as hewas getting into all this) I decided there and thenthat any talk of an alien invasion going forwardwould be dismissed as fake by me howevercompelling When you have felt the truth in alucid moment you just have to stand yourground

We donrsquot know how we will react to a situationuntil we are in it as you saw when the bizarreand frightening road-rage incident took place ndash

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not that you had any room for manoeuvre if hewas right on your tail like that Very ScaryAlmost black ops- like

I donrsquot understand why your neighbour didnrsquot seethe chemtrails Maybe you should have driven herto the opticians Doesnrsquot make sense does itEverybody who I have pointed them out to hasseen them

pegNov 20 2014 at 450 pm

Kitty got this link from a girlfriend yesterday afternoonBless her heart She is a lovely spirit mdashndash Yep your rightitrsquos going around This was sent out on the internet onthe 18th and she thought it needed to be sent to me asldquoGood NewsrdquoHere is what was senthttppaowebcomsn111814htmIt comes from Sheldon Nidle



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Nov 20 2014 at 507 pm

Wow Peg Thanks for this It is cyclical Isometimes get this kind of thing but itrsquos been solong I canrsquot remember the last time Irsquoll have a good look at this one I actually like tosee this kind if thingSo the question is whatrsquos cooking if anything Well have to watch and wait

pegNov 20 2014 at 536 pm

Kitty I do not think any of this from anythinggood actually Everything inside speaks ndash ndash errorndash ndash error I stand with the help is us mdash- in us mdash-we just should find out who we really are In myheart knowing mdash- itrsquos infinityEven the pope is getting people ready for this mdash-what does that say Clinton not long ago onsome program etc etc Nope this being isstaying away from this None of them have mypermission to fix anything Our consciousness ampresonance will take care of things needed We areoneBy the way I didnrsquot finish reading the material

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she sent I just canrsquot Love her dearly and will beseeing her on Sunday She has began looking atmaterial on meditation by just listening to herbreathing Cannot change what others do orbelieve with teachings but only by my walkingand being Itrsquos all about consciousness and I knowyou know that Hugs

LizaNov 20 2014 at 939 pm

wow Kitty that is strange that she just couldnrsquotsee the chemtrailshellip

JerseyCynicNov 19 2014 at 646 pm

Is this a gullibility testYES YES YES (I am doing it using a humorous tone cause that helps me)httpwwwyoutubecomwatchv=O6VUMGO3hCs

Irsquom pretty gullible (getting better) This doesnrsquot sit well with meldquoBeing aware of the priceless value of free will we are inviting you to analternativerdquo

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No thanks

ldquoYour individual decision of asking in your inner self that we show up onyour material plane and in broad daylight is precious and essential to usrdquo

I do go out on the deck every night though (2am ndash 4am) and ask the starbeings to visit me No luck yet (as best as I can remember)

Gee mdash I wonder why SNOPES hasnrsquot taken this one onhelliphellipDOH

OK OK ndash here we go mdash I found the source mdash Itrsquos a cute blonde that must workin Googlersquos marketing departmenthelliphellip those evil bastardsldquoDO YOU WISH THAT WE SHOW UP rdquo from 2006httpwwwyoutubecomwatchv=-K8ADMzz46c

well that didnrsquot take long ndash sorry to burst any bubbles

OphiuchusNov 19 2014 at 920 pm

As soon as I hear the ldquohumanrdquo false paradigm ldquoevolutionrdquo it sends upan immediate red flag to me It is the false assumption that we startdumb and become something better rather than the parasiticdummening of an already highly advanced sentient form of lifeEvolution to me reeks of the linear false time paradigm



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KittyNov 20 2014 at 414 pm

Rik Clay Read a lot of his work Fascinating His lsquosuicidersquo wasnrsquot it vigourously contested by his family and friends These people either commit lsquosuicide lsquo or die of a heart attack

Such a young vibrant man His work isnrsquot so prominent any more Ithink I may have to revisit him I think the road rage person may havebeen drinking Funny thing was my daughter was with me and shesaid before he went he turned his lights off Funny folks where I live Neighbour lol She is elderly I think a visit to the opticians is inorder I did point them out to some farmer friends a long time ago theydidnrsquot see either not what I was seeing certainly Maybe a differentperception

indigovioletNov 20 2014 at 445 pm

I read that his family have said that he did commit suicide but Idonrsquot knowhellip It was the day after his Red Ice Radio interviewand it was noted that he was in very good spirits at the time


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and looking forward enthusiastically to further researching Hewas buried on September 11th A lot of things didnrsquot add up atthe time (or did) But who knows

KittyNov 20 2014 at 453 pm

Must have got that wrong Irsquov been thinking of DavidKelly recently I saw a pic of Tony Blair and Kelly came tomind i was going to mention him to youThese things are very strange Indie his family may have been pressured or maybe suicidewas preferable to the thought of murder Rik Clay was so young and so bright and brave It takes guts to stand up and be counted Who knows true We probably never will

KittyNov 20 2014 at 559 pm

No I donrsquot either Peg I like to be fore warned as in fore armed The Vatican has made some rather startling statements as far as the



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alien agenda is concerned Love our alien brothers and sisters would we baptise them and callthem Christians The usual This has been going on for some time now and Clintonslittle bit of input was interesting too The Disclosure Project it justall adds up to an agenda leading to our furtherenslavement My answer to the question here should just have been a blunt NO Like you I feel it is all within usThe answers we need to everythingare all there Walking the walk is my preferred way too Your friend is blessed tohave you to guide her but itrsquos your love Peg that will really make animpact on her Your well is deep and so many draw upon it I readDavidrsquos post but havenrsquot said anything yet so I know you know what Imean Yoursquore full of love Peg and that is all that matters Hugs backand love XXX

LizaNov 20 2014 at 940 pm



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KittyNov 20 2014 at 1156 pm

Liza I thought I was going a bit crazy This was seriously bizarre Irsquov been thinking about this and maybe itrsquos to do withfrequency There are a lot if other strange phenomenon associated withchemtrailingI saw an orb flying alongside a plane that was obviouslylsquotrailing If my son hadnrsquot been with me at the time and saw it too Iwouldnrsquot have believed what I was seeing Irsquod love to know how many people actually canrsquot see thesethings It still makes me smile when I thinkabout it Neighbour now thinks Irsquom arsquo funny little thingrsquo

LizaNov 20 2014 at 941 pm



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JerseyCynicNov 19 2014 at 650 pm

Letrsquos ask the cathelliphttpwwwyoutubecomwatchv=jD4JhoOFzPg

will iamNov 19 2014 at 830 pm

Ha Remember this one httpswwwyoutubecomwatchv=5Us1ASENPwsampfeature=player_detailpage

JerseyCynicNov 19 2014 at 859 pm

Omg will do I remember this one Yes yes yes and Irsquove got abig toe permanently disfigured from a ldquoboogaloordquo contest toprove it Thanks for the painful memory Good times Thatnight I learned a valuable lesson hellipnever boogaloo barefoot ona crowded dance floor Good times




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pegNov 19 2014 at 832 pm

JC thank you so much for a huge dip belly laughnonononoonononononluvluvluvluv

HeatherNov 19 2014 at 801 pm

Buthellip they get mehellip they get ithellip they understandhellip whoa is me

No way in hell do I need assistance from some outside source that has alreadymet with our lsquoleadersrsquo and understands everything so well but lurks askingmy permission to come aboard I do appreciate the special touches of layingso much of our lsquofamilyrsquo BS out there for us to recap but I am not invitinganother lsquovampirersquo into the lsquohousersquo

JC ndash ha I love ya lady The cat was a special touch for sure ha ha




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Nov 20 2014 at 1130 am

ha I had not realized how sarcastic I was on this commenthellip I was stillfeeling the ldquogossip ladiesrdquo from my daughterrsquos martial arts earlier and Iwas quite sarcastic in lsquodealingrsquo with them Overflowhellip hee

No we are the oneshellip plain and simple

JerseyCynicNov 20 2014 at 133 pm

got that right HeatherldquoBanish the word lsquostrugglersquo from your attitude and yourvocabulary All that we do now must be done in a sacredmanner and in celebration We are the ones we have beenwaiting forrdquo mdash Hopi elders

KittyNov 20 2014 at 157 pm

Perfect JC and Heather lsquoWe are the ones we are waitingfor lsquoThat just about says it all really



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Much love to you both X X X

HeatherNov 20 2014 at 306 pm

Indeed Much love to you both and really big hugs

KittyNov 20 2014 at 323 pm

Huge hugs back X

will iamNov 19 2014 at 815 pm

ldquoThis my friends could be the most important message mankind has everreceivedhelliprdquo


ldquoBe proud of what you arerdquo (the army)



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ldquoBe proud of what you arerdquo (the army)

ldquoThe most important thing for us is that humankind would form a singlefamily before this ldquounknownrdquo we would representrdquo (politics as usual)

ldquoPeace does not mean simply not making war it consists in becoming whatyou collectively are in reality a fraternityrdquo helliphelliphellip Zeta Delta Con

OphiuchusNov 19 2014 at 911 pm

My heart intuition says that this is false and my subconscious shows me theWalter Von Braun message

NofolaloNov 20 2014 at 1056 am

Good thing about the Walter Von Braun message itrsquos their lsquolast card

majikNov 19 2014 at 1016 pm




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I agree This feels wrong

majikNov 19 2014 at 1022 pm

I do believe this is real Irsquove been following them since 06 Well my idea offollowing which is really doing what my mom called the ldquosniffrdquo test to see iftheir rotten I feel this message is real but subtlehttptomkenyoncomescalation-of-chaotic-nodes-and-the-dismantling-of-3-d-reality

John SmithNov 20 2014 at 321 am

there is no easy answer to this certainly humble human spirit would like toextend into presence and understand of life overall throughout wholeuniverse this unfortunately is not it

it appears as direction to admit that you are flawed to sort inner mess of thisworld with an outside force just like there is homophobia among differentgroups of humans it can also be understood as some kind of alien-phobiawithin various ldquoyesrdquo ldquonordquo groups and it should not be it



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so answer lingers most among reasons for yes and no and their validity

I for one am opposing this fancy questions and fancy landings we have needfor outside involvement since ever and it probably ever is done as we wantedit so it can be counted as intrusive with lack of honoring true demand truewish of yes or no

so this petition (seen it and commented it before) appears to be likejournalist duck sensationalist dilemma without true backing or honoringstand so I vouch no and think that entities just like us should come to thisworld ldquousualrdquo way just like we did for their mission of good or evil or elsejust like we all are fancy space ships in contact with tyrannical governmentsdecimating life and nature for power and profits are their real targetspopulation is to be in awe awaiting outside solution to inner turmoil samefor this world as in outside influence for internal misconduct I find Gaiastronger and I find myself with lesser worry so if our conscious plant calls it Id agree but it is left for someone to prove it as I see not Gaia agreeing on ourldquoworkrdquo let alone that of governments and industrial and their spaceconnections so until saw that nurturing me calling it this all dilemmas arelike chewing sawdust hard to find nutrition for human in it

JerseyCynicNov 20 2014 at 548 am

Letrsquos dancehellip (a slow one) to one of my favorite bedtime songs


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oh manhellipIrsquom a gonna start tearing up ndash I miss my babies

Come Take A Trip In My Airship (Remastered) ndash Natalie Merchanthttpwwwyoutubecomwatchv=GDL0GVZXjMI

arielNov 20 2014 at 726 am

Sod it guyshellipthe whole point is that WE CAN HANDLE IThelliphellipWe first have tolearn that our conditioned negativity is projected externally as lsquorealityrsquo(definitely lower case) My lsquoproblemrsquo is how do we get enough of youus intoNOW the inner awareness of the lsquomovement and the restrsquo as Kitty likes torefer to it which is the operating end of the universal life force whichexpands our perception limitlessly subject to the filters which prevent usdestroying the lsquobodiesrsquo with INTENSITY Irsquove met them some of themhelliphellipWearenrsquot SUDDENLY in an awful situationhelliphellipitrsquos fucking hystericallyhistoricalhellipbloody tourists most of the ones Irsquove methellipPot calling the kettleblack really because Irsquove done a bithelliphellipYou donrsquot invite the vampire inhelliphelliphellip

will iamNov 20 2014 at 1257 pm



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I hadnrsquot realized that now was something I needed to get into I wasunder the impression that now is wellhellipnow

I didnrsquot know that it was a separate something or other that dependedon quantity for its existence

I apologize in advance for contributing to your lsquoproblemrsquo so maybeyou can tell me (us) what wes need to be looking for so that on theoft chance it were to come by again wes can have some of it

VigilantibusNov 20 2014 at 751 am

This is another deception from MATRIXBeautiful words Things from New (C)ageIt is a TRAPHumanity falls like ducksWake Up

PamNov 20 2014 at 859 am

HeyhelliphelliphellipI want to see this onehellipBring it onhelliphelliprdquoYESrdquo



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ThomasNov 20 2014 at 906 am

The inorganic races are crafty Although they canrsquot lie to us they canmanipulate Once free will is exercised to join their ranks there is no turningback Can we at least wait until Black Friday and Cyber Monday are over

NofolaloNov 20 2014 at 1111 am

Here ya go Jerseyhelliphttpwwwyoutubecomwatchv=REHV8LERhPwhttpwwwyoutubecomwatchv=5PvGn75ibI4

JerseyCynicNov 20 2014 at 207 pm

Love it Nofolalo I used to know every word to the Flying PurplePeople Eater What a great goofy beat mdash just try to sit still listening




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People Eater What a great goofy beat mdash just try to sit still listeningto it mdash you canrsquot

I wish doo wop never died I grew up just after that

Also missed out on The Bristol Stomphttpwwwyoutubecomwatchv=XCOB5-E4P6Y (I canrsquot believe thesepeople are sitting in their seats)

oh herersquos a good one ndash The Bristol Stomp Dance Around the Worldhttpwwwyoutubecomwatchv=fIbkKxUD0Mst=106

alexNov 20 2014 at 208 pm


PatrickNov 20 2014 at 1113 am

The outside help is from withinhellipinside Free will is wonderful and it hascertainly no choiceshellipUse your intent so your help can help us all Weexchange our intent with the source everyday so we will certainly exchangehelp with benevolence every once in a while Use this positively whether its



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BS or not Love life guys

PeterNov 20 2014 at 535 pm

Following was posted Yeterday an was coming to my attention Some of you sure remember SIRIUS

Dr Steven Greer Dozens of Benevolent ET Species Are Here Eager to MakeContacthttpwwwriseearthcom201411dr-steven-greer-dozens-of-benevolent-ethtml

Itrsquos not the only Article that shows up but that was posted ( I think because ofthe Article we can read here posted) The NEW AGERS always again jump on that wagon and believe in suchchannelings

manNov 20 2014 at 550 pm

yeah itacutes been there for years now on the wwwyears ago i would have said YES STOP BY FOR TEA AND COOKIES



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but now i go HELL NO YOU BLOODY PARASITES suck yourself and bite thestellar dustread this kind of honeysweet friendly alien bullshit often enough- nothingbut mindcontrollitacutes for the kids crying for mama to save them for the ones that like to HOPEand leave EVOLUTION to someone elsethere is no outside saviouryou guys are right itacutes the vampires trying to get our permissioni always wondered why they would need ithellip do they really care for karmathen what about the cheatwhatever- i suppose zen just put it here as a test and a provovation to stir adiscussionheacutes not one of the i-hope-someoneacutes-gonna-save-meacutes more a get-your-sweet-ass-going-guywhat a clever bastard you are zen

JerseyCynicNov 21 2014 at 308 pm

spot on man Google is behind it I do believe

from 2007httpswwwyoutubecomwatchv=-K8ADMzz46c a CGI of a womanreading half of this message and at the end ldquoyou must read the rest ofthe message at google or yahoo search google with the quote marks


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and now that google and nasa have partnered up It wouldnrsquot surpriseme if some day soon we started to see holographic airships here andthere with Ray Kurzweil as their Director of Engineering mdash anythinggoeshttptechcrunchcom20141110google-moffett-airfield-nasa

do know evil my ass

LizaNov 20 2014 at 1011 pm

But donrsquot give it all the credit Intriguing concepts Deception

Free will Yes it is within Never to be coughed up handed over Thecomments on the source site show a lot of naivtersquo Humans by nature look toconnecting as strengthening (Help) The more to have wins It is Not soLooking to another is not the way to go

This site inhabits lots of free thinkers

The only thing I would give my freewill over to is Peace amp Justice It doesexist In the heartmind Too bad the heart is so badly broken

Perhaps the only way to save a planet is with the allone mindset of all itsinhabitants simutaneously If that could be achieved Everybodyrsquos mind set


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on the collective The whole It could happen it is happening Maybe we justhave to let go of this dimension Canrsquot sustain it Donrsquot knowWell itrsquos all Bullshit anyway

hashishiNov 21 2014 at 751 am

ldquoFree will Yes it is within Never to be coughed up handed over rdquo

The most simple profound and beautiful truth It always does me goodto see a wonderful unencumbered spirit reflecting the same greattruth back at me

Dr Paula-Noel MacfieNov 21 2014 at 133 am

Liza we are all already connected and online through indigenous mind ourAncestors We never ldquoleftrdquohellipour minds have been so colonized that we forgotwho we are and where we come from The connection is still there just awhole lotta dissociation in between to navigate through




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arielNov 21 2014 at 725 am

HEY KITTYhelliprsquoWe are the parents our children have warned us abouthelliprsquo isnrsquot it

arielNov 21 2014 at 726 am

Or is it our greatgrand descendants

KittyNov 21 2014 at 319 pm


hashishiNov 21 2014 at 808 am

Oh hai VALIS Good game good game lsquoAliensrsquo Like it But er no thanks




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Oh hai VALIS Good game good game lsquoAliensrsquo Like it But er no thanks

AlteaNov 21 2014 at 554 pm

We are the ETrsquos we have been waiting for

manNov 21 2014 at 620 pm

what a weird place this world is indeedwhere reality is stranger than fictiongood to have a heart

vibra amor

StarDustNov 27 2014 at 900 pm

Why you need thousands of ships one is not enough Come in peace like




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you say and all the humans will open their arms and hug you






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by Julius SequerraContributorThe original source of this information appears to be Mr JeanEderman now 49 of France who evidently served as a fighter pilotair traffic controller and airport manager and possesses a mastersdegree in economics He also claims to have had a number ofanomalous experiences since the age of six which later included anumber of UFO sightings and ET contacts He writes ldquohellip after havinglearned how to mentally project myself to a place in the presence ofbenevolent extraterrestrials I received the following messagehelliprdquoThismy friends could be the most important message mankind has everreceivedhellipHumansAreFree

Further ndash The OftNeglected Path

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Jan 14 2015 15 103


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The original source of this information appears to be by Mr JeanEderman now 49 of France who evidently works in the field ofaviationHe claims to have been a military jet pilot air traffic controllerand airport manager and to have a masters in economics He alsoclaims to have had a number of anomalous experiences since theage of six which later included a number of UFO sightings and ETcontactsHe writes ldquohellip after having learned how to mentally projectmyself to a place in the presence of benevolent extraterrestrials Ireceived the following messagehelliprdquo

[Translated from French into English by Dan Drasin a Marin-basedfilm-maker and researcher]

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Each one of you wishes to exercise your free will and experiencehappiness Your free will depends upon the knowledge you have ofyour own power Your happiness depends upon the love that you giveand receiveLike all conscious races at this stage of progress youmay feel isolated on your planet This impression gives you a certainview of your destiny Yet you are at the brink of big upheavals that onlya minority is aware ofIt is not our responsibility to modify your futurewithout your choosing it So consider this message as a worldwidereferendum and your answer as a ballot

Neither your scientists nor your religious representatives speakknowledgeably about certain unexplained aerial and celestial eventsthat mankind has witnessed for thousands of years

To know the truth one must face it without the filter of onersquos beliefs ordogmas however respectablethey may be

A growing number of anonymous researchers of yours are exploringnew paths of knowledge and are getting very close to reality Todayyour civilization is flooded with an ocean of information of which only atiny part the less upsetting one is notably distributed

Bear in mind that what in your history seemed ridiculous orimprobable has often become possible then realized mdash in particularin the last fifty years

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Be aware that the future will be even more surprising You willdiscover the worst as well as the best

Many of those who study our appearances point to lights in the nightbut without lighting the way Often they think in terms of objects when itis all about conscious beings

Who are we

Like billions of others in this galaxy we are conscious creatures thatsome call ldquoextraterrestrialsrdquo even though the reality is subtler Thereis no fundamental difference between you and us save for havingexperienced certain stages of evolution

As with any other organized society a hierarchy exists in our internalrelationships Ours however is based upon the wisdom of severalraces It is with the approval of this hierarchy that we turn to you

Like most of you we are in quest of the Supreme ldquoBeingrdquo or ldquoState ofBeingrdquo

Therefore we are not gods or lesser gods but virtually your equals inthe Cosmic Brotherhood Physically we are somewhat different fromyou but most of us are humanoid-shaped

We are not mere observations we are consciousnesses just like youOur existence is a reality but the majority of you do not perceive it yet

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because we remain invisible to your senses and instruments most ofthe time

We wish to fill this void at this moment in your history We made thiscollective decision on our side but this is not enough mdash we needyours as well

Through this message you can become the decision-makers Youpersonally We have no human representative on Earth who couldguide your decision

Why arenrsquot we visible

At certain stages of evolution cosmic ldquohumanitiesrdquo discover certainscientific principles regarding matter Structured dematerializationand materialization are among them

Your humanity has achieved this in a few laboratories in closecollaboration with other extraterrestrial creatures mdash at the cost ofhazardous compromises that remain purposely hidden from you bysome of your representatives

In addition to the aerial or space-based objects or phenomena knownto your scientific community as physical ldquoUFOsrdquo there are essentiallymultidimensional manufactured spaceships that possess theseexpanded capacities

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Many human beings have been in visual auditory tactile or psychiccontact with such ships mdash some of which it should be noted withcaution are under the influence of hidden powers that govern youwhich we often term ldquothe third partyrdquo

The relative scarcity of your observations is due to the dematerializedstate of these ships Being unable to perceive them yourselves youcannot acknowledge their existence We fully understand this

When most observations do occur they are arranged on an individualbasis so as to touch the individual soul and not to influence or intrudeon any organized social system

This is deliberate on the part of the various races that surround youbut for a variety of reasons and results For negative multidimensionalbeings that play a part in the exercise of power in the shadow ofhuman oligarchy discretion is motivated by their desire to keep theirexistence unknown

For us discretion has been motivated by the respect of the humanfree will that people can exercise to manage their own affairs so thatthey can reach technical and spiritual maturity on their own

However humankindrsquos entrance into the family of galactic civilizationsis greatly expected

We can appear in broad daylight to help you attain this union but we

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have not done it so far as too few of you have genuinely desired itbecause of ignorance indifference or fear and because the urgencyof the situation did not justify it

Who are you

You are the offspring of many traditions that throughout time havebeen mutually enriched by each othersrsquo contributions

Your goal is to unite while respecting these diverse roots toaccomplish a common purpose a united project The appearancesof your cultures help keep you separated because you give them fargreater importance than you give your deeper beings

Shape or form has been deemed more important than the essenceof your subtle nature For the powers in control this emphasis ondifferences of form constitutes a bulwark against any form of positivechange

Now you are being called on to overcome the identification with formwhile still respecting it for its richness and beauty Understanding theconsciousness behind form allows us to love all humans in theirdiversity

Peace does not mean simply not making war it consists in becomingwhat you collectively are in reality a fraternity

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The solutions available to achieve this are decreasing but one thatcould still catalyze it would be open contact with another race thatwould reflect the image of what you are in a deeper reality

Except for rare occasions our past interventions intentionally hadvery little influence on your capacity to make collective and individualdecisions about your own future

This was motivated by our knowledge of your deep psychologicalmechanisms We reached the conclusion that freedom is built everyday as a being becomes aware of himself and of his environmentgetting progressively rid of constraints and inertias whatever theymay be

However despite the actions of numerous brave and willing humansouls those inertias have been successfully maintained for thebenefit of a growing centralized power

What is your situation

Until recently mankind lived in satisfactory control of its decisionsBut it is losing more and more the control of its own fate partlybecause of the growing use of advanced technologies that affect yourbody as well as your mind and will eventually have irreversibly lethalconsequences for earthly and human ecosystems

Independently of your own will your resilience will artificially decrease

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and you will slowly but surely lose your extraordinary capacity to makelife desirable Such plans are on their way

Should a collective reaction of great magnitude not happen thisindividual power is doomed to vanish The period to come shall beone of rupture

This break however can be a positive break with the past as long asyou keep this creative power alive in you even if it cohabits for thetime being with the dark intentions of your potential lords

What now Should you wait for the last moment to find solutionsShould you anticipate or undergo pain

Your history has never ceased to be marked by encounters betweenpeoples whose discovery of one another occurred in circumstancesof conflict and conquest

Earth has now become a village where everyone knows everyoneelse but still conflicts persist and threats of all kinds get worse inintensity and duration

Individuals who have many potential capacities cannot exercise themwith dignity This is the case for the greatest majority of you forreasons that are essentially geopolitical

There are several billion of you but the education of your children and

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your living conditions as well as the conditions of numerous animalsand much plant life are under the thumb of a small number of yourpolitical financial military and religious representatives

Your thoughts and beliefs are modeled after partisan interests whileat the same time giving you the feeling that you are in total control ofyour destiny mdash which in essence is the reality but there is a long waybetween a wish and a fact when the true rules of the game at handare kept hidden

This time you are not the conqueror Spreading biased information isan effective strategy for manipulating human beings Inducingthoughts and emotions or even creating organisms that do notbelong to you is an even older strategy

A great roller wave is on the horizon It entails very positive but alsovery negative potentials At this time wonderful opportunities ofprogress stand side by side with threats of destruction

However you can only perceive what is being shown to you Thediminishing of many natural resources is inevitable and no long-termcollective remediation project has been launched Ecosystemexhaustion mechanisms have exceeded irreversible limits

The scarcity of resources whose entry price will rise day after day mdashand their unfair distribution mdash will bring about fratricidal fights on alarge scale from the hearts of your cities to your countrysides

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This is the reason why more than ever in your history your decisionsof today will directly and significantly impact your survival tomorrow

Hatred growshellip but so does love That is what keeps you confident inyour ability to find solutions

However human behaviors formed from past habits and trainingshave great inertia that leads to a dead end The critical mass has notbeen reached while the work of sabotage is being carried outcleverly and efficiently

You entrust your problems to representatives whose awareness ofcommon well being inexorably fades away before corporatistinterests

These putative servants of the people are far more often debating theform than the content Just at the moment of action delaysaccumulate to the point when you have to submit rather than choose

This inertia is in many ways typical of any civilization What eventcould radically modify it Where could a collective and unifyingawareness come from that will stop this blind rushing ahead

Tribes populations and human nations have always encountered andinteracted with one another Faced with the threats weighing upon thehuman family it is perhaps time that a greater interaction occurred

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There are two ways to establish a cosmic contact with anothercivilization via its standing representatives or directly with ordinaryindividuals

The first way entails fights of interests the second way bringsawareness The first way was chosen by a group of races motivatedby keeping mankind in slavery thereby controlling Earthrsquos resourcesits gene pool and the mass of human emotional energy

The second way was chosen by a group of races allied with thecause of the Spirit of Service Some years ago we did introduceourselves to representatives of the human power structure but theyrefused our outstretched hand on the basis of interests that wereincompatible with their strategic vision

That is why today individuals are to make this choice by themselveswithout any representatives interfering What we proposed in the pastto those whom we believed were in a capacity to contribute to yourhappiness we propose now mdash to you

Few of you are aware that non-human creatures have been involvedin the centralizing of power in your world and in the subtle taking ofcontrol These creatures do not necessarily stand on your materialplane which is precisely what could make them extremely efficientand frightening in the near future

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However also be aware that quite a few of your representatives arein fact fighting this danger that not all alien abductions are conductedto your detriment and that resistance also exists amongst thosedominance-oriented races

Peace and reunification of your peoples would be a first step towardharmony with civilizations other than yours That is precisely whatthose who manipulate you behind the scenes want to avoid at all costbecause by dividing they reign

They also reign over those who more visibly govern you Theirstrength comes from their capacity to instill mistrust and fear Thisconsiderably harms your very cosmic nature

This message would be of no interest if these manipulatorsrsquo influencewere not reaching its peak and if their misleading and murderousplans did not materialize within a few years from now

Their deadlines are close and mankind will undergo unprecedenteddifficulties for the next ten cycles [years] To defend yourselvesagainst this aggression that bears no face you need at least to haveenough information that points to the solution

Here again appearance and body type will not be enough to tell thedominator from the ally

At your current state of psychic development it is extremely difficult for

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you to distinguish between them In addition to your intuition trainingwill be necessary when the time has come Being aware of thepriceless value of free will we are inviting you to an alternative

What can we offer

We can offer you a more holistic vision of the universe and of lifeconstructive interactions the experience of fair and fraternalrelationships liberating technical knowledge eradication of sufferingcontrolled exercise of individual powers access to new forms ofenergy and finally a better comprehension of consciousness

We cannot help you overcome your individual and collective fears orbring you laws that you would not have chosen You must also work onyour own selves apply individual and collective efforts to build theworld you desire and manifest the spirit to quest for new skies

What would we receive

Should you decide that such a contact take place we would rejoiceover the safeguarding of fraternal equilibrium in this region of theuniverse fruitful diplomatic exchanges and the intense Joy ofknowing that you are united to accomplish what you are capable of

The feeling of Joy is strongly sought in the universe for its energy isdivine What is the question we ask you

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How can you answer this question The truth of soul can be readtelepathically so you only need to clearly ask yourself this questionand give your answer as clearly on your own or in a group as youwish

Being in the heart of a city or in the middle of a desert does notimpact the efficiency of your answer YES or NO

Just do it as if you were speaking to yourself but thinking about themessage This is a universal question and these mere few wordsput in their context have a powerful meaning

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This is why you should calmly think about it in all conscience In orderto perfectly associate your answer with the question it isrecommended that you answer after another careful reading of thismessage

Do not rush to answer Breathe and let all the power of your own freewill penetrate you Be proud of what you are Then do not lethesitation get in the way

The everyday problems that you may have can weaken you To beyourselves forget about them for a few minutes Feel the force thatsprings up in you You are in control of yourselves

A single thought a single answer can drastically change your nearfuture in one way as in another Your individual decision of asking inyour inner self that we show up on your material plane and in broaddaylight is precious and essential to us

Even though you can choose the way that best suits you rituals per seare essentially useless A sincere request made with your heart andyour own will will always be perceived by those of us to whom it issent In your own private polling booth of your secret will you willdetermine the future

What is the lever effect

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This decision should be made by the greatest possible numberamong you even though it might seem like a minority

It is recommended to spread this message in all envisageablefashions in as many languages as possible to those around youwhether or not they seem receptive to this new vision of the future Doit using a humorous tone or derision if that can help you

You can even openly and publicly make fun of it if it makes you feelmore comfortable but do not be indifferent for at least you will haveexercised your free will Forget about the false prophets and thebeliefs that have been transmitted to you about us

This request is one of the most intimate that can be asked to youMaking a decision by yourself as an individual is your right as wellas your responsibility Passivity only leads to the absence of freedom

Similarly indecision is never efficient If you really want to cling to yourbeliefs which is something that we understand then forcefully sayNO

If you do not know what to choose do not say YES because of merecuriosity This is not a show this is real daily life We exist We arealive

Your history has had plenty of episodes when determined men andwomen were able to influence the thread of events despite their small

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Just as a small number is enough to take temporal power on Earthand influence the future of the majority a small number of you canradically change your fate as an answer to the impotence in face ofso much inertia and so many hurdles You can ease mankindrsquos birthto Brotherhood

One of your thinkers once said

Spreading this message will then be the strengthening of the hand-hold We will be the light-years long lever and you will be thecraftsmen to ldquoraise the Earthrdquo as a consequence of our appearance

What would be the consequences of a positive decision

For us the immediate consequence of a collective favorable decisionwould be the materialization of many ships in your sky and on Earth

For you the direct effect would be the rapid abandoning of manycertitudes and beliefs A simple conclusive visual contact would have

ldquoGive me a hand-hold and Irsquoll raise the Earthrdquo

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huge repercussions for your future

Much knowledge would be modified forever The organization of yoursocieties would be deeply upheaved forever in all fields of activity

Power would become individual because you would see for yourselfthat we exist as living beings not accepting or rejecting that fact onthe word of any external authority Concretely you would change thescale of your values

The most important thing for us is that humankind would form a singlefamily before this ldquounknownrdquo we would represent

Danger would slowly melt away from your homes because you wouldindirectly force the undesirable ones those we name the ldquothird partyrdquoto show up and vanish You would all bear the same name and sharethe same roots Mankind

Later on peaceful and respectful exchanges would be thus possible ifsuch is your wish For now he who is hungry cannot smile he who isfearful cannot welcome us

We are sad to see men women and children suffering to such adegree in their flesh and in their hearts when they bear such an innerlight This light can be your future


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arcadia11Nov 19 2014 at 509 pm

no not by any stretch of reason or imagination the dangerous deceptivenew age is over no matter how compelling the disguise

donrsquot take the bait donrsquot turn all life over to something outside of yourselvesthis is the way government works problem-reaction-solution when it getsbad enough and for all the world seems as if there is no other way manyotherwise intelligent people will yell lsquoyes help usrsquo

and itrsquos game over


surprised to find this article here

Crystal MoonNov 19 2014 at 539 pm

ldquoYou entrust your problems to representatives whose awareness of commonwell being inexorably fades away before corporatist interests rdquo

That certainly says it


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Dr Paula-Noel MacfieNov 19 2014 at 550 pm

This seems like a human being dissociated from genetic memory of Ancestors

alexNov 19 2014 at 554 pm

Hmmmmmhellipsoftening us up for Project Blue Beamhellipreads as if it wasformatteddictated thru an AI lsquochannelerrsquohellipseeking our permissionhellipsoundslike satanic protocol to me (lol)helliporhellipirsquom getting waaaaaaay tooooo cynicalin my old age hahahahellipcheers

KittyNov 19 2014 at 601 pm

No Alex had exactly the same thoughts too Project Blue Beam back again helliphellip Lol





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alexNov 19 2014 at 605 pm


KittyNov 19 2014 at 609 pm

branewaiverNov 19 2014 at 750 pm

I agree Alex and Kitty this is too pat not to mention a littlepatronizing Doesnrsquot pass the sniff test Letrsquos get those awarefuckers with their own desires Game over





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indigovioletNov 20 2014 at 212 pm

Project Bluebeamhellip I had the same thought The words interest thebrain (slightly) but donrsquot reach the heart

KittyNov 20 2014 at 226 pm

I think thatrsquos a good way to describe it Indie Blue Beam seemsto have gone a bit quiet recently and I just thought UhhhOhhhhBlue Beam has returned Irsquom wondering if wersquoll get more of this I think it cyclesChristmas is always a good time for revelations not sure if weare quite there yet

indigovioletNov 20 2014 at 244 pm

Yes and the lsquoaliensrsquo could always say they achieved aconsensus and we would be none the wiser just like



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with the vote (rigging) system

KittyNov 20 2014 at 319 pm

Indie I have to ask you this I was recently roadraged by someone driving so close to me Icouldnrsquot see his head lights It lasted for miles I reacted in absolutely the wrong way dideverything wrong Scared myself silly I really surprised myself I feltso stupid It made me think If something did happen out of the blue like sayBlue Beam how drsquoyou think you would react Would we as people who may consider ourselvesfairly aware be able to see what was happening I gave a neighbour a lift today Sunny warmish but the sky was covered withseriously hugersquo trailsI pointed and said something on the lines of wowlook at those She didnrsquot see them Indie not one as in reallycouldnrsquot see them


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It was so surreal I stopped the car and pointedbut still didnrsquot even register So is this lsquo spiritual lsquo physical mental Very strange experience

indigovioletNov 20 2014 at 356 pm

Strange Kittyhellip

A few years ago I started read the work Rik Clayregarding a planned fake alien invasion and thelater statement from Wernher von Braun on hisdeathbed reinforced what I thought After readingRikrsquos work (and you will probably know that hewas more-than-likely suicided at 26 just as hewas getting into all this) I decided there and thenthat any talk of an alien invasion going forwardwould be dismissed as fake by me howevercompelling When you have felt the truth in alucid moment you just have to stand yourground

We donrsquot know how we will react to a situationuntil we are in it as you saw when the bizarreand frightening road-rage incident took place ndash

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not that you had any room for manoeuvre if hewas right on your tail like that Very ScaryAlmost black ops- like

I donrsquot understand why your neighbour didnrsquot seethe chemtrails Maybe you should have driven herto the opticians Doesnrsquot make sense does itEverybody who I have pointed them out to hasseen them

pegNov 20 2014 at 450 pm

Kitty got this link from a girlfriend yesterday afternoonBless her heart She is a lovely spirit mdashndash Yep your rightitrsquos going around This was sent out on the internet onthe 18th and she thought it needed to be sent to me asldquoGood NewsrdquoHere is what was senthttppaowebcomsn111814htmIt comes from Sheldon Nidle



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Nov 20 2014 at 507 pm

Wow Peg Thanks for this It is cyclical Isometimes get this kind of thing but itrsquos been solong I canrsquot remember the last time Irsquoll have a good look at this one I actually like tosee this kind if thingSo the question is whatrsquos cooking if anything Well have to watch and wait

pegNov 20 2014 at 536 pm

Kitty I do not think any of this from anythinggood actually Everything inside speaks ndash ndash errorndash ndash error I stand with the help is us mdash- in us mdash-we just should find out who we really are In myheart knowing mdash- itrsquos infinityEven the pope is getting people ready for this mdash-what does that say Clinton not long ago onsome program etc etc Nope this being isstaying away from this None of them have mypermission to fix anything Our consciousness ampresonance will take care of things needed We areoneBy the way I didnrsquot finish reading the material

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she sent I just canrsquot Love her dearly and will beseeing her on Sunday She has began looking atmaterial on meditation by just listening to herbreathing Cannot change what others do orbelieve with teachings but only by my walkingand being Itrsquos all about consciousness and I knowyou know that Hugs

LizaNov 20 2014 at 939 pm

wow Kitty that is strange that she just couldnrsquotsee the chemtrailshellip

JerseyCynicNov 19 2014 at 646 pm

Is this a gullibility testYES YES YES (I am doing it using a humorous tone cause that helps me)httpwwwyoutubecomwatchv=O6VUMGO3hCs

Irsquom pretty gullible (getting better) This doesnrsquot sit well with meldquoBeing aware of the priceless value of free will we are inviting you to analternativerdquo

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No thanks

ldquoYour individual decision of asking in your inner self that we show up onyour material plane and in broad daylight is precious and essential to usrdquo

I do go out on the deck every night though (2am ndash 4am) and ask the starbeings to visit me No luck yet (as best as I can remember)

Gee mdash I wonder why SNOPES hasnrsquot taken this one onhelliphellipDOH

OK OK ndash here we go mdash I found the source mdash Itrsquos a cute blonde that must workin Googlersquos marketing departmenthelliphellip those evil bastardsldquoDO YOU WISH THAT WE SHOW UP rdquo from 2006httpwwwyoutubecomwatchv=-K8ADMzz46c

well that didnrsquot take long ndash sorry to burst any bubbles

OphiuchusNov 19 2014 at 920 pm

As soon as I hear the ldquohumanrdquo false paradigm ldquoevolutionrdquo it sends upan immediate red flag to me It is the false assumption that we startdumb and become something better rather than the parasiticdummening of an already highly advanced sentient form of lifeEvolution to me reeks of the linear false time paradigm



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KittyNov 20 2014 at 414 pm

Rik Clay Read a lot of his work Fascinating His lsquosuicidersquo wasnrsquot it vigourously contested by his family and friends These people either commit lsquosuicide lsquo or die of a heart attack

Such a young vibrant man His work isnrsquot so prominent any more Ithink I may have to revisit him I think the road rage person may havebeen drinking Funny thing was my daughter was with me and shesaid before he went he turned his lights off Funny folks where I live Neighbour lol She is elderly I think a visit to the opticians is inorder I did point them out to some farmer friends a long time ago theydidnrsquot see either not what I was seeing certainly Maybe a differentperception

indigovioletNov 20 2014 at 445 pm

I read that his family have said that he did commit suicide but Idonrsquot knowhellip It was the day after his Red Ice Radio interviewand it was noted that he was in very good spirits at the time


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and looking forward enthusiastically to further researching Hewas buried on September 11th A lot of things didnrsquot add up atthe time (or did) But who knows

KittyNov 20 2014 at 453 pm

Must have got that wrong Irsquov been thinking of DavidKelly recently I saw a pic of Tony Blair and Kelly came tomind i was going to mention him to youThese things are very strange Indie his family may have been pressured or maybe suicidewas preferable to the thought of murder Rik Clay was so young and so bright and brave It takes guts to stand up and be counted Who knows true We probably never will

KittyNov 20 2014 at 559 pm

No I donrsquot either Peg I like to be fore warned as in fore armed The Vatican has made some rather startling statements as far as the



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alien agenda is concerned Love our alien brothers and sisters would we baptise them and callthem Christians The usual This has been going on for some time now and Clintonslittle bit of input was interesting too The Disclosure Project it justall adds up to an agenda leading to our furtherenslavement My answer to the question here should just have been a blunt NO Like you I feel it is all within usThe answers we need to everythingare all there Walking the walk is my preferred way too Your friend is blessed tohave you to guide her but itrsquos your love Peg that will really make animpact on her Your well is deep and so many draw upon it I readDavidrsquos post but havenrsquot said anything yet so I know you know what Imean Yoursquore full of love Peg and that is all that matters Hugs backand love XXX

LizaNov 20 2014 at 940 pm



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KittyNov 20 2014 at 1156 pm

Liza I thought I was going a bit crazy This was seriously bizarre Irsquov been thinking about this and maybe itrsquos to do withfrequency There are a lot if other strange phenomenon associated withchemtrailingI saw an orb flying alongside a plane that was obviouslylsquotrailing If my son hadnrsquot been with me at the time and saw it too Iwouldnrsquot have believed what I was seeing Irsquod love to know how many people actually canrsquot see thesethings It still makes me smile when I thinkabout it Neighbour now thinks Irsquom arsquo funny little thingrsquo

LizaNov 20 2014 at 941 pm



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JerseyCynicNov 19 2014 at 650 pm

Letrsquos ask the cathelliphttpwwwyoutubecomwatchv=jD4JhoOFzPg

will iamNov 19 2014 at 830 pm

Ha Remember this one httpswwwyoutubecomwatchv=5Us1ASENPwsampfeature=player_detailpage

JerseyCynicNov 19 2014 at 859 pm

Omg will do I remember this one Yes yes yes and Irsquove got abig toe permanently disfigured from a ldquoboogaloordquo contest toprove it Thanks for the painful memory Good times Thatnight I learned a valuable lesson hellipnever boogaloo barefoot ona crowded dance floor Good times




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pegNov 19 2014 at 832 pm

JC thank you so much for a huge dip belly laughnonononoonononononluvluvluvluv

HeatherNov 19 2014 at 801 pm

Buthellip they get mehellip they get ithellip they understandhellip whoa is me

No way in hell do I need assistance from some outside source that has alreadymet with our lsquoleadersrsquo and understands everything so well but lurks askingmy permission to come aboard I do appreciate the special touches of layingso much of our lsquofamilyrsquo BS out there for us to recap but I am not invitinganother lsquovampirersquo into the lsquohousersquo

JC ndash ha I love ya lady The cat was a special touch for sure ha ha




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Nov 20 2014 at 1130 am

ha I had not realized how sarcastic I was on this commenthellip I was stillfeeling the ldquogossip ladiesrdquo from my daughterrsquos martial arts earlier and Iwas quite sarcastic in lsquodealingrsquo with them Overflowhellip hee

No we are the oneshellip plain and simple

JerseyCynicNov 20 2014 at 133 pm

got that right HeatherldquoBanish the word lsquostrugglersquo from your attitude and yourvocabulary All that we do now must be done in a sacredmanner and in celebration We are the ones we have beenwaiting forrdquo mdash Hopi elders

KittyNov 20 2014 at 157 pm

Perfect JC and Heather lsquoWe are the ones we are waitingfor lsquoThat just about says it all really



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Much love to you both X X X

HeatherNov 20 2014 at 306 pm

Indeed Much love to you both and really big hugs

KittyNov 20 2014 at 323 pm

Huge hugs back X

will iamNov 19 2014 at 815 pm

ldquoThis my friends could be the most important message mankind has everreceivedhelliprdquo


ldquoBe proud of what you arerdquo (the army)



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ldquoBe proud of what you arerdquo (the army)

ldquoThe most important thing for us is that humankind would form a singlefamily before this ldquounknownrdquo we would representrdquo (politics as usual)

ldquoPeace does not mean simply not making war it consists in becoming whatyou collectively are in reality a fraternityrdquo helliphelliphellip Zeta Delta Con

OphiuchusNov 19 2014 at 911 pm

My heart intuition says that this is false and my subconscious shows me theWalter Von Braun message

NofolaloNov 20 2014 at 1056 am

Good thing about the Walter Von Braun message itrsquos their lsquolast card

majikNov 19 2014 at 1016 pm




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I agree This feels wrong

majikNov 19 2014 at 1022 pm

I do believe this is real Irsquove been following them since 06 Well my idea offollowing which is really doing what my mom called the ldquosniffrdquo test to see iftheir rotten I feel this message is real but subtlehttptomkenyoncomescalation-of-chaotic-nodes-and-the-dismantling-of-3-d-reality

John SmithNov 20 2014 at 321 am

there is no easy answer to this certainly humble human spirit would like toextend into presence and understand of life overall throughout wholeuniverse this unfortunately is not it

it appears as direction to admit that you are flawed to sort inner mess of thisworld with an outside force just like there is homophobia among differentgroups of humans it can also be understood as some kind of alien-phobiawithin various ldquoyesrdquo ldquonordquo groups and it should not be it



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so answer lingers most among reasons for yes and no and their validity

I for one am opposing this fancy questions and fancy landings we have needfor outside involvement since ever and it probably ever is done as we wantedit so it can be counted as intrusive with lack of honoring true demand truewish of yes or no

so this petition (seen it and commented it before) appears to be likejournalist duck sensationalist dilemma without true backing or honoringstand so I vouch no and think that entities just like us should come to thisworld ldquousualrdquo way just like we did for their mission of good or evil or elsejust like we all are fancy space ships in contact with tyrannical governmentsdecimating life and nature for power and profits are their real targetspopulation is to be in awe awaiting outside solution to inner turmoil samefor this world as in outside influence for internal misconduct I find Gaiastronger and I find myself with lesser worry so if our conscious plant calls it Id agree but it is left for someone to prove it as I see not Gaia agreeing on ourldquoworkrdquo let alone that of governments and industrial and their spaceconnections so until saw that nurturing me calling it this all dilemmas arelike chewing sawdust hard to find nutrition for human in it

JerseyCynicNov 20 2014 at 548 am

Letrsquos dancehellip (a slow one) to one of my favorite bedtime songs


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oh manhellipIrsquom a gonna start tearing up ndash I miss my babies

Come Take A Trip In My Airship (Remastered) ndash Natalie Merchanthttpwwwyoutubecomwatchv=GDL0GVZXjMI

arielNov 20 2014 at 726 am

Sod it guyshellipthe whole point is that WE CAN HANDLE IThelliphellipWe first have tolearn that our conditioned negativity is projected externally as lsquorealityrsquo(definitely lower case) My lsquoproblemrsquo is how do we get enough of youus intoNOW the inner awareness of the lsquomovement and the restrsquo as Kitty likes torefer to it which is the operating end of the universal life force whichexpands our perception limitlessly subject to the filters which prevent usdestroying the lsquobodiesrsquo with INTENSITY Irsquove met them some of themhelliphellipWearenrsquot SUDDENLY in an awful situationhelliphellipitrsquos fucking hystericallyhistoricalhellipbloody tourists most of the ones Irsquove methellipPot calling the kettleblack really because Irsquove done a bithelliphellipYou donrsquot invite the vampire inhelliphelliphellip

will iamNov 20 2014 at 1257 pm



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I hadnrsquot realized that now was something I needed to get into I wasunder the impression that now is wellhellipnow

I didnrsquot know that it was a separate something or other that dependedon quantity for its existence

I apologize in advance for contributing to your lsquoproblemrsquo so maybeyou can tell me (us) what wes need to be looking for so that on theoft chance it were to come by again wes can have some of it

VigilantibusNov 20 2014 at 751 am

This is another deception from MATRIXBeautiful words Things from New (C)ageIt is a TRAPHumanity falls like ducksWake Up

PamNov 20 2014 at 859 am

HeyhelliphelliphellipI want to see this onehellipBring it onhelliphelliprdquoYESrdquo



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ThomasNov 20 2014 at 906 am

The inorganic races are crafty Although they canrsquot lie to us they canmanipulate Once free will is exercised to join their ranks there is no turningback Can we at least wait until Black Friday and Cyber Monday are over

NofolaloNov 20 2014 at 1111 am

Here ya go Jerseyhelliphttpwwwyoutubecomwatchv=REHV8LERhPwhttpwwwyoutubecomwatchv=5PvGn75ibI4

JerseyCynicNov 20 2014 at 207 pm

Love it Nofolalo I used to know every word to the Flying PurplePeople Eater What a great goofy beat mdash just try to sit still listening




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People Eater What a great goofy beat mdash just try to sit still listeningto it mdash you canrsquot

I wish doo wop never died I grew up just after that

Also missed out on The Bristol Stomphttpwwwyoutubecomwatchv=XCOB5-E4P6Y (I canrsquot believe thesepeople are sitting in their seats)

oh herersquos a good one ndash The Bristol Stomp Dance Around the Worldhttpwwwyoutubecomwatchv=fIbkKxUD0Mst=106

alexNov 20 2014 at 208 pm


PatrickNov 20 2014 at 1113 am

The outside help is from withinhellipinside Free will is wonderful and it hascertainly no choiceshellipUse your intent so your help can help us all Weexchange our intent with the source everyday so we will certainly exchangehelp with benevolence every once in a while Use this positively whether its



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BS or not Love life guys

PeterNov 20 2014 at 535 pm

Following was posted Yeterday an was coming to my attention Some of you sure remember SIRIUS

Dr Steven Greer Dozens of Benevolent ET Species Are Here Eager to MakeContacthttpwwwriseearthcom201411dr-steven-greer-dozens-of-benevolent-ethtml

Itrsquos not the only Article that shows up but that was posted ( I think because ofthe Article we can read here posted) The NEW AGERS always again jump on that wagon and believe in suchchannelings

manNov 20 2014 at 550 pm

yeah itacutes been there for years now on the wwwyears ago i would have said YES STOP BY FOR TEA AND COOKIES



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but now i go HELL NO YOU BLOODY PARASITES suck yourself and bite thestellar dustread this kind of honeysweet friendly alien bullshit often enough- nothingbut mindcontrollitacutes for the kids crying for mama to save them for the ones that like to HOPEand leave EVOLUTION to someone elsethere is no outside saviouryou guys are right itacutes the vampires trying to get our permissioni always wondered why they would need ithellip do they really care for karmathen what about the cheatwhatever- i suppose zen just put it here as a test and a provovation to stir adiscussionheacutes not one of the i-hope-someoneacutes-gonna-save-meacutes more a get-your-sweet-ass-going-guywhat a clever bastard you are zen

JerseyCynicNov 21 2014 at 308 pm

spot on man Google is behind it I do believe

from 2007httpswwwyoutubecomwatchv=-K8ADMzz46c a CGI of a womanreading half of this message and at the end ldquoyou must read the rest ofthe message at google or yahoo search google with the quote marks


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and now that google and nasa have partnered up It wouldnrsquot surpriseme if some day soon we started to see holographic airships here andthere with Ray Kurzweil as their Director of Engineering mdash anythinggoeshttptechcrunchcom20141110google-moffett-airfield-nasa

do know evil my ass

LizaNov 20 2014 at 1011 pm

But donrsquot give it all the credit Intriguing concepts Deception

Free will Yes it is within Never to be coughed up handed over Thecomments on the source site show a lot of naivtersquo Humans by nature look toconnecting as strengthening (Help) The more to have wins It is Not soLooking to another is not the way to go

This site inhabits lots of free thinkers

The only thing I would give my freewill over to is Peace amp Justice It doesexist In the heartmind Too bad the heart is so badly broken

Perhaps the only way to save a planet is with the allone mindset of all itsinhabitants simutaneously If that could be achieved Everybodyrsquos mind set


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on the collective The whole It could happen it is happening Maybe we justhave to let go of this dimension Canrsquot sustain it Donrsquot knowWell itrsquos all Bullshit anyway

hashishiNov 21 2014 at 751 am

ldquoFree will Yes it is within Never to be coughed up handed over rdquo

The most simple profound and beautiful truth It always does me goodto see a wonderful unencumbered spirit reflecting the same greattruth back at me

Dr Paula-Noel MacfieNov 21 2014 at 133 am

Liza we are all already connected and online through indigenous mind ourAncestors We never ldquoleftrdquohellipour minds have been so colonized that we forgotwho we are and where we come from The connection is still there just awhole lotta dissociation in between to navigate through




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arielNov 21 2014 at 725 am

HEY KITTYhelliprsquoWe are the parents our children have warned us abouthelliprsquo isnrsquot it

arielNov 21 2014 at 726 am

Or is it our greatgrand descendants

KittyNov 21 2014 at 319 pm


hashishiNov 21 2014 at 808 am

Oh hai VALIS Good game good game lsquoAliensrsquo Like it But er no thanks




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Oh hai VALIS Good game good game lsquoAliensrsquo Like it But er no thanks

AlteaNov 21 2014 at 554 pm

We are the ETrsquos we have been waiting for

manNov 21 2014 at 620 pm

what a weird place this world is indeedwhere reality is stranger than fictiongood to have a heart

vibra amor

StarDustNov 27 2014 at 900 pm

Why you need thousands of ships one is not enough Come in peace like




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you say and all the humans will open their arms and hug you






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The original source of this information appears to be by Mr JeanEderman now 49 of France who evidently works in the field ofaviationHe claims to have been a military jet pilot air traffic controllerand airport manager and to have a masters in economics He alsoclaims to have had a number of anomalous experiences since theage of six which later included a number of UFO sightings and ETcontactsHe writes ldquohellip after having learned how to mentally projectmyself to a place in the presence of benevolent extraterrestrials Ireceived the following messagehelliprdquo

[Translated from French into English by Dan Drasin a Marin-basedfilm-maker and researcher]

Image by Ali Ries

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Each one of you wishes to exercise your free will and experiencehappiness Your free will depends upon the knowledge you have ofyour own power Your happiness depends upon the love that you giveand receiveLike all conscious races at this stage of progress youmay feel isolated on your planet This impression gives you a certainview of your destiny Yet you are at the brink of big upheavals that onlya minority is aware ofIt is not our responsibility to modify your futurewithout your choosing it So consider this message as a worldwidereferendum and your answer as a ballot

Neither your scientists nor your religious representatives speakknowledgeably about certain unexplained aerial and celestial eventsthat mankind has witnessed for thousands of years

To know the truth one must face it without the filter of onersquos beliefs ordogmas however respectablethey may be

A growing number of anonymous researchers of yours are exploringnew paths of knowledge and are getting very close to reality Todayyour civilization is flooded with an ocean of information of which only atiny part the less upsetting one is notably distributed

Bear in mind that what in your history seemed ridiculous orimprobable has often become possible then realized mdash in particularin the last fifty years

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Be aware that the future will be even more surprising You willdiscover the worst as well as the best

Many of those who study our appearances point to lights in the nightbut without lighting the way Often they think in terms of objects when itis all about conscious beings

Who are we

Like billions of others in this galaxy we are conscious creatures thatsome call ldquoextraterrestrialsrdquo even though the reality is subtler Thereis no fundamental difference between you and us save for havingexperienced certain stages of evolution

As with any other organized society a hierarchy exists in our internalrelationships Ours however is based upon the wisdom of severalraces It is with the approval of this hierarchy that we turn to you

Like most of you we are in quest of the Supreme ldquoBeingrdquo or ldquoState ofBeingrdquo

Therefore we are not gods or lesser gods but virtually your equals inthe Cosmic Brotherhood Physically we are somewhat different fromyou but most of us are humanoid-shaped

We are not mere observations we are consciousnesses just like youOur existence is a reality but the majority of you do not perceive it yet

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because we remain invisible to your senses and instruments most ofthe time

We wish to fill this void at this moment in your history We made thiscollective decision on our side but this is not enough mdash we needyours as well

Through this message you can become the decision-makers Youpersonally We have no human representative on Earth who couldguide your decision

Why arenrsquot we visible

At certain stages of evolution cosmic ldquohumanitiesrdquo discover certainscientific principles regarding matter Structured dematerializationand materialization are among them

Your humanity has achieved this in a few laboratories in closecollaboration with other extraterrestrial creatures mdash at the cost ofhazardous compromises that remain purposely hidden from you bysome of your representatives

In addition to the aerial or space-based objects or phenomena knownto your scientific community as physical ldquoUFOsrdquo there are essentiallymultidimensional manufactured spaceships that possess theseexpanded capacities

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Many human beings have been in visual auditory tactile or psychiccontact with such ships mdash some of which it should be noted withcaution are under the influence of hidden powers that govern youwhich we often term ldquothe third partyrdquo

The relative scarcity of your observations is due to the dematerializedstate of these ships Being unable to perceive them yourselves youcannot acknowledge their existence We fully understand this

When most observations do occur they are arranged on an individualbasis so as to touch the individual soul and not to influence or intrudeon any organized social system

This is deliberate on the part of the various races that surround youbut for a variety of reasons and results For negative multidimensionalbeings that play a part in the exercise of power in the shadow ofhuman oligarchy discretion is motivated by their desire to keep theirexistence unknown

For us discretion has been motivated by the respect of the humanfree will that people can exercise to manage their own affairs so thatthey can reach technical and spiritual maturity on their own

However humankindrsquos entrance into the family of galactic civilizationsis greatly expected

We can appear in broad daylight to help you attain this union but we

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have not done it so far as too few of you have genuinely desired itbecause of ignorance indifference or fear and because the urgencyof the situation did not justify it

Who are you

You are the offspring of many traditions that throughout time havebeen mutually enriched by each othersrsquo contributions

Your goal is to unite while respecting these diverse roots toaccomplish a common purpose a united project The appearancesof your cultures help keep you separated because you give them fargreater importance than you give your deeper beings

Shape or form has been deemed more important than the essenceof your subtle nature For the powers in control this emphasis ondifferences of form constitutes a bulwark against any form of positivechange

Now you are being called on to overcome the identification with formwhile still respecting it for its richness and beauty Understanding theconsciousness behind form allows us to love all humans in theirdiversity

Peace does not mean simply not making war it consists in becomingwhat you collectively are in reality a fraternity

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The solutions available to achieve this are decreasing but one thatcould still catalyze it would be open contact with another race thatwould reflect the image of what you are in a deeper reality

Except for rare occasions our past interventions intentionally hadvery little influence on your capacity to make collective and individualdecisions about your own future

This was motivated by our knowledge of your deep psychologicalmechanisms We reached the conclusion that freedom is built everyday as a being becomes aware of himself and of his environmentgetting progressively rid of constraints and inertias whatever theymay be

However despite the actions of numerous brave and willing humansouls those inertias have been successfully maintained for thebenefit of a growing centralized power

What is your situation

Until recently mankind lived in satisfactory control of its decisionsBut it is losing more and more the control of its own fate partlybecause of the growing use of advanced technologies that affect yourbody as well as your mind and will eventually have irreversibly lethalconsequences for earthly and human ecosystems

Independently of your own will your resilience will artificially decrease

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and you will slowly but surely lose your extraordinary capacity to makelife desirable Such plans are on their way

Should a collective reaction of great magnitude not happen thisindividual power is doomed to vanish The period to come shall beone of rupture

This break however can be a positive break with the past as long asyou keep this creative power alive in you even if it cohabits for thetime being with the dark intentions of your potential lords

What now Should you wait for the last moment to find solutionsShould you anticipate or undergo pain

Your history has never ceased to be marked by encounters betweenpeoples whose discovery of one another occurred in circumstancesof conflict and conquest

Earth has now become a village where everyone knows everyoneelse but still conflicts persist and threats of all kinds get worse inintensity and duration

Individuals who have many potential capacities cannot exercise themwith dignity This is the case for the greatest majority of you forreasons that are essentially geopolitical

There are several billion of you but the education of your children and

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your living conditions as well as the conditions of numerous animalsand much plant life are under the thumb of a small number of yourpolitical financial military and religious representatives

Your thoughts and beliefs are modeled after partisan interests whileat the same time giving you the feeling that you are in total control ofyour destiny mdash which in essence is the reality but there is a long waybetween a wish and a fact when the true rules of the game at handare kept hidden

This time you are not the conqueror Spreading biased information isan effective strategy for manipulating human beings Inducingthoughts and emotions or even creating organisms that do notbelong to you is an even older strategy

A great roller wave is on the horizon It entails very positive but alsovery negative potentials At this time wonderful opportunities ofprogress stand side by side with threats of destruction

However you can only perceive what is being shown to you Thediminishing of many natural resources is inevitable and no long-termcollective remediation project has been launched Ecosystemexhaustion mechanisms have exceeded irreversible limits

The scarcity of resources whose entry price will rise day after day mdashand their unfair distribution mdash will bring about fratricidal fights on alarge scale from the hearts of your cities to your countrysides

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This is the reason why more than ever in your history your decisionsof today will directly and significantly impact your survival tomorrow

Hatred growshellip but so does love That is what keeps you confident inyour ability to find solutions

However human behaviors formed from past habits and trainingshave great inertia that leads to a dead end The critical mass has notbeen reached while the work of sabotage is being carried outcleverly and efficiently

You entrust your problems to representatives whose awareness ofcommon well being inexorably fades away before corporatistinterests

These putative servants of the people are far more often debating theform than the content Just at the moment of action delaysaccumulate to the point when you have to submit rather than choose

This inertia is in many ways typical of any civilization What eventcould radically modify it Where could a collective and unifyingawareness come from that will stop this blind rushing ahead

Tribes populations and human nations have always encountered andinteracted with one another Faced with the threats weighing upon thehuman family it is perhaps time that a greater interaction occurred

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There are two ways to establish a cosmic contact with anothercivilization via its standing representatives or directly with ordinaryindividuals

The first way entails fights of interests the second way bringsawareness The first way was chosen by a group of races motivatedby keeping mankind in slavery thereby controlling Earthrsquos resourcesits gene pool and the mass of human emotional energy

The second way was chosen by a group of races allied with thecause of the Spirit of Service Some years ago we did introduceourselves to representatives of the human power structure but theyrefused our outstretched hand on the basis of interests that wereincompatible with their strategic vision

That is why today individuals are to make this choice by themselveswithout any representatives interfering What we proposed in the pastto those whom we believed were in a capacity to contribute to yourhappiness we propose now mdash to you

Few of you are aware that non-human creatures have been involvedin the centralizing of power in your world and in the subtle taking ofcontrol These creatures do not necessarily stand on your materialplane which is precisely what could make them extremely efficientand frightening in the near future

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However also be aware that quite a few of your representatives arein fact fighting this danger that not all alien abductions are conductedto your detriment and that resistance also exists amongst thosedominance-oriented races

Peace and reunification of your peoples would be a first step towardharmony with civilizations other than yours That is precisely whatthose who manipulate you behind the scenes want to avoid at all costbecause by dividing they reign

They also reign over those who more visibly govern you Theirstrength comes from their capacity to instill mistrust and fear Thisconsiderably harms your very cosmic nature

This message would be of no interest if these manipulatorsrsquo influencewere not reaching its peak and if their misleading and murderousplans did not materialize within a few years from now

Their deadlines are close and mankind will undergo unprecedenteddifficulties for the next ten cycles [years] To defend yourselvesagainst this aggression that bears no face you need at least to haveenough information that points to the solution

Here again appearance and body type will not be enough to tell thedominator from the ally

At your current state of psychic development it is extremely difficult for

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you to distinguish between them In addition to your intuition trainingwill be necessary when the time has come Being aware of thepriceless value of free will we are inviting you to an alternative

What can we offer

We can offer you a more holistic vision of the universe and of lifeconstructive interactions the experience of fair and fraternalrelationships liberating technical knowledge eradication of sufferingcontrolled exercise of individual powers access to new forms ofenergy and finally a better comprehension of consciousness

We cannot help you overcome your individual and collective fears orbring you laws that you would not have chosen You must also work onyour own selves apply individual and collective efforts to build theworld you desire and manifest the spirit to quest for new skies

What would we receive

Should you decide that such a contact take place we would rejoiceover the safeguarding of fraternal equilibrium in this region of theuniverse fruitful diplomatic exchanges and the intense Joy ofknowing that you are united to accomplish what you are capable of

The feeling of Joy is strongly sought in the universe for its energy isdivine What is the question we ask you

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How can you answer this question The truth of soul can be readtelepathically so you only need to clearly ask yourself this questionand give your answer as clearly on your own or in a group as youwish

Being in the heart of a city or in the middle of a desert does notimpact the efficiency of your answer YES or NO

Just do it as if you were speaking to yourself but thinking about themessage This is a universal question and these mere few wordsput in their context have a powerful meaning

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This is why you should calmly think about it in all conscience In orderto perfectly associate your answer with the question it isrecommended that you answer after another careful reading of thismessage

Do not rush to answer Breathe and let all the power of your own freewill penetrate you Be proud of what you are Then do not lethesitation get in the way

The everyday problems that you may have can weaken you To beyourselves forget about them for a few minutes Feel the force thatsprings up in you You are in control of yourselves

A single thought a single answer can drastically change your nearfuture in one way as in another Your individual decision of asking inyour inner self that we show up on your material plane and in broaddaylight is precious and essential to us

Even though you can choose the way that best suits you rituals per seare essentially useless A sincere request made with your heart andyour own will will always be perceived by those of us to whom it issent In your own private polling booth of your secret will you willdetermine the future

What is the lever effect

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This decision should be made by the greatest possible numberamong you even though it might seem like a minority

It is recommended to spread this message in all envisageablefashions in as many languages as possible to those around youwhether or not they seem receptive to this new vision of the future Doit using a humorous tone or derision if that can help you

You can even openly and publicly make fun of it if it makes you feelmore comfortable but do not be indifferent for at least you will haveexercised your free will Forget about the false prophets and thebeliefs that have been transmitted to you about us

This request is one of the most intimate that can be asked to youMaking a decision by yourself as an individual is your right as wellas your responsibility Passivity only leads to the absence of freedom

Similarly indecision is never efficient If you really want to cling to yourbeliefs which is something that we understand then forcefully sayNO

If you do not know what to choose do not say YES because of merecuriosity This is not a show this is real daily life We exist We arealive

Your history has had plenty of episodes when determined men andwomen were able to influence the thread of events despite their small

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Just as a small number is enough to take temporal power on Earthand influence the future of the majority a small number of you canradically change your fate as an answer to the impotence in face ofso much inertia and so many hurdles You can ease mankindrsquos birthto Brotherhood

One of your thinkers once said

Spreading this message will then be the strengthening of the hand-hold We will be the light-years long lever and you will be thecraftsmen to ldquoraise the Earthrdquo as a consequence of our appearance

What would be the consequences of a positive decision

For us the immediate consequence of a collective favorable decisionwould be the materialization of many ships in your sky and on Earth

For you the direct effect would be the rapid abandoning of manycertitudes and beliefs A simple conclusive visual contact would have

ldquoGive me a hand-hold and Irsquoll raise the Earthrdquo

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huge repercussions for your future

Much knowledge would be modified forever The organization of yoursocieties would be deeply upheaved forever in all fields of activity

Power would become individual because you would see for yourselfthat we exist as living beings not accepting or rejecting that fact onthe word of any external authority Concretely you would change thescale of your values

The most important thing for us is that humankind would form a singlefamily before this ldquounknownrdquo we would represent

Danger would slowly melt away from your homes because you wouldindirectly force the undesirable ones those we name the ldquothird partyrdquoto show up and vanish You would all bear the same name and sharethe same roots Mankind

Later on peaceful and respectful exchanges would be thus possible ifsuch is your wish For now he who is hungry cannot smile he who isfearful cannot welcome us

We are sad to see men women and children suffering to such adegree in their flesh and in their hearts when they bear such an innerlight This light can be your future


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arcadia11Nov 19 2014 at 509 pm

no not by any stretch of reason or imagination the dangerous deceptivenew age is over no matter how compelling the disguise

donrsquot take the bait donrsquot turn all life over to something outside of yourselvesthis is the way government works problem-reaction-solution when it getsbad enough and for all the world seems as if there is no other way manyotherwise intelligent people will yell lsquoyes help usrsquo

and itrsquos game over


surprised to find this article here

Crystal MoonNov 19 2014 at 539 pm

ldquoYou entrust your problems to representatives whose awareness of commonwell being inexorably fades away before corporatist interests rdquo

That certainly says it


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Dr Paula-Noel MacfieNov 19 2014 at 550 pm

This seems like a human being dissociated from genetic memory of Ancestors

alexNov 19 2014 at 554 pm

Hmmmmmhellipsoftening us up for Project Blue Beamhellipreads as if it wasformatteddictated thru an AI lsquochannelerrsquohellipseeking our permissionhellipsoundslike satanic protocol to me (lol)helliporhellipirsquom getting waaaaaaay tooooo cynicalin my old age hahahahellipcheers

KittyNov 19 2014 at 601 pm

No Alex had exactly the same thoughts too Project Blue Beam back again helliphellip Lol





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alexNov 19 2014 at 605 pm


KittyNov 19 2014 at 609 pm

branewaiverNov 19 2014 at 750 pm

I agree Alex and Kitty this is too pat not to mention a littlepatronizing Doesnrsquot pass the sniff test Letrsquos get those awarefuckers with their own desires Game over





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indigovioletNov 20 2014 at 212 pm

Project Bluebeamhellip I had the same thought The words interest thebrain (slightly) but donrsquot reach the heart

KittyNov 20 2014 at 226 pm

I think thatrsquos a good way to describe it Indie Blue Beam seemsto have gone a bit quiet recently and I just thought UhhhOhhhhBlue Beam has returned Irsquom wondering if wersquoll get more of this I think it cyclesChristmas is always a good time for revelations not sure if weare quite there yet

indigovioletNov 20 2014 at 244 pm

Yes and the lsquoaliensrsquo could always say they achieved aconsensus and we would be none the wiser just like



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with the vote (rigging) system

KittyNov 20 2014 at 319 pm

Indie I have to ask you this I was recently roadraged by someone driving so close to me Icouldnrsquot see his head lights It lasted for miles I reacted in absolutely the wrong way dideverything wrong Scared myself silly I really surprised myself I feltso stupid It made me think If something did happen out of the blue like sayBlue Beam how drsquoyou think you would react Would we as people who may consider ourselvesfairly aware be able to see what was happening I gave a neighbour a lift today Sunny warmish but the sky was covered withseriously hugersquo trailsI pointed and said something on the lines of wowlook at those She didnrsquot see them Indie not one as in reallycouldnrsquot see them


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It was so surreal I stopped the car and pointedbut still didnrsquot even register So is this lsquo spiritual lsquo physical mental Very strange experience

indigovioletNov 20 2014 at 356 pm

Strange Kittyhellip

A few years ago I started read the work Rik Clayregarding a planned fake alien invasion and thelater statement from Wernher von Braun on hisdeathbed reinforced what I thought After readingRikrsquos work (and you will probably know that hewas more-than-likely suicided at 26 just as hewas getting into all this) I decided there and thenthat any talk of an alien invasion going forwardwould be dismissed as fake by me howevercompelling When you have felt the truth in alucid moment you just have to stand yourground

We donrsquot know how we will react to a situationuntil we are in it as you saw when the bizarreand frightening road-rage incident took place ndash

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not that you had any room for manoeuvre if hewas right on your tail like that Very ScaryAlmost black ops- like

I donrsquot understand why your neighbour didnrsquot seethe chemtrails Maybe you should have driven herto the opticians Doesnrsquot make sense does itEverybody who I have pointed them out to hasseen them

pegNov 20 2014 at 450 pm

Kitty got this link from a girlfriend yesterday afternoonBless her heart She is a lovely spirit mdashndash Yep your rightitrsquos going around This was sent out on the internet onthe 18th and she thought it needed to be sent to me asldquoGood NewsrdquoHere is what was senthttppaowebcomsn111814htmIt comes from Sheldon Nidle



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Nov 20 2014 at 507 pm

Wow Peg Thanks for this It is cyclical Isometimes get this kind of thing but itrsquos been solong I canrsquot remember the last time Irsquoll have a good look at this one I actually like tosee this kind if thingSo the question is whatrsquos cooking if anything Well have to watch and wait

pegNov 20 2014 at 536 pm

Kitty I do not think any of this from anythinggood actually Everything inside speaks ndash ndash errorndash ndash error I stand with the help is us mdash- in us mdash-we just should find out who we really are In myheart knowing mdash- itrsquos infinityEven the pope is getting people ready for this mdash-what does that say Clinton not long ago onsome program etc etc Nope this being isstaying away from this None of them have mypermission to fix anything Our consciousness ampresonance will take care of things needed We areoneBy the way I didnrsquot finish reading the material

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she sent I just canrsquot Love her dearly and will beseeing her on Sunday She has began looking atmaterial on meditation by just listening to herbreathing Cannot change what others do orbelieve with teachings but only by my walkingand being Itrsquos all about consciousness and I knowyou know that Hugs

LizaNov 20 2014 at 939 pm

wow Kitty that is strange that she just couldnrsquotsee the chemtrailshellip

JerseyCynicNov 19 2014 at 646 pm

Is this a gullibility testYES YES YES (I am doing it using a humorous tone cause that helps me)httpwwwyoutubecomwatchv=O6VUMGO3hCs

Irsquom pretty gullible (getting better) This doesnrsquot sit well with meldquoBeing aware of the priceless value of free will we are inviting you to analternativerdquo

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No thanks

ldquoYour individual decision of asking in your inner self that we show up onyour material plane and in broad daylight is precious and essential to usrdquo

I do go out on the deck every night though (2am ndash 4am) and ask the starbeings to visit me No luck yet (as best as I can remember)

Gee mdash I wonder why SNOPES hasnrsquot taken this one onhelliphellipDOH

OK OK ndash here we go mdash I found the source mdash Itrsquos a cute blonde that must workin Googlersquos marketing departmenthelliphellip those evil bastardsldquoDO YOU WISH THAT WE SHOW UP rdquo from 2006httpwwwyoutubecomwatchv=-K8ADMzz46c

well that didnrsquot take long ndash sorry to burst any bubbles

OphiuchusNov 19 2014 at 920 pm

As soon as I hear the ldquohumanrdquo false paradigm ldquoevolutionrdquo it sends upan immediate red flag to me It is the false assumption that we startdumb and become something better rather than the parasiticdummening of an already highly advanced sentient form of lifeEvolution to me reeks of the linear false time paradigm



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KittyNov 20 2014 at 414 pm

Rik Clay Read a lot of his work Fascinating His lsquosuicidersquo wasnrsquot it vigourously contested by his family and friends These people either commit lsquosuicide lsquo or die of a heart attack

Such a young vibrant man His work isnrsquot so prominent any more Ithink I may have to revisit him I think the road rage person may havebeen drinking Funny thing was my daughter was with me and shesaid before he went he turned his lights off Funny folks where I live Neighbour lol She is elderly I think a visit to the opticians is inorder I did point them out to some farmer friends a long time ago theydidnrsquot see either not what I was seeing certainly Maybe a differentperception

indigovioletNov 20 2014 at 445 pm

I read that his family have said that he did commit suicide but Idonrsquot knowhellip It was the day after his Red Ice Radio interviewand it was noted that he was in very good spirits at the time


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and looking forward enthusiastically to further researching Hewas buried on September 11th A lot of things didnrsquot add up atthe time (or did) But who knows

KittyNov 20 2014 at 453 pm

Must have got that wrong Irsquov been thinking of DavidKelly recently I saw a pic of Tony Blair and Kelly came tomind i was going to mention him to youThese things are very strange Indie his family may have been pressured or maybe suicidewas preferable to the thought of murder Rik Clay was so young and so bright and brave It takes guts to stand up and be counted Who knows true We probably never will

KittyNov 20 2014 at 559 pm

No I donrsquot either Peg I like to be fore warned as in fore armed The Vatican has made some rather startling statements as far as the



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alien agenda is concerned Love our alien brothers and sisters would we baptise them and callthem Christians The usual This has been going on for some time now and Clintonslittle bit of input was interesting too The Disclosure Project it justall adds up to an agenda leading to our furtherenslavement My answer to the question here should just have been a blunt NO Like you I feel it is all within usThe answers we need to everythingare all there Walking the walk is my preferred way too Your friend is blessed tohave you to guide her but itrsquos your love Peg that will really make animpact on her Your well is deep and so many draw upon it I readDavidrsquos post but havenrsquot said anything yet so I know you know what Imean Yoursquore full of love Peg and that is all that matters Hugs backand love XXX

LizaNov 20 2014 at 940 pm



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KittyNov 20 2014 at 1156 pm

Liza I thought I was going a bit crazy This was seriously bizarre Irsquov been thinking about this and maybe itrsquos to do withfrequency There are a lot if other strange phenomenon associated withchemtrailingI saw an orb flying alongside a plane that was obviouslylsquotrailing If my son hadnrsquot been with me at the time and saw it too Iwouldnrsquot have believed what I was seeing Irsquod love to know how many people actually canrsquot see thesethings It still makes me smile when I thinkabout it Neighbour now thinks Irsquom arsquo funny little thingrsquo

LizaNov 20 2014 at 941 pm



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JerseyCynicNov 19 2014 at 650 pm

Letrsquos ask the cathelliphttpwwwyoutubecomwatchv=jD4JhoOFzPg

will iamNov 19 2014 at 830 pm

Ha Remember this one httpswwwyoutubecomwatchv=5Us1ASENPwsampfeature=player_detailpage

JerseyCynicNov 19 2014 at 859 pm

Omg will do I remember this one Yes yes yes and Irsquove got abig toe permanently disfigured from a ldquoboogaloordquo contest toprove it Thanks for the painful memory Good times Thatnight I learned a valuable lesson hellipnever boogaloo barefoot ona crowded dance floor Good times




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pegNov 19 2014 at 832 pm

JC thank you so much for a huge dip belly laughnonononoonononononluvluvluvluv

HeatherNov 19 2014 at 801 pm

Buthellip they get mehellip they get ithellip they understandhellip whoa is me

No way in hell do I need assistance from some outside source that has alreadymet with our lsquoleadersrsquo and understands everything so well but lurks askingmy permission to come aboard I do appreciate the special touches of layingso much of our lsquofamilyrsquo BS out there for us to recap but I am not invitinganother lsquovampirersquo into the lsquohousersquo

JC ndash ha I love ya lady The cat was a special touch for sure ha ha




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Nov 20 2014 at 1130 am

ha I had not realized how sarcastic I was on this commenthellip I was stillfeeling the ldquogossip ladiesrdquo from my daughterrsquos martial arts earlier and Iwas quite sarcastic in lsquodealingrsquo with them Overflowhellip hee

No we are the oneshellip plain and simple

JerseyCynicNov 20 2014 at 133 pm

got that right HeatherldquoBanish the word lsquostrugglersquo from your attitude and yourvocabulary All that we do now must be done in a sacredmanner and in celebration We are the ones we have beenwaiting forrdquo mdash Hopi elders

KittyNov 20 2014 at 157 pm

Perfect JC and Heather lsquoWe are the ones we are waitingfor lsquoThat just about says it all really



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Much love to you both X X X

HeatherNov 20 2014 at 306 pm

Indeed Much love to you both and really big hugs

KittyNov 20 2014 at 323 pm

Huge hugs back X

will iamNov 19 2014 at 815 pm

ldquoThis my friends could be the most important message mankind has everreceivedhelliprdquo


ldquoBe proud of what you arerdquo (the army)



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ldquoBe proud of what you arerdquo (the army)

ldquoThe most important thing for us is that humankind would form a singlefamily before this ldquounknownrdquo we would representrdquo (politics as usual)

ldquoPeace does not mean simply not making war it consists in becoming whatyou collectively are in reality a fraternityrdquo helliphelliphellip Zeta Delta Con

OphiuchusNov 19 2014 at 911 pm

My heart intuition says that this is false and my subconscious shows me theWalter Von Braun message

NofolaloNov 20 2014 at 1056 am

Good thing about the Walter Von Braun message itrsquos their lsquolast card

majikNov 19 2014 at 1016 pm




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I agree This feels wrong

majikNov 19 2014 at 1022 pm

I do believe this is real Irsquove been following them since 06 Well my idea offollowing which is really doing what my mom called the ldquosniffrdquo test to see iftheir rotten I feel this message is real but subtlehttptomkenyoncomescalation-of-chaotic-nodes-and-the-dismantling-of-3-d-reality

John SmithNov 20 2014 at 321 am

there is no easy answer to this certainly humble human spirit would like toextend into presence and understand of life overall throughout wholeuniverse this unfortunately is not it

it appears as direction to admit that you are flawed to sort inner mess of thisworld with an outside force just like there is homophobia among differentgroups of humans it can also be understood as some kind of alien-phobiawithin various ldquoyesrdquo ldquonordquo groups and it should not be it



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so answer lingers most among reasons for yes and no and their validity

I for one am opposing this fancy questions and fancy landings we have needfor outside involvement since ever and it probably ever is done as we wantedit so it can be counted as intrusive with lack of honoring true demand truewish of yes or no

so this petition (seen it and commented it before) appears to be likejournalist duck sensationalist dilemma without true backing or honoringstand so I vouch no and think that entities just like us should come to thisworld ldquousualrdquo way just like we did for their mission of good or evil or elsejust like we all are fancy space ships in contact with tyrannical governmentsdecimating life and nature for power and profits are their real targetspopulation is to be in awe awaiting outside solution to inner turmoil samefor this world as in outside influence for internal misconduct I find Gaiastronger and I find myself with lesser worry so if our conscious plant calls it Id agree but it is left for someone to prove it as I see not Gaia agreeing on ourldquoworkrdquo let alone that of governments and industrial and their spaceconnections so until saw that nurturing me calling it this all dilemmas arelike chewing sawdust hard to find nutrition for human in it

JerseyCynicNov 20 2014 at 548 am

Letrsquos dancehellip (a slow one) to one of my favorite bedtime songs


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oh manhellipIrsquom a gonna start tearing up ndash I miss my babies

Come Take A Trip In My Airship (Remastered) ndash Natalie Merchanthttpwwwyoutubecomwatchv=GDL0GVZXjMI

arielNov 20 2014 at 726 am

Sod it guyshellipthe whole point is that WE CAN HANDLE IThelliphellipWe first have tolearn that our conditioned negativity is projected externally as lsquorealityrsquo(definitely lower case) My lsquoproblemrsquo is how do we get enough of youus intoNOW the inner awareness of the lsquomovement and the restrsquo as Kitty likes torefer to it which is the operating end of the universal life force whichexpands our perception limitlessly subject to the filters which prevent usdestroying the lsquobodiesrsquo with INTENSITY Irsquove met them some of themhelliphellipWearenrsquot SUDDENLY in an awful situationhelliphellipitrsquos fucking hystericallyhistoricalhellipbloody tourists most of the ones Irsquove methellipPot calling the kettleblack really because Irsquove done a bithelliphellipYou donrsquot invite the vampire inhelliphelliphellip

will iamNov 20 2014 at 1257 pm



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I hadnrsquot realized that now was something I needed to get into I wasunder the impression that now is wellhellipnow

I didnrsquot know that it was a separate something or other that dependedon quantity for its existence

I apologize in advance for contributing to your lsquoproblemrsquo so maybeyou can tell me (us) what wes need to be looking for so that on theoft chance it were to come by again wes can have some of it

VigilantibusNov 20 2014 at 751 am

This is another deception from MATRIXBeautiful words Things from New (C)ageIt is a TRAPHumanity falls like ducksWake Up

PamNov 20 2014 at 859 am

HeyhelliphelliphellipI want to see this onehellipBring it onhelliphelliprdquoYESrdquo



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ThomasNov 20 2014 at 906 am

The inorganic races are crafty Although they canrsquot lie to us they canmanipulate Once free will is exercised to join their ranks there is no turningback Can we at least wait until Black Friday and Cyber Monday are over

NofolaloNov 20 2014 at 1111 am

Here ya go Jerseyhelliphttpwwwyoutubecomwatchv=REHV8LERhPwhttpwwwyoutubecomwatchv=5PvGn75ibI4

JerseyCynicNov 20 2014 at 207 pm

Love it Nofolalo I used to know every word to the Flying PurplePeople Eater What a great goofy beat mdash just try to sit still listening




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People Eater What a great goofy beat mdash just try to sit still listeningto it mdash you canrsquot

I wish doo wop never died I grew up just after that

Also missed out on The Bristol Stomphttpwwwyoutubecomwatchv=XCOB5-E4P6Y (I canrsquot believe thesepeople are sitting in their seats)

oh herersquos a good one ndash The Bristol Stomp Dance Around the Worldhttpwwwyoutubecomwatchv=fIbkKxUD0Mst=106

alexNov 20 2014 at 208 pm


PatrickNov 20 2014 at 1113 am

The outside help is from withinhellipinside Free will is wonderful and it hascertainly no choiceshellipUse your intent so your help can help us all Weexchange our intent with the source everyday so we will certainly exchangehelp with benevolence every once in a while Use this positively whether its



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BS or not Love life guys

PeterNov 20 2014 at 535 pm

Following was posted Yeterday an was coming to my attention Some of you sure remember SIRIUS

Dr Steven Greer Dozens of Benevolent ET Species Are Here Eager to MakeContacthttpwwwriseearthcom201411dr-steven-greer-dozens-of-benevolent-ethtml

Itrsquos not the only Article that shows up but that was posted ( I think because ofthe Article we can read here posted) The NEW AGERS always again jump on that wagon and believe in suchchannelings

manNov 20 2014 at 550 pm

yeah itacutes been there for years now on the wwwyears ago i would have said YES STOP BY FOR TEA AND COOKIES



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but now i go HELL NO YOU BLOODY PARASITES suck yourself and bite thestellar dustread this kind of honeysweet friendly alien bullshit often enough- nothingbut mindcontrollitacutes for the kids crying for mama to save them for the ones that like to HOPEand leave EVOLUTION to someone elsethere is no outside saviouryou guys are right itacutes the vampires trying to get our permissioni always wondered why they would need ithellip do they really care for karmathen what about the cheatwhatever- i suppose zen just put it here as a test and a provovation to stir adiscussionheacutes not one of the i-hope-someoneacutes-gonna-save-meacutes more a get-your-sweet-ass-going-guywhat a clever bastard you are zen

JerseyCynicNov 21 2014 at 308 pm

spot on man Google is behind it I do believe

from 2007httpswwwyoutubecomwatchv=-K8ADMzz46c a CGI of a womanreading half of this message and at the end ldquoyou must read the rest ofthe message at google or yahoo search google with the quote marks


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and now that google and nasa have partnered up It wouldnrsquot surpriseme if some day soon we started to see holographic airships here andthere with Ray Kurzweil as their Director of Engineering mdash anythinggoeshttptechcrunchcom20141110google-moffett-airfield-nasa

do know evil my ass

LizaNov 20 2014 at 1011 pm

But donrsquot give it all the credit Intriguing concepts Deception

Free will Yes it is within Never to be coughed up handed over Thecomments on the source site show a lot of naivtersquo Humans by nature look toconnecting as strengthening (Help) The more to have wins It is Not soLooking to another is not the way to go

This site inhabits lots of free thinkers

The only thing I would give my freewill over to is Peace amp Justice It doesexist In the heartmind Too bad the heart is so badly broken

Perhaps the only way to save a planet is with the allone mindset of all itsinhabitants simutaneously If that could be achieved Everybodyrsquos mind set


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on the collective The whole It could happen it is happening Maybe we justhave to let go of this dimension Canrsquot sustain it Donrsquot knowWell itrsquos all Bullshit anyway

hashishiNov 21 2014 at 751 am

ldquoFree will Yes it is within Never to be coughed up handed over rdquo

The most simple profound and beautiful truth It always does me goodto see a wonderful unencumbered spirit reflecting the same greattruth back at me

Dr Paula-Noel MacfieNov 21 2014 at 133 am

Liza we are all already connected and online through indigenous mind ourAncestors We never ldquoleftrdquohellipour minds have been so colonized that we forgotwho we are and where we come from The connection is still there just awhole lotta dissociation in between to navigate through




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arielNov 21 2014 at 725 am

HEY KITTYhelliprsquoWe are the parents our children have warned us abouthelliprsquo isnrsquot it

arielNov 21 2014 at 726 am

Or is it our greatgrand descendants

KittyNov 21 2014 at 319 pm


hashishiNov 21 2014 at 808 am

Oh hai VALIS Good game good game lsquoAliensrsquo Like it But er no thanks




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Oh hai VALIS Good game good game lsquoAliensrsquo Like it But er no thanks

AlteaNov 21 2014 at 554 pm

We are the ETrsquos we have been waiting for

manNov 21 2014 at 620 pm

what a weird place this world is indeedwhere reality is stranger than fictiongood to have a heart

vibra amor

StarDustNov 27 2014 at 900 pm

Why you need thousands of ships one is not enough Come in peace like




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you say and all the humans will open their arms and hug you






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Each one of you wishes to exercise your free will and experiencehappiness Your free will depends upon the knowledge you have ofyour own power Your happiness depends upon the love that you giveand receiveLike all conscious races at this stage of progress youmay feel isolated on your planet This impression gives you a certainview of your destiny Yet you are at the brink of big upheavals that onlya minority is aware ofIt is not our responsibility to modify your futurewithout your choosing it So consider this message as a worldwidereferendum and your answer as a ballot

Neither your scientists nor your religious representatives speakknowledgeably about certain unexplained aerial and celestial eventsthat mankind has witnessed for thousands of years

To know the truth one must face it without the filter of onersquos beliefs ordogmas however respectablethey may be

A growing number of anonymous researchers of yours are exploringnew paths of knowledge and are getting very close to reality Todayyour civilization is flooded with an ocean of information of which only atiny part the less upsetting one is notably distributed

Bear in mind that what in your history seemed ridiculous orimprobable has often become possible then realized mdash in particularin the last fifty years

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Be aware that the future will be even more surprising You willdiscover the worst as well as the best

Many of those who study our appearances point to lights in the nightbut without lighting the way Often they think in terms of objects when itis all about conscious beings

Who are we

Like billions of others in this galaxy we are conscious creatures thatsome call ldquoextraterrestrialsrdquo even though the reality is subtler Thereis no fundamental difference between you and us save for havingexperienced certain stages of evolution

As with any other organized society a hierarchy exists in our internalrelationships Ours however is based upon the wisdom of severalraces It is with the approval of this hierarchy that we turn to you

Like most of you we are in quest of the Supreme ldquoBeingrdquo or ldquoState ofBeingrdquo

Therefore we are not gods or lesser gods but virtually your equals inthe Cosmic Brotherhood Physically we are somewhat different fromyou but most of us are humanoid-shaped

We are not mere observations we are consciousnesses just like youOur existence is a reality but the majority of you do not perceive it yet

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because we remain invisible to your senses and instruments most ofthe time

We wish to fill this void at this moment in your history We made thiscollective decision on our side but this is not enough mdash we needyours as well

Through this message you can become the decision-makers Youpersonally We have no human representative on Earth who couldguide your decision

Why arenrsquot we visible

At certain stages of evolution cosmic ldquohumanitiesrdquo discover certainscientific principles regarding matter Structured dematerializationand materialization are among them

Your humanity has achieved this in a few laboratories in closecollaboration with other extraterrestrial creatures mdash at the cost ofhazardous compromises that remain purposely hidden from you bysome of your representatives

In addition to the aerial or space-based objects or phenomena knownto your scientific community as physical ldquoUFOsrdquo there are essentiallymultidimensional manufactured spaceships that possess theseexpanded capacities

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Many human beings have been in visual auditory tactile or psychiccontact with such ships mdash some of which it should be noted withcaution are under the influence of hidden powers that govern youwhich we often term ldquothe third partyrdquo

The relative scarcity of your observations is due to the dematerializedstate of these ships Being unable to perceive them yourselves youcannot acknowledge their existence We fully understand this

When most observations do occur they are arranged on an individualbasis so as to touch the individual soul and not to influence or intrudeon any organized social system

This is deliberate on the part of the various races that surround youbut for a variety of reasons and results For negative multidimensionalbeings that play a part in the exercise of power in the shadow ofhuman oligarchy discretion is motivated by their desire to keep theirexistence unknown

For us discretion has been motivated by the respect of the humanfree will that people can exercise to manage their own affairs so thatthey can reach technical and spiritual maturity on their own

However humankindrsquos entrance into the family of galactic civilizationsis greatly expected

We can appear in broad daylight to help you attain this union but we

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have not done it so far as too few of you have genuinely desired itbecause of ignorance indifference or fear and because the urgencyof the situation did not justify it

Who are you

You are the offspring of many traditions that throughout time havebeen mutually enriched by each othersrsquo contributions

Your goal is to unite while respecting these diverse roots toaccomplish a common purpose a united project The appearancesof your cultures help keep you separated because you give them fargreater importance than you give your deeper beings

Shape or form has been deemed more important than the essenceof your subtle nature For the powers in control this emphasis ondifferences of form constitutes a bulwark against any form of positivechange

Now you are being called on to overcome the identification with formwhile still respecting it for its richness and beauty Understanding theconsciousness behind form allows us to love all humans in theirdiversity

Peace does not mean simply not making war it consists in becomingwhat you collectively are in reality a fraternity

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The solutions available to achieve this are decreasing but one thatcould still catalyze it would be open contact with another race thatwould reflect the image of what you are in a deeper reality

Except for rare occasions our past interventions intentionally hadvery little influence on your capacity to make collective and individualdecisions about your own future

This was motivated by our knowledge of your deep psychologicalmechanisms We reached the conclusion that freedom is built everyday as a being becomes aware of himself and of his environmentgetting progressively rid of constraints and inertias whatever theymay be

However despite the actions of numerous brave and willing humansouls those inertias have been successfully maintained for thebenefit of a growing centralized power

What is your situation

Until recently mankind lived in satisfactory control of its decisionsBut it is losing more and more the control of its own fate partlybecause of the growing use of advanced technologies that affect yourbody as well as your mind and will eventually have irreversibly lethalconsequences for earthly and human ecosystems

Independently of your own will your resilience will artificially decrease

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and you will slowly but surely lose your extraordinary capacity to makelife desirable Such plans are on their way

Should a collective reaction of great magnitude not happen thisindividual power is doomed to vanish The period to come shall beone of rupture

This break however can be a positive break with the past as long asyou keep this creative power alive in you even if it cohabits for thetime being with the dark intentions of your potential lords

What now Should you wait for the last moment to find solutionsShould you anticipate or undergo pain

Your history has never ceased to be marked by encounters betweenpeoples whose discovery of one another occurred in circumstancesof conflict and conquest

Earth has now become a village where everyone knows everyoneelse but still conflicts persist and threats of all kinds get worse inintensity and duration

Individuals who have many potential capacities cannot exercise themwith dignity This is the case for the greatest majority of you forreasons that are essentially geopolitical

There are several billion of you but the education of your children and

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your living conditions as well as the conditions of numerous animalsand much plant life are under the thumb of a small number of yourpolitical financial military and religious representatives

Your thoughts and beliefs are modeled after partisan interests whileat the same time giving you the feeling that you are in total control ofyour destiny mdash which in essence is the reality but there is a long waybetween a wish and a fact when the true rules of the game at handare kept hidden

This time you are not the conqueror Spreading biased information isan effective strategy for manipulating human beings Inducingthoughts and emotions or even creating organisms that do notbelong to you is an even older strategy

A great roller wave is on the horizon It entails very positive but alsovery negative potentials At this time wonderful opportunities ofprogress stand side by side with threats of destruction

However you can only perceive what is being shown to you Thediminishing of many natural resources is inevitable and no long-termcollective remediation project has been launched Ecosystemexhaustion mechanisms have exceeded irreversible limits

The scarcity of resources whose entry price will rise day after day mdashand their unfair distribution mdash will bring about fratricidal fights on alarge scale from the hearts of your cities to your countrysides

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This is the reason why more than ever in your history your decisionsof today will directly and significantly impact your survival tomorrow

Hatred growshellip but so does love That is what keeps you confident inyour ability to find solutions

However human behaviors formed from past habits and trainingshave great inertia that leads to a dead end The critical mass has notbeen reached while the work of sabotage is being carried outcleverly and efficiently

You entrust your problems to representatives whose awareness ofcommon well being inexorably fades away before corporatistinterests

These putative servants of the people are far more often debating theform than the content Just at the moment of action delaysaccumulate to the point when you have to submit rather than choose

This inertia is in many ways typical of any civilization What eventcould radically modify it Where could a collective and unifyingawareness come from that will stop this blind rushing ahead

Tribes populations and human nations have always encountered andinteracted with one another Faced with the threats weighing upon thehuman family it is perhaps time that a greater interaction occurred

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There are two ways to establish a cosmic contact with anothercivilization via its standing representatives or directly with ordinaryindividuals

The first way entails fights of interests the second way bringsawareness The first way was chosen by a group of races motivatedby keeping mankind in slavery thereby controlling Earthrsquos resourcesits gene pool and the mass of human emotional energy

The second way was chosen by a group of races allied with thecause of the Spirit of Service Some years ago we did introduceourselves to representatives of the human power structure but theyrefused our outstretched hand on the basis of interests that wereincompatible with their strategic vision

That is why today individuals are to make this choice by themselveswithout any representatives interfering What we proposed in the pastto those whom we believed were in a capacity to contribute to yourhappiness we propose now mdash to you

Few of you are aware that non-human creatures have been involvedin the centralizing of power in your world and in the subtle taking ofcontrol These creatures do not necessarily stand on your materialplane which is precisely what could make them extremely efficientand frightening in the near future

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However also be aware that quite a few of your representatives arein fact fighting this danger that not all alien abductions are conductedto your detriment and that resistance also exists amongst thosedominance-oriented races

Peace and reunification of your peoples would be a first step towardharmony with civilizations other than yours That is precisely whatthose who manipulate you behind the scenes want to avoid at all costbecause by dividing they reign

They also reign over those who more visibly govern you Theirstrength comes from their capacity to instill mistrust and fear Thisconsiderably harms your very cosmic nature

This message would be of no interest if these manipulatorsrsquo influencewere not reaching its peak and if their misleading and murderousplans did not materialize within a few years from now

Their deadlines are close and mankind will undergo unprecedenteddifficulties for the next ten cycles [years] To defend yourselvesagainst this aggression that bears no face you need at least to haveenough information that points to the solution

Here again appearance and body type will not be enough to tell thedominator from the ally

At your current state of psychic development it is extremely difficult for

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you to distinguish between them In addition to your intuition trainingwill be necessary when the time has come Being aware of thepriceless value of free will we are inviting you to an alternative

What can we offer

We can offer you a more holistic vision of the universe and of lifeconstructive interactions the experience of fair and fraternalrelationships liberating technical knowledge eradication of sufferingcontrolled exercise of individual powers access to new forms ofenergy and finally a better comprehension of consciousness

We cannot help you overcome your individual and collective fears orbring you laws that you would not have chosen You must also work onyour own selves apply individual and collective efforts to build theworld you desire and manifest the spirit to quest for new skies

What would we receive

Should you decide that such a contact take place we would rejoiceover the safeguarding of fraternal equilibrium in this region of theuniverse fruitful diplomatic exchanges and the intense Joy ofknowing that you are united to accomplish what you are capable of

The feeling of Joy is strongly sought in the universe for its energy isdivine What is the question we ask you

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How can you answer this question The truth of soul can be readtelepathically so you only need to clearly ask yourself this questionand give your answer as clearly on your own or in a group as youwish

Being in the heart of a city or in the middle of a desert does notimpact the efficiency of your answer YES or NO

Just do it as if you were speaking to yourself but thinking about themessage This is a universal question and these mere few wordsput in their context have a powerful meaning

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This is why you should calmly think about it in all conscience In orderto perfectly associate your answer with the question it isrecommended that you answer after another careful reading of thismessage

Do not rush to answer Breathe and let all the power of your own freewill penetrate you Be proud of what you are Then do not lethesitation get in the way

The everyday problems that you may have can weaken you To beyourselves forget about them for a few minutes Feel the force thatsprings up in you You are in control of yourselves

A single thought a single answer can drastically change your nearfuture in one way as in another Your individual decision of asking inyour inner self that we show up on your material plane and in broaddaylight is precious and essential to us

Even though you can choose the way that best suits you rituals per seare essentially useless A sincere request made with your heart andyour own will will always be perceived by those of us to whom it issent In your own private polling booth of your secret will you willdetermine the future

What is the lever effect

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This decision should be made by the greatest possible numberamong you even though it might seem like a minority

It is recommended to spread this message in all envisageablefashions in as many languages as possible to those around youwhether or not they seem receptive to this new vision of the future Doit using a humorous tone or derision if that can help you

You can even openly and publicly make fun of it if it makes you feelmore comfortable but do not be indifferent for at least you will haveexercised your free will Forget about the false prophets and thebeliefs that have been transmitted to you about us

This request is one of the most intimate that can be asked to youMaking a decision by yourself as an individual is your right as wellas your responsibility Passivity only leads to the absence of freedom

Similarly indecision is never efficient If you really want to cling to yourbeliefs which is something that we understand then forcefully sayNO

If you do not know what to choose do not say YES because of merecuriosity This is not a show this is real daily life We exist We arealive

Your history has had plenty of episodes when determined men andwomen were able to influence the thread of events despite their small

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Just as a small number is enough to take temporal power on Earthand influence the future of the majority a small number of you canradically change your fate as an answer to the impotence in face ofso much inertia and so many hurdles You can ease mankindrsquos birthto Brotherhood

One of your thinkers once said

Spreading this message will then be the strengthening of the hand-hold We will be the light-years long lever and you will be thecraftsmen to ldquoraise the Earthrdquo as a consequence of our appearance

What would be the consequences of a positive decision

For us the immediate consequence of a collective favorable decisionwould be the materialization of many ships in your sky and on Earth

For you the direct effect would be the rapid abandoning of manycertitudes and beliefs A simple conclusive visual contact would have

ldquoGive me a hand-hold and Irsquoll raise the Earthrdquo

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huge repercussions for your future

Much knowledge would be modified forever The organization of yoursocieties would be deeply upheaved forever in all fields of activity

Power would become individual because you would see for yourselfthat we exist as living beings not accepting or rejecting that fact onthe word of any external authority Concretely you would change thescale of your values

The most important thing for us is that humankind would form a singlefamily before this ldquounknownrdquo we would represent

Danger would slowly melt away from your homes because you wouldindirectly force the undesirable ones those we name the ldquothird partyrdquoto show up and vanish You would all bear the same name and sharethe same roots Mankind

Later on peaceful and respectful exchanges would be thus possible ifsuch is your wish For now he who is hungry cannot smile he who isfearful cannot welcome us

We are sad to see men women and children suffering to such adegree in their flesh and in their hearts when they bear such an innerlight This light can be your future


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arcadia11Nov 19 2014 at 509 pm

no not by any stretch of reason or imagination the dangerous deceptivenew age is over no matter how compelling the disguise

donrsquot take the bait donrsquot turn all life over to something outside of yourselvesthis is the way government works problem-reaction-solution when it getsbad enough and for all the world seems as if there is no other way manyotherwise intelligent people will yell lsquoyes help usrsquo

and itrsquos game over


surprised to find this article here

Crystal MoonNov 19 2014 at 539 pm

ldquoYou entrust your problems to representatives whose awareness of commonwell being inexorably fades away before corporatist interests rdquo

That certainly says it


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Dr Paula-Noel MacfieNov 19 2014 at 550 pm

This seems like a human being dissociated from genetic memory of Ancestors

alexNov 19 2014 at 554 pm

Hmmmmmhellipsoftening us up for Project Blue Beamhellipreads as if it wasformatteddictated thru an AI lsquochannelerrsquohellipseeking our permissionhellipsoundslike satanic protocol to me (lol)helliporhellipirsquom getting waaaaaaay tooooo cynicalin my old age hahahahellipcheers

KittyNov 19 2014 at 601 pm

No Alex had exactly the same thoughts too Project Blue Beam back again helliphellip Lol





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alexNov 19 2014 at 605 pm


KittyNov 19 2014 at 609 pm

branewaiverNov 19 2014 at 750 pm

I agree Alex and Kitty this is too pat not to mention a littlepatronizing Doesnrsquot pass the sniff test Letrsquos get those awarefuckers with their own desires Game over





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indigovioletNov 20 2014 at 212 pm

Project Bluebeamhellip I had the same thought The words interest thebrain (slightly) but donrsquot reach the heart

KittyNov 20 2014 at 226 pm

I think thatrsquos a good way to describe it Indie Blue Beam seemsto have gone a bit quiet recently and I just thought UhhhOhhhhBlue Beam has returned Irsquom wondering if wersquoll get more of this I think it cyclesChristmas is always a good time for revelations not sure if weare quite there yet

indigovioletNov 20 2014 at 244 pm

Yes and the lsquoaliensrsquo could always say they achieved aconsensus and we would be none the wiser just like



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with the vote (rigging) system

KittyNov 20 2014 at 319 pm

Indie I have to ask you this I was recently roadraged by someone driving so close to me Icouldnrsquot see his head lights It lasted for miles I reacted in absolutely the wrong way dideverything wrong Scared myself silly I really surprised myself I feltso stupid It made me think If something did happen out of the blue like sayBlue Beam how drsquoyou think you would react Would we as people who may consider ourselvesfairly aware be able to see what was happening I gave a neighbour a lift today Sunny warmish but the sky was covered withseriously hugersquo trailsI pointed and said something on the lines of wowlook at those She didnrsquot see them Indie not one as in reallycouldnrsquot see them


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It was so surreal I stopped the car and pointedbut still didnrsquot even register So is this lsquo spiritual lsquo physical mental Very strange experience

indigovioletNov 20 2014 at 356 pm

Strange Kittyhellip

A few years ago I started read the work Rik Clayregarding a planned fake alien invasion and thelater statement from Wernher von Braun on hisdeathbed reinforced what I thought After readingRikrsquos work (and you will probably know that hewas more-than-likely suicided at 26 just as hewas getting into all this) I decided there and thenthat any talk of an alien invasion going forwardwould be dismissed as fake by me howevercompelling When you have felt the truth in alucid moment you just have to stand yourground

We donrsquot know how we will react to a situationuntil we are in it as you saw when the bizarreand frightening road-rage incident took place ndash

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not that you had any room for manoeuvre if hewas right on your tail like that Very ScaryAlmost black ops- like

I donrsquot understand why your neighbour didnrsquot seethe chemtrails Maybe you should have driven herto the opticians Doesnrsquot make sense does itEverybody who I have pointed them out to hasseen them

pegNov 20 2014 at 450 pm

Kitty got this link from a girlfriend yesterday afternoonBless her heart She is a lovely spirit mdashndash Yep your rightitrsquos going around This was sent out on the internet onthe 18th and she thought it needed to be sent to me asldquoGood NewsrdquoHere is what was senthttppaowebcomsn111814htmIt comes from Sheldon Nidle



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Nov 20 2014 at 507 pm

Wow Peg Thanks for this It is cyclical Isometimes get this kind of thing but itrsquos been solong I canrsquot remember the last time Irsquoll have a good look at this one I actually like tosee this kind if thingSo the question is whatrsquos cooking if anything Well have to watch and wait

pegNov 20 2014 at 536 pm

Kitty I do not think any of this from anythinggood actually Everything inside speaks ndash ndash errorndash ndash error I stand with the help is us mdash- in us mdash-we just should find out who we really are In myheart knowing mdash- itrsquos infinityEven the pope is getting people ready for this mdash-what does that say Clinton not long ago onsome program etc etc Nope this being isstaying away from this None of them have mypermission to fix anything Our consciousness ampresonance will take care of things needed We areoneBy the way I didnrsquot finish reading the material

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she sent I just canrsquot Love her dearly and will beseeing her on Sunday She has began looking atmaterial on meditation by just listening to herbreathing Cannot change what others do orbelieve with teachings but only by my walkingand being Itrsquos all about consciousness and I knowyou know that Hugs

LizaNov 20 2014 at 939 pm

wow Kitty that is strange that she just couldnrsquotsee the chemtrailshellip

JerseyCynicNov 19 2014 at 646 pm

Is this a gullibility testYES YES YES (I am doing it using a humorous tone cause that helps me)httpwwwyoutubecomwatchv=O6VUMGO3hCs

Irsquom pretty gullible (getting better) This doesnrsquot sit well with meldquoBeing aware of the priceless value of free will we are inviting you to analternativerdquo

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No thanks

ldquoYour individual decision of asking in your inner self that we show up onyour material plane and in broad daylight is precious and essential to usrdquo

I do go out on the deck every night though (2am ndash 4am) and ask the starbeings to visit me No luck yet (as best as I can remember)

Gee mdash I wonder why SNOPES hasnrsquot taken this one onhelliphellipDOH

OK OK ndash here we go mdash I found the source mdash Itrsquos a cute blonde that must workin Googlersquos marketing departmenthelliphellip those evil bastardsldquoDO YOU WISH THAT WE SHOW UP rdquo from 2006httpwwwyoutubecomwatchv=-K8ADMzz46c

well that didnrsquot take long ndash sorry to burst any bubbles

OphiuchusNov 19 2014 at 920 pm

As soon as I hear the ldquohumanrdquo false paradigm ldquoevolutionrdquo it sends upan immediate red flag to me It is the false assumption that we startdumb and become something better rather than the parasiticdummening of an already highly advanced sentient form of lifeEvolution to me reeks of the linear false time paradigm



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KittyNov 20 2014 at 414 pm

Rik Clay Read a lot of his work Fascinating His lsquosuicidersquo wasnrsquot it vigourously contested by his family and friends These people either commit lsquosuicide lsquo or die of a heart attack

Such a young vibrant man His work isnrsquot so prominent any more Ithink I may have to revisit him I think the road rage person may havebeen drinking Funny thing was my daughter was with me and shesaid before he went he turned his lights off Funny folks where I live Neighbour lol She is elderly I think a visit to the opticians is inorder I did point them out to some farmer friends a long time ago theydidnrsquot see either not what I was seeing certainly Maybe a differentperception

indigovioletNov 20 2014 at 445 pm

I read that his family have said that he did commit suicide but Idonrsquot knowhellip It was the day after his Red Ice Radio interviewand it was noted that he was in very good spirits at the time


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and looking forward enthusiastically to further researching Hewas buried on September 11th A lot of things didnrsquot add up atthe time (or did) But who knows

KittyNov 20 2014 at 453 pm

Must have got that wrong Irsquov been thinking of DavidKelly recently I saw a pic of Tony Blair and Kelly came tomind i was going to mention him to youThese things are very strange Indie his family may have been pressured or maybe suicidewas preferable to the thought of murder Rik Clay was so young and so bright and brave It takes guts to stand up and be counted Who knows true We probably never will

KittyNov 20 2014 at 559 pm

No I donrsquot either Peg I like to be fore warned as in fore armed The Vatican has made some rather startling statements as far as the



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alien agenda is concerned Love our alien brothers and sisters would we baptise them and callthem Christians The usual This has been going on for some time now and Clintonslittle bit of input was interesting too The Disclosure Project it justall adds up to an agenda leading to our furtherenslavement My answer to the question here should just have been a blunt NO Like you I feel it is all within usThe answers we need to everythingare all there Walking the walk is my preferred way too Your friend is blessed tohave you to guide her but itrsquos your love Peg that will really make animpact on her Your well is deep and so many draw upon it I readDavidrsquos post but havenrsquot said anything yet so I know you know what Imean Yoursquore full of love Peg and that is all that matters Hugs backand love XXX

LizaNov 20 2014 at 940 pm



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KittyNov 20 2014 at 1156 pm

Liza I thought I was going a bit crazy This was seriously bizarre Irsquov been thinking about this and maybe itrsquos to do withfrequency There are a lot if other strange phenomenon associated withchemtrailingI saw an orb flying alongside a plane that was obviouslylsquotrailing If my son hadnrsquot been with me at the time and saw it too Iwouldnrsquot have believed what I was seeing Irsquod love to know how many people actually canrsquot see thesethings It still makes me smile when I thinkabout it Neighbour now thinks Irsquom arsquo funny little thingrsquo

LizaNov 20 2014 at 941 pm



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JerseyCynicNov 19 2014 at 650 pm

Letrsquos ask the cathelliphttpwwwyoutubecomwatchv=jD4JhoOFzPg

will iamNov 19 2014 at 830 pm

Ha Remember this one httpswwwyoutubecomwatchv=5Us1ASENPwsampfeature=player_detailpage

JerseyCynicNov 19 2014 at 859 pm

Omg will do I remember this one Yes yes yes and Irsquove got abig toe permanently disfigured from a ldquoboogaloordquo contest toprove it Thanks for the painful memory Good times Thatnight I learned a valuable lesson hellipnever boogaloo barefoot ona crowded dance floor Good times




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pegNov 19 2014 at 832 pm

JC thank you so much for a huge dip belly laughnonononoonononononluvluvluvluv

HeatherNov 19 2014 at 801 pm

Buthellip they get mehellip they get ithellip they understandhellip whoa is me

No way in hell do I need assistance from some outside source that has alreadymet with our lsquoleadersrsquo and understands everything so well but lurks askingmy permission to come aboard I do appreciate the special touches of layingso much of our lsquofamilyrsquo BS out there for us to recap but I am not invitinganother lsquovampirersquo into the lsquohousersquo

JC ndash ha I love ya lady The cat was a special touch for sure ha ha




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Nov 20 2014 at 1130 am

ha I had not realized how sarcastic I was on this commenthellip I was stillfeeling the ldquogossip ladiesrdquo from my daughterrsquos martial arts earlier and Iwas quite sarcastic in lsquodealingrsquo with them Overflowhellip hee

No we are the oneshellip plain and simple

JerseyCynicNov 20 2014 at 133 pm

got that right HeatherldquoBanish the word lsquostrugglersquo from your attitude and yourvocabulary All that we do now must be done in a sacredmanner and in celebration We are the ones we have beenwaiting forrdquo mdash Hopi elders

KittyNov 20 2014 at 157 pm

Perfect JC and Heather lsquoWe are the ones we are waitingfor lsquoThat just about says it all really



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Much love to you both X X X

HeatherNov 20 2014 at 306 pm

Indeed Much love to you both and really big hugs

KittyNov 20 2014 at 323 pm

Huge hugs back X

will iamNov 19 2014 at 815 pm

ldquoThis my friends could be the most important message mankind has everreceivedhelliprdquo


ldquoBe proud of what you arerdquo (the army)



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ldquoBe proud of what you arerdquo (the army)

ldquoThe most important thing for us is that humankind would form a singlefamily before this ldquounknownrdquo we would representrdquo (politics as usual)

ldquoPeace does not mean simply not making war it consists in becoming whatyou collectively are in reality a fraternityrdquo helliphelliphellip Zeta Delta Con

OphiuchusNov 19 2014 at 911 pm

My heart intuition says that this is false and my subconscious shows me theWalter Von Braun message

NofolaloNov 20 2014 at 1056 am

Good thing about the Walter Von Braun message itrsquos their lsquolast card

majikNov 19 2014 at 1016 pm




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I agree This feels wrong

majikNov 19 2014 at 1022 pm

I do believe this is real Irsquove been following them since 06 Well my idea offollowing which is really doing what my mom called the ldquosniffrdquo test to see iftheir rotten I feel this message is real but subtlehttptomkenyoncomescalation-of-chaotic-nodes-and-the-dismantling-of-3-d-reality

John SmithNov 20 2014 at 321 am

there is no easy answer to this certainly humble human spirit would like toextend into presence and understand of life overall throughout wholeuniverse this unfortunately is not it

it appears as direction to admit that you are flawed to sort inner mess of thisworld with an outside force just like there is homophobia among differentgroups of humans it can also be understood as some kind of alien-phobiawithin various ldquoyesrdquo ldquonordquo groups and it should not be it



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so answer lingers most among reasons for yes and no and their validity

I for one am opposing this fancy questions and fancy landings we have needfor outside involvement since ever and it probably ever is done as we wantedit so it can be counted as intrusive with lack of honoring true demand truewish of yes or no

so this petition (seen it and commented it before) appears to be likejournalist duck sensationalist dilemma without true backing or honoringstand so I vouch no and think that entities just like us should come to thisworld ldquousualrdquo way just like we did for their mission of good or evil or elsejust like we all are fancy space ships in contact with tyrannical governmentsdecimating life and nature for power and profits are their real targetspopulation is to be in awe awaiting outside solution to inner turmoil samefor this world as in outside influence for internal misconduct I find Gaiastronger and I find myself with lesser worry so if our conscious plant calls it Id agree but it is left for someone to prove it as I see not Gaia agreeing on ourldquoworkrdquo let alone that of governments and industrial and their spaceconnections so until saw that nurturing me calling it this all dilemmas arelike chewing sawdust hard to find nutrition for human in it

JerseyCynicNov 20 2014 at 548 am

Letrsquos dancehellip (a slow one) to one of my favorite bedtime songs


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oh manhellipIrsquom a gonna start tearing up ndash I miss my babies

Come Take A Trip In My Airship (Remastered) ndash Natalie Merchanthttpwwwyoutubecomwatchv=GDL0GVZXjMI

arielNov 20 2014 at 726 am

Sod it guyshellipthe whole point is that WE CAN HANDLE IThelliphellipWe first have tolearn that our conditioned negativity is projected externally as lsquorealityrsquo(definitely lower case) My lsquoproblemrsquo is how do we get enough of youus intoNOW the inner awareness of the lsquomovement and the restrsquo as Kitty likes torefer to it which is the operating end of the universal life force whichexpands our perception limitlessly subject to the filters which prevent usdestroying the lsquobodiesrsquo with INTENSITY Irsquove met them some of themhelliphellipWearenrsquot SUDDENLY in an awful situationhelliphellipitrsquos fucking hystericallyhistoricalhellipbloody tourists most of the ones Irsquove methellipPot calling the kettleblack really because Irsquove done a bithelliphellipYou donrsquot invite the vampire inhelliphelliphellip

will iamNov 20 2014 at 1257 pm



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I hadnrsquot realized that now was something I needed to get into I wasunder the impression that now is wellhellipnow

I didnrsquot know that it was a separate something or other that dependedon quantity for its existence

I apologize in advance for contributing to your lsquoproblemrsquo so maybeyou can tell me (us) what wes need to be looking for so that on theoft chance it were to come by again wes can have some of it

VigilantibusNov 20 2014 at 751 am

This is another deception from MATRIXBeautiful words Things from New (C)ageIt is a TRAPHumanity falls like ducksWake Up

PamNov 20 2014 at 859 am

HeyhelliphelliphellipI want to see this onehellipBring it onhelliphelliprdquoYESrdquo



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ThomasNov 20 2014 at 906 am

The inorganic races are crafty Although they canrsquot lie to us they canmanipulate Once free will is exercised to join their ranks there is no turningback Can we at least wait until Black Friday and Cyber Monday are over

NofolaloNov 20 2014 at 1111 am

Here ya go Jerseyhelliphttpwwwyoutubecomwatchv=REHV8LERhPwhttpwwwyoutubecomwatchv=5PvGn75ibI4

JerseyCynicNov 20 2014 at 207 pm

Love it Nofolalo I used to know every word to the Flying PurplePeople Eater What a great goofy beat mdash just try to sit still listening




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People Eater What a great goofy beat mdash just try to sit still listeningto it mdash you canrsquot

I wish doo wop never died I grew up just after that

Also missed out on The Bristol Stomphttpwwwyoutubecomwatchv=XCOB5-E4P6Y (I canrsquot believe thesepeople are sitting in their seats)

oh herersquos a good one ndash The Bristol Stomp Dance Around the Worldhttpwwwyoutubecomwatchv=fIbkKxUD0Mst=106

alexNov 20 2014 at 208 pm


PatrickNov 20 2014 at 1113 am

The outside help is from withinhellipinside Free will is wonderful and it hascertainly no choiceshellipUse your intent so your help can help us all Weexchange our intent with the source everyday so we will certainly exchangehelp with benevolence every once in a while Use this positively whether its



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BS or not Love life guys

PeterNov 20 2014 at 535 pm

Following was posted Yeterday an was coming to my attention Some of you sure remember SIRIUS

Dr Steven Greer Dozens of Benevolent ET Species Are Here Eager to MakeContacthttpwwwriseearthcom201411dr-steven-greer-dozens-of-benevolent-ethtml

Itrsquos not the only Article that shows up but that was posted ( I think because ofthe Article we can read here posted) The NEW AGERS always again jump on that wagon and believe in suchchannelings

manNov 20 2014 at 550 pm

yeah itacutes been there for years now on the wwwyears ago i would have said YES STOP BY FOR TEA AND COOKIES



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but now i go HELL NO YOU BLOODY PARASITES suck yourself and bite thestellar dustread this kind of honeysweet friendly alien bullshit often enough- nothingbut mindcontrollitacutes for the kids crying for mama to save them for the ones that like to HOPEand leave EVOLUTION to someone elsethere is no outside saviouryou guys are right itacutes the vampires trying to get our permissioni always wondered why they would need ithellip do they really care for karmathen what about the cheatwhatever- i suppose zen just put it here as a test and a provovation to stir adiscussionheacutes not one of the i-hope-someoneacutes-gonna-save-meacutes more a get-your-sweet-ass-going-guywhat a clever bastard you are zen

JerseyCynicNov 21 2014 at 308 pm

spot on man Google is behind it I do believe

from 2007httpswwwyoutubecomwatchv=-K8ADMzz46c a CGI of a womanreading half of this message and at the end ldquoyou must read the rest ofthe message at google or yahoo search google with the quote marks


