Welcome! A few things you should know about usnorthleaunited.ca/wp-content/uploads/2016/11/OS...2 î...

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Transcript of Welcome! A few things you should know about usnorthleaunited.ca/wp-content/uploads/2016/11/OS...2 î...

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Welcome! A few things you should know about us: Expect to be greeted and welcomed! Expect to fit in if

you bring your coffee or your pet with you. Expect the church to be a safe space and accessible for those with mobility assists such as wheelchairs, and scooters. If assisted hearing devices, a large print hymn book and a large print order of service will improve your worship experience, we have them – just ask! Infants, toddlers, and children are welcome as part of our worship in the sanctuary! At the same time, nursery care is available - experienced, caring childcare givers will look after your young ones if that helps you participate in the worship service. Following the first part of the service each Sunday, many of our school-aged children and youth go with their leaders to “Cool Church.” Children who are visiting are invited to join in! After the service, everyone reconnects in the Community Room over refreshments.

Through Canada Helps by going to www.northleaunited.ca

Northlea United Church 125 Brentcliffe Road, Toronto, ON, M4G 3Y7

www.northleaunited.ca 416-425-5252 office@northleaunited.ca

Minister: Lee-Ann Ahlstrom lee-ann@northleaunited.ca Director of Music: Michael Smith mpc.smith@hotmail.com

Administrative Coordinator: Barb Ferguson barb@northleaunited.ca Facility Manager: Robert Pringle building@northleaunited.ca

Cool Church Coordinator: Kim Stanbury kim@northleaunited.ca Cool Church Music Specialist: Daniel Stefan danielstefanmusic@gmail.com

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Northlea United Church

Sunday, February 19, 2017

Minister – Lee-Ann Ahlstrom

Director of Music – Michael Smith

(*) Please stand if you are comfortable and able. Bold letters indicate words to be said by the whole congregation.

VU indicates Voices United, the red hymn book. MV indicates More Voices, the spiral-bound hymn book.

~ Gathering ~


Welcome, Announcements, Joys and Concerns

Call to Worship:

We gather together

in the name of the One who bids us come.

We gather together

to hear the words of the One who is Love.

We gather together

to sing praises of the One who teaches peace.

Come, let us worship!

*Gathering Music: All Creatures of Our God and King VU 217

Lighting the Christ Candle Doug Joyce

Reflection Jim Hartley

In a world of shadows and darkness bring light,

O God, bring truth. Ignite in us a strong and caring love.

Shine your life through us. Illumine and renew your

world in hope.

Greetings of Peace

The congregation is invited to share the peace of Christ with one another.

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Sung Response MV 14

Where two or three are gathered in my name,

I am there, I am there. Words © 2002 Bruce Harding. All rights reserved.

Reprinted under OneLicense.net A-724837.

Opening Prayer:

We love your kingdom, O God,

with its promise of justice,

its feeling of compassion,

its dimensions of joy and hope,

its sense of eternity.

In our times of darkest despair, it encourages us.

In our moments of deepest exhaustion with life and the human

enterprise, it bids us stand and go forward.

Therefore we pray for those this morning who have come here

tired and discouraged for any reason, that they may

remember that your kingdom is both now and forever,

and that the seeds of belief and trust may be reawakened

in their lives, to bring them once more to a harvest of love

and excitement in living.

Help us to voice to you our most intimate thoughts, and,

having done so, to find healing and support for our entire

existence. Through Jesus Christ our Lord, who offers us

courage, redeems us through grace and loves us in the most

profound way.

The Lord’s Prayer:

Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name, thy

kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.

Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our

trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us. And

lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil: for

thine is the kingdom, the power, and the glory forever and

ever. Amen.

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~ Listening ~

Children’s Hymn: Love Knocks and Waits MV 94

Children’s Story

Prayer for Understanding:

God, source of all light, by your Word you give light to the

soul. Pour out on us the spirit of wisdom and understanding

that our hearts and minds may be opened. Amen.

Reading: Matthew 5:38-48 Diana Bennett


In this reading we hear God’s voice.

God is still speaking, thanks be to God.

Anthem: Just a Closer Walk with Thee Ed Lojeski

Sermon: Our Enemies are our best Teachers

Hymn: We are Pilgrims VU 595

~ Responding ~

Invitation to the Offering

Offertory Music

*Offertory Response: MV 191

What can I do? What can I bring?

What can I say? What can I sing?

I’ll sing with joy. I’ll say a prayer.

I’ll bring my love, I’ll do my share.

Words and music© Paul Rumbolt and Michelle McCarthy.

All rights reserved. Reprinted under OneLicense.net A-724837.

*Offertory Prayer:

With open hands we receive and give. With open minds we

imagine and envision. With open hearts we love and embrace.

We, who have been given so much, share with you, the living

God, the gifts we have and the gifts we are. Take them, take us;

use them, use us, to bless and transform the world that you so

love. Amen.

Prayers of the People

Hymn: Be Thou My Vision VU 642

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*Commissioning and Benediction

God of unity, God of love, what we say with our lips,

make strong in our hearts. What we affirm with our

minds, make vivid in our lives. Send us your Spirit, lead

us forward. Lead us together to do your will, the will of

Jesus Christ. Amen.

Sung Amen VU 967


,Sunday Morning Ministries - Thank You!

