Avro Manhattan proves that the Viet- nam War began as a religious con- flict. He shows how America was ma- nipulated to support Catholic oppres- sion in Vietnam supposedly to fight communism, but in reality to create a Catholic state. Before WWII Viet Nam was a French colony. France is Catholic. But the Vietnamese hated the French and the cruel, corrupt, puppet rulers that they placed in control of their country. They wanted to be free and independ- ent so they revolted after WWII. The French appealed to the U.S. for help. U.S. president Truman began to send aid, but during Eisenhower’s admini- stration the plan to help Viet Nam went much deeper. At this time, Eisenhower’s Secretary of State was John Foster Dulles, a loyal Catholic, who made his own foreign pol- icy. His brother Allen Dulles was the head of the CIA. There were other Catholic loyalists in key U.S. govern- ment and military positions, including the head of the Navy. They worked very closely with Cardinal Spellman from New York, who was very close friends with Pope Pius XII. Pope Pius tied this plan together promoting the deception of Mary and Fatima and a crusade against Russian communism. Cardinal Spellman and Pope Pius XII hand picked Ngo Dunh Diem, a practicing Catholic trained in a NJ 3/2017 VOL. 12, NO. 2 “Contending for the faith which was once delivered unto the saints” Jude 3. S hould we try to uproot from the church those whom we suppose to be spu- rious Christians, we should be sure to make mistakes. Often we regard as hopeless subjects the very ones whom Christ is drawing to Himself. Were we to deal with these souls according to our imperfect judgment, it would perhaps extin- guish their last hope. Many who think themselves Christians will at last be found wanting. Many will be in heaven who their neighbors supposed would never enter there. Man judges from appearance, but God judges the heart. The tares and the wheat are to grow together until the harvest; and the harvest is the end of probationary time. There is in the Sav- iour’s words another lesson, a lesson of wonderful forbearance and ten- der love. As the tares have their roots closely intertwined with those of the good grain, so false brethren in the church may be closely linked with true disciples. The real character of these pretended believers is not fully manifested. Were they to be separated from the church, others might be caused to stumble, who but for this would have remained stead- fast. The teaching of this parable is illustrated in God’s own dealing with men and angels. Satan is a deceiver. When he sinned in heaven, even the loyal angels did not fully discern his character. This was why God did not at once destroy Satan. Had He done so, the holy angels would not have perceived the justice and love of God. A doubt of God's goodness would have been as evil seed that would yield the bitter fruit of sin and woe. Therefore the author of evil was spared, fully to develop his charac- ter. Through long ages God has borne the anguish of beholding the work of evil, He has given the infinite Gift of Calvary, rather than leave any to be deceived by the misrepresentations of the wicked one; for the tares could not be plucked up without danger of uprooting the precious grain. And shall we not be as forbearing toward our fellow men as the Lord of heaven and earth is toward Satan? —Continued on page 4 JESUS AND POPE AT ODDS SEPARATING the WHEAT from the TARES By Ellen White, Christ Object Lessons, 71-75 continued on page 3 This parable was told in 27-31 AD. Jesus told the disciples then that the wheat and the tares would grow together until the end of the world. Today that statement is often repeated to discourage anyone who is in- clined to leave the Gen. Conf. sponsored SDA church system’s growing apostasy. “Don’t leave the church,” they are told, “because the wheat and tares grow together until the end of the world.” But wait! The Seventh-day Adventist church exists today because they separated from the fallen Protestant churches since 1844. Why would they do this if the wheat and the tares grow together until the end of the world? And what about the Protestant churches! They exist because they came out of the fallen Roman Catholic church in the mighty Reformation move- ment of the early 1500’s. But how could they do that if the wheat and the tares grown together until the end of the world? If those who quote this statement today are right that we should not leave the SDA church apostasy, then it would mean that we should all return to the Roman Catholic church apostasy, which is were all apostasy is going! Why? But we know that God led the Protestants churches out of Rome after 1517. And we know that God led the SDA church out of the fallen Protestant churches. So what do the “wheat and the tares” mean? Here is the solution: Tares look like wheat! They look so much like wheat that they are indistinguishable from the wheat unless we could judge the heart. Tares are not open sinners. That is why Ellen White wrote: “Christ has plainly taught that those who persist in open sin must be separated from the church, but He THE WHEAT AND THE TARES GROW TOGETHER, BUT DO THEY GROW WITH OBVIOUS WEEDS? Eisenhower & John Foster Dulles Pope: “God gives us the freedom to search our own conscience for commandments. I always try to understand what’s behind people who are too young to have seen Moses walk down from Mount Sinai with the Ten Commandments, and yet still they want to obey them. Sometimes I find myself confronted with a very legalistic person who follows the Commandments and I ask myself, ‘Why so much rigidity?’ This rigidity in following the Com- mandments always hides something, insecurity or even something else.” [] Jesus: If ye love Me, keep my commandments.” John 14:15. Pope: “Obeying all the commandments, all of them… Yes, it’s true, but this paralyzes you too, it makes you forget so many graces received, Confined souls… This is cowardliness: this is the sin against memory, courage, patience, and hope.” [] Jesus: Whosoever therefore shall break one of these least com- mandments, and shall teach men so, he shall be called the least in the kingdom of heaven: but whosoever shall do and teach them, the same shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven.” Matt. 5:19. Jesus: “And hereby we do know that we know him, if we keep his command- ments. He that saith, I know him, and keepeth not his commandments, is a liar, and the truth is not in him.” 1 John 2:3,4. —Continued on page 3