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and now that google and nasa have partnered up It wouldnrsquot surpriseme if some day soon we started to see holographic airships here andthere with Ray Kurzweil as their Director of Engineering mdash anythinggoeshttptechcrunchcom20141110google-moffett-airfield-nasa

do know evil my ass

LizaNov 20 2014 at 1011 pm

But donrsquot give it all the credit Intriguing concepts Deception

Free will Yes it is within Never to be coughed up handed over Thecomments on the source site show a lot of naivtersquo Humans by nature look toconnecting as strengthening (Help) The more to have wins It is Not soLooking to another is not the way to go

This site inhabits lots of free thinkers

The only thing I would give my freewill over to is Peace amp Justice It doesexist In the heartmind Too bad the heart is so badly broken

Perhaps the only way to save a planet is with the allone mindset of all itsinhabitants simutaneously If that could be achieved Everybodyrsquos mind set


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on the collective The whole It could happen it is happening Maybe we justhave to let go of this dimension Canrsquot sustain it Donrsquot knowWell itrsquos all Bullshit anyway

hashishiNov 21 2014 at 751 am

ldquoFree will Yes it is within Never to be coughed up handed over rdquo

The most simple profound and beautiful truth It always does me goodto see a wonderful unencumbered spirit reflecting the same greattruth back at me

Dr Paula-Noel MacfieNov 21 2014 at 133 am

Liza we are all already connected and online through indigenous mind ourAncestors We never ldquoleftrdquohellipour minds have been so colonized that we forgotwho we are and where we come from The connection is still there just awhole lotta dissociation in between to navigate through




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arielNov 21 2014 at 725 am

HEY KITTYhelliprsquoWe are the parents our children have warned us abouthelliprsquo isnrsquot it

arielNov 21 2014 at 726 am

Or is it our greatgrand descendants

KittyNov 21 2014 at 319 pm


hashishiNov 21 2014 at 808 am

Oh hai VALIS Good game good game lsquoAliensrsquo Like it But er no thanks




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Oh hai VALIS Good game good game lsquoAliensrsquo Like it But er no thanks

AlteaNov 21 2014 at 554 pm

We are the ETrsquos we have been waiting for

manNov 21 2014 at 620 pm

what a weird place this world is indeedwhere reality is stranger than fictiongood to have a heart

vibra amor

StarDustNov 27 2014 at 900 pm

Why you need thousands of ships one is not enough Come in peace like




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you say and all the humans will open their arms and hug you






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Be aware that the future will be even more surprising You willdiscover the worst as well as the best

Many of those who study our appearances point to lights in the nightbut without lighting the way Often they think in terms of objects when itis all about conscious beings

Who are we

Like billions of others in this galaxy we are conscious creatures thatsome call ldquoextraterrestrialsrdquo even though the reality is subtler Thereis no fundamental difference between you and us save for havingexperienced certain stages of evolution

As with any other organized society a hierarchy exists in our internalrelationships Ours however is based upon the wisdom of severalraces It is with the approval of this hierarchy that we turn to you

Like most of you we are in quest of the Supreme ldquoBeingrdquo or ldquoState ofBeingrdquo

Therefore we are not gods or lesser gods but virtually your equals inthe Cosmic Brotherhood Physically we are somewhat different fromyou but most of us are humanoid-shaped

We are not mere observations we are consciousnesses just like youOur existence is a reality but the majority of you do not perceive it yet

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because we remain invisible to your senses and instruments most ofthe time

We wish to fill this void at this moment in your history We made thiscollective decision on our side but this is not enough mdash we needyours as well

Through this message you can become the decision-makers Youpersonally We have no human representative on Earth who couldguide your decision

Why arenrsquot we visible

At certain stages of evolution cosmic ldquohumanitiesrdquo discover certainscientific principles regarding matter Structured dematerializationand materialization are among them

Your humanity has achieved this in a few laboratories in closecollaboration with other extraterrestrial creatures mdash at the cost ofhazardous compromises that remain purposely hidden from you bysome of your representatives

In addition to the aerial or space-based objects or phenomena knownto your scientific community as physical ldquoUFOsrdquo there are essentiallymultidimensional manufactured spaceships that possess theseexpanded capacities

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Many human beings have been in visual auditory tactile or psychiccontact with such ships mdash some of which it should be noted withcaution are under the influence of hidden powers that govern youwhich we often term ldquothe third partyrdquo

The relative scarcity of your observations is due to the dematerializedstate of these ships Being unable to perceive them yourselves youcannot acknowledge their existence We fully understand this

When most observations do occur they are arranged on an individualbasis so as to touch the individual soul and not to influence or intrudeon any organized social system

This is deliberate on the part of the various races that surround youbut for a variety of reasons and results For negative multidimensionalbeings that play a part in the exercise of power in the shadow ofhuman oligarchy discretion is motivated by their desire to keep theirexistence unknown

For us discretion has been motivated by the respect of the humanfree will that people can exercise to manage their own affairs so thatthey can reach technical and spiritual maturity on their own

However humankindrsquos entrance into the family of galactic civilizationsis greatly expected

We can appear in broad daylight to help you attain this union but we

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have not done it so far as too few of you have genuinely desired itbecause of ignorance indifference or fear and because the urgencyof the situation did not justify it

Who are you

You are the offspring of many traditions that throughout time havebeen mutually enriched by each othersrsquo contributions

Your goal is to unite while respecting these diverse roots toaccomplish a common purpose a united project The appearancesof your cultures help keep you separated because you give them fargreater importance than you give your deeper beings

Shape or form has been deemed more important than the essenceof your subtle nature For the powers in control this emphasis ondifferences of form constitutes a bulwark against any form of positivechange

Now you are being called on to overcome the identification with formwhile still respecting it for its richness and beauty Understanding theconsciousness behind form allows us to love all humans in theirdiversity

Peace does not mean simply not making war it consists in becomingwhat you collectively are in reality a fraternity

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The solutions available to achieve this are decreasing but one thatcould still catalyze it would be open contact with another race thatwould reflect the image of what you are in a deeper reality

Except for rare occasions our past interventions intentionally hadvery little influence on your capacity to make collective and individualdecisions about your own future

This was motivated by our knowledge of your deep psychologicalmechanisms We reached the conclusion that freedom is built everyday as a being becomes aware of himself and of his environmentgetting progressively rid of constraints and inertias whatever theymay be

However despite the actions of numerous brave and willing humansouls those inertias have been successfully maintained for thebenefit of a growing centralized power

What is your situation

Until recently mankind lived in satisfactory control of its decisionsBut it is losing more and more the control of its own fate partlybecause of the growing use of advanced technologies that affect yourbody as well as your mind and will eventually have irreversibly lethalconsequences for earthly and human ecosystems

Independently of your own will your resilience will artificially decrease

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and you will slowly but surely lose your extraordinary capacity to makelife desirable Such plans are on their way

Should a collective reaction of great magnitude not happen thisindividual power is doomed to vanish The period to come shall beone of rupture

This break however can be a positive break with the past as long asyou keep this creative power alive in you even if it cohabits for thetime being with the dark intentions of your potential lords

What now Should you wait for the last moment to find solutionsShould you anticipate or undergo pain

Your history has never ceased to be marked by encounters betweenpeoples whose discovery of one another occurred in circumstancesof conflict and conquest

Earth has now become a village where everyone knows everyoneelse but still conflicts persist and threats of all kinds get worse inintensity and duration

Individuals who have many potential capacities cannot exercise themwith dignity This is the case for the greatest majority of you forreasons that are essentially geopolitical

There are several billion of you but the education of your children and

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your living conditions as well as the conditions of numerous animalsand much plant life are under the thumb of a small number of yourpolitical financial military and religious representatives

Your thoughts and beliefs are modeled after partisan interests whileat the same time giving you the feeling that you are in total control ofyour destiny mdash which in essence is the reality but there is a long waybetween a wish and a fact when the true rules of the game at handare kept hidden

This time you are not the conqueror Spreading biased information isan effective strategy for manipulating human beings Inducingthoughts and emotions or even creating organisms that do notbelong to you is an even older strategy

A great roller wave is on the horizon It entails very positive but alsovery negative potentials At this time wonderful opportunities ofprogress stand side by side with threats of destruction

However you can only perceive what is being shown to you Thediminishing of many natural resources is inevitable and no long-termcollective remediation project has been launched Ecosystemexhaustion mechanisms have exceeded irreversible limits

The scarcity of resources whose entry price will rise day after day mdashand their unfair distribution mdash will bring about fratricidal fights on alarge scale from the hearts of your cities to your countrysides

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This is the reason why more than ever in your history your decisionsof today will directly and significantly impact your survival tomorrow

Hatred growshellip but so does love That is what keeps you confident inyour ability to find solutions

However human behaviors formed from past habits and trainingshave great inertia that leads to a dead end The critical mass has notbeen reached while the work of sabotage is being carried outcleverly and efficiently

You entrust your problems to representatives whose awareness ofcommon well being inexorably fades away before corporatistinterests

These putative servants of the people are far more often debating theform than the content Just at the moment of action delaysaccumulate to the point when you have to submit rather than choose

This inertia is in many ways typical of any civilization What eventcould radically modify it Where could a collective and unifyingawareness come from that will stop this blind rushing ahead

Tribes populations and human nations have always encountered andinteracted with one another Faced with the threats weighing upon thehuman family it is perhaps time that a greater interaction occurred

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There are two ways to establish a cosmic contact with anothercivilization via its standing representatives or directly with ordinaryindividuals

The first way entails fights of interests the second way bringsawareness The first way was chosen by a group of races motivatedby keeping mankind in slavery thereby controlling Earthrsquos resourcesits gene pool and the mass of human emotional energy

The second way was chosen by a group of races allied with thecause of the Spirit of Service Some years ago we did introduceourselves to representatives of the human power structure but theyrefused our outstretched hand on the basis of interests that wereincompatible with their strategic vision

That is why today individuals are to make this choice by themselveswithout any representatives interfering What we proposed in the pastto those whom we believed were in a capacity to contribute to yourhappiness we propose now mdash to you

Few of you are aware that non-human creatures have been involvedin the centralizing of power in your world and in the subtle taking ofcontrol These creatures do not necessarily stand on your materialplane which is precisely what could make them extremely efficientand frightening in the near future

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However also be aware that quite a few of your representatives arein fact fighting this danger that not all alien abductions are conductedto your detriment and that resistance also exists amongst thosedominance-oriented races

Peace and reunification of your peoples would be a first step towardharmony with civilizations other than yours That is precisely whatthose who manipulate you behind the scenes want to avoid at all costbecause by dividing they reign

They also reign over those who more visibly govern you Theirstrength comes from their capacity to instill mistrust and fear Thisconsiderably harms your very cosmic nature

This message would be of no interest if these manipulatorsrsquo influencewere not reaching its peak and if their misleading and murderousplans did not materialize within a few years from now

Their deadlines are close and mankind will undergo unprecedenteddifficulties for the next ten cycles [years] To defend yourselvesagainst this aggression that bears no face you need at least to haveenough information that points to the solution

Here again appearance and body type will not be enough to tell thedominator from the ally

At your current state of psychic development it is extremely difficult for

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you to distinguish between them In addition to your intuition trainingwill be necessary when the time has come Being aware of thepriceless value of free will we are inviting you to an alternative

What can we offer

We can offer you a more holistic vision of the universe and of lifeconstructive interactions the experience of fair and fraternalrelationships liberating technical knowledge eradication of sufferingcontrolled exercise of individual powers access to new forms ofenergy and finally a better comprehension of consciousness

We cannot help you overcome your individual and collective fears orbring you laws that you would not have chosen You must also work onyour own selves apply individual and collective efforts to build theworld you desire and manifest the spirit to quest for new skies

What would we receive

Should you decide that such a contact take place we would rejoiceover the safeguarding of fraternal equilibrium in this region of theuniverse fruitful diplomatic exchanges and the intense Joy ofknowing that you are united to accomplish what you are capable of

The feeling of Joy is strongly sought in the universe for its energy isdivine What is the question we ask you

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How can you answer this question The truth of soul can be readtelepathically so you only need to clearly ask yourself this questionand give your answer as clearly on your own or in a group as youwish

Being in the heart of a city or in the middle of a desert does notimpact the efficiency of your answer YES or NO

Just do it as if you were speaking to yourself but thinking about themessage This is a universal question and these mere few wordsput in their context have a powerful meaning

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This is why you should calmly think about it in all conscience In orderto perfectly associate your answer with the question it isrecommended that you answer after another careful reading of thismessage

Do not rush to answer Breathe and let all the power of your own freewill penetrate you Be proud of what you are Then do not lethesitation get in the way

The everyday problems that you may have can weaken you To beyourselves forget about them for a few minutes Feel the force thatsprings up in you You are in control of yourselves

A single thought a single answer can drastically change your nearfuture in one way as in another Your individual decision of asking inyour inner self that we show up on your material plane and in broaddaylight is precious and essential to us

Even though you can choose the way that best suits you rituals per seare essentially useless A sincere request made with your heart andyour own will will always be perceived by those of us to whom it issent In your own private polling booth of your secret will you willdetermine the future

What is the lever effect

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This decision should be made by the greatest possible numberamong you even though it might seem like a minority

It is recommended to spread this message in all envisageablefashions in as many languages as possible to those around youwhether or not they seem receptive to this new vision of the future Doit using a humorous tone or derision if that can help you

You can even openly and publicly make fun of it if it makes you feelmore comfortable but do not be indifferent for at least you will haveexercised your free will Forget about the false prophets and thebeliefs that have been transmitted to you about us

This request is one of the most intimate that can be asked to youMaking a decision by yourself as an individual is your right as wellas your responsibility Passivity only leads to the absence of freedom

Similarly indecision is never efficient If you really want to cling to yourbeliefs which is something that we understand then forcefully sayNO

If you do not know what to choose do not say YES because of merecuriosity This is not a show this is real daily life We exist We arealive

Your history has had plenty of episodes when determined men andwomen were able to influence the thread of events despite their small

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Just as a small number is enough to take temporal power on Earthand influence the future of the majority a small number of you canradically change your fate as an answer to the impotence in face ofso much inertia and so many hurdles You can ease mankindrsquos birthto Brotherhood

One of your thinkers once said

Spreading this message will then be the strengthening of the hand-hold We will be the light-years long lever and you will be thecraftsmen to ldquoraise the Earthrdquo as a consequence of our appearance

What would be the consequences of a positive decision

For us the immediate consequence of a collective favorable decisionwould be the materialization of many ships in your sky and on Earth

For you the direct effect would be the rapid abandoning of manycertitudes and beliefs A simple conclusive visual contact would have

ldquoGive me a hand-hold and Irsquoll raise the Earthrdquo

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huge repercussions for your future

Much knowledge would be modified forever The organization of yoursocieties would be deeply upheaved forever in all fields of activity

Power would become individual because you would see for yourselfthat we exist as living beings not accepting or rejecting that fact onthe word of any external authority Concretely you would change thescale of your values

The most important thing for us is that humankind would form a singlefamily before this ldquounknownrdquo we would represent

Danger would slowly melt away from your homes because you wouldindirectly force the undesirable ones those we name the ldquothird partyrdquoto show up and vanish You would all bear the same name and sharethe same roots Mankind

Later on peaceful and respectful exchanges would be thus possible ifsuch is your wish For now he who is hungry cannot smile he who isfearful cannot welcome us

We are sad to see men women and children suffering to such adegree in their flesh and in their hearts when they bear such an innerlight This light can be your future


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arcadia11Nov 19 2014 at 509 pm

no not by any stretch of reason or imagination the dangerous deceptivenew age is over no matter how compelling the disguise

donrsquot take the bait donrsquot turn all life over to something outside of yourselvesthis is the way government works problem-reaction-solution when it getsbad enough and for all the world seems as if there is no other way manyotherwise intelligent people will yell lsquoyes help usrsquo

and itrsquos game over


surprised to find this article here

Crystal MoonNov 19 2014 at 539 pm

ldquoYou entrust your problems to representatives whose awareness of commonwell being inexorably fades away before corporatist interests rdquo

That certainly says it


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Dr Paula-Noel MacfieNov 19 2014 at 550 pm

This seems like a human being dissociated from genetic memory of Ancestors

alexNov 19 2014 at 554 pm

Hmmmmmhellipsoftening us up for Project Blue Beamhellipreads as if it wasformatteddictated thru an AI lsquochannelerrsquohellipseeking our permissionhellipsoundslike satanic protocol to me (lol)helliporhellipirsquom getting waaaaaaay tooooo cynicalin my old age hahahahellipcheers

KittyNov 19 2014 at 601 pm

No Alex had exactly the same thoughts too Project Blue Beam back again helliphellip Lol





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alexNov 19 2014 at 605 pm


KittyNov 19 2014 at 609 pm

branewaiverNov 19 2014 at 750 pm

I agree Alex and Kitty this is too pat not to mention a littlepatronizing Doesnrsquot pass the sniff test Letrsquos get those awarefuckers with their own desires Game over





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indigovioletNov 20 2014 at 212 pm

Project Bluebeamhellip I had the same thought The words interest thebrain (slightly) but donrsquot reach the heart

KittyNov 20 2014 at 226 pm

I think thatrsquos a good way to describe it Indie Blue Beam seemsto have gone a bit quiet recently and I just thought UhhhOhhhhBlue Beam has returned Irsquom wondering if wersquoll get more of this I think it cyclesChristmas is always a good time for revelations not sure if weare quite there yet

indigovioletNov 20 2014 at 244 pm

Yes and the lsquoaliensrsquo could always say they achieved aconsensus and we would be none the wiser just like



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with the vote (rigging) system

KittyNov 20 2014 at 319 pm

Indie I have to ask you this I was recently roadraged by someone driving so close to me Icouldnrsquot see his head lights It lasted for miles I reacted in absolutely the wrong way dideverything wrong Scared myself silly I really surprised myself I feltso stupid It made me think If something did happen out of the blue like sayBlue Beam how drsquoyou think you would react Would we as people who may consider ourselvesfairly aware be able to see what was happening I gave a neighbour a lift today Sunny warmish but the sky was covered withseriously hugersquo trailsI pointed and said something on the lines of wowlook at those She didnrsquot see them Indie not one as in reallycouldnrsquot see them


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It was so surreal I stopped the car and pointedbut still didnrsquot even register So is this lsquo spiritual lsquo physical mental Very strange experience

indigovioletNov 20 2014 at 356 pm

Strange Kittyhellip

A few years ago I started read the work Rik Clayregarding a planned fake alien invasion and thelater statement from Wernher von Braun on hisdeathbed reinforced what I thought After readingRikrsquos work (and you will probably know that hewas more-than-likely suicided at 26 just as hewas getting into all this) I decided there and thenthat any talk of an alien invasion going forwardwould be dismissed as fake by me howevercompelling When you have felt the truth in alucid moment you just have to stand yourground

We donrsquot know how we will react to a situationuntil we are in it as you saw when the bizarreand frightening road-rage incident took place ndash

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not that you had any room for manoeuvre if hewas right on your tail like that Very ScaryAlmost black ops- like

I donrsquot understand why your neighbour didnrsquot seethe chemtrails Maybe you should have driven herto the opticians Doesnrsquot make sense does itEverybody who I have pointed them out to hasseen them

pegNov 20 2014 at 450 pm

Kitty got this link from a girlfriend yesterday afternoonBless her heart She is a lovely spirit mdashndash Yep your rightitrsquos going around This was sent out on the internet onthe 18th and she thought it needed to be sent to me asldquoGood NewsrdquoHere is what was senthttppaowebcomsn111814htmIt comes from Sheldon Nidle



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Nov 20 2014 at 507 pm

Wow Peg Thanks for this It is cyclical Isometimes get this kind of thing but itrsquos been solong I canrsquot remember the last time Irsquoll have a good look at this one I actually like tosee this kind if thingSo the question is whatrsquos cooking if anything Well have to watch and wait

pegNov 20 2014 at 536 pm

Kitty I do not think any of this from anythinggood actually Everything inside speaks ndash ndash errorndash ndash error I stand with the help is us mdash- in us mdash-we just should find out who we really are In myheart knowing mdash- itrsquos infinityEven the pope is getting people ready for this mdash-what does that say Clinton not long ago onsome program etc etc Nope this being isstaying away from this None of them have mypermission to fix anything Our consciousness ampresonance will take care of things needed We areoneBy the way I didnrsquot finish reading the material

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she sent I just canrsquot Love her dearly and will beseeing her on Sunday She has began looking atmaterial on meditation by just listening to herbreathing Cannot change what others do orbelieve with teachings but only by my walkingand being Itrsquos all about consciousness and I knowyou know that Hugs

LizaNov 20 2014 at 939 pm

wow Kitty that is strange that she just couldnrsquotsee the chemtrailshellip

JerseyCynicNov 19 2014 at 646 pm

Is this a gullibility testYES YES YES (I am doing it using a humorous tone cause that helps me)httpwwwyoutubecomwatchv=O6VUMGO3hCs

Irsquom pretty gullible (getting better) This doesnrsquot sit well with meldquoBeing aware of the priceless value of free will we are inviting you to analternativerdquo

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No thanks

ldquoYour individual decision of asking in your inner self that we show up onyour material plane and in broad daylight is precious and essential to usrdquo

I do go out on the deck every night though (2am ndash 4am) and ask the starbeings to visit me No luck yet (as best as I can remember)

Gee mdash I wonder why SNOPES hasnrsquot taken this one onhelliphellipDOH

OK OK ndash here we go mdash I found the source mdash Itrsquos a cute blonde that must workin Googlersquos marketing departmenthelliphellip those evil bastardsldquoDO YOU WISH THAT WE SHOW UP rdquo from 2006httpwwwyoutubecomwatchv=-K8ADMzz46c

well that didnrsquot take long ndash sorry to burst any bubbles

OphiuchusNov 19 2014 at 920 pm

As soon as I hear the ldquohumanrdquo false paradigm ldquoevolutionrdquo it sends upan immediate red flag to me It is the false assumption that we startdumb and become something better rather than the parasiticdummening of an already highly advanced sentient form of lifeEvolution to me reeks of the linear false time paradigm



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KittyNov 20 2014 at 414 pm

Rik Clay Read a lot of his work Fascinating His lsquosuicidersquo wasnrsquot it vigourously contested by his family and friends These people either commit lsquosuicide lsquo or die of a heart attack

Such a young vibrant man His work isnrsquot so prominent any more Ithink I may have to revisit him I think the road rage person may havebeen drinking Funny thing was my daughter was with me and shesaid before he went he turned his lights off Funny folks where I live Neighbour lol She is elderly I think a visit to the opticians is inorder I did point them out to some farmer friends a long time ago theydidnrsquot see either not what I was seeing certainly Maybe a differentperception

indigovioletNov 20 2014 at 445 pm

I read that his family have said that he did commit suicide but Idonrsquot knowhellip It was the day after his Red Ice Radio interviewand it was noted that he was in very good spirits at the time


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and looking forward enthusiastically to further researching Hewas buried on September 11th A lot of things didnrsquot add up atthe time (or did) But who knows

KittyNov 20 2014 at 453 pm

Must have got that wrong Irsquov been thinking of DavidKelly recently I saw a pic of Tony Blair and Kelly came tomind i was going to mention him to youThese things are very strange Indie his family may have been pressured or maybe suicidewas preferable to the thought of murder Rik Clay was so young and so bright and brave It takes guts to stand up and be counted Who knows true We probably never will

KittyNov 20 2014 at 559 pm

No I donrsquot either Peg I like to be fore warned as in fore armed The Vatican has made some rather startling statements as far as the



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alien agenda is concerned Love our alien brothers and sisters would we baptise them and callthem Christians The usual This has been going on for some time now and Clintonslittle bit of input was interesting too The Disclosure Project it justall adds up to an agenda leading to our furtherenslavement My answer to the question here should just have been a blunt NO Like you I feel it is all within usThe answers we need to everythingare all there Walking the walk is my preferred way too Your friend is blessed tohave you to guide her but itrsquos your love Peg that will really make animpact on her Your well is deep and so many draw upon it I readDavidrsquos post but havenrsquot said anything yet so I know you know what Imean Yoursquore full of love Peg and that is all that matters Hugs backand love XXX

LizaNov 20 2014 at 940 pm



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KittyNov 20 2014 at 1156 pm

Liza I thought I was going a bit crazy This was seriously bizarre Irsquov been thinking about this and maybe itrsquos to do withfrequency There are a lot if other strange phenomenon associated withchemtrailingI saw an orb flying alongside a plane that was obviouslylsquotrailing If my son hadnrsquot been with me at the time and saw it too Iwouldnrsquot have believed what I was seeing Irsquod love to know how many people actually canrsquot see thesethings It still makes me smile when I thinkabout it Neighbour now thinks Irsquom arsquo funny little thingrsquo

LizaNov 20 2014 at 941 pm



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JerseyCynicNov 19 2014 at 650 pm

Letrsquos ask the cathelliphttpwwwyoutubecomwatchv=jD4JhoOFzPg

will iamNov 19 2014 at 830 pm

Ha Remember this one httpswwwyoutubecomwatchv=5Us1ASENPwsampfeature=player_detailpage

JerseyCynicNov 19 2014 at 859 pm

Omg will do I remember this one Yes yes yes and Irsquove got abig toe permanently disfigured from a ldquoboogaloordquo contest toprove it Thanks for the painful memory Good times Thatnight I learned a valuable lesson hellipnever boogaloo barefoot ona crowded dance floor Good times




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pegNov 19 2014 at 832 pm

JC thank you so much for a huge dip belly laughnonononoonononononluvluvluvluv

HeatherNov 19 2014 at 801 pm

Buthellip they get mehellip they get ithellip they understandhellip whoa is me

No way in hell do I need assistance from some outside source that has alreadymet with our lsquoleadersrsquo and understands everything so well but lurks askingmy permission to come aboard I do appreciate the special touches of layingso much of our lsquofamilyrsquo BS out there for us to recap but I am not invitinganother lsquovampirersquo into the lsquohousersquo

JC ndash ha I love ya lady The cat was a special touch for sure ha ha




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Nov 20 2014 at 1130 am

ha I had not realized how sarcastic I was on this commenthellip I was stillfeeling the ldquogossip ladiesrdquo from my daughterrsquos martial arts earlier and Iwas quite sarcastic in lsquodealingrsquo with them Overflowhellip hee

No we are the oneshellip plain and simple

JerseyCynicNov 20 2014 at 133 pm

got that right HeatherldquoBanish the word lsquostrugglersquo from your attitude and yourvocabulary All that we do now must be done in a sacredmanner and in celebration We are the ones we have beenwaiting forrdquo mdash Hopi elders

KittyNov 20 2014 at 157 pm

Perfect JC and Heather lsquoWe are the ones we are waitingfor lsquoThat just about says it all really



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Much love to you both X X X

HeatherNov 20 2014 at 306 pm

Indeed Much love to you both and really big hugs

KittyNov 20 2014 at 323 pm

Huge hugs back X

will iamNov 19 2014 at 815 pm

ldquoThis my friends could be the most important message mankind has everreceivedhelliprdquo


ldquoBe proud of what you arerdquo (the army)



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ldquoBe proud of what you arerdquo (the army)

ldquoThe most important thing for us is that humankind would form a singlefamily before this ldquounknownrdquo we would representrdquo (politics as usual)

ldquoPeace does not mean simply not making war it consists in becoming whatyou collectively are in reality a fraternityrdquo helliphelliphellip Zeta Delta Con

OphiuchusNov 19 2014 at 911 pm

My heart intuition says that this is false and my subconscious shows me theWalter Von Braun message

NofolaloNov 20 2014 at 1056 am

Good thing about the Walter Von Braun message itrsquos their lsquolast card

majikNov 19 2014 at 1016 pm




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I agree This feels wrong

majikNov 19 2014 at 1022 pm

I do believe this is real Irsquove been following them since 06 Well my idea offollowing which is really doing what my mom called the ldquosniffrdquo test to see iftheir rotten I feel this message is real but subtlehttptomkenyoncomescalation-of-chaotic-nodes-and-the-dismantling-of-3-d-reality

John SmithNov 20 2014 at 321 am

there is no easy answer to this certainly humble human spirit would like toextend into presence and understand of life overall throughout wholeuniverse this unfortunately is not it

it appears as direction to admit that you are flawed to sort inner mess of thisworld with an outside force just like there is homophobia among differentgroups of humans it can also be understood as some kind of alien-phobiawithin various ldquoyesrdquo ldquonordquo groups and it should not be it



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so answer lingers most among reasons for yes and no and their validity

I for one am opposing this fancy questions and fancy landings we have needfor outside involvement since ever and it probably ever is done as we wantedit so it can be counted as intrusive with lack of honoring true demand truewish of yes or no

so this petition (seen it and commented it before) appears to be likejournalist duck sensationalist dilemma without true backing or honoringstand so I vouch no and think that entities just like us should come to thisworld ldquousualrdquo way just like we did for their mission of good or evil or elsejust like we all are fancy space ships in contact with tyrannical governmentsdecimating life and nature for power and profits are their real targetspopulation is to be in awe awaiting outside solution to inner turmoil samefor this world as in outside influence for internal misconduct I find Gaiastronger and I find myself with lesser worry so if our conscious plant calls it Id agree but it is left for someone to prove it as I see not Gaia agreeing on ourldquoworkrdquo let alone that of governments and industrial and their spaceconnections so until saw that nurturing me calling it this all dilemmas arelike chewing sawdust hard to find nutrition for human in it

JerseyCynicNov 20 2014 at 548 am

Letrsquos dancehellip (a slow one) to one of my favorite bedtime songs


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oh manhellipIrsquom a gonna start tearing up ndash I miss my babies

Come Take A Trip In My Airship (Remastered) ndash Natalie Merchanthttpwwwyoutubecomwatchv=GDL0GVZXjMI

arielNov 20 2014 at 726 am

Sod it guyshellipthe whole point is that WE CAN HANDLE IThelliphellipWe first have tolearn that our conditioned negativity is projected externally as lsquorealityrsquo(definitely lower case) My lsquoproblemrsquo is how do we get enough of youus intoNOW the inner awareness of the lsquomovement and the restrsquo as Kitty likes torefer to it which is the operating end of the universal life force whichexpands our perception limitlessly subject to the filters which prevent usdestroying the lsquobodiesrsquo with INTENSITY Irsquove met them some of themhelliphellipWearenrsquot SUDDENLY in an awful situationhelliphellipitrsquos fucking hystericallyhistoricalhellipbloody tourists most of the ones Irsquove methellipPot calling the kettleblack really because Irsquove done a bithelliphellipYou donrsquot invite the vampire inhelliphelliphellip

will iamNov 20 2014 at 1257 pm



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I hadnrsquot realized that now was something I needed to get into I wasunder the impression that now is wellhellipnow

I didnrsquot know that it was a separate something or other that dependedon quantity for its existence

I apologize in advance for contributing to your lsquoproblemrsquo so maybeyou can tell me (us) what wes need to be looking for so that on theoft chance it were to come by again wes can have some of it

VigilantibusNov 20 2014 at 751 am

This is another deception from MATRIXBeautiful words Things from New (C)ageIt is a TRAPHumanity falls like ducksWake Up

PamNov 20 2014 at 859 am

HeyhelliphelliphellipI want to see this onehellipBring it onhelliphelliprdquoYESrdquo



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ThomasNov 20 2014 at 906 am

The inorganic races are crafty Although they canrsquot lie to us they canmanipulate Once free will is exercised to join their ranks there is no turningback Can we at least wait until Black Friday and Cyber Monday are over

NofolaloNov 20 2014 at 1111 am

Here ya go Jerseyhelliphttpwwwyoutubecomwatchv=REHV8LERhPwhttpwwwyoutubecomwatchv=5PvGn75ibI4

JerseyCynicNov 20 2014 at 207 pm

Love it Nofolalo I used to know every word to the Flying PurplePeople Eater What a great goofy beat mdash just try to sit still listening




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People Eater What a great goofy beat mdash just try to sit still listeningto it mdash you canrsquot

I wish doo wop never died I grew up just after that

Also missed out on The Bristol Stomphttpwwwyoutubecomwatchv=XCOB5-E4P6Y (I canrsquot believe thesepeople are sitting in their seats)

oh herersquos a good one ndash The Bristol Stomp Dance Around the Worldhttpwwwyoutubecomwatchv=fIbkKxUD0Mst=106

alexNov 20 2014 at 208 pm


PatrickNov 20 2014 at 1113 am

The outside help is from withinhellipinside Free will is wonderful and it hascertainly no choiceshellipUse your intent so your help can help us all Weexchange our intent with the source everyday so we will certainly exchangehelp with benevolence every once in a while Use this positively whether its



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BS or not Love life guys

PeterNov 20 2014 at 535 pm

Following was posted Yeterday an was coming to my attention Some of you sure remember SIRIUS

Dr Steven Greer Dozens of Benevolent ET Species Are Here Eager to MakeContacthttpwwwriseearthcom201411dr-steven-greer-dozens-of-benevolent-ethtml

Itrsquos not the only Article that shows up but that was posted ( I think because ofthe Article we can read here posted) The NEW AGERS always again jump on that wagon and believe in suchchannelings

manNov 20 2014 at 550 pm

yeah itacutes been there for years now on the wwwyears ago i would have said YES STOP BY FOR TEA AND COOKIES



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but now i go HELL NO YOU BLOODY PARASITES suck yourself and bite thestellar dustread this kind of honeysweet friendly alien bullshit often enough- nothingbut mindcontrollitacutes for the kids crying for mama to save them for the ones that like to HOPEand leave EVOLUTION to someone elsethere is no outside saviouryou guys are right itacutes the vampires trying to get our permissioni always wondered why they would need ithellip do they really care for karmathen what about the cheatwhatever- i suppose zen just put it here as a test and a provovation to stir adiscussionheacutes not one of the i-hope-someoneacutes-gonna-save-meacutes more a get-your-sweet-ass-going-guywhat a clever bastard you are zen

JerseyCynicNov 21 2014 at 308 pm

spot on man Google is behind it I do believe

from 2007httpswwwyoutubecomwatchv=-K8ADMzz46c a CGI of a womanreading half of this message and at the end ldquoyou must read the rest ofthe message at google or yahoo search google with the quote marks


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and now that google and nasa have partnered up It wouldnrsquot surpriseme if some day soon we started to see holographic airships here andthere with Ray Kurzweil as their Director of Engineering mdash anythinggoeshttptechcrunchcom20141110google-moffett-airfield-nasa

do know evil my ass

LizaNov 20 2014 at 1011 pm

But donrsquot give it all the credit Intriguing concepts Deception

Free will Yes it is within Never to be coughed up handed over Thecomments on the source site show a lot of naivtersquo Humans by nature look toconnecting as strengthening (Help) The more to have wins It is Not soLooking to another is not the way to go

This site inhabits lots of free thinkers

The only thing I would give my freewill over to is Peace amp Justice It doesexist In the heartmind Too bad the heart is so badly broken

Perhaps the only way to save a planet is with the allone mindset of all itsinhabitants simutaneously If that could be achieved Everybodyrsquos mind set


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on the collective The whole It could happen it is happening Maybe we justhave to let go of this dimension Canrsquot sustain it Donrsquot knowWell itrsquos all Bullshit anyway

hashishiNov 21 2014 at 751 am

ldquoFree will Yes it is within Never to be coughed up handed over rdquo

The most simple profound and beautiful truth It always does me goodto see a wonderful unencumbered spirit reflecting the same greattruth back at me

Dr Paula-Noel MacfieNov 21 2014 at 133 am

Liza we are all already connected and online through indigenous mind ourAncestors We never ldquoleftrdquohellipour minds have been so colonized that we forgotwho we are and where we come from The connection is still there just awhole lotta dissociation in between to navigate through




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arielNov 21 2014 at 725 am

HEY KITTYhelliprsquoWe are the parents our children have warned us abouthelliprsquo isnrsquot it

arielNov 21 2014 at 726 am

Or is it our greatgrand descendants

KittyNov 21 2014 at 319 pm


hashishiNov 21 2014 at 808 am

Oh hai VALIS Good game good game lsquoAliensrsquo Like it But er no thanks




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Oh hai VALIS Good game good game lsquoAliensrsquo Like it But er no thanks

AlteaNov 21 2014 at 554 pm

We are the ETrsquos we have been waiting for

manNov 21 2014 at 620 pm

what a weird place this world is indeedwhere reality is stranger than fictiongood to have a heart

vibra amor

StarDustNov 27 2014 at 900 pm

Why you need thousands of ships one is not enough Come in peace like




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you say and all the humans will open their arms and hug you






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because we remain invisible to your senses and instruments most ofthe time

We wish to fill this void at this moment in your history We made thiscollective decision on our side but this is not enough mdash we needyours as well

Through this message you can become the decision-makers Youpersonally We have no human representative on Earth who couldguide your decision

Why arenrsquot we visible

At certain stages of evolution cosmic ldquohumanitiesrdquo discover certainscientific principles regarding matter Structured dematerializationand materialization are among them

Your humanity has achieved this in a few laboratories in closecollaboration with other extraterrestrial creatures mdash at the cost ofhazardous compromises that remain purposely hidden from you bysome of your representatives

In addition to the aerial or space-based objects or phenomena knownto your scientific community as physical ldquoUFOsrdquo there are essentiallymultidimensional manufactured spaceships that possess theseexpanded capacities

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Many human beings have been in visual auditory tactile or psychiccontact with such ships mdash some of which it should be noted withcaution are under the influence of hidden powers that govern youwhich we often term ldquothe third partyrdquo

The relative scarcity of your observations is due to the dematerializedstate of these ships Being unable to perceive them yourselves youcannot acknowledge their existence We fully understand this

When most observations do occur they are arranged on an individualbasis so as to touch the individual soul and not to influence or intrudeon any organized social system

This is deliberate on the part of the various races that surround youbut for a variety of reasons and results For negative multidimensionalbeings that play a part in the exercise of power in the shadow ofhuman oligarchy discretion is motivated by their desire to keep theirexistence unknown

For us discretion has been motivated by the respect of the humanfree will that people can exercise to manage their own affairs so thatthey can reach technical and spiritual maturity on their own

However humankindrsquos entrance into the family of galactic civilizationsis greatly expected

We can appear in broad daylight to help you attain this union but we

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have not done it so far as too few of you have genuinely desired itbecause of ignorance indifference or fear and because the urgencyof the situation did not justify it

Who are you

You are the offspring of many traditions that throughout time havebeen mutually enriched by each othersrsquo contributions

Your goal is to unite while respecting these diverse roots toaccomplish a common purpose a united project The appearancesof your cultures help keep you separated because you give them fargreater importance than you give your deeper beings

Shape or form has been deemed more important than the essenceof your subtle nature For the powers in control this emphasis ondifferences of form constitutes a bulwark against any form of positivechange

Now you are being called on to overcome the identification with formwhile still respecting it for its richness and beauty Understanding theconsciousness behind form allows us to love all humans in theirdiversity

Peace does not mean simply not making war it consists in becomingwhat you collectively are in reality a fraternity

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The solutions available to achieve this are decreasing but one thatcould still catalyze it would be open contact with another race thatwould reflect the image of what you are in a deeper reality

Except for rare occasions our past interventions intentionally hadvery little influence on your capacity to make collective and individualdecisions about your own future

This was motivated by our knowledge of your deep psychologicalmechanisms We reached the conclusion that freedom is built everyday as a being becomes aware of himself and of his environmentgetting progressively rid of constraints and inertias whatever theymay be

However despite the actions of numerous brave and willing humansouls those inertias have been successfully maintained for thebenefit of a growing centralized power

What is your situation

Until recently mankind lived in satisfactory control of its decisionsBut it is losing more and more the control of its own fate partlybecause of the growing use of advanced technologies that affect yourbody as well as your mind and will eventually have irreversibly lethalconsequences for earthly and human ecosystems

Independently of your own will your resilience will artificially decrease

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and you will slowly but surely lose your extraordinary capacity to makelife desirable Such plans are on their way

Should a collective reaction of great magnitude not happen thisindividual power is doomed to vanish The period to come shall beone of rupture

This break however can be a positive break with the past as long asyou keep this creative power alive in you even if it cohabits for thetime being with the dark intentions of your potential lords

What now Should you wait for the last moment to find solutionsShould you anticipate or undergo pain

Your history has never ceased to be marked by encounters betweenpeoples whose discovery of one another occurred in circumstancesof conflict and conquest

Earth has now become a village where everyone knows everyoneelse but still conflicts persist and threats of all kinds get worse inintensity and duration

Individuals who have many potential capacities cannot exercise themwith dignity This is the case for the greatest majority of you forreasons that are essentially geopolitical

There are several billion of you but the education of your children and

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your living conditions as well as the conditions of numerous animalsand much plant life are under the thumb of a small number of yourpolitical financial military and religious representatives

Your thoughts and beliefs are modeled after partisan interests whileat the same time giving you the feeling that you are in total control ofyour destiny mdash which in essence is the reality but there is a long waybetween a wish and a fact when the true rules of the game at handare kept hidden

This time you are not the conqueror Spreading biased information isan effective strategy for manipulating human beings Inducingthoughts and emotions or even creating organisms that do notbelong to you is an even older strategy

A great roller wave is on the horizon It entails very positive but alsovery negative potentials At this time wonderful opportunities ofprogress stand side by side with threats of destruction

However you can only perceive what is being shown to you Thediminishing of many natural resources is inevitable and no long-termcollective remediation project has been launched Ecosystemexhaustion mechanisms have exceeded irreversible limits

The scarcity of resources whose entry price will rise day after day mdashand their unfair distribution mdash will bring about fratricidal fights on alarge scale from the hearts of your cities to your countrysides

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This is the reason why more than ever in your history your decisionsof today will directly and significantly impact your survival tomorrow

Hatred growshellip but so does love That is what keeps you confident inyour ability to find solutions

However human behaviors formed from past habits and trainingshave great inertia that leads to a dead end The critical mass has notbeen reached while the work of sabotage is being carried outcleverly and efficiently

You entrust your problems to representatives whose awareness ofcommon well being inexorably fades away before corporatistinterests

These putative servants of the people are far more often debating theform than the content Just at the moment of action delaysaccumulate to the point when you have to submit rather than choose

This inertia is in many ways typical of any civilization What eventcould radically modify it Where could a collective and unifyingawareness come from that will stop this blind rushing ahead

Tribes populations and human nations have always encountered andinteracted with one another Faced with the threats weighing upon thehuman family it is perhaps time that a greater interaction occurred

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There are two ways to establish a cosmic contact with anothercivilization via its standing representatives or directly with ordinaryindividuals

The first way entails fights of interests the second way bringsawareness The first way was chosen by a group of races motivatedby keeping mankind in slavery thereby controlling Earthrsquos resourcesits gene pool and the mass of human emotional energy

The second way was chosen by a group of races allied with thecause of the Spirit of Service Some years ago we did introduceourselves to representatives of the human power structure but theyrefused our outstretched hand on the basis of interests that wereincompatible with their strategic vision

That is why today individuals are to make this choice by themselveswithout any representatives interfering What we proposed in the pastto those whom we believed were in a capacity to contribute to yourhappiness we propose now mdash to you

Few of you are aware that non-human creatures have been involvedin the centralizing of power in your world and in the subtle taking ofcontrol These creatures do not necessarily stand on your materialplane which is precisely what could make them extremely efficientand frightening in the near future

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However also be aware that quite a few of your representatives arein fact fighting this danger that not all alien abductions are conductedto your detriment and that resistance also exists amongst thosedominance-oriented races

Peace and reunification of your peoples would be a first step towardharmony with civilizations other than yours That is precisely whatthose who manipulate you behind the scenes want to avoid at all costbecause by dividing they reign

They also reign over those who more visibly govern you Theirstrength comes from their capacity to instill mistrust and fear Thisconsiderably harms your very cosmic nature

This message would be of no interest if these manipulatorsrsquo influencewere not reaching its peak and if their misleading and murderousplans did not materialize within a few years from now

Their deadlines are close and mankind will undergo unprecedenteddifficulties for the next ten cycles [years] To defend yourselvesagainst this aggression that bears no face you need at least to haveenough information that points to the solution

Here again appearance and body type will not be enough to tell thedominator from the ally

At your current state of psychic development it is extremely difficult for

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you to distinguish between them In addition to your intuition trainingwill be necessary when the time has come Being aware of thepriceless value of free will we are inviting you to an alternative

What can we offer

We can offer you a more holistic vision of the universe and of lifeconstructive interactions the experience of fair and fraternalrelationships liberating technical knowledge eradication of sufferingcontrolled exercise of individual powers access to new forms ofenergy and finally a better comprehension of consciousness

We cannot help you overcome your individual and collective fears orbring you laws that you would not have chosen You must also work onyour own selves apply individual and collective efforts to build theworld you desire and manifest the spirit to quest for new skies

What would we receive

Should you decide that such a contact take place we would rejoiceover the safeguarding of fraternal equilibrium in this region of theuniverse fruitful diplomatic exchanges and the intense Joy ofknowing that you are united to accomplish what you are capable of

The feeling of Joy is strongly sought in the universe for its energy isdivine What is the question we ask you

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How can you answer this question The truth of soul can be readtelepathically so you only need to clearly ask yourself this questionand give your answer as clearly on your own or in a group as youwish

Being in the heart of a city or in the middle of a desert does notimpact the efficiency of your answer YES or NO

Just do it as if you were speaking to yourself but thinking about themessage This is a universal question and these mere few wordsput in their context have a powerful meaning

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This is why you should calmly think about it in all conscience In orderto perfectly associate your answer with the question it isrecommended that you answer after another careful reading of thismessage

Do not rush to answer Breathe and let all the power of your own freewill penetrate you Be proud of what you are Then do not lethesitation get in the way

The everyday problems that you may have can weaken you To beyourselves forget about them for a few minutes Feel the force thatsprings up in you You are in control of yourselves

A single thought a single answer can drastically change your nearfuture in one way as in another Your individual decision of asking inyour inner self that we show up on your material plane and in broaddaylight is precious and essential to us

Even though you can choose the way that best suits you rituals per seare essentially useless A sincere request made with your heart andyour own will will always be perceived by those of us to whom it issent In your own private polling booth of your secret will you willdetermine the future

What is the lever effect

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This decision should be made by the greatest possible numberamong you even though it might seem like a minority

It is recommended to spread this message in all envisageablefashions in as many languages as possible to those around youwhether or not they seem receptive to this new vision of the future Doit using a humorous tone or derision if that can help you

You can even openly and publicly make fun of it if it makes you feelmore comfortable but do not be indifferent for at least you will haveexercised your free will Forget about the false prophets and thebeliefs that have been transmitted to you about us

This request is one of the most intimate that can be asked to youMaking a decision by yourself as an individual is your right as wellas your responsibility Passivity only leads to the absence of freedom

Similarly indecision is never efficient If you really want to cling to yourbeliefs which is something that we understand then forcefully sayNO

If you do not know what to choose do not say YES because of merecuriosity This is not a show this is real daily life We exist We arealive

Your history has had plenty of episodes when determined men andwomen were able to influence the thread of events despite their small

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Just as a small number is enough to take temporal power on Earthand influence the future of the majority a small number of you canradically change your fate as an answer to the impotence in face ofso much inertia and so many hurdles You can ease mankindrsquos birthto Brotherhood

One of your thinkers once said

Spreading this message will then be the strengthening of the hand-hold We will be the light-years long lever and you will be thecraftsmen to ldquoraise the Earthrdquo as a consequence of our appearance

What would be the consequences of a positive decision

For us the immediate consequence of a collective favorable decisionwould be the materialization of many ships in your sky and on Earth

For you the direct effect would be the rapid abandoning of manycertitudes and beliefs A simple conclusive visual contact would have

ldquoGive me a hand-hold and Irsquoll raise the Earthrdquo

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huge repercussions for your future

Much knowledge would be modified forever The organization of yoursocieties would be deeply upheaved forever in all fields of activity

Power would become individual because you would see for yourselfthat we exist as living beings not accepting or rejecting that fact onthe word of any external authority Concretely you would change thescale of your values

The most important thing for us is that humankind would form a singlefamily before this ldquounknownrdquo we would represent

Danger would slowly melt away from your homes because you wouldindirectly force the undesirable ones those we name the ldquothird partyrdquoto show up and vanish You would all bear the same name and sharethe same roots Mankind

Later on peaceful and respectful exchanges would be thus possible ifsuch is your wish For now he who is hungry cannot smile he who isfearful cannot welcome us

We are sad to see men women and children suffering to such adegree in their flesh and in their hearts when they bear such an innerlight This light can be your future


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arcadia11Nov 19 2014 at 509 pm

no not by any stretch of reason or imagination the dangerous deceptivenew age is over no matter how compelling the disguise

donrsquot take the bait donrsquot turn all life over to something outside of yourselvesthis is the way government works problem-reaction-solution when it getsbad enough and for all the world seems as if there is no other way manyotherwise intelligent people will yell lsquoyes help usrsquo

and itrsquos game over


surprised to find this article here

Crystal MoonNov 19 2014 at 539 pm

ldquoYou entrust your problems to representatives whose awareness of commonwell being inexorably fades away before corporatist interests rdquo

That certainly says it


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Dr Paula-Noel MacfieNov 19 2014 at 550 pm

This seems like a human being dissociated from genetic memory of Ancestors

alexNov 19 2014 at 554 pm

Hmmmmmhellipsoftening us up for Project Blue Beamhellipreads as if it wasformatteddictated thru an AI lsquochannelerrsquohellipseeking our permissionhellipsoundslike satanic protocol to me (lol)helliporhellipirsquom getting waaaaaaay tooooo cynicalin my old age hahahahellipcheers

KittyNov 19 2014 at 601 pm

No Alex had exactly the same thoughts too Project Blue Beam back again helliphellip Lol





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alexNov 19 2014 at 605 pm


KittyNov 19 2014 at 609 pm

branewaiverNov 19 2014 at 750 pm

I agree Alex and Kitty this is too pat not to mention a littlepatronizing Doesnrsquot pass the sniff test Letrsquos get those awarefuckers with their own desires Game over





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indigovioletNov 20 2014 at 212 pm

Project Bluebeamhellip I had the same thought The words interest thebrain (slightly) but donrsquot reach the heart

KittyNov 20 2014 at 226 pm

I think thatrsquos a good way to describe it Indie Blue Beam seemsto have gone a bit quiet recently and I just thought UhhhOhhhhBlue Beam has returned Irsquom wondering if wersquoll get more of this I think it cyclesChristmas is always a good time for revelations not sure if weare quite there yet

indigovioletNov 20 2014 at 244 pm

Yes and the lsquoaliensrsquo could always say they achieved aconsensus and we would be none the wiser just like



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with the vote (rigging) system

KittyNov 20 2014 at 319 pm

Indie I have to ask you this I was recently roadraged by someone driving so close to me Icouldnrsquot see his head lights It lasted for miles I reacted in absolutely the wrong way dideverything wrong Scared myself silly I really surprised myself I feltso stupid It made me think If something did happen out of the blue like sayBlue Beam how drsquoyou think you would react Would we as people who may consider ourselvesfairly aware be able to see what was happening I gave a neighbour a lift today Sunny warmish but the sky was covered withseriously hugersquo trailsI pointed and said something on the lines of wowlook at those She didnrsquot see them Indie not one as in reallycouldnrsquot see them


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It was so surreal I stopped the car and pointedbut still didnrsquot even register So is this lsquo spiritual lsquo physical mental Very strange experience

indigovioletNov 20 2014 at 356 pm

Strange Kittyhellip

A few years ago I started read the work Rik Clayregarding a planned fake alien invasion and thelater statement from Wernher von Braun on hisdeathbed reinforced what I thought After readingRikrsquos work (and you will probably know that hewas more-than-likely suicided at 26 just as hewas getting into all this) I decided there and thenthat any talk of an alien invasion going forwardwould be dismissed as fake by me howevercompelling When you have felt the truth in alucid moment you just have to stand yourground

We donrsquot know how we will react to a situationuntil we are in it as you saw when the bizarreand frightening road-rage incident took place ndash

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not that you had any room for manoeuvre if hewas right on your tail like that Very ScaryAlmost black ops- like

I donrsquot understand why your neighbour didnrsquot seethe chemtrails Maybe you should have driven herto the opticians Doesnrsquot make sense does itEverybody who I have pointed them out to hasseen them

pegNov 20 2014 at 450 pm

Kitty got this link from a girlfriend yesterday afternoonBless her heart She is a lovely spirit mdashndash Yep your rightitrsquos going around This was sent out on the internet onthe 18th and she thought it needed to be sent to me asldquoGood NewsrdquoHere is what was senthttppaowebcomsn111814htmIt comes from Sheldon Nidle



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Nov 20 2014 at 507 pm

Wow Peg Thanks for this It is cyclical Isometimes get this kind of thing but itrsquos been solong I canrsquot remember the last time Irsquoll have a good look at this one I actually like tosee this kind if thingSo the question is whatrsquos cooking if anything Well have to watch and wait

pegNov 20 2014 at 536 pm

Kitty I do not think any of this from anythinggood actually Everything inside speaks ndash ndash errorndash ndash error I stand with the help is us mdash- in us mdash-we just should find out who we really are In myheart knowing mdash- itrsquos infinityEven the pope is getting people ready for this mdash-what does that say Clinton not long ago onsome program etc etc Nope this being isstaying away from this None of them have mypermission to fix anything Our consciousness ampresonance will take care of things needed We areoneBy the way I didnrsquot finish reading the material

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she sent I just canrsquot Love her dearly and will beseeing her on Sunday She has began looking atmaterial on meditation by just listening to herbreathing Cannot change what others do orbelieve with teachings but only by my walkingand being Itrsquos all about consciousness and I knowyou know that Hugs

LizaNov 20 2014 at 939 pm

wow Kitty that is strange that she just couldnrsquotsee the chemtrailshellip

JerseyCynicNov 19 2014 at 646 pm

Is this a gullibility testYES YES YES (I am doing it using a humorous tone cause that helps me)httpwwwyoutubecomwatchv=O6VUMGO3hCs

Irsquom pretty gullible (getting better) This doesnrsquot sit well with meldquoBeing aware of the priceless value of free will we are inviting you to analternativerdquo

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No thanks

ldquoYour individual decision of asking in your inner self that we show up onyour material plane and in broad daylight is precious and essential to usrdquo

I do go out on the deck every night though (2am ndash 4am) and ask the starbeings to visit me No luck yet (as best as I can remember)

Gee mdash I wonder why SNOPES hasnrsquot taken this one onhelliphellipDOH

OK OK ndash here we go mdash I found the source mdash Itrsquos a cute blonde that must workin Googlersquos marketing departmenthelliphellip those evil bastardsldquoDO YOU WISH THAT WE SHOW UP rdquo from 2006httpwwwyoutubecomwatchv=-K8ADMzz46c

well that didnrsquot take long ndash sorry to burst any bubbles

OphiuchusNov 19 2014 at 920 pm

As soon as I hear the ldquohumanrdquo false paradigm ldquoevolutionrdquo it sends upan immediate red flag to me It is the false assumption that we startdumb and become something better rather than the parasiticdummening of an already highly advanced sentient form of lifeEvolution to me reeks of the linear false time paradigm



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KittyNov 20 2014 at 414 pm

Rik Clay Read a lot of his work Fascinating His lsquosuicidersquo wasnrsquot it vigourously contested by his family and friends These people either commit lsquosuicide lsquo or die of a heart attack

Such a young vibrant man His work isnrsquot so prominent any more Ithink I may have to revisit him I think the road rage person may havebeen drinking Funny thing was my daughter was with me and shesaid before he went he turned his lights off Funny folks where I live Neighbour lol She is elderly I think a visit to the opticians is inorder I did point them out to some farmer friends a long time ago theydidnrsquot see either not what I was seeing certainly Maybe a differentperception

indigovioletNov 20 2014 at 445 pm

I read that his family have said that he did commit suicide but Idonrsquot knowhellip It was the day after his Red Ice Radio interviewand it was noted that he was in very good spirits at the time


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and looking forward enthusiastically to further researching Hewas buried on September 11th A lot of things didnrsquot add up atthe time (or did) But who knows

KittyNov 20 2014 at 453 pm

Must have got that wrong Irsquov been thinking of DavidKelly recently I saw a pic of Tony Blair and Kelly came tomind i was going to mention him to youThese things are very strange Indie his family may have been pressured or maybe suicidewas preferable to the thought of murder Rik Clay was so young and so bright and brave It takes guts to stand up and be counted Who knows true We probably never will

KittyNov 20 2014 at 559 pm

No I donrsquot either Peg I like to be fore warned as in fore armed The Vatican has made some rather startling statements as far as the



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alien agenda is concerned Love our alien brothers and sisters would we baptise them and callthem Christians The usual This has been going on for some time now and Clintonslittle bit of input was interesting too The Disclosure Project it justall adds up to an agenda leading to our furtherenslavement My answer to the question here should just have been a blunt NO Like you I feel it is all within usThe answers we need to everythingare all there Walking the walk is my preferred way too Your friend is blessed tohave you to guide her but itrsquos your love Peg that will really make animpact on her Your well is deep and so many draw upon it I readDavidrsquos post but havenrsquot said anything yet so I know you know what Imean Yoursquore full of love Peg and that is all that matters Hugs backand love XXX

LizaNov 20 2014 at 940 pm



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KittyNov 20 2014 at 1156 pm

Liza I thought I was going a bit crazy This was seriously bizarre Irsquov been thinking about this and maybe itrsquos to do withfrequency There are a lot if other strange phenomenon associated withchemtrailingI saw an orb flying alongside a plane that was obviouslylsquotrailing If my son hadnrsquot been with me at the time and saw it too Iwouldnrsquot have believed what I was seeing Irsquod love to know how many people actually canrsquot see thesethings It still makes me smile when I thinkabout it Neighbour now thinks Irsquom arsquo funny little thingrsquo

LizaNov 20 2014 at 941 pm



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JerseyCynicNov 19 2014 at 650 pm

Letrsquos ask the cathelliphttpwwwyoutubecomwatchv=jD4JhoOFzPg

will iamNov 19 2014 at 830 pm

Ha Remember this one httpswwwyoutubecomwatchv=5Us1ASENPwsampfeature=player_detailpage

JerseyCynicNov 19 2014 at 859 pm

Omg will do I remember this one Yes yes yes and Irsquove got abig toe permanently disfigured from a ldquoboogaloordquo contest toprove it Thanks for the painful memory Good times Thatnight I learned a valuable lesson hellipnever boogaloo barefoot ona crowded dance floor Good times




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pegNov 19 2014 at 832 pm

JC thank you so much for a huge dip belly laughnonononoonononononluvluvluvluv

HeatherNov 19 2014 at 801 pm

Buthellip they get mehellip they get ithellip they understandhellip whoa is me

No way in hell do I need assistance from some outside source that has alreadymet with our lsquoleadersrsquo and understands everything so well but lurks askingmy permission to come aboard I do appreciate the special touches of layingso much of our lsquofamilyrsquo BS out there for us to recap but I am not invitinganother lsquovampirersquo into the lsquohousersquo

JC ndash ha I love ya lady The cat was a special touch for sure ha ha




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Nov 20 2014 at 1130 am

ha I had not realized how sarcastic I was on this commenthellip I was stillfeeling the ldquogossip ladiesrdquo from my daughterrsquos martial arts earlier and Iwas quite sarcastic in lsquodealingrsquo with them Overflowhellip hee

No we are the oneshellip plain and simple

JerseyCynicNov 20 2014 at 133 pm

got that right HeatherldquoBanish the word lsquostrugglersquo from your attitude and yourvocabulary All that we do now must be done in a sacredmanner and in celebration We are the ones we have beenwaiting forrdquo mdash Hopi elders

KittyNov 20 2014 at 157 pm

Perfect JC and Heather lsquoWe are the ones we are waitingfor lsquoThat just about says it all really



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Much love to you both X X X

HeatherNov 20 2014 at 306 pm

Indeed Much love to you both and really big hugs

KittyNov 20 2014 at 323 pm

Huge hugs back X

will iamNov 19 2014 at 815 pm

ldquoThis my friends could be the most important message mankind has everreceivedhelliprdquo


ldquoBe proud of what you arerdquo (the army)



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ldquoBe proud of what you arerdquo (the army)

ldquoThe most important thing for us is that humankind would form a singlefamily before this ldquounknownrdquo we would representrdquo (politics as usual)

ldquoPeace does not mean simply not making war it consists in becoming whatyou collectively are in reality a fraternityrdquo helliphelliphellip Zeta Delta Con

OphiuchusNov 19 2014 at 911 pm

My heart intuition says that this is false and my subconscious shows me theWalter Von Braun message

NofolaloNov 20 2014 at 1056 am

Good thing about the Walter Von Braun message itrsquos their lsquolast card

majikNov 19 2014 at 1016 pm




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I agree This feels wrong

majikNov 19 2014 at 1022 pm

I do believe this is real Irsquove been following them since 06 Well my idea offollowing which is really doing what my mom called the ldquosniffrdquo test to see iftheir rotten I feel this message is real but subtlehttptomkenyoncomescalation-of-chaotic-nodes-and-the-dismantling-of-3-d-reality

John SmithNov 20 2014 at 321 am

there is no easy answer to this certainly humble human spirit would like toextend into presence and understand of life overall throughout wholeuniverse this unfortunately is not it

it appears as direction to admit that you are flawed to sort inner mess of thisworld with an outside force just like there is homophobia among differentgroups of humans it can also be understood as some kind of alien-phobiawithin various ldquoyesrdquo ldquonordquo groups and it should not be it



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so answer lingers most among reasons for yes and no and their validity

I for one am opposing this fancy questions and fancy landings we have needfor outside involvement since ever and it probably ever is done as we wantedit so it can be counted as intrusive with lack of honoring true demand truewish of yes or no

so this petition (seen it and commented it before) appears to be likejournalist duck sensationalist dilemma without true backing or honoringstand so I vouch no and think that entities just like us should come to thisworld ldquousualrdquo way just like we did for their mission of good or evil or elsejust like we all are fancy space ships in contact with tyrannical governmentsdecimating life and nature for power and profits are their real targetspopulation is to be in awe awaiting outside solution to inner turmoil samefor this world as in outside influence for internal misconduct I find Gaiastronger and I find myself with lesser worry so if our conscious plant calls it Id agree but it is left for someone to prove it as I see not Gaia agreeing on ourldquoworkrdquo let alone that of governments and industrial and their spaceconnections so until saw that nurturing me calling it this all dilemmas arelike chewing sawdust hard to find nutrition for human in it

JerseyCynicNov 20 2014 at 548 am

Letrsquos dancehellip (a slow one) to one of my favorite bedtime songs


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oh manhellipIrsquom a gonna start tearing up ndash I miss my babies

Come Take A Trip In My Airship (Remastered) ndash Natalie Merchanthttpwwwyoutubecomwatchv=GDL0GVZXjMI

arielNov 20 2014 at 726 am

Sod it guyshellipthe whole point is that WE CAN HANDLE IThelliphellipWe first have tolearn that our conditioned negativity is projected externally as lsquorealityrsquo(definitely lower case) My lsquoproblemrsquo is how do we get enough of youus intoNOW the inner awareness of the lsquomovement and the restrsquo as Kitty likes torefer to it which is the operating end of the universal life force whichexpands our perception limitlessly subject to the filters which prevent usdestroying the lsquobodiesrsquo with INTENSITY Irsquove met them some of themhelliphellipWearenrsquot SUDDENLY in an awful situationhelliphellipitrsquos fucking hystericallyhistoricalhellipbloody tourists most of the ones Irsquove methellipPot calling the kettleblack really because Irsquove done a bithelliphellipYou donrsquot invite the vampire inhelliphelliphellip

will iamNov 20 2014 at 1257 pm



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I hadnrsquot realized that now was something I needed to get into I wasunder the impression that now is wellhellipnow

I didnrsquot know that it was a separate something or other that dependedon quantity for its existence

I apologize in advance for contributing to your lsquoproblemrsquo so maybeyou can tell me (us) what wes need to be looking for so that on theoft chance it were to come by again wes can have some of it

VigilantibusNov 20 2014 at 751 am

This is another deception from MATRIXBeautiful words Things from New (C)ageIt is a TRAPHumanity falls like ducksWake Up

PamNov 20 2014 at 859 am

HeyhelliphelliphellipI want to see this onehellipBring it onhelliphelliprdquoYESrdquo



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ThomasNov 20 2014 at 906 am

The inorganic races are crafty Although they canrsquot lie to us they canmanipulate Once free will is exercised to join their ranks there is no turningback Can we at least wait until Black Friday and Cyber Monday are over

NofolaloNov 20 2014 at 1111 am

Here ya go Jerseyhelliphttpwwwyoutubecomwatchv=REHV8LERhPwhttpwwwyoutubecomwatchv=5PvGn75ibI4

JerseyCynicNov 20 2014 at 207 pm

Love it Nofolalo I used to know every word to the Flying PurplePeople Eater What a great goofy beat mdash just try to sit still listening




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People Eater What a great goofy beat mdash just try to sit still listeningto it mdash you canrsquot

I wish doo wop never died I grew up just after that

Also missed out on The Bristol Stomphttpwwwyoutubecomwatchv=XCOB5-E4P6Y (I canrsquot believe thesepeople are sitting in their seats)

oh herersquos a good one ndash The Bristol Stomp Dance Around the Worldhttpwwwyoutubecomwatchv=fIbkKxUD0Mst=106

alexNov 20 2014 at 208 pm


PatrickNov 20 2014 at 1113 am

The outside help is from withinhellipinside Free will is wonderful and it hascertainly no choiceshellipUse your intent so your help can help us all Weexchange our intent with the source everyday so we will certainly exchangehelp with benevolence every once in a while Use this positively whether its



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BS or not Love life guys

PeterNov 20 2014 at 535 pm

Following was posted Yeterday an was coming to my attention Some of you sure remember SIRIUS

Dr Steven Greer Dozens of Benevolent ET Species Are Here Eager to MakeContacthttpwwwriseearthcom201411dr-steven-greer-dozens-of-benevolent-ethtml

Itrsquos not the only Article that shows up but that was posted ( I think because ofthe Article we can read here posted) The NEW AGERS always again jump on that wagon and believe in suchchannelings

manNov 20 2014 at 550 pm

yeah itacutes been there for years now on the wwwyears ago i would have said YES STOP BY FOR TEA AND COOKIES



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but now i go HELL NO YOU BLOODY PARASITES suck yourself and bite thestellar dustread this kind of honeysweet friendly alien bullshit often enough- nothingbut mindcontrollitacutes for the kids crying for mama to save them for the ones that like to HOPEand leave EVOLUTION to someone elsethere is no outside saviouryou guys are right itacutes the vampires trying to get our permissioni always wondered why they would need ithellip do they really care for karmathen what about the cheatwhatever- i suppose zen just put it here as a test and a provovation to stir adiscussionheacutes not one of the i-hope-someoneacutes-gonna-save-meacutes more a get-your-sweet-ass-going-guywhat a clever bastard you are zen

JerseyCynicNov 21 2014 at 308 pm

spot on man Google is behind it I do believe

from 2007httpswwwyoutubecomwatchv=-K8ADMzz46c a CGI of a womanreading half of this message and at the end ldquoyou must read the rest ofthe message at google or yahoo search google with the quote marks


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and now that google and nasa have partnered up It wouldnrsquot surpriseme if some day soon we started to see holographic airships here andthere with Ray Kurzweil as their Director of Engineering mdash anythinggoeshttptechcrunchcom20141110google-moffett-airfield-nasa

do know evil my ass

LizaNov 20 2014 at 1011 pm

But donrsquot give it all the credit Intriguing concepts Deception

Free will Yes it is within Never to be coughed up handed over Thecomments on the source site show a lot of naivtersquo Humans by nature look toconnecting as strengthening (Help) The more to have wins It is Not soLooking to another is not the way to go

This site inhabits lots of free thinkers

The only thing I would give my freewill over to is Peace amp Justice It doesexist In the heartmind Too bad the heart is so badly broken

Perhaps the only way to save a planet is with the allone mindset of all itsinhabitants simutaneously If that could be achieved Everybodyrsquos mind set


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on the collective The whole It could happen it is happening Maybe we justhave to let go of this dimension Canrsquot sustain it Donrsquot knowWell itrsquos all Bullshit anyway

hashishiNov 21 2014 at 751 am

ldquoFree will Yes it is within Never to be coughed up handed over rdquo

The most simple profound and beautiful truth It always does me goodto see a wonderful unencumbered spirit reflecting the same greattruth back at me

Dr Paula-Noel MacfieNov 21 2014 at 133 am

Liza we are all already connected and online through indigenous mind ourAncestors We never ldquoleftrdquohellipour minds have been so colonized that we forgotwho we are and where we come from The connection is still there just awhole lotta dissociation in between to navigate through




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arielNov 21 2014 at 725 am

HEY KITTYhelliprsquoWe are the parents our children have warned us abouthelliprsquo isnrsquot it

arielNov 21 2014 at 726 am

Or is it our greatgrand descendants

KittyNov 21 2014 at 319 pm


hashishiNov 21 2014 at 808 am

Oh hai VALIS Good game good game lsquoAliensrsquo Like it But er no thanks




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Oh hai VALIS Good game good game lsquoAliensrsquo Like it But er no thanks

AlteaNov 21 2014 at 554 pm

We are the ETrsquos we have been waiting for

manNov 21 2014 at 620 pm

what a weird place this world is indeedwhere reality is stranger than fictiongood to have a heart

vibra amor

StarDustNov 27 2014 at 900 pm

Why you need thousands of ships one is not enough Come in peace like




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you say and all the humans will open their arms and hug you






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Many human beings have been in visual auditory tactile or psychiccontact with such ships mdash some of which it should be noted withcaution are under the influence of hidden powers that govern youwhich we often term ldquothe third partyrdquo

The relative scarcity of your observations is due to the dematerializedstate of these ships Being unable to perceive them yourselves youcannot acknowledge their existence We fully understand this

When most observations do occur they are arranged on an individualbasis so as to touch the individual soul and not to influence or intrudeon any organized social system

This is deliberate on the part of the various races that surround youbut for a variety of reasons and results For negative multidimensionalbeings that play a part in the exercise of power in the shadow ofhuman oligarchy discretion is motivated by their desire to keep theirexistence unknown

For us discretion has been motivated by the respect of the humanfree will that people can exercise to manage their own affairs so thatthey can reach technical and spiritual maturity on their own

However humankindrsquos entrance into the family of galactic civilizationsis greatly expected

We can appear in broad daylight to help you attain this union but we

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have not done it so far as too few of you have genuinely desired itbecause of ignorance indifference or fear and because the urgencyof the situation did not justify it

Who are you

You are the offspring of many traditions that throughout time havebeen mutually enriched by each othersrsquo contributions

Your goal is to unite while respecting these diverse roots toaccomplish a common purpose a united project The appearancesof your cultures help keep you separated because you give them fargreater importance than you give your deeper beings

Shape or form has been deemed more important than the essenceof your subtle nature For the powers in control this emphasis ondifferences of form constitutes a bulwark against any form of positivechange

Now you are being called on to overcome the identification with formwhile still respecting it for its richness and beauty Understanding theconsciousness behind form allows us to love all humans in theirdiversity

Peace does not mean simply not making war it consists in becomingwhat you collectively are in reality a fraternity

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The solutions available to achieve this are decreasing but one thatcould still catalyze it would be open contact with another race thatwould reflect the image of what you are in a deeper reality

Except for rare occasions our past interventions intentionally hadvery little influence on your capacity to make collective and individualdecisions about your own future

This was motivated by our knowledge of your deep psychologicalmechanisms We reached the conclusion that freedom is built everyday as a being becomes aware of himself and of his environmentgetting progressively rid of constraints and inertias whatever theymay be

However despite the actions of numerous brave and willing humansouls those inertias have been successfully maintained for thebenefit of a growing centralized power

What is your situation

Until recently mankind lived in satisfactory control of its decisionsBut it is losing more and more the control of its own fate partlybecause of the growing use of advanced technologies that affect yourbody as well as your mind and will eventually have irreversibly lethalconsequences for earthly and human ecosystems

Independently of your own will your resilience will artificially decrease

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and you will slowly but surely lose your extraordinary capacity to makelife desirable Such plans are on their way

Should a collective reaction of great magnitude not happen thisindividual power is doomed to vanish The period to come shall beone of rupture

This break however can be a positive break with the past as long asyou keep this creative power alive in you even if it cohabits for thetime being with the dark intentions of your potential lords

What now Should you wait for the last moment to find solutionsShould you anticipate or undergo pain

Your history has never ceased to be marked by encounters betweenpeoples whose discovery of one another occurred in circumstancesof conflict and conquest

Earth has now become a village where everyone knows everyoneelse but still conflicts persist and threats of all kinds get worse inintensity and duration

Individuals who have many potential capacities cannot exercise themwith dignity This is the case for the greatest majority of you forreasons that are essentially geopolitical

There are several billion of you but the education of your children and

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your living conditions as well as the conditions of numerous animalsand much plant life are under the thumb of a small number of yourpolitical financial military and religious representatives

Your thoughts and beliefs are modeled after partisan interests whileat the same time giving you the feeling that you are in total control ofyour destiny mdash which in essence is the reality but there is a long waybetween a wish and a fact when the true rules of the game at handare kept hidden

This time you are not the conqueror Spreading biased information isan effective strategy for manipulating human beings Inducingthoughts and emotions or even creating organisms that do notbelong to you is an even older strategy

A great roller wave is on the horizon It entails very positive but alsovery negative potentials At this time wonderful opportunities ofprogress stand side by side with threats of destruction

However you can only perceive what is being shown to you Thediminishing of many natural resources is inevitable and no long-termcollective remediation project has been launched Ecosystemexhaustion mechanisms have exceeded irreversible limits

The scarcity of resources whose entry price will rise day after day mdashand their unfair distribution mdash will bring about fratricidal fights on alarge scale from the hearts of your cities to your countrysides

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This is the reason why more than ever in your history your decisionsof today will directly and significantly impact your survival tomorrow

Hatred growshellip but so does love That is what keeps you confident inyour ability to find solutions

However human behaviors formed from past habits and trainingshave great inertia that leads to a dead end The critical mass has notbeen reached while the work of sabotage is being carried outcleverly and efficiently

You entrust your problems to representatives whose awareness ofcommon well being inexorably fades away before corporatistinterests

These putative servants of the people are far more often debating theform than the content Just at the moment of action delaysaccumulate to the point when you have to submit rather than choose

This inertia is in many ways typical of any civilization What eventcould radically modify it Where could a collective and unifyingawareness come from that will stop this blind rushing ahead

Tribes populations and human nations have always encountered andinteracted with one another Faced with the threats weighing upon thehuman family it is perhaps time that a greater interaction occurred

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There are two ways to establish a cosmic contact with anothercivilization via its standing representatives or directly with ordinaryindividuals

The first way entails fights of interests the second way bringsawareness The first way was chosen by a group of races motivatedby keeping mankind in slavery thereby controlling Earthrsquos resourcesits gene pool and the mass of human emotional energy

The second way was chosen by a group of races allied with thecause of the Spirit of Service Some years ago we did introduceourselves to representatives of the human power structure but theyrefused our outstretched hand on the basis of interests that wereincompatible with their strategic vision

That is why today individuals are to make this choice by themselveswithout any representatives interfering What we proposed in the pastto those whom we believed were in a capacity to contribute to yourhappiness we propose now mdash to you

Few of you are aware that non-human creatures have been involvedin the centralizing of power in your world and in the subtle taking ofcontrol These creatures do not necessarily stand on your materialplane which is precisely what could make them extremely efficientand frightening in the near future

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However also be aware that quite a few of your representatives arein fact fighting this danger that not all alien abductions are conductedto your detriment and that resistance also exists amongst thosedominance-oriented races

Peace and reunification of your peoples would be a first step towardharmony with civilizations other than yours That is precisely whatthose who manipulate you behind the scenes want to avoid at all costbecause by dividing they reign

They also reign over those who more visibly govern you Theirstrength comes from their capacity to instill mistrust and fear Thisconsiderably harms your very cosmic nature

This message would be of no interest if these manipulatorsrsquo influencewere not reaching its peak and if their misleading and murderousplans did not materialize within a few years from now

Their deadlines are close and mankind will undergo unprecedenteddifficulties for the next ten cycles [years] To defend yourselvesagainst this aggression that bears no face you need at least to haveenough information that points to the solution

Here again appearance and body type will not be enough to tell thedominator from the ally

At your current state of psychic development it is extremely difficult for

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you to distinguish between them In addition to your intuition trainingwill be necessary when the time has come Being aware of thepriceless value of free will we are inviting you to an alternative

What can we offer

We can offer you a more holistic vision of the universe and of lifeconstructive interactions the experience of fair and fraternalrelationships liberating technical knowledge eradication of sufferingcontrolled exercise of individual powers access to new forms ofenergy and finally a better comprehension of consciousness

We cannot help you overcome your individual and collective fears orbring you laws that you would not have chosen You must also work onyour own selves apply individual and collective efforts to build theworld you desire and manifest the spirit to quest for new skies

What would we receive

Should you decide that such a contact take place we would rejoiceover the safeguarding of fraternal equilibrium in this region of theuniverse fruitful diplomatic exchanges and the intense Joy ofknowing that you are united to accomplish what you are capable of

The feeling of Joy is strongly sought in the universe for its energy isdivine What is the question we ask you

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How can you answer this question The truth of soul can be readtelepathically so you only need to clearly ask yourself this questionand give your answer as clearly on your own or in a group as youwish

Being in the heart of a city or in the middle of a desert does notimpact the efficiency of your answer YES or NO

Just do it as if you were speaking to yourself but thinking about themessage This is a universal question and these mere few wordsput in their context have a powerful meaning

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This is why you should calmly think about it in all conscience In orderto perfectly associate your answer with the question it isrecommended that you answer after another careful reading of thismessage

Do not rush to answer Breathe and let all the power of your own freewill penetrate you Be proud of what you are Then do not lethesitation get in the way

The everyday problems that you may have can weaken you To beyourselves forget about them for a few minutes Feel the force thatsprings up in you You are in control of yourselves

A single thought a single answer can drastically change your nearfuture in one way as in another Your individual decision of asking inyour inner self that we show up on your material plane and in broaddaylight is precious and essential to us

Even though you can choose the way that best suits you rituals per seare essentially useless A sincere request made with your heart andyour own will will always be perceived by those of us to whom it issent In your own private polling booth of your secret will you willdetermine the future

What is the lever effect

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This decision should be made by the greatest possible numberamong you even though it might seem like a minority

It is recommended to spread this message in all envisageablefashions in as many languages as possible to those around youwhether or not they seem receptive to this new vision of the future Doit using a humorous tone or derision if that can help you

You can even openly and publicly make fun of it if it makes you feelmore comfortable but do not be indifferent for at least you will haveexercised your free will Forget about the false prophets and thebeliefs that have been transmitted to you about us

This request is one of the most intimate that can be asked to youMaking a decision by yourself as an individual is your right as wellas your responsibility Passivity only leads to the absence of freedom

Similarly indecision is never efficient If you really want to cling to yourbeliefs which is something that we understand then forcefully sayNO

If you do not know what to choose do not say YES because of merecuriosity This is not a show this is real daily life We exist We arealive

Your history has had plenty of episodes when determined men andwomen were able to influence the thread of events despite their small

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Just as a small number is enough to take temporal power on Earthand influence the future of the majority a small number of you canradically change your fate as an answer to the impotence in face ofso much inertia and so many hurdles You can ease mankindrsquos birthto Brotherhood

One of your thinkers once said

Spreading this message will then be the strengthening of the hand-hold We will be the light-years long lever and you will be thecraftsmen to ldquoraise the Earthrdquo as a consequence of our appearance

What would be the consequences of a positive decision

For us the immediate consequence of a collective favorable decisionwould be the materialization of many ships in your sky and on Earth

For you the direct effect would be the rapid abandoning of manycertitudes and beliefs A simple conclusive visual contact would have

ldquoGive me a hand-hold and Irsquoll raise the Earthrdquo

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huge repercussions for your future

Much knowledge would be modified forever The organization of yoursocieties would be deeply upheaved forever in all fields of activity

Power would become individual because you would see for yourselfthat we exist as living beings not accepting or rejecting that fact onthe word of any external authority Concretely you would change thescale of your values

The most important thing for us is that humankind would form a singlefamily before this ldquounknownrdquo we would represent

Danger would slowly melt away from your homes because you wouldindirectly force the undesirable ones those we name the ldquothird partyrdquoto show up and vanish You would all bear the same name and sharethe same roots Mankind

Later on peaceful and respectful exchanges would be thus possible ifsuch is your wish For now he who is hungry cannot smile he who isfearful cannot welcome us

We are sad to see men women and children suffering to such adegree in their flesh and in their hearts when they bear such an innerlight This light can be your future


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+++ZenGardnercomFrom The Web by TaboolaSponsored Links


What Does Your LastName Say About You

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arcadia11Nov 19 2014 at 509 pm

no not by any stretch of reason or imagination the dangerous deceptivenew age is over no matter how compelling the disguise

donrsquot take the bait donrsquot turn all life over to something outside of yourselvesthis is the way government works problem-reaction-solution when it getsbad enough and for all the world seems as if there is no other way manyotherwise intelligent people will yell lsquoyes help usrsquo

and itrsquos game over


surprised to find this article here

Crystal MoonNov 19 2014 at 539 pm

ldquoYou entrust your problems to representatives whose awareness of commonwell being inexorably fades away before corporatist interests rdquo

That certainly says it


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Dr Paula-Noel MacfieNov 19 2014 at 550 pm

This seems like a human being dissociated from genetic memory of Ancestors

alexNov 19 2014 at 554 pm

Hmmmmmhellipsoftening us up for Project Blue Beamhellipreads as if it wasformatteddictated thru an AI lsquochannelerrsquohellipseeking our permissionhellipsoundslike satanic protocol to me (lol)helliporhellipirsquom getting waaaaaaay tooooo cynicalin my old age hahahahellipcheers

KittyNov 19 2014 at 601 pm

No Alex had exactly the same thoughts too Project Blue Beam back again helliphellip Lol





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alexNov 19 2014 at 605 pm


KittyNov 19 2014 at 609 pm

branewaiverNov 19 2014 at 750 pm

I agree Alex and Kitty this is too pat not to mention a littlepatronizing Doesnrsquot pass the sniff test Letrsquos get those awarefuckers with their own desires Game over





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indigovioletNov 20 2014 at 212 pm

Project Bluebeamhellip I had the same thought The words interest thebrain (slightly) but donrsquot reach the heart

KittyNov 20 2014 at 226 pm

I think thatrsquos a good way to describe it Indie Blue Beam seemsto have gone a bit quiet recently and I just thought UhhhOhhhhBlue Beam has returned Irsquom wondering if wersquoll get more of this I think it cyclesChristmas is always a good time for revelations not sure if weare quite there yet

indigovioletNov 20 2014 at 244 pm

Yes and the lsquoaliensrsquo could always say they achieved aconsensus and we would be none the wiser just like



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with the vote (rigging) system

KittyNov 20 2014 at 319 pm

Indie I have to ask you this I was recently roadraged by someone driving so close to me Icouldnrsquot see his head lights It lasted for miles I reacted in absolutely the wrong way dideverything wrong Scared myself silly I really surprised myself I feltso stupid It made me think If something did happen out of the blue like sayBlue Beam how drsquoyou think you would react Would we as people who may consider ourselvesfairly aware be able to see what was happening I gave a neighbour a lift today Sunny warmish but the sky was covered withseriously hugersquo trailsI pointed and said something on the lines of wowlook at those She didnrsquot see them Indie not one as in reallycouldnrsquot see them


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It was so surreal I stopped the car and pointedbut still didnrsquot even register So is this lsquo spiritual lsquo physical mental Very strange experience

indigovioletNov 20 2014 at 356 pm

Strange Kittyhellip

A few years ago I started read the work Rik Clayregarding a planned fake alien invasion and thelater statement from Wernher von Braun on hisdeathbed reinforced what I thought After readingRikrsquos work (and you will probably know that hewas more-than-likely suicided at 26 just as hewas getting into all this) I decided there and thenthat any talk of an alien invasion going forwardwould be dismissed as fake by me howevercompelling When you have felt the truth in alucid moment you just have to stand yourground

We donrsquot know how we will react to a situationuntil we are in it as you saw when the bizarreand frightening road-rage incident took place ndash

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not that you had any room for manoeuvre if hewas right on your tail like that Very ScaryAlmost black ops- like

I donrsquot understand why your neighbour didnrsquot seethe chemtrails Maybe you should have driven herto the opticians Doesnrsquot make sense does itEverybody who I have pointed them out to hasseen them

pegNov 20 2014 at 450 pm

Kitty got this link from a girlfriend yesterday afternoonBless her heart She is a lovely spirit mdashndash Yep your rightitrsquos going around This was sent out on the internet onthe 18th and she thought it needed to be sent to me asldquoGood NewsrdquoHere is what was senthttppaowebcomsn111814htmIt comes from Sheldon Nidle



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Nov 20 2014 at 507 pm

Wow Peg Thanks for this It is cyclical Isometimes get this kind of thing but itrsquos been solong I canrsquot remember the last time Irsquoll have a good look at this one I actually like tosee this kind if thingSo the question is whatrsquos cooking if anything Well have to watch and wait

pegNov 20 2014 at 536 pm

Kitty I do not think any of this from anythinggood actually Everything inside speaks ndash ndash errorndash ndash error I stand with the help is us mdash- in us mdash-we just should find out who we really are In myheart knowing mdash- itrsquos infinityEven the pope is getting people ready for this mdash-what does that say Clinton not long ago onsome program etc etc Nope this being isstaying away from this None of them have mypermission to fix anything Our consciousness ampresonance will take care of things needed We areoneBy the way I didnrsquot finish reading the material

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she sent I just canrsquot Love her dearly and will beseeing her on Sunday She has began looking atmaterial on meditation by just listening to herbreathing Cannot change what others do orbelieve with teachings but only by my walkingand being Itrsquos all about consciousness and I knowyou know that Hugs

LizaNov 20 2014 at 939 pm

wow Kitty that is strange that she just couldnrsquotsee the chemtrailshellip

JerseyCynicNov 19 2014 at 646 pm

Is this a gullibility testYES YES YES (I am doing it using a humorous tone cause that helps me)httpwwwyoutubecomwatchv=O6VUMGO3hCs

Irsquom pretty gullible (getting better) This doesnrsquot sit well with meldquoBeing aware of the priceless value of free will we are inviting you to analternativerdquo

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No thanks

ldquoYour individual decision of asking in your inner self that we show up onyour material plane and in broad daylight is precious and essential to usrdquo

I do go out on the deck every night though (2am ndash 4am) and ask the starbeings to visit me No luck yet (as best as I can remember)

Gee mdash I wonder why SNOPES hasnrsquot taken this one onhelliphellipDOH

OK OK ndash here we go mdash I found the source mdash Itrsquos a cute blonde that must workin Googlersquos marketing departmenthelliphellip those evil bastardsldquoDO YOU WISH THAT WE SHOW UP rdquo from 2006httpwwwyoutubecomwatchv=-K8ADMzz46c

well that didnrsquot take long ndash sorry to burst any bubbles

OphiuchusNov 19 2014 at 920 pm

As soon as I hear the ldquohumanrdquo false paradigm ldquoevolutionrdquo it sends upan immediate red flag to me It is the false assumption that we startdumb and become something better rather than the parasiticdummening of an already highly advanced sentient form of lifeEvolution to me reeks of the linear false time paradigm



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KittyNov 20 2014 at 414 pm

Rik Clay Read a lot of his work Fascinating His lsquosuicidersquo wasnrsquot it vigourously contested by his family and friends These people either commit lsquosuicide lsquo or die of a heart attack

Such a young vibrant man His work isnrsquot so prominent any more Ithink I may have to revisit him I think the road rage person may havebeen drinking Funny thing was my daughter was with me and shesaid before he went he turned his lights off Funny folks where I live Neighbour lol She is elderly I think a visit to the opticians is inorder I did point them out to some farmer friends a long time ago theydidnrsquot see either not what I was seeing certainly Maybe a differentperception

indigovioletNov 20 2014 at 445 pm

I read that his family have said that he did commit suicide but Idonrsquot knowhellip It was the day after his Red Ice Radio interviewand it was noted that he was in very good spirits at the time


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and looking forward enthusiastically to further researching Hewas buried on September 11th A lot of things didnrsquot add up atthe time (or did) But who knows

KittyNov 20 2014 at 453 pm

Must have got that wrong Irsquov been thinking of DavidKelly recently I saw a pic of Tony Blair and Kelly came tomind i was going to mention him to youThese things are very strange Indie his family may have been pressured or maybe suicidewas preferable to the thought of murder Rik Clay was so young and so bright and brave It takes guts to stand up and be counted Who knows true We probably never will

KittyNov 20 2014 at 559 pm

No I donrsquot either Peg I like to be fore warned as in fore armed The Vatican has made some rather startling statements as far as the



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alien agenda is concerned Love our alien brothers and sisters would we baptise them and callthem Christians The usual This has been going on for some time now and Clintonslittle bit of input was interesting too The Disclosure Project it justall adds up to an agenda leading to our furtherenslavement My answer to the question here should just have been a blunt NO Like you I feel it is all within usThe answers we need to everythingare all there Walking the walk is my preferred way too Your friend is blessed tohave you to guide her but itrsquos your love Peg that will really make animpact on her Your well is deep and so many draw upon it I readDavidrsquos post but havenrsquot said anything yet so I know you know what Imean Yoursquore full of love Peg and that is all that matters Hugs backand love XXX

LizaNov 20 2014 at 940 pm



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KittyNov 20 2014 at 1156 pm

Liza I thought I was going a bit crazy This was seriously bizarre Irsquov been thinking about this and maybe itrsquos to do withfrequency There are a lot if other strange phenomenon associated withchemtrailingI saw an orb flying alongside a plane that was obviouslylsquotrailing If my son hadnrsquot been with me at the time and saw it too Iwouldnrsquot have believed what I was seeing Irsquod love to know how many people actually canrsquot see thesethings It still makes me smile when I thinkabout it Neighbour now thinks Irsquom arsquo funny little thingrsquo

LizaNov 20 2014 at 941 pm



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JerseyCynicNov 19 2014 at 650 pm

Letrsquos ask the cathelliphttpwwwyoutubecomwatchv=jD4JhoOFzPg

will iamNov 19 2014 at 830 pm

Ha Remember this one httpswwwyoutubecomwatchv=5Us1ASENPwsampfeature=player_detailpage

JerseyCynicNov 19 2014 at 859 pm

Omg will do I remember this one Yes yes yes and Irsquove got abig toe permanently disfigured from a ldquoboogaloordquo contest toprove it Thanks for the painful memory Good times Thatnight I learned a valuable lesson hellipnever boogaloo barefoot ona crowded dance floor Good times




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pegNov 19 2014 at 832 pm

JC thank you so much for a huge dip belly laughnonononoonononononluvluvluvluv

HeatherNov 19 2014 at 801 pm

Buthellip they get mehellip they get ithellip they understandhellip whoa is me

No way in hell do I need assistance from some outside source that has alreadymet with our lsquoleadersrsquo and understands everything so well but lurks askingmy permission to come aboard I do appreciate the special touches of layingso much of our lsquofamilyrsquo BS out there for us to recap but I am not invitinganother lsquovampirersquo into the lsquohousersquo

JC ndash ha I love ya lady The cat was a special touch for sure ha ha




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Nov 20 2014 at 1130 am

ha I had not realized how sarcastic I was on this commenthellip I was stillfeeling the ldquogossip ladiesrdquo from my daughterrsquos martial arts earlier and Iwas quite sarcastic in lsquodealingrsquo with them Overflowhellip hee

No we are the oneshellip plain and simple

JerseyCynicNov 20 2014 at 133 pm

got that right HeatherldquoBanish the word lsquostrugglersquo from your attitude and yourvocabulary All that we do now must be done in a sacredmanner and in celebration We are the ones we have beenwaiting forrdquo mdash Hopi elders

KittyNov 20 2014 at 157 pm

Perfect JC and Heather lsquoWe are the ones we are waitingfor lsquoThat just about says it all really



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Much love to you both X X X

HeatherNov 20 2014 at 306 pm

Indeed Much love to you both and really big hugs

KittyNov 20 2014 at 323 pm

Huge hugs back X

will iamNov 19 2014 at 815 pm

ldquoThis my friends could be the most important message mankind has everreceivedhelliprdquo


ldquoBe proud of what you arerdquo (the army)



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ldquoBe proud of what you arerdquo (the army)

ldquoThe most important thing for us is that humankind would form a singlefamily before this ldquounknownrdquo we would representrdquo (politics as usual)

ldquoPeace does not mean simply not making war it consists in becoming whatyou collectively are in reality a fraternityrdquo helliphelliphellip Zeta Delta Con

OphiuchusNov 19 2014 at 911 pm

My heart intuition says that this is false and my subconscious shows me theWalter Von Braun message

NofolaloNov 20 2014 at 1056 am

Good thing about the Walter Von Braun message itrsquos their lsquolast card

majikNov 19 2014 at 1016 pm




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I agree This feels wrong

majikNov 19 2014 at 1022 pm

I do believe this is real Irsquove been following them since 06 Well my idea offollowing which is really doing what my mom called the ldquosniffrdquo test to see iftheir rotten I feel this message is real but subtlehttptomkenyoncomescalation-of-chaotic-nodes-and-the-dismantling-of-3-d-reality

John SmithNov 20 2014 at 321 am

there is no easy answer to this certainly humble human spirit would like toextend into presence and understand of life overall throughout wholeuniverse this unfortunately is not it

it appears as direction to admit that you are flawed to sort inner mess of thisworld with an outside force just like there is homophobia among differentgroups of humans it can also be understood as some kind of alien-phobiawithin various ldquoyesrdquo ldquonordquo groups and it should not be it



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so answer lingers most among reasons for yes and no and their validity

I for one am opposing this fancy questions and fancy landings we have needfor outside involvement since ever and it probably ever is done as we wantedit so it can be counted as intrusive with lack of honoring true demand truewish of yes or no

so this petition (seen it and commented it before) appears to be likejournalist duck sensationalist dilemma without true backing or honoringstand so I vouch no and think that entities just like us should come to thisworld ldquousualrdquo way just like we did for their mission of good or evil or elsejust like we all are fancy space ships in contact with tyrannical governmentsdecimating life and nature for power and profits are their real targetspopulation is to be in awe awaiting outside solution to inner turmoil samefor this world as in outside influence for internal misconduct I find Gaiastronger and I find myself with lesser worry so if our conscious plant calls it Id agree but it is left for someone to prove it as I see not Gaia agreeing on ourldquoworkrdquo let alone that of governments and industrial and their spaceconnections so until saw that nurturing me calling it this all dilemmas arelike chewing sawdust hard to find nutrition for human in it

JerseyCynicNov 20 2014 at 548 am

Letrsquos dancehellip (a slow one) to one of my favorite bedtime songs


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oh manhellipIrsquom a gonna start tearing up ndash I miss my babies

Come Take A Trip In My Airship (Remastered) ndash Natalie Merchanthttpwwwyoutubecomwatchv=GDL0GVZXjMI

arielNov 20 2014 at 726 am

Sod it guyshellipthe whole point is that WE CAN HANDLE IThelliphellipWe first have tolearn that our conditioned negativity is projected externally as lsquorealityrsquo(definitely lower case) My lsquoproblemrsquo is how do we get enough of youus intoNOW the inner awareness of the lsquomovement and the restrsquo as Kitty likes torefer to it which is the operating end of the universal life force whichexpands our perception limitlessly subject to the filters which prevent usdestroying the lsquobodiesrsquo with INTENSITY Irsquove met them some of themhelliphellipWearenrsquot SUDDENLY in an awful situationhelliphellipitrsquos fucking hystericallyhistoricalhellipbloody tourists most of the ones Irsquove methellipPot calling the kettleblack really because Irsquove done a bithelliphellipYou donrsquot invite the vampire inhelliphelliphellip

will iamNov 20 2014 at 1257 pm



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I hadnrsquot realized that now was something I needed to get into I wasunder the impression that now is wellhellipnow

I didnrsquot know that it was a separate something or other that dependedon quantity for its existence

I apologize in advance for contributing to your lsquoproblemrsquo so maybeyou can tell me (us) what wes need to be looking for so that on theoft chance it were to come by again wes can have some of it

VigilantibusNov 20 2014 at 751 am

This is another deception from MATRIXBeautiful words Things from New (C)ageIt is a TRAPHumanity falls like ducksWake Up

PamNov 20 2014 at 859 am

HeyhelliphelliphellipI want to see this onehellipBring it onhelliphelliprdquoYESrdquo



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ThomasNov 20 2014 at 906 am

The inorganic races are crafty Although they canrsquot lie to us they canmanipulate Once free will is exercised to join their ranks there is no turningback Can we at least wait until Black Friday and Cyber Monday are over

NofolaloNov 20 2014 at 1111 am

Here ya go Jerseyhelliphttpwwwyoutubecomwatchv=REHV8LERhPwhttpwwwyoutubecomwatchv=5PvGn75ibI4

JerseyCynicNov 20 2014 at 207 pm

Love it Nofolalo I used to know every word to the Flying PurplePeople Eater What a great goofy beat mdash just try to sit still listening




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People Eater What a great goofy beat mdash just try to sit still listeningto it mdash you canrsquot

I wish doo wop never died I grew up just after that

Also missed out on The Bristol Stomphttpwwwyoutubecomwatchv=XCOB5-E4P6Y (I canrsquot believe thesepeople are sitting in their seats)

oh herersquos a good one ndash The Bristol Stomp Dance Around the Worldhttpwwwyoutubecomwatchv=fIbkKxUD0Mst=106

alexNov 20 2014 at 208 pm


PatrickNov 20 2014 at 1113 am

The outside help is from withinhellipinside Free will is wonderful and it hascertainly no choiceshellipUse your intent so your help can help us all Weexchange our intent with the source everyday so we will certainly exchangehelp with benevolence every once in a while Use this positively whether its



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BS or not Love life guys

PeterNov 20 2014 at 535 pm

Following was posted Yeterday an was coming to my attention Some of you sure remember SIRIUS

Dr Steven Greer Dozens of Benevolent ET Species Are Here Eager to MakeContacthttpwwwriseearthcom201411dr-steven-greer-dozens-of-benevolent-ethtml

Itrsquos not the only Article that shows up but that was posted ( I think because ofthe Article we can read here posted) The NEW AGERS always again jump on that wagon and believe in suchchannelings

manNov 20 2014 at 550 pm

yeah itacutes been there for years now on the wwwyears ago i would have said YES STOP BY FOR TEA AND COOKIES



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but now i go HELL NO YOU BLOODY PARASITES suck yourself and bite thestellar dustread this kind of honeysweet friendly alien bullshit often enough- nothingbut mindcontrollitacutes for the kids crying for mama to save them for the ones that like to HOPEand leave EVOLUTION to someone elsethere is no outside saviouryou guys are right itacutes the vampires trying to get our permissioni always wondered why they would need ithellip do they really care for karmathen what about the cheatwhatever- i suppose zen just put it here as a test and a provovation to stir adiscussionheacutes not one of the i-hope-someoneacutes-gonna-save-meacutes more a get-your-sweet-ass-going-guywhat a clever bastard you are zen

JerseyCynicNov 21 2014 at 308 pm

spot on man Google is behind it I do believe

from 2007httpswwwyoutubecomwatchv=-K8ADMzz46c a CGI of a womanreading half of this message and at the end ldquoyou must read the rest ofthe message at google or yahoo search google with the quote marks


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and now that google and nasa have partnered up It wouldnrsquot surpriseme if some day soon we started to see holographic airships here andthere with Ray Kurzweil as their Director of Engineering mdash anythinggoeshttptechcrunchcom20141110google-moffett-airfield-nasa

do know evil my ass

LizaNov 20 2014 at 1011 pm

But donrsquot give it all the credit Intriguing concepts Deception

Free will Yes it is within Never to be coughed up handed over Thecomments on the source site show a lot of naivtersquo Humans by nature look toconnecting as strengthening (Help) The more to have wins It is Not soLooking to another is not the way to go

This site inhabits lots of free thinkers

The only thing I would give my freewill over to is Peace amp Justice It doesexist In the heartmind Too bad the heart is so badly broken

Perhaps the only way to save a planet is with the allone mindset of all itsinhabitants simutaneously If that could be achieved Everybodyrsquos mind set


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on the collective The whole It could happen it is happening Maybe we justhave to let go of this dimension Canrsquot sustain it Donrsquot knowWell itrsquos all Bullshit anyway

hashishiNov 21 2014 at 751 am

ldquoFree will Yes it is within Never to be coughed up handed over rdquo

The most simple profound and beautiful truth It always does me goodto see a wonderful unencumbered spirit reflecting the same greattruth back at me

Dr Paula-Noel MacfieNov 21 2014 at 133 am

Liza we are all already connected and online through indigenous mind ourAncestors We never ldquoleftrdquohellipour minds have been so colonized that we forgotwho we are and where we come from The connection is still there just awhole lotta dissociation in between to navigate through




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arielNov 21 2014 at 725 am

HEY KITTYhelliprsquoWe are the parents our children have warned us abouthelliprsquo isnrsquot it

arielNov 21 2014 at 726 am

Or is it our greatgrand descendants

KittyNov 21 2014 at 319 pm


hashishiNov 21 2014 at 808 am

Oh hai VALIS Good game good game lsquoAliensrsquo Like it But er no thanks




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Oh hai VALIS Good game good game lsquoAliensrsquo Like it But er no thanks

AlteaNov 21 2014 at 554 pm

We are the ETrsquos we have been waiting for

manNov 21 2014 at 620 pm

what a weird place this world is indeedwhere reality is stranger than fictiongood to have a heart

vibra amor

StarDustNov 27 2014 at 900 pm

Why you need thousands of ships one is not enough Come in peace like




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you say and all the humans will open their arms and hug you






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have not done it so far as too few of you have genuinely desired itbecause of ignorance indifference or fear and because the urgencyof the situation did not justify it

Who are you

You are the offspring of many traditions that throughout time havebeen mutually enriched by each othersrsquo contributions

Your goal is to unite while respecting these diverse roots toaccomplish a common purpose a united project The appearancesof your cultures help keep you separated because you give them fargreater importance than you give your deeper beings

Shape or form has been deemed more important than the essenceof your subtle nature For the powers in control this emphasis ondifferences of form constitutes a bulwark against any form of positivechange

Now you are being called on to overcome the identification with formwhile still respecting it for its richness and beauty Understanding theconsciousness behind form allows us to love all humans in theirdiversity

Peace does not mean simply not making war it consists in becomingwhat you collectively are in reality a fraternity

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The solutions available to achieve this are decreasing but one thatcould still catalyze it would be open contact with another race thatwould reflect the image of what you are in a deeper reality

Except for rare occasions our past interventions intentionally hadvery little influence on your capacity to make collective and individualdecisions about your own future

This was motivated by our knowledge of your deep psychologicalmechanisms We reached the conclusion that freedom is built everyday as a being becomes aware of himself and of his environmentgetting progressively rid of constraints and inertias whatever theymay be

However despite the actions of numerous brave and willing humansouls those inertias have been successfully maintained for thebenefit of a growing centralized power

What is your situation

Until recently mankind lived in satisfactory control of its decisionsBut it is losing more and more the control of its own fate partlybecause of the growing use of advanced technologies that affect yourbody as well as your mind and will eventually have irreversibly lethalconsequences for earthly and human ecosystems

Independently of your own will your resilience will artificially decrease

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and you will slowly but surely lose your extraordinary capacity to makelife desirable Such plans are on their way

Should a collective reaction of great magnitude not happen thisindividual power is doomed to vanish The period to come shall beone of rupture

This break however can be a positive break with the past as long asyou keep this creative power alive in you even if it cohabits for thetime being with the dark intentions of your potential lords

What now Should you wait for the last moment to find solutionsShould you anticipate or undergo pain

Your history has never ceased to be marked by encounters betweenpeoples whose discovery of one another occurred in circumstancesof conflict and conquest

Earth has now become a village where everyone knows everyoneelse but still conflicts persist and threats of all kinds get worse inintensity and duration

Individuals who have many potential capacities cannot exercise themwith dignity This is the case for the greatest majority of you forreasons that are essentially geopolitical

There are several billion of you but the education of your children and

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your living conditions as well as the conditions of numerous animalsand much plant life are under the thumb of a small number of yourpolitical financial military and religious representatives

Your thoughts and beliefs are modeled after partisan interests whileat the same time giving you the feeling that you are in total control ofyour destiny mdash which in essence is the reality but there is a long waybetween a wish and a fact when the true rules of the game at handare kept hidden

This time you are not the conqueror Spreading biased information isan effective strategy for manipulating human beings Inducingthoughts and emotions or even creating organisms that do notbelong to you is an even older strategy

A great roller wave is on the horizon It entails very positive but alsovery negative potentials At this time wonderful opportunities ofprogress stand side by side with threats of destruction

However you can only perceive what is being shown to you Thediminishing of many natural resources is inevitable and no long-termcollective remediation project has been launched Ecosystemexhaustion mechanisms have exceeded irreversible limits

The scarcity of resources whose entry price will rise day after day mdashand their unfair distribution mdash will bring about fratricidal fights on alarge scale from the hearts of your cities to your countrysides

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This is the reason why more than ever in your history your decisionsof today will directly and significantly impact your survival tomorrow

Hatred growshellip but so does love That is what keeps you confident inyour ability to find solutions

However human behaviors formed from past habits and trainingshave great inertia that leads to a dead end The critical mass has notbeen reached while the work of sabotage is being carried outcleverly and efficiently

You entrust your problems to representatives whose awareness ofcommon well being inexorably fades away before corporatistinterests

These putative servants of the people are far more often debating theform than the content Just at the moment of action delaysaccumulate to the point when you have to submit rather than choose

This inertia is in many ways typical of any civilization What eventcould radically modify it Where could a collective and unifyingawareness come from that will stop this blind rushing ahead

Tribes populations and human nations have always encountered andinteracted with one another Faced with the threats weighing upon thehuman family it is perhaps time that a greater interaction occurred

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There are two ways to establish a cosmic contact with anothercivilization via its standing representatives or directly with ordinaryindividuals

The first way entails fights of interests the second way bringsawareness The first way was chosen by a group of races motivatedby keeping mankind in slavery thereby controlling Earthrsquos resourcesits gene pool and the mass of human emotional energy

The second way was chosen by a group of races allied with thecause of the Spirit of Service Some years ago we did introduceourselves to representatives of the human power structure but theyrefused our outstretched hand on the basis of interests that wereincompatible with their strategic vision

That is why today individuals are to make this choice by themselveswithout any representatives interfering What we proposed in the pastto those whom we believed were in a capacity to contribute to yourhappiness we propose now mdash to you

Few of you are aware that non-human creatures have been involvedin the centralizing of power in your world and in the subtle taking ofcontrol These creatures do not necessarily stand on your materialplane which is precisely what could make them extremely efficientand frightening in the near future

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However also be aware that quite a few of your representatives arein fact fighting this danger that not all alien abductions are conductedto your detriment and that resistance also exists amongst thosedominance-oriented races

Peace and reunification of your peoples would be a first step towardharmony with civilizations other than yours That is precisely whatthose who manipulate you behind the scenes want to avoid at all costbecause by dividing they reign

They also reign over those who more visibly govern you Theirstrength comes from their capacity to instill mistrust and fear Thisconsiderably harms your very cosmic nature

This message would be of no interest if these manipulatorsrsquo influencewere not reaching its peak and if their misleading and murderousplans did not materialize within a few years from now

Their deadlines are close and mankind will undergo unprecedenteddifficulties for the next ten cycles [years] To defend yourselvesagainst this aggression that bears no face you need at least to haveenough information that points to the solution

Here again appearance and body type will not be enough to tell thedominator from the ally

At your current state of psychic development it is extremely difficult for

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you to distinguish between them In addition to your intuition trainingwill be necessary when the time has come Being aware of thepriceless value of free will we are inviting you to an alternative

What can we offer

We can offer you a more holistic vision of the universe and of lifeconstructive interactions the experience of fair and fraternalrelationships liberating technical knowledge eradication of sufferingcontrolled exercise of individual powers access to new forms ofenergy and finally a better comprehension of consciousness

We cannot help you overcome your individual and collective fears orbring you laws that you would not have chosen You must also work onyour own selves apply individual and collective efforts to build theworld you desire and manifest the spirit to quest for new skies

What would we receive

Should you decide that such a contact take place we would rejoiceover the safeguarding of fraternal equilibrium in this region of theuniverse fruitful diplomatic exchanges and the intense Joy ofknowing that you are united to accomplish what you are capable of

The feeling of Joy is strongly sought in the universe for its energy isdivine What is the question we ask you

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How can you answer this question The truth of soul can be readtelepathically so you only need to clearly ask yourself this questionand give your answer as clearly on your own or in a group as youwish

Being in the heart of a city or in the middle of a desert does notimpact the efficiency of your answer YES or NO

Just do it as if you were speaking to yourself but thinking about themessage This is a universal question and these mere few wordsput in their context have a powerful meaning

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This is why you should calmly think about it in all conscience In orderto perfectly associate your answer with the question it isrecommended that you answer after another careful reading of thismessage

Do not rush to answer Breathe and let all the power of your own freewill penetrate you Be proud of what you are Then do not lethesitation get in the way

The everyday problems that you may have can weaken you To beyourselves forget about them for a few minutes Feel the force thatsprings up in you You are in control of yourselves

A single thought a single answer can drastically change your nearfuture in one way as in another Your individual decision of asking inyour inner self that we show up on your material plane and in broaddaylight is precious and essential to us

Even though you can choose the way that best suits you rituals per seare essentially useless A sincere request made with your heart andyour own will will always be perceived by those of us to whom it issent In your own private polling booth of your secret will you willdetermine the future

What is the lever effect

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This decision should be made by the greatest possible numberamong you even though it might seem like a minority

It is recommended to spread this message in all envisageablefashions in as many languages as possible to those around youwhether or not they seem receptive to this new vision of the future Doit using a humorous tone or derision if that can help you

You can even openly and publicly make fun of it if it makes you feelmore comfortable but do not be indifferent for at least you will haveexercised your free will Forget about the false prophets and thebeliefs that have been transmitted to you about us

This request is one of the most intimate that can be asked to youMaking a decision by yourself as an individual is your right as wellas your responsibility Passivity only leads to the absence of freedom

Similarly indecision is never efficient If you really want to cling to yourbeliefs which is something that we understand then forcefully sayNO

If you do not know what to choose do not say YES because of merecuriosity This is not a show this is real daily life We exist We arealive

Your history has had plenty of episodes when determined men andwomen were able to influence the thread of events despite their small

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Just as a small number is enough to take temporal power on Earthand influence the future of the majority a small number of you canradically change your fate as an answer to the impotence in face ofso much inertia and so many hurdles You can ease mankindrsquos birthto Brotherhood

One of your thinkers once said

Spreading this message will then be the strengthening of the hand-hold We will be the light-years long lever and you will be thecraftsmen to ldquoraise the Earthrdquo as a consequence of our appearance

What would be the consequences of a positive decision

For us the immediate consequence of a collective favorable decisionwould be the materialization of many ships in your sky and on Earth

For you the direct effect would be the rapid abandoning of manycertitudes and beliefs A simple conclusive visual contact would have

ldquoGive me a hand-hold and Irsquoll raise the Earthrdquo

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huge repercussions for your future

Much knowledge would be modified forever The organization of yoursocieties would be deeply upheaved forever in all fields of activity

Power would become individual because you would see for yourselfthat we exist as living beings not accepting or rejecting that fact onthe word of any external authority Concretely you would change thescale of your values

The most important thing for us is that humankind would form a singlefamily before this ldquounknownrdquo we would represent

Danger would slowly melt away from your homes because you wouldindirectly force the undesirable ones those we name the ldquothird partyrdquoto show up and vanish You would all bear the same name and sharethe same roots Mankind

Later on peaceful and respectful exchanges would be thus possible ifsuch is your wish For now he who is hungry cannot smile he who isfearful cannot welcome us

We are sad to see men women and children suffering to such adegree in their flesh and in their hearts when they bear such an innerlight This light can be your future


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arcadia11Nov 19 2014 at 509 pm

no not by any stretch of reason or imagination the dangerous deceptivenew age is over no matter how compelling the disguise

donrsquot take the bait donrsquot turn all life over to something outside of yourselvesthis is the way government works problem-reaction-solution when it getsbad enough and for all the world seems as if there is no other way manyotherwise intelligent people will yell lsquoyes help usrsquo

and itrsquos game over


surprised to find this article here

Crystal MoonNov 19 2014 at 539 pm

ldquoYou entrust your problems to representatives whose awareness of commonwell being inexorably fades away before corporatist interests rdquo

That certainly says it


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Dr Paula-Noel MacfieNov 19 2014 at 550 pm

This seems like a human being dissociated from genetic memory of Ancestors

alexNov 19 2014 at 554 pm

Hmmmmmhellipsoftening us up for Project Blue Beamhellipreads as if it wasformatteddictated thru an AI lsquochannelerrsquohellipseeking our permissionhellipsoundslike satanic protocol to me (lol)helliporhellipirsquom getting waaaaaaay tooooo cynicalin my old age hahahahellipcheers

KittyNov 19 2014 at 601 pm

No Alex had exactly the same thoughts too Project Blue Beam back again helliphellip Lol





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alexNov 19 2014 at 605 pm


KittyNov 19 2014 at 609 pm

branewaiverNov 19 2014 at 750 pm

I agree Alex and Kitty this is too pat not to mention a littlepatronizing Doesnrsquot pass the sniff test Letrsquos get those awarefuckers with their own desires Game over





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indigovioletNov 20 2014 at 212 pm

Project Bluebeamhellip I had the same thought The words interest thebrain (slightly) but donrsquot reach the heart

KittyNov 20 2014 at 226 pm

I think thatrsquos a good way to describe it Indie Blue Beam seemsto have gone a bit quiet recently and I just thought UhhhOhhhhBlue Beam has returned Irsquom wondering if wersquoll get more of this I think it cyclesChristmas is always a good time for revelations not sure if weare quite there yet

indigovioletNov 20 2014 at 244 pm

Yes and the lsquoaliensrsquo could always say they achieved aconsensus and we would be none the wiser just like



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with the vote (rigging) system

KittyNov 20 2014 at 319 pm

Indie I have to ask you this I was recently roadraged by someone driving so close to me Icouldnrsquot see his head lights It lasted for miles I reacted in absolutely the wrong way dideverything wrong Scared myself silly I really surprised myself I feltso stupid It made me think If something did happen out of the blue like sayBlue Beam how drsquoyou think you would react Would we as people who may consider ourselvesfairly aware be able to see what was happening I gave a neighbour a lift today Sunny warmish but the sky was covered withseriously hugersquo trailsI pointed and said something on the lines of wowlook at those She didnrsquot see them Indie not one as in reallycouldnrsquot see them


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It was so surreal I stopped the car and pointedbut still didnrsquot even register So is this lsquo spiritual lsquo physical mental Very strange experience

indigovioletNov 20 2014 at 356 pm

Strange Kittyhellip

A few years ago I started read the work Rik Clayregarding a planned fake alien invasion and thelater statement from Wernher von Braun on hisdeathbed reinforced what I thought After readingRikrsquos work (and you will probably know that hewas more-than-likely suicided at 26 just as hewas getting into all this) I decided there and thenthat any talk of an alien invasion going forwardwould be dismissed as fake by me howevercompelling When you have felt the truth in alucid moment you just have to stand yourground

We donrsquot know how we will react to a situationuntil we are in it as you saw when the bizarreand frightening road-rage incident took place ndash

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not that you had any room for manoeuvre if hewas right on your tail like that Very ScaryAlmost black ops- like

I donrsquot understand why your neighbour didnrsquot seethe chemtrails Maybe you should have driven herto the opticians Doesnrsquot make sense does itEverybody who I have pointed them out to hasseen them

pegNov 20 2014 at 450 pm

Kitty got this link from a girlfriend yesterday afternoonBless her heart She is a lovely spirit mdashndash Yep your rightitrsquos going around This was sent out on the internet onthe 18th and she thought it needed to be sent to me asldquoGood NewsrdquoHere is what was senthttppaowebcomsn111814htmIt comes from Sheldon Nidle



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Nov 20 2014 at 507 pm

Wow Peg Thanks for this It is cyclical Isometimes get this kind of thing but itrsquos been solong I canrsquot remember the last time Irsquoll have a good look at this one I actually like tosee this kind if thingSo the question is whatrsquos cooking if anything Well have to watch and wait

pegNov 20 2014 at 536 pm

Kitty I do not think any of this from anythinggood actually Everything inside speaks ndash ndash errorndash ndash error I stand with the help is us mdash- in us mdash-we just should find out who we really are In myheart knowing mdash- itrsquos infinityEven the pope is getting people ready for this mdash-what does that say Clinton not long ago onsome program etc etc Nope this being isstaying away from this None of them have mypermission to fix anything Our consciousness ampresonance will take care of things needed We areoneBy the way I didnrsquot finish reading the material

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she sent I just canrsquot Love her dearly and will beseeing her on Sunday She has began looking atmaterial on meditation by just listening to herbreathing Cannot change what others do orbelieve with teachings but only by my walkingand being Itrsquos all about consciousness and I knowyou know that Hugs

LizaNov 20 2014 at 939 pm

wow Kitty that is strange that she just couldnrsquotsee the chemtrailshellip

JerseyCynicNov 19 2014 at 646 pm

Is this a gullibility testYES YES YES (I am doing it using a humorous tone cause that helps me)httpwwwyoutubecomwatchv=O6VUMGO3hCs

Irsquom pretty gullible (getting better) This doesnrsquot sit well with meldquoBeing aware of the priceless value of free will we are inviting you to analternativerdquo

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No thanks

ldquoYour individual decision of asking in your inner self that we show up onyour material plane and in broad daylight is precious and essential to usrdquo

I do go out on the deck every night though (2am ndash 4am) and ask the starbeings to visit me No luck yet (as best as I can remember)

Gee mdash I wonder why SNOPES hasnrsquot taken this one onhelliphellipDOH

OK OK ndash here we go mdash I found the source mdash Itrsquos a cute blonde that must workin Googlersquos marketing departmenthelliphellip those evil bastardsldquoDO YOU WISH THAT WE SHOW UP rdquo from 2006httpwwwyoutubecomwatchv=-K8ADMzz46c

well that didnrsquot take long ndash sorry to burst any bubbles

OphiuchusNov 19 2014 at 920 pm

As soon as I hear the ldquohumanrdquo false paradigm ldquoevolutionrdquo it sends upan immediate red flag to me It is the false assumption that we startdumb and become something better rather than the parasiticdummening of an already highly advanced sentient form of lifeEvolution to me reeks of the linear false time paradigm



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KittyNov 20 2014 at 414 pm

Rik Clay Read a lot of his work Fascinating His lsquosuicidersquo wasnrsquot it vigourously contested by his family and friends These people either commit lsquosuicide lsquo or die of a heart attack

Such a young vibrant man His work isnrsquot so prominent any more Ithink I may have to revisit him I think the road rage person may havebeen drinking Funny thing was my daughter was with me and shesaid before he went he turned his lights off Funny folks where I live Neighbour lol She is elderly I think a visit to the opticians is inorder I did point them out to some farmer friends a long time ago theydidnrsquot see either not what I was seeing certainly Maybe a differentperception

indigovioletNov 20 2014 at 445 pm

I read that his family have said that he did commit suicide but Idonrsquot knowhellip It was the day after his Red Ice Radio interviewand it was noted that he was in very good spirits at the time


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and looking forward enthusiastically to further researching Hewas buried on September 11th A lot of things didnrsquot add up atthe time (or did) But who knows

KittyNov 20 2014 at 453 pm

Must have got that wrong Irsquov been thinking of DavidKelly recently I saw a pic of Tony Blair and Kelly came tomind i was going to mention him to youThese things are very strange Indie his family may have been pressured or maybe suicidewas preferable to the thought of murder Rik Clay was so young and so bright and brave It takes guts to stand up and be counted Who knows true We probably never will

KittyNov 20 2014 at 559 pm

No I donrsquot either Peg I like to be fore warned as in fore armed The Vatican has made some rather startling statements as far as the



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alien agenda is concerned Love our alien brothers and sisters would we baptise them and callthem Christians The usual This has been going on for some time now and Clintonslittle bit of input was interesting too The Disclosure Project it justall adds up to an agenda leading to our furtherenslavement My answer to the question here should just have been a blunt NO Like you I feel it is all within usThe answers we need to everythingare all there Walking the walk is my preferred way too Your friend is blessed tohave you to guide her but itrsquos your love Peg that will really make animpact on her Your well is deep and so many draw upon it I readDavidrsquos post but havenrsquot said anything yet so I know you know what Imean Yoursquore full of love Peg and that is all that matters Hugs backand love XXX

LizaNov 20 2014 at 940 pm



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KittyNov 20 2014 at 1156 pm

Liza I thought I was going a bit crazy This was seriously bizarre Irsquov been thinking about this and maybe itrsquos to do withfrequency There are a lot if other strange phenomenon associated withchemtrailingI saw an orb flying alongside a plane that was obviouslylsquotrailing If my son hadnrsquot been with me at the time and saw it too Iwouldnrsquot have believed what I was seeing Irsquod love to know how many people actually canrsquot see thesethings It still makes me smile when I thinkabout it Neighbour now thinks Irsquom arsquo funny little thingrsquo

LizaNov 20 2014 at 941 pm



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JerseyCynicNov 19 2014 at 650 pm

Letrsquos ask the cathelliphttpwwwyoutubecomwatchv=jD4JhoOFzPg

will iamNov 19 2014 at 830 pm

Ha Remember this one httpswwwyoutubecomwatchv=5Us1ASENPwsampfeature=player_detailpage

JerseyCynicNov 19 2014 at 859 pm

Omg will do I remember this one Yes yes yes and Irsquove got abig toe permanently disfigured from a ldquoboogaloordquo contest toprove it Thanks for the painful memory Good times Thatnight I learned a valuable lesson hellipnever boogaloo barefoot ona crowded dance floor Good times




