Wheat & Tares · Wheat & Tares . Introduction This presentation is made available as a public...

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Transcript of Wheat & Tares · Wheat & Tares . Introduction This presentation is made available as a public...

Wheat & Tares


This presentation is made available as a public service due to its Biblical and

historic value. The presenter should become thoroughly

familiar with material before presentation. If time permits, schedule a follow-up period for questions and discussions.

Courtesy of Doug Gamble Silverdale, Washington.

Bible Numerology

Six is the number of man. God created man in six days. Man is to work six days. Anti-christ’s number is 666. Wheat comes in six basic types.

Man Compared To Grass

Wheat is a grass. Psalm 103:15 “As for man, his days are

as grass…” The Bible says that man is as grass. Grass

grows up, is cut off, goes back to the dust of the earth and another batch grows up.

Man Is Like Wheat

Wheat comes in bearded and beardless. Some wheat is bald. Wheat comes in various colors from near

white, to dark brown.

Man Is Like Wheat

Wheat is a trinity: the husk, the bran, and the starch.

God is a trinity. God made man in his image, a trinity:

body, soul and spirit.

Wheat For Man’s Survival

More people in the world depend upon wheat for survival than any other food, including rice.

Wheat is used for bread, breakfast cereals, pastas, etc.

Wheat is used to feed livestock. Wheat has many other uses.

Wheat For Man’s Survival

The average person on earth eats 100 pounds of wheat per year.

Some of us are wheatier than others.

Where Wheat Grows

Wheat will grow: at the equator or arctic circle at sea level or 10,000 feet elevation

Wheat in America

Columbus brought wheat to America in 1493.

George Washington converted his farm from raising tobacco to raising wheat.

He convinced others to do likewise. Wheat was brought to Fort Vancouver,

WA in 1825.

Wheat & Man

Wheat does not grow wild. It is domesticated. That poses a problem for evolutionists. Man’s earliest written records speak of

wheat being grown and harvested. 2700 B.C.

Wheat Production

The U.S. produces 60 million tons per year.

Half of the entire production, 30 million tons, are exported.

Wheat Producing States

Kansas 432 Million bushels N. Dakota 242 Montana 154 Oklahoma 151 Washington 124

Wheat Killers

Rust Smut Mosaic Disease

Man’s killers are similar.


Rust makes things wear out before their time. Alcohol, drugs, smoking, diseases from

living for the flesh, anger, bitterness All cause a “rusting” or deterioration of the



As smut destroys wheat, so smut destroys man.

Immoral movies, videos, magazines, internet, etc.


Lust leads to immorality, which can result in disease and a quicker death.

The more smut, the blacker the wheat; the more smut, the darker a man’s heart.

The Smut Plague

America leads the nations of the world in the amount of pornography viewed.

25 times more than any other nation. Germany is a far distant second.

20% of employees polled admitted to seeing pornography on their computer at work. Source: Top Ten Reviews

U.S. Smut Plague 2006

Video sales/rentals $ 3.62 billion Internet 2.84 Cable 2.19 Dance Clubs 2.0 Magazines/related 2.50 Total expenditures $13.33 billion

Source: Top Ten Reviews

Computer Smut 2006

12% of all websites are pornographic. Over 68 million visits to pornographic

website per day. 47% of Christians interviewed said that

pornography was a serious problem in their home.

Source: Top Ten Reviews

Breaking Their Promise

53 % of “Promise Keepers” viewed pornography in 2006

Source: Top Ten Reviews

They promised to be faithful to their wives. They promised to never commit adultery.

Breaking Their Promise

Jesus said that a man who looks at another woman with lust, is guilty of the sin of adultery.

Breaking Their Promise

“Promise Keepers” who look at pornography are breaking their promise to be faithful to their wives.

Promise Keepers and a too many Christians have smut disease. Are they wheat or tares?