Avro Manhattan proves that the Viet-nam War began as a religious con-flict. He shows how America was ma-nipulated to support Catholic oppres-sion in Vietnam supposedly to fight communism, but in reality to create a Catholic state. Before WWII Viet Nam was a French colony. France is Catholic. But the Vietnamese hated the French and the cruel, corrupt, puppet rulers that they placed in control of their country. They wanted to be free and independ-ent so they revolted after WWII. The French appealed to the U.S. for help. U.S. president Truman began to send aid, but during Eisenhower’s admini-stration the plan to help Viet Nam

went much deeper. At this time, Eisenhower’s Secretary of State was John Foster Dulles, a loyal Catholic, who made his own foreign pol-

icy. His brother Allen Dulles was the head of the CIA. There were other Catholic loyalists in key U.S. govern-ment and military positions, including the head of the Navy. They worked very closely with Cardinal Spellman from New York, who was very close friends with Pope Pius XII. Pope Pius tied this plan together promoting the deception of Mary and Fatima and a

crusade against Russian communism. Cardinal Spellman and Pope Pius XII hand picked Ngo Dunh Diem, a practicing Catholic trained in a NJ

3/2017 VOL. 12, NO. 2 “Contending for the faith which was once delivered unto the saints” Jude 3.

S hould we try to uproot

from the church those whom we suppose to be spu-rious Christians, we should be sure to make mistakes. Often we regard as hopeless subjects the very ones whom Christ is drawing to Himself. Were we to deal with these souls according to our imperfect judgment, it would perhaps extin-guish their last hope. Many who think themselves Christians will at last be found wanting. Many will be in heaven who their neighbors supposed would never enter there. Man judges from appearance, but God judges the heart. The tares and the wheat are to grow together until the harvest; and the harvest is the end of probationary time. There is in the Sav-iour’s words another lesson, a lesson of wonderful forbearance and ten-der love. As the tares have their roots closely intertwined with those of the good grain, so false brethren in the church may be closely linked with true disciples. The real character of these pretended believers is not fully manifested. Were they to be separated from the church, others might be caused to stumble, who but for this would have remained stead-fast. The teaching of this parable is illustrated in God’s own dealing with men and angels. Satan is a deceiver. When he sinned in heaven, even the loyal angels did not fully discern his character. This was why God did not at once destroy Satan. Had He done so, the holy angels would not have perceived the justice and love of God. A doubt of God's goodness would have been as evil seed that would yield the bitter fruit of sin and woe. Therefore the author of evil was spared, fully to develop his charac-ter. Through long ages God has borne the anguish of beholding the work of evil, He has given the infinite Gift of Calvary, rather than leave any to be deceived by the misrepresentations of the wicked one; for the tares could not be plucked up without danger of uprooting the precious grain. And shall we not be as forbearing toward our fellow men as the Lord of heaven and earth is toward Satan?