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pegNov 19 2014 at 832 pm

JC thank you so much for a huge dip belly laughnonononoonononononluvluvluvluv

HeatherNov 19 2014 at 801 pm

Buthellip they get mehellip they get ithellip they understandhellip whoa is me

No way in hell do I need assistance from some outside source that has alreadymet with our lsquoleadersrsquo and understands everything so well but lurks askingmy permission to come aboard I do appreciate the special touches of layingso much of our lsquofamilyrsquo BS out there for us to recap but I am not invitinganother lsquovampirersquo into the lsquohousersquo

JC ndash ha I love ya lady The cat was a special touch for sure ha ha




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Nov 20 2014 at 1130 am

ha I had not realized how sarcastic I was on this commenthellip I was stillfeeling the ldquogossip ladiesrdquo from my daughterrsquos martial arts earlier and Iwas quite sarcastic in lsquodealingrsquo with them Overflowhellip hee

No we are the oneshellip plain and simple

JerseyCynicNov 20 2014 at 133 pm

got that right HeatherldquoBanish the word lsquostrugglersquo from your attitude and yourvocabulary All that we do now must be done in a sacredmanner and in celebration We are the ones we have beenwaiting forrdquo mdash Hopi elders

KittyNov 20 2014 at 157 pm

Perfect JC and Heather lsquoWe are the ones we are waitingfor lsquoThat just about says it all really



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Much love to you both X X X

HeatherNov 20 2014 at 306 pm

Indeed Much love to you both and really big hugs

KittyNov 20 2014 at 323 pm

Huge hugs back X

will iamNov 19 2014 at 815 pm

ldquoThis my friends could be the most important message mankind has everreceivedhelliprdquo


ldquoBe proud of what you arerdquo (the army)



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ldquoBe proud of what you arerdquo (the army)

ldquoThe most important thing for us is that humankind would form a singlefamily before this ldquounknownrdquo we would representrdquo (politics as usual)

ldquoPeace does not mean simply not making war it consists in becoming whatyou collectively are in reality a fraternityrdquo helliphelliphellip Zeta Delta Con

OphiuchusNov 19 2014 at 911 pm

My heart intuition says that this is false and my subconscious shows me theWalter Von Braun message

NofolaloNov 20 2014 at 1056 am

Good thing about the Walter Von Braun message itrsquos their lsquolast card

majikNov 19 2014 at 1016 pm




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I agree This feels wrong

majikNov 19 2014 at 1022 pm

I do believe this is real Irsquove been following them since 06 Well my idea offollowing which is really doing what my mom called the ldquosniffrdquo test to see iftheir rotten I feel this message is real but subtlehttptomkenyoncomescalation-of-chaotic-nodes-and-the-dismantling-of-3-d-reality

John SmithNov 20 2014 at 321 am

there is no easy answer to this certainly humble human spirit would like toextend into presence and understand of life overall throughout wholeuniverse this unfortunately is not it

it appears as direction to admit that you are flawed to sort inner mess of thisworld with an outside force just like there is homophobia among differentgroups of humans it can also be understood as some kind of alien-phobiawithin various ldquoyesrdquo ldquonordquo groups and it should not be it



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so answer lingers most among reasons for yes and no and their validity

I for one am opposing this fancy questions and fancy landings we have needfor outside involvement since ever and it probably ever is done as we wantedit so it can be counted as intrusive with lack of honoring true demand truewish of yes or no

so this petition (seen it and commented it before) appears to be likejournalist duck sensationalist dilemma without true backing or honoringstand so I vouch no and think that entities just like us should come to thisworld ldquousualrdquo way just like we did for their mission of good or evil or elsejust like we all are fancy space ships in contact with tyrannical governmentsdecimating life and nature for power and profits are their real targetspopulation is to be in awe awaiting outside solution to inner turmoil samefor this world as in outside influence for internal misconduct I find Gaiastronger and I find myself with lesser worry so if our conscious plant calls it Id agree but it is left for someone to prove it as I see not Gaia agreeing on ourldquoworkrdquo let alone that of governments and industrial and their spaceconnections so until saw that nurturing me calling it this all dilemmas arelike chewing sawdust hard to find nutrition for human in it

JerseyCynicNov 20 2014 at 548 am

Letrsquos dancehellip (a slow one) to one of my favorite bedtime songs


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oh manhellipIrsquom a gonna start tearing up ndash I miss my babies

Come Take A Trip In My Airship (Remastered) ndash Natalie Merchanthttpwwwyoutubecomwatchv=GDL0GVZXjMI

arielNov 20 2014 at 726 am

Sod it guyshellipthe whole point is that WE CAN HANDLE IThelliphellipWe first have tolearn that our conditioned negativity is projected externally as lsquorealityrsquo(definitely lower case) My lsquoproblemrsquo is how do we get enough of youus intoNOW the inner awareness of the lsquomovement and the restrsquo as Kitty likes torefer to it which is the operating end of the universal life force whichexpands our perception limitlessly subject to the filters which prevent usdestroying the lsquobodiesrsquo with INTENSITY Irsquove met them some of themhelliphellipWearenrsquot SUDDENLY in an awful situationhelliphellipitrsquos fucking hystericallyhistoricalhellipbloody tourists most of the ones Irsquove methellipPot calling the kettleblack really because Irsquove done a bithelliphellipYou donrsquot invite the vampire inhelliphelliphellip

will iamNov 20 2014 at 1257 pm



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I hadnrsquot realized that now was something I needed to get into I wasunder the impression that now is wellhellipnow

I didnrsquot know that it was a separate something or other that dependedon quantity for its existence

I apologize in advance for contributing to your lsquoproblemrsquo so maybeyou can tell me (us) what wes need to be looking for so that on theoft chance it were to come by again wes can have some of it

VigilantibusNov 20 2014 at 751 am

This is another deception from MATRIXBeautiful words Things from New (C)ageIt is a TRAPHumanity falls like ducksWake Up

PamNov 20 2014 at 859 am

HeyhelliphelliphellipI want to see this onehellipBring it onhelliphelliprdquoYESrdquo



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ThomasNov 20 2014 at 906 am

The inorganic races are crafty Although they canrsquot lie to us they canmanipulate Once free will is exercised to join their ranks there is no turningback Can we at least wait until Black Friday and Cyber Monday are over

NofolaloNov 20 2014 at 1111 am

Here ya go Jerseyhelliphttpwwwyoutubecomwatchv=REHV8LERhPwhttpwwwyoutubecomwatchv=5PvGn75ibI4

JerseyCynicNov 20 2014 at 207 pm

Love it Nofolalo I used to know every word to the Flying PurplePeople Eater What a great goofy beat mdash just try to sit still listening




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People Eater What a great goofy beat mdash just try to sit still listeningto it mdash you canrsquot

I wish doo wop never died I grew up just after that

Also missed out on The Bristol Stomphttpwwwyoutubecomwatchv=XCOB5-E4P6Y (I canrsquot believe thesepeople are sitting in their seats)

oh herersquos a good one ndash The Bristol Stomp Dance Around the Worldhttpwwwyoutubecomwatchv=fIbkKxUD0Mst=106

alexNov 20 2014 at 208 pm


PatrickNov 20 2014 at 1113 am

The outside help is from withinhellipinside Free will is wonderful and it hascertainly no choiceshellipUse your intent so your help can help us all Weexchange our intent with the source everyday so we will certainly exchangehelp with benevolence every once in a while Use this positively whether its



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BS or not Love life guys

PeterNov 20 2014 at 535 pm

Following was posted Yeterday an was coming to my attention Some of you sure remember SIRIUS

Dr Steven Greer Dozens of Benevolent ET Species Are Here Eager to MakeContacthttpwwwriseearthcom201411dr-steven-greer-dozens-of-benevolent-ethtml

Itrsquos not the only Article that shows up but that was posted ( I think because ofthe Article we can read here posted) The NEW AGERS always again jump on that wagon and believe in suchchannelings

manNov 20 2014 at 550 pm

yeah itacutes been there for years now on the wwwyears ago i would have said YES STOP BY FOR TEA AND COOKIES



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but now i go HELL NO YOU BLOODY PARASITES suck yourself and bite thestellar dustread this kind of honeysweet friendly alien bullshit often enough- nothingbut mindcontrollitacutes for the kids crying for mama to save them for the ones that like to HOPEand leave EVOLUTION to someone elsethere is no outside saviouryou guys are right itacutes the vampires trying to get our permissioni always wondered why they would need ithellip do they really care for karmathen what about the cheatwhatever- i suppose zen just put it here as a test and a provovation to stir adiscussionheacutes not one of the i-hope-someoneacutes-gonna-save-meacutes more a get-your-sweet-ass-going-guywhat a clever bastard you are zen

JerseyCynicNov 21 2014 at 308 pm

spot on man Google is behind it I do believe

from 2007httpswwwyoutubecomwatchv=-K8ADMzz46c a CGI of a womanreading half of this message and at the end ldquoyou must read the rest ofthe message at google or yahoo search google with the quote marks


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and now that google and nasa have partnered up It wouldnrsquot surpriseme if some day soon we started to see holographic airships here andthere with Ray Kurzweil as their Director of Engineering mdash anythinggoeshttptechcrunchcom20141110google-moffett-airfield-nasa

do know evil my ass

LizaNov 20 2014 at 1011 pm

But donrsquot give it all the credit Intriguing concepts Deception

Free will Yes it is within Never to be coughed up handed over Thecomments on the source site show a lot of naivtersquo Humans by nature look toconnecting as strengthening (Help) The more to have wins It is Not soLooking to another is not the way to go

This site inhabits lots of free thinkers

The only thing I would give my freewill over to is Peace amp Justice It doesexist In the heartmind Too bad the heart is so badly broken

Perhaps the only way to save a planet is with the allone mindset of all itsinhabitants simutaneously If that could be achieved Everybodyrsquos mind set


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on the collective The whole It could happen it is happening Maybe we justhave to let go of this dimension Canrsquot sustain it Donrsquot knowWell itrsquos all Bullshit anyway

hashishiNov 21 2014 at 751 am

ldquoFree will Yes it is within Never to be coughed up handed over rdquo

The most simple profound and beautiful truth It always does me goodto see a wonderful unencumbered spirit reflecting the same greattruth back at me

Dr Paula-Noel MacfieNov 21 2014 at 133 am

Liza we are all already connected and online through indigenous mind ourAncestors We never ldquoleftrdquohellipour minds have been so colonized that we forgotwho we are and where we come from The connection is still there just awhole lotta dissociation in between to navigate through




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arielNov 21 2014 at 725 am

HEY KITTYhelliprsquoWe are the parents our children have warned us abouthelliprsquo isnrsquot it

arielNov 21 2014 at 726 am

Or is it our greatgrand descendants

KittyNov 21 2014 at 319 pm


hashishiNov 21 2014 at 808 am

Oh hai VALIS Good game good game lsquoAliensrsquo Like it But er no thanks




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Oh hai VALIS Good game good game lsquoAliensrsquo Like it But er no thanks

AlteaNov 21 2014 at 554 pm

We are the ETrsquos we have been waiting for

manNov 21 2014 at 620 pm

what a weird place this world is indeedwhere reality is stranger than fictiongood to have a heart

vibra amor

StarDustNov 27 2014 at 900 pm

Why you need thousands of ships one is not enough Come in peace like




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you say and all the humans will open their arms and hug you






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The solutions available to achieve this are decreasing but one thatcould still catalyze it would be open contact with another race thatwould reflect the image of what you are in a deeper reality

Except for rare occasions our past interventions intentionally hadvery little influence on your capacity to make collective and individualdecisions about your own future

This was motivated by our knowledge of your deep psychologicalmechanisms We reached the conclusion that freedom is built everyday as a being becomes aware of himself and of his environmentgetting progressively rid of constraints and inertias whatever theymay be

However despite the actions of numerous brave and willing humansouls those inertias have been successfully maintained for thebenefit of a growing centralized power

What is your situation

Until recently mankind lived in satisfactory control of its decisionsBut it is losing more and more the control of its own fate partlybecause of the growing use of advanced technologies that affect yourbody as well as your mind and will eventually have irreversibly lethalconsequences for earthly and human ecosystems

Independently of your own will your resilience will artificially decrease

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and you will slowly but surely lose your extraordinary capacity to makelife desirable Such plans are on their way

Should a collective reaction of great magnitude not happen thisindividual power is doomed to vanish The period to come shall beone of rupture

This break however can be a positive break with the past as long asyou keep this creative power alive in you even if it cohabits for thetime being with the dark intentions of your potential lords

What now Should you wait for the last moment to find solutionsShould you anticipate or undergo pain

Your history has never ceased to be marked by encounters betweenpeoples whose discovery of one another occurred in circumstancesof conflict and conquest

Earth has now become a village where everyone knows everyoneelse but still conflicts persist and threats of all kinds get worse inintensity and duration

Individuals who have many potential capacities cannot exercise themwith dignity This is the case for the greatest majority of you forreasons that are essentially geopolitical

There are several billion of you but the education of your children and

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your living conditions as well as the conditions of numerous animalsand much plant life are under the thumb of a small number of yourpolitical financial military and religious representatives

Your thoughts and beliefs are modeled after partisan interests whileat the same time giving you the feeling that you are in total control ofyour destiny mdash which in essence is the reality but there is a long waybetween a wish and a fact when the true rules of the game at handare kept hidden

This time you are not the conqueror Spreading biased information isan effective strategy for manipulating human beings Inducingthoughts and emotions or even creating organisms that do notbelong to you is an even older strategy

A great roller wave is on the horizon It entails very positive but alsovery negative potentials At this time wonderful opportunities ofprogress stand side by side with threats of destruction

However you can only perceive what is being shown to you Thediminishing of many natural resources is inevitable and no long-termcollective remediation project has been launched Ecosystemexhaustion mechanisms have exceeded irreversible limits

The scarcity of resources whose entry price will rise day after day mdashand their unfair distribution mdash will bring about fratricidal fights on alarge scale from the hearts of your cities to your countrysides

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This is the reason why more than ever in your history your decisionsof today will directly and significantly impact your survival tomorrow

Hatred growshellip but so does love That is what keeps you confident inyour ability to find solutions

However human behaviors formed from past habits and trainingshave great inertia that leads to a dead end The critical mass has notbeen reached while the work of sabotage is being carried outcleverly and efficiently

You entrust your problems to representatives whose awareness ofcommon well being inexorably fades away before corporatistinterests

These putative servants of the people are far more often debating theform than the content Just at the moment of action delaysaccumulate to the point when you have to submit rather than choose

This inertia is in many ways typical of any civilization What eventcould radically modify it Where could a collective and unifyingawareness come from that will stop this blind rushing ahead

Tribes populations and human nations have always encountered andinteracted with one another Faced with the threats weighing upon thehuman family it is perhaps time that a greater interaction occurred

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There are two ways to establish a cosmic contact with anothercivilization via its standing representatives or directly with ordinaryindividuals

The first way entails fights of interests the second way bringsawareness The first way was chosen by a group of races motivatedby keeping mankind in slavery thereby controlling Earthrsquos resourcesits gene pool and the mass of human emotional energy

The second way was chosen by a group of races allied with thecause of the Spirit of Service Some years ago we did introduceourselves to representatives of the human power structure but theyrefused our outstretched hand on the basis of interests that wereincompatible with their strategic vision

That is why today individuals are to make this choice by themselveswithout any representatives interfering What we proposed in the pastto those whom we believed were in a capacity to contribute to yourhappiness we propose now mdash to you

Few of you are aware that non-human creatures have been involvedin the centralizing of power in your world and in the subtle taking ofcontrol These creatures do not necessarily stand on your materialplane which is precisely what could make them extremely efficientand frightening in the near future

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However also be aware that quite a few of your representatives arein fact fighting this danger that not all alien abductions are conductedto your detriment and that resistance also exists amongst thosedominance-oriented races

Peace and reunification of your peoples would be a first step towardharmony with civilizations other than yours That is precisely whatthose who manipulate you behind the scenes want to avoid at all costbecause by dividing they reign

They also reign over those who more visibly govern you Theirstrength comes from their capacity to instill mistrust and fear Thisconsiderably harms your very cosmic nature

This message would be of no interest if these manipulatorsrsquo influencewere not reaching its peak and if their misleading and murderousplans did not materialize within a few years from now

Their deadlines are close and mankind will undergo unprecedenteddifficulties for the next ten cycles [years] To defend yourselvesagainst this aggression that bears no face you need at least to haveenough information that points to the solution

Here again appearance and body type will not be enough to tell thedominator from the ally

At your current state of psychic development it is extremely difficult for

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you to distinguish between them In addition to your intuition trainingwill be necessary when the time has come Being aware of thepriceless value of free will we are inviting you to an alternative

What can we offer

We can offer you a more holistic vision of the universe and of lifeconstructive interactions the experience of fair and fraternalrelationships liberating technical knowledge eradication of sufferingcontrolled exercise of individual powers access to new forms ofenergy and finally a better comprehension of consciousness

We cannot help you overcome your individual and collective fears orbring you laws that you would not have chosen You must also work onyour own selves apply individual and collective efforts to build theworld you desire and manifest the spirit to quest for new skies

What would we receive

Should you decide that such a contact take place we would rejoiceover the safeguarding of fraternal equilibrium in this region of theuniverse fruitful diplomatic exchanges and the intense Joy ofknowing that you are united to accomplish what you are capable of

The feeling of Joy is strongly sought in the universe for its energy isdivine What is the question we ask you

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How can you answer this question The truth of soul can be readtelepathically so you only need to clearly ask yourself this questionand give your answer as clearly on your own or in a group as youwish

Being in the heart of a city or in the middle of a desert does notimpact the efficiency of your answer YES or NO

Just do it as if you were speaking to yourself but thinking about themessage This is a universal question and these mere few wordsput in their context have a powerful meaning

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This is why you should calmly think about it in all conscience In orderto perfectly associate your answer with the question it isrecommended that you answer after another careful reading of thismessage

Do not rush to answer Breathe and let all the power of your own freewill penetrate you Be proud of what you are Then do not lethesitation get in the way

The everyday problems that you may have can weaken you To beyourselves forget about them for a few minutes Feel the force thatsprings up in you You are in control of yourselves

A single thought a single answer can drastically change your nearfuture in one way as in another Your individual decision of asking inyour inner self that we show up on your material plane and in broaddaylight is precious and essential to us

Even though you can choose the way that best suits you rituals per seare essentially useless A sincere request made with your heart andyour own will will always be perceived by those of us to whom it issent In your own private polling booth of your secret will you willdetermine the future

What is the lever effect

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This decision should be made by the greatest possible numberamong you even though it might seem like a minority

It is recommended to spread this message in all envisageablefashions in as many languages as possible to those around youwhether or not they seem receptive to this new vision of the future Doit using a humorous tone or derision if that can help you

You can even openly and publicly make fun of it if it makes you feelmore comfortable but do not be indifferent for at least you will haveexercised your free will Forget about the false prophets and thebeliefs that have been transmitted to you about us

This request is one of the most intimate that can be asked to youMaking a decision by yourself as an individual is your right as wellas your responsibility Passivity only leads to the absence of freedom

Similarly indecision is never efficient If you really want to cling to yourbeliefs which is something that we understand then forcefully sayNO

If you do not know what to choose do not say YES because of merecuriosity This is not a show this is real daily life We exist We arealive

Your history has had plenty of episodes when determined men andwomen were able to influence the thread of events despite their small

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Just as a small number is enough to take temporal power on Earthand influence the future of the majority a small number of you canradically change your fate as an answer to the impotence in face ofso much inertia and so many hurdles You can ease mankindrsquos birthto Brotherhood

One of your thinkers once said

Spreading this message will then be the strengthening of the hand-hold We will be the light-years long lever and you will be thecraftsmen to ldquoraise the Earthrdquo as a consequence of our appearance

What would be the consequences of a positive decision

For us the immediate consequence of a collective favorable decisionwould be the materialization of many ships in your sky and on Earth

For you the direct effect would be the rapid abandoning of manycertitudes and beliefs A simple conclusive visual contact would have

ldquoGive me a hand-hold and Irsquoll raise the Earthrdquo

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huge repercussions for your future

Much knowledge would be modified forever The organization of yoursocieties would be deeply upheaved forever in all fields of activity

Power would become individual because you would see for yourselfthat we exist as living beings not accepting or rejecting that fact onthe word of any external authority Concretely you would change thescale of your values

The most important thing for us is that humankind would form a singlefamily before this ldquounknownrdquo we would represent

Danger would slowly melt away from your homes because you wouldindirectly force the undesirable ones those we name the ldquothird partyrdquoto show up and vanish You would all bear the same name and sharethe same roots Mankind

Later on peaceful and respectful exchanges would be thus possible ifsuch is your wish For now he who is hungry cannot smile he who isfearful cannot welcome us

We are sad to see men women and children suffering to such adegree in their flesh and in their hearts when they bear such an innerlight This light can be your future


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arcadia11Nov 19 2014 at 509 pm

no not by any stretch of reason or imagination the dangerous deceptivenew age is over no matter how compelling the disguise

donrsquot take the bait donrsquot turn all life over to something outside of yourselvesthis is the way government works problem-reaction-solution when it getsbad enough and for all the world seems as if there is no other way manyotherwise intelligent people will yell lsquoyes help usrsquo

and itrsquos game over


surprised to find this article here

Crystal MoonNov 19 2014 at 539 pm

ldquoYou entrust your problems to representatives whose awareness of commonwell being inexorably fades away before corporatist interests rdquo

That certainly says it


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Dr Paula-Noel MacfieNov 19 2014 at 550 pm

This seems like a human being dissociated from genetic memory of Ancestors

alexNov 19 2014 at 554 pm

Hmmmmmhellipsoftening us up for Project Blue Beamhellipreads as if it wasformatteddictated thru an AI lsquochannelerrsquohellipseeking our permissionhellipsoundslike satanic protocol to me (lol)helliporhellipirsquom getting waaaaaaay tooooo cynicalin my old age hahahahellipcheers

KittyNov 19 2014 at 601 pm

No Alex had exactly the same thoughts too Project Blue Beam back again helliphellip Lol





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alexNov 19 2014 at 605 pm


KittyNov 19 2014 at 609 pm

branewaiverNov 19 2014 at 750 pm

I agree Alex and Kitty this is too pat not to mention a littlepatronizing Doesnrsquot pass the sniff test Letrsquos get those awarefuckers with their own desires Game over





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indigovioletNov 20 2014 at 212 pm

Project Bluebeamhellip I had the same thought The words interest thebrain (slightly) but donrsquot reach the heart

KittyNov 20 2014 at 226 pm

I think thatrsquos a good way to describe it Indie Blue Beam seemsto have gone a bit quiet recently and I just thought UhhhOhhhhBlue Beam has returned Irsquom wondering if wersquoll get more of this I think it cyclesChristmas is always a good time for revelations not sure if weare quite there yet

indigovioletNov 20 2014 at 244 pm

Yes and the lsquoaliensrsquo could always say they achieved aconsensus and we would be none the wiser just like



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with the vote (rigging) system

KittyNov 20 2014 at 319 pm

Indie I have to ask you this I was recently roadraged by someone driving so close to me Icouldnrsquot see his head lights It lasted for miles I reacted in absolutely the wrong way dideverything wrong Scared myself silly I really surprised myself I feltso stupid It made me think If something did happen out of the blue like sayBlue Beam how drsquoyou think you would react Would we as people who may consider ourselvesfairly aware be able to see what was happening I gave a neighbour a lift today Sunny warmish but the sky was covered withseriously hugersquo trailsI pointed and said something on the lines of wowlook at those She didnrsquot see them Indie not one as in reallycouldnrsquot see them


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It was so surreal I stopped the car and pointedbut still didnrsquot even register So is this lsquo spiritual lsquo physical mental Very strange experience

indigovioletNov 20 2014 at 356 pm

Strange Kittyhellip

A few years ago I started read the work Rik Clayregarding a planned fake alien invasion and thelater statement from Wernher von Braun on hisdeathbed reinforced what I thought After readingRikrsquos work (and you will probably know that hewas more-than-likely suicided at 26 just as hewas getting into all this) I decided there and thenthat any talk of an alien invasion going forwardwould be dismissed as fake by me howevercompelling When you have felt the truth in alucid moment you just have to stand yourground

We donrsquot know how we will react to a situationuntil we are in it as you saw when the bizarreand frightening road-rage incident took place ndash

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not that you had any room for manoeuvre if hewas right on your tail like that Very ScaryAlmost black ops- like

I donrsquot understand why your neighbour didnrsquot seethe chemtrails Maybe you should have driven herto the opticians Doesnrsquot make sense does itEverybody who I have pointed them out to hasseen them

pegNov 20 2014 at 450 pm

Kitty got this link from a girlfriend yesterday afternoonBless her heart She is a lovely spirit mdashndash Yep your rightitrsquos going around This was sent out on the internet onthe 18th and she thought it needed to be sent to me asldquoGood NewsrdquoHere is what was senthttppaowebcomsn111814htmIt comes from Sheldon Nidle



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Nov 20 2014 at 507 pm

Wow Peg Thanks for this It is cyclical Isometimes get this kind of thing but itrsquos been solong I canrsquot remember the last time Irsquoll have a good look at this one I actually like tosee this kind if thingSo the question is whatrsquos cooking if anything Well have to watch and wait

pegNov 20 2014 at 536 pm

Kitty I do not think any of this from anythinggood actually Everything inside speaks ndash ndash errorndash ndash error I stand with the help is us mdash- in us mdash-we just should find out who we really are In myheart knowing mdash- itrsquos infinityEven the pope is getting people ready for this mdash-what does that say Clinton not long ago onsome program etc etc Nope this being isstaying away from this None of them have mypermission to fix anything Our consciousness ampresonance will take care of things needed We areoneBy the way I didnrsquot finish reading the material

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she sent I just canrsquot Love her dearly and will beseeing her on Sunday She has began looking atmaterial on meditation by just listening to herbreathing Cannot change what others do orbelieve with teachings but only by my walkingand being Itrsquos all about consciousness and I knowyou know that Hugs

LizaNov 20 2014 at 939 pm

wow Kitty that is strange that she just couldnrsquotsee the chemtrailshellip

JerseyCynicNov 19 2014 at 646 pm

Is this a gullibility testYES YES YES (I am doing it using a humorous tone cause that helps me)httpwwwyoutubecomwatchv=O6VUMGO3hCs

Irsquom pretty gullible (getting better) This doesnrsquot sit well with meldquoBeing aware of the priceless value of free will we are inviting you to analternativerdquo

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No thanks

ldquoYour individual decision of asking in your inner self that we show up onyour material plane and in broad daylight is precious and essential to usrdquo

I do go out on the deck every night though (2am ndash 4am) and ask the starbeings to visit me No luck yet (as best as I can remember)

Gee mdash I wonder why SNOPES hasnrsquot taken this one onhelliphellipDOH

OK OK ndash here we go mdash I found the source mdash Itrsquos a cute blonde that must workin Googlersquos marketing departmenthelliphellip those evil bastardsldquoDO YOU WISH THAT WE SHOW UP rdquo from 2006httpwwwyoutubecomwatchv=-K8ADMzz46c

well that didnrsquot take long ndash sorry to burst any bubbles

OphiuchusNov 19 2014 at 920 pm

As soon as I hear the ldquohumanrdquo false paradigm ldquoevolutionrdquo it sends upan immediate red flag to me It is the false assumption that we startdumb and become something better rather than the parasiticdummening of an already highly advanced sentient form of lifeEvolution to me reeks of the linear false time paradigm



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KittyNov 20 2014 at 414 pm

Rik Clay Read a lot of his work Fascinating His lsquosuicidersquo wasnrsquot it vigourously contested by his family and friends These people either commit lsquosuicide lsquo or die of a heart attack

Such a young vibrant man His work isnrsquot so prominent any more Ithink I may have to revisit him I think the road rage person may havebeen drinking Funny thing was my daughter was with me and shesaid before he went he turned his lights off Funny folks where I live Neighbour lol She is elderly I think a visit to the opticians is inorder I did point them out to some farmer friends a long time ago theydidnrsquot see either not what I was seeing certainly Maybe a differentperception

indigovioletNov 20 2014 at 445 pm

I read that his family have said that he did commit suicide but Idonrsquot knowhellip It was the day after his Red Ice Radio interviewand it was noted that he was in very good spirits at the time


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and looking forward enthusiastically to further researching Hewas buried on September 11th A lot of things didnrsquot add up atthe time (or did) But who knows

KittyNov 20 2014 at 453 pm

Must have got that wrong Irsquov been thinking of DavidKelly recently I saw a pic of Tony Blair and Kelly came tomind i was going to mention him to youThese things are very strange Indie his family may have been pressured or maybe suicidewas preferable to the thought of murder Rik Clay was so young and so bright and brave It takes guts to stand up and be counted Who knows true We probably never will

KittyNov 20 2014 at 559 pm

No I donrsquot either Peg I like to be fore warned as in fore armed The Vatican has made some rather startling statements as far as the



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alien agenda is concerned Love our alien brothers and sisters would we baptise them and callthem Christians The usual This has been going on for some time now and Clintonslittle bit of input was interesting too The Disclosure Project it justall adds up to an agenda leading to our furtherenslavement My answer to the question here should just have been a blunt NO Like you I feel it is all within usThe answers we need to everythingare all there Walking the walk is my preferred way too Your friend is blessed tohave you to guide her but itrsquos your love Peg that will really make animpact on her Your well is deep and so many draw upon it I readDavidrsquos post but havenrsquot said anything yet so I know you know what Imean Yoursquore full of love Peg and that is all that matters Hugs backand love XXX

LizaNov 20 2014 at 940 pm



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KittyNov 20 2014 at 1156 pm

Liza I thought I was going a bit crazy This was seriously bizarre Irsquov been thinking about this and maybe itrsquos to do withfrequency There are a lot if other strange phenomenon associated withchemtrailingI saw an orb flying alongside a plane that was obviouslylsquotrailing If my son hadnrsquot been with me at the time and saw it too Iwouldnrsquot have believed what I was seeing Irsquod love to know how many people actually canrsquot see thesethings It still makes me smile when I thinkabout it Neighbour now thinks Irsquom arsquo funny little thingrsquo

LizaNov 20 2014 at 941 pm



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JerseyCynicNov 19 2014 at 650 pm

Letrsquos ask the cathelliphttpwwwyoutubecomwatchv=jD4JhoOFzPg

will iamNov 19 2014 at 830 pm

Ha Remember this one httpswwwyoutubecomwatchv=5Us1ASENPwsampfeature=player_detailpage

JerseyCynicNov 19 2014 at 859 pm

Omg will do I remember this one Yes yes yes and Irsquove got abig toe permanently disfigured from a ldquoboogaloordquo contest toprove it Thanks for the painful memory Good times Thatnight I learned a valuable lesson hellipnever boogaloo barefoot ona crowded dance floor Good times




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pegNov 19 2014 at 832 pm

JC thank you so much for a huge dip belly laughnonononoonononononluvluvluvluv

HeatherNov 19 2014 at 801 pm

Buthellip they get mehellip they get ithellip they understandhellip whoa is me

No way in hell do I need assistance from some outside source that has alreadymet with our lsquoleadersrsquo and understands everything so well but lurks askingmy permission to come aboard I do appreciate the special touches of layingso much of our lsquofamilyrsquo BS out there for us to recap but I am not invitinganother lsquovampirersquo into the lsquohousersquo

JC ndash ha I love ya lady The cat was a special touch for sure ha ha




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Nov 20 2014 at 1130 am

ha I had not realized how sarcastic I was on this commenthellip I was stillfeeling the ldquogossip ladiesrdquo from my daughterrsquos martial arts earlier and Iwas quite sarcastic in lsquodealingrsquo with them Overflowhellip hee

No we are the oneshellip plain and simple

JerseyCynicNov 20 2014 at 133 pm

got that right HeatherldquoBanish the word lsquostrugglersquo from your attitude and yourvocabulary All that we do now must be done in a sacredmanner and in celebration We are the ones we have beenwaiting forrdquo mdash Hopi elders

KittyNov 20 2014 at 157 pm

Perfect JC and Heather lsquoWe are the ones we are waitingfor lsquoThat just about says it all really



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Much love to you both X X X

HeatherNov 20 2014 at 306 pm

Indeed Much love to you both and really big hugs

KittyNov 20 2014 at 323 pm

Huge hugs back X

will iamNov 19 2014 at 815 pm

ldquoThis my friends could be the most important message mankind has everreceivedhelliprdquo


ldquoBe proud of what you arerdquo (the army)



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ldquoBe proud of what you arerdquo (the army)

ldquoThe most important thing for us is that humankind would form a singlefamily before this ldquounknownrdquo we would representrdquo (politics as usual)

ldquoPeace does not mean simply not making war it consists in becoming whatyou collectively are in reality a fraternityrdquo helliphelliphellip Zeta Delta Con

OphiuchusNov 19 2014 at 911 pm

My heart intuition says that this is false and my subconscious shows me theWalter Von Braun message

NofolaloNov 20 2014 at 1056 am

Good thing about the Walter Von Braun message itrsquos their lsquolast card

majikNov 19 2014 at 1016 pm




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I agree This feels wrong

majikNov 19 2014 at 1022 pm

I do believe this is real Irsquove been following them since 06 Well my idea offollowing which is really doing what my mom called the ldquosniffrdquo test to see iftheir rotten I feel this message is real but subtlehttptomkenyoncomescalation-of-chaotic-nodes-and-the-dismantling-of-3-d-reality

John SmithNov 20 2014 at 321 am

there is no easy answer to this certainly humble human spirit would like toextend into presence and understand of life overall throughout wholeuniverse this unfortunately is not it

it appears as direction to admit that you are flawed to sort inner mess of thisworld with an outside force just like there is homophobia among differentgroups of humans it can also be understood as some kind of alien-phobiawithin various ldquoyesrdquo ldquonordquo groups and it should not be it



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so answer lingers most among reasons for yes and no and their validity

I for one am opposing this fancy questions and fancy landings we have needfor outside involvement since ever and it probably ever is done as we wantedit so it can be counted as intrusive with lack of honoring true demand truewish of yes or no

so this petition (seen it and commented it before) appears to be likejournalist duck sensationalist dilemma without true backing or honoringstand so I vouch no and think that entities just like us should come to thisworld ldquousualrdquo way just like we did for their mission of good or evil or elsejust like we all are fancy space ships in contact with tyrannical governmentsdecimating life and nature for power and profits are their real targetspopulation is to be in awe awaiting outside solution to inner turmoil samefor this world as in outside influence for internal misconduct I find Gaiastronger and I find myself with lesser worry so if our conscious plant calls it Id agree but it is left for someone to prove it as I see not Gaia agreeing on ourldquoworkrdquo let alone that of governments and industrial and their spaceconnections so until saw that nurturing me calling it this all dilemmas arelike chewing sawdust hard to find nutrition for human in it

JerseyCynicNov 20 2014 at 548 am

Letrsquos dancehellip (a slow one) to one of my favorite bedtime songs


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oh manhellipIrsquom a gonna start tearing up ndash I miss my babies

Come Take A Trip In My Airship (Remastered) ndash Natalie Merchanthttpwwwyoutubecomwatchv=GDL0GVZXjMI

arielNov 20 2014 at 726 am

Sod it guyshellipthe whole point is that WE CAN HANDLE IThelliphellipWe first have tolearn that our conditioned negativity is projected externally as lsquorealityrsquo(definitely lower case) My lsquoproblemrsquo is how do we get enough of youus intoNOW the inner awareness of the lsquomovement and the restrsquo as Kitty likes torefer to it which is the operating end of the universal life force whichexpands our perception limitlessly subject to the filters which prevent usdestroying the lsquobodiesrsquo with INTENSITY Irsquove met them some of themhelliphellipWearenrsquot SUDDENLY in an awful situationhelliphellipitrsquos fucking hystericallyhistoricalhellipbloody tourists most of the ones Irsquove methellipPot calling the kettleblack really because Irsquove done a bithelliphellipYou donrsquot invite the vampire inhelliphelliphellip

will iamNov 20 2014 at 1257 pm



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I hadnrsquot realized that now was something I needed to get into I wasunder the impression that now is wellhellipnow

I didnrsquot know that it was a separate something or other that dependedon quantity for its existence

I apologize in advance for contributing to your lsquoproblemrsquo so maybeyou can tell me (us) what wes need to be looking for so that on theoft chance it were to come by again wes can have some of it

VigilantibusNov 20 2014 at 751 am

This is another deception from MATRIXBeautiful words Things from New (C)ageIt is a TRAPHumanity falls like ducksWake Up

PamNov 20 2014 at 859 am

HeyhelliphelliphellipI want to see this onehellipBring it onhelliphelliprdquoYESrdquo



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ThomasNov 20 2014 at 906 am

The inorganic races are crafty Although they canrsquot lie to us they canmanipulate Once free will is exercised to join their ranks there is no turningback Can we at least wait until Black Friday and Cyber Monday are over

NofolaloNov 20 2014 at 1111 am

Here ya go Jerseyhelliphttpwwwyoutubecomwatchv=REHV8LERhPwhttpwwwyoutubecomwatchv=5PvGn75ibI4

JerseyCynicNov 20 2014 at 207 pm

Love it Nofolalo I used to know every word to the Flying PurplePeople Eater What a great goofy beat mdash just try to sit still listening




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People Eater What a great goofy beat mdash just try to sit still listeningto it mdash you canrsquot

I wish doo wop never died I grew up just after that

Also missed out on The Bristol Stomphttpwwwyoutubecomwatchv=XCOB5-E4P6Y (I canrsquot believe thesepeople are sitting in their seats)

oh herersquos a good one ndash The Bristol Stomp Dance Around the Worldhttpwwwyoutubecomwatchv=fIbkKxUD0Mst=106

alexNov 20 2014 at 208 pm


PatrickNov 20 2014 at 1113 am

The outside help is from withinhellipinside Free will is wonderful and it hascertainly no choiceshellipUse your intent so your help can help us all Weexchange our intent with the source everyday so we will certainly exchangehelp with benevolence every once in a while Use this positively whether its



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BS or not Love life guys

PeterNov 20 2014 at 535 pm

Following was posted Yeterday an was coming to my attention Some of you sure remember SIRIUS

Dr Steven Greer Dozens of Benevolent ET Species Are Here Eager to MakeContacthttpwwwriseearthcom201411dr-steven-greer-dozens-of-benevolent-ethtml

Itrsquos not the only Article that shows up but that was posted ( I think because ofthe Article we can read here posted) The NEW AGERS always again jump on that wagon and believe in suchchannelings

manNov 20 2014 at 550 pm

yeah itacutes been there for years now on the wwwyears ago i would have said YES STOP BY FOR TEA AND COOKIES



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but now i go HELL NO YOU BLOODY PARASITES suck yourself and bite thestellar dustread this kind of honeysweet friendly alien bullshit often enough- nothingbut mindcontrollitacutes for the kids crying for mama to save them for the ones that like to HOPEand leave EVOLUTION to someone elsethere is no outside saviouryou guys are right itacutes the vampires trying to get our permissioni always wondered why they would need ithellip do they really care for karmathen what about the cheatwhatever- i suppose zen just put it here as a test and a provovation to stir adiscussionheacutes not one of the i-hope-someoneacutes-gonna-save-meacutes more a get-your-sweet-ass-going-guywhat a clever bastard you are zen

JerseyCynicNov 21 2014 at 308 pm

spot on man Google is behind it I do believe

from 2007httpswwwyoutubecomwatchv=-K8ADMzz46c a CGI of a womanreading half of this message and at the end ldquoyou must read the rest ofthe message at google or yahoo search google with the quote marks


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and now that google and nasa have partnered up It wouldnrsquot surpriseme if some day soon we started to see holographic airships here andthere with Ray Kurzweil as their Director of Engineering mdash anythinggoeshttptechcrunchcom20141110google-moffett-airfield-nasa

do know evil my ass

LizaNov 20 2014 at 1011 pm

But donrsquot give it all the credit Intriguing concepts Deception

Free will Yes it is within Never to be coughed up handed over Thecomments on the source site show a lot of naivtersquo Humans by nature look toconnecting as strengthening (Help) The more to have wins It is Not soLooking to another is not the way to go

This site inhabits lots of free thinkers

The only thing I would give my freewill over to is Peace amp Justice It doesexist In the heartmind Too bad the heart is so badly broken

Perhaps the only way to save a planet is with the allone mindset of all itsinhabitants simutaneously If that could be achieved Everybodyrsquos mind set


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on the collective The whole It could happen it is happening Maybe we justhave to let go of this dimension Canrsquot sustain it Donrsquot knowWell itrsquos all Bullshit anyway

hashishiNov 21 2014 at 751 am

ldquoFree will Yes it is within Never to be coughed up handed over rdquo

The most simple profound and beautiful truth It always does me goodto see a wonderful unencumbered spirit reflecting the same greattruth back at me

Dr Paula-Noel MacfieNov 21 2014 at 133 am

Liza we are all already connected and online through indigenous mind ourAncestors We never ldquoleftrdquohellipour minds have been so colonized that we forgotwho we are and where we come from The connection is still there just awhole lotta dissociation in between to navigate through




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arielNov 21 2014 at 725 am

HEY KITTYhelliprsquoWe are the parents our children have warned us abouthelliprsquo isnrsquot it

arielNov 21 2014 at 726 am

Or is it our greatgrand descendants

KittyNov 21 2014 at 319 pm


hashishiNov 21 2014 at 808 am

Oh hai VALIS Good game good game lsquoAliensrsquo Like it But er no thanks




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Oh hai VALIS Good game good game lsquoAliensrsquo Like it But er no thanks

AlteaNov 21 2014 at 554 pm

We are the ETrsquos we have been waiting for

manNov 21 2014 at 620 pm

what a weird place this world is indeedwhere reality is stranger than fictiongood to have a heart

vibra amor

StarDustNov 27 2014 at 900 pm

Why you need thousands of ships one is not enough Come in peace like




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you say and all the humans will open their arms and hug you






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and you will slowly but surely lose your extraordinary capacity to makelife desirable Such plans are on their way

Should a collective reaction of great magnitude not happen thisindividual power is doomed to vanish The period to come shall beone of rupture

This break however can be a positive break with the past as long asyou keep this creative power alive in you even if it cohabits for thetime being with the dark intentions of your potential lords

What now Should you wait for the last moment to find solutionsShould you anticipate or undergo pain

Your history has never ceased to be marked by encounters betweenpeoples whose discovery of one another occurred in circumstancesof conflict and conquest

Earth has now become a village where everyone knows everyoneelse but still conflicts persist and threats of all kinds get worse inintensity and duration

Individuals who have many potential capacities cannot exercise themwith dignity This is the case for the greatest majority of you forreasons that are essentially geopolitical

There are several billion of you but the education of your children and

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your living conditions as well as the conditions of numerous animalsand much plant life are under the thumb of a small number of yourpolitical financial military and religious representatives

Your thoughts and beliefs are modeled after partisan interests whileat the same time giving you the feeling that you are in total control ofyour destiny mdash which in essence is the reality but there is a long waybetween a wish and a fact when the true rules of the game at handare kept hidden

This time you are not the conqueror Spreading biased information isan effective strategy for manipulating human beings Inducingthoughts and emotions or even creating organisms that do notbelong to you is an even older strategy

A great roller wave is on the horizon It entails very positive but alsovery negative potentials At this time wonderful opportunities ofprogress stand side by side with threats of destruction

However you can only perceive what is being shown to you Thediminishing of many natural resources is inevitable and no long-termcollective remediation project has been launched Ecosystemexhaustion mechanisms have exceeded irreversible limits

The scarcity of resources whose entry price will rise day after day mdashand their unfair distribution mdash will bring about fratricidal fights on alarge scale from the hearts of your cities to your countrysides

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This is the reason why more than ever in your history your decisionsof today will directly and significantly impact your survival tomorrow

Hatred growshellip but so does love That is what keeps you confident inyour ability to find solutions

However human behaviors formed from past habits and trainingshave great inertia that leads to a dead end The critical mass has notbeen reached while the work of sabotage is being carried outcleverly and efficiently

You entrust your problems to representatives whose awareness ofcommon well being inexorably fades away before corporatistinterests

These putative servants of the people are far more often debating theform than the content Just at the moment of action delaysaccumulate to the point when you have to submit rather than choose

This inertia is in many ways typical of any civilization What eventcould radically modify it Where could a collective and unifyingawareness come from that will stop this blind rushing ahead

Tribes populations and human nations have always encountered andinteracted with one another Faced with the threats weighing upon thehuman family it is perhaps time that a greater interaction occurred

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There are two ways to establish a cosmic contact with anothercivilization via its standing representatives or directly with ordinaryindividuals

The first way entails fights of interests the second way bringsawareness The first way was chosen by a group of races motivatedby keeping mankind in slavery thereby controlling Earthrsquos resourcesits gene pool and the mass of human emotional energy

The second way was chosen by a group of races allied with thecause of the Spirit of Service Some years ago we did introduceourselves to representatives of the human power structure but theyrefused our outstretched hand on the basis of interests that wereincompatible with their strategic vision

That is why today individuals are to make this choice by themselveswithout any representatives interfering What we proposed in the pastto those whom we believed were in a capacity to contribute to yourhappiness we propose now mdash to you

Few of you are aware that non-human creatures have been involvedin the centralizing of power in your world and in the subtle taking ofcontrol These creatures do not necessarily stand on your materialplane which is precisely what could make them extremely efficientand frightening in the near future

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However also be aware that quite a few of your representatives arein fact fighting this danger that not all alien abductions are conductedto your detriment and that resistance also exists amongst thosedominance-oriented races

Peace and reunification of your peoples would be a first step towardharmony with civilizations other than yours That is precisely whatthose who manipulate you behind the scenes want to avoid at all costbecause by dividing they reign

They also reign over those who more visibly govern you Theirstrength comes from their capacity to instill mistrust and fear Thisconsiderably harms your very cosmic nature

This message would be of no interest if these manipulatorsrsquo influencewere not reaching its peak and if their misleading and murderousplans did not materialize within a few years from now

Their deadlines are close and mankind will undergo unprecedenteddifficulties for the next ten cycles [years] To defend yourselvesagainst this aggression that bears no face you need at least to haveenough information that points to the solution

Here again appearance and body type will not be enough to tell thedominator from the ally

At your current state of psychic development it is extremely difficult for

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you to distinguish between them In addition to your intuition trainingwill be necessary when the time has come Being aware of thepriceless value of free will we are inviting you to an alternative

What can we offer

We can offer you a more holistic vision of the universe and of lifeconstructive interactions the experience of fair and fraternalrelationships liberating technical knowledge eradication of sufferingcontrolled exercise of individual powers access to new forms ofenergy and finally a better comprehension of consciousness

We cannot help you overcome your individual and collective fears orbring you laws that you would not have chosen You must also work onyour own selves apply individual and collective efforts to build theworld you desire and manifest the spirit to quest for new skies

What would we receive

Should you decide that such a contact take place we would rejoiceover the safeguarding of fraternal equilibrium in this region of theuniverse fruitful diplomatic exchanges and the intense Joy ofknowing that you are united to accomplish what you are capable of

The feeling of Joy is strongly sought in the universe for its energy isdivine What is the question we ask you

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How can you answer this question The truth of soul can be readtelepathically so you only need to clearly ask yourself this questionand give your answer as clearly on your own or in a group as youwish

Being in the heart of a city or in the middle of a desert does notimpact the efficiency of your answer YES or NO

Just do it as if you were speaking to yourself but thinking about themessage This is a universal question and these mere few wordsput in their context have a powerful meaning

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This is why you should calmly think about it in all conscience In orderto perfectly associate your answer with the question it isrecommended that you answer after another careful reading of thismessage

Do not rush to answer Breathe and let all the power of your own freewill penetrate you Be proud of what you are Then do not lethesitation get in the way

The everyday problems that you may have can weaken you To beyourselves forget about them for a few minutes Feel the force thatsprings up in you You are in control of yourselves

A single thought a single answer can drastically change your nearfuture in one way as in another Your individual decision of asking inyour inner self that we show up on your material plane and in broaddaylight is precious and essential to us

Even though you can choose the way that best suits you rituals per seare essentially useless A sincere request made with your heart andyour own will will always be perceived by those of us to whom it issent In your own private polling booth of your secret will you willdetermine the future

What is the lever effect

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This decision should be made by the greatest possible numberamong you even though it might seem like a minority

It is recommended to spread this message in all envisageablefashions in as many languages as possible to those around youwhether or not they seem receptive to this new vision of the future Doit using a humorous tone or derision if that can help you

You can even openly and publicly make fun of it if it makes you feelmore comfortable but do not be indifferent for at least you will haveexercised your free will Forget about the false prophets and thebeliefs that have been transmitted to you about us

This request is one of the most intimate that can be asked to youMaking a decision by yourself as an individual is your right as wellas your responsibility Passivity only leads to the absence of freedom

Similarly indecision is never efficient If you really want to cling to yourbeliefs which is something that we understand then forcefully sayNO

If you do not know what to choose do not say YES because of merecuriosity This is not a show this is real daily life We exist We arealive

Your history has had plenty of episodes when determined men andwomen were able to influence the thread of events despite their small

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Just as a small number is enough to take temporal power on Earthand influence the future of the majority a small number of you canradically change your fate as an answer to the impotence in face ofso much inertia and so many hurdles You can ease mankindrsquos birthto Brotherhood

One of your thinkers once said

Spreading this message will then be the strengthening of the hand-hold We will be the light-years long lever and you will be thecraftsmen to ldquoraise the Earthrdquo as a consequence of our appearance

What would be the consequences of a positive decision

For us the immediate consequence of a collective favorable decisionwould be the materialization of many ships in your sky and on Earth

For you the direct effect would be the rapid abandoning of manycertitudes and beliefs A simple conclusive visual contact would have

ldquoGive me a hand-hold and Irsquoll raise the Earthrdquo

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huge repercussions for your future

Much knowledge would be modified forever The organization of yoursocieties would be deeply upheaved forever in all fields of activity

Power would become individual because you would see for yourselfthat we exist as living beings not accepting or rejecting that fact onthe word of any external authority Concretely you would change thescale of your values

The most important thing for us is that humankind would form a singlefamily before this ldquounknownrdquo we would represent

Danger would slowly melt away from your homes because you wouldindirectly force the undesirable ones those we name the ldquothird partyrdquoto show up and vanish You would all bear the same name and sharethe same roots Mankind

Later on peaceful and respectful exchanges would be thus possible ifsuch is your wish For now he who is hungry cannot smile he who isfearful cannot welcome us

We are sad to see men women and children suffering to such adegree in their flesh and in their hearts when they bear such an innerlight This light can be your future


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arcadia11Nov 19 2014 at 509 pm

no not by any stretch of reason or imagination the dangerous deceptivenew age is over no matter how compelling the disguise

donrsquot take the bait donrsquot turn all life over to something outside of yourselvesthis is the way government works problem-reaction-solution when it getsbad enough and for all the world seems as if there is no other way manyotherwise intelligent people will yell lsquoyes help usrsquo

and itrsquos game over


surprised to find this article here

Crystal MoonNov 19 2014 at 539 pm

ldquoYou entrust your problems to representatives whose awareness of commonwell being inexorably fades away before corporatist interests rdquo

That certainly says it


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Dr Paula-Noel MacfieNov 19 2014 at 550 pm

This seems like a human being dissociated from genetic memory of Ancestors

alexNov 19 2014 at 554 pm

Hmmmmmhellipsoftening us up for Project Blue Beamhellipreads as if it wasformatteddictated thru an AI lsquochannelerrsquohellipseeking our permissionhellipsoundslike satanic protocol to me (lol)helliporhellipirsquom getting waaaaaaay tooooo cynicalin my old age hahahahellipcheers

KittyNov 19 2014 at 601 pm

No Alex had exactly the same thoughts too Project Blue Beam back again helliphellip Lol





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alexNov 19 2014 at 605 pm


KittyNov 19 2014 at 609 pm

branewaiverNov 19 2014 at 750 pm

I agree Alex and Kitty this is too pat not to mention a littlepatronizing Doesnrsquot pass the sniff test Letrsquos get those awarefuckers with their own desires Game over





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indigovioletNov 20 2014 at 212 pm

Project Bluebeamhellip I had the same thought The words interest thebrain (slightly) but donrsquot reach the heart

KittyNov 20 2014 at 226 pm

I think thatrsquos a good way to describe it Indie Blue Beam seemsto have gone a bit quiet recently and I just thought UhhhOhhhhBlue Beam has returned Irsquom wondering if wersquoll get more of this I think it cyclesChristmas is always a good time for revelations not sure if weare quite there yet

indigovioletNov 20 2014 at 244 pm

Yes and the lsquoaliensrsquo could always say they achieved aconsensus and we would be none the wiser just like



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with the vote (rigging) system

KittyNov 20 2014 at 319 pm

Indie I have to ask you this I was recently roadraged by someone driving so close to me Icouldnrsquot see his head lights It lasted for miles I reacted in absolutely the wrong way dideverything wrong Scared myself silly I really surprised myself I feltso stupid It made me think If something did happen out of the blue like sayBlue Beam how drsquoyou think you would react Would we as people who may consider ourselvesfairly aware be able to see what was happening I gave a neighbour a lift today Sunny warmish but the sky was covered withseriously hugersquo trailsI pointed and said something on the lines of wowlook at those She didnrsquot see them Indie not one as in reallycouldnrsquot see them


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It was so surreal I stopped the car and pointedbut still didnrsquot even register So is this lsquo spiritual lsquo physical mental Very strange experience

indigovioletNov 20 2014 at 356 pm

Strange Kittyhellip

A few years ago I started read the work Rik Clayregarding a planned fake alien invasion and thelater statement from Wernher von Braun on hisdeathbed reinforced what I thought After readingRikrsquos work (and you will probably know that hewas more-than-likely suicided at 26 just as hewas getting into all this) I decided there and thenthat any talk of an alien invasion going forwardwould be dismissed as fake by me howevercompelling When you have felt the truth in alucid moment you just have to stand yourground

We donrsquot know how we will react to a situationuntil we are in it as you saw when the bizarreand frightening road-rage incident took place ndash

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not that you had any room for manoeuvre if hewas right on your tail like that Very ScaryAlmost black ops- like

I donrsquot understand why your neighbour didnrsquot seethe chemtrails Maybe you should have driven herto the opticians Doesnrsquot make sense does itEverybody who I have pointed them out to hasseen them

pegNov 20 2014 at 450 pm

Kitty got this link from a girlfriend yesterday afternoonBless her heart She is a lovely spirit mdashndash Yep your rightitrsquos going around This was sent out on the internet onthe 18th and she thought it needed to be sent to me asldquoGood NewsrdquoHere is what was senthttppaowebcomsn111814htmIt comes from Sheldon Nidle



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Nov 20 2014 at 507 pm

Wow Peg Thanks for this It is cyclical Isometimes get this kind of thing but itrsquos been solong I canrsquot remember the last time Irsquoll have a good look at this one I actually like tosee this kind if thingSo the question is whatrsquos cooking if anything Well have to watch and wait

pegNov 20 2014 at 536 pm

Kitty I do not think any of this from anythinggood actually Everything inside speaks ndash ndash errorndash ndash error I stand with the help is us mdash- in us mdash-we just should find out who we really are In myheart knowing mdash- itrsquos infinityEven the pope is getting people ready for this mdash-what does that say Clinton not long ago onsome program etc etc Nope this being isstaying away from this None of them have mypermission to fix anything Our consciousness ampresonance will take care of things needed We areoneBy the way I didnrsquot finish reading the material

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she sent I just canrsquot Love her dearly and will beseeing her on Sunday She has began looking atmaterial on meditation by just listening to herbreathing Cannot change what others do orbelieve with teachings but only by my walkingand being Itrsquos all about consciousness and I knowyou know that Hugs

LizaNov 20 2014 at 939 pm

wow Kitty that is strange that she just couldnrsquotsee the chemtrailshellip

JerseyCynicNov 19 2014 at 646 pm

Is this a gullibility testYES YES YES (I am doing it using a humorous tone cause that helps me)httpwwwyoutubecomwatchv=O6VUMGO3hCs

Irsquom pretty gullible (getting better) This doesnrsquot sit well with meldquoBeing aware of the priceless value of free will we are inviting you to analternativerdquo

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No thanks

ldquoYour individual decision of asking in your inner self that we show up onyour material plane and in broad daylight is precious and essential to usrdquo

I do go out on the deck every night though (2am ndash 4am) and ask the starbeings to visit me No luck yet (as best as I can remember)

Gee mdash I wonder why SNOPES hasnrsquot taken this one onhelliphellipDOH

OK OK ndash here we go mdash I found the source mdash Itrsquos a cute blonde that must workin Googlersquos marketing departmenthelliphellip those evil bastardsldquoDO YOU WISH THAT WE SHOW UP rdquo from 2006httpwwwyoutubecomwatchv=-K8ADMzz46c

well that didnrsquot take long ndash sorry to burst any bubbles

OphiuchusNov 19 2014 at 920 pm

As soon as I hear the ldquohumanrdquo false paradigm ldquoevolutionrdquo it sends upan immediate red flag to me It is the false assumption that we startdumb and become something better rather than the parasiticdummening of an already highly advanced sentient form of lifeEvolution to me reeks of the linear false time paradigm



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KittyNov 20 2014 at 414 pm

Rik Clay Read a lot of his work Fascinating His lsquosuicidersquo wasnrsquot it vigourously contested by his family and friends These people either commit lsquosuicide lsquo or die of a heart attack

Such a young vibrant man His work isnrsquot so prominent any more Ithink I may have to revisit him I think the road rage person may havebeen drinking Funny thing was my daughter was with me and shesaid before he went he turned his lights off Funny folks where I live Neighbour lol She is elderly I think a visit to the opticians is inorder I did point them out to some farmer friends a long time ago theydidnrsquot see either not what I was seeing certainly Maybe a differentperception

indigovioletNov 20 2014 at 445 pm

I read that his family have said that he did commit suicide but Idonrsquot knowhellip It was the day after his Red Ice Radio interviewand it was noted that he was in very good spirits at the time


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and looking forward enthusiastically to further researching Hewas buried on September 11th A lot of things didnrsquot add up atthe time (or did) But who knows

KittyNov 20 2014 at 453 pm

Must have got that wrong Irsquov been thinking of DavidKelly recently I saw a pic of Tony Blair and Kelly came tomind i was going to mention him to youThese things are very strange Indie his family may have been pressured or maybe suicidewas preferable to the thought of murder Rik Clay was so young and so bright and brave It takes guts to stand up and be counted Who knows true We probably never will

KittyNov 20 2014 at 559 pm

No I donrsquot either Peg I like to be fore warned as in fore armed The Vatican has made some rather startling statements as far as the



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alien agenda is concerned Love our alien brothers and sisters would we baptise them and callthem Christians The usual This has been going on for some time now and Clintonslittle bit of input was interesting too The Disclosure Project it justall adds up to an agenda leading to our furtherenslavement My answer to the question here should just have been a blunt NO Like you I feel it is all within usThe answers we need to everythingare all there Walking the walk is my preferred way too Your friend is blessed tohave you to guide her but itrsquos your love Peg that will really make animpact on her Your well is deep and so many draw upon it I readDavidrsquos post but havenrsquot said anything yet so I know you know what Imean Yoursquore full of love Peg and that is all that matters Hugs backand love XXX

LizaNov 20 2014 at 940 pm



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KittyNov 20 2014 at 1156 pm

Liza I thought I was going a bit crazy This was seriously bizarre Irsquov been thinking about this and maybe itrsquos to do withfrequency There are a lot if other strange phenomenon associated withchemtrailingI saw an orb flying alongside a plane that was obviouslylsquotrailing If my son hadnrsquot been with me at the time and saw it too Iwouldnrsquot have believed what I was seeing Irsquod love to know how many people actually canrsquot see thesethings It still makes me smile when I thinkabout it Neighbour now thinks Irsquom arsquo funny little thingrsquo

LizaNov 20 2014 at 941 pm



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JerseyCynicNov 19 2014 at 650 pm

Letrsquos ask the cathelliphttpwwwyoutubecomwatchv=jD4JhoOFzPg

will iamNov 19 2014 at 830 pm

Ha Remember this one httpswwwyoutubecomwatchv=5Us1ASENPwsampfeature=player_detailpage

JerseyCynicNov 19 2014 at 859 pm

Omg will do I remember this one Yes yes yes and Irsquove got abig toe permanently disfigured from a ldquoboogaloordquo contest toprove it Thanks for the painful memory Good times Thatnight I learned a valuable lesson hellipnever boogaloo barefoot ona crowded dance floor Good times




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pegNov 19 2014 at 832 pm

JC thank you so much for a huge dip belly laughnonononoonononononluvluvluvluv

HeatherNov 19 2014 at 801 pm

Buthellip they get mehellip they get ithellip they understandhellip whoa is me

No way in hell do I need assistance from some outside source that has alreadymet with our lsquoleadersrsquo and understands everything so well but lurks askingmy permission to come aboard I do appreciate the special touches of layingso much of our lsquofamilyrsquo BS out there for us to recap but I am not invitinganother lsquovampirersquo into the lsquohousersquo

JC ndash ha I love ya lady The cat was a special touch for sure ha ha




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Nov 20 2014 at 1130 am

ha I had not realized how sarcastic I was on this commenthellip I was stillfeeling the ldquogossip ladiesrdquo from my daughterrsquos martial arts earlier and Iwas quite sarcastic in lsquodealingrsquo with them Overflowhellip hee

No we are the oneshellip plain and simple

JerseyCynicNov 20 2014 at 133 pm

got that right HeatherldquoBanish the word lsquostrugglersquo from your attitude and yourvocabulary All that we do now must be done in a sacredmanner and in celebration We are the ones we have beenwaiting forrdquo mdash Hopi elders

KittyNov 20 2014 at 157 pm

Perfect JC and Heather lsquoWe are the ones we are waitingfor lsquoThat just about says it all really



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Much love to you both X X X

HeatherNov 20 2014 at 306 pm

Indeed Much love to you both and really big hugs

KittyNov 20 2014 at 323 pm

Huge hugs back X

will iamNov 19 2014 at 815 pm

ldquoThis my friends could be the most important message mankind has everreceivedhelliprdquo


ldquoBe proud of what you arerdquo (the army)



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ldquoBe proud of what you arerdquo (the army)

ldquoThe most important thing for us is that humankind would form a singlefamily before this ldquounknownrdquo we would representrdquo (politics as usual)

ldquoPeace does not mean simply not making war it consists in becoming whatyou collectively are in reality a fraternityrdquo helliphelliphellip Zeta Delta Con

OphiuchusNov 19 2014 at 911 pm

My heart intuition says that this is false and my subconscious shows me theWalter Von Braun message

NofolaloNov 20 2014 at 1056 am

Good thing about the Walter Von Braun message itrsquos their lsquolast card

majikNov 19 2014 at 1016 pm




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I agree This feels wrong

majikNov 19 2014 at 1022 pm

I do believe this is real Irsquove been following them since 06 Well my idea offollowing which is really doing what my mom called the ldquosniffrdquo test to see iftheir rotten I feel this message is real but subtlehttptomkenyoncomescalation-of-chaotic-nodes-and-the-dismantling-of-3-d-reality

John SmithNov 20 2014 at 321 am

there is no easy answer to this certainly humble human spirit would like toextend into presence and understand of life overall throughout wholeuniverse this unfortunately is not it

it appears as direction to admit that you are flawed to sort inner mess of thisworld with an outside force just like there is homophobia among differentgroups of humans it can also be understood as some kind of alien-phobiawithin various ldquoyesrdquo ldquonordquo groups and it should not be it



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so answer lingers most among reasons for yes and no and their validity

I for one am opposing this fancy questions and fancy landings we have needfor outside involvement since ever and it probably ever is done as we wantedit so it can be counted as intrusive with lack of honoring true demand truewish of yes or no

so this petition (seen it and commented it before) appears to be likejournalist duck sensationalist dilemma without true backing or honoringstand so I vouch no and think that entities just like us should come to thisworld ldquousualrdquo way just like we did for their mission of good or evil or elsejust like we all are fancy space ships in contact with tyrannical governmentsdecimating life and nature for power and profits are their real targetspopulation is to be in awe awaiting outside solution to inner turmoil samefor this world as in outside influence for internal misconduct I find Gaiastronger and I find myself with lesser worry so if our conscious plant calls it Id agree but it is left for someone to prove it as I see not Gaia agreeing on ourldquoworkrdquo let alone that of governments and industrial and their spaceconnections so until saw that nurturing me calling it this all dilemmas arelike chewing sawdust hard to find nutrition for human in it

JerseyCynicNov 20 2014 at 548 am

Letrsquos dancehellip (a slow one) to one of my favorite bedtime songs


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oh manhellipIrsquom a gonna start tearing up ndash I miss my babies

Come Take A Trip In My Airship (Remastered) ndash Natalie Merchanthttpwwwyoutubecomwatchv=GDL0GVZXjMI

arielNov 20 2014 at 726 am

Sod it guyshellipthe whole point is that WE CAN HANDLE IThelliphellipWe first have tolearn that our conditioned negativity is projected externally as lsquorealityrsquo(definitely lower case) My lsquoproblemrsquo is how do we get enough of youus intoNOW the inner awareness of the lsquomovement and the restrsquo as Kitty likes torefer to it which is the operating end of the universal life force whichexpands our perception limitlessly subject to the filters which prevent usdestroying the lsquobodiesrsquo with INTENSITY Irsquove met them some of themhelliphellipWearenrsquot SUDDENLY in an awful situationhelliphellipitrsquos fucking hystericallyhistoricalhellipbloody tourists most of the ones Irsquove methellipPot calling the kettleblack really because Irsquove done a bithelliphellipYou donrsquot invite the vampire inhelliphelliphellip

will iamNov 20 2014 at 1257 pm



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I hadnrsquot realized that now was something I needed to get into I wasunder the impression that now is wellhellipnow

I didnrsquot know that it was a separate something or other that dependedon quantity for its existence

I apologize in advance for contributing to your lsquoproblemrsquo so maybeyou can tell me (us) what wes need to be looking for so that on theoft chance it were to come by again wes can have some of it

VigilantibusNov 20 2014 at 751 am

This is another deception from MATRIXBeautiful words Things from New (C)ageIt is a TRAPHumanity falls like ducksWake Up

PamNov 20 2014 at 859 am

HeyhelliphelliphellipI want to see this onehellipBring it onhelliphelliprdquoYESrdquo



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ThomasNov 20 2014 at 906 am

The inorganic races are crafty Although they canrsquot lie to us they canmanipulate Once free will is exercised to join their ranks there is no turningback Can we at least wait until Black Friday and Cyber Monday are over

NofolaloNov 20 2014 at 1111 am

Here ya go Jerseyhelliphttpwwwyoutubecomwatchv=REHV8LERhPwhttpwwwyoutubecomwatchv=5PvGn75ibI4

JerseyCynicNov 20 2014 at 207 pm

Love it Nofolalo I used to know every word to the Flying PurplePeople Eater What a great goofy beat mdash just try to sit still listening




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People Eater What a great goofy beat mdash just try to sit still listeningto it mdash you canrsquot

I wish doo wop never died I grew up just after that

Also missed out on The Bristol Stomphttpwwwyoutubecomwatchv=XCOB5-E4P6Y (I canrsquot believe thesepeople are sitting in their seats)

oh herersquos a good one ndash The Bristol Stomp Dance Around the Worldhttpwwwyoutubecomwatchv=fIbkKxUD0Mst=106

alexNov 20 2014 at 208 pm


PatrickNov 20 2014 at 1113 am

The outside help is from withinhellipinside Free will is wonderful and it hascertainly no choiceshellipUse your intent so your help can help us all Weexchange our intent with the source everyday so we will certainly exchangehelp with benevolence every once in a while Use this positively whether its



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BS or not Love life guys

PeterNov 20 2014 at 535 pm

Following was posted Yeterday an was coming to my attention Some of you sure remember SIRIUS

Dr Steven Greer Dozens of Benevolent ET Species Are Here Eager to MakeContacthttpwwwriseearthcom201411dr-steven-greer-dozens-of-benevolent-ethtml

Itrsquos not the only Article that shows up but that was posted ( I think because ofthe Article we can read here posted) The NEW AGERS always again jump on that wagon and believe in suchchannelings

manNov 20 2014 at 550 pm

yeah itacutes been there for years now on the wwwyears ago i would have said YES STOP BY FOR TEA AND COOKIES



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but now i go HELL NO YOU BLOODY PARASITES suck yourself and bite thestellar dustread this kind of honeysweet friendly alien bullshit often enough- nothingbut mindcontrollitacutes for the kids crying for mama to save them for the ones that like to HOPEand leave EVOLUTION to someone elsethere is no outside saviouryou guys are right itacutes the vampires trying to get our permissioni always wondered why they would need ithellip do they really care for karmathen what about the cheatwhatever- i suppose zen just put it here as a test and a provovation to stir adiscussionheacutes not one of the i-hope-someoneacutes-gonna-save-meacutes more a get-your-sweet-ass-going-guywhat a clever bastard you are zen

JerseyCynicNov 21 2014 at 308 pm

spot on man Google is behind it I do believe

from 2007httpswwwyoutubecomwatchv=-K8ADMzz46c a CGI of a womanreading half of this message and at the end ldquoyou must read the rest ofthe message at google or yahoo search google with the quote marks


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and now that google and nasa have partnered up It wouldnrsquot surpriseme if some day soon we started to see holographic airships here andthere with Ray Kurzweil as their Director of Engineering mdash anythinggoeshttptechcrunchcom20141110google-moffett-airfield-nasa

do know evil my ass

LizaNov 20 2014 at 1011 pm

But donrsquot give it all the credit Intriguing concepts Deception

Free will Yes it is within Never to be coughed up handed over Thecomments on the source site show a lot of naivtersquo Humans by nature look toconnecting as strengthening (Help) The more to have wins It is Not soLooking to another is not the way to go

This site inhabits lots of free thinkers

The only thing I would give my freewill over to is Peace amp Justice It doesexist In the heartmind Too bad the heart is so badly broken

Perhaps the only way to save a planet is with the allone mindset of all itsinhabitants simutaneously If that could be achieved Everybodyrsquos mind set


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on the collective The whole It could happen it is happening Maybe we justhave to let go of this dimension Canrsquot sustain it Donrsquot knowWell itrsquos all Bullshit anyway

hashishiNov 21 2014 at 751 am

ldquoFree will Yes it is within Never to be coughed up handed over rdquo

The most simple profound and beautiful truth It always does me goodto see a wonderful unencumbered spirit reflecting the same greattruth back at me

Dr Paula-Noel MacfieNov 21 2014 at 133 am

Liza we are all already connected and online through indigenous mind ourAncestors We never ldquoleftrdquohellipour minds have been so colonized that we forgotwho we are and where we come from The connection is still there just awhole lotta dissociation in between to navigate through




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arielNov 21 2014 at 725 am

HEY KITTYhelliprsquoWe are the parents our children have warned us abouthelliprsquo isnrsquot it

arielNov 21 2014 at 726 am

Or is it our greatgrand descendants

KittyNov 21 2014 at 319 pm


hashishiNov 21 2014 at 808 am

Oh hai VALIS Good game good game lsquoAliensrsquo Like it But er no thanks




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Oh hai VALIS Good game good game lsquoAliensrsquo Like it But er no thanks

AlteaNov 21 2014 at 554 pm

We are the ETrsquos we have been waiting for

manNov 21 2014 at 620 pm

what a weird place this world is indeedwhere reality is stranger than fictiongood to have a heart

vibra amor

StarDustNov 27 2014 at 900 pm

Why you need thousands of ships one is not enough Come in peace like




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you say and all the humans will open their arms and hug you






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your living conditions as well as the conditions of numerous animalsand much plant life are under the thumb of a small number of yourpolitical financial military and religious representatives

Your thoughts and beliefs are modeled after partisan interests whileat the same time giving you the feeling that you are in total control ofyour destiny mdash which in essence is the reality but there is a long waybetween a wish and a fact when the true rules of the game at handare kept hidden

This time you are not the conqueror Spreading biased information isan effective strategy for manipulating human beings Inducingthoughts and emotions or even creating organisms that do notbelong to you is an even older strategy

A great roller wave is on the horizon It entails very positive but alsovery negative potentials At this time wonderful opportunities ofprogress stand side by side with threats of destruction

However you can only perceive what is being shown to you Thediminishing of many natural resources is inevitable and no long-termcollective remediation project has been launched Ecosystemexhaustion mechanisms have exceeded irreversible limits

The scarcity of resources whose entry price will rise day after day mdashand their unfair distribution mdash will bring about fratricidal fights on alarge scale from the hearts of your cities to your countrysides

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This is the reason why more than ever in your history your decisionsof today will directly and significantly impact your survival tomorrow

Hatred growshellip but so does love That is what keeps you confident inyour ability to find solutions

However human behaviors formed from past habits and trainingshave great inertia that leads to a dead end The critical mass has notbeen reached while the work of sabotage is being carried outcleverly and efficiently

You entrust your problems to representatives whose awareness ofcommon well being inexorably fades away before corporatistinterests

These putative servants of the people are far more often debating theform than the content Just at the moment of action delaysaccumulate to the point when you have to submit rather than choose

This inertia is in many ways typical of any civilization What eventcould radically modify it Where could a collective and unifyingawareness come from that will stop this blind rushing ahead

Tribes populations and human nations have always encountered andinteracted with one another Faced with the threats weighing upon thehuman family it is perhaps time that a greater interaction occurred

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There are two ways to establish a cosmic contact with anothercivilization via its standing representatives or directly with ordinaryindividuals

The first way entails fights of interests the second way bringsawareness The first way was chosen by a group of races motivatedby keeping mankind in slavery thereby controlling Earthrsquos resourcesits gene pool and the mass of human emotional energy

The second way was chosen by a group of races allied with thecause of the Spirit of Service Some years ago we did introduceourselves to representatives of the human power structure but theyrefused our outstretched hand on the basis of interests that wereincompatible with their strategic vision

That is why today individuals are to make this choice by themselveswithout any representatives interfering What we proposed in the pastto those whom we believed were in a capacity to contribute to yourhappiness we propose now mdash to you

Few of you are aware that non-human creatures have been involvedin the centralizing of power in your world and in the subtle taking ofcontrol These creatures do not necessarily stand on your materialplane which is precisely what could make them extremely efficientand frightening in the near future

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However also be aware that quite a few of your representatives arein fact fighting this danger that not all alien abductions are conductedto your detriment and that resistance also exists amongst thosedominance-oriented races

Peace and reunification of your peoples would be a first step towardharmony with civilizations other than yours That is precisely whatthose who manipulate you behind the scenes want to avoid at all costbecause by dividing they reign

They also reign over those who more visibly govern you Theirstrength comes from their capacity to instill mistrust and fear Thisconsiderably harms your very cosmic nature

This message would be of no interest if these manipulatorsrsquo influencewere not reaching its peak and if their misleading and murderousplans did not materialize within a few years from now

Their deadlines are close and mankind will undergo unprecedenteddifficulties for the next ten cycles [years] To defend yourselvesagainst this aggression that bears no face you need at least to haveenough information that points to the solution

Here again appearance and body type will not be enough to tell thedominator from the ally

At your current state of psychic development it is extremely difficult for

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you to distinguish between them In addition to your intuition trainingwill be necessary when the time has come Being aware of thepriceless value of free will we are inviting you to an alternative

What can we offer

We can offer you a more holistic vision of the universe and of lifeconstructive interactions the experience of fair and fraternalrelationships liberating technical knowledge eradication of sufferingcontrolled exercise of individual powers access to new forms ofenergy and finally a better comprehension of consciousness

We cannot help you overcome your individual and collective fears orbring you laws that you would not have chosen You must also work onyour own selves apply individual and collective efforts to build theworld you desire and manifest the spirit to quest for new skies

What would we receive

Should you decide that such a contact take place we would rejoiceover the safeguarding of fraternal equilibrium in this region of theuniverse fruitful diplomatic exchanges and the intense Joy ofknowing that you are united to accomplish what you are capable of

The feeling of Joy is strongly sought in the universe for its energy isdivine What is the question we ask you

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How can you answer this question The truth of soul can be readtelepathically so you only need to clearly ask yourself this questionand give your answer as clearly on your own or in a group as youwish

Being in the heart of a city or in the middle of a desert does notimpact the efficiency of your answer YES or NO

Just do it as if you were speaking to yourself but thinking about themessage This is a universal question and these mere few wordsput in their context have a powerful meaning

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This is why you should calmly think about it in all conscience In orderto perfectly associate your answer with the question it isrecommended that you answer after another careful reading of thismessage

Do not rush to answer Breathe and let all the power of your own freewill penetrate you Be proud of what you are Then do not lethesitation get in the way

The everyday problems that you may have can weaken you To beyourselves forget about them for a few minutes Feel the force thatsprings up in you You are in control of yourselves

A single thought a single answer can drastically change your nearfuture in one way as in another Your individual decision of asking inyour inner self that we show up on your material plane and in broaddaylight is precious and essential to us

Even though you can choose the way that best suits you rituals per seare essentially useless A sincere request made with your heart andyour own will will always be perceived by those of us to whom it issent In your own private polling booth of your secret will you willdetermine the future

What is the lever effect

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This decision should be made by the greatest possible numberamong you even though it might seem like a minority

It is recommended to spread this message in all envisageablefashions in as many languages as possible to those around youwhether or not they seem receptive to this new vision of the future Doit using a humorous tone or derision if that can help you

You can even openly and publicly make fun of it if it makes you feelmore comfortable but do not be indifferent for at least you will haveexercised your free will Forget about the false prophets and thebeliefs that have been transmitted to you about us

This request is one of the most intimate that can be asked to youMaking a decision by yourself as an individual is your right as wellas your responsibility Passivity only leads to the absence of freedom

Similarly indecision is never efficient If you really want to cling to yourbeliefs which is something that we understand then forcefully sayNO

If you do not know what to choose do not say YES because of merecuriosity This is not a show this is real daily life We exist We arealive

Your history has had plenty of episodes when determined men andwomen were able to influence the thread of events despite their small

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Just as a small number is enough to take temporal power on Earthand influence the future of the majority a small number of you canradically change your fate as an answer to the impotence in face ofso much inertia and so many hurdles You can ease mankindrsquos birthto Brotherhood

One of your thinkers once said

Spreading this message will then be the strengthening of the hand-hold We will be the light-years long lever and you will be thecraftsmen to ldquoraise the Earthrdquo as a consequence of our appearance

What would be the consequences of a positive decision

For us the immediate consequence of a collective favorable decisionwould be the materialization of many ships in your sky and on Earth

For you the direct effect would be the rapid abandoning of manycertitudes and beliefs A simple conclusive visual contact would have

ldquoGive me a hand-hold and Irsquoll raise the Earthrdquo

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huge repercussions for your future

Much knowledge would be modified forever The organization of yoursocieties would be deeply upheaved forever in all fields of activity

Power would become individual because you would see for yourselfthat we exist as living beings not accepting or rejecting that fact onthe word of any external authority Concretely you would change thescale of your values

The most important thing for us is that humankind would form a singlefamily before this ldquounknownrdquo we would represent

Danger would slowly melt away from your homes because you wouldindirectly force the undesirable ones those we name the ldquothird partyrdquoto show up and vanish You would all bear the same name and sharethe same roots Mankind

Later on peaceful and respectful exchanges would be thus possible ifsuch is your wish For now he who is hungry cannot smile he who isfearful cannot welcome us

We are sad to see men women and children suffering to such adegree in their flesh and in their hearts when they bear such an innerlight This light can be your future


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arcadia11Nov 19 2014 at 509 pm

no not by any stretch of reason or imagination the dangerous deceptivenew age is over no matter how compelling the disguise

donrsquot take the bait donrsquot turn all life over to something outside of yourselvesthis is the way government works problem-reaction-solution when it getsbad enough and for all the world seems as if there is no other way manyotherwise intelligent people will yell lsquoyes help usrsquo

and itrsquos game over


surprised to find this article here

Crystal MoonNov 19 2014 at 539 pm

ldquoYou entrust your problems to representatives whose awareness of commonwell being inexorably fades away before corporatist interests rdquo

That certainly says it


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Dr Paula-Noel MacfieNov 19 2014 at 550 pm

This seems like a human being dissociated from genetic memory of Ancestors

alexNov 19 2014 at 554 pm

Hmmmmmhellipsoftening us up for Project Blue Beamhellipreads as if it wasformatteddictated thru an AI lsquochannelerrsquohellipseeking our permissionhellipsoundslike satanic protocol to me (lol)helliporhellipirsquom getting waaaaaaay tooooo cynicalin my old age hahahahellipcheers

KittyNov 19 2014 at 601 pm

No Alex had exactly the same thoughts too Project Blue Beam back again helliphellip Lol





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alexNov 19 2014 at 605 pm


KittyNov 19 2014 at 609 pm

branewaiverNov 19 2014 at 750 pm

I agree Alex and Kitty this is too pat not to mention a littlepatronizing Doesnrsquot pass the sniff test Letrsquos get those awarefuckers with their own desires Game over





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indigovioletNov 20 2014 at 212 pm

Project Bluebeamhellip I had the same thought The words interest thebrain (slightly) but donrsquot reach the heart

KittyNov 20 2014 at 226 pm

I think thatrsquos a good way to describe it Indie Blue Beam seemsto have gone a bit quiet recently and I just thought UhhhOhhhhBlue Beam has returned Irsquom wondering if wersquoll get more of this I think it cyclesChristmas is always a good time for revelations not sure if weare quite there yet

indigovioletNov 20 2014 at 244 pm

Yes and the lsquoaliensrsquo could always say they achieved aconsensus and we would be none the wiser just like



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with the vote (rigging) system

KittyNov 20 2014 at 319 pm

Indie I have to ask you this I was recently roadraged by someone driving so close to me Icouldnrsquot see his head lights It lasted for miles I reacted in absolutely the wrong way dideverything wrong Scared myself silly I really surprised myself I feltso stupid It made me think If something did happen out of the blue like sayBlue Beam how drsquoyou think you would react Would we as people who may consider ourselvesfairly aware be able to see what was happening I gave a neighbour a lift today Sunny warmish but the sky was covered withseriously hugersquo trailsI pointed and said something on the lines of wowlook at those She didnrsquot see them Indie not one as in reallycouldnrsquot see them


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It was so surreal I stopped the car and pointedbut still didnrsquot even register So is this lsquo spiritual lsquo physical mental Very strange experience

indigovioletNov 20 2014 at 356 pm

Strange Kittyhellip

A few years ago I started read the work Rik Clayregarding a planned fake alien invasion and thelater statement from Wernher von Braun on hisdeathbed reinforced what I thought After readingRikrsquos work (and you will probably know that hewas more-than-likely suicided at 26 just as hewas getting into all this) I decided there and thenthat any talk of an alien invasion going forwardwould be dismissed as fake by me howevercompelling When you have felt the truth in alucid moment you just have to stand yourground

We donrsquot know how we will react to a situationuntil we are in it as you saw when the bizarreand frightening road-rage incident took place ndash

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not that you had any room for manoeuvre if hewas right on your tail like that Very ScaryAlmost black ops- like

I donrsquot understand why your neighbour didnrsquot seethe chemtrails Maybe you should have driven herto the opticians Doesnrsquot make sense does itEverybody who I have pointed them out to hasseen them

pegNov 20 2014 at 450 pm

Kitty got this link from a girlfriend yesterday afternoonBless her heart She is a lovely spirit mdashndash Yep your rightitrsquos going around This was sent out on the internet onthe 18th and she thought it needed to be sent to me asldquoGood NewsrdquoHere is what was senthttppaowebcomsn111814htmIt comes from Sheldon Nidle



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Nov 20 2014 at 507 pm

Wow Peg Thanks for this It is cyclical Isometimes get this kind of thing but itrsquos been solong I canrsquot remember the last time Irsquoll have a good look at this one I actually like tosee this kind if thingSo the question is whatrsquos cooking if anything Well have to watch and wait

pegNov 20 2014 at 536 pm

Kitty I do not think any of this from anythinggood actually Everything inside speaks ndash ndash errorndash ndash error I stand with the help is us mdash- in us mdash-we just should find out who we really are In myheart knowing mdash- itrsquos infinityEven the pope is getting people ready for this mdash-what does that say Clinton not long ago onsome program etc etc Nope this being isstaying away from this None of them have mypermission to fix anything Our consciousness ampresonance will take care of things needed We areoneBy the way I didnrsquot finish reading the material

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she sent I just canrsquot Love her dearly and will beseeing her on Sunday She has began looking atmaterial on meditation by just listening to herbreathing Cannot change what others do orbelieve with teachings but only by my walkingand being Itrsquos all about consciousness and I knowyou know that Hugs

LizaNov 20 2014 at 939 pm

wow Kitty that is strange that she just couldnrsquotsee the chemtrailshellip

JerseyCynicNov 19 2014 at 646 pm

Is this a gullibility testYES YES YES (I am doing it using a humorous tone cause that helps me)httpwwwyoutubecomwatchv=O6VUMGO3hCs

Irsquom pretty gullible (getting better) This doesnrsquot sit well with meldquoBeing aware of the priceless value of free will we are inviting you to analternativerdquo

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No thanks

ldquoYour individual decision of asking in your inner self that we show up onyour material plane and in broad daylight is precious and essential to usrdquo

I do go out on the deck every night though (2am ndash 4am) and ask the starbeings to visit me No luck yet (as best as I can remember)

Gee mdash I wonder why SNOPES hasnrsquot taken this one onhelliphellipDOH

OK OK ndash here we go mdash I found the source mdash Itrsquos a cute blonde that must workin Googlersquos marketing departmenthelliphellip those evil bastardsldquoDO YOU WISH THAT WE SHOW UP rdquo from 2006httpwwwyoutubecomwatchv=-K8ADMzz46c

well that didnrsquot take long ndash sorry to burst any bubbles

OphiuchusNov 19 2014 at 920 pm

As soon as I hear the ldquohumanrdquo false paradigm ldquoevolutionrdquo it sends upan immediate red flag to me It is the false assumption that we startdumb and become something better rather than the parasiticdummening of an already highly advanced sentient form of lifeEvolution to me reeks of the linear false time paradigm



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KittyNov 20 2014 at 414 pm

Rik Clay Read a lot of his work Fascinating His lsquosuicidersquo wasnrsquot it vigourously contested by his family and friends These people either commit lsquosuicide lsquo or die of a heart attack

Such a young vibrant man His work isnrsquot so prominent any more Ithink I may have to revisit him I think the road rage person may havebeen drinking Funny thing was my daughter was with me and shesaid before he went he turned his lights off Funny folks where I live Neighbour lol She is elderly I think a visit to the opticians is inorder I did point them out to some farmer friends a long time ago theydidnrsquot see either not what I was seeing certainly Maybe a differentperception

indigovioletNov 20 2014 at 445 pm

I read that his family have said that he did commit suicide but Idonrsquot knowhellip It was the day after his Red Ice Radio interviewand it was noted that he was in very good spirits at the time


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and looking forward enthusiastically to further researching Hewas buried on September 11th A lot of things didnrsquot add up atthe time (or did) But who knows

KittyNov 20 2014 at 453 pm

Must have got that wrong Irsquov been thinking of DavidKelly recently I saw a pic of Tony Blair and Kelly came tomind i was going to mention him to youThese things are very strange Indie his family may have been pressured or maybe suicidewas preferable to the thought of murder Rik Clay was so young and so bright and brave It takes guts to stand up and be counted Who knows true We probably never will

KittyNov 20 2014 at 559 pm

No I donrsquot either Peg I like to be fore warned as in fore armed The Vatican has made some rather startling statements as far as the



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alien agenda is concerned Love our alien brothers and sisters would we baptise them and callthem Christians The usual This has been going on for some time now and Clintonslittle bit of input was interesting too The Disclosure Project it justall adds up to an agenda leading to our furtherenslavement My answer to the question here should just have been a blunt NO Like you I feel it is all within usThe answers we need to everythingare all there Walking the walk is my preferred way too Your friend is blessed tohave you to guide her but itrsquos your love Peg that will really make animpact on her Your well is deep and so many draw upon it I readDavidrsquos post but havenrsquot said anything yet so I know you know what Imean Yoursquore full of love Peg and that is all that matters Hugs backand love XXX

LizaNov 20 2014 at 940 pm



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KittyNov 20 2014 at 1156 pm

Liza I thought I was going a bit crazy This was seriously bizarre Irsquov been thinking about this and maybe itrsquos to do withfrequency There are a lot if other strange phenomenon associated withchemtrailingI saw an orb flying alongside a plane that was obviouslylsquotrailing If my son hadnrsquot been with me at the time and saw it too Iwouldnrsquot have believed what I was seeing Irsquod love to know how many people actually canrsquot see thesethings It still makes me smile when I thinkabout it Neighbour now thinks Irsquom arsquo funny little thingrsquo

LizaNov 20 2014 at 941 pm



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JerseyCynicNov 19 2014 at 650 pm

Letrsquos ask the cathelliphttpwwwyoutubecomwatchv=jD4JhoOFzPg

will iamNov 19 2014 at 830 pm

Ha Remember this one httpswwwyoutubecomwatchv=5Us1ASENPwsampfeature=player_detailpage

JerseyCynicNov 19 2014 at 859 pm

Omg will do I remember this one Yes yes yes and Irsquove got abig toe permanently disfigured from a ldquoboogaloordquo contest toprove it Thanks for the painful memory Good times Thatnight I learned a valuable lesson hellipnever boogaloo barefoot ona crowded dance floor Good times




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pegNov 19 2014 at 832 pm

JC thank you so much for a huge dip belly laughnonononoonononononluvluvluvluv

HeatherNov 19 2014 at 801 pm

Buthellip they get mehellip they get ithellip they understandhellip whoa is me

No way in hell do I need assistance from some outside source that has alreadymet with our lsquoleadersrsquo and understands everything so well but lurks askingmy permission to come aboard I do appreciate the special touches of layingso much of our lsquofamilyrsquo BS out there for us to recap but I am not invitinganother lsquovampirersquo into the lsquohousersquo

JC ndash ha I love ya lady The cat was a special touch for sure ha ha




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Nov 20 2014 at 1130 am

ha I had not realized how sarcastic I was on this commenthellip I was stillfeeling the ldquogossip ladiesrdquo from my daughterrsquos martial arts earlier and Iwas quite sarcastic in lsquodealingrsquo with them Overflowhellip hee

No we are the oneshellip plain and simple

JerseyCynicNov 20 2014 at 133 pm

got that right HeatherldquoBanish the word lsquostrugglersquo from your attitude and yourvocabulary All that we do now must be done in a sacredmanner and in celebration We are the ones we have beenwaiting forrdquo mdash Hopi elders

KittyNov 20 2014 at 157 pm

Perfect JC and Heather lsquoWe are the ones we are waitingfor lsquoThat just about says it all really



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Much love to you both X X X

HeatherNov 20 2014 at 306 pm

Indeed Much love to you both and really big hugs

KittyNov 20 2014 at 323 pm

Huge hugs back X

will iamNov 19 2014 at 815 pm

ldquoThis my friends could be the most important message mankind has everreceivedhelliprdquo


ldquoBe proud of what you arerdquo (the army)



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ldquoBe proud of what you arerdquo (the army)

ldquoThe most important thing for us is that humankind would form a singlefamily before this ldquounknownrdquo we would representrdquo (politics as usual)

ldquoPeace does not mean simply not making war it consists in becoming whatyou collectively are in reality a fraternityrdquo helliphelliphellip Zeta Delta Con

OphiuchusNov 19 2014 at 911 pm

My heart intuition says that this is false and my subconscious shows me theWalter Von Braun message

NofolaloNov 20 2014 at 1056 am

Good thing about the Walter Von Braun message itrsquos their lsquolast card

majikNov 19 2014 at 1016 pm




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I agree This feels wrong

majikNov 19 2014 at 1022 pm

I do believe this is real Irsquove been following them since 06 Well my idea offollowing which is really doing what my mom called the ldquosniffrdquo test to see iftheir rotten I feel this message is real but subtlehttptomkenyoncomescalation-of-chaotic-nodes-and-the-dismantling-of-3-d-reality

John SmithNov 20 2014 at 321 am

there is no easy answer to this certainly humble human spirit would like toextend into presence and understand of life overall throughout wholeuniverse this unfortunately is not it

it appears as direction to admit that you are flawed to sort inner mess of thisworld with an outside force just like there is homophobia among differentgroups of humans it can also be understood as some kind of alien-phobiawithin various ldquoyesrdquo ldquonordquo groups and it should not be it



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so answer lingers most among reasons for yes and no and their validity

I for one am opposing this fancy questions and fancy landings we have needfor outside involvement since ever and it probably ever is done as we wantedit so it can be counted as intrusive with lack of honoring true demand truewish of yes or no

so this petition (seen it and commented it before) appears to be likejournalist duck sensationalist dilemma without true backing or honoringstand so I vouch no and think that entities just like us should come to thisworld ldquousualrdquo way just like we did for their mission of good or evil or elsejust like we all are fancy space ships in contact with tyrannical governmentsdecimating life and nature for power and profits are their real targetspopulation is to be in awe awaiting outside solution to inner turmoil samefor this world as in outside influence for internal misconduct I find Gaiastronger and I find myself with lesser worry so if our conscious plant calls it Id agree but it is left for someone to prove it as I see not Gaia agreeing on ourldquoworkrdquo let alone that of governments and industrial and their spaceconnections so until saw that nurturing me calling it this all dilemmas arelike chewing sawdust hard to find nutrition for human in it

JerseyCynicNov 20 2014 at 548 am

Letrsquos dancehellip (a slow one) to one of my favorite bedtime songs


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oh manhellipIrsquom a gonna start tearing up ndash I miss my babies

Come Take A Trip In My Airship (Remastered) ndash Natalie Merchanthttpwwwyoutubecomwatchv=GDL0GVZXjMI

arielNov 20 2014 at 726 am

Sod it guyshellipthe whole point is that WE CAN HANDLE IThelliphellipWe first have tolearn that our conditioned negativity is projected externally as lsquorealityrsquo(definitely lower case) My lsquoproblemrsquo is how do we get enough of youus intoNOW the inner awareness of the lsquomovement and the restrsquo as Kitty likes torefer to it which is the operating end of the universal life force whichexpands our perception limitlessly subject to the filters which prevent usdestroying the lsquobodiesrsquo with INTENSITY Irsquove met them some of themhelliphellipWearenrsquot SUDDENLY in an awful situationhelliphellipitrsquos fucking hystericallyhistoricalhellipbloody tourists most of the ones Irsquove methellipPot calling the kettleblack really because Irsquove done a bithelliphellipYou donrsquot invite the vampire inhelliphelliphellip

will iamNov 20 2014 at 1257 pm



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I hadnrsquot realized that now was something I needed to get into I wasunder the impression that now is wellhellipnow

I didnrsquot know that it was a separate something or other that dependedon quantity for its existence

I apologize in advance for contributing to your lsquoproblemrsquo so maybeyou can tell me (us) what wes need to be looking for so that on theoft chance it were to come by again wes can have some of it

VigilantibusNov 20 2014 at 751 am

This is another deception from MATRIXBeautiful words Things from New (C)ageIt is a TRAPHumanity falls like ducksWake Up

PamNov 20 2014 at 859 am

HeyhelliphelliphellipI want to see this onehellipBring it onhelliphelliprdquoYESrdquo



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ThomasNov 20 2014 at 906 am

The inorganic races are crafty Although they canrsquot lie to us they canmanipulate Once free will is exercised to join their ranks there is no turningback Can we at least wait until Black Friday and Cyber Monday are over

NofolaloNov 20 2014 at 1111 am

Here ya go Jerseyhelliphttpwwwyoutubecomwatchv=REHV8LERhPwhttpwwwyoutubecomwatchv=5PvGn75ibI4

JerseyCynicNov 20 2014 at 207 pm

Love it Nofolalo I used to know every word to the Flying PurplePeople Eater What a great goofy beat mdash just try to sit still listening




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People Eater What a great goofy beat mdash just try to sit still listeningto it mdash you canrsquot

I wish doo wop never died I grew up just after that

Also missed out on The Bristol Stomphttpwwwyoutubecomwatchv=XCOB5-E4P6Y (I canrsquot believe thesepeople are sitting in their seats)

oh herersquos a good one ndash The Bristol Stomp Dance Around the Worldhttpwwwyoutubecomwatchv=fIbkKxUD0Mst=106

alexNov 20 2014 at 208 pm


PatrickNov 20 2014 at 1113 am

The outside help is from withinhellipinside Free will is wonderful and it hascertainly no choiceshellipUse your intent so your help can help us all Weexchange our intent with the source everyday so we will certainly exchangehelp with benevolence every once in a while Use this positively whether its



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BS or not Love life guys

PeterNov 20 2014 at 535 pm

Following was posted Yeterday an was coming to my attention Some of you sure remember SIRIUS

Dr Steven Greer Dozens of Benevolent ET Species Are Here Eager to MakeContacthttpwwwriseearthcom201411dr-steven-greer-dozens-of-benevolent-ethtml

Itrsquos not the only Article that shows up but that was posted ( I think because ofthe Article we can read here posted) The NEW AGERS always again jump on that wagon and believe in suchchannelings

manNov 20 2014 at 550 pm

yeah itacutes been there for years now on the wwwyears ago i would have said YES STOP BY FOR TEA AND COOKIES



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but now i go HELL NO YOU BLOODY PARASITES suck yourself and bite thestellar dustread this kind of honeysweet friendly alien bullshit often enough- nothingbut mindcontrollitacutes for the kids crying for mama to save them for the ones that like to HOPEand leave EVOLUTION to someone elsethere is no outside saviouryou guys are right itacutes the vampires trying to get our permissioni always wondered why they would need ithellip do they really care for karmathen what about the cheatwhatever- i suppose zen just put it here as a test and a provovation to stir adiscussionheacutes not one of the i-hope-someoneacutes-gonna-save-meacutes more a get-your-sweet-ass-going-guywhat a clever bastard you are zen

JerseyCynicNov 21 2014 at 308 pm

spot on man Google is behind it I do believe

from 2007httpswwwyoutubecomwatchv=-K8ADMzz46c a CGI of a womanreading half of this message and at the end ldquoyou must read the rest ofthe message at google or yahoo search google with the quote marks


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and now that google and nasa have partnered up It wouldnrsquot surpriseme if some day soon we started to see holographic airships here andthere with Ray Kurzweil as their Director of Engineering mdash anythinggoeshttptechcrunchcom20141110google-moffett-airfield-nasa

do know evil my ass

LizaNov 20 2014 at 1011 pm

But donrsquot give it all the credit Intriguing concepts Deception

Free will Yes it is within Never to be coughed up handed over Thecomments on the source site show a lot of naivtersquo Humans by nature look toconnecting as strengthening (Help) The more to have wins It is Not soLooking to another is not the way to go

This site inhabits lots of free thinkers

The only thing I would give my freewill over to is Peace amp Justice It doesexist In the heartmind Too bad the heart is so badly broken

Perhaps the only way to save a planet is with the allone mindset of all itsinhabitants simutaneously If that could be achieved Everybodyrsquos mind set


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on the collective The whole It could happen it is happening Maybe we justhave to let go of this dimension Canrsquot sustain it Donrsquot knowWell itrsquos all Bullshit anyway

hashishiNov 21 2014 at 751 am

ldquoFree will Yes it is within Never to be coughed up handed over rdquo

The most simple profound and beautiful truth It always does me goodto see a wonderful unencumbered spirit reflecting the same greattruth back at me

Dr Paula-Noel MacfieNov 21 2014 at 133 am

Liza we are all already connected and online through indigenous mind ourAncestors We never ldquoleftrdquohellipour minds have been so colonized that we forgotwho we are and where we come from The connection is still there just awhole lotta dissociation in between to navigate through




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arielNov 21 2014 at 725 am

HEY KITTYhelliprsquoWe are the parents our children have warned us abouthelliprsquo isnrsquot it

arielNov 21 2014 at 726 am

Or is it our greatgrand descendants

KittyNov 21 2014 at 319 pm


hashishiNov 21 2014 at 808 am

Oh hai VALIS Good game good game lsquoAliensrsquo Like it But er no thanks




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Oh hai VALIS Good game good game lsquoAliensrsquo Like it But er no thanks

AlteaNov 21 2014 at 554 pm

We are the ETrsquos we have been waiting for

manNov 21 2014 at 620 pm

what a weird place this world is indeedwhere reality is stranger than fictiongood to have a heart

vibra amor

StarDustNov 27 2014 at 900 pm

Why you need thousands of ships one is not enough Come in peace like




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you say and all the humans will open their arms and hug you






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This is the reason why more than ever in your history your decisionsof today will directly and significantly impact your survival tomorrow

Hatred growshellip but so does love That is what keeps you confident inyour ability to find solutions

However human behaviors formed from past habits and trainingshave great inertia that leads to a dead end The critical mass has notbeen reached while the work of sabotage is being carried outcleverly and efficiently

You entrust your problems to representatives whose awareness ofcommon well being inexorably fades away before corporatistinterests

These putative servants of the people are far more often debating theform than the content Just at the moment of action delaysaccumulate to the point when you have to submit rather than choose

This inertia is in many ways typical of any civilization What eventcould radically modify it Where could a collective and unifyingawareness come from that will stop this blind rushing ahead

Tribes populations and human nations have always encountered andinteracted with one another Faced with the threats weighing upon thehuman family it is perhaps time that a greater interaction occurred

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There are two ways to establish a cosmic contact with anothercivilization via its standing representatives or directly with ordinaryindividuals

The first way entails fights of interests the second way bringsawareness The first way was chosen by a group of races motivatedby keeping mankind in slavery thereby controlling Earthrsquos resourcesits gene pool and the mass of human emotional energy

The second way was chosen by a group of races allied with thecause of the Spirit of Service Some years ago we did introduceourselves to representatives of the human power structure but theyrefused our outstretched hand on the basis of interests that wereincompatible with their strategic vision

That is why today individuals are to make this choice by themselveswithout any representatives interfering What we proposed in the pastto those whom we believed were in a capacity to contribute to yourhappiness we propose now mdash to you

Few of you are aware that non-human creatures have been involvedin the centralizing of power in your world and in the subtle taking ofcontrol These creatures do not necessarily stand on your materialplane which is precisely what could make them extremely efficientand frightening in the near future

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However also be aware that quite a few of your representatives arein fact fighting this danger that not all alien abductions are conductedto your detriment and that resistance also exists amongst thosedominance-oriented races

Peace and reunification of your peoples would be a first step towardharmony with civilizations other than yours That is precisely whatthose who manipulate you behind the scenes want to avoid at all costbecause by dividing they reign

They also reign over those who more visibly govern you Theirstrength comes from their capacity to instill mistrust and fear Thisconsiderably harms your very cosmic nature

This message would be of no interest if these manipulatorsrsquo influencewere not reaching its peak and if their misleading and murderousplans did not materialize within a few years from now

Their deadlines are close and mankind will undergo unprecedenteddifficulties for the next ten cycles [years] To defend yourselvesagainst this aggression that bears no face you need at least to haveenough information that points to the solution

Here again appearance and body type will not be enough to tell thedominator from the ally

At your current state of psychic development it is extremely difficult for

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you to distinguish between them In addition to your intuition trainingwill be necessary when the time has come Being aware of thepriceless value of free will we are inviting you to an alternative

What can we offer

We can offer you a more holistic vision of the universe and of lifeconstructive interactions the experience of fair and fraternalrelationships liberating technical knowledge eradication of sufferingcontrolled exercise of individual powers access to new forms ofenergy and finally a better comprehension of consciousness

We cannot help you overcome your individual and collective fears orbring you laws that you would not have chosen You must also work onyour own selves apply individual and collective efforts to build theworld you desire and manifest the spirit to quest for new skies

What would we receive

Should you decide that such a contact take place we would rejoiceover the safeguarding of fraternal equilibrium in this region of theuniverse fruitful diplomatic exchanges and the intense Joy ofknowing that you are united to accomplish what you are capable of

The feeling of Joy is strongly sought in the universe for its energy isdivine What is the question we ask you

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How can you answer this question The truth of soul can be readtelepathically so you only need to clearly ask yourself this questionand give your answer as clearly on your own or in a group as youwish

Being in the heart of a city or in the middle of a desert does notimpact the efficiency of your answer YES or NO

Just do it as if you were speaking to yourself but thinking about themessage This is a universal question and these mere few wordsput in their context have a powerful meaning

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This is why you should calmly think about it in all conscience In orderto perfectly associate your answer with the question it isrecommended that you answer after another careful reading of thismessage

Do not rush to answer Breathe and let all the power of your own freewill penetrate you Be proud of what you are Then do not lethesitation get in the way

The everyday problems that you may have can weaken you To beyourselves forget about them for a few minutes Feel the force thatsprings up in you You are in control of yourselves

A single thought a single answer can drastically change your nearfuture in one way as in another Your individual decision of asking inyour inner self that we show up on your material plane and in broaddaylight is precious and essential to us

Even though you can choose the way that best suits you rituals per seare essentially useless A sincere request made with your heart andyour own will will always be perceived by those of us to whom it issent In your own private polling booth of your secret will you willdetermine the future

What is the lever effect

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This decision should be made by the greatest possible numberamong you even though it might seem like a minority

It is recommended to spread this message in all envisageablefashions in as many languages as possible to those around youwhether or not they seem receptive to this new vision of the future Doit using a humorous tone or derision if that can help you

You can even openly and publicly make fun of it if it makes you feelmore comfortable but do not be indifferent for at least you will haveexercised your free will Forget about the false prophets and thebeliefs that have been transmitted to you about us

This request is one of the most intimate that can be asked to youMaking a decision by yourself as an individual is your right as wellas your responsibility Passivity only leads to the absence of freedom

Similarly indecision is never efficient If you really want to cling to yourbeliefs which is something that we understand then forcefully sayNO

If you do not know what to choose do not say YES because of merecuriosity This is not a show this is real daily life We exist We arealive

Your history has had plenty of episodes when determined men andwomen were able to influence the thread of events despite their small

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Just as a small number is enough to take temporal power on Earthand influence the future of the majority a small number of you canradically change your fate as an answer to the impotence in face ofso much inertia and so many hurdles You can ease mankindrsquos birthto Brotherhood

One of your thinkers once said

Spreading this message will then be the strengthening of the hand-hold We will be the light-years long lever and you will be thecraftsmen to ldquoraise the Earthrdquo as a consequence of our appearance

What would be the consequences of a positive decision

For us the immediate consequence of a collective favorable decisionwould be the materialization of many ships in your sky and on Earth

For you the direct effect would be the rapid abandoning of manycertitudes and beliefs A simple conclusive visual contact would have

ldquoGive me a hand-hold and Irsquoll raise the Earthrdquo

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huge repercussions for your future

Much knowledge would be modified forever The organization of yoursocieties would be deeply upheaved forever in all fields of activity

Power would become individual because you would see for yourselfthat we exist as living beings not accepting or rejecting that fact onthe word of any external authority Concretely you would change thescale of your values

The most important thing for us is that humankind would form a singlefamily before this ldquounknownrdquo we would represent

Danger would slowly melt away from your homes because you wouldindirectly force the undesirable ones those we name the ldquothird partyrdquoto show up and vanish You would all bear the same name and sharethe same roots Mankind

Later on peaceful and respectful exchanges would be thus possible ifsuch is your wish For now he who is hungry cannot smile he who isfearful cannot welcome us

We are sad to see men women and children suffering to such adegree in their flesh and in their hearts when they bear such an innerlight This light can be your future


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arcadia11Nov 19 2014 at 509 pm

no not by any stretch of reason or imagination the dangerous deceptivenew age is over no matter how compelling the disguise

donrsquot take the bait donrsquot turn all life over to something outside of yourselvesthis is the way government works problem-reaction-solution when it getsbad enough and for all the world seems as if there is no other way manyotherwise intelligent people will yell lsquoyes help usrsquo

and itrsquos game over


surprised to find this article here

Crystal MoonNov 19 2014 at 539 pm

ldquoYou entrust your problems to representatives whose awareness of commonwell being inexorably fades away before corporatist interests rdquo

That certainly says it


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Dr Paula-Noel MacfieNov 19 2014 at 550 pm

This seems like a human being dissociated from genetic memory of Ancestors

alexNov 19 2014 at 554 pm

Hmmmmmhellipsoftening us up for Project Blue Beamhellipreads as if it wasformatteddictated thru an AI lsquochannelerrsquohellipseeking our permissionhellipsoundslike satanic protocol to me (lol)helliporhellipirsquom getting waaaaaaay tooooo cynicalin my old age hahahahellipcheers

KittyNov 19 2014 at 601 pm

No Alex had exactly the same thoughts too Project Blue Beam back again helliphellip Lol





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alexNov 19 2014 at 605 pm


KittyNov 19 2014 at 609 pm

branewaiverNov 19 2014 at 750 pm

I agree Alex and Kitty this is too pat not to mention a littlepatronizing Doesnrsquot pass the sniff test Letrsquos get those awarefuckers with their own desires Game over





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indigovioletNov 20 2014 at 212 pm

Project Bluebeamhellip I had the same thought The words interest thebrain (slightly) but donrsquot reach the heart

KittyNov 20 2014 at 226 pm

I think thatrsquos a good way to describe it Indie Blue Beam seemsto have gone a bit quiet recently and I just thought UhhhOhhhhBlue Beam has returned Irsquom wondering if wersquoll get more of this I think it cyclesChristmas is always a good time for revelations not sure if weare quite there yet

indigovioletNov 20 2014 at 244 pm

Yes and the lsquoaliensrsquo could always say they achieved aconsensus and we would be none the wiser just like



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with the vote (rigging) system

KittyNov 20 2014 at 319 pm

Indie I have to ask you this I was recently roadraged by someone driving so close to me Icouldnrsquot see his head lights It lasted for miles I reacted in absolutely the wrong way dideverything wrong Scared myself silly I really surprised myself I feltso stupid It made me think If something did happen out of the blue like sayBlue Beam how drsquoyou think you would react Would we as people who may consider ourselvesfairly aware be able to see what was happening I gave a neighbour a lift today Sunny warmish but the sky was covered withseriously hugersquo trailsI pointed and said something on the lines of wowlook at those She didnrsquot see them Indie not one as in reallycouldnrsquot see them


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It was so surreal I stopped the car and pointedbut still didnrsquot even register So is this lsquo spiritual lsquo physical mental Very strange experience

indigovioletNov 20 2014 at 356 pm

Strange Kittyhellip

A few years ago I started read the work Rik Clayregarding a planned fake alien invasion and thelater statement from Wernher von Braun on hisdeathbed reinforced what I thought After readingRikrsquos work (and you will probably know that hewas more-than-likely suicided at 26 just as hewas getting into all this) I decided there and thenthat any talk of an alien invasion going forwardwould be dismissed as fake by me howevercompelling When you have felt the truth in alucid moment you just have to stand yourground

We donrsquot know how we will react to a situationuntil we are in it as you saw when the bizarreand frightening road-rage incident took place ndash

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not that you had any room for manoeuvre if hewas right on your tail like that Very ScaryAlmost black ops- like

I donrsquot understand why your neighbour didnrsquot seethe chemtrails Maybe you should have driven herto the opticians Doesnrsquot make sense does itEverybody who I have pointed them out to hasseen them

pegNov 20 2014 at 450 pm

Kitty got this link from a girlfriend yesterday afternoonBless her heart She is a lovely spirit mdashndash Yep your rightitrsquos going around This was sent out on the internet onthe 18th and she thought it needed to be sent to me asldquoGood NewsrdquoHere is what was senthttppaowebcomsn111814htmIt comes from Sheldon Nidle



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Nov 20 2014 at 507 pm

Wow Peg Thanks for this It is cyclical Isometimes get this kind of thing but itrsquos been solong I canrsquot remember the last time Irsquoll have a good look at this one I actually like tosee this kind if thingSo the question is whatrsquos cooking if anything Well have to watch and wait

pegNov 20 2014 at 536 pm

Kitty I do not think any of this from anythinggood actually Everything inside speaks ndash ndash errorndash ndash error I stand with the help is us mdash- in us mdash-we just should find out who we really are In myheart knowing mdash- itrsquos infinityEven the pope is getting people ready for this mdash-what does that say Clinton not long ago onsome program etc etc Nope this being isstaying away from this None of them have mypermission to fix anything Our consciousness ampresonance will take care of things needed We areoneBy the way I didnrsquot finish reading the material

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she sent I just canrsquot Love her dearly and will beseeing her on Sunday She has began looking atmaterial on meditation by just listening to herbreathing Cannot change what others do orbelieve with teachings but only by my walkingand being Itrsquos all about consciousness and I knowyou know that Hugs

LizaNov 20 2014 at 939 pm

wow Kitty that is strange that she just couldnrsquotsee the chemtrailshellip

JerseyCynicNov 19 2014 at 646 pm

Is this a gullibility testYES YES YES (I am doing it using a humorous tone cause that helps me)httpwwwyoutubecomwatchv=O6VUMGO3hCs

Irsquom pretty gullible (getting better) This doesnrsquot sit well with meldquoBeing aware of the priceless value of free will we are inviting you to analternativerdquo

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No thanks

ldquoYour individual decision of asking in your inner self that we show up onyour material plane and in broad daylight is precious and essential to usrdquo

I do go out on the deck every night though (2am ndash 4am) and ask the starbeings to visit me No luck yet (as best as I can remember)

Gee mdash I wonder why SNOPES hasnrsquot taken this one onhelliphellipDOH

OK OK ndash here we go mdash I found the source mdash Itrsquos a cute blonde that must workin Googlersquos marketing departmenthelliphellip those evil bastardsldquoDO YOU WISH THAT WE SHOW UP rdquo from 2006httpwwwyoutubecomwatchv=-K8ADMzz46c

well that didnrsquot take long ndash sorry to burst any bubbles

OphiuchusNov 19 2014 at 920 pm

As soon as I hear the ldquohumanrdquo false paradigm ldquoevolutionrdquo it sends upan immediate red flag to me It is the false assumption that we startdumb and become something better rather than the parasiticdummening of an already highly advanced sentient form of lifeEvolution to me reeks of the linear false time paradigm



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KittyNov 20 2014 at 414 pm

Rik Clay Read a lot of his work Fascinating His lsquosuicidersquo wasnrsquot it vigourously contested by his family and friends These people either commit lsquosuicide lsquo or die of a heart attack

Such a young vibrant man His work isnrsquot so prominent any more Ithink I may have to revisit him I think the road rage person may havebeen drinking Funny thing was my daughter was with me and shesaid before he went he turned his lights off Funny folks where I live Neighbour lol She is elderly I think a visit to the opticians is inorder I did point them out to some farmer friends a long time ago theydidnrsquot see either not what I was seeing certainly Maybe a differentperception

indigovioletNov 20 2014 at 445 pm

I read that his family have said that he did commit suicide but Idonrsquot knowhellip It was the day after his Red Ice Radio interviewand it was noted that he was in very good spirits at the time


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and looking forward enthusiastically to further researching Hewas buried on September 11th A lot of things didnrsquot add up atthe time (or did) But who knows

KittyNov 20 2014 at 453 pm

Must have got that wrong Irsquov been thinking of DavidKelly recently I saw a pic of Tony Blair and Kelly came tomind i was going to mention him to youThese things are very strange Indie his family may have been pressured or maybe suicidewas preferable to the thought of murder Rik Clay was so young and so bright and brave It takes guts to stand up and be counted Who knows true We probably never will

KittyNov 20 2014 at 559 pm

No I donrsquot either Peg I like to be fore warned as in fore armed The Vatican has made some rather startling statements as far as the



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alien agenda is concerned Love our alien brothers and sisters would we baptise them and callthem Christians The usual This has been going on for some time now and Clintonslittle bit of input was interesting too The Disclosure Project it justall adds up to an agenda leading to our furtherenslavement My answer to the question here should just have been a blunt NO Like you I feel it is all within usThe answers we need to everythingare all there Walking the walk is my preferred way too Your friend is blessed tohave you to guide her but itrsquos your love Peg that will really make animpact on her Your well is deep and so many draw upon it I readDavidrsquos post but havenrsquot said anything yet so I know you know what Imean Yoursquore full of love Peg and that is all that matters Hugs backand love XXX

LizaNov 20 2014 at 940 pm



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KittyNov 20 2014 at 1156 pm

Liza I thought I was going a bit crazy This was seriously bizarre Irsquov been thinking about this and maybe itrsquos to do withfrequency There are a lot if other strange phenomenon associated withchemtrailingI saw an orb flying alongside a plane that was obviouslylsquotrailing If my son hadnrsquot been with me at the time and saw it too Iwouldnrsquot have believed what I was seeing Irsquod love to know how many people actually canrsquot see thesethings It still makes me smile when I thinkabout it Neighbour now thinks Irsquom arsquo funny little thingrsquo

LizaNov 20 2014 at 941 pm



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JerseyCynicNov 19 2014 at 650 pm

Letrsquos ask the cathelliphttpwwwyoutubecomwatchv=jD4JhoOFzPg

will iamNov 19 2014 at 830 pm

Ha Remember this one httpswwwyoutubecomwatchv=5Us1ASENPwsampfeature=player_detailpage

JerseyCynicNov 19 2014 at 859 pm

Omg will do I remember this one Yes yes yes and Irsquove got abig toe permanently disfigured from a ldquoboogaloordquo contest toprove it Thanks for the painful memory Good times Thatnight I learned a valuable lesson hellipnever boogaloo barefoot ona crowded dance floor Good times




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pegNov 19 2014 at 832 pm

JC thank you so much for a huge dip belly laughnonononoonononononluvluvluvluv

HeatherNov 19 2014 at 801 pm

Buthellip they get mehellip they get ithellip they understandhellip whoa is me

No way in hell do I need assistance from some outside source that has alreadymet with our lsquoleadersrsquo and understands everything so well but lurks askingmy permission to come aboard I do appreciate the special touches of layingso much of our lsquofamilyrsquo BS out there for us to recap but I am not invitinganother lsquovampirersquo into the lsquohousersquo

JC ndash ha I love ya lady The cat was a special touch for sure ha ha




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Nov 20 2014 at 1130 am

ha I had not realized how sarcastic I was on this commenthellip I was stillfeeling the ldquogossip ladiesrdquo from my daughterrsquos martial arts earlier and Iwas quite sarcastic in lsquodealingrsquo with them Overflowhellip hee

No we are the oneshellip plain and simple

JerseyCynicNov 20 2014 at 133 pm

got that right HeatherldquoBanish the word lsquostrugglersquo from your attitude and yourvocabulary All that we do now must be done in a sacredmanner and in celebration We are the ones we have beenwaiting forrdquo mdash Hopi elders

KittyNov 20 2014 at 157 pm

Perfect JC and Heather lsquoWe are the ones we are waitingfor lsquoThat just about says it all really



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Much love to you both X X X

HeatherNov 20 2014 at 306 pm

Indeed Much love to you both and really big hugs

KittyNov 20 2014 at 323 pm

Huge hugs back X

will iamNov 19 2014 at 815 pm

ldquoThis my friends could be the most important message mankind has everreceivedhelliprdquo


ldquoBe proud of what you arerdquo (the army)



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ldquoBe proud of what you arerdquo (the army)

ldquoThe most important thing for us is that humankind would form a singlefamily before this ldquounknownrdquo we would representrdquo (politics as usual)

ldquoPeace does not mean simply not making war it consists in becoming whatyou collectively are in reality a fraternityrdquo helliphelliphellip Zeta Delta Con

OphiuchusNov 19 2014 at 911 pm

My heart intuition says that this is false and my subconscious shows me theWalter Von Braun message

NofolaloNov 20 2014 at 1056 am

Good thing about the Walter Von Braun message itrsquos their lsquolast card

majikNov 19 2014 at 1016 pm




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I agree This feels wrong

majikNov 19 2014 at 1022 pm

I do believe this is real Irsquove been following them since 06 Well my idea offollowing which is really doing what my mom called the ldquosniffrdquo test to see iftheir rotten I feel this message is real but subtlehttptomkenyoncomescalation-of-chaotic-nodes-and-the-dismantling-of-3-d-reality

John SmithNov 20 2014 at 321 am

there is no easy answer to this certainly humble human spirit would like toextend into presence and understand of life overall throughout wholeuniverse this unfortunately is not it

it appears as direction to admit that you are flawed to sort inner mess of thisworld with an outside force just like there is homophobia among differentgroups of humans it can also be understood as some kind of alien-phobiawithin various ldquoyesrdquo ldquonordquo groups and it should not be it



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so answer lingers most among reasons for yes and no and their validity

I for one am opposing this fancy questions and fancy landings we have needfor outside involvement since ever and it probably ever is done as we wantedit so it can be counted as intrusive with lack of honoring true demand truewish of yes or no

so this petition (seen it and commented it before) appears to be likejournalist duck sensationalist dilemma without true backing or honoringstand so I vouch no and think that entities just like us should come to thisworld ldquousualrdquo way just like we did for their mission of good or evil or elsejust like we all are fancy space ships in contact with tyrannical governmentsdecimating life and nature for power and profits are their real targetspopulation is to be in awe awaiting outside solution to inner turmoil samefor this world as in outside influence for internal misconduct I find Gaiastronger and I find myself with lesser worry so if our conscious plant calls it Id agree but it is left for someone to prove it as I see not Gaia agreeing on ourldquoworkrdquo let alone that of governments and industrial and their spaceconnections so until saw that nurturing me calling it this all dilemmas arelike chewing sawdust hard to find nutrition for human in it

JerseyCynicNov 20 2014 at 548 am

Letrsquos dancehellip (a slow one) to one of my favorite bedtime songs


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oh manhellipIrsquom a gonna start tearing up ndash I miss my babies

Come Take A Trip In My Airship (Remastered) ndash Natalie Merchanthttpwwwyoutubecomwatchv=GDL0GVZXjMI

arielNov 20 2014 at 726 am

Sod it guyshellipthe whole point is that WE CAN HANDLE IThelliphellipWe first have tolearn that our conditioned negativity is projected externally as lsquorealityrsquo(definitely lower case) My lsquoproblemrsquo is how do we get enough of youus intoNOW the inner awareness of the lsquomovement and the restrsquo as Kitty likes torefer to it which is the operating end of the universal life force whichexpands our perception limitlessly subject to the filters which prevent usdestroying the lsquobodiesrsquo with INTENSITY Irsquove met them some of themhelliphellipWearenrsquot SUDDENLY in an awful situationhelliphellipitrsquos fucking hystericallyhistoricalhellipbloody tourists most of the ones Irsquove methellipPot calling the kettleblack really because Irsquove done a bithelliphellipYou donrsquot invite the vampire inhelliphelliphellip

will iamNov 20 2014 at 1257 pm



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I hadnrsquot realized that now was something I needed to get into I wasunder the impression that now is wellhellipnow

