WeTek Play-OpenELEC Handbook

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Transcript of WeTek Play-OpenELEC Handbook

WeTek Play - OpenELEC manual


1. How to install OpenELEC

● Installation to microSD ● Installation to NAND Flash

2. First boot & initial setup of OpenELEC

● Hostname ● Enabling SSH

3. Live TV at OpenELEC with WeTek Play

● TVHeadend (Scanning, OSCam) (Video and Step by step tutorial)

● VDR (Scanning, OSCam) (Step by Step tutorial)

4. How to install repositories and add-ons in Kodi/XBMC (Video Tutorial) 5. How to update OpenELEC

1. How to install OpenELEC on WeTek Play Installation to MicroSD Installation of OpenELEC to microSD card for WeTek Play can be done by two methods. First one method (a) is using WeTek OpenELEC Installer application, which only works with Windows operating systems. Second one method (b) is by manually downloading OpenELEC .img version and burning it to microSD with Win32 Disk Imager application. a) WeTek OpenELEC Installer Download WeTek OpenELEC Installer from this link http://bit.ly/1Av0UnM After you downloaded WeTek OpenELEC Installer, please insert microSD card in your PC and open WeTek OpenELEC Installer application.

Now all what you have to do is to click on Write, and application will download automatically latest version of OpenELEC for WeTek Play, and then burn it to microSD card. After click on Write, it will ask you if you are sure, so please confirm by click on Yes.

After process is done WeTek OpenELEC installer will show you a message:

Now you can click on OK and remove microSD from your PC and insert it in WeTek Play, and then power ON device (WeTek Play). b) Burn OpenELEC .img file with Win32DiskImager In case you want manually to download OpenELEC microSD version for WeTek Play, you can always burn downloaded .img file manually to microSD. Steps to do this are:

1. Download latest OpenELEC image for microSD from this URL http://bit.ly/1GUNby1

2. Download Win32DiskImager application from this URL http://bit.ly/1Fs6EnT

3. After you download both necessary files, install Win32DiskImager application.

4. Insert microSD card in PC 5. Start Win32DiskImager application

6. Unpack OpenELEC downloaded file which is in .img.gz format, and to unpack .gz archive on Windows, please use 7-zip archiver app which can be downloaded from this URL http://www.7-zip.org/

7. In Win32DiskImager click on Blue folder icon

8. Locate OpenELEC .img file which you extracted from .gz file with 7-Zip, select it and click on Open.

9. Now you need to click on Write

10. Application will ask you if you are sure about it, so please click on Yes

11. After clicking on Yes, Win32DiskImager will start burning OpenELEC .img file to your microSD card.

12. Now sit back and wait that burning process is done, and when it is done message Write Successful. will be displayed

13. Now you can remove microSD from PC and insert it in WeTek Play

Installation to NAND Flash

To install OpenELEC in NAND Flash of WeTek Play, you will need to download NAND Flash installation .zip package. NAND Flash installation package of OpenELEC for WeTek Play, can be downloaded from this URL http://bit.ly/1Cnl1us After .ZIP archive file is downloaded, please extract it, and then you will get 3 files: recovery.img factory_update_param.aml OpenELEC-Amlogic.WeTek.Play.arm-5.x.x -update.zip (.x.x depend on which version you have downloaded). Now, you need insert microSD in your PC or Laptop, and copy to it this 3 files. After files are copied, remove microSD from PC and insert it in WeTek Play. Turn off WeTek Play by removing Power cable from it. In Quick Start Guide of WeTek Play you will find WeTek Toothpick tool, which is used to press UPGRADE button, located at bottom side of WeTek Play device. Press UPGRADE button, connect WeTek Play with Power cable, and keep pressed UPGRADE button for next 7 seconds and then release it. Now you should see WeTek Play upgrading with OpenELEC. For better explanation, take a look on this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=USTCmnM-7KE

2. First boot & initial setup of OpenELEC

After you successfully installed OpenELEC to your microSD or NAND Flash of WeTek Play, now is time to go through first boot and wizard of OpenELEC, which is shown on first boot after installation of OpenELEC. In Welcome Wizard of OpenELEC you can setup some very nice things like Language, Hostname of your WeTek Play device, Network settings and some network services such as SSH and Samba. Here we will focus on two things, setup of Hostname, other by other words said, how your WeTek Play with OpenELEC will be visible on your local network, and on enabling SSH service for easy remote access and management.

1. On first boot screen You can choose Language, but assuming that this tutorial is in English, we will press OK or Enter if you use keyboard, to go to next step.

