William Terzaghi Spring 2013 Bio 369: Plant Physiology.

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Transcript of William Terzaghi Spring 2013 Bio 369: Plant Physiology.

William Terzaghi

Spring 2013

Bio 369: Plant Physiology

COURSE OVERVIEW1) Understanding how plants work.

Understanding how plants work.• Solar input = 1.3 kW/m2

Understanding how plants work.• Solar input = 1.3 kW/m2• 5% (max) can be stored in organics

Understanding how plants work.• Solar input = 1.3 kW/m2• 5% (65W/m2) can be stored• Humans consume ~ 100 W (360,000 J/hour)

Understanding how plants work.• Solar input = 1.3 kW/m2• 5% (65W/m2) can be stored• Humans consume ~ 100 W (360,000 J/hour)• Plants must have high surface area & low metabolism

Understanding how plants work.• Photosynthesis

Understanding how plants work.• Photosynthesis• Nutrition

Understanding how plants work.• Photosynthesis• Nutrition• Metabolism

Understanding how plants work.• Photosynthesis• Nutrition• Metabolism• Growth & development

COURSE OVERVIEW1) Understanding how plants work.2) Understanding how plant physiologists work.

• Method

COURSE OVERVIEW1) Understanding how plants work.2) Understanding how plant physiologists work.

• Method• Technology

Plan AStandard lecture course

Plan BStandard lecture course, except:

Plan BStandard lecture course, except:1.Last lectures will be chosen by you -> electives

Plan BStandard lecture course, except:1.Last lectures will be chosen by you -> electives2.Last 4 labs will be an independent research project

Plan BStandard lecture course, except:1.Last lectures will be chosen by you -> electives2.Last 4 labs will be an independent research project3.20% of grade will be “elective”• Paper• Talk• Research proposal• Poster

Plan BStandard lecture course, except:1.Last lectures will be chosen by you -> electives2.Last 4 labs will be an independent research project3.20% of grade will be “elective”• Paper• Talk• Research proposal• Poster• Exam

Plan B schedule- Spring 2013Date TOPIC

JAN 14 General Introduction16 plant structure I18 plant structure II 21 plants and water I23 plants and water II25 mineral nutrition I28 mineral nutrition II30 solute transport I

FEB 1 solute transport II4 Photosynthetic light reactions I6 Photosynthetic light reactions II8 Calvin cycle11 C4 and CAM13 Environmental effects15 Phloem transport I18 Exam 1

20 Phloem transport II22 Respiration I25 Respiration II27 Respiration III

MAR 1 Lipid synthesis4 Spring Recess6 Spring Recess8 Spring Recess11 Biofuels13 Nutrient assimilation I15 Nutrient assimilation II18 Cell wall synthesis and growth I20 Cell wall synthesis and growth II22 Growth and development I25 Growth and development II27 Light regulation of growth I29 Easter

APR 1 Easter

APR 3 Light regulation of growth II5 Growth regulators I8 Growth regulators II10 Growth regulators III12 Growth regulators IV15 Exam 217 Elective19 Elective22 Elective24 Elective26 Elective29 Elective

May 1 Elective Last Class!

??? Final examination

Possible elective topics

1) Plant defense compounds2) Control of flowering3) Blue-light responses4) Plant stress responses5) Plant pathogens6) Plant movements (heliotropism, venus fly traps, etc)7) Plant neurobiology8) Plants and global warming9) Organelle genetics10) Plant biotechnology11) Phytoremediation12) Lamarckian evolution13) Self-incompatibility

Lab ScheduleDate TOPICJan 18 General introduction, plant structure

25 Water potential and transpirationFeb 1 Mineral nutrition

8 Light reactions of photosynthesis15 CO2 assimilation, C3 vs C4 and CAM22 Environmental effects on CO2 assimilation

Mar 1 Respiration 8 Spring Recess15 Induction of nitrate reductase22 Growth and development I29 Easter

Apr 5 Independent project12 Independent project19 Independent project

26 Independent project

Plan CWe will pick a problem in plant physiology and see where it takes us.

Plan CWe will pick a problem in plant physiology and see where it takes us.1.Biofuels

Plan CWe will pick a problem in plant physiology and see where it takes us.1.Biofuels

What would make a good biofuel? How and where to grow it?Can we get plants/algae to make diesel, H2 (g) or electricity?

Plan CWe will pick a problem in plant physiology and see where it takes us.1.Biofuels 2. Frack-water (or bioremediation in general)

Plan CWe will pick a problem in plant physiology and see where it takes us.1.Biofuels2. Frack-water (or bioremediation in general)

Can we use plants to clean up contaminated soil or water? What’s involved?What would be a good plant?