—Continued on page 4


SEPARATING the WHEAT from the TARES By Ellen White, Christ Object Lessons, 71-75

—continued on page 3

This parable was told in 27-31 AD. Jesus told the disciples then that the wheat and the tares would grow together until the end of the world. Today that statement is often repeated to discourage anyone who is in-clined to leave the Gen. Conf. sponsored SDA church system’s growing apostasy. “Don’t leave the church,” they are told, “because the wheat and tares grow together until the end of the world.” But wait! The Seventh-day Adventist church exists today because they separated from the fallen Protestant churches since 1844. Why would they do this if the wheat and the tares grow together until the end of the world? And what about the Protestant churches! They exist because they came out of the fallen Roman Catholic church in the mighty Reformation move-ment of the early 1500’s. But how could they do that if the wheat and the tares grown together until the end of the world? If those who quote this statement today are right that we should not leave the SDA church apostasy, then it would mean that we should all return to the Roman Catholic church apostasy, which is were all apostasy is going! Why? But we know that God led the Protestants churches out of Rome after 1517. And we know that God led the SDA church out of the fallen Protestant churches. So what do the “wheat and the tares” mean? Here is the solution: Tares look like wheat! They look so much like wheat that they are indistinguishable from the wheat unless we could judge the heart. Tares are not open sinners. That is why Ellen White wrote: “Christ has plainly taught that those who persist in open sin must be separated from the church, but He




Eisenhower & John Foster Dulles

Pope: “God gives us the freedom to search our own conscience for commandments. I always try to understand what’s behind people who are too young to have seen Moses walk down from Mount Sinai with the Ten Commandments, and yet still they want to obey them. Sometimes I find myself confronted with a very legalistic person who follows the Commandments and I ask myself, ‘Why so much rigidity?’ This rigidity in following the Com-mandments always hides something, insecurity or even something else.” [] Jesus: “If ye love Me, keep my commandments.” John 14:15. Pope: “Obeying all the commandments, all of them… Yes, it’s true, but this paralyzes you too, it makes you forget so many graces received, Confined souls… This is cowardliness: this is the sin against memory, courage, patience, and hope.” [] Jesus: “Whosoever therefore shall break one of these least com-mandments, and shall teach men so, he shall be called the least in the kingdom of heaven: but whosoever shall do and teach them, the same shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven.” Matt. 5:19.

Jesus: “And hereby we do know that we know him, if we keep his command-ments. He that saith, I know him, and keepeth not his commandments, is a liar, and the truth is not in him.” 1 John 2:3,4.

—Continued on page 3

“Dear Brother; I believe in the Advent doctrine as established by the pioneers. In my research I find that the complete doc-trine was printed at the end of the Pioneer Generation and remains the True Advent Doctrine as established under the

leadership of The Holy Spirit. Pointing to the 1872 Fundamentals leaves out only three doctrines that of course are generally rejected today. 1. The wearing of jewelry. 2. Fashion in dress. 3. The general acceptance of: sports, entertainment, Disney, amusements, and fund raisers. Sincerely,” J.W.G., Email.

“I stumbled across your telecast Sabbath on CTN. How refreshing! Thanks for telling it like it is. It takes courage to speak the truth. It was the broadcast in which you had two other men and were discussing the counterfeit sabbath potentially being the mark of the beast. For a long time I also have thought so too. But because of you (and I think somebody actually said it on that show,) I realized that the counterfeit is likely to be similar to the real thing. Since the sign of a follower of the true God is the Sabbath, then the counterfeit would also be a day. The sign of a follower of the counterfeit God is Sunday. Sim-ple!” G., Email.