Welcoming: Joanne and Jamie Procunier

Sound: Roy Bennett

Coffee Team: Susan Orlowski and Anthony Policicchio

Lectionary Readings for this Week: Leviticus 19:1-2, 9-18;

Psalm 119:33-40; 1 Corinthians 3:10-11, 16-23; Matthew 5:38-48

We’re sending out a CASTING CALL to all those who like to act or

are looking for a different way to be involved during the service!

On Palm Sunday, April 9, we’d like to share the story in a new way

with a Lenten Drama. We are looking for those of ALL AGES to take

part – with a few lines that don’t need to be memorized. We will

practice in the weeks before Palm Sunday, following the service.

If you are interested in taking part, please speak to Kim.

EUCHRE NIGHT! A fun time was had by all, from snacks and

friendship, several hands of euchre, more snacks and laughter, to

door prizes for all! Thanks to those who attended and those who

donated to our door prize table! A big thank you goes to Marnie and

Andrew who organized this fun evening!

Thanks to Laura Jarvis for doing the Jewellery Workshop - the bracelets we made were stunning! We also had a great time just socializing! Jackie

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While it snowed outside on Sunday, February 12, we were warmed

by fabulous music and beautiful poetry - bringing to life the theme of

“The thing about love …” Pictured above: Lee-Ann and the Jazz

Band ( Rob Rowe, Harold Bratten, Mike Pelletier, Kelly Arrey and

vocalist Cara Matthew).

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This Week at Northlea

Mon Feb 20 Happy Family Day

Tues Feb 21 2 pm Staff Meeting

Wed Feb 22 7 pm Refugee Support Group Meeting If you have a passion to see what difference a small group can make and want to work with others in meeting the needs of refugees from around the world please do feel free to come and join us in the Community Room. We are an open group welcoming contributions from all who want to help for as long or as short a time as each individual can manage.

Thurs Feb 23 1:30 pm Artists Circle

Thurs Feb 23 7:30 pm Choir

Fri Feb 24 1:30 pm Ministry & Personnel Meeting

Annual Congregational Meeting – Sunday, February 26, 11:45 am

Be sure to come to this year's Annual Congregational Meeting following our worship together next Sunday and learn what has happened, and will be happening at Northlea United. There will be a

presentation of our financial position and we will be approving next year's budget. We will be hearing from the Refugee Support Group, the Music Director Search Team, the Bedford Park Merger Team, and from our Mission Coordinator.

If you would like to contribute to the food table please sign up on the board in the Narthex - lunch at Congregation Meetings is always amazing!! Kids are welcome and we will have an activity table set up in the room.

If you have any questions about this meeting, please contact Brenda Burton through the church office at office@northleaunited.ca

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Annual Community Pancake Supper – Tuesday, February 28!

Mark your calendars for Northlea’s wonderful Community Pancake Supper, from 6 - 7 pm. Lots of good eats, and fun for kids and adults alike! If you are able to help out with this event, please sign up on the sheet just outside of the church office to let us know – or speak with Michele McMaster or Stephen Popiel. A donation jar will welcome your

contribution. Proceeds from the Shrove Tuesday Supper will go to “Families for Children” – a home for children in India. Cool Church Kids have been sponsoring two children there - Madesh and Susan – since 2007. (Learn more about Families for Children by visiting their website - www.familiesforchildren.ca As is our tradition, the pancake supper will be followed by an “Ash Wednesday Eve” service, starting at 7:15.

About the Refugee Support Group …

The Refugee Support group was formed in the Fall of 2015 in response to the developing International Refugee Crisis in Syria. Northlea United Church and the Refugee Support Group, decided to sponsor a family seeking safety from the conflict in Syria which led to the Khoudary Family arriving in Toronto in the Spring of 2016.

With a “Core Group” taking responsibility for the process of settling the family into life in Canada the larger refugee response group met in the Fall of 2016 to see if there was interest in continuing to work with the refugee community and what form that might take. A decision was made to run a food drive for distribution in the Thorncliffe Area, to collect winter clothing to give to New Circles for distribution among the refugee community and to present the donations collected at Carolling in the Pines to Thorncliffe Neighbourhood Office to help relieve childhood poverty.

The Refugee Support Group made a decision at the January meeting to continue working and came up with ideas to develop NLUC relationships with the Thorncliffe Neighbourhood Office, to consider a Summer Clothing Drive, possibly a Sports Equipment Drive and investigate advocacy work for the continuing needs of those seeking safety and a new start to life in Canada.

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Cool Church Kids learning a

lesson during Children’s Time

last Sunday. Each child was

given a letter and asked to

arrange themselves into a

word. The gifts you are given

often work with the gifts of

others to create a better


Upcoming Event!

Messy Church - March 5, 4 – 6 p.m.

Kim and Lee-Ann invite families to explore

church in a new way – by getting “Messy”.

There will be games, crafts, songs and time

to enjoy a meal together. Please join us on

March 5, from 4-6pm. Activities will be centered around the idea of

‘Clutter-Free Families’. All are welcome – please invite neighbours

and friends as well!

World Day of Prayer 2017

The Philippines

Friday, March 3, 2 p.m.

at Manor Road United Church

240 Manor Road East (at Forman Ave.)

Don’t forget to check out the Welcome Board (in the Narthex)

for events and happenings from other churches and in our neighbourhood!