Plan CWe will pick a problem in plant physiology and see where it takes us.1.Biofuels 2. Frack-water (or bioremediation in general)3. Climate change

Plan CWe will pick a problem in plant physiology and see where it takes us.1.Biofuels 2. Frack-water (or bioremediation in general)3. Climate change

How will plants be affected? Can we use plants to help alleviate it?

Plan CWe will pick a problem in plant physiology and see where it takes us.1.Biofuels 2. Frack-water (or bioremediation in general)3. Climate change 4. Resveratrol synthesis in Japanese knotweed

Plan CWe will pick a problem in plant physiology and see where it takes us.1.Biofuels 2. Frack-water (or bioremediation in general)3. Climate change 4. Resveratrol synthesis in Japanese knotweed• Where do they make it?• What factors influence it?

Plan CWe will pick a problem in plant physiology and see where it takes us.1.Biofuels 2. Frack-water (or bioremediation in general)3. Climate change 4. Resveratrol synthesis in Japanese knotweed5. Other plant products?

Plan CWe will pick a problem in plant physiology and see where it takes us.1.Biofuels 2. Frack-water (or bioremediation in general)3. Climate change 4. Resveratrol synthesis in Japanese knotweed5. Other plant products?6. Organic farming, alternatives to herbicides & pesticidesCaffeine bioremediationSomething else?

Plan CWe will pick a problem in plant physiology and see where it takes us.1.Biofuels 2. Frack-water (or bioremediation in general)3. Climate change 4. Resveratrol synthesis in Japanese knotweed5. Other plant products?6. Something else?

1.Pick a problem

Plan C

1.Pick a problem2.Pick some plants to study

Plan C

1.Pick a problem2.Pick some plants to study3.Design some experiments

Plan C

1.Pick a problem2.Pick some plants to study3.Design some experiments4.See where they lead us

Plan C

1.Pick a problem2.Pick some plants to study3.Design some experiments4.See where they lead us

Grading?Combination of papers and presentations

Plan CGrading?

Combination of papers and presentations•First presentation:10 points •Research presentation: 10 points •Final presentation: 15 points •Assignments: 5 points each•Poster: 10 points•Intermediate report 10 points•Final report: 30 points

BIO 369 - Resource and Policy Information

Instructor: Dr. William TerzaghiOffice: SLC 363Office hours: MWF 10:00-12:00, or by appointmentPhone: (570) 408-4762Email: terzaghi@wilkes.edu

BIO 369 - Resource and Policy Information

Instructor: Dr. William TerzaghiOffice: SLC 363Office hours: MWF 10:00-12:00, or by appointmentPhone: (570) 408-4762Email: terzaghi@wilkes.edu

Course webpage: http://staffweb.wilkes.edu/william.terzaghi/bio369.html

BIO 369 - Resource and Policy Information

Instructor: Dr. William TerzaghiOffice: SLC 363Office hours: MWF 10:00-12:00, or by appointmentPhone: (570) 408-4762Email: terzaghi@wilkes.edu

Course webpage: http://staffweb.wilkes.edu/william.terzaghi/bio369.html

Text: Taiz & Zeiger (2011). Plant Physiology, 5th Ed. Sinauer Assoc, Sunderland, MA. ISBN 978-0-87893-856-

Plant Structure3 Parts

1. Leaf2. Stem3. Root

Plant Structure3 Parts

1. LeafA. Cuticle = lipid barrier

Plant Structure3 Parts

1. LeafA. Cuticle = lipid barrierB. Epidermis = barrier cells

Leaf StructureA. Cuticle = lipid barrierB. Epidermis = barrier cellsC. Stomate = gate controlled by guard cells

Leaf StructureA. Cuticle = lipid barrierB. Epidermis = barrier cellsC. Stomate = gate controlled by guard cellsD. Mesophyll = photosynthetic cells

Leaf StructureA. Cuticle = lipid barrierB. Epidermis = barrier cellsC. Stomate = gate controlled by guard cellsD. Mesophyll = photosynthetic cellsE. Bundle Sheath = control import/export

Leaf StructureE. Bundle Sheath = control import/exportF. Vascular tissue = plumbing• Xylem = water & inorganics

• Dead!

Leaf StructureE. Bundle Sheath = control import/exportF. Vascular tissue = plumbing

• Xylem = water & inorganics• Dead!

• Phloem = sugars

Leaf StructureE. Bundle Sheath = control import/exportF. Vascular tissue = plumbing

• Xylem = water & inorganics• Dead!

• Phloem = sugars• Live!

Plant StructureKranz anatomy = less mesophyll, more bundle sheath

Plant Structure3 Parts

1. Leaf2. Stem

Plant Structure3 Parts

1. Leaf2. Stem• Apical meristems create new shoot cells

Plant StructureStem• Apical meristems create new shoot cells• Vascular cambium creates new xylem & phloem