I didnrsquot know that it was a separate something or other that dependedon quantity for its existence

I apologize in advance for contributing to your lsquoproblemrsquo so maybeyou can tell me (us) what wes need to be looking for so that on theoft chance it were to come by again wes can have some of it

VigilantibusNov 20 2014 at 751 am

This is another deception from MATRIXBeautiful words Things from New (C)ageIt is a TRAPHumanity falls like ducksWake Up

PamNov 20 2014 at 859 am

HeyhelliphelliphellipI want to see this onehellipBring it onhelliphelliprdquoYESrdquo



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ThomasNov 20 2014 at 906 am

The inorganic races are crafty Although they canrsquot lie to us they canmanipulate Once free will is exercised to join their ranks there is no turningback Can we at least wait until Black Friday and Cyber Monday are over

NofolaloNov 20 2014 at 1111 am

Here ya go Jerseyhelliphttpwwwyoutubecomwatchv=REHV8LERhPwhttpwwwyoutubecomwatchv=5PvGn75ibI4

JerseyCynicNov 20 2014 at 207 pm

Love it Nofolalo I used to know every word to the Flying PurplePeople Eater What a great goofy beat mdash just try to sit still listening




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People Eater What a great goofy beat mdash just try to sit still listeningto it mdash you canrsquot

I wish doo wop never died I grew up just after that

Also missed out on The Bristol Stomphttpwwwyoutubecomwatchv=XCOB5-E4P6Y (I canrsquot believe thesepeople are sitting in their seats)

oh herersquos a good one ndash The Bristol Stomp Dance Around the Worldhttpwwwyoutubecomwatchv=fIbkKxUD0Mst=106

alexNov 20 2014 at 208 pm


PatrickNov 20 2014 at 1113 am

The outside help is from withinhellipinside Free will is wonderful and it hascertainly no choiceshellipUse your intent so your help can help us all Weexchange our intent with the source everyday so we will certainly exchangehelp with benevolence every once in a while Use this positively whether its



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BS or not Love life guys

PeterNov 20 2014 at 535 pm

Following was posted Yeterday an was coming to my attention Some of you sure remember SIRIUS

Dr Steven Greer Dozens of Benevolent ET Species Are Here Eager to MakeContacthttpwwwriseearthcom201411dr-steven-greer-dozens-of-benevolent-ethtml

Itrsquos not the only Article that shows up but that was posted ( I think because ofthe Article we can read here posted) The NEW AGERS always again jump on that wagon and believe in suchchannelings

manNov 20 2014 at 550 pm

yeah itacutes been there for years now on the wwwyears ago i would have said YES STOP BY FOR TEA AND COOKIES



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but now i go HELL NO YOU BLOODY PARASITES suck yourself and bite thestellar dustread this kind of honeysweet friendly alien bullshit often enough- nothingbut mindcontrollitacutes for the kids crying for mama to save them for the ones that like to HOPEand leave EVOLUTION to someone elsethere is no outside saviouryou guys are right itacutes the vampires trying to get our permissioni always wondered why they would need ithellip do they really care for karmathen what about the cheatwhatever- i suppose zen just put it here as a test and a provovation to stir adiscussionheacutes not one of the i-hope-someoneacutes-gonna-save-meacutes more a get-your-sweet-ass-going-guywhat a clever bastard you are zen

JerseyCynicNov 21 2014 at 308 pm

spot on man Google is behind it I do believe

from 2007httpswwwyoutubecomwatchv=-K8ADMzz46c a CGI of a womanreading half of this message and at the end ldquoyou must read the rest ofthe message at google or yahoo search google with the quote marks


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and now that google and nasa have partnered up It wouldnrsquot surpriseme if some day soon we started to see holographic airships here andthere with Ray Kurzweil as their Director of Engineering mdash anythinggoeshttptechcrunchcom20141110google-moffett-airfield-nasa

do know evil my ass

LizaNov 20 2014 at 1011 pm

But donrsquot give it all the credit Intriguing concepts Deception

Free will Yes it is within Never to be coughed up handed over Thecomments on the source site show a lot of naivtersquo Humans by nature look toconnecting as strengthening (Help) The more to have wins It is Not soLooking to another is not the way to go

This site inhabits lots of free thinkers

The only thing I would give my freewill over to is Peace amp Justice It doesexist In the heartmind Too bad the heart is so badly broken

Perhaps the only way to save a planet is with the allone mindset of all itsinhabitants simutaneously If that could be achieved Everybodyrsquos mind set


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on the collective The whole It could happen it is happening Maybe we justhave to let go of this dimension Canrsquot sustain it Donrsquot knowWell itrsquos all Bullshit anyway

hashishiNov 21 2014 at 751 am

ldquoFree will Yes it is within Never to be coughed up handed over rdquo

The most simple profound and beautiful truth It always does me goodto see a wonderful unencumbered spirit reflecting the same greattruth back at me

Dr Paula-Noel MacfieNov 21 2014 at 133 am

Liza we are all already connected and online through indigenous mind ourAncestors We never ldquoleftrdquohellipour minds have been so colonized that we forgotwho we are and where we come from The connection is still there just awhole lotta dissociation in between to navigate through




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arielNov 21 2014 at 725 am

HEY KITTYhelliprsquoWe are the parents our children have warned us abouthelliprsquo isnrsquot it

arielNov 21 2014 at 726 am

Or is it our greatgrand descendants

KittyNov 21 2014 at 319 pm


hashishiNov 21 2014 at 808 am

Oh hai VALIS Good game good game lsquoAliensrsquo Like it But er no thanks




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Oh hai VALIS Good game good game lsquoAliensrsquo Like it But er no thanks

AlteaNov 21 2014 at 554 pm

We are the ETrsquos we have been waiting for

manNov 21 2014 at 620 pm

what a weird place this world is indeedwhere reality is stranger than fictiongood to have a heart

vibra amor

StarDustNov 27 2014 at 900 pm

Why you need thousands of ships one is not enough Come in peace like




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you say and all the humans will open their arms and hug you






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There are two ways to establish a cosmic contact with anothercivilization via its standing representatives or directly with ordinaryindividuals

The first way entails fights of interests the second way bringsawareness The first way was chosen by a group of races motivatedby keeping mankind in slavery thereby controlling Earthrsquos resourcesits gene pool and the mass of human emotional energy

The second way was chosen by a group of races allied with thecause of the Spirit of Service Some years ago we did introduceourselves to representatives of the human power structure but theyrefused our outstretched hand on the basis of interests that wereincompatible with their strategic vision

That is why today individuals are to make this choice by themselveswithout any representatives interfering What we proposed in the pastto those whom we believed were in a capacity to contribute to yourhappiness we propose now mdash to you

Few of you are aware that non-human creatures have been involvedin the centralizing of power in your world and in the subtle taking ofcontrol These creatures do not necessarily stand on your materialplane which is precisely what could make them extremely efficientand frightening in the near future

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However also be aware that quite a few of your representatives arein fact fighting this danger that not all alien abductions are conductedto your detriment and that resistance also exists amongst thosedominance-oriented races

Peace and reunification of your peoples would be a first step towardharmony with civilizations other than yours That is precisely whatthose who manipulate you behind the scenes want to avoid at all costbecause by dividing they reign

They also reign over those who more visibly govern you Theirstrength comes from their capacity to instill mistrust and fear Thisconsiderably harms your very cosmic nature

This message would be of no interest if these manipulatorsrsquo influencewere not reaching its peak and if their misleading and murderousplans did not materialize within a few years from now

Their deadlines are close and mankind will undergo unprecedenteddifficulties for the next ten cycles [years] To defend yourselvesagainst this aggression that bears no face you need at least to haveenough information that points to the solution

Here again appearance and body type will not be enough to tell thedominator from the ally

At your current state of psychic development it is extremely difficult for

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you to distinguish between them In addition to your intuition trainingwill be necessary when the time has come Being aware of thepriceless value of free will we are inviting you to an alternative

What can we offer

We can offer you a more holistic vision of the universe and of lifeconstructive interactions the experience of fair and fraternalrelationships liberating technical knowledge eradication of sufferingcontrolled exercise of individual powers access to new forms ofenergy and finally a better comprehension of consciousness

We cannot help you overcome your individual and collective fears orbring you laws that you would not have chosen You must also work onyour own selves apply individual and collective efforts to build theworld you desire and manifest the spirit to quest for new skies

What would we receive

Should you decide that such a contact take place we would rejoiceover the safeguarding of fraternal equilibrium in this region of theuniverse fruitful diplomatic exchanges and the intense Joy ofknowing that you are united to accomplish what you are capable of

The feeling of Joy is strongly sought in the universe for its energy isdivine What is the question we ask you

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How can you answer this question The truth of soul can be readtelepathically so you only need to clearly ask yourself this questionand give your answer as clearly on your own or in a group as youwish

Being in the heart of a city or in the middle of a desert does notimpact the efficiency of your answer YES or NO

Just do it as if you were speaking to yourself but thinking about themessage This is a universal question and these mere few wordsput in their context have a powerful meaning

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This is why you should calmly think about it in all conscience In orderto perfectly associate your answer with the question it isrecommended that you answer after another careful reading of thismessage

Do not rush to answer Breathe and let all the power of your own freewill penetrate you Be proud of what you are Then do not lethesitation get in the way

The everyday problems that you may have can weaken you To beyourselves forget about them for a few minutes Feel the force thatsprings up in you You are in control of yourselves

A single thought a single answer can drastically change your nearfuture in one way as in another Your individual decision of asking inyour inner self that we show up on your material plane and in broaddaylight is precious and essential to us

Even though you can choose the way that best suits you rituals per seare essentially useless A sincere request made with your heart andyour own will will always be perceived by those of us to whom it issent In your own private polling booth of your secret will you willdetermine the future

What is the lever effect

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This decision should be made by the greatest possible numberamong you even though it might seem like a minority

It is recommended to spread this message in all envisageablefashions in as many languages as possible to those around youwhether or not they seem receptive to this new vision of the future Doit using a humorous tone or derision if that can help you

You can even openly and publicly make fun of it if it makes you feelmore comfortable but do not be indifferent for at least you will haveexercised your free will Forget about the false prophets and thebeliefs that have been transmitted to you about us

This request is one of the most intimate that can be asked to youMaking a decision by yourself as an individual is your right as wellas your responsibility Passivity only leads to the absence of freedom

Similarly indecision is never efficient If you really want to cling to yourbeliefs which is something that we understand then forcefully sayNO

If you do not know what to choose do not say YES because of merecuriosity This is not a show this is real daily life We exist We arealive

Your history has had plenty of episodes when determined men andwomen were able to influence the thread of events despite their small

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Just as a small number is enough to take temporal power on Earthand influence the future of the majority a small number of you canradically change your fate as an answer to the impotence in face ofso much inertia and so many hurdles You can ease mankindrsquos birthto Brotherhood

One of your thinkers once said

Spreading this message will then be the strengthening of the hand-hold We will be the light-years long lever and you will be thecraftsmen to ldquoraise the Earthrdquo as a consequence of our appearance

What would be the consequences of a positive decision

For us the immediate consequence of a collective favorable decisionwould be the materialization of many ships in your sky and on Earth

For you the direct effect would be the rapid abandoning of manycertitudes and beliefs A simple conclusive visual contact would have

ldquoGive me a hand-hold and Irsquoll raise the Earthrdquo

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huge repercussions for your future

Much knowledge would be modified forever The organization of yoursocieties would be deeply upheaved forever in all fields of activity

Power would become individual because you would see for yourselfthat we exist as living beings not accepting or rejecting that fact onthe word of any external authority Concretely you would change thescale of your values

The most important thing for us is that humankind would form a singlefamily before this ldquounknownrdquo we would represent

Danger would slowly melt away from your homes because you wouldindirectly force the undesirable ones those we name the ldquothird partyrdquoto show up and vanish You would all bear the same name and sharethe same roots Mankind

Later on peaceful and respectful exchanges would be thus possible ifsuch is your wish For now he who is hungry cannot smile he who isfearful cannot welcome us

We are sad to see men women and children suffering to such adegree in their flesh and in their hearts when they bear such an innerlight This light can be your future


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arcadia11Nov 19 2014 at 509 pm

no not by any stretch of reason or imagination the dangerous deceptivenew age is over no matter how compelling the disguise

donrsquot take the bait donrsquot turn all life over to something outside of yourselvesthis is the way government works problem-reaction-solution when it getsbad enough and for all the world seems as if there is no other way manyotherwise intelligent people will yell lsquoyes help usrsquo

and itrsquos game over


surprised to find this article here

Crystal MoonNov 19 2014 at 539 pm

ldquoYou entrust your problems to representatives whose awareness of commonwell being inexorably fades away before corporatist interests rdquo

That certainly says it


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Dr Paula-Noel MacfieNov 19 2014 at 550 pm

This seems like a human being dissociated from genetic memory of Ancestors

alexNov 19 2014 at 554 pm

Hmmmmmhellipsoftening us up for Project Blue Beamhellipreads as if it wasformatteddictated thru an AI lsquochannelerrsquohellipseeking our permissionhellipsoundslike satanic protocol to me (lol)helliporhellipirsquom getting waaaaaaay tooooo cynicalin my old age hahahahellipcheers

KittyNov 19 2014 at 601 pm

No Alex had exactly the same thoughts too Project Blue Beam back again helliphellip Lol





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alexNov 19 2014 at 605 pm


KittyNov 19 2014 at 609 pm

branewaiverNov 19 2014 at 750 pm

I agree Alex and Kitty this is too pat not to mention a littlepatronizing Doesnrsquot pass the sniff test Letrsquos get those awarefuckers with their own desires Game over





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indigovioletNov 20 2014 at 212 pm

Project Bluebeamhellip I had the same thought The words interest thebrain (slightly) but donrsquot reach the heart

KittyNov 20 2014 at 226 pm

I think thatrsquos a good way to describe it Indie Blue Beam seemsto have gone a bit quiet recently and I just thought UhhhOhhhhBlue Beam has returned Irsquom wondering if wersquoll get more of this I think it cyclesChristmas is always a good time for revelations not sure if weare quite there yet

indigovioletNov 20 2014 at 244 pm

Yes and the lsquoaliensrsquo could always say they achieved aconsensus and we would be none the wiser just like



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with the vote (rigging) system

KittyNov 20 2014 at 319 pm

Indie I have to ask you this I was recently roadraged by someone driving so close to me Icouldnrsquot see his head lights It lasted for miles I reacted in absolutely the wrong way dideverything wrong Scared myself silly I really surprised myself I feltso stupid It made me think If something did happen out of the blue like sayBlue Beam how drsquoyou think you would react Would we as people who may consider ourselvesfairly aware be able to see what was happening I gave a neighbour a lift today Sunny warmish but the sky was covered withseriously hugersquo trailsI pointed and said something on the lines of wowlook at those She didnrsquot see them Indie not one as in reallycouldnrsquot see them


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It was so surreal I stopped the car and pointedbut still didnrsquot even register So is this lsquo spiritual lsquo physical mental Very strange experience

indigovioletNov 20 2014 at 356 pm

Strange Kittyhellip

A few years ago I started read the work Rik Clayregarding a planned fake alien invasion and thelater statement from Wernher von Braun on hisdeathbed reinforced what I thought After readingRikrsquos work (and you will probably know that hewas more-than-likely suicided at 26 just as hewas getting into all this) I decided there and thenthat any talk of an alien invasion going forwardwould be dismissed as fake by me howevercompelling When you have felt the truth in alucid moment you just have to stand yourground

We donrsquot know how we will react to a situationuntil we are in it as you saw when the bizarreand frightening road-rage incident took place ndash

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not that you had any room for manoeuvre if hewas right on your tail like that Very ScaryAlmost black ops- like

I donrsquot understand why your neighbour didnrsquot seethe chemtrails Maybe you should have driven herto the opticians Doesnrsquot make sense does itEverybody who I have pointed them out to hasseen them

pegNov 20 2014 at 450 pm

Kitty got this link from a girlfriend yesterday afternoonBless her heart She is a lovely spirit mdashndash Yep your rightitrsquos going around This was sent out on the internet onthe 18th and she thought it needed to be sent to me asldquoGood NewsrdquoHere is what was senthttppaowebcomsn111814htmIt comes from Sheldon Nidle



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Nov 20 2014 at 507 pm

Wow Peg Thanks for this It is cyclical Isometimes get this kind of thing but itrsquos been solong I canrsquot remember the last time Irsquoll have a good look at this one I actually like tosee this kind if thingSo the question is whatrsquos cooking if anything Well have to watch and wait

pegNov 20 2014 at 536 pm

Kitty I do not think any of this from anythinggood actually Everything inside speaks ndash ndash errorndash ndash error I stand with the help is us mdash- in us mdash-we just should find out who we really are In myheart knowing mdash- itrsquos infinityEven the pope is getting people ready for this mdash-what does that say Clinton not long ago onsome program etc etc Nope this being isstaying away from this None of them have mypermission to fix anything Our consciousness ampresonance will take care of things needed We areoneBy the way I didnrsquot finish reading the material

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she sent I just canrsquot Love her dearly and will beseeing her on Sunday She has began looking atmaterial on meditation by just listening to herbreathing Cannot change what others do orbelieve with teachings but only by my walkingand being Itrsquos all about consciousness and I knowyou know that Hugs

LizaNov 20 2014 at 939 pm

wow Kitty that is strange that she just couldnrsquotsee the chemtrailshellip

JerseyCynicNov 19 2014 at 646 pm

Is this a gullibility testYES YES YES (I am doing it using a humorous tone cause that helps me)httpwwwyoutubecomwatchv=O6VUMGO3hCs

Irsquom pretty gullible (getting better) This doesnrsquot sit well with meldquoBeing aware of the priceless value of free will we are inviting you to analternativerdquo

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No thanks

ldquoYour individual decision of asking in your inner self that we show up onyour material plane and in broad daylight is precious and essential to usrdquo

I do go out on the deck every night though (2am ndash 4am) and ask the starbeings to visit me No luck yet (as best as I can remember)

Gee mdash I wonder why SNOPES hasnrsquot taken this one onhelliphellipDOH

OK OK ndash here we go mdash I found the source mdash Itrsquos a cute blonde that must workin Googlersquos marketing departmenthelliphellip those evil bastardsldquoDO YOU WISH THAT WE SHOW UP rdquo from 2006httpwwwyoutubecomwatchv=-K8ADMzz46c

well that didnrsquot take long ndash sorry to burst any bubbles

OphiuchusNov 19 2014 at 920 pm

As soon as I hear the ldquohumanrdquo false paradigm ldquoevolutionrdquo it sends upan immediate red flag to me It is the false assumption that we startdumb and become something better rather than the parasiticdummening of an already highly advanced sentient form of lifeEvolution to me reeks of the linear false time paradigm



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KittyNov 20 2014 at 414 pm

Rik Clay Read a lot of his work Fascinating His lsquosuicidersquo wasnrsquot it vigourously contested by his family and friends These people either commit lsquosuicide lsquo or die of a heart attack

Such a young vibrant man His work isnrsquot so prominent any more Ithink I may have to revisit him I think the road rage person may havebeen drinking Funny thing was my daughter was with me and shesaid before he went he turned his lights off Funny folks where I live Neighbour lol She is elderly I think a visit to the opticians is inorder I did point them out to some farmer friends a long time ago theydidnrsquot see either not what I was seeing certainly Maybe a differentperception

indigovioletNov 20 2014 at 445 pm

I read that his family have said that he did commit suicide but Idonrsquot knowhellip It was the day after his Red Ice Radio interviewand it was noted that he was in very good spirits at the time


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and looking forward enthusiastically to further researching Hewas buried on September 11th A lot of things didnrsquot add up atthe time (or did) But who knows

KittyNov 20 2014 at 453 pm

Must have got that wrong Irsquov been thinking of DavidKelly recently I saw a pic of Tony Blair and Kelly came tomind i was going to mention him to youThese things are very strange Indie his family may have been pressured or maybe suicidewas preferable to the thought of murder Rik Clay was so young and so bright and brave It takes guts to stand up and be counted Who knows true We probably never will

KittyNov 20 2014 at 559 pm

No I donrsquot either Peg I like to be fore warned as in fore armed The Vatican has made some rather startling statements as far as the



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alien agenda is concerned Love our alien brothers and sisters would we baptise them and callthem Christians The usual This has been going on for some time now and Clintonslittle bit of input was interesting too The Disclosure Project it justall adds up to an agenda leading to our furtherenslavement My answer to the question here should just have been a blunt NO Like you I feel it is all within usThe answers we need to everythingare all there Walking the walk is my preferred way too Your friend is blessed tohave you to guide her but itrsquos your love Peg that will really make animpact on her Your well is deep and so many draw upon it I readDavidrsquos post but havenrsquot said anything yet so I know you know what Imean Yoursquore full of love Peg and that is all that matters Hugs backand love XXX

LizaNov 20 2014 at 940 pm



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KittyNov 20 2014 at 1156 pm

Liza I thought I was going a bit crazy This was seriously bizarre Irsquov been thinking about this and maybe itrsquos to do withfrequency There are a lot if other strange phenomenon associated withchemtrailingI saw an orb flying alongside a plane that was obviouslylsquotrailing If my son hadnrsquot been with me at the time and saw it too Iwouldnrsquot have believed what I was seeing Irsquod love to know how many people actually canrsquot see thesethings It still makes me smile when I thinkabout it Neighbour now thinks Irsquom arsquo funny little thingrsquo

LizaNov 20 2014 at 941 pm



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JerseyCynicNov 19 2014 at 650 pm

Letrsquos ask the cathelliphttpwwwyoutubecomwatchv=jD4JhoOFzPg

will iamNov 19 2014 at 830 pm

Ha Remember this one httpswwwyoutubecomwatchv=5Us1ASENPwsampfeature=player_detailpage

JerseyCynicNov 19 2014 at 859 pm

Omg will do I remember this one Yes yes yes and Irsquove got abig toe permanently disfigured from a ldquoboogaloordquo contest toprove it Thanks for the painful memory Good times Thatnight I learned a valuable lesson hellipnever boogaloo barefoot ona crowded dance floor Good times




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pegNov 19 2014 at 832 pm

JC thank you so much for a huge dip belly laughnonononoonononononluvluvluvluv

HeatherNov 19 2014 at 801 pm

Buthellip they get mehellip they get ithellip they understandhellip whoa is me

No way in hell do I need assistance from some outside source that has alreadymet with our lsquoleadersrsquo and understands everything so well but lurks askingmy permission to come aboard I do appreciate the special touches of layingso much of our lsquofamilyrsquo BS out there for us to recap but I am not invitinganother lsquovampirersquo into the lsquohousersquo

JC ndash ha I love ya lady The cat was a special touch for sure ha ha




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Nov 20 2014 at 1130 am

ha I had not realized how sarcastic I was on this commenthellip I was stillfeeling the ldquogossip ladiesrdquo from my daughterrsquos martial arts earlier and Iwas quite sarcastic in lsquodealingrsquo with them Overflowhellip hee

No we are the oneshellip plain and simple

JerseyCynicNov 20 2014 at 133 pm

got that right HeatherldquoBanish the word lsquostrugglersquo from your attitude and yourvocabulary All that we do now must be done in a sacredmanner and in celebration We are the ones we have beenwaiting forrdquo mdash Hopi elders

KittyNov 20 2014 at 157 pm

Perfect JC and Heather lsquoWe are the ones we are waitingfor lsquoThat just about says it all really



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Much love to you both X X X

HeatherNov 20 2014 at 306 pm

Indeed Much love to you both and really big hugs

KittyNov 20 2014 at 323 pm

Huge hugs back X

will iamNov 19 2014 at 815 pm

ldquoThis my friends could be the most important message mankind has everreceivedhelliprdquo


ldquoBe proud of what you arerdquo (the army)



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ldquoBe proud of what you arerdquo (the army)

ldquoThe most important thing for us is that humankind would form a singlefamily before this ldquounknownrdquo we would representrdquo (politics as usual)

ldquoPeace does not mean simply not making war it consists in becoming whatyou collectively are in reality a fraternityrdquo helliphelliphellip Zeta Delta Con

OphiuchusNov 19 2014 at 911 pm

My heart intuition says that this is false and my subconscious shows me theWalter Von Braun message

NofolaloNov 20 2014 at 1056 am

Good thing about the Walter Von Braun message itrsquos their lsquolast card

majikNov 19 2014 at 1016 pm




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I agree This feels wrong

majikNov 19 2014 at 1022 pm

I do believe this is real Irsquove been following them since 06 Well my idea offollowing which is really doing what my mom called the ldquosniffrdquo test to see iftheir rotten I feel this message is real but subtlehttptomkenyoncomescalation-of-chaotic-nodes-and-the-dismantling-of-3-d-reality

John SmithNov 20 2014 at 321 am

there is no easy answer to this certainly humble human spirit would like toextend into presence and understand of life overall throughout wholeuniverse this unfortunately is not it

it appears as direction to admit that you are flawed to sort inner mess of thisworld with an outside force just like there is homophobia among differentgroups of humans it can also be understood as some kind of alien-phobiawithin various ldquoyesrdquo ldquonordquo groups and it should not be it



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so answer lingers most among reasons for yes and no and their validity

I for one am opposing this fancy questions and fancy landings we have needfor outside involvement since ever and it probably ever is done as we wantedit so it can be counted as intrusive with lack of honoring true demand truewish of yes or no

so this petition (seen it and commented it before) appears to be likejournalist duck sensationalist dilemma without true backing or honoringstand so I vouch no and think that entities just like us should come to thisworld ldquousualrdquo way just like we did for their mission of good or evil or elsejust like we all are fancy space ships in contact with tyrannical governmentsdecimating life and nature for power and profits are their real targetspopulation is to be in awe awaiting outside solution to inner turmoil samefor this world as in outside influence for internal misconduct I find Gaiastronger and I find myself with lesser worry so if our conscious plant calls it Id agree but it is left for someone to prove it as I see not Gaia agreeing on ourldquoworkrdquo let alone that of governments and industrial and their spaceconnections so until saw that nurturing me calling it this all dilemmas arelike chewing sawdust hard to find nutrition for human in it

JerseyCynicNov 20 2014 at 548 am

Letrsquos dancehellip (a slow one) to one of my favorite bedtime songs


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oh manhellipIrsquom a gonna start tearing up ndash I miss my babies

Come Take A Trip In My Airship (Remastered) ndash Natalie Merchanthttpwwwyoutubecomwatchv=GDL0GVZXjMI

arielNov 20 2014 at 726 am

Sod it guyshellipthe whole point is that WE CAN HANDLE IThelliphellipWe first have tolearn that our conditioned negativity is projected externally as lsquorealityrsquo(definitely lower case) My lsquoproblemrsquo is how do we get enough of youus intoNOW the inner awareness of the lsquomovement and the restrsquo as Kitty likes torefer to it which is the operating end of the universal life force whichexpands our perception limitlessly subject to the filters which prevent usdestroying the lsquobodiesrsquo with INTENSITY Irsquove met them some of themhelliphellipWearenrsquot SUDDENLY in an awful situationhelliphellipitrsquos fucking hystericallyhistoricalhellipbloody tourists most of the ones Irsquove methellipPot calling the kettleblack really because Irsquove done a bithelliphellipYou donrsquot invite the vampire inhelliphelliphellip

will iamNov 20 2014 at 1257 pm



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I hadnrsquot realized that now was something I needed to get into I wasunder the impression that now is wellhellipnow

I didnrsquot know that it was a separate something or other that dependedon quantity for its existence

I apologize in advance for contributing to your lsquoproblemrsquo so maybeyou can tell me (us) what wes need to be looking for so that on theoft chance it were to come by again wes can have some of it

VigilantibusNov 20 2014 at 751 am

This is another deception from MATRIXBeautiful words Things from New (C)ageIt is a TRAPHumanity falls like ducksWake Up

PamNov 20 2014 at 859 am

HeyhelliphelliphellipI want to see this onehellipBring it onhelliphelliprdquoYESrdquo



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ThomasNov 20 2014 at 906 am

The inorganic races are crafty Although they canrsquot lie to us they canmanipulate Once free will is exercised to join their ranks there is no turningback Can we at least wait until Black Friday and Cyber Monday are over

NofolaloNov 20 2014 at 1111 am

Here ya go Jerseyhelliphttpwwwyoutubecomwatchv=REHV8LERhPwhttpwwwyoutubecomwatchv=5PvGn75ibI4

JerseyCynicNov 20 2014 at 207 pm

Love it Nofolalo I used to know every word to the Flying PurplePeople Eater What a great goofy beat mdash just try to sit still listening




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People Eater What a great goofy beat mdash just try to sit still listeningto it mdash you canrsquot

I wish doo wop never died I grew up just after that

Also missed out on The Bristol Stomphttpwwwyoutubecomwatchv=XCOB5-E4P6Y (I canrsquot believe thesepeople are sitting in their seats)

oh herersquos a good one ndash The Bristol Stomp Dance Around the Worldhttpwwwyoutubecomwatchv=fIbkKxUD0Mst=106

alexNov 20 2014 at 208 pm


PatrickNov 20 2014 at 1113 am

The outside help is from withinhellipinside Free will is wonderful and it hascertainly no choiceshellipUse your intent so your help can help us all Weexchange our intent with the source everyday so we will certainly exchangehelp with benevolence every once in a while Use this positively whether its



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BS or not Love life guys

PeterNov 20 2014 at 535 pm

Following was posted Yeterday an was coming to my attention Some of you sure remember SIRIUS

Dr Steven Greer Dozens of Benevolent ET Species Are Here Eager to MakeContacthttpwwwriseearthcom201411dr-steven-greer-dozens-of-benevolent-ethtml

Itrsquos not the only Article that shows up but that was posted ( I think because ofthe Article we can read here posted) The NEW AGERS always again jump on that wagon and believe in suchchannelings

manNov 20 2014 at 550 pm

yeah itacutes been there for years now on the wwwyears ago i would have said YES STOP BY FOR TEA AND COOKIES



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but now i go HELL NO YOU BLOODY PARASITES suck yourself and bite thestellar dustread this kind of honeysweet friendly alien bullshit often enough- nothingbut mindcontrollitacutes for the kids crying for mama to save them for the ones that like to HOPEand leave EVOLUTION to someone elsethere is no outside saviouryou guys are right itacutes the vampires trying to get our permissioni always wondered why they would need ithellip do they really care for karmathen what about the cheatwhatever- i suppose zen just put it here as a test and a provovation to stir adiscussionheacutes not one of the i-hope-someoneacutes-gonna-save-meacutes more a get-your-sweet-ass-going-guywhat a clever bastard you are zen

JerseyCynicNov 21 2014 at 308 pm

spot on man Google is behind it I do believe

from 2007httpswwwyoutubecomwatchv=-K8ADMzz46c a CGI of a womanreading half of this message and at the end ldquoyou must read the rest ofthe message at google or yahoo search google with the quote marks


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and now that google and nasa have partnered up It wouldnrsquot surpriseme if some day soon we started to see holographic airships here andthere with Ray Kurzweil as their Director of Engineering mdash anythinggoeshttptechcrunchcom20141110google-moffett-airfield-nasa

do know evil my ass

LizaNov 20 2014 at 1011 pm

But donrsquot give it all the credit Intriguing concepts Deception

Free will Yes it is within Never to be coughed up handed over Thecomments on the source site show a lot of naivtersquo Humans by nature look toconnecting as strengthening (Help) The more to have wins It is Not soLooking to another is not the way to go

This site inhabits lots of free thinkers

The only thing I would give my freewill over to is Peace amp Justice It doesexist In the heartmind Too bad the heart is so badly broken

Perhaps the only way to save a planet is with the allone mindset of all itsinhabitants simutaneously If that could be achieved Everybodyrsquos mind set


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on the collective The whole It could happen it is happening Maybe we justhave to let go of this dimension Canrsquot sustain it Donrsquot knowWell itrsquos all Bullshit anyway

hashishiNov 21 2014 at 751 am

ldquoFree will Yes it is within Never to be coughed up handed over rdquo

The most simple profound and beautiful truth It always does me goodto see a wonderful unencumbered spirit reflecting the same greattruth back at me

Dr Paula-Noel MacfieNov 21 2014 at 133 am

Liza we are all already connected and online through indigenous mind ourAncestors We never ldquoleftrdquohellipour minds have been so colonized that we forgotwho we are and where we come from The connection is still there just awhole lotta dissociation in between to navigate through




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arielNov 21 2014 at 725 am

HEY KITTYhelliprsquoWe are the parents our children have warned us abouthelliprsquo isnrsquot it

arielNov 21 2014 at 726 am

Or is it our greatgrand descendants

KittyNov 21 2014 at 319 pm


hashishiNov 21 2014 at 808 am

Oh hai VALIS Good game good game lsquoAliensrsquo Like it But er no thanks




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Oh hai VALIS Good game good game lsquoAliensrsquo Like it But er no thanks

AlteaNov 21 2014 at 554 pm

We are the ETrsquos we have been waiting for

manNov 21 2014 at 620 pm

what a weird place this world is indeedwhere reality is stranger than fictiongood to have a heart

vibra amor

StarDustNov 27 2014 at 900 pm

Why you need thousands of ships one is not enough Come in peace like




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you say and all the humans will open their arms and hug you






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However also be aware that quite a few of your representatives arein fact fighting this danger that not all alien abductions are conductedto your detriment and that resistance also exists amongst thosedominance-oriented races

Peace and reunification of your peoples would be a first step towardharmony with civilizations other than yours That is precisely whatthose who manipulate you behind the scenes want to avoid at all costbecause by dividing they reign

They also reign over those who more visibly govern you Theirstrength comes from their capacity to instill mistrust and fear Thisconsiderably harms your very cosmic nature

This message would be of no interest if these manipulatorsrsquo influencewere not reaching its peak and if their misleading and murderousplans did not materialize within a few years from now

Their deadlines are close and mankind will undergo unprecedenteddifficulties for the next ten cycles [years] To defend yourselvesagainst this aggression that bears no face you need at least to haveenough information that points to the solution

Here again appearance and body type will not be enough to tell thedominator from the ally

At your current state of psychic development it is extremely difficult for

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you to distinguish between them In addition to your intuition trainingwill be necessary when the time has come Being aware of thepriceless value of free will we are inviting you to an alternative

What can we offer

We can offer you a more holistic vision of the universe and of lifeconstructive interactions the experience of fair and fraternalrelationships liberating technical knowledge eradication of sufferingcontrolled exercise of individual powers access to new forms ofenergy and finally a better comprehension of consciousness

We cannot help you overcome your individual and collective fears orbring you laws that you would not have chosen You must also work onyour own selves apply individual and collective efforts to build theworld you desire and manifest the spirit to quest for new skies

What would we receive

Should you decide that such a contact take place we would rejoiceover the safeguarding of fraternal equilibrium in this region of theuniverse fruitful diplomatic exchanges and the intense Joy ofknowing that you are united to accomplish what you are capable of

The feeling of Joy is strongly sought in the universe for its energy isdivine What is the question we ask you

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How can you answer this question The truth of soul can be readtelepathically so you only need to clearly ask yourself this questionand give your answer as clearly on your own or in a group as youwish

Being in the heart of a city or in the middle of a desert does notimpact the efficiency of your answer YES or NO

Just do it as if you were speaking to yourself but thinking about themessage This is a universal question and these mere few wordsput in their context have a powerful meaning

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This is why you should calmly think about it in all conscience In orderto perfectly associate your answer with the question it isrecommended that you answer after another careful reading of thismessage

Do not rush to answer Breathe and let all the power of your own freewill penetrate you Be proud of what you are Then do not lethesitation get in the way

The everyday problems that you may have can weaken you To beyourselves forget about them for a few minutes Feel the force thatsprings up in you You are in control of yourselves

A single thought a single answer can drastically change your nearfuture in one way as in another Your individual decision of asking inyour inner self that we show up on your material plane and in broaddaylight is precious and essential to us

Even though you can choose the way that best suits you rituals per seare essentially useless A sincere request made with your heart andyour own will will always be perceived by those of us to whom it issent In your own private polling booth of your secret will you willdetermine the future

What is the lever effect

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This decision should be made by the greatest possible numberamong you even though it might seem like a minority

It is recommended to spread this message in all envisageablefashions in as many languages as possible to those around youwhether or not they seem receptive to this new vision of the future Doit using a humorous tone or derision if that can help you

You can even openly and publicly make fun of it if it makes you feelmore comfortable but do not be indifferent for at least you will haveexercised your free will Forget about the false prophets and thebeliefs that have been transmitted to you about us

This request is one of the most intimate that can be asked to youMaking a decision by yourself as an individual is your right as wellas your responsibility Passivity only leads to the absence of freedom

Similarly indecision is never efficient If you really want to cling to yourbeliefs which is something that we understand then forcefully sayNO

If you do not know what to choose do not say YES because of merecuriosity This is not a show this is real daily life We exist We arealive

Your history has had plenty of episodes when determined men andwomen were able to influence the thread of events despite their small

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Just as a small number is enough to take temporal power on Earthand influence the future of the majority a small number of you canradically change your fate as an answer to the impotence in face ofso much inertia and so many hurdles You can ease mankindrsquos birthto Brotherhood

One of your thinkers once said

Spreading this message will then be the strengthening of the hand-hold We will be the light-years long lever and you will be thecraftsmen to ldquoraise the Earthrdquo as a consequence of our appearance

What would be the consequences of a positive decision

For us the immediate consequence of a collective favorable decisionwould be the materialization of many ships in your sky and on Earth

For you the direct effect would be the rapid abandoning of manycertitudes and beliefs A simple conclusive visual contact would have

ldquoGive me a hand-hold and Irsquoll raise the Earthrdquo

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huge repercussions for your future

Much knowledge would be modified forever The organization of yoursocieties would be deeply upheaved forever in all fields of activity

Power would become individual because you would see for yourselfthat we exist as living beings not accepting or rejecting that fact onthe word of any external authority Concretely you would change thescale of your values

The most important thing for us is that humankind would form a singlefamily before this ldquounknownrdquo we would represent

Danger would slowly melt away from your homes because you wouldindirectly force the undesirable ones those we name the ldquothird partyrdquoto show up and vanish You would all bear the same name and sharethe same roots Mankind

Later on peaceful and respectful exchanges would be thus possible ifsuch is your wish For now he who is hungry cannot smile he who isfearful cannot welcome us

We are sad to see men women and children suffering to such adegree in their flesh and in their hearts when they bear such an innerlight This light can be your future


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arcadia11Nov 19 2014 at 509 pm

no not by any stretch of reason or imagination the dangerous deceptivenew age is over no matter how compelling the disguise

donrsquot take the bait donrsquot turn all life over to something outside of yourselvesthis is the way government works problem-reaction-solution when it getsbad enough and for all the world seems as if there is no other way manyotherwise intelligent people will yell lsquoyes help usrsquo

and itrsquos game over


surprised to find this article here

Crystal MoonNov 19 2014 at 539 pm

ldquoYou entrust your problems to representatives whose awareness of commonwell being inexorably fades away before corporatist interests rdquo

That certainly says it


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Dr Paula-Noel MacfieNov 19 2014 at 550 pm

This seems like a human being dissociated from genetic memory of Ancestors

alexNov 19 2014 at 554 pm

Hmmmmmhellipsoftening us up for Project Blue Beamhellipreads as if it wasformatteddictated thru an AI lsquochannelerrsquohellipseeking our permissionhellipsoundslike satanic protocol to me (lol)helliporhellipirsquom getting waaaaaaay tooooo cynicalin my old age hahahahellipcheers

KittyNov 19 2014 at 601 pm

No Alex had exactly the same thoughts too Project Blue Beam back again helliphellip Lol





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alexNov 19 2014 at 605 pm


KittyNov 19 2014 at 609 pm

branewaiverNov 19 2014 at 750 pm

I agree Alex and Kitty this is too pat not to mention a littlepatronizing Doesnrsquot pass the sniff test Letrsquos get those awarefuckers with their own desires Game over





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indigovioletNov 20 2014 at 212 pm

Project Bluebeamhellip I had the same thought The words interest thebrain (slightly) but donrsquot reach the heart

KittyNov 20 2014 at 226 pm

I think thatrsquos a good way to describe it Indie Blue Beam seemsto have gone a bit quiet recently and I just thought UhhhOhhhhBlue Beam has returned Irsquom wondering if wersquoll get more of this I think it cyclesChristmas is always a good time for revelations not sure if weare quite there yet

indigovioletNov 20 2014 at 244 pm

Yes and the lsquoaliensrsquo could always say they achieved aconsensus and we would be none the wiser just like



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with the vote (rigging) system

KittyNov 20 2014 at 319 pm

Indie I have to ask you this I was recently roadraged by someone driving so close to me Icouldnrsquot see his head lights It lasted for miles I reacted in absolutely the wrong way dideverything wrong Scared myself silly I really surprised myself I feltso stupid It made me think If something did happen out of the blue like sayBlue Beam how drsquoyou think you would react Would we as people who may consider ourselvesfairly aware be able to see what was happening I gave a neighbour a lift today Sunny warmish but the sky was covered withseriously hugersquo trailsI pointed and said something on the lines of wowlook at those She didnrsquot see them Indie not one as in reallycouldnrsquot see them


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It was so surreal I stopped the car and pointedbut still didnrsquot even register So is this lsquo spiritual lsquo physical mental Very strange experience

indigovioletNov 20 2014 at 356 pm

Strange Kittyhellip

A few years ago I started read the work Rik Clayregarding a planned fake alien invasion and thelater statement from Wernher von Braun on hisdeathbed reinforced what I thought After readingRikrsquos work (and you will probably know that hewas more-than-likely suicided at 26 just as hewas getting into all this) I decided there and thenthat any talk of an alien invasion going forwardwould be dismissed as fake by me howevercompelling When you have felt the truth in alucid moment you just have to stand yourground

We donrsquot know how we will react to a situationuntil we are in it as you saw when the bizarreand frightening road-rage incident took place ndash

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not that you had any room for manoeuvre if hewas right on your tail like that Very ScaryAlmost black ops- like

I donrsquot understand why your neighbour didnrsquot seethe chemtrails Maybe you should have driven herto the opticians Doesnrsquot make sense does itEverybody who I have pointed them out to hasseen them

pegNov 20 2014 at 450 pm

Kitty got this link from a girlfriend yesterday afternoonBless her heart She is a lovely spirit mdashndash Yep your rightitrsquos going around This was sent out on the internet onthe 18th and she thought it needed to be sent to me asldquoGood NewsrdquoHere is what was senthttppaowebcomsn111814htmIt comes from Sheldon Nidle



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Nov 20 2014 at 507 pm

Wow Peg Thanks for this It is cyclical Isometimes get this kind of thing but itrsquos been solong I canrsquot remember the last time Irsquoll have a good look at this one I actually like tosee this kind if thingSo the question is whatrsquos cooking if anything Well have to watch and wait

pegNov 20 2014 at 536 pm

Kitty I do not think any of this from anythinggood actually Everything inside speaks ndash ndash errorndash ndash error I stand with the help is us mdash- in us mdash-we just should find out who we really are In myheart knowing mdash- itrsquos infinityEven the pope is getting people ready for this mdash-what does that say Clinton not long ago onsome program etc etc Nope this being isstaying away from this None of them have mypermission to fix anything Our consciousness ampresonance will take care of things needed We areoneBy the way I didnrsquot finish reading the material

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she sent I just canrsquot Love her dearly and will beseeing her on Sunday She has began looking atmaterial on meditation by just listening to herbreathing Cannot change what others do orbelieve with teachings but only by my walkingand being Itrsquos all about consciousness and I knowyou know that Hugs

LizaNov 20 2014 at 939 pm

wow Kitty that is strange that she just couldnrsquotsee the chemtrailshellip

JerseyCynicNov 19 2014 at 646 pm

Is this a gullibility testYES YES YES (I am doing it using a humorous tone cause that helps me)httpwwwyoutubecomwatchv=O6VUMGO3hCs

Irsquom pretty gullible (getting better) This doesnrsquot sit well with meldquoBeing aware of the priceless value of free will we are inviting you to analternativerdquo

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No thanks

ldquoYour individual decision of asking in your inner self that we show up onyour material plane and in broad daylight is precious and essential to usrdquo

I do go out on the deck every night though (2am ndash 4am) and ask the starbeings to visit me No luck yet (as best as I can remember)

Gee mdash I wonder why SNOPES hasnrsquot taken this one onhelliphellipDOH

OK OK ndash here we go mdash I found the source mdash Itrsquos a cute blonde that must workin Googlersquos marketing departmenthelliphellip those evil bastardsldquoDO YOU WISH THAT WE SHOW UP rdquo from 2006httpwwwyoutubecomwatchv=-K8ADMzz46c

well that didnrsquot take long ndash sorry to burst any bubbles

OphiuchusNov 19 2014 at 920 pm

As soon as I hear the ldquohumanrdquo false paradigm ldquoevolutionrdquo it sends upan immediate red flag to me It is the false assumption that we startdumb and become something better rather than the parasiticdummening of an already highly advanced sentient form of lifeEvolution to me reeks of the linear false time paradigm



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KittyNov 20 2014 at 414 pm

Rik Clay Read a lot of his work Fascinating His lsquosuicidersquo wasnrsquot it vigourously contested by his family and friends These people either commit lsquosuicide lsquo or die of a heart attack

Such a young vibrant man His work isnrsquot so prominent any more Ithink I may have to revisit him I think the road rage person may havebeen drinking Funny thing was my daughter was with me and shesaid before he went he turned his lights off Funny folks where I live Neighbour lol She is elderly I think a visit to the opticians is inorder I did point them out to some farmer friends a long time ago theydidnrsquot see either not what I was seeing certainly Maybe a differentperception

indigovioletNov 20 2014 at 445 pm

I read that his family have said that he did commit suicide but Idonrsquot knowhellip It was the day after his Red Ice Radio interviewand it was noted that he was in very good spirits at the time


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and looking forward enthusiastically to further researching Hewas buried on September 11th A lot of things didnrsquot add up atthe time (or did) But who knows

KittyNov 20 2014 at 453 pm

Must have got that wrong Irsquov been thinking of DavidKelly recently I saw a pic of Tony Blair and Kelly came tomind i was going to mention him to youThese things are very strange Indie his family may have been pressured or maybe suicidewas preferable to the thought of murder Rik Clay was so young and so bright and brave It takes guts to stand up and be counted Who knows true We probably never will

KittyNov 20 2014 at 559 pm

No I donrsquot either Peg I like to be fore warned as in fore armed The Vatican has made some rather startling statements as far as the



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alien agenda is concerned Love our alien brothers and sisters would we baptise them and callthem Christians The usual This has been going on for some time now and Clintonslittle bit of input was interesting too The Disclosure Project it justall adds up to an agenda leading to our furtherenslavement My answer to the question here should just have been a blunt NO Like you I feel it is all within usThe answers we need to everythingare all there Walking the walk is my preferred way too Your friend is blessed tohave you to guide her but itrsquos your love Peg that will really make animpact on her Your well is deep and so many draw upon it I readDavidrsquos post but havenrsquot said anything yet so I know you know what Imean Yoursquore full of love Peg and that is all that matters Hugs backand love XXX

LizaNov 20 2014 at 940 pm



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KittyNov 20 2014 at 1156 pm

Liza I thought I was going a bit crazy This was seriously bizarre Irsquov been thinking about this and maybe itrsquos to do withfrequency There are a lot if other strange phenomenon associated withchemtrailingI saw an orb flying alongside a plane that was obviouslylsquotrailing If my son hadnrsquot been with me at the time and saw it too Iwouldnrsquot have believed what I was seeing Irsquod love to know how many people actually canrsquot see thesethings It still makes me smile when I thinkabout it Neighbour now thinks Irsquom arsquo funny little thingrsquo

LizaNov 20 2014 at 941 pm



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JerseyCynicNov 19 2014 at 650 pm

Letrsquos ask the cathelliphttpwwwyoutubecomwatchv=jD4JhoOFzPg

will iamNov 19 2014 at 830 pm

Ha Remember this one httpswwwyoutubecomwatchv=5Us1ASENPwsampfeature=player_detailpage

JerseyCynicNov 19 2014 at 859 pm

Omg will do I remember this one Yes yes yes and Irsquove got abig toe permanently disfigured from a ldquoboogaloordquo contest toprove it Thanks for the painful memory Good times Thatnight I learned a valuable lesson hellipnever boogaloo barefoot ona crowded dance floor Good times




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pegNov 19 2014 at 832 pm

JC thank you so much for a huge dip belly laughnonononoonononononluvluvluvluv

HeatherNov 19 2014 at 801 pm

Buthellip they get mehellip they get ithellip they understandhellip whoa is me

No way in hell do I need assistance from some outside source that has alreadymet with our lsquoleadersrsquo and understands everything so well but lurks askingmy permission to come aboard I do appreciate the special touches of layingso much of our lsquofamilyrsquo BS out there for us to recap but I am not invitinganother lsquovampirersquo into the lsquohousersquo

JC ndash ha I love ya lady The cat was a special touch for sure ha ha




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Nov 20 2014 at 1130 am

ha I had not realized how sarcastic I was on this commenthellip I was stillfeeling the ldquogossip ladiesrdquo from my daughterrsquos martial arts earlier and Iwas quite sarcastic in lsquodealingrsquo with them Overflowhellip hee

No we are the oneshellip plain and simple

JerseyCynicNov 20 2014 at 133 pm

got that right HeatherldquoBanish the word lsquostrugglersquo from your attitude and yourvocabulary All that we do now must be done in a sacredmanner and in celebration We are the ones we have beenwaiting forrdquo mdash Hopi elders

KittyNov 20 2014 at 157 pm

Perfect JC and Heather lsquoWe are the ones we are waitingfor lsquoThat just about says it all really



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Much love to you both X X X

HeatherNov 20 2014 at 306 pm

Indeed Much love to you both and really big hugs

KittyNov 20 2014 at 323 pm

Huge hugs back X

will iamNov 19 2014 at 815 pm

ldquoThis my friends could be the most important message mankind has everreceivedhelliprdquo


ldquoBe proud of what you arerdquo (the army)



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ldquoBe proud of what you arerdquo (the army)

ldquoThe most important thing for us is that humankind would form a singlefamily before this ldquounknownrdquo we would representrdquo (politics as usual)

ldquoPeace does not mean simply not making war it consists in becoming whatyou collectively are in reality a fraternityrdquo helliphelliphellip Zeta Delta Con

OphiuchusNov 19 2014 at 911 pm

My heart intuition says that this is false and my subconscious shows me theWalter Von Braun message

NofolaloNov 20 2014 at 1056 am

Good thing about the Walter Von Braun message itrsquos their lsquolast card

majikNov 19 2014 at 1016 pm




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I agree This feels wrong

majikNov 19 2014 at 1022 pm

I do believe this is real Irsquove been following them since 06 Well my idea offollowing which is really doing what my mom called the ldquosniffrdquo test to see iftheir rotten I feel this message is real but subtlehttptomkenyoncomescalation-of-chaotic-nodes-and-the-dismantling-of-3-d-reality

John SmithNov 20 2014 at 321 am

there is no easy answer to this certainly humble human spirit would like toextend into presence and understand of life overall throughout wholeuniverse this unfortunately is not it

it appears as direction to admit that you are flawed to sort inner mess of thisworld with an outside force just like there is homophobia among differentgroups of humans it can also be understood as some kind of alien-phobiawithin various ldquoyesrdquo ldquonordquo groups and it should not be it



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so answer lingers most among reasons for yes and no and their validity

I for one am opposing this fancy questions and fancy landings we have needfor outside involvement since ever and it probably ever is done as we wantedit so it can be counted as intrusive with lack of honoring true demand truewish of yes or no

so this petition (seen it and commented it before) appears to be likejournalist duck sensationalist dilemma without true backing or honoringstand so I vouch no and think that entities just like us should come to thisworld ldquousualrdquo way just like we did for their mission of good or evil or elsejust like we all are fancy space ships in contact with tyrannical governmentsdecimating life and nature for power and profits are their real targetspopulation is to be in awe awaiting outside solution to inner turmoil samefor this world as in outside influence for internal misconduct I find Gaiastronger and I find myself with lesser worry so if our conscious plant calls it Id agree but it is left for someone to prove it as I see not Gaia agreeing on ourldquoworkrdquo let alone that of governments and industrial and their spaceconnections so until saw that nurturing me calling it this all dilemmas arelike chewing sawdust hard to find nutrition for human in it

JerseyCynicNov 20 2014 at 548 am

Letrsquos dancehellip (a slow one) to one of my favorite bedtime songs


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oh manhellipIrsquom a gonna start tearing up ndash I miss my babies

Come Take A Trip In My Airship (Remastered) ndash Natalie Merchanthttpwwwyoutubecomwatchv=GDL0GVZXjMI

arielNov 20 2014 at 726 am

Sod it guyshellipthe whole point is that WE CAN HANDLE IThelliphellipWe first have tolearn that our conditioned negativity is projected externally as lsquorealityrsquo(definitely lower case) My lsquoproblemrsquo is how do we get enough of youus intoNOW the inner awareness of the lsquomovement and the restrsquo as Kitty likes torefer to it which is the operating end of the universal life force whichexpands our perception limitlessly subject to the filters which prevent usdestroying the lsquobodiesrsquo with INTENSITY Irsquove met them some of themhelliphellipWearenrsquot SUDDENLY in an awful situationhelliphellipitrsquos fucking hystericallyhistoricalhellipbloody tourists most of the ones Irsquove methellipPot calling the kettleblack really because Irsquove done a bithelliphellipYou donrsquot invite the vampire inhelliphelliphellip

will iamNov 20 2014 at 1257 pm



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I hadnrsquot realized that now was something I needed to get into I wasunder the impression that now is wellhellipnow

I didnrsquot know that it was a separate something or other that dependedon quantity for its existence

I apologize in advance for contributing to your lsquoproblemrsquo so maybeyou can tell me (us) what wes need to be looking for so that on theoft chance it were to come by again wes can have some of it

VigilantibusNov 20 2014 at 751 am

This is another deception from MATRIXBeautiful words Things from New (C)ageIt is a TRAPHumanity falls like ducksWake Up

PamNov 20 2014 at 859 am

HeyhelliphelliphellipI want to see this onehellipBring it onhelliphelliprdquoYESrdquo



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ThomasNov 20 2014 at 906 am

The inorganic races are crafty Although they canrsquot lie to us they canmanipulate Once free will is exercised to join their ranks there is no turningback Can we at least wait until Black Friday and Cyber Monday are over

NofolaloNov 20 2014 at 1111 am

Here ya go Jerseyhelliphttpwwwyoutubecomwatchv=REHV8LERhPwhttpwwwyoutubecomwatchv=5PvGn75ibI4

JerseyCynicNov 20 2014 at 207 pm

Love it Nofolalo I used to know every word to the Flying PurplePeople Eater What a great goofy beat mdash just try to sit still listening




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People Eater What a great goofy beat mdash just try to sit still listeningto it mdash you canrsquot

I wish doo wop never died I grew up just after that

Also missed out on The Bristol Stomphttpwwwyoutubecomwatchv=XCOB5-E4P6Y (I canrsquot believe thesepeople are sitting in their seats)

oh herersquos a good one ndash The Bristol Stomp Dance Around the Worldhttpwwwyoutubecomwatchv=fIbkKxUD0Mst=106

alexNov 20 2014 at 208 pm


PatrickNov 20 2014 at 1113 am

The outside help is from withinhellipinside Free will is wonderful and it hascertainly no choiceshellipUse your intent so your help can help us all Weexchange our intent with the source everyday so we will certainly exchangehelp with benevolence every once in a while Use this positively whether its



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BS or not Love life guys

PeterNov 20 2014 at 535 pm

Following was posted Yeterday an was coming to my attention Some of you sure remember SIRIUS

Dr Steven Greer Dozens of Benevolent ET Species Are Here Eager to MakeContacthttpwwwriseearthcom201411dr-steven-greer-dozens-of-benevolent-ethtml

Itrsquos not the only Article that shows up but that was posted ( I think because ofthe Article we can read here posted) The NEW AGERS always again jump on that wagon and believe in suchchannelings

manNov 20 2014 at 550 pm

yeah itacutes been there for years now on the wwwyears ago i would have said YES STOP BY FOR TEA AND COOKIES



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but now i go HELL NO YOU BLOODY PARASITES suck yourself and bite thestellar dustread this kind of honeysweet friendly alien bullshit often enough- nothingbut mindcontrollitacutes for the kids crying for mama to save them for the ones that like to HOPEand leave EVOLUTION to someone elsethere is no outside saviouryou guys are right itacutes the vampires trying to get our permissioni always wondered why they would need ithellip do they really care for karmathen what about the cheatwhatever- i suppose zen just put it here as a test and a provovation to stir adiscussionheacutes not one of the i-hope-someoneacutes-gonna-save-meacutes more a get-your-sweet-ass-going-guywhat a clever bastard you are zen

JerseyCynicNov 21 2014 at 308 pm

spot on man Google is behind it I do believe

from 2007httpswwwyoutubecomwatchv=-K8ADMzz46c a CGI of a womanreading half of this message and at the end ldquoyou must read the rest ofthe message at google or yahoo search google with the quote marks


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and now that google and nasa have partnered up It wouldnrsquot surpriseme if some day soon we started to see holographic airships here andthere with Ray Kurzweil as their Director of Engineering mdash anythinggoeshttptechcrunchcom20141110google-moffett-airfield-nasa

do know evil my ass

LizaNov 20 2014 at 1011 pm

But donrsquot give it all the credit Intriguing concepts Deception

Free will Yes it is within Never to be coughed up handed over Thecomments on the source site show a lot of naivtersquo Humans by nature look toconnecting as strengthening (Help) The more to have wins It is Not soLooking to another is not the way to go

This site inhabits lots of free thinkers

The only thing I would give my freewill over to is Peace amp Justice It doesexist In the heartmind Too bad the heart is so badly broken

Perhaps the only way to save a planet is with the allone mindset of all itsinhabitants simutaneously If that could be achieved Everybodyrsquos mind set


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on the collective The whole It could happen it is happening Maybe we justhave to let go of this dimension Canrsquot sustain it Donrsquot knowWell itrsquos all Bullshit anyway

hashishiNov 21 2014 at 751 am

ldquoFree will Yes it is within Never to be coughed up handed over rdquo

The most simple profound and beautiful truth It always does me goodto see a wonderful unencumbered spirit reflecting the same greattruth back at me

Dr Paula-Noel MacfieNov 21 2014 at 133 am

Liza we are all already connected and online through indigenous mind ourAncestors We never ldquoleftrdquohellipour minds have been so colonized that we forgotwho we are and where we come from The connection is still there just awhole lotta dissociation in between to navigate through




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arielNov 21 2014 at 725 am

HEY KITTYhelliprsquoWe are the parents our children have warned us abouthelliprsquo isnrsquot it

arielNov 21 2014 at 726 am

Or is it our greatgrand descendants

KittyNov 21 2014 at 319 pm


hashishiNov 21 2014 at 808 am

Oh hai VALIS Good game good game lsquoAliensrsquo Like it But er no thanks




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Oh hai VALIS Good game good game lsquoAliensrsquo Like it But er no thanks

AlteaNov 21 2014 at 554 pm

We are the ETrsquos we have been waiting for

manNov 21 2014 at 620 pm

what a weird place this world is indeedwhere reality is stranger than fictiongood to have a heart

vibra amor

StarDustNov 27 2014 at 900 pm

Why you need thousands of ships one is not enough Come in peace like




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you say and all the humans will open their arms and hug you






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you to distinguish between them In addition to your intuition trainingwill be necessary when the time has come Being aware of thepriceless value of free will we are inviting you to an alternative

What can we offer

We can offer you a more holistic vision of the universe and of lifeconstructive interactions the experience of fair and fraternalrelationships liberating technical knowledge eradication of sufferingcontrolled exercise of individual powers access to new forms ofenergy and finally a better comprehension of consciousness

We cannot help you overcome your individual and collective fears orbring you laws that you would not have chosen You must also work onyour own selves apply individual and collective efforts to build theworld you desire and manifest the spirit to quest for new skies

What would we receive

Should you decide that such a contact take place we would rejoiceover the safeguarding of fraternal equilibrium in this region of theuniverse fruitful diplomatic exchanges and the intense Joy ofknowing that you are united to accomplish what you are capable of

The feeling of Joy is strongly sought in the universe for its energy isdivine What is the question we ask you

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How can you answer this question The truth of soul can be readtelepathically so you only need to clearly ask yourself this questionand give your answer as clearly on your own or in a group as youwish

Being in the heart of a city or in the middle of a desert does notimpact the efficiency of your answer YES or NO

Just do it as if you were speaking to yourself but thinking about themessage This is a universal question and these mere few wordsput in their context have a powerful meaning

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This is why you should calmly think about it in all conscience In orderto perfectly associate your answer with the question it isrecommended that you answer after another careful reading of thismessage

Do not rush to answer Breathe and let all the power of your own freewill penetrate you Be proud of what you are Then do not lethesitation get in the way

The everyday problems that you may have can weaken you To beyourselves forget about them for a few minutes Feel the force thatsprings up in you You are in control of yourselves

A single thought a single answer can drastically change your nearfuture in one way as in another Your individual decision of asking inyour inner self that we show up on your material plane and in broaddaylight is precious and essential to us

Even though you can choose the way that best suits you rituals per seare essentially useless A sincere request made with your heart andyour own will will always be perceived by those of us to whom it issent In your own private polling booth of your secret will you willdetermine the future

What is the lever effect

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This decision should be made by the greatest possible numberamong you even though it might seem like a minority

It is recommended to spread this message in all envisageablefashions in as many languages as possible to those around youwhether or not they seem receptive to this new vision of the future Doit using a humorous tone or derision if that can help you

You can even openly and publicly make fun of it if it makes you feelmore comfortable but do not be indifferent for at least you will haveexercised your free will Forget about the false prophets and thebeliefs that have been transmitted to you about us

This request is one of the most intimate that can be asked to youMaking a decision by yourself as an individual is your right as wellas your responsibility Passivity only leads to the absence of freedom

Similarly indecision is never efficient If you really want to cling to yourbeliefs which is something that we understand then forcefully sayNO

If you do not know what to choose do not say YES because of merecuriosity This is not a show this is real daily life We exist We arealive

Your history has had plenty of episodes when determined men andwomen were able to influence the thread of events despite their small

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Just as a small number is enough to take temporal power on Earthand influence the future of the majority a small number of you canradically change your fate as an answer to the impotence in face ofso much inertia and so many hurdles You can ease mankindrsquos birthto Brotherhood

One of your thinkers once said

Spreading this message will then be the strengthening of the hand-hold We will be the light-years long lever and you will be thecraftsmen to ldquoraise the Earthrdquo as a consequence of our appearance

What would be the consequences of a positive decision

For us the immediate consequence of a collective favorable decisionwould be the materialization of many ships in your sky and on Earth

For you the direct effect would be the rapid abandoning of manycertitudes and beliefs A simple conclusive visual contact would have

ldquoGive me a hand-hold and Irsquoll raise the Earthrdquo

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huge repercussions for your future

Much knowledge would be modified forever The organization of yoursocieties would be deeply upheaved forever in all fields of activity

Power would become individual because you would see for yourselfthat we exist as living beings not accepting or rejecting that fact onthe word of any external authority Concretely you would change thescale of your values

The most important thing for us is that humankind would form a singlefamily before this ldquounknownrdquo we would represent

Danger would slowly melt away from your homes because you wouldindirectly force the undesirable ones those we name the ldquothird partyrdquoto show up and vanish You would all bear the same name and sharethe same roots Mankind

Later on peaceful and respectful exchanges would be thus possible ifsuch is your wish For now he who is hungry cannot smile he who isfearful cannot welcome us

We are sad to see men women and children suffering to such adegree in their flesh and in their hearts when they bear such an innerlight This light can be your future


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arcadia11Nov 19 2014 at 509 pm

no not by any stretch of reason or imagination the dangerous deceptivenew age is over no matter how compelling the disguise

donrsquot take the bait donrsquot turn all life over to something outside of yourselvesthis is the way government works problem-reaction-solution when it getsbad enough and for all the world seems as if there is no other way manyotherwise intelligent people will yell lsquoyes help usrsquo

and itrsquos game over


surprised to find this article here

Crystal MoonNov 19 2014 at 539 pm

ldquoYou entrust your problems to representatives whose awareness of commonwell being inexorably fades away before corporatist interests rdquo

That certainly says it


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Dr Paula-Noel MacfieNov 19 2014 at 550 pm

This seems like a human being dissociated from genetic memory of Ancestors

alexNov 19 2014 at 554 pm

Hmmmmmhellipsoftening us up for Project Blue Beamhellipreads as if it wasformatteddictated thru an AI lsquochannelerrsquohellipseeking our permissionhellipsoundslike satanic protocol to me (lol)helliporhellipirsquom getting waaaaaaay tooooo cynicalin my old age hahahahellipcheers

KittyNov 19 2014 at 601 pm

No Alex had exactly the same thoughts too Project Blue Beam back again helliphellip Lol





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alexNov 19 2014 at 605 pm


KittyNov 19 2014 at 609 pm

branewaiverNov 19 2014 at 750 pm

I agree Alex and Kitty this is too pat not to mention a littlepatronizing Doesnrsquot pass the sniff test Letrsquos get those awarefuckers with their own desires Game over





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indigovioletNov 20 2014 at 212 pm

Project Bluebeamhellip I had the same thought The words interest thebrain (slightly) but donrsquot reach the heart

KittyNov 20 2014 at 226 pm

I think thatrsquos a good way to describe it Indie Blue Beam seemsto have gone a bit quiet recently and I just thought UhhhOhhhhBlue Beam has returned Irsquom wondering if wersquoll get more of this I think it cyclesChristmas is always a good time for revelations not sure if weare quite there yet

indigovioletNov 20 2014 at 244 pm

Yes and the lsquoaliensrsquo could always say they achieved aconsensus and we would be none the wiser just like



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with the vote (rigging) system

KittyNov 20 2014 at 319 pm

Indie I have to ask you this I was recently roadraged by someone driving so close to me Icouldnrsquot see his head lights It lasted for miles I reacted in absolutely the wrong way dideverything wrong Scared myself silly I really surprised myself I feltso stupid It made me think If something did happen out of the blue like sayBlue Beam how drsquoyou think you would react Would we as people who may consider ourselvesfairly aware be able to see what was happening I gave a neighbour a lift today Sunny warmish but the sky was covered withseriously hugersquo trailsI pointed and said something on the lines of wowlook at those She didnrsquot see them Indie not one as in reallycouldnrsquot see them


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It was so surreal I stopped the car and pointedbut still didnrsquot even register So is this lsquo spiritual lsquo physical mental Very strange experience

indigovioletNov 20 2014 at 356 pm

Strange Kittyhellip

A few years ago I started read the work Rik Clayregarding a planned fake alien invasion and thelater statement from Wernher von Braun on hisdeathbed reinforced what I thought After readingRikrsquos work (and you will probably know that hewas more-than-likely suicided at 26 just as hewas getting into all this) I decided there and thenthat any talk of an alien invasion going forwardwould be dismissed as fake by me howevercompelling When you have felt the truth in alucid moment you just have to stand yourground

We donrsquot know how we will react to a situationuntil we are in it as you saw when the bizarreand frightening road-rage incident took place ndash

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not that you had any room for manoeuvre if hewas right on your tail like that Very ScaryAlmost black ops- like

I donrsquot understand why your neighbour didnrsquot seethe chemtrails Maybe you should have driven herto the opticians Doesnrsquot make sense does itEverybody who I have pointed them out to hasseen them

pegNov 20 2014 at 450 pm

Kitty got this link from a girlfriend yesterday afternoonBless her heart She is a lovely spirit mdashndash Yep your rightitrsquos going around This was sent out on the internet onthe 18th and she thought it needed to be sent to me asldquoGood NewsrdquoHere is what was senthttppaowebcomsn111814htmIt comes from Sheldon Nidle



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Nov 20 2014 at 507 pm

Wow Peg Thanks for this It is cyclical Isometimes get this kind of thing but itrsquos been solong I canrsquot remember the last time Irsquoll have a good look at this one I actually like tosee this kind if thingSo the question is whatrsquos cooking if anything Well have to watch and wait

pegNov 20 2014 at 536 pm

Kitty I do not think any of this from anythinggood actually Everything inside speaks ndash ndash errorndash ndash error I stand with the help is us mdash- in us mdash-we just should find out who we really are In myheart knowing mdash- itrsquos infinityEven the pope is getting people ready for this mdash-what does that say Clinton not long ago onsome program etc etc Nope this being isstaying away from this None of them have mypermission to fix anything Our consciousness ampresonance will take care of things needed We areoneBy the way I didnrsquot finish reading the material

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she sent I just canrsquot Love her dearly and will beseeing her on Sunday She has began looking atmaterial on meditation by just listening to herbreathing Cannot change what others do orbelieve with teachings but only by my walkingand being Itrsquos all about consciousness and I knowyou know that Hugs

LizaNov 20 2014 at 939 pm

wow Kitty that is strange that she just couldnrsquotsee the chemtrailshellip

JerseyCynicNov 19 2014 at 646 pm

Is this a gullibility testYES YES YES (I am doing it using a humorous tone cause that helps me)httpwwwyoutubecomwatchv=O6VUMGO3hCs

Irsquom pretty gullible (getting better) This doesnrsquot sit well with meldquoBeing aware of the priceless value of free will we are inviting you to analternativerdquo

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No thanks

ldquoYour individual decision of asking in your inner self that we show up onyour material plane and in broad daylight is precious and essential to usrdquo

I do go out on the deck every night though (2am ndash 4am) and ask the starbeings to visit me No luck yet (as best as I can remember)

Gee mdash I wonder why SNOPES hasnrsquot taken this one onhelliphellipDOH

OK OK ndash here we go mdash I found the source mdash Itrsquos a cute blonde that must workin Googlersquos marketing departmenthelliphellip those evil bastardsldquoDO YOU WISH THAT WE SHOW UP rdquo from 2006httpwwwyoutubecomwatchv=-K8ADMzz46c

well that didnrsquot take long ndash sorry to burst any bubbles

OphiuchusNov 19 2014 at 920 pm

As soon as I hear the ldquohumanrdquo false paradigm ldquoevolutionrdquo it sends upan immediate red flag to me It is the false assumption that we startdumb and become something better rather than the parasiticdummening of an already highly advanced sentient form of lifeEvolution to me reeks of the linear false time paradigm



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KittyNov 20 2014 at 414 pm

Rik Clay Read a lot of his work Fascinating His lsquosuicidersquo wasnrsquot it vigourously contested by his family and friends These people either commit lsquosuicide lsquo or die of a heart attack

Such a young vibrant man His work isnrsquot so prominent any more Ithink I may have to revisit him I think the road rage person may havebeen drinking Funny thing was my daughter was with me and shesaid before he went he turned his lights off Funny folks where I live Neighbour lol She is elderly I think a visit to the opticians is inorder I did point them out to some farmer friends a long time ago theydidnrsquot see either not what I was seeing certainly Maybe a differentperception

indigovioletNov 20 2014 at 445 pm

I read that his family have said that he did commit suicide but Idonrsquot knowhellip It was the day after his Red Ice Radio interviewand it was noted that he was in very good spirits at the time


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and looking forward enthusiastically to further researching Hewas buried on September 11th A lot of things didnrsquot add up atthe time (or did) But who knows

KittyNov 20 2014 at 453 pm

Must have got that wrong Irsquov been thinking of DavidKelly recently I saw a pic of Tony Blair and Kelly came tomind i was going to mention him to youThese things are very strange Indie his family may have been pressured or maybe suicidewas preferable to the thought of murder Rik Clay was so young and so bright and brave It takes guts to stand up and be counted Who knows true We probably never will

KittyNov 20 2014 at 559 pm

No I donrsquot either Peg I like to be fore warned as in fore armed The Vatican has made some rather startling statements as far as the



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alien agenda is concerned Love our alien brothers and sisters would we baptise them and callthem Christians The usual This has been going on for some time now and Clintonslittle bit of input was interesting too The Disclosure Project it justall adds up to an agenda leading to our furtherenslavement My answer to the question here should just have been a blunt NO Like you I feel it is all within usThe answers we need to everythingare all there Walking the walk is my preferred way too Your friend is blessed tohave you to guide her but itrsquos your love Peg that will really make animpact on her Your well is deep and so many draw upon it I readDavidrsquos post but havenrsquot said anything yet so I know you know what Imean Yoursquore full of love Peg and that is all that matters Hugs backand love XXX

LizaNov 20 2014 at 940 pm



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KittyNov 20 2014 at 1156 pm

Liza I thought I was going a bit crazy This was seriously bizarre Irsquov been thinking about this and maybe itrsquos to do withfrequency There are a lot if other strange phenomenon associated withchemtrailingI saw an orb flying alongside a plane that was obviouslylsquotrailing If my son hadnrsquot been with me at the time and saw it too Iwouldnrsquot have believed what I was seeing Irsquod love to know how many people actually canrsquot see thesethings It still makes me smile when I thinkabout it Neighbour now thinks Irsquom arsquo funny little thingrsquo

LizaNov 20 2014 at 941 pm



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JerseyCynicNov 19 2014 at 650 pm

Letrsquos ask the cathelliphttpwwwyoutubecomwatchv=jD4JhoOFzPg

will iamNov 19 2014 at 830 pm

Ha Remember this one httpswwwyoutubecomwatchv=5Us1ASENPwsampfeature=player_detailpage

JerseyCynicNov 19 2014 at 859 pm

Omg will do I remember this one Yes yes yes and Irsquove got abig toe permanently disfigured from a ldquoboogaloordquo contest toprove it Thanks for the painful memory Good times Thatnight I learned a valuable lesson hellipnever boogaloo barefoot ona crowded dance floor Good times




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pegNov 19 2014 at 832 pm

JC thank you so much for a huge dip belly laughnonononoonononononluvluvluvluv

HeatherNov 19 2014 at 801 pm

Buthellip they get mehellip they get ithellip they understandhellip whoa is me

No way in hell do I need assistance from some outside source that has alreadymet with our lsquoleadersrsquo and understands everything so well but lurks askingmy permission to come aboard I do appreciate the special touches of layingso much of our lsquofamilyrsquo BS out there for us to recap but I am not invitinganother lsquovampirersquo into the lsquohousersquo

JC ndash ha I love ya lady The cat was a special touch for sure ha ha




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Nov 20 2014 at 1130 am

ha I had not realized how sarcastic I was on this commenthellip I was stillfeeling the ldquogossip ladiesrdquo from my daughterrsquos martial arts earlier and Iwas quite sarcastic in lsquodealingrsquo with them Overflowhellip hee

No we are the oneshellip plain and simple

JerseyCynicNov 20 2014 at 133 pm

got that right HeatherldquoBanish the word lsquostrugglersquo from your attitude and yourvocabulary All that we do now must be done in a sacredmanner and in celebration We are the ones we have beenwaiting forrdquo mdash Hopi elders

KittyNov 20 2014 at 157 pm

Perfect JC and Heather lsquoWe are the ones we are waitingfor lsquoThat just about says it all really



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Much love to you both X X X

HeatherNov 20 2014 at 306 pm

Indeed Much love to you both and really big hugs

KittyNov 20 2014 at 323 pm

Huge hugs back X

will iamNov 19 2014 at 815 pm

ldquoThis my friends could be the most important message mankind has everreceivedhelliprdquo


ldquoBe proud of what you arerdquo (the army)



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ldquoBe proud of what you arerdquo (the army)

ldquoThe most important thing for us is that humankind would form a singlefamily before this ldquounknownrdquo we would representrdquo (politics as usual)

ldquoPeace does not mean simply not making war it consists in becoming whatyou collectively are in reality a fraternityrdquo helliphelliphellip Zeta Delta Con

OphiuchusNov 19 2014 at 911 pm

My heart intuition says that this is false and my subconscious shows me theWalter Von Braun message

NofolaloNov 20 2014 at 1056 am

Good thing about the Walter Von Braun message itrsquos their lsquolast card

majikNov 19 2014 at 1016 pm




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I agree This feels wrong

majikNov 19 2014 at 1022 pm

I do believe this is real Irsquove been following them since 06 Well my idea offollowing which is really doing what my mom called the ldquosniffrdquo test to see iftheir rotten I feel this message is real but subtlehttptomkenyoncomescalation-of-chaotic-nodes-and-the-dismantling-of-3-d-reality

John SmithNov 20 2014 at 321 am

there is no easy answer to this certainly humble human spirit would like toextend into presence and understand of life overall throughout wholeuniverse this unfortunately is not it

it appears as direction to admit that you are flawed to sort inner mess of thisworld with an outside force just like there is homophobia among differentgroups of humans it can also be understood as some kind of alien-phobiawithin various ldquoyesrdquo ldquonordquo groups and it should not be it



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so answer lingers most among reasons for yes and no and their validity

I for one am opposing this fancy questions and fancy landings we have needfor outside involvement since ever and it probably ever is done as we wantedit so it can be counted as intrusive with lack of honoring true demand truewish of yes or no

so this petition (seen it and commented it before) appears to be likejournalist duck sensationalist dilemma without true backing or honoringstand so I vouch no and think that entities just like us should come to thisworld ldquousualrdquo way just like we did for their mission of good or evil or elsejust like we all are fancy space ships in contact with tyrannical governmentsdecimating life and nature for power and profits are their real targetspopulation is to be in awe awaiting outside solution to inner turmoil samefor this world as in outside influence for internal misconduct I find Gaiastronger and I find myself with lesser worry so if our conscious plant calls it Id agree but it is left for someone to prove it as I see not Gaia agreeing on ourldquoworkrdquo let alone that of governments and industrial and their spaceconnections so until saw that nurturing me calling it this all dilemmas arelike chewing sawdust hard to find nutrition for human in it

JerseyCynicNov 20 2014 at 548 am

Letrsquos dancehellip (a slow one) to one of my favorite bedtime songs


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oh manhellipIrsquom a gonna start tearing up ndash I miss my babies

Come Take A Trip In My Airship (Remastered) ndash Natalie Merchanthttpwwwyoutubecomwatchv=GDL0GVZXjMI

arielNov 20 2014 at 726 am

Sod it guyshellipthe whole point is that WE CAN HANDLE IThelliphellipWe first have tolearn that our conditioned negativity is projected externally as lsquorealityrsquo(definitely lower case) My lsquoproblemrsquo is how do we get enough of youus intoNOW the inner awareness of the lsquomovement and the restrsquo as Kitty likes torefer to it which is the operating end of the universal life force whichexpands our perception limitlessly subject to the filters which prevent usdestroying the lsquobodiesrsquo with INTENSITY Irsquove met them some of themhelliphellipWearenrsquot SUDDENLY in an awful situationhelliphellipitrsquos fucking hystericallyhistoricalhellipbloody tourists most of the ones Irsquove methellipPot calling the kettleblack really because Irsquove done a bithelliphellipYou donrsquot invite the vampire inhelliphelliphellip

will iamNov 20 2014 at 1257 pm



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I hadnrsquot realized that now was something I needed to get into I wasunder the impression that now is wellhellipnow

I didnrsquot know that it was a separate something or other that dependedon quantity for its existence

I apologize in advance for contributing to your lsquoproblemrsquo so maybeyou can tell me (us) what wes need to be looking for so that on theoft chance it were to come by again wes can have some of it

VigilantibusNov 20 2014 at 751 am

This is another deception from MATRIXBeautiful words Things from New (C)ageIt is a TRAPHumanity falls like ducksWake Up

PamNov 20 2014 at 859 am

HeyhelliphelliphellipI want to see this onehellipBring it onhelliphelliprdquoYESrdquo



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ThomasNov 20 2014 at 906 am

The inorganic races are crafty Although they canrsquot lie to us they canmanipulate Once free will is exercised to join their ranks there is no turningback Can we at least wait until Black Friday and Cyber Monday are over

NofolaloNov 20 2014 at 1111 am

Here ya go Jerseyhelliphttpwwwyoutubecomwatchv=REHV8LERhPwhttpwwwyoutubecomwatchv=5PvGn75ibI4

JerseyCynicNov 20 2014 at 207 pm

Love it Nofolalo I used to know every word to the Flying PurplePeople Eater What a great goofy beat mdash just try to sit still listening




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People Eater What a great goofy beat mdash just try to sit still listeningto it mdash you canrsquot

I wish doo wop never died I grew up just after that

Also missed out on The Bristol Stomphttpwwwyoutubecomwatchv=XCOB5-E4P6Y (I canrsquot believe thesepeople are sitting in their seats)

oh herersquos a good one ndash The Bristol Stomp Dance Around the Worldhttpwwwyoutubecomwatchv=fIbkKxUD0Mst=106

alexNov 20 2014 at 208 pm


PatrickNov 20 2014 at 1113 am

The outside help is from withinhellipinside Free will is wonderful and it hascertainly no choiceshellipUse your intent so your help can help us all Weexchange our intent with the source everyday so we will certainly exchangehelp with benevolence every once in a while Use this positively whether its



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BS or not Love life guys

PeterNov 20 2014 at 535 pm

Following was posted Yeterday an was coming to my attention Some of you sure remember SIRIUS

Dr Steven Greer Dozens of Benevolent ET Species Are Here Eager to MakeContacthttpwwwriseearthcom201411dr-steven-greer-dozens-of-benevolent-ethtml

Itrsquos not the only Article that shows up but that was posted ( I think because ofthe Article we can read here posted) The NEW AGERS always again jump on that wagon and believe in suchchannelings

manNov 20 2014 at 550 pm

yeah itacutes been there for years now on the wwwyears ago i would have said YES STOP BY FOR TEA AND COOKIES



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but now i go HELL NO YOU BLOODY PARASITES suck yourself and bite thestellar dustread this kind of honeysweet friendly alien bullshit often enough- nothingbut mindcontrollitacutes for the kids crying for mama to save them for the ones that like to HOPEand leave EVOLUTION to someone elsethere is no outside saviouryou guys are right itacutes the vampires trying to get our permissioni always wondered why they would need ithellip do they really care for karmathen what about the cheatwhatever- i suppose zen just put it here as a test and a provovation to stir adiscussionheacutes not one of the i-hope-someoneacutes-gonna-save-meacutes more a get-your-sweet-ass-going-guywhat a clever bastard you are zen

JerseyCynicNov 21 2014 at 308 pm

spot on man Google is behind it I do believe

from 2007httpswwwyoutubecomwatchv=-K8ADMzz46c a CGI of a womanreading half of this message and at the end ldquoyou must read the rest ofthe message at google or yahoo search google with the quote marks


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and now that google and nasa have partnered up It wouldnrsquot surpriseme if some day soon we started to see holographic airships here andthere with Ray Kurzweil as their Director of Engineering mdash anythinggoeshttptechcrunchcom20141110google-moffett-airfield-nasa

do know evil my ass

LizaNov 20 2014 at 1011 pm

But donrsquot give it all the credit Intriguing concepts Deception

Free will Yes it is within Never to be coughed up handed over Thecomments on the source site show a lot of naivtersquo Humans by nature look toconnecting as strengthening (Help) The more to have wins It is Not soLooking to another is not the way to go

This site inhabits lots of free thinkers

The only thing I would give my freewill over to is Peace amp Justice It doesexist In the heartmind Too bad the heart is so badly broken

Perhaps the only way to save a planet is with the allone mindset of all itsinhabitants simutaneously If that could be achieved Everybodyrsquos mind set


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on the collective The whole It could happen it is happening Maybe we justhave to let go of this dimension Canrsquot sustain it Donrsquot knowWell itrsquos all Bullshit anyway

hashishiNov 21 2014 at 751 am

ldquoFree will Yes it is within Never to be coughed up handed over rdquo

The most simple profound and beautiful truth It always does me goodto see a wonderful unencumbered spirit reflecting the same greattruth back at me

Dr Paula-Noel MacfieNov 21 2014 at 133 am

Liza we are all already connected and online through indigenous mind ourAncestors We never ldquoleftrdquohellipour minds have been so colonized that we forgotwho we are and where we come from The connection is still there just awhole lotta dissociation in between to navigate through




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arielNov 21 2014 at 725 am

HEY KITTYhelliprsquoWe are the parents our children have warned us abouthelliprsquo isnrsquot it

arielNov 21 2014 at 726 am

Or is it our greatgrand descendants

KittyNov 21 2014 at 319 pm


hashishiNov 21 2014 at 808 am

Oh hai VALIS Good game good game lsquoAliensrsquo Like it But er no thanks




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Oh hai VALIS Good game good game lsquoAliensrsquo Like it But er no thanks

AlteaNov 21 2014 at 554 pm

We are the ETrsquos we have been waiting for

manNov 21 2014 at 620 pm

what a weird place this world is indeedwhere reality is stranger than fictiongood to have a heart

vibra amor

StarDustNov 27 2014 at 900 pm

Why you need thousands of ships one is not enough Come in peace like




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you say and all the humans will open their arms and hug you






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How can you answer this question The truth of soul can be readtelepathically so you only need to clearly ask yourself this questionand give your answer as clearly on your own or in a group as youwish

Being in the heart of a city or in the middle of a desert does notimpact the efficiency of your answer YES or NO

Just do it as if you were speaking to yourself but thinking about themessage This is a universal question and these mere few wordsput in their context have a powerful meaning

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This is why you should calmly think about it in all conscience In orderto perfectly associate your answer with the question it isrecommended that you answer after another careful reading of thismessage

Do not rush to answer Breathe and let all the power of your own freewill penetrate you Be proud of what you are Then do not lethesitation get in the way

The everyday problems that you may have can weaken you To beyourselves forget about them for a few minutes Feel the force thatsprings up in you You are in control of yourselves

A single thought a single answer can drastically change your nearfuture in one way as in another Your individual decision of asking inyour inner self that we show up on your material plane and in broaddaylight is precious and essential to us

Even though you can choose the way that best suits you rituals per seare essentially useless A sincere request made with your heart andyour own will will always be perceived by those of us to whom it issent In your own private polling booth of your secret will you willdetermine the future

What is the lever effect

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This decision should be made by the greatest possible numberamong you even though it might seem like a minority

It is recommended to spread this message in all envisageablefashions in as many languages as possible to those around youwhether or not they seem receptive to this new vision of the future Doit using a humorous tone or derision if that can help you

You can even openly and publicly make fun of it if it makes you feelmore comfortable but do not be indifferent for at least you will haveexercised your free will Forget about the false prophets and thebeliefs that have been transmitted to you about us

This request is one of the most intimate that can be asked to youMaking a decision by yourself as an individual is your right as wellas your responsibility Passivity only leads to the absence of freedom

Similarly indecision is never efficient If you really want to cling to yourbeliefs which is something that we understand then forcefully sayNO

If you do not know what to choose do not say YES because of merecuriosity This is not a show this is real daily life We exist We arealive

Your history has had plenty of episodes when determined men andwomen were able to influence the thread of events despite their small

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Just as a small number is enough to take temporal power on Earthand influence the future of the majority a small number of you canradically change your fate as an answer to the impotence in face ofso much inertia and so many hurdles You can ease mankindrsquos birthto Brotherhood

One of your thinkers once said

Spreading this message will then be the strengthening of the hand-hold We will be the light-years long lever and you will be thecraftsmen to ldquoraise the Earthrdquo as a consequence of our appearance

What would be the consequences of a positive decision

For us the immediate consequence of a collective favorable decisionwould be the materialization of many ships in your sky and on Earth

For you the direct effect would be the rapid abandoning of manycertitudes and beliefs A simple conclusive visual contact would have

ldquoGive me a hand-hold and Irsquoll raise the Earthrdquo

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huge repercussions for your future

Much knowledge would be modified forever The organization of yoursocieties would be deeply upheaved forever in all fields of activity

Power would become individual because you would see for yourselfthat we exist as living beings not accepting or rejecting that fact onthe word of any external authority Concretely you would change thescale of your values

The most important thing for us is that humankind would form a singlefamily before this ldquounknownrdquo we would represent

Danger would slowly melt away from your homes because you wouldindirectly force the undesirable ones those we name the ldquothird partyrdquoto show up and vanish You would all bear the same name and sharethe same roots Mankind

Later on peaceful and respectful exchanges would be thus possible ifsuch is your wish For now he who is hungry cannot smile he who isfearful cannot welcome us

We are sad to see men women and children suffering to such adegree in their flesh and in their hearts when they bear such an innerlight This light can be your future


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arcadia11Nov 19 2014 at 509 pm

no not by any stretch of reason or imagination the dangerous deceptivenew age is over no matter how compelling the disguise

donrsquot take the bait donrsquot turn all life over to something outside of yourselvesthis is the way government works problem-reaction-solution when it getsbad enough and for all the world seems as if there is no other way manyotherwise intelligent people will yell lsquoyes help usrsquo

and itrsquos game over


surprised to find this article here

Crystal MoonNov 19 2014 at 539 pm

ldquoYou entrust your problems to representatives whose awareness of commonwell being inexorably fades away before corporatist interests rdquo

That certainly says it


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Dr Paula-Noel MacfieNov 19 2014 at 550 pm

This seems like a human being dissociated from genetic memory of Ancestors

alexNov 19 2014 at 554 pm

Hmmmmmhellipsoftening us up for Project Blue Beamhellipreads as if it wasformatteddictated thru an AI lsquochannelerrsquohellipseeking our permissionhellipsoundslike satanic protocol to me (lol)helliporhellipirsquom getting waaaaaaay tooooo cynicalin my old age hahahahellipcheers

KittyNov 19 2014 at 601 pm

No Alex had exactly the same thoughts too Project Blue Beam back again helliphellip Lol





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alexNov 19 2014 at 605 pm


KittyNov 19 2014 at 609 pm

branewaiverNov 19 2014 at 750 pm

I agree Alex and Kitty this is too pat not to mention a littlepatronizing Doesnrsquot pass the sniff test Letrsquos get those awarefuckers with their own desires Game over





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indigovioletNov 20 2014 at 212 pm

Project Bluebeamhellip I had the same thought The words interest thebrain (slightly) but donrsquot reach the heart

KittyNov 20 2014 at 226 pm

I think thatrsquos a good way to describe it Indie Blue Beam seemsto have gone a bit quiet recently and I just thought UhhhOhhhhBlue Beam has returned Irsquom wondering if wersquoll get more of this I think it cyclesChristmas is always a good time for revelations not sure if weare quite there yet

indigovioletNov 20 2014 at 244 pm

Yes and the lsquoaliensrsquo could always say they achieved aconsensus and we would be none the wiser just like



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with the vote (rigging) system

KittyNov 20 2014 at 319 pm

Indie I have to ask you this I was recently roadraged by someone driving so close to me Icouldnrsquot see his head lights It lasted for miles I reacted in absolutely the wrong way dideverything wrong Scared myself silly I really surprised myself I feltso stupid It made me think If something did happen out of the blue like sayBlue Beam how drsquoyou think you would react Would we as people who may consider ourselvesfairly aware be able to see what was happening I gave a neighbour a lift today Sunny warmish but the sky was covered withseriously hugersquo trailsI pointed and said something on the lines of wowlook at those She didnrsquot see them Indie not one as in reallycouldnrsquot see them


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It was so surreal I stopped the car and pointedbut still didnrsquot even register So is this lsquo spiritual lsquo physical mental Very strange experience

indigovioletNov 20 2014 at 356 pm

Strange Kittyhellip

A few years ago I started read the work Rik Clayregarding a planned fake alien invasion and thelater statement from Wernher von Braun on hisdeathbed reinforced what I thought After readingRikrsquos work (and you will probably know that hewas more-than-likely suicided at 26 just as hewas getting into all this) I decided there and thenthat any talk of an alien invasion going forwardwould be dismissed as fake by me howevercompelling When you have felt the truth in alucid moment you just have to stand yourground

We donrsquot know how we will react to a situationuntil we are in it as you saw when the bizarreand frightening road-rage incident took place ndash

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not that you had any room for manoeuvre if hewas right on your tail like that Very ScaryAlmost black ops- like

I donrsquot understand why your neighbour didnrsquot seethe chemtrails Maybe you should have driven herto the opticians Doesnrsquot make sense does itEverybody who I have pointed them out to hasseen them

pegNov 20 2014 at 450 pm

Kitty got this link from a girlfriend yesterday afternoonBless her heart She is a lovely spirit mdashndash Yep your rightitrsquos going around This was sent out on the internet onthe 18th and she thought it needed to be sent to me asldquoGood NewsrdquoHere is what was senthttppaowebcomsn111814htmIt comes from Sheldon Nidle



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Nov 20 2014 at 507 pm

Wow Peg Thanks for this It is cyclical Isometimes get this kind of thing but itrsquos been solong I canrsquot remember the last time Irsquoll have a good look at this one I actually like tosee this kind if thingSo the question is whatrsquos cooking if anything Well have to watch and wait

pegNov 20 2014 at 536 pm

Kitty I do not think any of this from anythinggood actually Everything inside speaks ndash ndash errorndash ndash error I stand with the help is us mdash- in us mdash-we just should find out who we really are In myheart knowing mdash- itrsquos infinityEven the pope is getting people ready for this mdash-what does that say Clinton not long ago onsome program etc etc Nope this being isstaying away from this None of them have mypermission to fix anything Our consciousness ampresonance will take care of things needed We areoneBy the way I didnrsquot finish reading the material

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she sent I just canrsquot Love her dearly and will beseeing her on Sunday She has began looking atmaterial on meditation by just listening to herbreathing Cannot change what others do orbelieve with teachings but only by my walkingand being Itrsquos all about consciousness and I knowyou know that Hugs

LizaNov 20 2014 at 939 pm

wow Kitty that is strange that she just couldnrsquotsee the chemtrailshellip

JerseyCynicNov 19 2014 at 646 pm

Is this a gullibility testYES YES YES (I am doing it using a humorous tone cause that helps me)httpwwwyoutubecomwatchv=O6VUMGO3hCs

Irsquom pretty gullible (getting better) This doesnrsquot sit well with meldquoBeing aware of the priceless value of free will we are inviting you to analternativerdquo

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No thanks

ldquoYour individual decision of asking in your inner self that we show up onyour material plane and in broad daylight is precious and essential to usrdquo

I do go out on the deck every night though (2am ndash 4am) and ask the starbeings to visit me No luck yet (as best as I can remember)

Gee mdash I wonder why SNOPES hasnrsquot taken this one onhelliphellipDOH

OK OK ndash here we go mdash I found the source mdash Itrsquos a cute blonde that must workin Googlersquos marketing departmenthelliphellip those evil bastardsldquoDO YOU WISH THAT WE SHOW UP rdquo from 2006httpwwwyoutubecomwatchv=-K8ADMzz46c

well that didnrsquot take long ndash sorry to burst any bubbles

OphiuchusNov 19 2014 at 920 pm

As soon as I hear the ldquohumanrdquo false paradigm ldquoevolutionrdquo it sends upan immediate red flag to me It is the false assumption that we startdumb and become something better rather than the parasiticdummening of an already highly advanced sentient form of lifeEvolution to me reeks of the linear false time paradigm



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KittyNov 20 2014 at 414 pm

Rik Clay Read a lot of his work Fascinating His lsquosuicidersquo wasnrsquot it vigourously contested by his family and friends These people either commit lsquosuicide lsquo or die of a heart attack

Such a young vibrant man His work isnrsquot so prominent any more Ithink I may have to revisit him I think the road rage person may havebeen drinking Funny thing was my daughter was with me and shesaid before he went he turned his lights off Funny folks where I live Neighbour lol She is elderly I think a visit to the opticians is inorder I did point them out to some farmer friends a long time ago theydidnrsquot see either not what I was seeing certainly Maybe a differentperception

indigovioletNov 20 2014 at 445 pm

I read that his family have said that he did commit suicide but Idonrsquot knowhellip It was the day after his Red Ice Radio interviewand it was noted that he was in very good spirits at the time


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and looking forward enthusiastically to further researching Hewas buried on September 11th A lot of things didnrsquot add up atthe time (or did) But who knows

KittyNov 20 2014 at 453 pm

Must have got that wrong Irsquov been thinking of DavidKelly recently I saw a pic of Tony Blair and Kelly came tomind i was going to mention him to youThese things are very strange Indie his family may have been pressured or maybe suicidewas preferable to the thought of murder Rik Clay was so young and so bright and brave It takes guts to stand up and be counted Who knows true We probably never will

KittyNov 20 2014 at 559 pm

No I donrsquot either Peg I like to be fore warned as in fore armed The Vatican has made some rather startling statements as far as the



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alien agenda is concerned Love our alien brothers and sisters would we baptise them and callthem Christians The usual This has been going on for some time now and Clintonslittle bit of input was interesting too The Disclosure Project it justall adds up to an agenda leading to our furtherenslavement My answer to the question here should just have been a blunt NO Like you I feel it is all within usThe answers we need to everythingare all there Walking the walk is my preferred way too Your friend is blessed tohave you to guide her but itrsquos your love Peg that will really make animpact on her Your well is deep and so many draw upon it I readDavidrsquos post but havenrsquot said anything yet so I know you know what Imean Yoursquore full of love Peg and that is all that matters Hugs backand love XXX

LizaNov 20 2014 at 940 pm



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KittyNov 20 2014 at 1156 pm

Liza I thought I was going a bit crazy This was seriously bizarre Irsquov been thinking about this and maybe itrsquos to do withfrequency There are a lot if other strange phenomenon associated withchemtrailingI saw an orb flying alongside a plane that was obviouslylsquotrailing If my son hadnrsquot been with me at the time and saw it too Iwouldnrsquot have believed what I was seeing Irsquod love to know how many people actually canrsquot see thesethings It still makes me smile when I thinkabout it Neighbour now thinks Irsquom arsquo funny little thingrsquo

LizaNov 20 2014 at 941 pm



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JerseyCynicNov 19 2014 at 650 pm

Letrsquos ask the cathelliphttpwwwyoutubecomwatchv=jD4JhoOFzPg

will iamNov 19 2014 at 830 pm

Ha Remember this one httpswwwyoutubecomwatchv=5Us1ASENPwsampfeature=player_detailpage

JerseyCynicNov 19 2014 at 859 pm

Omg will do I remember this one Yes yes yes and Irsquove got abig toe permanently disfigured from a ldquoboogaloordquo contest toprove it Thanks for the painful memory Good times Thatnight I learned a valuable lesson hellipnever boogaloo barefoot ona crowded dance floor Good times




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pegNov 19 2014 at 832 pm

JC thank you so much for a huge dip belly laughnonononoonononononluvluvluvluv

HeatherNov 19 2014 at 801 pm

Buthellip they get mehellip they get ithellip they understandhellip whoa is me

No way in hell do I need assistance from some outside source that has alreadymet with our lsquoleadersrsquo and understands everything so well but lurks askingmy permission to come aboard I do appreciate the special touches of layingso much of our lsquofamilyrsquo BS out there for us to recap but I am not invitinganother lsquovampirersquo into the lsquohousersquo

JC ndash ha I love ya lady The cat was a special touch for sure ha ha




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Nov 20 2014 at 1130 am

ha I had not realized how sarcastic I was on this commenthellip I was stillfeeling the ldquogossip ladiesrdquo from my daughterrsquos martial arts earlier and Iwas quite sarcastic in lsquodealingrsquo with them Overflowhellip hee

No we are the oneshellip plain and simple

JerseyCynicNov 20 2014 at 133 pm

got that right HeatherldquoBanish the word lsquostrugglersquo from your attitude and yourvocabulary All that we do now must be done in a sacredmanner and in celebration We are the ones we have beenwaiting forrdquo mdash Hopi elders

KittyNov 20 2014 at 157 pm

Perfect JC and Heather lsquoWe are the ones we are waitingfor lsquoThat just about says it all really



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Much love to you both X X X

HeatherNov 20 2014 at 306 pm

Indeed Much love to you both and really big hugs

KittyNov 20 2014 at 323 pm

Huge hugs back X

will iamNov 19 2014 at 815 pm

ldquoThis my friends could be the most important message mankind has everreceivedhelliprdquo


ldquoBe proud of what you arerdquo (the army)



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ldquoBe proud of what you arerdquo (the army)

ldquoThe most important thing for us is that humankind would form a singlefamily before this ldquounknownrdquo we would representrdquo (politics as usual)

ldquoPeace does not mean simply not making war it consists in becoming whatyou collectively are in reality a fraternityrdquo helliphelliphellip Zeta Delta Con

OphiuchusNov 19 2014 at 911 pm

My heart intuition says that this is false and my subconscious shows me theWalter Von Braun message

NofolaloNov 20 2014 at 1056 am

Good thing about the Walter Von Braun message itrsquos their lsquolast card

majikNov 19 2014 at 1016 pm




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I agree This feels wrong

majikNov 19 2014 at 1022 pm

I do believe this is real Irsquove been following them since 06 Well my idea offollowing which is really doing what my mom called the ldquosniffrdquo test to see iftheir rotten I feel this message is real but subtlehttptomkenyoncomescalation-of-chaotic-nodes-and-the-dismantling-of-3-d-reality

John SmithNov 20 2014 at 321 am

there is no easy answer to this certainly humble human spirit would like toextend into presence and understand of life overall throughout wholeuniverse this unfortunately is not it

it appears as direction to admit that you are flawed to sort inner mess of thisworld with an outside force just like there is homophobia among differentgroups of humans it can also be understood as some kind of alien-phobiawithin various ldquoyesrdquo ldquonordquo groups and it should not be it



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so answer lingers most among reasons for yes and no and their validity

I for one am opposing this fancy questions and fancy landings we have needfor outside involvement since ever and it probably ever is done as we wantedit so it can be counted as intrusive with lack of honoring true demand truewish of yes or no

so this petition (seen it and commented it before) appears to be likejournalist duck sensationalist dilemma without true backing or honoringstand so I vouch no and think that entities just like us should come to thisworld ldquousualrdquo way just like we did for their mission of good or evil or elsejust like we all are fancy space ships in contact with tyrannical governmentsdecimating life and nature for power and profits are their real targetspopulation is to be in awe awaiting outside solution to inner turmoil samefor this world as in outside influence for internal misconduct I find Gaiastronger and I find myself with lesser worry so if our conscious plant calls it Id agree but it is left for someone to prove it as I see not Gaia agreeing on ourldquoworkrdquo let alone that of governments and industrial and their spaceconnections so until saw that nurturing me calling it this all dilemmas arelike chewing sawdust hard to find nutrition for human in it

JerseyCynicNov 20 2014 at 548 am

Letrsquos dancehellip (a slow one) to one of my favorite bedtime songs


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oh manhellipIrsquom a gonna start tearing up ndash I miss my babies

Come Take A Trip In My Airship (Remastered) ndash Natalie Merchanthttpwwwyoutubecomwatchv=GDL0GVZXjMI

arielNov 20 2014 at 726 am

Sod it guyshellipthe whole point is that WE CAN HANDLE IThelliphellipWe first have tolearn that our conditioned negativity is projected externally as lsquorealityrsquo(definitely lower case) My lsquoproblemrsquo is how do we get enough of youus intoNOW the inner awareness of the lsquomovement and the restrsquo as Kitty likes torefer to it which is the operating end of the universal life force whichexpands our perception limitlessly subject to the filters which prevent usdestroying the lsquobodiesrsquo with INTENSITY Irsquove met them some of themhelliphellipWearenrsquot SUDDENLY in an awful situationhelliphellipitrsquos fucking hystericallyhistoricalhellipbloody tourists most of the ones Irsquove methellipPot calling the kettleblack really because Irsquove done a bithelliphellipYou donrsquot invite the vampire inhelliphelliphellip

will iamNov 20 2014 at 1257 pm



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I hadnrsquot realized that now was something I needed to get into I wasunder the impression that now is wellhellipnow

I didnrsquot know that it was a separate something or other that dependedon quantity for its existence

I apologize in advance for contributing to your lsquoproblemrsquo so maybeyou can tell me (us) what wes need to be looking for so that on theoft chance it were to come by again wes can have some of it

VigilantibusNov 20 2014 at 751 am

This is another deception from MATRIXBeautiful words Things from New (C)ageIt is a TRAPHumanity falls like ducksWake Up

PamNov 20 2014 at 859 am

HeyhelliphelliphellipI want to see this onehellipBring it onhelliphelliprdquoYESrdquo



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ThomasNov 20 2014 at 906 am

The inorganic races are crafty Although they canrsquot lie to us they canmanipulate Once free will is exercised to join their ranks there is no turningback Can we at least wait until Black Friday and Cyber Monday are over

NofolaloNov 20 2014 at 1111 am

Here ya go Jerseyhelliphttpwwwyoutubecomwatchv=REHV8LERhPwhttpwwwyoutubecomwatchv=5PvGn75ibI4

JerseyCynicNov 20 2014 at 207 pm

Love it Nofolalo I used to know every word to the Flying PurplePeople Eater What a great goofy beat mdash just try to sit still listening




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People Eater What a great goofy beat mdash just try to sit still listeningto it mdash you canrsquot

I wish doo wop never died I grew up just after that

Also missed out on The Bristol Stomphttpwwwyoutubecomwatchv=XCOB5-E4P6Y (I canrsquot believe thesepeople are sitting in their seats)

oh herersquos a good one ndash The Bristol Stomp Dance Around the Worldhttpwwwyoutubecomwatchv=fIbkKxUD0Mst=106

alexNov 20 2014 at 208 pm


PatrickNov 20 2014 at 1113 am

The outside help is from withinhellipinside Free will is wonderful and it hascertainly no choiceshellipUse your intent so your help can help us all Weexchange our intent with the source everyday so we will certainly exchangehelp with benevolence every once in a while Use this positively whether its



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BS or not Love life guys

PeterNov 20 2014 at 535 pm

Following was posted Yeterday an was coming to my attention Some of you sure remember SIRIUS

Dr Steven Greer Dozens of Benevolent ET Species Are Here Eager to MakeContacthttpwwwriseearthcom201411dr-steven-greer-dozens-of-benevolent-ethtml

Itrsquos not the only Article that shows up but that was posted ( I think because ofthe Article we can read here posted) The NEW AGERS always again jump on that wagon and believe in suchchannelings

manNov 20 2014 at 550 pm

yeah itacutes been there for years now on the wwwyears ago i would have said YES STOP BY FOR TEA AND COOKIES



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but now i go HELL NO YOU BLOODY PARASITES suck yourself and bite thestellar dustread this kind of honeysweet friendly alien bullshit often enough- nothingbut mindcontrollitacutes for the kids crying for mama to save them for the ones that like to HOPEand leave EVOLUTION to someone elsethere is no outside saviouryou guys are right itacutes the vampires trying to get our permissioni always wondered why they would need ithellip do they really care for karmathen what about the cheatwhatever- i suppose zen just put it here as a test and a provovation to stir adiscussionheacutes not one of the i-hope-someoneacutes-gonna-save-meacutes more a get-your-sweet-ass-going-guywhat a clever bastard you are zen

JerseyCynicNov 21 2014 at 308 pm

spot on man Google is behind it I do believe

from 2007httpswwwyoutubecomwatchv=-K8ADMzz46c a CGI of a womanreading half of this message and at the end ldquoyou must read the rest ofthe message at google or yahoo search google with the quote marks


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and now that google and nasa have partnered up It wouldnrsquot surpriseme if some day soon we started to see holographic airships here andthere with Ray Kurzweil as their Director of Engineering mdash anythinggoeshttptechcrunchcom20141110google-moffett-airfield-nasa

do know evil my ass

LizaNov 20 2014 at 1011 pm

But donrsquot give it all the credit Intriguing concepts Deception

Free will Yes it is within Never to be coughed up handed over Thecomments on the source site show a lot of naivtersquo Humans by nature look toconnecting as strengthening (Help) The more to have wins It is Not soLooking to another is not the way to go

This site inhabits lots of free thinkers

The only thing I would give my freewill over to is Peace amp Justice It doesexist In the heartmind Too bad the heart is so badly broken

Perhaps the only way to save a planet is with the allone mindset of all itsinhabitants simutaneously If that could be achieved Everybodyrsquos mind set


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on the collective The whole It could happen it is happening Maybe we justhave to let go of this dimension Canrsquot sustain it Donrsquot knowWell itrsquos all Bullshit anyway

hashishiNov 21 2014 at 751 am

ldquoFree will Yes it is within Never to be coughed up handed over rdquo

The most simple profound and beautiful truth It always does me goodto see a wonderful unencumbered spirit reflecting the same greattruth back at me

Dr Paula-Noel MacfieNov 21 2014 at 133 am

Liza we are all already connected and online through indigenous mind ourAncestors We never ldquoleftrdquohellipour minds have been so colonized that we forgotwho we are and where we come from The connection is still there just awhole lotta dissociation in between to navigate through




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arielNov 21 2014 at 725 am

HEY KITTYhelliprsquoWe are the parents our children have warned us abouthelliprsquo isnrsquot it

arielNov 21 2014 at 726 am

Or is it our greatgrand descendants

KittyNov 21 2014 at 319 pm


hashishiNov 21 2014 at 808 am

Oh hai VALIS Good game good game lsquoAliensrsquo Like it But er no thanks




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Oh hai VALIS Good game good game lsquoAliensrsquo Like it But er no thanks

AlteaNov 21 2014 at 554 pm

We are the ETrsquos we have been waiting for

manNov 21 2014 at 620 pm

what a weird place this world is indeedwhere reality is stranger than fictiongood to have a heart

vibra amor

StarDustNov 27 2014 at 900 pm

Why you need thousands of ships one is not enough Come in peace like




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you say and all the humans will open their arms and hug you






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This is why you should calmly think about it in all conscience In orderto perfectly associate your answer with the question it isrecommended that you answer after another careful reading of thismessage

Do not rush to answer Breathe and let all the power of your own freewill penetrate you Be proud of what you are Then do not lethesitation get in the way

The everyday problems that you may have can weaken you To beyourselves forget about them for a few minutes Feel the force thatsprings up in you You are in control of yourselves

A single thought a single answer can drastically change your nearfuture in one way as in another Your individual decision of asking inyour inner self that we show up on your material plane and in broaddaylight is precious and essential to us

Even though you can choose the way that best suits you rituals per seare essentially useless A sincere request made with your heart andyour own will will always be perceived by those of us to whom it issent In your own private polling booth of your secret will you willdetermine the future

What is the lever effect

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This decision should be made by the greatest possible numberamong you even though it might seem like a minority

It is recommended to spread this message in all envisageablefashions in as many languages as possible to those around youwhether or not they seem receptive to this new vision of the future Doit using a humorous tone or derision if that can help you

You can even openly and publicly make fun of it if it makes you feelmore comfortable but do not be indifferent for at least you will haveexercised your free will Forget about the false prophets and thebeliefs that have been transmitted to you about us

This request is one of the most intimate that can be asked to youMaking a decision by yourself as an individual is your right as wellas your responsibility Passivity only leads to the absence of freedom

Similarly indecision is never efficient If you really want to cling to yourbeliefs which is something that we understand then forcefully sayNO

If you do not know what to choose do not say YES because of merecuriosity This is not a show this is real daily life We exist We arealive

Your history has had plenty of episodes when determined men andwomen were able to influence the thread of events despite their small

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Just as a small number is enough to take temporal power on Earthand influence the future of the majority a small number of you canradically change your fate as an answer to the impotence in face ofso much inertia and so many hurdles You can ease mankindrsquos birthto Brotherhood

One of your thinkers once said

Spreading this message will then be the strengthening of the hand-hold We will be the light-years long lever and you will be thecraftsmen to ldquoraise the Earthrdquo as a consequence of our appearance

What would be the consequences of a positive decision

For us the immediate consequence of a collective favorable decisionwould be the materialization of many ships in your sky and on Earth

For you the direct effect would be the rapid abandoning of manycertitudes and beliefs A simple conclusive visual contact would have

ldquoGive me a hand-hold and Irsquoll raise the Earthrdquo

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huge repercussions for your future

Much knowledge would be modified forever The organization of yoursocieties would be deeply upheaved forever in all fields of activity

Power would become individual because you would see for yourselfthat we exist as living beings not accepting or rejecting that fact onthe word of any external authority Concretely you would change thescale of your values

The most important thing for us is that humankind would form a singlefamily before this ldquounknownrdquo we would represent

Danger would slowly melt away from your homes because you wouldindirectly force the undesirable ones those we name the ldquothird partyrdquoto show up and vanish You would all bear the same name and sharethe same roots Mankind

Later on peaceful and respectful exchanges would be thus possible ifsuch is your wish For now he who is hungry cannot smile he who isfearful cannot welcome us

We are sad to see men women and children suffering to such adegree in their flesh and in their hearts when they bear such an innerlight This light can be your future


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arcadia11Nov 19 2014 at 509 pm

no not by any stretch of reason or imagination the dangerous deceptivenew age is over no matter how compelling the disguise

donrsquot take the bait donrsquot turn all life over to something outside of yourselvesthis is the way government works problem-reaction-solution when it getsbad enough and for all the world seems as if there is no other way manyotherwise intelligent people will yell lsquoyes help usrsquo

and itrsquos game over


surprised to find this article here

Crystal MoonNov 19 2014 at 539 pm

ldquoYou entrust your problems to representatives whose awareness of commonwell being inexorably fades away before corporatist interests rdquo

That certainly says it


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Dr Paula-Noel MacfieNov 19 2014 at 550 pm

This seems like a human being dissociated from genetic memory of Ancestors

alexNov 19 2014 at 554 pm

Hmmmmmhellipsoftening us up for Project Blue Beamhellipreads as if it wasformatteddictated thru an AI lsquochannelerrsquohellipseeking our permissionhellipsoundslike satanic protocol to me (lol)helliporhellipirsquom getting waaaaaaay tooooo cynicalin my old age hahahahellipcheers

KittyNov 19 2014 at 601 pm

No Alex had exactly the same thoughts too Project Blue Beam back again helliphellip Lol





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alexNov 19 2014 at 605 pm


KittyNov 19 2014 at 609 pm

branewaiverNov 19 2014 at 750 pm

I agree Alex and Kitty this is too pat not to mention a littlepatronizing Doesnrsquot pass the sniff test Letrsquos get those awarefuckers with their own desires Game over





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indigovioletNov 20 2014 at 212 pm

Project Bluebeamhellip I had the same thought The words interest thebrain (slightly) but donrsquot reach the heart

KittyNov 20 2014 at 226 pm

I think thatrsquos a good way to describe it Indie Blue Beam seemsto have gone a bit quiet recently and I just thought UhhhOhhhhBlue Beam has returned Irsquom wondering if wersquoll get more of this I think it cyclesChristmas is always a good time for revelations not sure if weare quite there yet

indigovioletNov 20 2014 at 244 pm

Yes and the lsquoaliensrsquo could always say they achieved aconsensus and we would be none the wiser just like



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with the vote (rigging) system

KittyNov 20 2014 at 319 pm

Indie I have to ask you this I was recently roadraged by someone driving so close to me Icouldnrsquot see his head lights It lasted for miles I reacted in absolutely the wrong way dideverything wrong Scared myself silly I really surprised myself I feltso stupid It made me think If something did happen out of the blue like sayBlue Beam how drsquoyou think you would react Would we as people who may consider ourselvesfairly aware be able to see what was happening I gave a neighbour a lift today Sunny warmish but the sky was covered withseriously hugersquo trailsI pointed and said something on the lines of wowlook at those She didnrsquot see them Indie not one as in reallycouldnrsquot see them


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It was so surreal I stopped the car and pointedbut still didnrsquot even register So is this lsquo spiritual lsquo physical mental Very strange experience

indigovioletNov 20 2014 at 356 pm

Strange Kittyhellip

A few years ago I started read the work Rik Clayregarding a planned fake alien invasion and thelater statement from Wernher von Braun on hisdeathbed reinforced what I thought After readingRikrsquos work (and you will probably know that hewas more-than-likely suicided at 26 just as hewas getting into all this) I decided there and thenthat any talk of an alien invasion going forwardwould be dismissed as fake by me howevercompelling When you have felt the truth in alucid moment you just have to stand yourground

We donrsquot know how we will react to a situationuntil we are in it as you saw when the bizarreand frightening road-rage incident took place ndash

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not that you had any room for manoeuvre if hewas right on your tail like that Very ScaryAlmost black ops- like

I donrsquot understand why your neighbour didnrsquot seethe chemtrails Maybe you should have driven herto the opticians Doesnrsquot make sense does itEverybody who I have pointed them out to hasseen them

pegNov 20 2014 at 450 pm

Kitty got this link from a girlfriend yesterday afternoonBless her heart She is a lovely spirit mdashndash Yep your rightitrsquos going around This was sent out on the internet onthe 18th and she thought it needed to be sent to me asldquoGood NewsrdquoHere is what was senthttppaowebcomsn111814htmIt comes from Sheldon Nidle



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Nov 20 2014 at 507 pm

Wow Peg Thanks for this It is cyclical Isometimes get this kind of thing but itrsquos been solong I canrsquot remember the last time Irsquoll have a good look at this one I actually like tosee this kind if thingSo the question is whatrsquos cooking if anything Well have to watch and wait

pegNov 20 2014 at 536 pm

Kitty I do not think any of this from anythinggood actually Everything inside speaks ndash ndash errorndash ndash error I stand with the help is us mdash- in us mdash-we just should find out who we really are In myheart knowing mdash- itrsquos infinityEven the pope is getting people ready for this mdash-what does that say Clinton not long ago onsome program etc etc Nope this being isstaying away from this None of them have mypermission to fix anything Our consciousness ampresonance will take care of things needed We areoneBy the way I didnrsquot finish reading the material

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she sent I just canrsquot Love her dearly and will beseeing her on Sunday She has began looking atmaterial on meditation by just listening to herbreathing Cannot change what others do orbelieve with teachings but only by my walkingand being Itrsquos all about consciousness and I knowyou know that Hugs

LizaNov 20 2014 at 939 pm

wow Kitty that is strange that she just couldnrsquotsee the chemtrailshellip

JerseyCynicNov 19 2014 at 646 pm

Is this a gullibility testYES YES YES (I am doing it using a humorous tone cause that helps me)httpwwwyoutubecomwatchv=O6VUMGO3hCs

Irsquom pretty gullible (getting better) This doesnrsquot sit well with meldquoBeing aware of the priceless value of free will we are inviting you to analternativerdquo

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No thanks

ldquoYour individual decision of asking in your inner self that we show up onyour material plane and in broad daylight is precious and essential to usrdquo

I do go out on the deck every night though (2am ndash 4am) and ask the starbeings to visit me No luck yet (as best as I can remember)

Gee mdash I wonder why SNOPES hasnrsquot taken this one onhelliphellipDOH

OK OK ndash here we go mdash I found the source mdash Itrsquos a cute blonde that must workin Googlersquos marketing departmenthelliphellip those evil bastardsldquoDO YOU WISH THAT WE SHOW UP rdquo from 2006httpwwwyoutubecomwatchv=-K8ADMzz46c

well that didnrsquot take long ndash sorry to burst any bubbles

OphiuchusNov 19 2014 at 920 pm

As soon as I hear the ldquohumanrdquo false paradigm ldquoevolutionrdquo it sends upan immediate red flag to me It is the false assumption that we startdumb and become something better rather than the parasiticdummening of an already highly advanced sentient form of lifeEvolution to me reeks of the linear false time paradigm



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KittyNov 20 2014 at 414 pm

Rik Clay Read a lot of his work Fascinating His lsquosuicidersquo wasnrsquot it vigourously contested by his family and friends These people either commit lsquosuicide lsquo or die of a heart attack

Such a young vibrant man His work isnrsquot so prominent any more Ithink I may have to revisit him I think the road rage person may havebeen drinking Funny thing was my daughter was with me and shesaid before he went he turned his lights off Funny folks where I live Neighbour lol She is elderly I think a visit to the opticians is inorder I did point them out to some farmer friends a long time ago theydidnrsquot see either not what I was seeing certainly Maybe a differentperception

indigovioletNov 20 2014 at 445 pm

I read that his family have said that he did commit suicide but Idonrsquot knowhellip It was the day after his Red Ice Radio interviewand it was noted that he was in very good spirits at the time


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and looking forward enthusiastically to further researching Hewas buried on September 11th A lot of things didnrsquot add up atthe time (or did) But who knows

KittyNov 20 2014 at 453 pm

Must have got that wrong Irsquov been thinking of DavidKelly recently I saw a pic of Tony Blair and Kelly came tomind i was going to mention him to youThese things are very strange Indie his family may have been pressured or maybe suicidewas preferable to the thought of murder Rik Clay was so young and so bright and brave It takes guts to stand up and be counted Who knows true We probably never will

KittyNov 20 2014 at 559 pm

No I donrsquot either Peg I like to be fore warned as in fore armed The Vatican has made some rather startling statements as far as the



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alien agenda is concerned Love our alien brothers and sisters would we baptise them and callthem Christians The usual This has been going on for some time now and Clintonslittle bit of input was interesting too The Disclosure Project it justall adds up to an agenda leading to our furtherenslavement My answer to the question here should just have been a blunt NO Like you I feel it is all within usThe answers we need to everythingare all there Walking the walk is my preferred way too Your friend is blessed tohave you to guide her but itrsquos your love Peg that will really make animpact on her Your well is deep and so many draw upon it I readDavidrsquos post but havenrsquot said anything yet so I know you know what Imean Yoursquore full of love Peg and that is all that matters Hugs backand love XXX

LizaNov 20 2014 at 940 pm



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KittyNov 20 2014 at 1156 pm

Liza I thought I was going a bit crazy This was seriously bizarre Irsquov been thinking about this and maybe itrsquos to do withfrequency There are a lot if other strange phenomenon associated withchemtrailingI saw an orb flying alongside a plane that was obviouslylsquotrailing If my son hadnrsquot been with me at the time and saw it too Iwouldnrsquot have believed what I was seeing Irsquod love to know how many people actually canrsquot see thesethings It still makes me smile when I thinkabout it Neighbour now thinks Irsquom arsquo funny little thingrsquo

LizaNov 20 2014 at 941 pm



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JerseyCynicNov 19 2014 at 650 pm