Rust and Smut

STDs 7,000 deaths per year

15.3 million new cases per year

AIDS 17,000 deaths per year

40,000 new cases per year

Drugs 20,000 deaths per year

Rust and Smut

Alcohol 85,000 deaths per year

Tobacco 300,000 deaths per year

In perspective: U.S. Military in Iraq 1,000 deaths per year.

Mosaic Disease

Religion that teaches keeping the law for salvation, is a deadly killer.

Our Jewish friends, Muslims, Mormons, and over 80% of those who call themselves Christians, teach that keeping the law is essential to salvation.

Are You Wheat or Tare?

Years ago I was out going door to door witnessing.

I asked a Lady if she was a Christian.

Are You Wheat or Tare?

She answered: “Oh yes. I been blessed by the bishop.”

I opened the Bible and showed her how to be blessed by One much greater. She prayed and asked Christ into her heart.

Mosaic Disease, A Sickness Unto Death

Romans 7:4-6 “become dead to the law” Romans 8:2 “For the law of the spirit of

Christ Jesus hath made me free from the law of sin and death.”

Mosaic Disease, A Sickness Unto Death

Galatians 3:21-24 “…if there had been a law given which could have given life, verily righteousness should have been given by the law.”

Bring A Sheaf

Leviticus 23:9-11 Bring a sheaf of the first fruits of wheat to be accepted by the Lord for you.

What is a sheaf (s-h-e-a-f)? Handfuls of wheat

Tares Look Like Wheat

Tares look like wheat, so much so, that they can’t be separated until harvest.

Tares, also called darnel, are a poisonous grass.

Tares Look Like Wheat

Tares cause a sickness with vertigo and dizziness, a helpless spinning sensation

Sinners go around and around in sin, going hopelessly going nowhere.

Matthew 13:28-30

Jesus said the field is the world. The sower of good seed is Christ; the

sower of the tares is Satan.

Matthew 13:28-30

How can you tell the wheat from the tares?

In churches, the wheat and the tares sit in the same pews.

Until the final harvest, you can not be sure who the wheat and tares are.

Leviticus 23:9-11

Vs 10 – when you reap the harvest, bring the firstfruits.

Vs 10 – bring to the priest who was in Jerusalem, for his approval.

Vs 11 – wave it before the Lord, to be accepted for you. It was proof of the coming harvest.

John 12:24-26

Christ was the firstfruits. When he arose he went to Jerusalem and

was seen of God’s people. Christ the firstfruit, then the rest of the

harvest, the rapture of the Christians.

Tares To Be Burned

Matthew 3:12 wheat gathered, rest burnt with unquenchable fire.

Matthew 13:24-30 let both wheat and tares grow together until the harvest. Gather wheat to the barn, tares to the fire.

Romans 8:10-11 Jeremiah 23:28 “What is the chaff to the

wheat, sayeth the Lord.”

Waiting For Harvest

James 1:18 “Of his own will begat he us with the word of truth, that we should be a kind of firstfruits of his creatures.”

Waiting For Harvest

Romans 8:23 “And not only they, but ourselves also which have the first fruits of the Spirit, even we ourselves groan within ourselves, waiting for the adoption to wit, the redemption of our body.”

We, the wheat, are waiting for the harvest.

Harvest Time

Wheat is harvested in the summer. Matthew 13:37-43 What will happen to

the tares?

Harvest Time

Matthew 24:32 “Know that summer is nigh.”

Jeremiah 8:20 “The harvest is past, the summer is ended and we are not saved.”

Luke 10:2 “The harvest is plenteous, but the laborers are few.”

Destination Of The Harvest

“Gather the wheat into my barn.” God has prepared a place for his people. God has also prepared a place for the

devil and those who choose Satan over Christ.

Bringing In The Sheaves

“He that goeth forth and weepeth, bearing precious seed, shall doubtless come again with rejoicing, bringing his sheaves with him.” (Psalms 126:6)

Are you a wheat or a tare? Do you help bring in the sheaves or are

you dying of rust, smut or mosaic disease?