Webinar Service Selection Matrix

Post on 05-Jul-2018

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Transcript of Webinar Service Selection Matrix

8/16/2019 Webinar Service Selection Matrix

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Webinar Selection Criteria a


Recommended Product Name Webinato

***** ****

***** ****



Max Room Capacity 2500 1000

***** ****

  ? ***** *

Private Labeling & Customiation **** ***

***** **


  $endor%eature Name


(o"oWebinar )

No Client So+t,are "o -nstall ... mobile app install required)Browser based solution (may require add-in or extension)   ---   ---

/ase o+ useOverall ease for attendees, presenters and orani!ers

Reliability Based on "rodu#t $biquity% &' ail-Over and *+ esilien#y

Price per mont01 ).2 users'3   45!S)& 6 %ree no CC' 7.8ay "rial

9: x ; Customer Support ( ---  .o &"/ evelopment *upport)

<utoPilot Capabilityo pre-re#ord events and replay in a +ully interactive mode

<utomated Webinarso pre-re#ord and s#edule a webinar to autostart

/vent Management*#edulin, eminders and eports

<ut0oring1 Recording and /ditting "ools.ote3 =ntream iital 4edia *ervi#es available separately

-ntegration <P-sonne#t wit 4s, 4ar6etin &utomation, **O and 74* tools

P0one1 Mic and Webcam . P="S "oll' and>or $o-P/nterated #onferen#e bride and'or mi#ropone 8 web#am

Screen S0aring and Control --- means no emote ontrol)es6top sarin and emote ontrol of " and 4a#

8/16/2019 Webinar Service Selection Matrix

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W0ite oard

***** ***

Live Polls


99999 9999Product Ran@ing 2 7 "ied'

$ideo S0aring$ploaded : video, and isplay ;ouube, 7, 4"<, et#=

Cobro,singa6e attendees to a live webpae to browse #ollaboratively

A & < Capabilities &ssin questions, respond privately, rate, reportin===

-n.room Survey &s6 multiple questions at on#e wit reportin

/xit Landing Pagea6e attendees to a web pae at exit

(o"oWebinar )

=verall Product Score ***** is #ig0est'

  *  equires a separatel module, servi#e or produ#t

Boxes filled in > indi#ate isqualifiers

Boxes filled in ?>>. indi#ate @ualifiers

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  nd Rating Matrix

Cisco <dobe =n9: (oogle


*** ** **** *** *** *** **

***** ***** ***** *** **** *** **



2000 A000 1000 $nlimited 1000 5000 10

***** ***** ***** **** **** **** ****

** ***** **** *** ***** ** **

*** **** ***** *** *** *** ***

*** ***** ***** **** ** *** ***

Webinar Bam



WebexPremium <dobeConnect Webcast/lite Webinar Service asic!ses ( #' (oogle #angouts

    ---   ---

  &   &






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*** **** *** *** ** ** **

999 9999 99 9999 99999 999 99) "ied' : D "ied' 7 "ied' 9 ) "ied' D "ied'






Webinar Bam


=nstreamWebinar Service

Webinars=n<ir asic

(oogle #angouts

8/16/2019 Webinar Service Selection Matrix

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8/16/2019 Webinar Service Selection Matrix

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8/16/2019 Webinar Service Selection Matrix

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8/16/2019 Webinar Service Selection Matrix

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8/16/2019 Webinar Service Selection Matrix

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No 23 Controllable 8ocument S0aring

No E3 ConFgurable C0at

No G3 Po,er+ul Slide S0o,

eatures "ri#in

No ;3 %lexible Recording

No D3 %ull Reporting

"op 2 %eatures Hou need in a Web Con+erencing System (By omnovia)

;ou sould be able to allow your attendees to download files su# as bro#ures, aendas,

presentations and su# witin te web #onferen#e interfa#e witout avin to email tem=

*ared olders provide tis fun#tion= ere may be times tat you would need to mar6 ado#ument as private so tat only sele#ted moderators or presenters #an a##ess tose files=

 &ltou all web #onferen#in platforms offer some type of #at (ability for attendees to type

messaes), many la#6 some important features tat #an enan#e your online meetin

experien#e= ;ou may want to ave te option to privati!e te #at so tat attendees #annot

read ea#oters messaes= ;ou may also need a #onfiurable and #ontrollable "rivate at

fun#tion between attendees= &bility to #reate a moderator, te person wo is in #are of 

sele#tin te questions to pass to te presenter, #an be very useful parti#ularly in lare

presentations= &nd finally, avin te ability to ma6e maCor announ#ements is also a plus as it

elps your important messaes not et diluted amon te many messaes tat s#roll up=

 &ltou you #an use te appli#ation or des6top sarin fun#tion available in most systems, it

is preferable to use a *lide *ow fun#tion of web #onferen#in platforms to sow 4i#rosoft