Hello, I was at a friend's house and they showed me your newsletter. I really liked it! Praise the Lord for the work that you are doing! Could you start sending me your newsletter as well? D.H., South Dakota

page 2 the eternal gospel herald — volume 12, no. 2

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The Eternal Gospel Herald is published from West Palm Beach, Florida, USA, by the Eternal Gospel Church, a ministry that was founded in 1992 by Seventh-day Adventist believers to bring true, genuine, world-wide revival and refor-mation by proclaiming the Third Angel’s Message. The Eternal Gospel Herald is sent to you free of charge, with much love, work, and sacrifice. Every effort is made to insure the accuracy of the infor-mation contained herein. This publica-tion is printed to communicate the issues and subjects pertaining solely to the de-velopment and fulfillment of the third angel’s message and the advancement of

Christ’s character in the lives of God’s faithful people. We hope and pray that you will not only enjoy it but that it will be informative and spiritually enlightening to all of you.

Ministry Needs—Our ministry is always in great need of your prayers and your financial support. The radio programs that we are conducting at large in English, Spanish, and French, the work of the billboards in different parts of the country, the full-page newspaper ads, the literature work, the prison ministry, the Oklahoma Projects, the foreign missions, the Eternal Gospel Herald, and all other mis-sionary activities—all these re-quire a lot of funds. It is by the grace of God and the help of all of you that we are still moving for-ward with the proclamation of Three Angels’ Messages. May God help us all to remain faithful until the end. God bless you.

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Letters , Some of the many … Keep them coming!

This is our newest billboard on the issue of the state of the dead. A few months ago we asked if anyone had ideas for an improved billboard to send them in. Here is an excellent one that came in. The truth about the state of the dead is one of the two key doctrines that are vital for these last days. People will be confused by spiritualistic manifestations if they don’t know the truth. We are trying to improve every means to reach souls. “I have been shown that but few have any correct idea of what the dis-tribution of papers and tracts is doing. The missionary work, in circulat-ing the publications upon present truth, is opening doors everywhere, and preparing minds to receive the truth, when the living preacher shall come among them. The success which attends the efforts of ministers in the field is not due alone to their efforts, but in a great degree to the in-fluence of the reading matter which has enlightened the minds of the people and removed prejudice. Thus many are made susceptible to the influence of the truth when it is presented before them.”—Review & Herald, Dec. 19, 1878.





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the eternal gospel herald — volume 12, no. 2 page 3

The world has no right to doubt the truth of Christianity because there are unworthy members in the church, nor should Christians become dis-heartened because of these false brethren. How was it with the early church? Ananias and Sapphira joined themselves to the disciples. Simon Magus was baptized. Demas, who forsook Paul, had been counted a be-liever. Judas Iscariot was numbered with the apostles. The Redeemer does not want to lose one soul; His experience with Judas is recorded to show His long patience with perverse human nature; and He bids us bear with it as He has borne. He has said that false brethren will be found in the church till the close of time.

Notwithstanding Christ's warning, men have sought to uproot the tares. To punish those who were supposed to be evildoers, the church has had recourse to the civil power. Those who differed from the es-tablished doctrines have been imprisoned, put to torture and to death, at the instigation of men

who claimed to be acting under the sanction of Christ. But it is the spirit of Satan, not the Spirit of Christ, that inspires such acts. This is Satan’s own method of bringing the world under his dominion. God has been misrepresented through the church by this way of dealing with those supposed to be heretics. ...The tares are permitted to grow among the wheat, to have all the advantage of sun and shower; but in the time of harvest ye shall ‘return, and discern between the righteous and the wicked, between him that serveth God and him that serveth Him not.’ Malachi 3:18. Christ Himself will decide who are worthy to dwell with the family of heaven. He will judge every man according to his words and his works. Profession is as nothing in the scale. It is character that decides destiny. [Editors: As you can see from the two articles on the Wheat & the Tares, the leadership of the Gen. Conf. is not giving the correct applica-tion of the parable so that people supporting the apostasy.