2. On this step we can change Hostname of our WeTek Play

Now move with RCU or Keyboard to upper field and press OK, after what you will be offered to edit current hostname which is OpenELEC. In our case we added -WeTek , so finally it looks like OpenELEC-WeTek.

When you are done with editing please click or press enter on Done buttont to close editor, and then you will see in Hostname: field new hostname is OpenELEC-WeTek.

Now click on Next or press enter if you are using Keyboard connected to WeTek Play. Next part is Networking, and if WeTek is connected by Ethernet cable to your router, it should have IP address which is automatically assigned by DHCP server. NOTE: Default username and password for SSH at OpenELEC is: username root password openelec

After clicking on Next, you will be transfered to next screen, where by default is turned on SAMBA service, but for easy access and management, we need also to turn on or to enable SSH.

Move by RCU or keyboard to SSH field, and press OK, and then wait that SSH service is turned ON. In mean time while WeTek Play is turning on SSH service, in bottom right corner you will see Working… and you need wait it to finish.

After SSH service is turned on, you can move back to Next button and to proceed to final step of Welcome Wizard, after this your WeTek Play with OpenELEC is ready to be used. Depend if you bought WeTek Play with DVB Tuner option or not, you can proceed to next chapter of setting up Live TV, where for DVB is used TVHeadend and VDR, while for IPTV is used IPTV Simple Client.

3. Live TV at OpenELEC with WeTek Play To be able to watch Live TV from DVB Tuner at your WeTek Play, you need to install one of Live TV backends. At OpenELEC, there are 2 live tv backends available, TVHeadend and VDR. For those people who bought WeTek Play without Tuner, they can use IPTV Simple Client to watch their IPTV channels.

● TVHeadend (DVB) with OSCam ● VDR (DVB) with OSCam ● IPTV Simple Client (IPTV)

TVHeadend setup on WeTek Play with OpenELEC To install TVHeadend and OSCam in OpenELEC, you can follow this video guide at this URL VIDEO TUTORIAL: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QAcSpmIz8xQ If you prefer, here is a step by step tutorial: This tutorial, is how you setup TVHeadend and OSCam if you need it on your WeTek Play.

In here, we have to install Unofficial OpenELEC (WeTek_Play/arm) Add-ons, press OK on your WeTek RCU

Select OK on install to install it

Here, we need to check for updates. Note: Sometimes WeTek reboots at this point, if it does, just go to system - add-ons and again, press OK at "check for updates".

Now, let's select tvheadend

Then install

As you saw, it downloaded and enable tvheadend

Now, we need to go back to system menu

Then select Live TV

Let's enable Live TV

After press OK or Enter, it wil pop-up message No PVR Add-on enabled, you need to press ok.

And automaticly you'll be prompted with this list, just select TVheadend HTSP Client

And click OK or press Enter at Enable button to enable TVHeadend HTSP client.

Let’s configure TVHeadend to work with OSCam Go to System -> Add-ons -> Enabled Add-ons -> Services, then choose tvheadend and click OK or Enter on Configure

Move to DVB tab

Select last option in menu like shown below on photo

Now enable option Preload capmt_ca.so library by pressing OK on RCU.

It's done. How to install OSCam

Then we need to go to configure to setup OSCam to start with each reboot automatically.

Enable option Restart on suspend / resume

Enabled Restart on suspend/resume, then select OK on bottom

Now please reboot WeTek Play, so we can continue to step of how to scan channels with tvheadend and how to enable OSCam. After you finished installation of tvheadend and OSCam, you need to know two things: tvheadend is running at WeTek Play IP address on port 9981 , while OSCam is running on port 8888 , and username and password for OSCam is:

Username: oscam Password: oscam So if we assume that IP of WeTek Play for example is, to access TVHeadend we will type in web browser: to access OSCam web interface we will type in browser: Now to scan channels with tvheadend, open tvheadend web interface in web browser: http://IP-Address:9981 Click on Configuration (see photo below)

Now click on DVB Inputs (see photo below)

Click on Networks tab (see photo below)

Click on Add (see photo below)

Depending on that what type of DVB tuner you have, choose type of Network to be added, and for example we will add DVB-C network.

Now click on Muxes to add at least one frequency for created network (see photo below)

Click now on Add (see photo below)

Now in new dialog, select your created Network and enter frequency (see photo below), note that tvheadend is asking that frequency is in entered in hz (hertz), so if we want to add 602 MHz frequency we need to put 602000000 , for Delivery system in case of DVB-C in Europe we need select DVBC/ANNEX_A.

