What about the "social" in "social innovation"?

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What about the “social” in “social innovation”?

lessons from the CRESSI Project

Nadia von Jacobi University of Pavia

Brussels, 26.10.2015 nadia.vonjacobi@unipv.it

Index • Social in ends, social in means • The Capability Approach as conceptual guide • Social ends (I): pluralism and complexity • Social means (I): agency and empowerment • Social ends (II): social forces and their gaps • Social means (II): affecting social forces • Practical Implications

Nadia von Jacobi Brussels, 26.10.2015

Social Innovation in

“the development and delivery of new ideas and solutions

(products, services, models, markets, processes) at different socio-structural levels that

intentionally seek to change power relations and

improve human capabilities, as well as the processes via which these solutions are carried out”

(Nicholls and Ziegler, 2014:14)

Brussels, 26.10.2015 Nadia von Jacobi

Coop. Int e Pol. per lo Sviluppo

social ends social means

Social Innovation pursues and consists of...

Social ends: why Capabilities? • expanding capabilities • more than resources • differences in conversion • the role of agency • choices • observing functionings • plural values Social progress as

‘the expansion of opportunities’ Brussels, 26.10.2015 Nadia von Jacobi

Amartya Sen’s Development as Freedom

Conversion factors Capability set

individual traits

local mechanisms of (re)distri-





Possible Choices

Individual and collective resources

Nadia von Jacobi Brussels, 26.10.2015

A Capability Approach perspective

Brussels, 26.10.2015 Nadia von Jacobi


"what a person is free to do and to achieve

in pursuit of whatever goals he or she regards as important"

(Sen, A. 1985, 206)

Nadia von Jacobi Brussels, 26.10.2015

Agency in society

"what one can do as member of a group, collectivity

or political community " (Alkire, S. 2009, 37)

Nadia von Jacobi Brussels, 26.10.2015

Empowerment access to


local organizational


social mobilization

participation in decision-



Nadia von Jacobi Brussels, 26.10.2015

Agency and Power




power over power to

power with power from



in society

Nadia von Jacobi Brussels, 26.10.2015


Social Innovation

Change in Process

Addressing a Social Need

Coop. Int e Pol. per lo Sviluppo

Social progress from a capabilities perspective:

Expansion of

substantive freedoms

Expansion of process freedoms

Nadia von Jacobi Brussels, 26.10.2015

Capability deprivation and marginalisation

Nadia von Jacobi Brussels, 26.10.2015

• lack of resources • reduced conversion ability

Lack of Opportunities

• insufficient power • forces affecting choices

Lack of Agency


”the result of a social process that transforms

personal, social and environmental traits into potential factors of

disadvantage" (Chiappero, E. and von Jacobi, N. 2014,3)

Nadia von Jacobi Brussels, 26.10.2015

Multiple role of social and environmental factors

adapted from CRESSI

Brussels, 26.10.2015 Nadia von Jacobi Agency

An integration to the Capability Approach: social theory

Brussels, 26.10.2015 Nadia von Jacobi

CRESSI based on Beckert (2010)

bottom-up pressure for CHANGE

Brussels, 26.10.2015 Nadia von Jacobi

• Adopts a multidimensional, plural appreciation of disadvantage in society and searches for equally multidimensional and plural strategies to overcome it

• Marginalisation is ‘institutionally embedded’ (Beckert, 2009: 264), and requires the targeting of social processes

Synthesis of CRESSI framework

Brussels, 26.10.2015 Nadia von Jacobi

Practical Implications

Effective social innovation

capable of tackling marginalisation depends on:

the active participation of marginalized individuals in a process that addresses

the social structuration of their disadvantage

Brussels, 26.10.2015 Nadia von Jacobi

Which frictions and challenges in combining top-down implementation logic and the Capability Approach

Nadia von Jacobi Brussels, 26.10.2015

Risks of top-down logic • concentrate on intentional creation • simplify the motivations of people • homogenise people into ‘target groups’ in line with

specific labels (e.g. unemployed, youth, women, etc.)

• underestimate the complexity of reality • presume neutrality with respect to existing

asymmetries of power • evaluate results and outcomes on the base of

predefined indicators

Coop. Int e Pol. per lo Sviluppo Nadia von Jacobi

Nadia von Jacobi

Top-down-logic Capabilities Perspective

ultimate scope pre-defined targets outcomes that people value

focal point production of things influence on the lives of people

attention/focus intended effects full range of effects (including unintended)

general objectives project/policy objectives opportunity freedoms

specific objectives target outcomes local empowerment with learning, visioning, choice and cooperation

procedural focus engineering process freedoms

aims for improvement efficiency in use of resources; facilitate coordinated action

informed deliberation, affect social structuration

transversal characteristics transparency, achievability, accountability

pluralism, tolerance, equity

discourse target population/beneficiaries

agents of change

Brussels, 26.10.2015

Risks of top-down logic

to undermine pluralism in values

to hamper agency

to prevent changes in social structuration

Nadia von Jacobi Brussels, 26.10.2015

Interdependencies: goodness of fit


Belief system



Nadia von Jacobi Brussels, 26.10.2015

Interdependencies: goodness of fit


Belief system



Nadia von Jacobi Brussels, 26.10.2015

Interdependencies: goodness of fit

Belief system



Nadia von Jacobi Brussels, 26.10.2015

Which value added of social innovation?

• Identification of collective interests

• Formulation of requests

Collective Preferences

• Experiments • Failures,

adjustments, new attempts

Shared Struggles • Identification of

collective interests • Consolidation




Coevolution of different factors

Cultural freedom, pluralism of values

Nadia von Jacobi Brussels, 26.10.2015

Cultural Freedom and Social Progress

Efforts for Social


More Opportunities

Engaging in Activities

In Line with Own Values

New Goals for Social


Nadia von Jacobi Brussels, 26.10.2015

Political competition, values, experiments

Political Competition

Values and Beliefs


Opening up to New


Encounters, Experiments

Nadia von Jacobi Brussels, 26.10.2015

Encounters, experiments, competition

Reduction of social cleavage

Network of unrelated


Social Capital

Nadia von Jacobi Brussels, 26.10.2015

Endogeneous growth and its components

Engaging in problem solving

Experience and general knowledge creation

Sharing of knowledge, replication, spill-overs

Increases in productivity and growth


Nadia von Jacobi Brussels, 26.10.2015

CRESSI Publications • D1.1. Chapter 3 How can Sen’s ‘Capabilities Approach’ contribute to understanding the role of social innovations for the marginalised? (Chiappero and von Jacobi), CRESSI Working Paper 3/2015 • D3.5. Toolkit (Methodology) (von Jacobi, Chiappero, Giroletti, Maestripieri, Ceravolo), CRESSI Working Paper 16/2015 • D6.1. EU Public Policy, Social Innovation and Marginalisation: Reconciling ambitions with policy instruments (Edmiston), CRESSI Working Paper 18/2015

Nadia von Jacobi Brussels, 26.10.2015

Thank you for your attention