has not committed to us the work of judging character and motive.” Christ Object Lessons, 71. Here we see that there is a third class of plants—obvious weeds—those in open sin. The church should always remove open sin (obvious weeds) from the church, or if they cannot, they themselves (the wheat) must separate from those in open sin who have control of the church.

Among the disciples there was a tare—Judas. For a long while he looked just like a wheat. “Had Judas died before his last journey to Jeru-

salem he would have been regarded as a man worthy of a place among the twelve, and one who would be greatly missed. The abhorrence which has followed him through the centuries would not have existed but for the attributes revealed at the close of his history.” Desire of Ages, 716. Not until the close of the Last Supper when Judas left

the disciples to betray Jesus, did Judas reveal himself as a tare.

In the Reformation, the Protestants churches left open sin—obvious weeds—the pope was selling forgiveness! “Romanists have persisted in bringing against Protestants the charge of heresy and willful separation from the true church. But these accusations apply rather to themselves. They are the ones who laid down the banner of Christ and departed from ‘the faith which was once delivered unto the saints.’ Jude 3.” The Great Controversy, 51. The same thing happened after 1840 when the Ad-ventist church came out of Protestant Babylon. Rev. 18:4.

The principle is the same. God holds His people accountable if they support corporate sin of the church. “Come out of her, My people, that ye be not partakers of her sins.” Rev. 18:4. In order to preserve the truth the wheat must always separate from open sin—obvious weeds. But the tares (not converted, but not in open sin) will always join the wheat in coming out of apostasy. Thus, the wheat and the tares will al-ways grow together until the end of the world, when the tares will have their true character revealed. Then, the angels, the 3 Angels messages, will do the work of final separation. Not men. The “wheat and the tare” parable has nothing to do with separation from open sin or corporate sin.

[Robert Harmon, Ellen White’s older brother, was converted by William Miller, joined the Second Advent movement, but fell away after the Great Disappointment by rejoining the Methodist church—fallen Babylon. Always in feeble health, now in 1860 he was dying. Then he realized he must heed the principle of the 2nd A’s message.]

“As soon as he [Robert] was afflicted his voice was often heard

pleading with God for the light of his countenance, and upon his sick bed he weighed the evidences of our position, and fully embraced the third message. He grieved that he had not looked into the subject be-fore, and would frequently exclaim,” ‘How plain! How clear that there must be a third message as well as a first and second,’ and he would say, ‘The third angel followed them. The two former. It is all plain now. I have deprived myself of many blessings that I might have en-joyed. I thought James and Ellen were in error. I have felt wrong to-wards them and want to see them once more.’

“We had the privilege of visiting him before his death. It was an af-fecting meeting. He was much changed, yet his wasted features were lighted up with joy. Bright hope of the future constantly sustained him. He did not once murmur or express a wish to live. We had seasons of prayer in his room, and Jesus seemed very near. We were obliged to separate from our dear brother, never expecting to meet him again this side of the resurrection of the just. The bitterness of the parting scene was much taken away by the hope he expressed of meeting us where parting would be no more.” “My brother continued to fail rapidly. If he felt a cloud shutting Jesus from him, he would not rest un-til it was dispelled, and bright hope again cheered him. To all who visited him, he conversed upon the goodness of God, and would often lift his emaci-ated finger, pointing upwards, while a heavenly light rested upon his countenance, and say, "My treasure is laid up on high." It was a wonder to all that his life of suffering was thus protracted. He had a hemor-rhage of the lungs, and was thought to be dying. Then an unfulfilled duty presented itself to him. He had again connected himself with the Methodist church. He was expelled in 1843 with the other members of the family, on account of his faith. He said he could not die in peace until his name was taken from the church-book, and requested fa-ther to go immediately and have it taken off. “In the morning father visited the minister, stating my brother's re-quest. He said that he would visit him, and then if it was still his wish to be considered no longer a member of their church, his request should be granted. Just before the minister arrived my brother had a second hemorrhage, and whispered his fears that he should not live to do this duty. The minister visited him, and he immediately expressed his de-sire, and told him he could not die in peace until his name was taken from the church-book; that he should not have united with them again if he had been standing in the light. “He then spoke of his faith, and hope, and the goodness of God to him. A heavenly smile was upon his countenance, and those lips, a few moments before stained with blood, were opened to praise God for his great salvation. As the minister left the room he said to my parents, ‘That is a triumphant soul; I never saw so happy a soul before.’ Soon after this my brother fell asleep in Jesus, in full hope of having a part in the first resurrection.”

