West Side Campaign Against Hunger - They are your neighbors

Post on 23-Jun-2015

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Members of IBM's Market Development & Insights department participated in “Hack Week”, a competition to create the best infographic for a great cause, the West Side Campaign Against Hunger (WSCAH). A bit about the cause – West Side Campaign Against Hunger’s mission is to alleviate hunger and create a culture that promotes self-reliance and works for change. The WSCAH food pantry, located in New York City’s Upper West Side, is unique – it is a customer-choice, supermarket style pantry. Clients choose the food they need for themselves and their families and also volunteer at the pantry, creating a cooperative system. In 2013, WSCAH served 1 million meals to 115,000 people. We used our expertise in two ways: to help the leaders sift through their data to identify key insights and to spread awareness among potential donors. http://ibmcai.com/2014/06/17/infographic-fighting-hunger-one-infographic-at-a-time/

Transcript of West Side Campaign Against Hunger - They are your neighbors