Letrsquos ask the cathelliphttpwwwyoutubecomwatchv=jD4JhoOFzPg

will iamNov 19 2014 at 830 pm

Ha Remember this one httpswwwyoutubecomwatchv=5Us1ASENPwsampfeature=player_detailpage

JerseyCynicNov 19 2014 at 859 pm

Omg will do I remember this one Yes yes yes and Irsquove got abig toe permanently disfigured from a ldquoboogaloordquo contest toprove it Thanks for the painful memory Good times Thatnight I learned a valuable lesson hellipnever boogaloo barefoot ona crowded dance floor Good times




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pegNov 19 2014 at 832 pm

JC thank you so much for a huge dip belly laughnonononoonononononluvluvluvluv

HeatherNov 19 2014 at 801 pm

Buthellip they get mehellip they get ithellip they understandhellip whoa is me

No way in hell do I need assistance from some outside source that has alreadymet with our lsquoleadersrsquo and understands everything so well but lurks askingmy permission to come aboard I do appreciate the special touches of layingso much of our lsquofamilyrsquo BS out there for us to recap but I am not invitinganother lsquovampirersquo into the lsquohousersquo

JC ndash ha I love ya lady The cat was a special touch for sure ha ha




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Nov 20 2014 at 1130 am

ha I had not realized how sarcastic I was on this commenthellip I was stillfeeling the ldquogossip ladiesrdquo from my daughterrsquos martial arts earlier and Iwas quite sarcastic in lsquodealingrsquo with them Overflowhellip hee

No we are the oneshellip plain and simple

JerseyCynicNov 20 2014 at 133 pm

got that right HeatherldquoBanish the word lsquostrugglersquo from your attitude and yourvocabulary All that we do now must be done in a sacredmanner and in celebration We are the ones we have beenwaiting forrdquo mdash Hopi elders

KittyNov 20 2014 at 157 pm

Perfect JC and Heather lsquoWe are the ones we are waitingfor lsquoThat just about says it all really



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Much love to you both X X X

HeatherNov 20 2014 at 306 pm

Indeed Much love to you both and really big hugs

KittyNov 20 2014 at 323 pm

Huge hugs back X

will iamNov 19 2014 at 815 pm

ldquoThis my friends could be the most important message mankind has everreceivedhelliprdquo


ldquoBe proud of what you arerdquo (the army)



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ldquoBe proud of what you arerdquo (the army)

ldquoThe most important thing for us is that humankind would form a singlefamily before this ldquounknownrdquo we would representrdquo (politics as usual)

ldquoPeace does not mean simply not making war it consists in becoming whatyou collectively are in reality a fraternityrdquo helliphelliphellip Zeta Delta Con

OphiuchusNov 19 2014 at 911 pm

My heart intuition says that this is false and my subconscious shows me theWalter Von Braun message

NofolaloNov 20 2014 at 1056 am

Good thing about the Walter Von Braun message itrsquos their lsquolast card

majikNov 19 2014 at 1016 pm




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I agree This feels wrong

majikNov 19 2014 at 1022 pm

I do believe this is real Irsquove been following them since 06 Well my idea offollowing which is really doing what my mom called the ldquosniffrdquo test to see iftheir rotten I feel this message is real but subtlehttptomkenyoncomescalation-of-chaotic-nodes-and-the-dismantling-of-3-d-reality

John SmithNov 20 2014 at 321 am

there is no easy answer to this certainly humble human spirit would like toextend into presence and understand of life overall throughout wholeuniverse this unfortunately is not it

it appears as direction to admit that you are flawed to sort inner mess of thisworld with an outside force just like there is homophobia among differentgroups of humans it can also be understood as some kind of alien-phobiawithin various ldquoyesrdquo ldquonordquo groups and it should not be it



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so answer lingers most among reasons for yes and no and their validity

I for one am opposing this fancy questions and fancy landings we have needfor outside involvement since ever and it probably ever is done as we wantedit so it can be counted as intrusive with lack of honoring true demand truewish of yes or no

so this petition (seen it and commented it before) appears to be likejournalist duck sensationalist dilemma without true backing or honoringstand so I vouch no and think that entities just like us should come to thisworld ldquousualrdquo way just like we did for their mission of good or evil or elsejust like we all are fancy space ships in contact with tyrannical governmentsdecimating life and nature for power and profits are their real targetspopulation is to be in awe awaiting outside solution to inner turmoil samefor this world as in outside influence for internal misconduct I find Gaiastronger and I find myself with lesser worry so if our conscious plant calls it Id agree but it is left for someone to prove it as I see not Gaia agreeing on ourldquoworkrdquo let alone that of governments and industrial and their spaceconnections so until saw that nurturing me calling it this all dilemmas arelike chewing sawdust hard to find nutrition for human in it

JerseyCynicNov 20 2014 at 548 am

Letrsquos dancehellip (a slow one) to one of my favorite bedtime songs


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oh manhellipIrsquom a gonna start tearing up ndash I miss my babies

Come Take A Trip In My Airship (Remastered) ndash Natalie Merchanthttpwwwyoutubecomwatchv=GDL0GVZXjMI

arielNov 20 2014 at 726 am

Sod it guyshellipthe whole point is that WE CAN HANDLE IThelliphellipWe first have tolearn that our conditioned negativity is projected externally as lsquorealityrsquo(definitely lower case) My lsquoproblemrsquo is how do we get enough of youus intoNOW the inner awareness of the lsquomovement and the restrsquo as Kitty likes torefer to it which is the operating end of the universal life force whichexpands our perception limitlessly subject to the filters which prevent usdestroying the lsquobodiesrsquo with INTENSITY Irsquove met them some of themhelliphellipWearenrsquot SUDDENLY in an awful situationhelliphellipitrsquos fucking hystericallyhistoricalhellipbloody tourists most of the ones Irsquove methellipPot calling the kettleblack really because Irsquove done a bithelliphellipYou donrsquot invite the vampire inhelliphelliphellip

will iamNov 20 2014 at 1257 pm



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I hadnrsquot realized that now was something I needed to get into I wasunder the impression that now is wellhellipnow

I didnrsquot know that it was a separate something or other that dependedon quantity for its existence

I apologize in advance for contributing to your lsquoproblemrsquo so maybeyou can tell me (us) what wes need to be looking for so that on theoft chance it were to come by again wes can have some of it

VigilantibusNov 20 2014 at 751 am

This is another deception from MATRIXBeautiful words Things from New (C)ageIt is a TRAPHumanity falls like ducksWake Up

PamNov 20 2014 at 859 am

HeyhelliphelliphellipI want to see this onehellipBring it onhelliphelliprdquoYESrdquo



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ThomasNov 20 2014 at 906 am

The inorganic races are crafty Although they canrsquot lie to us they canmanipulate Once free will is exercised to join their ranks there is no turningback Can we at least wait until Black Friday and Cyber Monday are over

NofolaloNov 20 2014 at 1111 am

Here ya go Jerseyhelliphttpwwwyoutubecomwatchv=REHV8LERhPwhttpwwwyoutubecomwatchv=5PvGn75ibI4

JerseyCynicNov 20 2014 at 207 pm

Love it Nofolalo I used to know every word to the Flying PurplePeople Eater What a great goofy beat mdash just try to sit still listening




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People Eater What a great goofy beat mdash just try to sit still listeningto it mdash you canrsquot

I wish doo wop never died I grew up just after that

Also missed out on The Bristol Stomphttpwwwyoutubecomwatchv=XCOB5-E4P6Y (I canrsquot believe thesepeople are sitting in their seats)

oh herersquos a good one ndash The Bristol Stomp Dance Around the Worldhttpwwwyoutubecomwatchv=fIbkKxUD0Mst=106

alexNov 20 2014 at 208 pm


PatrickNov 20 2014 at 1113 am

The outside help is from withinhellipinside Free will is wonderful and it hascertainly no choiceshellipUse your intent so your help can help us all Weexchange our intent with the source everyday so we will certainly exchangehelp with benevolence every once in a while Use this positively whether its



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BS or not Love life guys

PeterNov 20 2014 at 535 pm

Following was posted Yeterday an was coming to my attention Some of you sure remember SIRIUS

Dr Steven Greer Dozens of Benevolent ET Species Are Here Eager to MakeContacthttpwwwriseearthcom201411dr-steven-greer-dozens-of-benevolent-ethtml

Itrsquos not the only Article that shows up but that was posted ( I think because ofthe Article we can read here posted) The NEW AGERS always again jump on that wagon and believe in suchchannelings

manNov 20 2014 at 550 pm

yeah itacutes been there for years now on the wwwyears ago i would have said YES STOP BY FOR TEA AND COOKIES



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but now i go HELL NO YOU BLOODY PARASITES suck yourself and bite thestellar dustread this kind of honeysweet friendly alien bullshit often enough- nothingbut mindcontrollitacutes for the kids crying for mama to save them for the ones that like to HOPEand leave EVOLUTION to someone elsethere is no outside saviouryou guys are right itacutes the vampires trying to get our permissioni always wondered why they would need ithellip do they really care for karmathen what about the cheatwhatever- i suppose zen just put it here as a test and a provovation to stir adiscussionheacutes not one of the i-hope-someoneacutes-gonna-save-meacutes more a get-your-sweet-ass-going-guywhat a clever bastard you are zen

JerseyCynicNov 21 2014 at 308 pm

spot on man Google is behind it I do believe

from 2007httpswwwyoutubecomwatchv=-K8ADMzz46c a CGI of a womanreading half of this message and at the end ldquoyou must read the rest ofthe message at google or yahoo search google with the quote marks


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and now that google and nasa have partnered up It wouldnrsquot surpriseme if some day soon we started to see holographic airships here andthere with Ray Kurzweil as their Director of Engineering mdash anythinggoeshttptechcrunchcom20141110google-moffett-airfield-nasa

do know evil my ass

LizaNov 20 2014 at 1011 pm

But donrsquot give it all the credit Intriguing concepts Deception

Free will Yes it is within Never to be coughed up handed over Thecomments on the source site show a lot of naivtersquo Humans by nature look toconnecting as strengthening (Help) The more to have wins It is Not soLooking to another is not the way to go

This site inhabits lots of free thinkers

The only thing I would give my freewill over to is Peace amp Justice It doesexist In the heartmind Too bad the heart is so badly broken

Perhaps the only way to save a planet is with the allone mindset of all itsinhabitants simutaneously If that could be achieved Everybodyrsquos mind set


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on the collective The whole It could happen it is happening Maybe we justhave to let go of this dimension Canrsquot sustain it Donrsquot knowWell itrsquos all Bullshit anyway

hashishiNov 21 2014 at 751 am

ldquoFree will Yes it is within Never to be coughed up handed over rdquo

The most simple profound and beautiful truth It always does me goodto see a wonderful unencumbered spirit reflecting the same greattruth back at me

Dr Paula-Noel MacfieNov 21 2014 at 133 am

Liza we are all already connected and online through indigenous mind ourAncestors We never ldquoleftrdquohellipour minds have been so colonized that we forgotwho we are and where we come from The connection is still there just awhole lotta dissociation in between to navigate through




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arielNov 21 2014 at 725 am

HEY KITTYhelliprsquoWe are the parents our children have warned us abouthelliprsquo isnrsquot it

arielNov 21 2014 at 726 am

Or is it our greatgrand descendants

KittyNov 21 2014 at 319 pm


hashishiNov 21 2014 at 808 am

Oh hai VALIS Good game good game lsquoAliensrsquo Like it But er no thanks




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Oh hai VALIS Good game good game lsquoAliensrsquo Like it But er no thanks

AlteaNov 21 2014 at 554 pm

We are the ETrsquos we have been waiting for

manNov 21 2014 at 620 pm

what a weird place this world is indeedwhere reality is stranger than fictiongood to have a heart

vibra amor

StarDustNov 27 2014 at 900 pm

Why you need thousands of ships one is not enough Come in peace like




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you say and all the humans will open their arms and hug you






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This decision should be made by the greatest possible numberamong you even though it might seem like a minority

It is recommended to spread this message in all envisageablefashions in as many languages as possible to those around youwhether or not they seem receptive to this new vision of the future Doit using a humorous tone or derision if that can help you

You can even openly and publicly make fun of it if it makes you feelmore comfortable but do not be indifferent for at least you will haveexercised your free will Forget about the false prophets and thebeliefs that have been transmitted to you about us

This request is one of the most intimate that can be asked to youMaking a decision by yourself as an individual is your right as wellas your responsibility Passivity only leads to the absence of freedom

Similarly indecision is never efficient If you really want to cling to yourbeliefs which is something that we understand then forcefully sayNO

If you do not know what to choose do not say YES because of merecuriosity This is not a show this is real daily life We exist We arealive

Your history has had plenty of episodes when determined men andwomen were able to influence the thread of events despite their small

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Just as a small number is enough to take temporal power on Earthand influence the future of the majority a small number of you canradically change your fate as an answer to the impotence in face ofso much inertia and so many hurdles You can ease mankindrsquos birthto Brotherhood

One of your thinkers once said

Spreading this message will then be the strengthening of the hand-hold We will be the light-years long lever and you will be thecraftsmen to ldquoraise the Earthrdquo as a consequence of our appearance

What would be the consequences of a positive decision

For us the immediate consequence of a collective favorable decisionwould be the materialization of many ships in your sky and on Earth

For you the direct effect would be the rapid abandoning of manycertitudes and beliefs A simple conclusive visual contact would have

ldquoGive me a hand-hold and Irsquoll raise the Earthrdquo

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huge repercussions for your future

Much knowledge would be modified forever The organization of yoursocieties would be deeply upheaved forever in all fields of activity

Power would become individual because you would see for yourselfthat we exist as living beings not accepting or rejecting that fact onthe word of any external authority Concretely you would change thescale of your values

The most important thing for us is that humankind would form a singlefamily before this ldquounknownrdquo we would represent

Danger would slowly melt away from your homes because you wouldindirectly force the undesirable ones those we name the ldquothird partyrdquoto show up and vanish You would all bear the same name and sharethe same roots Mankind

Later on peaceful and respectful exchanges would be thus possible ifsuch is your wish For now he who is hungry cannot smile he who isfearful cannot welcome us

We are sad to see men women and children suffering to such adegree in their flesh and in their hearts when they bear such an innerlight This light can be your future


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+++ZenGardnercomFrom The Web by TaboolaSponsored Links


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The Motley Fool

Please Donrsquot RetireAt 62 Herersquos Why

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7 Outrageous CreditCards For Those OfUs That Havehellip

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Millennials AreDitching Delivery forThis Dinner Hack


15 Of The Rarest (AndMost Mind Blowing)Photographs Inhellip Glamour

Things Girls Say toTest Men

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The Orchestra of Reality ndashScience Spirituality andSymbolism


A World of Slavery




Julius Sequerra


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The Hidden Hand ndash AlienContact and theGovernment Cover-up

Time Travel And PoliticalControl Of The HumanPopulation

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arcadia11Nov 19 2014 at 509 pm

no not by any stretch of reason or imagination the dangerous deceptivenew age is over no matter how compelling the disguise

donrsquot take the bait donrsquot turn all life over to something outside of yourselvesthis is the way government works problem-reaction-solution when it getsbad enough and for all the world seems as if there is no other way manyotherwise intelligent people will yell lsquoyes help usrsquo

and itrsquos game over


surprised to find this article here

Crystal MoonNov 19 2014 at 539 pm

ldquoYou entrust your problems to representatives whose awareness of commonwell being inexorably fades away before corporatist interests rdquo

That certainly says it


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Dr Paula-Noel MacfieNov 19 2014 at 550 pm

This seems like a human being dissociated from genetic memory of Ancestors

alexNov 19 2014 at 554 pm

Hmmmmmhellipsoftening us up for Project Blue Beamhellipreads as if it wasformatteddictated thru an AI lsquochannelerrsquohellipseeking our permissionhellipsoundslike satanic protocol to me (lol)helliporhellipirsquom getting waaaaaaay tooooo cynicalin my old age hahahahellipcheers

KittyNov 19 2014 at 601 pm

No Alex had exactly the same thoughts too Project Blue Beam back again helliphellip Lol





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alexNov 19 2014 at 605 pm


KittyNov 19 2014 at 609 pm

branewaiverNov 19 2014 at 750 pm

I agree Alex and Kitty this is too pat not to mention a littlepatronizing Doesnrsquot pass the sniff test Letrsquos get those awarefuckers with their own desires Game over





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indigovioletNov 20 2014 at 212 pm

Project Bluebeamhellip I had the same thought The words interest thebrain (slightly) but donrsquot reach the heart

KittyNov 20 2014 at 226 pm

I think thatrsquos a good way to describe it Indie Blue Beam seemsto have gone a bit quiet recently and I just thought UhhhOhhhhBlue Beam has returned Irsquom wondering if wersquoll get more of this I think it cyclesChristmas is always a good time for revelations not sure if weare quite there yet

indigovioletNov 20 2014 at 244 pm

Yes and the lsquoaliensrsquo could always say they achieved aconsensus and we would be none the wiser just like



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with the vote (rigging) system

KittyNov 20 2014 at 319 pm

Indie I have to ask you this I was recently roadraged by someone driving so close to me Icouldnrsquot see his head lights It lasted for miles I reacted in absolutely the wrong way dideverything wrong Scared myself silly I really surprised myself I feltso stupid It made me think If something did happen out of the blue like sayBlue Beam how drsquoyou think you would react Would we as people who may consider ourselvesfairly aware be able to see what was happening I gave a neighbour a lift today Sunny warmish but the sky was covered withseriously hugersquo trailsI pointed and said something on the lines of wowlook at those She didnrsquot see them Indie not one as in reallycouldnrsquot see them


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It was so surreal I stopped the car and pointedbut still didnrsquot even register So is this lsquo spiritual lsquo physical mental Very strange experience

indigovioletNov 20 2014 at 356 pm

Strange Kittyhellip

A few years ago I started read the work Rik Clayregarding a planned fake alien invasion and thelater statement from Wernher von Braun on hisdeathbed reinforced what I thought After readingRikrsquos work (and you will probably know that hewas more-than-likely suicided at 26 just as hewas getting into all this) I decided there and thenthat any talk of an alien invasion going forwardwould be dismissed as fake by me howevercompelling When you have felt the truth in alucid moment you just have to stand yourground

We donrsquot know how we will react to a situationuntil we are in it as you saw when the bizarreand frightening road-rage incident took place ndash

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not that you had any room for manoeuvre if hewas right on your tail like that Very ScaryAlmost black ops- like

I donrsquot understand why your neighbour didnrsquot seethe chemtrails Maybe you should have driven herto the opticians Doesnrsquot make sense does itEverybody who I have pointed them out to hasseen them

pegNov 20 2014 at 450 pm

Kitty got this link from a girlfriend yesterday afternoonBless her heart She is a lovely spirit mdashndash Yep your rightitrsquos going around This was sent out on the internet onthe 18th and she thought it needed to be sent to me asldquoGood NewsrdquoHere is what was senthttppaowebcomsn111814htmIt comes from Sheldon Nidle



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Nov 20 2014 at 507 pm

Wow Peg Thanks for this It is cyclical Isometimes get this kind of thing but itrsquos been solong I canrsquot remember the last time Irsquoll have a good look at this one I actually like tosee this kind if thingSo the question is whatrsquos cooking if anything Well have to watch and wait

pegNov 20 2014 at 536 pm

Kitty I do not think any of this from anythinggood actually Everything inside speaks ndash ndash errorndash ndash error I stand with the help is us mdash- in us mdash-we just should find out who we really are In myheart knowing mdash- itrsquos infinityEven the pope is getting people ready for this mdash-what does that say Clinton not long ago onsome program etc etc Nope this being isstaying away from this None of them have mypermission to fix anything Our consciousness ampresonance will take care of things needed We areoneBy the way I didnrsquot finish reading the material

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she sent I just canrsquot Love her dearly and will beseeing her on Sunday She has began looking atmaterial on meditation by just listening to herbreathing Cannot change what others do orbelieve with teachings but only by my walkingand being Itrsquos all about consciousness and I knowyou know that Hugs

LizaNov 20 2014 at 939 pm

wow Kitty that is strange that she just couldnrsquotsee the chemtrailshellip

JerseyCynicNov 19 2014 at 646 pm

Is this a gullibility testYES YES YES (I am doing it using a humorous tone cause that helps me)httpwwwyoutubecomwatchv=O6VUMGO3hCs

Irsquom pretty gullible (getting better) This doesnrsquot sit well with meldquoBeing aware of the priceless value of free will we are inviting you to analternativerdquo

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No thanks

ldquoYour individual decision of asking in your inner self that we show up onyour material plane and in broad daylight is precious and essential to usrdquo

I do go out on the deck every night though (2am ndash 4am) and ask the starbeings to visit me No luck yet (as best as I can remember)

Gee mdash I wonder why SNOPES hasnrsquot taken this one onhelliphellipDOH

OK OK ndash here we go mdash I found the source mdash Itrsquos a cute blonde that must workin Googlersquos marketing departmenthelliphellip those evil bastardsldquoDO YOU WISH THAT WE SHOW UP rdquo from 2006httpwwwyoutubecomwatchv=-K8ADMzz46c

well that didnrsquot take long ndash sorry to burst any bubbles

OphiuchusNov 19 2014 at 920 pm

As soon as I hear the ldquohumanrdquo false paradigm ldquoevolutionrdquo it sends upan immediate red flag to me It is the false assumption that we startdumb and become something better rather than the parasiticdummening of an already highly advanced sentient form of lifeEvolution to me reeks of the linear false time paradigm



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KittyNov 20 2014 at 414 pm

Rik Clay Read a lot of his work Fascinating His lsquosuicidersquo wasnrsquot it vigourously contested by his family and friends These people either commit lsquosuicide lsquo or die of a heart attack

Such a young vibrant man His work isnrsquot so prominent any more Ithink I may have to revisit him I think the road rage person may havebeen drinking Funny thing was my daughter was with me and shesaid before he went he turned his lights off Funny folks where I live Neighbour lol She is elderly I think a visit to the opticians is inorder I did point them out to some farmer friends a long time ago theydidnrsquot see either not what I was seeing certainly Maybe a differentperception

indigovioletNov 20 2014 at 445 pm

I read that his family have said that he did commit suicide but Idonrsquot knowhellip It was the day after his Red Ice Radio interviewand it was noted that he was in very good spirits at the time


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and looking forward enthusiastically to further researching Hewas buried on September 11th A lot of things didnrsquot add up atthe time (or did) But who knows

KittyNov 20 2014 at 453 pm

Must have got that wrong Irsquov been thinking of DavidKelly recently I saw a pic of Tony Blair and Kelly came tomind i was going to mention him to youThese things are very strange Indie his family may have been pressured or maybe suicidewas preferable to the thought of murder Rik Clay was so young and so bright and brave It takes guts to stand up and be counted Who knows true We probably never will

KittyNov 20 2014 at 559 pm

No I donrsquot either Peg I like to be fore warned as in fore armed The Vatican has made some rather startling statements as far as the



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alien agenda is concerned Love our alien brothers and sisters would we baptise them and callthem Christians The usual This has been going on for some time now and Clintonslittle bit of input was interesting too The Disclosure Project it justall adds up to an agenda leading to our furtherenslavement My answer to the question here should just have been a blunt NO Like you I feel it is all within usThe answers we need to everythingare all there Walking the walk is my preferred way too Your friend is blessed tohave you to guide her but itrsquos your love Peg that will really make animpact on her Your well is deep and so many draw upon it I readDavidrsquos post but havenrsquot said anything yet so I know you know what Imean Yoursquore full of love Peg and that is all that matters Hugs backand love XXX

LizaNov 20 2014 at 940 pm



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KittyNov 20 2014 at 1156 pm

Liza I thought I was going a bit crazy This was seriously bizarre Irsquov been thinking about this and maybe itrsquos to do withfrequency There are a lot if other strange phenomenon associated withchemtrailingI saw an orb flying alongside a plane that was obviouslylsquotrailing If my son hadnrsquot been with me at the time and saw it too Iwouldnrsquot have believed what I was seeing Irsquod love to know how many people actually canrsquot see thesethings It still makes me smile when I thinkabout it Neighbour now thinks Irsquom arsquo funny little thingrsquo

LizaNov 20 2014 at 941 pm



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JerseyCynicNov 19 2014 at 650 pm

Letrsquos ask the cathelliphttpwwwyoutubecomwatchv=jD4JhoOFzPg

will iamNov 19 2014 at 830 pm

Ha Remember this one httpswwwyoutubecomwatchv=5Us1ASENPwsampfeature=player_detailpage

JerseyCynicNov 19 2014 at 859 pm

Omg will do I remember this one Yes yes yes and Irsquove got abig toe permanently disfigured from a ldquoboogaloordquo contest toprove it Thanks for the painful memory Good times Thatnight I learned a valuable lesson hellipnever boogaloo barefoot ona crowded dance floor Good times




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pegNov 19 2014 at 832 pm

JC thank you so much for a huge dip belly laughnonononoonononononluvluvluvluv

HeatherNov 19 2014 at 801 pm

Buthellip they get mehellip they get ithellip they understandhellip whoa is me

No way in hell do I need assistance from some outside source that has alreadymet with our lsquoleadersrsquo and understands everything so well but lurks askingmy permission to come aboard I do appreciate the special touches of layingso much of our lsquofamilyrsquo BS out there for us to recap but I am not invitinganother lsquovampirersquo into the lsquohousersquo

JC ndash ha I love ya lady The cat was a special touch for sure ha ha




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Nov 20 2014 at 1130 am

ha I had not realized how sarcastic I was on this commenthellip I was stillfeeling the ldquogossip ladiesrdquo from my daughterrsquos martial arts earlier and Iwas quite sarcastic in lsquodealingrsquo with them Overflowhellip hee

No we are the oneshellip plain and simple

JerseyCynicNov 20 2014 at 133 pm

got that right HeatherldquoBanish the word lsquostrugglersquo from your attitude and yourvocabulary All that we do now must be done in a sacredmanner and in celebration We are the ones we have beenwaiting forrdquo mdash Hopi elders

KittyNov 20 2014 at 157 pm

Perfect JC and Heather lsquoWe are the ones we are waitingfor lsquoThat just about says it all really



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Much love to you both X X X

HeatherNov 20 2014 at 306 pm

Indeed Much love to you both and really big hugs

KittyNov 20 2014 at 323 pm

Huge hugs back X

will iamNov 19 2014 at 815 pm

ldquoThis my friends could be the most important message mankind has everreceivedhelliprdquo


ldquoBe proud of what you arerdquo (the army)



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ldquoBe proud of what you arerdquo (the army)

ldquoThe most important thing for us is that humankind would form a singlefamily before this ldquounknownrdquo we would representrdquo (politics as usual)

ldquoPeace does not mean simply not making war it consists in becoming whatyou collectively are in reality a fraternityrdquo helliphelliphellip Zeta Delta Con

OphiuchusNov 19 2014 at 911 pm

My heart intuition says that this is false and my subconscious shows me theWalter Von Braun message

NofolaloNov 20 2014 at 1056 am

Good thing about the Walter Von Braun message itrsquos their lsquolast card

majikNov 19 2014 at 1016 pm




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I agree This feels wrong

majikNov 19 2014 at 1022 pm

I do believe this is real Irsquove been following them since 06 Well my idea offollowing which is really doing what my mom called the ldquosniffrdquo test to see iftheir rotten I feel this message is real but subtlehttptomkenyoncomescalation-of-chaotic-nodes-and-the-dismantling-of-3-d-reality

John SmithNov 20 2014 at 321 am

there is no easy answer to this certainly humble human spirit would like toextend into presence and understand of life overall throughout wholeuniverse this unfortunately is not it

it appears as direction to admit that you are flawed to sort inner mess of thisworld with an outside force just like there is homophobia among differentgroups of humans it can also be understood as some kind of alien-phobiawithin various ldquoyesrdquo ldquonordquo groups and it should not be it



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so answer lingers most among reasons for yes and no and their validity

I for one am opposing this fancy questions and fancy landings we have needfor outside involvement since ever and it probably ever is done as we wantedit so it can be counted as intrusive with lack of honoring true demand truewish of yes or no

so this petition (seen it and commented it before) appears to be likejournalist duck sensationalist dilemma without true backing or honoringstand so I vouch no and think that entities just like us should come to thisworld ldquousualrdquo way just like we did for their mission of good or evil or elsejust like we all are fancy space ships in contact with tyrannical governmentsdecimating life and nature for power and profits are their real targetspopulation is to be in awe awaiting outside solution to inner turmoil samefor this world as in outside influence for internal misconduct I find Gaiastronger and I find myself with lesser worry so if our conscious plant calls it Id agree but it is left for someone to prove it as I see not Gaia agreeing on ourldquoworkrdquo let alone that of governments and industrial and their spaceconnections so until saw that nurturing me calling it this all dilemmas arelike chewing sawdust hard to find nutrition for human in it

JerseyCynicNov 20 2014 at 548 am

Letrsquos dancehellip (a slow one) to one of my favorite bedtime songs


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oh manhellipIrsquom a gonna start tearing up ndash I miss my babies

Come Take A Trip In My Airship (Remastered) ndash Natalie Merchanthttpwwwyoutubecomwatchv=GDL0GVZXjMI

arielNov 20 2014 at 726 am

Sod it guyshellipthe whole point is that WE CAN HANDLE IThelliphellipWe first have tolearn that our conditioned negativity is projected externally as lsquorealityrsquo(definitely lower case) My lsquoproblemrsquo is how do we get enough of youus intoNOW the inner awareness of the lsquomovement and the restrsquo as Kitty likes torefer to it which is the operating end of the universal life force whichexpands our perception limitlessly subject to the filters which prevent usdestroying the lsquobodiesrsquo with INTENSITY Irsquove met them some of themhelliphellipWearenrsquot SUDDENLY in an awful situationhelliphellipitrsquos fucking hystericallyhistoricalhellipbloody tourists most of the ones Irsquove methellipPot calling the kettleblack really because Irsquove done a bithelliphellipYou donrsquot invite the vampire inhelliphelliphellip

will iamNov 20 2014 at 1257 pm



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I hadnrsquot realized that now was something I needed to get into I wasunder the impression that now is wellhellipnow

I didnrsquot know that it was a separate something or other that dependedon quantity for its existence

I apologize in advance for contributing to your lsquoproblemrsquo so maybeyou can tell me (us) what wes need to be looking for so that on theoft chance it were to come by again wes can have some of it

VigilantibusNov 20 2014 at 751 am

This is another deception from MATRIXBeautiful words Things from New (C)ageIt is a TRAPHumanity falls like ducksWake Up

PamNov 20 2014 at 859 am

HeyhelliphelliphellipI want to see this onehellipBring it onhelliphelliprdquoYESrdquo



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ThomasNov 20 2014 at 906 am

The inorganic races are crafty Although they canrsquot lie to us they canmanipulate Once free will is exercised to join their ranks there is no turningback Can we at least wait until Black Friday and Cyber Monday are over

NofolaloNov 20 2014 at 1111 am

Here ya go Jerseyhelliphttpwwwyoutubecomwatchv=REHV8LERhPwhttpwwwyoutubecomwatchv=5PvGn75ibI4

JerseyCynicNov 20 2014 at 207 pm

Love it Nofolalo I used to know every word to the Flying PurplePeople Eater What a great goofy beat mdash just try to sit still listening




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People Eater What a great goofy beat mdash just try to sit still listeningto it mdash you canrsquot

I wish doo wop never died I grew up just after that

Also missed out on The Bristol Stomphttpwwwyoutubecomwatchv=XCOB5-E4P6Y (I canrsquot believe thesepeople are sitting in their seats)

oh herersquos a good one ndash The Bristol Stomp Dance Around the Worldhttpwwwyoutubecomwatchv=fIbkKxUD0Mst=106

alexNov 20 2014 at 208 pm


PatrickNov 20 2014 at 1113 am

The outside help is from withinhellipinside Free will is wonderful and it hascertainly no choiceshellipUse your intent so your help can help us all Weexchange our intent with the source everyday so we will certainly exchangehelp with benevolence every once in a while Use this positively whether its



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BS or not Love life guys

PeterNov 20 2014 at 535 pm

Following was posted Yeterday an was coming to my attention Some of you sure remember SIRIUS

Dr Steven Greer Dozens of Benevolent ET Species Are Here Eager to MakeContacthttpwwwriseearthcom201411dr-steven-greer-dozens-of-benevolent-ethtml

Itrsquos not the only Article that shows up but that was posted ( I think because ofthe Article we can read here posted) The NEW AGERS always again jump on that wagon and believe in suchchannelings

manNov 20 2014 at 550 pm

yeah itacutes been there for years now on the wwwyears ago i would have said YES STOP BY FOR TEA AND COOKIES



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but now i go HELL NO YOU BLOODY PARASITES suck yourself and bite thestellar dustread this kind of honeysweet friendly alien bullshit often enough- nothingbut mindcontrollitacutes for the kids crying for mama to save them for the ones that like to HOPEand leave EVOLUTION to someone elsethere is no outside saviouryou guys are right itacutes the vampires trying to get our permissioni always wondered why they would need ithellip do they really care for karmathen what about the cheatwhatever- i suppose zen just put it here as a test and a provovation to stir adiscussionheacutes not one of the i-hope-someoneacutes-gonna-save-meacutes more a get-your-sweet-ass-going-guywhat a clever bastard you are zen

JerseyCynicNov 21 2014 at 308 pm

spot on man Google is behind it I do believe

from 2007httpswwwyoutubecomwatchv=-K8ADMzz46c a CGI of a womanreading half of this message and at the end ldquoyou must read the rest ofthe message at google or yahoo search google with the quote marks


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and now that google and nasa have partnered up It wouldnrsquot surpriseme if some day soon we started to see holographic airships here andthere with Ray Kurzweil as their Director of Engineering mdash anythinggoeshttptechcrunchcom20141110google-moffett-airfield-nasa

do know evil my ass

LizaNov 20 2014 at 1011 pm

But donrsquot give it all the credit Intriguing concepts Deception

Free will Yes it is within Never to be coughed up handed over Thecomments on the source site show a lot of naivtersquo Humans by nature look toconnecting as strengthening (Help) The more to have wins It is Not soLooking to another is not the way to go

This site inhabits lots of free thinkers

The only thing I would give my freewill over to is Peace amp Justice It doesexist In the heartmind Too bad the heart is so badly broken

Perhaps the only way to save a planet is with the allone mindset of all itsinhabitants simutaneously If that could be achieved Everybodyrsquos mind set


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on the collective The whole It could happen it is happening Maybe we justhave to let go of this dimension Canrsquot sustain it Donrsquot knowWell itrsquos all Bullshit anyway

hashishiNov 21 2014 at 751 am

ldquoFree will Yes it is within Never to be coughed up handed over rdquo

The most simple profound and beautiful truth It always does me goodto see a wonderful unencumbered spirit reflecting the same greattruth back at me

Dr Paula-Noel MacfieNov 21 2014 at 133 am

Liza we are all already connected and online through indigenous mind ourAncestors We never ldquoleftrdquohellipour minds have been so colonized that we forgotwho we are and where we come from The connection is still there just awhole lotta dissociation in between to navigate through




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arielNov 21 2014 at 725 am

HEY KITTYhelliprsquoWe are the parents our children have warned us abouthelliprsquo isnrsquot it

arielNov 21 2014 at 726 am

Or is it our greatgrand descendants

KittyNov 21 2014 at 319 pm


hashishiNov 21 2014 at 808 am

Oh hai VALIS Good game good game lsquoAliensrsquo Like it But er no thanks




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Oh hai VALIS Good game good game lsquoAliensrsquo Like it But er no thanks

AlteaNov 21 2014 at 554 pm

We are the ETrsquos we have been waiting for

manNov 21 2014 at 620 pm

what a weird place this world is indeedwhere reality is stranger than fictiongood to have a heart

vibra amor

StarDustNov 27 2014 at 900 pm

Why you need thousands of ships one is not enough Come in peace like




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you say and all the humans will open their arms and hug you






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Just as a small number is enough to take temporal power on Earthand influence the future of the majority a small number of you canradically change your fate as an answer to the impotence in face ofso much inertia and so many hurdles You can ease mankindrsquos birthto Brotherhood

One of your thinkers once said

Spreading this message will then be the strengthening of the hand-hold We will be the light-years long lever and you will be thecraftsmen to ldquoraise the Earthrdquo as a consequence of our appearance

What would be the consequences of a positive decision

For us the immediate consequence of a collective favorable decisionwould be the materialization of many ships in your sky and on Earth

For you the direct effect would be the rapid abandoning of manycertitudes and beliefs A simple conclusive visual contact would have

ldquoGive me a hand-hold and Irsquoll raise the Earthrdquo

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huge repercussions for your future

Much knowledge would be modified forever The organization of yoursocieties would be deeply upheaved forever in all fields of activity

Power would become individual because you would see for yourselfthat we exist as living beings not accepting or rejecting that fact onthe word of any external authority Concretely you would change thescale of your values

The most important thing for us is that humankind would form a singlefamily before this ldquounknownrdquo we would represent

Danger would slowly melt away from your homes because you wouldindirectly force the undesirable ones those we name the ldquothird partyrdquoto show up and vanish You would all bear the same name and sharethe same roots Mankind

Later on peaceful and respectful exchanges would be thus possible ifsuch is your wish For now he who is hungry cannot smile he who isfearful cannot welcome us

We are sad to see men women and children suffering to such adegree in their flesh and in their hearts when they bear such an innerlight This light can be your future


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+++ZenGardnercomFrom The Web by TaboolaSponsored Links


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The Motley Fool

Please Donrsquot RetireAt 62 Herersquos Why

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7 Outrageous CreditCards For Those OfUs That Havehellip

Eater for Plated

Millennials AreDitching Delivery forThis Dinner Hack


15 Of The Rarest (AndMost Mind Blowing)Photographs Inhellip Glamour

Things Girls Say toTest Men

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The Orchestra of Reality ndashScience Spirituality andSymbolism


A World of Slavery




Julius Sequerra


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The Hidden Hand ndash AlienContact and theGovernment Cover-up

Time Travel And PoliticalControl Of The HumanPopulation

Jan 1 2015 4 240 Dec 4 2014 4 361

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arcadia11Nov 19 2014 at 509 pm

no not by any stretch of reason or imagination the dangerous deceptivenew age is over no matter how compelling the disguise

donrsquot take the bait donrsquot turn all life over to something outside of yourselvesthis is the way government works problem-reaction-solution when it getsbad enough and for all the world seems as if there is no other way manyotherwise intelligent people will yell lsquoyes help usrsquo

and itrsquos game over


surprised to find this article here

Crystal MoonNov 19 2014 at 539 pm

ldquoYou entrust your problems to representatives whose awareness of commonwell being inexorably fades away before corporatist interests rdquo

That certainly says it


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Dr Paula-Noel MacfieNov 19 2014 at 550 pm

This seems like a human being dissociated from genetic memory of Ancestors

alexNov 19 2014 at 554 pm

Hmmmmmhellipsoftening us up for Project Blue Beamhellipreads as if it wasformatteddictated thru an AI lsquochannelerrsquohellipseeking our permissionhellipsoundslike satanic protocol to me (lol)helliporhellipirsquom getting waaaaaaay tooooo cynicalin my old age hahahahellipcheers

KittyNov 19 2014 at 601 pm

No Alex had exactly the same thoughts too Project Blue Beam back again helliphellip Lol





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alexNov 19 2014 at 605 pm


KittyNov 19 2014 at 609 pm

branewaiverNov 19 2014 at 750 pm

I agree Alex and Kitty this is too pat not to mention a littlepatronizing Doesnrsquot pass the sniff test Letrsquos get those awarefuckers with their own desires Game over





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indigovioletNov 20 2014 at 212 pm

Project Bluebeamhellip I had the same thought The words interest thebrain (slightly) but donrsquot reach the heart

KittyNov 20 2014 at 226 pm

I think thatrsquos a good way to describe it Indie Blue Beam seemsto have gone a bit quiet recently and I just thought UhhhOhhhhBlue Beam has returned Irsquom wondering if wersquoll get more of this I think it cyclesChristmas is always a good time for revelations not sure if weare quite there yet

indigovioletNov 20 2014 at 244 pm

Yes and the lsquoaliensrsquo could always say they achieved aconsensus and we would be none the wiser just like



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with the vote (rigging) system

KittyNov 20 2014 at 319 pm

Indie I have to ask you this I was recently roadraged by someone driving so close to me Icouldnrsquot see his head lights It lasted for miles I reacted in absolutely the wrong way dideverything wrong Scared myself silly I really surprised myself I feltso stupid It made me think If something did happen out of the blue like sayBlue Beam how drsquoyou think you would react Would we as people who may consider ourselvesfairly aware be able to see what was happening I gave a neighbour a lift today Sunny warmish but the sky was covered withseriously hugersquo trailsI pointed and said something on the lines of wowlook at those She didnrsquot see them Indie not one as in reallycouldnrsquot see them


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It was so surreal I stopped the car and pointedbut still didnrsquot even register So is this lsquo spiritual lsquo physical mental Very strange experience

indigovioletNov 20 2014 at 356 pm

Strange Kittyhellip

A few years ago I started read the work Rik Clayregarding a planned fake alien invasion and thelater statement from Wernher von Braun on hisdeathbed reinforced what I thought After readingRikrsquos work (and you will probably know that hewas more-than-likely suicided at 26 just as hewas getting into all this) I decided there and thenthat any talk of an alien invasion going forwardwould be dismissed as fake by me howevercompelling When you have felt the truth in alucid moment you just have to stand yourground

We donrsquot know how we will react to a situationuntil we are in it as you saw when the bizarreand frightening road-rage incident took place ndash

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not that you had any room for manoeuvre if hewas right on your tail like that Very ScaryAlmost black ops- like

I donrsquot understand why your neighbour didnrsquot seethe chemtrails Maybe you should have driven herto the opticians Doesnrsquot make sense does itEverybody who I have pointed them out to hasseen them

pegNov 20 2014 at 450 pm

Kitty got this link from a girlfriend yesterday afternoonBless her heart She is a lovely spirit mdashndash Yep your rightitrsquos going around This was sent out on the internet onthe 18th and she thought it needed to be sent to me asldquoGood NewsrdquoHere is what was senthttppaowebcomsn111814htmIt comes from Sheldon Nidle



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Nov 20 2014 at 507 pm

Wow Peg Thanks for this It is cyclical Isometimes get this kind of thing but itrsquos been solong I canrsquot remember the last time Irsquoll have a good look at this one I actually like tosee this kind if thingSo the question is whatrsquos cooking if anything Well have to watch and wait

pegNov 20 2014 at 536 pm

Kitty I do not think any of this from anythinggood actually Everything inside speaks ndash ndash errorndash ndash error I stand with the help is us mdash- in us mdash-we just should find out who we really are In myheart knowing mdash- itrsquos infinityEven the pope is getting people ready for this mdash-what does that say Clinton not long ago onsome program etc etc Nope this being isstaying away from this None of them have mypermission to fix anything Our consciousness ampresonance will take care of things needed We areoneBy the way I didnrsquot finish reading the material

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she sent I just canrsquot Love her dearly and will beseeing her on Sunday She has began looking atmaterial on meditation by just listening to herbreathing Cannot change what others do orbelieve with teachings but only by my walkingand being Itrsquos all about consciousness and I knowyou know that Hugs

LizaNov 20 2014 at 939 pm

wow Kitty that is strange that she just couldnrsquotsee the chemtrailshellip

JerseyCynicNov 19 2014 at 646 pm

Is this a gullibility testYES YES YES (I am doing it using a humorous tone cause that helps me)httpwwwyoutubecomwatchv=O6VUMGO3hCs

Irsquom pretty gullible (getting better) This doesnrsquot sit well with meldquoBeing aware of the priceless value of free will we are inviting you to analternativerdquo

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No thanks

ldquoYour individual decision of asking in your inner self that we show up onyour material plane and in broad daylight is precious and essential to usrdquo

I do go out on the deck every night though (2am ndash 4am) and ask the starbeings to visit me No luck yet (as best as I can remember)

Gee mdash I wonder why SNOPES hasnrsquot taken this one onhelliphellipDOH

OK OK ndash here we go mdash I found the source mdash Itrsquos a cute blonde that must workin Googlersquos marketing departmenthelliphellip those evil bastardsldquoDO YOU WISH THAT WE SHOW UP rdquo from 2006httpwwwyoutubecomwatchv=-K8ADMzz46c

well that didnrsquot take long ndash sorry to burst any bubbles

OphiuchusNov 19 2014 at 920 pm

As soon as I hear the ldquohumanrdquo false paradigm ldquoevolutionrdquo it sends upan immediate red flag to me It is the false assumption that we startdumb and become something better rather than the parasiticdummening of an already highly advanced sentient form of lifeEvolution to me reeks of the linear false time paradigm



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KittyNov 20 2014 at 414 pm

Rik Clay Read a lot of his work Fascinating His lsquosuicidersquo wasnrsquot it vigourously contested by his family and friends These people either commit lsquosuicide lsquo or die of a heart attack

Such a young vibrant man His work isnrsquot so prominent any more Ithink I may have to revisit him I think the road rage person may havebeen drinking Funny thing was my daughter was with me and shesaid before he went he turned his lights off Funny folks where I live Neighbour lol She is elderly I think a visit to the opticians is inorder I did point them out to some farmer friends a long time ago theydidnrsquot see either not what I was seeing certainly Maybe a differentperception

indigovioletNov 20 2014 at 445 pm

I read that his family have said that he did commit suicide but Idonrsquot knowhellip It was the day after his Red Ice Radio interviewand it was noted that he was in very good spirits at the time


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and looking forward enthusiastically to further researching Hewas buried on September 11th A lot of things didnrsquot add up atthe time (or did) But who knows

KittyNov 20 2014 at 453 pm

Must have got that wrong Irsquov been thinking of DavidKelly recently I saw a pic of Tony Blair and Kelly came tomind i was going to mention him to youThese things are very strange Indie his family may have been pressured or maybe suicidewas preferable to the thought of murder Rik Clay was so young and so bright and brave It takes guts to stand up and be counted Who knows true We probably never will

KittyNov 20 2014 at 559 pm

No I donrsquot either Peg I like to be fore warned as in fore armed The Vatican has made some rather startling statements as far as the



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alien agenda is concerned Love our alien brothers and sisters would we baptise them and callthem Christians The usual This has been going on for some time now and Clintonslittle bit of input was interesting too The Disclosure Project it justall adds up to an agenda leading to our furtherenslavement My answer to the question here should just have been a blunt NO Like you I feel it is all within usThe answers we need to everythingare all there Walking the walk is my preferred way too Your friend is blessed tohave you to guide her but itrsquos your love Peg that will really make animpact on her Your well is deep and so many draw upon it I readDavidrsquos post but havenrsquot said anything yet so I know you know what Imean Yoursquore full of love Peg and that is all that matters Hugs backand love XXX

LizaNov 20 2014 at 940 pm



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KittyNov 20 2014 at 1156 pm

Liza I thought I was going a bit crazy This was seriously bizarre Irsquov been thinking about this and maybe itrsquos to do withfrequency There are a lot if other strange phenomenon associated withchemtrailingI saw an orb flying alongside a plane that was obviouslylsquotrailing If my son hadnrsquot been with me at the time and saw it too Iwouldnrsquot have believed what I was seeing Irsquod love to know how many people actually canrsquot see thesethings It still makes me smile when I thinkabout it Neighbour now thinks Irsquom arsquo funny little thingrsquo

LizaNov 20 2014 at 941 pm



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JerseyCynicNov 19 2014 at 650 pm

Letrsquos ask the cathelliphttpwwwyoutubecomwatchv=jD4JhoOFzPg

will iamNov 19 2014 at 830 pm

Ha Remember this one httpswwwyoutubecomwatchv=5Us1ASENPwsampfeature=player_detailpage

JerseyCynicNov 19 2014 at 859 pm

Omg will do I remember this one Yes yes yes and Irsquove got abig toe permanently disfigured from a ldquoboogaloordquo contest toprove it Thanks for the painful memory Good times Thatnight I learned a valuable lesson hellipnever boogaloo barefoot ona crowded dance floor Good times




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pegNov 19 2014 at 832 pm

JC thank you so much for a huge dip belly laughnonononoonononononluvluvluvluv

HeatherNov 19 2014 at 801 pm

Buthellip they get mehellip they get ithellip they understandhellip whoa is me

No way in hell do I need assistance from some outside source that has alreadymet with our lsquoleadersrsquo and understands everything so well but lurks askingmy permission to come aboard I do appreciate the special touches of layingso much of our lsquofamilyrsquo BS out there for us to recap but I am not invitinganother lsquovampirersquo into the lsquohousersquo

JC ndash ha I love ya lady The cat was a special touch for sure ha ha




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Nov 20 2014 at 1130 am

ha I had not realized how sarcastic I was on this commenthellip I was stillfeeling the ldquogossip ladiesrdquo from my daughterrsquos martial arts earlier and Iwas quite sarcastic in lsquodealingrsquo with them Overflowhellip hee

No we are the oneshellip plain and simple

JerseyCynicNov 20 2014 at 133 pm

got that right HeatherldquoBanish the word lsquostrugglersquo from your attitude and yourvocabulary All that we do now must be done in a sacredmanner and in celebration We are the ones we have beenwaiting forrdquo mdash Hopi elders

KittyNov 20 2014 at 157 pm

Perfect JC and Heather lsquoWe are the ones we are waitingfor lsquoThat just about says it all really



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Much love to you both X X X

HeatherNov 20 2014 at 306 pm

Indeed Much love to you both and really big hugs

KittyNov 20 2014 at 323 pm

Huge hugs back X

will iamNov 19 2014 at 815 pm

ldquoThis my friends could be the most important message mankind has everreceivedhelliprdquo


ldquoBe proud of what you arerdquo (the army)



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ldquoBe proud of what you arerdquo (the army)

ldquoThe most important thing for us is that humankind would form a singlefamily before this ldquounknownrdquo we would representrdquo (politics as usual)

ldquoPeace does not mean simply not making war it consists in becoming whatyou collectively are in reality a fraternityrdquo helliphelliphellip Zeta Delta Con

OphiuchusNov 19 2014 at 911 pm

My heart intuition says that this is false and my subconscious shows me theWalter Von Braun message

NofolaloNov 20 2014 at 1056 am

Good thing about the Walter Von Braun message itrsquos their lsquolast card

majikNov 19 2014 at 1016 pm




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I agree This feels wrong

majikNov 19 2014 at 1022 pm

I do believe this is real Irsquove been following them since 06 Well my idea offollowing which is really doing what my mom called the ldquosniffrdquo test to see iftheir rotten I feel this message is real but subtlehttptomkenyoncomescalation-of-chaotic-nodes-and-the-dismantling-of-3-d-reality

John SmithNov 20 2014 at 321 am

there is no easy answer to this certainly humble human spirit would like toextend into presence and understand of life overall throughout wholeuniverse this unfortunately is not it

it appears as direction to admit that you are flawed to sort inner mess of thisworld with an outside force just like there is homophobia among differentgroups of humans it can also be understood as some kind of alien-phobiawithin various ldquoyesrdquo ldquonordquo groups and it should not be it



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so answer lingers most among reasons for yes and no and their validity

I for one am opposing this fancy questions and fancy landings we have needfor outside involvement since ever and it probably ever is done as we wantedit so it can be counted as intrusive with lack of honoring true demand truewish of yes or no

so this petition (seen it and commented it before) appears to be likejournalist duck sensationalist dilemma without true backing or honoringstand so I vouch no and think that entities just like us should come to thisworld ldquousualrdquo way just like we did for their mission of good or evil or elsejust like we all are fancy space ships in contact with tyrannical governmentsdecimating life and nature for power and profits are their real targetspopulation is to be in awe awaiting outside solution to inner turmoil samefor this world as in outside influence for internal misconduct I find Gaiastronger and I find myself with lesser worry so if our conscious plant calls it Id agree but it is left for someone to prove it as I see not Gaia agreeing on ourldquoworkrdquo let alone that of governments and industrial and their spaceconnections so until saw that nurturing me calling it this all dilemmas arelike chewing sawdust hard to find nutrition for human in it

JerseyCynicNov 20 2014 at 548 am

Letrsquos dancehellip (a slow one) to one of my favorite bedtime songs


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oh manhellipIrsquom a gonna start tearing up ndash I miss my babies

Come Take A Trip In My Airship (Remastered) ndash Natalie Merchanthttpwwwyoutubecomwatchv=GDL0GVZXjMI

arielNov 20 2014 at 726 am

Sod it guyshellipthe whole point is that WE CAN HANDLE IThelliphellipWe first have tolearn that our conditioned negativity is projected externally as lsquorealityrsquo(definitely lower case) My lsquoproblemrsquo is how do we get enough of youus intoNOW the inner awareness of the lsquomovement and the restrsquo as Kitty likes torefer to it which is the operating end of the universal life force whichexpands our perception limitlessly subject to the filters which prevent usdestroying the lsquobodiesrsquo with INTENSITY Irsquove met them some of themhelliphellipWearenrsquot SUDDENLY in an awful situationhelliphellipitrsquos fucking hystericallyhistoricalhellipbloody tourists most of the ones Irsquove methellipPot calling the kettleblack really because Irsquove done a bithelliphellipYou donrsquot invite the vampire inhelliphelliphellip

will iamNov 20 2014 at 1257 pm



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I hadnrsquot realized that now was something I needed to get into I wasunder the impression that now is wellhellipnow

I didnrsquot know that it was a separate something or other that dependedon quantity for its existence

I apologize in advance for contributing to your lsquoproblemrsquo so maybeyou can tell me (us) what wes need to be looking for so that on theoft chance it were to come by again wes can have some of it

VigilantibusNov 20 2014 at 751 am

This is another deception from MATRIXBeautiful words Things from New (C)ageIt is a TRAPHumanity falls like ducksWake Up

PamNov 20 2014 at 859 am

HeyhelliphelliphellipI want to see this onehellipBring it onhelliphelliprdquoYESrdquo



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ThomasNov 20 2014 at 906 am

The inorganic races are crafty Although they canrsquot lie to us they canmanipulate Once free will is exercised to join their ranks there is no turningback Can we at least wait until Black Friday and Cyber Monday are over

NofolaloNov 20 2014 at 1111 am

Here ya go Jerseyhelliphttpwwwyoutubecomwatchv=REHV8LERhPwhttpwwwyoutubecomwatchv=5PvGn75ibI4

JerseyCynicNov 20 2014 at 207 pm

Love it Nofolalo I used to know every word to the Flying PurplePeople Eater What a great goofy beat mdash just try to sit still listening




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People Eater What a great goofy beat mdash just try to sit still listeningto it mdash you canrsquot

I wish doo wop never died I grew up just after that

Also missed out on The Bristol Stomphttpwwwyoutubecomwatchv=XCOB5-E4P6Y (I canrsquot believe thesepeople are sitting in their seats)

oh herersquos a good one ndash The Bristol Stomp Dance Around the Worldhttpwwwyoutubecomwatchv=fIbkKxUD0Mst=106

alexNov 20 2014 at 208 pm


PatrickNov 20 2014 at 1113 am

The outside help is from withinhellipinside Free will is wonderful and it hascertainly no choiceshellipUse your intent so your help can help us all Weexchange our intent with the source everyday so we will certainly exchangehelp with benevolence every once in a while Use this positively whether its



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BS or not Love life guys

PeterNov 20 2014 at 535 pm

Following was posted Yeterday an was coming to my attention Some of you sure remember SIRIUS

Dr Steven Greer Dozens of Benevolent ET Species Are Here Eager to MakeContacthttpwwwriseearthcom201411dr-steven-greer-dozens-of-benevolent-ethtml

Itrsquos not the only Article that shows up but that was posted ( I think because ofthe Article we can read here posted) The NEW AGERS always again jump on that wagon and believe in suchchannelings

manNov 20 2014 at 550 pm

yeah itacutes been there for years now on the wwwyears ago i would have said YES STOP BY FOR TEA AND COOKIES



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but now i go HELL NO YOU BLOODY PARASITES suck yourself and bite thestellar dustread this kind of honeysweet friendly alien bullshit often enough- nothingbut mindcontrollitacutes for the kids crying for mama to save them for the ones that like to HOPEand leave EVOLUTION to someone elsethere is no outside saviouryou guys are right itacutes the vampires trying to get our permissioni always wondered why they would need ithellip do they really care for karmathen what about the cheatwhatever- i suppose zen just put it here as a test and a provovation to stir adiscussionheacutes not one of the i-hope-someoneacutes-gonna-save-meacutes more a get-your-sweet-ass-going-guywhat a clever bastard you are zen

JerseyCynicNov 21 2014 at 308 pm

spot on man Google is behind it I do believe

from 2007httpswwwyoutubecomwatchv=-K8ADMzz46c a CGI of a womanreading half of this message and at the end ldquoyou must read the rest ofthe message at google or yahoo search google with the quote marks


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and now that google and nasa have partnered up It wouldnrsquot surpriseme if some day soon we started to see holographic airships here andthere with Ray Kurzweil as their Director of Engineering mdash anythinggoeshttptechcrunchcom20141110google-moffett-airfield-nasa

do know evil my ass

LizaNov 20 2014 at 1011 pm

But donrsquot give it all the credit Intriguing concepts Deception

Free will Yes it is within Never to be coughed up handed over Thecomments on the source site show a lot of naivtersquo Humans by nature look toconnecting as strengthening (Help) The more to have wins It is Not soLooking to another is not the way to go

This site inhabits lots of free thinkers

The only thing I would give my freewill over to is Peace amp Justice It doesexist In the heartmind Too bad the heart is so badly broken

Perhaps the only way to save a planet is with the allone mindset of all itsinhabitants simutaneously If that could be achieved Everybodyrsquos mind set


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on the collective The whole It could happen it is happening Maybe we justhave to let go of this dimension Canrsquot sustain it Donrsquot knowWell itrsquos all Bullshit anyway

hashishiNov 21 2014 at 751 am

ldquoFree will Yes it is within Never to be coughed up handed over rdquo

The most simple profound and beautiful truth It always does me goodto see a wonderful unencumbered spirit reflecting the same greattruth back at me

Dr Paula-Noel MacfieNov 21 2014 at 133 am

Liza we are all already connected and online through indigenous mind ourAncestors We never ldquoleftrdquohellipour minds have been so colonized that we forgotwho we are and where we come from The connection is still there just awhole lotta dissociation in between to navigate through




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arielNov 21 2014 at 725 am

HEY KITTYhelliprsquoWe are the parents our children have warned us abouthelliprsquo isnrsquot it

arielNov 21 2014 at 726 am

Or is it our greatgrand descendants

KittyNov 21 2014 at 319 pm


hashishiNov 21 2014 at 808 am

Oh hai VALIS Good game good game lsquoAliensrsquo Like it But er no thanks




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Oh hai VALIS Good game good game lsquoAliensrsquo Like it But er no thanks

AlteaNov 21 2014 at 554 pm

We are the ETrsquos we have been waiting for

manNov 21 2014 at 620 pm

what a weird place this world is indeedwhere reality is stranger than fictiongood to have a heart

vibra amor

StarDustNov 27 2014 at 900 pm

Why you need thousands of ships one is not enough Come in peace like




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you say and all the humans will open their arms and hug you






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huge repercussions for your future

Much knowledge would be modified forever The organization of yoursocieties would be deeply upheaved forever in all fields of activity

Power would become individual because you would see for yourselfthat we exist as living beings not accepting or rejecting that fact onthe word of any external authority Concretely you would change thescale of your values

The most important thing for us is that humankind would form a singlefamily before this ldquounknownrdquo we would represent

Danger would slowly melt away from your homes because you wouldindirectly force the undesirable ones those we name the ldquothird partyrdquoto show up and vanish You would all bear the same name and sharethe same roots Mankind

Later on peaceful and respectful exchanges would be thus possible ifsuch is your wish For now he who is hungry cannot smile he who isfearful cannot welcome us

We are sad to see men women and children suffering to such adegree in their flesh and in their hearts when they bear such an innerlight This light can be your future


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arcadia11Nov 19 2014 at 509 pm

no not by any stretch of reason or imagination the dangerous deceptivenew age is over no matter how compelling the disguise

donrsquot take the bait donrsquot turn all life over to something outside of yourselvesthis is the way government works problem-reaction-solution when it getsbad enough and for all the world seems as if there is no other way manyotherwise intelligent people will yell lsquoyes help usrsquo

and itrsquos game over


surprised to find this article here

Crystal MoonNov 19 2014 at 539 pm

ldquoYou entrust your problems to representatives whose awareness of commonwell being inexorably fades away before corporatist interests rdquo

That certainly says it


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Dr Paula-Noel MacfieNov 19 2014 at 550 pm

This seems like a human being dissociated from genetic memory of Ancestors

alexNov 19 2014 at 554 pm

Hmmmmmhellipsoftening us up for Project Blue Beamhellipreads as if it wasformatteddictated thru an AI lsquochannelerrsquohellipseeking our permissionhellipsoundslike satanic protocol to me (lol)helliporhellipirsquom getting waaaaaaay tooooo cynicalin my old age hahahahellipcheers

KittyNov 19 2014 at 601 pm

No Alex had exactly the same thoughts too Project Blue Beam back again helliphellip Lol





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alexNov 19 2014 at 605 pm


KittyNov 19 2014 at 609 pm

branewaiverNov 19 2014 at 750 pm

I agree Alex and Kitty this is too pat not to mention a littlepatronizing Doesnrsquot pass the sniff test Letrsquos get those awarefuckers with their own desires Game over





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indigovioletNov 20 2014 at 212 pm

Project Bluebeamhellip I had the same thought The words interest thebrain (slightly) but donrsquot reach the heart

KittyNov 20 2014 at 226 pm

I think thatrsquos a good way to describe it Indie Blue Beam seemsto have gone a bit quiet recently and I just thought UhhhOhhhhBlue Beam has returned Irsquom wondering if wersquoll get more of this I think it cyclesChristmas is always a good time for revelations not sure if weare quite there yet

indigovioletNov 20 2014 at 244 pm

Yes and the lsquoaliensrsquo could always say they achieved aconsensus and we would be none the wiser just like



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with the vote (rigging) system

KittyNov 20 2014 at 319 pm

Indie I have to ask you this I was recently roadraged by someone driving so close to me Icouldnrsquot see his head lights It lasted for miles I reacted in absolutely the wrong way dideverything wrong Scared myself silly I really surprised myself I feltso stupid It made me think If something did happen out of the blue like sayBlue Beam how drsquoyou think you would react Would we as people who may consider ourselvesfairly aware be able to see what was happening I gave a neighbour a lift today Sunny warmish but the sky was covered withseriously hugersquo trailsI pointed and said something on the lines of wowlook at those She didnrsquot see them Indie not one as in reallycouldnrsquot see them


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It was so surreal I stopped the car and pointedbut still didnrsquot even register So is this lsquo spiritual lsquo physical mental Very strange experience

indigovioletNov 20 2014 at 356 pm

Strange Kittyhellip

A few years ago I started read the work Rik Clayregarding a planned fake alien invasion and thelater statement from Wernher von Braun on hisdeathbed reinforced what I thought After readingRikrsquos work (and you will probably know that hewas more-than-likely suicided at 26 just as hewas getting into all this) I decided there and thenthat any talk of an alien invasion going forwardwould be dismissed as fake by me howevercompelling When you have felt the truth in alucid moment you just have to stand yourground

We donrsquot know how we will react to a situationuntil we are in it as you saw when the bizarreand frightening road-rage incident took place ndash

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not that you had any room for manoeuvre if hewas right on your tail like that Very ScaryAlmost black ops- like

I donrsquot understand why your neighbour didnrsquot seethe chemtrails Maybe you should have driven herto the opticians Doesnrsquot make sense does itEverybody who I have pointed them out to hasseen them

pegNov 20 2014 at 450 pm

Kitty got this link from a girlfriend yesterday afternoonBless her heart She is a lovely spirit mdashndash Yep your rightitrsquos going around This was sent out on the internet onthe 18th and she thought it needed to be sent to me asldquoGood NewsrdquoHere is what was senthttppaowebcomsn111814htmIt comes from Sheldon Nidle



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Nov 20 2014 at 507 pm

Wow Peg Thanks for this It is cyclical Isometimes get this kind of thing but itrsquos been solong I canrsquot remember the last time Irsquoll have a good look at this one I actually like tosee this kind if thingSo the question is whatrsquos cooking if anything Well have to watch and wait

pegNov 20 2014 at 536 pm

Kitty I do not think any of this from anythinggood actually Everything inside speaks ndash ndash errorndash ndash error I stand with the help is us mdash- in us mdash-we just should find out who we really are In myheart knowing mdash- itrsquos infinityEven the pope is getting people ready for this mdash-what does that say Clinton not long ago onsome program etc etc Nope this being isstaying away from this None of them have mypermission to fix anything Our consciousness ampresonance will take care of things needed We areoneBy the way I didnrsquot finish reading the material

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she sent I just canrsquot Love her dearly and will beseeing her on Sunday She has began looking atmaterial on meditation by just listening to herbreathing Cannot change what others do orbelieve with teachings but only by my walkingand being Itrsquos all about consciousness and I knowyou know that Hugs

LizaNov 20 2014 at 939 pm

wow Kitty that is strange that she just couldnrsquotsee the chemtrailshellip

JerseyCynicNov 19 2014 at 646 pm

Is this a gullibility testYES YES YES (I am doing it using a humorous tone cause that helps me)httpwwwyoutubecomwatchv=O6VUMGO3hCs

Irsquom pretty gullible (getting better) This doesnrsquot sit well with meldquoBeing aware of the priceless value of free will we are inviting you to analternativerdquo

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No thanks

ldquoYour individual decision of asking in your inner self that we show up onyour material plane and in broad daylight is precious and essential to usrdquo

I do go out on the deck every night though (2am ndash 4am) and ask the starbeings to visit me No luck yet (as best as I can remember)

Gee mdash I wonder why SNOPES hasnrsquot taken this one onhelliphellipDOH

OK OK ndash here we go mdash I found the source mdash Itrsquos a cute blonde that must workin Googlersquos marketing departmenthelliphellip those evil bastardsldquoDO YOU WISH THAT WE SHOW UP rdquo from 2006httpwwwyoutubecomwatchv=-K8ADMzz46c

well that didnrsquot take long ndash sorry to burst any bubbles

OphiuchusNov 19 2014 at 920 pm

As soon as I hear the ldquohumanrdquo false paradigm ldquoevolutionrdquo it sends upan immediate red flag to me It is the false assumption that we startdumb and become something better rather than the parasiticdummening of an already highly advanced sentient form of lifeEvolution to me reeks of the linear false time paradigm



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KittyNov 20 2014 at 414 pm

Rik Clay Read a lot of his work Fascinating His lsquosuicidersquo wasnrsquot it vigourously contested by his family and friends These people either commit lsquosuicide lsquo or die of a heart attack

Such a young vibrant man His work isnrsquot so prominent any more Ithink I may have to revisit him I think the road rage person may havebeen drinking Funny thing was my daughter was with me and shesaid before he went he turned his lights off Funny folks where I live Neighbour lol She is elderly I think a visit to the opticians is inorder I did point them out to some farmer friends a long time ago theydidnrsquot see either not what I was seeing certainly Maybe a differentperception

indigovioletNov 20 2014 at 445 pm

I read that his family have said that he did commit suicide but Idonrsquot knowhellip It was the day after his Red Ice Radio interviewand it was noted that he was in very good spirits at the time


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and looking forward enthusiastically to further researching Hewas buried on September 11th A lot of things didnrsquot add up atthe time (or did) But who knows

KittyNov 20 2014 at 453 pm

Must have got that wrong Irsquov been thinking of DavidKelly recently I saw a pic of Tony Blair and Kelly came tomind i was going to mention him to youThese things are very strange Indie his family may have been pressured or maybe suicidewas preferable to the thought of murder Rik Clay was so young and so bright and brave It takes guts to stand up and be counted Who knows true We probably never will

KittyNov 20 2014 at 559 pm

No I donrsquot either Peg I like to be fore warned as in fore armed The Vatican has made some rather startling statements as far as the



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alien agenda is concerned Love our alien brothers and sisters would we baptise them and callthem Christians The usual This has been going on for some time now and Clintonslittle bit of input was interesting too The Disclosure Project it justall adds up to an agenda leading to our furtherenslavement My answer to the question here should just have been a blunt NO Like you I feel it is all within usThe answers we need to everythingare all there Walking the walk is my preferred way too Your friend is blessed tohave you to guide her but itrsquos your love Peg that will really make animpact on her Your well is deep and so many draw upon it I readDavidrsquos post but havenrsquot said anything yet so I know you know what Imean Yoursquore full of love Peg and that is all that matters Hugs backand love XXX

LizaNov 20 2014 at 940 pm



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KittyNov 20 2014 at 1156 pm

Liza I thought I was going a bit crazy This was seriously bizarre Irsquov been thinking about this and maybe itrsquos to do withfrequency There are a lot if other strange phenomenon associated withchemtrailingI saw an orb flying alongside a plane that was obviouslylsquotrailing If my son hadnrsquot been with me at the time and saw it too Iwouldnrsquot have believed what I was seeing Irsquod love to know how many people actually canrsquot see thesethings It still makes me smile when I thinkabout it Neighbour now thinks Irsquom arsquo funny little thingrsquo

LizaNov 20 2014 at 941 pm



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JerseyCynicNov 19 2014 at 650 pm

Letrsquos ask the cathelliphttpwwwyoutubecomwatchv=jD4JhoOFzPg

will iamNov 19 2014 at 830 pm

Ha Remember this one httpswwwyoutubecomwatchv=5Us1ASENPwsampfeature=player_detailpage

JerseyCynicNov 19 2014 at 859 pm

Omg will do I remember this one Yes yes yes and Irsquove got abig toe permanently disfigured from a ldquoboogaloordquo contest toprove it Thanks for the painful memory Good times Thatnight I learned a valuable lesson hellipnever boogaloo barefoot ona crowded dance floor Good times




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pegNov 19 2014 at 832 pm

JC thank you so much for a huge dip belly laughnonononoonononononluvluvluvluv

HeatherNov 19 2014 at 801 pm

Buthellip they get mehellip they get ithellip they understandhellip whoa is me

No way in hell do I need assistance from some outside source that has alreadymet with our lsquoleadersrsquo and understands everything so well but lurks askingmy permission to come aboard I do appreciate the special touches of layingso much of our lsquofamilyrsquo BS out there for us to recap but I am not invitinganother lsquovampirersquo into the lsquohousersquo

JC ndash ha I love ya lady The cat was a special touch for sure ha ha




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Nov 20 2014 at 1130 am

ha I had not realized how sarcastic I was on this commenthellip I was stillfeeling the ldquogossip ladiesrdquo from my daughterrsquos martial arts earlier and Iwas quite sarcastic in lsquodealingrsquo with them Overflowhellip hee

No we are the oneshellip plain and simple

JerseyCynicNov 20 2014 at 133 pm

got that right HeatherldquoBanish the word lsquostrugglersquo from your attitude and yourvocabulary All that we do now must be done in a sacredmanner and in celebration We are the ones we have beenwaiting forrdquo mdash Hopi elders

KittyNov 20 2014 at 157 pm

Perfect JC and Heather lsquoWe are the ones we are waitingfor lsquoThat just about says it all really



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Much love to you both X X X

HeatherNov 20 2014 at 306 pm

Indeed Much love to you both and really big hugs

KittyNov 20 2014 at 323 pm

Huge hugs back X

will iamNov 19 2014 at 815 pm

ldquoThis my friends could be the most important message mankind has everreceivedhelliprdquo


ldquoBe proud of what you arerdquo (the army)



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ldquoBe proud of what you arerdquo (the army)

ldquoThe most important thing for us is that humankind would form a singlefamily before this ldquounknownrdquo we would representrdquo (politics as usual)

ldquoPeace does not mean simply not making war it consists in becoming whatyou collectively are in reality a fraternityrdquo helliphelliphellip Zeta Delta Con

OphiuchusNov 19 2014 at 911 pm

My heart intuition says that this is false and my subconscious shows me theWalter Von Braun message

NofolaloNov 20 2014 at 1056 am

Good thing about the Walter Von Braun message itrsquos their lsquolast card

majikNov 19 2014 at 1016 pm




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I agree This feels wrong

majikNov 19 2014 at 1022 pm

I do believe this is real Irsquove been following them since 06 Well my idea offollowing which is really doing what my mom called the ldquosniffrdquo test to see iftheir rotten I feel this message is real but subtlehttptomkenyoncomescalation-of-chaotic-nodes-and-the-dismantling-of-3-d-reality

John SmithNov 20 2014 at 321 am

there is no easy answer to this certainly humble human spirit would like toextend into presence and understand of life overall throughout wholeuniverse this unfortunately is not it

it appears as direction to admit that you are flawed to sort inner mess of thisworld with an outside force just like there is homophobia among differentgroups of humans it can also be understood as some kind of alien-phobiawithin various ldquoyesrdquo ldquonordquo groups and it should not be it



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so answer lingers most among reasons for yes and no and their validity

I for one am opposing this fancy questions and fancy landings we have needfor outside involvement since ever and it probably ever is done as we wantedit so it can be counted as intrusive with lack of honoring true demand truewish of yes or no

so this petition (seen it and commented it before) appears to be likejournalist duck sensationalist dilemma without true backing or honoringstand so I vouch no and think that entities just like us should come to thisworld ldquousualrdquo way just like we did for their mission of good or evil or elsejust like we all are fancy space ships in contact with tyrannical governmentsdecimating life and nature for power and profits are their real targetspopulation is to be in awe awaiting outside solution to inner turmoil samefor this world as in outside influence for internal misconduct I find Gaiastronger and I find myself with lesser worry so if our conscious plant calls it Id agree but it is left for someone to prove it as I see not Gaia agreeing on ourldquoworkrdquo let alone that of governments and industrial and their spaceconnections so until saw that nurturing me calling it this all dilemmas arelike chewing sawdust hard to find nutrition for human in it

JerseyCynicNov 20 2014 at 548 am

Letrsquos dancehellip (a slow one) to one of my favorite bedtime songs


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oh manhellipIrsquom a gonna start tearing up ndash I miss my babies

Come Take A Trip In My Airship (Remastered) ndash Natalie Merchanthttpwwwyoutubecomwatchv=GDL0GVZXjMI

arielNov 20 2014 at 726 am

Sod it guyshellipthe whole point is that WE CAN HANDLE IThelliphellipWe first have tolearn that our conditioned negativity is projected externally as lsquorealityrsquo(definitely lower case) My lsquoproblemrsquo is how do we get enough of youus intoNOW the inner awareness of the lsquomovement and the restrsquo as Kitty likes torefer to it which is the operating end of the universal life force whichexpands our perception limitlessly subject to the filters which prevent usdestroying the lsquobodiesrsquo with INTENSITY Irsquove met them some of themhelliphellipWearenrsquot SUDDENLY in an awful situationhelliphellipitrsquos fucking hystericallyhistoricalhellipbloody tourists most of the ones Irsquove methellipPot calling the kettleblack really because Irsquove done a bithelliphellipYou donrsquot invite the vampire inhelliphelliphellip

will iamNov 20 2014 at 1257 pm



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I hadnrsquot realized that now was something I needed to get into I wasunder the impression that now is wellhellipnow

I didnrsquot know that it was a separate something or other that dependedon quantity for its existence

I apologize in advance for contributing to your lsquoproblemrsquo so maybeyou can tell me (us) what wes need to be looking for so that on theoft chance it were to come by again wes can have some of it

VigilantibusNov 20 2014 at 751 am

This is another deception from MATRIXBeautiful words Things from New (C)ageIt is a TRAPHumanity falls like ducksWake Up

PamNov 20 2014 at 859 am

HeyhelliphelliphellipI want to see this onehellipBring it onhelliphelliprdquoYESrdquo



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ThomasNov 20 2014 at 906 am

The inorganic races are crafty Although they canrsquot lie to us they canmanipulate Once free will is exercised to join their ranks there is no turningback Can we at least wait until Black Friday and Cyber Monday are over

NofolaloNov 20 2014 at 1111 am

Here ya go Jerseyhelliphttpwwwyoutubecomwatchv=REHV8LERhPwhttpwwwyoutubecomwatchv=5PvGn75ibI4

JerseyCynicNov 20 2014 at 207 pm

Love it Nofolalo I used to know every word to the Flying PurplePeople Eater What a great goofy beat mdash just try to sit still listening




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People Eater What a great goofy beat mdash just try to sit still listeningto it mdash you canrsquot

I wish doo wop never died I grew up just after that

Also missed out on The Bristol Stomphttpwwwyoutubecomwatchv=XCOB5-E4P6Y (I canrsquot believe thesepeople are sitting in their seats)

oh herersquos a good one ndash The Bristol Stomp Dance Around the Worldhttpwwwyoutubecomwatchv=fIbkKxUD0Mst=106

alexNov 20 2014 at 208 pm


PatrickNov 20 2014 at 1113 am

The outside help is from withinhellipinside Free will is wonderful and it hascertainly no choiceshellipUse your intent so your help can help us all Weexchange our intent with the source everyday so we will certainly exchangehelp with benevolence every once in a while Use this positively whether its



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BS or not Love life guys

PeterNov 20 2014 at 535 pm

Following was posted Yeterday an was coming to my attention Some of you sure remember SIRIUS

Dr Steven Greer Dozens of Benevolent ET Species Are Here Eager to MakeContacthttpwwwriseearthcom201411dr-steven-greer-dozens-of-benevolent-ethtml

Itrsquos not the only Article that shows up but that was posted ( I think because ofthe Article we can read here posted) The NEW AGERS always again jump on that wagon and believe in suchchannelings

manNov 20 2014 at 550 pm

yeah itacutes been there for years now on the wwwyears ago i would have said YES STOP BY FOR TEA AND COOKIES



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but now i go HELL NO YOU BLOODY PARASITES suck yourself and bite thestellar dustread this kind of honeysweet friendly alien bullshit often enough- nothingbut mindcontrollitacutes for the kids crying for mama to save them for the ones that like to HOPEand leave EVOLUTION to someone elsethere is no outside saviouryou guys are right itacutes the vampires trying to get our permissioni always wondered why they would need ithellip do they really care for karmathen what about the cheatwhatever- i suppose zen just put it here as a test and a provovation to stir adiscussionheacutes not one of the i-hope-someoneacutes-gonna-save-meacutes more a get-your-sweet-ass-going-guywhat a clever bastard you are zen

JerseyCynicNov 21 2014 at 308 pm

spot on man Google is behind it I do believe

from 2007httpswwwyoutubecomwatchv=-K8ADMzz46c a CGI of a womanreading half of this message and at the end ldquoyou must read the rest ofthe message at google or yahoo search google with the quote marks


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and now that google and nasa have partnered up It wouldnrsquot surpriseme if some day soon we started to see holographic airships here andthere with Ray Kurzweil as their Director of Engineering mdash anythinggoeshttptechcrunchcom20141110google-moffett-airfield-nasa

do know evil my ass

LizaNov 20 2014 at 1011 pm

But donrsquot give it all the credit Intriguing concepts Deception

Free will Yes it is within Never to be coughed up handed over Thecomments on the source site show a lot of naivtersquo Humans by nature look toconnecting as strengthening (Help) The more to have wins It is Not soLooking to another is not the way to go

This site inhabits lots of free thinkers

The only thing I would give my freewill over to is Peace amp Justice It doesexist In the heartmind Too bad the heart is so badly broken

Perhaps the only way to save a planet is with the allone mindset of all itsinhabitants simutaneously If that could be achieved Everybodyrsquos mind set


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on the collective The whole It could happen it is happening Maybe we justhave to let go of this dimension Canrsquot sustain it Donrsquot knowWell itrsquos all Bullshit anyway

hashishiNov 21 2014 at 751 am

ldquoFree will Yes it is within Never to be coughed up handed over rdquo

The most simple profound and beautiful truth It always does me goodto see a wonderful unencumbered spirit reflecting the same greattruth back at me

Dr Paula-Noel MacfieNov 21 2014 at 133 am

Liza we are all already connected and online through indigenous mind ourAncestors We never ldquoleftrdquohellipour minds have been so colonized that we forgotwho we are and where we come from The connection is still there just awhole lotta dissociation in between to navigate through




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arielNov 21 2014 at 725 am

HEY KITTYhelliprsquoWe are the parents our children have warned us abouthelliprsquo isnrsquot it

arielNov 21 2014 at 726 am

Or is it our greatgrand descendants

KittyNov 21 2014 at 319 pm


hashishiNov 21 2014 at 808 am

Oh hai VALIS Good game good game lsquoAliensrsquo Like it But er no thanks




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Oh hai VALIS Good game good game lsquoAliensrsquo Like it But er no thanks

AlteaNov 21 2014 at 554 pm

We are the ETrsquos we have been waiting for

manNov 21 2014 at 620 pm

what a weird place this world is indeedwhere reality is stranger than fictiongood to have a heart

vibra amor

StarDustNov 27 2014 at 900 pm

Why you need thousands of ships one is not enough Come in peace like




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you say and all the humans will open their arms and hug you






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arcadia11Nov 19 2014 at 509 pm

no not by any stretch of reason or imagination the dangerous deceptivenew age is over no matter how compelling the disguise

donrsquot take the bait donrsquot turn all life over to something outside of yourselvesthis is the way government works problem-reaction-solution when it getsbad enough and for all the world seems as if there is no other way manyotherwise intelligent people will yell lsquoyes help usrsquo

and itrsquos game over


surprised to find this article here

Crystal MoonNov 19 2014 at 539 pm

ldquoYou entrust your problems to representatives whose awareness of commonwell being inexorably fades away before corporatist interests rdquo

That certainly says it


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Dr Paula-Noel MacfieNov 19 2014 at 550 pm

This seems like a human being dissociated from genetic memory of Ancestors

alexNov 19 2014 at 554 pm

Hmmmmmhellipsoftening us up for Project Blue Beamhellipreads as if it wasformatteddictated thru an AI lsquochannelerrsquohellipseeking our permissionhellipsoundslike satanic protocol to me (lol)helliporhellipirsquom getting waaaaaaay tooooo cynicalin my old age hahahahellipcheers

KittyNov 19 2014 at 601 pm

No Alex had exactly the same thoughts too Project Blue Beam back again helliphellip Lol





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alexNov 19 2014 at 605 pm


KittyNov 19 2014 at 609 pm

branewaiverNov 19 2014 at 750 pm

I agree Alex and Kitty this is too pat not to mention a littlepatronizing Doesnrsquot pass the sniff test Letrsquos get those awarefuckers with their own desires Game over





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indigovioletNov 20 2014 at 212 pm

Project Bluebeamhellip I had the same thought The words interest thebrain (slightly) but donrsquot reach the heart

KittyNov 20 2014 at 226 pm

I think thatrsquos a good way to describe it Indie Blue Beam seemsto have gone a bit quiet recently and I just thought UhhhOhhhhBlue Beam has returned Irsquom wondering if wersquoll get more of this I think it cyclesChristmas is always a good time for revelations not sure if weare quite there yet

indigovioletNov 20 2014 at 244 pm

Yes and the lsquoaliensrsquo could always say they achieved aconsensus and we would be none the wiser just like



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with the vote (rigging) system

KittyNov 20 2014 at 319 pm

Indie I have to ask you this I was recently roadraged by someone driving so close to me Icouldnrsquot see his head lights It lasted for miles I reacted in absolutely the wrong way dideverything wrong Scared myself silly I really surprised myself I feltso stupid It made me think If something did happen out of the blue like sayBlue Beam how drsquoyou think you would react Would we as people who may consider ourselvesfairly aware be able to see what was happening I gave a neighbour a lift today Sunny warmish but the sky was covered withseriously hugersquo trailsI pointed and said something on the lines of wowlook at those She didnrsquot see them Indie not one as in reallycouldnrsquot see them


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It was so surreal I stopped the car and pointedbut still didnrsquot even register So is this lsquo spiritual lsquo physical mental Very strange experience

indigovioletNov 20 2014 at 356 pm

Strange Kittyhellip

A few years ago I started read the work Rik Clayregarding a planned fake alien invasion and thelater statement from Wernher von Braun on hisdeathbed reinforced what I thought After readingRikrsquos work (and you will probably know that hewas more-than-likely suicided at 26 just as hewas getting into all this) I decided there and thenthat any talk of an alien invasion going forwardwould be dismissed as fake by me howevercompelling When you have felt the truth in alucid moment you just have to stand yourground

We donrsquot know how we will react to a situationuntil we are in it as you saw when the bizarreand frightening road-rage incident took place ndash

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not that you had any room for manoeuvre if hewas right on your tail like that Very ScaryAlmost black ops- like

I donrsquot understand why your neighbour didnrsquot seethe chemtrails Maybe you should have driven herto the opticians Doesnrsquot make sense does itEverybody who I have pointed them out to hasseen them

pegNov 20 2014 at 450 pm

Kitty got this link from a girlfriend yesterday afternoonBless her heart She is a lovely spirit mdashndash Yep your rightitrsquos going around This was sent out on the internet onthe 18th and she thought it needed to be sent to me asldquoGood NewsrdquoHere is what was senthttppaowebcomsn111814htmIt comes from Sheldon Nidle



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Nov 20 2014 at 507 pm

Wow Peg Thanks for this It is cyclical Isometimes get this kind of thing but itrsquos been solong I canrsquot remember the last time Irsquoll have a good look at this one I actually like tosee this kind if thingSo the question is whatrsquos cooking if anything Well have to watch and wait

pegNov 20 2014 at 536 pm

Kitty I do not think any of this from anythinggood actually Everything inside speaks ndash ndash errorndash ndash error I stand with the help is us mdash- in us mdash-we just should find out who we really are In myheart knowing mdash- itrsquos infinityEven the pope is getting people ready for this mdash-what does that say Clinton not long ago onsome program etc etc Nope this being isstaying away from this None of them have mypermission to fix anything Our consciousness ampresonance will take care of things needed We areoneBy the way I didnrsquot finish reading the material

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she sent I just canrsquot Love her dearly and will beseeing her on Sunday She has began looking atmaterial on meditation by just listening to herbreathing Cannot change what others do orbelieve with teachings but only by my walkingand being Itrsquos all about consciousness and I knowyou know that Hugs

LizaNov 20 2014 at 939 pm

wow Kitty that is strange that she just couldnrsquotsee the chemtrailshellip

JerseyCynicNov 19 2014 at 646 pm

Is this a gullibility testYES YES YES (I am doing it using a humorous tone cause that helps me)httpwwwyoutubecomwatchv=O6VUMGO3hCs

Irsquom pretty gullible (getting better) This doesnrsquot sit well with meldquoBeing aware of the priceless value of free will we are inviting you to analternativerdquo

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No thanks

ldquoYour individual decision of asking in your inner self that we show up onyour material plane and in broad daylight is precious and essential to usrdquo

I do go out on the deck every night though (2am ndash 4am) and ask the starbeings to visit me No luck yet (as best as I can remember)

Gee mdash I wonder why SNOPES hasnrsquot taken this one onhelliphellipDOH

OK OK ndash here we go mdash I found the source mdash Itrsquos a cute blonde that must workin Googlersquos marketing departmenthelliphellip those evil bastardsldquoDO YOU WISH THAT WE SHOW UP rdquo from 2006httpwwwyoutubecomwatchv=-K8ADMzz46c

well that didnrsquot take long ndash sorry to burst any bubbles

OphiuchusNov 19 2014 at 920 pm

As soon as I hear the ldquohumanrdquo false paradigm ldquoevolutionrdquo it sends upan immediate red flag to me It is the false assumption that we startdumb and become something better rather than the parasiticdummening of an already highly advanced sentient form of lifeEvolution to me reeks of the linear false time paradigm



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KittyNov 20 2014 at 414 pm

Rik Clay Read a lot of his work Fascinating His lsquosuicidersquo wasnrsquot it vigourously contested by his family and friends These people either commit lsquosuicide lsquo or die of a heart attack

Such a young vibrant man His work isnrsquot so prominent any more Ithink I may have to revisit him I think the road rage person may havebeen drinking Funny thing was my daughter was with me and shesaid before he went he turned his lights off Funny folks where I live Neighbour lol She is elderly I think a visit to the opticians is inorder I did point them out to some farmer friends a long time ago theydidnrsquot see either not what I was seeing certainly Maybe a differentperception

indigovioletNov 20 2014 at 445 pm

I read that his family have said that he did commit suicide but Idonrsquot knowhellip It was the day after his Red Ice Radio interviewand it was noted that he was in very good spirits at the time


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and looking forward enthusiastically to further researching Hewas buried on September 11th A lot of things didnrsquot add up atthe time (or did) But who knows

KittyNov 20 2014 at 453 pm

Must have got that wrong Irsquov been thinking of DavidKelly recently I saw a pic of Tony Blair and Kelly came tomind i was going to mention him to youThese things are very strange Indie his family may have been pressured or maybe suicidewas preferable to the thought of murder Rik Clay was so young and so bright and brave It takes guts to stand up and be counted Who knows true We probably never will

KittyNov 20 2014 at 559 pm

No I donrsquot either Peg I like to be fore warned as in fore armed The Vatican has made some rather startling statements as far as the



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alien agenda is concerned Love our alien brothers and sisters would we baptise them and callthem Christians The usual This has been going on for some time now and Clintonslittle bit of input was interesting too The Disclosure Project it justall adds up to an agenda leading to our furtherenslavement My answer to the question here should just have been a blunt NO Like you I feel it is all within usThe answers we need to everythingare all there Walking the walk is my preferred way too Your friend is blessed tohave you to guide her but itrsquos your love Peg that will really make animpact on her Your well is deep and so many draw upon it I readDavidrsquos post but havenrsquot said anything yet so I know you know what Imean Yoursquore full of love Peg and that is all that matters Hugs backand love XXX

LizaNov 20 2014 at 940 pm



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KittyNov 20 2014 at 1156 pm

Liza I thought I was going a bit crazy This was seriously bizarre Irsquov been thinking about this and maybe itrsquos to do withfrequency There are a lot if other strange phenomenon associated withchemtrailingI saw an orb flying alongside a plane that was obviouslylsquotrailing If my son hadnrsquot been with me at the time and saw it too Iwouldnrsquot have believed what I was seeing Irsquod love to know how many people actually canrsquot see thesethings It still makes me smile when I thinkabout it Neighbour now thinks Irsquom arsquo funny little thingrsquo

LizaNov 20 2014 at 941 pm



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JerseyCynicNov 19 2014 at 650 pm

Letrsquos ask the cathelliphttpwwwyoutubecomwatchv=jD4JhoOFzPg

will iamNov 19 2014 at 830 pm

Ha Remember this one httpswwwyoutubecomwatchv=5Us1ASENPwsampfeature=player_detailpage

JerseyCynicNov 19 2014 at 859 pm

Omg will do I remember this one Yes yes yes and Irsquove got abig toe permanently disfigured from a ldquoboogaloordquo contest toprove it Thanks for the painful memory Good times Thatnight I learned a valuable lesson hellipnever boogaloo barefoot ona crowded dance floor Good times




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pegNov 19 2014 at 832 pm

JC thank you so much for a huge dip belly laughnonononoonononononluvluvluvluv

HeatherNov 19 2014 at 801 pm

Buthellip they get mehellip they get ithellip they understandhellip whoa is me

No way in hell do I need assistance from some outside source that has alreadymet with our lsquoleadersrsquo and understands everything so well but lurks askingmy permission to come aboard I do appreciate the special touches of layingso much of our lsquofamilyrsquo BS out there for us to recap but I am not invitinganother lsquovampirersquo into the lsquohousersquo

JC ndash ha I love ya lady The cat was a special touch for sure ha ha




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Nov 20 2014 at 1130 am

ha I had not realized how sarcastic I was on this commenthellip I was stillfeeling the ldquogossip ladiesrdquo from my daughterrsquos martial arts earlier and Iwas quite sarcastic in lsquodealingrsquo with them Overflowhellip hee

No we are the oneshellip plain and simple

JerseyCynicNov 20 2014 at 133 pm

got that right HeatherldquoBanish the word lsquostrugglersquo from your attitude and yourvocabulary All that we do now must be done in a sacredmanner and in celebration We are the ones we have beenwaiting forrdquo mdash Hopi elders

KittyNov 20 2014 at 157 pm

Perfect JC and Heather lsquoWe are the ones we are waitingfor lsquoThat just about says it all really



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Much love to you both X X X

HeatherNov 20 2014 at 306 pm

Indeed Much love to you both and really big hugs

KittyNov 20 2014 at 323 pm

Huge hugs back X

will iamNov 19 2014 at 815 pm

ldquoThis my friends could be the most important message mankind has everreceivedhelliprdquo


ldquoBe proud of what you arerdquo (the army)



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ldquoBe proud of what you arerdquo (the army)

ldquoThe most important thing for us is that humankind would form a singlefamily before this ldquounknownrdquo we would representrdquo (politics as usual)

ldquoPeace does not mean simply not making war it consists in becoming whatyou collectively are in reality a fraternityrdquo helliphelliphellip Zeta Delta Con

OphiuchusNov 19 2014 at 911 pm

My heart intuition says that this is false and my subconscious shows me theWalter Von Braun message

NofolaloNov 20 2014 at 1056 am

Good thing about the Walter Von Braun message itrsquos their lsquolast card

majikNov 19 2014 at 1016 pm




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I agree This feels wrong

majikNov 19 2014 at 1022 pm

I do believe this is real Irsquove been following them since 06 Well my idea offollowing which is really doing what my mom called the ldquosniffrdquo test to see iftheir rotten I feel this message is real but subtlehttptomkenyoncomescalation-of-chaotic-nodes-and-the-dismantling-of-3-d-reality

John SmithNov 20 2014 at 321 am

there is no easy answer to this certainly humble human spirit would like toextend into presence and understand of life overall throughout wholeuniverse this unfortunately is not it

it appears as direction to admit that you are flawed to sort inner mess of thisworld with an outside force just like there is homophobia among differentgroups of humans it can also be understood as some kind of alien-phobiawithin various ldquoyesrdquo ldquonordquo groups and it should not be it



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so answer lingers most among reasons for yes and no and their validity

I for one am opposing this fancy questions and fancy landings we have needfor outside involvement since ever and it probably ever is done as we wantedit so it can be counted as intrusive with lack of honoring true demand truewish of yes or no

so this petition (seen it and commented it before) appears to be likejournalist duck sensationalist dilemma without true backing or honoringstand so I vouch no and think that entities just like us should come to thisworld ldquousualrdquo way just like we did for their mission of good or evil or elsejust like we all are fancy space ships in contact with tyrannical governmentsdecimating life and nature for power and profits are their real targetspopulation is to be in awe awaiting outside solution to inner turmoil samefor this world as in outside influence for internal misconduct I find Gaiastronger and I find myself with lesser worry so if our conscious plant calls it Id agree but it is left for someone to prove it as I see not Gaia agreeing on ourldquoworkrdquo let alone that of governments and industrial and their spaceconnections so until saw that nurturing me calling it this all dilemmas arelike chewing sawdust hard to find nutrition for human in it

JerseyCynicNov 20 2014 at 548 am

Letrsquos dancehellip (a slow one) to one of my favorite bedtime songs


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oh manhellipIrsquom a gonna start tearing up ndash I miss my babies

Come Take A Trip In My Airship (Remastered) ndash Natalie Merchanthttpwwwyoutubecomwatchv=GDL0GVZXjMI

arielNov 20 2014 at 726 am

Sod it guyshellipthe whole point is that WE CAN HANDLE IThelliphellipWe first have tolearn that our conditioned negativity is projected externally as lsquorealityrsquo(definitely lower case) My lsquoproblemrsquo is how do we get enough of youus intoNOW the inner awareness of the lsquomovement and the restrsquo as Kitty likes torefer to it which is the operating end of the universal life force whichexpands our perception limitlessly subject to the filters which prevent usdestroying the lsquobodiesrsquo with INTENSITY Irsquove met them some of themhelliphellipWearenrsquot SUDDENLY in an awful situationhelliphellipitrsquos fucking hystericallyhistoricalhellipbloody tourists most of the ones Irsquove methellipPot calling the kettleblack really because Irsquove done a bithelliphellipYou donrsquot invite the vampire inhelliphelliphellip

will iamNov 20 2014 at 1257 pm



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I hadnrsquot realized that now was something I needed to get into I wasunder the impression that now is wellhellipnow

I didnrsquot know that it was a separate something or other that dependedon quantity for its existence

I apologize in advance for contributing to your lsquoproblemrsquo so maybeyou can tell me (us) what wes need to be looking for so that on theoft chance it were to come by again wes can have some of it

VigilantibusNov 20 2014 at 751 am

This is another deception from MATRIXBeautiful words Things from New (C)ageIt is a TRAPHumanity falls like ducksWake Up

PamNov 20 2014 at 859 am

HeyhelliphelliphellipI want to see this onehellipBring it onhelliphelliprdquoYESrdquo



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ThomasNov 20 2014 at 906 am

The inorganic races are crafty Although they canrsquot lie to us they canmanipulate Once free will is exercised to join their ranks there is no turningback Can we at least wait until Black Friday and Cyber Monday are over

NofolaloNov 20 2014 at 1111 am

Here ya go Jerseyhelliphttpwwwyoutubecomwatchv=REHV8LERhPwhttpwwwyoutubecomwatchv=5PvGn75ibI4

JerseyCynicNov 20 2014 at 207 pm

Love it Nofolalo I used to know every word to the Flying PurplePeople Eater What a great goofy beat mdash just try to sit still listening




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People Eater What a great goofy beat mdash just try to sit still listeningto it mdash you canrsquot

I wish doo wop never died I grew up just after that

Also missed out on The Bristol Stomphttpwwwyoutubecomwatchv=XCOB5-E4P6Y (I canrsquot believe thesepeople are sitting in their seats)

oh herersquos a good one ndash The Bristol Stomp Dance Around the Worldhttpwwwyoutubecomwatchv=fIbkKxUD0Mst=106

alexNov 20 2014 at 208 pm


PatrickNov 20 2014 at 1113 am

The outside help is from withinhellipinside Free will is wonderful and it hascertainly no choiceshellipUse your intent so your help can help us all Weexchange our intent with the source everyday so we will certainly exchangehelp with benevolence every once in a while Use this positively whether its



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BS or not Love life guys

PeterNov 20 2014 at 535 pm

Following was posted Yeterday an was coming to my attention Some of you sure remember SIRIUS

Dr Steven Greer Dozens of Benevolent ET Species Are Here Eager to MakeContacthttpwwwriseearthcom201411dr-steven-greer-dozens-of-benevolent-ethtml

Itrsquos not the only Article that shows up but that was posted ( I think because ofthe Article we can read here posted) The NEW AGERS always again jump on that wagon and believe in suchchannelings

manNov 20 2014 at 550 pm

yeah itacutes been there for years now on the wwwyears ago i would have said YES STOP BY FOR TEA AND COOKIES



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but now i go HELL NO YOU BLOODY PARASITES suck yourself and bite thestellar dustread this kind of honeysweet friendly alien bullshit often enough- nothingbut mindcontrollitacutes for the kids crying for mama to save them for the ones that like to HOPEand leave EVOLUTION to someone elsethere is no outside saviouryou guys are right itacutes the vampires trying to get our permissioni always wondered why they would need ithellip do they really care for karmathen what about the cheatwhatever- i suppose zen just put it here as a test and a provovation to stir adiscussionheacutes not one of the i-hope-someoneacutes-gonna-save-meacutes more a get-your-sweet-ass-going-guywhat a clever bastard you are zen

JerseyCynicNov 21 2014 at 308 pm

spot on man Google is behind it I do believe

from 2007httpswwwyoutubecomwatchv=-K8ADMzz46c a CGI of a womanreading half of this message and at the end ldquoyou must read the rest ofthe message at google or yahoo search google with the quote marks


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and now that google and nasa have partnered up It wouldnrsquot surpriseme if some day soon we started to see holographic airships here andthere with Ray Kurzweil as their Director of Engineering mdash anythinggoeshttptechcrunchcom20141110google-moffett-airfield-nasa

do know evil my ass

LizaNov 20 2014 at 1011 pm

But donrsquot give it all the credit Intriguing concepts Deception

Free will Yes it is within Never to be coughed up handed over Thecomments on the source site show a lot of naivtersquo Humans by nature look toconnecting as strengthening (Help) The more to have wins It is Not soLooking to another is not the way to go

This site inhabits lots of free thinkers

The only thing I would give my freewill over to is Peace amp Justice It doesexist In the heartmind Too bad the heart is so badly broken

Perhaps the only way to save a planet is with the allone mindset of all itsinhabitants simutaneously If that could be achieved Everybodyrsquos mind set


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on the collective The whole It could happen it is happening Maybe we justhave to let go of this dimension Canrsquot sustain it Donrsquot knowWell itrsquos all Bullshit anyway

hashishiNov 21 2014 at 751 am

ldquoFree will Yes it is within Never to be coughed up handed over rdquo

The most simple profound and beautiful truth It always does me goodto see a wonderful unencumbered spirit reflecting the same greattruth back at me

Dr Paula-Noel MacfieNov 21 2014 at 133 am

Liza we are all already connected and online through indigenous mind ourAncestors We never ldquoleftrdquohellipour minds have been so colonized that we forgotwho we are and where we come from The connection is still there just awhole lotta dissociation in between to navigate through




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arielNov 21 2014 at 725 am

HEY KITTYhelliprsquoWe are the parents our children have warned us abouthelliprsquo isnrsquot it

arielNov 21 2014 at 726 am

Or is it our greatgrand descendants

KittyNov 21 2014 at 319 pm


hashishiNov 21 2014 at 808 am

Oh hai VALIS Good game good game lsquoAliensrsquo Like it But er no thanks




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Oh hai VALIS Good game good game lsquoAliensrsquo Like it But er no thanks

AlteaNov 21 2014 at 554 pm

We are the ETrsquos we have been waiting for

manNov 21 2014 at 620 pm

what a weird place this world is indeedwhere reality is stranger than fictiongood to have a heart

vibra amor

StarDustNov 27 2014 at 900 pm

Why you need thousands of ships one is not enough Come in peace like




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you say and all the humans will open their arms and hug you






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arcadia11Nov 19 2014 at 509 pm

no not by any stretch of reason or imagination the dangerous deceptivenew age is over no matter how compelling the disguise

donrsquot take the bait donrsquot turn all life over to something outside of yourselvesthis is the way government works problem-reaction-solution when it getsbad enough and for all the world seems as if there is no other way manyotherwise intelligent people will yell lsquoyes help usrsquo

and itrsquos game over


surprised to find this article here

Crystal MoonNov 19 2014 at 539 pm

ldquoYou entrust your problems to representatives whose awareness of commonwell being inexorably fades away before corporatist interests rdquo

That certainly says it


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Dr Paula-Noel MacfieNov 19 2014 at 550 pm

This seems like a human being dissociated from genetic memory of Ancestors

alexNov 19 2014 at 554 pm

Hmmmmmhellipsoftening us up for Project Blue Beamhellipreads as if it wasformatteddictated thru an AI lsquochannelerrsquohellipseeking our permissionhellipsoundslike satanic protocol to me (lol)helliporhellipirsquom getting waaaaaaay tooooo cynicalin my old age hahahahellipcheers

KittyNov 19 2014 at 601 pm

No Alex had exactly the same thoughts too Project Blue Beam back again helliphellip Lol





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alexNov 19 2014 at 605 pm


KittyNov 19 2014 at 609 pm

branewaiverNov 19 2014 at 750 pm

I agree Alex and Kitty this is too pat not to mention a littlepatronizing Doesnrsquot pass the sniff test Letrsquos get those awarefuckers with their own desires Game over





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indigovioletNov 20 2014 at 212 pm

Project Bluebeamhellip I had the same thought The words interest thebrain (slightly) but donrsquot reach the heart

KittyNov 20 2014 at 226 pm

I think thatrsquos a good way to describe it Indie Blue Beam seemsto have gone a bit quiet recently and I just thought UhhhOhhhhBlue Beam has returned Irsquom wondering if wersquoll get more of this I think it cyclesChristmas is always a good time for revelations not sure if weare quite there yet

indigovioletNov 20 2014 at 244 pm

Yes and the lsquoaliensrsquo could always say they achieved aconsensus and we would be none the wiser just like



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with the vote (rigging) system

KittyNov 20 2014 at 319 pm

Indie I have to ask you this I was recently roadraged by someone driving so close to me Icouldnrsquot see his head lights It lasted for miles I reacted in absolutely the wrong way dideverything wrong Scared myself silly I really surprised myself I feltso stupid It made me think If something did happen out of the blue like sayBlue Beam how drsquoyou think you would react Would we as people who may consider ourselvesfairly aware be able to see what was happening I gave a neighbour a lift today Sunny warmish but the sky was covered withseriously hugersquo trailsI pointed and said something on the lines of wowlook at those She didnrsquot see them Indie not one as in reallycouldnrsquot see them


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It was so surreal I stopped the car and pointedbut still didnrsquot even register So is this lsquo spiritual lsquo physical mental Very strange experience

indigovioletNov 20 2014 at 356 pm

Strange Kittyhellip

A few years ago I started read the work Rik Clayregarding a planned fake alien invasion and thelater statement from Wernher von Braun on hisdeathbed reinforced what I thought After readingRikrsquos work (and you will probably know that hewas more-than-likely suicided at 26 just as hewas getting into all this) I decided there and thenthat any talk of an alien invasion going forwardwould be dismissed as fake by me howevercompelling When you have felt the truth in alucid moment you just have to stand yourground

We donrsquot know how we will react to a situationuntil we are in it as you saw when the bizarreand frightening road-rage incident took place ndash

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not that you had any room for manoeuvre if hewas right on your tail like that Very ScaryAlmost black ops- like

I donrsquot understand why your neighbour didnrsquot seethe chemtrails Maybe you should have driven herto the opticians Doesnrsquot make sense does itEverybody who I have pointed them out to hasseen them

pegNov 20 2014 at 450 pm

Kitty got this link from a girlfriend yesterday afternoonBless her heart She is a lovely spirit mdashndash Yep your rightitrsquos going around This was sent out on the internet onthe 18th and she thought it needed to be sent to me asldquoGood NewsrdquoHere is what was senthttppaowebcomsn111814htmIt comes from Sheldon Nidle



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Nov 20 2014 at 507 pm

Wow Peg Thanks for this It is cyclical Isometimes get this kind of thing but itrsquos been solong I canrsquot remember the last time Irsquoll have a good look at this one I actually like tosee this kind if thingSo the question is whatrsquos cooking if anything Well have to watch and wait

pegNov 20 2014 at 536 pm

Kitty I do not think any of this from anythinggood actually Everything inside speaks ndash ndash errorndash ndash error I stand with the help is us mdash- in us mdash-we just should find out who we really are In myheart knowing mdash- itrsquos infinityEven the pope is getting people ready for this mdash-what does that say Clinton not long ago onsome program etc etc Nope this being isstaying away from this None of them have mypermission to fix anything Our consciousness ampresonance will take care of things needed We areoneBy the way I didnrsquot finish reading the material

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she sent I just canrsquot Love her dearly and will beseeing her on Sunday She has began looking atmaterial on meditation by just listening to herbreathing Cannot change what others do orbelieve with teachings but only by my walkingand being Itrsquos all about consciousness and I knowyou know that Hugs

LizaNov 20 2014 at 939 pm

wow Kitty that is strange that she just couldnrsquotsee the chemtrailshellip

JerseyCynicNov 19 2014 at 646 pm

Is this a gullibility testYES YES YES (I am doing it using a humorous tone cause that helps me)httpwwwyoutubecomwatchv=O6VUMGO3hCs

Irsquom pretty gullible (getting better) This doesnrsquot sit well with meldquoBeing aware of the priceless value of free will we are inviting you to analternativerdquo

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No thanks

ldquoYour individual decision of asking in your inner self that we show up onyour material plane and in broad daylight is precious and essential to usrdquo

I do go out on the deck every night though (2am ndash 4am) and ask the starbeings to visit me No luck yet (as best as I can remember)

Gee mdash I wonder why SNOPES hasnrsquot taken this one onhelliphellipDOH

OK OK ndash here we go mdash I found the source mdash Itrsquos a cute blonde that must workin Googlersquos marketing departmenthelliphellip those evil bastardsldquoDO YOU WISH THAT WE SHOW UP rdquo from 2006httpwwwyoutubecomwatchv=-K8ADMzz46c

well that didnrsquot take long ndash sorry to burst any bubbles

OphiuchusNov 19 2014 at 920 pm

As soon as I hear the ldquohumanrdquo false paradigm ldquoevolutionrdquo it sends upan immediate red flag to me It is the false assumption that we startdumb and become something better rather than the parasiticdummening of an already highly advanced sentient form of lifeEvolution to me reeks of the linear false time paradigm



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KittyNov 20 2014 at 414 pm

Rik Clay Read a lot of his work Fascinating His lsquosuicidersquo wasnrsquot it vigourously contested by his family and friends These people either commit lsquosuicide lsquo or die of a heart attack

Such a young vibrant man His work isnrsquot so prominent any more Ithink I may have to revisit him I think the road rage person may havebeen drinking Funny thing was my daughter was with me and shesaid before he went he turned his lights off Funny folks where I live Neighbour lol She is elderly I think a visit to the opticians is inorder I did point them out to some farmer friends a long time ago theydidnrsquot see either not what I was seeing certainly Maybe a differentperception

indigovioletNov 20 2014 at 445 pm

I read that his family have said that he did commit suicide but Idonrsquot knowhellip It was the day after his Red Ice Radio interviewand it was noted that he was in very good spirits at the time


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and looking forward enthusiastically to further researching Hewas buried on September 11th A lot of things didnrsquot add up atthe time (or did) But who knows

KittyNov 20 2014 at 453 pm

Must have got that wrong Irsquov been thinking of DavidKelly recently I saw a pic of Tony Blair and Kelly came tomind i was going to mention him to youThese things are very strange Indie his family may have been pressured or maybe suicidewas preferable to the thought of murder Rik Clay was so young and so bright and brave It takes guts to stand up and be counted Who knows true We probably never will

KittyNov 20 2014 at 559 pm

No I donrsquot either Peg I like to be fore warned as in fore armed The Vatican has made some rather startling statements as far as the



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alien agenda is concerned Love our alien brothers and sisters would we baptise them and callthem Christians The usual This has been going on for some time now and Clintonslittle bit of input was interesting too The Disclosure Project it justall adds up to an agenda leading to our furtherenslavement My answer to the question here should just have been a blunt NO Like you I feel it is all within usThe answers we need to everythingare all there Walking the walk is my preferred way too Your friend is blessed tohave you to guide her but itrsquos your love Peg that will really make animpact on her Your well is deep and so many draw upon it I readDavidrsquos post but havenrsquot said anything yet so I know you know what Imean Yoursquore full of love Peg and that is all that matters Hugs backand love XXX

LizaNov 20 2014 at 940 pm



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KittyNov 20 2014 at 1156 pm

Liza I thought I was going a bit crazy This was seriously bizarre Irsquov been thinking about this and maybe itrsquos to do withfrequency There are a lot if other strange phenomenon associated withchemtrailingI saw an orb flying alongside a plane that was obviouslylsquotrailing If my son hadnrsquot been with me at the time and saw it too Iwouldnrsquot have believed what I was seeing Irsquod love to know how many people actually canrsquot see thesethings It still makes me smile when I thinkabout it Neighbour now thinks Irsquom arsquo funny little thingrsquo

LizaNov 20 2014 at 941 pm



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JerseyCynicNov 19 2014 at 650 pm

Letrsquos ask the cathelliphttpwwwyoutubecomwatchv=jD4JhoOFzPg

will iamNov 19 2014 at 830 pm

Ha Remember this one httpswwwyoutubecomwatchv=5Us1ASENPwsampfeature=player_detailpage

JerseyCynicNov 19 2014 at 859 pm

Omg will do I remember this one Yes yes yes and Irsquove got abig toe permanently disfigured from a ldquoboogaloordquo contest toprove it Thanks for the painful memory Good times Thatnight I learned a valuable lesson hellipnever boogaloo barefoot ona crowded dance floor Good times




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pegNov 19 2014 at 832 pm

JC thank you so much for a huge dip belly laughnonononoonononononluvluvluvluv

HeatherNov 19 2014 at 801 pm

Buthellip they get mehellip they get ithellip they understandhellip whoa is me

No way in hell do I need assistance from some outside source that has alreadymet with our lsquoleadersrsquo and understands everything so well but lurks askingmy permission to come aboard I do appreciate the special touches of layingso much of our lsquofamilyrsquo BS out there for us to recap but I am not invitinganother lsquovampirersquo into the lsquohousersquo

JC ndash ha I love ya lady The cat was a special touch for sure ha ha




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Nov 20 2014 at 1130 am

ha I had not realized how sarcastic I was on this commenthellip I was stillfeeling the ldquogossip ladiesrdquo from my daughterrsquos martial arts earlier and Iwas quite sarcastic in lsquodealingrsquo with them Overflowhellip hee

No we are the oneshellip plain and simple

JerseyCynicNov 20 2014 at 133 pm

got that right HeatherldquoBanish the word lsquostrugglersquo from your attitude and yourvocabulary All that we do now must be done in a sacredmanner and in celebration We are the ones we have beenwaiting forrdquo mdash Hopi elders

KittyNov 20 2014 at 157 pm

Perfect JC and Heather lsquoWe are the ones we are waitingfor lsquoThat just about says it all really



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Much love to you both X X X

HeatherNov 20 2014 at 306 pm

Indeed Much love to you both and really big hugs

KittyNov 20 2014 at 323 pm

Huge hugs back X

will iamNov 19 2014 at 815 pm

ldquoThis my friends could be the most important message mankind has everreceivedhelliprdquo


ldquoBe proud of what you arerdquo (the army)



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ldquoBe proud of what you arerdquo (the army)

ldquoThe most important thing for us is that humankind would form a singlefamily before this ldquounknownrdquo we would representrdquo (politics as usual)

ldquoPeace does not mean simply not making war it consists in becoming whatyou collectively are in reality a fraternityrdquo helliphelliphellip Zeta Delta Con

OphiuchusNov 19 2014 at 911 pm

My heart intuition says that this is false and my subconscious shows me theWalter Von Braun message

NofolaloNov 20 2014 at 1056 am

Good thing about the Walter Von Braun message itrsquos their lsquolast card

majikNov 19 2014 at 1016 pm




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I agree This feels wrong

majikNov 19 2014 at 1022 pm

I do believe this is real Irsquove been following them since 06 Well my idea offollowing which is really doing what my mom called the ldquosniffrdquo test to see iftheir rotten I feel this message is real but subtlehttptomkenyoncomescalation-of-chaotic-nodes-and-the-dismantling-of-3-d-reality

John SmithNov 20 2014 at 321 am

there is no easy answer to this certainly humble human spirit would like toextend into presence and understand of life overall throughout wholeuniverse this unfortunately is not it

it appears as direction to admit that you are flawed to sort inner mess of thisworld with an outside force just like there is homophobia among differentgroups of humans it can also be understood as some kind of alien-phobiawithin various ldquoyesrdquo ldquonordquo groups and it should not be it



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so answer lingers most among reasons for yes and no and their validity

I for one am opposing this fancy questions and fancy landings we have needfor outside involvement since ever and it probably ever is done as we wantedit so it can be counted as intrusive with lack of honoring true demand truewish of yes or no

so this petition (seen it and commented it before) appears to be likejournalist duck sensationalist dilemma without true backing or honoringstand so I vouch no and think that entities just like us should come to thisworld ldquousualrdquo way just like we did for their mission of good or evil or elsejust like we all are fancy space ships in contact with tyrannical governmentsdecimating life and nature for power and profits are their real targetspopulation is to be in awe awaiting outside solution to inner turmoil samefor this world as in outside influence for internal misconduct I find Gaiastronger and I find myself with lesser worry so if our conscious plant calls it Id agree but it is left for someone to prove it as I see not Gaia agreeing on ourldquoworkrdquo let alone that of governments and industrial and their spaceconnections so until saw that nurturing me calling it this all dilemmas arelike chewing sawdust hard to find nutrition for human in it

JerseyCynicNov 20 2014 at 548 am

Letrsquos dancehellip (a slow one) to one of my favorite bedtime songs


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oh manhellipIrsquom a gonna start tearing up ndash I miss my babies

Come Take A Trip In My Airship (Remastered) ndash Natalie Merchanthttpwwwyoutubecomwatchv=GDL0GVZXjMI

arielNov 20 2014 at 726 am

Sod it guyshellipthe whole point is that WE CAN HANDLE IThelliphellipWe first have tolearn that our conditioned negativity is projected externally as lsquorealityrsquo(definitely lower case) My lsquoproblemrsquo is how do we get enough of youus intoNOW the inner awareness of the lsquomovement and the restrsquo as Kitty likes torefer to it which is the operating end of the universal life force whichexpands our perception limitlessly subject to the filters which prevent usdestroying the lsquobodiesrsquo with INTENSITY Irsquove met them some of themhelliphellipWearenrsquot SUDDENLY in an awful situationhelliphellipitrsquos fucking hystericallyhistoricalhellipbloody tourists most of the ones Irsquove methellipPot calling the kettleblack really because Irsquove done a bithelliphellipYou donrsquot invite the vampire inhelliphelliphellip

will iamNov 20 2014 at 1257 pm



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I hadnrsquot realized that now was something I needed to get into I wasunder the impression that now is wellhellipnow

I didnrsquot know that it was a separate something or other that dependedon quantity for its existence

I apologize in advance for contributing to your lsquoproblemrsquo so maybeyou can tell me (us) what wes need to be looking for so that on theoft chance it were to come by again wes can have some of it

VigilantibusNov 20 2014 at 751 am

This is another deception from MATRIXBeautiful words Things from New (C)ageIt is a TRAPHumanity falls like ducksWake Up

PamNov 20 2014 at 859 am

HeyhelliphelliphellipI want to see this onehellipBring it onhelliphelliprdquoYESrdquo



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ThomasNov 20 2014 at 906 am

The inorganic races are crafty Although they canrsquot lie to us they canmanipulate Once free will is exercised to join their ranks there is no turningback Can we at least wait until Black Friday and Cyber Monday are over

NofolaloNov 20 2014 at 1111 am

Here ya go Jerseyhelliphttpwwwyoutubecomwatchv=REHV8LERhPwhttpwwwyoutubecomwatchv=5PvGn75ibI4

JerseyCynicNov 20 2014 at 207 pm

Love it Nofolalo I used to know every word to the Flying PurplePeople Eater What a great goofy beat mdash just try to sit still listening




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People Eater What a great goofy beat mdash just try to sit still listeningto it mdash you canrsquot

I wish doo wop never died I grew up just after that

Also missed out on The Bristol Stomphttpwwwyoutubecomwatchv=XCOB5-E4P6Y (I canrsquot believe thesepeople are sitting in their seats)

oh herersquos a good one ndash The Bristol Stomp Dance Around the Worldhttpwwwyoutubecomwatchv=fIbkKxUD0Mst=106

alexNov 20 2014 at 208 pm


PatrickNov 20 2014 at 1113 am

The outside help is from withinhellipinside Free will is wonderful and it hascertainly no choiceshellipUse your intent so your help can help us all Weexchange our intent with the source everyday so we will certainly exchangehelp with benevolence every once in a while Use this positively whether its



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BS or not Love life guys

PeterNov 20 2014 at 535 pm

Following was posted Yeterday an was coming to my attention Some of you sure remember SIRIUS

Dr Steven Greer Dozens of Benevolent ET Species Are Here Eager to MakeContacthttpwwwriseearthcom201411dr-steven-greer-dozens-of-benevolent-ethtml

Itrsquos not the only Article that shows up but that was posted ( I think because ofthe Article we can read here posted) The NEW AGERS always again jump on that wagon and believe in suchchannelings

manNov 20 2014 at 550 pm

yeah itacutes been there for years now on the wwwyears ago i would have said YES STOP BY FOR TEA AND COOKIES



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but now i go HELL NO YOU BLOODY PARASITES suck yourself and bite thestellar dustread this kind of honeysweet friendly alien bullshit often enough- nothingbut mindcontrollitacutes for the kids crying for mama to save them for the ones that like to HOPEand leave EVOLUTION to someone elsethere is no outside saviouryou guys are right itacutes the vampires trying to get our permissioni always wondered why they would need ithellip do they really care for karmathen what about the cheatwhatever- i suppose zen just put it here as a test and a provovation to stir adiscussionheacutes not one of the i-hope-someoneacutes-gonna-save-meacutes more a get-your-sweet-ass-going-guywhat a clever bastard you are zen

JerseyCynicNov 21 2014 at 308 pm

spot on man Google is behind it I do believe

from 2007httpswwwyoutubecomwatchv=-K8ADMzz46c a CGI of a womanreading half of this message and at the end ldquoyou must read the rest ofthe message at google or yahoo search google with the quote marks


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and now that google and nasa have partnered up It wouldnrsquot surpriseme if some day soon we started to see holographic airships here andthere with Ray Kurzweil as their Director of Engineering mdash anythinggoeshttptechcrunchcom20141110google-moffett-airfield-nasa

do know evil my ass

LizaNov 20 2014 at 1011 pm

But donrsquot give it all the credit Intriguing concepts Deception

Free will Yes it is within Never to be coughed up handed over Thecomments on the source site show a lot of naivtersquo Humans by nature look toconnecting as strengthening (Help) The more to have wins It is Not soLooking to another is not the way to go

This site inhabits lots of free thinkers

The only thing I would give my freewill over to is Peace amp Justice It doesexist In the heartmind Too bad the heart is so badly broken

Perhaps the only way to save a planet is with the allone mindset of all itsinhabitants simutaneously If that could be achieved Everybodyrsquos mind set


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on the collective The whole It could happen it is happening Maybe we justhave to let go of this dimension Canrsquot sustain it Donrsquot knowWell itrsquos all Bullshit anyway

hashishiNov 21 2014 at 751 am

ldquoFree will Yes it is within Never to be coughed up handed over rdquo

The most simple profound and beautiful truth It always does me goodto see a wonderful unencumbered spirit reflecting the same greattruth back at me