ROBERT HARMON’S DYING DUTY By Ellen White; From Spiritual Gifts, Vol. 2, p. 163,164, 1860.

—Continued From Page 1 “Separating Wheat From Tares...”

The church may appear as about to fall, but it does not fall. It remains, while the sin-ners in Zion will be sifted out—the chaff sepa-rated from the precious wheat. This is a terri-ble ordeal, but nevertheless it must take place. None but those who have been overcoming by the blood of the Lamb and the word of their testimony will be found with the loyal and true, without spot or stain of sin, with-out guile in their mouths.” 2 Selected Mes-sages, 380.

—Continued From Page 1 “Wheat, Tares, and Obvious Weeds.”

page 4 the eternal gospel herald — volume 12, no. 2

monastery, and “planted” him into the presidency of South Viet Nam. He transformed the presi-dency into a virtual Catholic dic-tatorship, ruthlessly crushing his religious and political opponents. His brother was the head of the secret police. His other brother was a Catholic Archbishop. Other Catholics were placed in key positions. According to their plan, they disrupted North Viet Nam by scaring the many Catholics there to flee to the South. This would make South Viet Nam a stronger Catholic state. 900,000 fled south. But now the refugees needed help. Now, we will share with you some portions of the book. “Funds were raised to help the refugees, headed by the American Ro-man Catholic Welfare Fund. The Catholic lobby pestered President Ei-senhower to give more and more money and more transport to the poor Catholics, the victims of unheard of religious persecutions; their plight was compared to that of the early Christians under Nero. The Catholics of the North were escaping, as the U.S. Catholic propaganda machinery was never tired of repeating, “to preserve their faith.’ Certain unscrupu-lous personalities in Washington joined in the humbug fanfare, eager for political favoritism. This was headed by Vice-President Nixon, who per-suaded the President to ‘put across the first American aid to Catholic Diem.’ When it was all over, between 800 and 900 thousand North Vietnamese Catholics had fled from the North to be welcomed by Diem in the South.

“...Every echelon of Diem's new ad-ministration was filled with practic-ing Catholics. To make sure that only Catholics got all the key posi-tions, Diem terminated the 500 year democratic tradition of the local vil-lages by which chiefs were elected by the population and replaced them with the Catholics who had arrived from the North. His personal slogan:

‘Put your Catholic officers in sensitive places. They can be trusted.’ ...Diem then charged the Catholic priests with the administra-tion of the land owned by the Church, which meant that in almost every village, the local Catholic priest, became a quasi public official, en-dowed with religious, administrative and political powers.” “...John F. Kennedy, first Catholic president of the U.S. Kennedy, as senator, was part of the Catholic lobby


which pushed for the installation of a Catholic president in South Viet-nam. ...He was instrumental in the installation of Ngo Dunh Diem as Prime Minister. When Kennedy became President, he rapidly escalated the U.S. military involvement in support of Diem's Catholic regime.

