Where Does Fat Go When You Lose Weight?

Post on 13-Apr-2017

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Transcript of Where Does Fat Go When You Lose Weight?


into the blood stream to oxygenate the blood.

Carbon dioxide - a waste product of the body is travelling in the opposite direction in deoxgenated blood. This is carried in veins from the organs and tissue back to the lungs. Carbon dioxide is defused from the blood into the capillaries and into the air within the tiny air sacks. Now that the air inside the tiny air sacks are saturated with carbon dioxide, the exhilation can now occur. You saturated with carbon dioxide, the exhilation can now occur. You exhale the carbon dioxide, what used to be fat molecules.

The alveoli are covered with a network of tiny blood vessels called capillaries.

Within the air sacks the oxygen enters the blood stream through the capillaries through a process called gas exchange.

Our body will liquify that fat and use it as energy when we eat less than our body needs for energy. The fat is mass, and mass doesn’t just disappear. It is converted into mostly carbon dioxide and some water. The water leaves the body through various means such as sweat, urine, or any other way moisture leaves our body.

This is the basis of a fat cell. These cells are always there but fill up and make us increase in size. The stored fat is made up of molecules.

The food we eat is used as energy by our muscles. What ourmuscles can’t use up or store, it stores in fat cells.