Dr Paula-Noel MacfieNov 21 2014 at 133 am

Liza we are all already connected and online through indigenous mind ourAncestors We never ldquoleftrdquohellipour minds have been so colonized that we forgotwho we are and where we come from The connection is still there just awhole lotta dissociation in between to navigate through




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arielNov 21 2014 at 725 am

HEY KITTYhelliprsquoWe are the parents our children have warned us abouthelliprsquo isnrsquot it

arielNov 21 2014 at 726 am

Or is it our greatgrand descendants

KittyNov 21 2014 at 319 pm


hashishiNov 21 2014 at 808 am

Oh hai VALIS Good game good game lsquoAliensrsquo Like it But er no thanks




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Oh hai VALIS Good game good game lsquoAliensrsquo Like it But er no thanks

AlteaNov 21 2014 at 554 pm

We are the ETrsquos we have been waiting for

manNov 21 2014 at 620 pm

what a weird place this world is indeedwhere reality is stranger than fictiongood to have a heart

vibra amor

StarDustNov 27 2014 at 900 pm

Why you need thousands of ships one is not enough Come in peace like




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you say and all the humans will open their arms and hug you






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arcadia11Nov 19 2014 at 509 pm

no not by any stretch of reason or imagination the dangerous deceptivenew age is over no matter how compelling the disguise

donrsquot take the bait donrsquot turn all life over to something outside of yourselvesthis is the way government works problem-reaction-solution when it getsbad enough and for all the world seems as if there is no other way manyotherwise intelligent people will yell lsquoyes help usrsquo

and itrsquos game over


surprised to find this article here

Crystal MoonNov 19 2014 at 539 pm

ldquoYou entrust your problems to representatives whose awareness of commonwell being inexorably fades away before corporatist interests rdquo

That certainly says it


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Dr Paula-Noel MacfieNov 19 2014 at 550 pm

This seems like a human being dissociated from genetic memory of Ancestors

alexNov 19 2014 at 554 pm

Hmmmmmhellipsoftening us up for Project Blue Beamhellipreads as if it wasformatteddictated thru an AI lsquochannelerrsquohellipseeking our permissionhellipsoundslike satanic protocol to me (lol)helliporhellipirsquom getting waaaaaaay tooooo cynicalin my old age hahahahellipcheers

KittyNov 19 2014 at 601 pm

No Alex had exactly the same thoughts too Project Blue Beam back again helliphellip Lol





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alexNov 19 2014 at 605 pm


KittyNov 19 2014 at 609 pm

branewaiverNov 19 2014 at 750 pm

I agree Alex and Kitty this is too pat not to mention a littlepatronizing Doesnrsquot pass the sniff test Letrsquos get those awarefuckers with their own desires Game over





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indigovioletNov 20 2014 at 212 pm

Project Bluebeamhellip I had the same thought The words interest thebrain (slightly) but donrsquot reach the heart

KittyNov 20 2014 at 226 pm

I think thatrsquos a good way to describe it Indie Blue Beam seemsto have gone a bit quiet recently and I just thought UhhhOhhhhBlue Beam has returned Irsquom wondering if wersquoll get more of this I think it cyclesChristmas is always a good time for revelations not sure if weare quite there yet

indigovioletNov 20 2014 at 244 pm

Yes and the lsquoaliensrsquo could always say they achieved aconsensus and we would be none the wiser just like



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with the vote (rigging) system

KittyNov 20 2014 at 319 pm

Indie I have to ask you this I was recently roadraged by someone driving so close to me Icouldnrsquot see his head lights It lasted for miles I reacted in absolutely the wrong way dideverything wrong Scared myself silly I really surprised myself I feltso stupid It made me think If something did happen out of the blue like sayBlue Beam how drsquoyou think you would react Would we as people who may consider ourselvesfairly aware be able to see what was happening I gave a neighbour a lift today Sunny warmish but the sky was covered withseriously hugersquo trailsI pointed and said something on the lines of wowlook at those She didnrsquot see them Indie not one as in reallycouldnrsquot see them


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It was so surreal I stopped the car and pointedbut still didnrsquot even register So is this lsquo spiritual lsquo physical mental Very strange experience

indigovioletNov 20 2014 at 356 pm

Strange Kittyhellip

A few years ago I started read the work Rik Clayregarding a planned fake alien invasion and thelater statement from Wernher von Braun on hisdeathbed reinforced what I thought After readingRikrsquos work (and you will probably know that hewas more-than-likely suicided at 26 just as hewas getting into all this) I decided there and thenthat any talk of an alien invasion going forwardwould be dismissed as fake by me howevercompelling When you have felt the truth in alucid moment you just have to stand yourground

We donrsquot know how we will react to a situationuntil we are in it as you saw when the bizarreand frightening road-rage incident took place ndash

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not that you had any room for manoeuvre if hewas right on your tail like that Very ScaryAlmost black ops- like

I donrsquot understand why your neighbour didnrsquot seethe chemtrails Maybe you should have driven herto the opticians Doesnrsquot make sense does itEverybody who I have pointed them out to hasseen them

pegNov 20 2014 at 450 pm

Kitty got this link from a girlfriend yesterday afternoonBless her heart She is a lovely spirit mdashndash Yep your rightitrsquos going around This was sent out on the internet onthe 18th and she thought it needed to be sent to me asldquoGood NewsrdquoHere is what was senthttppaowebcomsn111814htmIt comes from Sheldon Nidle



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Nov 20 2014 at 507 pm

Wow Peg Thanks for this It is cyclical Isometimes get this kind of thing but itrsquos been solong I canrsquot remember the last time Irsquoll have a good look at this one I actually like tosee this kind if thingSo the question is whatrsquos cooking if anything Well have to watch and wait

pegNov 20 2014 at 536 pm

Kitty I do not think any of this from anythinggood actually Everything inside speaks ndash ndash errorndash ndash error I stand with the help is us mdash- in us mdash-we just should find out who we really are In myheart knowing mdash- itrsquos infinityEven the pope is getting people ready for this mdash-what does that say Clinton not long ago onsome program etc etc Nope this being isstaying away from this None of them have mypermission to fix anything Our consciousness ampresonance will take care of things needed We areoneBy the way I didnrsquot finish reading the material

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she sent I just canrsquot Love her dearly and will beseeing her on Sunday She has began looking atmaterial on meditation by just listening to herbreathing Cannot change what others do orbelieve with teachings but only by my walkingand being Itrsquos all about consciousness and I knowyou know that Hugs

LizaNov 20 2014 at 939 pm

wow Kitty that is strange that she just couldnrsquotsee the chemtrailshellip

JerseyCynicNov 19 2014 at 646 pm

Is this a gullibility testYES YES YES (I am doing it using a humorous tone cause that helps me)httpwwwyoutubecomwatchv=O6VUMGO3hCs

Irsquom pretty gullible (getting better) This doesnrsquot sit well with meldquoBeing aware of the priceless value of free will we are inviting you to analternativerdquo

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No thanks

ldquoYour individual decision of asking in your inner self that we show up onyour material plane and in broad daylight is precious and essential to usrdquo

I do go out on the deck every night though (2am ndash 4am) and ask the starbeings to visit me No luck yet (as best as I can remember)

Gee mdash I wonder why SNOPES hasnrsquot taken this one onhelliphellipDOH

OK OK ndash here we go mdash I found the source mdash Itrsquos a cute blonde that must workin Googlersquos marketing departmenthelliphellip those evil bastardsldquoDO YOU WISH THAT WE SHOW UP rdquo from 2006httpwwwyoutubecomwatchv=-K8ADMzz46c

well that didnrsquot take long ndash sorry to burst any bubbles

OphiuchusNov 19 2014 at 920 pm

As soon as I hear the ldquohumanrdquo false paradigm ldquoevolutionrdquo it sends upan immediate red flag to me It is the false assumption that we startdumb and become something better rather than the parasiticdummening of an already highly advanced sentient form of lifeEvolution to me reeks of the linear false time paradigm



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KittyNov 20 2014 at 414 pm

Rik Clay Read a lot of his work Fascinating His lsquosuicidersquo wasnrsquot it vigourously contested by his family and friends These people either commit lsquosuicide lsquo or die of a heart attack

Such a young vibrant man His work isnrsquot so prominent any more Ithink I may have to revisit him I think the road rage person may havebeen drinking Funny thing was my daughter was with me and shesaid before he went he turned his lights off Funny folks where I live Neighbour lol She is elderly I think a visit to the opticians is inorder I did point them out to some farmer friends a long time ago theydidnrsquot see either not what I was seeing certainly Maybe a differentperception

indigovioletNov 20 2014 at 445 pm

I read that his family have said that he did commit suicide but Idonrsquot knowhellip It was the day after his Red Ice Radio interviewand it was noted that he was in very good spirits at the time


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and looking forward enthusiastically to further researching Hewas buried on September 11th A lot of things didnrsquot add up atthe time (or did) But who knows

KittyNov 20 2014 at 453 pm

Must have got that wrong Irsquov been thinking of DavidKelly recently I saw a pic of Tony Blair and Kelly came tomind i was going to mention him to youThese things are very strange Indie his family may have been pressured or maybe suicidewas preferable to the thought of murder Rik Clay was so young and so bright and brave It takes guts to stand up and be counted Who knows true We probably never will

KittyNov 20 2014 at 559 pm

No I donrsquot either Peg I like to be fore warned as in fore armed The Vatican has made some rather startling statements as far as the



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alien agenda is concerned Love our alien brothers and sisters would we baptise them and callthem Christians The usual This has been going on for some time now and Clintonslittle bit of input was interesting too The Disclosure Project it justall adds up to an agenda leading to our furtherenslavement My answer to the question here should just have been a blunt NO Like you I feel it is all within usThe answers we need to everythingare all there Walking the walk is my preferred way too Your friend is blessed tohave you to guide her but itrsquos your love Peg that will really make animpact on her Your well is deep and so many draw upon it I readDavidrsquos post but havenrsquot said anything yet so I know you know what Imean Yoursquore full of love Peg and that is all that matters Hugs backand love XXX

LizaNov 20 2014 at 940 pm



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KittyNov 20 2014 at 1156 pm

Liza I thought I was going a bit crazy This was seriously bizarre Irsquov been thinking about this and maybe itrsquos to do withfrequency There are a lot if other strange phenomenon associated withchemtrailingI saw an orb flying alongside a plane that was obviouslylsquotrailing If my son hadnrsquot been with me at the time and saw it too Iwouldnrsquot have believed what I was seeing Irsquod love to know how many people actually canrsquot see thesethings It still makes me smile when I thinkabout it Neighbour now thinks Irsquom arsquo funny little thingrsquo

LizaNov 20 2014 at 941 pm



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JerseyCynicNov 19 2014 at 650 pm

Letrsquos ask the cathelliphttpwwwyoutubecomwatchv=jD4JhoOFzPg

will iamNov 19 2014 at 830 pm

Ha Remember this one httpswwwyoutubecomwatchv=5Us1ASENPwsampfeature=player_detailpage

JerseyCynicNov 19 2014 at 859 pm

Omg will do I remember this one Yes yes yes and Irsquove got abig toe permanently disfigured from a ldquoboogaloordquo contest toprove it Thanks for the painful memory Good times Thatnight I learned a valuable lesson hellipnever boogaloo barefoot ona crowded dance floor Good times




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pegNov 19 2014 at 832 pm

JC thank you so much for a huge dip belly laughnonononoonononononluvluvluvluv

HeatherNov 19 2014 at 801 pm

Buthellip they get mehellip they get ithellip they understandhellip whoa is me

No way in hell do I need assistance from some outside source that has alreadymet with our lsquoleadersrsquo and understands everything so well but lurks askingmy permission to come aboard I do appreciate the special touches of layingso much of our lsquofamilyrsquo BS out there for us to recap but I am not invitinganother lsquovampirersquo into the lsquohousersquo

JC ndash ha I love ya lady The cat was a special touch for sure ha ha




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Nov 20 2014 at 1130 am

ha I had not realized how sarcastic I was on this commenthellip I was stillfeeling the ldquogossip ladiesrdquo from my daughterrsquos martial arts earlier and Iwas quite sarcastic in lsquodealingrsquo with them Overflowhellip hee

No we are the oneshellip plain and simple

JerseyCynicNov 20 2014 at 133 pm

got that right HeatherldquoBanish the word lsquostrugglersquo from your attitude and yourvocabulary All that we do now must be done in a sacredmanner and in celebration We are the ones we have beenwaiting forrdquo mdash Hopi elders

KittyNov 20 2014 at 157 pm

Perfect JC and Heather lsquoWe are the ones we are waitingfor lsquoThat just about says it all really



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Much love to you both X X X

HeatherNov 20 2014 at 306 pm

Indeed Much love to you both and really big hugs

KittyNov 20 2014 at 323 pm

Huge hugs back X

will iamNov 19 2014 at 815 pm

ldquoThis my friends could be the most important message mankind has everreceivedhelliprdquo


ldquoBe proud of what you arerdquo (the army)



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ldquoBe proud of what you arerdquo (the army)

ldquoThe most important thing for us is that humankind would form a singlefamily before this ldquounknownrdquo we would representrdquo (politics as usual)

ldquoPeace does not mean simply not making war it consists in becoming whatyou collectively are in reality a fraternityrdquo helliphelliphellip Zeta Delta Con

OphiuchusNov 19 2014 at 911 pm

My heart intuition says that this is false and my subconscious shows me theWalter Von Braun message

NofolaloNov 20 2014 at 1056 am

Good thing about the Walter Von Braun message itrsquos their lsquolast card

majikNov 19 2014 at 1016 pm




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I agree This feels wrong

majikNov 19 2014 at 1022 pm

I do believe this is real Irsquove been following them since 06 Well my idea offollowing which is really doing what my mom called the ldquosniffrdquo test to see iftheir rotten I feel this message is real but subtlehttptomkenyoncomescalation-of-chaotic-nodes-and-the-dismantling-of-3-d-reality

John SmithNov 20 2014 at 321 am

there is no easy answer to this certainly humble human spirit would like toextend into presence and understand of life overall throughout wholeuniverse this unfortunately is not it

it appears as direction to admit that you are flawed to sort inner mess of thisworld with an outside force just like there is homophobia among differentgroups of humans it can also be understood as some kind of alien-phobiawithin various ldquoyesrdquo ldquonordquo groups and it should not be it



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so answer lingers most among reasons for yes and no and their validity

I for one am opposing this fancy questions and fancy landings we have needfor outside involvement since ever and it probably ever is done as we wantedit so it can be counted as intrusive with lack of honoring true demand truewish of yes or no

so this petition (seen it and commented it before) appears to be likejournalist duck sensationalist dilemma without true backing or honoringstand so I vouch no and think that entities just like us should come to thisworld ldquousualrdquo way just like we did for their mission of good or evil or elsejust like we all are fancy space ships in contact with tyrannical governmentsdecimating life and nature for power and profits are their real targetspopulation is to be in awe awaiting outside solution to inner turmoil samefor this world as in outside influence for internal misconduct I find Gaiastronger and I find myself with lesser worry so if our conscious plant calls it Id agree but it is left for someone to prove it as I see not Gaia agreeing on ourldquoworkrdquo let alone that of governments and industrial and their spaceconnections so until saw that nurturing me calling it this all dilemmas arelike chewing sawdust hard to find nutrition for human in it

JerseyCynicNov 20 2014 at 548 am

Letrsquos dancehellip (a slow one) to one of my favorite bedtime songs


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oh manhellipIrsquom a gonna start tearing up ndash I miss my babies

Come Take A Trip In My Airship (Remastered) ndash Natalie Merchanthttpwwwyoutubecomwatchv=GDL0GVZXjMI

arielNov 20 2014 at 726 am

Sod it guyshellipthe whole point is that WE CAN HANDLE IThelliphellipWe first have tolearn that our conditioned negativity is projected externally as lsquorealityrsquo(definitely lower case) My lsquoproblemrsquo is how do we get enough of youus intoNOW the inner awareness of the lsquomovement and the restrsquo as Kitty likes torefer to it which is the operating end of the universal life force whichexpands our perception limitlessly subject to the filters which prevent usdestroying the lsquobodiesrsquo with INTENSITY Irsquove met them some of themhelliphellipWearenrsquot SUDDENLY in an awful situationhelliphellipitrsquos fucking hystericallyhistoricalhellipbloody tourists most of the ones Irsquove methellipPot calling the kettleblack really because Irsquove done a bithelliphellipYou donrsquot invite the vampire inhelliphelliphellip

will iamNov 20 2014 at 1257 pm



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I hadnrsquot realized that now was something I needed to get into I wasunder the impression that now is wellhellipnow

I didnrsquot know that it was a separate something or other that dependedon quantity for its existence

I apologize in advance for contributing to your lsquoproblemrsquo so maybeyou can tell me (us) what wes need to be looking for so that on theoft chance it were to come by again wes can have some of it

VigilantibusNov 20 2014 at 751 am

This is another deception from MATRIXBeautiful words Things from New (C)ageIt is a TRAPHumanity falls like ducksWake Up

PamNov 20 2014 at 859 am

HeyhelliphelliphellipI want to see this onehellipBring it onhelliphelliprdquoYESrdquo



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ThomasNov 20 2014 at 906 am

The inorganic races are crafty Although they canrsquot lie to us they canmanipulate Once free will is exercised to join their ranks there is no turningback Can we at least wait until Black Friday and Cyber Monday are over

NofolaloNov 20 2014 at 1111 am

Here ya go Jerseyhelliphttpwwwyoutubecomwatchv=REHV8LERhPwhttpwwwyoutubecomwatchv=5PvGn75ibI4

JerseyCynicNov 20 2014 at 207 pm

Love it Nofolalo I used to know every word to the Flying PurplePeople Eater What a great goofy beat mdash just try to sit still listening




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People Eater What a great goofy beat mdash just try to sit still listeningto it mdash you canrsquot

I wish doo wop never died I grew up just after that

Also missed out on The Bristol Stomphttpwwwyoutubecomwatchv=XCOB5-E4P6Y (I canrsquot believe thesepeople are sitting in their seats)

oh herersquos a good one ndash The Bristol Stomp Dance Around the Worldhttpwwwyoutubecomwatchv=fIbkKxUD0Mst=106

alexNov 20 2014 at 208 pm


PatrickNov 20 2014 at 1113 am

The outside help is from withinhellipinside Free will is wonderful and it hascertainly no choiceshellipUse your intent so your help can help us all Weexchange our intent with the source everyday so we will certainly exchangehelp with benevolence every once in a while Use this positively whether its



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BS or not Love life guys

PeterNov 20 2014 at 535 pm

Following was posted Yeterday an was coming to my attention Some of you sure remember SIRIUS

Dr Steven Greer Dozens of Benevolent ET Species Are Here Eager to MakeContacthttpwwwriseearthcom201411dr-steven-greer-dozens-of-benevolent-ethtml

Itrsquos not the only Article that shows up but that was posted ( I think because ofthe Article we can read here posted) The NEW AGERS always again jump on that wagon and believe in suchchannelings

manNov 20 2014 at 550 pm

yeah itacutes been there for years now on the wwwyears ago i would have said YES STOP BY FOR TEA AND COOKIES



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but now i go HELL NO YOU BLOODY PARASITES suck yourself and bite thestellar dustread this kind of honeysweet friendly alien bullshit often enough- nothingbut mindcontrollitacutes for the kids crying for mama to save them for the ones that like to HOPEand leave EVOLUTION to someone elsethere is no outside saviouryou guys are right itacutes the vampires trying to get our permissioni always wondered why they would need ithellip do they really care for karmathen what about the cheatwhatever- i suppose zen just put it here as a test and a provovation to stir adiscussionheacutes not one of the i-hope-someoneacutes-gonna-save-meacutes more a get-your-sweet-ass-going-guywhat a clever bastard you are zen

JerseyCynicNov 21 2014 at 308 pm

spot on man Google is behind it I do believe

from 2007httpswwwyoutubecomwatchv=-K8ADMzz46c a CGI of a womanreading half of this message and at the end ldquoyou must read the rest ofthe message at google or yahoo search google with the quote marks


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and now that google and nasa have partnered up It wouldnrsquot surpriseme if some day soon we started to see holographic airships here andthere with Ray Kurzweil as their Director of Engineering mdash anythinggoeshttptechcrunchcom20141110google-moffett-airfield-nasa

do know evil my ass

LizaNov 20 2014 at 1011 pm

But donrsquot give it all the credit Intriguing concepts Deception

Free will Yes it is within Never to be coughed up handed over Thecomments on the source site show a lot of naivtersquo Humans by nature look toconnecting as strengthening (Help) The more to have wins It is Not soLooking to another is not the way to go

This site inhabits lots of free thinkers

The only thing I would give my freewill over to is Peace amp Justice It doesexist In the heartmind Too bad the heart is so badly broken

Perhaps the only way to save a planet is with the allone mindset of all itsinhabitants simutaneously If that could be achieved Everybodyrsquos mind set


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on the collective The whole It could happen it is happening Maybe we justhave to let go of this dimension Canrsquot sustain it Donrsquot knowWell itrsquos all Bullshit anyway

hashishiNov 21 2014 at 751 am

ldquoFree will Yes it is within Never to be coughed up handed over rdquo

The most simple profound and beautiful truth It always does me goodto see a wonderful unencumbered spirit reflecting the same greattruth back at me

Dr Paula-Noel MacfieNov 21 2014 at 133 am

Liza we are all already connected and online through indigenous mind ourAncestors We never ldquoleftrdquohellipour minds have been so colonized that we forgotwho we are and where we come from The connection is still there just awhole lotta dissociation in between to navigate through




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arielNov 21 2014 at 725 am

HEY KITTYhelliprsquoWe are the parents our children have warned us abouthelliprsquo isnrsquot it

arielNov 21 2014 at 726 am

Or is it our greatgrand descendants

KittyNov 21 2014 at 319 pm


hashishiNov 21 2014 at 808 am

Oh hai VALIS Good game good game lsquoAliensrsquo Like it But er no thanks




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Oh hai VALIS Good game good game lsquoAliensrsquo Like it But er no thanks

AlteaNov 21 2014 at 554 pm

We are the ETrsquos we have been waiting for

manNov 21 2014 at 620 pm

what a weird place this world is indeedwhere reality is stranger than fictiongood to have a heart

vibra amor

StarDustNov 27 2014 at 900 pm

Why you need thousands of ships one is not enough Come in peace like




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you say and all the humans will open their arms and hug you






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arcadia11Nov 19 2014 at 509 pm

no not by any stretch of reason or imagination the dangerous deceptivenew age is over no matter how compelling the disguise

donrsquot take the bait donrsquot turn all life over to something outside of yourselvesthis is the way government works problem-reaction-solution when it getsbad enough and for all the world seems as if there is no other way manyotherwise intelligent people will yell lsquoyes help usrsquo

and itrsquos game over


surprised to find this article here

Crystal MoonNov 19 2014 at 539 pm

ldquoYou entrust your problems to representatives whose awareness of commonwell being inexorably fades away before corporatist interests rdquo

That certainly says it


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Dr Paula-Noel MacfieNov 19 2014 at 550 pm

This seems like a human being dissociated from genetic memory of Ancestors

alexNov 19 2014 at 554 pm

Hmmmmmhellipsoftening us up for Project Blue Beamhellipreads as if it wasformatteddictated thru an AI lsquochannelerrsquohellipseeking our permissionhellipsoundslike satanic protocol to me (lol)helliporhellipirsquom getting waaaaaaay tooooo cynicalin my old age hahahahellipcheers

KittyNov 19 2014 at 601 pm

No Alex had exactly the same thoughts too Project Blue Beam back again helliphellip Lol





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alexNov 19 2014 at 605 pm


KittyNov 19 2014 at 609 pm

branewaiverNov 19 2014 at 750 pm

I agree Alex and Kitty this is too pat not to mention a littlepatronizing Doesnrsquot pass the sniff test Letrsquos get those awarefuckers with their own desires Game over





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indigovioletNov 20 2014 at 212 pm

Project Bluebeamhellip I had the same thought The words interest thebrain (slightly) but donrsquot reach the heart

KittyNov 20 2014 at 226 pm

I think thatrsquos a good way to describe it Indie Blue Beam seemsto have gone a bit quiet recently and I just thought UhhhOhhhhBlue Beam has returned Irsquom wondering if wersquoll get more of this I think it cyclesChristmas is always a good time for revelations not sure if weare quite there yet

indigovioletNov 20 2014 at 244 pm

Yes and the lsquoaliensrsquo could always say they achieved aconsensus and we would be none the wiser just like



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with the vote (rigging) system

KittyNov 20 2014 at 319 pm

Indie I have to ask you this I was recently roadraged by someone driving so close to me Icouldnrsquot see his head lights It lasted for miles I reacted in absolutely the wrong way dideverything wrong Scared myself silly I really surprised myself I feltso stupid It made me think If something did happen out of the blue like sayBlue Beam how drsquoyou think you would react Would we as people who may consider ourselvesfairly aware be able to see what was happening I gave a neighbour a lift today Sunny warmish but the sky was covered withseriously hugersquo trailsI pointed and said something on the lines of wowlook at those She didnrsquot see them Indie not one as in reallycouldnrsquot see them


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It was so surreal I stopped the car and pointedbut still didnrsquot even register So is this lsquo spiritual lsquo physical mental Very strange experience

indigovioletNov 20 2014 at 356 pm

Strange Kittyhellip

A few years ago I started read the work Rik Clayregarding a planned fake alien invasion and thelater statement from Wernher von Braun on hisdeathbed reinforced what I thought After readingRikrsquos work (and you will probably know that hewas more-than-likely suicided at 26 just as hewas getting into all this) I decided there and thenthat any talk of an alien invasion going forwardwould be dismissed as fake by me howevercompelling When you have felt the truth in alucid moment you just have to stand yourground

We donrsquot know how we will react to a situationuntil we are in it as you saw when the bizarreand frightening road-rage incident took place ndash

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not that you had any room for manoeuvre if hewas right on your tail like that Very ScaryAlmost black ops- like

I donrsquot understand why your neighbour didnrsquot seethe chemtrails Maybe you should have driven herto the opticians Doesnrsquot make sense does itEverybody who I have pointed them out to hasseen them

pegNov 20 2014 at 450 pm

Kitty got this link from a girlfriend yesterday afternoonBless her heart She is a lovely spirit mdashndash Yep your rightitrsquos going around This was sent out on the internet onthe 18th and she thought it needed to be sent to me asldquoGood NewsrdquoHere is what was senthttppaowebcomsn111814htmIt comes from Sheldon Nidle



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Nov 20 2014 at 507 pm

Wow Peg Thanks for this It is cyclical Isometimes get this kind of thing but itrsquos been solong I canrsquot remember the last time Irsquoll have a good look at this one I actually like tosee this kind if thingSo the question is whatrsquos cooking if anything Well have to watch and wait

pegNov 20 2014 at 536 pm

Kitty I do not think any of this from anythinggood actually Everything inside speaks ndash ndash errorndash ndash error I stand with the help is us mdash- in us mdash-we just should find out who we really are In myheart knowing mdash- itrsquos infinityEven the pope is getting people ready for this mdash-what does that say Clinton not long ago onsome program etc etc Nope this being isstaying away from this None of them have mypermission to fix anything Our consciousness ampresonance will take care of things needed We areoneBy the way I didnrsquot finish reading the material

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she sent I just canrsquot Love her dearly and will beseeing her on Sunday She has began looking atmaterial on meditation by just listening to herbreathing Cannot change what others do orbelieve with teachings but only by my walkingand being Itrsquos all about consciousness and I knowyou know that Hugs

LizaNov 20 2014 at 939 pm

wow Kitty that is strange that she just couldnrsquotsee the chemtrailshellip

JerseyCynicNov 19 2014 at 646 pm

Is this a gullibility testYES YES YES (I am doing it using a humorous tone cause that helps me)httpwwwyoutubecomwatchv=O6VUMGO3hCs

Irsquom pretty gullible (getting better) This doesnrsquot sit well with meldquoBeing aware of the priceless value of free will we are inviting you to analternativerdquo

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No thanks

ldquoYour individual decision of asking in your inner self that we show up onyour material plane and in broad daylight is precious and essential to usrdquo

I do go out on the deck every night though (2am ndash 4am) and ask the starbeings to visit me No luck yet (as best as I can remember)

Gee mdash I wonder why SNOPES hasnrsquot taken this one onhelliphellipDOH

OK OK ndash here we go mdash I found the source mdash Itrsquos a cute blonde that must workin Googlersquos marketing departmenthelliphellip those evil bastardsldquoDO YOU WISH THAT WE SHOW UP rdquo from 2006httpwwwyoutubecomwatchv=-K8ADMzz46c

well that didnrsquot take long ndash sorry to burst any bubbles

OphiuchusNov 19 2014 at 920 pm

As soon as I hear the ldquohumanrdquo false paradigm ldquoevolutionrdquo it sends upan immediate red flag to me It is the false assumption that we startdumb and become something better rather than the parasiticdummening of an already highly advanced sentient form of lifeEvolution to me reeks of the linear false time paradigm



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KittyNov 20 2014 at 414 pm

Rik Clay Read a lot of his work Fascinating His lsquosuicidersquo wasnrsquot it vigourously contested by his family and friends These people either commit lsquosuicide lsquo or die of a heart attack

Such a young vibrant man His work isnrsquot so prominent any more Ithink I may have to revisit him I think the road rage person may havebeen drinking Funny thing was my daughter was with me and shesaid before he went he turned his lights off Funny folks where I live Neighbour lol She is elderly I think a visit to the opticians is inorder I did point them out to some farmer friends a long time ago theydidnrsquot see either not what I was seeing certainly Maybe a differentperception

indigovioletNov 20 2014 at 445 pm

I read that his family have said that he did commit suicide but Idonrsquot knowhellip It was the day after his Red Ice Radio interviewand it was noted that he was in very good spirits at the time


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and looking forward enthusiastically to further researching Hewas buried on September 11th A lot of things didnrsquot add up atthe time (or did) But who knows

KittyNov 20 2014 at 453 pm

Must have got that wrong Irsquov been thinking of DavidKelly recently I saw a pic of Tony Blair and Kelly came tomind i was going to mention him to youThese things are very strange Indie his family may have been pressured or maybe suicidewas preferable to the thought of murder Rik Clay was so young and so bright and brave It takes guts to stand up and be counted Who knows true We probably never will

KittyNov 20 2014 at 559 pm

No I donrsquot either Peg I like to be fore warned as in fore armed The Vatican has made some rather startling statements as far as the



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alien agenda is concerned Love our alien brothers and sisters would we baptise them and callthem Christians The usual This has been going on for some time now and Clintonslittle bit of input was interesting too The Disclosure Project it justall adds up to an agenda leading to our furtherenslavement My answer to the question here should just have been a blunt NO Like you I feel it is all within usThe answers we need to everythingare all there Walking the walk is my preferred way too Your friend is blessed tohave you to guide her but itrsquos your love Peg that will really make animpact on her Your well is deep and so many draw upon it I readDavidrsquos post but havenrsquot said anything yet so I know you know what Imean Yoursquore full of love Peg and that is all that matters Hugs backand love XXX

LizaNov 20 2014 at 940 pm



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KittyNov 20 2014 at 1156 pm

Liza I thought I was going a bit crazy This was seriously bizarre Irsquov been thinking about this and maybe itrsquos to do withfrequency There are a lot if other strange phenomenon associated withchemtrailingI saw an orb flying alongside a plane that was obviouslylsquotrailing If my son hadnrsquot been with me at the time and saw it too Iwouldnrsquot have believed what I was seeing Irsquod love to know how many people actually canrsquot see thesethings It still makes me smile when I thinkabout it Neighbour now thinks Irsquom arsquo funny little thingrsquo

LizaNov 20 2014 at 941 pm



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JerseyCynicNov 19 2014 at 650 pm

Letrsquos ask the cathelliphttpwwwyoutubecomwatchv=jD4JhoOFzPg

will iamNov 19 2014 at 830 pm

Ha Remember this one httpswwwyoutubecomwatchv=5Us1ASENPwsampfeature=player_detailpage

JerseyCynicNov 19 2014 at 859 pm

Omg will do I remember this one Yes yes yes and Irsquove got abig toe permanently disfigured from a ldquoboogaloordquo contest toprove it Thanks for the painful memory Good times Thatnight I learned a valuable lesson hellipnever boogaloo barefoot ona crowded dance floor Good times




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pegNov 19 2014 at 832 pm

JC thank you so much for a huge dip belly laughnonononoonononononluvluvluvluv

HeatherNov 19 2014 at 801 pm

Buthellip they get mehellip they get ithellip they understandhellip whoa is me

No way in hell do I need assistance from some outside source that has alreadymet with our lsquoleadersrsquo and understands everything so well but lurks askingmy permission to come aboard I do appreciate the special touches of layingso much of our lsquofamilyrsquo BS out there for us to recap but I am not invitinganother lsquovampirersquo into the lsquohousersquo

JC ndash ha I love ya lady The cat was a special touch for sure ha ha




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Nov 20 2014 at 1130 am

ha I had not realized how sarcastic I was on this commenthellip I was stillfeeling the ldquogossip ladiesrdquo from my daughterrsquos martial arts earlier and Iwas quite sarcastic in lsquodealingrsquo with them Overflowhellip hee

No we are the oneshellip plain and simple

JerseyCynicNov 20 2014 at 133 pm

got that right HeatherldquoBanish the word lsquostrugglersquo from your attitude and yourvocabulary All that we do now must be done in a sacredmanner and in celebration We are the ones we have beenwaiting forrdquo mdash Hopi elders

KittyNov 20 2014 at 157 pm

Perfect JC and Heather lsquoWe are the ones we are waitingfor lsquoThat just about says it all really



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Much love to you both X X X

HeatherNov 20 2014 at 306 pm

Indeed Much love to you both and really big hugs

KittyNov 20 2014 at 323 pm

Huge hugs back X

will iamNov 19 2014 at 815 pm

ldquoThis my friends could be the most important message mankind has everreceivedhelliprdquo


ldquoBe proud of what you arerdquo (the army)



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ldquoBe proud of what you arerdquo (the army)

ldquoThe most important thing for us is that humankind would form a singlefamily before this ldquounknownrdquo we would representrdquo (politics as usual)

ldquoPeace does not mean simply not making war it consists in becoming whatyou collectively are in reality a fraternityrdquo helliphelliphellip Zeta Delta Con

OphiuchusNov 19 2014 at 911 pm

My heart intuition says that this is false and my subconscious shows me theWalter Von Braun message

NofolaloNov 20 2014 at 1056 am

Good thing about the Walter Von Braun message itrsquos their lsquolast card

majikNov 19 2014 at 1016 pm




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I agree This feels wrong

majikNov 19 2014 at 1022 pm

I do believe this is real Irsquove been following them since 06 Well my idea offollowing which is really doing what my mom called the ldquosniffrdquo test to see iftheir rotten I feel this message is real but subtlehttptomkenyoncomescalation-of-chaotic-nodes-and-the-dismantling-of-3-d-reality

John SmithNov 20 2014 at 321 am

there is no easy answer to this certainly humble human spirit would like toextend into presence and understand of life overall throughout wholeuniverse this unfortunately is not it

it appears as direction to admit that you are flawed to sort inner mess of thisworld with an outside force just like there is homophobia among differentgroups of humans it can also be understood as some kind of alien-phobiawithin various ldquoyesrdquo ldquonordquo groups and it should not be it



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so answer lingers most among reasons for yes and no and their validity

I for one am opposing this fancy questions and fancy landings we have needfor outside involvement since ever and it probably ever is done as we wantedit so it can be counted as intrusive with lack of honoring true demand truewish of yes or no

so this petition (seen it and commented it before) appears to be likejournalist duck sensationalist dilemma without true backing or honoringstand so I vouch no and think that entities just like us should come to thisworld ldquousualrdquo way just like we did for their mission of good or evil or elsejust like we all are fancy space ships in contact with tyrannical governmentsdecimating life and nature for power and profits are their real targetspopulation is to be in awe awaiting outside solution to inner turmoil samefor this world as in outside influence for internal misconduct I find Gaiastronger and I find myself with lesser worry so if our conscious plant calls it Id agree but it is left for someone to prove it as I see not Gaia agreeing on ourldquoworkrdquo let alone that of governments and industrial and their spaceconnections so until saw that nurturing me calling it this all dilemmas arelike chewing sawdust hard to find nutrition for human in it

JerseyCynicNov 20 2014 at 548 am

Letrsquos dancehellip (a slow one) to one of my favorite bedtime songs


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oh manhellipIrsquom a gonna start tearing up ndash I miss my babies

Come Take A Trip In My Airship (Remastered) ndash Natalie Merchanthttpwwwyoutubecomwatchv=GDL0GVZXjMI

arielNov 20 2014 at 726 am

Sod it guyshellipthe whole point is that WE CAN HANDLE IThelliphellipWe first have tolearn that our conditioned negativity is projected externally as lsquorealityrsquo(definitely lower case) My lsquoproblemrsquo is how do we get enough of youus intoNOW the inner awareness of the lsquomovement and the restrsquo as Kitty likes torefer to it which is the operating end of the universal life force whichexpands our perception limitlessly subject to the filters which prevent usdestroying the lsquobodiesrsquo with INTENSITY Irsquove met them some of themhelliphellipWearenrsquot SUDDENLY in an awful situationhelliphellipitrsquos fucking hystericallyhistoricalhellipbloody tourists most of the ones Irsquove methellipPot calling the kettleblack really because Irsquove done a bithelliphellipYou donrsquot invite the vampire inhelliphelliphellip

will iamNov 20 2014 at 1257 pm



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I hadnrsquot realized that now was something I needed to get into I wasunder the impression that now is wellhellipnow

I didnrsquot know that it was a separate something or other that dependedon quantity for its existence

I apologize in advance for contributing to your lsquoproblemrsquo so maybeyou can tell me (us) what wes need to be looking for so that on theoft chance it were to come by again wes can have some of it

VigilantibusNov 20 2014 at 751 am

This is another deception from MATRIXBeautiful words Things from New (C)ageIt is a TRAPHumanity falls like ducksWake Up

PamNov 20 2014 at 859 am

HeyhelliphelliphellipI want to see this onehellipBring it onhelliphelliprdquoYESrdquo



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ThomasNov 20 2014 at 906 am

The inorganic races are crafty Although they canrsquot lie to us they canmanipulate Once free will is exercised to join their ranks there is no turningback Can we at least wait until Black Friday and Cyber Monday are over

NofolaloNov 20 2014 at 1111 am

Here ya go Jerseyhelliphttpwwwyoutubecomwatchv=REHV8LERhPwhttpwwwyoutubecomwatchv=5PvGn75ibI4

JerseyCynicNov 20 2014 at 207 pm

Love it Nofolalo I used to know every word to the Flying PurplePeople Eater What a great goofy beat mdash just try to sit still listening




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People Eater What a great goofy beat mdash just try to sit still listeningto it mdash you canrsquot

I wish doo wop never died I grew up just after that

Also missed out on The Bristol Stomphttpwwwyoutubecomwatchv=XCOB5-E4P6Y (I canrsquot believe thesepeople are sitting in their seats)

oh herersquos a good one ndash The Bristol Stomp Dance Around the Worldhttpwwwyoutubecomwatchv=fIbkKxUD0Mst=106

alexNov 20 2014 at 208 pm


PatrickNov 20 2014 at 1113 am

The outside help is from withinhellipinside Free will is wonderful and it hascertainly no choiceshellipUse your intent so your help can help us all Weexchange our intent with the source everyday so we will certainly exchangehelp with benevolence every once in a while Use this positively whether its



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BS or not Love life guys

PeterNov 20 2014 at 535 pm

Following was posted Yeterday an was coming to my attention Some of you sure remember SIRIUS

Dr Steven Greer Dozens of Benevolent ET Species Are Here Eager to MakeContacthttpwwwriseearthcom201411dr-steven-greer-dozens-of-benevolent-ethtml

Itrsquos not the only Article that shows up but that was posted ( I think because ofthe Article we can read here posted) The NEW AGERS always again jump on that wagon and believe in suchchannelings

manNov 20 2014 at 550 pm

yeah itacutes been there for years now on the wwwyears ago i would have said YES STOP BY FOR TEA AND COOKIES



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but now i go HELL NO YOU BLOODY PARASITES suck yourself and bite thestellar dustread this kind of honeysweet friendly alien bullshit often enough- nothingbut mindcontrollitacutes for the kids crying for mama to save them for the ones that like to HOPEand leave EVOLUTION to someone elsethere is no outside saviouryou guys are right itacutes the vampires trying to get our permissioni always wondered why they would need ithellip do they really care for karmathen what about the cheatwhatever- i suppose zen just put it here as a test and a provovation to stir adiscussionheacutes not one of the i-hope-someoneacutes-gonna-save-meacutes more a get-your-sweet-ass-going-guywhat a clever bastard you are zen

JerseyCynicNov 21 2014 at 308 pm

spot on man Google is behind it I do believe

from 2007httpswwwyoutubecomwatchv=-K8ADMzz46c a CGI of a womanreading half of this message and at the end ldquoyou must read the rest ofthe message at google or yahoo search google with the quote marks


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and now that google and nasa have partnered up It wouldnrsquot surpriseme if some day soon we started to see holographic airships here andthere with Ray Kurzweil as their Director of Engineering mdash anythinggoeshttptechcrunchcom20141110google-moffett-airfield-nasa

do know evil my ass

LizaNov 20 2014 at 1011 pm

But donrsquot give it all the credit Intriguing concepts Deception

Free will Yes it is within Never to be coughed up handed over Thecomments on the source site show a lot of naivtersquo Humans by nature look toconnecting as strengthening (Help) The more to have wins It is Not soLooking to another is not the way to go

This site inhabits lots of free thinkers

The only thing I would give my freewill over to is Peace amp Justice It doesexist In the heartmind Too bad the heart is so badly broken

Perhaps the only way to save a planet is with the allone mindset of all itsinhabitants simutaneously If that could be achieved Everybodyrsquos mind set


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on the collective The whole It could happen it is happening Maybe we justhave to let go of this dimension Canrsquot sustain it Donrsquot knowWell itrsquos all Bullshit anyway

hashishiNov 21 2014 at 751 am

ldquoFree will Yes it is within Never to be coughed up handed over rdquo

The most simple profound and beautiful truth It always does me goodto see a wonderful unencumbered spirit reflecting the same greattruth back at me

Dr Paula-Noel MacfieNov 21 2014 at 133 am

Liza we are all already connected and online through indigenous mind ourAncestors We never ldquoleftrdquohellipour minds have been so colonized that we forgotwho we are and where we come from The connection is still there just awhole lotta dissociation in between to navigate through




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arielNov 21 2014 at 725 am

HEY KITTYhelliprsquoWe are the parents our children have warned us abouthelliprsquo isnrsquot it

arielNov 21 2014 at 726 am

Or is it our greatgrand descendants

KittyNov 21 2014 at 319 pm


hashishiNov 21 2014 at 808 am

Oh hai VALIS Good game good game lsquoAliensrsquo Like it But er no thanks




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Oh hai VALIS Good game good game lsquoAliensrsquo Like it But er no thanks

AlteaNov 21 2014 at 554 pm

We are the ETrsquos we have been waiting for

manNov 21 2014 at 620 pm

what a weird place this world is indeedwhere reality is stranger than fictiongood to have a heart

vibra amor

StarDustNov 27 2014 at 900 pm

Why you need thousands of ships one is not enough Come in peace like




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you say and all the humans will open their arms and hug you






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Dr Paula-Noel MacfieNov 19 2014 at 550 pm

This seems like a human being dissociated from genetic memory of Ancestors

alexNov 19 2014 at 554 pm

Hmmmmmhellipsoftening us up for Project Blue Beamhellipreads as if it wasformatteddictated thru an AI lsquochannelerrsquohellipseeking our permissionhellipsoundslike satanic protocol to me (lol)helliporhellipirsquom getting waaaaaaay tooooo cynicalin my old age hahahahellipcheers

KittyNov 19 2014 at 601 pm

No Alex had exactly the same thoughts too Project Blue Beam back again helliphellip Lol





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alexNov 19 2014 at 605 pm


KittyNov 19 2014 at 609 pm

branewaiverNov 19 2014 at 750 pm

I agree Alex and Kitty this is too pat not to mention a littlepatronizing Doesnrsquot pass the sniff test Letrsquos get those awarefuckers with their own desires Game over





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indigovioletNov 20 2014 at 212 pm

Project Bluebeamhellip I had the same thought The words interest thebrain (slightly) but donrsquot reach the heart

KittyNov 20 2014 at 226 pm

I think thatrsquos a good way to describe it Indie Blue Beam seemsto have gone a bit quiet recently and I just thought UhhhOhhhhBlue Beam has returned Irsquom wondering if wersquoll get more of this I think it cyclesChristmas is always a good time for revelations not sure if weare quite there yet

indigovioletNov 20 2014 at 244 pm

Yes and the lsquoaliensrsquo could always say they achieved aconsensus and we would be none the wiser just like



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with the vote (rigging) system

KittyNov 20 2014 at 319 pm

Indie I have to ask you this I was recently roadraged by someone driving so close to me Icouldnrsquot see his head lights It lasted for miles I reacted in absolutely the wrong way dideverything wrong Scared myself silly I really surprised myself I feltso stupid It made me think If something did happen out of the blue like sayBlue Beam how drsquoyou think you would react Would we as people who may consider ourselvesfairly aware be able to see what was happening I gave a neighbour a lift today Sunny warmish but the sky was covered withseriously hugersquo trailsI pointed and said something on the lines of wowlook at those She didnrsquot see them Indie not one as in reallycouldnrsquot see them


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It was so surreal I stopped the car and pointedbut still didnrsquot even register So is this lsquo spiritual lsquo physical mental Very strange experience

indigovioletNov 20 2014 at 356 pm

Strange Kittyhellip

A few years ago I started read the work Rik Clayregarding a planned fake alien invasion and thelater statement from Wernher von Braun on hisdeathbed reinforced what I thought After readingRikrsquos work (and you will probably know that hewas more-than-likely suicided at 26 just as hewas getting into all this) I decided there and thenthat any talk of an alien invasion going forwardwould be dismissed as fake by me howevercompelling When you have felt the truth in alucid moment you just have to stand yourground

We donrsquot know how we will react to a situationuntil we are in it as you saw when the bizarreand frightening road-rage incident took place ndash

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not that you had any room for manoeuvre if hewas right on your tail like that Very ScaryAlmost black ops- like

I donrsquot understand why your neighbour didnrsquot seethe chemtrails Maybe you should have driven herto the opticians Doesnrsquot make sense does itEverybody who I have pointed them out to hasseen them

pegNov 20 2014 at 450 pm

Kitty got this link from a girlfriend yesterday afternoonBless her heart She is a lovely spirit mdashndash Yep your rightitrsquos going around This was sent out on the internet onthe 18th and she thought it needed to be sent to me asldquoGood NewsrdquoHere is what was senthttppaowebcomsn111814htmIt comes from Sheldon Nidle



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Nov 20 2014 at 507 pm

Wow Peg Thanks for this It is cyclical Isometimes get this kind of thing but itrsquos been solong I canrsquot remember the last time Irsquoll have a good look at this one I actually like tosee this kind if thingSo the question is whatrsquos cooking if anything Well have to watch and wait

pegNov 20 2014 at 536 pm

Kitty I do not think any of this from anythinggood actually Everything inside speaks ndash ndash errorndash ndash error I stand with the help is us mdash- in us mdash-we just should find out who we really are In myheart knowing mdash- itrsquos infinityEven the pope is getting people ready for this mdash-what does that say Clinton not long ago onsome program etc etc Nope this being isstaying away from this None of them have mypermission to fix anything Our consciousness ampresonance will take care of things needed We areoneBy the way I didnrsquot finish reading the material

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she sent I just canrsquot Love her dearly and will beseeing her on Sunday She has began looking atmaterial on meditation by just listening to herbreathing Cannot change what others do orbelieve with teachings but only by my walkingand being Itrsquos all about consciousness and I knowyou know that Hugs

LizaNov 20 2014 at 939 pm

wow Kitty that is strange that she just couldnrsquotsee the chemtrailshellip

JerseyCynicNov 19 2014 at 646 pm

Is this a gullibility testYES YES YES (I am doing it using a humorous tone cause that helps me)httpwwwyoutubecomwatchv=O6VUMGO3hCs

Irsquom pretty gullible (getting better) This doesnrsquot sit well with meldquoBeing aware of the priceless value of free will we are inviting you to analternativerdquo

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No thanks

ldquoYour individual decision of asking in your inner self that we show up onyour material plane and in broad daylight is precious and essential to usrdquo

I do go out on the deck every night though (2am ndash 4am) and ask the starbeings to visit me No luck yet (as best as I can remember)

Gee mdash I wonder why SNOPES hasnrsquot taken this one onhelliphellipDOH

OK OK ndash here we go mdash I found the source mdash Itrsquos a cute blonde that must workin Googlersquos marketing departmenthelliphellip those evil bastardsldquoDO YOU WISH THAT WE SHOW UP rdquo from 2006httpwwwyoutubecomwatchv=-K8ADMzz46c

well that didnrsquot take long ndash sorry to burst any bubbles

OphiuchusNov 19 2014 at 920 pm

As soon as I hear the ldquohumanrdquo false paradigm ldquoevolutionrdquo it sends upan immediate red flag to me It is the false assumption that we startdumb and become something better rather than the parasiticdummening of an already highly advanced sentient form of lifeEvolution to me reeks of the linear false time paradigm



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KittyNov 20 2014 at 414 pm

Rik Clay Read a lot of his work Fascinating His lsquosuicidersquo wasnrsquot it vigourously contested by his family and friends These people either commit lsquosuicide lsquo or die of a heart attack

Such a young vibrant man His work isnrsquot so prominent any more Ithink I may have to revisit him I think the road rage person may havebeen drinking Funny thing was my daughter was with me and shesaid before he went he turned his lights off Funny folks where I live Neighbour lol She is elderly I think a visit to the opticians is inorder I did point them out to some farmer friends a long time ago theydidnrsquot see either not what I was seeing certainly Maybe a differentperception

indigovioletNov 20 2014 at 445 pm

I read that his family have said that he did commit suicide but Idonrsquot knowhellip It was the day after his Red Ice Radio interviewand it was noted that he was in very good spirits at the time


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and looking forward enthusiastically to further researching Hewas buried on September 11th A lot of things didnrsquot add up atthe time (or did) But who knows

KittyNov 20 2014 at 453 pm

Must have got that wrong Irsquov been thinking of DavidKelly recently I saw a pic of Tony Blair and Kelly came tomind i was going to mention him to youThese things are very strange Indie his family may have been pressured or maybe suicidewas preferable to the thought of murder Rik Clay was so young and so bright and brave It takes guts to stand up and be counted Who knows true We probably never will

KittyNov 20 2014 at 559 pm

No I donrsquot either Peg I like to be fore warned as in fore armed The Vatican has made some rather startling statements as far as the



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alien agenda is concerned Love our alien brothers and sisters would we baptise them and callthem Christians The usual This has been going on for some time now and Clintonslittle bit of input was interesting too The Disclosure Project it justall adds up to an agenda leading to our furtherenslavement My answer to the question here should just have been a blunt NO Like you I feel it is all within usThe answers we need to everythingare all there Walking the walk is my preferred way too Your friend is blessed tohave you to guide her but itrsquos your love Peg that will really make animpact on her Your well is deep and so many draw upon it I readDavidrsquos post but havenrsquot said anything yet so I know you know what Imean Yoursquore full of love Peg and that is all that matters Hugs backand love XXX

LizaNov 20 2014 at 940 pm



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KittyNov 20 2014 at 1156 pm

Liza I thought I was going a bit crazy This was seriously bizarre Irsquov been thinking about this and maybe itrsquos to do withfrequency There are a lot if other strange phenomenon associated withchemtrailingI saw an orb flying alongside a plane that was obviouslylsquotrailing If my son hadnrsquot been with me at the time and saw it too Iwouldnrsquot have believed what I was seeing Irsquod love to know how many people actually canrsquot see thesethings It still makes me smile when I thinkabout it Neighbour now thinks Irsquom arsquo funny little thingrsquo

LizaNov 20 2014 at 941 pm



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JerseyCynicNov 19 2014 at 650 pm

Letrsquos ask the cathelliphttpwwwyoutubecomwatchv=jD4JhoOFzPg

will iamNov 19 2014 at 830 pm

Ha Remember this one httpswwwyoutubecomwatchv=5Us1ASENPwsampfeature=player_detailpage

JerseyCynicNov 19 2014 at 859 pm

Omg will do I remember this one Yes yes yes and Irsquove got abig toe permanently disfigured from a ldquoboogaloordquo contest toprove it Thanks for the painful memory Good times Thatnight I learned a valuable lesson hellipnever boogaloo barefoot ona crowded dance floor Good times




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pegNov 19 2014 at 832 pm

JC thank you so much for a huge dip belly laughnonononoonononononluvluvluvluv

HeatherNov 19 2014 at 801 pm

Buthellip they get mehellip they get ithellip they understandhellip whoa is me

No way in hell do I need assistance from some outside source that has alreadymet with our lsquoleadersrsquo and understands everything so well but lurks askingmy permission to come aboard I do appreciate the special touches of layingso much of our lsquofamilyrsquo BS out there for us to recap but I am not invitinganother lsquovampirersquo into the lsquohousersquo

JC ndash ha I love ya lady The cat was a special touch for sure ha ha




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Nov 20 2014 at 1130 am

ha I had not realized how sarcastic I was on this commenthellip I was stillfeeling the ldquogossip ladiesrdquo from my daughterrsquos martial arts earlier and Iwas quite sarcastic in lsquodealingrsquo with them Overflowhellip hee

No we are the oneshellip plain and simple

JerseyCynicNov 20 2014 at 133 pm

got that right HeatherldquoBanish the word lsquostrugglersquo from your attitude and yourvocabulary All that we do now must be done in a sacredmanner and in celebration We are the ones we have beenwaiting forrdquo mdash Hopi elders

KittyNov 20 2014 at 157 pm

Perfect JC and Heather lsquoWe are the ones we are waitingfor lsquoThat just about says it all really



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Much love to you both X X X

HeatherNov 20 2014 at 306 pm

Indeed Much love to you both and really big hugs

KittyNov 20 2014 at 323 pm

Huge hugs back X

will iamNov 19 2014 at 815 pm

ldquoThis my friends could be the most important message mankind has everreceivedhelliprdquo


ldquoBe proud of what you arerdquo (the army)



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ldquoBe proud of what you arerdquo (the army)

ldquoThe most important thing for us is that humankind would form a singlefamily before this ldquounknownrdquo we would representrdquo (politics as usual)

ldquoPeace does not mean simply not making war it consists in becoming whatyou collectively are in reality a fraternityrdquo helliphelliphellip Zeta Delta Con

OphiuchusNov 19 2014 at 911 pm

My heart intuition says that this is false and my subconscious shows me theWalter Von Braun message

NofolaloNov 20 2014 at 1056 am

Good thing about the Walter Von Braun message itrsquos their lsquolast card

majikNov 19 2014 at 1016 pm




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I agree This feels wrong

majikNov 19 2014 at 1022 pm

I do believe this is real Irsquove been following them since 06 Well my idea offollowing which is really doing what my mom called the ldquosniffrdquo test to see iftheir rotten I feel this message is real but subtlehttptomkenyoncomescalation-of-chaotic-nodes-and-the-dismantling-of-3-d-reality

John SmithNov 20 2014 at 321 am

there is no easy answer to this certainly humble human spirit would like toextend into presence and understand of life overall throughout wholeuniverse this unfortunately is not it

it appears as direction to admit that you are flawed to sort inner mess of thisworld with an outside force just like there is homophobia among differentgroups of humans it can also be understood as some kind of alien-phobiawithin various ldquoyesrdquo ldquonordquo groups and it should not be it



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so answer lingers most among reasons for yes and no and their validity

I for one am opposing this fancy questions and fancy landings we have needfor outside involvement since ever and it probably ever is done as we wantedit so it can be counted as intrusive with lack of honoring true demand truewish of yes or no

so this petition (seen it and commented it before) appears to be likejournalist duck sensationalist dilemma without true backing or honoringstand so I vouch no and think that entities just like us should come to thisworld ldquousualrdquo way just like we did for their mission of good or evil or elsejust like we all are fancy space ships in contact with tyrannical governmentsdecimating life and nature for power and profits are their real targetspopulation is to be in awe awaiting outside solution to inner turmoil samefor this world as in outside influence for internal misconduct I find Gaiastronger and I find myself with lesser worry so if our conscious plant calls it Id agree but it is left for someone to prove it as I see not Gaia agreeing on ourldquoworkrdquo let alone that of governments and industrial and their spaceconnections so until saw that nurturing me calling it this all dilemmas arelike chewing sawdust hard to find nutrition for human in it

JerseyCynicNov 20 2014 at 548 am

Letrsquos dancehellip (a slow one) to one of my favorite bedtime songs


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oh manhellipIrsquom a gonna start tearing up ndash I miss my babies

Come Take A Trip In My Airship (Remastered) ndash Natalie Merchanthttpwwwyoutubecomwatchv=GDL0GVZXjMI

arielNov 20 2014 at 726 am

Sod it guyshellipthe whole point is that WE CAN HANDLE IThelliphellipWe first have tolearn that our conditioned negativity is projected externally as lsquorealityrsquo(definitely lower case) My lsquoproblemrsquo is how do we get enough of youus intoNOW the inner awareness of the lsquomovement and the restrsquo as Kitty likes torefer to it which is the operating end of the universal life force whichexpands our perception limitlessly subject to the filters which prevent usdestroying the lsquobodiesrsquo with INTENSITY Irsquove met them some of themhelliphellipWearenrsquot SUDDENLY in an awful situationhelliphellipitrsquos fucking hystericallyhistoricalhellipbloody tourists most of the ones Irsquove methellipPot calling the kettleblack really because Irsquove done a bithelliphellipYou donrsquot invite the vampire inhelliphelliphellip

will iamNov 20 2014 at 1257 pm



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I hadnrsquot realized that now was something I needed to get into I wasunder the impression that now is wellhellipnow

I didnrsquot know that it was a separate something or other that dependedon quantity for its existence

I apologize in advance for contributing to your lsquoproblemrsquo so maybeyou can tell me (us) what wes need to be looking for so that on theoft chance it were to come by again wes can have some of it

VigilantibusNov 20 2014 at 751 am

This is another deception from MATRIXBeautiful words Things from New (C)ageIt is a TRAPHumanity falls like ducksWake Up

PamNov 20 2014 at 859 am

HeyhelliphelliphellipI want to see this onehellipBring it onhelliphelliprdquoYESrdquo



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ThomasNov 20 2014 at 906 am

The inorganic races are crafty Although they canrsquot lie to us they canmanipulate Once free will is exercised to join their ranks there is no turningback Can we at least wait until Black Friday and Cyber Monday are over

NofolaloNov 20 2014 at 1111 am

Here ya go Jerseyhelliphttpwwwyoutubecomwatchv=REHV8LERhPwhttpwwwyoutubecomwatchv=5PvGn75ibI4

JerseyCynicNov 20 2014 at 207 pm

Love it Nofolalo I used to know every word to the Flying PurplePeople Eater What a great goofy beat mdash just try to sit still listening




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People Eater What a great goofy beat mdash just try to sit still listeningto it mdash you canrsquot

I wish doo wop never died I grew up just after that

Also missed out on The Bristol Stomphttpwwwyoutubecomwatchv=XCOB5-E4P6Y (I canrsquot believe thesepeople are sitting in their seats)

oh herersquos a good one ndash The Bristol Stomp Dance Around the Worldhttpwwwyoutubecomwatchv=fIbkKxUD0Mst=106

alexNov 20 2014 at 208 pm


PatrickNov 20 2014 at 1113 am

The outside help is from withinhellipinside Free will is wonderful and it hascertainly no choiceshellipUse your intent so your help can help us all Weexchange our intent with the source everyday so we will certainly exchangehelp with benevolence every once in a while Use this positively whether its



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BS or not Love life guys

PeterNov 20 2014 at 535 pm

Following was posted Yeterday an was coming to my attention Some of you sure remember SIRIUS

Dr Steven Greer Dozens of Benevolent ET Species Are Here Eager to MakeContacthttpwwwriseearthcom201411dr-steven-greer-dozens-of-benevolent-ethtml

Itrsquos not the only Article that shows up but that was posted ( I think because ofthe Article we can read here posted) The NEW AGERS always again jump on that wagon and believe in suchchannelings

manNov 20 2014 at 550 pm

yeah itacutes been there for years now on the wwwyears ago i would have said YES STOP BY FOR TEA AND COOKIES



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but now i go HELL NO YOU BLOODY PARASITES suck yourself and bite thestellar dustread this kind of honeysweet friendly alien bullshit often enough- nothingbut mindcontrollitacutes for the kids crying for mama to save them for the ones that like to HOPEand leave EVOLUTION to someone elsethere is no outside saviouryou guys are right itacutes the vampires trying to get our permissioni always wondered why they would need ithellip do they really care for karmathen what about the cheatwhatever- i suppose zen just put it here as a test and a provovation to stir adiscussionheacutes not one of the i-hope-someoneacutes-gonna-save-meacutes more a get-your-sweet-ass-going-guywhat a clever bastard you are zen

JerseyCynicNov 21 2014 at 308 pm

spot on man Google is behind it I do believe

from 2007httpswwwyoutubecomwatchv=-K8ADMzz46c a CGI of a womanreading half of this message and at the end ldquoyou must read the rest ofthe message at google or yahoo search google with the quote marks


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and now that google and nasa have partnered up It wouldnrsquot surpriseme if some day soon we started to see holographic airships here andthere with Ray Kurzweil as their Director of Engineering mdash anythinggoeshttptechcrunchcom20141110google-moffett-airfield-nasa

do know evil my ass

LizaNov 20 2014 at 1011 pm

But donrsquot give it all the credit Intriguing concepts Deception

Free will Yes it is within Never to be coughed up handed over Thecomments on the source site show a lot of naivtersquo Humans by nature look toconnecting as strengthening (Help) The more to have wins It is Not soLooking to another is not the way to go

This site inhabits lots of free thinkers

The only thing I would give my freewill over to is Peace amp Justice It doesexist In the heartmind Too bad the heart is so badly broken

Perhaps the only way to save a planet is with the allone mindset of all itsinhabitants simutaneously If that could be achieved Everybodyrsquos mind set


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on the collective The whole It could happen it is happening Maybe we justhave to let go of this dimension Canrsquot sustain it Donrsquot knowWell itrsquos all Bullshit anyway

hashishiNov 21 2014 at 751 am

ldquoFree will Yes it is within Never to be coughed up handed over rdquo

The most simple profound and beautiful truth It always does me goodto see a wonderful unencumbered spirit reflecting the same greattruth back at me

Dr Paula-Noel MacfieNov 21 2014 at 133 am

Liza we are all already connected and online through indigenous mind ourAncestors We never ldquoleftrdquohellipour minds have been so colonized that we forgotwho we are and where we come from The connection is still there just awhole lotta dissociation in between to navigate through




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arielNov 21 2014 at 725 am

HEY KITTYhelliprsquoWe are the parents our children have warned us abouthelliprsquo isnrsquot it

arielNov 21 2014 at 726 am

Or is it our greatgrand descendants

KittyNov 21 2014 at 319 pm


hashishiNov 21 2014 at 808 am

Oh hai VALIS Good game good game lsquoAliensrsquo Like it But er no thanks




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Oh hai VALIS Good game good game lsquoAliensrsquo Like it But er no thanks

AlteaNov 21 2014 at 554 pm

We are the ETrsquos we have been waiting for

manNov 21 2014 at 620 pm

what a weird place this world is indeedwhere reality is stranger than fictiongood to have a heart

vibra amor

StarDustNov 27 2014 at 900 pm

Why you need thousands of ships one is not enough Come in peace like




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you say and all the humans will open their arms and hug you






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alexNov 19 2014 at 605 pm


KittyNov 19 2014 at 609 pm

branewaiverNov 19 2014 at 750 pm

I agree Alex and Kitty this is too pat not to mention a littlepatronizing Doesnrsquot pass the sniff test Letrsquos get those awarefuckers with their own desires Game over





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indigovioletNov 20 2014 at 212 pm

Project Bluebeamhellip I had the same thought The words interest thebrain (slightly) but donrsquot reach the heart

KittyNov 20 2014 at 226 pm

I think thatrsquos a good way to describe it Indie Blue Beam seemsto have gone a bit quiet recently and I just thought UhhhOhhhhBlue Beam has returned Irsquom wondering if wersquoll get more of this I think it cyclesChristmas is always a good time for revelations not sure if weare quite there yet

indigovioletNov 20 2014 at 244 pm

Yes and the lsquoaliensrsquo could always say they achieved aconsensus and we would be none the wiser just like



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with the vote (rigging) system

KittyNov 20 2014 at 319 pm

Indie I have to ask you this I was recently roadraged by someone driving so close to me Icouldnrsquot see his head lights It lasted for miles I reacted in absolutely the wrong way dideverything wrong Scared myself silly I really surprised myself I feltso stupid It made me think If something did happen out of the blue like sayBlue Beam how drsquoyou think you would react Would we as people who may consider ourselvesfairly aware be able to see what was happening I gave a neighbour a lift today Sunny warmish but the sky was covered withseriously hugersquo trailsI pointed and said something on the lines of wowlook at those She didnrsquot see them Indie not one as in reallycouldnrsquot see them


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It was so surreal I stopped the car and pointedbut still didnrsquot even register So is this lsquo spiritual lsquo physical mental Very strange experience

indigovioletNov 20 2014 at 356 pm

Strange Kittyhellip

A few years ago I started read the work Rik Clayregarding a planned fake alien invasion and thelater statement from Wernher von Braun on hisdeathbed reinforced what I thought After readingRikrsquos work (and you will probably know that hewas more-than-likely suicided at 26 just as hewas getting into all this) I decided there and thenthat any talk of an alien invasion going forwardwould be dismissed as fake by me howevercompelling When you have felt the truth in alucid moment you just have to stand yourground

We donrsquot know how we will react to a situationuntil we are in it as you saw when the bizarreand frightening road-rage incident took place ndash

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not that you had any room for manoeuvre if hewas right on your tail like that Very ScaryAlmost black ops- like

I donrsquot understand why your neighbour didnrsquot seethe chemtrails Maybe you should have driven herto the opticians Doesnrsquot make sense does itEverybody who I have pointed them out to hasseen them

pegNov 20 2014 at 450 pm

Kitty got this link from a girlfriend yesterday afternoonBless her heart She is a lovely spirit mdashndash Yep your rightitrsquos going around This was sent out on the internet onthe 18th and she thought it needed to be sent to me asldquoGood NewsrdquoHere is what was senthttppaowebcomsn111814htmIt comes from Sheldon Nidle



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Nov 20 2014 at 507 pm

Wow Peg Thanks for this It is cyclical Isometimes get this kind of thing but itrsquos been solong I canrsquot remember the last time Irsquoll have a good look at this one I actually like tosee this kind if thingSo the question is whatrsquos cooking if anything Well have to watch and wait

pegNov 20 2014 at 536 pm

Kitty I do not think any of this from anythinggood actually Everything inside speaks ndash ndash errorndash ndash error I stand with the help is us mdash- in us mdash-we just should find out who we really are In myheart knowing mdash- itrsquos infinityEven the pope is getting people ready for this mdash-what does that say Clinton not long ago onsome program etc etc Nope this being isstaying away from this None of them have mypermission to fix anything Our consciousness ampresonance will take care of things needed We areoneBy the way I didnrsquot finish reading the material

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she sent I just canrsquot Love her dearly and will beseeing her on Sunday She has began looking atmaterial on meditation by just listening to herbreathing Cannot change what others do orbelieve with teachings but only by my walkingand being Itrsquos all about consciousness and I knowyou know that Hugs

LizaNov 20 2014 at 939 pm

wow Kitty that is strange that she just couldnrsquotsee the chemtrailshellip

JerseyCynicNov 19 2014 at 646 pm

Is this a gullibility testYES YES YES (I am doing it using a humorous tone cause that helps me)httpwwwyoutubecomwatchv=O6VUMGO3hCs

Irsquom pretty gullible (getting better) This doesnrsquot sit well with meldquoBeing aware of the priceless value of free will we are inviting you to analternativerdquo

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No thanks

ldquoYour individual decision of asking in your inner self that we show up onyour material plane and in broad daylight is precious and essential to usrdquo

I do go out on the deck every night though (2am ndash 4am) and ask the starbeings to visit me No luck yet (as best as I can remember)

Gee mdash I wonder why SNOPES hasnrsquot taken this one onhelliphellipDOH

OK OK ndash here we go mdash I found the source mdash Itrsquos a cute blonde that must workin Googlersquos marketing departmenthelliphellip those evil bastardsldquoDO YOU WISH THAT WE SHOW UP rdquo from 2006httpwwwyoutubecomwatchv=-K8ADMzz46c

well that didnrsquot take long ndash sorry to burst any bubbles

OphiuchusNov 19 2014 at 920 pm

As soon as I hear the ldquohumanrdquo false paradigm ldquoevolutionrdquo it sends upan immediate red flag to me It is the false assumption that we startdumb and become something better rather than the parasiticdummening of an already highly advanced sentient form of lifeEvolution to me reeks of the linear false time paradigm



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KittyNov 20 2014 at 414 pm

Rik Clay Read a lot of his work Fascinating His lsquosuicidersquo wasnrsquot it vigourously contested by his family and friends These people either commit lsquosuicide lsquo or die of a heart attack

Such a young vibrant man His work isnrsquot so prominent any more Ithink I may have to revisit him I think the road rage person may havebeen drinking Funny thing was my daughter was with me and shesaid before he went he turned his lights off Funny folks where I live Neighbour lol She is elderly I think a visit to the opticians is inorder I did point them out to some farmer friends a long time ago theydidnrsquot see either not what I was seeing certainly Maybe a differentperception

indigovioletNov 20 2014 at 445 pm

I read that his family have said that he did commit suicide but Idonrsquot knowhellip It was the day after his Red Ice Radio interviewand it was noted that he was in very good spirits at the time


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and looking forward enthusiastically to further researching Hewas buried on September 11th A lot of things didnrsquot add up atthe time (or did) But who knows

KittyNov 20 2014 at 453 pm

Must have got that wrong Irsquov been thinking of DavidKelly recently I saw a pic of Tony Blair and Kelly came tomind i was going to mention him to youThese things are very strange Indie his family may have been pressured or maybe suicidewas preferable to the thought of murder Rik Clay was so young and so bright and brave It takes guts to stand up and be counted Who knows true We probably never will

KittyNov 20 2014 at 559 pm

No I donrsquot either Peg I like to be fore warned as in fore armed The Vatican has made some rather startling statements as far as the



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alien agenda is concerned Love our alien brothers and sisters would we baptise them and callthem Christians The usual This has been going on for some time now and Clintonslittle bit of input was interesting too The Disclosure Project it justall adds up to an agenda leading to our furtherenslavement My answer to the question here should just have been a blunt NO Like you I feel it is all within usThe answers we need to everythingare all there Walking the walk is my preferred way too Your friend is blessed tohave you to guide her but itrsquos your love Peg that will really make animpact on her Your well is deep and so many draw upon it I readDavidrsquos post but havenrsquot said anything yet so I know you know what Imean Yoursquore full of love Peg and that is all that matters Hugs backand love XXX

LizaNov 20 2014 at 940 pm



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KittyNov 20 2014 at 1156 pm

Liza I thought I was going a bit crazy This was seriously bizarre Irsquov been thinking about this and maybe itrsquos to do withfrequency There are a lot if other strange phenomenon associated withchemtrailingI saw an orb flying alongside a plane that was obviouslylsquotrailing If my son hadnrsquot been with me at the time and saw it too Iwouldnrsquot have believed what I was seeing Irsquod love to know how many people actually canrsquot see thesethings It still makes me smile when I thinkabout it Neighbour now thinks Irsquom arsquo funny little thingrsquo

LizaNov 20 2014 at 941 pm



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JerseyCynicNov 19 2014 at 650 pm

Letrsquos ask the cathelliphttpwwwyoutubecomwatchv=jD4JhoOFzPg

will iamNov 19 2014 at 830 pm

Ha Remember this one httpswwwyoutubecomwatchv=5Us1ASENPwsampfeature=player_detailpage

JerseyCynicNov 19 2014 at 859 pm

Omg will do I remember this one Yes yes yes and Irsquove got abig toe permanently disfigured from a ldquoboogaloordquo contest toprove it Thanks for the painful memory Good times Thatnight I learned a valuable lesson hellipnever boogaloo barefoot ona crowded dance floor Good times




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pegNov 19 2014 at 832 pm

JC thank you so much for a huge dip belly laughnonononoonononononluvluvluvluv

HeatherNov 19 2014 at 801 pm

Buthellip they get mehellip they get ithellip they understandhellip whoa is me

No way in hell do I need assistance from some outside source that has alreadymet with our lsquoleadersrsquo and understands everything so well but lurks askingmy permission to come aboard I do appreciate the special touches of layingso much of our lsquofamilyrsquo BS out there for us to recap but I am not invitinganother lsquovampirersquo into the lsquohousersquo

JC ndash ha I love ya lady The cat was a special touch for sure ha ha




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Nov 20 2014 at 1130 am

ha I had not realized how sarcastic I was on this commenthellip I was stillfeeling the ldquogossip ladiesrdquo from my daughterrsquos martial arts earlier and Iwas quite sarcastic in lsquodealingrsquo with them Overflowhellip hee

No we are the oneshellip plain and simple

JerseyCynicNov 20 2014 at 133 pm

got that right HeatherldquoBanish the word lsquostrugglersquo from your attitude and yourvocabulary All that we do now must be done in a sacredmanner and in celebration We are the ones we have beenwaiting forrdquo mdash Hopi elders

KittyNov 20 2014 at 157 pm

Perfect JC and Heather lsquoWe are the ones we are waitingfor lsquoThat just about says it all really



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Much love to you both X X X

HeatherNov 20 2014 at 306 pm

Indeed Much love to you both and really big hugs

KittyNov 20 2014 at 323 pm

Huge hugs back X

will iamNov 19 2014 at 815 pm

ldquoThis my friends could be the most important message mankind has everreceivedhelliprdquo


ldquoBe proud of what you arerdquo (the army)



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ldquoBe proud of what you arerdquo (the army)

ldquoThe most important thing for us is that humankind would form a singlefamily before this ldquounknownrdquo we would representrdquo (politics as usual)

ldquoPeace does not mean simply not making war it consists in becoming whatyou collectively are in reality a fraternityrdquo helliphelliphellip Zeta Delta Con

OphiuchusNov 19 2014 at 911 pm

My heart intuition says that this is false and my subconscious shows me theWalter Von Braun message

NofolaloNov 20 2014 at 1056 am

Good thing about the Walter Von Braun message itrsquos their lsquolast card

majikNov 19 2014 at 1016 pm




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I agree This feels wrong

majikNov 19 2014 at 1022 pm

I do believe this is real Irsquove been following them since 06 Well my idea offollowing which is really doing what my mom called the ldquosniffrdquo test to see iftheir rotten I feel this message is real but subtlehttptomkenyoncomescalation-of-chaotic-nodes-and-the-dismantling-of-3-d-reality

John SmithNov 20 2014 at 321 am

there is no easy answer to this certainly humble human spirit would like toextend into presence and understand of life overall throughout wholeuniverse this unfortunately is not it

it appears as direction to admit that you are flawed to sort inner mess of thisworld with an outside force just like there is homophobia among differentgroups of humans it can also be understood as some kind of alien-phobiawithin various ldquoyesrdquo ldquonordquo groups and it should not be it



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so answer lingers most among reasons for yes and no and their validity

I for one am opposing this fancy questions and fancy landings we have needfor outside involvement since ever and it probably ever is done as we wantedit so it can be counted as intrusive with lack of honoring true demand truewish of yes or no

so this petition (seen it and commented it before) appears to be likejournalist duck sensationalist dilemma without true backing or honoringstand so I vouch no and think that entities just like us should come to thisworld ldquousualrdquo way just like we did for their mission of good or evil or elsejust like we all are fancy space ships in contact with tyrannical governmentsdecimating life and nature for power and profits are their real targetspopulation is to be in awe awaiting outside solution to inner turmoil samefor this world as in outside influence for internal misconduct I find Gaiastronger and I find myself with lesser worry so if our conscious plant calls it Id agree but it is left for someone to prove it as I see not Gaia agreeing on ourldquoworkrdquo let alone that of governments and industrial and their spaceconnections so until saw that nurturing me calling it this all dilemmas arelike chewing sawdust hard to find nutrition for human in it

JerseyCynicNov 20 2014 at 548 am

Letrsquos dancehellip (a slow one) to one of my favorite bedtime songs


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oh manhellipIrsquom a gonna start tearing up ndash I miss my babies

Come Take A Trip In My Airship (Remastered) ndash Natalie Merchanthttpwwwyoutubecomwatchv=GDL0GVZXjMI

arielNov 20 2014 at 726 am

Sod it guyshellipthe whole point is that WE CAN HANDLE IThelliphellipWe first have tolearn that our conditioned negativity is projected externally as lsquorealityrsquo(definitely lower case) My lsquoproblemrsquo is how do we get enough of youus intoNOW the inner awareness of the lsquomovement and the restrsquo as Kitty likes torefer to it which is the operating end of the universal life force whichexpands our perception limitlessly subject to the filters which prevent usdestroying the lsquobodiesrsquo with INTENSITY Irsquove met them some of themhelliphellipWearenrsquot SUDDENLY in an awful situationhelliphellipitrsquos fucking hystericallyhistoricalhellipbloody tourists most of the ones Irsquove methellipPot calling the kettleblack really because Irsquove done a bithelliphellipYou donrsquot invite the vampire inhelliphelliphellip

will iamNov 20 2014 at 1257 pm



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I hadnrsquot realized that now was something I needed to get into I wasunder the impression that now is wellhellipnow

I didnrsquot know that it was a separate something or other that dependedon quantity for its existence

I apologize in advance for contributing to your lsquoproblemrsquo so maybeyou can tell me (us) what wes need to be looking for so that on theoft chance it were to come by again wes can have some of it

VigilantibusNov 20 2014 at 751 am

This is another deception from MATRIXBeautiful words Things from New (C)ageIt is a TRAPHumanity falls like ducksWake Up

PamNov 20 2014 at 859 am

HeyhelliphelliphellipI want to see this onehellipBring it onhelliphelliprdquoYESrdquo



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ThomasNov 20 2014 at 906 am

The inorganic races are crafty Although they canrsquot lie to us they canmanipulate Once free will is exercised to join their ranks there is no turningback Can we at least wait until Black Friday and Cyber Monday are over

NofolaloNov 20 2014 at 1111 am

Here ya go Jerseyhelliphttpwwwyoutubecomwatchv=REHV8LERhPwhttpwwwyoutubecomwatchv=5PvGn75ibI4

JerseyCynicNov 20 2014 at 207 pm

Love it Nofolalo I used to know every word to the Flying PurplePeople Eater What a great goofy beat mdash just try to sit still listening




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People Eater What a great goofy beat mdash just try to sit still listeningto it mdash you canrsquot

I wish doo wop never died I grew up just after that

Also missed out on The Bristol Stomphttpwwwyoutubecomwatchv=XCOB5-E4P6Y (I canrsquot believe thesepeople are sitting in their seats)

oh herersquos a good one ndash The Bristol Stomp Dance Around the Worldhttpwwwyoutubecomwatchv=fIbkKxUD0Mst=106

alexNov 20 2014 at 208 pm


PatrickNov 20 2014 at 1113 am

The outside help is from withinhellipinside Free will is wonderful and it hascertainly no choiceshellipUse your intent so your help can help us all Weexchange our intent with the source everyday so we will certainly exchangehelp with benevolence every once in a while Use this positively whether its



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BS or not Love life guys

PeterNov 20 2014 at 535 pm

Following was posted Yeterday an was coming to my attention Some of you sure remember SIRIUS

Dr Steven Greer Dozens of Benevolent ET Species Are Here Eager to MakeContacthttpwwwriseearthcom201411dr-steven-greer-dozens-of-benevolent-ethtml

Itrsquos not the only Article that shows up but that was posted ( I think because ofthe Article we can read here posted) The NEW AGERS always again jump on that wagon and believe in suchchannelings

manNov 20 2014 at 550 pm

yeah itacutes been there for years now on the wwwyears ago i would have said YES STOP BY FOR TEA AND COOKIES



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but now i go HELL NO YOU BLOODY PARASITES suck yourself and bite thestellar dustread this kind of honeysweet friendly alien bullshit often enough- nothingbut mindcontrollitacutes for the kids crying for mama to save them for the ones that like to HOPEand leave EVOLUTION to someone elsethere is no outside saviouryou guys are right itacutes the vampires trying to get our permissioni always wondered why they would need ithellip do they really care for karmathen what about the cheatwhatever- i suppose zen just put it here as a test and a provovation to stir adiscussionheacutes not one of the i-hope-someoneacutes-gonna-save-meacutes more a get-your-sweet-ass-going-guywhat a clever bastard you are zen

JerseyCynicNov 21 2014 at 308 pm

spot on man Google is behind it I do believe

from 2007httpswwwyoutubecomwatchv=-K8ADMzz46c a CGI of a womanreading half of this message and at the end ldquoyou must read the rest ofthe message at google or yahoo search google with the quote marks


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and now that google and nasa have partnered up It wouldnrsquot surpriseme if some day soon we started to see holographic airships here andthere with Ray Kurzweil as their Director of Engineering mdash anythinggoeshttptechcrunchcom20141110google-moffett-airfield-nasa

do know evil my ass

LizaNov 20 2014 at 1011 pm

But donrsquot give it all the credit Intriguing concepts Deception

Free will Yes it is within Never to be coughed up handed over Thecomments on the source site show a lot of naivtersquo Humans by nature look toconnecting as strengthening (Help) The more to have wins It is Not soLooking to another is not the way to go

This site inhabits lots of free thinkers

The only thing I would give my freewill over to is Peace amp Justice It doesexist In the heartmind Too bad the heart is so badly broken

Perhaps the only way to save a planet is with the allone mindset of all itsinhabitants simutaneously If that could be achieved Everybodyrsquos mind set


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on the collective The whole It could happen it is happening Maybe we justhave to let go of this dimension Canrsquot sustain it Donrsquot knowWell itrsquos all Bullshit anyway

hashishiNov 21 2014 at 751 am

ldquoFree will Yes it is within Never to be coughed up handed over rdquo

The most simple profound and beautiful truth It always does me goodto see a wonderful unencumbered spirit reflecting the same greattruth back at me

Dr Paula-Noel MacfieNov 21 2014 at 133 am

Liza we are all already connected and online through indigenous mind ourAncestors We never ldquoleftrdquohellipour minds have been so colonized that we forgotwho we are and where we come from The connection is still there just awhole lotta dissociation in between to navigate through




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arielNov 21 2014 at 725 am

HEY KITTYhelliprsquoWe are the parents our children have warned us abouthelliprsquo isnrsquot it

arielNov 21 2014 at 726 am

Or is it our greatgrand descendants

KittyNov 21 2014 at 319 pm


hashishiNov 21 2014 at 808 am

Oh hai VALIS Good game good game lsquoAliensrsquo Like it But er no thanks




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Oh hai VALIS Good game good game lsquoAliensrsquo Like it But er no thanks

AlteaNov 21 2014 at 554 pm

We are the ETrsquos we have been waiting for

manNov 21 2014 at 620 pm

what a weird place this world is indeedwhere reality is stranger than fictiongood to have a heart

vibra amor

StarDustNov 27 2014 at 900 pm

Why you need thousands of ships one is not enough Come in peace like




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you say and all the humans will open their arms and hug you






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indigovioletNov 20 2014 at 212 pm

Project Bluebeamhellip I had the same thought The words interest thebrain (slightly) but donrsquot reach the heart

KittyNov 20 2014 at 226 pm

I think thatrsquos a good way to describe it Indie Blue Beam seemsto have gone a bit quiet recently and I just thought UhhhOhhhhBlue Beam has returned Irsquom wondering if wersquoll get more of this I think it cyclesChristmas is always a good time for revelations not sure if weare quite there yet

indigovioletNov 20 2014 at 244 pm

Yes and the lsquoaliensrsquo could always say they achieved aconsensus and we would be none the wiser just like



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with the vote (rigging) system

KittyNov 20 2014 at 319 pm

Indie I have to ask you this I was recently roadraged by someone driving so close to me Icouldnrsquot see his head lights It lasted for miles I reacted in absolutely the wrong way dideverything wrong Scared myself silly I really surprised myself I feltso stupid It made me think If something did happen out of the blue like sayBlue Beam how drsquoyou think you would react Would we as people who may consider ourselvesfairly aware be able to see what was happening I gave a neighbour a lift today Sunny warmish but the sky was covered withseriously hugersquo trailsI pointed and said something on the lines of wowlook at those She didnrsquot see them Indie not one as in reallycouldnrsquot see them


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It was so surreal I stopped the car and pointedbut still didnrsquot even register So is this lsquo spiritual lsquo physical mental Very strange experience

indigovioletNov 20 2014 at 356 pm

Strange Kittyhellip

A few years ago I started read the work Rik Clayregarding a planned fake alien invasion and thelater statement from Wernher von Braun on hisdeathbed reinforced what I thought After readingRikrsquos work (and you will probably know that hewas more-than-likely suicided at 26 just as hewas getting into all this) I decided there and thenthat any talk of an alien invasion going forwardwould be dismissed as fake by me howevercompelling When you have felt the truth in alucid moment you just have to stand yourground

We donrsquot know how we will react to a situationuntil we are in it as you saw when the bizarreand frightening road-rage incident took place ndash

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not that you had any room for manoeuvre if hewas right on your tail like that Very ScaryAlmost black ops- like

I donrsquot understand why your neighbour didnrsquot seethe chemtrails Maybe you should have driven herto the opticians Doesnrsquot make sense does itEverybody who I have pointed them out to hasseen them

pegNov 20 2014 at 450 pm

Kitty got this link from a girlfriend yesterday afternoonBless her heart She is a lovely spirit mdashndash Yep your rightitrsquos going around This was sent out on the internet onthe 18th and she thought it needed to be sent to me asldquoGood NewsrdquoHere is what was senthttppaowebcomsn111814htmIt comes from Sheldon Nidle



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Nov 20 2014 at 507 pm

Wow Peg Thanks for this It is cyclical Isometimes get this kind of thing but itrsquos been solong I canrsquot remember the last time Irsquoll have a good look at this one I actually like tosee this kind if thingSo the question is whatrsquos cooking if anything Well have to watch and wait

pegNov 20 2014 at 536 pm

Kitty I do not think any of this from anythinggood actually Everything inside speaks ndash ndash errorndash ndash error I stand with the help is us mdash- in us mdash-we just should find out who we really are In myheart knowing mdash- itrsquos infinityEven the pope is getting people ready for this mdash-what does that say Clinton not long ago onsome program etc etc Nope this being isstaying away from this None of them have mypermission to fix anything Our consciousness ampresonance will take care of things needed We areoneBy the way I didnrsquot finish reading the material

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she sent I just canrsquot Love her dearly and will beseeing her on Sunday She has began looking atmaterial on meditation by just listening to herbreathing Cannot change what others do orbelieve with teachings but only by my walkingand being Itrsquos all about consciousness and I knowyou know that Hugs

LizaNov 20 2014 at 939 pm

wow Kitty that is strange that she just couldnrsquotsee the chemtrailshellip

JerseyCynicNov 19 2014 at 646 pm

Is this a gullibility testYES YES YES (I am doing it using a humorous tone cause that helps me)httpwwwyoutubecomwatchv=O6VUMGO3hCs

Irsquom pretty gullible (getting better) This doesnrsquot sit well with meldquoBeing aware of the priceless value of free will we are inviting you to analternativerdquo

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No thanks

ldquoYour individual decision of asking in your inner self that we show up onyour material plane and in broad daylight is precious and essential to usrdquo

I do go out on the deck every night though (2am ndash 4am) and ask the starbeings to visit me No luck yet (as best as I can remember)

Gee mdash I wonder why SNOPES hasnrsquot taken this one onhelliphellipDOH

OK OK ndash here we go mdash I found the source mdash Itrsquos a cute blonde that must workin Googlersquos marketing departmenthelliphellip those evil bastardsldquoDO YOU WISH THAT WE SHOW UP rdquo from 2006httpwwwyoutubecomwatchv=-K8ADMzz46c

well that didnrsquot take long ndash sorry to burst any bubbles

OphiuchusNov 19 2014 at 920 pm

As soon as I hear the ldquohumanrdquo false paradigm ldquoevolutionrdquo it sends upan immediate red flag to me It is the false assumption that we startdumb and become something better rather than the parasiticdummening of an already highly advanced sentient form of lifeEvolution to me reeks of the linear false time paradigm



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KittyNov 20 2014 at 414 pm

Rik Clay Read a lot of his work Fascinating His lsquosuicidersquo wasnrsquot it vigourously contested by his family and friends These people either commit lsquosuicide lsquo or die of a heart attack

Such a young vibrant man His work isnrsquot so prominent any more Ithink I may have to revisit him I think the road rage person may havebeen drinking Funny thing was my daughter was with me and shesaid before he went he turned his lights off Funny folks where I live Neighbour lol She is elderly I think a visit to the opticians is inorder I did point them out to some farmer friends a long time ago theydidnrsquot see either not what I was seeing certainly Maybe a differentperception

indigovioletNov 20 2014 at 445 pm

I read that his family have said that he did commit suicide but Idonrsquot knowhellip It was the day after his Red Ice Radio interviewand it was noted that he was in very good spirits at the time


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and looking forward enthusiastically to further researching Hewas buried on September 11th A lot of things didnrsquot add up atthe time (or did) But who knows

KittyNov 20 2014 at 453 pm

Must have got that wrong Irsquov been thinking of DavidKelly recently I saw a pic of Tony Blair and Kelly came tomind i was going to mention him to youThese things are very strange Indie his family may have been pressured or maybe suicidewas preferable to the thought of murder Rik Clay was so young and so bright and brave It takes guts to stand up and be counted Who knows true We probably never will

KittyNov 20 2014 at 559 pm

No I donrsquot either Peg I like to be fore warned as in fore armed The Vatican has made some rather startling statements as far as the



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alien agenda is concerned Love our alien brothers and sisters would we baptise them and callthem Christians The usual This has been going on for some time now and Clintonslittle bit of input was interesting too The Disclosure Project it justall adds up to an agenda leading to our furtherenslavement My answer to the question here should just have been a blunt NO Like you I feel it is all within usThe answers we need to everythingare all there Walking the walk is my preferred way too Your friend is blessed tohave you to guide her but itrsquos your love Peg that will really make animpact on her Your well is deep and so many draw upon it I readDavidrsquos post but havenrsquot said anything yet so I know you know what Imean Yoursquore full of love Peg and that is all that matters Hugs backand love XXX

LizaNov 20 2014 at 940 pm



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KittyNov 20 2014 at 1156 pm

Liza I thought I was going a bit crazy This was seriously bizarre Irsquov been thinking about this and maybe itrsquos to do withfrequency There are a lot if other strange phenomenon associated withchemtrailingI saw an orb flying alongside a plane that was obviouslylsquotrailing If my son hadnrsquot been with me at the time and saw it too Iwouldnrsquot have believed what I was seeing Irsquod love to know how many people actually canrsquot see thesethings It still makes me smile when I thinkabout it Neighbour now thinks Irsquom arsquo funny little thingrsquo

LizaNov 20 2014 at 941 pm



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JerseyCynicNov 19 2014 at 650 pm

Letrsquos ask the cathelliphttpwwwyoutubecomwatchv=jD4JhoOFzPg

will iamNov 19 2014 at 830 pm

Ha Remember this one httpswwwyoutubecomwatchv=5Us1ASENPwsampfeature=player_detailpage

JerseyCynicNov 19 2014 at 859 pm

Omg will do I remember this one Yes yes yes and Irsquove got abig toe permanently disfigured from a ldquoboogaloordquo contest toprove it Thanks for the painful memory Good times Thatnight I learned a valuable lesson hellipnever boogaloo barefoot ona crowded dance floor Good times




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pegNov 19 2014 at 832 pm

JC thank you so much for a huge dip belly laughnonononoonononononluvluvluvluv

HeatherNov 19 2014 at 801 pm

Buthellip they get mehellip they get ithellip they understandhellip whoa is me

No way in hell do I need assistance from some outside source that has alreadymet with our lsquoleadersrsquo and understands everything so well but lurks askingmy permission to come aboard I do appreciate the special touches of layingso much of our lsquofamilyrsquo BS out there for us to recap but I am not invitinganother lsquovampirersquo into the lsquohousersquo

JC ndash ha I love ya lady The cat was a special touch for sure ha ha




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Nov 20 2014 at 1130 am

ha I had not realized how sarcastic I was on this commenthellip I was stillfeeling the ldquogossip ladiesrdquo from my daughterrsquos martial arts earlier and Iwas quite sarcastic in lsquodealingrsquo with them Overflowhellip hee

No we are the oneshellip plain and simple

JerseyCynicNov 20 2014 at 133 pm

got that right HeatherldquoBanish the word lsquostrugglersquo from your attitude and yourvocabulary All that we do now must be done in a sacredmanner and in celebration We are the ones we have beenwaiting forrdquo mdash Hopi elders

KittyNov 20 2014 at 157 pm

Perfect JC and Heather lsquoWe are the ones we are waitingfor lsquoThat just about says it all really



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Much love to you both X X X

HeatherNov 20 2014 at 306 pm

Indeed Much love to you both and really big hugs

KittyNov 20 2014 at 323 pm

Huge hugs back X

will iamNov 19 2014 at 815 pm

ldquoThis my friends could be the most important message mankind has everreceivedhelliprdquo


ldquoBe proud of what you arerdquo (the army)



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ldquoBe proud of what you arerdquo (the army)

ldquoThe most important thing for us is that humankind would form a singlefamily before this ldquounknownrdquo we would representrdquo (politics as usual)

ldquoPeace does not mean simply not making war it consists in becoming whatyou collectively are in reality a fraternityrdquo helliphelliphellip Zeta Delta Con

OphiuchusNov 19 2014 at 911 pm

My heart intuition says that this is false and my subconscious shows me theWalter Von Braun message

NofolaloNov 20 2014 at 1056 am

Good thing about the Walter Von Braun message itrsquos their lsquolast card

majikNov 19 2014 at 1016 pm




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I agree This feels wrong

majikNov 19 2014 at 1022 pm

I do believe this is real Irsquove been following them since 06 Well my idea offollowing which is really doing what my mom called the ldquosniffrdquo test to see iftheir rotten I feel this message is real but subtlehttptomkenyoncomescalation-of-chaotic-nodes-and-the-dismantling-of-3-d-reality

John SmithNov 20 2014 at 321 am

there is no easy answer to this certainly humble human spirit would like toextend into presence and understand of life overall throughout wholeuniverse this unfortunately is not it

it appears as direction to admit that you are flawed to sort inner mess of thisworld with an outside force just like there is homophobia among differentgroups of humans it can also be understood as some kind of alien-phobiawithin various ldquoyesrdquo ldquonordquo groups and it should not be it



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so answer lingers most among reasons for yes and no and their validity

I for one am opposing this fancy questions and fancy landings we have needfor outside involvement since ever and it probably ever is done as we wantedit so it can be counted as intrusive with lack of honoring true demand truewish of yes or no

so this petition (seen it and commented it before) appears to be likejournalist duck sensationalist dilemma without true backing or honoringstand so I vouch no and think that entities just like us should come to thisworld ldquousualrdquo way just like we did for their mission of good or evil or elsejust like we all are fancy space ships in contact with tyrannical governmentsdecimating life and nature for power and profits are their real targetspopulation is to be in awe awaiting outside solution to inner turmoil samefor this world as in outside influence for internal misconduct I find Gaiastronger and I find myself with lesser worry so if our conscious plant calls it Id agree but it is left for someone to prove it as I see not Gaia agreeing on ourldquoworkrdquo let alone that of governments and industrial and their spaceconnections so until saw that nurturing me calling it this all dilemmas arelike chewing sawdust hard to find nutrition for human in it

JerseyCynicNov 20 2014 at 548 am

Letrsquos dancehellip (a slow one) to one of my favorite bedtime songs


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oh manhellipIrsquom a gonna start tearing up ndash I miss my babies

Come Take A Trip In My Airship (Remastered) ndash Natalie Merchanthttpwwwyoutubecomwatchv=GDL0GVZXjMI

arielNov 20 2014 at 726 am

Sod it guyshellipthe whole point is that WE CAN HANDLE IThelliphellipWe first have tolearn that our conditioned negativity is projected externally as lsquorealityrsquo(definitely lower case) My lsquoproblemrsquo is how do we get enough of youus intoNOW the inner awareness of the lsquomovement and the restrsquo as Kitty likes torefer to it which is the operating end of the universal life force whichexpands our perception limitlessly subject to the filters which prevent usdestroying the lsquobodiesrsquo with INTENSITY Irsquove met them some of themhelliphellipWearenrsquot SUDDENLY in an awful situationhelliphellipitrsquos fucking hystericallyhistoricalhellipbloody tourists most of the ones Irsquove methellipPot calling the kettleblack really because Irsquove done a bithelliphellipYou donrsquot invite the vampire inhelliphelliphellip

will iamNov 20 2014 at 1257 pm



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I hadnrsquot realized that now was something I needed to get into I wasunder the impression that now is wellhellipnow

I didnrsquot know that it was a separate something or other that dependedon quantity for its existence

I apologize in advance for contributing to your lsquoproblemrsquo so maybeyou can tell me (us) what wes need to be looking for so that on theoft chance it were to come by again wes can have some of it

VigilantibusNov 20 2014 at 751 am

This is another deception from MATRIXBeautiful words Things from New (C)ageIt is a TRAPHumanity falls like ducksWake Up

PamNov 20 2014 at 859 am

HeyhelliphelliphellipI want to see this onehellipBring it onhelliphelliprdquoYESrdquo



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ThomasNov 20 2014 at 906 am

The inorganic races are crafty Although they canrsquot lie to us they canmanipulate Once free will is exercised to join their ranks there is no turningback Can we at least wait until Black Friday and Cyber Monday are over

NofolaloNov 20 2014 at 1111 am

Here ya go Jerseyhelliphttpwwwyoutubecomwatchv=REHV8LERhPwhttpwwwyoutubecomwatchv=5PvGn75ibI4

JerseyCynicNov 20 2014 at 207 pm

Love it Nofolalo I used to know every word to the Flying PurplePeople Eater What a great goofy beat mdash just try to sit still listening




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People Eater What a great goofy beat mdash just try to sit still listeningto it mdash you canrsquot

I wish doo wop never died I grew up just after that

Also missed out on The Bristol Stomphttpwwwyoutubecomwatchv=XCOB5-E4P6Y (I canrsquot believe thesepeople are sitting in their seats)

oh herersquos a good one ndash The Bristol Stomp Dance Around the Worldhttpwwwyoutubecomwatchv=fIbkKxUD0Mst=106

alexNov 20 2014 at 208 pm


PatrickNov 20 2014 at 1113 am

The outside help is from withinhellipinside Free will is wonderful and it hascertainly no choiceshellipUse your intent so your help can help us all Weexchange our intent with the source everyday so we will certainly exchangehelp with benevolence every once in a while Use this positively whether its



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BS or not Love life guys

PeterNov 20 2014 at 535 pm

Following was posted Yeterday an was coming to my attention Some of you sure remember SIRIUS

Dr Steven Greer Dozens of Benevolent ET Species Are Here Eager to MakeContacthttpwwwriseearthcom201411dr-steven-greer-dozens-of-benevolent-ethtml

Itrsquos not the only Article that shows up but that was posted ( I think because ofthe Article we can read here posted) The NEW AGERS always again jump on that wagon and believe in suchchannelings

manNov 20 2014 at 550 pm

yeah itacutes been there for years now on the wwwyears ago i would have said YES STOP BY FOR TEA AND COOKIES



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but now i go HELL NO YOU BLOODY PARASITES suck yourself and bite thestellar dustread this kind of honeysweet friendly alien bullshit often enough- nothingbut mindcontrollitacutes for the kids crying for mama to save them for the ones that like to HOPEand leave EVOLUTION to someone elsethere is no outside saviouryou guys are right itacutes the vampires trying to get our permissioni always wondered why they would need ithellip do they really care for karmathen what about the cheatwhatever- i suppose zen just put it here as a test and a provovation to stir adiscussionheacutes not one of the i-hope-someoneacutes-gonna-save-meacutes more a get-your-sweet-ass-going-guywhat a clever bastard you are zen

JerseyCynicNov 21 2014 at 308 pm

spot on man Google is behind it I do believe

from 2007httpswwwyoutubecomwatchv=-K8ADMzz46c a CGI of a womanreading half of this message and at the end ldquoyou must read the rest ofthe message at google or yahoo search google with the quote marks


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and now that google and nasa have partnered up It wouldnrsquot surpriseme if some day soon we started to see holographic airships here andthere with Ray Kurzweil as their Director of Engineering mdash anythinggoeshttptechcrunchcom20141110google-moffett-airfield-nasa

do know evil my ass

LizaNov 20 2014 at 1011 pm

But donrsquot give it all the credit Intriguing concepts Deception

Free will Yes it is within Never to be coughed up handed over Thecomments on the source site show a lot of naivtersquo Humans by nature look toconnecting as strengthening (Help) The more to have wins It is Not soLooking to another is not the way to go

This site inhabits lots of free thinkers

The only thing I would give my freewill over to is Peace amp Justice It doesexist In the heartmind Too bad the heart is so badly broken

Perhaps the only way to save a planet is with the allone mindset of all itsinhabitants simutaneously If that could be achieved Everybodyrsquos mind set


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on the collective The whole It could happen it is happening Maybe we justhave to let go of this dimension Canrsquot sustain it Donrsquot knowWell itrsquos all Bullshit anyway

hashishiNov 21 2014 at 751 am

ldquoFree will Yes it is within Never to be coughed up handed over rdquo

The most simple profound and beautiful truth It always does me goodto see a wonderful unencumbered spirit reflecting the same greattruth back at me

Dr Paula-Noel MacfieNov 21 2014 at 133 am

Liza we are all already connected and online through indigenous mind ourAncestors We never ldquoleftrdquohellipour minds have been so colonized that we forgotwho we are and where we come from The connection is still there just awhole lotta dissociation in between to navigate through




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arielNov 21 2014 at 725 am

HEY KITTYhelliprsquoWe are the parents our children have warned us abouthelliprsquo isnrsquot it

arielNov 21 2014 at 726 am

Or is it our greatgrand descendants

KittyNov 21 2014 at 319 pm


hashishiNov 21 2014 at 808 am

Oh hai VALIS Good game good game lsquoAliensrsquo Like it But er no thanks




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Oh hai VALIS Good game good game lsquoAliensrsquo Like it But er no thanks

AlteaNov 21 2014 at 554 pm

We are the ETrsquos we have been waiting for

manNov 21 2014 at 620 pm

what a weird place this world is indeedwhere reality is stranger than fictiongood to have a heart

vibra amor

StarDustNov 27 2014 at 900 pm

Why you need thousands of ships one is not enough Come in peace like




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you say and all the humans will open their arms and hug you






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with the vote (rigging) system

KittyNov 20 2014 at 319 pm

Indie I have to ask you this I was recently roadraged by someone driving so close to me Icouldnrsquot see his head lights It lasted for miles I reacted in absolutely the wrong way dideverything wrong Scared myself silly I really surprised myself I feltso stupid It made me think If something did happen out of the blue like sayBlue Beam how drsquoyou think you would react Would we as people who may consider ourselvesfairly aware be able to see what was happening I gave a neighbour a lift today Sunny warmish but the sky was covered withseriously hugersquo trailsI pointed and said something on the lines of wowlook at those She didnrsquot see them Indie not one as in reallycouldnrsquot see them


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It was so surreal I stopped the car and pointedbut still didnrsquot even register So is this lsquo spiritual lsquo physical mental Very strange experience

indigovioletNov 20 2014 at 356 pm

Strange Kittyhellip

A few years ago I started read the work Rik Clayregarding a planned fake alien invasion and thelater statement from Wernher von Braun on hisdeathbed reinforced what I thought After readingRikrsquos work (and you will probably know that hewas more-than-likely suicided at 26 just as hewas getting into all this) I decided there and thenthat any talk of an alien invasion going forwardwould be dismissed as fake by me howevercompelling When you have felt the truth in alucid moment you just have to stand yourground

We donrsquot know how we will react to a situationuntil we are in it as you saw when the bizarreand frightening road-rage incident took place ndash

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not that you had any room for manoeuvre if hewas right on your tail like that Very ScaryAlmost black ops- like

I donrsquot understand why your neighbour didnrsquot seethe chemtrails Maybe you should have driven herto the opticians Doesnrsquot make sense does itEverybody who I have pointed them out to hasseen them

pegNov 20 2014 at 450 pm

Kitty got this link from a girlfriend yesterday afternoonBless her heart She is a lovely spirit mdashndash Yep your rightitrsquos going around This was sent out on the internet onthe 18th and she thought it needed to be sent to me asldquoGood NewsrdquoHere is what was senthttppaowebcomsn111814htmIt comes from Sheldon Nidle



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Nov 20 2014 at 507 pm

Wow Peg Thanks for this It is cyclical Isometimes get this kind of thing but itrsquos been solong I canrsquot remember the last time Irsquoll have a good look at this one I actually like tosee this kind if thingSo the question is whatrsquos cooking if anything Well have to watch and wait

pegNov 20 2014 at 536 pm

Kitty I do not think any of this from anythinggood actually Everything inside speaks ndash ndash errorndash ndash error I stand with the help is us mdash- in us mdash-we just should find out who we really are In myheart knowing mdash- itrsquos infinityEven the pope is getting people ready for this mdash-what does that say Clinton not long ago onsome program etc etc Nope this being isstaying away from this None of them have mypermission to fix anything Our consciousness ampresonance will take care of things needed We areoneBy the way I didnrsquot finish reading the material

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she sent I just canrsquot Love her dearly and will beseeing her on Sunday She has began looking atmaterial on meditation by just listening to herbreathing Cannot change what others do orbelieve with teachings but only by my walkingand being Itrsquos all about consciousness and I knowyou know that Hugs

LizaNov 20 2014 at 939 pm

wow Kitty that is strange that she just couldnrsquotsee the chemtrailshellip

JerseyCynicNov 19 2014 at 646 pm

Is this a gullibility testYES YES YES (I am doing it using a humorous tone cause that helps me)httpwwwyoutubecomwatchv=O6VUMGO3hCs

Irsquom pretty gullible (getting better) This doesnrsquot sit well with meldquoBeing aware of the priceless value of free will we are inviting you to analternativerdquo

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No thanks

ldquoYour individual decision of asking in your inner self that we show up onyour material plane and in broad daylight is precious and essential to usrdquo

I do go out on the deck every night though (2am ndash 4am) and ask the starbeings to visit me No luck yet (as best as I can remember)

Gee mdash I wonder why SNOPES hasnrsquot taken this one onhelliphellipDOH

OK OK ndash here we go mdash I found the source mdash Itrsquos a cute blonde that must workin Googlersquos marketing departmenthelliphellip those evil bastardsldquoDO YOU WISH THAT WE SHOW UP rdquo from 2006httpwwwyoutubecomwatchv=-K8ADMzz46c

well that didnrsquot take long ndash sorry to burst any bubbles

OphiuchusNov 19 2014 at 920 pm

As soon as I hear the ldquohumanrdquo false paradigm ldquoevolutionrdquo it sends upan immediate red flag to me It is the false assumption that we startdumb and become something better rather than the parasiticdummening of an already highly advanced sentient form of lifeEvolution to me reeks of the linear false time paradigm



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KittyNov 20 2014 at 414 pm

Rik Clay Read a lot of his work Fascinating His lsquosuicidersquo wasnrsquot it vigourously contested by his family and friends These people either commit lsquosuicide lsquo or die of a heart attack

Such a young vibrant man His work isnrsquot so prominent any more Ithink I may have to revisit him I think the road rage person may havebeen drinking Funny thing was my daughter was with me and shesaid before he went he turned his lights off Funny folks where I live Neighbour lol She is elderly I think a visit to the opticians is inorder I did point them out to some farmer friends a long time ago theydidnrsquot see either not what I was seeing certainly Maybe a differentperception

indigovioletNov 20 2014 at 445 pm

I read that his family have said that he did commit suicide but Idonrsquot knowhellip It was the day after his Red Ice Radio interviewand it was noted that he was in very good spirits at the time


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and looking forward enthusiastically to further researching Hewas buried on September 11th A lot of things didnrsquot add up atthe time (or did) But who knows

KittyNov 20 2014 at 453 pm

Must have got that wrong Irsquov been thinking of DavidKelly recently I saw a pic of Tony Blair and Kelly came tomind i was going to mention him to youThese things are very strange Indie his family may have been pressured or maybe suicidewas preferable to the thought of murder Rik Clay was so young and so bright and brave It takes guts to stand up and be counted Who knows true We probably never will

KittyNov 20 2014 at 559 pm

No I donrsquot either Peg I like to be fore warned as in fore armed The Vatican has made some rather startling statements as far as the



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alien agenda is concerned Love our alien brothers and sisters would we baptise them and callthem Christians The usual This has been going on for some time now and Clintonslittle bit of input was interesting too The Disclosure Project it justall adds up to an agenda leading to our furtherenslavement My answer to the question here should just have been a blunt NO Like you I feel it is all within usThe answers we need to everythingare all there Walking the walk is my preferred way too Your friend is blessed tohave you to guide her but itrsquos your love Peg that will really make animpact on her Your well is deep and so many draw upon it I readDavidrsquos post but havenrsquot said anything yet so I know you know what Imean Yoursquore full of love Peg and that is all that matters Hugs backand love XXX

LizaNov 20 2014 at 940 pm



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KittyNov 20 2014 at 1156 pm

Liza I thought I was going a bit crazy This was seriously bizarre Irsquov been thinking about this and maybe itrsquos to do withfrequency There are a lot if other strange phenomenon associated withchemtrailingI saw an orb flying alongside a plane that was obviouslylsquotrailing If my son hadnrsquot been with me at the time and saw it too Iwouldnrsquot have believed what I was seeing Irsquod love to know how many people actually canrsquot see thesethings It still makes me smile when I thinkabout it Neighbour now thinks Irsquom arsquo funny little thingrsquo

LizaNov 20 2014 at 941 pm



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JerseyCynicNov 19 2014 at 650 pm

Letrsquos ask the cathelliphttpwwwyoutubecomwatchv=jD4JhoOFzPg

will iamNov 19 2014 at 830 pm

Ha Remember this one httpswwwyoutubecomwatchv=5Us1ASENPwsampfeature=player_detailpage

JerseyCynicNov 19 2014 at 859 pm

Omg will do I remember this one Yes yes yes and Irsquove got abig toe permanently disfigured from a ldquoboogaloordquo contest toprove it Thanks for the painful memory Good times Thatnight I learned a valuable lesson hellipnever boogaloo barefoot ona crowded dance floor Good times




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pegNov 19 2014 at 832 pm

JC thank you so much for a huge dip belly laughnonononoonononononluvluvluvluv

HeatherNov 19 2014 at 801 pm

Buthellip they get mehellip they get ithellip they understandhellip whoa is me

No way in hell do I need assistance from some outside source that has alreadymet with our lsquoleadersrsquo and understands everything so well but lurks askingmy permission to come aboard I do appreciate the special touches of layingso much of our lsquofamilyrsquo BS out there for us to recap but I am not invitinganother lsquovampirersquo into the lsquohousersquo

JC ndash ha I love ya lady The cat was a special touch for sure ha ha




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Nov 20 2014 at 1130 am

ha I had not realized how sarcastic I was on this commenthellip I was stillfeeling the ldquogossip ladiesrdquo from my daughterrsquos martial arts earlier and Iwas quite sarcastic in lsquodealingrsquo with them Overflowhellip hee

No we are the oneshellip plain and simple

JerseyCynicNov 20 2014 at 133 pm

got that right HeatherldquoBanish the word lsquostrugglersquo from your attitude and yourvocabulary All that we do now must be done in a sacredmanner and in celebration We are the ones we have beenwaiting forrdquo mdash Hopi elders

KittyNov 20 2014 at 157 pm

Perfect JC and Heather lsquoWe are the ones we are waitingfor lsquoThat just about says it all really



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Much love to you both X X X

HeatherNov 20 2014 at 306 pm

Indeed Much love to you both and really big hugs

KittyNov 20 2014 at 323 pm

Huge hugs back X

will iamNov 19 2014 at 815 pm

ldquoThis my friends could be the most important message mankind has everreceivedhelliprdquo


ldquoBe proud of what you arerdquo (the army)



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ldquoBe proud of what you arerdquo (the army)

ldquoThe most important thing for us is that humankind would form a singlefamily before this ldquounknownrdquo we would representrdquo (politics as usual)

ldquoPeace does not mean simply not making war it consists in becoming whatyou collectively are in reality a fraternityrdquo helliphelliphellip Zeta Delta Con

OphiuchusNov 19 2014 at 911 pm

My heart intuition says that this is false and my subconscious shows me theWalter Von Braun message

NofolaloNov 20 2014 at 1056 am

Good thing about the Walter Von Braun message itrsquos their lsquolast card

majikNov 19 2014 at 1016 pm




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I agree This feels wrong

majikNov 19 2014 at 1022 pm

I do believe this is real Irsquove been following them since 06 Well my idea offollowing which is really doing what my mom called the ldquosniffrdquo test to see iftheir rotten I feel this message is real but subtlehttptomkenyoncomescalation-of-chaotic-nodes-and-the-dismantling-of-3-d-reality

John SmithNov 20 2014 at 321 am

there is no easy answer to this certainly humble human spirit would like toextend into presence and understand of life overall throughout wholeuniverse this unfortunately is not it

it appears as direction to admit that you are flawed to sort inner mess of thisworld with an outside force just like there is homophobia among differentgroups of humans it can also be understood as some kind of alien-phobiawithin various ldquoyesrdquo ldquonordquo groups and it should not be it



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so answer lingers most among reasons for yes and no and their validity

I for one am opposing this fancy questions and fancy landings we have needfor outside involvement since ever and it probably ever is done as we wantedit so it can be counted as intrusive with lack of honoring true demand truewish of yes or no

so this petition (seen it and commented it before) appears to be likejournalist duck sensationalist dilemma without true backing or honoringstand so I vouch no and think that entities just like us should come to thisworld ldquousualrdquo way just like we did for their mission of good or evil or elsejust like we all are fancy space ships in contact with tyrannical governmentsdecimating life and nature for power and profits are their real targetspopulation is to be in awe awaiting outside solution to inner turmoil samefor this world as in outside influence for internal misconduct I find Gaiastronger and I find myself with lesser worry so if our conscious plant calls it Id agree but it is left for someone to prove it as I see not Gaia agreeing on ourldquoworkrdquo let alone that of governments and industrial and their spaceconnections so until saw that nurturing me calling it this all dilemmas arelike chewing sawdust hard to find nutrition for human in it

JerseyCynicNov 20 2014 at 548 am

Letrsquos dancehellip (a slow one) to one of my favorite bedtime songs


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oh manhellipIrsquom a gonna start tearing up ndash I miss my babies

Come Take A Trip In My Airship (Remastered) ndash Natalie Merchanthttpwwwyoutubecomwatchv=GDL0GVZXjMI

arielNov 20 2014 at 726 am

Sod it guyshellipthe whole point is that WE CAN HANDLE IThelliphellipWe first have tolearn that our conditioned negativity is projected externally as lsquorealityrsquo(definitely lower case) My lsquoproblemrsquo is how do we get enough of youus intoNOW the inner awareness of the lsquomovement and the restrsquo as Kitty likes torefer to it which is the operating end of the universal life force whichexpands our perception limitlessly subject to the filters which prevent usdestroying the lsquobodiesrsquo with INTENSITY Irsquove met them some of themhelliphellipWearenrsquot SUDDENLY in an awful situationhelliphellipitrsquos fucking hystericallyhistoricalhellipbloody tourists most of the ones Irsquove methellipPot calling the kettleblack really because Irsquove done a bithelliphellipYou donrsquot invite the vampire inhelliphelliphellip

will iamNov 20 2014 at 1257 pm



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I hadnrsquot realized that now was something I needed to get into I wasunder the impression that now is wellhellipnow

I didnrsquot know that it was a separate something or other that dependedon quantity for its existence

I apologize in advance for contributing to your lsquoproblemrsquo so maybeyou can tell me (us) what wes need to be looking for so that on theoft chance it were to come by again wes can have some of it

VigilantibusNov 20 2014 at 751 am

This is another deception from MATRIXBeautiful words Things from New (C)ageIt is a TRAPHumanity falls like ducksWake Up

PamNov 20 2014 at 859 am

HeyhelliphelliphellipI want to see this onehellipBring it onhelliphelliprdquoYESrdquo



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ThomasNov 20 2014 at 906 am

The inorganic races are crafty Although they canrsquot lie to us they canmanipulate Once free will is exercised to join their ranks there is no turningback Can we at least wait until Black Friday and Cyber Monday are over

NofolaloNov 20 2014 at 1111 am

Here ya go Jerseyhelliphttpwwwyoutubecomwatchv=REHV8LERhPwhttpwwwyoutubecomwatchv=5PvGn75ibI4

JerseyCynicNov 20 2014 at 207 pm

Love it Nofolalo I used to know every word to the Flying PurplePeople Eater What a great goofy beat mdash just try to sit still listening




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People Eater What a great goofy beat mdash just try to sit still listeningto it mdash you canrsquot

I wish doo wop never died I grew up just after that

Also missed out on The Bristol Stomphttpwwwyoutubecomwatchv=XCOB5-E4P6Y (I canrsquot believe thesepeople are sitting in their seats)

oh herersquos a good one ndash The Bristol Stomp Dance Around the Worldhttpwwwyoutubecomwatchv=fIbkKxUD0Mst=106

alexNov 20 2014 at 208 pm


PatrickNov 20 2014 at 1113 am

The outside help is from withinhellipinside Free will is wonderful and it hascertainly no choiceshellipUse your intent so your help can help us all Weexchange our intent with the source everyday so we will certainly exchangehelp with benevolence every once in a while Use this positively whether its



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BS or not Love life guys

PeterNov 20 2014 at 535 pm

Following was posted Yeterday an was coming to my attention Some of you sure remember SIRIUS

Dr Steven Greer Dozens of Benevolent ET Species Are Here Eager to MakeContacthttpwwwriseearthcom201411dr-steven-greer-dozens-of-benevolent-ethtml

Itrsquos not the only Article that shows up but that was posted ( I think because ofthe Article we can read here posted) The NEW AGERS always again jump on that wagon and believe in suchchannelings

manNov 20 2014 at 550 pm

yeah itacutes been there for years now on the wwwyears ago i would have said YES STOP BY FOR TEA AND COOKIES



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but now i go HELL NO YOU BLOODY PARASITES suck yourself and bite thestellar dustread this kind of honeysweet friendly alien bullshit often enough- nothingbut mindcontrollitacutes for the kids crying for mama to save them for the ones that like to HOPEand leave EVOLUTION to someone elsethere is no outside saviouryou guys are right itacutes the vampires trying to get our permissioni always wondered why they would need ithellip do they really care for karmathen what about the cheatwhatever- i suppose zen just put it here as a test and a provovation to stir adiscussionheacutes not one of the i-hope-someoneacutes-gonna-save-meacutes more a get-your-sweet-ass-going-guywhat a clever bastard you are zen

JerseyCynicNov 21 2014 at 308 pm

spot on man Google is behind it I do believe

from 2007httpswwwyoutubecomwatchv=-K8ADMzz46c a CGI of a womanreading half of this message and at the end ldquoyou must read the rest ofthe message at google or yahoo search google with the quote marks


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and now that google and nasa have partnered up It wouldnrsquot surpriseme if some day soon we started to see holographic airships here andthere with Ray Kurzweil as their Director of Engineering mdash anythinggoeshttptechcrunchcom20141110google-moffett-airfield-nasa

do know evil my ass

LizaNov 20 2014 at 1011 pm

But donrsquot give it all the credit Intriguing concepts Deception

Free will Yes it is within Never to be coughed up handed over Thecomments on the source site show a lot of naivtersquo Humans by nature look toconnecting as strengthening (Help) The more to have wins It is Not soLooking to another is not the way to go

This site inhabits lots of free thinkers

The only thing I would give my freewill over to is Peace amp Justice It doesexist In the heartmind Too bad the heart is so badly broken

Perhaps the only way to save a planet is with the allone mindset of all itsinhabitants simutaneously If that could be achieved Everybodyrsquos mind set


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on the collective The whole It could happen it is happening Maybe we justhave to let go of this dimension Canrsquot sustain it Donrsquot knowWell itrsquos all Bullshit anyway

hashishiNov 21 2014 at 751 am

ldquoFree will Yes it is within Never to be coughed up handed over rdquo

The most simple profound and beautiful truth It always does me goodto see a wonderful unencumbered spirit reflecting the same greattruth back at me

Dr Paula-Noel MacfieNov 21 2014 at 133 am

Liza we are all already connected and online through indigenous mind ourAncestors We never ldquoleftrdquohellipour minds have been so colonized that we forgotwho we are and where we come from The connection is still there just awhole lotta dissociation in between to navigate through




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arielNov 21 2014 at 725 am

HEY KITTYhelliprsquoWe are the parents our children have warned us abouthelliprsquo isnrsquot it

arielNov 21 2014 at 726 am

Or is it our greatgrand descendants

KittyNov 21 2014 at 319 pm


hashishiNov 21 2014 at 808 am

Oh hai VALIS Good game good game lsquoAliensrsquo Like it But er no thanks




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Oh hai VALIS Good game good game lsquoAliensrsquo Like it But er no thanks

AlteaNov 21 2014 at 554 pm

We are the ETrsquos we have been waiting for

manNov 21 2014 at 620 pm

what a weird place this world is indeedwhere reality is stranger than fictiongood to have a heart

vibra amor

StarDustNov 27 2014 at 900 pm

Why you need thousands of ships one is not enough Come in peace like




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you say and all the humans will open their arms and hug you






