What is Meditation? Main sources of Insight 1. discussion 2. inquiry 3. focussed attention 4....

Post on 17-Dec-2015

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Transcript of What is Meditation? Main sources of Insight 1. discussion 2. inquiry 3. focussed attention 4....

Insight Meditation

What is Meditation?

INSIGHT ? Clear or deep perception/ understanding of a

situation Grasping the inner nature of things intuitively …………… Wisdom based on direct experience of human


Knowledge vs Insight ….A genuine insight frees the mind up, opens the heart & transforms perceptions.……..affecting the very cells of our being.

Main sources of Insight

1. discussion2. inquiry3. focussed attention 4. meditation5. mindful living6. reflection7. listening8. reading9. nature10. receptivity 11. speaking 12. spontaneous arising

• Gaining insight into the Nature of Human Reality …….. Direct experience of “the way things are”

• Two aspects : calm the mind through sustained attention, and insight through reflection

The objective of Insight meditation

The tool : Mindfulness – non judgemental awareness

This is what we will practice during

the workshop:Strengthening the

Mindfulness of whatever is happening

In the body-mind complex