Welcome to Mrs. Mayer’s First Grade Class

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Welcome to Mrs. Mayer’s First Grade Class. 2011-2012 School Year. A Bit About Me. Graduate of Miami University Student Taught on an American Air Force Base in Bitburg, Germany This is my twelfth year in Beachwood, and my eighth year teaching first grade - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of Welcome to Mrs. Mayer’s First Grade Class

Welcome to Mrs. Mayer’s First Grade

Class2011-2012 School


A Bit About Me Graduate of Miami University

Student Taught on an American Air Force Base in Bitburg, Germany

This is my twelfth year in Beachwood,and my eighth year teaching first grade

I received my M.A. Ed from BaldwinWallace College

I enjoy spending time with family, reading, and running

I would also like to introduce:

Miss Gray

Let’s Keep in Touch!• Best Way: email

msm@beachwoodschools.org Next Best Way: phone

o (216) 831-3933 ext. 236 please leave a detailed

message, including when and where I can reach you

Class Website• Has weekly updates, class calendar, and

student work and pictures

• http://192.eschoolview.com/MichelleMayer.aspx

• First year• Pilot

• Work in Progress!

A Typical Day in First Grade• 9:00-9:15 Journals• 9:15-9:30 Morning Meeting• 9:30-10:00 Whole group literacy• 10:00-10:30 Small group literacy• 10:30-10:45 Snack/Morning Recess• 10:45-11:10 Focused reading practice• 11:10-11:35 Language Arts• 11:35-12:10 Recess• 12:10-12:40 Lunch• 12:40-1:30 Math• 1:30-2:15 Library• 2:15-2:45 Social Studies• 2:45-3:15 Science Lab• 3:15-3:25 Prepare for Dismissal/Closing Meeting

Weekly Special Class Schedule

*Children should wear tennis shoes on Physical Education Days!*

Monday:   Library

Tuesday:   Technology

Wednesday:   Music                          P.E.

Thursday:   P.E.                    Music

Friday:   Art


Rules were created together by the class duringthe first week of school. We brainstormed a list

of important things to remember, and then narrowedthem down to three rules:


Consequences• Consequences for Good Choices

• Positive praise• Extra pennies• Extra room privileges• Note home to parent• Call home to parent

• Consequences for Not So Good Choices

• Warning• Lose pennies• Lose room or recess privileges• Call home to parent

Three Great Ways to Get Involved:



1.  Recess/Lunch Duty2.  Class Store3.  Parent Read Aloud

The Class Store!• Money Exchange

o Children earn three pretend pennies each dayo Children can earn extra pennies when they are doing the right thing Each child has three banks..."Spend", "Save", and

"Give"o Often during math class, they exchange their pennies for nickels, dimes, and quarterso This is great practice in counting coins

• Class Storeo Once a month, children have an opportunity to spend their pennies at the storeo Items range from erasers and pencils to fun toys

Donations are always appreciated! Volunteers are always appreciated!

Home Folders

• Home folders will be sent home each night, and should return each morning.

• The folders should be checked and emptiedEVERY night, so important fliers and notes donot get lost.

• Notes to me should be put in the folder to hand in first thing in the morning.


• Every day our class has a few minutes set aside for snack.• Please pack a snack each day for your child.• Snack can be put in a small sandwich bag and

packed separately from lunch.• Snacks will be kept in the cubby until snack time,

no refrigeration is available.• Suggestions: pretzels, grapes, goldfish,

small crackers…anything healthy and ready to eat. No candy please. No nuts please.

Birthday Treat Information• Due to the Wellness program that our district

has adopted, birthdays will be celebrated once a month, on the Friday of the first full week of the month.

• Parents of the children whose birthdays fall on the same month may want to contact each otherabout treats.

• On your child’s actual birthday, I would still liketo acknowledge his/her special day. You are freeto come and visit, read to the class, etc. Notreats are allowed at this time.

Book Orders

• Occasionally, I will send home order formsto purchase books through Scholastic.• I will explain to the children that ordering

is OPTIONAL!• If you choose to order, please send in a check

made out to the company for the EXACT amountdue.

o Please send check in an envelope with your child’s name and “Book Order” on the front.Thank you!


• Bus Notes/Transportation Changeso If your child is going to another child’s house to play, or the regular transportation changes for dismissal, your child must have a note the morning that the change is going to occur.o If you call the office with a change in transportation, please do so before 1:00 which is typically the last chance I have to check my mailbox.

And now it is time for…


Mathematics• Everyday Math program• Program was crafted to capitalize on student interest and

maximize student learning• Divided into 6 math content strands that cover a number of

of skills and concepts: Operations and Computation (facts, mental math, money, number stories, estimation, place value, etc.) Numeration (counting, order, odd/even, relations, etc.) Patterns, Functions, and Algebra (number sentences, sequences, number patterns, visual patterns, etc.) Data and Chance (tally charts, graphs, probability, mean, etc.) Measurement and Reference Frames (weight, money, time, temperature, area, etc.) Geometry (2 and 3 dimensional shapes, symmetry, etc.)

Reading Groups

•  New Literacy Program!• Consists of whole group

comprehension/elements of narration lessons, flexible grouping within the classroom, and focused literacy instruction geared to your child's specific skills and needs.

• There is flexibility within the groups throughout the year.

• Social Studies/Healtho All About Familieso Where We Liveo Good Citizenso All Kinds of Jobso Americans Long Agoo Beginning Map Skillso Nutrition, Hygiene, Five Senses

• Scienceo New Science Lab!o Big Books with corresponding lessonso Three major themes with many corresponding books and lessons: -Our Earth -Life Science -States of Matter

Writing Workshop• Throughout the year, your child will participate in a variety of

writing experiences.• Each week your child will have “Writing Workshop”. At times

the children will pick their own topic, and other times a topic is assigned.

• During this time, your child will be introduced to the stages of the writing process (prewriting, drafting, revising, editing, publishing).

• Your child will also be introduced to the five main goals when writing (purpose, direction, ideas, style, and presentation). We will begin to discuss the importance of each goal and look at examples of good writing.

Homework• Begins in September• 20 minutes per night maximum• It will focus on reading, practicing spelling words, and math review• Each day a homework list goes home, and an adult must initial it each night



Technology Integration in the Classroom

Thank you for your attention!

I will do my best to provide your child a secure, comfortable, loving place to learn. Never hesitate to email or call!