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It was so surreal I stopped the car and pointedbut still didnrsquot even register So is this lsquo spiritual lsquo physical mental Very strange experience

indigovioletNov 20 2014 at 356 pm

Strange Kittyhellip

A few years ago I started read the work Rik Clayregarding a planned fake alien invasion and thelater statement from Wernher von Braun on hisdeathbed reinforced what I thought After readingRikrsquos work (and you will probably know that hewas more-than-likely suicided at 26 just as hewas getting into all this) I decided there and thenthat any talk of an alien invasion going forwardwould be dismissed as fake by me howevercompelling When you have felt the truth in alucid moment you just have to stand yourground

We donrsquot know how we will react to a situationuntil we are in it as you saw when the bizarreand frightening road-rage incident took place ndash

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not that you had any room for manoeuvre if hewas right on your tail like that Very ScaryAlmost black ops- like

I donrsquot understand why your neighbour didnrsquot seethe chemtrails Maybe you should have driven herto the opticians Doesnrsquot make sense does itEverybody who I have pointed them out to hasseen them

pegNov 20 2014 at 450 pm

Kitty got this link from a girlfriend yesterday afternoonBless her heart She is a lovely spirit mdashndash Yep your rightitrsquos going around This was sent out on the internet onthe 18th and she thought it needed to be sent to me asldquoGood NewsrdquoHere is what was senthttppaowebcomsn111814htmIt comes from Sheldon Nidle



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Nov 20 2014 at 507 pm

Wow Peg Thanks for this It is cyclical Isometimes get this kind of thing but itrsquos been solong I canrsquot remember the last time Irsquoll have a good look at this one I actually like tosee this kind if thingSo the question is whatrsquos cooking if anything Well have to watch and wait

pegNov 20 2014 at 536 pm

Kitty I do not think any of this from anythinggood actually Everything inside speaks ndash ndash errorndash ndash error I stand with the help is us mdash- in us mdash-we just should find out who we really are In myheart knowing mdash- itrsquos infinityEven the pope is getting people ready for this mdash-what does that say Clinton not long ago onsome program etc etc Nope this being isstaying away from this None of them have mypermission to fix anything Our consciousness ampresonance will take care of things needed We areoneBy the way I didnrsquot finish reading the material

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she sent I just canrsquot Love her dearly and will beseeing her on Sunday She has began looking atmaterial on meditation by just listening to herbreathing Cannot change what others do orbelieve with teachings but only by my walkingand being Itrsquos all about consciousness and I knowyou know that Hugs

LizaNov 20 2014 at 939 pm

wow Kitty that is strange that she just couldnrsquotsee the chemtrailshellip

JerseyCynicNov 19 2014 at 646 pm

Is this a gullibility testYES YES YES (I am doing it using a humorous tone cause that helps me)httpwwwyoutubecomwatchv=O6VUMGO3hCs

Irsquom pretty gullible (getting better) This doesnrsquot sit well with meldquoBeing aware of the priceless value of free will we are inviting you to analternativerdquo

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No thanks

ldquoYour individual decision of asking in your inner self that we show up onyour material plane and in broad daylight is precious and essential to usrdquo

I do go out on the deck every night though (2am ndash 4am) and ask the starbeings to visit me No luck yet (as best as I can remember)

Gee mdash I wonder why SNOPES hasnrsquot taken this one onhelliphellipDOH

OK OK ndash here we go mdash I found the source mdash Itrsquos a cute blonde that must workin Googlersquos marketing departmenthelliphellip those evil bastardsldquoDO YOU WISH THAT WE SHOW UP rdquo from 2006httpwwwyoutubecomwatchv=-K8ADMzz46c

well that didnrsquot take long ndash sorry to burst any bubbles

OphiuchusNov 19 2014 at 920 pm

As soon as I hear the ldquohumanrdquo false paradigm ldquoevolutionrdquo it sends upan immediate red flag to me It is the false assumption that we startdumb and become something better rather than the parasiticdummening of an already highly advanced sentient form of lifeEvolution to me reeks of the linear false time paradigm



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KittyNov 20 2014 at 414 pm

Rik Clay Read a lot of his work Fascinating His lsquosuicidersquo wasnrsquot it vigourously contested by his family and friends These people either commit lsquosuicide lsquo or die of a heart attack

Such a young vibrant man His work isnrsquot so prominent any more Ithink I may have to revisit him I think the road rage person may havebeen drinking Funny thing was my daughter was with me and shesaid before he went he turned his lights off Funny folks where I live Neighbour lol She is elderly I think a visit to the opticians is inorder I did point them out to some farmer friends a long time ago theydidnrsquot see either not what I was seeing certainly Maybe a differentperception

indigovioletNov 20 2014 at 445 pm

I read that his family have said that he did commit suicide but Idonrsquot knowhellip It was the day after his Red Ice Radio interviewand it was noted that he was in very good spirits at the time


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and looking forward enthusiastically to further researching Hewas buried on September 11th A lot of things didnrsquot add up atthe time (or did) But who knows

KittyNov 20 2014 at 453 pm

Must have got that wrong Irsquov been thinking of DavidKelly recently I saw a pic of Tony Blair and Kelly came tomind i was going to mention him to youThese things are very strange Indie his family may have been pressured or maybe suicidewas preferable to the thought of murder Rik Clay was so young and so bright and brave It takes guts to stand up and be counted Who knows true We probably never will

KittyNov 20 2014 at 559 pm

No I donrsquot either Peg I like to be fore warned as in fore armed The Vatican has made some rather startling statements as far as the



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alien agenda is concerned Love our alien brothers and sisters would we baptise them and callthem Christians The usual This has been going on for some time now and Clintonslittle bit of input was interesting too The Disclosure Project it justall adds up to an agenda leading to our furtherenslavement My answer to the question here should just have been a blunt NO Like you I feel it is all within usThe answers we need to everythingare all there Walking the walk is my preferred way too Your friend is blessed tohave you to guide her but itrsquos your love Peg that will really make animpact on her Your well is deep and so many draw upon it I readDavidrsquos post but havenrsquot said anything yet so I know you know what Imean Yoursquore full of love Peg and that is all that matters Hugs backand love XXX

LizaNov 20 2014 at 940 pm



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KittyNov 20 2014 at 1156 pm

Liza I thought I was going a bit crazy This was seriously bizarre Irsquov been thinking about this and maybe itrsquos to do withfrequency There are a lot if other strange phenomenon associated withchemtrailingI saw an orb flying alongside a plane that was obviouslylsquotrailing If my son hadnrsquot been with me at the time and saw it too Iwouldnrsquot have believed what I was seeing Irsquod love to know how many people actually canrsquot see thesethings It still makes me smile when I thinkabout it Neighbour now thinks Irsquom arsquo funny little thingrsquo

LizaNov 20 2014 at 941 pm



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JerseyCynicNov 19 2014 at 650 pm

Letrsquos ask the cathelliphttpwwwyoutubecomwatchv=jD4JhoOFzPg

will iamNov 19 2014 at 830 pm

Ha Remember this one httpswwwyoutubecomwatchv=5Us1ASENPwsampfeature=player_detailpage

JerseyCynicNov 19 2014 at 859 pm

Omg will do I remember this one Yes yes yes and Irsquove got abig toe permanently disfigured from a ldquoboogaloordquo contest toprove it Thanks for the painful memory Good times Thatnight I learned a valuable lesson hellipnever boogaloo barefoot ona crowded dance floor Good times




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pegNov 19 2014 at 832 pm

JC thank you so much for a huge dip belly laughnonononoonononononluvluvluvluv

HeatherNov 19 2014 at 801 pm

Buthellip they get mehellip they get ithellip they understandhellip whoa is me

No way in hell do I need assistance from some outside source that has alreadymet with our lsquoleadersrsquo and understands everything so well but lurks askingmy permission to come aboard I do appreciate the special touches of layingso much of our lsquofamilyrsquo BS out there for us to recap but I am not invitinganother lsquovampirersquo into the lsquohousersquo

JC ndash ha I love ya lady The cat was a special touch for sure ha ha




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Nov 20 2014 at 1130 am

ha I had not realized how sarcastic I was on this commenthellip I was stillfeeling the ldquogossip ladiesrdquo from my daughterrsquos martial arts earlier and Iwas quite sarcastic in lsquodealingrsquo with them Overflowhellip hee

No we are the oneshellip plain and simple

JerseyCynicNov 20 2014 at 133 pm

got that right HeatherldquoBanish the word lsquostrugglersquo from your attitude and yourvocabulary All that we do now must be done in a sacredmanner and in celebration We are the ones we have beenwaiting forrdquo mdash Hopi elders

KittyNov 20 2014 at 157 pm

Perfect JC and Heather lsquoWe are the ones we are waitingfor lsquoThat just about says it all really



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Much love to you both X X X

HeatherNov 20 2014 at 306 pm

Indeed Much love to you both and really big hugs

KittyNov 20 2014 at 323 pm

Huge hugs back X

will iamNov 19 2014 at 815 pm

ldquoThis my friends could be the most important message mankind has everreceivedhelliprdquo


ldquoBe proud of what you arerdquo (the army)



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ldquoBe proud of what you arerdquo (the army)

ldquoThe most important thing for us is that humankind would form a singlefamily before this ldquounknownrdquo we would representrdquo (politics as usual)

ldquoPeace does not mean simply not making war it consists in becoming whatyou collectively are in reality a fraternityrdquo helliphelliphellip Zeta Delta Con

OphiuchusNov 19 2014 at 911 pm

My heart intuition says that this is false and my subconscious shows me theWalter Von Braun message

NofolaloNov 20 2014 at 1056 am

Good thing about the Walter Von Braun message itrsquos their lsquolast card

majikNov 19 2014 at 1016 pm




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I agree This feels wrong

majikNov 19 2014 at 1022 pm

I do believe this is real Irsquove been following them since 06 Well my idea offollowing which is really doing what my mom called the ldquosniffrdquo test to see iftheir rotten I feel this message is real but subtlehttptomkenyoncomescalation-of-chaotic-nodes-and-the-dismantling-of-3-d-reality

John SmithNov 20 2014 at 321 am

there is no easy answer to this certainly humble human spirit would like toextend into presence and understand of life overall throughout wholeuniverse this unfortunately is not it

it appears as direction to admit that you are flawed to sort inner mess of thisworld with an outside force just like there is homophobia among differentgroups of humans it can also be understood as some kind of alien-phobiawithin various ldquoyesrdquo ldquonordquo groups and it should not be it



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so answer lingers most among reasons for yes and no and their validity

I for one am opposing this fancy questions and fancy landings we have needfor outside involvement since ever and it probably ever is done as we wantedit so it can be counted as intrusive with lack of honoring true demand truewish of yes or no

so this petition (seen it and commented it before) appears to be likejournalist duck sensationalist dilemma without true backing or honoringstand so I vouch no and think that entities just like us should come to thisworld ldquousualrdquo way just like we did for their mission of good or evil or elsejust like we all are fancy space ships in contact with tyrannical governmentsdecimating life and nature for power and profits are their real targetspopulation is to be in awe awaiting outside solution to inner turmoil samefor this world as in outside influence for internal misconduct I find Gaiastronger and I find myself with lesser worry so if our conscious plant calls it Id agree but it is left for someone to prove it as I see not Gaia agreeing on ourldquoworkrdquo let alone that of governments and industrial and their spaceconnections so until saw that nurturing me calling it this all dilemmas arelike chewing sawdust hard to find nutrition for human in it

JerseyCynicNov 20 2014 at 548 am

Letrsquos dancehellip (a slow one) to one of my favorite bedtime songs


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oh manhellipIrsquom a gonna start tearing up ndash I miss my babies

Come Take A Trip In My Airship (Remastered) ndash Natalie Merchanthttpwwwyoutubecomwatchv=GDL0GVZXjMI

arielNov 20 2014 at 726 am

Sod it guyshellipthe whole point is that WE CAN HANDLE IThelliphellipWe first have tolearn that our conditioned negativity is projected externally as lsquorealityrsquo(definitely lower case) My lsquoproblemrsquo is how do we get enough of youus intoNOW the inner awareness of the lsquomovement and the restrsquo as Kitty likes torefer to it which is the operating end of the universal life force whichexpands our perception limitlessly subject to the filters which prevent usdestroying the lsquobodiesrsquo with INTENSITY Irsquove met them some of themhelliphellipWearenrsquot SUDDENLY in an awful situationhelliphellipitrsquos fucking hystericallyhistoricalhellipbloody tourists most of the ones Irsquove methellipPot calling the kettleblack really because Irsquove done a bithelliphellipYou donrsquot invite the vampire inhelliphelliphellip

will iamNov 20 2014 at 1257 pm



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I hadnrsquot realized that now was something I needed to get into I wasunder the impression that now is wellhellipnow

I didnrsquot know that it was a separate something or other that dependedon quantity for its existence

I apologize in advance for contributing to your lsquoproblemrsquo so maybeyou can tell me (us) what wes need to be looking for so that on theoft chance it were to come by again wes can have some of it

VigilantibusNov 20 2014 at 751 am

This is another deception from MATRIXBeautiful words Things from New (C)ageIt is a TRAPHumanity falls like ducksWake Up

PamNov 20 2014 at 859 am

HeyhelliphelliphellipI want to see this onehellipBring it onhelliphelliprdquoYESrdquo



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ThomasNov 20 2014 at 906 am

The inorganic races are crafty Although they canrsquot lie to us they canmanipulate Once free will is exercised to join their ranks there is no turningback Can we at least wait until Black Friday and Cyber Monday are over

NofolaloNov 20 2014 at 1111 am

Here ya go Jerseyhelliphttpwwwyoutubecomwatchv=REHV8LERhPwhttpwwwyoutubecomwatchv=5PvGn75ibI4

JerseyCynicNov 20 2014 at 207 pm

Love it Nofolalo I used to know every word to the Flying PurplePeople Eater What a great goofy beat mdash just try to sit still listening




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People Eater What a great goofy beat mdash just try to sit still listeningto it mdash you canrsquot

I wish doo wop never died I grew up just after that

Also missed out on The Bristol Stomphttpwwwyoutubecomwatchv=XCOB5-E4P6Y (I canrsquot believe thesepeople are sitting in their seats)

oh herersquos a good one ndash The Bristol Stomp Dance Around the Worldhttpwwwyoutubecomwatchv=fIbkKxUD0Mst=106

alexNov 20 2014 at 208 pm


PatrickNov 20 2014 at 1113 am

The outside help is from withinhellipinside Free will is wonderful and it hascertainly no choiceshellipUse your intent so your help can help us all Weexchange our intent with the source everyday so we will certainly exchangehelp with benevolence every once in a while Use this positively whether its



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BS or not Love life guys

PeterNov 20 2014 at 535 pm

Following was posted Yeterday an was coming to my attention Some of you sure remember SIRIUS

Dr Steven Greer Dozens of Benevolent ET Species Are Here Eager to MakeContacthttpwwwriseearthcom201411dr-steven-greer-dozens-of-benevolent-ethtml

Itrsquos not the only Article that shows up but that was posted ( I think because ofthe Article we can read here posted) The NEW AGERS always again jump on that wagon and believe in suchchannelings

manNov 20 2014 at 550 pm

yeah itacutes been there for years now on the wwwyears ago i would have said YES STOP BY FOR TEA AND COOKIES



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but now i go HELL NO YOU BLOODY PARASITES suck yourself and bite thestellar dustread this kind of honeysweet friendly alien bullshit often enough- nothingbut mindcontrollitacutes for the kids crying for mama to save them for the ones that like to HOPEand leave EVOLUTION to someone elsethere is no outside saviouryou guys are right itacutes the vampires trying to get our permissioni always wondered why they would need ithellip do they really care for karmathen what about the cheatwhatever- i suppose zen just put it here as a test and a provovation to stir adiscussionheacutes not one of the i-hope-someoneacutes-gonna-save-meacutes more a get-your-sweet-ass-going-guywhat a clever bastard you are zen

JerseyCynicNov 21 2014 at 308 pm

spot on man Google is behind it I do believe

from 2007httpswwwyoutubecomwatchv=-K8ADMzz46c a CGI of a womanreading half of this message and at the end ldquoyou must read the rest ofthe message at google or yahoo search google with the quote marks


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and now that google and nasa have partnered up It wouldnrsquot surpriseme if some day soon we started to see holographic airships here andthere with Ray Kurzweil as their Director of Engineering mdash anythinggoeshttptechcrunchcom20141110google-moffett-airfield-nasa

do know evil my ass

LizaNov 20 2014 at 1011 pm

But donrsquot give it all the credit Intriguing concepts Deception

Free will Yes it is within Never to be coughed up handed over Thecomments on the source site show a lot of naivtersquo Humans by nature look toconnecting as strengthening (Help) The more to have wins It is Not soLooking to another is not the way to go

This site inhabits lots of free thinkers

The only thing I would give my freewill over to is Peace amp Justice It doesexist In the heartmind Too bad the heart is so badly broken

Perhaps the only way to save a planet is with the allone mindset of all itsinhabitants simutaneously If that could be achieved Everybodyrsquos mind set


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on the collective The whole It could happen it is happening Maybe we justhave to let go of this dimension Canrsquot sustain it Donrsquot knowWell itrsquos all Bullshit anyway

hashishiNov 21 2014 at 751 am

ldquoFree will Yes it is within Never to be coughed up handed over rdquo

The most simple profound and beautiful truth It always does me goodto see a wonderful unencumbered spirit reflecting the same greattruth back at me

Dr Paula-Noel MacfieNov 21 2014 at 133 am

Liza we are all already connected and online through indigenous mind ourAncestors We never ldquoleftrdquohellipour minds have been so colonized that we forgotwho we are and where we come from The connection is still there just awhole lotta dissociation in between to navigate through




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arielNov 21 2014 at 725 am

HEY KITTYhelliprsquoWe are the parents our children have warned us abouthelliprsquo isnrsquot it

arielNov 21 2014 at 726 am

Or is it our greatgrand descendants

KittyNov 21 2014 at 319 pm


hashishiNov 21 2014 at 808 am

Oh hai VALIS Good game good game lsquoAliensrsquo Like it But er no thanks




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Oh hai VALIS Good game good game lsquoAliensrsquo Like it But er no thanks

AlteaNov 21 2014 at 554 pm

We are the ETrsquos we have been waiting for

manNov 21 2014 at 620 pm

what a weird place this world is indeedwhere reality is stranger than fictiongood to have a heart

vibra amor

StarDustNov 27 2014 at 900 pm

Why you need thousands of ships one is not enough Come in peace like




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you say and all the humans will open their arms and hug you






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not that you had any room for manoeuvre if hewas right on your tail like that Very ScaryAlmost black ops- like

I donrsquot understand why your neighbour didnrsquot seethe chemtrails Maybe you should have driven herto the opticians Doesnrsquot make sense does itEverybody who I have pointed them out to hasseen them

pegNov 20 2014 at 450 pm

Kitty got this link from a girlfriend yesterday afternoonBless her heart She is a lovely spirit mdashndash Yep your rightitrsquos going around This was sent out on the internet onthe 18th and she thought it needed to be sent to me asldquoGood NewsrdquoHere is what was senthttppaowebcomsn111814htmIt comes from Sheldon Nidle



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Nov 20 2014 at 507 pm

Wow Peg Thanks for this It is cyclical Isometimes get this kind of thing but itrsquos been solong I canrsquot remember the last time Irsquoll have a good look at this one I actually like tosee this kind if thingSo the question is whatrsquos cooking if anything Well have to watch and wait

pegNov 20 2014 at 536 pm

Kitty I do not think any of this from anythinggood actually Everything inside speaks ndash ndash errorndash ndash error I stand with the help is us mdash- in us mdash-we just should find out who we really are In myheart knowing mdash- itrsquos infinityEven the pope is getting people ready for this mdash-what does that say Clinton not long ago onsome program etc etc Nope this being isstaying away from this None of them have mypermission to fix anything Our consciousness ampresonance will take care of things needed We areoneBy the way I didnrsquot finish reading the material

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she sent I just canrsquot Love her dearly and will beseeing her on Sunday She has began looking atmaterial on meditation by just listening to herbreathing Cannot change what others do orbelieve with teachings but only by my walkingand being Itrsquos all about consciousness and I knowyou know that Hugs

LizaNov 20 2014 at 939 pm

wow Kitty that is strange that she just couldnrsquotsee the chemtrailshellip

JerseyCynicNov 19 2014 at 646 pm

Is this a gullibility testYES YES YES (I am doing it using a humorous tone cause that helps me)httpwwwyoutubecomwatchv=O6VUMGO3hCs

Irsquom pretty gullible (getting better) This doesnrsquot sit well with meldquoBeing aware of the priceless value of free will we are inviting you to analternativerdquo

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No thanks

ldquoYour individual decision of asking in your inner self that we show up onyour material plane and in broad daylight is precious and essential to usrdquo

I do go out on the deck every night though (2am ndash 4am) and ask the starbeings to visit me No luck yet (as best as I can remember)

Gee mdash I wonder why SNOPES hasnrsquot taken this one onhelliphellipDOH

OK OK ndash here we go mdash I found the source mdash Itrsquos a cute blonde that must workin Googlersquos marketing departmenthelliphellip those evil bastardsldquoDO YOU WISH THAT WE SHOW UP rdquo from 2006httpwwwyoutubecomwatchv=-K8ADMzz46c

well that didnrsquot take long ndash sorry to burst any bubbles

OphiuchusNov 19 2014 at 920 pm

As soon as I hear the ldquohumanrdquo false paradigm ldquoevolutionrdquo it sends upan immediate red flag to me It is the false assumption that we startdumb and become something better rather than the parasiticdummening of an already highly advanced sentient form of lifeEvolution to me reeks of the linear false time paradigm



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KittyNov 20 2014 at 414 pm

Rik Clay Read a lot of his work Fascinating His lsquosuicidersquo wasnrsquot it vigourously contested by his family and friends These people either commit lsquosuicide lsquo or die of a heart attack

Such a young vibrant man His work isnrsquot so prominent any more Ithink I may have to revisit him I think the road rage person may havebeen drinking Funny thing was my daughter was with me and shesaid before he went he turned his lights off Funny folks where I live Neighbour lol She is elderly I think a visit to the opticians is inorder I did point them out to some farmer friends a long time ago theydidnrsquot see either not what I was seeing certainly Maybe a differentperception

indigovioletNov 20 2014 at 445 pm

I read that his family have said that he did commit suicide but Idonrsquot knowhellip It was the day after his Red Ice Radio interviewand it was noted that he was in very good spirits at the time


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and looking forward enthusiastically to further researching Hewas buried on September 11th A lot of things didnrsquot add up atthe time (or did) But who knows

KittyNov 20 2014 at 453 pm

Must have got that wrong Irsquov been thinking of DavidKelly recently I saw a pic of Tony Blair and Kelly came tomind i was going to mention him to youThese things are very strange Indie his family may have been pressured or maybe suicidewas preferable to the thought of murder Rik Clay was so young and so bright and brave It takes guts to stand up and be counted Who knows true We probably never will

KittyNov 20 2014 at 559 pm

No I donrsquot either Peg I like to be fore warned as in fore armed The Vatican has made some rather startling statements as far as the



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alien agenda is concerned Love our alien brothers and sisters would we baptise them and callthem Christians The usual This has been going on for some time now and Clintonslittle bit of input was interesting too The Disclosure Project it justall adds up to an agenda leading to our furtherenslavement My answer to the question here should just have been a blunt NO Like you I feel it is all within usThe answers we need to everythingare all there Walking the walk is my preferred way too Your friend is blessed tohave you to guide her but itrsquos your love Peg that will really make animpact on her Your well is deep and so many draw upon it I readDavidrsquos post but havenrsquot said anything yet so I know you know what Imean Yoursquore full of love Peg and that is all that matters Hugs backand love XXX

LizaNov 20 2014 at 940 pm



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KittyNov 20 2014 at 1156 pm

Liza I thought I was going a bit crazy This was seriously bizarre Irsquov been thinking about this and maybe itrsquos to do withfrequency There are a lot if other strange phenomenon associated withchemtrailingI saw an orb flying alongside a plane that was obviouslylsquotrailing If my son hadnrsquot been with me at the time and saw it too Iwouldnrsquot have believed what I was seeing Irsquod love to know how many people actually canrsquot see thesethings It still makes me smile when I thinkabout it Neighbour now thinks Irsquom arsquo funny little thingrsquo

LizaNov 20 2014 at 941 pm



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JerseyCynicNov 19 2014 at 650 pm

Letrsquos ask the cathelliphttpwwwyoutubecomwatchv=jD4JhoOFzPg

will iamNov 19 2014 at 830 pm

Ha Remember this one httpswwwyoutubecomwatchv=5Us1ASENPwsampfeature=player_detailpage

JerseyCynicNov 19 2014 at 859 pm

Omg will do I remember this one Yes yes yes and Irsquove got abig toe permanently disfigured from a ldquoboogaloordquo contest toprove it Thanks for the painful memory Good times Thatnight I learned a valuable lesson hellipnever boogaloo barefoot ona crowded dance floor Good times




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pegNov 19 2014 at 832 pm

JC thank you so much for a huge dip belly laughnonononoonononononluvluvluvluv

HeatherNov 19 2014 at 801 pm

Buthellip they get mehellip they get ithellip they understandhellip whoa is me

No way in hell do I need assistance from some outside source that has alreadymet with our lsquoleadersrsquo and understands everything so well but lurks askingmy permission to come aboard I do appreciate the special touches of layingso much of our lsquofamilyrsquo BS out there for us to recap but I am not invitinganother lsquovampirersquo into the lsquohousersquo

JC ndash ha I love ya lady The cat was a special touch for sure ha ha




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Nov 20 2014 at 1130 am

ha I had not realized how sarcastic I was on this commenthellip I was stillfeeling the ldquogossip ladiesrdquo from my daughterrsquos martial arts earlier and Iwas quite sarcastic in lsquodealingrsquo with them Overflowhellip hee

No we are the oneshellip plain and simple

JerseyCynicNov 20 2014 at 133 pm

got that right HeatherldquoBanish the word lsquostrugglersquo from your attitude and yourvocabulary All that we do now must be done in a sacredmanner and in celebration We are the ones we have beenwaiting forrdquo mdash Hopi elders

KittyNov 20 2014 at 157 pm

Perfect JC and Heather lsquoWe are the ones we are waitingfor lsquoThat just about says it all really



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Much love to you both X X X

HeatherNov 20 2014 at 306 pm

Indeed Much love to you both and really big hugs

KittyNov 20 2014 at 323 pm

Huge hugs back X

will iamNov 19 2014 at 815 pm

ldquoThis my friends could be the most important message mankind has everreceivedhelliprdquo


ldquoBe proud of what you arerdquo (the army)



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ldquoBe proud of what you arerdquo (the army)

ldquoThe most important thing for us is that humankind would form a singlefamily before this ldquounknownrdquo we would representrdquo (politics as usual)

ldquoPeace does not mean simply not making war it consists in becoming whatyou collectively are in reality a fraternityrdquo helliphelliphellip Zeta Delta Con

OphiuchusNov 19 2014 at 911 pm

My heart intuition says that this is false and my subconscious shows me theWalter Von Braun message

NofolaloNov 20 2014 at 1056 am

Good thing about the Walter Von Braun message itrsquos their lsquolast card

majikNov 19 2014 at 1016 pm




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I agree This feels wrong

majikNov 19 2014 at 1022 pm

I do believe this is real Irsquove been following them since 06 Well my idea offollowing which is really doing what my mom called the ldquosniffrdquo test to see iftheir rotten I feel this message is real but subtlehttptomkenyoncomescalation-of-chaotic-nodes-and-the-dismantling-of-3-d-reality

John SmithNov 20 2014 at 321 am

there is no easy answer to this certainly humble human spirit would like toextend into presence and understand of life overall throughout wholeuniverse this unfortunately is not it

it appears as direction to admit that you are flawed to sort inner mess of thisworld with an outside force just like there is homophobia among differentgroups of humans it can also be understood as some kind of alien-phobiawithin various ldquoyesrdquo ldquonordquo groups and it should not be it



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so answer lingers most among reasons for yes and no and their validity

I for one am opposing this fancy questions and fancy landings we have needfor outside involvement since ever and it probably ever is done as we wantedit so it can be counted as intrusive with lack of honoring true demand truewish of yes or no

so this petition (seen it and commented it before) appears to be likejournalist duck sensationalist dilemma without true backing or honoringstand so I vouch no and think that entities just like us should come to thisworld ldquousualrdquo way just like we did for their mission of good or evil or elsejust like we all are fancy space ships in contact with tyrannical governmentsdecimating life and nature for power and profits are their real targetspopulation is to be in awe awaiting outside solution to inner turmoil samefor this world as in outside influence for internal misconduct I find Gaiastronger and I find myself with lesser worry so if our conscious plant calls it Id agree but it is left for someone to prove it as I see not Gaia agreeing on ourldquoworkrdquo let alone that of governments and industrial and their spaceconnections so until saw that nurturing me calling it this all dilemmas arelike chewing sawdust hard to find nutrition for human in it

JerseyCynicNov 20 2014 at 548 am

Letrsquos dancehellip (a slow one) to one of my favorite bedtime songs


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oh manhellipIrsquom a gonna start tearing up ndash I miss my babies

Come Take A Trip In My Airship (Remastered) ndash Natalie Merchanthttpwwwyoutubecomwatchv=GDL0GVZXjMI

arielNov 20 2014 at 726 am

Sod it guyshellipthe whole point is that WE CAN HANDLE IThelliphellipWe first have tolearn that our conditioned negativity is projected externally as lsquorealityrsquo(definitely lower case) My lsquoproblemrsquo is how do we get enough of youus intoNOW the inner awareness of the lsquomovement and the restrsquo as Kitty likes torefer to it which is the operating end of the universal life force whichexpands our perception limitlessly subject to the filters which prevent usdestroying the lsquobodiesrsquo with INTENSITY Irsquove met them some of themhelliphellipWearenrsquot SUDDENLY in an awful situationhelliphellipitrsquos fucking hystericallyhistoricalhellipbloody tourists most of the ones Irsquove methellipPot calling the kettleblack really because Irsquove done a bithelliphellipYou donrsquot invite the vampire inhelliphelliphellip

will iamNov 20 2014 at 1257 pm



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I hadnrsquot realized that now was something I needed to get into I wasunder the impression that now is wellhellipnow

I didnrsquot know that it was a separate something or other that dependedon quantity for its existence

I apologize in advance for contributing to your lsquoproblemrsquo so maybeyou can tell me (us) what wes need to be looking for so that on theoft chance it were to come by again wes can have some of it

VigilantibusNov 20 2014 at 751 am

This is another deception from MATRIXBeautiful words Things from New (C)ageIt is a TRAPHumanity falls like ducksWake Up

PamNov 20 2014 at 859 am

HeyhelliphelliphellipI want to see this onehellipBring it onhelliphelliprdquoYESrdquo



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ThomasNov 20 2014 at 906 am

The inorganic races are crafty Although they canrsquot lie to us they canmanipulate Once free will is exercised to join their ranks there is no turningback Can we at least wait until Black Friday and Cyber Monday are over

NofolaloNov 20 2014 at 1111 am

Here ya go Jerseyhelliphttpwwwyoutubecomwatchv=REHV8LERhPwhttpwwwyoutubecomwatchv=5PvGn75ibI4

JerseyCynicNov 20 2014 at 207 pm

Love it Nofolalo I used to know every word to the Flying PurplePeople Eater What a great goofy beat mdash just try to sit still listening




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People Eater What a great goofy beat mdash just try to sit still listeningto it mdash you canrsquot

I wish doo wop never died I grew up just after that

Also missed out on The Bristol Stomphttpwwwyoutubecomwatchv=XCOB5-E4P6Y (I canrsquot believe thesepeople are sitting in their seats)

oh herersquos a good one ndash The Bristol Stomp Dance Around the Worldhttpwwwyoutubecomwatchv=fIbkKxUD0Mst=106

alexNov 20 2014 at 208 pm


PatrickNov 20 2014 at 1113 am

The outside help is from withinhellipinside Free will is wonderful and it hascertainly no choiceshellipUse your intent so your help can help us all Weexchange our intent with the source everyday so we will certainly exchangehelp with benevolence every once in a while Use this positively whether its



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BS or not Love life guys

PeterNov 20 2014 at 535 pm

Following was posted Yeterday an was coming to my attention Some of you sure remember SIRIUS

Dr Steven Greer Dozens of Benevolent ET Species Are Here Eager to MakeContacthttpwwwriseearthcom201411dr-steven-greer-dozens-of-benevolent-ethtml

Itrsquos not the only Article that shows up but that was posted ( I think because ofthe Article we can read here posted) The NEW AGERS always again jump on that wagon and believe in suchchannelings

manNov 20 2014 at 550 pm

yeah itacutes been there for years now on the wwwyears ago i would have said YES STOP BY FOR TEA AND COOKIES



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but now i go HELL NO YOU BLOODY PARASITES suck yourself and bite thestellar dustread this kind of honeysweet friendly alien bullshit often enough- nothingbut mindcontrollitacutes for the kids crying for mama to save them for the ones that like to HOPEand leave EVOLUTION to someone elsethere is no outside saviouryou guys are right itacutes the vampires trying to get our permissioni always wondered why they would need ithellip do they really care for karmathen what about the cheatwhatever- i suppose zen just put it here as a test and a provovation to stir adiscussionheacutes not one of the i-hope-someoneacutes-gonna-save-meacutes more a get-your-sweet-ass-going-guywhat a clever bastard you are zen

JerseyCynicNov 21 2014 at 308 pm

spot on man Google is behind it I do believe

from 2007httpswwwyoutubecomwatchv=-K8ADMzz46c a CGI of a womanreading half of this message and at the end ldquoyou must read the rest ofthe message at google or yahoo search google with the quote marks


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and now that google and nasa have partnered up It wouldnrsquot surpriseme if some day soon we started to see holographic airships here andthere with Ray Kurzweil as their Director of Engineering mdash anythinggoeshttptechcrunchcom20141110google-moffett-airfield-nasa

do know evil my ass

LizaNov 20 2014 at 1011 pm

But donrsquot give it all the credit Intriguing concepts Deception

Free will Yes it is within Never to be coughed up handed over Thecomments on the source site show a lot of naivtersquo Humans by nature look toconnecting as strengthening (Help) The more to have wins It is Not soLooking to another is not the way to go

This site inhabits lots of free thinkers

The only thing I would give my freewill over to is Peace amp Justice It doesexist In the heartmind Too bad the heart is so badly broken

Perhaps the only way to save a planet is with the allone mindset of all itsinhabitants simutaneously If that could be achieved Everybodyrsquos mind set


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on the collective The whole It could happen it is happening Maybe we justhave to let go of this dimension Canrsquot sustain it Donrsquot knowWell itrsquos all Bullshit anyway

hashishiNov 21 2014 at 751 am

ldquoFree will Yes it is within Never to be coughed up handed over rdquo

The most simple profound and beautiful truth It always does me goodto see a wonderful unencumbered spirit reflecting the same greattruth back at me

Dr Paula-Noel MacfieNov 21 2014 at 133 am

Liza we are all already connected and online through indigenous mind ourAncestors We never ldquoleftrdquohellipour minds have been so colonized that we forgotwho we are and where we come from The connection is still there just awhole lotta dissociation in between to navigate through




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arielNov 21 2014 at 725 am

HEY KITTYhelliprsquoWe are the parents our children have warned us abouthelliprsquo isnrsquot it

arielNov 21 2014 at 726 am

Or is it our greatgrand descendants

KittyNov 21 2014 at 319 pm


hashishiNov 21 2014 at 808 am

Oh hai VALIS Good game good game lsquoAliensrsquo Like it But er no thanks




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Oh hai VALIS Good game good game lsquoAliensrsquo Like it But er no thanks

AlteaNov 21 2014 at 554 pm

We are the ETrsquos we have been waiting for

manNov 21 2014 at 620 pm

what a weird place this world is indeedwhere reality is stranger than fictiongood to have a heart

vibra amor

StarDustNov 27 2014 at 900 pm

Why you need thousands of ships one is not enough Come in peace like




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you say and all the humans will open their arms and hug you






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Nov 20 2014 at 507 pm

Wow Peg Thanks for this It is cyclical Isometimes get this kind of thing but itrsquos been solong I canrsquot remember the last time Irsquoll have a good look at this one I actually like tosee this kind if thingSo the question is whatrsquos cooking if anything Well have to watch and wait

pegNov 20 2014 at 536 pm

Kitty I do not think any of this from anythinggood actually Everything inside speaks ndash ndash errorndash ndash error I stand with the help is us mdash- in us mdash-we just should find out who we really are In myheart knowing mdash- itrsquos infinityEven the pope is getting people ready for this mdash-what does that say Clinton not long ago onsome program etc etc Nope this being isstaying away from this None of them have mypermission to fix anything Our consciousness ampresonance will take care of things needed We areoneBy the way I didnrsquot finish reading the material

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she sent I just canrsquot Love her dearly and will beseeing her on Sunday She has began looking atmaterial on meditation by just listening to herbreathing Cannot change what others do orbelieve with teachings but only by my walkingand being Itrsquos all about consciousness and I knowyou know that Hugs

LizaNov 20 2014 at 939 pm

wow Kitty that is strange that she just couldnrsquotsee the chemtrailshellip

JerseyCynicNov 19 2014 at 646 pm

Is this a gullibility testYES YES YES (I am doing it using a humorous tone cause that helps me)httpwwwyoutubecomwatchv=O6VUMGO3hCs

Irsquom pretty gullible (getting better) This doesnrsquot sit well with meldquoBeing aware of the priceless value of free will we are inviting you to analternativerdquo

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No thanks

ldquoYour individual decision of asking in your inner self that we show up onyour material plane and in broad daylight is precious and essential to usrdquo

I do go out on the deck every night though (2am ndash 4am) and ask the starbeings to visit me No luck yet (as best as I can remember)

Gee mdash I wonder why SNOPES hasnrsquot taken this one onhelliphellipDOH

OK OK ndash here we go mdash I found the source mdash Itrsquos a cute blonde that must workin Googlersquos marketing departmenthelliphellip those evil bastardsldquoDO YOU WISH THAT WE SHOW UP rdquo from 2006httpwwwyoutubecomwatchv=-K8ADMzz46c

well that didnrsquot take long ndash sorry to burst any bubbles

OphiuchusNov 19 2014 at 920 pm

As soon as I hear the ldquohumanrdquo false paradigm ldquoevolutionrdquo it sends upan immediate red flag to me It is the false assumption that we startdumb and become something better rather than the parasiticdummening of an already highly advanced sentient form of lifeEvolution to me reeks of the linear false time paradigm



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KittyNov 20 2014 at 414 pm

Rik Clay Read a lot of his work Fascinating His lsquosuicidersquo wasnrsquot it vigourously contested by his family and friends These people either commit lsquosuicide lsquo or die of a heart attack

Such a young vibrant man His work isnrsquot so prominent any more Ithink I may have to revisit him I think the road rage person may havebeen drinking Funny thing was my daughter was with me and shesaid before he went he turned his lights off Funny folks where I live Neighbour lol She is elderly I think a visit to the opticians is inorder I did point them out to some farmer friends a long time ago theydidnrsquot see either not what I was seeing certainly Maybe a differentperception

indigovioletNov 20 2014 at 445 pm

I read that his family have said that he did commit suicide but Idonrsquot knowhellip It was the day after his Red Ice Radio interviewand it was noted that he was in very good spirits at the time


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and looking forward enthusiastically to further researching Hewas buried on September 11th A lot of things didnrsquot add up atthe time (or did) But who knows

KittyNov 20 2014 at 453 pm

Must have got that wrong Irsquov been thinking of DavidKelly recently I saw a pic of Tony Blair and Kelly came tomind i was going to mention him to youThese things are very strange Indie his family may have been pressured or maybe suicidewas preferable to the thought of murder Rik Clay was so young and so bright and brave It takes guts to stand up and be counted Who knows true We probably never will

KittyNov 20 2014 at 559 pm

No I donrsquot either Peg I like to be fore warned as in fore armed The Vatican has made some rather startling statements as far as the



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alien agenda is concerned Love our alien brothers and sisters would we baptise them and callthem Christians The usual This has been going on for some time now and Clintonslittle bit of input was interesting too The Disclosure Project it justall adds up to an agenda leading to our furtherenslavement My answer to the question here should just have been a blunt NO Like you I feel it is all within usThe answers we need to everythingare all there Walking the walk is my preferred way too Your friend is blessed tohave you to guide her but itrsquos your love Peg that will really make animpact on her Your well is deep and so many draw upon it I readDavidrsquos post but havenrsquot said anything yet so I know you know what Imean Yoursquore full of love Peg and that is all that matters Hugs backand love XXX

LizaNov 20 2014 at 940 pm



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KittyNov 20 2014 at 1156 pm

Liza I thought I was going a bit crazy This was seriously bizarre Irsquov been thinking about this and maybe itrsquos to do withfrequency There are a lot if other strange phenomenon associated withchemtrailingI saw an orb flying alongside a plane that was obviouslylsquotrailing If my son hadnrsquot been with me at the time and saw it too Iwouldnrsquot have believed what I was seeing Irsquod love to know how many people actually canrsquot see thesethings It still makes me smile when I thinkabout it Neighbour now thinks Irsquom arsquo funny little thingrsquo

LizaNov 20 2014 at 941 pm



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JerseyCynicNov 19 2014 at 650 pm

Letrsquos ask the cathelliphttpwwwyoutubecomwatchv=jD4JhoOFzPg

will iamNov 19 2014 at 830 pm

Ha Remember this one httpswwwyoutubecomwatchv=5Us1ASENPwsampfeature=player_detailpage

JerseyCynicNov 19 2014 at 859 pm

Omg will do I remember this one Yes yes yes and Irsquove got abig toe permanently disfigured from a ldquoboogaloordquo contest toprove it Thanks for the painful memory Good times Thatnight I learned a valuable lesson hellipnever boogaloo barefoot ona crowded dance floor Good times




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pegNov 19 2014 at 832 pm

JC thank you so much for a huge dip belly laughnonononoonononononluvluvluvluv

HeatherNov 19 2014 at 801 pm

Buthellip they get mehellip they get ithellip they understandhellip whoa is me

No way in hell do I need assistance from some outside source that has alreadymet with our lsquoleadersrsquo and understands everything so well but lurks askingmy permission to come aboard I do appreciate the special touches of layingso much of our lsquofamilyrsquo BS out there for us to recap but I am not invitinganother lsquovampirersquo into the lsquohousersquo

JC ndash ha I love ya lady The cat was a special touch for sure ha ha




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Nov 20 2014 at 1130 am

ha I had not realized how sarcastic I was on this commenthellip I was stillfeeling the ldquogossip ladiesrdquo from my daughterrsquos martial arts earlier and Iwas quite sarcastic in lsquodealingrsquo with them Overflowhellip hee

No we are the oneshellip plain and simple

JerseyCynicNov 20 2014 at 133 pm

got that right HeatherldquoBanish the word lsquostrugglersquo from your attitude and yourvocabulary All that we do now must be done in a sacredmanner and in celebration We are the ones we have beenwaiting forrdquo mdash Hopi elders

KittyNov 20 2014 at 157 pm

Perfect JC and Heather lsquoWe are the ones we are waitingfor lsquoThat just about says it all really



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Much love to you both X X X

HeatherNov 20 2014 at 306 pm

Indeed Much love to you both and really big hugs

KittyNov 20 2014 at 323 pm

Huge hugs back X

will iamNov 19 2014 at 815 pm

ldquoThis my friends could be the most important message mankind has everreceivedhelliprdquo


ldquoBe proud of what you arerdquo (the army)



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ldquoBe proud of what you arerdquo (the army)

ldquoThe most important thing for us is that humankind would form a singlefamily before this ldquounknownrdquo we would representrdquo (politics as usual)

ldquoPeace does not mean simply not making war it consists in becoming whatyou collectively are in reality a fraternityrdquo helliphelliphellip Zeta Delta Con

OphiuchusNov 19 2014 at 911 pm

My heart intuition says that this is false and my subconscious shows me theWalter Von Braun message

NofolaloNov 20 2014 at 1056 am

Good thing about the Walter Von Braun message itrsquos their lsquolast card

majikNov 19 2014 at 1016 pm




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I agree This feels wrong

majikNov 19 2014 at 1022 pm

I do believe this is real Irsquove been following them since 06 Well my idea offollowing which is really doing what my mom called the ldquosniffrdquo test to see iftheir rotten I feel this message is real but subtlehttptomkenyoncomescalation-of-chaotic-nodes-and-the-dismantling-of-3-d-reality

John SmithNov 20 2014 at 321 am

there is no easy answer to this certainly humble human spirit would like toextend into presence and understand of life overall throughout wholeuniverse this unfortunately is not it

it appears as direction to admit that you are flawed to sort inner mess of thisworld with an outside force just like there is homophobia among differentgroups of humans it can also be understood as some kind of alien-phobiawithin various ldquoyesrdquo ldquonordquo groups and it should not be it



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so answer lingers most among reasons for yes and no and their validity

I for one am opposing this fancy questions and fancy landings we have needfor outside involvement since ever and it probably ever is done as we wantedit so it can be counted as intrusive with lack of honoring true demand truewish of yes or no

so this petition (seen it and commented it before) appears to be likejournalist duck sensationalist dilemma without true backing or honoringstand so I vouch no and think that entities just like us should come to thisworld ldquousualrdquo way just like we did for their mission of good or evil or elsejust like we all are fancy space ships in contact with tyrannical governmentsdecimating life and nature for power and profits are their real targetspopulation is to be in awe awaiting outside solution to inner turmoil samefor this world as in outside influence for internal misconduct I find Gaiastronger and I find myself with lesser worry so if our conscious plant calls it Id agree but it is left for someone to prove it as I see not Gaia agreeing on ourldquoworkrdquo let alone that of governments and industrial and their spaceconnections so until saw that nurturing me calling it this all dilemmas arelike chewing sawdust hard to find nutrition for human in it

JerseyCynicNov 20 2014 at 548 am

Letrsquos dancehellip (a slow one) to one of my favorite bedtime songs


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oh manhellipIrsquom a gonna start tearing up ndash I miss my babies

Come Take A Trip In My Airship (Remastered) ndash Natalie Merchanthttpwwwyoutubecomwatchv=GDL0GVZXjMI

arielNov 20 2014 at 726 am

Sod it guyshellipthe whole point is that WE CAN HANDLE IThelliphellipWe first have tolearn that our conditioned negativity is projected externally as lsquorealityrsquo(definitely lower case) My lsquoproblemrsquo is how do we get enough of youus intoNOW the inner awareness of the lsquomovement and the restrsquo as Kitty likes torefer to it which is the operating end of the universal life force whichexpands our perception limitlessly subject to the filters which prevent usdestroying the lsquobodiesrsquo with INTENSITY Irsquove met them some of themhelliphellipWearenrsquot SUDDENLY in an awful situationhelliphellipitrsquos fucking hystericallyhistoricalhellipbloody tourists most of the ones Irsquove methellipPot calling the kettleblack really because Irsquove done a bithelliphellipYou donrsquot invite the vampire inhelliphelliphellip

will iamNov 20 2014 at 1257 pm



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I hadnrsquot realized that now was something I needed to get into I wasunder the impression that now is wellhellipnow

I didnrsquot know that it was a separate something or other that dependedon quantity for its existence

I apologize in advance for contributing to your lsquoproblemrsquo so maybeyou can tell me (us) what wes need to be looking for so that on theoft chance it were to come by again wes can have some of it

VigilantibusNov 20 2014 at 751 am

This is another deception from MATRIXBeautiful words Things from New (C)ageIt is a TRAPHumanity falls like ducksWake Up

PamNov 20 2014 at 859 am

HeyhelliphelliphellipI want to see this onehellipBring it onhelliphelliprdquoYESrdquo



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ThomasNov 20 2014 at 906 am

The inorganic races are crafty Although they canrsquot lie to us they canmanipulate Once free will is exercised to join their ranks there is no turningback Can we at least wait until Black Friday and Cyber Monday are over

NofolaloNov 20 2014 at 1111 am

Here ya go Jerseyhelliphttpwwwyoutubecomwatchv=REHV8LERhPwhttpwwwyoutubecomwatchv=5PvGn75ibI4

JerseyCynicNov 20 2014 at 207 pm

Love it Nofolalo I used to know every word to the Flying PurplePeople Eater What a great goofy beat mdash just try to sit still listening




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People Eater What a great goofy beat mdash just try to sit still listeningto it mdash you canrsquot

I wish doo wop never died I grew up just after that

Also missed out on The Bristol Stomphttpwwwyoutubecomwatchv=XCOB5-E4P6Y (I canrsquot believe thesepeople are sitting in their seats)

oh herersquos a good one ndash The Bristol Stomp Dance Around the Worldhttpwwwyoutubecomwatchv=fIbkKxUD0Mst=106

alexNov 20 2014 at 208 pm


PatrickNov 20 2014 at 1113 am

The outside help is from withinhellipinside Free will is wonderful and it hascertainly no choiceshellipUse your intent so your help can help us all Weexchange our intent with the source everyday so we will certainly exchangehelp with benevolence every once in a while Use this positively whether its



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BS or not Love life guys

PeterNov 20 2014 at 535 pm

Following was posted Yeterday an was coming to my attention Some of you sure remember SIRIUS

Dr Steven Greer Dozens of Benevolent ET Species Are Here Eager to MakeContacthttpwwwriseearthcom201411dr-steven-greer-dozens-of-benevolent-ethtml

Itrsquos not the only Article that shows up but that was posted ( I think because ofthe Article we can read here posted) The NEW AGERS always again jump on that wagon and believe in suchchannelings

manNov 20 2014 at 550 pm

yeah itacutes been there for years now on the wwwyears ago i would have said YES STOP BY FOR TEA AND COOKIES



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but now i go HELL NO YOU BLOODY PARASITES suck yourself and bite thestellar dustread this kind of honeysweet friendly alien bullshit often enough- nothingbut mindcontrollitacutes for the kids crying for mama to save them for the ones that like to HOPEand leave EVOLUTION to someone elsethere is no outside saviouryou guys are right itacutes the vampires trying to get our permissioni always wondered why they would need ithellip do they really care for karmathen what about the cheatwhatever- i suppose zen just put it here as a test and a provovation to stir adiscussionheacutes not one of the i-hope-someoneacutes-gonna-save-meacutes more a get-your-sweet-ass-going-guywhat a clever bastard you are zen

JerseyCynicNov 21 2014 at 308 pm

spot on man Google is behind it I do believe

from 2007httpswwwyoutubecomwatchv=-K8ADMzz46c a CGI of a womanreading half of this message and at the end ldquoyou must read the rest ofthe message at google or yahoo search google with the quote marks


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and now that google and nasa have partnered up It wouldnrsquot surpriseme if some day soon we started to see holographic airships here andthere with Ray Kurzweil as their Director of Engineering mdash anythinggoeshttptechcrunchcom20141110google-moffett-airfield-nasa

do know evil my ass

LizaNov 20 2014 at 1011 pm

But donrsquot give it all the credit Intriguing concepts Deception

Free will Yes it is within Never to be coughed up handed over Thecomments on the source site show a lot of naivtersquo Humans by nature look toconnecting as strengthening (Help) The more to have wins It is Not soLooking to another is not the way to go

This site inhabits lots of free thinkers

The only thing I would give my freewill over to is Peace amp Justice It doesexist In the heartmind Too bad the heart is so badly broken

Perhaps the only way to save a planet is with the allone mindset of all itsinhabitants simutaneously If that could be achieved Everybodyrsquos mind set


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on the collective The whole It could happen it is happening Maybe we justhave to let go of this dimension Canrsquot sustain it Donrsquot knowWell itrsquos all Bullshit anyway

hashishiNov 21 2014 at 751 am

ldquoFree will Yes it is within Never to be coughed up handed over rdquo

The most simple profound and beautiful truth It always does me goodto see a wonderful unencumbered spirit reflecting the same greattruth back at me

Dr Paula-Noel MacfieNov 21 2014 at 133 am

Liza we are all already connected and online through indigenous mind ourAncestors We never ldquoleftrdquohellipour minds have been so colonized that we forgotwho we are and where we come from The connection is still there just awhole lotta dissociation in between to navigate through




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arielNov 21 2014 at 725 am

HEY KITTYhelliprsquoWe are the parents our children have warned us abouthelliprsquo isnrsquot it

arielNov 21 2014 at 726 am

Or is it our greatgrand descendants

KittyNov 21 2014 at 319 pm


hashishiNov 21 2014 at 808 am

Oh hai VALIS Good game good game lsquoAliensrsquo Like it But er no thanks




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Oh hai VALIS Good game good game lsquoAliensrsquo Like it But er no thanks

AlteaNov 21 2014 at 554 pm

We are the ETrsquos we have been waiting for

manNov 21 2014 at 620 pm

what a weird place this world is indeedwhere reality is stranger than fictiongood to have a heart

vibra amor

StarDustNov 27 2014 at 900 pm

Why you need thousands of ships one is not enough Come in peace like




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you say and all the humans will open their arms and hug you






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she sent I just canrsquot Love her dearly and will beseeing her on Sunday She has began looking atmaterial on meditation by just listening to herbreathing Cannot change what others do orbelieve with teachings but only by my walkingand being Itrsquos all about consciousness and I knowyou know that Hugs

LizaNov 20 2014 at 939 pm

wow Kitty that is strange that she just couldnrsquotsee the chemtrailshellip

JerseyCynicNov 19 2014 at 646 pm

Is this a gullibility testYES YES YES (I am doing it using a humorous tone cause that helps me)httpwwwyoutubecomwatchv=O6VUMGO3hCs

Irsquom pretty gullible (getting better) This doesnrsquot sit well with meldquoBeing aware of the priceless value of free will we are inviting you to analternativerdquo

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No thanks

ldquoYour individual decision of asking in your inner self that we show up onyour material plane and in broad daylight is precious and essential to usrdquo

I do go out on the deck every night though (2am ndash 4am) and ask the starbeings to visit me No luck yet (as best as I can remember)

Gee mdash I wonder why SNOPES hasnrsquot taken this one onhelliphellipDOH

OK OK ndash here we go mdash I found the source mdash Itrsquos a cute blonde that must workin Googlersquos marketing departmenthelliphellip those evil bastardsldquoDO YOU WISH THAT WE SHOW UP rdquo from 2006httpwwwyoutubecomwatchv=-K8ADMzz46c

well that didnrsquot take long ndash sorry to burst any bubbles

OphiuchusNov 19 2014 at 920 pm

As soon as I hear the ldquohumanrdquo false paradigm ldquoevolutionrdquo it sends upan immediate red flag to me It is the false assumption that we startdumb and become something better rather than the parasiticdummening of an already highly advanced sentient form of lifeEvolution to me reeks of the linear false time paradigm



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KittyNov 20 2014 at 414 pm

Rik Clay Read a lot of his work Fascinating His lsquosuicidersquo wasnrsquot it vigourously contested by his family and friends These people either commit lsquosuicide lsquo or die of a heart attack

Such a young vibrant man His work isnrsquot so prominent any more Ithink I may have to revisit him I think the road rage person may havebeen drinking Funny thing was my daughter was with me and shesaid before he went he turned his lights off Funny folks where I live Neighbour lol She is elderly I think a visit to the opticians is inorder I did point them out to some farmer friends a long time ago theydidnrsquot see either not what I was seeing certainly Maybe a differentperception

indigovioletNov 20 2014 at 445 pm

I read that his family have said that he did commit suicide but Idonrsquot knowhellip It was the day after his Red Ice Radio interviewand it was noted that he was in very good spirits at the time


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and looking forward enthusiastically to further researching Hewas buried on September 11th A lot of things didnrsquot add up atthe time (or did) But who knows

KittyNov 20 2014 at 453 pm

Must have got that wrong Irsquov been thinking of DavidKelly recently I saw a pic of Tony Blair and Kelly came tomind i was going to mention him to youThese things are very strange Indie his family may have been pressured or maybe suicidewas preferable to the thought of murder Rik Clay was so young and so bright and brave It takes guts to stand up and be counted Who knows true We probably never will

KittyNov 20 2014 at 559 pm

No I donrsquot either Peg I like to be fore warned as in fore armed The Vatican has made some rather startling statements as far as the



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alien agenda is concerned Love our alien brothers and sisters would we baptise them and callthem Christians The usual This has been going on for some time now and Clintonslittle bit of input was interesting too The Disclosure Project it justall adds up to an agenda leading to our furtherenslavement My answer to the question here should just have been a blunt NO Like you I feel it is all within usThe answers we need to everythingare all there Walking the walk is my preferred way too Your friend is blessed tohave you to guide her but itrsquos your love Peg that will really make animpact on her Your well is deep and so many draw upon it I readDavidrsquos post but havenrsquot said anything yet so I know you know what Imean Yoursquore full of love Peg and that is all that matters Hugs backand love XXX

LizaNov 20 2014 at 940 pm



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KittyNov 20 2014 at 1156 pm

Liza I thought I was going a bit crazy This was seriously bizarre Irsquov been thinking about this and maybe itrsquos to do withfrequency There are a lot if other strange phenomenon associated withchemtrailingI saw an orb flying alongside a plane that was obviouslylsquotrailing If my son hadnrsquot been with me at the time and saw it too Iwouldnrsquot have believed what I was seeing Irsquod love to know how many people actually canrsquot see thesethings It still makes me smile when I thinkabout it Neighbour now thinks Irsquom arsquo funny little thingrsquo

LizaNov 20 2014 at 941 pm



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JerseyCynicNov 19 2014 at 650 pm

Letrsquos ask the cathelliphttpwwwyoutubecomwatchv=jD4JhoOFzPg

will iamNov 19 2014 at 830 pm

Ha Remember this one httpswwwyoutubecomwatchv=5Us1ASENPwsampfeature=player_detailpage

JerseyCynicNov 19 2014 at 859 pm

Omg will do I remember this one Yes yes yes and Irsquove got abig toe permanently disfigured from a ldquoboogaloordquo contest toprove it Thanks for the painful memory Good times Thatnight I learned a valuable lesson hellipnever boogaloo barefoot ona crowded dance floor Good times




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pegNov 19 2014 at 832 pm

JC thank you so much for a huge dip belly laughnonononoonononononluvluvluvluv

HeatherNov 19 2014 at 801 pm

Buthellip they get mehellip they get ithellip they understandhellip whoa is me

No way in hell do I need assistance from some outside source that has alreadymet with our lsquoleadersrsquo and understands everything so well but lurks askingmy permission to come aboard I do appreciate the special touches of layingso much of our lsquofamilyrsquo BS out there for us to recap but I am not invitinganother lsquovampirersquo into the lsquohousersquo

JC ndash ha I love ya lady The cat was a special touch for sure ha ha




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Nov 20 2014 at 1130 am

ha I had not realized how sarcastic I was on this commenthellip I was stillfeeling the ldquogossip ladiesrdquo from my daughterrsquos martial arts earlier and Iwas quite sarcastic in lsquodealingrsquo with them Overflowhellip hee

No we are the oneshellip plain and simple

JerseyCynicNov 20 2014 at 133 pm

got that right HeatherldquoBanish the word lsquostrugglersquo from your attitude and yourvocabulary All that we do now must be done in a sacredmanner and in celebration We are the ones we have beenwaiting forrdquo mdash Hopi elders

KittyNov 20 2014 at 157 pm

Perfect JC and Heather lsquoWe are the ones we are waitingfor lsquoThat just about says it all really



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Much love to you both X X X

HeatherNov 20 2014 at 306 pm

Indeed Much love to you both and really big hugs

KittyNov 20 2014 at 323 pm

Huge hugs back X

will iamNov 19 2014 at 815 pm

ldquoThis my friends could be the most important message mankind has everreceivedhelliprdquo


ldquoBe proud of what you arerdquo (the army)



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ldquoBe proud of what you arerdquo (the army)

ldquoThe most important thing for us is that humankind would form a singlefamily before this ldquounknownrdquo we would representrdquo (politics as usual)

ldquoPeace does not mean simply not making war it consists in becoming whatyou collectively are in reality a fraternityrdquo helliphelliphellip Zeta Delta Con

OphiuchusNov 19 2014 at 911 pm

My heart intuition says that this is false and my subconscious shows me theWalter Von Braun message

NofolaloNov 20 2014 at 1056 am

Good thing about the Walter Von Braun message itrsquos their lsquolast card

majikNov 19 2014 at 1016 pm




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I agree This feels wrong

majikNov 19 2014 at 1022 pm

I do believe this is real Irsquove been following them since 06 Well my idea offollowing which is really doing what my mom called the ldquosniffrdquo test to see iftheir rotten I feel this message is real but subtlehttptomkenyoncomescalation-of-chaotic-nodes-and-the-dismantling-of-3-d-reality

John SmithNov 20 2014 at 321 am

there is no easy answer to this certainly humble human spirit would like toextend into presence and understand of life overall throughout wholeuniverse this unfortunately is not it

it appears as direction to admit that you are flawed to sort inner mess of thisworld with an outside force just like there is homophobia among differentgroups of humans it can also be understood as some kind of alien-phobiawithin various ldquoyesrdquo ldquonordquo groups and it should not be it



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so answer lingers most among reasons for yes and no and their validity

I for one am opposing this fancy questions and fancy landings we have needfor outside involvement since ever and it probably ever is done as we wantedit so it can be counted as intrusive with lack of honoring true demand truewish of yes or no

so this petition (seen it and commented it before) appears to be likejournalist duck sensationalist dilemma without true backing or honoringstand so I vouch no and think that entities just like us should come to thisworld ldquousualrdquo way just like we did for their mission of good or evil or elsejust like we all are fancy space ships in contact with tyrannical governmentsdecimating life and nature for power and profits are their real targetspopulation is to be in awe awaiting outside solution to inner turmoil samefor this world as in outside influence for internal misconduct I find Gaiastronger and I find myself with lesser worry so if our conscious plant calls it Id agree but it is left for someone to prove it as I see not Gaia agreeing on ourldquoworkrdquo let alone that of governments and industrial and their spaceconnections so until saw that nurturing me calling it this all dilemmas arelike chewing sawdust hard to find nutrition for human in it

JerseyCynicNov 20 2014 at 548 am

Letrsquos dancehellip (a slow one) to one of my favorite bedtime songs


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oh manhellipIrsquom a gonna start tearing up ndash I miss my babies

Come Take A Trip In My Airship (Remastered) ndash Natalie Merchanthttpwwwyoutubecomwatchv=GDL0GVZXjMI

arielNov 20 2014 at 726 am

Sod it guyshellipthe whole point is that WE CAN HANDLE IThelliphellipWe first have tolearn that our conditioned negativity is projected externally as lsquorealityrsquo(definitely lower case) My lsquoproblemrsquo is how do we get enough of youus intoNOW the inner awareness of the lsquomovement and the restrsquo as Kitty likes torefer to it which is the operating end of the universal life force whichexpands our perception limitlessly subject to the filters which prevent usdestroying the lsquobodiesrsquo with INTENSITY Irsquove met them some of themhelliphellipWearenrsquot SUDDENLY in an awful situationhelliphellipitrsquos fucking hystericallyhistoricalhellipbloody tourists most of the ones Irsquove methellipPot calling the kettleblack really because Irsquove done a bithelliphellipYou donrsquot invite the vampire inhelliphelliphellip

will iamNov 20 2014 at 1257 pm



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I hadnrsquot realized that now was something I needed to get into I wasunder the impression that now is wellhellipnow

I didnrsquot know that it was a separate something or other that dependedon quantity for its existence

I apologize in advance for contributing to your lsquoproblemrsquo so maybeyou can tell me (us) what wes need to be looking for so that on theoft chance it were to come by again wes can have some of it

VigilantibusNov 20 2014 at 751 am

This is another deception from MATRIXBeautiful words Things from New (C)ageIt is a TRAPHumanity falls like ducksWake Up

PamNov 20 2014 at 859 am

HeyhelliphelliphellipI want to see this onehellipBring it onhelliphelliprdquoYESrdquo



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ThomasNov 20 2014 at 906 am

The inorganic races are crafty Although they canrsquot lie to us they canmanipulate Once free will is exercised to join their ranks there is no turningback Can we at least wait until Black Friday and Cyber Monday are over

NofolaloNov 20 2014 at 1111 am

Here ya go Jerseyhelliphttpwwwyoutubecomwatchv=REHV8LERhPwhttpwwwyoutubecomwatchv=5PvGn75ibI4

JerseyCynicNov 20 2014 at 207 pm

Love it Nofolalo I used to know every word to the Flying PurplePeople Eater What a great goofy beat mdash just try to sit still listening




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People Eater What a great goofy beat mdash just try to sit still listeningto it mdash you canrsquot

I wish doo wop never died I grew up just after that

Also missed out on The Bristol Stomphttpwwwyoutubecomwatchv=XCOB5-E4P6Y (I canrsquot believe thesepeople are sitting in their seats)

oh herersquos a good one ndash The Bristol Stomp Dance Around the Worldhttpwwwyoutubecomwatchv=fIbkKxUD0Mst=106

alexNov 20 2014 at 208 pm


PatrickNov 20 2014 at 1113 am

The outside help is from withinhellipinside Free will is wonderful and it hascertainly no choiceshellipUse your intent so your help can help us all Weexchange our intent with the source everyday so we will certainly exchangehelp with benevolence every once in a while Use this positively whether its



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BS or not Love life guys

PeterNov 20 2014 at 535 pm

Following was posted Yeterday an was coming to my attention Some of you sure remember SIRIUS

Dr Steven Greer Dozens of Benevolent ET Species Are Here Eager to MakeContacthttpwwwriseearthcom201411dr-steven-greer-dozens-of-benevolent-ethtml

Itrsquos not the only Article that shows up but that was posted ( I think because ofthe Article we can read here posted) The NEW AGERS always again jump on that wagon and believe in suchchannelings

manNov 20 2014 at 550 pm

yeah itacutes been there for years now on the wwwyears ago i would have said YES STOP BY FOR TEA AND COOKIES



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but now i go HELL NO YOU BLOODY PARASITES suck yourself and bite thestellar dustread this kind of honeysweet friendly alien bullshit often enough- nothingbut mindcontrollitacutes for the kids crying for mama to save them for the ones that like to HOPEand leave EVOLUTION to someone elsethere is no outside saviouryou guys are right itacutes the vampires trying to get our permissioni always wondered why they would need ithellip do they really care for karmathen what about the cheatwhatever- i suppose zen just put it here as a test and a provovation to stir adiscussionheacutes not one of the i-hope-someoneacutes-gonna-save-meacutes more a get-your-sweet-ass-going-guywhat a clever bastard you are zen

JerseyCynicNov 21 2014 at 308 pm

spot on man Google is behind it I do believe

from 2007httpswwwyoutubecomwatchv=-K8ADMzz46c a CGI of a womanreading half of this message and at the end ldquoyou must read the rest ofthe message at google or yahoo search google with the quote marks


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and now that google and nasa have partnered up It wouldnrsquot surpriseme if some day soon we started to see holographic airships here andthere with Ray Kurzweil as their Director of Engineering mdash anythinggoeshttptechcrunchcom20141110google-moffett-airfield-nasa

do know evil my ass

LizaNov 20 2014 at 1011 pm

But donrsquot give it all the credit Intriguing concepts Deception

Free will Yes it is within Never to be coughed up handed over Thecomments on the source site show a lot of naivtersquo Humans by nature look toconnecting as strengthening (Help) The more to have wins It is Not soLooking to another is not the way to go

This site inhabits lots of free thinkers

The only thing I would give my freewill over to is Peace amp Justice It doesexist In the heartmind Too bad the heart is so badly broken

Perhaps the only way to save a planet is with the allone mindset of all itsinhabitants simutaneously If that could be achieved Everybodyrsquos mind set


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on the collective The whole It could happen it is happening Maybe we justhave to let go of this dimension Canrsquot sustain it Donrsquot knowWell itrsquos all Bullshit anyway

hashishiNov 21 2014 at 751 am

ldquoFree will Yes it is within Never to be coughed up handed over rdquo

The most simple profound and beautiful truth It always does me goodto see a wonderful unencumbered spirit reflecting the same greattruth back at me

Dr Paula-Noel MacfieNov 21 2014 at 133 am

Liza we are all already connected and online through indigenous mind ourAncestors We never ldquoleftrdquohellipour minds have been so colonized that we forgotwho we are and where we come from The connection is still there just awhole lotta dissociation in between to navigate through




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arielNov 21 2014 at 725 am

HEY KITTYhelliprsquoWe are the parents our children have warned us abouthelliprsquo isnrsquot it

arielNov 21 2014 at 726 am

Or is it our greatgrand descendants

KittyNov 21 2014 at 319 pm


hashishiNov 21 2014 at 808 am

Oh hai VALIS Good game good game lsquoAliensrsquo Like it But er no thanks




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Oh hai VALIS Good game good game lsquoAliensrsquo Like it But er no thanks

AlteaNov 21 2014 at 554 pm

We are the ETrsquos we have been waiting for

manNov 21 2014 at 620 pm

what a weird place this world is indeedwhere reality is stranger than fictiongood to have a heart

vibra amor

StarDustNov 27 2014 at 900 pm

Why you need thousands of ships one is not enough Come in peace like




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you say and all the humans will open their arms and hug you






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No thanks

ldquoYour individual decision of asking in your inner self that we show up onyour material plane and in broad daylight is precious and essential to usrdquo

I do go out on the deck every night though (2am ndash 4am) and ask the starbeings to visit me No luck yet (as best as I can remember)

Gee mdash I wonder why SNOPES hasnrsquot taken this one onhelliphellipDOH

OK OK ndash here we go mdash I found the source mdash Itrsquos a cute blonde that must workin Googlersquos marketing departmenthelliphellip those evil bastardsldquoDO YOU WISH THAT WE SHOW UP rdquo from 2006httpwwwyoutubecomwatchv=-K8ADMzz46c

well that didnrsquot take long ndash sorry to burst any bubbles

OphiuchusNov 19 2014 at 920 pm

As soon as I hear the ldquohumanrdquo false paradigm ldquoevolutionrdquo it sends upan immediate red flag to me It is the false assumption that we startdumb and become something better rather than the parasiticdummening of an already highly advanced sentient form of lifeEvolution to me reeks of the linear false time paradigm



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KittyNov 20 2014 at 414 pm

Rik Clay Read a lot of his work Fascinating His lsquosuicidersquo wasnrsquot it vigourously contested by his family and friends These people either commit lsquosuicide lsquo or die of a heart attack

Such a young vibrant man His work isnrsquot so prominent any more Ithink I may have to revisit him I think the road rage person may havebeen drinking Funny thing was my daughter was with me and shesaid before he went he turned his lights off Funny folks where I live Neighbour lol She is elderly I think a visit to the opticians is inorder I did point them out to some farmer friends a long time ago theydidnrsquot see either not what I was seeing certainly Maybe a differentperception

indigovioletNov 20 2014 at 445 pm

I read that his family have said that he did commit suicide but Idonrsquot knowhellip It was the day after his Red Ice Radio interviewand it was noted that he was in very good spirits at the time


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and looking forward enthusiastically to further researching Hewas buried on September 11th A lot of things didnrsquot add up atthe time (or did) But who knows

KittyNov 20 2014 at 453 pm

Must have got that wrong Irsquov been thinking of DavidKelly recently I saw a pic of Tony Blair and Kelly came tomind i was going to mention him to youThese things are very strange Indie his family may have been pressured or maybe suicidewas preferable to the thought of murder Rik Clay was so young and so bright and brave It takes guts to stand up and be counted Who knows true We probably never will

KittyNov 20 2014 at 559 pm

No I donrsquot either Peg I like to be fore warned as in fore armed The Vatican has made some rather startling statements as far as the



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alien agenda is concerned Love our alien brothers and sisters would we baptise them and callthem Christians The usual This has been going on for some time now and Clintonslittle bit of input was interesting too The Disclosure Project it justall adds up to an agenda leading to our furtherenslavement My answer to the question here should just have been a blunt NO Like you I feel it is all within usThe answers we need to everythingare all there Walking the walk is my preferred way too Your friend is blessed tohave you to guide her but itrsquos your love Peg that will really make animpact on her Your well is deep and so many draw upon it I readDavidrsquos post but havenrsquot said anything yet so I know you know what Imean Yoursquore full of love Peg and that is all that matters Hugs backand love XXX

LizaNov 20 2014 at 940 pm



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KittyNov 20 2014 at 1156 pm

Liza I thought I was going a bit crazy This was seriously bizarre Irsquov been thinking about this and maybe itrsquos to do withfrequency There are a lot if other strange phenomenon associated withchemtrailingI saw an orb flying alongside a plane that was obviouslylsquotrailing If my son hadnrsquot been with me at the time and saw it too Iwouldnrsquot have believed what I was seeing Irsquod love to know how many people actually canrsquot see thesethings It still makes me smile when I thinkabout it Neighbour now thinks Irsquom arsquo funny little thingrsquo

LizaNov 20 2014 at 941 pm



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JerseyCynicNov 19 2014 at 650 pm

Letrsquos ask the cathelliphttpwwwyoutubecomwatchv=jD4JhoOFzPg

will iamNov 19 2014 at 830 pm

Ha Remember this one httpswwwyoutubecomwatchv=5Us1ASENPwsampfeature=player_detailpage

JerseyCynicNov 19 2014 at 859 pm

Omg will do I remember this one Yes yes yes and Irsquove got abig toe permanently disfigured from a ldquoboogaloordquo contest toprove it Thanks for the painful memory Good times Thatnight I learned a valuable lesson hellipnever boogaloo barefoot ona crowded dance floor Good times




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pegNov 19 2014 at 832 pm

JC thank you so much for a huge dip belly laughnonononoonononononluvluvluvluv

HeatherNov 19 2014 at 801 pm

Buthellip they get mehellip they get ithellip they understandhellip whoa is me

No way in hell do I need assistance from some outside source that has alreadymet with our lsquoleadersrsquo and understands everything so well but lurks askingmy permission to come aboard I do appreciate the special touches of layingso much of our lsquofamilyrsquo BS out there for us to recap but I am not invitinganother lsquovampirersquo into the lsquohousersquo

JC ndash ha I love ya lady The cat was a special touch for sure ha ha




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Nov 20 2014 at 1130 am

ha I had not realized how sarcastic I was on this commenthellip I was stillfeeling the ldquogossip ladiesrdquo from my daughterrsquos martial arts earlier and Iwas quite sarcastic in lsquodealingrsquo with them Overflowhellip hee

No we are the oneshellip plain and simple

JerseyCynicNov 20 2014 at 133 pm

got that right HeatherldquoBanish the word lsquostrugglersquo from your attitude and yourvocabulary All that we do now must be done in a sacredmanner and in celebration We are the ones we have beenwaiting forrdquo mdash Hopi elders

KittyNov 20 2014 at 157 pm

Perfect JC and Heather lsquoWe are the ones we are waitingfor lsquoThat just about says it all really



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Much love to you both X X X

HeatherNov 20 2014 at 306 pm

Indeed Much love to you both and really big hugs

KittyNov 20 2014 at 323 pm

Huge hugs back X

will iamNov 19 2014 at 815 pm

ldquoThis my friends could be the most important message mankind has everreceivedhelliprdquo


ldquoBe proud of what you arerdquo (the army)



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ldquoBe proud of what you arerdquo (the army)

ldquoThe most important thing for us is that humankind would form a singlefamily before this ldquounknownrdquo we would representrdquo (politics as usual)

ldquoPeace does not mean simply not making war it consists in becoming whatyou collectively are in reality a fraternityrdquo helliphelliphellip Zeta Delta Con

OphiuchusNov 19 2014 at 911 pm

My heart intuition says that this is false and my subconscious shows me theWalter Von Braun message

NofolaloNov 20 2014 at 1056 am

Good thing about the Walter Von Braun message itrsquos their lsquolast card

majikNov 19 2014 at 1016 pm




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I agree This feels wrong

majikNov 19 2014 at 1022 pm

I do believe this is real Irsquove been following them since 06 Well my idea offollowing which is really doing what my mom called the ldquosniffrdquo test to see iftheir rotten I feel this message is real but subtlehttptomkenyoncomescalation-of-chaotic-nodes-and-the-dismantling-of-3-d-reality

John SmithNov 20 2014 at 321 am

there is no easy answer to this certainly humble human spirit would like toextend into presence and understand of life overall throughout wholeuniverse this unfortunately is not it

it appears as direction to admit that you are flawed to sort inner mess of thisworld with an outside force just like there is homophobia among differentgroups of humans it can also be understood as some kind of alien-phobiawithin various ldquoyesrdquo ldquonordquo groups and it should not be it



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so answer lingers most among reasons for yes and no and their validity

I for one am opposing this fancy questions and fancy landings we have needfor outside involvement since ever and it probably ever is done as we wantedit so it can be counted as intrusive with lack of honoring true demand truewish of yes or no

so this petition (seen it and commented it before) appears to be likejournalist duck sensationalist dilemma without true backing or honoringstand so I vouch no and think that entities just like us should come to thisworld ldquousualrdquo way just like we did for their mission of good or evil or elsejust like we all are fancy space ships in contact with tyrannical governmentsdecimating life and nature for power and profits are their real targetspopulation is to be in awe awaiting outside solution to inner turmoil samefor this world as in outside influence for internal misconduct I find Gaiastronger and I find myself with lesser worry so if our conscious plant calls it Id agree but it is left for someone to prove it as I see not Gaia agreeing on ourldquoworkrdquo let alone that of governments and industrial and their spaceconnections so until saw that nurturing me calling it this all dilemmas arelike chewing sawdust hard to find nutrition for human in it

JerseyCynicNov 20 2014 at 548 am

Letrsquos dancehellip (a slow one) to one of my favorite bedtime songs


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oh manhellipIrsquom a gonna start tearing up ndash I miss my babies

Come Take A Trip In My Airship (Remastered) ndash Natalie Merchanthttpwwwyoutubecomwatchv=GDL0GVZXjMI

arielNov 20 2014 at 726 am

Sod it guyshellipthe whole point is that WE CAN HANDLE IThelliphellipWe first have tolearn that our conditioned negativity is projected externally as lsquorealityrsquo(definitely lower case) My lsquoproblemrsquo is how do we get enough of youus intoNOW the inner awareness of the lsquomovement and the restrsquo as Kitty likes torefer to it which is the operating end of the universal life force whichexpands our perception limitlessly subject to the filters which prevent usdestroying the lsquobodiesrsquo with INTENSITY Irsquove met them some of themhelliphellipWearenrsquot SUDDENLY in an awful situationhelliphellipitrsquos fucking hystericallyhistoricalhellipbloody tourists most of the ones Irsquove methellipPot calling the kettleblack really because Irsquove done a bithelliphellipYou donrsquot invite the vampire inhelliphelliphellip

will iamNov 20 2014 at 1257 pm



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I hadnrsquot realized that now was something I needed to get into I wasunder the impression that now is wellhellipnow

I didnrsquot know that it was a separate something or other that dependedon quantity for its existence

I apologize in advance for contributing to your lsquoproblemrsquo so maybeyou can tell me (us) what wes need to be looking for so that on theoft chance it were to come by again wes can have some of it

VigilantibusNov 20 2014 at 751 am

This is another deception from MATRIXBeautiful words Things from New (C)ageIt is a TRAPHumanity falls like ducksWake Up

PamNov 20 2014 at 859 am

HeyhelliphelliphellipI want to see this onehellipBring it onhelliphelliprdquoYESrdquo



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ThomasNov 20 2014 at 906 am

The inorganic races are crafty Although they canrsquot lie to us they canmanipulate Once free will is exercised to join their ranks there is no turningback Can we at least wait until Black Friday and Cyber Monday are over

NofolaloNov 20 2014 at 1111 am

Here ya go Jerseyhelliphttpwwwyoutubecomwatchv=REHV8LERhPwhttpwwwyoutubecomwatchv=5PvGn75ibI4

JerseyCynicNov 20 2014 at 207 pm

Love it Nofolalo I used to know every word to the Flying PurplePeople Eater What a great goofy beat mdash just try to sit still listening




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People Eater What a great goofy beat mdash just try to sit still listeningto it mdash you canrsquot

I wish doo wop never died I grew up just after that

Also missed out on The Bristol Stomphttpwwwyoutubecomwatchv=XCOB5-E4P6Y (I canrsquot believe thesepeople are sitting in their seats)

oh herersquos a good one ndash The Bristol Stomp Dance Around the Worldhttpwwwyoutubecomwatchv=fIbkKxUD0Mst=106

alexNov 20 2014 at 208 pm


PatrickNov 20 2014 at 1113 am

The outside help is from withinhellipinside Free will is wonderful and it hascertainly no choiceshellipUse your intent so your help can help us all Weexchange our intent with the source everyday so we will certainly exchangehelp with benevolence every once in a while Use this positively whether its



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BS or not Love life guys

PeterNov 20 2014 at 535 pm

Following was posted Yeterday an was coming to my attention Some of you sure remember SIRIUS

Dr Steven Greer Dozens of Benevolent ET Species Are Here Eager to MakeContacthttpwwwriseearthcom201411dr-steven-greer-dozens-of-benevolent-ethtml

Itrsquos not the only Article that shows up but that was posted ( I think because ofthe Article we can read here posted) The NEW AGERS always again jump on that wagon and believe in suchchannelings

manNov 20 2014 at 550 pm

yeah itacutes been there for years now on the wwwyears ago i would have said YES STOP BY FOR TEA AND COOKIES



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but now i go HELL NO YOU BLOODY PARASITES suck yourself and bite thestellar dustread this kind of honeysweet friendly alien bullshit often enough- nothingbut mindcontrollitacutes for the kids crying for mama to save them for the ones that like to HOPEand leave EVOLUTION to someone elsethere is no outside saviouryou guys are right itacutes the vampires trying to get our permissioni always wondered why they would need ithellip do they really care for karmathen what about the cheatwhatever- i suppose zen just put it here as a test and a provovation to stir adiscussionheacutes not one of the i-hope-someoneacutes-gonna-save-meacutes more a get-your-sweet-ass-going-guywhat a clever bastard you are zen

JerseyCynicNov 21 2014 at 308 pm

spot on man Google is behind it I do believe

from 2007httpswwwyoutubecomwatchv=-K8ADMzz46c a CGI of a womanreading half of this message and at the end ldquoyou must read the rest ofthe message at google or yahoo search google with the quote marks


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and now that google and nasa have partnered up It wouldnrsquot surpriseme if some day soon we started to see holographic airships here andthere with Ray Kurzweil as their Director of Engineering mdash anythinggoeshttptechcrunchcom20141110google-moffett-airfield-nasa

do know evil my ass

LizaNov 20 2014 at 1011 pm

But donrsquot give it all the credit Intriguing concepts Deception

Free will Yes it is within Never to be coughed up handed over Thecomments on the source site show a lot of naivtersquo Humans by nature look toconnecting as strengthening (Help) The more to have wins It is Not soLooking to another is not the way to go

This site inhabits lots of free thinkers

The only thing I would give my freewill over to is Peace amp Justice It doesexist In the heartmind Too bad the heart is so badly broken

Perhaps the only way to save a planet is with the allone mindset of all itsinhabitants simutaneously If that could be achieved Everybodyrsquos mind set


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on the collective The whole It could happen it is happening Maybe we justhave to let go of this dimension Canrsquot sustain it Donrsquot knowWell itrsquos all Bullshit anyway

hashishiNov 21 2014 at 751 am

ldquoFree will Yes it is within Never to be coughed up handed over rdquo

The most simple profound and beautiful truth It always does me goodto see a wonderful unencumbered spirit reflecting the same greattruth back at me

Dr Paula-Noel MacfieNov 21 2014 at 133 am

Liza we are all already connected and online through indigenous mind ourAncestors We never ldquoleftrdquohellipour minds have been so colonized that we forgotwho we are and where we come from The connection is still there just awhole lotta dissociation in between to navigate through




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arielNov 21 2014 at 725 am

HEY KITTYhelliprsquoWe are the parents our children have warned us abouthelliprsquo isnrsquot it

arielNov 21 2014 at 726 am

Or is it our greatgrand descendants

KittyNov 21 2014 at 319 pm


hashishiNov 21 2014 at 808 am

Oh hai VALIS Good game good game lsquoAliensrsquo Like it But er no thanks




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Oh hai VALIS Good game good game lsquoAliensrsquo Like it But er no thanks

AlteaNov 21 2014 at 554 pm

We are the ETrsquos we have been waiting for

manNov 21 2014 at 620 pm

what a weird place this world is indeedwhere reality is stranger than fictiongood to have a heart

vibra amor

StarDustNov 27 2014 at 900 pm

Why you need thousands of ships one is not enough Come in peace like




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you say and all the humans will open their arms and hug you






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KittyNov 20 2014 at 414 pm

Rik Clay Read a lot of his work Fascinating His lsquosuicidersquo wasnrsquot it vigourously contested by his family and friends These people either commit lsquosuicide lsquo or die of a heart attack

Such a young vibrant man His work isnrsquot so prominent any more Ithink I may have to revisit him I think the road rage person may havebeen drinking Funny thing was my daughter was with me and shesaid before he went he turned his lights off Funny folks where I live Neighbour lol She is elderly I think a visit to the opticians is inorder I did point them out to some farmer friends a long time ago theydidnrsquot see either not what I was seeing certainly Maybe a differentperception

indigovioletNov 20 2014 at 445 pm

I read that his family have said that he did commit suicide but Idonrsquot knowhellip It was the day after his Red Ice Radio interviewand it was noted that he was in very good spirits at the time


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and looking forward enthusiastically to further researching Hewas buried on September 11th A lot of things didnrsquot add up atthe time (or did) But who knows

KittyNov 20 2014 at 453 pm

Must have got that wrong Irsquov been thinking of DavidKelly recently I saw a pic of Tony Blair and Kelly came tomind i was going to mention him to youThese things are very strange Indie his family may have been pressured or maybe suicidewas preferable to the thought of murder Rik Clay was so young and so bright and brave It takes guts to stand up and be counted Who knows true We probably never will

KittyNov 20 2014 at 559 pm

No I donrsquot either Peg I like to be fore warned as in fore armed The Vatican has made some rather startling statements as far as the



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alien agenda is concerned Love our alien brothers and sisters would we baptise them and callthem Christians The usual This has been going on for some time now and Clintonslittle bit of input was interesting too The Disclosure Project it justall adds up to an agenda leading to our furtherenslavement My answer to the question here should just have been a blunt NO Like you I feel it is all within usThe answers we need to everythingare all there Walking the walk is my preferred way too Your friend is blessed tohave you to guide her but itrsquos your love Peg that will really make animpact on her Your well is deep and so many draw upon it I readDavidrsquos post but havenrsquot said anything yet so I know you know what Imean Yoursquore full of love Peg and that is all that matters Hugs backand love XXX

LizaNov 20 2014 at 940 pm



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KittyNov 20 2014 at 1156 pm

Liza I thought I was going a bit crazy This was seriously bizarre Irsquov been thinking about this and maybe itrsquos to do withfrequency There are a lot if other strange phenomenon associated withchemtrailingI saw an orb flying alongside a plane that was obviouslylsquotrailing If my son hadnrsquot been with me at the time and saw it too Iwouldnrsquot have believed what I was seeing Irsquod love to know how many people actually canrsquot see thesethings It still makes me smile when I thinkabout it Neighbour now thinks Irsquom arsquo funny little thingrsquo

LizaNov 20 2014 at 941 pm



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JerseyCynicNov 19 2014 at 650 pm

Letrsquos ask the cathelliphttpwwwyoutubecomwatchv=jD4JhoOFzPg

will iamNov 19 2014 at 830 pm

Ha Remember this one httpswwwyoutubecomwatchv=5Us1ASENPwsampfeature=player_detailpage

JerseyCynicNov 19 2014 at 859 pm

Omg will do I remember this one Yes yes yes and Irsquove got abig toe permanently disfigured from a ldquoboogaloordquo contest toprove it Thanks for the painful memory Good times Thatnight I learned a valuable lesson hellipnever boogaloo barefoot ona crowded dance floor Good times




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pegNov 19 2014 at 832 pm

JC thank you so much for a huge dip belly laughnonononoonononononluvluvluvluv

HeatherNov 19 2014 at 801 pm

Buthellip they get mehellip they get ithellip they understandhellip whoa is me

No way in hell do I need assistance from some outside source that has alreadymet with our lsquoleadersrsquo and understands everything so well but lurks askingmy permission to come aboard I do appreciate the special touches of layingso much of our lsquofamilyrsquo BS out there for us to recap but I am not invitinganother lsquovampirersquo into the lsquohousersquo

JC ndash ha I love ya lady The cat was a special touch for sure ha ha




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Nov 20 2014 at 1130 am

ha I had not realized how sarcastic I was on this commenthellip I was stillfeeling the ldquogossip ladiesrdquo from my daughterrsquos martial arts earlier and Iwas quite sarcastic in lsquodealingrsquo with them Overflowhellip hee

No we are the oneshellip plain and simple

JerseyCynicNov 20 2014 at 133 pm

got that right HeatherldquoBanish the word lsquostrugglersquo from your attitude and yourvocabulary All that we do now must be done in a sacredmanner and in celebration We are the ones we have beenwaiting forrdquo mdash Hopi elders

KittyNov 20 2014 at 157 pm

Perfect JC and Heather lsquoWe are the ones we are waitingfor lsquoThat just about says it all really



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Much love to you both X X X

HeatherNov 20 2014 at 306 pm

Indeed Much love to you both and really big hugs

KittyNov 20 2014 at 323 pm

Huge hugs back X

will iamNov 19 2014 at 815 pm

ldquoThis my friends could be the most important message mankind has everreceivedhelliprdquo


ldquoBe proud of what you arerdquo (the army)



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ldquoBe proud of what you arerdquo (the army)

ldquoThe most important thing for us is that humankind would form a singlefamily before this ldquounknownrdquo we would representrdquo (politics as usual)

ldquoPeace does not mean simply not making war it consists in becoming whatyou collectively are in reality a fraternityrdquo helliphelliphellip Zeta Delta Con

OphiuchusNov 19 2014 at 911 pm

My heart intuition says that this is false and my subconscious shows me theWalter Von Braun message

NofolaloNov 20 2014 at 1056 am

Good thing about the Walter Von Braun message itrsquos their lsquolast card

majikNov 19 2014 at 1016 pm




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I agree This feels wrong

majikNov 19 2014 at 1022 pm

I do believe this is real Irsquove been following them since 06 Well my idea offollowing which is really doing what my mom called the ldquosniffrdquo test to see iftheir rotten I feel this message is real but subtlehttptomkenyoncomescalation-of-chaotic-nodes-and-the-dismantling-of-3-d-reality

John SmithNov 20 2014 at 321 am

there is no easy answer to this certainly humble human spirit would like toextend into presence and understand of life overall throughout wholeuniverse this unfortunately is not it

it appears as direction to admit that you are flawed to sort inner mess of thisworld with an outside force just like there is homophobia among differentgroups of humans it can also be understood as some kind of alien-phobiawithin various ldquoyesrdquo ldquonordquo groups and it should not be it



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so answer lingers most among reasons for yes and no and their validity

I for one am opposing this fancy questions and fancy landings we have needfor outside involvement since ever and it probably ever is done as we wantedit so it can be counted as intrusive with lack of honoring true demand truewish of yes or no

so this petition (seen it and commented it before) appears to be likejournalist duck sensationalist dilemma without true backing or honoringstand so I vouch no and think that entities just like us should come to thisworld ldquousualrdquo way just like we did for their mission of good or evil or elsejust like we all are fancy space ships in contact with tyrannical governmentsdecimating life and nature for power and profits are their real targetspopulation is to be in awe awaiting outside solution to inner turmoil samefor this world as in outside influence for internal misconduct I find Gaiastronger and I find myself with lesser worry so if our conscious plant calls it Id agree but it is left for someone to prove it as I see not Gaia agreeing on ourldquoworkrdquo let alone that of governments and industrial and their spaceconnections so until saw that nurturing me calling it this all dilemmas arelike chewing sawdust hard to find nutrition for human in it

JerseyCynicNov 20 2014 at 548 am

Letrsquos dancehellip (a slow one) to one of my favorite bedtime songs


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oh manhellipIrsquom a gonna start tearing up ndash I miss my babies

Come Take A Trip In My Airship (Remastered) ndash Natalie Merchanthttpwwwyoutubecomwatchv=GDL0GVZXjMI

arielNov 20 2014 at 726 am

Sod it guyshellipthe whole point is that WE CAN HANDLE IThelliphellipWe first have tolearn that our conditioned negativity is projected externally as lsquorealityrsquo(definitely lower case) My lsquoproblemrsquo is how do we get enough of youus intoNOW the inner awareness of the lsquomovement and the restrsquo as Kitty likes torefer to it which is the operating end of the universal life force whichexpands our perception limitlessly subject to the filters which prevent usdestroying the lsquobodiesrsquo with INTENSITY Irsquove met them some of themhelliphellipWearenrsquot SUDDENLY in an awful situationhelliphellipitrsquos fucking hystericallyhistoricalhellipbloody tourists most of the ones Irsquove methellipPot calling the kettleblack really because Irsquove done a bithelliphellipYou donrsquot invite the vampire inhelliphelliphellip

will iamNov 20 2014 at 1257 pm



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I hadnrsquot realized that now was something I needed to get into I wasunder the impression that now is wellhellipnow

I didnrsquot know that it was a separate something or other that dependedon quantity for its existence

I apologize in advance for contributing to your lsquoproblemrsquo so maybeyou can tell me (us) what wes need to be looking for so that on theoft chance it were to come by again wes can have some of it

VigilantibusNov 20 2014 at 751 am

This is another deception from MATRIXBeautiful words Things from New (C)ageIt is a TRAPHumanity falls like ducksWake Up

PamNov 20 2014 at 859 am

HeyhelliphelliphellipI want to see this onehellipBring it onhelliphelliprdquoYESrdquo



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ThomasNov 20 2014 at 906 am

The inorganic races are crafty Although they canrsquot lie to us they canmanipulate Once free will is exercised to join their ranks there is no turningback Can we at least wait until Black Friday and Cyber Monday are over

NofolaloNov 20 2014 at 1111 am

Here ya go Jerseyhelliphttpwwwyoutubecomwatchv=REHV8LERhPwhttpwwwyoutubecomwatchv=5PvGn75ibI4

JerseyCynicNov 20 2014 at 207 pm

Love it Nofolalo I used to know every word to the Flying PurplePeople Eater What a great goofy beat mdash just try to sit still listening




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People Eater What a great goofy beat mdash just try to sit still listeningto it mdash you canrsquot

I wish doo wop never died I grew up just after that

Also missed out on The Bristol Stomphttpwwwyoutubecomwatchv=XCOB5-E4P6Y (I canrsquot believe thesepeople are sitting in their seats)

oh herersquos a good one ndash The Bristol Stomp Dance Around the Worldhttpwwwyoutubecomwatchv=fIbkKxUD0Mst=106

alexNov 20 2014 at 208 pm


PatrickNov 20 2014 at 1113 am

The outside help is from withinhellipinside Free will is wonderful and it hascertainly no choiceshellipUse your intent so your help can help us all Weexchange our intent with the source everyday so we will certainly exchangehelp with benevolence every once in a while Use this positively whether its



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BS or not Love life guys

PeterNov 20 2014 at 535 pm

Following was posted Yeterday an was coming to my attention Some of you sure remember SIRIUS

Dr Steven Greer Dozens of Benevolent ET Species Are Here Eager to MakeContacthttpwwwriseearthcom201411dr-steven-greer-dozens-of-benevolent-ethtml

Itrsquos not the only Article that shows up but that was posted ( I think because ofthe Article we can read here posted) The NEW AGERS always again jump on that wagon and believe in suchchannelings

manNov 20 2014 at 550 pm

yeah itacutes been there for years now on the wwwyears ago i would have said YES STOP BY FOR TEA AND COOKIES



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but now i go HELL NO YOU BLOODY PARASITES suck yourself and bite thestellar dustread this kind of honeysweet friendly alien bullshit often enough- nothingbut mindcontrollitacutes for the kids crying for mama to save them for the ones that like to HOPEand leave EVOLUTION to someone elsethere is no outside saviouryou guys are right itacutes the vampires trying to get our permissioni always wondered why they would need ithellip do they really care for karmathen what about the cheatwhatever- i suppose zen just put it here as a test and a provovation to stir adiscussionheacutes not one of the i-hope-someoneacutes-gonna-save-meacutes more a get-your-sweet-ass-going-guywhat a clever bastard you are zen

JerseyCynicNov 21 2014 at 308 pm

spot on man Google is behind it I do believe

from 2007httpswwwyoutubecomwatchv=-K8ADMzz46c a CGI of a womanreading half of this message and at the end ldquoyou must read the rest ofthe message at google or yahoo search google with the quote marks


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and now that google and nasa have partnered up It wouldnrsquot surpriseme if some day soon we started to see holographic airships here andthere with Ray Kurzweil as their Director of Engineering mdash anythinggoeshttptechcrunchcom20141110google-moffett-airfield-nasa

do know evil my ass

LizaNov 20 2014 at 1011 pm

But donrsquot give it all the credit Intriguing concepts Deception

Free will Yes it is within Never to be coughed up handed over Thecomments on the source site show a lot of naivtersquo Humans by nature look toconnecting as strengthening (Help) The more to have wins It is Not soLooking to another is not the way to go

This site inhabits lots of free thinkers

The only thing I would give my freewill over to is Peace amp Justice It doesexist In the heartmind Too bad the heart is so badly broken

Perhaps the only way to save a planet is with the allone mindset of all itsinhabitants simutaneously If that could be achieved Everybodyrsquos mind set


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on the collective The whole It could happen it is happening Maybe we justhave to let go of this dimension Canrsquot sustain it Donrsquot knowWell itrsquos all Bullshit anyway

hashishiNov 21 2014 at 751 am

ldquoFree will Yes it is within Never to be coughed up handed over rdquo

The most simple profound and beautiful truth It always does me goodto see a wonderful unencumbered spirit reflecting the same greattruth back at me

Dr Paula-Noel MacfieNov 21 2014 at 133 am

Liza we are all already connected and online through indigenous mind ourAncestors We never ldquoleftrdquohellipour minds have been so colonized that we forgotwho we are and where we come from The connection is still there just awhole lotta dissociation in between to navigate through




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arielNov 21 2014 at 725 am

HEY KITTYhelliprsquoWe are the parents our children have warned us abouthelliprsquo isnrsquot it

arielNov 21 2014 at 726 am

Or is it our greatgrand descendants

KittyNov 21 2014 at 319 pm


hashishiNov 21 2014 at 808 am

Oh hai VALIS Good game good game lsquoAliensrsquo Like it But er no thanks




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Oh hai VALIS Good game good game lsquoAliensrsquo Like it But er no thanks

AlteaNov 21 2014 at 554 pm

We are the ETrsquos we have been waiting for

manNov 21 2014 at 620 pm

what a weird place this world is indeedwhere reality is stranger than fictiongood to have a heart

vibra amor

StarDustNov 27 2014 at 900 pm

Why you need thousands of ships one is not enough Come in peace like




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you say and all the humans will open their arms and hug you






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and looking forward enthusiastically to further researching Hewas buried on September 11th A lot of things didnrsquot add up atthe time (or did) But who knows

KittyNov 20 2014 at 453 pm

Must have got that wrong Irsquov been thinking of DavidKelly recently I saw a pic of Tony Blair and Kelly came tomind i was going to mention him to youThese things are very strange Indie his family may have been pressured or maybe suicidewas preferable to the thought of murder Rik Clay was so young and so bright and brave It takes guts to stand up and be counted Who knows true We probably never will

KittyNov 20 2014 at 559 pm

No I donrsquot either Peg I like to be fore warned as in fore armed The Vatican has made some rather startling statements as far as the



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alien agenda is concerned Love our alien brothers and sisters would we baptise them and callthem Christians The usual This has been going on for some time now and Clintonslittle bit of input was interesting too The Disclosure Project it justall adds up to an agenda leading to our furtherenslavement My answer to the question here should just have been a blunt NO Like you I feel it is all within usThe answers we need to everythingare all there Walking the walk is my preferred way too Your friend is blessed tohave you to guide her but itrsquos your love Peg that will really make animpact on her Your well is deep and so many draw upon it I readDavidrsquos post but havenrsquot said anything yet so I know you know what Imean Yoursquore full of love Peg and that is all that matters Hugs backand love XXX

LizaNov 20 2014 at 940 pm



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KittyNov 20 2014 at 1156 pm

Liza I thought I was going a bit crazy This was seriously bizarre Irsquov been thinking about this and maybe itrsquos to do withfrequency There are a lot if other strange phenomenon associated withchemtrailingI saw an orb flying alongside a plane that was obviouslylsquotrailing If my son hadnrsquot been with me at the time and saw it too Iwouldnrsquot have believed what I was seeing Irsquod love to know how many people actually canrsquot see thesethings It still makes me smile when I thinkabout it Neighbour now thinks Irsquom arsquo funny little thingrsquo

LizaNov 20 2014 at 941 pm



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JerseyCynicNov 19 2014 at 650 pm

Letrsquos ask the cathelliphttpwwwyoutubecomwatchv=jD4JhoOFzPg

will iamNov 19 2014 at 830 pm

Ha Remember this one httpswwwyoutubecomwatchv=5Us1ASENPwsampfeature=player_detailpage

JerseyCynicNov 19 2014 at 859 pm

Omg will do I remember this one Yes yes yes and Irsquove got abig toe permanently disfigured from a ldquoboogaloordquo contest toprove it Thanks for the painful memory Good times Thatnight I learned a valuable lesson hellipnever boogaloo barefoot ona crowded dance floor Good times




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pegNov 19 2014 at 832 pm

JC thank you so much for a huge dip belly laughnonononoonononononluvluvluvluv

HeatherNov 19 2014 at 801 pm

Buthellip they get mehellip they get ithellip they understandhellip whoa is me

No way in hell do I need assistance from some outside source that has alreadymet with our lsquoleadersrsquo and understands everything so well but lurks askingmy permission to come aboard I do appreciate the special touches of layingso much of our lsquofamilyrsquo BS out there for us to recap but I am not invitinganother lsquovampirersquo into the lsquohousersquo

JC ndash ha I love ya lady The cat was a special touch for sure ha ha




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Nov 20 2014 at 1130 am

ha I had not realized how sarcastic I was on this commenthellip I was stillfeeling the ldquogossip ladiesrdquo from my daughterrsquos martial arts earlier and Iwas quite sarcastic in lsquodealingrsquo with them Overflowhellip hee

No we are the oneshellip plain and simple

JerseyCynicNov 20 2014 at 133 pm

got that right HeatherldquoBanish the word lsquostrugglersquo from your attitude and yourvocabulary All that we do now must be done in a sacredmanner and in celebration We are the ones we have beenwaiting forrdquo mdash Hopi elders

KittyNov 20 2014 at 157 pm

Perfect JC and Heather lsquoWe are the ones we are waitingfor lsquoThat just about says it all really



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Much love to you both X X X

HeatherNov 20 2014 at 306 pm

Indeed Much love to you both and really big hugs

KittyNov 20 2014 at 323 pm

Huge hugs back X

will iamNov 19 2014 at 815 pm

ldquoThis my friends could be the most important message mankind has everreceivedhelliprdquo


ldquoBe proud of what you arerdquo (the army)



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ldquoBe proud of what you arerdquo (the army)

ldquoThe most important thing for us is that humankind would form a singlefamily before this ldquounknownrdquo we would representrdquo (politics as usual)

ldquoPeace does not mean simply not making war it consists in becoming whatyou collectively are in reality a fraternityrdquo helliphelliphellip Zeta Delta Con

OphiuchusNov 19 2014 at 911 pm

My heart intuition says that this is false and my subconscious shows me theWalter Von Braun message

NofolaloNov 20 2014 at 1056 am

Good thing about the Walter Von Braun message itrsquos their lsquolast card

majikNov 19 2014 at 1016 pm




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I agree This feels wrong

majikNov 19 2014 at 1022 pm

I do believe this is real Irsquove been following them since 06 Well my idea offollowing which is really doing what my mom called the ldquosniffrdquo test to see iftheir rotten I feel this message is real but subtlehttptomkenyoncomescalation-of-chaotic-nodes-and-the-dismantling-of-3-d-reality

John SmithNov 20 2014 at 321 am

there is no easy answer to this certainly humble human spirit would like toextend into presence and understand of life overall throughout wholeuniverse this unfortunately is not it

it appears as direction to admit that you are flawed to sort inner mess of thisworld with an outside force just like there is homophobia among differentgroups of humans it can also be understood as some kind of alien-phobiawithin various ldquoyesrdquo ldquonordquo groups and it should not be it



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so answer lingers most among reasons for yes and no and their validity

I for one am opposing this fancy questions and fancy landings we have needfor outside involvement since ever and it probably ever is done as we wantedit so it can be counted as intrusive with lack of honoring true demand truewish of yes or no

so this petition (seen it and commented it before) appears to be likejournalist duck sensationalist dilemma without true backing or honoringstand so I vouch no and think that entities just like us should come to thisworld ldquousualrdquo way just like we did for their mission of good or evil or elsejust like we all are fancy space ships in contact with tyrannical governmentsdecimating life and nature for power and profits are their real targetspopulation is to be in awe awaiting outside solution to inner turmoil samefor this world as in outside influence for internal misconduct I find Gaiastronger and I find myself with lesser worry so if our conscious plant calls it Id agree but it is left for someone to prove it as I see not Gaia agreeing on ourldquoworkrdquo let alone that of governments and industrial and their spaceconnections so until saw that nurturing me calling it this all dilemmas arelike chewing sawdust hard to find nutrition for human in it

JerseyCynicNov 20 2014 at 548 am

Letrsquos dancehellip (a slow one) to one of my favorite bedtime songs


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oh manhellipIrsquom a gonna start tearing up ndash I miss my babies

Come Take A Trip In My Airship (Remastered) ndash Natalie Merchanthttpwwwyoutubecomwatchv=GDL0GVZXjMI

arielNov 20 2014 at 726 am

Sod it guyshellipthe whole point is that WE CAN HANDLE IThelliphellipWe first have tolearn that our conditioned negativity is projected externally as lsquorealityrsquo(definitely lower case) My lsquoproblemrsquo is how do we get enough of youus intoNOW the inner awareness of the lsquomovement and the restrsquo as Kitty likes torefer to it which is the operating end of the universal life force whichexpands our perception limitlessly subject to the filters which prevent usdestroying the lsquobodiesrsquo with INTENSITY Irsquove met them some of themhelliphellipWearenrsquot SUDDENLY in an awful situationhelliphellipitrsquos fucking hystericallyhistoricalhellipbloody tourists most of the ones Irsquove methellipPot calling the kettleblack really because Irsquove done a bithelliphellipYou donrsquot invite the vampire inhelliphelliphellip

will iamNov 20 2014 at 1257 pm



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I hadnrsquot realized that now was something I needed to get into I wasunder the impression that now is wellhellipnow

I didnrsquot know that it was a separate something or other that dependedon quantity for its existence

I apologize in advance for contributing to your lsquoproblemrsquo so maybeyou can tell me (us) what wes need to be looking for so that on theoft chance it were to come by again wes can have some of it

VigilantibusNov 20 2014 at 751 am

This is another deception from MATRIXBeautiful words Things from New (C)ageIt is a TRAPHumanity falls like ducksWake Up

PamNov 20 2014 at 859 am

HeyhelliphelliphellipI want to see this onehellipBring it onhelliphelliprdquoYESrdquo



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ThomasNov 20 2014 at 906 am

The inorganic races are crafty Although they canrsquot lie to us they canmanipulate Once free will is exercised to join their ranks there is no turningback Can we at least wait until Black Friday and Cyber Monday are over

NofolaloNov 20 2014 at 1111 am

Here ya go Jerseyhelliphttpwwwyoutubecomwatchv=REHV8LERhPwhttpwwwyoutubecomwatchv=5PvGn75ibI4

JerseyCynicNov 20 2014 at 207 pm

Love it Nofolalo I used to know every word to the Flying PurplePeople Eater What a great goofy beat mdash just try to sit still listening




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People Eater What a great goofy beat mdash just try to sit still listeningto it mdash you canrsquot

I wish doo wop never died I grew up just after that

Also missed out on The Bristol Stomphttpwwwyoutubecomwatchv=XCOB5-E4P6Y (I canrsquot believe thesepeople are sitting in their seats)

oh herersquos a good one ndash The Bristol Stomp Dance Around the Worldhttpwwwyoutubecomwatchv=fIbkKxUD0Mst=106

alexNov 20 2014 at 208 pm


PatrickNov 20 2014 at 1113 am

The outside help is from withinhellipinside Free will is wonderful and it hascertainly no choiceshellipUse your intent so your help can help us all Weexchange our intent with the source everyday so we will certainly exchangehelp with benevolence every once in a while Use this positively whether its



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BS or not Love life guys

PeterNov 20 2014 at 535 pm

Following was posted Yeterday an was coming to my attention Some of you sure remember SIRIUS

Dr Steven Greer Dozens of Benevolent ET Species Are Here Eager to MakeContacthttpwwwriseearthcom201411dr-steven-greer-dozens-of-benevolent-ethtml

Itrsquos not the only Article that shows up but that was posted ( I think because ofthe Article we can read here posted) The NEW AGERS always again jump on that wagon and believe in suchchannelings

manNov 20 2014 at 550 pm

yeah itacutes been there for years now on the wwwyears ago i would have said YES STOP BY FOR TEA AND COOKIES



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but now i go HELL NO YOU BLOODY PARASITES suck yourself and bite thestellar dustread this kind of honeysweet friendly alien bullshit often enough- nothingbut mindcontrollitacutes for the kids crying for mama to save them for the ones that like to HOPEand leave EVOLUTION to someone elsethere is no outside saviouryou guys are right itacutes the vampires trying to get our permissioni always wondered why they would need ithellip do they really care for karmathen what about the cheatwhatever- i suppose zen just put it here as a test and a provovation to stir adiscussionheacutes not one of the i-hope-someoneacutes-gonna-save-meacutes more a get-your-sweet-ass-going-guywhat a clever bastard you are zen

JerseyCynicNov 21 2014 at 308 pm

spot on man Google is behind it I do believe

from 2007httpswwwyoutubecomwatchv=-K8ADMzz46c a CGI of a womanreading half of this message and at the end ldquoyou must read the rest ofthe message at google or yahoo search google with the quote marks


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and now that google and nasa have partnered up It wouldnrsquot surpriseme if some day soon we started to see holographic airships here andthere with Ray Kurzweil as their Director of Engineering mdash anythinggoeshttptechcrunchcom20141110google-moffett-airfield-nasa

do know evil my ass

LizaNov 20 2014 at 1011 pm

But donrsquot give it all the credit Intriguing concepts Deception

Free will Yes it is within Never to be coughed up handed over Thecomments on the source site show a lot of naivtersquo Humans by nature look toconnecting as strengthening (Help) The more to have wins It is Not soLooking to another is not the way to go

This site inhabits lots of free thinkers

The only thing I would give my freewill over to is Peace amp Justice It doesexist In the heartmind Too bad the heart is so badly broken

Perhaps the only way to save a planet is with the allone mindset of all itsinhabitants simutaneously If that could be achieved Everybodyrsquos mind set


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on the collective The whole It could happen it is happening Maybe we justhave to let go of this dimension Canrsquot sustain it Donrsquot knowWell itrsquos all Bullshit anyway

hashishiNov 21 2014 at 751 am

ldquoFree will Yes it is within Never to be coughed up handed over rdquo

The most simple profound and beautiful truth It always does me goodto see a wonderful unencumbered spirit reflecting the same greattruth back at me

Dr Paula-Noel MacfieNov 21 2014 at 133 am

Liza we are all already connected and online through indigenous mind ourAncestors We never ldquoleftrdquohellipour minds have been so colonized that we forgotwho we are and where we come from The connection is still there just awhole lotta dissociation in between to navigate through




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arielNov 21 2014 at 725 am

HEY KITTYhelliprsquoWe are the parents our children have warned us abouthelliprsquo isnrsquot it

arielNov 21 2014 at 726 am

Or is it our greatgrand descendants

KittyNov 21 2014 at 319 pm


hashishiNov 21 2014 at 808 am

Oh hai VALIS Good game good game lsquoAliensrsquo Like it But er no thanks




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Oh hai VALIS Good game good game lsquoAliensrsquo Like it But er no thanks

AlteaNov 21 2014 at 554 pm

We are the ETrsquos we have been waiting for

manNov 21 2014 at 620 pm

what a weird place this world is indeedwhere reality is stranger than fictiongood to have a heart

vibra amor

StarDustNov 27 2014 at 900 pm

Why you need thousands of ships one is not enough Come in peace like




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you say and all the humans will open their arms and hug you






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alien agenda is concerned Love our alien brothers and sisters would we baptise them and callthem Christians The usual This has been going on for some time now and Clintonslittle bit of input was interesting too The Disclosure Project it justall adds up to an agenda leading to our furtherenslavement My answer to the question here should just have been a blunt NO Like you I feel it is all within usThe answers we need to everythingare all there Walking the walk is my preferred way too Your friend is blessed tohave you to guide her but itrsquos your love Peg that will really make animpact on her Your well is deep and so many draw upon it I readDavidrsquos post but havenrsquot said anything yet so I know you know what Imean Yoursquore full of love Peg and that is all that matters Hugs backand love XXX

LizaNov 20 2014 at 940 pm



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KittyNov 20 2014 at 1156 pm

Liza I thought I was going a bit crazy This was seriously bizarre Irsquov been thinking about this and maybe itrsquos to do withfrequency There are a lot if other strange phenomenon associated withchemtrailingI saw an orb flying alongside a plane that was obviouslylsquotrailing If my son hadnrsquot been with me at the time and saw it too Iwouldnrsquot have believed what I was seeing Irsquod love to know how many people actually canrsquot see thesethings It still makes me smile when I thinkabout it Neighbour now thinks Irsquom arsquo funny little thingrsquo

LizaNov 20 2014 at 941 pm



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JerseyCynicNov 19 2014 at 650 pm

Letrsquos ask the cathelliphttpwwwyoutubecomwatchv=jD4JhoOFzPg

will iamNov 19 2014 at 830 pm

Ha Remember this one httpswwwyoutubecomwatchv=5Us1ASENPwsampfeature=player_detailpage

JerseyCynicNov 19 2014 at 859 pm

Omg will do I remember this one Yes yes yes and Irsquove got abig toe permanently disfigured from a ldquoboogaloordquo contest toprove it Thanks for the painful memory Good times Thatnight I learned a valuable lesson hellipnever boogaloo barefoot ona crowded dance floor Good times




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pegNov 19 2014 at 832 pm

JC thank you so much for a huge dip belly laughnonononoonononononluvluvluvluv

HeatherNov 19 2014 at 801 pm

Buthellip they get mehellip they get ithellip they understandhellip whoa is me

No way in hell do I need assistance from some outside source that has alreadymet with our lsquoleadersrsquo and understands everything so well but lurks askingmy permission to come aboard I do appreciate the special touches of layingso much of our lsquofamilyrsquo BS out there for us to recap but I am not invitinganother lsquovampirersquo into the lsquohousersquo

JC ndash ha I love ya lady The cat was a special touch for sure ha ha




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Nov 20 2014 at 1130 am

ha I had not realized how sarcastic I was on this commenthellip I was stillfeeling the ldquogossip ladiesrdquo from my daughterrsquos martial arts earlier and Iwas quite sarcastic in lsquodealingrsquo with them Overflowhellip hee

No we are the oneshellip plain and simple

JerseyCynicNov 20 2014 at 133 pm

got that right HeatherldquoBanish the word lsquostrugglersquo from your attitude and yourvocabulary All that we do now must be done in a sacredmanner and in celebration We are the ones we have beenwaiting forrdquo mdash Hopi elders

KittyNov 20 2014 at 157 pm

Perfect JC and Heather lsquoWe are the ones we are waitingfor lsquoThat just about says it all really



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Much love to you both X X X

HeatherNov 20 2014 at 306 pm

Indeed Much love to you both and really big hugs

KittyNov 20 2014 at 323 pm

Huge hugs back X

will iamNov 19 2014 at 815 pm

ldquoThis my friends could be the most important message mankind has everreceivedhelliprdquo


ldquoBe proud of what you arerdquo (the army)



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ldquoBe proud of what you arerdquo (the army)

ldquoThe most important thing for us is that humankind would form a singlefamily before this ldquounknownrdquo we would representrdquo (politics as usual)

ldquoPeace does not mean simply not making war it consists in becoming whatyou collectively are in reality a fraternityrdquo helliphelliphellip Zeta Delta Con

OphiuchusNov 19 2014 at 911 pm

My heart intuition says that this is false and my subconscious shows me theWalter Von Braun message

NofolaloNov 20 2014 at 1056 am

Good thing about the Walter Von Braun message itrsquos their lsquolast card

majikNov 19 2014 at 1016 pm




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I agree This feels wrong

majikNov 19 2014 at 1022 pm

I do believe this is real Irsquove been following them since 06 Well my idea offollowing which is really doing what my mom called the ldquosniffrdquo test to see iftheir rotten I feel this message is real but subtlehttptomkenyoncomescalation-of-chaotic-nodes-and-the-dismantling-of-3-d-reality

John SmithNov 20 2014 at 321 am

there is no easy answer to this certainly humble human spirit would like toextend into presence and understand of life overall throughout wholeuniverse this unfortunately is not it

it appears as direction to admit that you are flawed to sort inner mess of thisworld with an outside force just like there is homophobia among differentgroups of humans it can also be understood as some kind of alien-phobiawithin various ldquoyesrdquo ldquonordquo groups and it should not be it



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so answer lingers most among reasons for yes and no and their validity

I for one am opposing this fancy questions and fancy landings we have needfor outside involvement since ever and it probably ever is done as we wantedit so it can be counted as intrusive with lack of honoring true demand truewish of yes or no

so this petition (seen it and commented it before) appears to be likejournalist duck sensationalist dilemma without true backing or honoringstand so I vouch no and think that entities just like us should come to thisworld ldquousualrdquo way just like we did for their mission of good or evil or elsejust like we all are fancy space ships in contact with tyrannical governmentsdecimating life and nature for power and profits are their real targetspopulation is to be in awe awaiting outside solution to inner turmoil samefor this world as in outside influence for internal misconduct I find Gaiastronger and I find myself with lesser worry so if our conscious plant calls it Id agree but it is left for someone to prove it as I see not Gaia agreeing on ourldquoworkrdquo let alone that of governments and industrial and their spaceconnections so until saw that nurturing me calling it this all dilemmas arelike chewing sawdust hard to find nutrition for human in it

JerseyCynicNov 20 2014 at 548 am

Letrsquos dancehellip (a slow one) to one of my favorite bedtime songs


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oh manhellipIrsquom a gonna start tearing up ndash I miss my babies

Come Take A Trip In My Airship (Remastered) ndash Natalie Merchanthttpwwwyoutubecomwatchv=GDL0GVZXjMI

arielNov 20 2014 at 726 am

Sod it guyshellipthe whole point is that WE CAN HANDLE IThelliphellipWe first have tolearn that our conditioned negativity is projected externally as lsquorealityrsquo(definitely lower case) My lsquoproblemrsquo is how do we get enough of youus intoNOW the inner awareness of the lsquomovement and the restrsquo as Kitty likes torefer to it which is the operating end of the universal life force whichexpands our perception limitlessly subject to the filters which prevent usdestroying the lsquobodiesrsquo with INTENSITY Irsquove met them some of themhelliphellipWearenrsquot SUDDENLY in an awful situationhelliphellipitrsquos fucking hystericallyhistoricalhellipbloody tourists most of the ones Irsquove methellipPot calling the kettleblack really because Irsquove done a bithelliphellipYou donrsquot invite the vampire inhelliphelliphellip

will iamNov 20 2014 at 1257 pm



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I hadnrsquot realized that now was something I needed to get into I wasunder the impression that now is wellhellipnow

I didnrsquot know that it was a separate something or other that dependedon quantity for its existence

I apologize in advance for contributing to your lsquoproblemrsquo so maybeyou can tell me (us) what wes need to be looking for so that on theoft chance it were to come by again wes can have some of it

VigilantibusNov 20 2014 at 751 am

This is another deception from MATRIXBeautiful words Things from New (C)ageIt is a TRAPHumanity falls like ducksWake Up

PamNov 20 2014 at 859 am

HeyhelliphelliphellipI want to see this onehellipBring it onhelliphelliprdquoYESrdquo



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ThomasNov 20 2014 at 906 am

The inorganic races are crafty Although they canrsquot lie to us they canmanipulate Once free will is exercised to join their ranks there is no turningback Can we at least wait until Black Friday and Cyber Monday are over

NofolaloNov 20 2014 at 1111 am

Here ya go Jerseyhelliphttpwwwyoutubecomwatchv=REHV8LERhPwhttpwwwyoutubecomwatchv=5PvGn75ibI4

JerseyCynicNov 20 2014 at 207 pm

Love it Nofolalo I used to know every word to the Flying PurplePeople Eater What a great goofy beat mdash just try to sit still listening




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People Eater What a great goofy beat mdash just try to sit still listeningto it mdash you canrsquot

I wish doo wop never died I grew up just after that

Also missed out on The Bristol Stomphttpwwwyoutubecomwatchv=XCOB5-E4P6Y (I canrsquot believe thesepeople are sitting in their seats)

oh herersquos a good one ndash The Bristol Stomp Dance Around the Worldhttpwwwyoutubecomwatchv=fIbkKxUD0Mst=106

alexNov 20 2014 at 208 pm


PatrickNov 20 2014 at 1113 am

The outside help is from withinhellipinside Free will is wonderful and it hascertainly no choiceshellipUse your intent so your help can help us all Weexchange our intent with the source everyday so we will certainly exchangehelp with benevolence every once in a while Use this positively whether its



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BS or not Love life guys

PeterNov 20 2014 at 535 pm

Following was posted Yeterday an was coming to my attention Some of you sure remember SIRIUS

Dr Steven Greer Dozens of Benevolent ET Species Are Here Eager to MakeContacthttpwwwriseearthcom201411dr-steven-greer-dozens-of-benevolent-ethtml