Later when Diem's persecution of the Bud-dhists began to draw fire from world opinion, Kennedy had to choose between supporting his church's effort or promoting his own political career. He chose to pressure Diem to let up on the persecutions. Diem’s Buddhist generals [with CIA guidance] seized the opportunity to assassinate Diem. ...Twenty days after the assassination of Diem, the first Catholic president of South Vietnam, the first Catho-lic president of the U.S., John F. Kennedy,

was himself assassinated in Dallas, Texas. Why, and by whom has remained a secret ever since.” [EDITORS: We highly recommend that our readers download a pdf version and read this singular book.]

Christians Are 'Favorite Prey,' More Attacks Are Underway

—Continued on next column

Cont. from page 1— “Viet Nam: Why Did We Go?”

Wilayat Sinai, a terror group in Egypt affiliated with the Islamic State, has called Christians its “favorite prey” and warned believers to prepare for more attacks, such as the suicide bombing of a Coptic church in Cairo in December that killed nearly 30 people. On Feb. 16, 2017, a 50-year-old Coptic Christian teacher was shot in the head by two Islamic militants in Egypt while on his way home from school. Extremists blame and punish Copts for their part in the overthrow of for-mer Islamist President Mohamed Morsi in 2013.

Metamorphosis is an amazing biological process. A Monarch caterpillar hatches from an egg and begins to eat only the leaves of the Milkweed. Then it makes an abrupt change by wrapping itself in a chrysalis. Its body turns to mush inside, but slowly it changes into a but-terfly. A totally new creature! How does a caterpillar make a chrysalis, dis-solve itself into jelly, and come out a butterfly? How could a creature with 6 simple eyes, which see in black and white become another creature that has 2 new eyes made of up to 6,000 individual lenses that can see in color? How could a creature with a chewing mouth that only eats leaves, develop a long tongue that sucks only nectar? How can a creepy crawler become a master pilot? How can the same DNA be the blueprint for two differ-ent creatures?

The Pope was on stage with a rock band that displayed the Satanic image of Bafomet be-hind him when he visited Philadelphia in 2015. “And they worshipped the dragon which gave power unto the beast: and they worshipped the beast, saying, Who is like unto the beast?” Rev. 13:4. “JANE ROE” DIES Associated with the landmark decision Roe v. Wade, Norma McCorvey (a.k.a. Jane Roe) was later born again, and be-came an advocate for pro-life causes. McCorvey, who died Feb. 18 in Katy, Texas, spent years attempting to overturn the very decision that she helped make possible.


Pres. Eisenhower with Diem and John Foster Dulles, Sec. of State.

Diem and Cardinal Spellman


A nun cries as she stands inside Cairo's Coptic cathedral, follow-ing a bombing, on Dec. 11, 2016.

Cont. from column to left— “Viet Nam: Why Did We Go?”


It’s because Christians themselves are genuinely ignorant about the ten-ets of their faith, according to a new study. Americans, who still over-whelmingly identify as Christian, hold contradictory, confused and even heretical beliefs when it comes to God, according to the “State of American Theology Study 2016.” It found 64% agreed “strongly” or “somewhat” with the statement “God accepts the worship of all religions, including Christianity, Judaism and Islam.” Sixty% of Americans agreed with the statement “heaven is a place where all people will ultimately be reunited with their loved ones.” And only 40% of those surveyed agreed “hell is an eternal place of judgment where God sends all people who do not personally trust in Jesus Christ.” Less than half of those surveyed also believe abortion is a sin. At the same time, 70% of Americans agreed the God of the Trin-ity is the one true God. A majority said God, who cannot make a mis-take, is the author of Scripture. And yet fewer than half say the Bible is entirely accurate. Even evangelicals’ responses showed apparent disagreement with fun-damental tenets of the Christian faith. For example, more than 70% of evangelicals agreed with the statement “Jesus is the first and greatest creature created by God,” actually surpassing the 48% of non-evangelicals who agreed with the statement. [EDITORS: Study to show thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.” 2 Tim. 2:15.]