"ower"oint presentations= ere are tree reasons beind tis3

;our viewers may not ave te same s#reen resolution as you do and tey may et s#roll

bars on presentations if you sow your des6top

ast animations may not be seen properly trou des6top sarin

+en runnin a "ower"oint sow, it #overs your entire s#reen (altou tis is

#onfiurable) and would not allow you to see parti#ipants messaes and questions

;ou need a *lide *ow module witin a web #onferen#in platform tat supports bot

"ower"oint 200A and 200D= ;ou also need to ma6e sure it does support all or mostanimations= e maCority of web #onferen#e slide sow fun#tions do not do a ood Cob at

supportin animations= &noter important feature is te ability to annotate your slides live=

e ability to re#ord and ar#ive a presentation is #riti#al= 4ost systems produ#e eiter very

lare file movies or low quality ones= ;ou need to ensure te re#ordin fun#tion provides a

#ompromise between quality and file si!e so tat your viewers dont need to download ?is of 

data to see a A0min movie= &noter important fa#tor is te ease of a##essin te movies= e

advantae of avin te ar#ive in las format is tat tey #an be a##essed from any browser 

on " or 4a# witout any software installs= /n addition to traditional re#ordin metods,

om.ovia provides a unique e#ast te#noloy tat does not produ#e any lare movie files=

e #onferen#e room EremembersF every step of te presentation (in#ludin audio and video)and at te time of replay rnoeprodu#es te event exa#tly te way it appened live in an

intera#tive environment= is means tat durin te replay time, te viewers #an a##ess sared

files and ta6e polls, for instan#e, as if it was live=

e ba#6end administration of web #onferen#in platform is also very important= ;ou sould

be able to a##ess reports on attendan#e, ar#ive views, typed messaesG as soon as an

8/16/2019 Webinar Service Selection Matrix

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No )3 /ase o+ Customiation

No :3 -ntegrated $oice

No 73 $ersatile 8es@top S0aring

No 93 No so+t,are installs

No 23 Reliability

event ends= ;ou sould also be able to export reports in 4i#rosoft >x#el format and'or use

 &"/s to download tem automati#ally and interfa#e wit your 4 systems=

Our advi#e is to see6 a system tat #an be easily interated to your website and be

#ustomi!able in terms of loo6 and feel as well as fun#tionality= /nteration to your site does not

only mean a lin6 from your site= /t sould mean te ability to ave attendees a##ess te#onferen#e room wit a #li#6 from your 4embers &rea= is would ma6e usermanaement

easy for you but also offers a better experien#e for your #ustomers=

+it te advan#ed O/" (oi#e over /") te#noloies available today, you sould demand te

system ave a fully interated voi#e system= is means tat your attendees would simply

listen trou teir #omputers witout usin te pone or any oter devi#e= & bride to outside

telepone lines, owever, offers more flexibility= ;ou mit ave attendees or presenters not

always able to use te audio on teir #omputers= 4ost systems owever la#6 te i quality

voi#e tat you need in web #onferen#in=

+en it #omes to sarin your des6top or a parti#ular appli#ation, tree fa#tors are #riti#al3 1=

/mae transmission sould be fast 2= /t sould o trou most firewalls= A= /t sould not use too

mu# "$ (your #omputers #al#ulatin power)= &dvan#ed systems optimi!e imae

transmission speed and redu#e required bandwidt by only sendin te areas of te s#reen

tat #ane=

H "revious "ost .ext "ost I

One of te most important fa#tors is te ease of a##ess and use= .o matter wat type of 

webinar or online presentation you want to #arry out, you need to ma6e sure your attendees

#an a##ess your #onferen#e room in simple steps= :avin a browser based system tat truly

does not require any software installs is important= 4any systems #laim bein webbased butrequire installin a lare &#tivex or run on Java (wi# is not present on a sinifi#ant portion of 

#omputers) tat defeat te purpose of bein browser based= *ystems su# as te om.ovia

+eb onferen#e run on las wi# is already present on over KL=5M of #omputers

worldwide= /n addition to ma6in te a##ess easy te first time, no software installs means it

tat tere will not be ne#essary to ma6e any software uprades wi# ma6es system

maintenan#e #onvenient=

/f te 6ey word in realestate is 7o#ation, eliability applies to web #onferen#in= .o matter 

ow ood te features, te uptime of te system and its ability to automati#ally #orre#t

problems will determine your su##ess durin your webinars= e maCority of web #onferen#in

platforms (espe#ially some of te re#ently developed low#ost systems) provide a EoodenouFplatform tat wor6s KDM of te time= But web #onferen#in wen used for business

#riti#al appli#ations is similar to ele#tri#ity= /t is Enot ood enouF to ave AM of te time

te#ni#al problems= /t as to wor6 all te time= 4any systems allo#ate 1 server to 10,0008

users to redu#e teir #osts= eliable systems #ost a little more but provide servers wit less

users, i availability and more importantly te ability to instantly and seamlessly swit# to

anoter server or servers in #ase of te#ni#al trouble=