Itrsquos not the only Article that shows up but that was posted ( I think because ofthe Article we can read here posted) The NEW AGERS always again jump on that wagon and believe in suchchannelings

manNov 20 2014 at 550 pm

yeah itacutes been there for years now on the wwwyears ago i would have said YES STOP BY FOR TEA AND COOKIES



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but now i go HELL NO YOU BLOODY PARASITES suck yourself and bite thestellar dustread this kind of honeysweet friendly alien bullshit often enough- nothingbut mindcontrollitacutes for the kids crying for mama to save them for the ones that like to HOPEand leave EVOLUTION to someone elsethere is no outside saviouryou guys are right itacutes the vampires trying to get our permissioni always wondered why they would need ithellip do they really care for karmathen what about the cheatwhatever- i suppose zen just put it here as a test and a provovation to stir adiscussionheacutes not one of the i-hope-someoneacutes-gonna-save-meacutes more a get-your-sweet-ass-going-guywhat a clever bastard you are zen

JerseyCynicNov 21 2014 at 308 pm

spot on man Google is behind it I do believe

from 2007httpswwwyoutubecomwatchv=-K8ADMzz46c a CGI of a womanreading half of this message and at the end ldquoyou must read the rest ofthe message at google or yahoo search google with the quote marks


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and now that google and nasa have partnered up It wouldnrsquot surpriseme if some day soon we started to see holographic airships here andthere with Ray Kurzweil as their Director of Engineering mdash anythinggoeshttptechcrunchcom20141110google-moffett-airfield-nasa

do know evil my ass

LizaNov 20 2014 at 1011 pm

But donrsquot give it all the credit Intriguing concepts Deception

Free will Yes it is within Never to be coughed up handed over Thecomments on the source site show a lot of naivtersquo Humans by nature look toconnecting as strengthening (Help) The more to have wins It is Not soLooking to another is not the way to go

This site inhabits lots of free thinkers

The only thing I would give my freewill over to is Peace amp Justice It doesexist In the heartmind Too bad the heart is so badly broken

Perhaps the only way to save a planet is with the allone mindset of all itsinhabitants simutaneously If that could be achieved Everybodyrsquos mind set


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on the collective The whole It could happen it is happening Maybe we justhave to let go of this dimension Canrsquot sustain it Donrsquot knowWell itrsquos all Bullshit anyway

hashishiNov 21 2014 at 751 am

ldquoFree will Yes it is within Never to be coughed up handed over rdquo

The most simple profound and beautiful truth It always does me goodto see a wonderful unencumbered spirit reflecting the same greattruth back at me

Dr Paula-Noel MacfieNov 21 2014 at 133 am

Liza we are all already connected and online through indigenous mind ourAncestors We never ldquoleftrdquohellipour minds have been so colonized that we forgotwho we are and where we come from The connection is still there just awhole lotta dissociation in between to navigate through




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arielNov 21 2014 at 725 am

HEY KITTYhelliprsquoWe are the parents our children have warned us abouthelliprsquo isnrsquot it

arielNov 21 2014 at 726 am

Or is it our greatgrand descendants

KittyNov 21 2014 at 319 pm


hashishiNov 21 2014 at 808 am

Oh hai VALIS Good game good game lsquoAliensrsquo Like it But er no thanks




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Oh hai VALIS Good game good game lsquoAliensrsquo Like it But er no thanks

AlteaNov 21 2014 at 554 pm

We are the ETrsquos we have been waiting for

manNov 21 2014 at 620 pm

what a weird place this world is indeedwhere reality is stranger than fictiongood to have a heart

vibra amor

StarDustNov 27 2014 at 900 pm

Why you need thousands of ships one is not enough Come in peace like




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you say and all the humans will open their arms and hug you






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KittyNov 20 2014 at 1156 pm

Liza I thought I was going a bit crazy This was seriously bizarre Irsquov been thinking about this and maybe itrsquos to do withfrequency There are a lot if other strange phenomenon associated withchemtrailingI saw an orb flying alongside a plane that was obviouslylsquotrailing If my son hadnrsquot been with me at the time and saw it too Iwouldnrsquot have believed what I was seeing Irsquod love to know how many people actually canrsquot see thesethings It still makes me smile when I thinkabout it Neighbour now thinks Irsquom arsquo funny little thingrsquo

LizaNov 20 2014 at 941 pm



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JerseyCynicNov 19 2014 at 650 pm

Letrsquos ask the cathelliphttpwwwyoutubecomwatchv=jD4JhoOFzPg

will iamNov 19 2014 at 830 pm

Ha Remember this one httpswwwyoutubecomwatchv=5Us1ASENPwsampfeature=player_detailpage

JerseyCynicNov 19 2014 at 859 pm

Omg will do I remember this one Yes yes yes and Irsquove got abig toe permanently disfigured from a ldquoboogaloordquo contest toprove it Thanks for the painful memory Good times Thatnight I learned a valuable lesson hellipnever boogaloo barefoot ona crowded dance floor Good times




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pegNov 19 2014 at 832 pm

JC thank you so much for a huge dip belly laughnonononoonononononluvluvluvluv

HeatherNov 19 2014 at 801 pm

Buthellip they get mehellip they get ithellip they understandhellip whoa is me

No way in hell do I need assistance from some outside source that has alreadymet with our lsquoleadersrsquo and understands everything so well but lurks askingmy permission to come aboard I do appreciate the special touches of layingso much of our lsquofamilyrsquo BS out there for us to recap but I am not invitinganother lsquovampirersquo into the lsquohousersquo

JC ndash ha I love ya lady The cat was a special touch for sure ha ha




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Nov 20 2014 at 1130 am

ha I had not realized how sarcastic I was on this commenthellip I was stillfeeling the ldquogossip ladiesrdquo from my daughterrsquos martial arts earlier and Iwas quite sarcastic in lsquodealingrsquo with them Overflowhellip hee

No we are the oneshellip plain and simple

JerseyCynicNov 20 2014 at 133 pm

got that right HeatherldquoBanish the word lsquostrugglersquo from your attitude and yourvocabulary All that we do now must be done in a sacredmanner and in celebration We are the ones we have beenwaiting forrdquo mdash Hopi elders

KittyNov 20 2014 at 157 pm

Perfect JC and Heather lsquoWe are the ones we are waitingfor lsquoThat just about says it all really



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Much love to you both X X X

HeatherNov 20 2014 at 306 pm

Indeed Much love to you both and really big hugs

KittyNov 20 2014 at 323 pm

Huge hugs back X

will iamNov 19 2014 at 815 pm

ldquoThis my friends could be the most important message mankind has everreceivedhelliprdquo


ldquoBe proud of what you arerdquo (the army)



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ldquoBe proud of what you arerdquo (the army)

ldquoThe most important thing for us is that humankind would form a singlefamily before this ldquounknownrdquo we would representrdquo (politics as usual)

ldquoPeace does not mean simply not making war it consists in becoming whatyou collectively are in reality a fraternityrdquo helliphelliphellip Zeta Delta Con

OphiuchusNov 19 2014 at 911 pm

My heart intuition says that this is false and my subconscious shows me theWalter Von Braun message

NofolaloNov 20 2014 at 1056 am

Good thing about the Walter Von Braun message itrsquos their lsquolast card

majikNov 19 2014 at 1016 pm




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I agree This feels wrong

majikNov 19 2014 at 1022 pm

I do believe this is real Irsquove been following them since 06 Well my idea offollowing which is really doing what my mom called the ldquosniffrdquo test to see iftheir rotten I feel this message is real but subtlehttptomkenyoncomescalation-of-chaotic-nodes-and-the-dismantling-of-3-d-reality

John SmithNov 20 2014 at 321 am

there is no easy answer to this certainly humble human spirit would like toextend into presence and understand of life overall throughout wholeuniverse this unfortunately is not it

it appears as direction to admit that you are flawed to sort inner mess of thisworld with an outside force just like there is homophobia among differentgroups of humans it can also be understood as some kind of alien-phobiawithin various ldquoyesrdquo ldquonordquo groups and it should not be it



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so answer lingers most among reasons for yes and no and their validity

I for one am opposing this fancy questions and fancy landings we have needfor outside involvement since ever and it probably ever is done as we wantedit so it can be counted as intrusive with lack of honoring true demand truewish of yes or no

so this petition (seen it and commented it before) appears to be likejournalist duck sensationalist dilemma without true backing or honoringstand so I vouch no and think that entities just like us should come to thisworld ldquousualrdquo way just like we did for their mission of good or evil or elsejust like we all are fancy space ships in contact with tyrannical governmentsdecimating life and nature for power and profits are their real targetspopulation is to be in awe awaiting outside solution to inner turmoil samefor this world as in outside influence for internal misconduct I find Gaiastronger and I find myself with lesser worry so if our conscious plant calls it Id agree but it is left for someone to prove it as I see not Gaia agreeing on ourldquoworkrdquo let alone that of governments and industrial and their spaceconnections so until saw that nurturing me calling it this all dilemmas arelike chewing sawdust hard to find nutrition for human in it

JerseyCynicNov 20 2014 at 548 am

Letrsquos dancehellip (a slow one) to one of my favorite bedtime songs


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oh manhellipIrsquom a gonna start tearing up ndash I miss my babies

Come Take A Trip In My Airship (Remastered) ndash Natalie Merchanthttpwwwyoutubecomwatchv=GDL0GVZXjMI

arielNov 20 2014 at 726 am

Sod it guyshellipthe whole point is that WE CAN HANDLE IThelliphellipWe first have tolearn that our conditioned negativity is projected externally as lsquorealityrsquo(definitely lower case) My lsquoproblemrsquo is how do we get enough of youus intoNOW the inner awareness of the lsquomovement and the restrsquo as Kitty likes torefer to it which is the operating end of the universal life force whichexpands our perception limitlessly subject to the filters which prevent usdestroying the lsquobodiesrsquo with INTENSITY Irsquove met them some of themhelliphellipWearenrsquot SUDDENLY in an awful situationhelliphellipitrsquos fucking hystericallyhistoricalhellipbloody tourists most of the ones Irsquove methellipPot calling the kettleblack really because Irsquove done a bithelliphellipYou donrsquot invite the vampire inhelliphelliphellip

will iamNov 20 2014 at 1257 pm



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I hadnrsquot realized that now was something I needed to get into I wasunder the impression that now is wellhellipnow

I didnrsquot know that it was a separate something or other that dependedon quantity for its existence

I apologize in advance for contributing to your lsquoproblemrsquo so maybeyou can tell me (us) what wes need to be looking for so that on theoft chance it were to come by again wes can have some of it

VigilantibusNov 20 2014 at 751 am

This is another deception from MATRIXBeautiful words Things from New (C)ageIt is a TRAPHumanity falls like ducksWake Up

PamNov 20 2014 at 859 am

HeyhelliphelliphellipI want to see this onehellipBring it onhelliphelliprdquoYESrdquo



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ThomasNov 20 2014 at 906 am

The inorganic races are crafty Although they canrsquot lie to us they canmanipulate Once free will is exercised to join their ranks there is no turningback Can we at least wait until Black Friday and Cyber Monday are over

NofolaloNov 20 2014 at 1111 am

Here ya go Jerseyhelliphttpwwwyoutubecomwatchv=REHV8LERhPwhttpwwwyoutubecomwatchv=5PvGn75ibI4

JerseyCynicNov 20 2014 at 207 pm

Love it Nofolalo I used to know every word to the Flying PurplePeople Eater What a great goofy beat mdash just try to sit still listening




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People Eater What a great goofy beat mdash just try to sit still listeningto it mdash you canrsquot

I wish doo wop never died I grew up just after that

Also missed out on The Bristol Stomphttpwwwyoutubecomwatchv=XCOB5-E4P6Y (I canrsquot believe thesepeople are sitting in their seats)

oh herersquos a good one ndash The Bristol Stomp Dance Around the Worldhttpwwwyoutubecomwatchv=fIbkKxUD0Mst=106

alexNov 20 2014 at 208 pm


PatrickNov 20 2014 at 1113 am

The outside help is from withinhellipinside Free will is wonderful and it hascertainly no choiceshellipUse your intent so your help can help us all Weexchange our intent with the source everyday so we will certainly exchangehelp with benevolence every once in a while Use this positively whether its



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BS or not Love life guys

PeterNov 20 2014 at 535 pm

Following was posted Yeterday an was coming to my attention Some of you sure remember SIRIUS

Dr Steven Greer Dozens of Benevolent ET Species Are Here Eager to MakeContacthttpwwwriseearthcom201411dr-steven-greer-dozens-of-benevolent-ethtml

Itrsquos not the only Article that shows up but that was posted ( I think because ofthe Article we can read here posted) The NEW AGERS always again jump on that wagon and believe in suchchannelings

manNov 20 2014 at 550 pm

yeah itacutes been there for years now on the wwwyears ago i would have said YES STOP BY FOR TEA AND COOKIES



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but now i go HELL NO YOU BLOODY PARASITES suck yourself and bite thestellar dustread this kind of honeysweet friendly alien bullshit often enough- nothingbut mindcontrollitacutes for the kids crying for mama to save them for the ones that like to HOPEand leave EVOLUTION to someone elsethere is no outside saviouryou guys are right itacutes the vampires trying to get our permissioni always wondered why they would need ithellip do they really care for karmathen what about the cheatwhatever- i suppose zen just put it here as a test and a provovation to stir adiscussionheacutes not one of the i-hope-someoneacutes-gonna-save-meacutes more a get-your-sweet-ass-going-guywhat a clever bastard you are zen

JerseyCynicNov 21 2014 at 308 pm

spot on man Google is behind it I do believe

from 2007httpswwwyoutubecomwatchv=-K8ADMzz46c a CGI of a womanreading half of this message and at the end ldquoyou must read the rest ofthe message at google or yahoo search google with the quote marks


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and now that google and nasa have partnered up It wouldnrsquot surpriseme if some day soon we started to see holographic airships here andthere with Ray Kurzweil as their Director of Engineering mdash anythinggoeshttptechcrunchcom20141110google-moffett-airfield-nasa

do know evil my ass

LizaNov 20 2014 at 1011 pm

But donrsquot give it all the credit Intriguing concepts Deception

Free will Yes it is within Never to be coughed up handed over Thecomments on the source site show a lot of naivtersquo Humans by nature look toconnecting as strengthening (Help) The more to have wins It is Not soLooking to another is not the way to go

This site inhabits lots of free thinkers

The only thing I would give my freewill over to is Peace amp Justice It doesexist In the heartmind Too bad the heart is so badly broken

Perhaps the only way to save a planet is with the allone mindset of all itsinhabitants simutaneously If that could be achieved Everybodyrsquos mind set


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on the collective The whole It could happen it is happening Maybe we justhave to let go of this dimension Canrsquot sustain it Donrsquot knowWell itrsquos all Bullshit anyway

hashishiNov 21 2014 at 751 am

ldquoFree will Yes it is within Never to be coughed up handed over rdquo

The most simple profound and beautiful truth It always does me goodto see a wonderful unencumbered spirit reflecting the same greattruth back at me

Dr Paula-Noel MacfieNov 21 2014 at 133 am

Liza we are all already connected and online through indigenous mind ourAncestors We never ldquoleftrdquohellipour minds have been so colonized that we forgotwho we are and where we come from The connection is still there just awhole lotta dissociation in between to navigate through




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arielNov 21 2014 at 725 am

HEY KITTYhelliprsquoWe are the parents our children have warned us abouthelliprsquo isnrsquot it

arielNov 21 2014 at 726 am

Or is it our greatgrand descendants

KittyNov 21 2014 at 319 pm


hashishiNov 21 2014 at 808 am

Oh hai VALIS Good game good game lsquoAliensrsquo Like it But er no thanks




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Oh hai VALIS Good game good game lsquoAliensrsquo Like it But er no thanks

AlteaNov 21 2014 at 554 pm

We are the ETrsquos we have been waiting for

manNov 21 2014 at 620 pm

what a weird place this world is indeedwhere reality is stranger than fictiongood to have a heart

vibra amor

StarDustNov 27 2014 at 900 pm

Why you need thousands of ships one is not enough Come in peace like




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you say and all the humans will open their arms and hug you






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Marin Angeli onIntroductions

Oshi on AnnouncingZenGardnercom 20

david on Of Angelsand Demons

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JerseyCynicNov 19 2014 at 650 pm

Letrsquos ask the cathelliphttpwwwyoutubecomwatchv=jD4JhoOFzPg

will iamNov 19 2014 at 830 pm

Ha Remember this one httpswwwyoutubecomwatchv=5Us1ASENPwsampfeature=player_detailpage

JerseyCynicNov 19 2014 at 859 pm

Omg will do I remember this one Yes yes yes and Irsquove got abig toe permanently disfigured from a ldquoboogaloordquo contest toprove it Thanks for the painful memory Good times Thatnight I learned a valuable lesson hellipnever boogaloo barefoot ona crowded dance floor Good times




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pegNov 19 2014 at 832 pm

JC thank you so much for a huge dip belly laughnonononoonononononluvluvluvluv

HeatherNov 19 2014 at 801 pm

Buthellip they get mehellip they get ithellip they understandhellip whoa is me

No way in hell do I need assistance from some outside source that has alreadymet with our lsquoleadersrsquo and understands everything so well but lurks askingmy permission to come aboard I do appreciate the special touches of layingso much of our lsquofamilyrsquo BS out there for us to recap but I am not invitinganother lsquovampirersquo into the lsquohousersquo

JC ndash ha I love ya lady The cat was a special touch for sure ha ha




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Nov 20 2014 at 1130 am

ha I had not realized how sarcastic I was on this commenthellip I was stillfeeling the ldquogossip ladiesrdquo from my daughterrsquos martial arts earlier and Iwas quite sarcastic in lsquodealingrsquo with them Overflowhellip hee

No we are the oneshellip plain and simple

JerseyCynicNov 20 2014 at 133 pm

got that right HeatherldquoBanish the word lsquostrugglersquo from your attitude and yourvocabulary All that we do now must be done in a sacredmanner and in celebration We are the ones we have beenwaiting forrdquo mdash Hopi elders

KittyNov 20 2014 at 157 pm

Perfect JC and Heather lsquoWe are the ones we are waitingfor lsquoThat just about says it all really



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Much love to you both X X X

HeatherNov 20 2014 at 306 pm

Indeed Much love to you both and really big hugs

KittyNov 20 2014 at 323 pm

Huge hugs back X

will iamNov 19 2014 at 815 pm

ldquoThis my friends could be the most important message mankind has everreceivedhelliprdquo


ldquoBe proud of what you arerdquo (the army)



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ldquoBe proud of what you arerdquo (the army)

ldquoThe most important thing for us is that humankind would form a singlefamily before this ldquounknownrdquo we would representrdquo (politics as usual)

ldquoPeace does not mean simply not making war it consists in becoming whatyou collectively are in reality a fraternityrdquo helliphelliphellip Zeta Delta Con

OphiuchusNov 19 2014 at 911 pm

My heart intuition says that this is false and my subconscious shows me theWalter Von Braun message

NofolaloNov 20 2014 at 1056 am

Good thing about the Walter Von Braun message itrsquos their lsquolast card

majikNov 19 2014 at 1016 pm




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I agree This feels wrong

majikNov 19 2014 at 1022 pm

I do believe this is real Irsquove been following them since 06 Well my idea offollowing which is really doing what my mom called the ldquosniffrdquo test to see iftheir rotten I feel this message is real but subtlehttptomkenyoncomescalation-of-chaotic-nodes-and-the-dismantling-of-3-d-reality

John SmithNov 20 2014 at 321 am

there is no easy answer to this certainly humble human spirit would like toextend into presence and understand of life overall throughout wholeuniverse this unfortunately is not it

it appears as direction to admit that you are flawed to sort inner mess of thisworld with an outside force just like there is homophobia among differentgroups of humans it can also be understood as some kind of alien-phobiawithin various ldquoyesrdquo ldquonordquo groups and it should not be it



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so answer lingers most among reasons for yes and no and their validity

I for one am opposing this fancy questions and fancy landings we have needfor outside involvement since ever and it probably ever is done as we wantedit so it can be counted as intrusive with lack of honoring true demand truewish of yes or no

so this petition (seen it and commented it before) appears to be likejournalist duck sensationalist dilemma without true backing or honoringstand so I vouch no and think that entities just like us should come to thisworld ldquousualrdquo way just like we did for their mission of good or evil or elsejust like we all are fancy space ships in contact with tyrannical governmentsdecimating life and nature for power and profits are their real targetspopulation is to be in awe awaiting outside solution to inner turmoil samefor this world as in outside influence for internal misconduct I find Gaiastronger and I find myself with lesser worry so if our conscious plant calls it Id agree but it is left for someone to prove it as I see not Gaia agreeing on ourldquoworkrdquo let alone that of governments and industrial and their spaceconnections so until saw that nurturing me calling it this all dilemmas arelike chewing sawdust hard to find nutrition for human in it

JerseyCynicNov 20 2014 at 548 am

Letrsquos dancehellip (a slow one) to one of my favorite bedtime songs


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oh manhellipIrsquom a gonna start tearing up ndash I miss my babies

Come Take A Trip In My Airship (Remastered) ndash Natalie Merchanthttpwwwyoutubecomwatchv=GDL0GVZXjMI

arielNov 20 2014 at 726 am

Sod it guyshellipthe whole point is that WE CAN HANDLE IThelliphellipWe first have tolearn that our conditioned negativity is projected externally as lsquorealityrsquo(definitely lower case) My lsquoproblemrsquo is how do we get enough of youus intoNOW the inner awareness of the lsquomovement and the restrsquo as Kitty likes torefer to it which is the operating end of the universal life force whichexpands our perception limitlessly subject to the filters which prevent usdestroying the lsquobodiesrsquo with INTENSITY Irsquove met them some of themhelliphellipWearenrsquot SUDDENLY in an awful situationhelliphellipitrsquos fucking hystericallyhistoricalhellipbloody tourists most of the ones Irsquove methellipPot calling the kettleblack really because Irsquove done a bithelliphellipYou donrsquot invite the vampire inhelliphelliphellip

will iamNov 20 2014 at 1257 pm



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I hadnrsquot realized that now was something I needed to get into I wasunder the impression that now is wellhellipnow

I didnrsquot know that it was a separate something or other that dependedon quantity for its existence

I apologize in advance for contributing to your lsquoproblemrsquo so maybeyou can tell me (us) what wes need to be looking for so that on theoft chance it were to come by again wes can have some of it

VigilantibusNov 20 2014 at 751 am

This is another deception from MATRIXBeautiful words Things from New (C)ageIt is a TRAPHumanity falls like ducksWake Up

PamNov 20 2014 at 859 am

HeyhelliphelliphellipI want to see this onehellipBring it onhelliphelliprdquoYESrdquo



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ThomasNov 20 2014 at 906 am

The inorganic races are crafty Although they canrsquot lie to us they canmanipulate Once free will is exercised to join their ranks there is no turningback Can we at least wait until Black Friday and Cyber Monday are over

NofolaloNov 20 2014 at 1111 am

Here ya go Jerseyhelliphttpwwwyoutubecomwatchv=REHV8LERhPwhttpwwwyoutubecomwatchv=5PvGn75ibI4

JerseyCynicNov 20 2014 at 207 pm

Love it Nofolalo I used to know every word to the Flying PurplePeople Eater What a great goofy beat mdash just try to sit still listening




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People Eater What a great goofy beat mdash just try to sit still listeningto it mdash you canrsquot

I wish doo wop never died I grew up just after that

Also missed out on The Bristol Stomphttpwwwyoutubecomwatchv=XCOB5-E4P6Y (I canrsquot believe thesepeople are sitting in their seats)

oh herersquos a good one ndash The Bristol Stomp Dance Around the Worldhttpwwwyoutubecomwatchv=fIbkKxUD0Mst=106

alexNov 20 2014 at 208 pm


PatrickNov 20 2014 at 1113 am

The outside help is from withinhellipinside Free will is wonderful and it hascertainly no choiceshellipUse your intent so your help can help us all Weexchange our intent with the source everyday so we will certainly exchangehelp with benevolence every once in a while Use this positively whether its



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BS or not Love life guys

PeterNov 20 2014 at 535 pm

Following was posted Yeterday an was coming to my attention Some of you sure remember SIRIUS

Dr Steven Greer Dozens of Benevolent ET Species Are Here Eager to MakeContacthttpwwwriseearthcom201411dr-steven-greer-dozens-of-benevolent-ethtml

Itrsquos not the only Article that shows up but that was posted ( I think because ofthe Article we can read here posted) The NEW AGERS always again jump on that wagon and believe in suchchannelings

manNov 20 2014 at 550 pm

yeah itacutes been there for years now on the wwwyears ago i would have said YES STOP BY FOR TEA AND COOKIES



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but now i go HELL NO YOU BLOODY PARASITES suck yourself and bite thestellar dustread this kind of honeysweet friendly alien bullshit often enough- nothingbut mindcontrollitacutes for the kids crying for mama to save them for the ones that like to HOPEand leave EVOLUTION to someone elsethere is no outside saviouryou guys are right itacutes the vampires trying to get our permissioni always wondered why they would need ithellip do they really care for karmathen what about the cheatwhatever- i suppose zen just put it here as a test and a provovation to stir adiscussionheacutes not one of the i-hope-someoneacutes-gonna-save-meacutes more a get-your-sweet-ass-going-guywhat a clever bastard you are zen

JerseyCynicNov 21 2014 at 308 pm

spot on man Google is behind it I do believe

from 2007httpswwwyoutubecomwatchv=-K8ADMzz46c a CGI of a womanreading half of this message and at the end ldquoyou must read the rest ofthe message at google or yahoo search google with the quote marks


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and now that google and nasa have partnered up It wouldnrsquot surpriseme if some day soon we started to see holographic airships here andthere with Ray Kurzweil as their Director of Engineering mdash anythinggoeshttptechcrunchcom20141110google-moffett-airfield-nasa

do know evil my ass

LizaNov 20 2014 at 1011 pm

But donrsquot give it all the credit Intriguing concepts Deception

Free will Yes it is within Never to be coughed up handed over Thecomments on the source site show a lot of naivtersquo Humans by nature look toconnecting as strengthening (Help) The more to have wins It is Not soLooking to another is not the way to go

This site inhabits lots of free thinkers

The only thing I would give my freewill over to is Peace amp Justice It doesexist In the heartmind Too bad the heart is so badly broken

Perhaps the only way to save a planet is with the allone mindset of all itsinhabitants simutaneously If that could be achieved Everybodyrsquos mind set


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on the collective The whole It could happen it is happening Maybe we justhave to let go of this dimension Canrsquot sustain it Donrsquot knowWell itrsquos all Bullshit anyway

hashishiNov 21 2014 at 751 am

ldquoFree will Yes it is within Never to be coughed up handed over rdquo

The most simple profound and beautiful truth It always does me goodto see a wonderful unencumbered spirit reflecting the same greattruth back at me

Dr Paula-Noel MacfieNov 21 2014 at 133 am

Liza we are all already connected and online through indigenous mind ourAncestors We never ldquoleftrdquohellipour minds have been so colonized that we forgotwho we are and where we come from The connection is still there just awhole lotta dissociation in between to navigate through




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arielNov 21 2014 at 725 am

HEY KITTYhelliprsquoWe are the parents our children have warned us abouthelliprsquo isnrsquot it

arielNov 21 2014 at 726 am

Or is it our greatgrand descendants

KittyNov 21 2014 at 319 pm


hashishiNov 21 2014 at 808 am

Oh hai VALIS Good game good game lsquoAliensrsquo Like it But er no thanks




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Oh hai VALIS Good game good game lsquoAliensrsquo Like it But er no thanks

AlteaNov 21 2014 at 554 pm

We are the ETrsquos we have been waiting for

manNov 21 2014 at 620 pm

what a weird place this world is indeedwhere reality is stranger than fictiongood to have a heart

vibra amor

StarDustNov 27 2014 at 900 pm

Why you need thousands of ships one is not enough Come in peace like




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you say and all the humans will open their arms and hug you






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pegNov 19 2014 at 832 pm

JC thank you so much for a huge dip belly laughnonononoonononononluvluvluvluv

HeatherNov 19 2014 at 801 pm

Buthellip they get mehellip they get ithellip they understandhellip whoa is me

No way in hell do I need assistance from some outside source that has alreadymet with our lsquoleadersrsquo and understands everything so well but lurks askingmy permission to come aboard I do appreciate the special touches of layingso much of our lsquofamilyrsquo BS out there for us to recap but I am not invitinganother lsquovampirersquo into the lsquohousersquo

JC ndash ha I love ya lady The cat was a special touch for sure ha ha




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Nov 20 2014 at 1130 am

ha I had not realized how sarcastic I was on this commenthellip I was stillfeeling the ldquogossip ladiesrdquo from my daughterrsquos martial arts earlier and Iwas quite sarcastic in lsquodealingrsquo with them Overflowhellip hee

No we are the oneshellip plain and simple

JerseyCynicNov 20 2014 at 133 pm

got that right HeatherldquoBanish the word lsquostrugglersquo from your attitude and yourvocabulary All that we do now must be done in a sacredmanner and in celebration We are the ones we have beenwaiting forrdquo mdash Hopi elders

KittyNov 20 2014 at 157 pm

Perfect JC and Heather lsquoWe are the ones we are waitingfor lsquoThat just about says it all really



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Much love to you both X X X

HeatherNov 20 2014 at 306 pm

Indeed Much love to you both and really big hugs

KittyNov 20 2014 at 323 pm

Huge hugs back X

will iamNov 19 2014 at 815 pm

ldquoThis my friends could be the most important message mankind has everreceivedhelliprdquo


ldquoBe proud of what you arerdquo (the army)



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ldquoBe proud of what you arerdquo (the army)

ldquoThe most important thing for us is that humankind would form a singlefamily before this ldquounknownrdquo we would representrdquo (politics as usual)

ldquoPeace does not mean simply not making war it consists in becoming whatyou collectively are in reality a fraternityrdquo helliphelliphellip Zeta Delta Con

OphiuchusNov 19 2014 at 911 pm

My heart intuition says that this is false and my subconscious shows me theWalter Von Braun message

NofolaloNov 20 2014 at 1056 am

Good thing about the Walter Von Braun message itrsquos their lsquolast card

majikNov 19 2014 at 1016 pm




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I agree This feels wrong

majikNov 19 2014 at 1022 pm

I do believe this is real Irsquove been following them since 06 Well my idea offollowing which is really doing what my mom called the ldquosniffrdquo test to see iftheir rotten I feel this message is real but subtlehttptomkenyoncomescalation-of-chaotic-nodes-and-the-dismantling-of-3-d-reality

John SmithNov 20 2014 at 321 am

there is no easy answer to this certainly humble human spirit would like toextend into presence and understand of life overall throughout wholeuniverse this unfortunately is not it

it appears as direction to admit that you are flawed to sort inner mess of thisworld with an outside force just like there is homophobia among differentgroups of humans it can also be understood as some kind of alien-phobiawithin various ldquoyesrdquo ldquonordquo groups and it should not be it



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so answer lingers most among reasons for yes and no and their validity

I for one am opposing this fancy questions and fancy landings we have needfor outside involvement since ever and it probably ever is done as we wantedit so it can be counted as intrusive with lack of honoring true demand truewish of yes or no

so this petition (seen it and commented it before) appears to be likejournalist duck sensationalist dilemma without true backing or honoringstand so I vouch no and think that entities just like us should come to thisworld ldquousualrdquo way just like we did for their mission of good or evil or elsejust like we all are fancy space ships in contact with tyrannical governmentsdecimating life and nature for power and profits are their real targetspopulation is to be in awe awaiting outside solution to inner turmoil samefor this world as in outside influence for internal misconduct I find Gaiastronger and I find myself with lesser worry so if our conscious plant calls it Id agree but it is left for someone to prove it as I see not Gaia agreeing on ourldquoworkrdquo let alone that of governments and industrial and their spaceconnections so until saw that nurturing me calling it this all dilemmas arelike chewing sawdust hard to find nutrition for human in it

JerseyCynicNov 20 2014 at 548 am

Letrsquos dancehellip (a slow one) to one of my favorite bedtime songs


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oh manhellipIrsquom a gonna start tearing up ndash I miss my babies

Come Take A Trip In My Airship (Remastered) ndash Natalie Merchanthttpwwwyoutubecomwatchv=GDL0GVZXjMI

arielNov 20 2014 at 726 am

Sod it guyshellipthe whole point is that WE CAN HANDLE IThelliphellipWe first have tolearn that our conditioned negativity is projected externally as lsquorealityrsquo(definitely lower case) My lsquoproblemrsquo is how do we get enough of youus intoNOW the inner awareness of the lsquomovement and the restrsquo as Kitty likes torefer to it which is the operating end of the universal life force whichexpands our perception limitlessly subject to the filters which prevent usdestroying the lsquobodiesrsquo with INTENSITY Irsquove met them some of themhelliphellipWearenrsquot SUDDENLY in an awful situationhelliphellipitrsquos fucking hystericallyhistoricalhellipbloody tourists most of the ones Irsquove methellipPot calling the kettleblack really because Irsquove done a bithelliphellipYou donrsquot invite the vampire inhelliphelliphellip

will iamNov 20 2014 at 1257 pm



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I hadnrsquot realized that now was something I needed to get into I wasunder the impression that now is wellhellipnow

I didnrsquot know that it was a separate something or other that dependedon quantity for its existence

I apologize in advance for contributing to your lsquoproblemrsquo so maybeyou can tell me (us) what wes need to be looking for so that on theoft chance it were to come by again wes can have some of it

VigilantibusNov 20 2014 at 751 am

This is another deception from MATRIXBeautiful words Things from New (C)ageIt is a TRAPHumanity falls like ducksWake Up

PamNov 20 2014 at 859 am

HeyhelliphelliphellipI want to see this onehellipBring it onhelliphelliprdquoYESrdquo



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ThomasNov 20 2014 at 906 am

The inorganic races are crafty Although they canrsquot lie to us they canmanipulate Once free will is exercised to join their ranks there is no turningback Can we at least wait until Black Friday and Cyber Monday are over

NofolaloNov 20 2014 at 1111 am

Here ya go Jerseyhelliphttpwwwyoutubecomwatchv=REHV8LERhPwhttpwwwyoutubecomwatchv=5PvGn75ibI4

JerseyCynicNov 20 2014 at 207 pm

Love it Nofolalo I used to know every word to the Flying PurplePeople Eater What a great goofy beat mdash just try to sit still listening




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People Eater What a great goofy beat mdash just try to sit still listeningto it mdash you canrsquot

I wish doo wop never died I grew up just after that

Also missed out on The Bristol Stomphttpwwwyoutubecomwatchv=XCOB5-E4P6Y (I canrsquot believe thesepeople are sitting in their seats)

oh herersquos a good one ndash The Bristol Stomp Dance Around the Worldhttpwwwyoutubecomwatchv=fIbkKxUD0Mst=106

alexNov 20 2014 at 208 pm


PatrickNov 20 2014 at 1113 am

The outside help is from withinhellipinside Free will is wonderful and it hascertainly no choiceshellipUse your intent so your help can help us all Weexchange our intent with the source everyday so we will certainly exchangehelp with benevolence every once in a while Use this positively whether its



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BS or not Love life guys

PeterNov 20 2014 at 535 pm

Following was posted Yeterday an was coming to my attention Some of you sure remember SIRIUS

Dr Steven Greer Dozens of Benevolent ET Species Are Here Eager to MakeContacthttpwwwriseearthcom201411dr-steven-greer-dozens-of-benevolent-ethtml

Itrsquos not the only Article that shows up but that was posted ( I think because ofthe Article we can read here posted) The NEW AGERS always again jump on that wagon and believe in suchchannelings

manNov 20 2014 at 550 pm

yeah itacutes been there for years now on the wwwyears ago i would have said YES STOP BY FOR TEA AND COOKIES



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but now i go HELL NO YOU BLOODY PARASITES suck yourself and bite thestellar dustread this kind of honeysweet friendly alien bullshit often enough- nothingbut mindcontrollitacutes for the kids crying for mama to save them for the ones that like to HOPEand leave EVOLUTION to someone elsethere is no outside saviouryou guys are right itacutes the vampires trying to get our permissioni always wondered why they would need ithellip do they really care for karmathen what about the cheatwhatever- i suppose zen just put it here as a test and a provovation to stir adiscussionheacutes not one of the i-hope-someoneacutes-gonna-save-meacutes more a get-your-sweet-ass-going-guywhat a clever bastard you are zen

JerseyCynicNov 21 2014 at 308 pm

spot on man Google is behind it I do believe

from 2007httpswwwyoutubecomwatchv=-K8ADMzz46c a CGI of a womanreading half of this message and at the end ldquoyou must read the rest ofthe message at google or yahoo search google with the quote marks


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and now that google and nasa have partnered up It wouldnrsquot surpriseme if some day soon we started to see holographic airships here andthere with Ray Kurzweil as their Director of Engineering mdash anythinggoeshttptechcrunchcom20141110google-moffett-airfield-nasa

do know evil my ass

LizaNov 20 2014 at 1011 pm

But donrsquot give it all the credit Intriguing concepts Deception

Free will Yes it is within Never to be coughed up handed over Thecomments on the source site show a lot of naivtersquo Humans by nature look toconnecting as strengthening (Help) The more to have wins It is Not soLooking to another is not the way to go

This site inhabits lots of free thinkers

The only thing I would give my freewill over to is Peace amp Justice It doesexist In the heartmind Too bad the heart is so badly broken

Perhaps the only way to save a planet is with the allone mindset of all itsinhabitants simutaneously If that could be achieved Everybodyrsquos mind set


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on the collective The whole It could happen it is happening Maybe we justhave to let go of this dimension Canrsquot sustain it Donrsquot knowWell itrsquos all Bullshit anyway

hashishiNov 21 2014 at 751 am

ldquoFree will Yes it is within Never to be coughed up handed over rdquo

The most simple profound and beautiful truth It always does me goodto see a wonderful unencumbered spirit reflecting the same greattruth back at me

Dr Paula-Noel MacfieNov 21 2014 at 133 am

Liza we are all already connected and online through indigenous mind ourAncestors We never ldquoleftrdquohellipour minds have been so colonized that we forgotwho we are and where we come from The connection is still there just awhole lotta dissociation in between to navigate through




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arielNov 21 2014 at 725 am

HEY KITTYhelliprsquoWe are the parents our children have warned us abouthelliprsquo isnrsquot it

arielNov 21 2014 at 726 am

Or is it our greatgrand descendants

KittyNov 21 2014 at 319 pm


hashishiNov 21 2014 at 808 am

Oh hai VALIS Good game good game lsquoAliensrsquo Like it But er no thanks




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Oh hai VALIS Good game good game lsquoAliensrsquo Like it But er no thanks

AlteaNov 21 2014 at 554 pm

We are the ETrsquos we have been waiting for

manNov 21 2014 at 620 pm

what a weird place this world is indeedwhere reality is stranger than fictiongood to have a heart

vibra amor

StarDustNov 27 2014 at 900 pm

Why you need thousands of ships one is not enough Come in peace like




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you say and all the humans will open their arms and hug you






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Zen Gardner - Just Wondering -

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Nov 20 2014 at 1130 am

ha I had not realized how sarcastic I was on this commenthellip I was stillfeeling the ldquogossip ladiesrdquo from my daughterrsquos martial arts earlier and Iwas quite sarcastic in lsquodealingrsquo with them Overflowhellip hee

No we are the oneshellip plain and simple

JerseyCynicNov 20 2014 at 133 pm

got that right HeatherldquoBanish the word lsquostrugglersquo from your attitude and yourvocabulary All that we do now must be done in a sacredmanner and in celebration We are the ones we have beenwaiting forrdquo mdash Hopi elders

KittyNov 20 2014 at 157 pm

Perfect JC and Heather lsquoWe are the ones we are waitingfor lsquoThat just about says it all really



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Much love to you both X X X

HeatherNov 20 2014 at 306 pm

Indeed Much love to you both and really big hugs

KittyNov 20 2014 at 323 pm

Huge hugs back X

will iamNov 19 2014 at 815 pm

ldquoThis my friends could be the most important message mankind has everreceivedhelliprdquo


ldquoBe proud of what you arerdquo (the army)



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ldquoBe proud of what you arerdquo (the army)

ldquoThe most important thing for us is that humankind would form a singlefamily before this ldquounknownrdquo we would representrdquo (politics as usual)

ldquoPeace does not mean simply not making war it consists in becoming whatyou collectively are in reality a fraternityrdquo helliphelliphellip Zeta Delta Con

OphiuchusNov 19 2014 at 911 pm

My heart intuition says that this is false and my subconscious shows me theWalter Von Braun message

NofolaloNov 20 2014 at 1056 am

Good thing about the Walter Von Braun message itrsquos their lsquolast card

majikNov 19 2014 at 1016 pm




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I agree This feels wrong

majikNov 19 2014 at 1022 pm

I do believe this is real Irsquove been following them since 06 Well my idea offollowing which is really doing what my mom called the ldquosniffrdquo test to see iftheir rotten I feel this message is real but subtlehttptomkenyoncomescalation-of-chaotic-nodes-and-the-dismantling-of-3-d-reality

John SmithNov 20 2014 at 321 am

there is no easy answer to this certainly humble human spirit would like toextend into presence and understand of life overall throughout wholeuniverse this unfortunately is not it

it appears as direction to admit that you are flawed to sort inner mess of thisworld with an outside force just like there is homophobia among differentgroups of humans it can also be understood as some kind of alien-phobiawithin various ldquoyesrdquo ldquonordquo groups and it should not be it



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so answer lingers most among reasons for yes and no and their validity

I for one am opposing this fancy questions and fancy landings we have needfor outside involvement since ever and it probably ever is done as we wantedit so it can be counted as intrusive with lack of honoring true demand truewish of yes or no

so this petition (seen it and commented it before) appears to be likejournalist duck sensationalist dilemma without true backing or honoringstand so I vouch no and think that entities just like us should come to thisworld ldquousualrdquo way just like we did for their mission of good or evil or elsejust like we all are fancy space ships in contact with tyrannical governmentsdecimating life and nature for power and profits are their real targetspopulation is to be in awe awaiting outside solution to inner turmoil samefor this world as in outside influence for internal misconduct I find Gaiastronger and I find myself with lesser worry so if our conscious plant calls it Id agree but it is left for someone to prove it as I see not Gaia agreeing on ourldquoworkrdquo let alone that of governments and industrial and their spaceconnections so until saw that nurturing me calling it this all dilemmas arelike chewing sawdust hard to find nutrition for human in it

JerseyCynicNov 20 2014 at 548 am

Letrsquos dancehellip (a slow one) to one of my favorite bedtime songs


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oh manhellipIrsquom a gonna start tearing up ndash I miss my babies

Come Take A Trip In My Airship (Remastered) ndash Natalie Merchanthttpwwwyoutubecomwatchv=GDL0GVZXjMI

arielNov 20 2014 at 726 am

Sod it guyshellipthe whole point is that WE CAN HANDLE IThelliphellipWe first have tolearn that our conditioned negativity is projected externally as lsquorealityrsquo(definitely lower case) My lsquoproblemrsquo is how do we get enough of youus intoNOW the inner awareness of the lsquomovement and the restrsquo as Kitty likes torefer to it which is the operating end of the universal life force whichexpands our perception limitlessly subject to the filters which prevent usdestroying the lsquobodiesrsquo with INTENSITY Irsquove met them some of themhelliphellipWearenrsquot SUDDENLY in an awful situationhelliphellipitrsquos fucking hystericallyhistoricalhellipbloody tourists most of the ones Irsquove methellipPot calling the kettleblack really because Irsquove done a bithelliphellipYou donrsquot invite the vampire inhelliphelliphellip

will iamNov 20 2014 at 1257 pm



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I hadnrsquot realized that now was something I needed to get into I wasunder the impression that now is wellhellipnow

I didnrsquot know that it was a separate something or other that dependedon quantity for its existence

I apologize in advance for contributing to your lsquoproblemrsquo so maybeyou can tell me (us) what wes need to be looking for so that on theoft chance it were to come by again wes can have some of it

VigilantibusNov 20 2014 at 751 am

This is another deception from MATRIXBeautiful words Things from New (C)ageIt is a TRAPHumanity falls like ducksWake Up

PamNov 20 2014 at 859 am

HeyhelliphelliphellipI want to see this onehellipBring it onhelliphelliprdquoYESrdquo



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ThomasNov 20 2014 at 906 am

The inorganic races are crafty Although they canrsquot lie to us they canmanipulate Once free will is exercised to join their ranks there is no turningback Can we at least wait until Black Friday and Cyber Monday are over

NofolaloNov 20 2014 at 1111 am

Here ya go Jerseyhelliphttpwwwyoutubecomwatchv=REHV8LERhPwhttpwwwyoutubecomwatchv=5PvGn75ibI4

JerseyCynicNov 20 2014 at 207 pm

Love it Nofolalo I used to know every word to the Flying PurplePeople Eater What a great goofy beat mdash just try to sit still listening




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People Eater What a great goofy beat mdash just try to sit still listeningto it mdash you canrsquot

I wish doo wop never died I grew up just after that

Also missed out on The Bristol Stomphttpwwwyoutubecomwatchv=XCOB5-E4P6Y (I canrsquot believe thesepeople are sitting in their seats)

oh herersquos a good one ndash The Bristol Stomp Dance Around the Worldhttpwwwyoutubecomwatchv=fIbkKxUD0Mst=106

alexNov 20 2014 at 208 pm


PatrickNov 20 2014 at 1113 am

The outside help is from withinhellipinside Free will is wonderful and it hascertainly no choiceshellipUse your intent so your help can help us all Weexchange our intent with the source everyday so we will certainly exchangehelp with benevolence every once in a while Use this positively whether its



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BS or not Love life guys

PeterNov 20 2014 at 535 pm

Following was posted Yeterday an was coming to my attention Some of you sure remember SIRIUS

Dr Steven Greer Dozens of Benevolent ET Species Are Here Eager to MakeContacthttpwwwriseearthcom201411dr-steven-greer-dozens-of-benevolent-ethtml

Itrsquos not the only Article that shows up but that was posted ( I think because ofthe Article we can read here posted) The NEW AGERS always again jump on that wagon and believe in suchchannelings

manNov 20 2014 at 550 pm

yeah itacutes been there for years now on the wwwyears ago i would have said YES STOP BY FOR TEA AND COOKIES



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but now i go HELL NO YOU BLOODY PARASITES suck yourself and bite thestellar dustread this kind of honeysweet friendly alien bullshit often enough- nothingbut mindcontrollitacutes for the kids crying for mama to save them for the ones that like to HOPEand leave EVOLUTION to someone elsethere is no outside saviouryou guys are right itacutes the vampires trying to get our permissioni always wondered why they would need ithellip do they really care for karmathen what about the cheatwhatever- i suppose zen just put it here as a test and a provovation to stir adiscussionheacutes not one of the i-hope-someoneacutes-gonna-save-meacutes more a get-your-sweet-ass-going-guywhat a clever bastard you are zen

JerseyCynicNov 21 2014 at 308 pm

spot on man Google is behind it I do believe

from 2007httpswwwyoutubecomwatchv=-K8ADMzz46c a CGI of a womanreading half of this message and at the end ldquoyou must read the rest ofthe message at google or yahoo search google with the quote marks


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and now that google and nasa have partnered up It wouldnrsquot surpriseme if some day soon we started to see holographic airships here andthere with Ray Kurzweil as their Director of Engineering mdash anythinggoeshttptechcrunchcom20141110google-moffett-airfield-nasa

do know evil my ass

LizaNov 20 2014 at 1011 pm

But donrsquot give it all the credit Intriguing concepts Deception

Free will Yes it is within Never to be coughed up handed over Thecomments on the source site show a lot of naivtersquo Humans by nature look toconnecting as strengthening (Help) The more to have wins It is Not soLooking to another is not the way to go

This site inhabits lots of free thinkers

The only thing I would give my freewill over to is Peace amp Justice It doesexist In the heartmind Too bad the heart is so badly broken

Perhaps the only way to save a planet is with the allone mindset of all itsinhabitants simutaneously If that could be achieved Everybodyrsquos mind set


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on the collective The whole It could happen it is happening Maybe we justhave to let go of this dimension Canrsquot sustain it Donrsquot knowWell itrsquos all Bullshit anyway

hashishiNov 21 2014 at 751 am

ldquoFree will Yes it is within Never to be coughed up handed over rdquo

The most simple profound and beautiful truth It always does me goodto see a wonderful unencumbered spirit reflecting the same greattruth back at me

Dr Paula-Noel MacfieNov 21 2014 at 133 am

Liza we are all already connected and online through indigenous mind ourAncestors We never ldquoleftrdquohellipour minds have been so colonized that we forgotwho we are and where we come from The connection is still there just awhole lotta dissociation in between to navigate through




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arielNov 21 2014 at 725 am

HEY KITTYhelliprsquoWe are the parents our children have warned us abouthelliprsquo isnrsquot it

arielNov 21 2014 at 726 am

Or is it our greatgrand descendants

KittyNov 21 2014 at 319 pm


hashishiNov 21 2014 at 808 am

Oh hai VALIS Good game good game lsquoAliensrsquo Like it But er no thanks




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Oh hai VALIS Good game good game lsquoAliensrsquo Like it But er no thanks

AlteaNov 21 2014 at 554 pm

We are the ETrsquos we have been waiting for

manNov 21 2014 at 620 pm

what a weird place this world is indeedwhere reality is stranger than fictiongood to have a heart

vibra amor

StarDustNov 27 2014 at 900 pm

Why you need thousands of ships one is not enough Come in peace like




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you say and all the humans will open their arms and hug you






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Much love to you both X X X

HeatherNov 20 2014 at 306 pm

Indeed Much love to you both and really big hugs

KittyNov 20 2014 at 323 pm

Huge hugs back X

will iamNov 19 2014 at 815 pm

ldquoThis my friends could be the most important message mankind has everreceivedhelliprdquo


ldquoBe proud of what you arerdquo (the army)



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ldquoBe proud of what you arerdquo (the army)

ldquoThe most important thing for us is that humankind would form a singlefamily before this ldquounknownrdquo we would representrdquo (politics as usual)

ldquoPeace does not mean simply not making war it consists in becoming whatyou collectively are in reality a fraternityrdquo helliphelliphellip Zeta Delta Con

OphiuchusNov 19 2014 at 911 pm

My heart intuition says that this is false and my subconscious shows me theWalter Von Braun message

NofolaloNov 20 2014 at 1056 am

Good thing about the Walter Von Braun message itrsquos their lsquolast card

majikNov 19 2014 at 1016 pm




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I agree This feels wrong

majikNov 19 2014 at 1022 pm

I do believe this is real Irsquove been following them since 06 Well my idea offollowing which is really doing what my mom called the ldquosniffrdquo test to see iftheir rotten I feel this message is real but subtlehttptomkenyoncomescalation-of-chaotic-nodes-and-the-dismantling-of-3-d-reality

John SmithNov 20 2014 at 321 am

there is no easy answer to this certainly humble human spirit would like toextend into presence and understand of life overall throughout wholeuniverse this unfortunately is not it

it appears as direction to admit that you are flawed to sort inner mess of thisworld with an outside force just like there is homophobia among differentgroups of humans it can also be understood as some kind of alien-phobiawithin various ldquoyesrdquo ldquonordquo groups and it should not be it



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so answer lingers most among reasons for yes and no and their validity

I for one am opposing this fancy questions and fancy landings we have needfor outside involvement since ever and it probably ever is done as we wantedit so it can be counted as intrusive with lack of honoring true demand truewish of yes or no

so this petition (seen it and commented it before) appears to be likejournalist duck sensationalist dilemma without true backing or honoringstand so I vouch no and think that entities just like us should come to thisworld ldquousualrdquo way just like we did for their mission of good or evil or elsejust like we all are fancy space ships in contact with tyrannical governmentsdecimating life and nature for power and profits are their real targetspopulation is to be in awe awaiting outside solution to inner turmoil samefor this world as in outside influence for internal misconduct I find Gaiastronger and I find myself with lesser worry so if our conscious plant calls it Id agree but it is left for someone to prove it as I see not Gaia agreeing on ourldquoworkrdquo let alone that of governments and industrial and their spaceconnections so until saw that nurturing me calling it this all dilemmas arelike chewing sawdust hard to find nutrition for human in it

JerseyCynicNov 20 2014 at 548 am

Letrsquos dancehellip (a slow one) to one of my favorite bedtime songs


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oh manhellipIrsquom a gonna start tearing up ndash I miss my babies

Come Take A Trip In My Airship (Remastered) ndash Natalie Merchanthttpwwwyoutubecomwatchv=GDL0GVZXjMI

arielNov 20 2014 at 726 am

Sod it guyshellipthe whole point is that WE CAN HANDLE IThelliphellipWe first have tolearn that our conditioned negativity is projected externally as lsquorealityrsquo(definitely lower case) My lsquoproblemrsquo is how do we get enough of youus intoNOW the inner awareness of the lsquomovement and the restrsquo as Kitty likes torefer to it which is the operating end of the universal life force whichexpands our perception limitlessly subject to the filters which prevent usdestroying the lsquobodiesrsquo with INTENSITY Irsquove met them some of themhelliphellipWearenrsquot SUDDENLY in an awful situationhelliphellipitrsquos fucking hystericallyhistoricalhellipbloody tourists most of the ones Irsquove methellipPot calling the kettleblack really because Irsquove done a bithelliphellipYou donrsquot invite the vampire inhelliphelliphellip

will iamNov 20 2014 at 1257 pm



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I hadnrsquot realized that now was something I needed to get into I wasunder the impression that now is wellhellipnow

I didnrsquot know that it was a separate something or other that dependedon quantity for its existence

I apologize in advance for contributing to your lsquoproblemrsquo so maybeyou can tell me (us) what wes need to be looking for so that on theoft chance it were to come by again wes can have some of it

VigilantibusNov 20 2014 at 751 am

This is another deception from MATRIXBeautiful words Things from New (C)ageIt is a TRAPHumanity falls like ducksWake Up

PamNov 20 2014 at 859 am

HeyhelliphelliphellipI want to see this onehellipBring it onhelliphelliprdquoYESrdquo



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ThomasNov 20 2014 at 906 am

The inorganic races are crafty Although they canrsquot lie to us they canmanipulate Once free will is exercised to join their ranks there is no turningback Can we at least wait until Black Friday and Cyber Monday are over

NofolaloNov 20 2014 at 1111 am

Here ya go Jerseyhelliphttpwwwyoutubecomwatchv=REHV8LERhPwhttpwwwyoutubecomwatchv=5PvGn75ibI4

JerseyCynicNov 20 2014 at 207 pm

Love it Nofolalo I used to know every word to the Flying PurplePeople Eater What a great goofy beat mdash just try to sit still listening




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People Eater What a great goofy beat mdash just try to sit still listeningto it mdash you canrsquot

I wish doo wop never died I grew up just after that

Also missed out on The Bristol Stomphttpwwwyoutubecomwatchv=XCOB5-E4P6Y (I canrsquot believe thesepeople are sitting in their seats)

oh herersquos a good one ndash The Bristol Stomp Dance Around the Worldhttpwwwyoutubecomwatchv=fIbkKxUD0Mst=106

alexNov 20 2014 at 208 pm


PatrickNov 20 2014 at 1113 am

The outside help is from withinhellipinside Free will is wonderful and it hascertainly no choiceshellipUse your intent so your help can help us all Weexchange our intent with the source everyday so we will certainly exchangehelp with benevolence every once in a while Use this positively whether its



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BS or not Love life guys

PeterNov 20 2014 at 535 pm

Following was posted Yeterday an was coming to my attention Some of you sure remember SIRIUS

Dr Steven Greer Dozens of Benevolent ET Species Are Here Eager to MakeContacthttpwwwriseearthcom201411dr-steven-greer-dozens-of-benevolent-ethtml

Itrsquos not the only Article that shows up but that was posted ( I think because ofthe Article we can read here posted) The NEW AGERS always again jump on that wagon and believe in suchchannelings

manNov 20 2014 at 550 pm

yeah itacutes been there for years now on the wwwyears ago i would have said YES STOP BY FOR TEA AND COOKIES



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but now i go HELL NO YOU BLOODY PARASITES suck yourself and bite thestellar dustread this kind of honeysweet friendly alien bullshit often enough- nothingbut mindcontrollitacutes for the kids crying for mama to save them for the ones that like to HOPEand leave EVOLUTION to someone elsethere is no outside saviouryou guys are right itacutes the vampires trying to get our permissioni always wondered why they would need ithellip do they really care for karmathen what about the cheatwhatever- i suppose zen just put it here as a test and a provovation to stir adiscussionheacutes not one of the i-hope-someoneacutes-gonna-save-meacutes more a get-your-sweet-ass-going-guywhat a clever bastard you are zen

JerseyCynicNov 21 2014 at 308 pm

spot on man Google is behind it I do believe

from 2007httpswwwyoutubecomwatchv=-K8ADMzz46c a CGI of a womanreading half of this message and at the end ldquoyou must read the rest ofthe message at google or yahoo search google with the quote marks


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and now that google and nasa have partnered up It wouldnrsquot surpriseme if some day soon we started to see holographic airships here andthere with Ray Kurzweil as their Director of Engineering mdash anythinggoeshttptechcrunchcom20141110google-moffett-airfield-nasa

do know evil my ass

LizaNov 20 2014 at 1011 pm

But donrsquot give it all the credit Intriguing concepts Deception

Free will Yes it is within Never to be coughed up handed over Thecomments on the source site show a lot of naivtersquo Humans by nature look toconnecting as strengthening (Help) The more to have wins It is Not soLooking to another is not the way to go

This site inhabits lots of free thinkers

The only thing I would give my freewill over to is Peace amp Justice It doesexist In the heartmind Too bad the heart is so badly broken

Perhaps the only way to save a planet is with the allone mindset of all itsinhabitants simutaneously If that could be achieved Everybodyrsquos mind set


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on the collective The whole It could happen it is happening Maybe we justhave to let go of this dimension Canrsquot sustain it Donrsquot knowWell itrsquos all Bullshit anyway

hashishiNov 21 2014 at 751 am

ldquoFree will Yes it is within Never to be coughed up handed over rdquo

The most simple profound and beautiful truth It always does me goodto see a wonderful unencumbered spirit reflecting the same greattruth back at me

Dr Paula-Noel MacfieNov 21 2014 at 133 am

Liza we are all already connected and online through indigenous mind ourAncestors We never ldquoleftrdquohellipour minds have been so colonized that we forgotwho we are and where we come from The connection is still there just awhole lotta dissociation in between to navigate through




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arielNov 21 2014 at 725 am

HEY KITTYhelliprsquoWe are the parents our children have warned us abouthelliprsquo isnrsquot it

arielNov 21 2014 at 726 am

Or is it our greatgrand descendants

KittyNov 21 2014 at 319 pm


hashishiNov 21 2014 at 808 am

Oh hai VALIS Good game good game lsquoAliensrsquo Like it But er no thanks




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Oh hai VALIS Good game good game lsquoAliensrsquo Like it But er no thanks

AlteaNov 21 2014 at 554 pm

We are the ETrsquos we have been waiting for

manNov 21 2014 at 620 pm

what a weird place this world is indeedwhere reality is stranger than fictiongood to have a heart

vibra amor

StarDustNov 27 2014 at 900 pm

Why you need thousands of ships one is not enough Come in peace like




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you say and all the humans will open their arms and hug you






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Oshi on AnnouncingZenGardnercom 20

david on Of Angelsand Demons

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ldquoBe proud of what you arerdquo (the army)

ldquoThe most important thing for us is that humankind would form a singlefamily before this ldquounknownrdquo we would representrdquo (politics as usual)

ldquoPeace does not mean simply not making war it consists in becoming whatyou collectively are in reality a fraternityrdquo helliphelliphellip Zeta Delta Con

OphiuchusNov 19 2014 at 911 pm

My heart intuition says that this is false and my subconscious shows me theWalter Von Braun message

NofolaloNov 20 2014 at 1056 am

Good thing about the Walter Von Braun message itrsquos their lsquolast card

majikNov 19 2014 at 1016 pm




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I agree This feels wrong

majikNov 19 2014 at 1022 pm

I do believe this is real Irsquove been following them since 06 Well my idea offollowing which is really doing what my mom called the ldquosniffrdquo test to see iftheir rotten I feel this message is real but subtlehttptomkenyoncomescalation-of-chaotic-nodes-and-the-dismantling-of-3-d-reality

John SmithNov 20 2014 at 321 am

there is no easy answer to this certainly humble human spirit would like toextend into presence and understand of life overall throughout wholeuniverse this unfortunately is not it

it appears as direction to admit that you are flawed to sort inner mess of thisworld with an outside force just like there is homophobia among differentgroups of humans it can also be understood as some kind of alien-phobiawithin various ldquoyesrdquo ldquonordquo groups and it should not be it



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so answer lingers most among reasons for yes and no and their validity

I for one am opposing this fancy questions and fancy landings we have needfor outside involvement since ever and it probably ever is done as we wantedit so it can be counted as intrusive with lack of honoring true demand truewish of yes or no

so this petition (seen it and commented it before) appears to be likejournalist duck sensationalist dilemma without true backing or honoringstand so I vouch no and think that entities just like us should come to thisworld ldquousualrdquo way just like we did for their mission of good or evil or elsejust like we all are fancy space ships in contact with tyrannical governmentsdecimating life and nature for power and profits are their real targetspopulation is to be in awe awaiting outside solution to inner turmoil samefor this world as in outside influence for internal misconduct I find Gaiastronger and I find myself with lesser worry so if our conscious plant calls it Id agree but it is left for someone to prove it as I see not Gaia agreeing on ourldquoworkrdquo let alone that of governments and industrial and their spaceconnections so until saw that nurturing me calling it this all dilemmas arelike chewing sawdust hard to find nutrition for human in it

JerseyCynicNov 20 2014 at 548 am

Letrsquos dancehellip (a slow one) to one of my favorite bedtime songs


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oh manhellipIrsquom a gonna start tearing up ndash I miss my babies

Come Take A Trip In My Airship (Remastered) ndash Natalie Merchanthttpwwwyoutubecomwatchv=GDL0GVZXjMI

arielNov 20 2014 at 726 am

Sod it guyshellipthe whole point is that WE CAN HANDLE IThelliphellipWe first have tolearn that our conditioned negativity is projected externally as lsquorealityrsquo(definitely lower case) My lsquoproblemrsquo is how do we get enough of youus intoNOW the inner awareness of the lsquomovement and the restrsquo as Kitty likes torefer to it which is the operating end of the universal life force whichexpands our perception limitlessly subject to the filters which prevent usdestroying the lsquobodiesrsquo with INTENSITY Irsquove met them some of themhelliphellipWearenrsquot SUDDENLY in an awful situationhelliphellipitrsquos fucking hystericallyhistoricalhellipbloody tourists most of the ones Irsquove methellipPot calling the kettleblack really because Irsquove done a bithelliphellipYou donrsquot invite the vampire inhelliphelliphellip

will iamNov 20 2014 at 1257 pm



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I hadnrsquot realized that now was something I needed to get into I wasunder the impression that now is wellhellipnow

I didnrsquot know that it was a separate something or other that dependedon quantity for its existence

I apologize in advance for contributing to your lsquoproblemrsquo so maybeyou can tell me (us) what wes need to be looking for so that on theoft chance it were to come by again wes can have some of it

VigilantibusNov 20 2014 at 751 am

This is another deception from MATRIXBeautiful words Things from New (C)ageIt is a TRAPHumanity falls like ducksWake Up

PamNov 20 2014 at 859 am

HeyhelliphelliphellipI want to see this onehellipBring it onhelliphelliprdquoYESrdquo



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ThomasNov 20 2014 at 906 am

The inorganic races are crafty Although they canrsquot lie to us they canmanipulate Once free will is exercised to join their ranks there is no turningback Can we at least wait until Black Friday and Cyber Monday are over

NofolaloNov 20 2014 at 1111 am

Here ya go Jerseyhelliphttpwwwyoutubecomwatchv=REHV8LERhPwhttpwwwyoutubecomwatchv=5PvGn75ibI4

JerseyCynicNov 20 2014 at 207 pm

Love it Nofolalo I used to know every word to the Flying PurplePeople Eater What a great goofy beat mdash just try to sit still listening




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People Eater What a great goofy beat mdash just try to sit still listeningto it mdash you canrsquot

I wish doo wop never died I grew up just after that

Also missed out on The Bristol Stomphttpwwwyoutubecomwatchv=XCOB5-E4P6Y (I canrsquot believe thesepeople are sitting in their seats)

oh herersquos a good one ndash The Bristol Stomp Dance Around the Worldhttpwwwyoutubecomwatchv=fIbkKxUD0Mst=106

alexNov 20 2014 at 208 pm


PatrickNov 20 2014 at 1113 am

The outside help is from withinhellipinside Free will is wonderful and it hascertainly no choiceshellipUse your intent so your help can help us all Weexchange our intent with the source everyday so we will certainly exchangehelp with benevolence every once in a while Use this positively whether its



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BS or not Love life guys

PeterNov 20 2014 at 535 pm

Following was posted Yeterday an was coming to my attention Some of you sure remember SIRIUS

Dr Steven Greer Dozens of Benevolent ET Species Are Here Eager to MakeContacthttpwwwriseearthcom201411dr-steven-greer-dozens-of-benevolent-ethtml

Itrsquos not the only Article that shows up but that was posted ( I think because ofthe Article we can read here posted) The NEW AGERS always again jump on that wagon and believe in suchchannelings

manNov 20 2014 at 550 pm

yeah itacutes been there for years now on the wwwyears ago i would have said YES STOP BY FOR TEA AND COOKIES



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but now i go HELL NO YOU BLOODY PARASITES suck yourself and bite thestellar dustread this kind of honeysweet friendly alien bullshit often enough- nothingbut mindcontrollitacutes for the kids crying for mama to save them for the ones that like to HOPEand leave EVOLUTION to someone elsethere is no outside saviouryou guys are right itacutes the vampires trying to get our permissioni always wondered why they would need ithellip do they really care for karmathen what about the cheatwhatever- i suppose zen just put it here as a test and a provovation to stir adiscussionheacutes not one of the i-hope-someoneacutes-gonna-save-meacutes more a get-your-sweet-ass-going-guywhat a clever bastard you are zen

JerseyCynicNov 21 2014 at 308 pm

spot on man Google is behind it I do believe

from 2007httpswwwyoutubecomwatchv=-K8ADMzz46c a CGI of a womanreading half of this message and at the end ldquoyou must read the rest ofthe message at google or yahoo search google with the quote marks


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and now that google and nasa have partnered up It wouldnrsquot surpriseme if some day soon we started to see holographic airships here andthere with Ray Kurzweil as their Director of Engineering mdash anythinggoeshttptechcrunchcom20141110google-moffett-airfield-nasa

do know evil my ass

LizaNov 20 2014 at 1011 pm

But donrsquot give it all the credit Intriguing concepts Deception

Free will Yes it is within Never to be coughed up handed over Thecomments on the source site show a lot of naivtersquo Humans by nature look toconnecting as strengthening (Help) The more to have wins It is Not soLooking to another is not the way to go

This site inhabits lots of free thinkers

The only thing I would give my freewill over to is Peace amp Justice It doesexist In the heartmind Too bad the heart is so badly broken

Perhaps the only way to save a planet is with the allone mindset of all itsinhabitants simutaneously If that could be achieved Everybodyrsquos mind set


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on the collective The whole It could happen it is happening Maybe we justhave to let go of this dimension Canrsquot sustain it Donrsquot knowWell itrsquos all Bullshit anyway

hashishiNov 21 2014 at 751 am

ldquoFree will Yes it is within Never to be coughed up handed over rdquo

The most simple profound and beautiful truth It always does me goodto see a wonderful unencumbered spirit reflecting the same greattruth back at me

Dr Paula-Noel MacfieNov 21 2014 at 133 am

Liza we are all already connected and online through indigenous mind ourAncestors We never ldquoleftrdquohellipour minds have been so colonized that we forgotwho we are and where we come from The connection is still there just awhole lotta dissociation in between to navigate through




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arielNov 21 2014 at 725 am

HEY KITTYhelliprsquoWe are the parents our children have warned us abouthelliprsquo isnrsquot it

arielNov 21 2014 at 726 am

Or is it our greatgrand descendants

KittyNov 21 2014 at 319 pm


hashishiNov 21 2014 at 808 am

Oh hai VALIS Good game good game lsquoAliensrsquo Like it But er no thanks




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Oh hai VALIS Good game good game lsquoAliensrsquo Like it But er no thanks

AlteaNov 21 2014 at 554 pm

We are the ETrsquos we have been waiting for

manNov 21 2014 at 620 pm

what a weird place this world is indeedwhere reality is stranger than fictiongood to have a heart

vibra amor

StarDustNov 27 2014 at 900 pm

Why you need thousands of ships one is not enough Come in peace like




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you say and all the humans will open their arms and hug you






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Marin Angeli onIntroductions

Oshi on AnnouncingZenGardnercom 20

david on Of Angelsand Demons

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Zen Gardner - Just Wondering -

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I agree This feels wrong

majikNov 19 2014 at 1022 pm

I do believe this is real Irsquove been following them since 06 Well my idea offollowing which is really doing what my mom called the ldquosniffrdquo test to see iftheir rotten I feel this message is real but subtlehttptomkenyoncomescalation-of-chaotic-nodes-and-the-dismantling-of-3-d-reality

John SmithNov 20 2014 at 321 am

there is no easy answer to this certainly humble human spirit would like toextend into presence and understand of life overall throughout wholeuniverse this unfortunately is not it

it appears as direction to admit that you are flawed to sort inner mess of thisworld with an outside force just like there is homophobia among differentgroups of humans it can also be understood as some kind of alien-phobiawithin various ldquoyesrdquo ldquonordquo groups and it should not be it



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so answer lingers most among reasons for yes and no and their validity

I for one am opposing this fancy questions and fancy landings we have needfor outside involvement since ever and it probably ever is done as we wantedit so it can be counted as intrusive with lack of honoring true demand truewish of yes or no

so this petition (seen it and commented it before) appears to be likejournalist duck sensationalist dilemma without true backing or honoringstand so I vouch no and think that entities just like us should come to thisworld ldquousualrdquo way just like we did for their mission of good or evil or elsejust like we all are fancy space ships in contact with tyrannical governmentsdecimating life and nature for power and profits are their real targetspopulation is to be in awe awaiting outside solution to inner turmoil samefor this world as in outside influence for internal misconduct I find Gaiastronger and I find myself with lesser worry so if our conscious plant calls it Id agree but it is left for someone to prove it as I see not Gaia agreeing on ourldquoworkrdquo let alone that of governments and industrial and their spaceconnections so until saw that nurturing me calling it this all dilemmas arelike chewing sawdust hard to find nutrition for human in it

JerseyCynicNov 20 2014 at 548 am

Letrsquos dancehellip (a slow one) to one of my favorite bedtime songs


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oh manhellipIrsquom a gonna start tearing up ndash I miss my babies

Come Take A Trip In My Airship (Remastered) ndash Natalie Merchanthttpwwwyoutubecomwatchv=GDL0GVZXjMI

arielNov 20 2014 at 726 am

Sod it guyshellipthe whole point is that WE CAN HANDLE IThelliphellipWe first have tolearn that our conditioned negativity is projected externally as lsquorealityrsquo(definitely lower case) My lsquoproblemrsquo is how do we get enough of youus intoNOW the inner awareness of the lsquomovement and the restrsquo as Kitty likes torefer to it which is the operating end of the universal life force whichexpands our perception limitlessly subject to the filters which prevent usdestroying the lsquobodiesrsquo with INTENSITY Irsquove met them some of themhelliphellipWearenrsquot SUDDENLY in an awful situationhelliphellipitrsquos fucking hystericallyhistoricalhellipbloody tourists most of the ones Irsquove methellipPot calling the kettleblack really because Irsquove done a bithelliphellipYou donrsquot invite the vampire inhelliphelliphellip

will iamNov 20 2014 at 1257 pm



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I hadnrsquot realized that now was something I needed to get into I wasunder the impression that now is wellhellipnow

I didnrsquot know that it was a separate something or other that dependedon quantity for its existence

I apologize in advance for contributing to your lsquoproblemrsquo so maybeyou can tell me (us) what wes need to be looking for so that on theoft chance it were to come by again wes can have some of it

VigilantibusNov 20 2014 at 751 am

This is another deception from MATRIXBeautiful words Things from New (C)ageIt is a TRAPHumanity falls like ducksWake Up

PamNov 20 2014 at 859 am

HeyhelliphelliphellipI want to see this onehellipBring it onhelliphelliprdquoYESrdquo



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ThomasNov 20 2014 at 906 am

The inorganic races are crafty Although they canrsquot lie to us they canmanipulate Once free will is exercised to join their ranks there is no turningback Can we at least wait until Black Friday and Cyber Monday are over

NofolaloNov 20 2014 at 1111 am

Here ya go Jerseyhelliphttpwwwyoutubecomwatchv=REHV8LERhPwhttpwwwyoutubecomwatchv=5PvGn75ibI4

JerseyCynicNov 20 2014 at 207 pm

Love it Nofolalo I used to know every word to the Flying PurplePeople Eater What a great goofy beat mdash just try to sit still listening




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People Eater What a great goofy beat mdash just try to sit still listeningto it mdash you canrsquot

I wish doo wop never died I grew up just after that

Also missed out on The Bristol Stomphttpwwwyoutubecomwatchv=XCOB5-E4P6Y (I canrsquot believe thesepeople are sitting in their seats)

oh herersquos a good one ndash The Bristol Stomp Dance Around the Worldhttpwwwyoutubecomwatchv=fIbkKxUD0Mst=106

alexNov 20 2014 at 208 pm


PatrickNov 20 2014 at 1113 am

The outside help is from withinhellipinside Free will is wonderful and it hascertainly no choiceshellipUse your intent so your help can help us all Weexchange our intent with the source everyday so we will certainly exchangehelp with benevolence every once in a while Use this positively whether its



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BS or not Love life guys

PeterNov 20 2014 at 535 pm

Following was posted Yeterday an was coming to my attention Some of you sure remember SIRIUS

Dr Steven Greer Dozens of Benevolent ET Species Are Here Eager to MakeContacthttpwwwriseearthcom201411dr-steven-greer-dozens-of-benevolent-ethtml

Itrsquos not the only Article that shows up but that was posted ( I think because ofthe Article we can read here posted) The NEW AGERS always again jump on that wagon and believe in suchchannelings

manNov 20 2014 at 550 pm

yeah itacutes been there for years now on the wwwyears ago i would have said YES STOP BY FOR TEA AND COOKIES



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but now i go HELL NO YOU BLOODY PARASITES suck yourself and bite thestellar dustread this kind of honeysweet friendly alien bullshit often enough- nothingbut mindcontrollitacutes for the kids crying for mama to save them for the ones that like to HOPEand leave EVOLUTION to someone elsethere is no outside saviouryou guys are right itacutes the vampires trying to get our permissioni always wondered why they would need ithellip do they really care for karmathen what about the cheatwhatever- i suppose zen just put it here as a test and a provovation to stir adiscussionheacutes not one of the i-hope-someoneacutes-gonna-save-meacutes more a get-your-sweet-ass-going-guywhat a clever bastard you are zen

JerseyCynicNov 21 2014 at 308 pm

spot on man Google is behind it I do believe

from 2007httpswwwyoutubecomwatchv=-K8ADMzz46c a CGI of a womanreading half of this message and at the end ldquoyou must read the rest ofthe message at google or yahoo search google with the quote marks


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and now that google and nasa have partnered up It wouldnrsquot surpriseme if some day soon we started to see holographic airships here andthere with Ray Kurzweil as their Director of Engineering mdash anythinggoeshttptechcrunchcom20141110google-moffett-airfield-nasa

do know evil my ass

LizaNov 20 2014 at 1011 pm

But donrsquot give it all the credit Intriguing concepts Deception

Free will Yes it is within Never to be coughed up handed over Thecomments on the source site show a lot of naivtersquo Humans by nature look toconnecting as strengthening (Help) The more to have wins It is Not soLooking to another is not the way to go

This site inhabits lots of free thinkers

The only thing I would give my freewill over to is Peace amp Justice It doesexist In the heartmind Too bad the heart is so badly broken

Perhaps the only way to save a planet is with the allone mindset of all itsinhabitants simutaneously If that could be achieved Everybodyrsquos mind set


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on the collective The whole It could happen it is happening Maybe we justhave to let go of this dimension Canrsquot sustain it Donrsquot knowWell itrsquos all Bullshit anyway

hashishiNov 21 2014 at 751 am

ldquoFree will Yes it is within Never to be coughed up handed over rdquo

The most simple profound and beautiful truth It always does me goodto see a wonderful unencumbered spirit reflecting the same greattruth back at me

Dr Paula-Noel MacfieNov 21 2014 at 133 am

Liza we are all already connected and online through indigenous mind ourAncestors We never ldquoleftrdquohellipour minds have been so colonized that we forgotwho we are and where we come from The connection is still there just awhole lotta dissociation in between to navigate through




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arielNov 21 2014 at 725 am

HEY KITTYhelliprsquoWe are the parents our children have warned us abouthelliprsquo isnrsquot it

arielNov 21 2014 at 726 am

Or is it our greatgrand descendants

KittyNov 21 2014 at 319 pm


hashishiNov 21 2014 at 808 am

Oh hai VALIS Good game good game lsquoAliensrsquo Like it But er no thanks




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Oh hai VALIS Good game good game lsquoAliensrsquo Like it But er no thanks

AlteaNov 21 2014 at 554 pm

We are the ETrsquos we have been waiting for

manNov 21 2014 at 620 pm

what a weird place this world is indeedwhere reality is stranger than fictiongood to have a heart

vibra amor

StarDustNov 27 2014 at 900 pm

Why you need thousands of ships one is not enough Come in peace like




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you say and all the humans will open their arms and hug you






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so answer lingers most among reasons for yes and no and their validity

I for one am opposing this fancy questions and fancy landings we have needfor outside involvement since ever and it probably ever is done as we wantedit so it can be counted as intrusive with lack of honoring true demand truewish of yes or no

so this petition (seen it and commented it before) appears to be likejournalist duck sensationalist dilemma without true backing or honoringstand so I vouch no and think that entities just like us should come to thisworld ldquousualrdquo way just like we did for their mission of good or evil or elsejust like we all are fancy space ships in contact with tyrannical governmentsdecimating life and nature for power and profits are their real targetspopulation is to be in awe awaiting outside solution to inner turmoil samefor this world as in outside influence for internal misconduct I find Gaiastronger and I find myself with lesser worry so if our conscious plant calls it Id agree but it is left for someone to prove it as I see not Gaia agreeing on ourldquoworkrdquo let alone that of governments and industrial and their spaceconnections so until saw that nurturing me calling it this all dilemmas arelike chewing sawdust hard to find nutrition for human in it

JerseyCynicNov 20 2014 at 548 am

Letrsquos dancehellip (a slow one) to one of my favorite bedtime songs


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oh manhellipIrsquom a gonna start tearing up ndash I miss my babies

Come Take A Trip In My Airship (Remastered) ndash Natalie Merchanthttpwwwyoutubecomwatchv=GDL0GVZXjMI

arielNov 20 2014 at 726 am

Sod it guyshellipthe whole point is that WE CAN HANDLE IThelliphellipWe first have tolearn that our conditioned negativity is projected externally as lsquorealityrsquo(definitely lower case) My lsquoproblemrsquo is how do we get enough of youus intoNOW the inner awareness of the lsquomovement and the restrsquo as Kitty likes torefer to it which is the operating end of the universal life force whichexpands our perception limitlessly subject to the filters which prevent usdestroying the lsquobodiesrsquo with INTENSITY Irsquove met them some of themhelliphellipWearenrsquot SUDDENLY in an awful situationhelliphellipitrsquos fucking hystericallyhistoricalhellipbloody tourists most of the ones Irsquove methellipPot calling the kettleblack really because Irsquove done a bithelliphellipYou donrsquot invite the vampire inhelliphelliphellip

will iamNov 20 2014 at 1257 pm



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I hadnrsquot realized that now was something I needed to get into I wasunder the impression that now is wellhellipnow

I didnrsquot know that it was a separate something or other that dependedon quantity for its existence

I apologize in advance for contributing to your lsquoproblemrsquo so maybeyou can tell me (us) what wes need to be looking for so that on theoft chance it were to come by again wes can have some of it

VigilantibusNov 20 2014 at 751 am

This is another deception from MATRIXBeautiful words Things from New (C)ageIt is a TRAPHumanity falls like ducksWake Up

PamNov 20 2014 at 859 am

HeyhelliphelliphellipI want to see this onehellipBring it onhelliphelliprdquoYESrdquo



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ThomasNov 20 2014 at 906 am

The inorganic races are crafty Although they canrsquot lie to us they canmanipulate Once free will is exercised to join their ranks there is no turningback Can we at least wait until Black Friday and Cyber Monday are over

NofolaloNov 20 2014 at 1111 am

Here ya go Jerseyhelliphttpwwwyoutubecomwatchv=REHV8LERhPwhttpwwwyoutubecomwatchv=5PvGn75ibI4

JerseyCynicNov 20 2014 at 207 pm

Love it Nofolalo I used to know every word to the Flying PurplePeople Eater What a great goofy beat mdash just try to sit still listening




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People Eater What a great goofy beat mdash just try to sit still listeningto it mdash you canrsquot

I wish doo wop never died I grew up just after that

Also missed out on The Bristol Stomphttpwwwyoutubecomwatchv=XCOB5-E4P6Y (I canrsquot believe thesepeople are sitting in their seats)

oh herersquos a good one ndash The Bristol Stomp Dance Around the Worldhttpwwwyoutubecomwatchv=fIbkKxUD0Mst=106

alexNov 20 2014 at 208 pm


PatrickNov 20 2014 at 1113 am

The outside help is from withinhellipinside Free will is wonderful and it hascertainly no choiceshellipUse your intent so your help can help us all Weexchange our intent with the source everyday so we will certainly exchangehelp with benevolence every once in a while Use this positively whether its



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BS or not Love life guys

PeterNov 20 2014 at 535 pm

Following was posted Yeterday an was coming to my attention Some of you sure remember SIRIUS

Dr Steven Greer Dozens of Benevolent ET Species Are Here Eager to MakeContacthttpwwwriseearthcom201411dr-steven-greer-dozens-of-benevolent-ethtml

Itrsquos not the only Article that shows up but that was posted ( I think because ofthe Article we can read here posted) The NEW AGERS always again jump on that wagon and believe in suchchannelings

manNov 20 2014 at 550 pm

yeah itacutes been there for years now on the wwwyears ago i would have said YES STOP BY FOR TEA AND COOKIES



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but now i go HELL NO YOU BLOODY PARASITES suck yourself and bite thestellar dustread this kind of honeysweet friendly alien bullshit often enough- nothingbut mindcontrollitacutes for the kids crying for mama to save them for the ones that like to HOPEand leave EVOLUTION to someone elsethere is no outside saviouryou guys are right itacutes the vampires trying to get our permissioni always wondered why they would need ithellip do they really care for karmathen what about the cheatwhatever- i suppose zen just put it here as a test and a provovation to stir adiscussionheacutes not one of the i-hope-someoneacutes-gonna-save-meacutes more a get-your-sweet-ass-going-guywhat a clever bastard you are zen

JerseyCynicNov 21 2014 at 308 pm

spot on man Google is behind it I do believe

from 2007httpswwwyoutubecomwatchv=-K8ADMzz46c a CGI of a womanreading half of this message and at the end ldquoyou must read the rest ofthe message at google or yahoo search google with the quote marks


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and now that google and nasa have partnered up It wouldnrsquot surpriseme if some day soon we started to see holographic airships here andthere with Ray Kurzweil as their Director of Engineering mdash anythinggoeshttptechcrunchcom20141110google-moffett-airfield-nasa

do know evil my ass

LizaNov 20 2014 at 1011 pm

But donrsquot give it all the credit Intriguing concepts Deception

Free will Yes it is within Never to be coughed up handed over Thecomments on the source site show a lot of naivtersquo Humans by nature look toconnecting as strengthening (Help) The more to have wins It is Not soLooking to another is not the way to go

This site inhabits lots of free thinkers

The only thing I would give my freewill over to is Peace amp Justice It doesexist In the heartmind Too bad the heart is so badly broken

Perhaps the only way to save a planet is with the allone mindset of all itsinhabitants simutaneously If that could be achieved Everybodyrsquos mind set


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on the collective The whole It could happen it is happening Maybe we justhave to let go of this dimension Canrsquot sustain it Donrsquot knowWell itrsquos all Bullshit anyway

hashishiNov 21 2014 at 751 am

ldquoFree will Yes it is within Never to be coughed up handed over rdquo

The most simple profound and beautiful truth It always does me goodto see a wonderful unencumbered spirit reflecting the same greattruth back at me

Dr Paula-Noel MacfieNov 21 2014 at 133 am

Liza we are all already connected and online through indigenous mind ourAncestors We never ldquoleftrdquohellipour minds have been so colonized that we forgotwho we are and where we come from The connection is still there just awhole lotta dissociation in between to navigate through




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arielNov 21 2014 at 725 am

HEY KITTYhelliprsquoWe are the parents our children have warned us abouthelliprsquo isnrsquot it

arielNov 21 2014 at 726 am

Or is it our greatgrand descendants

KittyNov 21 2014 at 319 pm


hashishiNov 21 2014 at 808 am

Oh hai VALIS Good game good game lsquoAliensrsquo Like it But er no thanks




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Oh hai VALIS Good game good game lsquoAliensrsquo Like it But er no thanks

AlteaNov 21 2014 at 554 pm

We are the ETrsquos we have been waiting for

manNov 21 2014 at 620 pm

what a weird place this world is indeedwhere reality is stranger than fictiongood to have a heart

vibra amor

StarDustNov 27 2014 at 900 pm

Why you need thousands of ships one is not enough Come in peace like




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you say and all the humans will open their arms and hug you






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Oshi on AnnouncingZenGardnercom 20

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Zen Gardner - Just Wondering -

Alternative news amp views

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oh manhellipIrsquom a gonna start tearing up ndash I miss my babies

Come Take A Trip In My Airship (Remastered) ndash Natalie Merchanthttpwwwyoutubecomwatchv=GDL0GVZXjMI

arielNov 20 2014 at 726 am

Sod it guyshellipthe whole point is that WE CAN HANDLE IThelliphellipWe first have tolearn that our conditioned negativity is projected externally as lsquorealityrsquo(definitely lower case) My lsquoproblemrsquo is how do we get enough of youus intoNOW the inner awareness of the lsquomovement and the restrsquo as Kitty likes torefer to it which is the operating end of the universal life force whichexpands our perception limitlessly subject to the filters which prevent usdestroying the lsquobodiesrsquo with INTENSITY Irsquove met them some of themhelliphellipWearenrsquot SUDDENLY in an awful situationhelliphellipitrsquos fucking hystericallyhistoricalhellipbloody tourists most of the ones Irsquove methellipPot calling the kettleblack really because Irsquove done a bithelliphellipYou donrsquot invite the vampire inhelliphelliphellip

will iamNov 20 2014 at 1257 pm



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I hadnrsquot realized that now was something I needed to get into I wasunder the impression that now is wellhellipnow

I didnrsquot know that it was a separate something or other that dependedon quantity for its existence

I apologize in advance for contributing to your lsquoproblemrsquo so maybeyou can tell me (us) what wes need to be looking for so that on theoft chance it were to come by again wes can have some of it

VigilantibusNov 20 2014 at 751 am

This is another deception from MATRIXBeautiful words Things from New (C)ageIt is a TRAPHumanity falls like ducksWake Up

PamNov 20 2014 at 859 am

HeyhelliphelliphellipI want to see this onehellipBring it onhelliphelliprdquoYESrdquo



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ThomasNov 20 2014 at 906 am

The inorganic races are crafty Although they canrsquot lie to us they canmanipulate Once free will is exercised to join their ranks there is no turningback Can we at least wait until Black Friday and Cyber Monday are over

NofolaloNov 20 2014 at 1111 am

Here ya go Jerseyhelliphttpwwwyoutubecomwatchv=REHV8LERhPwhttpwwwyoutubecomwatchv=5PvGn75ibI4

JerseyCynicNov 20 2014 at 207 pm

Love it Nofolalo I used to know every word to the Flying PurplePeople Eater What a great goofy beat mdash just try to sit still listening




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People Eater What a great goofy beat mdash just try to sit still listeningto it mdash you canrsquot

I wish doo wop never died I grew up just after that

Also missed out on The Bristol Stomphttpwwwyoutubecomwatchv=XCOB5-E4P6Y (I canrsquot believe thesepeople are sitting in their seats)

oh herersquos a good one ndash The Bristol Stomp Dance Around the Worldhttpwwwyoutubecomwatchv=fIbkKxUD0Mst=106

alexNov 20 2014 at 208 pm


PatrickNov 20 2014 at 1113 am

The outside help is from withinhellipinside Free will is wonderful and it hascertainly no choiceshellipUse your intent so your help can help us all Weexchange our intent with the source everyday so we will certainly exchangehelp with benevolence every once in a while Use this positively whether its



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BS or not Love life guys

PeterNov 20 2014 at 535 pm

Following was posted Yeterday an was coming to my attention Some of you sure remember SIRIUS

Dr Steven Greer Dozens of Benevolent ET Species Are Here Eager to MakeContacthttpwwwriseearthcom201411dr-steven-greer-dozens-of-benevolent-ethtml

Itrsquos not the only Article that shows up but that was posted ( I think because ofthe Article we can read here posted) The NEW AGERS always again jump on that wagon and believe in suchchannelings

manNov 20 2014 at 550 pm

yeah itacutes been there for years now on the wwwyears ago i would have said YES STOP BY FOR TEA AND COOKIES



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but now i go HELL NO YOU BLOODY PARASITES suck yourself and bite thestellar dustread this kind of honeysweet friendly alien bullshit often enough- nothingbut mindcontrollitacutes for the kids crying for mama to save them for the ones that like to HOPEand leave EVOLUTION to someone elsethere is no outside saviouryou guys are right itacutes the vampires trying to get our permissioni always wondered why they would need ithellip do they really care for karmathen what about the cheatwhatever- i suppose zen just put it here as a test and a provovation to stir adiscussionheacutes not one of the i-hope-someoneacutes-gonna-save-meacutes more a get-your-sweet-ass-going-guywhat a clever bastard you are zen

JerseyCynicNov 21 2014 at 308 pm

spot on man Google is behind it I do believe

from 2007httpswwwyoutubecomwatchv=-K8ADMzz46c a CGI of a womanreading half of this message and at the end ldquoyou must read the rest ofthe message at google or yahoo search google with the quote marks


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and now that google and nasa have partnered up It wouldnrsquot surpriseme if some day soon we started to see holographic airships here andthere with Ray Kurzweil as their Director of Engineering mdash anythinggoeshttptechcrunchcom20141110google-moffett-airfield-nasa

do know evil my ass

LizaNov 20 2014 at 1011 pm

But donrsquot give it all the credit Intriguing concepts Deception

Free will Yes it is within Never to be coughed up handed over Thecomments on the source site show a lot of naivtersquo Humans by nature look toconnecting as strengthening (Help) The more to have wins It is Not soLooking to another is not the way to go

This site inhabits lots of free thinkers

The only thing I would give my freewill over to is Peace amp Justice It doesexist In the heartmind Too bad the heart is so badly broken

Perhaps the only way to save a planet is with the allone mindset of all itsinhabitants simutaneously If that could be achieved Everybodyrsquos mind set


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on the collective The whole It could happen it is happening Maybe we justhave to let go of this dimension Canrsquot sustain it Donrsquot knowWell itrsquos all Bullshit anyway

hashishiNov 21 2014 at 751 am

ldquoFree will Yes it is within Never to be coughed up handed over rdquo

The most simple profound and beautiful truth It always does me goodto see a wonderful unencumbered spirit reflecting the same greattruth back at me

Dr Paula-Noel MacfieNov 21 2014 at 133 am

Liza we are all already connected and online through indigenous mind ourAncestors We never ldquoleftrdquohellipour minds have been so colonized that we forgotwho we are and where we come from The connection is still there just awhole lotta dissociation in between to navigate through




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arielNov 21 2014 at 725 am

HEY KITTYhelliprsquoWe are the parents our children have warned us abouthelliprsquo isnrsquot it

arielNov 21 2014 at 726 am

Or is it our greatgrand descendants

KittyNov 21 2014 at 319 pm


hashishiNov 21 2014 at 808 am

Oh hai VALIS Good game good game lsquoAliensrsquo Like it But er no thanks




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Oh hai VALIS Good game good game lsquoAliensrsquo Like it But er no thanks

AlteaNov 21 2014 at 554 pm

We are the ETrsquos we have been waiting for

manNov 21 2014 at 620 pm

what a weird place this world is indeedwhere reality is stranger than fictiongood to have a heart

vibra amor

StarDustNov 27 2014 at 900 pm

Why you need thousands of ships one is not enough Come in peace like




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you say and all the humans will open their arms and hug you






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Spirits amp Spirituality


Marin Angeli onIntroductions

Oshi on AnnouncingZenGardnercom 20

david on Of Angelsand Demons

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Zen Gardner - Just Wondering -

Alternative news amp views

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I hadnrsquot realized that now was something I needed to get into I wasunder the impression that now is wellhellipnow

I didnrsquot know that it was a separate something or other that dependedon quantity for its existence

I apologize in advance for contributing to your lsquoproblemrsquo so maybeyou can tell me (us) what wes need to be looking for so that on theoft chance it were to come by again wes can have some of it

VigilantibusNov 20 2014 at 751 am

This is another deception from MATRIXBeautiful words Things from New (C)ageIt is a TRAPHumanity falls like ducksWake Up

PamNov 20 2014 at 859 am

HeyhelliphelliphellipI want to see this onehellipBring it onhelliphelliprdquoYESrdquo



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ThomasNov 20 2014 at 906 am

The inorganic races are crafty Although they canrsquot lie to us they canmanipulate Once free will is exercised to join their ranks there is no turningback Can we at least wait until Black Friday and Cyber Monday are over

NofolaloNov 20 2014 at 1111 am

Here ya go Jerseyhelliphttpwwwyoutubecomwatchv=REHV8LERhPwhttpwwwyoutubecomwatchv=5PvGn75ibI4

JerseyCynicNov 20 2014 at 207 pm

Love it Nofolalo I used to know every word to the Flying PurplePeople Eater What a great goofy beat mdash just try to sit still listening




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People Eater What a great goofy beat mdash just try to sit still listeningto it mdash you canrsquot

I wish doo wop never died I grew up just after that

Also missed out on The Bristol Stomphttpwwwyoutubecomwatchv=XCOB5-E4P6Y (I canrsquot believe thesepeople are sitting in their seats)

oh herersquos a good one ndash The Bristol Stomp Dance Around the Worldhttpwwwyoutubecomwatchv=fIbkKxUD0Mst=106

alexNov 20 2014 at 208 pm


PatrickNov 20 2014 at 1113 am

The outside help is from withinhellipinside Free will is wonderful and it hascertainly no choiceshellipUse your intent so your help can help us all Weexchange our intent with the source everyday so we will certainly exchangehelp with benevolence every once in a while Use this positively whether its



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BS or not Love life guys

PeterNov 20 2014 at 535 pm

Following was posted Yeterday an was coming to my attention Some of you sure remember SIRIUS

Dr Steven Greer Dozens of Benevolent ET Species Are Here Eager to MakeContacthttpwwwriseearthcom201411dr-steven-greer-dozens-of-benevolent-ethtml

Itrsquos not the only Article that shows up but that was posted ( I think because ofthe Article we can read here posted) The NEW AGERS always again jump on that wagon and believe in suchchannelings

manNov 20 2014 at 550 pm

yeah itacutes been there for years now on the wwwyears ago i would have said YES STOP BY FOR TEA AND COOKIES



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but now i go HELL NO YOU BLOODY PARASITES suck yourself and bite thestellar dustread this kind of honeysweet friendly alien bullshit often enough- nothingbut mindcontrollitacutes for the kids crying for mama to save them for the ones that like to HOPEand leave EVOLUTION to someone elsethere is no outside saviouryou guys are right itacutes the vampires trying to get our permissioni always wondered why they would need ithellip do they really care for karmathen what about the cheatwhatever- i suppose zen just put it here as a test and a provovation to stir adiscussionheacutes not one of the i-hope-someoneacutes-gonna-save-meacutes more a get-your-sweet-ass-going-guywhat a clever bastard you are zen

JerseyCynicNov 21 2014 at 308 pm

spot on man Google is behind it I do believe

from 2007httpswwwyoutubecomwatchv=-K8ADMzz46c a CGI of a womanreading half of this message and at the end ldquoyou must read the rest ofthe message at google or yahoo search google with the quote marks


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and now that google and nasa have partnered up It wouldnrsquot surpriseme if some day soon we started to see holographic airships here andthere with Ray Kurzweil as their Director of Engineering mdash anythinggoeshttptechcrunchcom20141110google-moffett-airfield-nasa

do know evil my ass

LizaNov 20 2014 at 1011 pm

But donrsquot give it all the credit Intriguing concepts Deception

Free will Yes it is within Never to be coughed up handed over Thecomments on the source site show a lot of naivtersquo Humans by nature look toconnecting as strengthening (Help) The more to have wins It is Not soLooking to another is not the way to go

This site inhabits lots of free thinkers

The only thing I would give my freewill over to is Peace amp Justice It doesexist In the heartmind Too bad the heart is so badly broken

Perhaps the only way to save a planet is with the allone mindset of all itsinhabitants simutaneously If that could be achieved Everybodyrsquos mind set


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on the collective The whole It could happen it is happening Maybe we justhave to let go of this dimension Canrsquot sustain it Donrsquot knowWell itrsquos all Bullshit anyway

hashishiNov 21 2014 at 751 am

ldquoFree will Yes it is within Never to be coughed up handed over rdquo

The most simple profound and beautiful truth It always does me goodto see a wonderful unencumbered spirit reflecting the same greattruth back at me

Dr Paula-Noel MacfieNov 21 2014 at 133 am

Liza we are all already connected and online through indigenous mind ourAncestors We never ldquoleftrdquohellipour minds have been so colonized that we forgotwho we are and where we come from The connection is still there just awhole lotta dissociation in between to navigate through




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arielNov 21 2014 at 725 am

HEY KITTYhelliprsquoWe are the parents our children have warned us abouthelliprsquo isnrsquot it

arielNov 21 2014 at 726 am

Or is it our greatgrand descendants

KittyNov 21 2014 at 319 pm


hashishiNov 21 2014 at 808 am

Oh hai VALIS Good game good game lsquoAliensrsquo Like it But er no thanks




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Oh hai VALIS Good game good game lsquoAliensrsquo Like it But er no thanks

AlteaNov 21 2014 at 554 pm

We are the ETrsquos we have been waiting for

manNov 21 2014 at 620 pm

what a weird place this world is indeedwhere reality is stranger than fictiongood to have a heart

vibra amor

StarDustNov 27 2014 at 900 pm

Why you need thousands of ships one is not enough Come in peace like




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you say and all the humans will open their arms and hug you






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ThomasNov 20 2014 at 906 am

The inorganic races are crafty Although they canrsquot lie to us they canmanipulate Once free will is exercised to join their ranks there is no turningback Can we at least wait until Black Friday and Cyber Monday are over

NofolaloNov 20 2014 at 1111 am

Here ya go Jerseyhelliphttpwwwyoutubecomwatchv=REHV8LERhPwhttpwwwyoutubecomwatchv=5PvGn75ibI4

JerseyCynicNov 20 2014 at 207 pm

Love it Nofolalo I used to know every word to the Flying PurplePeople Eater What a great goofy beat mdash just try to sit still listening




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People Eater What a great goofy beat mdash just try to sit still listeningto it mdash you canrsquot

I wish doo wop never died I grew up just after that

Also missed out on The Bristol Stomphttpwwwyoutubecomwatchv=XCOB5-E4P6Y (I canrsquot believe thesepeople are sitting in their seats)

oh herersquos a good one ndash The Bristol Stomp Dance Around the Worldhttpwwwyoutubecomwatchv=fIbkKxUD0Mst=106

alexNov 20 2014 at 208 pm


PatrickNov 20 2014 at 1113 am

The outside help is from withinhellipinside Free will is wonderful and it hascertainly no choiceshellipUse your intent so your help can help us all Weexchange our intent with the source everyday so we will certainly exchangehelp with benevolence every once in a while Use this positively whether its



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BS or not Love life guys

PeterNov 20 2014 at 535 pm

Following was posted Yeterday an was coming to my attention Some of you sure remember SIRIUS

Dr Steven Greer Dozens of Benevolent ET Species Are Here Eager to MakeContacthttpwwwriseearthcom201411dr-steven-greer-dozens-of-benevolent-ethtml

Itrsquos not the only Article that shows up but that was posted ( I think because ofthe Article we can read here posted) The NEW AGERS always again jump on that wagon and believe in suchchannelings

manNov 20 2014 at 550 pm

yeah itacutes been there for years now on the wwwyears ago i would have said YES STOP BY FOR TEA AND COOKIES



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but now i go HELL NO YOU BLOODY PARASITES suck yourself and bite thestellar dustread this kind of honeysweet friendly alien bullshit often enough- nothingbut mindcontrollitacutes for the kids crying for mama to save them for the ones that like to HOPEand leave EVOLUTION to someone elsethere is no outside saviouryou guys are right itacutes the vampires trying to get our permissioni always wondered why they would need ithellip do they really care for karmathen what about the cheatwhatever- i suppose zen just put it here as a test and a provovation to stir adiscussionheacutes not one of the i-hope-someoneacutes-gonna-save-meacutes more a get-your-sweet-ass-going-guywhat a clever bastard you are zen

JerseyCynicNov 21 2014 at 308 pm

spot on man Google is behind it I do believe

from 2007httpswwwyoutubecomwatchv=-K8ADMzz46c a CGI of a womanreading half of this message and at the end ldquoyou must read the rest ofthe message at google or yahoo search google with the quote marks


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and now that google and nasa have partnered up It wouldnrsquot surpriseme if some day soon we started to see holographic airships here andthere with Ray Kurzweil as their Director of Engineering mdash anythinggoeshttptechcrunchcom20141110google-moffett-airfield-nasa

do know evil my ass

LizaNov 20 2014 at 1011 pm

But donrsquot give it all the credit Intriguing concepts Deception

Free will Yes it is within Never to be coughed up handed over Thecomments on the source site show a lot of naivtersquo Humans by nature look toconnecting as strengthening (Help) The more to have wins It is Not soLooking to another is not the way to go

This site inhabits lots of free thinkers

The only thing I would give my freewill over to is Peace amp Justice It doesexist In the heartmind Too bad the heart is so badly broken

Perhaps the only way to save a planet is with the allone mindset of all itsinhabitants simutaneously If that could be achieved Everybodyrsquos mind set


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on the collective The whole It could happen it is happening Maybe we justhave to let go of this dimension Canrsquot sustain it Donrsquot knowWell itrsquos all Bullshit anyway

hashishiNov 21 2014 at 751 am

ldquoFree will Yes it is within Never to be coughed up handed over rdquo

The most simple profound and beautiful truth It always does me goodto see a wonderful unencumbered spirit reflecting the same greattruth back at me

Dr Paula-Noel MacfieNov 21 2014 at 133 am

Liza we are all already connected and online through indigenous mind ourAncestors We never ldquoleftrdquohellipour minds have been so colonized that we forgotwho we are and where we come from The connection is still there just awhole lotta dissociation in between to navigate through




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arielNov 21 2014 at 725 am

HEY KITTYhelliprsquoWe are the parents our children have warned us abouthelliprsquo isnrsquot it

arielNov 21 2014 at 726 am

Or is it our greatgrand descendants

KittyNov 21 2014 at 319 pm


hashishiNov 21 2014 at 808 am

Oh hai VALIS Good game good game lsquoAliensrsquo Like it But er no thanks




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Oh hai VALIS Good game good game lsquoAliensrsquo Like it But er no thanks

AlteaNov 21 2014 at 554 pm

We are the ETrsquos we have been waiting for

manNov 21 2014 at 620 pm

what a weird place this world is indeedwhere reality is stranger than fictiongood to have a heart

vibra amor

StarDustNov 27 2014 at 900 pm

Why you need thousands of ships one is not enough Come in peace like




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you say and all the humans will open their arms and hug you






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People Eater What a great goofy beat mdash just try to sit still listeningto it mdash you canrsquot

I wish doo wop never died I grew up just after that

Also missed out on The Bristol Stomphttpwwwyoutubecomwatchv=XCOB5-E4P6Y (I canrsquot believe thesepeople are sitting in their seats)

oh herersquos a good one ndash The Bristol Stomp Dance Around the Worldhttpwwwyoutubecomwatchv=fIbkKxUD0Mst=106

alexNov 20 2014 at 208 pm


PatrickNov 20 2014 at 1113 am

The outside help is from withinhellipinside Free will is wonderful and it hascertainly no choiceshellipUse your intent so your help can help us all Weexchange our intent with the source everyday so we will certainly exchangehelp with benevolence every once in a while Use this positively whether its



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BS or not Love life guys

PeterNov 20 2014 at 535 pm

Following was posted Yeterday an was coming to my attention Some of you sure remember SIRIUS

Dr Steven Greer Dozens of Benevolent ET Species Are Here Eager to MakeContacthttpwwwriseearthcom201411dr-steven-greer-dozens-of-benevolent-ethtml

Itrsquos not the only Article that shows up but that was posted ( I think because ofthe Article we can read here posted) The NEW AGERS always again jump on that wagon and believe in suchchannelings

manNov 20 2014 at 550 pm

yeah itacutes been there for years now on the wwwyears ago i would have said YES STOP BY FOR TEA AND COOKIES



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but now i go HELL NO YOU BLOODY PARASITES suck yourself and bite thestellar dustread this kind of honeysweet friendly alien bullshit often enough- nothingbut mindcontrollitacutes for the kids crying for mama to save them for the ones that like to HOPEand leave EVOLUTION to someone elsethere is no outside saviouryou guys are right itacutes the vampires trying to get our permissioni always wondered why they would need ithellip do they really care for karmathen what about the cheatwhatever- i suppose zen just put it here as a test and a provovation to stir adiscussionheacutes not one of the i-hope-someoneacutes-gonna-save-meacutes more a get-your-sweet-ass-going-guywhat a clever bastard you are zen

JerseyCynicNov 21 2014 at 308 pm

spot on man Google is behind it I do believe

from 2007httpswwwyoutubecomwatchv=-K8ADMzz46c a CGI of a womanreading half of this message and at the end ldquoyou must read the rest ofthe message at google or yahoo search google with the quote marks


pdfcrowdcomopen in browser PRO version Are you a developer Try out the HTML to PDF API


and now that google and nasa have partnered up It wouldnrsquot surpriseme if some day soon we started to see holographic airships here andthere with Ray Kurzweil as their Director of Engineering mdash anythinggoeshttptechcrunchcom20141110google-moffett-airfield-nasa

do know evil my ass

LizaNov 20 2014 at 1011 pm

But donrsquot give it all the credit Intriguing concepts Deception

Free will Yes it is within Never to be coughed up handed over Thecomments on the source site show a lot of naivtersquo Humans by nature look toconnecting as strengthening (Help) The more to have wins It is Not soLooking to another is not the way to go

This site inhabits lots of free thinkers

The only thing I would give my freewill over to is Peace amp Justice It doesexist In the heartmind Too bad the heart is so badly broken

Perhaps the only way to save a planet is with the allone mindset of all itsinhabitants simutaneously If that could be achieved Everybodyrsquos mind set


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on the collective The whole It could happen it is happening Maybe we justhave to let go of this dimension Canrsquot sustain it Donrsquot knowWell itrsquos all Bullshit anyway

hashishiNov 21 2014 at 751 am

ldquoFree will Yes it is within Never to be coughed up handed over rdquo

The most simple profound and beautiful truth It always does me goodto see a wonderful unencumbered spirit reflecting the same greattruth back at me

Dr Paula-Noel MacfieNov 21 2014 at 133 am

Liza we are all already connected and online through indigenous mind ourAncestors We never ldquoleftrdquohellipour minds have been so colonized that we forgotwho we are and where we come from The connection is still there just awhole lotta dissociation in between to navigate through




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arielNov 21 2014 at 725 am

HEY KITTYhelliprsquoWe are the parents our children have warned us abouthelliprsquo isnrsquot it

arielNov 21 2014 at 726 am

Or is it our greatgrand descendants

KittyNov 21 2014 at 319 pm


hashishiNov 21 2014 at 808 am

Oh hai VALIS Good game good game lsquoAliensrsquo Like it But er no thanks




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Oh hai VALIS Good game good game lsquoAliensrsquo Like it But er no thanks

AlteaNov 21 2014 at 554 pm

We are the ETrsquos we have been waiting for

manNov 21 2014 at 620 pm

what a weird place this world is indeedwhere reality is stranger than fictiongood to have a heart

vibra amor

StarDustNov 27 2014 at 900 pm

Why you need thousands of ships one is not enough Come in peace like




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you say and all the humans will open their arms and hug you






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Marin Angeli onIntroductions

Oshi on AnnouncingZenGardnercom 20

david on Of Angelsand Demons

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Zen Gardner - Just Wondering -

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BS or not Love life guys

PeterNov 20 2014 at 535 pm

Following was posted Yeterday an was coming to my attention Some of you sure remember SIRIUS

Dr Steven Greer Dozens of Benevolent ET Species Are Here Eager to MakeContacthttpwwwriseearthcom201411dr-steven-greer-dozens-of-benevolent-ethtml

Itrsquos not the only Article that shows up but that was posted ( I think because ofthe Article we can read here posted) The NEW AGERS always again jump on that wagon and believe in suchchannelings

manNov 20 2014 at 550 pm

yeah itacutes been there for years now on the wwwyears ago i would have said YES STOP BY FOR TEA AND COOKIES



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but now i go HELL NO YOU BLOODY PARASITES suck yourself and bite thestellar dustread this kind of honeysweet friendly alien bullshit often enough- nothingbut mindcontrollitacutes for the kids crying for mama to save them for the ones that like to HOPEand leave EVOLUTION to someone elsethere is no outside saviouryou guys are right itacutes the vampires trying to get our permissioni always wondered why they would need ithellip do they really care for karmathen what about the cheatwhatever- i suppose zen just put it here as a test and a provovation to stir adiscussionheacutes not one of the i-hope-someoneacutes-gonna-save-meacutes more a get-your-sweet-ass-going-guywhat a clever bastard you are zen

JerseyCynicNov 21 2014 at 308 pm

spot on man Google is behind it I do believe

from 2007httpswwwyoutubecomwatchv=-K8ADMzz46c a CGI of a womanreading half of this message and at the end ldquoyou must read the rest ofthe message at google or yahoo search google with the quote marks


pdfcrowdcomopen in browser PRO version Are you a developer Try out the HTML to PDF API


and now that google and nasa have partnered up It wouldnrsquot surpriseme if some day soon we started to see holographic airships here andthere with Ray Kurzweil as their Director of Engineering mdash anythinggoeshttptechcrunchcom20141110google-moffett-airfield-nasa

do know evil my ass

LizaNov 20 2014 at 1011 pm

But donrsquot give it all the credit Intriguing concepts Deception

Free will Yes it is within Never to be coughed up handed over Thecomments on the source site show a lot of naivtersquo Humans by nature look toconnecting as strengthening (Help) The more to have wins It is Not soLooking to another is not the way to go

This site inhabits lots of free thinkers

The only thing I would give my freewill over to is Peace amp Justice It doesexist In the heartmind Too bad the heart is so badly broken

Perhaps the only way to save a planet is with the allone mindset of all itsinhabitants simutaneously If that could be achieved Everybodyrsquos mind set


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on the collective The whole It could happen it is happening Maybe we justhave to let go of this dimension Canrsquot sustain it Donrsquot knowWell itrsquos all Bullshit anyway

hashishiNov 21 2014 at 751 am

ldquoFree will Yes it is within Never to be coughed up handed over rdquo

The most simple profound and beautiful truth It always does me goodto see a wonderful unencumbered spirit reflecting the same greattruth back at me

Dr Paula-Noel MacfieNov 21 2014 at 133 am

Liza we are all already connected and online through indigenous mind ourAncestors We never ldquoleftrdquohellipour minds have been so colonized that we forgotwho we are and where we come from The connection is still there just awhole lotta dissociation in between to navigate through




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arielNov 21 2014 at 725 am

HEY KITTYhelliprsquoWe are the parents our children have warned us abouthelliprsquo isnrsquot it

arielNov 21 2014 at 726 am

Or is it our greatgrand descendants

KittyNov 21 2014 at 319 pm


hashishiNov 21 2014 at 808 am

Oh hai VALIS Good game good game lsquoAliensrsquo Like it But er no thanks




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Oh hai VALIS Good game good game lsquoAliensrsquo Like it But er no thanks

AlteaNov 21 2014 at 554 pm

We are the ETrsquos we have been waiting for

manNov 21 2014 at 620 pm

what a weird place this world is indeedwhere reality is stranger than fictiongood to have a heart

vibra amor

StarDustNov 27 2014 at 900 pm

Why you need thousands of ships one is not enough Come in peace like




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you say and all the humans will open their arms and hug you






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Zen Gardner - Just Wondering -

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but now i go HELL NO YOU BLOODY PARASITES suck yourself and bite thestellar dustread this kind of honeysweet friendly alien bullshit often enough- nothingbut mindcontrollitacutes for the kids crying for mama to save them for the ones that like to HOPEand leave EVOLUTION to someone elsethere is no outside saviouryou guys are right itacutes the vampires trying to get our permissioni always wondered why they would need ithellip do they really care for karmathen what about the cheatwhatever- i suppose zen just put it here as a test and a provovation to stir adiscussionheacutes not one of the i-hope-someoneacutes-gonna-save-meacutes more a get-your-sweet-ass-going-guywhat a clever bastard you are zen

JerseyCynicNov 21 2014 at 308 pm

spot on man Google is behind it I do believe

from 2007httpswwwyoutubecomwatchv=-K8ADMzz46c a CGI of a womanreading half of this message and at the end ldquoyou must read the rest ofthe message at google or yahoo search google with the quote marks


pdfcrowdcomopen in browser PRO version Are you a developer Try out the HTML to PDF API


and now that google and nasa have partnered up It wouldnrsquot surpriseme if some day soon we started to see holographic airships here andthere with Ray Kurzweil as their Director of Engineering mdash anythinggoeshttptechcrunchcom20141110google-moffett-airfield-nasa

do know evil my ass

LizaNov 20 2014 at 1011 pm

But donrsquot give it all the credit Intriguing concepts Deception

Free will Yes it is within Never to be coughed up handed over Thecomments on the source site show a lot of naivtersquo Humans by nature look toconnecting as strengthening (Help) The more to have wins It is Not soLooking to another is not the way to go

This site inhabits lots of free thinkers

The only thing I would give my freewill over to is Peace amp Justice It doesexist In the heartmind Too bad the heart is so badly broken

Perhaps the only way to save a planet is with the allone mindset of all itsinhabitants simutaneously If that could be achieved Everybodyrsquos mind set


pdfcrowdcomopen in browser PRO version Are you a developer Try out the HTML to PDF API

on the collective The whole It could happen it is happening Maybe we justhave to let go of this dimension Canrsquot sustain it Donrsquot knowWell itrsquos all Bullshit anyway

hashishiNov 21 2014 at 751 am

ldquoFree will Yes it is within Never to be coughed up handed over rdquo

The most simple profound and beautiful truth It always does me goodto see a wonderful unencumbered spirit reflecting the same greattruth back at me

Dr Paula-Noel MacfieNov 21 2014 at 133 am

Liza we are all already connected and online through indigenous mind ourAncestors We never ldquoleftrdquohellipour minds have been so colonized that we forgotwho we are and where we come from The connection is still there just awhole lotta dissociation in between to navigate through




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arielNov 21 2014 at 725 am

HEY KITTYhelliprsquoWe are the parents our children have warned us abouthelliprsquo isnrsquot it

arielNov 21 2014 at 726 am

Or is it our greatgrand descendants

KittyNov 21 2014 at 319 pm


hashishiNov 21 2014 at 808 am

Oh hai VALIS Good game good game lsquoAliensrsquo Like it But er no thanks




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Oh hai VALIS Good game good game lsquoAliensrsquo Like it But er no thanks

AlteaNov 21 2014 at 554 pm

We are the ETrsquos we have been waiting for

manNov 21 2014 at 620 pm

what a weird place this world is indeedwhere reality is stranger than fictiongood to have a heart

vibra amor

StarDustNov 27 2014 at 900 pm

Why you need thousands of ships one is not enough Come in peace like




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you say and all the humans will open their arms and hug you






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david on Of Angelsand Demons

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Zen Gardner - Just Wondering -

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and now that google and nasa have partnered up It wouldnrsquot surpriseme if some day soon we started to see holographic airships here andthere with Ray Kurzweil as their Director of Engineering mdash anythinggoeshttptechcrunchcom20141110google-moffett-airfield-nasa

do know evil my ass

LizaNov 20 2014 at 1011 pm

But donrsquot give it all the credit Intriguing concepts Deception

Free will Yes it is within Never to be coughed up handed over Thecomments on the source site show a lot of naivtersquo Humans by nature look toconnecting as strengthening (Help) The more to have wins It is Not soLooking to another is not the way to go

This site inhabits lots of free thinkers

The only thing I would give my freewill over to is Peace amp Justice It doesexist In the heartmind Too bad the heart is so badly broken

Perhaps the only way to save a planet is with the allone mindset of all itsinhabitants simutaneously If that could be achieved Everybodyrsquos mind set


pdfcrowdcomopen in browser PRO version Are you a developer Try out the HTML to PDF API

on the collective The whole It could happen it is happening Maybe we justhave to let go of this dimension Canrsquot sustain it Donrsquot knowWell itrsquos all Bullshit anyway

hashishiNov 21 2014 at 751 am

ldquoFree will Yes it is within Never to be coughed up handed over rdquo

The most simple profound and beautiful truth It always does me goodto see a wonderful unencumbered spirit reflecting the same greattruth back at me

Dr Paula-Noel MacfieNov 21 2014 at 133 am

Liza we are all already connected and online through indigenous mind ourAncestors We never ldquoleftrdquohellipour minds have been so colonized that we forgotwho we are and where we come from The connection is still there just awhole lotta dissociation in between to navigate through




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arielNov 21 2014 at 725 am

HEY KITTYhelliprsquoWe are the parents our children have warned us abouthelliprsquo isnrsquot it

arielNov 21 2014 at 726 am

Or is it our greatgrand descendants

KittyNov 21 2014 at 319 pm


hashishiNov 21 2014 at 808 am

Oh hai VALIS Good game good game lsquoAliensrsquo Like it But er no thanks




pdfcrowdcomopen in browser PRO version Are you a developer Try out the HTML to PDF API

Oh hai VALIS Good game good game lsquoAliensrsquo Like it But er no thanks

AlteaNov 21 2014 at 554 pm

We are the ETrsquos we have been waiting for

manNov 21 2014 at 620 pm

what a weird place this world is indeedwhere reality is stranger than fictiongood to have a heart

vibra amor

StarDustNov 27 2014 at 900 pm

Why you need thousands of ships one is not enough Come in peace like




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you say and all the humans will open their arms and hug you






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on the collective The whole It could happen it is happening Maybe we justhave to let go of this dimension Canrsquot sustain it Donrsquot knowWell itrsquos all Bullshit anyway

hashishiNov 21 2014 at 751 am

ldquoFree will Yes it is within Never to be coughed up handed over rdquo

The most simple profound and beautiful truth It always does me goodto see a wonderful unencumbered spirit reflecting the same greattruth back at me

Dr Paula-Noel MacfieNov 21 2014 at 133 am

Liza we are all already connected and online through indigenous mind ourAncestors We never ldquoleftrdquohellipour minds have been so colonized that we forgotwho we are and where we come from The connection is still there just awhole lotta dissociation in between to navigate through




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arielNov 21 2014 at 725 am

HEY KITTYhelliprsquoWe are the parents our children have warned us abouthelliprsquo isnrsquot it

arielNov 21 2014 at 726 am

Or is it our greatgrand descendants

KittyNov 21 2014 at 319 pm


hashishiNov 21 2014 at 808 am

Oh hai VALIS Good game good game lsquoAliensrsquo Like it But er no thanks




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Oh hai VALIS Good game good game lsquoAliensrsquo Like it But er no thanks

AlteaNov 21 2014 at 554 pm

We are the ETrsquos we have been waiting for

manNov 21 2014 at 620 pm

what a weird place this world is indeedwhere reality is stranger than fictiongood to have a heart

vibra amor

StarDustNov 27 2014 at 900 pm

Why you need thousands of ships one is not enough Come in peace like




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you say and all the humans will open their arms and hug you






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arielNov 21 2014 at 725 am

HEY KITTYhelliprsquoWe are the parents our children have warned us abouthelliprsquo isnrsquot it

arielNov 21 2014 at 726 am

Or is it our greatgrand descendants

KittyNov 21 2014 at 319 pm


hashishiNov 21 2014 at 808 am

Oh hai VALIS Good game good game lsquoAliensrsquo Like it But er no thanks




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Oh hai VALIS Good game good game lsquoAliensrsquo Like it But er no thanks

AlteaNov 21 2014 at 554 pm

We are the ETrsquos we have been waiting for

manNov 21 2014 at 620 pm

what a weird place this world is indeedwhere reality is stranger than fictiongood to have a heart

vibra amor

StarDustNov 27 2014 at 900 pm

Why you need thousands of ships one is not enough Come in peace like




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you say and all the humans will open their arms and hug you






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Oh hai VALIS Good game good game lsquoAliensrsquo Like it But er no thanks

AlteaNov 21 2014 at 554 pm

We are the ETrsquos we have been waiting for

manNov 21 2014 at 620 pm

what a weird place this world is indeedwhere reality is stranger than fictiongood to have a heart

vibra amor

StarDustNov 27 2014 at 900 pm

Why you need thousands of ships one is not enough Come in peace like




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you say and all the humans will open their arms and hug you






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you say and all the humans will open their arms and hug you






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