And then click on create. Now go back to TV adapters tab, select DVB-C adapter, enable it, and select Cable network which you created in previous steps, and then click on Save (see photo below).

After this is done, connect to WeTek Play by SSH, and execute this command: killall tvheadend After this tvheadend will reboot and will immediately start scanning channels. If you click now on Muxes, you will see that all other frequencies are discovered by NIT, and they are scanned.

Now after scan is done of all frequencies we need to Map channels, and we can do that simply by clicking on Services tab (see photo below)

In opened pop-up select all like on photo below

After this is done, all channels are mapped, and finally we only need to add OSCam in tvheadend. To add OSCam, you need to click on CAs tab in tvheadend (see photo below)

Now click on Add (see photo below)

In new pop-up select CAPMT (Linux DVBAPI) (see photo below)

After you selected CAPMT, you will be offered to Enable client, but also to select which version of OSCam you will be using, and in our case you need to select OSCam pc-nodmx (rev >= 9756) , for port enter only 0 (see photo below) Enabled: check checkbox Client name: OSCam Mode: OSCam pc-nodmx (rev >= 9756) Port: 0 Click on create

Now, after clicking on Create, you need also to click on Save button (see photo below)

After this step reboot WeTek Play.

VDR and OSCam setup on WeTek Play with OpenELEC To install VDR and OSCam in OpenELEC, you can follow this video guide at this URL VIDEO TUTORIAL: http://youtu.be/ZdC19sVOS9g Or if you prefer you can follow step by step guide below: This tutorial is going to help you to setup VDR on openELEC with WeTek Play.

Now, select vdr-addon

And install it

Now, let's head back to system, just press back on your WeTek RCU until it reaches the main menu.

As you can see, we have to enable VDR. Press ok.

And automaticly you'll be prompted with this list, just select VDR VNSI client

Press OK, and enable it

Go to the initial screen, by pressing back on our WeTek RCU

System - Settings and then Live TV

Client specific

Now, select Client specific settings

Select VDR OSD

Go the Channel Scan

Here, you can select DVB-T


After you selected DVB-C or DVB-T, select your country and then you can start the search by pressing the “windows” button in your WeTek RCU.

Or, if you are using a keyboard, these are the setup's Red button = F1 at Keyboard Green button = F2 at Keyboard Yellow button = F3 at Keyboard Blue button = F4 at Keyboard

Now, just wait until it reaches 100% It's done

4. How to install repositories and add-ons in OpenELEC (Kodi/XBMC) Take a look on short video to learn how to add repositories and install different Video Add-ons http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=opzqBdvcBsk SuperRepo - http://srp.nu TVADDONS - http://fusion.tvaddons.ag XunityTalk - http://xunitytalk.com/xfinity More tutorials about adding XBMC / Kodi repositories you can find on https://seo-michael.co.uk/tag/xbmc/

5. How to update OpenELEC Update of existing OpenELEC installation on microSD or NAND Flash, you can do over two methods. Keep in mind that OpenELEC update file have extension .tar, and you need to be careful if your installation is on microSD or NAND Flash, so you can download or NAND Flash or microSD update file. a) Copy .tar update file to Update folder over SSH with WinSCP b) Copy .tar update file to Update folder over SAMBA In case you want to read more about Update process you can visit OpenELEC Wiki page http://wiki.openelec.tv/index.php/Updating_OpenELEC a) Update by copying .tar file with WinSCP application to Update folder

1. You need to download WinSCP from this URL http://bit.ly/1ayRTgt , and after download is finished, please install it.

2. For microSD Installation, update files can be downloaded from this URL http://bit.ly/1GUNby1 , and for NAND Flash installation update file can be downloaded from this URL http://bit.ly/1Cnl1us

Installing WinSCP

Then, open the download

Execute the setup

Select your Language

Click on Next

Click on Accept

Click next

Click next

Click on Install

Click on Launch WinSCP and then Finish

On your WeTek, go to system then system info


User: root Password: openelec

Then click on Login

Click Yes

If the .update is hidden, you just need to click on the bottom like the showed in the image

And the .update folder should appear.

Now, open the .update folder

Go to your download folder and drag your .tar file into .update folder

Press OK

When finished, just reboot your WeTek Play.

How to update over SAMBA Open Windows Explorer, and in the search bar type: \\IP_OF_YOUR_WETEK

Then, press Enter

open the Update folder

Copy or Drag you OpenELEC update .tar file in here. Reboot your WeTek Play, and it’s done.